Summer 2019
Welcome to our special Summer 2019 catalogue! The fair season is over, the holidays are approaching, and we are happy to share some wonderful titles with you. You’ll find our Spring highlights at the beginning of the catalogue (with a special note on Moon Guardians which has now been sold in 6 languages). And from page 11, you can discover our new titles for the Summer, in our different categories. Please feel free to contact us for any information you may require, we’ll be happy to send you material or copies for review. And we’ll be looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt of course. Wishing you all a lovely Summer holiday! Best wishes, James Elliott and Élodie Gachot
MOON GUARDIANS Towards the wild feminine path
FORMAT: 145 x 210 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €19,90 PUBLICATION DATE: March 2019
The moon has always been associated with women: to the lunar cycle answer the four phases of the menstrual cycle. The lunar months correspond with energy-giving moments that, each month, influence our daily life the same way they influence tides, seasons, farming… For women, the moon is a marvellous tool to know themselves, reconnect with their nature and cycles and follow their inner movements. This book offers a path around the lunar energies to know yourself and respect your rhythms, identify the best time to start a project, settle your intentions or evaluate yourself, take actions or focus on yourself, etc. It is the re-appropriation of your full powers and living to the fullest the strong moments of each cycle. A vibrant world, cleverly illustrated by the poetic and vivid drawings of Franco-Mexican plastic artist Vic Oh. Inspired by ancestral wisdoms, Stéphanie Lafranque is passionate with plants, energetic and lunar cycles. Master Reiki, women clubs’ leader, she often writes for specialised magazines and shares her passion on her Instagram. Vic Oh is a plastic artist, raised in Mexico where she learnt colours and emotions, primitive art, magical realism and ancestral cultures. Now living in Paris, she shares in her paintings the strength of the wild feminine and the mystical universe that surrounds us.
KEY POINTS Follow the moon cycles to develop your wild feminin.
A feminine symbol, the moon is the new self-help trend!
A practical book for every modern witch!
WITCH SECRETS Cookery, health and cosmetics: 100 recipes to put a little magic in your life
FORMAT: 180 x 230 mm PAGE EXTENT: 216 BINDING: Hardback RETAIL PRICE: €16,90 PUBLICATION DATE: October 2019
Initiate yourself to a witch way of life through 100 cooking and cosmetic recipes to let in magic in your daily life. This wonderful grimoire contains numerous recipes that respect nature and its cycles. You will learn to balance the four nature elements in your food (earth, water, air and fire) and will make the most of the benefits brought by the food you eat. Reinforce your body, access to serenity, regain energy, preserve your organism youth composing a balanced and eco-friendly diet. From meals to herbal teas, invite magic in your plate! And because magic is present in all the aspects of life, discover how to treat yourself with ritual baths: tonics, masks and ointments will have no secrets for you! Use healing stones to rebalance your energies, initiate yourself to wild herbs and discover their beneficial properties.
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Lisanna Wallance, also called the "Culinary Witch", started to cook to heal her chronic diseases. She shares her life between Paris and the US East coast where she finds her cooking inspiration.
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KEY POINTS Free, powerful, connected to nature and its power, witches unveil all their secrets!
100 recipes created to follow the moon and nature cycles.
Adapted and accessible to every modern witch!
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ZERO WASTE The daily green guidebook
FORMAT: 190 x 220 mm PAGE EXTENT: 240 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €14,90 PUBLICATION DATE: April 2019
A waste free planet is a priority for our future! In addition to preserving our resources, this green and civic approach will help you improve your daily life, spare time, save money, preserve your health and your children’s future! This daily green guidebook will accompany you during this process, fighting together the core problem: waste and rubbish! At home, outside, with our family, at work, from the kitchen to the garden, passing by the supermarket’s aisles and open-space offices… With practical advice, clear information to consume smartly, tips, recipes and DIY sheets, you will be ready for a waste-free daily life. You have the power to change the wold, to join the individual to collective actions. It is necessary and not that complicated.
Lecturer, adviser, passionate and green fighting activist, Julie Bernier is led by the will to make come together struggles and commitments in order to protect the environment and global health.
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KEY POINTS Small daily steps towards a great jump to zero waste.
The essential guidebook for all those who want a healthier world.
Every steps you can take at your own level: food, hygiene, leisure, school, work, etc.
ZERO WASTE RECIPES 120 recipes without throwing anything away
FORMAT: 205 x 250 mm PAGE EXTENT: 176 BINDING: Hardback RETAIL PRICE: €14,90 PUBLICATION DATE: June 2019
Environment and ecological print have become major concerns, and zero waste seems to be an obvious solution in every field. Even in the kitchen, it is easy to reduce your effects on environment. Some good advice with great recipes are enough to use at best your seasonal products and stocks. Besides the fruit juicy pulp or vegetable tasty flesh, you will learn how to cook roots, pods, peels, tops, pips and seeds through more than 120 delicious and original recipes. At the end of the book, a complete list of essential ustensils to maximise fruit and vegetable consumption, useful advice to wisely choose them, as well as a reminder of cooking and preservation techniques. Delphine Brunet is a cookbook author and culinary stylist for the press and publishing.
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Épluchez l’oigno n et la pomm coupez-les e de terre et en morceaux. Mixez finement, fibreuses des Coupez les tiges dans puis passe asperges en z le velouté un tamis. rondelles. Faites revenir l’oignon dans Dans une poêle avec l’huile pendant 5 minut une casserole des antiadhésive cuillerées de , disposez Ajoutez les es, en remua pelures d’aspe parme nt. e de terre, puis sp erg rges et la pomme bien espacés. Faites-lessan en petits tas leL’a bouillon, du minutes le cuire quelq Couvrez et sel temps que et du poivre ues faites cuire le fromage . dore. Décol 15 minutes. fonde et lez et laissez-les les tuiles avec une spatu refroidir et le durcir. Servez avec le velouté et un fraîche. peu de crème
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KEY POINTS More than 120 eco-friendly, cheap and practical recipes!
Zero waste is a growing trend.
Everything can be cooked and eaten!
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MEDITATE WITH NAMATATA Explore the inner-you!
FORMAT: 155 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 14,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: May 2019
We spend almost half of our time occupied by parasitic thoughts. Thanks to meditation, it is possible to refocus on the present moment and to be fully conscious of what we are living at all times, to enjoy life to the fullest! This practical and illustrated guide will accompany you in your learning of meditation. The book is built around a metaphor: travel. You are invited to participate to the exploration of a lush jungle, nothing more than your inner landscape. Three parts make up this book: 1. Prepare your journey: frequent questions, what you should know before leaving, advice and warnings; 2. Welcome in your inner landscape: sensations, emotions, thought; 3. Where to go: values, kindness, commitment. Namatata is a French app to begin meditation in 10 minutes per day created by Antoine Gerlier. loupe de
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Antoine Gerlier is the founder of the Namatata meditation app. He started his carreer in finance and decided to change to a kind and positive universe, meditation. François Bourgognon is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, coach and trainer in mindfulness meditation, and works as Namatata’s scientific advisor.
