Guide to Philanthropy

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My connections to this community run deep. I’m not just the Head of School - I’m a 1997 alumnus and the proud father of two current Furies. I know how important this community was to me, and how important it is to my daughters - and to every other student on our campus

As I enter my eighth year at FCDS, I’ve never been more positive about our school’s past, present, and future We’ve had seven straight years of enrollment growth, and we continue to work hard to improve all facets of the student experience How do we support their experience? We all pitch in. We, as caring adults, invest in their present and in their future. We volunteer our time. We support the school financially. We show up for events, cheer them on at games, and attend performances. We spread the word about FCDS in the community at large. Because we all do it, it’s not a heavy lift. In fact, our shared goals and responsibilities bring us all closer as a community.

I’m deeply grateful to you for choosing FCDS and for doing your part to support our school and its students When caring adults come together for the benefit of children, there is nothing we can’t do

Take care and Go Furies! Gardner

“I give for our girls. For the community at Forsyth Country Day. For the teachers who shaped me and who shape my children. I give because I want to give teachers the best opportunity to educate our children.” - Dr. Aliana Trujillo Sindram ’95

Philanthropy at FCDS

Philanthropy takes many forms, and there are many ways to support FCDS. Our families have always been generous in giving their time and talents to our community, and we hope that 100 percent of our parents will give to the Forsyth Fund.

Unlike tuition, gifts to the Forsyth Fund are tax-deductible and enrich the entire school community. Because tuition does not cover the cost of an FCDS education, we rely on contributions from hundreds of donors each year. In addition to the Forsyth Fund, parents, grandparents, alumni, and companies may contribute to classrooms for what’s ahead and the endowment. Charitable giving by parents is essential to the school’s success and stability.

Head of School Gardner Barrier '97


What is the Forsyth Fund?

What do you love about Forsyth Country Day? Chances are, the Forsyth Fund supports it. Like most independent schools, FCDS relies on tax-deductible gifts to enrich every area of campus life. These donations allow the school to provide a superior educational experience by funding innovative programs, providing state-of-the-art technology, and enhancing our spaces and places to best serve the needs of every student.

Where can I learn more about the Forsyth Fund?

You can visit our website or scan the QR code for more information!

Doesn’t my tuition payment cover costs?

No, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of an FCDS education Asking families to support the tax-deductible Forsyth Fund allows us to keep tuition affordable, makes our school more accessible, and gives every family the opportunity to build community and personal satisfaction by embracing philanthropy.

Why is participation important?

The Forsyth Fund unites the entire school community behind one goal: supporting our students. The higher the participation, the more we can achieve for our school. Philanthropic organizations look at our parent giving percentage as a measure of our school's health, and they're more likely to give if parent participation is higher


Giving societies are a way to recognize the charitable support members of our community provide each year. We invite you to join us by supporting our community of learners who are dedicated to preparing students for what's ahead.


ForsythCountryDaySchool’scultureofphilanthropy supportsandsustainsourremarkableteachers,programs, andcommunity.We’reexcitedtointroducetheVision Societytorecognizefamilies,friends,andsupporterswhose multi-yeartotalgivingtotheschoolis$5,000ormore annually.Thegenerosityofdonorsatthislevelturnsvisions intorealityfromcreatingcutting-edgeengineering facilitiesandprogramstodevelopingarobustartsprogram toensuringouramazingteachershavetheprofessional developmenttocontinuetoinspireourstudentsyearafter year.Leadershipgivingatthislevelisaninvestmentinthe Furiesoftodayandtomorrow.








The1970SocietyhonorsForsythCountryDay'sgenerous supporterswhohavemadegiftsof$1,970ormoretothe ForsythFundannually.Theloyalsupportofthisgroupof leadersiscriticaltogivingFCDSstudentsdistinctive academicexperiences.








Supporter $499-Below

What is the matching gift program?

The matching gift program is the easiest way to maximize the impact of your gift! More than 1,500 U.S. companies offer the benefit of matching charitable gifts made by their employees. It’s a great way to double your donation. Request a matching gift form from your employer. We’ll take care of the rest!

Is my gift taxdeductible?

Gifts to the Forsyth Fund are 100 percent tax-deductible.

