June 2012 Forest Heights Newsletter

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4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION We’re gearing up for the Annual 4th of July Celebration




An update on this years International Fall Festival

Tips for staying safe while enjoying summer activities

New mailbox standards in place for Forest Heights



ummer officially begins June 20th, and the Forest Heights Homeowners Association is looking forward to the longer, drier days ahead so that we begin work on the long awaited Mill Pond Dredging project. With all of the activity that will be taking place in and around the pond this summer, we wanted to take this opportunity to answer some of the more frequently asked questions about the dredging project and how the project will impact the neighborhood. Answers to the following questions were provided to the association by the Mill Pond Dredging contractors: Northwest Earthmovers, Incorporated and Mason, Bruce & Girard. Q: How long will it take to drain the pond? A: Per NEI, the actual length of time it takes to drain the pond depends on the precipitation we get in the next few weeks and how NEI plans to deal with continued inputs from the perennial streams that feed the pond from the north. NEI will be accessing the weather forecast for next week or two

and will time the first phase of the drawdown of the pond after the forecast clears up. Dewatering (draining) the pond will continue through June. Q: What will happen to the wildlife that lives in and around the pond? A: During the permitting process for the Mill Pond dredging project, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife visited the site and compiled a list of permit conditions to which the project must adhere. These conditions include:

• dredging the pond after the young geese have fledged

• performing fish and amphibian salvage prior to and during dredging

• retaining a shallow underwater shelf around the island for turtle habitat Wildlife biologists from Mason, Bruce & Girard will also be on-hand to provide monitoring and oversight to ensure that the conditions of the Scientific Take Permit and Wildlife Salvage Authorization are followed.

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Gearing Up for Mill Pond Dredging


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From the Board President


Outdoor Fire Safety Tips


4th of July Announcement


Forest Park Elementary School Carnival


Upcoming Community Events


Spring Garage Sale Reminder


Go Green: Light Up Your Home Sustainably


From the HOA Office: SemiAnnual Assessments


New Standards, Pricing for Mailboxes and Post


FHHOA June Calendar



Q: What kind of equipment will be used to dredge the pond?

Forest Heights Homeowners Association 2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm Email: contactus@fhhoa.com

A: A combination of excavators and dozers. Q: How many trucks will be taking silt out of the pond per day? A: This will all depend on how dry the material is, and drier material will allow for fewer trucks. A best guess estimate would be a fleet of around 15 trucks. Q: Will trucks be lined up along Mill Pond Road during the project?

Vision Statement To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life.

A: At times, there will be trucks lined up waiting to receive material from the dredge. Trucks may also be lined up due to varying traffic conditions within the neighborhood.

Board of Directors | 2011-2012

Q: What is the route the trucks will take through the neighborhood?

Mark Sanzone—President Stuart Roberts—Secretary Don Bielen—Treasurer Heather Gaitan Greg Maletic

Association Staff Judith Souers—Office Administrator email: jsouers@fhhoa.com Molly McManus Oliver—Compliance Coordinator email: moliver@fhhoa.com Kimberly Monaco—Marketing, Communications & Event Coordinator email: kmonaco@fhhoa.com Richard Metzger—Maintenance Supervisor Juan Guerrero—Maintenance Team

A: The trucks will more than likely enter from McDaniel traveling south along Mill Pond, but it is probably best to assume that trucks will enter from the south from Cornell on 102nd and Morgan as well. The round trip time to the dump site will take about an hour. Q: How will the trucks get to the pond area? Through the park? A: In early July, NEI will install a temporary access road across a portion of the lawn at Mill Pond Park. Trucks will enter and exit this access road during the silt removal process. Q: How will the contractor secure the job site? The construction plans call for NEI to install construction fencing along the temporary access road and around the work area of the pond. There will be minor detours set up on the walking paths in the park to allow for safe pedestrian passage.

Q: Will Mill Pond Road, or any other street, be blocked off at any time during the project? A: No streets in Forest Heights will be blocked off or closed during the project. Q: What time of day will the actual construction start and stop? A: By ordinance, City of Portland work hours are 7 AM to 6 PM, and we typically will work 7 AM to 5 PM or 5:30 PM. Q: What comes after the dredging? A: From August thru September, NEI will be installing a new Ultrablock wall in a portion of the pond, rip rap and large wood bank stabilization and a new spillway/weir gate. From September thru October, a new Vertex pond aeration system & fountain will be installed and re-filling of the pond will begin. Q: Will Mill Pond Park be closed during the construction project? A: No, the park will remain open but portions of the park trail will be closed off from foot traffic. The children’s play area will be accessible and a majority of the open lawns will be untouched during the construction. Q: Can I bring my kids or friends to the park to watch the excavation? A: Sure. If you do come to the park to watch the construction, we ask that you do so from the sloped lawn area (across from the children’s play structure) or on the side of the pond nearest the restroom and HOA tool shed. We also ask that you observe all safety precautions established by the contractors and do not trespass into areas of the park or pond that are closed off from public access.