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avec Namata
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avec Namata
KEY POINTS A trip to your inner landscape!
A positive and fun book to learn meditation with Namatata the lovely monkey.
Texts and app reviewed by a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
THE SIMPLE LIFE Reconnect with nature and authenticity
FORMAT: 155 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €16,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
What if instead of conquering and surpassing yourself, you stepped down in favour of an era of collaboration and contemplation? An era of reachable dreams and not of oversized ambitions that leave many of us behind? In this book, Ismaël Khelifa offers a life vision where sincerity replaces competition. Where we try to live better with less, in the respect of nature. Where we achieve to live in self-realisation with the others rather than in domination and ego. To guide us in the principles that consolidate this idea, he makes us meet men and women all around the world, neither sages nor gurus. Simply inspiring, generous and strong human beings. Anonymous people whose life path pushes them to rethink their place and now open up line of thinking. tre 2
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Ismaël Khelifa is an author, scriptwriter and polar expeditions’ guide (both Arctic and Antarctic). He travels a lot around the world to write documentary films, adventure and children books. Each week, Khelifa co-hosts a prime time TV show on the French public television Échappées Belles, followed by millions.
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votre porte Tout d’abord, je conseillerai de prendre une teur, et de cherc carte, tel un her les oasis explorade nature près naturel région de chez vous aux ou nation : parcs aux, forêts, parcs urbain lacs et bases s assez vastes de nature, pour offrir un pleine ville, poumon de comme la Tête verdure en d’or à Lyon. pépite près de L’idée, c’est de chez vous. Un dénicher la refuge où l’on sait qu’on peut aller à 5
KEY POINTS Back to basics, a current thematic.
Beautiful pictures by the author on his various expeditions.
Change your vision on life and rethink you place in the world.
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France Football is the ultimate weekly magazine of football. It also awards each year the famous Ballon d’Or.
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Kylian Mbappé is only 19 years old and already a World Cup champion and twice a France cup champion. He plays at PSG with international celebrities such as Neymar, Cavani or Thiago Silva to whom he is, in comparison, just as good. He is a real phenomenon. His rise has been so dazzling that hardly any media managed to get close to him. Except for France Football: this magazine has followed him since his teenage years and awarded him in late 2018 the Kopa Trophy, as best performing player under the age of 21. Illustrated with rare photographs and exclusive interviews by the France Football journalists, this book tells the explosion of this raw talent and how he provided himself with the means to succeed, without settling any limits.
KEY POINTS Excluvive content: photographs, interviews, etc.!
The first and only reference biography on the youngest world’s best football player.
In the footsteps of Ibrahimovic or Totti’s successful biographies!
In this guidebook, discover the feminine yoga: a simple method adapted to women’s physiology and that answers specific needs thanks to asanas, mudras, acupressure points, breathing and relaxation techniques’ association. 44 trainings of simple, soft and accessible to every woman postures, whether they are beginners or true yogis, to answer feminine concerns such as painful menstruations, menopause, premenstrual syndrome, libido, etc. But also emotional and relational topics like self-esteem, stress reduction, relation improvement with your children, etc. This method will help you to find and reconnect to your sacred feminine.
KEY POINTS Yoga approach dedicated to women's physiology.
Associate mind, energy, emotions and body to release your pains.
44 complete, simple and soft yoga trainings aimed to every woman.
Tatania Elle is passionate with approaches that allows to connect mind, energy, emotions and body. She is trained to Vinyasa, Nirvana and Ashtanga yoga but also to Reiki, Pranic Healing and to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
Don't you understand anything about artificial intelligence (AI)? Are you scared that mean robots will seize power and control the world? Are you interested in AI and in new technologies but would like to hear a different story? This book is for you! Everything started in 1956, from a huge misunderstanding. During the Dartmouth workshop, John McCarthy convinced his colleagues to use the term “artificial intelligence” to describe a subject that had nothing to do with intelligence. All the fantasies and false ideas we are nourished with today result from this regrettable designation. In this book, Dr. Luc Julia invites us to follow him during his own history, from his little birth town to the Silicon Valley, on track of this famous “artificial intelligence” on which we hear so much nonsense about, to finally understand what it is exactly and to anticipate what it can offer in the future. Dr. Luc Julia is one of the two creators of Siri, Apple’s vocal assistance. At 9, he created his first robot capable of making his bed. He founded many start-ups in the Silicon Valley and is now Senior VP and Chief Technical Officer of the brand new AI laboratory of Samsung Electronics (SAIL) in Paris. Dr. Julia is legitimately considered as one of the World’s most influential French developers.
KEY POINTS By the co-creator of Siri.
AI is a hot topic!
Accessible book for all lovers of new technologies.
THE ONE WHO WANTED TO DRAG DOWN WONDER WOMAN Diary of a woman who's doing what she can
FORMAT: 140 x 210 mm PAGE EXTENT: 224 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €16,90 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Supermom, super working girl, super wife… What if we accepted not to be flawless but simply normal, and to do what we can do because it is already A LOT? This is a new mission for Alice, this young and cheeky woman who can suddenly shine out of intelligence and, the minute right after, feel helpless in her overwhelming daily life. She never stops running, all day long. Her life looks like Wonder Woman’s one, but without strass, glitter and recognition. She tries to find balance between her job, her twins and her couple. As the back to school period approaches, kilometres of to-do-lists pile up, Alice starts writing again in her diary not to forget the most important: not to be caught up into the frenetic whirl of life. But how did Alice really change her bad habits? The day she befriended with another mother from her twins’ school and with whom she shares the exact same daily hell! They both decide to create an interventive and supportive group to all the daily heroines: The W’Vengers (for Women Vengers). In a surge of feminine solidarity, other mothers join the group and are all decided to stop trying to be perfect and to throw away the Wonder Woman syndrome!
By the same authors: The One Who Said Fuck
Anne-Sophie Lesage is an editor at various media outlets and the author of different practical guides. Fanny Lesage is an event designer, photographer and Instagrammer.
KEY POINTS Stop feeling guilty with plenty of practical and feminist ideas...
The perfect feel-good book to stop trying to be flawless!
Written as a diary and filled with lovely and funny illustrations by Léna Piroux.
By the same author: And I Danced Barefoot in my Head
Based in Paris, Charlotte is building a stable life with Tom and her dancing rehearsals when she has a chance to follow a company to L.A. Torn between the fear of losing her boyfriend in a long distance relationship and her passion for dancing, she finally decides to leave, driven by strange dreams in which her great-grandmother whispers Spanish chants. Barely after landing in L.A, Charlotte is quickly disillusioned and Tom breaks up with her. Fearing of having taken the wrong decision, an astonishing synchronicity puts her back on the track: she finds out that her great-grandmother had also come to L.A to sing before settling in Argentina after a break-up. She holds on. After the success of her performance, she receives an offer to sing in a musical. This is a true revelation and the beginning of a double quest: as she is trying to find herself through dancing, she understands that her great-grandmother’s fate is linked to hers and decides to track her down, looking for her origins. This trip to an unfamiliar land eventually takes her to solve her family past and to free herself from the grey areas. Californian and bright atmospheres, L.A’s artistic life, this vibrant story gives us strength to look at ourselves, listen to our inner voices and be guided by a star’s song. A graduated lawyer, Olivia Zeitline is passionate about arts and self-help. In this second novel, she fuses her talents as an artist, writer and selfhelp coach.
