FOCUS Joint Base Lewis-McChord MWR fun, food, travel & well-being guide
JANUARY 2012 •
Fresh powder, fresh start Happy New Year from MWR!
Get fit, smart, outdoors &
Play in the snow with the Outdoor Recreation Program
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Stay connected to tay connected to Stay connected to Stay connected to Stay connected to tay connected to Stay connected to Stay connected to our little trooper. your little trooper. our little trooper. your little trooper. your little trooper. your little trooper. your your little little trooper. trooper.
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Stayto connected to your little trooper. Stay connected your little trooper. your little trooper. Stay connected to Stay connected to your little trooper. Staylittle connected to your trooper. your little trooper. your yourlittle littletrooper. trooper.
your little trooper. your little trooper. your yourlittle littletrooper. trooper.
Stay connected to Stay connected to Stay to Stayconnected connected to your tt e trooper your tt e trooper your little trooper. your little trooper.
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CenturyLnk nk HHgh ghSpeed Speed nternet CenturyL CenturyLnk nk Hgh gh Speednternet nternet CenturyL nternet SpeedsH uptotoSpeed 12Mbps Mbps Speeds up 12 M Speeds up to 12 Mbps Speeds up to 12 Mbps M
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CenturyLink High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internet CenturyLink
CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Whe you don have oo ee om peop you ove ove Wheheheoyou youeuterm eon onbase ba you eocomm o ove oveseas ea tment you don have and ee aa y no om he heCenturyLink peop ee you High-Speed Internet CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No rrising s sng pr ce 5 years No contract No Thanks can up hh ends whe e you youaa ee High-Speed Internet Than oCen Cencommitment. uyL yLnk n you you ankeep eeptment upw end and and am am yy no no ma maCenturyLink ee whe No rrising ng pr cefor for years No contract No term comm CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Speeds up to 12 Mbps o rising price for years. No contract. No term No for 55 years. No contract. term commitment. Thanks oNo ucommitment. can keep up ww am ma whe e you High-Speed Internet No rising price for5 5price years. No contract. No term Than oCen Cencommitment. ueyL yLnk n Speed you an eep up whhHome h ends end and Un am m y no maCenturyLink ee Cen whe eeyL you aa ee Speeds up to 12 Mbps Speeds up to 12 Mbps No price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds up to 12 Mbps Phone ed om u nk When you bund H gh n e ne w o rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term Speeds up to 12 Mbps When you bund e H gh Speed n e ne w h Home Phone Un m ed om Cen u yLSpeeds n No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds 12 Mbps upup to to 12 Mbps Whe Wheheheyou youe eon onbase ba eoo ove oveseas ea you youdon don have have oo ee ee aa
om peop ee you you ove ove om he he peop
Phone Un ed om Cen Cen uu yL yL When you bund e eHfrom nnepeop ww hh Speeds Mbps mon When you Hgh ghSpeed Speed ene Home Phone Un m m So ed om nnk o hether you rere on base or overseas to far the eHome Cen uuup yLnk nkto gh12 Speed neemon ne h h Whether you on base or overseas you youdon dontthave have to fee far from the peop e you ove you canfee gegebund o o us $19 aamon hne hou syou gn ng aove con you ee dep dep oyed oyed Cen yL HH gh Speed nInternet ne you an u $1995 95 mon hww hou gnon ng onNoac ae m Soomm you oo monh h hether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to far from the people love. CenturyLink High-Speed No ng e 55yea No aacon men mon Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the you love. you canfeel gege o o us $19 95 aap mon hou syou gn ng aa So youmen dep oyed CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No ng p people ehohow yea No on Noac em omm Speedsnternet up oo12 12Mbps Mbps hanks toto CenturyL nk and fam y no matter where you are you an u $19 95 mon w hou gn ng awhen onNo acance Socommitment. you eeces dep ogh-Speed CenturyL nkoyed Hgh-Speed Thanks CenturyL nkyou youcan cankeep keepup upw wth thfr frends ends and fam y no matter where you are Speeds up No rising price for 55eyears. No contract. term have o move you won have o pay a m na on ee ng se v CenturyL nk H nternet No rising price for years. No contract. No term commitment. Speeds up to 12 Mbps hanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. have o move you won have o pay a e m na on ee when an e ng e v e No rr ss ng pr ce for No contract No term comm tment CenturyLink High-Speed Internet Thanks tobund CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter you are.cance Speeds up to 12 Mbps hen you ee H gh-Speed nternet w Home Phone Un m ted from CenturyL nk W No ng pr ce or55years years No contract No term comm tment have you won oopay awhere ee when ng se ces CenturyL nk gh-Speed nternet Speeds up to12 12Mbps Mbps When you bund H gh-Speed nternet wth th Home Phone Un m ted from CenturyL nk W have m haveoNo omove move you won have pay ae em mna na on on ee when to an e from ngm e vvpeople e youH Speeds up to No rising price for No contract. term hen you bundle High-Speed with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Whether you’re on base ororoverseas, you don’t feel far the love. No r s ng pr Internet ce or55years. years No contract No term commitment. comm tment Speeds upto to12 12Mbps Mbps mon h* When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Whether on base overseas, you don’thave have far from the people love. Cyou’re ww m w you Speeds up aa mon h* u can get $19 95 thout syou gn ng a contract So f he you re dep oyed orto feelm Whe he on base ow ove seas don have o a om peop e you oyed ove m m w you can gett for t forust ust $19 95aeamonth month thout gn ng a contract So f you re dep or Whe heyou you e on base ow ove seass you don have o ee ee a om he peop e you ove month* P us when you s gn up now you can ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa P epa d Ca d Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. aa month* P u when you gn up now you an ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V a P epa d Ca d u can get it for just $19.95 a month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or Whether you’re on base or overseas, you don’t have to far from the people you love. Thanks to CenturyLink, can keep up family no matter you are. U mepa mCa Cwhere WW HH ge Syou ww HHfriends m you can get it for Thanks just $19.95 a month signing contract. So, if you’re or and Whe he you on base owithout ove seas you don have o feel a om he peop you ove Cen ue nk can up w hh ends and am y no ma e whe e you you a Ua P ve to move won to have to pay a nat on when ng serv ces Pfee usu a when you scance gn now you can ae $50 Cen uwith yL nk™ V dm Thanks o Cen uyL yL nkyou you cankeep keep up w ends and am y no ma e e a have to moveyou you won t have to pay aterm term nat on fee when cance ng serv P when youee gnup up now you an whe ge ces adeployed $50 Cen uee yL m nk™ V sa Pmepa d Ca dd Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home m Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. M Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home ve to move, you won’t have to pay a termination fee when cancelling services. m mm w S– Thanks o Cen u yL nk you can h ends am m ma egh whe you e When you bund eto H gh nnkeep eene w hh Home Phone Un om Cen u yL nk have to move, you won’t have pay a termination fee when cancelling services. mon CenturyL nk Hgh Speed nternet w When you bund e H ghSpeed Speed neup ww Home Phone Un m ed om yL nk Speeds up oand Mbps ayyL ano ow mon hCen ySpeed cee ha won see ooa contract. 55 yea MTM amonth* month* Speed up o1212 Mbp acan aed ow mon h yp pu emonth ha won yea sSo, Cen uyou nk H n eamne aa mon h*h* amonth* you get itmon just $19.95 a without signing if you’re deployed or When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, mon CenturyLink High-Speed Internet get itfor for just $19.95 amonth without No s sng ppyou ce oos 5you yea scan No con ac No ee m men When you bund e H gh Speed e hne w h Home Phone Un m ed om Cen u nk aa mon h*h* m wh Speeds up oaa Mbps aSpeeds ow y p12 ce ha won se ooawwcontract. 55 yea can ge oyou us $19 95 w hou ssgn ng con So you dep oyed o signing us when s gn up you can get a $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card TM m w m Speed up o12 12 aacan a ow mon h ye pdep eyL ha won yea sSo,– if you’re deployed or CenturyLink High-Speed Internet you ge o us $19 95 amon mon h w hou gn ng con ac So you e oyed o a amonth* No ngyou cefor 5 yea snow No con ac No macomm comm men P us when gn up now can get an $50 CenturyL nk™ V ac sa Prepa d Card up to Mbps month* wna h no con ac –Mbp gua an Tha swon’t he Cen upay yL nk PP ceeefee Lock Gua an ee ee Speeds up o 12 Mbps rising price 5have No contract. No term aa mon h* have toeed move, you won’t have totopay a termination when cancelling services. you can get it you for just $19.95 acommitment. month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or us,No when sign up now can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. w h no on a gua an eed Tha he Cen u yL nk Lo k Gua an have to move, you have a termination fee when cancelling services. you can ge o us $19 95 a mon h w hou s gn ng a con ac So you e dep oyed o No risingyou price for 5years. years. No contract. No term commitment. o move you won have o pay a e m on ee when cance ng se v ces Plus, when you sign up now you can get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Speeds up to 12 Mbps have o move you won have o pay a e m na on eeac when cance ng se ces wyou hh no conon – gua an Tha s vhe Cen uu yL an ee Speeds up to 12 Mbps w no afor an Tha he Cen yL nk nk PP Ccee Lock Lo k Gua Gua peeds up toto Mbps at a ow month yypr ce that t se 5 years –se Whe he you e12 ba ehave ea you don have oohave ee a om he peop ove weed w ™ to move, you won’t too pay aa termination cancelling services. Speeds up 12 at a ow month ce that won t rrfee sewhen forgua 5 years – weedng w ™V V an ee C o move you won have pay e won m na ove on ee when cance v ces Whe he you eon on baMbps eohave o ove ove ea you don have ee apr om he peop ee you peeds up toto 12 Mbps at aa low monthly price that rise for 5 years –signup Whether you’re on base oror overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the people youCen love. Plus, when you sign Card. Speeds up 12 Mbps at low monthly price that rise for 5 years – Plus, when upnow nowyou youcan canget getaa$50 $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card. P us when you s gn up now you can ge awon’t $50 u nk™ V sa P epa d Ca d Whether you’re on base overseas, you don’t have to feel far from the people you love. P us s gn up now you can ge awon’t $50 Cen u yL yL nk™ V sa P you epa d Than oo Cen you an eep w hh end and am y no ma e whe whe you thth no contract guaranteed That s the CenturyL nk Pr Guarantee w no contract guaranteed That s the Pr ce-Lock Guarantee S Visa MM d Ca w mm w Than Cenu uyL yLn– n– you anwhen eepup upyou w sign end and am yCenturyL no ma get e eenk you aa eece-Lock w w Plus, when you up now you can a $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card. ® ®won’t rise for 5 years – Pre us when you s gn up now you can gewhere at$50 Cen u fee yL nk™ V sa P epa d peop Ca d to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. th Thanks no contract –– guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Whether you on base or overseas you don have to far from the e you you ove with no contract guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Speeds upup toto12 Mbps price Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends no matter you are. Phone Un m ed om Cen u yL When you bund gh Speed nnon e h Home Speeds 12 Mbpsat ataalow lowmonthly monthly price that – Speeds up ow 12 Mbps aand ow mon h y pp ce ha se o 5 yea s – Whe her you re base or overseas you don have o ee ar he peop e ove Speeds up o 12 Mbps aaafamily ow mon h y ce ha won sefar o 5rom yea s – ® w C that G Phone Un m ed om Cen u yL nn won When you bunde eHH gh Speed ene ne w hor Home ®won’t rise for 5 years w from G Whether you’re on base overseas, you don’t have to feel the people you love. Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Speeds up to 12 Mbps at monthly price that won’t rise for 5 years – mon Whether you’re on base or overseas, you to feel from people love.Price-Lock Speeds up o 12 Mbps aaeed alow ow mon hdon’t y p cehave ha won sefar o 5no yea sthe with no contract –– That’s the Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, When you bundle Internet with Home w h no con ac – gua an Tha ss he u nk P ce Lock Gua an ee with contract –guaranteed. guaranteed. That’s theCenturyLink CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Guarantee. mon h h you w no con ac – gua eed he Cen u yL yL nk ce Lock Gua an ee you an ge o o to uuHigh-Speed $19 95 hhnk w gn ng on a So you eCen dep oyed ® ®P you an ge $19 95ah amon mon w hou hou gn ng aan a keep on a Tha So w you e dep oyed oo and Thanks CenturyL you can up th fr ends fam y matter where you are month* ign up and get a $50 Prepaid Card. Sign up and get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. with no contract –signing guaranteed. the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. w ah no con acCenturyLink™ – gua eed That’s Tha s he Cen u yL nk ce Lock Gua an ee you can get it itfor $19.95 without aan So, if you’re deployed orand Thanks o Cen uryL nk you can keep up w h rVisa ends and am y no no ma era amonth* where you are ® ®P you can get forjust just $19.95 amonth month signing a contract. contract. So, ifwith you’re deployed or Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep family no matter where you are. ® have oup move you won have o pay aawithout ee m na on ee an e ev v friends ign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Sign and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. have o move you won havea oa pay m na on ee when when anup e ng ng e ee S gn up and ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa P epa Thanks to CenturyLink, you can keep up with friends and family no matter where you are. S gn up and ge a $50 Cen u yL nk™ V sa d Ca d ® ® have to move, to pay fee when cancelling services. ® Prepa have to move,you youwon’t won’t have to pay atermination termination fee when cancelling services. When you bund eup H agh-Speed w th Home Phone Un mup ted CenturyL nk Visa Shave gn and get aanternet $50 CenturyL nk™ V Card Sign get CenturyLink™ S gn up and get $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa sa Prepa dfrom Card Sign upand and getaa$50 $50 CenturyLink™ Visa® Prepaid Card.
