GO GREEN TIPS Buy in bulk to save money and cut down on your recycling costs
FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK An update on the NWHNA meeting held last month
Come see the robots at the Village Center
The Easter Egg hunt is just around the corner!
he Forest Heights Annual Meeting of Homeowners is coming up on May 1st
Also in this newsletter are detailed instructions on the various voting options available to you, which include:
from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Forest
• Vote in-person at the meeting
Park Elementary. This is a good
• Vote by electronic absentee ballot
opportunity for residents to hear
• Vote by mail
what’s going on in the neighbor-
• Vote by directed proxy
hood via reports from FHHOA
Watch your mailboxes, as the association has mailed to each home the Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxies and Candidate Statements. If you plan to cast your vote electronically, please note that you can do so until midnight, April 30th. Proxy and mail votes must be received by noon on May 1st. If you plan to vote at the annual meeting you will receive a ballot at the meeting.
General Manager Stephen Herr and the Association’s Standing Committees. And, of course, this is the final opportunity for Forest Heights residents to vote for new FHHOA Board of Directors. We encourage everyone to participate in the voting process for the upcoming Board of Director positions. This year two residents of Forest Heights have volunteered to serve our community by running for the board. You can read their biographies on page 7 of this newsletter.
If you are new to the community, you may be curious about what goes on at the annual homeowners meeting. Simply put, the annual meeting is a great opportunity for homeowners to come together to learn more about what is going on in their community.
continued on page 2
Annual Meeting
From Your Board President
Twilight Home Tour
Annual Meeting Notice & Candidate Statements
Compliance Corner: Getting 8 on Top of Spring Weeds
Volunteer Reception & Real Estate Recap
Ask the Manager: NWHNA
Easter Egg Hunt
Community Events
Forest Park Elementary Green Team Update
Go Green Tip: Buy in Bulk to Save on Recycling
National Robotics Week Coming to Forest Heights
FHHOA April Calendar
A N N U A L M E E T I N G U P D AT E continued from page 1
Forest Heights Homeowners Association 2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm Email: contactus@fhhoa.com
Vision Statement To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life. Board of Directors | 2011-2012 Mark Sanzone—President Eric Butterfield—Vice President Stuart Roberts—Secretary
During the meeting, you will hear from the candidates running for the board. You’ll also hear reports from the HOA Committee Chairs who are working hard to make Forest Heights such a desirable community. General Manager, Stephen Herr will update the community on the “big picture” efforts of the association, including an update on the dredging of Mill Pond. Manager Herr will also report on efforts undertaken thus far to evaluate the best use of Tract “R”. He is currently arranging with our professional landscape architect a presentation for the meeting. If you want to know more about the community, and are looking for ways to get more involved, why not consider joining one of the many active committees here in Forest Heights? FHHOA committees assist the board with specific areas of responsibility, and bring information to the board which can result in decisions and actions.
Ric Barton—Treasurer
We have some great committees:
• Budget and Finance • Communications • Safety, Streetscape and Transportation
• Go Green, Natural Habitat, Trails and Landscape
• Community Activities Information about these committees can be found on our association website: www.fhhoa.com Better yet, come to the annual meeting and introduce yourself to the committee chairs! They’ll be happy to tell you more about the work they do, what is required from a committee member and what kinds of projects the committees are currently working on. The more participants the better! Just a reminder: Your participation is required via proxy to obtain a 20% quorum requirement to hold the annual meeting. Please return your proxy ASAP. Thank you.
Mike Fletcher Heather Gaitan Devidas Gupta
Association Staff Stephen K. Herr—General Manager email: sherr@fhhoa.com Judith Souers—Office Administrator email: jsouers@fhhoa.com
Want to advertise in the Forest Heights Newsletter?
Molly McManus Oliver—Compliance Coordinator email: moliver@fhhoa.com
When you advertise in the FHHOA newsletter, your ad
Kimberly Monaco—Marketing, Communications & Event Coordinator email: kmonaco@fhhoa.com
both the newsletter itself, a monthly email blast and on
Richard Metzger—Maintenance Supervisor
contact Kim Monaco by email at: kmonaco@fhhoa.com or by
Juan Guerrero—Maintenance Team
will appear monthly during your contract period. In addition to your ad, we provide links to your website from the our website. For ad rates, submission deadlines and general information, please phone 503.297.9400. Page 2
Page 3
FROM YOUR BOARD PRESIDENT Dear Forest Height’s Residents, By now you should have received in the mail your packet for the Forest Heights Annual Meeting of Homeowners. This year’s annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 1st, at 7pm at Forest Park Elementary School. At the annual meeting we will review accomplishments over the past year, budgets, and plans for the rest of 2012. The most important part of the annual meeting is electing new FHHOA board members. This year there are two open board positions. It is very important that you send in your ballot if cannot attend the annual meeting. We need a 20% quorum to have a valid meeting and that means 362 ballots must be returned. Even if you plan to attend the meeting, it is best to vote in advance.
you can go online and vote from the homepage of the HOA website: www.fhhoa.com. All voting options are outlined in the mailing and again, I encourage you to select one option and vote as soon as possible. The candidates for the open HOA board positions are offering up several hours of their time each month to help keep this a great community. Please show them your respect and appreciation by taking the time to vote.