KEY POINTS Strong self-help topics: intuition, motion and dance, voice, psychogenealogy, psychomagic ritual.
Sequel of the bestseller Et j’ai dansé pieds nus dans ma tête.
Appealing setting and story.
FORMAT: 155 x 230 mm PAGE EXTENT: 352 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €18,90 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
If hashtags such as #Metoo and #Sacredfeminine have created such an earth-shaking movement in all our lives’ spheres, it is because they perfectly represent this shared questioning between numerous women: isn’t our femininity today at the root of a feminitude? As a midwife, intra-pelvic osteopath, women circles’ host, the author shows that our feminitude can be source of love and benevolence, if we recognise it as it! But for this, each one of us has to go through a path to accept our divine essence. Indeed, with our unicity and ability to build a family, we are all divine, but we tend to deny it. And for good reasons: our chaotic relationships, sometimes traumatic with our parents, the encounters with our "monsters" or simply our life path (education, environment) pushed us sometimes to be on standby, to forget ourselves. For the author, it is time to awaken ourselves to this divinity and move forward to resilience and self-assertion. Several steps will be necessary to achieve it: - follow a peaceful path with our history, our parents, our "monsters"; - rediscover our inner beauty and body, our soul, our inner sanctum (reproductive organ) and our imperial throne (perineum); - bear life while reconnecting ourselves to our primitive nature; - take over from the author by becoming a guidewoman able to help every being: men, children and future citizens of the world. It is by creating a sorority that everyone of us will be able to bloom in a peace creating's feminitude.
Véronique de La Cochetière is a midwife, intrapelvic osteopath who hosts women circles.
KEY POINTS New and fast-growing selfhelp trend: ecofeminism.
Written with kindness and empathy by a committed midwife.
A book for all women: mothers, sisters, friends, carers, etc.
THE ROAD TO LOVE Choosing love is a brave action that starts with loving yourself
FORMAT: 170 x 225 mm PAGE EXTENT: 256 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: â‚Ź15,95 PUBLICATION DATE: October 2019 TBC
The Road to Love is a book both on life and love. An approach to the conscious life with reflexions on unconditional love, self-love and love feelings. An ode to life that helps us remember that the best is yet to come when we dare living with a more open heart. You will discover sharing of experiences, exercises and sources of inspiration to let life shake you and allow love to show itself under all its forms‌ a bit more every day.
KEY POINTS Learn to open your heart and finally dare living love: self, other and unconditional love.
A benevolent message and optimistic philosophy for a serene daily life.
Growing trend of books on this topic.
Anne-Claire Meret is a coach, specialised in emotional freedom techniques (EFT). Author of numerous books on natural health, she shares her discoveries on caring methods she learnt during her trips all around the world.
SEA, SEXISM & SUN A story of ordinary sexism
FORMAT: 195 x 260 mm PAGE EXTENT: 144 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €17,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
Marine Spaak studied sociology and, for a few years, has analysed her woman condition in the 21st century and the obstacles she encounters every day, to find how to assert herself as a free and independent woman. Filled with deep sociological analyses, this funny yet clever graphic novel encourages a reflexion on women emancipation. This novel includes 12 chapters among which: “Be sexy but not too sexy”, “No pain, no gain”, “Gray zones”, “Happily ever after”, etc.
Marine Spaak is a young French illustrator, graduated in human and social sciences. She created her blog a few years ago on which she shares funny drawings of what happens in her daily life.
KEY POINTS A delicate graphic novel with an informative and kind message on ordinary sexism.
12 chapters for 12 classic and usual situations every woman has already gone through.
Burning topic about women in our society.
FORMAT: 140 x 190 mm PAGE EXTENT: 224 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €11,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
Formed of the words ikiru, or life, and kai, or “the realization of what one hopes for”, Ikigaï is most often translated to mean “a reason to live”. On the island of Okinawa, Japan’s southernmost and sunniest region, the one which features the longest living Japanese – indeed, some of the longest-living humans on the planet – it is translated as “a reason to get up in the morning.” Ikigaï encompasses joy, a sense of purpose and meaning and a feeling of well-being. It’s the perfect junction between skills, passions and needs. Christie Vanbremeersch, a coach and author of the famous Find Your Ikigaï book, has created an uber-practical agenda, with kind tips, exercises and little challenges for every day. A selffulfilment year to find your Ikigaï and start to live to the fullest. 2 double pages per week, on the first the panorama of the week with goals and recaps on the second.
By the same author: Find Your Ikigaï
Christie Vanbremeersch writes self-help books and also works as a trainer and coach in creativity. Her book on Ikigaï (First, 2017) was the best-selling title on the topic in France (+20,000 copies sold).
KEY POINTS A great tool to find your own Ikigaï every day!
Trendy self-help and lifestyle topic.
Beautiful quality production: 2-colour, round corners, with a bookmark and an elastic band.
THE MAGIC OF CRYSTALS Well-being, feelings, emotions... 70 essential stones to find harmony
FORMAT: 180 x 210 mm PAGE EXTENT: 176 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €19,90 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Crystals soothe, bring confidence and energy, and also protect and help develop intuition… They act on body, mind and feelings. Their magic is to brighten life, offer balance, well-being and harmony. The inspiring author, Aurore Widmer, opens her mineral, shamanic and sweet universe to accompany the reader towards more benevolence. And the book helps us understand stones, know their properties, use them every day or during specific meditation sessions. This book includes: - A crystals guide to understand how they work on psychology and energy, associate them to chakras; to choose them wisely depending on a specific need, etc.; to use them efficiently depending on their shape, at home or outdoor; to take care of them and increase their power with other well-being methods; - A complete guide of 70 crystals, one per page, classified by alphabetical order and for each one: its properties (origin, rarity, chakra, etc.), personality, favoured utilisations, when and how to use it, and one implemental ritual; - Crystals’ 10 matrixes per topic: self-love, healing, transformation, protection, abundance, serenity, passion, connectivity, full moon, femininity. - A tables’ index to find the good stone whatever the need is.
Aurore Widmer is a self-help and spiritual specialised therapist. She provides individual coaching and hosts workshops on aromatherapy, lithotherapy, shamanism, stress and emotions management, feminine well-being. KEY POINTS Use crystals to find harmony and balance in your life!
A complete guide with 70 deciphered stones.
Crystals are a strong self-help trend.
LIVING A HAPPY POST-BIRTH Natural solutions to recover emotionally and physically
FORMAT: 155 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 256 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 15,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Hormonal disruptions, lack of sleep, loss of sexual desire, body reappropriation, wounds… The postnatal or postpartum, period lasts several months after the baby birth… It is essential that new mothers have the tools to recover and that they learn how to naturally take care of themselves to fight against tiredness and discomforts. The author offers an approach based on on naturopathy and natural solutions: food, body movements, relaxation, plants, etc. In this book, there is no place for mental burden and social pressure: learn how to give it a break, accept yourself with kindness and mostly take care of yourself.