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MILL POND DREDGING SCHEDULE Listed below is the Mill Pond Dredging Schedule as of May 1, 2012. Project updates and milestones will be reported in future editions of the HOA newsletter.

May or Early June

NEI begins phased approach to dewatering pond. Dewatering continues through beginning of in-water work (July 15th). MB&G submits applications for “ScientificTaking” and “Wildlife Salvage”. Timing

May to June



of salvage work will depend on effectiveness/pace of dewatering and location and number of remaining pools after much of the pond has been dewatered.

FHHOA pulls final City of Portland Permits (Site Development) and reviews status of all permits for dredging project.

FHHOA notifies ACOE when the in-water work will begin (July 15th earliest date permitted).

Project mobilization: Willamette Landscaping to shut off landscape irrigation at

Early July

Mill Pond Park. NEI installs temporary access road across lawn at Mill Pond Park, installs erosion and sediment control measures, and installs orange “no-work” zone fencing along wetland features on north shore of pond. Pond dewatered and closed for dredging.

July 15th – August

August – September

NEI completes all of the excavation and sediment hauling prior to Labor Day (Sept. 3rd). NEI completes all in-water work and any remaining excavation, installation of Ultrablock wall, rip rap and large wood bank stabilization, and installation of new spillway/weir gate.

September – October

FHHOA coordinates installation of Vertex pond aeration system with NEI. Re-fill pond with water from two tributaries.

Early October

NEI completes demobilization and site restoration/stabilization. Mill Pond and Mill Pond Park restored.

Mid October

FHHOA submits final Compliance Certification to ACOE showing extent of in-water work and site restoration. Project complete.

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irst of all, thank you to everyone who attended the Forest Heights Homeowners Association Annual Meeting. During the meeting, the community elected two new Board of Directors: Greg Maletic and Don Bielen. I am looking forward to working with them both in their new roles, and my sincere appreciation goes out to the retiring directors, Devidas Gupta and Eric Butterfield. Unfortunately, since the annual meeting, two standing directors (Ric Barton and Mike Fletcher) have resigned from their positions on the board. Ric has served as the FHHOA Board Treasurer for the last two years and Mike has served on the board for the last four years, including one term as President. I also want to thank Ric and Mike for their many hours of service to this community. The good news is that we have had several qualified residents apply for their two open board positions. The board will be appointing two of these candidates at the June 12th board meeting to serve out the remaining terms vacated by Ric and Mike.

General Manager search process thanks to the efforts of the Association Management Oversight Committee. Their efforts have so far resulted in phone interviews with 11 candidates, with 5 making our “short list”. We are now conducting on site interviews and should be extending an offer to one of the candidates soon.

Upcoming Meetings

And finally, by the time you read this you should begin to see the water level lowering in Mill Pond. Once the pond is drained it will take a month or so (depending on the weather) to dry out before we start the actual dredging around July 15th. While I know this project will be disruptive to the community, the end result of a cleaner and healthier pond will be a benefit to us all. Please see the related cover article which contains “Dredging Q & A” for more details.

Tuesday, June 12th

Forest Heights Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm FHHOA Office

Enjoy the summer, Mark Sanzone

As noted in my message last month, Stephen Herr, our General Manager, resigned in May and has moved to California. We have had a productive

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SUMMER FIRE SAFETY TIPS Stay safe while enjoying outdoor grills, smokers and fire pits


rilling burgers, steaks and hot dogs: an American tradition and summertime staple. Most of the time, grilling cookouts go off without a hitch but accidents can and do happen. Each year, grilling related accidents send an estimated 20,000 people to the emergency room and cause a reported $75 million in property damage. Regardless of the type of grill you may own—gas, charcoal, hibachi or smoker—grilling accidents do happen and can have serious consequences. Improper grill care or careless grilling techniques can quickly ruin summer fun and cause a variety of accidents ranging from minor burn injuries to major fires and explosions. "Refreshing your memory of basic grill safety may save you from a costly or dangerous accident this summer," says Bryan Lewis, propane risk manager for CHS, a supplier of Cenex brand propane. Here are tips from Brian regarding summer grilling safety: GIVE THE GRILL A ONCE OVER Propane grills are the most popular type of grill in the United States and can also be the most hazardous. Lewis recommends that if you have an old gas grill, especially one more than 10 years old, you should consider replacing it with a grill that has new, important safety features.