$ $
Whe oo ee peop ee you you ove ove Wheher heryou yourereon onbase baseor oroverseas overseas you youdon don have haveto ee ar ar rom rom he he peop Whether people you you love. love. Whetheryou’re you’reon onbase baseororoverseas, overseas,you youdon’t don’thave have to feel feel far far from from the the people Thanks o Cen uryL nk you can keep up w h r ends and am y no ma er where you are Thanksto oCenturyLink, Cen uryL nk youcan can keepup up w hfriends r ends and family am y no matter ma er where Thanks where you youare are. Thanks to CenturyLink,you you cankeep keep upwith with friendsand and family no no matter where you are. When you bund e H gh Speed n erne w h Home Phone Un m ed rom Cen uryL nk Phone Un m ed rom Cen uryL nk When you bund e H gh Speed n erne w h Home When you CenturyLink, Phone Unlimited Unlimited from from CenturyLink, When youbundle bundleHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetwith withHome HomePhone you can ororusus$19 you re re dep dep oyed oyed or CenturyLink High-Speed Internet you cange geit for $1995 95a amon monhhw w hou hou ssigning sgn gnng ng a a con con rac rac So So if you CenturyLink you can get just $19.95 a month without a contract. So, you’re deployedor or CenturyLink High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internet youprice can getfor it for just $19.95No a month withoutNo signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or CenturyLink High-Speed Internet No 5 years. contract. term commitment. Norising rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term have o move you won have o pay a erm na on ee when cance ng serv ces Speeds up to 12 Mbps No rising price for 5 years. No contract. No term commitment. have omove, movefor you won have opay payaatermination erm na onterm ee when when cance ng serv ces Speeds up to 12 Mbps No rising price 5 years. No contract. No commitment. have to you won’t have to fee cancelling services. Speeds up to 12 Mbps have to move, you won’t have to pay a termination fee when cancelling services. Speeds up to 12 Mbps SSgn gnup upand andget geta a$50 $50CenturyL CenturyLnk™ nk™ V V sa sa Prepa d Card S gn up and get a $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa d Card S$50 gnCenturyL up and get a $50 CenturyL PP ususwhen nk™ V Prepa dnk™ CardV sa whenyou youssign sgn gnup upnow nowyou youcan canget geta a$50 CenturyL nk™ V sa sa Prepa d Card Plus, when Card. Plus, whenyou you signup upnow nowyou youcan canget getaa$50 $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card. Speeds up o 12 Mbps a a ow mon h y pr ce ha won r se or 5 years – Call o ge you $50 Cen uu yL Ca dd oday oday 877 722 5743 Call o ge you $50 Cen nk yL nk™ V sa P epa dd Ca Speeds up oH 12 Mbps a$50 ow mon h hydprice prCall ce ha won rPrepaid semfor ored years ––Cen Phone Un rom uryL When you bund eup gh Speed n erne w Home ® ® When you bundle High-Speed Internet with Home Phone Unlimited from CenturyLink, Sign up and get a CenturyLink™ Visa Card. Speeds to 12 Mbps ata low monthly that won’t rise 55 S up gn and a $50 CenturyL nk™ V sa Prepa Card PP u u when you gn up you an ge aaMbps $50 Cen u yL nk™ V a epa d Ca dCall o $50 Cen yL Ca dd oday oday 877 722 5743 oge ge you you $50 Cen u utoday yL nk™ V sa P epa dd Ca Speeds up to 12 at a low price won’t rise forsa 5dyears years –CenturyLink, When you bundle High-Speed Internet Home Unlimited from when you.722.5743 gn upnow now you an ge $50get Cen ua yL nk™ Vmonthly aP Pwith epa Ca d mon Call to get your $50 CenturyL nk™ V Prepa d Card Card 877 Call to get your $50 CenturyL nk™ Prepa d today cen uthat yPhone com cen ung ynknk com Plus, when you sign up now you can get aa$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. aa mon h*h* you can get t for ust $19 95 a month w thout s gn a contract So f you re dep oyed or Plus, when you sign up now you can get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. w h no con rac – guaran eed That s the CenturyL nk Pr ce Lock Guarantee Ca C ™ V C month* 877 722 5743 CaVisa C or C Call to get $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card today. you can or us $19 95 amonth mon h w hou s gn con rac So you reCard dep oyed 877 .722.5743 Call to get your CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card today. wge h no con –guaranteed. eed That s$50 the CenturyL nk Pr ce Lock Guarantee cen u uyng com cen ynk nk com aa month* Speed up ocan Mbp aCall aCall ow mon hrac pp– eeguaran ha eeyour o 5 yea you get for just a signing aa contract. So, if you’re deployed or ntury nk com century nk com ooge your $50 uryL nk™ V sa Prepa d Ca oday Speed up o12can 12 Mbp ait ait ow mon hyy$19.95 ha won won oThat’s 5without yea 877 .722.5743 ge you $50 Cen Cen u yLCen nk™ P epa d d oday with no contract the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. Call to $50 Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card Card today. today. 877.722.5743 Call toget getyour your $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ you oca u yL nk S o e you get for just $19.95 a month without signing a contract. So, if you’re deployed or with no contract – guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. m m Speeds up to 12 Mbps at a low monthly price that won’t rise for 5 years – Call to $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card Speeds up toto 12 Mbps atCall a low price that won’t for 5 – your 877 .722.5743 oget ge you on $50 Cen u yLCen nk™ V sa P d Ca d today. oday cen ury nk com have move you won t have torise pay ayears term nat fee cance serv ces cen umonthly y nk com youwhen oca u Visa yL nk ng S oepa e TM TM
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wwh h nonohave on gua an Tha he u nk Gua an ee eena on ee your oca CenturyL nk Store ona a o gua aneed eed Tha won heCen Cen u yL yL nk P Po e e Lo Lo k Gua an move you have pay erm cance ngC serv ces S have toto you have to aka termination fee services. cen uThat’s ywon’t nk com with no contract – move, guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock your CenturyLink Store with no contract –local guaranteed. the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. you oca Cen upay yL nk S o e have move, you won’t have to pay aGuarantee. termination fee when when cancelling cancelling services. your local CenturyLink Store you
oca Cen u yL nk S o e
Sign up and get aa$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Sign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Sign $50 Signup upand andget getaa $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Visa Prepaid Card.
® ® ® Prepa ® SSgn and get nk™ V sa gn up and getayou a$50 $50sCenturyL CenturyL nk™you V sacan daa Card ® Pup usus when get $50 nk™ d Card Card ® ®can ®V P when you sgn gnup upnow now you get $50CenturyL CenturyL nk™ V Osa sa Prepa Prepa d Sign up and get aa$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card. Sign up and $50sign CenturyLink™ Visa Card. N w H S you w G m Plus, when $50 Visa Card. N w H get m m now S you w P G m Plus, when you signup up now youcan canget getaa $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Prepaid Card.
$ $
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m m m w w w w ™H H m P™ *OfferU U 1/28/2012. m New residential High-Speed Internet customersC ™ HH everywhere. wwapplies MMfor theO m m and monthly m recurring m m mInternet C m m ™ S w O m ™ MM only. Servicesand and offers not available Price-Lock Guarantee only to the charges listed services; excludes allall taxes, fees, surcharges, feesfees for modem/ endsends 1/28/2012. New residentialapplies High-Speed Internet customers only. Services not available everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee Offer applies only to themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring charges for the listed services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring for modem/ ™ *Offer ™offers w s 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Services and offers not availableeverywhere. everywhere.™ Price-Lock Guarantee only to monthly recurring charges for the listed services; excludes all taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring fees for mod 28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and offers not available Price-Lock Guarantee Offer applies only tothe the monthly recurring charges for the listed services; excludes all taxes, fees, surcharges, and monthly recurring fees for m w m m m m w w m ends C w mrecurring m m m *Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and offers not available everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee Offer w router and professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscription CenturyLink™Home Home Phone Unlimited Unlimited plan andspeeds applies to Internet upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer toto remain in good standing terminates w router andUnlimited professional installation. Listed bundle monthly charge ofof $19.95 requires totoaaCenturyLink™ Phone applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internetwith withspeeds speeds Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing and terminates professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requires subscription toaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited plan and applies to CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet with upup toHigh-Speed 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer remain in and good standing andand termin essional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires subscription to Home Phone and applies to CenturyLink™ High-Speed with speeds to Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing ter ™if customer ™ ww Internet Mnumber wchanges mm(cancelled, ™ ™ M m m O CenturyLink services mm w A telephone S customer A if customer changes their account in any manner including change required CenturyLink services (cancelled, upgraded, downgraded), change, or location ofofany service (including moving from residence ofresidence installed services). their account in any manner including anyany change toto thetherequired CenturyLink services upgraded, downgraded), number change, orchange changeof ofphysical physical location anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). ranges changes their account in any manner including any change to the required (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), telephone number change, or change of physical location of any installed service (including customer moving from of installed servi their account in any manner including any change to the required CenturyLink services (cancelled, telephone number change, or change of physical location of any installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed se w w mH mbebem General – CenturyLink change, cancel, or substitute offers services – including Locked-InOffer Offer– –ororvary varythem thembybyservice servicearea, area,atatits itssole solediscretion discretion without without notice. Requires credit may required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, andand Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges include N Ncancel, A or substitute offers and services – including Locked-Inm General –without CenturyLink maymay change, cancel, or substitute offers andand services – including Locked-In Requires creditapproval approvaland anddeposit deposit may required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, Surcharges –Applicable Applicable taxes, surcharges include and surcharges in CenturyLink may change, Offer – or vary them byservice service area,at atits itssole solediscretion discretion Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – taxes, fees, uryLink may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services – including Locked-In Offer – or vary them by area, without notice. Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharge M M M M a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetactivation activationfee, fee,state stateand andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and oror government-required charges forH use.use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on standard m w m m mm w w Cost m Hstandard a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, and certain certainin-state in-statesurcharges. surcharges. Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot nottaxes taxes government-required charges for fees, and surcharges apply based on m MM a one-time R MM w m m a one-time m HTaxes, S HS versal Service charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, High-Speed Internetactivation activation fee,state stateand andlocal local fees that by area and certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on stan sal Service charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time High-Speed Internet fee, fees that vary area andtaxes, certain in-state surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on monthly, not promotional, rates. Call for a listing of applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly Rate – Monthly rate applies while customer subscribes to services. If one (1) or more services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling m m m m w w m m w w m monthly, not promotional, rates. Call for a listing of applicable fees, and surcharges. Monthly Rate – Monthly rate applies while customer subscribes to all qualifying services. If one (1) or more services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling m m m w wRate – Monthly D subscribes to all qualifying services. If one m (1) or more services H m feew w Internet (HSI) m M MM rate MM while promotional, rates. for a listing ofm applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly rate applies whilecustomer customer are cancelled, the standard monthly will apply toInternet each remaining service. High-Speed – Shipping and han M motional, rates. CallCall for a listing of applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges. Monthly Rate – Monthly applies subscribes qualifying If one (1) or more services are cancelled, the standard monthly fee will apply to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and will all apply to customer’s modem orservices. router. Performance will vary to conditions outside network control,and and nospeed speed guaranteed.Direct Direct connection and/or consistency consistency claim(s) on High-Speed customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between theirtheir homes andand the CenturyLink central feesfees willto apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance will vary duedue toP conditions outside ofofnetwork control, no isisguaranteed. connection and/or claim(s)are arebased based onproviding providing High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between the CenturyLink central m w H m U m M w w whomes m H H w H m U m M w ply to customer’s modem or router. Performance will vary due conditions outside network control, and no speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or consistency claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed customers with a––dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between their homes and the CenturyLink ce office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with dedicated,virtual-circuit virtual-circuit connection theInternet CenturyLink central office. Unlimited Monthly recurring apply one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide locallocal and longlong distance voice calling, o customer’s modem or Performance will vary due to to conditions outside ofof network control, and no speed and/or consistency claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between their homes the CenturyLin office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with a adedicated, connection CenturyLink central office. Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited Monthly recurringcharges charges applytoto one residential phone with direct-dial, nationwide and distance voice calling,and mrouter. mm m mm totothe m M ™ M G is mbased U mm mm m m ca ™ including Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center,data dataand andfacsimile facsimile services(including (including dial-upInternet Internet connections, connections, data services, and facsimile, each billed atat$0.10/minute), lines, andand operator assistance, chatchat lines, pay-per-call, calling cardlocal use,use, orlocal multi-housing stent speed claim on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with dedicated, virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theincluding CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited ––Monthly recurring charges apply one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide longlong distance voice Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, andand U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, services dial-up data services, andto facsimile, each billed $0.10/minute),conference conference lines,directory directory operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, calling card orand multi-housing nt speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with aa dedicated, virtual-circuit CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited Monthly recurring charges apply to one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide and distance voic ™ w ™H m w w m m C ™ V P commercial C OO A w ™ O mKbps wtier w w m units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer–each –each Availableto tobilled newsubscribers subscribers CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet Internet 256 Kbps w speed or faster Offer totooperator customers with Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs.ISPs. Customer mustmust activate aska, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes use, call data and facsimileservices services(including (includingdial-up dial-up Internet connections, data services, and facsimile, billed at conference lines, directory and assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling cardcard use,use, or m multi-ho units. International $50$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer Available new toto CenturyLink™ 256 speed tier or fasterservice. service. Offernot notavailable available customers withCenturyLink CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or pay-per-call, with other Customer activate ™ , Puerto Rico, Guam, andand U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, data and facsimile Internet data services, and facsimile, at$0.10/minute), $0.10/minute), conference lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, calling or M calling billed separately. ™center, m w wconnections, w w m m m w wmult M m m$50 CenturyLink™ Visa m mm mm ww mm w w wservices wavailable m mw w service within (30) of order must retain a minimum eight weeks afterservice service activation. Customer willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three three (3)m to four (4) weeks of service will beberequired online redemption form within sixty (60)(60) days after ordering services. Visa Prepaid CardCard willISPs. be service within thirtythirty (30)256 daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor aor minimum of of eight weeks after activation. Customer will within (3) to fourwith (4)with weeksCenturyLink ofordering ordering serviceand and will requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form within sixty days after ordering services. Prepaid willsent be sentCustomer ational calling billed separately. Prepaid Card Offer – Available new subscribers toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet 256 Kbps speed tier faster service. Offer not toto customers Internet basic service (without features) or with other must act M M nal calling billed separately. $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Available toto new subscribers to Internet Kbps speed tier or faster service. Offer not available customers CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) orVisa with Customer mus MM ww w m m M m mweeks m m ww ™ m w wother w ISPs. m m (6) to eight (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption retention requirements have been met,including including eight(8)(8)week weekservice service hold requirement. (Maximum value of cards under limited toto$50.) bebecombined CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions cards/codes wthirty m m m m of eight weeks mafter m M m m O mof ™with H mor reward/award/promotion w M six (6)sixtom eight (8) after all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, eight hold requirement. (Maximum value cards issued issued underoffer offer limited $50.)Offer Offercannot cannot combined withother other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes © in days of order must retain services for a minimum service activation. Customerwill willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three (3) to four (4) weeks of ordering service and will be required to complete online redemption form within sixty (60) days after ordering services. Visa Prepaid CardCard will be M ©acomplete hirty (30) (30) days of order andand must retain services after service activation. Customer within three (3) to four (4) weeks ofor ordering service and will be required online redemption form within sixty (60) days after services. Visa Prepaid w w w m for a minimum of eight weeks M m w m m w mm m M N unless otherwise allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash usable at any ATM. Termsand andConditions Conditions apply tothe thecard. card. Subject toapplicable applicable to law, monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but isiswaived forfor the first sixsix months after the card is issued. Customer’s cardcard is issued byordering J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant M M w m A M m w m m U D w m M N A unless otherwise allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash or usable at any ATM. Terms apply to Subject to law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but waived the first months after the card is issued. Customer’s is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant M(8) MInternet M M M or reward/award/promotion ht (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption retention requirements have been met, including eight (8) weekservice servicehold holdrequirement. requirement.(Maximum (Maximum value of cards issued under offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions cards/c M ) weeks all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, including eight week value cards issued offer to $50.) Offer cannot combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions reward/award/promotion car to a license Visa U.S.A., Inc. Prepaid cards can used atunder any merchants that acceptlimited Visadebit debitcards. cards. CenturyLink reserves theright right to substitute substitute aabe check of ininlieu Prepaid Card itsitsdiscretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc.or Alland Rights Reserved. logo The are m U after m mm m value m m member. © © to a license fromfrom Visa U.S.A., Inc.of Prepaid cards can be be used at any merchants that accept Visa CenturyLink reserves the to check of equal equal value lieuof ofaaVisa Visa© Prepaid Cardatthe at discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Allservice Rights Reserved. The name CenturyLink the pathways mwise A mcash m A m w ©first allowed. Prepaid Card is not redeemable or usable any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply tothe thecard. card.Subject Subjectto toapplicable applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of (USD) but isiswaived for the six months after card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., purs name CenturyLink and the logo areare trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. $3 All other marks are applies, the property of their respective owners. e allowed. VisaVisa Prepaid Card is not redeemable forfor cash or usable at at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but waived for the first six months after the card is issued. Customer’s card is Morgan Chase LM.000.MILAD.0911 m m w M LM.000.MILAD.0911 Missued by J.P. of CenturyLink, Inc.pathways All other marks the property of their respective owners. M Bank, MN.A., LM.000.MILAD.0911 A w Prepaid m waccept M U.S.A., cards used at any merchants that Visa debit cards.CenturyLink CenturyLinkreserves reservesthe the right right to to substitute substitute trademarks a Prepaid Card atat its discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service member. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved mfrom VisaVisa U.S.A., Inc.Inc. Prepaid cards cancan be be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. a check check of of equal equalvalue valuein inlieu lieuof ofaaVisa Visa Prepaid Card its discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The name CenturyLink and theM pathway ryLink and the pathways are trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. Allowners. other marks are the property of their respective owners. LM.000.MILAD enturyLink, Inc. All other logo marks are the property of their respective LM.000.MI
up to o1212Mbps ataa$50 ow won – Speeds up Mbps alow ow mon hyVypr pr cethat won se for or 5 5 years years – Ca ooge Cen u yL sa epa dha Ca dd odayt rr se 877 722 5743 CaSpeeds ge you you $50 Cenmonth u yL nk™ nk™ Pce epa d Ca oday Speeds up toto1212Mbps atata$50 monthly price that won’t – Speeds up Mbps a low monthly price that won’t rise for for 5 5 years years – Call to CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card today. rise 877.722.5743 Call toget getyour your $50 CenturyLink™ Prepaid Card today. cen nknkcom cenuw uy y comcontract – guaranteed th no That s the CenturyL nk Pr ce-Lock Guarantee wyouh con rac– S–guaranteed. guaran eed That’s That sthe the CenturyL nkCen Pr ce Lock Guarantee oca Cen u yL nk o e ooge your $50 uryL nk™ V sa Prepa dd Card Card oday oday with nono contract CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. ge your $50 Cen uryL with no contract – guaranteed. That’s the CenturyLink Price-Lock Guarantee. your local CenturyLink Store to Prepaid Card Card today. today. toget getyour your $50 $50CenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid cen cenury urynknkcom com ® ® Prepaid Card. Sign up and get a $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Sign up and get $50 CenturyLink™ Visa your oca Cen uryL nk S ore Sign get aa CenturyLink™ Visa Card. Signup upand and get a$50 $50 CenturyLink™ Visa®® Prepaid Card. Card. your local CenturyLink Store
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*Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services andoffers offersnot notavailable availableeverywhere. everywhere.Price-Lock Price-Lock Guarantee Guarantee Offer applies services; excludes allall taxes, fees, surcharges, andand monthly recurring feesfees for modem/ ffer endsends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed Internet customers only. Services and applies only onlyto tothe themonthly monthlyrecurring recurringcharges chargesfor forthe thelisted listed services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly recurring for modem/ router professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscriptiontotoaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited Unlimited plan and speeds upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing andand terminates uter andand professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires and applies appliesto toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetwith with speeds Mbps. Offer requires customer to remain in good standing terminates if customer changes their account in any manner including any change the requiredCenturyLink CenturyLinkservices services(cancelled, (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), telephone telephone number service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). customer changes their account in any manner including any change toto the required number change, change,or orchange changeofofphysical physicallocation locationofofany anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). General – CenturyLink change, cancel, or substitute offers services – including Locked-In Offer– –ororvary varythem thembybyservice servicearea, area,atatits itssole solediscretion discretion without without notice. Requires restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges include eneral – CenturyLink maymay change, cancel, or substitute offers andand services – including Locked-In Offer Requires credit creditapproval approvaland anddeposit depositmay maybeberequired. required.Additional Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, surcharges include a Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetactivation activationfee, fee,state stateand andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and taxes oror government-required charges for for use.use. Taxes, fees, andand surcharges apply based on standard Carrier Universal Service charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time and certain certainin-state in-statesurcharges. surcharges.Cost Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot not taxes government-required charges Taxes, fees, surcharges apply based on standard monthly, not promotional, rates. a listing of applicable taxes, fees, surcharges. Monthly Rate– –Monthly Monthlyrate rateapplies applieswhile whilecustomer customersubscribes subscribes to to all all qualifying services. monthly fee will apply to to each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling onthly, not promotional, rates. CallCall for afor listing of applicable taxes, fees, andand surcharges. Monthly Rate services. IfIfone one(1) (1)or ormore moreservices servicesare arecancelled, cancelled,the thestandard standard monthly fee will apply each remaining service. High-Speed Internet (HSI) – Shipping and handling will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance vary conditions outside networkcontrol, control,and andnonospeed speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or and/or consistency consistency claim(s) with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between theirtheir homes andand the CenturyLink central esfees will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance willwill vary duedue to to conditions outside ofof network claim(s)are arebased basedon onproviding providingHigh-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetcustomers customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink central office. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection to the CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited – Monthly recurring charges apply to one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide local and long distance voice calling, fice. Consistent speed claim is based on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection to the CenturyLink central office. Home Phone Unlimited – Monthly recurring charges apply to one (1) residential phone line with direct-dial, nationwide local and long distance voice calling, including Alaska, Puerto Guam, Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, dataand andfacsimile facsimileservices services(including (includingdial-up dial-upInternet Internet connections, connections, data data services, lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling cardcard use,use, or multi-housing luding Alaska, Puerto Rico,Rico, Guam, andand U.S.U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, call center, data services, and and facsimile, facsimile,each eachbilled billedatat$0.10/minute), $0.10/minute),conference conference lines, directory and operator assistance, chat lines, pay-per-call, calling or multi-housing International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Availabletotonew newsubscribers subscriberstotoCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-Speed Internet Internet 256 256 Kbps Kbps speed CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer mustmust activate its.units. International calling billed separately. $50$50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Available speed tier tier or or faster fasterservice. service.Offer Offernot notavailable availabletotocustomers customerswith with CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer activate service within thirty of order must retain services a minimum eight weeks after serviceactivation. activation.Customer Customerwill willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within within three three (3) (3) to to four online redemption form within sixty (60)(60) days after ordering services. VisaVisa Prepaid CardCard will be rvice within thirty (30) (30) daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor a minimum of of eight weeks after service four (4) (4) weeks weeks of ofordering orderingservice serviceand andwill willbe berequired requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form within sixty days after ordering services. Prepaid willsent be sent sixto(6)eight to eight (8) weeks all eligibility, redemption retention requirements have been met, includingeight eight(8)(8)week weekservice servicehold holdrequirement. requirement.(Maximum (Maximum value value of of cards with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes (6) (8) weeks afterafter all eligibility, redemption andand retention requirements have been met, including cards issued issued under underoffer offerlimited limitedtoto$50.) $50.)Offer Offercannot cannotbebecombined combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes unless otherwise allowed. Prepaid Card is not redeemable cash or usable any ATM. Terms andConditions Conditionsapply applytotothe thecard. card.Subject Subjectto toapplicable applicable law, law, aa monthly monthly maintenance months after thethe card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,N.A., pursuant less otherwise allowed. VisaVisa Prepaid Card is not redeemable forfor cash or usable at at any ATM. Terms and maintenancefee feeof of$3 $3(USD) (USD)applies, applies,but butisiswaived waivedfor forthe thefirst firstsixsix months after card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, pursuant to a license U.S.A., Prepaid cards used at any merchants that accept Visadebit debitcards. cards.CenturyLink CenturyLinkreserves reservesthe theright right to to substitute substitute aa check Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Alland Rights Reserved. logo The are a license fromfrom VisaVisa U.S.A., Inc.Inc. Prepaid cards cancan be be used at any merchants that accept Visa check of of equal equalvalue valueininlieu lieuofofaaVisa VisaPrepaid PrepaidCard Cardatatitsitsdiscretion. discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rightsmember. Reserved. The name CenturyLink the pathways name CenturyLink and the areare trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. Allowners. other marks are the property of their respective owners. LM.000.MILAD.0911 demarks of CenturyLink, Inc.pathways All other logo marks the property of their respective LM.000.MILAD.0911