Once we receive your gift, you will receive a receipt verifying your gift.



The Young Alumni Giving Society recognizes alumni who graduated within the last 15 years and who show leadership b making a gift to the Forsyth Fund. Young Alumni Society mem will be recognized at the 1970 Society Level when they give a following levels:




The New Family Leadership Circle

Inspired by Forsyth Country Day’s founding families, the New Family Leadership Circle of the Forsyth Fund welcomes first-year families into our community and encourages them to join us in supporting the mission of FCDS. First-year families who give $1,000+ are recognized that year as part of the 1970 Society and as part of The New Family Leadership Circle.

Legacy Society

Forsyth Country Day School is deeply grateful to our Legacy Society members. Their carefully considered future giving is crucial to bolstering our endowment and ensures the school’s long-term financial stability. There are a variety of ways to support FCDS that benefit you, your loved ones, and the school at the same time Known as legacy giving or deferred giving, consideration of a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for FCDS and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate planning, and philanthropic goals Common planned giving vehicles include designating FCDS as a beneficiary of a trust, life insurance policy, or your estate either through a residuary percentage or a fixed amount.

What types of assets are accepted?

There are multiple ways to make a gift. For example, appreciated assets such as stocks are accepted. Please visit for more information regarding ways of giving.



Anendowmentfundissimilartoalong-terminvestmentor savingsplan.Itisa“permanent”fundinwhichtheprincipalis investedandtheearningsarespent.Astrongendowment strengthenstheschoolandallowsustoalwaysbepreparedfor what’sahead.

EndowedFundstosupportprofessionaldevelopment,financial aid,accesstoJohnsonAcademicCenterservices,andmore.Learn howyoucansupportendowedfundsandevencreateyourown.



TheCampaignforForsythcreatedmanynewcollaborative spacesincludingtheNiblockCenter,thereimaginedWilliams LibraryDiscoveryCenter,theJamesandBeverlyCookCommons, theMastenFamilyFuryCafé,andtheTerryFamilyFuryLtd.

Afterseeinghowmuchthenewspaceshavetransformedour campusandourcommunity,wewanttocontinuemodernizing thewholecampusstartingwithclassrooms


Today’sstudentsandteachersneedtoday’sclassrooms.Research showsthatenvironmentplaysanimportantroleinstudent learning.

Ourgoalistocreatemodernclassroomsthroughoutcampusthat promotelearningandcollaboration.Toprepareourstudentsfor what’sahead,ourcampuswillreflectamodernaestheticthat's bothcurrentandadaptable.Yoursupportwilltrulymakean impactonFuriesnowandinthefuture!

AmIexpectedtogivetotheForsythFundandinnovative classroomsorendowedfunds?

Weencourageyoutocontributetothebestofyourability. Successfulschoolsrequirebothsustainedannualgiftsfor operationsaswellascapitalsupport.Byyourcontinuedsupport oftheForsythFundandyourgifttoourclassroomsorendowed funds,youarepositivelyimpactingtheimmediateandlong-term needsofourschool.Thegenerosityofthosewhocontributewill berecognizedintheImpactReport.

How do I learn more about Classroooms for What’s Ahead? To learn more about our plans for what’s ahead, please go to: or scan the QR code below for more information!


Meet the Philanthropy & Community Engagement Team

The Philanthropy & Community Engagement Team at Forsyth Country Day School is dedicated to empowering and engaging our whole school community to build a lasting legacy of philanthropy and service that makes a genuine impact in the lives of our students, alumni, families, friends, and the communities in which they live.

Learn More About Philanthropy & C Engagement at FCDS

This is an exciting time at FCDS and we ’ re your family is here for it! Our team enjoys all members of the school community an about our mission and plans for what’s ah you will join us for the many events that w this year.

We invite you to come to campus for a pe time. Please contact Andy Clifton at andyc to @ cds.o g o 336.9 8.39 o a o C a e at aaroncraven@fcds org or 336 480 6304 to schedule some time with us

Thanks and Go Furies!

Andy Clifton Director of Philanthropy & Community Engagement
Tom Howell Director of Alumni Engagement
Michel Ellis Donor Relations Officer
Cate Lynch '03 Director of Family Engagement

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