If your grill is still in good shape, the best way to avoid accidents is to keep it properly maintained. One simple precaution is to make sure grills are clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grill surface and drip trays that can create grease flares and splatters. "People are always in a hurry to light the grill and that's when a lot of accidents can happen," explains Lewis. "You should always follow the manufacturer instructions for operating the grill and routinely check the propane hose for leaks, even if that means taking an extra couple of minutes before lighting the fire." Before starting the grill, Lewis recommends taking one minute to test for gas leaks by applying a light soap and water solution to the gas tank hose. If bubbles appear, a leak is present and you should turn it off and seek professional maintenance. KEEP A DISTANCE Follow basic grill safety and use common sense when choosing where to set up your grill. Grill outdoors at least 10 feet away from the house, garage or other combustible buildings or objects. "You'd be surprised by how many people forget this most basic rule of grilling," says Lewis. "It may seem convenient to grill on your deck, or

to pull the grill inside the garage if it's raining, but accidents happen, people can get injured and houses can catch on fire." In addition to keeping grills a safe distance away from buildings, remember to keep children and pets at least three feet away to avoid the risk of getting burned. And, of course, never leave grills unattended. From 2005 to 2009, United States fire departments responded to an average of 8,200 home fires involving grills each year according to a 2011 report from the National Fire Protection Association. "Even when having summer fun, people need to remember that propane can be dangerous,” says Lewis. DON’T TOSS BRICKS When using a charcoal grill, wrapup your cookout the right way. Hot charcoal bricks and ashes need to be disposed of properly to avoid trash can fires that can potentially spread to the surrounding area. Douse hot coals with plenty of water and stir to ensure the fire is out. Never place hot coals in plastic, paper or wooden containers and avoid dumping them on the ground where cookout guests, children and pets might step on them. continued on page 7 

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approved fire-extinguishing equipment close at hand.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR OTHER TYPES OF OUTDOOR BURNING: FIRE PITS Portland Fire and Rescue identifies two kinds of outdoor burning that are legal within the city limits. The first is standard barbeque equipment. The second are recreational fires, defined as “burning clean, dry cord type firewood as in a standard campfire setting. When burning a fire of this type, you must build the fire in a pit or a pan prepared for this purpose. The fire must not be larger than a standard campfire, less than 3 feet in diameter, with pile less than 2 feet in height”. Specific rules for recreational fires include: •

A recreational fire located in a pit shall be no closer than 25 feet from a structure. Fires contained in fireplace-type receptacles or Chimineas shall be no closer than 15 feet from a structure or the distance listed in the manufacture’s instruction, whichever is less. When required by the Fire Marshal, outdoor burning device stacks shall be equipped with a spark-arresting, 12-gauge wire mesh screen with openings of not less than 3/8” nor more than 1/2”.

The smoke from the fire must not be of a noxious quality or amount that causes complaints from the neighbors.

No garbage or similar material is to be burned in these fires.

Observe common safety practices while enjoying the recreational fire, e.g. cease burning if the wind picks up to 15 mph or higher, be careful with the consumption of alcohol by any persons around the fire, watch small children in the vicinity, etc.

Burning of yard debris is prohibited within the City of Portland. More information on outdoor burning can be found at the Fire and Rescue website.

Do you need to replace your gas grill? There are several companies in the Portland Metro area who sell new gas grills, as does our local utility NW Natural Gas. NW Natural‘s Appliance Center in SE Portland has a great showroom of grills, plus the expertise to help you understand how to safely operate your outdoor appliances. Before you head out looking for a new, safer grill, be sure to check out this webpage from NW Natural.

A responsible person shall be in attendance at all times and have

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Big changes to the Forest Heights Forest Heights 4th of July! 4th of July! s you read in our cover story of this month’s newsletter, by the 4th of July Mill Pond will more than likely be empty of water and awaiting the start of the dredging project. We couldn’t let a little thing like that keep us from our Annual 4th of July Fireworks celebration! Like they say in show business, “the show must go on”.


Last year the Community Activities Committee and your HOA staff made significant changes to the Forest Heights 4th of July Celebration. Instead of a large, catered party and fireworks show, we pared down the event to only include a fireworks show, and a spectacular one at that!

We are continuing that same format this year for the 4th of July here in Forest Heights. HOA staff has been working with the talented pyrotechnicians from Western Fireworks Display to bring the community another great event. So please join in with your neighbors on Wednesday, July 4th, at Mill Pond Park for our annual fireworks show. We suggest you arrive early to secure your viewing location. Don’t forget to bring your blankets and/or low seated chairs, and remember your flashlights for the walk home. See you on the 4th of July!

Please join us July 4th! Fireworks Show starts at 10:00 pm!