KEY POINTS A kind approach: no social pressure or mental burden.
Discover natural solutions to emotionally and physically recover after labour.
The author is a graduated naturopath, specialised in perinatality.
Julia Simon is a naturopath specialised in perinatality: from preconception to the end of the babyhood. She works on personalised programmes with a natural and global approach for women who want to give the best to their new-born and to feel blooming and empowered.
FAMILY DIGITAL DETOX Take over control of screens for a serene daily life
FORMAT: 145 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €14,95 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Cover work in progress
Is your child dependent of his cell phone? Do you struggle to make him let go of screens in the evening, at night, during the holidays, meals or whenever he has to keep busy? You might have already settled some rules, and you did right. This multifunctional tool (alarm clock, watch, camera, diary, phone, etc.) needs a supervised use if you want to prevent your children and teenagers from the trap of hyper-connection. Recent scientific studies and paediatricians are ringing the alarm of an excessive use by children and teenagers. In some cases, and before 4 years old, it can damage the brain development (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, etc.), physical and mental health, and more generally, the quality of social and family relationships. To avoid the digital addiction escalation as soon as possible, discover all the preventing keys and strategies aimed to parents, teachers, childhood stakeholders. Thanks to awareness, behaviour changes on a daily basis and a good dose of creativity, it is possible to regain a family balance and awaken your child’s desire to other activities. Bernard Antoine is an addictologist, tobaccologist who graduated in psychology and was trained to Ericksonian hypnosis. He has created a method to quit smoking in only 3 sessions. Isabelle Frenay is a health and self-help journalist since 15 years. She also practices sophrology with adults and children to help them manage their stress, sleep disorders and self-esteem. KEY POINTS
The guide to prevent kid’s digital addiction.
Written two-handed by an addictologist and a journalist.
A real topic today: paeditrians and recent scientific studies ring the alarm of an excessive use.
FORMAT: 145 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 191 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: â‚Ź17,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
A new approach in parenting to make the parentchild relationship evolve by giving up on the presumed domination of adults on children. This book offers a method to get the children out of the obedience moulding to allow them to open to the world and to share their emotions and experiences. Divided in three sections: - Observe and understand the child point of view; - Deploy our empathy; - Achieve this new fair and egalitarian path.
KEY POINTS A new approach to get out of adultism and improve our parent-child relationship.
We should all be free and equal, whatever our age is.
Written by a psychotherapist, author of positive education books.
Laurence Dudek is a psychotherapist, educational-psychologist, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and Ericksonian hypnosis practitioner. She is the author of Kind Parents, Blooming Children, First, 2017.
NATURALLY CONFIDENT AT SCHOOL Improve your child's blooming at school
FORMAT: 145 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €14,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
How can we help our children live a better school life? How can we change this obligation into pleasure? School is a central element in family life and is often perceived with a lot of negativity. Offered tools in this book aim to change this view to recover a liking to learning: - Have a positive image of school by reassessing ourselves, adults and children, and healing our old wounds; - Pacify everyone’s fears thanks to the separation ritual or breathing exercises; - Get out the school results’ pressure by restoring our personal value; - Regain confidence in our abilities by discovering our memory kind. You have here all the tools to favour your child’s blooming at school!
Valérie Roumanoff works as a professional hypnotherapist and therapist for both adults and children. She is a neurolinguistics programming (NLP) specialist, author of several successful books on the topic.
KEY POINTS All the keys for a blooming and happy school life!
Education should be a pleasure to all and not felt as an obligation.
By a successful and expert parenting author.
HONEY, DID YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK? Go from homework nightmare to pleasure of learning
FORMAT: 145 x 215 mm PAGE EXTENT: 192 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €14,95 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
Cover work in progress
If you feel concerned by your child’s homework, it is normal: you are worried about his academic success and want the best possible future for him. But when it comes to help him, everyone gets mad and homework is botched. Forestall parents’ fears dealing with family crises and giving back your children independence is at the heart of this book! It is for parents to find the right balance between accompanying and helping and, for the child, to enhance his curiosity and motivation. How can you succeed these challenges? - First, review the child’s aptitudes and needs and define his goals; - Prepare your child, implement new rules and create a favourable environment; - Finally, become a serene guide that supervises homework and helps him manage difficulties. This programme includes practical tools and concrete recommendations. There is also a section dedicated to specific questions you could have such as: my child doesn’t care, what if he has attention disorders? What about private tuitions? Etc.
KEY POINTS A few steps to change the homework nightmare into a piece of cake!
A practical book that guides parents and children towards a peaceful and serene path.
By a specialised coach and author.
Anne Peymirat is a French certified family coach and parenting author who lives in London. She hosts workshops and conferences on homework at schools and in companies. A mother of 4, she applies her own techniques at home!
FREEDOM AT LAST! A guide for students who have (finally...) left home
FORMAT: 170 x 197 mm PAGE EXTENT: 191 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €14,95 PUBLICATION DATE: May 2019
Going to college, renting an apartment, having roommates… student life is quite a big change! We often say it’s the beginning of emancipation and freedom, but this sudden independence can bring a few difficulties. In these funny and very practical comics, discover plenty of information and advice to help students serenely flea from the nest! In the kitchen: essential materials; basic ingredients; how to choose good products; food balance; a few recipes not to ever starve and others to surprise friends; buy, store and conserve groceries in the fridge or the freezer, etc. Do the cleaning; the basics; the washing, etc. The apartment: when moving in; maintenance; improvements; when moving out. Filling paperwork: how to avoid extra fees; how to save money, etc. The ideal roommate: establish do’s and don’ts; sharing the bills, etc. Taking care of yourself: medical essential; essential oils, etc.
Quitterie Simon is a successful children’s books author. Joëlle Passeron is an illustrator for children’s books and feminine press. Both are mothers who faced their eldest child leaving home, they share their experience to parents and young adults.
KEY POINTS The first guide aimed to help students serenely flea from the nest!
By two mothers: a writer and an illustrator.
Uncommon comics format!
LIVING THE WILD LIFE Go fishing, picking, gleaning
FORMAT: 170 x 230 mm PAGE EXTENT: 224 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €19,90 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
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Yann Peucat is a photographer and author. He has been traveling for years in his truck with his wife and their three children.
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KEY POINTS The modern Robinson bible!
(Re)connect to nature’s rhythm.
By the author of
Outdoor Vacations, Tana,
2018, 15,000 copies sold.
llett Les cuei
S ESTIBLE COMM NTES sûr et sans failles d’un LES PLAUne identification auprès le mation
Living closer to nature means becoming aware of what surrounds us and of the benefits of nature. It is also regaining the taste of discovery and of unique and shared moments, putting our daily life aside and living differently. A lover of the wild life, the author initiates the reader to what could be a new way of living. He shares his secrets to go back to basics and adopt new habits. Living in full autonomy with nature: sleeping in the woods or by the seaside, create a solar-oven to cook without polluting, build a shack, smoke a fish to give it some taste, build a mushroom dryer to keep them fresh longer… Learn to recognise stars, birdsongs, wild plants. Create infusions, dry herbs and flowers to use them during winter, cook plants. Discover the marine environment, go fishing and try to shore fishing to enjoy a platter of seafood. The nature's call like an open window on the world and its wonders.
