FOCUS Joint Base Lewis-McChord MWR fun, food, travel & well-being guide
Free massages & full day of pampering
Heart-healthy tips
Irish grub & music at St. Patty’s Day fun run
Winter adventures PAGE 12
Valentine’s Day
MWR style
Traditional & not-so-traditional ways to celebrate
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your little trooper. your little trooper. your yourlittle littletrooper. trooper.
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CenturyLnk nk HHgh ghSpeed Speednternet nternet CenturyL CenturyLnk nk HHgh ghSpeed Speednternet nternet CenturyL Speeds up to 12 Mbps Speeds 12 M Speedsup upto 12Mbps Mbps Speeds up toto12 Mbps M
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CenturyLink High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internet CenturyLink
CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Whe you don have oo ee om peop you ove ove Wheheheoyou youeuterm eon onbase ba you eocomm o ove oveseas ea tment you don have and ee aa y no om he heCenturyLink peop ee you High-Speed Internet CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No rrising s sng pr ce 5 years No contract No Thanks can up hh ends whe e you youaa ee High-Speed Internet Than oCen Cencommitment. uyL yLnk n you you ankeep eeptment upw end and and am am yy no no ma maCenturyLink ee whe No rrising ng pr cefor for years No contract No term comm CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Speeds up to 12 Mbps o rising price for years. No contract. No term No for 55 years. No contract. term commitment. Thanks oNo ucommitment. can keep up ww am ma whe e you a ee High-Speed Internet No rising price for5 5price years. No contract. No term Than oCen Cencommitment. ueyL yLnk n Speed you an eep up whhHome h ends end and Un am m y no maCenturyLink ee Cen whe eeyL you a Speeds up to 12 Mbps Speeds up to 12 Mbps No price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds up to 12 Mbps Phone ed om u nk When you bund H gh n e ne w o rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term up Mbps When you bund e H gh Speed n e ne w h Home Phone Un m ed om Cen u yLSpeeds n No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds up to 12 Mbps Speeds up toto 1212 Mbps Whe Wheheheyou youe eon onbase ba eoo ove oveseas ea you youdon don have have oo ee ee aa
om peop ee you you ove ove om he he peop
Phone Un ed om Cen Cen uu yL yL When you bund e eHfrom nnepeop ww hh Speeds Mbps mon When you Hgh ghSpeed Speed ene Home Phone Un m m So ed om nnk o hether you rere on base or overseas to far the eHome Cen uuup yLnk nkto gh12 Speed neemon ne h h Whether you on base or overseas you youdon dontthave have to fee far from the peop e you ove you canfee gegebund o o us $19 aamon hne hou syou gn ng aove con you ee dep dep oyed oyed Cen yL HH gh Speed nInternet ne you an u $1995 95 mon hww hou gnon ng onNoac ae m Soomm you oo monh h hether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to far from the people love. CenturyLink High-Speed No ng e 55yea No aacon men mon Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the you love. you canfeel gege o o us $19 95 aap mon hou syou gn ng aa So youmen dep oyed CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No ng p people ehohow yea No on Noac em omm Speedsnternet up oo12 12Mbps Mbps hanks toto CenturyL nk and fam y no matter where you are you an u $19 95 mon w hou gn ng awhen onNo acance Socommitment. you eeces dep ogh-Speed CenturyL nkoyed Hgh-Speed Thanks CenturyL nkyou youcan cankeep keepup upw wth thfr frends ends and fam y no matter where you are Speeds up No rising price for 5 years. No contract. term have o move you won have o pay a e m na on ee ng se v CenturyL nk H nternet No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds uptoto12 12Mbps Mbps hanks toto CenturyLink, can keep up with friends and family no matter where you have oNo move you won have pay a e m na on ee when e ngm e v e No rr syou ng pr ce for No contract No term comm tment CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Thanks CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter you are. Speeds up hen you bund ee H gh-Speed nternet w Home Phone Un m ted from CenturyL nk W No s ng pr ce or55years years No contract term comm tment have you won oo awhere ee when cance ng se ces CenturyL nk gh-Speed nternet Speeds up to12 12Mbps Mbps When you bund H gh-Speed nternet wth th Home Phone Un m ted from CenturyL nk W have haveoNo omove move you won have opay pay ae em mna na on on ee when to an e from ngm e vvpeople e youH Speeds up to No rising price for No contract. term hen you bundle High-Speed with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Whether you’re on base ororoverseas, you don’t feel far the love. No r s ng pr Internet ce or55years. years No contract No term commitment. comm tment Speeds upto to12 12Mbps Mbps mon h* When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Whether on base overseas, you don’thave have far from the people love. Cyou’re ww m w you Speeds up aa mon h* ou can get $19 95 thout syou gn ng a contract So f he you re dep oyed orto feelm Whe he on base ow ove seas don have o a om peop e you oyed ove m m w you can gett for t forust ust $19 95aeamonth month thout gn ng a contract So f you re dep or Whe heyou you e on base ow ove seass you don have o ee ee a om he peop e you ove a month* P us when you s gn up now you can ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa P epa d Ca d Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. a month* P ua when youeeam gn now you an whe ge adeployed $50 Cen u eHyLfriends nk™ V family a Pmepa dmCa d you are. ou can get it it for just $19.95 aa month without signing contract. So, if you’re deployed orand Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to far from the people you love. Thanks to CenturyLink, can keep up no matter U Cwhere Wup H Syou ww you can get for just $19.95 month signing contract. So, if you’re or Whe he you on base owithout ove seas you don have o feel a om he peop you ove Thanks Cen ue nk can up w hh ends and y no ma e e you you a Ua P mepa W H ge Hm m ave to move won to have to pay a nat on when ng serv ces Pfee usu a when you scance gn up now you can ae $50 Cen uwith nk™ V sa epa dmCa Ca d Thanks o Cen uyL yL nkyou you cankeep keep up w ends and am y no ma e whe e a eyL have to moveyou you won t have to pay aterm term nat on fee when cance ng serv ces P when you gn up now you an ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V P d d Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home m Thanks to CenturyLink, can and family matter where you are. M When you bundle Internet with ave toto move, you won’t have pay aatermination when cancelling services. m mm w S from CenturyLink, Thanks o Cen to u yL nkyou you can keep up w hfriends ends andCenturyL am m y no no ma eHigh-Speed whe you eHome Phone Unlimited When you bund eto H gh Speed nkeep e neup wwith hfee Home Phone Un ed om Cen ue yL nk have move, you won’t have pay termination fee when cancelling services. a mon h* nk H gh Speed nternet wa
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Whe oo ee peop ee you you ove ove Wheher heryou yourereon onbase baseor oroverseas overseas you youdon don have haveto ee ar ar rom rom he he peop Whether people you you love. love. Whetheryou’re you’reon onbase baseororoverseas, overseas,you youdon’t don’thave have to feel feel far far from from the the people Thanks o Cen uryL nk you can keep up w h r ends and am y no ma er where you are Thanksto oCenturyLink, Cen uryL nk youcan can keepup up w hfriends r ends and family am y no matter ma er where Thanks where you youare are. Thanks to CenturyLink,you you cankeep keep upwith with friendsand and family no no matter where you are. When you nnerne rom Cen uryL uryL nk nk Phone Un Un m m ed ed from rom Cen When youbund bunde eH Hgh ghSpeed SpeedInternet erne w w hhHome HomePhone When you bundle High-Speed with Home Phone Unlimited CenturyLink, Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home When you bund e H gh Speed n e ne w h Home Phone Unum om yL nk Speeds upup oPhone Mbps ayL aaed ow mon hCen ySpeed pp uace ha won see ooaor 55 yea – ifCenturyLink amonth* month* Speed o1212 Mbp acan ow mon h yyou emonth ha won yea sSo, Cen nk H gh n e mne a amon h* you can ge or us $19 95 aaacomm mon hhh w hou sgn gn ng aCenturyLink con rac So re dep oyed amonth* High-Speed Internet you get itmon for just $19.95 without signing contract. you’re deployed deployedor or When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, mon High-Speed Internet you get it for just $19.95 amonth without signing aw contract. if you’re No s sng ppyou ce oos 5 yea scan No con ac No ee m men When you bund e H gh Speed e hne w h Home Phone Un m ed om Cen u nk aa mon h*h* m wh Speeds up ong Mbps aSpeeds acan ow y p12 ce ha won see ooor 55 yea you can ge o us $19 95 w hou sssigning ng a con ac So you e dep oyed ooyed you can ge or us $19 95 mon w hou sgn gn con So you re dep us when s gn up you can get a $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card m w m w Speed up o12 12 arac a ow mon h y pdep eyL ha won yea sSo,–CenturyLink High-Speed Internet CenturyLink High-Speed Internet you ge o us $19 95 amon mon w hou ng a con ac So you e oyed o a month* No ngyou ce 5 yea snow No con ac No m comm men P us when gn up now you can get an $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card you can get it for just $19.95 aaacommitment. month without aa contract. So, if you’re deployed or up to Mbps CenturyLink High-Speed Internet month* wna h no con ac –Mbp gua an Tha s he Cen u yL nk P ce Lock Gua an ee Speeds up o 12 Mbps rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term aa mon h* have toeed move, you won’t have totopay a termination fee when cancelling services. you can get it for just $19.95 month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or you can get it for just $19.95 month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or us,No when you sign up now you can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. w h no on a gua an eed Tha he Cen u yL nk P e Lo k Gua an ee have to move, you won’t have pay a termination fee when cancelling services. CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. you can ge o us $19 95 a mon h w hou s gn ng a con ac So you e dep oyed o No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. have o move you won have o pay a e m on ee when cance ng se v ces Plus, when you sign up now you can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Speeds up to 12 Mbps have o move you won have ocontract. pay a e m na on ee when cance ng se v ces w h no con ac – gua an eed Tha s he Cen u yL nk P ce Lock Gua an ee Speeds up to 12 Mbps No rising price for 5 years. No No term commitment. have o move you won have o pay a erm na on ee when cance ng serv ces w h no on a gua an eed Tha he Cen u yL nk P e Lo k Gua an ee Speeds up to 12 Mbps No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term peeds up to Mbps at a ow month y pr ce that won t se for 5 years –se Whe he you e12 ba ehave ohave ove ea you don have oohave ee a om he peop e you you ove wcance ww C ™ C to move, you won’t have to pay aa termination when cancelling services. Speeds up to 12 Mbps at a ow month y pr ce that won tr rfee se for 5 years – w ™V V have o move you won o pay a na on ee when ng serv ces o move you won have o pay eerm m na on ee when cance ng v ces Whe he you eon on ba e o ove ea you don have ee a om he peop e ove Speeds up to 12 Mbps No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. have to move, you won’t have to pay age termination fee when cancelling services. Speedsup upto to12 12Mbps Mbps peeds up toto 12 Mbps at aa low monthly price that rise for 5 years –signup Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the people youCen love. Plus, when you sign you Card. Speeds Speeds up 12 Mbps at low monthly price that rise for 5 years – Plus, when upnow now youcan canget getaa$50 $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card. have to move, you won’t have to pay a when cancelling services. P us when you s gn up now you can ge awon’t $50 u yL nk™ V sa P epa d Ca d Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the people you love. P us s gn up now you can awon’t $50 Cen u fee yL nk™ V sa P you epa d Than oo Cen you an eep w hh end and am y no ma e termination whe you thth no contract guaranteed That s the CenturyL nk Pr Guarantee w no contract guaranteed That s the Pr ce-Lock Guarantee S Visa MM d Ca w w Than Cenu uyL yLn– n– you anwhen eepup upyou w sign end and am yCenturyL no ma get e whe eenk you aa eece-Lock wmm w Plus, when you up now you can aa$50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card. ® ®won’t Pre us when you s gn up now you can gewhere $50 Cen u yL nk™ sa P epa d peop Ca d to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. ith Thanks no contract –– guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Whether you on base or overseas you don tuuce have to fee far from the e you you ove with no contract guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Guarantee. Speeds upup toto 12 Mbps price that rise 55 years Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends no matter you are. S gn up and get aVaGuarantee. $50 CenturyL nk™ V Prepa S gn up and get $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Card Phone Un m ed om Cen yL n Price-Lock When you bund gh Speed nnon e h Home Speeds 12 Mbpsat ataalow lowmonthly monthly price that won’t rise for for d years –– Speeds up ow 12 Mbps aand ow mon h y pp ce ha won se o 5 yea s – Whe her you re base or overseas you don have o ee ar rom he peop e ove Speeds up o 12 Mbps aaafamily ow mon h y ha won se o 5 yea s – ® w C sa G Phone Un m ed om Cen yL n When you bunde eHH gh Speed ene ne w hor Home ® w G Whether you’re on base overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the people you love. Sce gn up and get aano $50 CenturyL nk™ VCenturyLink sa Prepa S$50 gn up and get $50 CenturyL nk™ sa dGuarantee. Card Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Speeds up to 12 Mbps at aeed monthly price that won’t rise for 5 years – us when you swith gn up now you can get aCen $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa dThat’s Card mon Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to feel far from people love. Speeds up o 12 Mbps a alow ow mon h y p ha won se o 5 yea sthe with contract –– the Price-Lock Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet Home w hah no con ac – gua an Tha ss he u nk P ce Lock Gua an ee with no contract –guaranteed. guaranteed. That’s theV CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. P us when you sac gn up now you can get a CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card mon h h you w no con – gua eed Tha he u yL yL nk ce Lock Gua an ee you an ge o oP uu $19 95 h w hou gn ng aan on a So you eCen dep oyed ® ®P you an ge $19 95 amon mon h wsign hou gn ng a keep on a That’s So you e dep oyed oo and Thanks to CenturyL nk you can up w th ends fam y matter where you are Plus, when you up now you can get afr CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. month* ign up and get a $50 Visa Prepaid Card. Sign up and get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. with no contract –signing guaranteed. the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Plus, you sign up now you can get ar$50 $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. wwhen no con acCenturyLink™ – gua eed Tha s he Cen u yL nk ce Lock Gua an ee you can get it itfor $19.95 ah without aan So, if you’re deployed orand Thanks o Cen uryL nk you can keep up w h ends and am y no no ma era amonth* where you are ® ®P you can get forjust just $19.95 amonth month signing a contract. contract. So, ifwith you’re deployed or Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep family no matter where you are. ® have oup move you won have o pay aawithout ee m na on ee an e ev v friends ign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Sign and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. have o move you won havea oa pay m na on ee when when anup e ng ng e ee S gn up and ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa P epa Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. S gn up and ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa d Ca d ® ® have to move, won’t have to pay agh-Speed termination when cancelling services. ® have to move,you you won’t have to pay a12 termination cancelling When you bund eup Ho w Home Phone Un m ted from CenturyL nk Sbund gn and get aa $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Card Sign up and get aa$50 CenturyLink™ Speeds up o 12 Mbps afee ow mon hth yhypr ce ha won rrPrepa se or 55and years S gn up and get anternet $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card Sign up get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Card. o ge you $50 Cen uu yL nk™®VPrepaid sa P epa Ca dd oday oday 877 722 5743 Call o ge you $50 Cen nk yLVisa dd Ca Speeds up Mbps afee awhen ow mon hservices. prCall ce ha won se or years –––Cen Phone Un m ed rom uryL When you e H gh Speed n erne w Home ® ® When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Sign up and get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Speeds to 12 Mbps at a low monthly that won’t rise for 5 years S up gn up and get a $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card PP u u when you gn up now you an ge aaMbps $50 Cen u yL nk™ V a P epa d dprice Ca dCall Call o ge you $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa Ca dd oday oday 877 722 5743 o ge you $50 Cen u yL P epa dd Ca Speeds up to 12 at a low monthly price that won’t rise for 5 years – When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, when you gn up now you an ge $50 Cen u yL nk™ V a P epa Ca d mon Call to get $50 CenturyL nk™ sa Prepa Prepa d Card Card today 877 .722.5743 Call tomonth getyour your $50 CenturyL nk™ V So d today cen u y nk com cen u y nk com Plus, when you sign up now you can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. aa mon h*h* you can get t for ust $19 95 a w thout s gn ng a contract f you re dep oyed or Plus, when you sign up now you can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. w h no con rac – guaran eed That s the CenturyL nk Pr ce Lock Guarantee Ca CC or ™V C month* 877 722 5743 Ca C Call to get your $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card today. you can ge or us $19 95 a mon h w hou s gn ng a con rac So you re dep oyed 877 .722.5743 Call to get your $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card today. w h no con rac – guaran eed That s the CenturyL nk Pr ce Lock Guarantee cen u y nk com cen u y nk com aa month* Speed up o 12 Mbp a a ow mon h y p e ha won e o 5 yea you can get it for just $19.95 a month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or entury com century nk com Call ooge your $50 uryL nk™ V sa Prepa d Ca Card oday Speednk up o can 12 Mbp a Call aitcontract ow mon hyp eguaranteed. ha won e oThat’s 5 without yea 877 .722.5743 ge you $50 Cen Cen u yLCen nk™ P epa d d oday with no – guaranteed. the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Call to $50 Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card Card today. today. 