Upcoming FHHOA Board Meeting Tuesday, April 10th Time: 6:00 pm Location: FHHOA Office All homeowners are encouraged to attend!
I would also like to thank the “retiring” directors Eric Butterfield and Devidas Gupta for their support and contributions, and I look forward to their continued participation in the committees. ~ Mark Sanzone, FHHOA Board President ~
You have several ways to vote. You can fill in the written ballot and either mail, fax or drop it off at the HOA office, or
Page 4
Page 5
NOTICE: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HOMEOWNERS OF FOREST HEIGHTS HOMEOWNERS A S S O C I AT I O N Vote in-person at the meeting The Board of Directors of the Forest Heights Homeowners Association hereby gives Notice of the Annual Meeting of Homeowners Date: Tuesday May 1, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Forest Park Elementary School 9935 NW Durrett Street Portland, OR 97229 The purpose of the meeting is to: (1) elect two (2) individuals to serve as members of the Forest Heights’ Board of Directors (“Directors”) (2) discuss such other matters as come before the owners at the meeting. Members of record as of May 1, 2012 are eligible to vote in this election
To vote in person, you must execute a ballot at the annual meeting
Vote by electronic absentee ballot
To vote electronically, you must vote by midnight on Sunday April 30, 2012, and you may either: Vote on-line at the association’s website (starting Tuesday April 2nd) —or— Email an electronic absentee ballot to: vote@fhhoa.com. The email must contain: 1.) how you elect to cast your vote 2.) your name, property address, and electronic signature listed as (“/first and last name/”) Neither an electronic absentee ballot, nor an on-line absentee ballot, may be revoked.
Vote by directed proxy To vote by directed proxy (included with this mailing), your completed and signed proxy must be physically received by noon on May 1st, 2012 and may be:
Directors need not be residents of Forest Heights, nor are they required to be owners of property within Forest Heights. The two (2) individuals elected will be elected to serve a three year term.
Mailed or hand delivered to: Forest Heights Homeowners Association: 2033 NW Miller Road | Portland, Or | 97229
NOTE: In order to conduct business at the annual meeting, the association must establish a quorum
faxed to the association at: 503.297.9408
of 20% of the membership entitled to vote. This requires 362 owners to be present either in person, by electronic absentee ballot or by proxy.
e-mailed to the association at vote@fhhoa.com
hand delivered to the meeting on May 1, 2012 All ballots or proxies must be received and verified by the inspectors of elections by the close of the voting period on May 1, 2012 to be counted as a valid vote. The voting period may be extended by the board of directors if a quorum is not present at the annual meeting. Page 6
B O A R D C A N D I D AT E P R O F I L E S A N D S TAT E M E N T S Candidate: Don Bielen Profile I was raised in Montana and moved to the Pacific Northwest in 1986. I moved from Seattle in 1994 to Portland and purchase our first lot in Forest Heights. We have subsequently built and lived in 3 different houses in the neighborhood. I am married and have a 10 year old daughter. My active involvement in the community started with the Social Committee in the late 90’s and then later joined and became Chair of the Budget Finance committee in 2008. I relinquished my Chair position in January of 2012 but remain a B&F committee member. I am currently a Principal and Partner with Rainier Group, Inc. Rainier Group is a regional consultancy who provides Business Advisory and Wealth Management Services to successful business owners and high net worth individuals across the U.S. My education includes a B.S. in Finance with a minor in Economics from the University of Montana, Graduate of the College of Financial Planning in Denver, Colorado, Certified Financial Planner® designation, and an MBA from the University of Oregon. I am active with the Association for Corporate Growth, Board of Director for local oil company and on the Board of Advisors for a lumber company and an export/import company. Statement Forest Height is a unique neighborhood and special place to live. It has
high quality people, a beautiful setting and is managed by competent and dedicated individuals. I would like to play a meaningful role in helping to maintain these attributes while promoting the community to realize its full potential. I am confident that I can provide valuable input toward helping the FHHOA effectively manage its resources while maximizing its current and future livability. My ultimate objective is to honor FHHOA’s core values and strive towards the fulfillment of the community’s mission and long-term vision.
