Concrete Contractor August/September 2017

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Hardscapes: Making a Splash

20 August 2017

LIBERTY AT LAUREL HILL: Adaptive Reuse and Polished Concrete 52

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August/September 2017 | Issue 5, Volume 17

WHAT’S INSIDE Cover Photo Credit: Ekedal Concrete, Inc

Departments 4 Editor’s Letter 6 Legal Matters 8 Challenging the System 12 New Products 48 Foundations Q&A 74 The Last Placement

What’s Online

Cover Story

Read these online exclusive articles at concrete.

24 Wood versus Concrete Wood is taking market share away from concrete. How does the concrete industry reclaim lost market share?


Construction of Hawaiian shopping mall requires right mix of equipment and skilled operators to handle highly complicated concrete placing tasks to finish project on schedule.

18 One City Center MEVA systems working together save time on this inner city jobsite and MEVA’s Guided Climbing MGC System makes its North American debut.

30 Making a Splash Kick-starting a YMCA revitalization with a splashy new entrance in beautiful, durable Bomanite.

34 Equipment Specification Guides: Vibrating Equipment A compilation of technical information when choosing your next concrete vibrator.

42 Using Crystalline Technology to Create Self-sealing Concrete

The self-sealing method of concrete waterproofing has been proven effective through successful implementation in a wide range of structures and climates around the world.

First Hawaii Mall Built in 30 Years Creates Unique Challenges for Concrete Placements

Search: 20863480

52 Liberty at Laurel Hill: Adaptive Reuse and Polished Concrete Make the old… new again. While a relatively simple concept, adaptive reuse has become the sexy phrase of the decade.

58 Densifiers Demystified The use of concrete densifiers is more than just the latest trend in concrete chemicals. It is a solution capable of increasing the compressive strength of concrete, while adding abrasion and stain resistance, eliminating efflorescence and more.

62 Polishing Contractor New Products A compilation of products for the polishing contractor.

Sequatchie Concrete Leverages Trimble Construction Logistics for Optimized Operations, Better Communication and Workflow Leading concrete producer has direct visibility into each materials plant and truck event throughout the ready mix cycle for improved productivity, machine maintenance and customer service. Search: 20867674 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 3

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Why should you attend



he Concrete Polishing & Staining Conference and Expo (CP&S) is just around the corner and we hope you’ll join us on October 5-7 in Pittsburgh, Pa. As a concrete polishing contractor here are a few reasons why you don’t want to miss this targeted, niche event. CP&S brings together vendors, contractors and related professionals engaged in polished concrete for three days of conference sessions and exhibits. With equal parts education, networking, and product purchases … CP&S offers something for all industry manufacturers and polishing professionals at every stage of their careers and for businesses of every size. • Vendors: CP&S is your perfect opportunity to meet face-to-face with industry leading manufacturers serving the polished concrete market. • Education: CP&S features 18 skill/technical and business management sessions. • Networking: Meet with other polished concrete contractors and share your success stories, tips and tricks or other information to help each other continue to be successful. Prior to the start of CP&S we will also be hosting an All-Day ConcreteContractor

Advisory Board

Ryan Olson, Publisher/ Editorial Director ROlson@ (800) 538-5544

Leadership Boot Camp – Leaders on a Mission 2017. On Wednesday, October 4, we invite contractor owners and employee leaders in ANY construction business to attend Brad Humphrey's All-Day Leadership Boot Camp. Jump at this leadership experience guaranteed to impact your life, your professional growth, and your company’s future success. Brad Humphrey, co-founder of Pinnacle Development Group, has been in the construction industry for more than 35 years, starting as an apprentice and continuing through senior leadership levels, including ownership. Known as The Contractor’s Best Friend, he is sought after as a speaker, trainer and coach for contractors of all sizes and specialties. Visit our website at to learn more. See you in Pittsburgh!

Follow us @ Concreteinsider

Kim Basham KB Engineering Cheyenne, Wyo.

Jim Cuviello Cuviello Concrete Polished|Stained|Crafted Stevensville, Md.

Jim Baty Concrete Foundations Association Mt. Vernon, Iowa

Chris Klemaske T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. San Diego, Calif.

Search: Concrete Polishing

Dennis Purinton Purinton Builders, Inc. East Granby, Conn.

Published by AC Business Media Inc.

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Published and copyrighted 2017 by AC Business Media Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. CONCRETE CONTRACTOR (USPS 021-799, ISSN 1935-1887 (print); ISSN 2471-2302 (online) is published 7 times a year: January/February, March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October/November and December by AC Business Media Inc., 201 N. Main Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI, and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Concrete Contractor, PO Box 3605 Northbrook, IL 60065-3605 August/September 2017, Issue 5, Volume 17 One year subscription to non-qualified individuals: U.S. 1 year: $35, 2 years: $70. Canada & Mexico 1 year: $60, 2 years: $105. All other countries 1 year: $85, 2 years: $160 (payable in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks). Single copies available (prepaid only) $10.00 each (U.S., Canada & Mexico), $15.00 each (International). Canada Post PM40612608. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Concrete Contractor, PO Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2.

Joe Reardon Diamatic Orlando, Fla.

4 Concrete Contractor | August/September 2017 |

CONC0817_04-5_Editor.indd 4

Ryan Olson, (800) 538-5544, ext. 1306 Kim Basham, Jim Baty, Brad Humphrey, David C. Whitlock, Joe Nasvik Cindy Rusch April Van Etten Wendy Chady Angela Kelty

Concrete Contractor    is the Official Media Sponsor of the CFA Foundation Company Certification Program


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Step into a Kubota excavator and it’s easy to see why it earned the title of #1 selling compact excavator in the world*. Six heating and cooling vents and an easy-open front window provide the kind of comfort that keeps operators in the cab and getting the work done. Minimum tail swing, industry-leading bucket breakout force and an optional quick coupler are just some of the additional features that give the Kubota compact excavator such a huge reputation. Locate your dealer at *According to 2016 OEM Off-Highway Research, Kubota has the largest compact excavator market share in the world. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017.

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David C. Whitlock has over 25 year’s experience in business immigration, compliance, employment counseling and training. He is the founding attorney of Whitlock Law LLC and can be reached at (404) 626-7011 or at

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Immigration Changes Ahead Still The ICEman is coming to visit you.





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resident Trump’s budget proposal calls for hiring as many as 10,000 new immigration and border patrol agents. Not all of those new agents will be deployed at the border. A substantial number will assume interior enforcement duties. This will undoubtedly result in more I-9 inspections in the near future. Some estimate that the number of worksite inspections will triple within a year or two. This suggests that concrete contractors need to be especially diligent about I-9 compliance in their hiring process. I-9 compliance penalties have also increased. Now, the failure to complete the form properly can cost you $216 to $2156. Given the administrations pro-enforcement stance, it is likely that even simple I-9 errors will cost employers significant sums of money. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not believe that a fine of $216 operates as a significant inducement to comply with the law, so they tend to impose higher penalties. And there is a new I-9 form . . . again. The current version of the form took effect (and was required) on January 22, 2017. The Department of Homeland Security has now issued a new version of the form and all US employers must be using the new version of Form I-9 effective September 18. Although in its simplest format, the form is relatively unchanged, contractors can

Form I-9




and should download the form from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services webpage and use the new form on a computer. Use this link: There are several reasons why this will work to your advantage. First, the updated form will help ensure that you complete the form correctly and avoid common errors. This is so because the form incorporates “built-in” help when you use the computer version. For example, for nearly every blank on the form there is an online help feature accessible through the question mark next to the field title. In addition, if you scroll over a field after a few seconds a help box appears giving advice about what information goes in that field and, more important, how to format that information. Also, using the computer version of the form gives you instantaneous access to the complete 15 pages of instructions, which gives even more detail about how to properly complete the form. The updated version of the form also does some of the work for you. For example, when the employee is completing Section 1 of the form and selects an immigration status, that status automatically is carried forward in Section 2 of the form. There, your choice of documents will automatically be chosen. For example, if an employee checks that he or she is a lawful permanent resident in Section 1, you will not be given a US passport as a document choice in List A of Section 2. Similarly, when completing Section 2 for a US citizen, you should not see a choice for Employment Authorization Document.

The online version of the form also has some error checking built-in. If a date is entered in the incorrect format, you will be alerted and given help regarding the formatting issue. Selecting from the document lists ensures that you do not accept or try to record documents that are not permissible. An overarching error checking system exists in the form of a “click to finish” button at the end of each section of the form. Clicking this button results in a powerful review of the entire content of that section, followed by a fieldby-field correction process. When you have corrected the form, you are encouraged to print it out for signature and storage. The new form also has a new area in Section 2 for additional information relevant to the I-9 process. For example, you can use this area to record termination dates and form retention dates. Also, more than one Preparer/Translator can assist the employee. There is a separate supplement that can be used for this purpose and you can use it multiple times, so in theory any number of persons can assist the employee in completing Section 1 of the form. You can still use the “paper” version of the form. You can download that from the same website and photocopy it as necessary. It is hard to ignore all the good help that comes built-in to the new version, though. Try it and see. You can always go back to the “paper” version. But please note the new deadline for using the updated version of the form.

6 Concrete Contractor | August/September 2017 |

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I N C .


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Approach Form Camber Specifications with



ast-in-place reinforced concrete structural members deflect under load. This deflection can become a problem when it reduces the opening that a prefabricated manufactured item is to fit, causes water ponding on roof slabs, requires excessive self-leveling fill to accommodate flooring, or when deflection is visible to owners, or occupants of a structure.1 Whatever the cause of the problem, engineers have sometimes tried to control deflection effects by requiring cambered form soffits. Typically, the amount of camber is set in hopes of matching deflection values estimated on the basis of concrete dead weight (Fig. 1). Formwork camber requirements for cast-inplace reinforced concrete are far less common today than in the past, but when bidding a job that requires forms to be cambered, concrete contractors should be cautious. According to ACI’s Formwork for Concrete, contractors are expected to “…set and maintain forms so as to ensure completed work to the camber specified by the engineer/architect, within the tolerance limits specified "2 [emphasis added]. ACI 117 does not have a tolerance on camber and setting reasonable tolerance limits is not an easy task for the engineer/ architect as is discussed later.

A DEFLECTION CALCULATION IS JUST AN ESTIMATE The calculated deflection on which camber is based is not very reliable. The best estimate of deflection for reinforced concrete members is probably accurate to no more than ± 25%.3 Thus, if 2 in. of deflection were estimated, that actual deflection could range from 1 ½ in. to 2 ½ in. and a resulting slab of uniform thickness could have an unacceptable built-in ½-in. hump or sag after shores are removed. Deflection calculations are needed for camber planning purposes, but are the resulting deflection estimates any good? Camber tolerances need to be assigned to the formwork and measured prior to placing concrete. If a camber tolerance is applied to the deflected concrete member, the inaccuracy of the deflection will swallow the camber tolerance. On multi-story projects that require camber, the camber is initially estimated by the engineer and then measured during construction of the first few bays or floors, and adjusted as needed. The engineer and contractor work together to resolve the issue.

APPLYING THE STEEL APPROACH TO CONCRETE Based on a review of past and current research, the Steel Solutions Center produced guidelines for

specifying camber.4 The authors also acknowledged that: “Though there are times when specifying beam camber can be advantageous, there are situations in which it is also impractical.” That’s good advice for cast-in-place concrete construction as well. The steel camber guidelines are provided with our recommendations for the corresponding concrete camber. • Don’t specify camber less than ¾ in. on steel beams. The rationale is that camber losses would make this small amount ineffective. In contrast, for castin-place concrete, the ACI 117 elevation tolerance of ± ¾ inch would dwarf any small camber. A prominent structural engineer suggests a minimum camber of about 1 in. to avoid trivial measurements that are difficult to control in the field:1 • Specify camber in ¼ in. increments on contract documents. Based on the suggested 1-in. minimum camber for concrete mentioned above, concrete camber increments should not be specified at less than ¼ in. • Don’t specify camber for steel beams less than 24 ft. Similar to steel beams, short reinforced beams will not deflect much and camber is not needed if the designer uses ACI 318 depth-tospan ratios to control deflection. Consider camber on reinforced

8 Concrete Contractor | August/September 2017 |

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CHALLENGING THE SYSTEM Required min. thickness

Specified floor elevation

Beam BEFORE CONCRETING: Screeds at high and low points Beam cambered Required min. thickness

Specified floor elevation

Beam AFTER CONCRETING: Concrete slab of uniform thickness Level floor at specified elevation concrete beams longer than 24 ft. • In most cases, do not camber spandrel beams because cladding system connections are difficult to coordinate. This is also applicable to cast-inplace concrete where embeds would have to be placed more precisely than for noncambered spandrel beams. • The guidelines also discuss how much load should be assumed in determining camber. Because engineers tend to be conservative, and thus overestimate loads, beams to be cambered require a dead-load estimate that emphasizes accuracy. Stepping outside the steel approach, designers can require post-tensioned concrete slabs and beams which controls deflection and eliminates the need for camber under most owner applications.

CAMBER COSTS Forming costs reflect the difficulty of forming and clarity of engineers’ instructions for camber. Specifics of the forming system to be used on a project are left up to the contractor. But if instructions for camber in the bid documents are vague, there is often little time during the bidding process for the contractor to clarify the designer’s intent. A good estimator will take this into account by increasing the bid price. Booker5 cited the following specification requirement as an example of this: “Induce camber of 1/8-in. per 10 ft. of span plus ¼ in. for beams, and 1/8-in. per 10 ft. of span plus 1/8 in. for slabs other than two-way slabs. For two-way slabs, camber the center of the longer centerline the sum of the camber based on 1/8-in. in 10 ft. of spans in both directions;

Ideally, a cambered cast-in-place slab deflects just enough to take out the camber and result in a uniform-thickness slab with the surface at the design elevation. That rarely happens.

form the intersection of the camber slope at a 45 degree angle in plan for the slab corners.” He states that cambering twoway slabs in both directions is costly because it involves a network of hips and valleys running diagonally to each other. Steep soffit slopes created by such cambers require forming members to be cut at the grade breaks. This wastes material and decreases labor productivity because sizes of the forming materials can’t be standardized. He says it will always be less expensive, faster, and less wasteful of forming materials to camber the slab forms in only one direction.

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CAMBER TOLERANCES? The ACI tolerance specification (ACI 117-15) is silent on tolerances for camber. That may be because so many variables affect the outcome of cambering forms. As mentioned earlier, load estimates may be unduly conservative (high). Some of the settlement may also be caused by deflection of the forms due to closure of form joints, settlement of mudsills, and columnar shortening of forms after the concrete is placed. 2 Early-age concrete strength gain and the potential for cracking when shores are removed must also be considered. A mandatory checklist item could be added to ACI 11715, requiring the designer to specify camber tolerances in any design documents that require camber. As an added aid to the contractor, Booker suggests that the designer specifically locate the amount of camber on the floor plan drawing where required. Although this is not related to tolerances, it removes “intent” from the contractor and places design responsibility where it belongs.5 There is currently a discussion among ACI Committee 117 as to whether or not a camber tolerance should be added to ACI. Based on an informal poll of ASCC Technical Committee members, camber has not been commonly specified on their castin-place concrete projects. We would be interested in a larger sampling based on responses of Concrete Contractor readers. If you have bid on or built jobs with specified camber of concrete members within the past 10 years, please contact either of us at the emails given and give us a brief description of the camber requirements.