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N w mm m m m mm m N w mm ww *Offer 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Servicesand andoffers offersnot notavailable availableeverywhere. everywhere.™ Price-Lock Guarantee charges excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly recurring feesfees for modem/ mInternet ™ m Offer applies ™™ wlisted MM allall m m and mand m *Offer endsends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. Services Price-Lock Guarantee applies only onlyto tothe themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring chargesfor forthe the services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, recurring for modem/ mInternet mm wlistedservices; m monthly m router installation. Listed monthly recurring charge $19.95 requiressubscription subscriptiontotoaaCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™Home HomePhone Phone upup toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer in good standing andand terminates m professional mbundle w Unlimited plan and applies m mcustomer m m router and professional installation. Listed monthly recurring charge ofof $19.95 requires applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™High-Speed High-SpeedInternet Internetwith withspeeds speeds Mbps. Offer requires to remain in good standing terminates m and mbundle w m to mm mto remain if customer changes their account in any manner including change requiredCenturyLink CenturyLinkservices services (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). m w mof if customer changes their account in any manner including anyany change toto thetherequired telephone number number change, change,or orchange change physicallocation locationofofany anyinstalled installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed services). m mm (cancelled, w mofphysical General – CenturyLink may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services – including Locked-In Offer – or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion without notice. Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges include m m General – CenturyLink may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services – including Locked-In Offer Requires credit approval and deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. m – or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion without m Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges include a Carrier Universal charge, National Access or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-timeHigh-Speed High-Speed Internetactivation activation fee,state andlocal local fees fees that vary by area and oror government-required forfor use.use. Taxes, fees, andand surcharges apply based on standard m m Service m and mm surcharges. mnot wgovernment-required mcharges a Carrier Universal charge, National Access FeeFee or Carrier Cost Recovery surcharge, a one-time Internet and certain certainin-state in-state surcharges.Cost Costrecovery recoveryfees feesare arenot taxes Taxes, fees, surcharges apply based on standard m m Service MM MM ww fee, mstate mtaxes w mcharges monthly, not promotional, a listing ofmapplicable fees, surcharges. MonthlyRate Monthlyrate rateapplies applieswhile whilecustomer customersubscribes subscribes to to all qualifying services. apply to to each remaining service. High-Speed – Shipping and handling w promotional, m mrates. m mCall m wtaxes, wtaxes, w – –Monthly mm (1) mm fee wfee w w Internet m (HSI) monthly, Call formaforlisting of applicable fees, andand surcharges. Monthly services. IfIfone one (1)orormore moreservices servicesare arecancelled, cancelled,the thestandard standardmonthly monthly will apply each remaining service. High-Speed Internet – Shipping and handling w not m rates. wRate wwill m (HSI) fees will apply to customer’s modem or router. Performance will vary due to conditions outside of network control, and no speed is guaranteed. Direct connection and/or consistency claim(s) are based on providing High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit between homes andand the CenturyLink central m w m m M w wconnection wtheir fees will apply to customer’smmodem or router. Performance will vary due to conditions outside of network on providing virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink central w control, and no speed is guaranteed. Direct connection and/or consistency claim(s) m are based m M High-Speed Internet customers with a dedicated, wtheir office. Consistent speed claim ismbased on CenturyLink providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscriberswith witha adedicated, dedicated, virtual-circuitconnection connectionto tothe theCenturyLink CenturyLink central central office. charges one (1)(1) residential phone lineline with direct-dial, nationwide locallocal andand longlong distance calling, mon CenturyLink mm Unlimited mrecurring mvoice office. Consistent speed claim is based providing High-Speed Internet (HSI) subscribers office. Home HomePhone Phone Unlimited––Monthly Monthlyrecurring chargesapply applytoto one residential phone with direct-dial, nationwide distance calling, mmmm mm virtual-circuit m mvoice including Alaska, Puerto Guam, Virgin Islands; excludes commercial use, center,data dataand andfacsimile facsimile services(including (includingdial-up dial-up Internet connections, connections, data data services, andand operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, cardcard use,muse, or m multi-housing ™ commercial w ™ Internet mm wwlines, w wchatchat w w calling mor multi-housing including Alaska, Puerto Rico,Rico, Guam, andand U.S.U.S. Virgin Islands; excludes use, callcallcenter, services services, and and facsimile, facsimile,each eachbilled billedatat$0.10/minute), $0.10/minute),conference conference lines,directory directory operator assistance, lines, pay-per-call, calling ™ w ™ m N w H separately.m$50 CenturyLink™ m Visa w G w Internet m m ISPs. m mm O O N w H m w G O m m units. International calling billed Prepaid Card Offer – Available to new subscribers to CenturyLink™ High-Speed 256 Kbps speed tier or faster service. Offer not available to customers with CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other Customer must activate w m m m w m w w w m m m w w units. International calling billed separately. CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card w Offer –offers Available toavailable new subscribers High-Speed Internet 256 Kbps speed tier orthe faster service. Offer not to customers withservices; CenturyLink Internet servicefees, (without features) orand with other ISPs. Customerfees must activate wNew m$50 monly. m Services mServices mto CenturyLink™ w Price-Lock w w w available m m excludes m basic wall wfees mInternet ™ ma postcard U ™ wlisted MM O all m m services. mand m *Offer ends 1/28/2012. New residential High-Speed customers only. andoffers notavailable everywhere. Price-Lock Guarantee applies only the taxes, surcharges, monthly recurring for modem *Offer ends 1/28/2012. residential High-Speed customers and not everywhere. applies onlyto to themonthly monthlyrecurring recurring chargesfor services; excludes taxes, fees, surcharges, monthly for mo mInternet ™ HH m U ™HHwill becharges wlisted O m Visa m service within of order must services a minimum eight weeks service activation. willreceive receive within three (3) to to four (4) of tofor online redemption form sixty (60)(60) days after Card will be w (30) mretain m of m service wCustomerwill m Guarantee Mwithin mmthree m Offer mthe w ™within mordering w w Visa mrecurring service within thirty (30) daysdays of order andand must services forfor acharge minimum of eight weeks after activation. Customer a postcard (3) four (4) weeks weeks ofordering orderingmservice and will berequired required tocomplete complete online redemption form sixty days after services. Prepaid willsent be sent wthirty mretain mafter m M m m mserviceand mwith w ™within mordering w m wPrepaid m Card m professional m w (Maximum m mcustomer m router installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring $19.95 requires subscription aw CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited plan and to High-Speed Internet speeds up toto 1212 Mbps. Offer requires customer remain in good standing and terminate router and professional installation. Listed bundle monthly recurring charge ofmof $19.95 requires subscription totoa(8) CenturyLink™ Home Phone Unlimited and applies applies toCenturyLink™ CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet with speeds up Mbps. Offer requires toM remain in good standing and termin m and m w m under mm mto sixto(6)eight to eight (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been met, including eight week service hold requirement. value of cards issued offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes w w m M m w m m w m m six (6) (8) weeks after all eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been met, including eight (8) week service hold requirement. (Maximum value of cards issued under offer limited to $50.) Offer cannot be combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet promotions or reward/award/promotion cards/codes waccount w in any many M m m number w manyinstalled mcustomer Mresidence G m w w mtelephone mof if customer changes their account in any manner including change the requiredCenturyLink CenturyLink services (cancelled,upgraded, upgraded, downgraded), downgraded), telephone change, or location ofofany service (including moving from of installed services if customer changes their manner including any change toto the required services (cancelled, numberfee change, orchange change physical location installed service (including customer moving from residence of installed servi G m mm w mofisphysical unless otherwise allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance of $3 (USD) applies, but waived for the first six months after the card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant m m m m m m © unless otherwise allowed. VisaorPrepaid Cardoffers is not redeemable for–cash or usable at any ATM. and apply to the card. to applicable law, notice. a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies,may but isbebe waived formthe first the is issued. Customer’s card is issued byApplicable J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant mchange, m m six months © afterapply. m w surcharges Ncancel, m Terms mcard General – CenturyLink may or substitute offers and services – including Locked-In Offer orvary varyConditions thembybyservice service area, itsSubject solediscretion discretion without Requires credit approval and deposit required. Additional restrictions Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees,fees, and and surcharges includ General – CenturyLink change, cancel, substitute and services including Locked-In Offer – –or them area, atatthe its sole without Requires credit andCard deposit may required. Additional restrictions apply. Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – NVisa mTaxes, tomService amay license from U.S.A., Inc. cards can used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. CenturyLink reserves right to substitute aa check of value ininlieu ofofaaapproval Visa Prepaid discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual member. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. taxes, Alland Reserved. The are in m w Prepaid mbe mmVisa w state Mthe Mbased amlicense from Visa U.S.A., Inc.Access Prepaid cards be used atRecovery any merchants that debit cards. CenturyLink reserves the right to substitute check of equal equal value lieu Visa Prepaid Cardatatitsits discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. Allservice Rights Reserved. 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If you think buying a locally raised rump roast makes a difference,
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mmodem m UU m MM High-Speed ww wtheir will apply to customer’s or router. Performance vary conditions outside network control,and andnonospeed speedisisguaranteed. guaranteed.Direct Directconnection connection and/or and/or consistency consistencyH on with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes andand the CenturyLink centra feesfees will apply to customer’s or router. Performance willwill vary duedue to to conditions outside ofof network claim(s) arebased based onproviding providing High-SpeedInternet Internetcustomers customers with a dedicated, virtual-circuit connection between homes the CenturyLink c mmodem wwcontrol, Hclaim(s) m are m wtheir mon CenturyLink mm Unlimited m mvoice office. 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International calling billed separately. $50 CenturyLink™ Visa Prepaid Card Offer – Available to new subscribers to CenturyLink™ High-Speed Internet 256 Kbps speed tier or faster service. Offer not available to customers with CenturyLink Internet basic service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer must activat units. International calling billed separately. Offer – Available to new subscribersmto CenturyLink™ High-Speed service (without features) or with other ISPs. Customer must w m$50 CenturyLink™ Visa m Prepaid m m Card w w w Internet 256 Kbps speed w tier or faster service. Offer not w available to customers m with CenturyLink m Internet m basic w w ac w (30) m m of m service wCustomerwill Mwithin m three m mm w ™within mordering wservices. w Visa m Card service within of order must retain services a minimum eight weeks serviceactivation. activation. willreceive receiveaapostcard postcard within three (3) to to four online redemption form sixty (60)(60) days after services. will be service within thirty (30) daysdays of order andand must retain services forfor a minimum eight weeks after (3) four (4) (4) weeks weeks of ofordering orderingmservice andwill willbe berequired requiredtotocomplete complete online redemption form sixty days after Prepaid willsen b wthirty m m of mafter wCustomer mm M m m mserviceand w ™within mordering w Visa wPrepaid m Card w after m retention Mmet, w value m of m wwcannot m mInternet N cards/code sixto(6)eight tow eight (8) w weeks all eligibility, redemption requirements have been met, includingeight eight(8)(8)week weekservice servicehold holdrequirement. requirement.(Maximum (Maximum value of cards with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions or reward/award/promotion six (6) (8)wweeks after all eligibility, redemption and retention requirements have been including cards issued under underoffer offerlimited limitedtoto$50.) $50.)Offer Offer cannotbebecombined combined with other CenturyLink™ High-Speed promotions orM reward/award/promotion mand M mm w m m issued m mInternet M N cards/ m m m m m m © unless otherwise allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is waived for the first six months after the card is issued. Customer’s card is issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuan unless otherwise by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., m allowed. Visa Prepaid Card is not redeemable for cash m or usable at any ATM. Terms and Conditions apply to the card. Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is waived formthe first m six months © after the card is issued. Customer’s card is issued m w pur m w m m w to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Prepaid cards can be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. CenturyLink reserves the right to substitute a check of equal value in lieu of a Visa Prepaid Card at its discretion. Limited time offer. Person pictured not an actual service member. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Th M M log to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Prepaidmcards can be used at any merchants that accept Visa debit cards. CenturyLink reserves the right to substitute a check of equal value in lieu of a Visa Prepaid Card at its discretion. Limited time offer. ©2011 CenturyLink, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The name CenturyLink andMtheMpathways m w name CenturyLink and the areare trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc. Allowners. other marks are the property of their respective owners. LM.000.MILAD.091 trademarks of CenturyLink, Inc.pathways All other logo marks the property of their respective LM.000.MILAD
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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Tips for more fun with bowling and golf; find gems on lemon lots; plan on a Super Sunday party.