Candidate: Greg Maletic After I accepted a job offer in Portland, we moved to Forest Heights in the summer of 2010. We loved our previous home—a loft in downtown San Francisco—but we needed more room for our growing family. We came to Forest Heights looking for a beautiful house with a great backyard. We found it! I'm married to Lynn, a former attorney, and we have two children: Jane, age 3, and Will, age 1. Also a dachshund named Gary. While admitting that the rain last year left us a little shell-shocked, we've acclimated this year and are really enjoying Portland and its friendly people. The restaurants here are fantastic, and we love going out to eat whenever we can. We're also big movie buffs.
successful software startup in San Francisco, worked as a designer and illustrator in the theme park industry, produced a documentary film—but I currently work as an iPad and iPhone app designer in downtown Portland. I have a high-tech and business background, with an engineering degree from Duke University and an MBA from University of Michigan. My experience in community service is centered around education, working as a tutor for grade-school and high-school students in San Francisco, Ann Arbor, and Huntsville, Alabama. I don't have previous HOA board experience, but after living in a previous location with a less-thaneffective association, I have a sense for how a good HOA should be run. Beyond that, I want to find out more about our neighborhood, meet my neighbors, and get involved. I'm a registered Libertarian. That doesn't mean l want to get rid of the regulations that govern Forest Heights, but it does mean that I want Forest Heights to run as efficiently as it can, getting as much value as possible out of the money it spends. And I want our processes to be as simple and non-bureaucratic as they can be. Easy, efficient, cost-effective, and responsive. That's what a good HOA can be.
I've worked in several industries over the past ten years—I ran a Page 7
SPRING WEEDING TIPS “Even the richest soil, if left uncultivated will produce the rankest weeds.” - Leonardo da Vinci
ontrolling weeds is part of the yard care standard in Forest Heights. Now, as our growing season starts, is a great time to assess your landscape and put some energy to weed removal. Dealing with weeds now, when they are small and before they have gone to seed, will save you untold time later in the year. What options are available to eradicate weeds? We spoke with Glen Fritts, Licensed Landscape Contractor and Area Manager with Willamette Landscape. He offers these expert tips:
Hand weeding Hand weeding offers the most earth friendly method to weed removal. To save wear and tear on your knees and back, Glen suggests using a tool called “Grandpa’s Weeder”, which is great for weeds like dandelions that have long tap roots. You can use the tool standing up, and it works on weeds in beds and in grass. Weeds are easiest to pull when they are small and the earth is moist so think about scheduling your weeding after a spring rain.
Mulching and Soil Cultivation Some simple maintenance steps in your yard bed areas can minimize weeds. One easy maintenance tip is to use bark dust as a top-dressing for beds. Glen suggests adding an inch of mulch yearly (remember that Forest Heights requires aged, dark bark dust). Pre-Emergent Herbicides These products stop new weeds from germinating or sprouting but will not kill existing weeds. Preen is a brand name of this type of product.
Glen comments that pre-emergents are not the best resource because they have to be applied to a broad area to be effective, and may not control weedy grasses. If you do choose to use a pre-emergent herbicide, Glen suggests applying to the area(s) you have just weeded in order to control the reappearance of weeds.
Chemical Herbicide Applications This involves applying a chemical product directly on weeds to kill them. These herbicides penetrate through the weed structure to the roots of weeds. Round-up is a brand name of this product. When using a chemical application, Glen recommends only spot-treating weeds. Note: Forest Heights prohibits the broad application of herbicides on vacant lots.
Organic Herbicides Scythe is the brand name of an organic weed and grass killer which is composed of pelargonic and other fatty acids. This product will kill the foliage and top growth of weeds and unwanted grasses. It will not kill the root structure, so depending upon how large the weed is when you spray it, it may grow back. Glen commented that Scythe can be mixed with Roundup (50% Scythe to 50% Round-up) to control both the foliage and roots of weeds. Whether you use Scythe by itself or in a blend of Scythe and Round-up, spot application of weeds is
the most efficient method. We found Scythe available on-line from retailers such as Amazon.com and Planet Natural. Other organic products include Weed Zap (made from clove oil) and industrial strength vinegar. Glen stated his preference is to use Scythe; Weed Zap is not as effective, and the stronger concentration of vinegar is very potent – he suggests wearing a respirator when working with the product.
Special Note on Weeds in Grass Glen strongly recommends avoiding “weed and feed” type products for the lawn. His suggestion is to spot pull or spot spray weeds in the grass twice a year, in April and September. If you choose to spot spray an herbicide, make sure to use one specifically designed for weeds in grass. These will target the weeds but leave your grass growing.
Using a Yard Maintenance Service? Now is a great time to discuss with your landscaper what techniques they use to reduce weeds and encourage their use of organic products when applicable. ~ Molly Oliver, FHHOA Compliance Coordinator~
Page 8
e at the Forest Heights Homeowners Association would like to show our sincere appreciation to all our community volunteers.