Ward R. Malisch, PE, PhD, FACI is concrete construction specialist for the American Society of Concrete Contractors. Reach him at


1. Fling, Russell S., Practical Design of Reinforced Concrete, John Wiley & Sons, 1987, p. 241. 2. Johnston, David W., Formwork for Concrete, ACI SP-4, 8th ed., American Concrete Institute, 2014, pp. 8-10 through 8-13. 3. Suprenant, Bruce A., “Construction of Elevated Concrete Slabs,” Concrete Construction, Nov. 1990, pp. 910-920. 4. Downey, Erika Winters, “Specifying Camber,” Modern Steel Construction, July 2006, 3 pp. 5. Booker, Denver, “Cambering of Soffit Forms,” Concrete International, Nov. 1994, pp. 35-36.

Bruce A. Suprenant, PE, PhD, FACI, is technical director for the American Society of Concrete Contractors. Reach him at bsuprenant@bsuprenant. com.

MK Diamond Products SRX-150 Green Cut Early Entry Saw Compact and lightweight, the SRX-150 dry cutting saw is engineered for early entry sawing of crack control joints within one to two hours of concrete finishing. • “Upcut” blade rotation facilitates keeping debris out of the joint • Honda GX160 Cyclone Air Filtration engine • Triangular shaped arbor • Anti-spall, quick change skid plate included

There are five diamond blade types to choose from based on the hardness of the aggregate in the concrete. GC-10

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The MK SDG single disc grinders are excellent for smoothing rough areas and other surface irregularities, feathering patches and cleaning industrial floors. The front tapered nose provides enhanced visibility.

MK DDG double disc grinders have been designed with two counter-rotating heads that prevent pulling. Vacuum port allows for dust-free dry grinding. Water control valve is included for wet grinding.

• Utilizes one 10 or 20 segment 10” diameter diamond grinding discs • Two-position wheel carriage • Honda engine or Baldor motor available

• Uses two 10 or 20 segment 10” diameter diamond grinding discs to level, smooth or clean the top surface of concrete slabs • Honda engine or Baldor motor available

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1.800.421.5830 • © 2017 MK Diamond Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Images and specifications are subject to change without notice. Honda is a registered trademark not affiliated with MK Diamond Products, Inc.

MADE IN USA | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 11

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NEW PRODUCTS STRUX Innovative Synthetic Fibers

3M SecureFit Protective Eyewear 600 Series 3M's SecureFit Protective Eyewear 600 Series expands the existing product line of selfadjusting, comfortable protective eyewear with more personalization options to address varied workplace conditions. •  Scotchgard Anti-fog Coating helps provide long-lasting clarity to help the eyewear retain its effectiveness for at least 25 washings •  Rugged anti-scratch (RAS) coating •  Photochromic lenses that darken when exposed to UV light outdoors •  Polarized lens to reduce reflective glare •  Task-specific lens tints that help reduce glare, eye stress and fatigue •  Readers with Scotchgard Anti-fog coating that come in a range of diopters: +1.5, +2.0 or +2.5. •  3M Pressure Diffusion Temple (PDT) Technology for secure, comfortable •  Meets ANSI Z87.1-2015 Standard as Impact Rated spectacle

STRUX, GCP’s high-performing synthetic structural macrofibers enable customers to build smarter and faster without compromising performance. STRUX fibers provide high-strength reinforcement for resisting and controlling temperature and shrinkage cracking in concrete, and substantially speed up construction time, by eliminating the need to install welded wire fabric (WWF) or light rebar at the worksite. Compared to WWF, STRUX fibers can be completed faster and exhibit long-term durability at lower installed costs. Applications include concrete floors, elevated composite metal decks, soil-supported slabs, pavements, tunnel liners and thin-walled precast. GCP offers three STRUX fibers to meet specific project requirements.

PB50 Early Entry Saw from Packer Bros. Bare Tree Edge Liner from Butterfield Color Butterfield Color introduces the 2-3/8” Bare Tree Edge Liner, the latest addition to company's form and step liner collection. Cast from an old Ash tree that had enveloped two of its own intertwined branches creating a length of miraculously textured wood surface. Recognized for its rare natural beauty and harvested by the artisans of Butterfield Color, this liner provides a stunning texture for treating the edge of any molded or formed wood plank piece of this size. This liner is extremely versatile and simple to use.

The PB50 Early Entry Saw shares features found on other green cut saws, combined with the best innovations and manufacturing quality found in the Packer Brothers existing Extreme line of concrete saws, mini-groovers, and random crack chasers. Built at Packer Brothers’ Minnesota facility for quick factory direct shipping, you’ll appreciate the rugged frame, dust side chute, rubber boots that prevent skid pin sticking, and the universal arbor design that accepts all the popular blade brands. See why professionals that demand quality and value look to Packer Brothers.

Graco Compact, Portable Continuous Mixing

Topcon ZPS System for Automated Concrete Paving The ZPS system features the Z-Robot and Z-Stack sensor and uses Topcon Millimeter GPS technology to help automate concrete paving. •  Z-Robot advanced, self-leveling robotic total station provides high-precision, opticallybased vertical accuracy control •  Z-Stack modular-designed system seamlessly integrates GPS, optical targeting and Z-beam reception into one unit •  Range extends up to 150 ft.

Graco Inc., a manufacturer of fluid handling equipment, announces the new ToughTek CM20 continuous mixer, part of the ToughTek family of mortar pumps and mixers, offering contractors a portable, more economical approach to continuous mixing. Mixer is rated for a standard 120volt outlet, allowing contractors to use the system on nearly any jobsite. The CM20 mixer features simplified controls, with only an on/off toggle switch and adjustable needle valve that maintains constant water flow throughout the day. •  Compared to other continuous mixers, the machine is lightweight and portable, but can still hold up to three 80-pound bags of pre-blended stucco. •  The molded mixing section and multiple latches make disassembly for cleaning and transport easier.

Chicago Pneumatic SCG 350 Floor Saws CP concrete and asphalt floor saws are designed to deliver a straight, stable cut for applications such as cutting expansion joints or cutting asphalt for road maintenance. •  Gasoline and diesel models available •  Maximum cutting depth of 5.9 in. •  Operator-friendly design includes adjustable handles and optimally positioned controls •  Designed for reliability and simple maintenance

12 Concrete Contractor | August/September 2017 |

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Built by construction workers . . . . . . for construction workers 717-875-1153

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Powder-Coated Finish for Easy Clean-up

Curved line horn to keep line from kinking


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“SINCE 2009” 6313 P L A N K R OA D, N A R V O N, PA 17555

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NEW PRODUCTS Diamond Products Announces the CB733 3-Speed Drill Motor

Concrete Fasteners, Inc. Introduces the Red Head Trubolt+ Wedge Anchor

Diamond Products Limited announces the newest addition to its electric core drill motor lineup, the CB733 electric 3-speed drill motor. This convenient 115-volt, 20-amp motor allows for a 16-inch bit capacity and aluminum housing for better cooling and durability. The advanced motor protection electronics include soft-start, overheat and overload protection. It has a built-in LED amp meter and integrated on/off switch which means you do not need a control panel for operation. The CB733 mounts to the M-1, M-2, M-5 and M-5PRO drill rigs.

The versatile American-made Red Head Trubolt+ wedge anchor has been approved for cracked/uncracked concrete and SEISMIC applications.

Evaluated for ICC-ESR Report No. 3772 Made in the USA •  Features advantageous design flexibility with minimum edge distance and anchor spacing requirements •  First 1/4" wedge anchor approved for seismic, cracked and uncracked concrete •  Exceptional performance in steel strength in shear, uncracked or cracked concrete •  1/4" and 3/8" are fully stocked for delivery •

W. R. MEADOWS Announces New Clay-Tite

W. R. MEADOWS Introduces PERMINATOR EVOH W. R. MEADOWS’ newest vapor barrier is a seven-layer co-extruded barrier manufactured from state-of-the-art polyethylene and EVOH resin specifically designed for brownfield sites. PERMINATOR EVOH provides superior resistance to gas and moisture transmissions, an underslab barrier designed to restrict gases, such as gasoline, solvents, oils and hydrocarbons from migrating into the concrete slab. Protects against naturally occurring gases such as radon and methane. •  It can be effectively installed across floors, walls, and crawlspaces, reducing condensation, mold, fungus and mildew. •  Tough enough to not crack, puncture, snag, split, or tear easily on the construction site.

W. R. MEADOWS has recently added Clay-Tite Bentonite Waterproofing Membrane, a dual layer waterproofing membrane consisting of virgin HDPE, sodium bentonite, and a protective layer consisting of a non-woven polypropylene, to its vast line of construction products. The HDPE in •  Clay-Tite provides the first layer of waterproofing while the bentonite’s self-sealing capabilities ensure puncture protection under hydrostatic conditions. The additional of polypropylene fabric protects the bentonite on the job site and from direct shotcrete installation. Designed for use below-grade •  Clay-Tite can be used in both vertical and horizontal applications. •  Clay-Tite is an outstanding choice for tough and durable waterproofing, even when used in high water head conditions. •  It self-seals under hydrostatic environments and can be installed in all weather conditions on green or damp surfaces.

Little Wonder Pro Crack Cleaner The Little Wonder Pro Crack Cleaner gives contractors a fast and easy way to clean cracks and crevices in asphalt and concrete. The unit features a dual belt drive that delivers optimal power and grip. This enhances the unit’s speed and also minimizes slippage, increasing belt longevity and reducing maintenance. •  Little Wonder designed the Pro Crack Cleaner with four wheels, eliminating the need for a curb wheel while enhancing balance, stability and steering. •  The unit’s heavy-duty 9-inch wire wheel brush features twisted spring steel for optimal durability and longevity. •  Operators can conveniently adjust the depth as deep as 4 inches as well as modify the belt tension and brush engagement from the hand controls.

Water Stop Hydraulic Cement Water Stop Hydraulic Cement is blended with proprietary ingredients designed to instantly stop active water leaks through concrete. •  Seals holes and cracks in concrete, masonry walls, swimming pools, water storage facilities, tunnels, fountains, water channels, ponds and piers •  High early strength •  Excellent bond strength •  2-3 minutes set time •  Gets stronger as water tries to penetrate repair •  Non-Shrink, Volume stable •  Freeze thaw resistant

TrueLook 20-Megapixel Jobsite Monitoring Cameras TrueLook offers a 20-megapixel DSLR camera with standard live streaming video and 24/7 security recording at 1080p resolution. •  Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) lens allows for larger, sharper images •  Remote auto-focus makes it easier to gain sharp focus at the jobsite •  Employs enhanced digital zoom for getting the precise image needed

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© Copyright 2017 GCP Applied Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. CP0098

Take Control. Concera™ Admixtures for Control Flow Concrete.

CONCERA™ Admixtures to Achieve High Flow Concrete with Conventional Mix Design • Simple Conventional Mix Designs

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NEW PRODUCTS iQ Power Tools Introduces Safety Gear iQ Power Tools, manufacturer of premium power tools with integrated dust collection systems, introduces a new line of protective eye and ear gear that is the perfect balance of comfort and safety. •  Two sleek and stylish safety glasses deliver comfort and advanced vision protection required to take on any challenge. They are durable enough to withstand the demands of the jobsite. Features include scratch resistant coating, impact resistant and polycarbonate lenses iQ Powertool’s hearing protection gear, with a NNR29 rating, offers superior comfort and is designed to be a high noise reducing/protection earmuff. The adjustable headband and premium ear cushioning provide all day comfort and can be folded at the end of the day for storage.

Bosch GDE18V-16 Cordless HEPA Dust Collector Offers OSHA-Compliant Solution for SDS-plus Drilling For the concrete professional who needs to drill using a rotary hammer but can’t be tethered to a dust extraction vacuum – the Bosch GDE18V-16 Professional dust collector for the Bosch GBH18V-26 rotary hammer enables tradesmen to work in a dust-free, OSHA-compliant environment. It has its own motor that’s supplied with power by the rotary hammer battery. The dust extraction  time as module has an automatic power on/off. It automatically starts at the same the rotary hammer and continues to function for two seconds after the drilling operation is ended to ensure optimal dust extraction. The integrated  HEPA filter provides reliable dust protection and is extremely easy to empty and clean.

Eterra BMX-600 Mix-andGo Cement Mixer The BMX-600 has bolt-on mounting system that allows it to be mounted on telehandlers, front-end loaders, excavators, backhoe-loaders and skid steers. It can mix 21 cu. ft. or 158 gal. at one time. The hopper is fitted with the full cutting edge found on standard bucket attachments to facilitate the scooping of dry materials directly from the work site. The hydraulically operated center chute can quickly dispense the contents of the hopper, or the side chute can be used for a more controlled pour. A 5-ft.-long flexible hose attachment is also available for hands-on control over the pour.

 

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New Q-Max Pro Concrete Mix is the first and only concrete mix to deliver one-hour working time, three-hour walk-on time, and 6500 PSI compressive strength. With superior workability plus crack resistance, freeze-thaw durability, and corrosion resistance.

What america’s made Of. Ž

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By Donna Hawke

One City Center MEVA systems working together save time on this inner city jobsite, and MEVA’s Guided Climbing MGC system makes its North American debut.


round broke on the new One City Center, also known as the “Durham City Center” in Durham, NC in February 2016. Located in the heart of downtown, steps away from the theater district, this 350,000-plus square foot, 27 story building will feature 130,000 square feet of retail and office space, two levels of parking, and 21 residential levels complete with a rooftop pool. When completed, it will be the tallest building in Durham. One City Center is built on the site of the old Woolworths building and is made entirely of cast-in-place concrete. Each MGC unit remains attached to the structure even during lifting thanks to its two guiding profiles. The wall formwork is placed on and attached to the platform. It can be retracted for rebar work and for the climbing process. The MGC unit and the wall formwork are lifted as one single unit. The platforms can be equipped with standard frailings and also with a mesh. Ladders and safety cages ensure safe access to the platforms. Photo Credit: MEVA Formworks

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FOUNDATION/WALLS Being only 7’-10.5’’ wide at the base, the STB 450 support frame is the perfect choice for high single-sided support in confined areas. It can be heightened in 5’ increments from the top, allowing the base unit to stay intact for pours up to 38’. Transport from one cycle to the next is also fast: Loosen the anchors, attach the crane hooks to the support frames and fly them together with the wall formwork to the next cycle. Photo Credit: MEVA Formworks

STB 450 SUPPORT FRAMES FOR SINGLE-SIDED POURS STB 450 frames can be used for pours up to 16’ and extensions are placed in 5’ increments from the top, allowing the base unit to stay intact for pours up to 38’. The frames are only 7-10.5’ wide at the base, making the STB 450 support frames the best choice for the confines of the One City Center jobsite. According to Lithko Project Manager Andy Lindsey, “The selection and use of MEVA Formwork for the Durham City Center project was based on the flexibility of the single-sided wall formwork utilizing either MevaLite or Imperial to pour the 25’ tall singlesided walls around the entire lower level parking. Based on the confines of the jobsite, the MevaLite product line was the best option for structural columns up the entire building.”