Start a career in child care; register for sports; prepare for military life with seminars on deployments and reunions.
There’s a trip for everyone: winter survival camping, snowshoeing, ski-nsnowboard, snowmobiling and more.
New Year’s resolutions: start a fitness routine; eat healthy; run a race in the new year.
Save for rainy day fun; navigate the world of eBooks; get lost in a good book. Staff photos
Anyone who plays in the snow knows there’s bound to be bloopers. But you just go with the flow and make them all part of the fun. Join snow trips with outdoor recreation!
FROM THE COVER Looking for ways to enjoy the coldest month of winter?
Family and MWR has programs, events and trips to keep you busy (and warm) all month! Read about outdoor recreation, youth sports and recreation, classes in fitness, library fun and more January events.
Happy New Year! Each New Year, many of us make resolutions to live healthier, have more fun or be a better person. Family and MWR can help you stick to your plans. Get on the track to a fitter, healthier you with help from the sports and fitness gurus at JBLM gyms. Free fitness trainer services and classes are available, and you’ll find get-healthy tips and shoe-buying guidelines on page 26. Plus, there’s information on healthy eating options at JBLM — and a coupon — starting on page 6 and the annual aerobathon on page 25. If you want to have more fun, you’ve come to the right place. You’ll find pages of fun events and programs all brought to you by Family and MWR. Check out the “Super Sunday” party options on page 8, golf and bowling deals on page 10 and outdoor adventure trips on page 20. Learn about military life and how to handle stress, deployments and reunions with ACS workshops (see page 18). Plus, you can learn something new at a Financial Readiness seminar or at your JBLM libraries. Turn to the Learning & earning section beginning at page 28 for details. Your opinions are valuable, and I’d like to hear from you. Share feedback about your experiences with Family and MWR at Sincerely, William E. Harvey Director, Family & MWR at JBLM
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family & MWR Director, Family & MWR
William E. Harvey
Creative director Toby Bartley Promotions director
Kelly Wetzel
Editor & graphic designer Writer/graphic designer
Kimberly Rowe Patti Jeffrey
Contributors Ryki Carlson, Jaclyn Gilley, Christina Kurty and Lynn Larson Contributing photographers Virginia Baroldy, Ursula Buford, Ken Dietiker, Emiliano Hernandez, Family and MWR Command, Patti Jeffrey and Outdoor Recreation staff Send submissions to For commercial sponsorship or advertising inquiries, off-base businesses should contact Carly Michael at 253-966-2256 or 253-324-0562. The JBLM “FOCUS” is an unofficial information source published monthly. All activities described herein, which are open to authorized patrons and, where applicable, guests, are subject to change; contact the activity for confirmation. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent FMWR, Joint Base Lewis-McChord or any U.S. government entity. The use of a commercial sponsor logo or mention of a commercial sponsor or other organization does not constitute U.S. government endorsement. Submissions are welcome but may be edited for accuracy, clarity and style.
Visit Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family and MWR at or search for Lewis-McChord MWR on Facebook.
All bAcked by the comcAst customer GuArAntee
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012 Q112_JAN_FOC
Two great ways to get away from work: The Bistro at Russell Landing
Looking for 20–30 people, 18 and older, to put on a “Who-Dunnit” mystery. • Dine inside or on the patio for lunch & dessert. Enjoy dinner Fridays & Saturdays & a well-stocked bar. • Lunch features freshly made sandwiches, salads, pizzas & pasta. • Order ahead for lunch & pick up at curbside. • Rooms can be reserved for weekday get-togethers after 2 p.m. Call The Bistro at 253-964-2813.
Heroes Sports Lounge
Auditions: Feb. 7 Rehearsal: Feb. 7–11 Show: Feb. 12 • “Finally Fridays” with specials 4–9 p.m. & karaoke 6–10 p.m. • Bar Bingo — it’s free to play Tuesdays starting at 7 p.m. • Beirut games Thursdays at 7 p.m. with a $5 entry & cash prizes. • NFL Sunday Ticket starting at 9:30 a.m. Sundays. Call Heroes Lounge at 253-964-0331/4986.
For details, call the Nelson Recreation Center: 253-967-2539
Food & fun
Like to eat what’s good for you? Y
ou may turn up your nose at the sound of some healthy foods (and we don’t blame you). But we’re guessing you won’t even notice how healthy some of the delicious meals are that you’re ordering at our eateries!
Salads are glamorous Look your glam best by eating lots of fresh veggies, salads and fruit. For instance, who would guess that the Cascade Community Center has one of the best daily salad bars around? Combine a salad with soup for special savings.
Another great salad bar is at Globemaster Grill inside the McChord Club. Try the Thursday soup, salad and baked potato buffet! Where can you get a quick salad to go? Pick one up at the Battle Bean at AFC Arena or Café Lancelatte at McChord Field. Choose from Caesar, chicken Caesar or chef salads at both eateries, plus seasonal fruit salads and a turkey club salad at Battle Bean at AFC Arena. Other lunchtime salads include a yummy burrito or fajita burrito salad (without the tortilla and with lettuce instead
of rice) at Habañero Mexican Grill at Whispering Firs Golf Course. Madigan Café and the Strike Zone at either bowling center (Bowl Arena Lanes or Sounders Lanes) give you choices from garden, chef and taco salads. Look for other specialty salads as well.
Lighter sandwiches are ‘slimmering’ Cut down on sandwich calories with more veggies, protein-rich and vitaminfilled fish, meat, chicken, beans and minimal high-calorie spreads. Find healthy, great-tasting sandwich options at AFC Arena’s Battle Bean, such as a vegetarian bagel sandwich. Also look for light take-away sandwiches — that aren’t grilled and filled — at Globemaster Grill and Café Lancelatte at McChord Field. View the menus for all our sandwiches at
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
What’s cookin’ at JBLM German Buffet’s a good deal Join us for the all-you-can-eat German Buffet at the McChord Club — featuring international favorites that include schnitzel and bratwurst — Thursday, Jan. 19, 5–8 p.m. The cost is $14.95 for adults; $6.95 for children ages 4–10. Reservations are recommended; call 253-982-5581/2795.
Save with weekday club specials Globemaster Grill at the McChord Club offers weekday specials available to everyone: • Two-fer Tuesdays, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Buy one lunch and beverage, get the second of equal or lesser value free. • Get a Wednesday Hump Day burger, fries and soda special for $5, 11 a.m.– 1 p.m. Club members receive a $1 discount. • Wednesday nights are all-you-caneat spaghetti nights for $6 each from 4:30–6 p.m. Club members pay only $3 each. • The Friday Dinner Special, 5–8 p.m., is $12.95 for members; $14.95 for nonmembers.
McChord Club members can enjoy your own free Appreciation Luncheon Tuesday, Jan. 24, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. (Family members pay $5) and a 2-for-1 Steak Night, Friday, Jan. 27, 5–8 p.m. For more club member events and specials, visit
Savor lunch and dinner at the Bistro at Russell Landing Whether you have time to dine while looking out at the waterfront view or just a few minutes to pick up lunch and go, check out the Bistro at Russell Landing. Located on the shore of American Lake at Lewis North, the Bistro serves tasty lunches and desserts, plus dinners on Friday and Saturday evening. Quick curbside pickup is available weekdays during lunch. To see a full menu and dining hours, visit Call ahead for pickup or reservations: 253-964-2813.
Buy locally with Battle Bean blends Filling up with Battle Bean coffee not only is delicious, it supports the Family
& MWR community by recycling your money back into food and recreation. Grab your fuel — Americano, espresso, Italian soda, energy drink or a latté, plus breakfast, lunch or a quick snack — at one of JBLM’s eateries featuring the Battle Bean brand, proudly roasted at JBLM. Four locations — AFC Arena and Stone Education Center at Lewis Main, and Café Lancelatte and Buster’s at McChord Field — serve specialty coffee drinks and food; coffee beans are also available for purchase at AFC Arena. The AFC Arena location offers a comfortable café and onsite Wi-Fi, while the Stone Education Center offers a quick, convenient stop for your caffeine fixes. Try take-away breakfast and lunch at Café Lancelatte and breakfast at Buster’s on the McChord flightline. The Battle Bean roasting headquarters is relocating to the new Warrior Zone at Lewis North. You can take a behind-thescenes tour of how our coffee is roasted once the Warrior Zone opens (see page 9 for more information). Clip & save
Trivia answer for free gelato Did you know it’s Trivia Day Wednesday, Jan. 4? Come for lunch at the Bistro at Russell Landing (Lewis North), answer a trivia question and get a free scoop of gelato with your lunch purchase from 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Make a healthy start in the new year! Take $1 off a salad at Battle Bean, Cascade Community Center, The Bistro at Russell Landing, Café Lancelatte, Madigan Café or Globemaster Grill! Offer good Jan. 1–31, 2012. No cash value. Limit one coupon per customer.
Food & fun
We’ve got game Feb. 5! S
uper Sunday is Feb. 5 — do you know where you’re going to watch the game? If not, here’s a rundown of places right at JBLM to join the action:
Doors stay open from 2–9 p.m. The P&D is in Bldg. 1146 off Barnes Blvd. near the Evergreen Inn. Call 253-982-7200 for more information.
The Pub & Deli at McChord Field has free hot dogs — plus oven-hot pizza, burgers, deli sandwiches and nachos with melted cheese for purchase. Anyone ages 18 and older is invited to watch the game on a 10-by-12-foot screen and three 72-inch screens while you play pool, air hockey, Kinect or just hang out.
If you’re closer to Lewis, watch the game inside Cascade Community Center and Heroes Lounge from 2–9 p.m. You can see the game from any of the 10 42-inch TVs. Free chili is available during half-time, and other food and beverages are available for purchase.