You have devoted your precious time, energy and resources to make our community the most desirable around. Your volunteer spirit is admired and greatly appreciated! We invite you to join us at 6:00 pm on Friday, April 20th at Meriwether’s Restaurant, for an evening of camaraderie, great food and drinks! If you have been a volunteer in the past year, please RSVP to: contactus@fhhoa.com
what’s happening in the neighborhood? Come find out:
What’s selling in Forest Heights! Date:
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Drop in anytime from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM Refreshments served
Kaer Property Group Office Across from Starbucks at the Village Center 2029 NW Miller Rd | Portland, OR 97229
Call (503) 699-3980 Contact us for a complementary market analysis of your neighborhood and your home
team work · experience · professionalism · diligence · trust www.kaerpropertygroup.com
Page 9
Have you got a question about Forest Heights? Are you curious about things going on in our community? Do you ever wonder about something you see while walking or driving through our neighborhood? Do you have questions about issues that impact Forest Heights? If you are wondering about something, chances are others in our community are curious about the same thing, so do us all a favor and send in your questions. If Manager Herr can’t answer the question, he’ll find someone who can! Email your questions to contactus@fhhoa.com Questions received by the 10th of each month will be answered in the next month’s newsletter.
ASK THE MANAGER Did the Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association re-establish itself last month?
n March 21, 2012, with the help of many Forest Heights homeowners, the Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association was able to re-establish itself as a functioning neighborhood association within the city of Portland. NWHNA is now one of ninety five neighborhood associations in the city of Portland, and is also one of a twelve member neighborhood association group that make up the Neighbors West-Northwest Coalition. This group provides services, staff support and financial assistance to communities. Neighborhood Associations differ from subdivisions and homeowner associations in that they are independent non-profits, supported by the City of Portland, to organize volunteers who advocate for improvements to transportation systems, public safety and land use, and to address concerns about the environment, schools and quality of life in the neighborhood. Working together, neighborhood associations and homeowner associations can increase influence with local government.
At the NHWNA annual meeting in March, several Forest Heights homeowners were elected to the NWHNA Board of Directors. The first meeting of the Northwest Heights Neighborhood Association Board is April 3, 2012 at 12:30 pm here in the FHHOA association office. To learn more about the NWHNA, please visit their website. We encourage you to sign up to become a member of the NWHNA. Becoming a member of your neighborhood association is free and a right that all Portlanders enjoy. For additional information, please contact: Charlie Clark President NWHNA Email: ckbj_clark@msn.com Mark Sieber Executive Director Neighbors West-Northwest 503 823-4212 Email: mark@nwnw.org ~ Stephen Herr, FHHOA General Manager ~
Page 10
Hop on Down to the Easter Egg Hunt!
ome celebrate the spring season with your neighbors here in Forest Heights
during our annual Forest Heights Homeowners Association Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7th at 10:00 am *sharp* at Mill Pond Park. Please join us for free coffee, donuts and the now famous warbling bird whistles! We hope to see you all again this year and are looking forward to kicking off the first community event of 2012!
Schedule of Activities Saturday, April 7th 10:00 am | Mill Pond Park Egg Hunt 10:00 am — 0-2 year olds 10:05 am — 3-4 year olds 10:10 am — 5-6 year olds 10:10 am — 7-8 year olds 10:10 am — 9-10 year olds Whistle Your Way to Springtime Pick up your special warbler whistles at the FHHOA tent and whistle your way to spring! Photo Ops with the Easter Bunny Parents bring your cameras for photo ops with the Easter Bunny.
Page 11
UPCOMING EVENTS Easter Egg Hunt Date: Saturday, April 7th, 2012 Time: 10:00 am *sharp* Location: Mill Pond Park
Real Estate Update Date: Thursday, April 19th, 2012 Time: 5:00 to 7:00 pm Location: Kaer Property Group
Volunteer Appreciation Date: Friday, April 20th, 2012 Volunteers: See page 9 for details and RSVP to contactus@fhhoa.com
Earth Day Date: Saturday, April 21st, 2012 Time: 9:00 am—12:00 pm Location: Wetlands Trail REGISTER HERE
HAPPY B I R T H D AY, EARTH D AY ! To celebrate Earth Day 2012, Forest Heights Homeowners Association and the Go Green Committee, in partnership with SOLV and the West Multnomah Soil and Water Soil and Water District, will be continuing efforts to improve the natural common areas adjacent to the Forest Heights Common Area trail system. For the past year, the joint effort of these groups has gone towards the removal of invasive species, and subsequent planting of natives, along the Wetlands Creek Trail and common area. Their efforts will continue this Earth Day and you’re invited to join in on the fun, meet your neighbors, learn about the watershed in Forest Heights and, in general, have a great time! Please join us on Earth Day, Saturday, April 21st, for the removal of invasive plants from the Wetlands Creek Trail and common areas. Registration is required for this event. Thanks to the generosity of Starbucks, coffee and refreshments will be served to all our Earth Day Volunteers.