MEVADEC SLAB SYSTEM: NO FIXED GRID, NO CRANE REQUIRED Confined construction space is always a challenge in urban high-rise construction – and MEVA provided a complete solution for the contractor from the basement to the roof.

high single-sided wall pours on the lower levels, and MevaLite wall formwork in combination with STB 450 support frames provided the total solution.



The first challenge that contractor Lithko faced was there were other buildings located very close to the construction site, limiting access for large equipment such as cranes to be on site or move – making one-sided concrete pours and a versatile wall formwork system a necessity to pour the basement/underground parking levels and the structural columns. The job required 75’ long and 25’

At only 7 to 10 lbs. per square foot (depending on hardware), the MevaLite hand-set clamp system was designed especially for concrete works where assembly and stripping are done without a crane. The two-chamber aluminum hollow profile allows for panels to be handled by hand with as little as one worker, while still achieving a sturdy pressure rating of up to 1,350 psf.

The building floor slabs were completed using a combination of the MevaDec slab formwork and MEP shoring. For the first six levels of construction MevaDec was used; chosen by the contractor both for its ease of use and for economy. With no fixed grid, MevaDec can switch direction to easily adapt to any slab layout and reduce filler areas. MevaDec does not require a crane and can be easily set by as little as two or three workers. This system combination includes a drop head that lowers the panel by 7.5” to allow for early stripping and cycling – saving Lithko time, labor, and material. In addition, MevaDec comes standard with the alkus all-plastic facing that delivers an even concrete surface and, unlike

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plywood, lasts as long as the panel frame, saving additional money and natural resources.

TRANSFER SLAB POURED WITH THE HELP OF STURDY MEP SHORING TOWERS At the seventh level of construction, a transfer slab to help support and evenly distribute the weight of the remaining 21 stories needed to be constructed. The slab contained 1,800 cubic yards and 450,000 lbs. of reinforcing steel over 20,000 square feet with 5’ drop beams. MEP shoring was used to carry the heavy weight of this undertaking.

ON THE SAFE SIDE WITH THE MEVA GUIDED CLIMBING SYSTEM (MGC) Safety is always of the utmost importance, especially when working at great heights. The MEVA Guided Climbing system MGC is the

PROJECT DATA Project: 27-story mixed office, retail and residential tower with two-level parking garage, located in downtown Durham, N.C. Owner: Armada Hoffler, Austin Lawrence Partners Contractor: Lithko Contracting LCC, Raleigh-Durham, N.C. MEVA Systems • Imperial wall formwork system • MevaLite wall formwork system • STB 450 support frames • Triplex braces • MEP shores and shoring towers • Flipper platforms • Meva Guided Climbing system • MevaDec slab formwork safe choice when climbing cores in high- rise construction. The entire MGC system is assembled flat on the ground, optimizing worker safety

from the very beginning and saving time. Two guiding profiles are attached to each MGC unit (platform). As soon as the starter wall has been poured and the concrete has achieved the required strength, the MGC unit is erected so that its guiding profiles are in vertical position. The unit is then lifted by crane and the guiding profiles slide through the climbing shoes that have previously been attached to the wall. Claws that are integrated inside the guiding profiles engage with the climbing shoes and keep the MGC unit at the chosen height while the next higher section of the core wall is poured with the wall formwork placed on the platform. Once an MGC unit has been connected to the structure through its guiding profiles and the climbing shoes, it remains permanently connected to the structure throughout the building process, even when climbing. After a new core wall

DELIVERING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS After water, concrete is one of the most sustainable and widely-used materials in the world. Fly ash plays an important role in increasing the sustainability of concrete. Headwaters Resources is the nation’s leader in supplying quality fly ash. We can help you discover how to improve the performance of your concrete while simultaneously improving its environmental profile. Visit for answers to the most common questions about fly ash. You can also contact your expert Headwaters Resources technical support representative for advice on your specific sustainability opportunities. | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 21

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section has been poured, the climbing shoes are attached for the next lift and then the MGC is elevated one level by crane. The guiding profiles slide through the climbing shoes that are holding them and then through shoes one level higher. Since the MGC units are always attached to the structure, work is not hindered by bad weather and the units can be raised even with wind. Andy Lindsey notes, “MEVA’s MGC along with Imperial formwork proved to not only be an efficient product when advancing the cores ahead of the decks in the tower levels, but also provided the safety factor that we consistently achieve on our jobsites.”

IMPERIAL WALL FORMWORK FOR THE CORES Heavy-duty Imperial wall formwork was used in combination with the MGC system for the outside of the cores and the MEVA Flipper Beam inner shaft platforms. Heavyduty Imperial with a pour rating of up to 2,025 psf aligns and securely connects panels with the MEVA clamp, and the multi-function profiles with

welded-in DW nuts allow for easy attachment of all accessories with a standard flange screw, reducing consumables and easing logistics.

THE NEW IMPERIAL STRIPPING CORNER INSIDE THE CORES The stripping corner allows panel gangs for elevator shafts to be set and stripped without disassembling the gangs. The stripping corner is designed with three pieces to allow inward movement. Minimal crane time is required because the stripping corners turn all sides of the panel gang into one movable unit that can be elevated.

FLIPPER BEAMS INSIDE THE CORES The MEVA Flipper Beam inner shaft platform is made with steel double C-channels that are custom-built and sized to job requirements. The platform is designed for a live load of 50 psf and to support the weight of formwork. The platform and inner shaft formwork including the stripping corners can be cycled together in a single pick; reducing work, saving time and enhancing safety.

The MevaDec slab system is not subject to a grid. The beams can switch direction to easily adapt to any slab layout and reduce filler areas, the panels can even be slid over and beyond the prop head or drop head. The beams can be supported by single shores or by MEP shoring towers as in this application. The MEP shoring towers are built with shores and connecting frames that make them sturdy and stable, allowing for shoring heights up to 100 feet. Photo Credit: MEVAFormworks

Ultimately, Lithko was extremely satisfied with MEVA’s comprehensive answer to the requirements of One City Center’s construction, and they appreciated the “outside the box” thinking that MEVA presented to give them the best opportunity for success. They also greatly appreciated MEVA’s staff and their complete willingness to go above and beyond business as usual to ensure that they were successful in all matters on this job. “Utilization of sales representative Matt Woodlief during the planning phase, as well as his dedicated weekly visits to the jobsite continues to ensure optimal use of our on-site MEVA products and he in turn helps identify materials that can be returned after their scheduled use to avoid unnecessary costs,” Lindsey says.

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Get An Edge Over Your Competition! 1 2 3 4

The tubes can couple together. This makes it easy to transport and a contractor needs fewer tubes to customize the screed to a wide range of pour widths. The time and labor saving attachments. Pivot for circular pours, Adjustable Curb Runner (bottom left photo), Wet Screed Shoe (bottom right photo), etc. Can strike off sloped pours as steep as 40 degree while going down hill. (Laser screeds,Truss screeds and wet screeds can’t do any type of slope). Hoseless and Cordless. No contractor likes dragging around hoses or cords.

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7 8

The straightest tubes on the planet trued to 17/1000 of an inch over 20’ that deliver the flattest floors you have ever poured. It takes less than 3 minutes to learn how to use it. So easy to use you can put two young men or women on it and they will deliver a flat slab if your forms and screed rails have been set properly. A contractor will pour flatter slabs with fewer crew and faster than they ever did before. The Ergonomic design will save on the crew so they will be fresher at the end of the day, week, year and career.

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By Jack Gibbons and Joe Nasvik

CONCRETE VERSUS WOOD Wood is taking market share away from concrete. How does the concrete industry reclaim lost market share?


he construction market is doing reasonably well these days and most concrete contractors are busy. So they aren’t particularly aware of the movement away from concrete in some markets to other building materials such as steel and particularly wood “stick” frame construction. There are many reasons for this—a change in the aesthetic preference for wood, marketing campaigns, changing prices, perceptions of what “green” is, lack of education, and building code changes. Of particular note in the wood industry

is cross-laminated timber (CLT). Technical developments now make it possible to construct taller buildings, picking up where “stick” construction reaches its limit. In the 1950s the Portland Cement Association (PCA), Skokie, Ill., sponsored ads featuring movie stars promoting concrete pavement. But the concrete industry as a whole wasn’t interested in extensive campaigns to market concrete as a material until recently. In contrast the wood industry through the American Wood Council (AWC) based in Leesburg, Va. has devoted large sums of money to market wood in the United States —over

$33 million in 2016. The money was raised through a check-off program approved by the industry and enabled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Many historically concretefavored markets remain strong. For example, foundations for structures and structural freeway pavement aren’t likely to lose much market share to other materials. But walls and structural building elements are much more competitive and very important to the concrete industry. Ed Sullivan, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for the PCA, says that from the depths of the

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The low-rise multifamily construction is currently losing more market share to the wood industry than any other segment of the concrete industry. Podiums, the part of the building containing parking and commercial space, are still concrete construction. The rest of the structure is typically wood frame. Changing building codes is one reason for this. Photo Credit: Jamie Farny, Director, Building Marketing, PCA

that material selections are made by owners, architects, engineers and general contractors. The results are illustrated in Figure 1. The graph tends to justify what many believe, that cost is the most important consideration. But decisions also are influenced by the other factors, depicted by bars in the graph. For example, cost can be greatly impacted by construction time for a project, while some owners make decisions based on how renewable a building material is. The AWC brands wood as a “green” material, suggesting that concrete isn’t because of emissions associated with its production.

THE CHANGING MARKETPLACE Over the past 10 years Sullivan estimates that approximately 45.5 million cubic yards of concrete have been lost due to market share erosion in the building sector of the market, about 4.5 million cubic yards per year. Of this amount, approximately 28.6 million cubic yards can be attributed to market share lost to wood. The construction segment with the largest revenue gain for the wood industry is multi-family housing. Figure 2 illustrates the erosion (the red part of the bars) from 2006 to 2040. Looking at any one year, market share erosion is small compared with the total. But the cumulative loss is concerning, and even more alarming is the loss of cement market gets progressively worse each year.

The factors most often given for decisions to use wood as a building material include price, trusted sub-contractor skills and the fact that wood is a renewable crop. But these perceptions are not entirely accurate, nor do they account for the underlying decision drivers of construction professionals with whom the concrete industry must ultimately educate and persuade.

CHALLENGES FOR THE CONCRETE INDUSTRY The AWC’s marketing efforts spans many years, built on a national funding program with industry partners seeking to further grow market share. By contrast, it has historically been difficult to cultivate interest within the concrete industry to undertake a counter veiling national marketing program. This effort is starting to take shape now. Some concrete organizations have mission statements that exclude marketing responsibility. The American Concrete Institute (ACI), for example, develops guidelines and standards that regulate the entire concrete construction industry but they don’t believe they should advocate for the increased use of concrete. Some associations representing segments of the concrete industry spend limited funds to market their specific products. Until now there hasn’t been a successful intra-organization effort to market all concrete products through an

recession in 2010 through projections for 2040, cement consumption is expected to double, an increase of roughly 70 million metric tons of cement, or 308 million cubic yards of concrete. The buildings-related concrete market is expected to account for 74 percent of the total tonnage by 2040, as compared to only 65 percent in 2010. Thus, building construction will be increasingly important for concrete sales.

MAKING MATERIAL CHOICES The PCA conducted a survey in 2006 to determine the primary reasons

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COVER STORY Figure 2: Portland Cement Association

Cement Consumption: All Buildings


Metric Tons (000s) 40,000

Volume Lost to Market Share Erosion

35,000 30,000

Actual and Projected Volumes

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0







industry-wide marketing effort. In addition to the need to build consensus, is the challenge of raising funds for a large marketing program across a diverse and competitive concrete-product marketplace. Concrete-related organizations typically focus marketing dollars toward events, education and other programs that benefit their specific audience, leaving the limited ability to send money to other causes. At International Building Council (IBC) meetings over the past several years the wood industry has successfully changed or lobbied new building codes favorable to wood construction. Jim Baty, executive director of the Concrete Foundations Association (CFA) and Mitch Bloomquist,







executive director of the Tilt-up Association (TCI), both organizations based in Mount Vernon, Iowa, have led efforts to “hold the line” against wood-driven provisions under consideration by the International Code Council (ICC) which also considers IBC codes in meetings. Baty says attendance can be expensive for a small association and the rules and schedules for code discussions are complicated. Timing attendance with discussion of an issue involving concrete can also be difficult. The wood industry lobbies for modifications to existing code provisions for less stringent parameters favorable to wood construction. For example, fire safety is a problem for wood structures so the industry lobbied hard to make sprinkler systems mandatory for all housing a few years ago. They brought large numbers of people and businesses to the meeting where the decision was made to mandate expensive sprinkler systems. The code requires protection for a safe period of time for people to leave buildings on fire, but not long enough to save the structure. Concrete as a structural material has many benefits. It can fully resist tornadoes, hurricanes, straight-line winds, floods, is highly resistant to In the 1950’s the Portland Cement Association (PCA) sponsored advertisements in national publications. Famous movie stars of that time period spoke to the advantages of using concrete for pavement. Photo Credit: Portland Cement Association

The “Build With Strength” program is a multi-million dollar coordinated industry campaign administered by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association to better educate the design/build and code communities about the benefits of concrete construction in the low- to mid-rise sector and in general. The campaign is based on research conducted by the NRMCA to better understand the motivations for using certain construction materials. The study showed that much of the design/ build community was favorable to concrete construction because they liked its strength, durability and ease of use. But misconceptions about cost and environmental impact often led decision-makers to choose less safe building materials such as wood and wood products. Build With Strength has three main components; it relies on an unprecedented communications strategy for the concrete industry, Direct Project Promotion with the ultimate goal of funneling projects to the Concrete Design Center to flip them from wood or steel to concrete, and Local and State Advocacy to change or amend local codes to favor concrete construction. To learn more, visit, or contact Brett Ruffing, or (240) 485-1138. fire damage, insects, deterioration, mold and strong seismic forces. Concrete structures can be very energy efficient and provide long, useful lifespans. But many owners (especially homeowners) and developers have little awareness about structures. They focus more on cost and on amenities they can see. While wood markets itself as a “green” material the concrete industry needs to market the safety and resiliency that concrete structures provide, as well as its low operational costs. During the operation of a building’s life concrete structures can

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When it comes to slab-on-grade, we’re talkin’ serious work ethic. Our award-winning boomed screeds are designed to help you do more with less. Make major efficiency gains on the projects where quality and reliability matter most.

Get it Done. Get a Somero®.