Cascade Community Center and Heroes Lounge is in Bldg. 2400, Bitar and S. Division. Heroes Lounge only admits ages 18 and older. Call 253-964-0331 for more details. At Nelson Recreation Center, ages 18 and older are invited to watch the game on one of the largest screens at JBLM in cushy comfort. Get free hot dogs during the big game. Nelson Rec is located in Bldg. 3168, 2nd Division Drive. Call 253-967-2539 for additional info.
More play coming your way
Bring friends to dance at club
Heroes Lounge is fun weeknights
Get in on Mystery Dinner Theater
Invite your friends, spouse or date to the McChord Club’s Joint Base Community Dance Friday, Jan. 20, 9 p.m.– 1 a.m. for Soldiers and Airmen. Ages 18 and older can purchase burgers, chicken and nachos and non-alcoholic beverages; ages 21 and older can also order from the pay-as-you-go bar. Dance to deejay music provided by Westcoast Will; no cover charge. BOSS and AADD (Airmen Against Drunk Driving) are available to provide free rides home for those who require it.
Come join the fun in Heroes Sports Lounge in Bldg. 2400, Bitar and S. Division at Lewis Main. Choose from: • “Finally Fridays” with specials from 4–9 p.m. and karaoke from 6–10 p.m. • Bar Bingo — it’s free to play Tuesdays starting at 7 p.m. • Beirut games Thursdays at 7 p.m. with a $5 entry and cash prizes. • NFL Sunday Ticket; the lounge opens at 9:30 a.m. Sundays. For more information, call Heroes Sports Lounge at 253-964-0331.
Come to Nelson Rec Center for an evening of murder and mayhem with a Mystery Dinner Theater Saturday, Feb. 11. Murder 101, an Interactive Comedy Murder Mystery, is set at a class reunion of a closing high school. Auditions for 20–30 cast members (ages 18 and older) are being held Tuesday, Feb. 7. Those chosen for parts will rehearse Feb. 7–10 for the one-night show. For more details about auditions, call Nelson Rec at 253-967-2539.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Play to win at one-day Texas Hold ‘Em Play big to win big at an all-day Texas Hold ‘Em poker tourney at the McChord Community Center Saturday, Jan. 28. Check-in is at 1 p.m. and play starts at 1:30 p.m. Entry includes a light buffet, and prizes include a gift card for first-, second- and third-place winners. A pay-asyou-go bar is also available. For more information, call 253-982-0718/0719. The community center is located at McChord Field in Bldg. 700 near the main gate.
Plan on pampering at the 2012 Care Fair If you like to be pampered and pleased, plan to spend the day at the free 2012 Operation Care Fair Saturday, Feb. 18 at the McChord Club/Community Center. More information will be available in the next Focus issue and at our website at
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Relax with massage therapy Goodbye, pain and stress — hello, relaxation with professional massage therapy at JBLM. Choose a total back treatment, deep tissue or relaxation massage, steam facial massage, pregnancy massage and more. Make an appointment with one of our licensed massage therapists at one of two locations: • For McChord Field Fitness Center Annex, call 206-396-1467. • For a Sports and Fitness Center at Lewis, call 253-224-1110.
See free weekend movies at McChord There’s nothing better than free entertainment! The McChord Theater shows newly released DVDs of the hottest movies Saturdays at 4 and 7 p.m. and Sundays at 4 p.m. Find your favorite movie snacks at the lobby’s concessions stand. Check out what’s playing in January at
Skate and blade at AFC Arena Lace up your skates or blades and roll around the rink at AFC Arena. Check out specials for Families, active duty and civilians, plus hours of operation at For more information, call 253-967-4458.
New-concept ‘Warrior Zone’ rec center to open at Lewis North The Warrior Zone is a new concept in technology-based recreation implemented by the U.S. Army. Its roots can be traced back to programs developed at the Nelson Recreation Center in the late 1990s, such as the first computer-based gaming activities, console gaming check-out programs JBLM Warrior Zone Facebook photo and television and movie programs. When looking to develop the new ‘Warrior Zone’ concept, the planners came to Joint Base Lewis-McChord to learn how it was done, so that they could bring that experience to the rest of the Army and provide this new style of recreation to other garrisons. Look for the grand opening soon and plan on being awed at Lewis North’s newest rec center.
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Tips for golf the best place for
SAVE $15! Top Reasons to Choose Hands On: • Voted “Best Place to Take Kids” in Western Washington by King 5 News • Fun-filled Children‘s Museum with 55 hands on exhibits • Party Packages for every budget from Bargain to Blowout. Call us to schedule your birthday party today!
Get your club regripped at Eagles Pride Golf Course Eagles Pride pro shop offers golf club regripping services with Winn and Golf Pride Grips, and can usually accommodate a one- to two-day turnaround, if your grip choice is in stock. New this season from Winn is the Dri-Tac, made from a new WinnDry polymer material. This grip combines a comfortable feel with exceptional nonslip performance in all weather conditions. The Winn Hero remains a popular choice from the WinnLite Soft family, and the pro shop likes the WinnPro Wrap — a new PolyCord material with a firm, textured feel that remains tacky in wet, humid or dry conditions.
Time on the practice equipment improves your swing The winter weather keeps some golfers from getting on the course as often as they’d like. You don’t have to let the rainy, cold weather keep you from improving your swing. Spend some time on the MEGSA PPE and make a positive swing change quickly. (MEGSA stands for Most Efficient Golf Swing Attainable, and PPE stands for Perfect Practice Equipment.) The MEGSA was invented by Mike Bender, a national top-10 golf instructor, and is the result of a 13-year project to help golfers of all abilities improve in the shortest amount of time possible. For more information, call Eagles Pride at 253-967-6522.
Take advantage of winter golf savings at Whispering Firs Grab January savings all month at Whispering Firs at McChord: • Military personnel pay only $10 for greens fees all month; their guests pay $18. Power carts are $7.50 per seat. • Purchase two driving range buckets for the price of one. • Grab the January special at Habañero Mexican Grill; buy a club sandwich, soup of the day and a fountain drink for $7.25 weekdays. (Specials are for open play only, no holidays or outings.)
Keep your game sharp; enter January tournament
106 11th Ave SW, Olympia • (360) 956-0818 10
Call now to enter the Red T Tournament Saturday, Jan. 21. The cost is $10 a golfer plus greens fees. Play is strike, gross and net. Tee time is 8 a.m. For more details, call Whispering Firs at 253-982-4927.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
better & bowling experiences Say, ‘I like pie’ to get free bowling! Who doesn’t like pie? Monday, Jan. 23 is I Like Pie Day! Any adult or child who says “I like pie” at the front desk of any CYSS facility gets a pass for a free game of bowling at Bowl Arena Lanes at Lewis or Sounders Lanes at McChord Field.
Enter Northwest Military Masters Sounders Lanes Bowling Center at McChord Field invites you to enter the 7th Annual Northwest Military Masters Saturday, April 21. One in four bowlers wins cash, and first place garners $1,000 and entry in the 2012 USBC Masters or USBC Senior Masters (based on 30 or more entries). Pick up your entry form at the front counter or download and print it out from The entry fee is $100 if paid by April 14; pay $110 after April 14. The fee must be paid in cash. Closing date for all entries is Saturday, April 21 at 10 a.m. The masters tournament is open to active duty, retired military, current DoD employees and all spouses. All entrants must be USBC members. Sounders Lanes is located in Bldg. 737, Jackson Blvd. at McChord Field. For more information, call 253-982-5954.
Compete in team bowling Keep your game competitive! Sounders Lanes 9-Pin No-Tap Team Tournament is Saturday, Jan. 14. Check in at noon. Reserve your spot; call 253-982-5954.
Thunder Alley makes Friday night fun Sounders Lanes features Thunder Alley with black lights and music from 8 p.m.– midnight every Friday. $9.95 a bowler gets you up to four hours of bowling. Call 253-982-5954 to reserve your lane.
Get your thrills at Bowl Arena Lanes Stop by Bowl Arena Lanes for Xtreme Bowling, a quick lunch and specials. Retirees can enjoy 75-cent games and 75-cent shoes Mondays, 11 a.m.–10 p.m. All other patrons can bowl for $1.50 per game (plus $1.75 shoe rental) during the same time. Swing by each Wednesday, 6:30–8:30 p.m. for all-you-can-eat pizza and bowling for just $9! Prepay to guarantee your lane; shoes not included. Drop in anytime for hot, quick eats such as nachos and pizza from the snack bar. For more information, call 253-967-4661.
Turn your next party into a bowling party! Count on your bowling centers to make great memories with party packages for children or adults. Sounders Lanes’ birthday packages include two games of bowling for each person, rental shoes, invitations, helium balloons, birthday napkins, plates and cups, pizza, soda and ice cream and a souvenir bowling pin cup. You can even opt for “Thunder Alley” music, fog and black lights for extra bowling fun. Squadrons, groups or units can book an afternoon of bowling and fun for your unit at military rates. For more information on rates and reservations, call Sounders Lanes at 253-982-5954. Bowl Arena Lanes offers three different packages starting at $10 per child. Each pack come with two games of bowling with rental shoes, soda, ice cream cup, balloons, plates and cutlery — and three free games of bowling on the next visit for the birthday boy or girl. Packages vary in price, depending on your tastes and interests. For more information, call Bowl Arena Lanes at 253-967-4661 or stop by and ask for a birthday party pack brochure.
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Food & fun
by Patti Jeffrey
OV Resale Lots, jokingly termed “lemon lots,” are frequent hot spots at military bases for owners selling used vehicles of all shapes and sizes. In past years, they’ve been stocked full of great finds and deals. But lately, we’ve found that many who could be using them haven’t been.
Why sell at JBLM? Even though you could search online, lemon lots are a convenient, quick way for personnel in transition to find your own transportation, or turn into cash what you cannot take with you. It’s true that some sellers overprice their vehicles, and you find out fast that buyers pass them by. But if you adhere to the used vehicle blue book value and post the print-out in the window, you most likely can get a cash sale in little more than two weeks.
Find out what you’re getting Some buyers are wary of hidden problems, even if they like the look of a particular vehicle. If you’re considering a vehicle and want to know what you’re getting, call the McChord Auto If you’re considering a vehicle and Center and ask the owner to want to know the lowdown on what take a test drive over there for some “Lemon Aid.” you’re getting, call the McChord For $35, the Auto Center Auto Center and ask to take a test will thoroughly check out potential problems with the drive over for some “Lemon Aid.” used vehicle before you make the decision to buy it — which Where lots are located may save you a lot more money in the You can sell just about any motor velong run. hicle on a JBLM resale lot, from motorTo make an appointment with the cycles to camper trailers. Auto Center for “Used Car Lemon Aid,” Register at the Lewis Arts & Crafts call 253-982-7226 Wednesdays through Center for the Lewis POV Resale Lot, Saturdays. which is located on the west side of I-5 12
Photos by Patti Jeffrey
Above: Bob Hamilton looks over new additions to the resale lot at McChord Field. In the background is Ron Riveira who also was browsing the selection during lunchtime.
at Lewis North, next to the Lewis historical museum on Main St. The McChord Field POV Resale Lot is located along Lincoln Blvd. next to the commissary. Pick up your permit and pay the weekly fee at the stand in the lot if you want to sell there. Hours of operation and parking fees vary; please call JBLM Arts and Crafts Centers for more details. At McChord Field, call 253-982-6726; at Lewis, call 253-967-5001.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Here’s what our Facebook fans said about their experiences at resale lots: Melinda M. K. wrote: “We bought a jeep there [at a POV lot]. We were able to take the time to look at it, talk with the owner quite a bit, evaluate the pros and cons, and all without the pressure of a sales clerk. We love that jeep, and it’s been a great vehicle to have!”
ob Gunderson is a lemon lot convert. Ever since his wife sold her car for cash at McChord Field’s “lemon lot” in less than two weeks, he has taken a shine to that particular lot. When his 17-year-old daughter needed a “large, safe older-model car” to practice her driving skills, he bought a car from the lot that had been a retired officer’s wife’s car. And when he wanted to replace his old truck with a more reliable model, he once again turned to McChord Field’s POV Resale Lot. “I looked at a lot of used car dealerships when I wanted to get a newer used truck,” Gunderson says. “They all were way overpriced. So my wife and I spent some time looking over a good selection of trucks at the lemon lot, and I immediately found the Chevy S10 I’d been looking for.” Gunderson also found that most, if not all, the vehicles on the lot were priced at the used blue book value, and those had the print-outs right on the window so customers could compare value. “I’m happy with my decision to buy,” says Gunderson. “My truck still runs flawlessly after all this time, even though I work it pretty hard.”