BLUE ZONES Sardinia, Japan, Costa Rica, Greece: towards those who live better and longer
FORMAT: 150 x 205 mm PAGE EXTENT: 288 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €16,95 PUBLICATION DATE: June 2019
Angèle Ferreux-Maeght, a chef, naturopath and healthy food specialist, and Vincent Valinducq, a general practitioner and researcher, have decided to investigate in these peculiar places, the blue zones. Towards extraordinary people and cultures, this book invites us to discover amazing places that count an important population of nonagenarians and centenarians in excellent health. A fascinating world tour to penetrate the secrets of longevity: genetic character, way of life, food, physical activity… From Sardinia in Italy to Nicoya in Costa Rica, passing by Ikaria in Greece and Okinawa in Japan, you will learn the longevity secrets specific to each territory.
Angèle Ferreux-Maeght is a chef, naturopath and cook book author. She founded her home catering business and a restaurant named La Guinguette d’Angèle with the aim to offer organic, healthy and gluten-free meals. Vincent Valinducq is a general practitioner and researcher passionate with the longevity mystery.
KEY POINTS An informative and complete book on the fascinating blue zones.
Still very few investigations and books on this topic!
By two experts in health and nutrition.
THE COGNITIVE LEAP How artificial intelligence is changing our world
FORMAT: 140 x 225 mm PAGE EXTENT: 224 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: â‚Ź16,95 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
From the chatbot answering clients’ requests on a website to the generalised cheap and accessible DNA tests, from the home vocal assistants to the autonomous taxis: artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. More than an industrial revolution, the AI emergence represents a rupture at every level: for the people, companies, countries and global economy. It is this rupture, this leap into the unknown that we call the cognitive leap. What are the current tech and IA actors? On which economic models and financial paradigms do they lean on for their development? And why do these actors emerge from the Silicon Valley and China? Mostly, what place for Europe in the IA global competition and how to get the most from the arising opportunities? Backed by his experience with managers of large and successful French and world companies, Matthieu Courtecuisse brings to all these concerns an answer which is both alarmist, because countries and companies should do their cognitive leap and without delay, and optimistic, because the new world is filled with great opportunities.
KEY POINTS A committed text, both alarmist and optimistic on the cognitive leap.
By a 20-year experienced digital consultant.
Artificial intelligence is a society topic that scares readers as much as it intrigues them!
Matthieu Courtecuisse is the founder-director of a consulting firm. Since 1999, he accompanies the greatest French and world companies through the globalisation challenges and digital transformation.
KILL POWER Caesar, Henry IV of France, Kennedy: the most famous assassinations in political History
FORMAT: 140 x 225 mm PAGE EXTENT: 320 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 16,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: April 2019
Everywhere and at anytime, power has always come with rivalry and jealousy. No matter the political regime (democracy or absolutism, monarchy or republic, etc.), men never stopped plotting one against another to reach the highest steps of power, to make the one in place fail or to keep themselves in power as long as possible and by any possible means! In this original book, historian Olivier Coquard tells the greatest political murders in History: Julius Caesar’s premeditated murder by Brutus, the supposedly isolated murder of Henry IV of France by Ravaillac, or the unexpected murder of JFK by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Graduated in History, Olivier Coquard is a history high school teacher and author of several books.
KEY POINTS A legitimate author: historian and highschool teacher.
Sadly in context: the mysterious disappearance of Meng Hongwei, the barbaric murder of Jamal Khashoggi...
An appealing topic for readers.
THE BASTARDS OF HISTORY The worst despicable ones of humankind, from Antiquity to today
FORMAT: 140 x 225 mm PAGE EXTENT: 293 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 18,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: May 2019
Cruel to the weakest, flexible in front of the powerful whom they’d like to outplace, ready for anything even for disownment to progress and deprived of the most elementary dignity, the dreadful men of History have a lot of things in common. Those we’ll discover in this book were soldiers like Cesare Borgia and Jacques Leroy de SaintArnaud, magistrates like Fouquier-Tinville, police officers as Inspector Pierre Bonny or Lavrentiy Beria, even priests like Bishop Cauchon, Abbot J.A. Dubois or leftist Pastor Jim Jones. No matter the loss or the ideological justification, all of them took advantage of their fellows’ weakness to reduce them to servitude and extreme degradation situations. Corrupted, cynical and immoral, please welcome the Humanity worst bastards from Antiquity to date.
KEY POINTS Dreadful, bastards, lousy… they have made history for better or for worse!
The dark side of History is a popular and selling topic.
Written by historians and supervised by a specialist and passionate historian.
Bruno Fuligni is a writer and French historian. Graduated from Political Science, he works since 1996 at the French Parliament.
THE SCAPEGOATS OF HISTORY Why did they take the blame?
FORMAT: 140 x 225 mm PAGE EXTENT: 356 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 16,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Catherine de Medici was the great instigator of St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. Rasputin caused the tsar loss and the Romanov tragic end. Lucrezia Borgia used debauchery and lust to achieve her aims. Marie-Antoinette revelled in luxury and ate brioche while French people were starving to death. Not really! The 12 figures you will (re)discover in this book were certainly no angels, not even close, but they weren’t the sadistic monsters or the incompetents that History made out of them. For each one of them, thanks to trustworthy sources and clever analysis, author Vincent Mottez deconstructs the myth and sets the record straight.
Vincent Mottez is an investigating journalist, passionate with History who regularly collaborates with magazines on history.
KEY POINTS Original focus on the greatest figures of History.
12 fascinating figures: MarieAntoinette, Dracula, Nero, Lucrezia Borgia and Rasputin among others.
Written by an investigating journalist with trustworthy and accurate sources.
THE CHILDREN OF HISTORY 16 outstanding fates from Antiquity to today
FORMAT: 154 x 210 mm PAGE EXTENT: 320 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 21,95 € PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
Some suffered during History and were victims, other were actors of History and turned the tide… But all coped adversity with bravery and dignity. Discover the fate of 16 girls and boys whose life was disrupted before they reached 18. They all, in their own way, marked History. Among them: Tutankhamun, the pharaohchild who died at 18; Joan of Arc who led to the Orleans’ siege lift at barely 17; Louis XVII of France, the mysterious child of the Square du Temple prison; Anastasia, the fourth daughter of the tsar Nicholas II of Russia; Anne Frank, the young Jew victim of the Nazi regime, famous for her diary; Malala Yousafzai, an activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate at only 17.
KEY POINTS Anastasia, Anne Frank, Joan of Arc… they all made their mark on History, from Antiquity to date.
Success of popular history books.
International success of Sons of Dictators (First, 2014), in the same vein (sold in 10 languages).