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COVER STORY reduce carbon dioxide output by as much as 88-98 percent compared to other building materials. Marketing efforts try to change people’s attitudes. The AWC has very successfully marketed the “warmth of wood” and its “greenness.” Emotionally they want you to see wood and have a warm feeling. They want you to think that having enough 2-by4s is as easy as growing another crop. On the other-hand, changing people’s attitudes about concrete involves education to a wide group, including owners, developers, architects, engineers and contractors. Education must provide information about the benefits, changing technology, construction efficiency and the real costs associated with energy efficiency when concrete is used.

CAMRA Mark Justman, the PCA’s Vice President of Market Development, says they are working with the Concrete and Masonry Related Association (CAMRA) to market concrete industry wide—resulting from the growing concern about losing market share to the wood industry. PCA has engaged the Washington D.C. based marketing firm Statler Nagle to develop research and marketing strategy. Justman adds that an effective program could cost as much as $5 million dollars annually. CAMRA includes the PCA, the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI), the National Ready-mix Concrete Association (NRMCA), the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), the Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) the Concrete Pumping Association (PCA), the Tilt-up Concrete Association (TCA), the National Concrete Masonry Association and the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC). The marketing program is planned to start on Jan. 1, 2018 with a primary mission to market the entire concrete industry, not the segments of the industry and not any one industry segment over another. As the Managing Partner of

DID YOU KNOW? Fire and Concrete The average house fire reaches about 1,100ºF. Wood trusses lose about 1/4 inch thickness after 15 minutes of being on fire. But William Hall, Manager of Fire Codes for the PCA, says concrete can handle 2,000ºF and still be a structural material. The real fire threat is to the steel reinforcement in concrete. Starting at about 800ºF steel loses its rigidity and moves due to stress. This is where concrete excels. It takes two hours for 800 degrees of heat to transfer through two inches of concrete. In a concrete structure only the contents of a room burn and that can take as long as two hours—the structure remains intact. Wind and Concrete The highest wind speed recorded happened on Barrow Island, Australia on April 10, 1996 when Cyclone Olivia gusted at 253 mph. The highest tornado wind-speed (measured remotely) was 302 mph and happened in Oklahoma on May 3, 1999. But it’s likely the debris blowing in high winds that does the most damage. For example, a 2x4 propelled by a high wind can slip right through a standard wood-stud wall, a brick wall with wood frame wall construction behind it, and even a concrete block wall not core-filled with concrete. A cabbage at this speed goes through a wood wall like a cannonball. Brian Bock, Vice President for Dukane Precast, Naperville, Ill. says they have shot 12-foot long 2x4s weighing 15 pounds over 100 mph—the speed that a 250 mph EF 5 tornado propels debris—at an “insulated concrete sandwich panel” (2” front panel, 5 inches foam insulation, 4 inch thick back panel) with no damage to the concrete. Ken Luttrell, owner of CYS Structural Engineers based in Sacramento, Calif. says it’s technically impossible to build a wood frame house that can withstand EF 4 or 5 tornadoes without complete destruction. But a properly engineered concrete shell house can easily withstand these wind forces and impacts from flying debris. Visit www.tornadoproof houses to learn more. Statler Nagle, Tom Nagle leads the team that is putting together the comprehensive marketing program for CAMRA. He says his company is experienced with marketing commodity products and marketing programs involving multiple organizations where collaborative efforts are key. Nagle also worked on the “Got Milk” marketing program— another commodity product. Nagle says final marketing plans are still being worked out, but there are some guiding principles: • To promote more appropriate and favorable building codes. • To educate developers on communicating value to end users. • To marketing universal messages. • To be flexible in adopting a single set of messages for different industry segments and companies.

CLOSING THOUGHT Most people tend to regard concrete as a commodity, it does its job. But in one of Statler Nagle’s recently conducted surveys they learned concrete provides a strong sense of protection and security for both commercial and residential users. A key goal for the marketing campaign is to increase awareness of what concrete can do for them and to think about it in a new way. Marketing has the power to drive decisions that ensure value for investment—in homes, buildings and other structures built with concrete. For people in the industry this would seem like a no-brainer. But marketers know that most decision-makers and consumers are only thinking about you when you’re telling them your story and promoting your value. Those that market effectively gain share and revenue.

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Multivibe Hummer line of portable concrete vibrators have the highest amplitude for better consolidation, and the largest selection to meet any jobsite application. We offer models for deep foundations, standard walls, ICF pours and shallow slabs. Choose from standard or fishing pole vibrators powered by Honda. Heads from 1 inch to 2 ½ inches with casings up to 24 ft. lengths; All with low friction cool heads that won’t burn up outside of concrete. Hummer vibrators get the job done.

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by Sean O’Keefe



Kick-starting a YMCA revitalization with a splashy new entrance in beautiful, durable Bomanite


t wasn’t long ago that the Thornton YMCA in Tulsa, OK wasn’t much to look at. Built in 1968, adjacent to a large county park located in the heart of residential Tulsa, the Thornton YMCA was once a thriving family fitness center. However, the

many years of use and the changing nature of both fitness and family recreation over the last half century left many looking for more modern options. Today, the tides have turned in every way, and the new Tandy Family YMCA feels like an experience once again. “The Y was in an ideal location; it just lacked appeal and functionality,” says Jeremy Carlisle, an Associate Principal and landscape architect with GH2 Architects, the architecture and design firm responsible for the facility’s transformation. Taking on a new name in honor of the primary

donor, the Tandy Family YMCA’s $21 million improvement program included the renovation of the existing facility and a new 60,000-squarefoot addition. Basketball courts, fitness studios, child care and family learning environments were modernized in the renovated spaces, while the newly constructed addition features a three-pool indoor aquatic center, combining a family pool, a lap pool and a therapy pool. There is also 4,000 square feet of space dedicated to a new partnership between the Y and the University of Oklahoma Physicians Sports Medicine and OU

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Designed to entertain children of all ages, the entirely redeveloped facility applies Universal Design strategies to effectively engage toddlers, seniors and everyone in between. The entry feature also needed to be a beautiful, year-round work of art, highly activated in the summer and durable enough to withstand constant use and weather. Photo Credit: GH2 Architects

Physical Therapy. The partnership’s purpose is to study and address some of the community’s health and wellness challenges. “The inspiration for the design was to invite the community in by creating a much stronger connection to the nearby county park and the larger regional context as well,” Carlisle says. That connection is embodied in a dynamic new ‘splash garden’ located at the new facility’s primary entrance. Carlisle explains that the splash garden’s color treatment and design share the story of the Arkansas River as it cuts a path east through Oklahoma’s rolling

hills, an area known locally as Green Country. “The splash garden will be the new Tandy Family YMCA’s initial impression the first time someone visits the Y and every time they return.” Designed to entertain children of all ages, the entirely redeveloped facility applies Universal Design strategies to effectively engage toddlers, seniors and everyone in between. The entry feature also needed to be a beautiful, year-round work of art, highly activated in the summer and durable enough to withstand constant use and weather. As a wet play surface, the hardscape materials needed to account for a coefficient of friction that makes them safe for energetic play on a hot summer day. “The concept behind the overall design was developed without knowing exactly what the finish materials would be,” says Carlisle. The complexity of executing the design vision

A total of 3,800 square feet of Bomanite Exposed Aggregate was installed and finished in a combination of Bomanite Revealed (Custom Blue Glass) and Sandscape Texture (Gobi Desert Integral Color) techniques. Photo Credit: GH2 Architects Continental breakfast & fully catered lunch will be provided throughout this 5 day course.

GET CERTIFIED! Be sure to come to our Polished Concrete University 5 day hands on training course! We will be teaching procedures such as floor polishing, overlayments, epoxies, grind & seal, logo applications, color techniques, micro-toppings, concrete cutting, densifying, dyes & stains, advertsing and much more. At the end of this training course you will be certified. Don't wait, register today!

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

2200 NW 32nd Street #1100, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 SEPTEMBER 11TH-15TH



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began with the details of incorporating two distinct concrete treatments, which had to be poured above the network of lines and drainage channels required to support the water features. The concrete scope also involved multiple grades of work, permeable and impermeable surfaces, and a variety of adjacencies to natural stone walls and the exterior walls of the new building addition. Bomanite has been at the forefront of innovation in concrete flatwork since the mid-1950s. Carlisle had previous experience working with Bomanite of Tulsa and appreciates owner Charles Foster’s hands-on nature and attention to detail in developing the work. “There were really a lot of different requirements in choosing the right materials for the splash garden and Bomanite met them all,” Carlisle says. He adds that it feels good to be able to turn over the entire scope of work for architectural concrete to a single contractor and know it will be done right. Charles Foster, owner of Bomanite of Tulsa, an independent Licensed Contractor within a network

of Bomanite installers across the country, and his team worked with GH2 and the Y’s leadership during design to propose products, colors, and finishes that would work well with the architecture and interiors. “The Tandy Family YMCA was a wonderful project, exactly the kind of complex, detailed work we like to do,” Foster says. Presenting tile size samples of the chosen materials is an important step that ensures owners and designers understand what they are going to get and sets a high bar for workmanship and finishes. Ultimately, a total of 3,800 square feet of Bomanite Exposed Aggregate was installed and finished in a combination of Bomanite Revealed (Custom Blue Glass) and Sandscape Texture (Gobi Desert Integral Color) techniques. During construction, the biggest challenge for Bomanite of Tulsa was putting in the intricate architectural concrete while other subcontractors worked in close proximity, installing drainage, water lines, and masonry. Foster credits construction manager, Flintco, for coordinating a precise

The inspiration for the design was to invite the community in by creating a much stronger connection to the nearby county park and the larger regional context as well. That connection is embodied in a dynamic new ‘splash garden’ located at the new facility’s primary entrance. Photo Credit: GH2 Architects

construction sequence and managing multiple subcontractor overlaps so there were no surprises in the field. Carlisle and the others at GH2 and the Y are thrilled with the finished product – a beautifully updated fitness and wellness center for the whole community. “This project called for highimpact, aesthetically pleasing, and long-lasting architectural concrete,” Carlisle says. “Perhaps just as importantly, we needed it to be installed by a team with the technical knowledge to tackle a very challenging configuration and complex coordination. Bomanite was the right material, and Bomanite of Tulsa was the right builder.”

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SOME PEOPLE SEE CONCRETE WE SEE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES S-9500 COLOR STAINTM Achieves a decorative acid stain look without the hazard or special handling. It’s a water-based, penetrating, non-acidic, acrylic/urethane emulsion that creates a natural look on new and existing surfaces. It can be brushed, sprayed or sponged on to create even, mottled, or marbleized effects. S-9500 Color StainTM

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Vibrating Equipment A compilation of technical information when choosing your next concrete vibrator.

1 Allen Power Vibe-Pro

These concrete vibrators are the ultimate in hand-held gasoline powered vibrators. Both are lightweight, but powerful and provide excellent consolidation of concrete. • Rubber Vibrator Head Size: • Engine: Honda GX35 (35 cc) 2 in. (5.1 cm) • Horsepower class: 1.5 hp (1.1 kW) ForConstructionPros. • Shaft Lengths: 1 ft.Flexible shaft with rigid shaft extension com/20971167 Steel Vibrator Head Size: 2 in. (5.1 cm)


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Power VibePro


15 lbs.


1.5 hp

1’ flexible staff with rigid shaft extension

6 lbs.





Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

AHFV22 High Frequency Vibrator


35 lbs.

12,000 vpm

1.57 hp







Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

BP50 Backpack Vibrator


40 lbs.

11,000 12,000 vpm

2.5 hp

2’ to 21’.

3 - 24 lbs.

1” - 2.5”



2 Minnich Back Pack Concrete Vibrator

Minnich Manufacturing gas-powered back pack concrete vibrators maximize operator comfort, mobility and productivity. Features of the new 50 cc model and updated 35 cc unit include: • An ergonomically designed, fully adjustable harness that reduces strain and fatigue. • A throttle assembly with combined quick disconnect that allows the core/casing to be changed out in seconds. • A throttle assembly that is part of the core casing, enabling operators to use both hands to lower and lift the vibrator. • A throttle lock that lets operators move their hands up and down the core/casing while lifting and lowering. • Each model is equipped with a Honda mini 4-stroke engine for reliable performance.


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

19.5 lbs.


1.3 hp

84”; 120”; 168”

7’ core & casing: 7 lbs.; 10’ core & casing: 9 lbs.; 14’ core & casing: 11 lbs.

3/4”; 1”; 1-3/8”; 1-3/4”; 2”; 2-3/8”




Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Minnich Hand Held Concrete Vibrator

12” x 9” x 10”

12.75 lbs.


1.3 hp

84”; 120”; 168”

3’ bent 2’ flexible shaft: 8.15 lbs.

3/4”; 1”; 1-3/8”; 1-3/4”; 2”; 2-3/8”




Product Size (LxWxH)

Minnich Back x 12” Pack Concrete 14” x 24” Vibrator

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3 Oztec BP-50a

The BP50a backpack concrete vibrator now has CE Mark approval certifying it has met EU consumer safety requirements. The vibrator features a totally enclosed rotary throttle that prevents wet concrete from entering and clogging the throttle mechanism. • Will run steel and rubber vibrator heads up to 2 1/2 in. • Vibrator heads develop 12,000 vpm and never drop below 10,000 vpm • Standard Quick Disconnect “QD” system, Honda gasoline engines and “speed-up” transmission • Kill switch conveniently located on the handle Model

Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)


15” x 18” x 23”

29 lbs.


2.5 hp

7’ - 21’

8 - 21 lbs.

1” - 2.5”

Round or Rubber Coated



Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Oztec 1.2 OZ/ 1.8OZ/ 2.4OZ/ 3.2OZ


12 lbs. / 16 lbs. / 17 lbs. / 22 lbs.


1.25HP / 1.75HP / 2.25HP / 3.25HP

2’ - 21’

2 lbs. - 21 lbs.

3/4” 2-3/4”

Round or Rubber Coated



Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Oztec RubberHead

1 7/8”dia x 14” / 2 1/2”dia x 15” / 2 3/4” dia x 15” / 2 3/4” dia x 6”

4.75 lbs. / 8 lbs. / 10 lbs. / 6 lbs.



2’ - 21’

2 lbs. - 21 lbs.

3/4” - 2-3/4”

Rubber Coated

Gas or Electric

4 VIBCO Stik-It Concrete Vibrator Mounts

VIBCO Stik-It Concrete Vibrator Mounts attach to concrete forms without the need to weld, drill or perform other invasive work. Providing exceptional performance and vibration transfer, Stik-It mounts on all types of concrete forms, even curved! Operators get the portability, versatility and ease of internal concrete vibrators with enhanced consolidation and finish quality of external concrete form vibrators. During concrete pours Stik-It quickly and effectively transports concrete throughout the form.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)


11” x 3-1/2” x 1-5/16”

1.56 lbs. (0.71 kg)



Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)


10” x 6” x 1-3/8”

3.24 lbs. (1.47 kg)



Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)


10” x 8-1/2” x 2-1/8”

4.38 lbs. (1.99 kg)


Power (hp)


Power (hp)


Power (hp)


Flexible Shafts (Length inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)






Flexible Shafts (Length inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)






Flexible Shafts (Length inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)





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5 Atlas Copco SMART Electric Concrete Pokers

The 110V SMART electric pokers feature a radius of action that is 12 times the diameter of the poker heads, so they work faster to remove air voids. Available with 1-1/2 inch, 1-7/8 inch and 2-1/4 inch poker heads, their radius of action allow contractors to work in areas as large as 24 inches in diameter, which minimizes the number of dips. For easy maneuverability, the SMART pokers come with 32.8 feet of electrical cable and 16.4 feet of hose, with longer hose options available.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)


590” x 4” x 4”

28.88 lbs.