877.722.5743 Call toget getyour your $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ you oca u yL nk S o e you get for just $19.95 a month signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or with no contract – That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. m m Speeds up toto1212Mbps at monthly price that won’t rise for – your Call to CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card up Mbps ataCall alow low monthly price that won’t rise for 5 5kyears years – 877 .722.5743 oget ge you on $50 Cen u yLCen nk™ V sa P d Ca d today. oday cen ury nk com have move you won t nk have to pay term nat fee cance serv ces cen uTha y nk com youwhen oca u Visa yL nk ng S oepa e wSpeeds no on gua an eed Tha he Cen u nk PPo e Gua an ee your oca CenturyL Store wh h nohave onato a o gua an eed he Cen u yL yL nk e Lo Lo a ka Gua an ee move you won have pay erm na $50 on ee when cance ng serv ces TM TM
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Sign up and get aa$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Sign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Sign $50 Signup upand andget getaa $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Visa Prepaid Card.
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m m m w w w w ™H H m P™ *OfferU U 1/28/2012. m New residential High-Speed Internet customersC ™ HH everywhere. wwapplies MMfor theO m m and monthly m recurring m m mInternet C m m ™ S w O m ™ MM only. Servicesand and offers not available Price-Lock Guarantee only to the charges listed services; excludes allall taxes, fees, surcharges, feesfees for modem/ endsends 1/28/2012. New residentialapplies High-Speed Internet customers only. Services not available everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee Offer applies only to themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring charges for the listed services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring for modem/ ™ *Offer ™offers w s 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Services and offers not availableeverywhere. everywhere.™ Price-Lock Guarantee only to monthly recurring charges for the listed services; excludes all taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring fees for mo 28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and offers not available Price-Lock Guarantee Offer applies only tothe the monthly recurring charges for the listed services; excludes all taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring fees for m w m m m m w w m ends C w mrecurring m m m *Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and offers not available everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee Offer applies o w router and professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscription CenturyLink™Home Home Phone Unlimited Unlimited plan andspeeds applies to Internet upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer toto remain in good standing terminates w router andUnlimited professional installation. Listed bundle monthly charge ofof $19.95 requires totoaaCenturyLink™ Phone applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internetwith withspeeds speeds Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing and terminates professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requires subscription toaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited plan and applies to CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet with upup toHigh-Speed 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer remain in and good standing andand termin fessional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires subscription to Home Phone and applies to CenturyLink™ High-Speed with speeds to Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing te ™if customer ™ ww Internet Mnumber wchanges mm(cancelled, ™ ™ M m m O CenturyLink services mm w A telephone S customer A if customer changes their account in any manner including change required CenturyLink services (cancelled, upgraded, downgraded), change, or location ofofany service (including moving from residence ofresidence installed services). their account in any manner including anyany change toto thetherequired CenturyLink services upgraded, downgraded), number change, orchange changeof ofphysical physical location anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). er changes their account in any manner including any change the required (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), telephone number change, or change of physical location ofof any installed service (including customer moving from of installed servi hanges their account in any manner including any change to to the required CenturyLink services (cancelled, telephone number change, or change of physical location any installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed s w w mH mbebe General – CenturyLink change, cancel, or substitute offers services – including Locked-InOffer Offer– –ororvary varythem thembybyservice servicearea, area,atatits itssole solediscretion discretion without without notice. Requires credit may required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, andand Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges include N Ncancel, A or substitute offers and services – including Locked-Inm m General –without CenturyLink maymay change, cancel, or substitute offers andand services – including Locked-In Requires creditapproval approvaland anddeposit deposit may required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, Surcharges –Applicable Applicable taxes, surcharges include and surcharges in CenturyLink may change, Offer – or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – taxes, fees, uryLink may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services – including Locked-In Offer – or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion without notice. Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharg M w a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetactivation activationfee, fee,state stateand andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and oror government-required charges forH use.use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on standard m m mm w w Cost m Hstandard a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, and certain certainin-state in-statesurcharges. surcharges. Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot nottaxes taxes government-required charges for fees, and surcharges apply based on m m Service charge, National Access Fee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, MM a one-time R MM MM Internet M w m m a one-time m HTaxes, S HS iversal High-Speed activation fee,state stateand andlocal local fees that by area and certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on sta sal Servicem charge, National Access Fee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time High-Speed Internet activation fee, fees that vary area and certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on monthly, not promotional, rates. Call for a listing of applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly Rate – Monthly rate applies while customer subscribes to all qualifying services. If one (1) or more services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling mm m m w w w w m andm monthly, not promotional, rates. Call for a listing of applicable taxes,m fees, surcharges. Monthly Rate – Monthly rate appliesH while customer subscribes to all qualifying services.m If one morew services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping handling m m w wtaxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly wRate D subscribes m and m(1) orfee M MM rate MM while tmotional, promotional, rates. for a listing ofm applicable Monthly rate applies whilecustomer customer to all qualifying If one (1) or services are cancelled, the standard monthly will apply toInternet each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and ha M rates. CallCall for a listing of applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly Rate –– Monthly applies subscribes to qualifying services. If one (1) ormore more services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping an fees will all apply to customer’s modem orservices. router. Performance will vary due to conditions outside ofnetwork network control,and and nospeed speed isguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Direct connection and/or consistency consistency claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between theirtheir homes andand the CenturyLink central fees will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance will vary due to conditions outside of control, no is connection and/or claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink central m w H m U m M w w m H vary due to conditions H outside of network w H m Pare Usubscribers mwith M w w ply to customer’s modem or router. Performance will control, and no speed is guaranteed. Direct connection and/or consistency claim(s) based on providing High-Speed customers with a––dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between their homes and the CenturyLink c office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) dedicated,virtual-circuit virtual-circuit connection theInternet CenturyLink central office. Unlimited Monthly recurring apply one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide locallocal and longlong distance voice calling, o customer’s modem or Performance will vary due to conditions outside ™ of network control, and and/or consistency claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between their homes the CenturyLi office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with a adedicated, connection CenturyLink central office. Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited Monthly recurringcharges charges applytoto one residential phone with direct-dial, nationwide and distance voice calling,and mrouter. mm m no speed is guaranteed. Direct connection m mm totothe m M M G m U mm m m m ™ including Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center,data dataand andfacsimile facsimile services(including (including dial-upInternet Internet connections, connections, data services, and facsimile, each billed atat$0.10/minute), lines, andand operator assistance, chatchat lines, pay-per-call, calling cardlocal use,use, orlocal multi-housing istent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with dedicated, virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theincluding CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited ––Monthly recurring charges apply one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide longlong distance voice c Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, andand U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, services dial-up data services, andto facsimile, each billed $0.10/minute),conference conference lines,directory directory operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, calling card orand multi-housing nt speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with aa dedicated, virtual-circuit CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited Monthly recurring charges apply to one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide and distance voi ™ w ™H m w w m m C ™ V P commercial C OO A w ™ O mKbps wtier w w m units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer–each –each Availableto tobilled newsubscribers subscribers CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet Internet 256 Kbps w speed or faster Offer totooperator customers with Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs.ISPs. Customer mustmust activate aska, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes use, call data and facsimileservices services(including (includingdial-up dial-up Internet connections, data services, and facsimile, billed at conference lines, directory and assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling cardcard use,use, or m multi-ho units. International $50$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer Available new toto CenturyLink™ 256 speed tier or fasterservice. service. Offernot notavailable available customers withCenturyLink CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or pay-per-call, with other Customer activate ™ a, Puerto Rico, Guam, andand U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, data and facsimile Internet data services, and facsimile, at$0.10/minute), $0.10/minute), conference lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, calling or M calling billed separately. ™center, m w wconnections, w w m m m w wmul M m m$50 CenturyLink™ Visa m mm mm ww mm w w wservices wavailable m mw w service within (30) of order must retain a minimum eight weeks afterservice service activation. Customer willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three three (3)m to four (4) weeks of service will beberequired online redemption form within sixty (60)(60) days after ordering services. Visa Prepaid CardCard willISPs. be service within thirtythirty (30)256 daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor aor minimum of of eight weeks after activation. Customer will within (3) to fourwith (4)with weeksCenturyLink ofordering ordering serviceand and will requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form within sixty days after ordering services. Prepaid willsent be sentCustomer national calling billed separately. Prepaid Card Offer – Available new subscribers toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet 256 Kbps speed tier faster service. Offer not toto customers Internet basic service (without features) or with other must ac M M nal calling billed separately. $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Available toto new subscribers to Internet Kbps speed tier or faster service. Offer not available customers CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) orVisa with Customer mus MM ww w m m M m mweeks m m ww ™ m w wother w ISPs. m m (6) to eight (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption retention requirements have been met,including including eight(8)(8)week weekservice service hold requirement. (Maximum value of cards under limited toto$50.) bebecombined CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions cards/codes wthirty m m m m of eight weeks mafter m M m m O mof ™with H mor reward/award/promotion w M six (6)sixtom eight (8) after all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, eight hold requirement. (Maximum value cards issued issued underoffer offer limited $50.)Offer Offercannot cannot combined withother other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes © hin days of order must retain services a minimum service activation. Customerwill willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three (3) to four (4) weeks of ordering service and will be required to complete online redemption form within sixty (60) days after ordering services. Visa Prepaid CardCard will b M ©acomplete hirty (30) (30) days of order andand must retain services forfor a minimum of eight weeksM after service activation. Customer within three (3) to four (4) weeks ofor ordering service and will be required online redemption form within sixty (60) days after services. Visa Prepaid w w w w m m w mm m M N unless otherwise allowed. Prepaid is not redeemable for cash usable ATM. Termsand andConditions Conditions