Date: Saturday, April 21st, 2012
Date: Saturday, April 21st, 2012 Time: 3:00 —6:00 pm Location: Forest Heights Neighborhood
Time: 9:00 am—12:00 pm
Annual Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Forest Park Elementary
Location: Wetlands Trail Upper trail entrance off Mill Pond Road
Page 12
The Forest Park Elementary School Student Green Team has been BUSY! Congratulations to Claire Abraham, winner of last month’s newsletter cryptogram and a $15 Starbucks gift card. We usually “jump-start” the HOA newsletter cryptogram puzzles by offering up one or two letters to help get the puzzle going, but last month we left off such hints which made for a more difficult puzzle. Not only did Claire solve the puzzle without any clues, but she solved the puzzle in record time! Congratulations Claire, you’re going to ace your SATs. Here is the answers to last month’s puzzle: “In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty six different kinds of weather inside of four and
The Forest Park Elementary “Student Green Team” began meeting in December and has been working with SOLVE to remove invasive plants (blackberry) and plant native plants (alder, dogwood, roses, cedar, hemlock, doug fir, salmonberry and other natives) in a project area along the Lower Miller Hollow trail behind the school. In February of this year, the kids planted 130 plants and in April, they planted 117 plants. You can check out their work at the following blog: http://solvgreenteam.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/ stampede-at-cedar-mill-creek/ The kids have been learning what a watershed is, why invasive plants harm our watersheds and why native plants help our watershed. They have also been learning about energy efficient light bulbs, why it is good to shut off an idling car’s engine and other aspects of being sustainable and green. Next time you get a chance to hike the Lower Miller Hollow Trail, stop and admire their work.
twenty hours” - Mark Twain
Questions or comments?
Check out this month’s puzzle on page 18!
Contact Audrey O’Brien Llewelyn at 503-297-0947 or mikeandaudrey1@comcast.net
Page 13
“go green” tips to reduce paper & plastic waste
ant to “Go Green”? If you're looking for ways to reduce the packaging your family sends to landfills, a great place to start is your grocery's bulk food aisle. If you've skipped this aisle because you think it's only for buying large quantities, think again. "Bulk" refers to how the store offers the product, not how much you have to buy. In fact, you can buy a pinch or a pound, saving yourself money while reducing packaging waste.
The idea that you have to buy large quantities is one of the misconceptions about buying bulk. Ellen Bouchard, bulk manager at Frontier Natural Products Co-op, describes and dispels the following common bulk-food myths and provides shopping tips for consumers. Myth: You must buy in large quantities to buy bulk. False. In fact, bulk offers an easy and economical way to expand your food horizons by letting you try small amounts of unfamiliar products. You can buy just a pinch of the exotic spice or a cup of the unfamiliar grain called for in a recipe. Or you might purchase small quantities of a number of spices and seasonings or spice blends to experiment with a new ethnic cuisine. If you think you might like to try something new, buying in bulk enables you to purchase a small quantity without worrying about wasting money. Myth: It’s wasteful to buy in bulk.
Quite the opposite, because you can buy just the amount you need. Keep in mind that prices for bulk products are considerably lower than the packaged versions, and the full amount of your purchase goes toward the product, not packaging or advertising. In addition, manufacturing that package wastes energy and resources. So when you
buy in bulk and reuse storage containers, it's a positive contribution to the planet's health. Myth: It’s hard to know what’s in those bins and if it’s fresh. Again, not true - bulk foods are often of higher quality, fresher, and more natural than packaged products. They're also more likely to be locally produced. Good labeling practices by retailers will indicate the manufacturer or producer of that bulk item and whether it's organic and/or Fair Trade Certified. For example, the bulk products available in most natural food stores and health-food departments of grocery stores, are natural and sustainably grown. Many are certified organic, too.