12,300 vpm

.54 hp


Tube Weight: 5 lbs.

Tube Diameter: 1-1/2”




Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)


590” x 4” x 4

32.4 lbs.

12,300 vpm

1.25 hp


Tube Weight: 9.26 lbs.

Tube Diameter: 1-7/8”




Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)


590” x 4” x 3”

35.05 lbs.

12,300 vpm

1.57 hp


Tube Weight: 11.5 lbs.

Tube Diameter: 2-1/4”



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6 Chicago Pneumatic Vektor 12K Electronic Pokers

Vektor 12K electronic pokers provide high centrifugal force, making them suitable for use across a wide variety of high-to-low slump concrete applications. All Vektor models feature a high-frequency motor-inhead poker and a built-in frequency converter (60 to 220 Hz), which allows them to be plugged directly into a standard 115 V wall socket. • The concrete pokers are available in two versions: a standard model equipped with a 16 ft. hose for vibrating concrete walls, bridges, and beams, and a devibrated E-version specifically designed for flooring applications. • At 12 times the unit’s diameter and a vibration frequency of 12,000 vpm, the Vektor series features an expansive radius of action and requires fewer insertions.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Vektor 12K40 Electronic Poker

300 x 100 x 80


12,000 vpm







7 Wacker Neuson’s New Flex Shaft Vibrator Motors

The new “M” motors, M1500 and M2500, combined with a variety of heads and shafts, provide optimum concrete consolidation for every type of application. • The new M1500 and M2500 electric motors are lighter weight than previous models. • Wacker Neuson’s flex shaft system allows contractors to combine a variety of flex shafts. • The new M2500 motors is adaptable to all shaft and head combinations.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

HMS-flexible vibration system

Motors: 12.3” x 6.1” x 9.1”

11.9 lbs.


2.0 hp and 2.5 hp

19.7” to 354.3”

3.3 lbs. to 33.3 lbs.

1” to 2.75”

Round and Hybrid




Enter to WIN at: Grand Prize: Pulse-Bac 1050 Vacuum 1st Runner Up: $250 Pulse-Bac Gift Card 2nd Runner Up: 7” Dust Grabber Shroud Terms & Condition apply. Complete contest rules available at entry. 9384 Ridgeview Tulsa,OK 74131 • 866-954-9700 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor

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8/16/17 9:53 AM

SEALERS Water-Based Urethane Crystal Coat Low VOC HPU Paver Saver

Polyaspartic High Performance Urethane (clear or tinted) Vinyl Supreme

ONE THING THAT IS CONSTANT IS CHANGE Aurora Epoxy creates a smooth glass-like finish. Each floor has its own unique design — no two metallic floors will ever be duplicated. These kinds of floors are best for office buildings, residential interiors, bars, restaurants, retail stores, or just about anywhere really. Enhance your floors using McKinnon Materials’ 100% solids clear Industrial Epoxy or our Water-Borne Epoxy.

Aurora Epoxy Dust

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EPOXIES Stone Bond Cold Weather Cool Weather UV Reseal Industrial (clear or tinted)

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Beautify your outdoor landscape with McKinnon Materials’ Stone Bond Epoxy or upgrade to our UV Epoxy for a longer lasting seal against the sun. River Rock is the perfect material to place around a pool deck. Since this natural stone is porous, it prevents the formation of puddles and provides an extra element of security, especially for those children who like to run around.

River Rock TOLL FREE 1-866-622-7031

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8 Wyco Sure Speed Electric Motor Vibrator

The energy efficient Sure Speed motor requires less power consumption by using only the energy necessary for job completion, produces less noise, and maintains a longer life span than competing motors. The Sure Speed produces uniform and repeatable vibration every time. The user only needs one motor to power any shaft length and head size. According to the company, Sure Speed meets the highest safety standards in the industry. The units meets UL60745-2-12 Electrical Certification and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95 for noise decibels. Its lightweight, ergonomic design minimizes labor hours and fatigue. A soft-start brush design provides increased brush life.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Wyco Sure Speed Electric Motor Vibrator

12” x 8.3” x 8.16”

16 lbs.

,500/12000 vpm

3 hp

24” – 240”

2 lbs. – 25 lbs

1” to 2.75”




Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Wyco 994 Electric Motor Vibrator

12” x 8.3” x 8.16”

16 lbs.

10,500 vpm

3 hp

24” – 240”

2 lbs. – 25 lbs

13/16” – 2 ¼”




Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Wyco ErgoPack Backpack Vibrator

18.6” x 16” x 23.8”

30 lbs.

10,500 vpm

2.5 hp

84” – 168”

7 lbs. – 18 lbs.

13/16” – 2-1/2”



9 Rattle Stick Slump Buster

Rattle Stick offers a Slump Buster extreme tool for use on larger floats or very stiff slumps. Every tool features a genius snap pole connection into any tool along with variable speed. You can support Concrete Cares with a vibrant pink tool purchase.


Product Size (LxWxH)


Vibrations (rpm)

Power (hp)

Flexible Shafts (Length - inches)

Flexible Shafts (weight – lbs.)

Head Diameter (inches)

Head configuration: Round or Square (hybrid)

Power (electric or gas)

Rattle Stick Slump Buster

30” x 2.25”

5 lbs.








Get fast, relevant product information in the Buyers Guide at

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By Kris Till

Using Crystalline Technology to Create Self-sealing


The self-sealing method of concrete waterproofing has been proven effective through successful implementation in a wide range of structures and climates around the world.


t is easy to overlook the use of concrete in society, although it plays a vital role in daily life. Concrete is the most-used manufactured material in the world, with nearly three tons per person in the world used annually. Its benefits to society are immense, as it is used to build schools, hospitals, apartment blocks, bridges, tunnels, dams, sewer systems, pavements, runways, roads and more. Currently, few materials in the world can rival concrete in terms of effectiveness, price and performance. The world’s largest unreinforced

Currently, few materials in the world can rival concrete in terms of effectiveness, price and performance. Photo Credit: Kryton International Inc.

concrete dome, the Pantheon in Rome, is still in excellent condition after nearly 1900 years in service. By itself, concrete is a durable construction material—yet in this century, many modern concrete structures are deteriorating. The critical difference between ancient and modern structures is the use of steel reinforcement. With the added steel, new problems arise. The principal difficulty is corrosion due to

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Choose from a variety of Cat ® machines, models and attachments for your next project. Whether your crews are breaking concrete, setting forms, backfilling or grading, you’ll get the most out of your equipment with a wide range of attachment options with quick couplers that allow easy changing for faster job completion. That means more work and bigger profits for your business. To see the full line-up of Cat equipment

SINCE 1927 Alban CAT Baltimore, MD 800-492-6994

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SINCE 1916 Giles & Ransome Inc. Bensalem, PA 877-RANSOME

© 2017 Caterpillar All rights reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

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water penetration, which can reduce the life of a structure and increase maintenance costs. Corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement occurs when water penetrates the concrete’s surface. As a naturally porous material, concrete is prone to cracking over its service life due to various factors, including early-age shrinkage and loading. These cracks become a conduit for water and waterborne chemicals, which lead to corrosion of the steel. This will in turn compromise the durability of a structure, which leads to an inevitable decrease in its service life. Three components are necessary for corrosion to occur in reinforced concrete: steel, water and oxygen. Eliminating any one of these will prevent the chemical reaction and damages incurred due to corrosion. There are two main reasons steel corrosion takes place within a reinforced concrete structure: • Chloride ions cause a localized breakdown of the passive film on the steel, or • Carbonation causes a general breakdown of the passive film. When steel corrodes, the resulting rust occupies a greater volume than the steel. This expansion creates tensile stresses in the concrete, which can eventually cause spalling, delamination and more cracking.

KIM® admixture is added to Ready Mix truck at time of batching process - incorporation of the admixture not only reduces the permeability of concrete, but also improves the self-sealing properties of concrete. Photo Credit: Kryton International Inc.

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Corrosion of reinforced steel in concrete is a global problem, and is contributing to the deterioration of structures. Corrosion accounts for more than 80 percent of all damaged reinforced concrete structures, incurring significant repair costs for countries around the world. Preventing corrosion One method of preventing the migration of water into concrete is the use of an internal membrane. If concrete can self-seal, blocking penetrations, the material becomes its own waterproofing barrier. This stands in contrast to more-conventional means of waterproofing, which usually involve applying a coating or membrane to the concrete surface or installing a hydrophilic or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterstop. Prevention of moisture penetration is also sometimes attempted through densification of the concrete or adjustment of the concrete mix design. The self-sealing method of concrete waterproofing has been proven effective through successful implementation in a wide range of structures and climates around the world. With this method, crystalline chemicals facilitate a reaction that causes long, narrow crystals to form during the carbonation process. These crystals fill the pores, capillaries, and hairline cracks of the concrete mass. As long as moisture remains present, crystals continue to grow throughout the concrete. Once the concrete has dried, the crystalline chemicals sit dormant until new cracks form (through loading or exposure) and additional water Crystalline technology eliminates the need for external membranes by becoming a part of the concrete itself internally - offering flexibility and savings in both time and costs. Photo Credit: Kryton International Inc.

op st d n a r to u ib tr is D a e m o Bec s r le ea s g n ti o o h s le b u o tr “After 30 years of trying, Trinic’s StampShield put an end to my sealer callbacks. When a customer calls now it is to thank me for a job well done.” ROBBIE BAUMAN, BAUMAN BROTHERS CONCRETE 30 YEARS IN TRADE

Stop Sealer Failures



For stamped concrete, pavers & natural stone Provides stain protection by penetrating and chemically reacting with the natural materials found in concrete and stone. • Permanent part of the surface • Will not chip or peel • Will not bubble or turn white

Concrete Solutions For Your Concrete Needs

800-475-1975 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 45

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CONCRETE WATERPROOFING Concrete is the most-used manufactured material in the world, with nearly three tons per person in the world used annually. Photo Credit: Kryton International Inc.

begins to penetrate the material, at which point crystallization begins again. Crystallization allows concrete to self-seal small cracks without external assistance or repair efforts, decreasing the need for costly maintenance in the structure and increasing its useful life. The process of self-sealing (similar to that of healing a paper cut, where skin closes itself up over time) is a time-dependent phenomenon influenced by four naturally occurring mechanisms: • The formation of calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide, • Continued hydration, • Sedimentation of particles, and • Swelling of the cement matrix. Confirming the self-sealing properties of concrete

This author, in a joint study with Dr. Risha Gupta from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, recently investigated the effects of a reactive, hydrophilic chemical waterproofing admixture that is added during the concrete batching process. The research indicates the incorporation of the admixture not only reduces the permeability

of concrete, but also improves the self-sealing properties of concrete. For the study, a test method was developed to simulate and analyze real-life conditions of the self-sealing process and investigate the effects of waterproofing crystalline admixtures on self-sealing properties. Crystalline technology eliminates the need for external membranes




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by becoming a part of the concrete itself internally. Over the past few decades, this technology has been embraced by the construction industry as a superior replacement for conventional membranes, offering flexibility and savings in both time and costs unmatched by traditional waterproofing methods. The One57 skyscraper, completed in 2014 in New York City, was the tallest residential building in the city at the time of its completion, and is an example of how crystalline technology can be used for waterproofing in a high-performance environment. A critical issue for a building of this size is the difficulty of fighting fire in the upper floors of the building. In cases like this, a fire-suppression system is installed. However, these systems require storage of large volumes of water, meaning leaks entering units or the building envelope could become an issue. A crystalline membrane was

used to waterproof One57’s large concrete tank on the 75th floor, which sits on a suspended slab. Use of the internal membrane avoided typical concerns relevant to these tanks, which are often made of steel (which corrodes), wood (which decays over time), or concrete that relies on an external membrane that can tear. Using crystalline technology to waterproof the concrete provides the suppression system with sufficient

durability to last the life of the structure without cracks or leaks that could cause damage. Ed. Note: Acknowledgments to Ali Biparva who assisted Kris Till of Kryton International Inc. in writing this feature. Using crystalline technology to waterproof the concrete provides the suppression system with sufficient durability to last the life of the structure without cracks or leaks that could cause damage. Photo Credit: Kryton International Inc. | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 47

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By James R. Baty II

Acceptable Tolerances for Residential Footings This column pertains to the nature of minimum requirements or specifications for the size of concrete footings in relation to the foundation walls they support.


uestion: I have a foundation that was poured and I am not impressed. The footings were poured and when they set the wall forms, there was visible deviation in how much the footings extended past the walls. Why don't they check their measurements for size?


NSWER: This is not an uncommon issue in the marketplace and contractors need to understand the basis for the concern as well as the information that can assist the commenter in moving forward with comfort or finding an appropriate solution. Aside from the obvious conflict in the relationship, this inquiry is one of proper, minimum and acceptable footing projection dimensions. In order to clarify the concern for the owner and help them move forward in this project, a look at the current building codes is important. The International Residential Code (IRC)1, as this column has discussed in the past, is the reference most utilized

Chalk lines on the footing designate the inner formwork wall line. The width of the footing minus the wall thickness should leave enough footing along the outside to support the wall forms. Photo Credit: Concrete Foundations Association

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by designers, contractors and code authorities throughout the United States. Depending on the state or jurisdiction of adoption, variances in the effective IRC edition and possible modifications applied to that base code exist. In short, the prescription for footing design and construction in the IRC moves quickly from a basic and simple concept to a potentially complex or confusing adaptation of construction technology and system support. The IRC opens the discussion of footings with a general statement of requirement (R403.1), applied to the structural support of residential structures that could be slab-onground; built on a crawl space; or incorporating a full lower living level or basement. Here it states: All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous solid or fully grouted masonry or concrete footings, crushed stone footings, wood foundations, or other approved structural systems which shall be of sufficient design to accommodate all loads according to Section R301 and to transmit the resulting loads to the soil within the limitations as determined from the character of the soil. Footings shall be supported on undisturbed natural soils or engineered fill. Concrete footing shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section R403 or in accordance with ACI 3322. It is important to understand that a formed concrete footing is not a general requirement in order to adequately distribute the exterior wall loads of a residential structure conforming to the IRC; one- and two-family dwellings of no more than three stories above grade. While this is the section on footings, at the very basic level, exterior walls for a residential dwelling must be supported effectively to the soil condition in a manner sufficient for the classification of that soil. In the language of the IRC, crushed stone is just as Table 401.4.1 as printed in the 2015 International Residential Code.