apply thecard. card. Subject applicable to law, monthly maintenance fee $3 but sixsix months after the card is issued. cardcard is issued byordering J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant M(8) week service hold requirement. (Maximum M m m retention requirements have A M mm including eight w m m U D w m Customer’s MN.A., N A unless otherwise allowed. VisaVisa Prepaid CardCard is not redeemable forunder cash or usable at at anyany ATM. Terms apply totothe Subject totoapplicable law, a monthly maintenance feeof of $3(USD) (USD)applies, applies, butisiswaived waivedforforthe thefirst first months after the card is issued. Customer’s isM issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, pursuant M(8) MInternet M htweeks (8) w weeks after all eligibility, redemption been met, value of cards issued offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions reward/award/promotion cards/ M M or Inc. 8) after all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, including eight week service hold requirement. (Maximum value of cards issued under offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion ca to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Prepaid cards can be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. CenturyLink reserves the right to substitute a check of equal value in lieu of a Visa Prepaid Card at its discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service member. ©2011 CenturyLink, All Rights Reserved. The m m m m m m © © to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Prepaid cards can be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. CenturyLink reserves the right to substitute a check of equal value in lieu of a Visa Prepaid Card at its discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The name CenturyLink and the pathways logo are m U A mcash or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is waived for the m ©first m ©after the card is issued. Customer’s A m Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,w rwise allowed. Prepaid Card is not redeemable six months card is issued by J.P. pur name CenturyLink and the logo areare trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. All other(USD) marks are the property of theirbut respective e allowed. VisaVisa Prepaid Card is not redeemable forfor cash or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 applies, isowners. waived for the first six months after the card is issued. Customer’s card is Morgan Chase LM.000.MILAD.0911 m m w Subject to applicable M LM.000.MILAD.0911 Missued by J.P. of CenturyLink, Inc.pathways All other marks the property of their respective owners. M Bank, MN.A. LM.000.MILAD.0911 A w Prepaid m waccept M U.S.A., cards used at any merchants that Visa debit cards.CenturyLink CenturyLinkreserves reservesthe the right right to to substitute substitute trademarks a Prepaid Card atat its discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service member. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserve mfrom VisaVisa U.S.A., Inc.Inc. Prepaid cards cancan be be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. a check check of of equal equalvalue valuein inlieu lieuof ofaaVisa Visa Prepaid Card its discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The name CenturyLink and theM pathway ryLink and the pathways are trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. Allowners. other marks are the property of their respective owners. LM.000.MILAD enturyLink, Inc. All other logo marks are the property of their respective LM.000.MI
up to o1212Mbps ataa$50 ow won – Speeds up Mbps alow ow mon hyVypr pr cethat won se for or 5 5 years years – Ca ooge Cen u yL sa epa dha Ca dd odayt rr se 877 722 5743 CaSpeeds ge you you $50 Cenmonth u yL nk™ nk™ Pce epa d Ca oday Speeds up toto1212Mbps atata$50 monthly price that won’t – Speeds up Mbps a low monthly price that won’t rise for for 5 5 years years – Call to CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card today. rise 877.722.5743 Call toget getyour your $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card today. cen nknkcom cenuw uy y comcontract – guaranteed th h no That ssthe CenturyL nk Pr ce-Lock Guarantee w no con rac – guaran eed That the CenturyL nk Pr ce Lock Guarantee youno oca Cen u yL nk o e ooge your $50 Cen uryL nk™ V sa Prepa dd Card Card oday oday with contract – S–guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. ge your $50 Cen uryL with no contract guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. your local CenturyLink Store to Prepaid Card Card today. today. toget getyour your $50 $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid cen cenury urynknkcom com ® ® Prepaid Card. Sign up and get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Sign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa your oca Cen uryL nk S ore Sign get aa CenturyLink™ Visa Card. Signup upand and get a$50 $50 CenturyLink™ Visa®® Prepaid Card. Card. your local CenturyLink Store
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*Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services andoffers offersnot notavailable availableeverywhere. everywhere.Price-Lock Price-Lock Guarantee Guarantee Offer applies services; excludes allall taxes, fees, surcharges, andand monthly recurring feesfees for modem/ Offer endsends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and applies only onlyto tothe themonthly monthlyrecurring recurringcharges chargesfor forthe thelisted listed services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly recurring for modem/ router professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscriptiontotoaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited Unlimited plan and speeds upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing andand terminates outer andand professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires and applies appliesto toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetwith with speeds Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing terminates if customer changes their account in any manner including any change the requiredCenturyLink CenturyLinkservices services(cancelled, (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), telephone telephone number service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). customer changes their account in any manner including any change toto the required number change, change,or orchange changeofofphysical physicallocation locationofofany anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). General – CenturyLink change, cancel, or substitute offers services – including Locked-In Offer– –ororvary varythem thembybyservice servicearea, area,atatits itssole solediscretion discretion without without notice. Requires restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges include eneral – CenturyLink maymay change, cancel, or substitute offers andand services – including Locked-In Offer Requires credit creditapproval approvaland anddeposit depositmay maybeberequired. required.Additional Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, surcharges include a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetactivation activationfee, fee,state stateand andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and taxes oror government-required charges for for use.use. Taxes, fees, andand surcharges apply based on standard Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time and certain certainin-state in-statesurcharges. surcharges.Cost Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot not taxes government-required charges Taxes, fees, surcharges apply based on standard monthly, not promotional, rates. a listing of applicable taxes, fees, surcharges. Monthly Rate– –Monthly Monthlyrate rateapplies applieswhile whilecustomer customersubscribes subscribes to to all all qualifying services. monthly fee will apply to to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling onthly, not promotional, rates. CallCall for afor listing of applicable taxes, fees, andand surcharges. Monthly Rate services. IfIfone one(1) (1)or ormore moreservices servicesare arecancelled, cancelled,the thestandard standard monthly fee will apply each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance vary conditions outside networkcontrol, control,and andnonospeed speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or and/or consistency consistency claim(s) with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between theirtheir homes andand the CenturyLink central esfees will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance willwill vary duedue to to conditions outside ofof network claim(s)are arebased basedon onproviding providingHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetcustomers customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink central office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers witha adedicated, dedicated,virtual-circuit virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theCenturyLink CenturyLink central central office. apply toto one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide local andand longlong distance voicevoice calling, fice. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with office. Home HomePhone PhoneUnlimited Unlimited––Monthly Monthlyrecurring recurringcharges charges apply one residential phone with direct-dial, nationwide local distance calling, including Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, data and facsimile services (including dial-up Internet connections, data services, and facsimile, each billed at $0.10/minute), conference lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling card use, or multi-housing cluding Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, data and facsimile services (including dial-up Internet connections, data services, and facsimile, each billed at $0.10/minute), conference lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling card use, or multi-housing International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Availabletotonew newsubscribers subscriberstotoCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet Internet 256 256 Kbps Kbps speed CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer mustmust activate nits.units. International calling billed separately. $50$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Available speed tier tier or or faster fasterservice. service.Offer Offernot notavailable availabletotocustomers customerswith with CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer activate service within thirty of order must retain services a minimum eight weeks after serviceactivation. activation.Customer Customerwill willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within within three three (3) (3) to to four online redemption form within sixty (60)(60) days after ordering services. VisaVisa Prepaid CardCard will be ervice within thirty (30) (30) daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor a minimum of of eight weeks after service four (4) (4) weeks weeks of ofordering orderingservice serviceand andwill willbe berequired requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form within sixty days after ordering services. Prepaid willsent be sent sixto(6)eight to eight (8) weeks all eligibility, redemption retention requirements have been met, includingeight eight(8)(8)week weekservice servicehold holdrequirement. requirement.(Maximum (Maximum value value of of cards with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes x (6) (8) weeks afterafter all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, including cards issued issued under underoffer offerlimited limitedtoto$50.) $50.)Offer Offercannot cannotbebecombined combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes unless otherwise allowed. Prepaid Card is not redeemable cash or usable any ATM. Terms andConditions Conditionsapply applytotothe thecard. card.Subject Subjectto toapplicable applicable law, law, aa monthly monthly maintenance months after thethe card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,N.A., pursuant nless otherwise allowed. VisaVisa Prepaid Card is not redeemable forfor cash or usable at at any ATM. Terms and maintenancefee feeof of$3 $3(USD) (USD)applies, applies,but butisiswaived waivedfor forthe thefirst firstsixsix months after card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, pursuant to a license U.S.A., Prepaid cards used at any merchants that accept Visadebit debitcards. cards.CenturyLink CenturyLinkreserves reservesthe theright right to to substitute substitute aa check Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Alland Rights Reserved. logo The are a license fromfrom VisaVisa U.S.A., Inc.Inc. Prepaid cards cancan be be used at any merchants that accept Visa check of of equal equalvalue valueininlieu lieuofofaaVisa VisaPrepaid PrepaidCard Cardatatitsitsdiscretion. discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rightsmember. Reserved. The name CenturyLink the pathways name CenturyLink and the areare trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. Allowners. other marks are the property of their respective owners. LM.000.MILAD.0911 ademarks of CenturyLink, Inc.pathways All other logo marks the property of their respective LM.000.MILAD.0911
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N w mm m m m mm m N w mm ww *Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Servicesand andoffers offersnot notavailable availableeverywhere. everywhere.™ Price-Lock Guarantee charges excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly recurring feesfees for modem/ mInternet ™ ™™ wlisted MM allall m m and mand m *Offer endsends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Services Price-Lock Guarantee applies only onlyto tothe themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring chargesfor forthe the services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, recurring for modem/ mInternet mm m Offer applies wlistedservices; m monthly m router installation. Listed monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscriptiontotoaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™Home HomePhone Phone upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer in good standing andand terminates m professional mbundle w Unlimited plan and applies m mcustomer m m router and professional installation. Listed monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetwith withspeeds speeds Mbps. Offer requires to remain in good standing terminates m and mbundle w m to mm mto remain if customer changes their account in any manner including change requiredCenturyLink CenturyLinkservices services (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). m w mof if customer changes their account in any manner including anyany change toto thetherequired telephone number number change, change,or orchange change physicallocation locationofofany anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). m mm (cancelled, w mofphysical General – CenturyLink change, cancel, or substitute offers services – including Locked-InOffer varythem thembybyservice servicearea, area,atatits itssole solediscretion discretion without without notice. Requires apply. Fees, andand Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges include m – –ororvary m mTaxes, General – CenturyLink maymay change, cancel, or substitute offers andand services – including Locked-In Requires credit creditapproval approvaland anddeposit depositmay maybeberequired. required.Additional Additionalrestrictions restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, Surcharges – Applicable taxes, surcharges include mOffer a Carrier Universal charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-Speed Internetactivation activation fee,state andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and oror government-required forfor use.use. Taxes, fees, andand surcharges apply based on standard m m Service m and mm surcharges. mnot wgovernment-required mcharges a Carrier Universal charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time Internet and certain certainin-state in-state surcharges.Cost Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot taxes Taxes, fees, surcharges apply based on standard m m Service MM MM ww fee, mstate mtaxes w mcharges monthly, not promotional, a listing ofmapplicable fees, surcharges. MonthlyRate Monthlyrate rateapplies applieswhile whilecustomer customersubscribes subscribes to to all all qualifying qualifying services. apply to to each remaining service. High-Speed – Shipping and handling w promotional, m mrates. m mCall m wtaxes, wtaxes, w – –Monthly mm (1) mm fee wfee w w Internet m (HSI) monthly, Call formaforlisting of applicable fees, andand surcharges. Monthly services. IfIfone one (1)orormore moreservices servicesare arecancelled, cancelled,the thestandard standardmonthly monthly will apply each remaining service. High-Speed Internet – Shipping and handling w not m rates. wRate wwill m (HSI) will apply to customer’s or router. Performance vary conditions outside network control,and andnonospeed speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or and/or consistency consistency claim(s) on with a dedicated, virtual-circuit between homes andand the CenturyLink central mmodem m MM High-Speed w wconnection wtheir feesfees will apply to customer’s or router. Performance willwill vary duedue to to conditions outside ofofnetwork claim(s) arebased basedm onproviding providing High-SpeedInternet Internetcustomers customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink central mmodem wwcontrol, m are m wtheir office. Consistent speed claim ismbased on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscriberswith witha adedicated, dedicated, virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theCenturyLink CenturyLink central central office. charges one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide locallocal andand longlong distance calling, mon CenturyLink mm Unlimited mrecurring mvoice office. Consistent speed claim is based providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers office. Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited––Monthly Monthlyrecurring chargesapply applytoto one residential phone with direct-dial, nationwide distance calling, mmmm mm virtual-circuit m mvoice including Alaska, Puerto Guam, Virgin Islands; commercial use, center,data dataand andfacsimile facsimile services(including (includingdial-up dial-up Internet connections, connections, data data services, andand operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, cardcard use,muse, or m multi-housing ™ commercial w mm wwlines, w wchatchat w w calling mor multi-housing including Alaska, Puerto Rico,Rico, Guam, andand U.S.U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes use, callcallcenter, services services, and and facsimile, facsimile,each eachbilled billedatat$0.10/minute), $0.10/minute),conference conference lines,directory directory operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, calling ™excludes w ™™ Internet m N w H m w G m m m mm O O N w H m w G O m m units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Card Offer– Available – Availabletotonew newsubscribers subscribersmto CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet 256 256 Kbps Kbps speed tier faster service. not service (without features) or with other ISPs.ISPs. Customer must activate w m$50 m mm m Card w mtoCenturyLink™ w w Internet w w mm with m m Internet m basic w w must units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Offer High-Speed speed tier or orthe faster service.Offer Offer not availabletotocustomers customers withCenturyLink CenturyLink Internet service (without features) orand with other Customer activate wNew m$50 monly. mPrepaid w w w w wavailable m basic wall wfees mInternet ™ ma postcard U ™ wlisted MM O all m m services. mand m *Offer ends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Services andoffers offers notavailable available everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee applies only the services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly recurring fees for modem *Offer ends 1/28/2012. residential High-Speed customers Services and not everywhere. Price-Lock applies onlyto to themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring chargesfor services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly for mo mInternet ™ HH m U ™HHwill becharges wlisted O m Visa m service within of order must services a minimum eight weeks service activation. willreceive receive within three (3) to to four (4) of tofor online redemption form sixty (60)(60) days after Card will be w (30) mretain m of m service wCustomerwill m Guarantee Mwithin mmthree m Offer mthe w ™within mordering w w Visa mrecurring service within thirty (30) daysdays of order andand must services forfor acharge minimum of eight weeks after activation. Customer a postcard (3) four (4) weeks weeks ofordering orderingmservice and will berequired required tocomplete complete online redemption form sixty days after services. Prepaid willsent be sent wthirty mretain mafter m M m m mserviceand mwith w ™within mordering w m wPrepaid m Card m professional m w (Maximum m mcustomer m router installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring $19.95 requires subscription aw CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited plan and to High-Speed Internet speeds up toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer remain in good standing and terminate router and professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofmof $19.95 requires subscription totoa(8) CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited and applies applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet with speeds up Mbps. Offer requires toM remain in good standing and termi m and m w m under mm mto six (6) to eight (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been met, including eight week service hold requirement. value of cards issued offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes w w m M m w m m w m m six (6) tom eight (8) weeks eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been met, eight week service upgraded, hold requirement. (Maximum of cards issued under offer limited to $50.) Offer be combined other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions orfrom reward/award/promotion cards/codes waccount w after many M m including mtelephone m number w cannotlocation mwith mcustomer Mresidence G m m (8)(cancelled, w w value mof if customer changes their account inallany manner including change required CenturyLink services (cancelled, upgraded, downgraded), telephone change, or service (including moving of installed services if customer changes their in any manner including any change toto the required CenturyLink number change, orchange change physical location ofany anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed serv G m w mof unless otherwise Visa Prepaid is not redeemable cash orthe usable ATM. Termsand andservices Conditions apply tothe the card. Subjecttotodowngraded), applicable law, aa monthly monthly maintenance fee of applies, isphysical waived for first sixof thethe card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. 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Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – taxes, surcharges N m m tomService a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. cards can used at any merchants that accept VisaHigh-Speed debit cards.CenturyLink CenturyLink reserves the right to to substitute aa check of value ininlieu ofofaaVisa Prepaid Card discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual member. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Alland Reserved. The are m w Prepaid mbe mVisa w state Mthe Mbased amlicense from Visa U.S.A., Inc.Access Prepaid cards be used atRecovery any merchants that debit cards. reserves the right substitute check of equal equal value lieu Visa Prepaid Cardatatitsits discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Allservice Rights Reserved. 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If you think buying a locally raised rump roast makes a difference,
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mmodem m UU m MM High-Speed ww wtheir will apply to customer’s or router. Performance vary conditions outside network control,and andnonospeed speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or and/or consistency consistencyH on with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes andand the CenturyLink centrc feesfees will apply to customer’s or router. Performance willwill vary duedue to to conditions outside ofof network claim(s) arebased based onproviding providing High-SpeedInternet Internetcustomers customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink mmodem wwcontrol, Hclaim(s) m are m wtheir mon CenturyLink mm Unlimited m mvoice office. Consistent speed claim is on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers witha adedicated, dedicated, virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theCenturyLink CenturyLink central central office. charges apply toto one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide local andand longlong distance callinc office. Consistent speed claim is based providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with office. 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CenturyLink™ Visa Card Offer – Availabletotonew newsubscribers subscribers CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet 256 256 Kbps Kbps speed CenturyLink (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer must activa units.units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Offer – Available High-Speed speed tier or or faster fasterservice. service.Offer Offernot not availabletotocustomers customers with CenturyLink Internet service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer w International m$50 mm mPrepaid w mto w w w tier wavailable m basic w service w ac w (30) m m of m service wCustomerwill Mwithin m three m mm w ™within mordering wservices. w Visa m Card service within of order must retain services a minimum eight weeks serviceactivation. activation. willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three (3) to to four online redemption form sixty (60)(60) days after services. will be service within thirty (30) daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor a minimum eight weeks after (3) four (4) (4) weeks weeks of ofordering orderingmservice andwill willbe berequired requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form sixty days after Prepaid willseb wthirty m m of mafter wCustomer mm M m m mserviceand w ™within mordering w Visa wPrepaid m Card w after m retention Mmet, w value m of m wwcannot m mInternet N cards/cod sixto(6)eight tow eight (8) w weeks all eligibility, redemption requirements have been met, includingeight eight(8)(8)week weekservice servicehold holdrequirement. requirement.(Maximum (Maximum value of cards with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions or reward/award/promotion six (6) (8)wweeks after all eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been including cards issued under underoffer offerlimited limitedtoto$50.) $50.)Offer Offer cannotbebecombined combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions orM reward/award/promotion mand M mm w m m issued m mInternet M N cards/ m m m m m m © unless otherwise allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is waived for the first six months after the card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursua unless otherwise by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., m allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash m or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is waived formthe first m six months © after the card is issued. Customer’s card is issued m w pu w Prepaid mVisa w right tomm a license U.S.A., cards used at any merchants that Visadebit debitcards. cards.CenturyLink CenturyLinkreserves reservesthe the right to to substitute substitute aa check Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Alland Rights Reserved. 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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
t t
How togetherness does you good, Super Sunday games, Texas Hold ‘Em series, sell at Spring Flea Market
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Have fun with dance classes and sports; find résumé prep assistance, get involved with your community.
Winter fun on skis, snowboard, and horseback; rent gear for your own outdoor adventures.
Be heart-healthy on Valentine’s Day; sign up for a fun run.
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Learn how to calculate your net worth; access libraries from home.
MWR photo
See how togetherness does you good!
Learn about the health benefits of being together and get ideas for having more fun in this month’s issue of the FOCUS. You can bowl with a buddy or your Family, eat more regularly together, go on trips together and much more. Read on for lots of ideas!
Don’t worry, be happy! We often buy flowers and chocolate and make special plans on Valentine’s Day. This year, celebrate with help from Family and MWR. Whether you prefer the traditional route of a nice, romantic dinner or want to try something new, you’ll find ideas on the following pages. See page 10 for details about making reservations for a three-course meal at the McChord Club or a lakeside dinner at The Bistro at Russell Landing. Plus, on page 12, you’ll find fun ways to spend time with the special people in your life on Valentine’s Day and beyond. The Health Promotion & Wellness Service/Army Wellness Center has seven tips to keep your heart in tip-top shape on page 26. Plus you can get fit in a race to the finish at the St. Patty’s Day 5K and 10K Run — register at now. If you’re looking to update or prepare a resume, turn to page 18 for information about the Employment Readiness Program. You’ll also find resume-boosting ideas that will get you involved in our great community. Your opinions are valuable, and I’d like to hear from you. Share feedback about your experiences with Family and MWR at
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family & MWR Director, Family & MWR
William E. Harvey
Creative director Toby Bartley Promotions director
Kelly Wetzel
Editor & graphic designer Writer/graphic designer
Kimberly Rowe Patti Jeffrey
Contributors Ryki Carlson, Emiliano Hernandez, Patti Jeffrey, Lynn Larson, Rick Morrison and Thomas Ward Contributing photographers Ursula Buford and Patti Jeffrey Send submissions to For commercial sponsorship or advertising inquiries, off-base businesses should contact Carly Michael at 253-966-2256 or 253-324-0562.
The JBLM “FOCUS” is an unofficial information source published monthly. All activities described herein, which are open to authorized patrons and, where applicable, guests, are subject to change; contact the activity for confirmation. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent FMWR, Joint Base Lewis-McChord or any U.S. government entity. The use of a commercial sponsor logo or mention of a commercial sponsor or other organization does not constitute U.S. government endorsement. Submissions are welcome but may be edited for accuracy, clarity and style.
William E. Harvey Director, Family & MWR at JBLM
Visit Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family and MWR at or search for Lewis-McChord MWR on Facebook.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Food & fun
Your local Tricare/ United Concordia office, providing dental care for all ages!
Find a discount vacation at fourth annual Travel Fair Leisure Travel Services can find you the perfect discount vacation! Get ideas from dozens of vendors at the Travel Fair at AFC Arena (Lewis Main) Wednesday, March 7, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Vendors include hotels, ocean cruise lines, river cruise boats, Washington and Canadian attractions, exotic vacation packages, resorts and much more. The staff at LTS will be on hand to find you the best deals around. For more details, call LTS at 253-967-3085.
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Let the McChord Community Center drive you to the Seattle Premium Outlet Mall for a day of bargain shopping Saturday, Feb. 18. Stores include Burberry, Calvin Klein, Coach and Chico’s. If you want a break from shopping, take a short walk to the Tulalip Resort Casino next door. The trip fee is $12 per person for round-trip transportation. Reserve your spot by calling 253-982-0718/0719.
Get in on Mystery Dinner Theater Come to Nelson Rec Center for an evening of murder and mayhem with a Mystery Dinner Theater Saturday, Feb. 11. Murder 101, an Interactive Comedy Murder Mystery, is set at a class reunion of a closing high school. Auditions for 20–30 cast members
(ages 18 and older) are being held Tuesday, Feb. 7. Those chosen for parts will rehearse Feb. 7–10 for the onenight show. For more details about auditions, call Nelson Rec at 253-967-2539.
Watch UFC 143 action at Heroes Lounge Feb. 4 Heroes Sports Lounge at Lewis Main is the place to catch UFC action on the big screen. On Saturday, Feb. 4, the doors open early and the fights start at 6 p.m. For details, call Cascade Community Center at 253-964-0331.
Play in Triple Crown Golf Tournament Enter Whispering Firs Golf Course Triple Crown Tournament Saturday, Feb. 25 at McChord Field. The format is 6 scramble-6 best ball-6 alternate with an 8 a.m. tee. The cost is $20 per team plus greens fees. For more tournament information, call 253-982-4927.
Save with Whispering Firs golf specials Start practicing for the spring season with deep February golf discounts at Whispering Firs: • Ranks E1–E5 pay only $10 greens fees or $20 with a cart during February. All others save with $15 greens fees or $25 with a cart. • On Lincoln’s Birthday, Feb. 12, get $5 seating on a cart, $5 club rentals
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Get out and grab some fun! Here’s what’s happening during February and $5 burritos at Habañero Mexican Grill. • Bring your sweetie for two-for-one greens fees on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. Treat your sweetheart to lunch at Habañero Mexican Grill and save 15 percent off your meals. Also browse the pro shop for select items on sale. • On Washington’s Birthday, Feb. 22, buy $1 small range buckets. Here’s a sneak peek to March — the 7th annual Spring Break at Whispering Firs. Look for details at and in the March FOCUS magazine, or ask at the pro shop.