NOTE: For safety reasons, certain trails into the park will be closed at 9:45 pm. Please plan to arrive early to secure your view. Page 8

Grab ‘yer boots and saddle up! It’s time to mosey on over to the Annual Forest Park Elementary School Carnival! Join us TONIGHT, Friday, June 1, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. for a rootin’ tootin good time!


his year’s Cowboy Themed Carnival has us all

ing skills at the dunk tank (stocked with people you

in the mood for a rollickin’ good time! We’ll be kickin’ up our heels with the DJ, bouncing with few

know!) There will be lots for us to eat, too, thanks to the great grub provided by Bro Dogs and Pizza

friends in the jump houses, trying to catch some outlaws on the train, fancying up the cake walk with


some nifty hoe-down moves, lassoing our favorite animals in the petting zoo, filling up on Western-style cotton candy, seeing how we look from the viewpoint of caricature artists, and trying out our target practic-

We hope you have a great time with us! This school carnival is open to everyone in the community so … y’all come on down now, ‘ya hear?!

Upcoming Community Events Forest Park Elementary Annual Spring Carnival Date: Friday, June 1st Time: 5:00 pm—8:00pm Location: Forest Park Elementary

Spring Community Garage Sale Date: Saturday, June 2nd Time: 9:00am—3:00pm Location: Forest Heights Neighborhood

British Soccer Camp Forest Heights Youth Soccer Club Date: June 18—22 Time: 9:00am—4:00pm Location: Mill Pond Park

4th of July Fireworks Celebration Date: July 4th Time: 10:00pm Location: Mill Pond Park

2012 International Fall Festival on Hiatus


s we reported on the cover story of this month’s newsletter, the Forest Heights HOA is moving forward with the Mill Pond dredging project. As this project will impact Mill Pond Park well into the fall months, the Community Activities Committee has recommended to the FHHOA Board of Directors that the International Fall Festival be cancelled for 2012. This recommendation came after months of seeking an alternate venue within the neighborhood that could accommodate this large-scale event. Because the Fall Festival attracts over 2,500 residents, any proposed alternate venue would need to have enough open space to accommodate the staging of the event. Additionally, the venue would need to allow the association the ability to serve alcohol. Aside from Mill Pond Park, the only other large open space in the neighborhood is the soccer field at Forest Park Elementary (FPE), however, due to the FPE Field Renovation project, the association was unable to secure the field for the festival. The Community Activities Committee recognizes the value of bringing our community together to celebrate the diversity of cultures that calls Forest Heights “home”. To that end, the committee is asking for the community’s help in planning next year’s event. If you have suggestions for the 2013 International Fall Festival, or would like to be a performer, please complete this short, online form. ~ Members of the Community Activities Committee ~ Page 10

Don’t forget! Community Garage Sale this weekend Forest Heights Annual Spring Garage Sale this Saturday, June 2nd The weather report has us hopeful for a dry, sunny and wonderful spring day in Forest Heights this Saturday for the Annual Spring Garage Sale. For those who are participating in the sale, pick up your “house marker balloons” at the HOA office as early as 7:30 am, and for those shopping, the sale kicks off at 9:00 am and goes to 3:00 pm. Maps and sale listings will be available the day of the sale at the HOA office. Maps and sale listings will also be available online on June 1st.

This Saturday

With over 100 homes participating in the sale, we are expecting a large number of cars and pedestrians on the streets of Forest Heights. Please be aware of the additional traffic in the neighborhood during this very popular event.

Want to advertise in the Forest Heights Newsletter? When you advertise in the FHHOA newsletter, your ad will appear monthly during your contract period. In addition to your ad, we provide links to your website from the both the newsletter itself, a monthly email blast and on our website. For ad rates, submission deadlines and general information, please contact Kim Monaco by email at: kmonaco@fhhoa.com or by phone 503.297.9400. Page 11


Light Up Your Home...Sustainably


id you know up to 90% of the energy used by an older incandescent light bulb produces heat instead of light? That will all change now that lighting manufacturers are required to provide high-efficiency incandescent light bulbs for homeowner use beginning this year. When you go to the store, you will find new lighting options including more efficient halogen incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent lights and light emitting diodes. PGE has a comparison chart for these options. The new incandescent lights in the stores are halogenated and are about 25 percent more efficient than older incandescent light bulbs. According to the Lumen Coalition, the new halogen lights will cost about $1.50 each and save $3 in energy costs.

incandescent light bulbs. Compact fluorescent lights or CFLs contain small amounts of mercury and require special handling to prevent breaking. In addition, while homeowners can throw spent CFLs away, there are recycling options. Metro can recycle CFL light bulbs if you bring them to the Metro Central Transfer Station located at 6161 NW 61st Ave., in Portland. Call 503-234-3000 for more information. PGE offers information on disposal options, and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has identified collection sites for CFLs.