Myth: The bulk section is limited. Another misconception. Some products you'll likely find in the bulk aisle: beans, flours, grains, nuts and seeds, cereals, herbs and spices, pastas, pancake and waffle mix, teas and coffees, bird seed, pet food and household and toiletry items such as laundry detergent and soaps. Myth: Bulk foods are low quality
False. Bulk products are most often of equal or higher quality than their packaged counterparts. Many exotic and gourmet items are only available in bulk, as are some Fair Trade Certified and certified organic products. For example, do you know how many types of cinnamon exist? Or curries? You’ll often find a larger selection of spices and specialty mixed spice blends in the bulk food section of your grocery store than on store shelves. continued on page 15
Page 14
TIPS FOR BUYING IN BULK • Before you go shopping, look in your cupboards to
• •
see which items you usually purchase in packages or cans that you can now purchase in the bulk aisle Branch out and try something new! Many stores that sell bulk foods offer free recipes to help you get familiar with the product you are purchasing When purchasing bulk foods, use the scoops or the dispensers provided at the store (not your hands) Most stores will have you write down the item number and price of the item (from the bulk bin) before you take your selections to the register. Pens and tags will be at each bulk food bin or station Comparison shop during your visit to the store to get a good idea of how much money you are saving by buying in bulk. Compare the unit pricing of your items to get the true cost comparison. Make sure you are comparing the same unit, i.e., the price of a pound of flour (bulk) to the price of a pound of flour (prepackaged).
• Once you start buying in bulk, make a note of how
• •
much cardboard, plastic and cellophane you’re no longer having to recycle at the curb. If you purchase freshly ground peanut or almond butter, store these items in your refrigerator to keep them fresher for a longer period of time Bake a lot during the holidays? Buy your nut meats in bulk to save money on your baking costs. How old is that jar of cumin in your cupboard? Bulk spice purchasing allows you to buy only what you need, a pinch or tablespoon at a time Glass is safer than plastics for food storage, so you might want to buy some airtight glass jars in various sizes, or reuse glass jars you would normally recycle
Page 15
NATIONAL ROBOTICS WEEK COMES TO FOREST HEIGHTS “I used to hate math. Now I have started to enjoy math and science and I think more about math and science in my everyday life”.
his is what a member of one of Forest Height’s local robotics teams said about how being on a team impacted her life. The fact that robotics can be so rewarding is what prompted members from a few local robotics teams to come together and plan out the idea for a robotics center here in Forest Heights. The old “Design Studio” space at the Forest Heights Village will soon become a center for local robotics teams to explore science and technology as they build and program their own robots. The facility will be a place where multiple teams can practice and collaborate, and the public will be invited to visit and check out how the handson robotics programs teach kids and teenagers about engineering, teamwork, and community service. The facility will be hosting teams from both the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) and FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics programs. Designed by FIRST, a foundation created by legendary inventor Dean Kamen, these programs lead kids each year through a season of brainstorming and coming up with robots that complete their corresponding season goals and missions.
FLL is a competition in which elementary and middle school students build LEGO robots that run against a clock to complete certain missions in a limited amount of time, with their annual tournament in December. Forest Heights has had several teams competing nationally and internationally against teams from across the U.S. and the world. FTC is a sport-like event in which high school students design, build, and program bigger metal robots to compete against each other on a large square field. Both FTC and FLL are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs that were highlighted in US President Barack Obama’s visit to Oregon last year. Through FLL and FTC, students gain important skills, have tons of fun, and in the meantime, learn about engineering, programming, and science. This robotics center will nurture multiple FLL and FTC teams. The robotics center will be a place where anyone can learn about robotics and engineering, or just check in on the progress of the teams. Essentially, the space is being used as an environment where FIRST teams can grow
and practice in an effort to form a stronger robotics community in Forest Heights. April 7th through 15th will be National Robotics Week, and in honor of that, we are planning special events throughout the two weekends. The events will be posted on the Forest Heights Robotics Website by April 4th. Thanks to the generosity of Centurion Homes, the Forest Heights Village Center, and Phil Gentemann, this Robotics Center will be able to educate many students on topics of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. To learn more about FLL and FTC, check out the program’s national website, and Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program. ~ Special thanks to authors Kinsum Chow and Robert Ioffe ~
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BABYSITTING BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE! Hi, my name is Emilie Jackson, I'm 17 years old, and go to St. Mary's Academy. I've been babysitting for 6 years with all ages and love it! I'm available most week nights but especially weekends and willing to book on short notice. I have lots of references upon request, so give me a call! (503) 804-6616 NANNY/BABYSITTER My name is Ashley and I am 17 year old., experienced babysitter and Red Cross certified. I love to play games, do arts and crafts, play sports and be active. I have my drivers license and am a good driver with my own car. I am able to drive myself along with others if needed. I am available school nights, weekends and this summer. Please call Ashley at 503-577-6951 or email ktmarcy@yahoo.com. BABYSITTER Responsible 12 year old girl available for babysitting in the Forest Heights Neighborhood. I am Red Cross-certified and love kids! Call Abby at 503-292-7744. BABYSITTER/PET SERVICES AVAILABLE Hi my name is Haley and I am a sophomore in high school. I am offering babysitting and pet services. I am Red Cross certified for CPR. I have been a camp counselor for ages 2-12, a mother’s helper for a 1 year old, and a sitter for school age children. My parents are available to drive me anywhere in the neighborhood. I love kids and am very patient with them! I currently charge $10 per hour. My pet services are as follows: Grooming and sitting. Grooming would be available at my own home where a grooming center is available. I currently charge $20 per full day/night sitting and grooming cost varies by size and coat length. References are available. Email: sunrisepetcare@hotmail.com or call 503.863.6673 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE High school student, Red Cross infant and toddler CPR certified, 3 years experience. Available to babysit Fridays and Saturdays year round. References available. Phone #: 503-841-5989 | Rate: $6/hr BABYSITTING SERVICE My name is Kendall and am 13 years old. I live in Forest Heights and an Red Cross CPR certified. My parents will drive me to residences in the neighborhood. I can be reached at 503-780-1890/503-706-0348, and charge $5.00/hr. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Sonja Breda and I am 17 years old and attend St. Mary's Academy. I am friendly, fun and love working with children. I am also red cross certified, have experience working with children and have my drivers license. I am available some weeknights and most weekends. Please call me at 503-203-2627 or email me at sonja.breda@gmail.com. I look forward to talking to you soon.