Photo Credit: International Residential Code

acceptable for bearing as a concrete footing. In fact, later in the IRC the user will find prescriptive requirements for precast and wood foundation walls most often bearing on gravel footings. In effect, a concrete foundation wall can be supported on a gravel footing with these same confinement specifications as well as the concrete wall bearing directly on the soil, provided the contact with that soil is of sufficient width for the soil bearing capacity. It is a fact of code development that minimum provisions follow proven construction practice. Therefore, the cast-in-place concrete or grouted masonry foundation walls, which have historically desired a concrete footing for the consistent and clean surface it provides, become prescriptively related to concrete footings while precast and wood foundations are related to gravel footings. It is important to note, although, that such gravel footings are restricted to seismic zones A, B and C only. Next, the IRC prescribes the geometry for a footing in section R403.1.1. The footing width shall be based

on the load-bearing value of the soil in accordance with Table R401.4.1. Footing projections, P, shall be not less than 2 inches (51 mm) and shall not exceed the thickness of the footing. The footing width, no matter the construction type, is governed then by the soil bearing capacity. Soil types range from very poor capacity or low load-bearing pressure as found in sandy, silty and weak clays (1,500 psf) to very high capacity as found in crystalline bedrock (12,000 psf). The weight of the residence transferred through the structure ultimately accumulates to a total load at the contact point with the soil. When compared to the prescribed or tested bearing capacity of the soil, the footing width is then increased until sufficient width equalizes the load to the capacity. Tables in the IRC provide a quick determination of the minimum width and thickness of the concrete footing but at no point in any table is the concrete footing less than 12 in. wide nor less than 6 in. thickness. As noted in detail 6 above, the bearing width of a foundation wall may be sufficient to support the


LOAD-BEARING PRESSURE (pounds per square foot)

Crystalline bedrock


Sedimentary and foliated rock


Sandy gravel and/or gravel (GW and GP)


Sand, silty sand, clayey sand, silty gravel and clayey gravel (SW, SP, SM, SC, GM AND GC


Clay, sandy, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sandy siltclay (CL, ML, MH and CH)

1,500 b

For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kPa. a. Where soil tests are required by Section R401.4, the allowable bearing capacities of the soil shall be part of the recommendations. b. Where the building official determines that in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf are likely to be present at the site, the allowable bearing capacity shall be determined by a soils investigation. | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 49

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As shown in the 2015 International Residential Code (as well as previous versions) foundation walls are shown on footings and bearing directly on soil, Figure R403.1(1). Photo Credit: International Residential Code

loads on the given soil. However, most concrete foundation walls are actually formed on concrete footings. The IRC prescribes an absolute minimum footing width of 12 in., which is a result of concrete and masonry walls (those most often using concrete footings) having a common minimum width of 8 in. plus the minimum projection of 2 in. on each side, thus the 12-in. total. The owner in this inquiry comments on the deviation of the location of the wall to the footing, thus challenging the consistency or equivalence of the minimum projection (P). As a concrete footing is excavated or forms constructed and ultimately concrete placed, it is possible for the exterior or interior line of the footing to become altered. As long as the minimum width is maintained, as prescribed by the code or shown on the prints, the performance of the footing for load transfer will be effective. ACI 332 (noted earlier from IRC section 403.1), states in its prescription: 7.2.1 Wall footings Wall footing width shall be at least the greater of the applicable dimensions specified in Tables through or the supported wall thickness plus 4 in. This code does provide further commentary on the minimum projection dimensions as a practical way of supporting the forming system, an answer to why the 4 in. of extra thickness is established:

R7.2.1.1 Footing widths need to project a minimum of 2 in. on each side of the wall to support the forming system. The footing width projection is measured from the face of the concrete wall to the edge of the footing. ACI 332 brings further relevance to this discussion by referencing ACI 1173 for construction tolerances. General and application specific tolerances for foundation systems are found in this code-referenced document, where section 3.2—Deviation from Location, states:

A forming crew worker checks the square on a foundation set. Variations in the actual line of the set wall forms on the footing are possible when final measurement checks are made. Photo Credit: Concrete Foundations Association

Where the foundation dimension is less than 8 ft, .greater of +/-2% of specified dimension or 1/2 in. ACI 117 then provides section 3.5—Deviation from cross-sectional dimension of foundation, in which the effective width of the footing or foundation is given a tolerance. Those are: Formed Foundations Horizontal deviation………+2 in., –1/2 in. Unformed Foundations cast against soil, horizontal deviation from

plan dimension. Excavation shall be measured before concrete placement. Tolerance shall apply at all locations. Where dimension is 2 ft. or less ...........................+3 in., –1/2 in. Where dimension is more than 2 ft. ......................+6 in.–1/2 in. It is therefore acceptable for an IRC-prescribed minimum concrete footing of 12 in. (w) x 6 in. (t) with projections of 2 in. to be allowed tolerance to a width range of 11.5 to 15 in. with a minimum projection of 1.5 in. The IRC also states that the projection cannot be greater than the footing thickness, in which case a plan tolerance here would permit the maximum project ion of 6 in. to be as great as 9 in. without being reinforced (seismic zones A, B and C only). Construction and forming accuracy are an important aspects of a solid quality assurance program for professional concrete companies, no less so for those whose markets are primarily residential or agricultural. Acceptability in code minimum requirements and applied tolerances should not be an excuse for a lack of commitment to such quality assurance, however, they should also not be used as leverage by a home owner, builder or code authority for the purposes of claiming incompetence. References: 1. 2015 International Residential Code® For One- and Two-Family Dwellings published by the International Code Council, Inc., 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795 | Phone 1-888-422-7233 | www. 2. Residential Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 332-14) and Commentary published by the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 | Phone: 248-848-3700 | 3. Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117-10) and Commentary published by the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 | Phone: 248-848-3700 |

Ed. Note: Jim Baty is the Executive Director of the CFA and can be reached at (866) 232-9255 or by email at

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Liberty at Laurel Hill: Adaptive Reuse and Polished Concrete Make the old‌ new again. While a relatively simple concept, adaptive reuse has become the sexy phrase of the decade. by C.T. (Chip) Marshall


n an era rife with urban sprawl, aging buildings, and land conservation concerns concentrated efforts toward reclaiming existing properties and repurposing those properties has risen to an art form among builders, community planners and architects throughout the country. In June 2017, the Alexander Company finalized the first phase of East Coast’s premier adaptive reuse project, Liberty at Laurel Hill. The Liberty at Laurel Hill project reclaimed the abandoned Lorton Prison facility in Fairfax County, Va., and through

Trevor T. Kilgore Photography

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THE RIGHT TOOLS MAKE AN EXCEPTIONAL DIFFERENCE New tooling for terrazzo, marble and natural stone flooring. When you thinking of tooling used for the grinding and polishing of terrazzo, marble and natural stone flooring, there are a lot of options on the market. However, a new line of diamond tooling specifically dedicated to these surfaces is earning serious praise from contractors. This new line is developed and manufactured by Husqvarna You might be thinking, why Husqvarna?

Well,we have worked with contractors in the concrete grinding and polishing industry for years and have built a relationship as a trusted manufacturer. Now, we want to do the same for terrazzo, marble and natural stone grinding and polishing contractors. That is why we are introducing our newly developed and manufactured line of metal-bond diamonds for grinding, transitional pads for honing and polishing pads specifically for use on terrazzo,

Hiperflex FT 80 Wet Transitional Pads These new flexible transition pads with rubber backings are to be used between metal and resin pad applications. They are extremely efficient in removing the scratch pattern left by the metal pads and prepare the floor for the next polishing steps. Pads are available in three diameters and three grit sizes.

marble and natural stone floors. It is a complete, easy-to-use system that yields high production rates and increases contractor’s ROI. The new tooling line consists of traditional-style grinding and polishing pucks, but also includes two new Hiperflex pads. The new Hiperflex design features a flexible backing system, which enables the pads to follow the contours of the floor and produce a more uniform result. This

Hiperflex FP 80 Wet Resin Polishing Pads The new Hiperflex flexible resin pads achieve fine polishing of terrazzo and marble floors. The pads clean remaining scratch marks as they polish and create an optimum surface finish at high production rates. Available in three diameters and five grit sizes.

For more information on Husqvarna’s Terrazzo, Marble and Natural Stone Tooling visit: 800.288.5040 Advertorial CONC0817_52-57_PCLeadStory.indd 53

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extensive remodeling is in the process of repurposing the entire 80 acre parcel into a premium mixed use development encompassing apartments and townhomes, as well as, retail and commercial space. Southway Builders was selected by the Alexander Company as the general contractor to handle the extensive restoration of the Liberty at Laurel Hill project. Southway Builders was faced with the arduous task of sequencing the rehabilitation of the entire 200,000 sq ft. facility with an eye toward the historical preservation of the property. A significant part of the plan was the repair and restoration of the original concrete floors throughout the buildings and dormitories. Originally commissioned by Theodore Roosevelt in the early 20th century, the former Lorton Prison facility was built largely by inmates

Trevor T. Kilgore Photography

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using hand mixed, hand poured and hand troweled concrete. Though those floors had stood the test of time, the concrete floors had been in use for over 100 years and stained by a century of use and misuse. Southway Builders turned to Industrial Caulk and Seal for the floor restoration on the project. The comprehensive floor restoration included substantial repairs and a thorough rejuvenation through extensive grinding and polishing of all concrete floor slabs. Victor Botley, Chief Operating Officer with Industrial Caulk and Seal, was faced with the challenge of evaluating the existing floors. “The primary challenge to the project was not only evaluating and executing repairs, but encompassing those repairs into a finished floor,” says Botley, “Having both extensive experience in repairing and polishing and

Trevor T. Kilgore Photography

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reliable industry manufacturing partners was paramount to our success.” Industrial Caulk and Seal worked extensively with Metzger McGuire to establish suitable repair methods using products from Metzger McGuire’s repair products. “Each individual room had different concrete with different repair needs,”

Botley continues, “the older slabs had cracked hundreds of times and surface imperfections were like the stars in the sky.” The Industrial Caulk and Seal team completed repairs throughout the facility with the full line of Metzger McGuire’s products, but the majority of the repairs called for Metzger


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McGuire’s Rapid Refloor. Rapid Refloor is a 100% solids, twocomponent, low viscosity polyurea/ polyurethane hybrid designed for use in surface spalls, bolt holes, and random cracking. In application, surface defects were mechanically prepared using chisel hammers, dry cut concrete saws, or hand grinders to both remove loose concrete and abrade the surface in preparation for the application of Rapid Refloor. After the necessary preparation steps, the Industrial Caulk and Seal team slightly overfilled the surface defects with Rapid Refloor. Rapid Refloor is the perfect candidate for repairs as part of a grind and polish system, and should be applied after the initial grind but prior to the finished polished floor. Application in this manner ensures that the surface residue created by the product is polished off the existing concrete, and the repair becomes an integral part of the finished concrete floor surface. Following the repairs, Industrial Caulk and Seal ground and polished the floor slabs throughout

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for success lies in experience. At the Liberty project, Industrial Caulk and Seal used manufacturer’s as an experience multiplier, and directly credits the success at Liberty to those relationships and to the team as a whole. Adaptive reuse will continue to be a buzz phrase for years to come, and

re-purposing existing facilities will continue to grow in comparison to new construction. Until, that is, what’s new… is old again. Ed. Note: Chip Marshall is the Vice President of Industrial Caulk & Seal. He can be reached at



USING THE TRU® FLOORING SYSTEM Trevor T. Kilgore Photography

the project. Again, Botley credits competent partners as the key to success. “On a floor of this size and scope, we had to rely on our grinder and diamond manufacturers to partner with us. The finish and relative hardness of the concrete changed from room to room… sometimes from foot to foot,” states Botley. The SASE Company worked with Industrial Caulk and Seal throughout the project. “We might be running a gold metals on one machine, but have to switch out mid-grind to a tool designed for softer concrete to finalize a uniform finish. SASE was there to help every step of the way,” concludes Botley. Adaptive reuse projects like Liberty at Laurel Hill require unique and creative thinking among owners and general contractors alike. The age-old paradigm of the low bidder held to exact specifications becomes secondary to a competent team representing all facets of a given scope of work. As is the case with any restoration project, the critical component

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The use of concrete densifiers is more than just the latest trend in concrete chemicals. It is a solution capable of increasing the compressive strength of concrete, while adding abrasion and stain resistance, eliminating efflorescence and more. by Michael LeMark


hances are, along with the increasing popularity of concrete polishing we’ve experienced in the past 15 years, you’ve also started to hear more and more about concrete densifiers. In its simplest form, a concrete densifier is a chemical solution that, when applied to a concrete surface, increases surface density by reacting with the concrete, hardening the surface and sealing pores. Increased surface density means a harder surface and more surface strength. These alone make densifiers a key component in warehouse flooring and the concrete polishing process.

THE TRUTH ABOUT DENSIFIERS Traditional acrylic cure and sealers were once the norm for high traffic

Pictured here is a warehouse/distribution center application using a lithium siliconate densifier. Photo Credit: SpecChem LLC

industrial and warehouse flooring applications. Even with the early development of concrete densifiers, they were not exactly the “go-to” solution for hardening, sealing, protecting and extending the wearability of industrial concrete floors. In fact, a host of reasons – primarily related to the use of fluorosilicate-based compounds (“lith-type” liquid hardeners) made the use of densifiers much less efficient than densifiers employed today. A generally cumbersome and labor-intensive application process, along with the fact that applicators were dealing with a highly acidic – and increasingly regulated

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Pictured above is a finished floor in the SpecChem LLC offices in Kansas City, Mo. Photo Credit: SpecChem LLC

– hazardous material, were among a host of obstacles that made the use of early fluorosilicate densifiers less popular, despite their benefits. The evolution of chemical densifiers, however, has changed the game considerably. Today’s concrete densifiers utilize silicate and siliconate-enhanced agents, which give the densifier the properties of a sealer and create a more water resilient, moisture resistant floor – while still maintaining all the other benefits of a densifier - improved strength, increased surface hardness and added stain resistance – all while being a safer, more environmentally-safe and VOC-free solution. Densifiers come in many different varieties – or carriers – for silicate and siliconate agents. Potassium, sodium and lithium silicate densifiers are all popular and have some benefits. Colloidal carriers are also a chemically sound option, but are often cost prohibitive on the larger jobs that benefit the most from the use of densifiers. The addition of lithium silicate has become one of the most effective developments in densification to date, with benefits to alkali–silica reaction (ASR) reduction, less efflorescence, and making

over-application of the product much easier to clean up.