After a first career as a history teacher, Dimitri Casali wrote numerous famous essays and popular history books. Céline Bathias is a historian. She has written history documentaries for adults and children.
FORMAT: 195 x 260 mm PAGE EXTENT: 128 BINDING: Hardback RETAIL PRICE: 19,90 € PUBLICATION DATE: June 2019
From September 20th to November 2nd 2019, the world's best international rugby teams will meet in Japan for the World Cup. A great opportunity to discover the human and technical portraits of the world best rugby players. Among them: the New Zealand fly-half Beauden Barrett from the impressive and titleholder All Blacks team; his Irish homologue Jonathan Sexton whose foot punished the French team during the last Six Nations championship; the massive Welsh second row Alun Wyn Jones; the striker of the England rugby rose Owen Farrell; the French captain Guilhem Guirado; etc. Richard Escot is the editor-in-chief of the daily L’Équipe and a rugby expert. He is the author of numerous books on the topic.
FORMAT: 195 x 250 mm PAGE EXTENT: 216 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 24,90 € PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
The Grand Raid of Réunion, also called The Madmen’s Diagonal, is a mountain ultramarathon race. It takes place annually in October on Réunion island. The race originates from the Island’s history where, in the days of slavery, men crossed the island from end to end and climbed the volcano to escape their fate. The 162 km route with 9,643 m of elevation gain is reputed to be highly challenging and brutally difficult. Since 40 years, this race is a Mecca for hikers for its incredible specificities. Mickaël Mussard is the editor-in-chief of Outside and Nature Trail, two magazines dedicated to outdoor activities and ultramarathon.
1000 GRANDS PRIX 70 years of formula 1
FORMAT: 240 x 300 mm PAGE EXTENT: 200 BINDING: Hardback RETAIL PRICE: €29,90 PUBLICATION DATE: November 2019
Launched in 1950, the Formula 1 World Championship celebrates its 70 years in 2020 and, in May 2019, the 1000th Grand Prix took place. Divided in 4 parts, this ultimate F1 bible tells the history of the Grands Prix from the first ones in 1950 (UK, Monaco, Indianapolis, Switzerland, Belgium, France and Italy) to today, with 21 annual races, the greatest racers through 33 portraits (Schumacher, Hamilton, Vettel, etc.), the main F1 teams and the symbolic figures of F1 with among others Bernie Ecclestone, Ron Dennis and Guy Ligier. With the stats gathered by L’Équipe, this book tells the history of F1 like never before and deciphers the 1000 Grands Prix. This beautiful book also includes illustrations and infographics that highlight the racing circuits, the drivers and their cars through unseen data. Stéphane Barbé is the editor-in-chief of the Auto section at the daily L’Équipe. LA GRILLE DE DEPART DU
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Lewis Hamilton Mercedes
2e ligne
Ciliciam vero, quae Cydno amni Tarsus nobilit exultat, at, urbs perspicabili condidisse s hanc Perse filius et Danae us memoratur, Iovis s, vel certe profectus ex Aethio Sandan quidam nomin pia vir opulen e tus et nobilis (44) Red Bull aucto et Anaza ris vocab rbus ulum refere suestia vatis ns, et Mopillius domic quem a conmi ilium Mops i, litio Argon Oportun aureo vellere autarum um est, ut cum arbitror, direpto redire explanare abstractum nunc causam nt, errore delatumque , quae ad exitium praecip mors repen ad Africa e litus item Aginati tina consu um. mpsit, et cespite punico ex eo profectus tecti manes dolorum Sandan eius heroic varietati quidam nomin i vir opulen medentur e sospitales. tus et nobilis plerumque Quid? Haec et Anaza auctoris rbus ut omitta vocabulum Saepissime m, quam quam difficil referens, igitur mihi suestia vatis graves, et Mopde amicit es plerisq gitanti maxim illius domic ia coue vident calamitatum e illud consid quem a conmi ilium Mops ur societates! deri solet, i, erandum litio Argon utrum propte est facile Ad quas viaureo vellere autarum non inventu qui r imbecillitate cum atque inopia direpto redire descendant Quamquam m deside m abstractum nt, . errore rata Ennius recte. ut dandis s (13) sit amicit delatumque William recipiendisq ia, mors repen ad Africa ue meriti quisque e litus tina consu s quod minus per Advenit mpsit, et cespit se post e punico ex eo ipse multos Scudi acciperet tecti manes ab alio vicissi posset, id rum tribun lo Scuta dolorum eius heroic rious velam mque redde varietati an esset i ento subag medentur hoc quidem ingeni ret, sospit i persuasioni restis plerumque ales. doloru proprium tiae, sed s opifex amicim variet antiquior eum adulab callidus. plerumque ati meden et pulchr Lalii puniti ili sermo qui a natura sospitales. tur ior et magis bonorum ne seriis ipsa solus multatione admixto omnium laribus suis proficisci actique extorres adsimulato pellexit vultu nullo sibi praeter quere saepius relicto replicando las et lacrim flagrantibus quod conlaticia as, stipe votis eum s (30) victitabant, videre frater cuperet Rosberg Mercede (26) et civili iustoq patruelis, imperio Amor enim, 30 Nico ad volunt siquid per ue McLaren dentiam ex quo amicit atem. Adven inpruHäkkinen gestum multos Scudi est, prince it post ia nomin 26 Mika (13) lo Scuta ata mitis et cleme est remissurus ut ps est ad Quibus ita riorum tribun velamento benevolentia n Piquet Brabham coniungenda ns, partic sceleste us 24 Nelso subagrestis m ipemque suae maies patratis (20) m. Nam cruore perfus ingenii persu eum Paulus sionis opifex utilitates tatis adscis n Hill Williams etiam ab us revers quidem a20 Damo callidus. ceret, futuru iis percip laborum usque ad cipis castra qui eum iuntur saepe x Renault (14) quoque sermone m prinsimula Arnou adulab socium, multos coope seriis admix tione amicit qui ili 18 René provinciae quos Arctoa catenis addux to solus rtos paene Tyrrell (12) iae colunt proficisci diu fessae e observantur omnium e Stewart ur et it in squalo pellexit vultu poscebant. 