BABYSITTING SERVICE Hi, I’m Trudi, and I’m a senior at Lincoln High School. I am CPR certified and live in Forest Heights. I do not have my driver’s license yet; however, I can be driven by my parents to and from babysitting jobs. I have been babysitting kids ages 1.5 to 11 years old for the past three years. I also work with preschoolers and kindergarteners in childcare at my church. I am available most weekends including Fridays. I currently charge $9/hour. By the way, I am allergic to dogs and cats so I am unable to babysit for pet owners. Please call me at 503841-5989 or email tastysunflowers@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Jarrett Gold, I am 16, and a sophomore at Lincoln High School. I am Red Cross certified and can take care of any age group of children. I can also take care of any pets or other things needed. I am very responsible and I have had past experience taking care of children and feel very confident in doing so. I was a counselor at outdoor school and took care of children for a week. I had a lot of fun and built leadership skills. I can also help tutor children with their schooling if needed. I can babysit children during the week or weekends. With summer coming up, I am free anytime, and am willing to take any time slots. I enjoy children and I am eager to help take care of them. You can contact me at 503-922-9900. Thank you! Babysitter--Certified, Reliable, Fun! Hi! I'm Julia Renner, a junior at St. Mary's Academy, and I have 6 years' experience babysitting as well as working with kids at camp. I am Red Cross CPR/First Aid certified and excellent with all ages as well as families with pets, and am also able to do housework/chores. Flexible rates; outstanding references available upon request. Call (503) 291-1249 or email juliarenner@comcast.net. BABYSITTING Tess Pauken, babysitting, age 13, Red Cross certified, $5.00/hr., Responsible & reliable. Contact:503-297-4007 or email: camoritz26@gmail.com EXPERIENCED NANNY Experienced nanny for many families in Forest Heights. Flexible availability. Reliable transportation and perfect driving record. Many references. Part time preferable. Phone Jocelyn at: 503-459-9443. HELLO All! This is Jamie here advertising myself as a babysitter! I have about 3 years experience with other families (including nannying for one of them for 5 months) and I also have 4 younger siblings that I've helped raise over the years. I turn 20 in a month, I drive and have my own car (a safe Jeep Cherokee). I am currently studying business at PCC Rock Creek, however I do have flexible hours. I am willing to watch any age, Im able to drive to and from practices/school/etc. and I can also cook. I charge $10/hr for up to two kids and $12/hr for two or more. I have great references that can be provided upon request! Fun and outgoing! Stern but kind. I love kids and cant wait to have some of my own someday. Email: jamiehuggins@hotmail.com or call 503.453.0720
Rebus Fun! Submit your answer to this month’s puzzle to: kmonaco@fhhoa.com, or drop off your answers at the HOA office, for a chance to win a $15.00 Starbucks Gift Certificate.
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DRUM LESSONS .Accomplished, studious high school student (junior) offering lessons in home studio; 2 drum sets for teach and follow instruction and recording equipment to monitor progress. Qualifications: 5 years study, numerous instructors, rock & jazz emphasis. Drummer and percussionist in 3 bands: rock, jazz and orchestra. Performance venues include clubs, charity events & private engagements. Rate: $10/half hour; $18/hour. Email: jeremyk23@yahoo.com, 503.686.8020 www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C24mJgNyP8 PIANO FOR MOTHERS Piano for Mothers! Daytime lessons. Start a new hobby or pick up where you left off as a child. I travel to you. Well-established local business. Forest Heights references. 503.313.1216 or mail me: sarahwannell@hotmail.com.
