‘ KAUAI perpetuating the culture of the island
8 page pullout
Love Is in the Airwaves WE BUY GOLD
Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry Always Reasonable Prices!
Silver, Platinum, Stones and Coins too!
Story page 6
Tuxedo Headquarters!
Suits & Tuxedos For Rent or Purchase
The iconic Smith’s Family Garden Luau – usually a sold-out event for 500 guestsA –Jim’s Formalwear ELITE Retailer first opened in 1985. But its roots trace back to 1946, when Walter Smith Sr. and • EXPERT FITTING his wife, Emily, started the Wailua River Cruise boat tours. Story page 6 • BEST SELECTION
70+ Years
2976 Kress St., Lihue (808)246-4653
We buy up to half-hour before closing Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri 9:30am – 5:30pm
2976 Kress St., Lihue
70+ Years
Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri 9:30am – 5:30pm Tuxedo Fittings up to half hour before closing
2976 Kress St., Lihue • (808)246-4653