Play to win in Texas Hold ‘Em series Enter Nelson Recreation Center’s 10-week Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament series starting Wednesday, Feb. 15. Registration starts at 6 p.m.; play starts at 6:30 p.m. The final game to determine grand prize winners takes place the 11th week. The entry fee per week is $6. The weekly prize is a $50 gift card; series grand prizes are $800, $500, $300, $200 and $100 gift card for first through fifth places overall. Call 253-967-2539 for more details.
Enter Northwest Military Masters Sounders Lanes Bowling Center at McChord Field invites you to enter the 7th Annual Northwest Military Masters Saturday, April 21.
One in four bowlers wins cash, and first place garners $1,000 and entry in the 2012 USBC Masters or USBC Senior Masters (based on 30 or more entries). Pick up your entry form at the front counter or download and print it out from The entry fee is $100 if paid by April 14. The tournament is open to active duty, retired military, current DoD employees and all spouses. All entrants must be USBC members. For more details, call 253-982-5954.
Bowl in Nine-Pin No-Tap Tourney Keep your game sharp! Compete in Sounders Lanes’ monthly Nine-Pin NoTap Tournament series Saturday, Feb. 11. Check in at noon. Reserve your spot now by calling 253-982-5954.
Get stuff ready for flea market Clean out your attic and closets now for the Spring Flea Market Saturday, March 10 inside the MWR Fest Tent. Rent tables or spaces to sell your household treasures; call 253-967-6772 for rental costs.
Skate at AFC Arena Skate and blade at the AFC Arena skating rink. Find exclusive skate times for Soldiers and Airmen, civilian employees, teens, strollers and tots and more. Check out the deals and hours of operation at For more details, call 253-967-4458.
Watch Super Sunday on big screens
uper Sunday is Feb. 5 — do you know where you’re going to watch the game? If not, here’s a rundown of places right at JBLM to join the action: The Pub & Deli at McChord Field has free hot dogs — plus pizza, burgers, deli sandwiches and nachos with melted cheese for purchase. Everyone age 18 and older is invited to watch the game on a 10-by-12-ft. screen and three 72-inch screens while you play pool, air hockey, Kinect or just hang out. Doors stay open from 2–9 p.m. The P&D is in Bldg. 1146 off Barnes Blvd. near the Evergreen Inn. For more information, call 253-982-7200. If you’re closer to Lewis, watch the game on any of the 10 42-inch TVs inside Cascade Community Center and Heroes Lounge from 2–9 p.m. Free chili is available during halftime, and other food and beverages are available for purchase. Cascade Community Center and Heroes Lounge is in Bldg. 2400, Bitar and S. Division. Heroes Lounge only admits ages 18 and older. For more details, call 253-964-0331. At Nelson Recreation Center, ages 18 and older can sign up at noon for a Madden tournament starting at 1 p.m. Watch the big game on a movie screen in cushy comfort. Get free munchies during the game. Nelson Rec is located in Bldg. 3168, 2nd Division. Call 253-967-2539 for additional info.
Food & fun
Pat ti Jeffrey
ucked away on a forested golf course with serene views is one of the spiciest best-kept secrets at JBLM.
Habañero Mexican Grill operates out of Whispering Firs Golf Course’s clubhouse at McChord Field and has been serving the local population since it opened in 2004. Customers gravitate to Whispering Firs for huge burritos, tacos, salads and soups made to order from lunch through dinner. 8
One return attraction is the monthly special. For instance, during February, you can save 15 percent off both meals when you bring in a partner for lunch Tuesday, Feb. 14. Each Wednesday, Habañero challenges anyone to a free 6-lb. burrito — called “the Hump”— if you can eat it by yourself in 45 minutes. If you prefer, buy one for $14.95 and share it around the lunch table at your leisure. The light-filled dining room looks out to the 18th green and surrounding forest. An enclosed glass veranda is adjacent to the dining area, and an open patio that has views of the putting greens is available for diners in warmer months.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Emiliano He
Habañero also serves traditional grilled breakfasts, such as omelettes, potatoes, bacon and ham, plus breakfast burritos seven days a week at tee time. If you want to grab a hot breakfast to go on your way to work, or don’t have time to sit for lunch, call your order in and it will be ready for pick-up when you come in. Find full menus at; call 253-982-3271 to order.
Habañero caters parties on site or off Habañero Mexican Grill knows how to spice up your party. For family events, office parties, holiday get-togethers and birthdays, choose your favorite foods from Habañero’s catering menu. The party, food and drinks are all in-house, within a spacious room overlooking the golf course and an enclosed glass veranda. For personal consultation and planning, call the catering manager at 253982-3271.
Habañero Mexican Grill serves up huge burritos and salads made to order. Lunch crowds like the quick turnaround time and all the extras, such as soups, salsa and chips, plus vegetarian options. In a hurry? Call in your breakfast or lunch orders to go for a quick pickup. Here’s what Habañero customers have to say: “Mike and his staff did an A+ job with all aspects of our event, from set-up to food and breakdown. Thank you!” (ICE comment card from W. S.) “Great food and price is reasonable!“ (ICE comment card from Lisa M.) “I have been to Habañero Mexican Grill about five times now. Each time, the food is great and the service is outstanding. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable.” (ICE comment card) Habañero Mexican Grill is located in Bldg. 895 Lincoln Blvd. at McChord Field’s Whispering Firs Golf Course. From the main gate, turn right onto Fairway Rd., then right onto Lincoln Blvd. The golf course is on your right.
Food & fun
Take your sweetie to your choice of gourmet Valentine dinners
JBLM favorite; reservations are required — call 253-982-5581/2795.
Reserve your places for a romantic dinner at the McChord Club and celebrate Valentine’s Day early! Feast on a three-course gourmet dinner Friday, Feb. 10 from 5–9 p.m. A limited menu is also available. The cost is $16.95 per person. Call 253-982-5581 for reservations. If you prefer a more intimate candlelit atmosphere, reserve your place for Valentine’s dinner at The Bistro at Russell Landing Tuesday, Feb. 14 from 6–9 p.m. You’ll be seated for a three-course gourmet dinner and dessert, with your choice of a glass of champagne or wine. Each female guest receives a rose and each male guest receives a coupon. The cost is a steal at only $50 per couple. Reservations are required; call 253-964-2813. Call now — seating is limited.
Sip sweet infatuation with Battle Bean’s flavor of the month
Feast on German buffet Pile your plate high with Bavarian favorites at the all-you-can-eat German Buffet Thursday, Feb. 16, 5–8 p.m. at the McChord Club, Bldg. 700. Fill up on schnitzel, bratwurst and more. The cost is $14.95 for adults; $6.95 for children ages 4–10. This event is a
Fall in love with one or more of the AFC Battle Bean coffee flavors of the month — Sweetheart Mocha, white chocolate, strawberry and whipped cream; ButterKiss Latte, caramel, butterscotch and whipped cream; Hot Lip Latte, cinnamon and vanilla; or French Kiss Latte, caramel and French vanilla. Buy two and treat a friend!
McChord Club offers good eats, club member discounts Come into the McChord Club and get weekday specials at Globemaster Grill, plus extras for club members. Ask about becoming a club member to get in on exclusive savings, or visit for details. Enjoy these February specials: • Servicemembers and guests are invited to the club’s Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Dance Friday, Feb. 24, 9 p.m.–1 a.m. in the ballroom with a live deejay. Food and drinks are available for purchase; there’s no cover charge. • Globemaster Grill is open for lunch weekdays, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. and offers Two-fer Tuesdays, Wednesdays Hump Day special and daily buffets.
Clip & save
Sweetheart of a deal! Take $1 off a dessert at Battle Bean locations, Cascade Community Center, Globemaster Grill or The Bistro at Russell Landing*! *except gelato 10
• Everyone is welcome to Wednesday’s All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Bar from 4:30–6 p.m. Members pay $3; nonmembers pay $6. • Club members can buy two-for-one steak dinners Friday, Feb. 24. Enjoy both dinners for only $14.95. Nonmembers are welcome to dine with the regular menu; the dining room is open every Friday, 5–8 p.m. • A free appreciation dinner is being held Tuesday, Feb. 28, 5–7 p.m. for club members only. Family members pay just $5. • Club members get free food in Globemaster Grill Fridays, 5–6 p.m. For more information, call the club at 253-982-5581.
Theme Days save you lunch money! Have you been paying attention to Theme Day specials? If not, join the fun for February’s celebrations: • Wednesday, Feb. 1 is G.I. Joe Day — everyone in any uniform saves $1 off lunch purchases with beverages at all Family & MWR eateries. • Friday, Feb. 24 is Chili Day — $1 buys you chili at Cascade Community Center at Lewis Main. • Wednesday, Feb. 29 is Leap Year Day — take $1 off any gourmet pizza at The Bistro at Russell Landing at Lewis North.
Offer good Feb. 1–29, 2012. No cash value. Limit one coupon per customer. Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Home brews, microbrews return to B Brewfest Enter your own home brew for sanctioned judging, tasting
ager, pale ale, stout, porter — if you like to make or taste good brew, you’re in good company. The McChord Community Center is gathering the best of home brews and microbrews for its 5th annual Brewfest Friday, March 16, sanctioned by the American Homebrewers Association and the Beer Judge Certification Program.
Engine House No. 9 in Tacoma, which produce their own microbrews. Plan to sample the best Friday, March 16 at the McChord Club/Community Center, Bldg. 700, starting at 4:30 p.m. For $10, you’ll find plenty of good food, music and brew sampling, plus door prizes throughout the event. Tasting is open to ages 21 and older. IDs will be checked at the door. For complete information, including rules and entry forms for home brews, check out the Brewfest page at JBLMmwr. com/brewfest. Call the McChord Community Center at 253982-0718 for other details.
Home brewers can compete for ‘Best of JBLM’ If you’re into making home brew, get ready to enter your best batch into the home brew competition. Submissions will be accepted through March 5, judged by certified experts and awarded prizes and medals. Event organizers are encouraging home brewers to both compete and provide samples at Brewfest. “Our aim is to bring an awareness to what home brewing’s about, what goes into it,” says Colin Brooks, McChord Community Center director. “It’s not just about the end product — it’s also about the individual creativity that goes into it and the celebration of the process.” Brewfest organizers know there’s a huge interest in home brews and mi-
Did you know?
crobrews, based on how successful the past four Brewfests have been. It’s not surprising — the Pacific Northwest is microbrew heaven. In the 1980s, with home brewing finally made legal, craft breweries began springing up from Portland to Yakima and throughout Northwest cities both small and large. From there, a new culture has developed around the brewpub, such as Harmon’s and
The Northwest has the largest concentration of microbreweries in the entire United States — more than 1,300. Portland, Ore., alone has 43 breweries, more than any other city in the world. In the United States, Oregon ranks second per capita in brewing, Montana third, Washington eighth and Idaho 12th. Our region approaches Germany’s and England’s number of breweries per capita. (Sources: Oregon Brewers Guild, Washington State Brewers Guild and Brewers Association)
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Food & fun
By Patti Jeffrey
ext time you and your buddies get together, take a moment to appreciate your good fortune. When you come home to your spouse or children, hug them a bit longer. If your cat or dog comes looking for a walk or scratch, give them an extra treat. It’s a proven fact that the more you’re involved with friends, Family and even pets, the healthier and longer your life is expected to be — and that’s worth celebrating! In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are 14 ideas for spending more time together: Take your daughter or son to a JBLM Library for gaming after dinner or on weekends. For instance, the McChord Library has a game zone with 12 gaming consoles and six screens with PS3, Wii and Xbox. Bring your own games or choose from hundreds of others. Bring your youngster to Children’s Storytimes at your JBLM Libraries. Book Patch Library inside Grandstaff holds storytime Wednesdays from 10:30–11 a.m. The McChord Library has 45 minutes of fun Thursdays at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Go bowling as a Family or just grab a friend. Sounders Lanes (McChord) and Bowl Arena Lanes (Lewis Main) feature weekday specials and Friday and Saturday Thunder Alley or Xtreme Bowling. Visit for all the details. Take your child or grandchild to AFC Arena’s skate rink for the Tot and Stroller Skate from 9–11 a.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month. All Wednesday skate sessions cost only one buck all day! Work out together at a JBLM fitness center. Choose a free aerobics class — from zumba or yoga to cycling or kick boxing — from a class schedule at Walk a half-hour each day together. Not only do you get fresh air and good conversation, you maintain heart health. See page 26 for more heart-healthy tips. Treat yourself to a massage with one of our licensed massage therapists that work out of the McChord Fitness Center Annex (call 206-396-1467) or Wilson Sports & Fitness Center at Lewis North (call 253-224-1110).