17 Jacki temporis atque maest rem deiect adsim saepiu Ferrari (15) causa autem nihil ulato s replicando os itiam, quoru , in amicit Massa In his tractib fictum est, ia 16 Felipe quod flagra intendebant m adven (14) bus votis nihil simula us navige tu tum et, quidqu ntiur eculei eum videre Hunt McLaren rum nusqu situr flumen uncosque id est, id carnifex (11) frater cuper 14 James am vipatruelm Ferrarivolunt parabat sed est verum et torme et quoque arium. nta. et ex s Barrichello et suapte natura in locis plurimis socium, sunt plures is proscripti 14 Ruben aquae provinciae quos Arctoa calentes actique am Brabham (8) diu fessae e emergunt usus aptae in exilium Brabh nullos posce (13) Jack autem non ad alii, non 13 gladii consu multiplicium bant. Illud Williams Oportunum dubitatur mpsere verum has medelarum. est, ut arbitro es Villeneuve nec enim quod cum poenales. aliquando quoque 13 Jacqu nunc causa quisquam r, explan esset regiones virtutum Red Bull (13) are er Pomp facile m, omniu quae pari Const Webb eius Iudae meminit sorte Roma, ingenu ad exitium m domic antio, ubi cipitem Agina 13 Mark sub is domiti ilium susurro praeos. mis captis s et Hieros tium inpulit tenus haec. in provin olypriscis maior iam inde ciae specie a iuris diction ibus nobile Itaque vera m delata Ciliciam e formavit. m, ut locuta pertinacior vero, quae fama. nec est Cydno amni cillime repe e amicitiae diffiTarsus nobilit enim super ulla docum exultat, at, urbs hoc Quae dum entorum in honoribusriuntur in iis qui perspicabili condidisse rata est 3 ita struun fides. s hanc tur, indica Perse apud Tyrum versantur; reque publica tum est filius et Danae us memoratur, Iovis indumentum s, vel certe occulte, regale textum invenias ubi enim istum incertum ex Aethio qui quo locant pia usibus appar e vel cuius antepona honorem amic atum. ideoqu i t suo? vinciae tunc e rector propater Apolli nominis naris eiusde ut consc m ius ductu s est aliique 4
65 McLaren
3e ligne
33 Jim Clark
Alain Prost
ell Williams (28) (8) Nigel Mans el Fangio Maserati Juan Manu (23) 24. Ferrari Niki Lauda o Renault (16) Fernando Alons (17) tti Lotus Mario Andre (11) onen McLaren Raïkk Kimi 18 (5) g Moss Cooper 16 Stirlin i Ferrari (13) Ascar o 14 Albert Lotus (13) e Peterson 14 Ronni m Hill BRM (8) 13 Graha Ickx Ferrari (11) 13 Jacky ya Williams (11) Pablo Monto 13 Juan-
6e ligne 7e ligne 8e ligne 9e ligne 10e ligne 11e ligne 12e ligne 13e ligne 14 ligne e
15e ligne
19. Graham
22 14. Damon Hill 21 Williams
- 1 Jordan
17 Renault
13 Brabham
Piquet (BRE)
- 7 Williams -
VI 23
3 Benetton
rg (ALL)
12 24. Mario Andr 1 Ferrari - 11
etti (USA)
am (AUS)
24. Carlo Reutemann s (ARG)
4 Brabham -
- 10 Ferrari
- 2 Lotus
28 Williams
1. Michael
Alonso (ESP)
- 4 McLaren
41 11. Juan Manu el Fangio
6 Alfa Romeo (ARG) -7 8 Mercedes Maserati - 3 Ferrari
- 72 Ferrari
9 Renault -
30 McLaren
25 Lotus
14 19. Emer Fittipaldison (BRE)
8. Jackie Stew art (GBR) 2 BRM
9 Lotus. - 5
- 9 Matra 1 March - 15, Tyrrell
15 18. Jenson
- 5 Ferrari 7
1 Honda. - 6
25 9. Jim Clark
1 Mercedes 6 Vanwall - - 2 Maserati 3 Cooper - 4 Lotus
4.Alain Prost
17. Stirling Moss (GBR)
Red Bull - 13
51 (BRE)
3. Vettel Sebas tian (ALL) 1 Toro Rosso - 38
19 Benetton
-11 Ferrari
inen (FIN)
20 McLaren
ell (GBR)
- 3 Ferrari
16. Mika Hakk
7. Nigel Mans
- 54 Mercede
5 Ferrari - 3
2.Lewis Hamil ton (GBR) 21 McLaren
6 Lotus - 35
23 Mercede
7 Cooper - 7
5. Ayrton Senna
12. Nico Rosbe
19. Jack Brabh
15. Kimi Raïkk onen (FIN) 9 McLaren
32 6. Fernando
23 12. Nelson
Hill (GBR)
10 BRM - 4,
Mox dicta finie multitudo omn rat, imperator voluiis ad, quae promptior laud t, consilio cons ato ensit pacem ea ratio in maxime perci ne ta.
Nobilium, ut Homerici bacar suavitate Lotop um multiformibus hagi, humanitatis officiis reten tabant.
Sebastian Vettel
Ayrton Senna (46)
Profecta alia
5e ligne
Lotus (33)
4e ligne
Lanuginis adulescens, Lampadi praefecto, filius ex exploratius causam mino specta Maxinte, convic tus codice noxiarum m artium nondu m per aetate firmato consil m io descr ipsisse, mittendus, exulque ut spera batur, patris provocavit inpulsu ad princi pem, et iussus eius comita ad tum duci, de fumo, in flamm ut am traditu aiunt, s Phalangio cae consu Baetilari cecidi t funesti manu. carnificis
Michaël r Schuma(58)che
25 9. Niki Lauda
15 Ferrari -
2 Brabham -
Button (GBR)
Brawn GP -
8 McLaren
13 (AUT) 8 Ferrari
22. Alberto Ascari (ITA) 13 Ferrari
22. David Coult hard (GBR) 1 Williams -12 McLaren
KEY POINTS All the greatest racers, Grands Prix and teams gathered in one book.
The F1 70-year anniversary is coming up next year!
Richly illustrated and informative.
amni exultat, quae Cydno Ciliciam vero, abilis hanc t, urbs perspic Tarsus nobilita tur, Iovis Perseus memora ia condidisse ex Aethiop , vel certe filius et Danaes quidam nomine us profectus Sandan et Anazarb us et nobilis vir opulent s, et Moplum referen auctoris vocabu um Mopsi, illius domicili vatis cum suestia io Argonautarum quem a conmilit , errore direpto redirent vellere litus aureo ad Africae delatumque abstractum et ex eo a consumpsit, mors repentin eius heroici tecti manes cespite punico plerumque i medentur dolorum varietat i medentur dolorum varietat sospitales. sospitales. plerumque
1re ligne
“SCRATCH CARDS” SERIES 12 titles available - 5 titles to come before the end of the year FORMAT: 195 x 195 mm CONTENTS: 10 cards + a wooden stick RETAIL PRICE: € 7,50 PUBLICATION DATE: 2018-2019
0 0,00 ER 8 SOLD V O ! PIES 018 CO E 10/2 C SIN
Each envelope has 10 amazing sceneries to reveal while scratching the black ink with the wooden stick; 4-colour magical illustrations will appear! A great way to unwind with this new art-therapy trend! Lisa Magano is a young and successful illustrator, her Messages à colorier coloring books sold over 1,5 million copies worldwide and rights were sold in 12 languages!