PET/PLANT CARE PET CARE Responsible 12 year old girl who loves to care for your pets. I am available to walk, play with, feed or care for while you are at work or away. All types of animals, birds or fish are acceptable. Please call to schedule your pet care. Manoy 503-203-1787 PET CARE / PLANT WATERING Responsible 13 and 16 year old brothers will provide excellent nurture for your pets and plants. In the last five years we have cared for numerous neighborhood pets, watered an abundance of vegetation and provided many dogs a daily walk. References available. Call Reid or Trent at: 503-203-1491 EXPERIENCED PET & PLANT SITTER Very responsible 12 year old girl with lots of experience. I can walk, feed and play with, clean up after and care for your pets if you are going to be gone. I have lived with cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and snails and have taken care of guinea pigs, cats and many other animals. I can also take care of plants, and have done for many people. Call 503.291.1249 or email: katherine.m.renner@gmail.com PET CARETAKER Hello, my name is Emily Wu! I'm a Junior at Lincoln High School, and am extremely fond of animals. I would love to care for your pet (or that precious hydrangea!) while you are away. I have two dogs myself, and a lot of experiences with pets. I charge low rates, and will shower your animal with lots of loving. You can contact me at (503-490-9543) or email me at emilywui@gmail.com.
TUTOR/PIANO Piano and tutoring, all ages, Math, English, SAT prep, French, also learning disabled. Experienced certified teacher, I travel to you. Excellent Forest Heights references. Please contact Sarah at sarahwannell@hotmail.com or 503 313 1216 CERTIFIED READING THERAPIST Private sessions to improve your child's reading skills. Call for information or to schedule an evaluation. Caren 503-327-8046 or cbcohen@hotmail.com MATH LESSONS Math lessons: Experienced math teacher (all levels) with Bachelors degree in math. Please contact Aya at: 971-227-0555 HEBREW TUTOR Hebrew lessons: Native Hebrew speaker experienced in Hebrew teaching. Please contact Aya at: 971-227-0555
MISCELLANEOUS VERONICA’S HOUSE CLEANING Professional, quality, low rates, free estimates. Mini-blinds, Party Clean Up, Window Cleaning, Good References. Contact: Veronica @ 503.619.6690 My name is Nick Grout and I am an 8th grader at West Sylvan. I am willing to wash cars, feed and bathe pets, house sit, and do yard work. I can come anytime during the week or weekend. Please contact me at 503.292.5440 or njgrout@gmail.com NEED SOME EXTRA HELP? My name is Nathan VanDomelen, 16 years old. I am a trustworthy and dedicated person. I honor all appointments and always do quality work. Here are a few things I can do: baby-sit, take care of plants, take care of pets (I am good with animals), pull weeds, and clean cars (inside and out.) Please note that I am not limited only to the jobs specified. I am available most weekdays, but prefer weekends due to school. Please don’t hesitate to call me (503) 206-6563. Thank you. LOOKING FOR EXTRA HELP? Hi! My name is Jake Marcy and I am 16 years old. I am dedicated to my sports and school. I am a lacrosse player for Lincoln High School and love my sport. I am very motivated and willing to work as hard as you need. I can help with yard work, computer work (Facebook, upload photos, etc.), animal watching and walking, babysitting, house sitting, lacrosse training. I am a hard worker so feel free to call me for any work you might have. Please feel free to call me at 503-297-5921 or 503-407-0846. BRIDGE ANYONE? Looking for intermediate level bridge players who would like to play for fun. Call Mike and Steph 503-244-1418
Find us on Facebook! Look for the Forest Heights Facebook page and “like” us! When you become a fan of our page, you’ll be able to see updates from the HOA and keep up to date on what’s happening in the neighborhood.
FOR RENT Beautiful Home in Forest Heights with spectacular view and private setting!. Open floor plan with a lot of light. 3min to walking trail's and Starbacks! 3500sqf home, 4 bedrooms plus bonus room, 2.5 bath, 3 Car garage, 2 big decks, lots of storage place and much more. 10min from down town. No SMOKING and NO PETS! Price $2700. For more info e-mail vitasanafitness@yahoo.com FOR RENT Montara Rental. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Approximately 1,100 sqft. All granite kitchen and baths. Travertine. Beautiful hardwood throughout. Price: $1,795 month. Call Sarah: 503.332.7788
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Here’s a snapshot of FHHOA activities and meetings for the month of April. Print and keep this calendar in a handy spot so you’ll have access to what’s happening in your community.
APRIL 2012 Sunday
Wednesday Thursday
Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm
Go Green Committee Meeting 6:00 pm
Community Activities Committee Meeting 5:00 pm
Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm
Community Activities Safety, Streetscape Committee Meeting and Transportation Meeting 5:00 pm 12:00 pm
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 pm
Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 am sharp Mill Pond Park
Volunteer Earth Day Invasive Appreciation Species Removal Reception 9:00 am Wetlands Creek 6:00 pm Trail