Get out and volunteer with BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Servicemembers). Volunteer work is fun and earns you credits or points toward promotions. Call 253-967-5636 or visit BOSS at the new Warrior Zone. Take a friend out for a latte at a Battle Bean location at Lewis Main or at Café Lancelatte at McChord. Sign up for a Mommy and Me dance class with SKIESUnlimited. Find a class calendar at Make a Friday or Saturday dinner date for The Bistro at Russell Landing. Call 253-964-2813 for a reservation. Take your Family to the All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Feed Wednesday nights at the McChord Club, 4:30–6 p.m. The cost is $6 per person; club members pay $3 per person. Grab a friend and go dancing at the McChord Club’s Soldier’s and Airmen’s Dance Friday, Feb. 24, 9 p.m.–1 a.m. in the ballroom — no cover charge. Take your dog for a welcome outing to a JBLM dog park.
12 Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Winners of Armywide photo contest Congratulations! JBLM boasts three winners of the 2011 Army Digital Photography Contest: • Division 2 (non-military), Design, honorable mention for “A Book Worth Reading” by Brooke Benfield • Division 1 (military personnel), Monochromatic, honorable mention for “Frozen Forest” by Maj. Sean Phillips • Division 1, Still Life, honorable mention for “Beautiful Even in Death” by Maj. William Smith. “A Book Worth Reading” by Brooke Benfield “Beautiful Even in Death” by Maj. William Smith
Pictured above: Go hiking, bowling, out to eat, skating, volunteer your time, play, walk and dance! MWR activity photos by MWR Marketing staff
Frozen Forest” by Maj. Sean Phillips
hat is a memento worth, even when it’s just a napkin? To one woman who walked into the McChord Arts & Crafts Center, it was a priceless symbol of lifelong love. Several years ago, custom framer Patty Valdez met a woman who had placed the napkin and an old photo on the counter. She wanted the items framed in the best possible way. Cost didn’t matter to her. The woman explained to Valdez that the napkin was from a tea house in London and the photo of a young couple was her parents’ first date at the tea house during World War II. He was a U.S. military Servicemember, and she was British. Valdez commented that the napkin looked new. The woman explained that she had found the tea house still in business on a recent trip to England and had taken the napkin for a special reason. She said, “My parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in a few weeks, and I wanted to give this as an anniversary gift.” As Valentine’s Day approaches, what would you bring into Arts & Crafts to make into a keepsake? Call the Lewis Arts & Crafts Center at 253-967-5001 or the McChord Arts & Crafts Center at 253-982-6726 to consult with framing, engraving and embroidery experts.
13 12 13
Family & the homefront
Ursula Buford
at Lewis1/3 North page ad NAC & McChord Field
The sky’s the limit!
The Outdoor Recreation Program is here for you! We Provide services to Soldiers, Airmen, Family members & sponsored friends. Rent all the snow gear you need for winter fun on your own, or sign up for some of our February and March trips to the mountains. Read more in the Adventures section!
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Spin and twirl your way to fun
SKIESUnlimited classes range from dance and gymnastics to art, boxing, fencing and much more!
KIES stands for the Schools of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration and Skills, and offers classes designed to provide fun and educational opportunities for children — and in some cases, parents. Enroll your children in SKIES classes and they can increase their knowledge, be inspired, explore new activities and acquire new skills. Classes in arts, sports, life skills and academics are designed to nurture personal interests and provide opportunities for social interaction. By participating in SKIESUnlimited classes, youth can pursue and nurture personal interests as well as bolster a college application and foster relationships with caring, knowledgeable adults outside the home. Instructional programs teach children discipline, problem-solving and decision-making classes, conflict resolution, game rules and social etiquette. Sign up now for a variety of dance classes — jazz and hip hop, parent and me, ballet and jazz and more — or get creative with art classes — parent and me preschool art and classes for elementary students. Thespians will be happy to hear that
ongoing theater classes are available. Additional offerings include piano, karate, fencing and boxing. Plus, just around the corner: SKIES is proud to announce that group music classes will be available this spring. Summer camps are also coming soon. Stay tuned for details and a schedule. Classes are offered at two base locations: Bldg. 6398 Garcia Blvd. in the Hillside housing area at Lewis Main and the new McChord CYSS Gateway Center, Bldg. 560 Lincoln Blvd. The McChord Field Gateway location currently offers dance, wiggles and giggles, preschool gymnastics and fencing (more classes are coming soon). A full calendar of classes is offered at the Lewis location. For a schedule of classes, visit and click on WebTrac. If you’re already registered with CYS Services, you can sign up for WebTrac and enroll in classes from home! More details at right. If you have a talent or hobby to share with JBLM youth, consider becoming a SKIESUnlimited instructor! You’ll have the chance to work with local military youth and earn extra income at the same time.
Registration made easy! To register for Child, Youth and School Services, visit Parent Central Services at one of two locations: • Bldg. 2295, 12th St. & Bitar Ave. at Lewis Main • Inside the McChord CYSS Gateway Center, Bldg. 560, Lincoln Blvd.
Plus, once you’re registered, you can sign up for sports, classes, hourly care and more from your computer any time! Go online to and register with WebTrac. For registration requirements or questions, go online or call 253-966-CYSS. Get active with youth sports Registration is going on now for cross country, Lil’ Batters Start Smart Baseball, spring baseball and Special Olympics swimming and track and field. For registration deadlines, prices and more, check out the spring sports calendar at Attend McChord CYSS open house The new McChord CYSS Gateway Center, Bldg. 560 Lincoln Blvd., is hosting an open house event Wednesday, Feb. 8, 3–6 p.m. Take a free pre-ballet and jazz class, 5–5:45 p.m. and check out the new building, which is home to part-day programs, SKIESUnlimited, Parent Central Services and more. The fun never ends! Go online to find out about the Youth Fitness Program and coaching opportunities. Plus, next month, the spotlight is on EDGE! Spring Break camps!
14 15
Family & the homefront
Getting involved in your com
Learn ‘Keys for Success’ at JBLM workshops just for parents Would you like to know how to recognize and prevent bullying? Join the School Liaison Office for the Keys for Success workshops. Learn about bullying and how you can help put an end to it Saturday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at Lewis Main’s Evergreen Elementary. Workshops also include building healthy relationships to support learning at home and avoiding homework hassles. For more information, call 253-967-7195.
Recognize hard-working JBLM volunteers Many organizations have loyal volunteers who make valuable contributions to the installation. They provide thousands of hours of unpaid support
to offices across JBLM. If you’d like to say thank you to the volunteer who makes a difference in your life, nominate them for the Volunteer of the Year Award. The JBLM Installation Volunteer Office will be accepting nominations for the Volunteer of the Year Award beginning Tuesday, Feb. 21. Categories are youth (18 years and younger), retiree, Family, active duty and adult. Fill out a nomination application and complete a narrative about your nominee’s accomplishments during 2011. Describe in detail why your nominee or Family should be recognized as Volunteer/Family of the Year. Nominations should be kept to 750 words or less. Nominations will be independently reviewed by a panel, and selections will
be announced at the annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon and Awards Ceremony with a date and location to be determined. To be eligible, volunteers must be registered at’s Volunteer Management Information System. Active duty members must be stationed at JBLM. Primary volunteer service must be with organization(s) at JBLM during 2011. Nominations must be accompanied by a completed nomination form and hand-carried to the Family Resource Center (Bldg. 4274 9th Division and Idaho Ave. at Lewis Main) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 19. Nomination applications are available at the Family Resource Center or via email; just call 253-967-2324 to request.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Get involved, find support just for exceptional Families If you’re enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program, take advantage of the educational and support opportunities — plus fun events — available at JBLM. All events are free, and more information can be found at efmp or
‘Getting to Know Your Resources On and Around JBLM’ Learn about community resources at the EFMP Resource Fair. Stop by the Madigan Army Medical Center’s Medical Mall Tuesday, Feb. 7, 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
Dance the night away with EFMP
munity Find support, fun for waiting Families at JBLM The Waiting Family Support Group is an outreach support group for active duty Families living with a Servicemember on unaccompanied tour, extended temporary duty or field training exercise. Join the WFSG for fun activities each month as well as support, networking opportunities and community resources. For more information on the program and upcoming events, call 253-967-3633/3628. For a complete list of events, workshops and seminars — available on parenting, stress management, finance Online Online at at and more, navigate to the event calendar.
Spend a fun-filled evening with your kids at the first-ever EFMP dance Saturday, Feb. 25, 7–9 p.m. at the Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel at Lewis Main
Preparing for parent–teacher conferences Military Child Education Coalition has partnered with EFMP to offer workshops for parents. This month’s event will arm parents with information to help prepare for and succeed with parent–teacher conferences. Join us Thursday, Feb. 16 in Waller Hall’s ACS Classroom at Lewis Main. Parents of high school students meet 9:30–10:30 a.m., and parents of school-aged students meet 10:30–11:30 a.m.
Sensory-friendly movie Catch a free movie at the McChord Field Theater Saturday, Feb. 18 at noon. The lights are up and the sound is turned down on the third Saturday of each month. Plus, check out these monthly events for more opportunities to get involved. • Help identify and resolve EFMP issues at the working focus group. Meets the first Thursday of each month, 10:30–11:30 a.m., in Waller Hall’s ACS classroom. • Learn about EFMP and upcoming events at an EFMP briefing. Held on the first Thursday of each month, 1–2 p.m., in the Airman and Family Readiness Center Annex, Bldg. 551 at McChord Field. • Parents of EFMP Family members and adults enrolled in EFMP are invited to the coffee group at AFC Arena’s Battle Bean. EFMP staffers will be on hand to answer questions. Meets the second Tuesday of every month, 10–11 a.m. • Exceptional Families with children ages 0–5 are invited to the playgroup, which meets the fourth Wednesday of each month and alternates between the Escape Zone at McChord Field and Lewis North’s Raindrops and Rainbows. Stop by the Escape Zone Wednesday, Feb. 22, 10–11 a.m.
16 17
Objective: Get your rés By Rick Morrison, Employment Specialist ACS Employment Readiness Program
our résumé is your written advertisement. It’s your opportunity to take credit for projects well done and let the employer know why he should hire you. Employers concentrate on reading the top half of the first page of the résumé; make your best case for hiring there. There are five major sections of a resume: heading (contact information), objective (job goal), qualifications (paid and unpaid skills and abilities), experience (paid and unpaid work) and education (academics and onthe-job training). Some résumés add other sections; professional affiliation, publications and community service are a few. Some tips in preparing or updating your résumé: • Use the objective to state your desired position: A Retail Department Manager position, which will use my merchandising and supervision skills. Avoid stating conditions that an employer can’t guarantee, such as: A secretary position offering further education and professional growth in a friendly office environment. • Save “soft” qualifications for the interview. On your résumé, replace team player, good communication skills, positive attitude and professional and reliable with skills that result in a document or show production. If you use a technique, regulation or tool, write the tool and function, such as: Create business correspondence using Microsoft Word; Chart and maintain nursing records in compliance with AR 18
40–407; or Operate electric trimmers and edgers to trim lawn around trees, landscape and sidewalks. • On the résumé, take credit for work
that you perform in coordination with others. Write that you do the payroll if you and another clerk calculate pay and do a read-back to each other to check for accuracy. • Include unpaid work experience and other skills. Some jobs require certification or licensing to qualify (social worker, architect and physician are some), but others require only the ability to perform a task. If you painted the walls in your home, you could qualify as an interior wall painter; list it as a qualification if you’re applying for home repair or construction work. • Begin sentences with action verbs
that describe work at your highest performance. Many employers read only the first sentence of each job description, so it’s important to choose your words carefully. A manager of an automotive repair shop might begin the job description by stating: Supervise three auto mechanics; oversee repairs, business operations, customer service and inventory control in a busy shop servicing 120+ cars each month. • For volunteer work, use a job title
that would be appropriate for the work if paid. For example, a volunteer who answers the telephone, sets up meetings, types correspondence and files documents could use the title of business support specialist, office assistant or any number of others. • Review and use spell check. Examine and refine your résumé until there are no spelling or
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
umé work-force ready! grammatical errors. The intent is to show employers that your résumé has no mistakes because you’re the best candidate. Questions in preparing your résumé?
Dress for success and bring your updated résumé to the ACS Job Fair on Friday, Feb. 17, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Meet with employers at the ACS Annex, Bldg. 2166. For more information, call 253-966-8325.
A finished résumé will be the script to your play (interview), and you’ll be the star of the show. Attend a new client orientation with the Employment Readiness Program. The one-hour events are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and provide program and job information. You can stop by Bldg. 2166 at Lewis Main Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. In addition to assisting with résumé and portfolio development, the ERP keeps a centralized job bank and provides guidance and assistance in areas such as interviewing, the application process and career skills assessments. For more information or to schedule your orientation, call 253-966-8325.