WHY USE CONCRETE DENSIFIERS? Even in their earlier days, the use of chemical concrete densifiers added value to industrial and warehouse floors, enabling the concrete surface to develop an integral gloss while also acting as a sealer and dustproofer by decreasing permeability and increasing stain resistance. But the benefits of today’s improved chemistry have made the use of densifiers a near-necessity, as they create a non-membrane forming barrier that won’t discolor or peel, and helps prevent tire marks. In fact, daily use and regular cleaning actually self-polishes the floor, buffing a shine into the surface, improving gloss over time. The use of densifiers is beneficial to nearly everyone involved in the process, from project owners to contractors to applicators. Owners will enjoy a more wearable, abrasion and stain resistant surface that reduces dusting and permeability while being easier to clean, resulting in reduced maintenance costs. Densification also improves light-reflectance and gloss, enhancing the appearance of the concrete surface. Ultimately, densification results in a significant increase in the surface hardness and density of concrete, providing a concrete







Polished Concrete Topping

ARDEX Americas 400 Ardex Park Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001 888-512-7339 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 59

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surface that is going to be harder and more durable, resulting in a longer lasting floor. And both owners and contractors already appreciate the cost-savings of going with a polished concrete solution. Concrete densifiers continue to add value to the bottom line by reducing materials and labor costs with a one-time, permanent application process. Additionally, contractors are working more efficiently with a densifier that cures, seals, hardens and prevents efflorescence, while also being compatible with most integrally-colored concrete and concrete stains and dyes. Densifiers are also versatile, and are finding a home with specialty contractors. For example, their compatibility with bond breakers (check with your manufacturer for recommendations) in the tilt-up concrete segment give contractors the flexibility to save time and money by reducing steps

and extending product coverage. Ease of use, that simplification of the application process, and a safer, less hazardous chemical solution has also made the use of densifiers much more efficient for applicators as well.

WHEN TO USE A CONCRETE DENSIFIER The use of concrete densifiers in terms of project application is widely agreed upon. Basically, any polished concrete application will benefit from the addition of a chemical concrete densifier. Polished concrete surfaces have become commonplace in retail, commercial, industrial and institutional environments, and are even finding a niche in residential spaces where sustainability is a priority. Densifiers can be used on interior or exterior concrete surfaces, and on any concrete, new or old. Existing concrete should always be cleaned well and stripped of existing

coatings, such as sealers or paint. New concrete, however, is where there is some variance in opinion, and among manufacturers, on just how soon densifiers should be applied. While the “best time� to apply might be debatable, there’s no question that the most beneficial densification occurs with well-cured concrete, likely in the 14-28-day range, where sufficient hydration has taken place, translating to more calcium hydroxide, leading to more chemical reaction. However, depending on the mix design, application to brand new, freshly placed concrete still has several benefits in providing early protection of a new, pristine slab. Once fresh concrete has achieved final finish and set, densifiers can go to work to protect the slab, preventing staining and discoloration, along with damage resulting from the ongoing construction process.

Pictured above, surface dust is being mopped off of another warehouse/distribution center floor application, this time featuring a sodium siliconate densifier. Photo Credit: SpecChem LLC

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Ultimately, be sure to read, understand, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the product label, as product chemistry and mix design, along with project, temperature and environmental parameters will vary.

HOW TO USE A CONCRETE DENSIFIER One of the great benefits of most concrete densifier products is the ease of application. With most concrete densifiers, that starts with the fact that you have a permanent, single application process – hardens, helps cure and seals in a single application. As with most concrete chemicals and products, proper surface preparation is critical; ensuring your surface is clean, sound, free of all dirt, grease, foreign matter or previous coatings is critical in allowing the densifier to penetrate. Use a V.O.C. compliant, emulsifiable, non-etching

solvent, cleaner and degreaser. Completely rinse away all residue and allow to dry completely for proper penetration of your densifier. Spray applied, broom or squeegee applied, or using a swing or riding scrubber are all optimal methods based on your specific project needs, site conditions and environmental variables. Most densifiers will call for keeping the surface saturated, applying product to refusal. Again, consult your manufacturer’s recommended instructions with regards to application, coverage rates and compliance.

CONCLUSION The use of concrete densifiers is more than just the latest trend in concrete chemicals. A solution capable of increasing the compressive strength of concrete, while adding abrasion and stain resistance, eliminating

efflorescence and dustproofing your surface. Not to mention its ability to seal, acting as a moisture barrier, and increasing the longevity of nearly any concrete surface, from freshly poured to decades-old concrete, and to do all of this in a labor-efficient, cost-effective manner. No doubt, concrete densifiers have changed the way we look at finishing polished concrete. When it comes to concrete densifiers, when properly applied, the ability to greatly increase hardness and double your surface strength – right where you need it the most – simply cannot be overlooked, whether you have a large industrial warehouse, retail showroom or a residential garage. Ed. Note: Michael LeMark, CDT, CCPR is the Executive Vice President at SpecChem LLC. He can be reached at




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NEW PRODUCTS The Speedi Edge from Niagara Machine The Diamapro Systems Speedi Edge makes using a hand grinder or polisher easy. Its ergonomic design takes strain off of the operator allowing for longer work times, and prevents the machine from tilting and gouging floors. It is available in three sizes and is compatible with every grinder. Simply attach your grinder to the Speedi Edge using the two supplied bolts and you are ready to go. •  Speedi Edge Mini fits Metabo 5” grinder and others •  Speedi Edge Standard fits Metabo Polisher and others •  Speedi Edge Max fits Metabo 7” grinder and others

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender

Metzger/McGuire’s Edge-Pro 80 Edge-Pro 80 is Metzger/McGuire's newest addition to its line of semi-rigid concrete floor joint fillers. Edge-Pro 80 is a revolutionary new polyurea formula designed specifically to meet the challenges created by fast track construction schedules. The product is moisture tolerant and finishes flusher than most polyurea fillers used in stained and polished retail concrete floors today. •  Packaged in both 600 ml dual cartridge convenience kits and 10 gallon kits. •  Available in 13 standard colors. •  The product can be pre-tinted or can be tinted in the field through use of a ColorFast color pack.

Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender penetrates deeply into concrete, making repairs from the inside out. With a surface tension one third of water, this two-part polyurethane may be needle injected into concrete cracks as small as one millimeter. Through a process Roadware calls, “Microdoweling,” the polyurethane drives itself into concrete surfaces and bonds concrete back together in 10 minutes at 70-degrees Fahrenheit. •  The repair will not get brittle over time and may be coated or polished within minutes •  Roadware’s new needle tip mixers are available in three sizes from 0.8mm to 1.6mm. •  Perfect for use on polished floors, decorative concrete and retail showrooms.


HIGH R.O.I. The Lo Riser Inclining Platform Trailer is a versatile tool that will help increase your efficiencies and lower costs to deliver a higher return on your investment. With a Lo Riser you'll see:

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Curecrete Distribution Inc. Launches KickStart Concrete Clarity Enhancer KickStart Clarity Enhancer achieves accelerated and enhanced concrete clarity in fewer grinding and polishing steps. Floor owners and applicators mutually benefit from the results — enjoying an impeccable final product, increased efficiency and significant cost savings. KickStart proves superior to traditional methods on all three points. As a single-component solution (no A or B sides to mix), KickStart works immediately and creates an ideal environment for quicker diamond progression from metals to hybrids to resins. This environment (slurry) allows diamonds to achieve more thorough refinement at every level. KickStart is designed to work in combination with CreteClean Plus with Scar Guard and is only intended for use on floors using the RetroPlate System or Ashford Formula. It is ideal for use on hard steel troweled concrete surfaces and is suitable for new or existing concrete and also concrete restoration projects.

Aztec UltraGrind The award winning UltraGrind is Aztec’s propane-powered, planetary head, gear driven, concrete grinding and polishing machine. The UltraGrind is designed for the more aggressive concrete floor grinding and polishing applications, where the goal is to both remove material and highly polish concrete floors. •  Industry-standard 2-inch exhaust ports for concrete dust vacuums •  Powered by the new 20 hp Kawasaki 603cc engine, featuring a heavy duty canister air filter •  CE, EPA/CARB, LEED and GS-42 certified.

SASE PDG 5000P - 20” Planetary Floor Grinder The PDG 9000P features a 20” grinding width. According to the company, this machine is pefectly balanced and is built for low maintenance. It includes a powerful Gx390 Honda Engine and connects to the SASE BULL dust extractors for dust-free operation. Other features include: •  Operator friendly control panel •  Standard feature - flexible grinding heads •  Includes both metal bond QCS and resin bond flex plates



BLOOM MANUFACTURING, INC. Custom Engineered Solutions Since 1910 Independence, IA 50644, USA | P: 319-827-1139 | 800-394-1139 | F: 319-827-1140 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor 63

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NEW PRODUCTS Wagman Debuts Propanepowered Ride-on Polishing Machine

Match Patch Pro

Wagman Metal Products Inc. a manufacturer of power trowel replacement blades, pans and innovative trowel attachments for scrubbing, stripping and polishing — introduces a new propane-powered trowel and polishing machine. The GHP LP230 is a highly maneuverable, versatile, compact ride-on polishing machine which can decrease production time with its ease of use. With a path of 30 x 63 inches, the GHP LP230 easily fits through a 32-inch doorway and into a pick-up truck bed. •  Its compact size allows for work in areas where larger ride-on polishing machines will not fit. •  With its low center of gravity and patented attachments, the GHP LP230’s twin planetary processing action makes it ideal for grinding, honing and polishing. •  The machine uses Wagman’s patent pending PRODIACC pads — WOC 2016 Most Innovative Products award winner — which feature a long lasting, high performance, and quick change diamond system. •  The propane system is California Air Resources Board (ARB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified, and complies with OSHA indoor air emissions (less than 1 percent carbon monoxide).

Match Patch Pro FC Fast Cure concrete crack and spall repair system is specifically designed to aesthetically mimic existing concrete floors, while providing performance and abrasion resistance required. •  On site color matching technique •  Cure for polish in two hours •  Accepts concrete dyes •  Densifies with reactive silicates •  Can be matched to concrete of any age close to perfection •  Does not shrink or crack •  Fast chemical resistant grouting system that impregnates the concrete fills and blends in the pin holes/imperfections such as spider cracking

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New 7” Walk-behind Concrete Grinder

The Prep/Master Jr. Grinder by STI The Prep/Master Jr. grinder by STI works extremely well in small, hard-to-reach areas that requires a more compact design — perfect for residential garage floors. This grinder is very aggressive, yet extremely easy to operate due to the smooth operation of the STI rotary gear system. In addition, the low price of the Prep/ Master Jr. is very affordable and fits any project budget.

CS Unitec's new EBS 180 F 7” walk-behind concrete grinder with dust extraction removes epoxy, paint and other coatings, and prepares concrete surfaces before applying new paints or coatings. This grinder is solidly built with a 20 AMP, 2500-watt motor to enable a high load capacity running 7” diameter diamond wheels at 8500 RPM. Suitable for medium-sized jobs, the grinder features a height- and tilt-adjustable handle for operator comfort. •  The EBS 180 F is equipped with a built-in vacuum port for dust-free operation when connected to an industrial vacuum such as CS Unitec's CS 1445 H. •  To increase the life of the grinder, the high-performance motor is located above the diamond grinding wheel, away from dust. •  An adjustable brush shield matches the height of the grinder to the wear of the diamond wheel to protect against dust and debris. •  The foldable side edge of the dust guard allows grinding right up to the wall. •  Electronic features include soft start and over current cut-off. Assorted diamond grinding wheels for concrete, screed and masonry material are available.

Introducing the new BSD Corner Tool from BORIDE Engineered Abrasivies BORDIDE Engineered Abrasives is introducing the new BSD Corner Tool. Specifically designed as an accessory to the Easy Edge line, the Corner Tool has been developed to grind and polish concrete floors in hard to reach areas such as corners, stairs and door jams. •  Offered in 30, 50, 100, 200 and 400 grits. •  The BSD corner tool can be used for wet or dry grinding. •  It is compatible with most multi-tools.

Introducing Dust and Slurry Management by Husqvarna Husqvarna has always been committed to developing products that meet customers’ needs and are efficient, ergonomic and user-friendly. That is why Husqvarna recently acquired Pullman Ermator, a manufacturer of dust and slurry management systems for the construction industry. During the World of Concrete, 13 new dust and slurry management products were introduced for the Americas market. These include three-phase HEPA dust extractors and pre-separators for heavy jobs, wet/slurry vacuums, singlephase HEPA dust extractors and portable HEPA air scrubbers.


Complete line of Superabrasive PCD’s, Diamonds & Polishing Pads Improved DiamaPro UV-HS


UV-HS Coatings, stains, repair materials, maintenance products, and DiamaPro UV Plus.

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NEW PRODUCTS Versaflex Quick Mender X.O. a New and Improved Concrete Repair Polymer Quick Mender X.O. is a minimal odor system, specially formulated for interior and confined spaces; applied at a 1:1 mix ratio and may be applied with a steel bladed squeegee, ¼” nap roller, or brush. Quick Mender X.O. is available in 68 standard colors direct from the factory in easy-to-use 600ml cartridge sets, two quart kits, two gallon kits, 10 gallon kits and 110 gallon kits. •  Minimal Odor & VOC’s •  Low Viscosity will penetrate concrete for permanent bond •  Return to service in 30 minutes •  Can cure in -25°F. •  May be mixed with polishing dust, Portland cement, silica flour, fumed silica, and cabosil

Milwaukee 8-Gallon Dust Extractor

The Milwaukee 8-Gallon Dust Extractor provides users with an OSHA-compliant solution for the regulation on respirable crystalline silica dust (29 CFR 1926.1153). An automatic filter cleaning mechanism helps maintain consistent airflow and suction at 148 CFM in tough dust-producing applications. The extractor’s unique two step filtration system includes a 99.97% efficient HEPA filter as the final step, leading to cleaner air and a safer work environment. For added convenience, an on-board tool activated plug allows users to start and stop the vacuum with a power tool to increase productivity. The adapters included are compatible with all Milwaukee dust extraction accessories. •  Cleaning pulse every 15 seconds. •  Powerful motor delivers 148 CFM and 92" of water lift •  The extractor’s unique two step filtration system includes a 99.97% efficient HEPA filter as the final step, leading to cleaner air and a safer work environment. •  Durable PTFE main filter with 99.9% efficiency, washable.

MK Diamond’s New 5-inch IXL Hinged Vacuum Shroud MK Diamond Products’ 5-inch IXL Hinged Vacuum Shroud, for surface grinding dust control, has been designed to utilize the air velocity created by the rotating grinding wheel to efficiently channel dust particles away from the work surface. •  This technology improves removal of particles, which further enhances the grinding process by increasing visibility and extending the cup wheel life by removing abrasive dust. Highly efficient shroud has been developed for cleaning, leveling, removing epoxies, urethanes, and other coatings on concrete or masonry. •  The hinged nose shroud easily flips to the side for grinding against walls and edges. •  The IXL Shroud should be used with a HEPA vacuum thus reducing risk of respiratory problems and saving time during clean up. •  The IXL Shroud is easy to install and is designed to fit the Dewalt, Milwaukee, Metabo, Bosch, and Makita 4-5” grinders.

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Visit for details.