Amanda G. stated: “We sold a car there [at a POV lot]… We’ve looked at cars there also but people’s asking price was most of the time over blue book value because they all wanted to get the cars paid off before deployment/pcs/etc. It’s not a bad place for new Soldiers looking and you can find some good cars there; it’s just like [online] but in person.” Melanie W. C. wrote: “We had been looking for a hooptie for our son for some time. It was nice to be able to walk around the lemon lot and check out the cars on our own time. We went quite frequently, and eventually found a great car with low miles. Very happy with it.” Tiffany J. also commented: “We sold a 2002 Chrysler Voyager with 60,000 miles for $1,500 in good condition. Because we believe in fair prices. The van sold in less than 24 hours.” Nyki M. J. noted: “Most of the autos are overpriced. I check out the lot every now and again, and all the cars are way over book value. “ Derek S. said: “We bought our truck off of the resale lot next to the museum…” Diane W. H. wrote: “…I suggest people take the cars to a mechanic before buying them. That why so many people refer to it as the lemon lot.” (We agree — see “Lemon Aid” opposite) Roger K. wrote: “Location was irrelevant for me. I put a vehicle on the lot some years ago and got great responses. I go to check it out a few times a week to find some good deals.”
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Family & the homefront
Teens, you can get hired with Family and MWR
eens can gain valuable paid work experience and explore career opportunities with the HIRED! Apprenticeship Program. The professionally managed program offers youth ages 15–18 apprentice positions in career fields teens may be interested in learning about. The work experience provides valuable onthe-job training to better prepare teens to enter the highly competitive job market. The program offers workforce preparation and college exploration workshops as well as provides educational incentive awards for 17– and 18–year–olds. The exploratory work experience is aligned with collegiate or vocational courses of study, and teens report to work in Family and MWR operations at JBLM. The list of exploratory career fields with the HIRED! Apprenticeship Program is always growing. Current Lewis placement sites include: • Child, Youth & School Services Cascade School Age Services, EDGE!, HIRED!, Kids on Site in a JBLM gym, middle school and teen program, North Fort Youth Center, Parent Central Services, school age services at McChord Field, SKIESUnlimited and youth sports
• Physical education, sports and fitness centers, pools McVeigh Sports and Fitness Center, Sheridan Sports and Fitness Center, Soldier Field
House and Wilson Sports and Fitness Center
• Libraries and information science Grandstaff Library
• Food and beverage management AFC Arena (skating rink), Bowl Arena Lanes
• Recreation and tourism management Pet Brigade McChord Field placement sites include the middle school and teen program, school age services, SKIESUnlimited, Sounders bowling and youth sports. Look for more sites added this Spring! To apply for the HIRED! program, you must be enrolled in high school and have/maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average. At time of placement, teens must be 15–18 years of age and a registered patron of Child, Youth and School Services. Additionally, teens must successfully complete three workforce-preparation training sessions prior to placement in the program. Selected youth will demonstrate trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Visit to download an application and apply today! If you have questions or would like more information about HIRED!, call 253-967-4694. Not already registered with CYS Services? See the next page for registration requirements.
As an apprentice, HIRED! teens work under the supervision of Family and MWR managers to provide excellent customer service and get valuable on-the-job experience. Become part of the team today!
* Some jobs and/or locations may not be available year-round. Call the HIRED! program manager for site availability.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Kick, run and swing your way to fun Youth sports options will get youth of all ages active From soccer and cross-country running to baseball, swimming and rugby, Child, Youth and School Services has the options for your little, middle school and teen athletes.
Be the goalie in soccer
Household credits are available for both coaches and assistant coaches. Everyone must complete a background check and certification training. For more information on volunteering, call the youth sports office at 253-967-2405.
It’s not too late to sign up for soccer! Bumblebee soccer is open to toddlers ages 3–4 for $20 and soccer is open to players 5–15 for $55. Registration is open through Tuesday, Jan. 31. A parent meeting for both age groups is Saturday, Feb. 11; practices start Feb. 13. The bumblebee season ends March 31 and soccer’s season ends April 14.
The goal is F–U–N!
Take up long-distance running
Registration is easy!
Cross-country running is open to youth ages 8–15. Experienced runners and those new to the sport are invited to register from Jan. 24–Feb. 13. The cost is $25. A parent meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 14, and the season runs Thursday, Feb. 16 through Tuesday, Sept. 11.
Get involved with your kids’ teams Interested in getting involved with youth sports and spending quality time with your kids? Consider becoming a volunteer coach with CYS Services.
Parents, please note that CYS Services hosts recreational leagues inclusive of youth of all abilities. The goal of the program is to have fun while learning the fundamentals of the game. For players with advanced skills and greater ambition, parents should call the sports office at 253-967-2405 for local alternatives. Visit Parent Central Services’ Lewis Main location in Bldg. 2295 12th St. and Bitar Ave., or stop by the McChord Field location at Bldg. 560 Lincoln Blvd. If you’re already CYSS-registered, you can sign up for sports online. Visit JBLMmwr. com and click on WebTrac. Once registered, you can also access your account to get copies of childcare receipts, a calendar of your child’s activities and more. If you still need to register with CYS Services, visit one of the Parent Central
Services location. Registration must be completed annually and it’s currently free! To complete a full registration, you’ll need to bring: • A current shot record • Military, DoD or contract ID card • Two local emergency contacts • A sports physical that’s current through the entire sports season (and updated annually) For registration questions or additional information, call 253-966-CYSS.
Get fit with free cardio fitness training at a JBLM gym! Youth ages 13–15 are invited to participate in the Youth Fitness Program. You’ll establish a personal workout program with a CYS Services trainer and work out during special program times at a JBLM gym. Parent/guardian must be present during the assessment, and youth must be CYSS-registered. For more information or to get registered, call 253-966-CYSS.
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Family & the homefront
You can make a
Family Child Care bowling night was a great success this year. We celebrated with providers, spouses, and our FCC parents. More than 100 participated in this exciting event. Children as young as two years old as well as mom and dad enjoyed this special evening
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
difference in the lives of JBLM kids Family Child Care provider — the perfect career choice
Virginia Baroldy
arn an income while caring for children in your on-base home. Become a Family Child Care provider and learn to run your own business while staying home with your own children. You’ll receive free training, subsidies for completing training modules and free childcare during training. Food costs are reimbursed for providing children healthy meals and snacks while in your care. Additional subsidies are provided for the care of infants or children with special needs. You’ll also have access to a resource room with developmentally appropriate toys, furniture and equipment for use in your FCC home. As an FCC provider, you’ll provide Servicemembers quality, reliable childcare, create social experiences for your children and maintain a happy homeaway-from-home atmosphere. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, pick up an application in the FCC Office, Bldg. 2013B N. 3rd St. at Lewis Main. The next orientation is Tuesday, Jan. 10, and provisional classes are Jan. 30–31 and Feb. 1–3 and 6. If you’re considering selecting an FCC home for your family, here’s a bit more information: This in-home childcare option proBecome a part of the vides full-day, part-day and hourly care; special services FCC Family! FCC recently at some homes may include evening care and weekend celebrated providers, spouses and parents care during training exercise and mobilization. Additionwith a bowling night. ally, many providers care for newborns or children with A great success, more than 100 people, some special needs. If you’re interested in placing your child in as young as 2, enjoyed an FCC home, call 253-967-3039 and see if FCC can meet an evening of bowling at Bowl Arena Lanes. the needs of your Family.
The Outdoor Recreation Program is here for you!
We provide services to Soldiers, Airmen, Family members & sponsored friends. Rent all the snow gear you need for winter fun on your own, or sign up for some of our January and February trips to the mountains. at Lewis North and McChord Field
Read more in the Adventures section!
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Family & the homefront
Get the tools you need to navigate
he Mobilization and Deployment Program preps Servicemembers, spouses and children for deployment, reunions and more. Register to attend a scheduled class or inquire about scheduling a special session for your unit.
How do you prepare for a deployment? Get the tools to better prepare you for an upcoming deployment. Deployments are difficult for all concerned, and Army Community Service can provide suggestions on how to make it easier. Topics in the Predeployment Workshop include budgeting, the emotional aspect, how to prepare children and assist them, Red Cross, care teams and communication. Topics are discussed realistically and by those with experience. The next session is Tuesday, Jan. 17, 6–7:30 p.m.
Learn to help your children through a long separation The Children & Deployment Workshop is designed to help parents minimize stress, enhance resiliency and ensure well-being of children and youth during a deployment. Learn how
to tell your children about the deployment, possible reactions your children may have and take home advice on how to handle situations that may arise. The information can be valuable at any time during a deployment cycle. The next session is Wednesday, Jan. 11, 6–7 p.m. One-on-one sessions are available during the day.
What to expect from your reunion Your Servicemember is finally coming home! Reunions are a cause for celebration, but you also need to prepare for the emotions and the reunion process. Learn what to expect and how to be ready at the next Reunion Workshop Thursday, Jan. 26, 6–7:30 p.m. and walk away with a better understanding of the process and how to make it successful for you and your Family. Additional workshops available upon request include:
How do you cope with separation? Separations are very stressful, and the interactive Coping with Separation Workshop provides an opportunity to work
through some of the stress. Take stress and personality tests to see what your stress level is and what the stressors are.
Making your long-distance love work Learn the keys to successful communication while your loved one is deployed. The Long-Distance Relationships/Communication Workshop provides insight on how to keep the connection strong and positive during deployment.
Getting a handle on your emotions The Emotional Cycle of Deployment Workshop discusses the emotional aspect of deployments for Servicemembers and their Families. You’ll learn coping skills and more.
Continued support for reunited Families Discuss the realities of reunions and the challenges you’re facing in the Reunion and Beyond Workshop. This interactive group setting is for Servicemembers and Families and can be facilitated 2–3 months after return from deployment.
Providing dental care for military members, their families and retirees of all ages!
A full-service dental office with convenient locations in
Lakewood & Graham.
Call 253-584-2250 today 18 ALLJoint Base Lewis-McChord • January 2012 for an appointment! *FOR NEW PATIENTS WITH COMPREHENSIVEFocus EXAM, NECESSARY X-RAYS AND CLEANING!
military life While parents are attending workshops, free childcare may be available for Families registered with Child, Youth and School Services. To reserve your childcare slot, call 253-966-2490. For information on getting registered with CYSS, turn to page 14. The ACS Mobilization and Deployment Program offices are located in the ACS Annex, Bldg. 2166 at Lewis Main. To register for a workshop or schedule a workshop for your unit or group, call 253-967-8430/3397.
Learn about Army culture, lifestyle and leadership with Army Family Team Building Online classes. Check out the Online at at schedule online.
Family and MWR Command
Whether you’re preparing to face a deployment or a reunion or you have an exceptional Family member, ACS can help.
EFMP, Military Child Education Coalition partner to bring parent workshops to JBLM by Jaclyn Gilley, EFMP Systems Navigator
The Exceptional Family Member Program is excited to host Military Child Education Coalition workshops for parents, which offer information and practical tools and activities to help promote their child’s learning. MCEC’s Parent to Parent focuses on providing Families with the tools to ensure quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, Family separation and transition. Each workshop is tailored to meet the needs of the participants; workshops will also provide resources applicable to children with special needs. For parents of school-age and teen students, MCEC’s hour-long workshops
focus on skills and tools to enhance academic learning and provide information to plan their educational journey. Workshops include Charting Your Course, which addresses issues unique to military school-age and high school students, (Thursday, Jan. 19) and Preparing for Successful Parent/Teacher Conferences, Thursday, Feb. 16. Beginning this month, EFMP and MCEC will offer these workshops on the third Thursday of the month in the ACS Classroom in Waller Hall (Bldg. 2140 at Lewis Main). The workshops will be broken up according to age group; teens: 9:30–10:30 a.m. and school-age: 10:45–11:45 a.m.