Boost your résumé with Family and MWR Gain valuable knowledge, learn about Army life with AFTB classes Army Family Team Building aims to educate and train Family members to adapt to Army life, accept challenges, deal with change and develop life skills. Upcoming classes are Tuesday, Feb. 7 and Wednesday, Feb. 8 (Level I) and Tuesday, Feb. 21–Thursday, Feb. 23 (Level II); both are 9 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. To register, call 253-967-AFTB. Building resiliency at JBLM Designed to teach spouses to look within themselves to grow and thrive, the Resiliency Academy is Monday, Feb. 27–Thursday, March 1, 9 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center at McChord Field. To register, call 253-967-3544. Volunteer and make a difference Gain valuable experience, have fun and make a positive impact on our community — volunteer. Find an organization that’s a good fit for you by calling the Installation Volunteer Office at 253-967-2324. Teens can bolster resumes and college applications with HIRED! With the CYS Services HIRED! Apprenticeship Program, teens ages 15–18 earn valuable work experience — it’s paid and teens report to work at Family and MWR operations. For more information, call 253-967-4694.
18 19
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
There’s nothing cooler than a day in the snow with the JBLM Outdoor Recreation Program. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed snowbird, a little wobbly on skis or up for trying anything, check out the upcoming adventures.
Hear the satisfying swoosh as you speed down the slopes. Military Appreciation Day at Crystal Ski or ride Crystal Mountain for half price Friday, March 9! Lift tickets should be purchased at the mountain. Gear and transportation are provided. ($40; transportation only: $20)
Ski-n-snowboard Crystal Mountain Tired of the rain? Spend a day in the snow at Crystal Mountain Sunday, Feb. 19! Transportation and gear are provided. ($40; transportation only: $20)
Ski-n-snowboard White Pass Head to White Pass Saturday, March 3. The trip fee includes gear, lift ticket and transportation. Sign up for a lesson at no extra charge. ($95; transportation only is $20) Continued on next page.
20 21
Greet the cold, gray winter days with a sense of adventure.
CROSS–COUNTRY SKI Snap on your skis for a scenic trip on the snow-covered trails. Cross-country ski Copper Creek Hut This will be a great day in the snowfilled Cascades spent skiing in the Mount Tahoma cross-country ski area. Ski to the Copper Creek Hut and warm up with some hot cocoa before making the trip back. Saturday, Feb. 18. Difficulty: more difficult; distance: 6 miles; time: 3 hours. ($40)
Cross-country ski Lake Easton Combine short runs, rolling hills, groomed trails and beautiful views, and you have a great day of cross-country skiing at Lake Easton! Get outside for a great workout in the snow Saturday, Feb. 25, Difficulty: moderate; time: 3 hours; distance: 5 miles. Minimum age: 12 ($40)
SNOWSHOE Take a walk in the forest for a scenic afternoon. Moonlight snowshoe Snoqualmie Pass Head to the Snoqualmie Pass area on the night of the full moon to snowshoe on the Pacific Crest Trail. Dress warmly 22
because you won’t see the sun on this Friday, March 9 trip. Difficulty: beginner; distance and elevation gain: varies; time: 2.5 hours. ($35)
Snowshoe Paradise Join us Sunday, March 11 to explore Mount Rainier’s Glacier Vista. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Mount Hood! You’ll love this winter wonderland without the bustle of the summer crowds. Difficulty: advanced; distance: 5.2 miles; elevation gain: 1,500 feet; time: 3 hours. ($35)
Snowshoe Reflection Lake The trail from Narada Falls to Reflection Lake provides a breathtaking experience of a winter snow-capped forest. Enjoy the snow-filled trek Sunday, March 4. Difficulty: moderate; distance: 3.5 miles; elevation gain: 500 feet; time: 4 hours. Minimum age: 12 ($35)
MORE WINTER ADVENTURES Heart-pumping fun for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages Snowmobile the Cascades Lots of fun, action, beauty and excitement await
you Sunday, Feb. 26 and Saturday, March 10! If you’re seeking a fun-filled winter experience, look no further than this snowmobiling trip through the Cascade Mountains! Transportation, snowmobile, helmet, boots, gloves and snowsuit are provided. Dress in layers. Minimum age to drive: 16 ($125; adult passengers: $90; passengers 15 and younger: $60)
Snow tubing Travel to one of Washington’s great tubing hills for a great day in the snow! Dress warmly and get ready to go for a wild ride Saturday, March 10. ($35; ages: 6–12: $25; ages 5
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
and younger: $5)
Winter survival camping trip Head to Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park to learn the basics of trip preparation, winter travel, shelter construction and winter survival basics, backcountry cooking and leave-no-trace camping. The overnight trip is Saturday, Feb. 18– Saturday, Feb. 19. The trip fee includes winter camping class, group gear, transportation and entrance into Mount Rainier National Park and two camp meals. Minimum age: 18 ($65) Continued on next page.
Plan your own weekend getaway and play in the snow! Grab your family and your closest friends and plan an awesome trip to the snowfilled mountains. Get your winter gear from the Northwest Adventure Center at Lewis Main or McChord Field’s Adventures Unlimited. Quality equipment is available at affordable rates no matter what you outdoor passion is! Get everything you need for a ski excursion for a daily rate of just $22. Prefer snowboarding? The daily rate for a board and boots is just $34. A cross-country ski package is just $18 per day, and an a la carte type equipment menu is available — if you have your own skis but need to rent boots. Professional maintenance services are also available. For more information and restrictions, call 253-967-8282 or visit Don’t forget to contact Leisure Travel Services for a great rate for your accommodations! Call 253-967-3085 to speak to a travel professional today. All packages include damage waiver. We are not responsible for changes in weather or road conditions (no refunds). Skis are professionally waxed prior to issue. Rates subject to change without notice.
22 23
from horseback, a kayak, an ATV and your own two feet Bungee jumping Head to the base of Mount St. Helens to bungee jump off the highest bungee bridge in the country. A full 20 stories high, the spectacular private bridge is nestled in a beautiful emerald green forest above a majestic sparkling river. If adrenaline is what you crave, you won’t be disappointed Saturday, Feb. 25. Fee includes transportation, two jumps and the coveted Dangerous Sports Club T-shirt. Minimum weight: 90 lbs. ($125)
Horseback riding Head to Elbe, a town in the outskirts of Mount Rainier National Park, for a two-hour guided afternoon horseback ride on Sunday, Feb. 26. No experience is necessary for you to participate in this trip. Minimum age: 7 ($80)
Seattle walking tour Get an insider’s view of Seattle Sunday, March 11. See the best parts of The University of Washington, Ballard, Fremont, Queen Anne, City Center, Pike Place and Safeco Field. While exploring the city, you’ll stop at spots many pass by and
have time to go to the Space Needle, the Experience Music Project and the Museum (entry is not included in the trip fee). ($55)
After-work kayak skills class Learn self-rescue techniques and other paddling skills — head to the indoor pool Wednesday, March 14. You’ll walk away with the skills you will need to become more confident on open-water trips. Minimum age: 12 ($20)
Outdoor adventure trip
Cross-country ski Copper Creek Hut
Saturday, Feb. 18
Winter survival camping trip
Feb. 18–19
Minimum age: 18
After-work climb Head to the Edge-
Ski–n–snowboard Crystal Mountain
Sunday, Feb. 19
Transportation only: $20
works Gym for an evening of rock climbing Wednesday, Feb. 29. ($15)
Cross-country ski Lake Easton
Saturday, Feb. 25
Minimum age: 12
Bungee jumping
Saturday, Feb. 25
Minimum weight: 90 lbs.
Horseback riding
Sunday, Feb. 26
Minimum age: 7
Snowmobile the Cascades
Sunday, Feb. 26
See trip description for pricing
After-work climb
Wednesday, Feb. 29
Ski–n–snowboard White Pass
Saturday, March 3
Transportation only: $20
ATV RiderCourse
Saturday, March 3
Minimum age: 16
Snowshoe Reflection Lake
Sunday, March 4
Minimum age: 12
Waterfall tour
Sunday, March 4
Ages 5–12: $40; ages 0–4: $15
Military Appreciation Day at Crystal
Friday, March 9
Transportation only: $20
Moonlight snowshoe Snoqualmie Pass
Friday, March 9
Snowmobile the Cascades
Saturday, March 10
See trip description for pricing
Snow tubing
Saturday, March 10
Ages 6–12: $25; ages 0–5: $5
Seattle walking tour
Sunday, March 11
Waterfall tour Explore the great-
Snowshoe Paradise
Sunday, March 11
est concentration of waterfalls in the continental U.S. as you travel along the Historic Columbia River Highway Sunday, March 4. There’s an abundance of small waterfalls viewable from the
After-work kayak skills class
Wednesday, March 14
ATV RiderCourse If you’ve never been on an all-terrain vehicle or want to work on your riding skills, this Saturday, March 3 clinic is for you. ATV Safety Institute-certified instructors will guide you through the fun and excitement of safely riding an ATV. Ride rain or shine, so dress for the weather. Fee includes ATV, helmet and goggles. ASI ATV RiderCourse Certification will be awarded upon completion. Minimum age: 16 ($25)
road, and you’ll make pitstops at five or more major waterfalls to include the world famous Multnomah Falls which plunges more than 620 feet from its origins. Also enjoy a stop in Hood River, Ore., for lunch. ($55; ages 5–12: $40; ages 4 and younger: $15)
Minimum age: 12
Preregistration is required for all trips; prices and schedule subject to change without notice. Register through WebTrac (visit or at the Northwest Adventure Center at Lewis North. Trip pick-up locations are the NAC and McChord Field’s Adventures Unlimited. Group rates/private trips available. We’ll visit FRG meetings or unit functions. More info: 253-967-6263 •
Especially accommodates people with exceptional needs
Popular with Families
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
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24 25
Feelin’ good
Keep your heart healthy in quick By Lynn Larson, RN, Nurse educator for Health Promotion & Wellness Service/Army Wellness Center (currently located at Wilson Sports and Fitness Center)
ike any other muscle in your body, the heart requires preventative care to keep it healthy. Here are some simple steps to keep you ticking.
Quit smoking: Smoking doubles
your risk of heart disease. Quitting now will greatly reduce your risk, plus make you much more kissable! JBLM offers many tobacco cessation programs to help you kick the habit.
Quit smoking with MWR: Made the decision to quit? Nurse educators with the Health Promotion & Wellness Service/ Army Wellness Center can point you in the right direction for help. Call 253-966-3757.
Lose weight: Add more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your diet. Choose non-fat and cholesterol-free products. During winter, soup can be warming and nutritious, plus it can help you lose weight. Choose broth-based soups instead of cream-style. Lose weight with MWR: Get eat-right advice from nurse educators: 253-966-3757.
Exercise: The National Acad-
emies Institute of Medicine recommends 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each day. Take your Valentine for a romantic walk, you’ll both feel better!
Exercise with MWR: Take a fitness class (see next page), consider enlisting the help of a fitness trainer or go snowshoeing with your Valentine (see page 22).
Monitor high blood pressure:
HBP frequently has no symptoms, so it’s important to have yours checked regularly. A healthy diet, exercise and medication can control your blood pressure and keep you healthy.
goals to reduce your A1c.
Monitor your blood sugar with MWR: Get health and nutrition information from the nurse educators; call 253-966-3757.
Stress less: Balance work, Family and extracurricular activities. Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever, but there are other ways to manage life’s demands — keep a journal, meditate, read or learn a new skill. Stress less with MWR: Learn how to manage stress with the Family Advocacy Program. Call 253-968-6819 to schedule your stress management class.
Monitor high blood pressure with MWR: Schedule a MicroFit assessment to measure body fat, strength, aerobic fitness and blood pressure. Call 253-966-3757.
Monitor your blood sugar: Being diabetic increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. Monitor your blood sugar regularly, and talk with your doctor about setting your
Love with MWR: Spend Valentine’s Day with your special someone at the Bistro for a lakeside dinner. See page 10 for reservation information.
Love: Nothing is better for the
heart than a good dose of love. Spend time with your friends, Family or special someone. Reach out and help a stranger. Your heart will love you for it!
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Thomas Ward
Come for a jig, come for a jog — St. Patty’s Day Run Don your green activewear, lace up your running shoes and grab your lucky charms before heading out to the St. Patty’s Day 5K & 10K Run! Come all lads, lassies and wee ones and enjoy a fun run with Family and MWR Saturday, March 17. Dance a jig to an authentic Irish band — Tiller’s Folly is playing till 11:30 a.m. — and fill up on traditional Irish beverages and food (available for purchase). Register online at with WebTrac. To guarantee a race T-shirt and avoid an additional registration fee of $5, register by noon Tuesday, March 6; fee information is online. Race packet pickup is at the MWR Fest Tent behind Bowl Arena Lanes at Lewis Main, 7:30–8:45 a.m. Race starts at 9. Drawings for great prizes begin at 9:30 a.m., and the awards for the top three finishers in each age category will begin at 10:30. For more information, call 253-967-4768.