If you use CFLs, make sure to handle them carefully so they don’t break. If you can, put them in light sockets where they will not get bumped or knocked around. Keep them out of reach of children. If a CFL breaks, the US Environmental Protection Agency has published procedures for how to handle broken CFLs.

Compact fluorescent lights, commonly known as CFLs, significantly reduce energy use, last a long time (up to 10 years), and their costs have dropped over the years. If used and recycled or disposed of properly, they significantly reduce environmental impacts compared to

The DEQ Hazardous Waste Program regulates businesses to make sure they properly store, handle and dispose of fluorescent light bulbs because once a business uses a certain amount of fluorescent light bulbs, the waste becomes regulated and cannot be thrown

away in the garbage. The company must collect and properly recycle or dispose of spent fluorescent lights as universal waste. DEQ would like to see smaller unregulated businesses recycle CFLs to prevent and reduce mercury releases into the environment.

LEDs Light emitting diodes, commonly know as LEDs are touted as superior to CFLs. LEDs are considered the most environmentally friendly, energy efficient lighting option available. A LED is a semi-conductor, made up of a pure material that is “contaminated” or “doped” with another to allow the transmission of electricity in one direction. A diode contains a material with a negative side and a material with a positive side. The positive side is referred to as having P holes. With an LED, when an electrical current is applied, an electron will move from the negative side to the positive side looking to fill a P hole. When that happens, a photon is emitted and voila – you get light. E. Fred Schubert wrote a book in 2003 that explains the physics and chemistry of LEDs. You can see his slide show , or, if you want the simplified version (minus the physics and

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chemistry) of how this works, look at this website. LEDs turn on instantly, use much less energy, last up to 22 years, and do not contain mercury. However, LEDs do have some limitations. They are affected by temperature, they are expensive and they don’t work in every kind of socket yet. Are LEDs really better than CFLs and incandescent lights overall? There are two references to life cycle analyses comparing various lighting options. Carnegie-Mellon has a study and Siemens conducted one for Osram, an LED manufacturer in Europe. Here is the link to the OSRAM study.

types of lights. Predictably, use makes up the largest impacts. LEDs were determined to have much lower environmental impacts than incandescent light bulbs and compared very similarly to CFLs from an overall environmental impact analysis. The study was conducted in 2009. Most articles and studies note that LEDs continue to improve so the indications are that LEDs will become more widely used and prices will continue to drop.

You can find LEDs at Home Depot or Costco. Check out the following links for more information on the variety and prices of LEDs available. If you can afford to make the shift to LEDs, you will be pleased by how much you save and how long these lights last. You will also be taking a significant step toward improved sustainability.

~ Audrey O’Brien, Go Green Committee Member ~

To compare between incandescent, CFL and LED lights, Siemens evaluated a 40 watt incandescent light compared to an eight watt CFL and an eight watt LED light. The study compared the three types of lights over 25,000 hours of use. To achieve 25,000 hours of use, 25 incandescent lights were needed, 2.5 CFLs were needed and one LED was needed. One LED light can produce as much light as 25 of the older incandescent light bulbs. Manufacturing accounted for a small percentage, generally about two percent, of the overall environmental impacts among all three Page 13


SEMI ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS WILL SOON BE IN THE MAIL Look for your semi-annual HOA dues assessment in your mailbox in the next few weeks. Assessments are due January 1st and July 1st each year. Please review your payment options below, or simply drop off your payment at the HOA office located at 2033 NW Miller Road

OPTION 1 (PREFERRED METHOD) ACH DRAFT Complete a Forest Heights ACH form and we’ll deduct your payments automatically from your chosen account on January 20th and July 20th of each year. Download ACH form

OPTION 4 ONLINE PAYMENT Set up a one time payment using MasterCard, American Express or Discover or eCheck, or set up a recurring payment via the association’s bank. When the SmartStreet web page loads, choose one of the following options and complete the online instructions.

OPTION 2 US MAIL Write a check payable to Forest Heights HOA, and mail it along with your payment coupon to the address listed on the coupon. Important: Write your account number on your check as it appears on your statement. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for check to reach SmartStreet.


For any of the above options, you will need to enter your account number, which will be shown on your statement. There is a $9.95 convenience if you pay via a credit card. Mastercard, American Express and Discover are accepted. VISA IS NOT ACCEPTED

YOUR BANK’S ONLINE BILL PAY Please complete your bank’s online bill-pay set up with the following information: Payee Forest Heights HOA PO Box 105007 | Atlanta, GA 30348-5007 (888) 705-0600

NOTE: You will need a login ID to set up a recurring payment which can be obtained by selecting “Register Now” and completing the online form. After you login, enter “Forest Heights Homeowners Association” and enter the instructions on the screen for payment.

