Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2012
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TragicNazeer-Ahmed accident claims young life Ballim - 26/11/1986 - 25/08/2012 O
ur community was once again shaken and saddened at the loss of another talented and upcoming young man.
On the 25th August 2012, Nazeer-Ahmed Ballim, 25, who was travelling on his motorcycle on the M1 North freeway between the St. Andrews and Oxford Street ramps in Johannesburg, tragically lost his life in an accident. Family and friends are grappling with his sudden passing. Nazeer-Ahmed, or Naz as he was affec)onately known, was an endearing young man with an effervescent character and never without a smile. He was devoted to his family and du)ful in his work. A passionate racer, his rela)onships embraced young and old as well as across ethnic lines. Many have readily suggested that his zest for life and people, alongside an unpreten)ous personality, made him a rare find. They will miss him bi.erly. Nazeer-Ahmed shared a close rela)onship with his parents, Cassim and Amiena, and siblings. His immediate younger brother, Arshad, explained how they regarded each other as best friends and their unflinching trust meant that they knew everything about one another and shared many las)ng experiences. Arshad believes his eldest brother understood what it meant that we are made of na)ons and tribes so that we may know one another; "he a had warmth for people", says Arshad. His youngest brothers, Ziyaad and
Muhammed-Yaaseen viewed him as a role-model and best friend too. "Nazeer-Ahmed was a cherished by his family and community. He had countless friends and will be sorely missed. The a.endance and outpouring of grief at his funeral was telling," said Hassen Mahomed Doola, his uncle.
The Fordsburg Community Newspaper, its management and staff hereby offers our sincere condolences to the Ballim family at this trying and difficult )me. May Allah (SWT) grant Nazeer Jannatul Firdous and may Allah make it easy for his
parents, siblings and friends to come to terms with his passing. May he be remembered for his pleasant nature and everlas)ng smile.
"To Allah do we belong and unto him is our return."
In a le.er that was sent out to his colleagues by Jacques Claassen, Head of Online & Customer Management Systems at Vodacom said, "It is with deep sadness that I have to inform you this morning of the passing of Nazeer Ballim over the weekend. Naz has added immense value during his period at Vodacom and has become a friend to many of us. What always struck me most about Naz was that he was always smiling, always in a good mood, and no problem that came past him was too big. Naz had an extremely bright future ahead of him and I can honestly say that with every interac)on I had with him I learnt something new - something that I know the whole division can tes)fy to. He was always eager to learn and his dedica)on to his work was an example to us all. But the thing that always struck me the most was that it always seemed like he knew how to truly live; which is the way I am sure he would like us to remember him. Our hearts go out to his family and colleagues in this difficult )me."
This abandoned VW Polo was found with its engine still running as perpetrators escaped on foot when approached by local security company, TAU Protection Services on Hanover Street in Mayfair, across the Crown Mines Post Office. Two firearms, live ammunition, fake number and license disc were recovered from this stolen vehicle. Another possible major crime averted by TAU protection Services. Police are investigating the matter further.