Getting fit made easy at JBLM sports and fitness centers You can get paid to get in shape! If you’re a civilian employee at JBLM, you’re eligible to participate in the Civilian Fitness Program. With supervisor approval, you’ll receive three hours per week of administrative leave to work out at a JBLM gym. To sign up, go online to Participants must attend a wellness/injury prevention class prior to starting the program. For more information or to schedule your class, call 253-967-5122. Mix up your fitness regimen with a fun class — everything from aerobics to Zumba. Head to the McChord Fitness Center Annex for early morning cycling Wednesdays at 7 or noontime Bootcamp, a fitness improvement program class. A variety of classes is offered weekdays at 7 and 11 a.m., noon, 5 and 6 p.m. Plus, try Hips, Butts and Guts, Zumba, Body Sculpting and more at Wilson Sports and Fitness Center. For a schedule, visit
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Learning & earning
Financial planning for your
happily ever after
By Ryki Carlson, JBLM Financial Counselor
• Set clear expectations — such as only one person talks at a time, don’t make sarcastic remarks, have an open mind and evaluate all ideas and concerns. • Don’t be judgmental. • Discuss both short-term (a year or less) and long-term financial goals.
• Keep good eye contact throughout the conversation. Let your spouse know you’re listening to his/her ideas, concerns and goals. • Humility to listen without prejudice, preconceived ideas or judgments. Don’t presume you know what your spouse will say, even though you may have heard it before. Repetition from your spouse only means this issue is important to him/her. • Place yourself in your spouse’s situation. Empathize. • Set time aside each week to discuss bills, upcoming expenses and financial changes. Knowing both of you
ost people plan for months for that perfect wedding day … but fail to talk about how they’ll finance the rest of their lives. Effective communication is the key to planning your life together. In a perfect world, you’d marry someone who has the same attitude toward finances. In other words, if you were a spender, you would marry a spender; a saver would marry a saver. Since this isn’t usually the case, it’s important to discusses with your spouse your attitude and goals about money. Approaching these conversations can be scary or intimidating, but with a few tips, you can begin to open the door to effective financial communication. • Pick a time to talk when neither you nor your spouse is rushed.
have scheduled time to talk about finances can reduce the anxiety. Remember practice makes perfect. Effective communication is so vital in a marriage. Realize that conflict arises as a result of miscommunication or no communication. Investing time in your financial communication can strengthen your relationship. If you prefer personal budget counseling, schedule an appointment. Call Army Community Service at 253-9671453 or the Airmen & Family Readiness Center at 253-982-2695. ACS Financial Readiness is sponsoring special classes/events Feb. 21–23 to support Military Saves Week. Watch for details.
Q: Why do I need to know my net worth?
Your personal net worth is critical to measuring your financial health. It’s determined by subtracting your debts from your assets. As you age, your savings and investing should be increasing while your debts decrease. By monitoring your net worth monthly, you can determine your financial well-being. With today’s technology it’s easy to track your net worth and budget online. Consider using a tool such as or one provided by your financial institution. Whichever you choose, ensure it helps you with budgeting as well as tracking your personal net worth.
28 Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012
Access JBLM libraries from home! Think you know what you get from having a library card? It’s more than just books. Stop by a JBLM Library and register for an account today, and you’ll not only have access to more than 100,000 books and 200-plus magazine subscriptions, but you’ll have so much more at your fingertips — audiobooks, e-books, DVDs, music and games; computers with Internet; printers, scanners and fax machines; and more. Getting a library card is free and easy. All MWR-eligible patrons are invited to sign up for a library card. Don’t forget to set up a PIN. With Internet access and your PIN, you can reserve and renew materials, use online library databases and access e-books, e-Audiobooks and e-music. The following is a sample of what’s available online — accessible from anywhere you’re connected to the Internet. • AudioBookCloud is an online audio book library collection of streaming audiobooks. • Ebsco Audiobooks offers fiction
and nonfiction titles in business, management, history and science. User account required. • Ebrary offers full-text scholarly e-books and academic resources. • Freegal offers free music! Download up to three songs a week from the Sony Music Catalog and several independent music producers — and keep them! Contact your local library staff to register for access. • History Reference Online offers books published by ABC–CLIO. • OneClickDigital gives you access to hundreds of e-Audiobooks; genres include biography, business, fantasy, history, humor, mystery, romance, sci-fi, self-help and western. • Overdrive offers a collection of e-books, e-Audiobooks, videos and more for access by Air Force military, civilian employees, retirees and Family members. Additionally, Overdrive’s Army Collection is available for library patrons with AKO accounts (navigate to Self Service –> My
Library –> Read or Listen to a Book). • Safari Books is an e-reference business and information technology library where you can search thousands of books from O’Reilly, Microsoft Press and more. • Transparent Language Online is a comprehensive language-learning program that includes 48 languages and English-as-a-Second-Language. Access from a computer or smartphone! Registration is required; check with librarian for assistance. • Tumblebook Library is your source for kids ages 4–12. Read, listen and play games! • TumbleReadables is an online collection of read-along titles for students of all ages featuring adjustable online text and complete audio narration. • offers 24/7 chat with a tutor for students in elementary school through college in a variety of subjects including algebra, essay writing, calculus and physics.
Learn the Japanese art of paper folding at the McChord Library’s origami workshop Tuesday, Feb. 21, 4 p.m.; supplies provided.
Celebrate National Library Lovers Day with free bowling! On Tuesday, Feb. 14, library patrons will receive a pass good for one free game at Bowl Arena Lanes or Sounders Lanes.
Ursula Buford
Read a good book and get creative with a craft! Story time at Book Patch Library is Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., and the McChord Library hosts Thursdays at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Courtesy photo
Join (from left) Ava, Marty, Silverine, Nancy and Joan to make comfort blankets for kids with deployed parents with the Quilts for Kids program. Volunteer your time and talent Thursdays at Lewis Main’s Grandstaff Library, 4–6 p.m.
The estate planning workshop is Wednesday, Feb. 22 at the McChord Library, 10 a.m.–noon. Registration preferred; call 253-982-2695.
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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family & MWR phone guide MWR facility
MWR facility
Phone number
Phone number
family & the homefront
Closed for renovations
learning earning &
feelin’ good
food & fun
Airman & Family Readiness Bldg. 552 M 253-982-2695 Arts & Crafts Center Army Community Service Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall Bldg. 5038 Pendleton Ave. 253-967-7166 253-967-5001 Army Emergency Relief Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall Bldg. 1121 M 253-967-9852 253-982-6726 Auto Skills Center (For after-hours emergencies, call the Red Cross) Bldg. 4043 inside DuPont Gate 253-967-3728 1-877-272-7337 Army Family Action Plan Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Bldg. 1120 M 253-967-3689 253-982-7226 Battle Bean coffee shops AFC Arena, Bldg. 2275 Army Family Covenant Arena Bldg. 2275 Liggett Ave. 253-967-4458 253-964-8837 Army Family Team Building Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Lewis North Trailer N 253-967-2382 253-282-5522 Army Volunteer Corps Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. Stone Education Center 253-967-2324 253-964-8152 Bistro at Russell Landing Bldg.8981American LakeAve. N 253-964-2813 Beachwood Child Dev. Ctr Bldg.8300 American LakeAve. 253-967-2600 BOSS Program Cascade SAS Bldg. 2402 Bitar Ave. Bldg. 3168 2nd Division Dr. 253-967-6710 253-967-5636 Bowl Arena & Strike Zone Café Bldg. 2272 Liggett Ave. Clarkmoor Child Dev. Center Bldg. 2095 Bitar Ave. 253-967-4661 Closed for renovations Cascade Community Center Bldg. 2400 Bitar Ave. Clarkmoor Hourly Care Center Bldg. 2094 Bitar Ave. 253-964-0331 253-966-2490 Eagles Pride Golf Course Off I-5, Exit 116 CYSS Parent Central Services Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-967-6522 253-966-CYSS McChord Catering M McChord Field location Bldg. 560 Bldg. 700 M 253-982-8175 253-966-CYSS Madigan Café Domestic violence helpline Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. Bldg. 9903 Old MAMC 253-964-4054 253-966-SAFE McChord Field Club DSHS Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave Bldg. 700 M 253-982-5581 253-966-9419 Nelson Recreation Center Bldg. 3168 2nd Division Dr. 253-967-2539 Employment Readiness Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave 253-967-3538 Sounders Lanes M Exceptional Family Mbr Prgm Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall Bldg. 737 253-982-5954 253-967-9704 Strike Zone Snack Bar Family Advocacy Program Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. Bldg. 737 M 253-982-5372 253-967-6618 Special Events Office Family Child Care Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-967-5776 253-967-3039 Warrior Zone Family Events & Prgms Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. Bldg. 11592 17th & D. St N 253-477-5756 253-966-7935 Whispering Firs Golf Course Bldg. 895 M Family Resource Center Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-982-4927 253-967-9496 Adventures Unlimited 253-982-2206 Bldg. 739 M Hillside Child Dev. Ctr Bldg. 6396 Garcia Blvd. 253-477-3125 Evergreen Inn 253-982-5613 Bldg. 1147 M Immigration & Naturalization Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-966-6338 Leisure Travel Services 253-967-3085 AFC Arena, Bldg. 2275 Information & Referral Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-6399 Lodging/Rainier Inn 253-967-2815 Bldg. 2111 Loan Closet Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-3635 Northwest Adventure Center Bldg. 8050 NCO Beach Rd. N 253-967-8282 Madigan Child Dev. Center Bldg. 6995 Jackson Ave. Closed for renovations Equipment rental & sales 253-967-8282 Madigan Infant/Toddler Center Bldg. 6993 Jackson Ave. 253-968-7924 M Holiday Park 253-982-5488 Main Post Youth Center Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-967-4441 M Outdoor adventures 253-967-6263 253-982-4901/4166 McChord Field Child Dev. Center Bldg. 578, 580 Scuba diving center 253-967-3405 253-982-2203 McChord Field Youth Center Bldg. 3032 M Travel camp, cabin rental, storage lot reservations 253-967-7744 Bldg. 3032 M 253-982-2203 McChord Field SAS Paintball reservations 253-912-8000 253-495-8425 Military Family Life Consultants Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Rifle & Pistol Range 253-967-9803 Range 15 253-967-9916 Mobilization & Deployment Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Russell Landing Marina 253-967-2510 American Lake Rd. N 253-967-7409 New Parent Support Prgm Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. Shoreline Park Beach Road N 253-967-2510 North Fort Child Dev. Center Bldg.8589American LakeAve. N 253-966-8901 Skeet & Trap Range Bldg. 3969 2nd Div. Range Rd. 253-967-7056 North Fort Part-Day Programs Bldg.8587American LakeAve. N 253-966-9715 North Fort Youth Center SAS Bldg.8584American LakeAve. N 253-966-7166 Sports Admin. Office Bldg. 3236 2nd Div & Handrich 253-967-2604 Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-9287/3544 Outreach Program Cowan & Memorial stadiums Bldg. 2170 Bitar Ave. & 12th St. 253-967-2912 Bldg.8197 American Lake Dr. N 253-966-4802 Raindrops & Rainbows Intramural sports Bldg. 2170 Bitar Ave. & 12th St. 253-967-4768 253-967-3628 Relocation Readiness Prgm Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-5975 Bldg. 2022 Liggett Ave. & Div. Jensen Family Health & Fitness Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-7195 School Liaison Office 253-967-1254 Bldg. 2022 Liggett Ave. & Div. Onsite child care 253-967-3583 Sexual Assault Prevention/Response Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-982-6707 Bldg. 729 M McChord Fitness Center 253-966-3539 SKIESUnlimited Youth Academy Bldg. 6398 Garcia Blvd. 253-982-6700/2393 McChord Fitness Ctr Annex Bldg. 726 M M Bldg. 2021C Liggett Ave. 253-966-2564/3747 Soldier & Family Asst. Center 253-982-2807 Bldg. 736 McChord Pool 253-967-7501 Survivor Outreach Services Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-967-5869 McVeigh Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 2160 Liggett Ave. Bldg. 9037 Gardner Loop 253-968-5656 Warrior Child Dev. Center McVeigh Sports & Fitness Center 253-967-5026 Kimbro Pool Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. 253-966-4956 WIC 253-967-7311 Sheridan Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 3759 Stryker Ave. Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-967-2405 Youth sports Bldg. 3236 2nd Div. & Handrich 253-967-4771 Soldiers Field House Book Patch Library Bldg. 2109 N. 10th St. 253-967-5533 253-967-5390 Soldiers Field House Pool Soldiers Field House Crittenberger Library Bldg. 3271 2nd Div. Dr 253-967-2824 Bldg. 11596, D St. & 41st Div. N 253-967-1254 Wilson child care 253-967-1453 Financial Readiness Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall Wilson Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 11596, D St. & 41st Div. N 253-967-7471 Grandstaff Library Bldg. 2109 N. 10th St. 253-967-5889 Facilities are on Lewis Main unless otherwise indicated. N Lewis North M McChord Field CallBase for hours and details. For more information and up-to-date listings, visit McChord Field Library Bldg. 851 M 253-982-3454 30 Joint Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012 American Lake Community Center Bldg.8085 American Lake Ave. N
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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • February 2012