Account Number: Enter as it appears on your statement

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n order to re-establish the original aesthetic standards of the Forest Heights community in regards to mailbox design, both the Forest Heights Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and Board of Directors have approved new standards for mailboxes and their component parts for use in the neighborhood. The goal of this project was to:

mailboxes be used in order to help protect residents from identity theft, mail theft and related crimes. Residents with damaged or nonoperable mailboxes will be asked to replace them with the new standardized locking mailbox. Residents who currently have operable non-locking boxes will not be asked to replace them at this time.

Made out of aluminum, the new lightweight post will not rust. The post is now painted with a long lasting semi-gloss white automotive paint. This finish is easy to touch up and cleans with ease. The anchor post and base have been redesigned to minimize the movement of the post. While the Mailbox Standards Have Changed, the Vendors Remain the Same

• Coordinate a standardized and uniform residential mailbox

• Ensure resident security • Provide a higher quality product that will aid residents in the maintenance and cleaning of mailboxes As stated in last month’s newsletter, here is what you need to know about the new mailbox standards: Non-locking mailboxes are no longer approved for installation This change was instituted based on the United States Postal Service recommendation that only locking

Locking mailboxes have been made more uniform in appearance

Trovo Designs is the supplier for the mailbox post and a customized locking mailbox. VIEW TROVO FLYER

As in the past, there are two mailbox vendors and three different approved locking mailboxes. We have worked with both suppliers to provide uniformity in design. Here are the changes, including:

Mailbox Solutions is the supplier for the other two approved locking mailboxes. VIEW MAILBOX SOLUTIONS FLYER

• Mailboxes now have a sleek, flat top and rectangular shape

• All mailboxes will now be •

finished in black The color, size, font and location of the house numbers on the box have also been standardized Newspaper holders have been eliminated from the box design. The association has observed that newspaper holders often collect solicitation material and most newspaper delivery services toss the newspaper on the driveway

Both vendors have discounted their costs for Forest Heights residents. Greater savings can be achieved by going in with your neighbors and purchasing mailboxes/posts in greater quantities. NOTE: Samples of the approved locking mailboxes and post are available for viewing in the association office. Next month’s update: how to evaluate your mailbox post for cleaning, repair or replacement.

~ Molly Oliver, Compliance Coordinator ~

New mailbox post has been re-designed to keep the post from leaning or coming out of alignment Page 15

BABYSITTING BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE! Hi, my name is Emilie Jackson, I'm 17 years old, and go to St. Mary's Academy. I've been babysitting for 6 years with all ages and love it! I'm available most week nights but especially weekends and willing to book on short notice. I have lots of references upon request, so give me a call! (503) 804-6616 NANNY/BABYSITTER My name is Ashley and I am 17 year old., experienced babysitter and Red Cross certified. I love to play games, do arts and crafts, play sports and be active. I have my drivers license and am a good driver with my own car. I am able to drive myself along with others if needed. I am available school nights, weekends and this summer. Please call Ashley at 503-577-6951 or email ktmarcy@yahoo.com. BABYSITTER Responsible 12 year old girl available for babysitting in the Forest Heights Neighborhood. I am Red Cross-certified and love kids! Call Abby at 503-292-7744. BABYSITTER/PET SERVICES AVAILABLE Hi my name is Haley and I am a sophomore in high school. I am offering babysitting and pet services. I am Red Cross certified for CPR. I have been a camp counselor for ages 2-12, a mother’s helper for a 1 year old, and a sitter for school age children. My parents are available to drive me anywhere in the neighborhood. I love kids and am very patient with them! I currently charge $10 per hour. My pet services are as follows: Grooming and sitting. Grooming would be available at my own home where a grooming center is available. I currently charge $20 per full day/night sitting and grooming cost varies by size and coat length. References are available. Email: sunrisepetcare@hotmail.com or call 503.863.6673 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE High school student, Red Cross infant and toddler CPR certified, 3 years experience. Available to babysit Fridays and Saturdays year round. References available. Phone #: 503-841-5989 | Rate: $6/hr BABYSITTING SERVICE My name is Kendall and am 13 years old. I live in Forest Heights and an Red Cross CPR certified. My parents will drive me to residences in the neighborhood. I can be reached at 503-780-1890/503-706-0348, and charge $5.00/hr. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Sonja Breda and I am 17 years old and attend St. Mary's Academy. I am friendly, fun and love working with children. I am also red cross certified, have experience working with children and have my drivers license. I am available some weeknights and most weekends. Please call me at 503-203-2627 or email me at sonja.breda@gmail.com. I look forward to talking to you soon. RESPONSIBLE, FUN BABYSITTER AND MOTHER’S HELPER AVAILABLE Looking for someone to help out with your kids this summer? Look no further! I am Red Cross Certified, and will be 13 years old in June (2012). I love kids of all ages. I like to play sports, read to kids, and do creative things like acting, dancing, and singing. I am a straight A student. I have a year and a half of experience. Rate is $5 per hour for one child, additional rates available upon request. Call 503-291-1249 or email me at katherine.m.renner@gmail.com.