Moon Mandalas
Night Forest
Fiesta Mexicana
Love Messages
Enchanted Nature
"ORIGAMI BLOCKS" SERIES 7 titles available FORMAT: 170 x 170 mm PAGE EXTENT: 444 BINDING: Hardback RETAIL PRICE: â‚Ź13,90 PUBLICATION DATE: 2017-2019
Discover the art of paper folding and relax with different themes. 25 origami per title are explained step by step to help you succeed perfectly! Hola Mexico: a golden eagle, corn, an ananas, a palm tree, a calavera skull, the sun, a mustach, Frida Kahlo's dree, a horse, a guitar, a sombrero, Oaxaca's church, celebrations decoration, Frida Kahlo's fan, a dahlia, an ice cream, a cactus, a barrel cactus, its pot, a Caribbean pink flamingo, a ceiling rose, a parrot, chili, a poinsettia flower and a green bell pepper. Celebrations: a little star, a flower, holly, a box with a lid, gift suspensions, a snowman, a pouch, a Christmas tree bauble, a Christmas stocking, a reindeer, a paper bowtie, a chicken, a heart, a snowflake, an angel, a Christmas elf stocking, a decorative garland, candy cane and diamonds.
Hola Mexico (April 2019)
Jungle: a tiger, a crocodile, a monkey, a racoon, a panda, a koala, a snake, a chameleon, a turtle, a frog, a piranha, a toucan, a parrot, a hummingbird, a bat, a butterfly, a spider, a scorpion, a flower, a lily, an orchid, a palm tree and tropical leaves. NEW
Celebrations (October 2018)
Wax Africa (October 2019)
KEY POINTS Have a break and express your inner creativity.
25 origami models + 200 printed sheets!
Step by step explanations both for beginners and experts!
Jungle (April 2018)
MY BULLET AND I A creative diary
FORMAT: 160 x 160 mm PAGE EXTENT: 128 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: â‚Ź9,95 PUBLICATION DATE: September 2019
In addition to the usual BoJo pages, this bullet journal offers tools, inspirations and illustrations oriented toward a better self-awareness: body, mind and femininity. It includes: The usual pages of a bullet: - A month calendar and week planning; - To-do lists, to-see lists, etc.; - Trackers for readings, sleep, moods, etc. And dedicated pages to femininity and emotions: - My gratitudes; - My moon cycle; - My mantra: a positive energy message to guide my path; - Abundance cheque to attract positive events in my life. Large blank spaces alternate with Japanese dots pages or inspirations, to start progressively and to customise this lovely diary.
Lise Desportes is an interior designer, graduated from two famous and highly selection French design and graphics schools: Estienne school and Boulle school. She draws for magazines, websites and publishing houses.
KEY POINTS The only bullet to reveal your With blank pages to complete, Beautiful, inspiring and original sacred feminine and know all colour or illustrate, lettering illustrations by Lise Desportes. your emotions! guides, etc.
HOW TO IMPRESS YOUR CHILD With hardly anything
FORMAT: 190 x 230 mm PAGE EXTENT: 240 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: €19,90 PUBLICATION DATE: August 2019
Discover the best of the "How to Impress" series in this great bible: all the most original ideas to keep busy and amaze any children from 5 to 9 years old. This book will turn boring afternoons into magical time shared in family! No accessories needed, you only have to open your closets and look for any things to build absolute treasures: create, distort, learn, do DIY, shape, transform and cook. This book is divided in two parts: Fun and short workshops, easy realisations with a few stuff needed to awaken child creativity, indoor or outdoor: costumes, origamis with old envelops, bracelets made out of toothbrushes, tipis from sheets, etc. Cooking recipes and culinary activities to eat and taste everything, even vegetables! Make tiny culinary charts, reuse vegetables and fruits’ peels to create decoration objects, etc.
ns de fées les petites madesisoarbres au pied
ux d'écorce des morcea en bois des ciseaux ou des perles des graines un feutre noir un feutre blanc photo un appareil
forêt pour ce. Si elles Faire un aux d'écor de des morce er dans rapporter t faire tremp dures, les découperon sont très lir : elles se les ramol l'eau pour et des x. s portes aux ciseau des petite écorces. Ajouter Découper et des es dans les petites fenêtr graines ou en perles es en des poigné . en forêt au feutre promenade au pied ornements de secon et fenêtres Faire une er portes cherchant pour install roches, en ou entre les naturelles. des arbres s miniatures avant de les laisser les grotte espérant graphier ère, en Les photo ou les vie éphém par les fées vivre leur colonisées qu'elles seront écureuils.
dans la COMMENT fAIRE premier tour
du slime* écolo
fait maison en cinq minutes INGRéDIENTS
du psyllium blond (épicerie bio ou indienne) de l'eau du colorant alimentaire
Dans le cadre d'une épreuve de courage, on peut même essayer d'en manger : c'est inoffensif pour la santé (le psyllium est une fibre qui facilite le transit). On peut aussi sucrer le mélange avant de le passer au micro-ondes.
Raphaële Vidaling works as an author, editor, photographer and graphic designer. She is the author of many practical books published by Tana including the best-selling “Comment épater” series (“How to Impress”).
un grand récipient en verre un four à micro-ondes
Mélanger dans un grand récipient en verre 2 cuillerées à soupe bombées de psyllium et 20 cl d'eau froide. Ajouter quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire. Faire cuire au four à micro-ondes pendant 1 minute. La mixture doit faire des bulles. Au besoin, mélanger et prolonger la cuisson. Laisser refroidir la pâte en l'étalant sur les parois du récipient. Elle va rapidement former une sorte de peau élastique avec laquelle on peut jouer telle quelle ou que l'on peut malaxer.
2 3
Le psyllium : 1, 95 € chez Velan, à Paris, passage Brady , ou sur
* Slime : matière visqueuse, gluante, colorée, agréablement dégoûtante à tripoter, voire à projeter sur les vitres.
le slime devient Enfermé dans une boîte, à prouts ». une élégante « pâte le principe...) (Hum, faites-vous expliquer
KEY POINTS More than 40,000 copies sold from the "How to Impress" series in France!
DIY is still trendy and perfect to keep your children busy.
Written with a green awareness: no varnish or lacquer, no glitters, only reuse and from scratch!
101 Things I'd Like To Say To My Cat, 2019
101 Things I'd Like To Say To My Friends, 2017
101 Things I'd Like To Say To My Man, 2018
101 Things I'd Like To Say To My Son, 2016
101 Things I'd Like To Say To My Daughter, 2015
Illustrated by the talented Soledad, the “101 Things I’d Like to Say” series is all we ever wanted to tell our daughter, son, husband, friends and even cat. A 100% customisable book!
FORMAT: 100 x 180 mm PAGE EXTENT: 160 BINDING: Paperback RETAIL PRICE: 8,90 € PUBLICATION DATE: 2015-2019
Soledad Bravi is a renowned illustrator who has worked with several publishers and brands such as Colette, Nike, Clarins, L’Occitane or even Pierre Hermé. She has been collaborating with ELLE magazine for over 10 years. KEY POINTS
Lovely book to simply say I love you (or not).
Illustrated by the talented Soledad Bravi!
100% customisable to keep or to offer.
Foreign Rights Manager James ELLIOTT + 33 (0)1 44 16 09 61 Territories : English and German languages
Foreign Rights Executive
12 avenue d’Italie - 75013 Paris - France
Cover illustrations: © Nathalie Ouederni / Watercolour designs: © Claire Guigal
Elodie GACHOT + 33 (0)1 44 16 09 26 Territories : World – excluding English and German languages