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NEW PRODUCTS CPS Introduces Aggressive Coatings Removal Tool for Surface Prep Industry Concrete Polishing Solutions now offers Bush Hammers, the tool for removing heavy, thick coatings. The CPS Bush Hammer features three tungsten carbide rollers with conical points mounted on a plate to run under concrete floor grinders, ideal for breaking down difficult coatings while leaving a textured surface ideal for bonding future epoxy coatings or overlays. It also can be used to increase slip-resistance on both indoor and outdoor applications. •  Offered on both an 11” plate and 9” inch plate, for maximum versatility. •  The hammer’s rollers are available in both small and large sizes, ideal for any size job. •  Replacement rollers are perfect for running under CPS Grinders -G-320D, G-290 and G-250XT.

Superabrasive Introduces Trowel Shine Superabrasive, the manufacturer of LAVINA, has recently introduced Trowel Shine – a new system for grinding and polishing concrete with power trowels. Trowel Shine is ideal for polishing industrial concrete on projects with large square footage. •  Trowel Shine works with ride-on and walk-behind trowels, and features rotating head technology which provides an even tool wear and perfect machine balance. •  Getting started with Trowel Shine requires a set of Trowel Shine tool holders which install on the trowel floating pans, and Trowel Shine diamond tools. •  The tool holders come in two sizes – 10.63” and 14”, and you set up your trowel with 4, 5 or 6 tool holders on each side, depending on the pan diameter and number of blades. ForConstructionPros. com/20970861

Idea File GCP LAUNCHES CONCERA™ ADMIXTURES – BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY TO TRANSFORM CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE INTO HIGH FLOW CONCRETE GCP Applied Technologies is now offering advanced CONCERA™ admixtures that enable the production of Control Flow Concrete, a highly flowable segregation-resistant concrete using conventional mix designs. By adding Concera™ admixtures to their standard mix designs, ready mix producers can achieve high flowing concrete with consistent and high quality performance. Control Flow Concrete has superior cohesion, thus requiring much less quality control labor at the plant and at the job site to maintain consistent performance in every truck. Contractors rely on this technology to speed up the concrete placement and finishing process. Only minimal vibration is required to get the job done. As a result, contractors save labor costs, increase productivity and grow their bottom line, while delivering high quality and fast construction. “The patent-pending Concera™ admixtures allow contractors to complete projects faster, while reducing labor costs,” said Craig Merrill, VP of Global Marketing, GCP. “This makes it ideal for markets with high labor costs, shortage of specialized concrete workers and projects requiring fast construction.” Control Flow Concrete is suitable for use in elevated decks, walls, columns, floors, beams, pilings and footers. To try Concera™ admixtures for producing Control Flow Concrete, visit or contact your local ready-mix producer.

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Idea File Take it to Dock Height with Advance Metalworking’s

Armor L3000 Densifier The Armor L3000 is a concentrated, fastacting lithium silicate densifier and surface hardener that chemically reacts below the surface to form a permanent Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) structure within the pores that can only be removed when the concrete itself is removed. •  Will not change look or color of concrete •  Does not leave behind a visible surface film •  Helps increase strength and density of concrete by up to 45% •  Can be used on virtually all types of unsealed interior and exterior concrete •  Improves resistance to surface abrasion and concrete dusting

Lift-a-Load Elevating Platform Trailer. Note: RSP Transitionals also available in 35, 400 & 800 grits

The new Runyon line of transitionals and resins are designed to complement one another. These high quality tools are innovative, yet affordable. They’re made of the best materials for long life and optimum performance. The RSP Copper Transitional is an 8mm pad specifically designed to remove rough scratches put in the floor by metals. These transitionals are designed to be run wet. They can be used on concrete, TRU overlayments and terrazzo. You'll get 10,000-12,000 square feet out of a set based on medium hardness concrete. (Available in 35, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 grit)

The Runyon Race Resins are 10mm phenolic resin pads, specifically designed for dry polishing of concrete and overlayments. Standard life ranges anywhere from 10,000-12,000 sq ft. These resin pads are made with a higher density material, ideal for heavier planetary or rotary style machines. They can achieve a higher gloss at lower grits than comparable resins, which equates to lower cost per square foot. (Available in 200, 400, 800, 1500 and 3000 grit)

800.896.8665 •

Need to go to dock height? The Lift-a-Load Elevating Platform Trailer is a unique hydraulic elevating trailer designed to make your deliveries safer, easier and more efficient — and it will elevate to dock height or approx. 52 inches high. Essentially a portable loading dock, the Lift-a-Load can also be hydraulically lowered to ground height providing a minimum loading angle for fast, drive-on access. These trailers are available with straight tongue to gooseneck hitch, single or dual axle with capacities from 4,400 to 15,000 lbs. All trailers are custom built to order and can be modified to suit your specific requirements.


Pour concrete up to 60% faster and with less labor! Powered by 12 horsepower gasoline engines, the Line Dragon will easily maneuver over rebar grid, radiant heat lines, nelson studs, floor decking or other prepared surfaces. Weighing in at about 1,000 pounds means less weight per square inch of footprint than most manual laborers. The ‘Placer’ is attached to the end of the delivery line and places concrete where you need it while the ‘Dragger’ is 20’ away keeping the excess line out of the pouring area. Our machines move forward, backward, left, right or oblique. The placing boom swings 360 degrees making all areas accessible to the Placer. Both machines are radiocontrolled with fully hydrostatic controls for easy operation at a safe distance making your employees more efficient with huge savings.

717-875-1153 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor

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Idea File As a Contractor I quickly learned, the smartest decisions you make become the most profitable ones. We all know how important it is to make the right choice when you are purchasing equipment. The Lura Screed System was not designed by an engineer but rather by contractors in the field telling Lura what they needed in a screed system. Arguably, the most important feature for a concrete screed is accuracy because it never pays to do the same job twice. What passes for “straight tubes” with other roller screed companies would not meet Lura’s standards. The second most important feature is the tool must be easy to use. A tool that isn’t user friendly tends to collect dust. The simple and ergonomic design of the Lura screed is a favorite tool being used in training centers around the U.S. There is one state that will pay as much as 75% of the cost of this tool to help contractors switch over from more difficult screed methods. This is to reduce long and short-term injuries so the crew can have longer careers. One added benefit is the contractor has fewer claims which reduces his overhead. Lura is the Smart Choice!


MQ WHITEMAN EXPANDS INDUSTRY LEADING TROWEL LINEUP. MQ Whiteman, the leader in concrete finishing, introduces the new InstaClutch™ line of walkbehind concrete finishers. The InstaClutch™ drive systems are available on MQ Whiteman 36-inch and 46-inch diameter trowels. The friction clutch disengages if the handle is released during operation bringing the machine to a complete stop within a quarter turn of the handle. It also allows the operator to safely & immediately resume operation without having to restart the engine. MQ Whiteman InstaClutch power trowels feature a hinged access panel to simplify blade change out and routine service, rugged spider assembly and handles fitted with QuickPitch™ or standard pitch controls. For more than 75 years professional contractors have turned to MQ Whiteman power trowels for innovation, quality and dependable performance. Learn more about Multiquip products at

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Great news for Backsaver customers! Clogged vacuum filters are a problem. Pulse-Bac solves this with our Automatic Pulse-Clean Technology™ that cleans the filter while you work. Others may claim to have “pulse” filter cleaning, but look closely and you'll see they fall short of the original. Only vacuums with the Pulse-Bac® name use our patented technology.

Now, not only will the Backsaver fit the DeWalt hammer drill, but the Bosch and Hilti hammer drills! Customers are loving our new additions! Get one today and try it out.

Visit our website at www.

A Global Innovation Leader in High Performance Specialty Building Materials: ARDEX is a global leader in the development, manufacturing and distribution of highperformance specialty building products for all aspects of substrate preparation, floor covering, tile and stone installation systems and architectural concrete systems for commercial and residential applications.


OZTEC BP-50A GAS-POWERED BACKPACK The Oztec Backpack has evolved into one of the most rugged and reliable units on the market. Equipped with a dependable Honda engine and coupled to the “speedup” transmission, vibrator heads develop 12,000 vpm and never drop below 10,000 vpm even in the heaviest low slump concrete loads. A unique and outstanding feature of the BP-50a is a patented and totally enclosed rotary throttle, which prevents wet cement from clogging the mechanism. The rotary throttle has been specifically designed and engineered to eliminate the operator’s variable setting of the engine speed. This feature will ensure that the unit will consistently produce the proper vibrations per minute resulting in optimum concrete consolidation. A clog-preventing kill switch is also conveniently located on the same handle. All Oztec gas power units including electric power units come standard with the Quick Disconnect “QD” system allowing immediate changing of shafts and heads on the job site. Oztec Industries, Inc. 1-800-533-9055 / 516.883.8857 / | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor

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Idea File


Your one stop source for vibration solutions since 1980

CURB ROLLER MANUFACTURING is the leader in shaped concrete roller screeds. We are the only place to go for custom v-gutter, flume, swale, curb, and threshold roller screeds. If you have a need for your screed, contact us today!


By developing and manufacturing the best equipment, tooling, chemicals, and maintenance supplies on the market, CPS ensures contractors and partners are supported every step of the way. For more information on Concrete Polishing Solutions, our distributors, and support visit

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INDEX ADVERTISER................. PAGE Advance Metalworking Company....... 62, 69 Ardex..................................................... 59, 71 Arizona Polymer Flooring.................... 33 BackSaver.............................................. 64, 71 Bloom Manufacturing Inc..................... 63 Caterpillar Dealer Network.................. 43* CDC Larue............................................. 37, 71 Concrete Polishing Solutions.............. 55, 72 Concrete Polishing & Staining Conference............................................ 67 CTS Rapid Set Cement Mfg Co.......... 57 Curb Roller Mfg. LLC............................ 66, 72 Denver Concrete Vibrator.................... 47, 72 Diamatic USA Inc.................................. 51 EZ Polish System................................... 46 GCP Applied Technologies................. 15, 68 GelMAXX............................................... 54 GMC...................................................... 76 Headwater Resources........................... 21 Husqvarna Construction Products...... 53 Jlin Corp................................................ 29 Kingdom Products................................ 31, 73 Kubota Tractor Corporation................ 5 Line Dragon, LLC.................................. 13, 69 Lura Enterprises, Inc............................. 23, 70 Match Patch Pro.................................... 66 McKinnon Materials, Inc....................... 38-39 Metzger/ McGuire................................ 60 MEVA Formwork Systems, Inc............. 16, 73 MK Diamond Products, Inc.................. 11 Multiquip Incorporated........................ 9, 70 Niagara Machine Inc............................ 65 Northrock Industries Inc....................... 7 Oztec Industries Inc.............................. 2, 71 Polished Concrete University............... 31 Quikrete................................................. 17 Rock Line Products Inc......................... 44 Runyon Surface Prep Rental & Supply................................................ 46, 69 Solomon Colors.................................... 56 Somero Enterprises.............................. 27 SpecChem LLC..................................... 63, 73

MEVA is recognized as an innovative provider of concrete formwork solutions. We supply the contractor community from 40 locations world-wide, with 2 locations in the U.S.A. MEVA is a leader in quality, technology, and engineering. We offer a comprehensive product portfolio covering all formwork requirements from foundation to high-rise and hand-set formwork to automatic climbing technology: Concrete works of all sizes, scopes, and challenges are easily achieved with our expertise.

Stego Industries.................................... 41 Superabrasive Inc................................. 61 Terrco Inc............................................... 36 Trimaco.................................................. 19, 72 Trinic....................................................... 45 VoidForm Products, Inc........................ 62, 73 World of Concrete................................ 75 | August/September 2017 | Concrete Contractor

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By Brad Humphrey

Can Contractors Bring America Back?

Eight reasons author Brad Humphrey believes the construction industry is the perfect place to resurrect the middle class and a great America.


et me share a few thoughts why I think that contractors are exactly the right medicine for bringing back not only the middle class but our great country too! First, few contractors pay their workers minimum wage? Why? Construction is hard work, conditions are often less than ideal, and even the most basic of laborers still needs to be able to read, count, learn and think to some extent. It is not uncommon at all for construction workers to gross $35K $60K in wages during the year. The more skilled construction workers can make every bit of the high end to this range and more -- sometimes a lot more! Can you think of any better industry to help spark the revival of the middle class and the rebuilding of America than construction? Second, what this country needs right now, in addition to jobs, is a resurgence of morale and motivation. I know few industries that have more self-motivated leaders than construction; that is, contractors and their leadership teams. Construction leaders are often, by nature, more optimistic and entrepreneur-like in their thinking and actions. Can you think of any better spirit for America to embrace today? Third, the greatest percentage of contractors are “Red, White, and Blue” Americans. They understand hard work and deeply appreciate the opportunity that they’ve been given to create their own business and sell their services to those in need of dedicated workers to meet their construction needs. Sure there

are a few “Carp” out there but most contractors are “Thoroughbreds” and understand how to make money and how money works. Can you think of a better reason for America to begin prospering again? Fourth, the greatest percentage of contractors are focused on employing the best available workers…regardless of age, sex or color! I’ve had the honor to consult with contractors in the Deep South, the Northeast, Northwest, the Southwest, the Midwest and the West Coast. Nowhere have I ever found a hint of a contractor who was prejudiced or had a hatred for people different than themselves. In fact, I found just the opposite: contractors who paid and recognized their workers for jobs well done no matter their color, age or sex. Can you think of a better attitude more Americans need to embrace today? Fifth, no one works harder than the construction owner and leader. They are often the first in the office or on the jobsite each morning and the last to turn out the lights at night. Their work ethic is a testimony to how much they love their company, their employees and their industry. Sure they want to make money, but they also like to put people to work…and keep them working! Can you think of a better strategy for many of our politicians and government leaders to take? Sixth, contractors recognize talent and what that talent is often worth and they are not afraid to pay for it. OK, contractors have budgets, but they will also do just about anything legal to hire talented people and pay them what they are worth. It truly makes contractors feel proud

when they know that their workers are paid well enough to own a house, to pay for their kid’s college or to take a nice family vacation every year. Can you think of a better financial objective to get the middle class back again and stronger than ever? Seventh, as most contractors know, the infrastructure of the United States is in horrible condition. Roads and bridges are at an all-time “low” in terms of risk to the driving public. Many schools, courthouses, fire stations etc. are also in great need of remodeling, if not a total new rebuild. There are so many projects that need to be funded and completed that there may not be enough contractors, and construction workers, to complete all of the work if it were all to come in at the same time. Can you think of a better way to truly stimulate the economy with “real shovel ready” projects? Eighth, construction owners, leaders and workers are some of the brightest people in the country. While many construction leaders are college educated, that is not always a sign of a successful contractor and leader. Some of the most successful contractors in America do not have a college diploma and quite honestly, are smarter than a lot of people with a PhD! Contractors and their people are creative, think outside the box, and are not afraid to take a risk. Can you think of a better group of people to place more trust for rebuilding the United States than the American worker? Ed. Note: Brad Humphrey is President of Pinnacle Development Group.

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2017 GMC SIERRA DENALI HD. OFFERING OUR MOST POWERFUL DURAMAX DIESEL EVER. Bring it with 445 horsepower and 910 lb-ft of torque. Work like a boss, like a champ, like a pro.

©2017 General Motors. All rights reserved. The marks appearing in this ad are the trademarks or service marks of GM, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.

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