BABYSITTING SERVICE Hi, I’m Trudi, and I’m a senior at Lincoln High School. I am CPR certified and live in Forest Heights. I do not have my driver’s license yet; however, I can be driven by my parents to and from babysitting jobs. I have been babysitting kids ages 1.5 to 11 years old for the past three years. I also work with preschoolers and kindergarteners in childcare at my church. I am available most weekends including Fridays. I currently charge $9/hour. By the way, I am allergic to dogs and cats so I am unable to babysit for pet owners. Please call me at 503841-5989 or email tastysunflowers@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Jarrett Gold, I am 16, and a sophomore at Lincoln High School. I am Red Cross certified and can take care of any age group of children. I can also take care of any pets or other things needed. I am very responsible and I have had past experience taking care of children and feel very confident in doing so. I was a counselor at outdoor school and took care of children for a week. I had a lot of fun and built leadership skills. I can also help tutor children with their schooling if needed. I can babysit children during the week or weekends. With summer coming up, I am free anytime, and am willing to take any time slots. I enjoy children and I am eager to help take care of them. You can contact me at 503-922-9900. Thank you! Babysitter--Certified, Reliable, Fun! Hi! I'm Julia Renner, a junior at St. Mary's Academy, and I have 6 years' experience babysitting as well as working with kids at camp. I am Red Cross CPR/First Aid certified and excellent with all ages as well as families with pets, and am also able to do housework/chores. Flexible rates; outstanding references available upon request. Call (503) 291-1249 or email juliarenner@comcast.net. BABYSITTING Tess Pauken, babysitting, age 13, Red Cross certified, $5.00/hr., Responsible & reliable. Contact:503-297-4007 or email: camoritz26@gmail.com EXPERIENCED NANNY Experienced nanny for many families in Forest Heights. Flexible availability. Reliable transportation and perfect driving record. Many references. Part time preferable. Phone Jocelyn at: 503-459-9443. Babysitter, Petsitter and/or House-sitter for Hire! I am exactly what you're looking for! I promise! My name is Jamie Huggins and I live up here off Devoto. I have about 3 years experience with other families (including nannying for one of them for about a year) and I also have 4 younger siblings that I've helped raise over the years. I have many of my own pets including a dog and a ferret:). I am 20 years old, I drive and have my own car (a safe Jeep Cherokee). I am currently studying business administration at PCC Rock Creek, however I do have flexible hours. I am willing to watch any age (child and/or pet) I’m able to drive to and from practices/school/doctors appointments-whatever you need. I can also cook. I charge a flat rate of 12/hr (unless you have upwards of 10 babies, then my rate might go up ;D). We can negotiate for pet and house-sitting rates. I have great references that can be provided upon request! Fun and outgoing! Stern but kind. I love both kids and animals more than you can imagine!! The best way to contact me is through e-mail: jamiehuggins@hotmail.com. I usually respond within the hour. Hope to hear from you soon!

June’s Puzzling Word Puzzle Take the phrase "no sweat." Using only these seven letters, and repeating them as often as necessary, can you make a familiar four-word phrase? It's 15 letters long. What is it? Submit your answers to: kmonaco@fhhoa.com for a chance to win a $15 Starbucks gift card!

We had no winners from last month’s word puzzle, so we’re running it again this month to see who can come up with the answer. Will it be you? Give it a try! Here’s a hint: this familiar phrase is attributed to a certain Founding Father who had a thing for kites. Page 16



DRUM LESSONS .Accomplished, studious high school student (junior) offering lessons in home studio; 2 drum sets for teach and follow instruction and recording equipment to monitor progress. Qualifications: 5 years study, numerous instructors, rock & jazz emphasis. Drummer and percussionist in 3 bands: rock, jazz and orchestra. Performance venues include clubs, charity events & private engagements. Rate: $10/half hour; $18/hour. Email: jeremyk23@yahoo.com, 503.686.8020 www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C24mJgNyP8 PIANO FOR MOTHERS Piano for Mothers! Daytime lessons. Start a new hobby or pick up where you left off as a child. I travel to you. Well-established local business. Forest Heights references. 503.313.1216 or mail me: sarahwannell@hotmail.com.

PET/PLANT CARE PET CARE Responsible 12 year old girl who loves to care for your pets. I am available to walk, play with, feed or care for while you are at work or away. All types of animals, birds or fish are acceptable. Please call to schedule your pet care. Manoy 503-203-1787 PET CARE / PLANT WATERING Responsible 13 and 16 year old brothers will provide excellent nurture for your pets and plants. In the last five years we have cared for numerous neighborhood pets, watered an abundance of vegetation and provided many dogs a daily walk. References available. Call Reid or Trent at: 503-203-1491 EXPERIENCED PET & PLANT SITTER Very responsible 12 year old girl with lots of experience. I can walk, feed and play with, clean up after and care for your pets if you are going to be gone. I have lived with cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and snails and have taken care of guinea pigs, cats and many other animals. I can also take care of plants, and have done for many people. Call 503.291.1249 or email: katherine.m.renner@gmail.com PET CARETAKER Hello, my name is Emily Wu! I'm a Junior at Lincoln High School, and am extremely fond of animals. I would love to care for your pet (or that precious hydrangea!) while you are away. I have two dogs myself, and a lot of experiences with pets. I charge low rates, and will shower your animal with lots of loving. You can contact me at (503-490-9543) or email me at emilywui@gmail.com.

SUMMER ENRICHMENT Keep your kids' brains active this summer! Tutoring all ages, all subjects. Specialties English, French, Math, piano. Experienced, certified teacher with established Forest Heights' business. Excellent references. I travel to you. Please contact Sarah at sarahwannell@hotmail.com or call 503 313 1216. CERTIFIED READING THERAPIST Private sessions to improve your child's reading skills. Call for information or to schedule an evaluation. Caren 503-327-8046 or cbcohen@hotmail.com MATH LESSONS Math lessons: Experienced math teacher (all levels) with Bachelors degree in math. Please contact Aya at: 971-227-0555 HEBREW TUTOR Hebrew lessons: Native Hebrew speaker experienced in Hebrew teaching. Please contact Aya at: 971-227-0555

MISCELLANEOUS My name is Nick Grout and I am an 8th grader at West Sylvan. I am willing to wash cars, feed and bathe pets, house sit, and do yard work. I can come anytime during the week or weekend. Please contact me at 503.292.5440 or njgrout@gmail.com NEED SOME EXTRA HELP? My name is Nathan VanDomelen, 16 years old. I am a trustworthy and dedicated person. I honor all appointments and always do quality work. Here are a few things I can do: baby-sit, take care of plants, take care of pets (I am good with animals), pull weeds, and clean cars (inside and out.) Please note that I am not limited only to the jobs specified. I am available most weekdays, but prefer weekends due to school. Please don’t hesitate to call me (503) 206-6563. Thank you. LOOKING FOR EXTRA HELP? Hi! My name is Jake Marcy and I am 16 years old. I am dedicated to my sports and school. I am a lacrosse player for Lincoln High School and love my sport. I am very motivated and willing to work as hard as you need. I can help with yard work, computer work (Facebook, upload photos, etc.), animal watching and walking, babysitting, house sitting, lacrosse training. I am a hard worker so feel free to call me for any work you might have. Please feel free to call me at 503-297-5921 or 503-407-0846. BRIDGE ANYONE? Looking for intermediate level bridge players who would like to play for fun. Call Mike and Steph 503-244-1418 NEED HELP WITH TECHNOLOGY? Not sure how to set up your email? Confused about how to navigate Facebook? Is the internet or some other computer aspect puzzling you? I'm here to help! My name is Katherine Renner, and I'll be thirteen in June (2012). I'm able and competent with technology, and can assist you in many ways. I can help you learn how to use Google Accounts and the many functions of them (Google Docs, Google Calender, Gmail, etc.), Facebook, and Google Chrome. I can also show you the basics of Microsoft Office, as well as Windows computers. So see how easy technology can be. Give me a call at 503-291-1249, or email katherine.m.renner@gmail.com. Rate is $10 per hour.

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VERONICA’S HOUSE CLEANING Professional, quality, low rates, free estimates. Mini-blinds, Party Clean Up, Window Cleaning, Good References. Contact: Veronica @ 503.619.6690

Look for the Forest Heights Facebook page and “like” us! When you become a fan of our page, you’ll be able to see updates from the HOA and keep up to date on what’s happening in the neighborhood.

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Here’s a snapshot of FHHOA activities and meetings for the month of June. Print and keep this calendar in a handy spot so you’ll have access to what’s happening in your community.

JUNE 2012 Sunday



Wednesday Thursday






Go Green Committee Meeting 6:00 pm

Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am





















Safety, Streetscape and Transportation Meeting 11:30 pm




Community Garage Sale 9am to 3pm

NWHNA Board Meeting 12:30 pm Community Activities Committee Meeting 5:00 pm 10




Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 pm

FHHOA Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm

Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am

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