We haven’t forgotten about the little ones! EFMP hosts a playgroup every fourth Wednesday of the month from 10–11 a.m. at Raindrops and Rainbows at Lewis North. At each playgroup, MCEC will present a 15-minute miniworkshop providing resources and activities to promote at-home learning. Learn about science Wednesday, Jan. 25 and nutrition Wednesday, Feb. 22. Plus, EFMP Playgroup is coming soon to McChord Field! If you’d like to attend a workshop or have questions, call 253-967-3553/3520, e-mail JBLMimcomDFMWRefmp@ or visit EFMPjblm.
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Head for the I
t’s the perfect time to head to Crystal, White Pass and other ski resorts across the region. Hit local ski spots with the JBLM Outdoor Recreation Program — check out the adventure trip listings on the following pages — or book a trip to a faroff destination for you and your friends and Family with help from the travel planners at Leisure Travel Services.
Outdoor recreation If your idea of a perfect day is swoosh-swooshing down the slopes at a popular ski resort, the Northwest Adventure Center’s Outdoor Recreation Program can take you there. There are six trips between now and mid-February! Travel to White Pass Saturday, Jan. 22 and for $95 you can learn the tricks of the trade. The package deal gets you a lesson from a great instructor (request when you sign up), a lift ticket, gear (you will be fitted at the NAC when you sign up) and, of course, transportation. Have your own skis or board? Pay just $20 for the ride. Then, Wednesday, Feb. 8, you can ski or ride Crystal Mountain for half price — it’s military appreciation day. Have your own gear? The price is $20. Otherwise, the trip costs $40. Lift tickets not included. 20
The ODR Program travels to ski destinations across the state and the region, so sign up for a trip today! See full trip descriptions for all ski-n-snowboard trips — and more outdoor adventures — on the following pages. If you want to head to the slopes or take to the trails to snowshoe, crosscountry ski or hike on your own, you can rent quality gear at two locations at JBLM — McChord Field’s Adventures Unlimited and the Northwest Adven-
ture Center at Lewis North (locations, see page 31). See box at right for a sneak peak at available gear and prices, as well as information about maintenance services.
Leisure Travel Services Have time for a long weekend getaway or want to plan a trip? The crew at Leisure Travel Services can help you plan your vacation — no matter how long your trip or your ideal destination. Stop by the AFC Arena at Lewis Main to plan your vacation today. Plus, coming in March — the travel show where you can meet with representatives from cruise ships and more.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Outdoor Recreation’s winter equipment rates Snow gear Downhill ski package (skis, boots, poles)
Daily $22
Three-day $44
Seven-day $110
Cross-country ski package $18 (skis, boots, poles)
Snowboard package (board, boots)
Ski boots
Ski poles
Snowboard (without boots)
Snowboard boots
Snowshoes (no poles)
All packages include damage waiver. We are not responsible for changes in weather or road conditions (no refunds). Skis are professionally waxed prior to issue. Rates subject to change without notice. Call 253-967-8282 or visit for details.
Ski-n-snowboard maintenance Ski tune-up $25 Snowboard tune-up $25 Mount ski binding $25 Adjust binding, torque testing and sharpen/edge
$10 each
20 21
Explore a Head to the trails, slopes and snow-covered mountains for seasonal adventure trips with the Outdoor Rec experts. Please note, transportation is included in all prices. Most gear and equipment is also provided for the trips; details available when you sign up.
Snowmobile the Cascades Fun, action, beauty and excitement await you Sunday, Jan. 22 and Saturday, Feb. 11! For those seeking a fun-filled winter experience, this trip through the Cascade Mountains is just for you! Helmet, boots, gloves and snowsuit are provided. Dress in layers. Fun for the entire family! Minimum age to drive: 16. ($125; adult passengers: $90; passengers 15 and younger: $60) 1
Military Appreciation Day at Crystal
Don’t miss the chance to ski or ride Crystal for half price Wednesday, Feb. 8! Transportation and gear are provided. Lift tickets are not included but can be purchased at the mountain. ($40; transportation only is $20)
Outdoor Recreation staff
3 Winter survival camping trip Head to Paradise at Mount Rainier National Park for an overnight trip to learn the basics of trip preparation, winter travel, shelter construction and winter survival basics, backcountry cooking and “leaveno-trace” camping. This educational winter expedition departs from JBLM Saturday, Jan. 28 and returns Sunday, Jan. 29. Participants must attend a pre-trip class Tuesday, Jan. 25 at the Northwest Adventure Center at Lewis North. 3 The fee includes the winter
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
winter wonderland camping class, group gear, entrance into Mount Rainier National Park and two camp meals. Minimum age: 18 ($65)
Check out these other great trips! After-work kayak skills class Head to the pool to learn self-rescue techniques and paddling skills so you’ll be more confident on open-water trips. Pool clinics are Wednesdays, Jan. 18 and Feb. 15. Minimum age: 12 ($20)
ATV RiderCourse If you’ve never been on an all-terrain vehicle or want to work on your riding skills, this Saturday, Feb. 4 clinic is for you. ATV Safety Institute-certified instructors will guide you through the fun and excitement of safely riding an ATV. Ride rain or shine, so dress for the weather. Fee includes ATV, helmet and goggles. ASI ATV Rider Course Certification will be awarded upon completion. Minimum age: 16 ($25)
Bald eagle float trip Float down the docile Skagit River among one of the largest concentrations of bald eagles in the lower 48. You could view up to 200 on just one trip! Join us Saturday, Jan. 21. ($55) Bungee jumping Head to the base of Mount St. Helens to bungee jump off the highest bungee bridge in the country! A full 20 stories high, the spectacular private bridge is nestled in an emerald forest above a sparkling river. If adrenaline is what you crave, you won’t be disappointed Saturday, Jan. 21. Fee includes two jumps and the coveted Dangerous Sports Club T-shirt. Minimum weight: 90 lbs. ($125)
Horseback riding Head to Elbe, a town on the outskirts of Mount Rainier National Park, for a two-hour guided afternoon horseback ride Saturday, Jan. 21. No experience is necessary; minimum age: 7 ($80)
Indoor skydiving Soar inside a vertical wind tunnel Saturday, Feb. 4. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced flyer, you’ll always be able to improve your skills and abilities while learning from professional instructors. Enjoy two weightless minutes of flight time with instructor. Call for weight restrictions and exclusions. Minimum age: 3 ($80) Moonlight snowshoe Gold Creek Pond Snowshoe by the light of the moon Saturday, Jan. 21 or Friday, Feb. 10. Gear, guide and instruction are provided. Minimum age: 12 ($35)
Red wine and chocolate tour Head to the Olympics Sunday, Feb. 12 for a wine-and-chocolate tour for your tastebuds. Price includes event admission, samples and commemorative glass. Minimum age: 21 ($75) Ski-n-snowboard at Crystal Head for the snow and spend the day at Crystal Mountain Sunday, Jan. 29! ($40; transportation only: $20)
Ski-n-snowboard at Mission Ridge Travel across the mountains to ski at the beautiful Mission Ridge Ski Resort Saturdays, Feb. 4 or 11. ($45; transportation only: $25)
Ski-n-snowboard at the Summit Spend a fun day on the slopes at the Summit at Snoqualmie Saturday, Jan. 28! ($40; transportation only: $20)
22 23
Adventures Ski-n-snowboard at White Pass Head for the snow at White Pass Saturday, Jan. 22! The trip fee includes gear, lift ticket and transportation; at sign up, request a lesson for no extra charge. ($95; transportation only: $20)
Snowshoe at Reflection Lake Surround yourself with breathtaking views of a snow-capped forest Sunday, Feb. 5. The trail to Reflection Lake starts at Narada Falls. Difficulty: moderate; distance: 3.5 miles; elevation gain: 500 feet; time: 4 hours. Minimum age: 16 ($35) Tubing at Paradise Travel to the tubing hill at the Paradise Lodge on Mount Rainier for a great day in the
snow Sunday, Feb. 12. Dress warmly and get ready to go for a wild ride! Tubes provided. ($35; ages 6–12: $25; ages 5 and younger: $5)
Visit Seattle Aquarium/Pike Place Market Travel to the Emerald City to visit the Seattle Aquarium and Pike Place Market. The aquarium is filled with local exhibits, a visiting harbor seal and many amazing things to see and touch. Pike Place Market has an assortment of unique food and shops for you to try, so join us Sunday, Feb. 5. The trip fee includes admission to the aquarium. ($35; ages 4–12: $25; ages 3 and younger: $5)
Outdoor adventure trip
After-work kayak skills class
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Minimum age: 12
Bald eagle float trip
Saturday, Jan. 21
Bungee jumping
Saturday, Jan. 21
Minimum weight: 90 lbs.
Horseback riding
Saturday, Jan. 21
Minimum age: 7
Moonlight snowshoe Gold Creek Pond
Saturday, Jan. 21
Minimum age: 12
Ski-n-snowboard at White Pass
Sunday, Jan. 22
Transportation only: $20
Snowmobile the Cascades
Sunday, Jan. 22
See trip description for pricing
Ski-n-snowboard at the Summit
Saturday, Jan. 28
Transportation only: $20
Winter survival camping trip
Jan. 28–29
Minimum age: 18
Ski-n-snowboard at Crystal
Sunday, Jan. 29
Transportation only: $20
ATV RiderCourse
Saturday, Feb. 4
Minimum age: 16
Indoor skydiving
Saturday, Feb. 4
Minimum age: 3
Ski-n-snowboard at Mission Ridge
Saturday, Feb. 4
Transportation only: $25
Snowshoe at Reflection Lake
Sunday, Feb. 5
Minimum age: 16
Visit Seattle Aquarium/Pike Place Market
Sunday, Feb. 5
Ages 3–12: $35; ages 0–2: $30
Military Appreciation Day at Crystal
Wednesday, Feb. 8
Transportation only: $20
Moonlight snowshoe Gold Creek Pond
Friday, Feb. 10
Minimum age: 12
Snowmobile the Cascades
Saturday, Feb. 11
See trip description for pricing
Ski-n-snowboard at Mission Ridge
Saturday, Feb. 11
Transportation only: $25
Tubing at Paradise
Sunday, Feb. 12
Ages 6–12: $25; ages 5 & younger: $5
Red wine and chocolate tour
Sunday, Feb. 12
After-work kayak skills class
Wednesday, Feb. 15
President’s Day weekend getaway
Feb. 17–20
Minimum age: 12
Details coming soon!
Preregistration is required for all trips; prices and schedule subject to change without notice. Register through WebTrac (visit or at the Northwest Adventure Center at Lewis North. Trip pick-up locations are the NAC and McChord Field’s Adventures Unlimited. Group rates/private trips available. We’ll visit FRG meetings or unit functions. 253-967-6263 •
Especially accommodates people with exceptional needs
Popular with Families
Must be at least 21 years old
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
6th Annual Joint Base Lewis-McChord
JANUARY 7, 9 AM – NOON Wilson Sports & Fitness Center
Bldg 11596, D St. & 41st Division, JBLM Lewis-North
8:30 AM -- 12:30 PM
GYM FLOOR AEROBICS SCHEDULE: 9 am Zumba Warm-Up 9:30 am ABSolutely 10 am Zumba 10:30 am Body Conditioning 11 am Cardio Kickboxing 11:30 am Yoga INDOOR CYCLING SCHEDULE: 9 am – Noon Indoor Cycling
For more information call: 253-967-7471
LMP Sarah D. Jenkins 253-224-1110 childcare is available at the Wilson location *forFree this event only, on a 1st-come, 1st-served basis.
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24 25
Feelin’ good
Getting fit in 2012 at JBLM
f you resolved to get fit and eat better this year, you’re not alone. The resolution to lose weight or get fit is consistently on the top 10 lists of American’s resolutions. Why? Because it’s often a goal that’s hard to achieve. This year, let it be different. Whether you want to drop that number on the scale, gain muscle or get fit to cross the finish line of a fun run, JBLM can help. Here, two experts from the Health Promotion & Wellness Service/Army Wellness Center, Dept. of Preventive Medicine at JBLM share tips to guide you on your way.
Stop smoking, start exercising and eat better.
We asked our Facebook fans:
Are you going to make a New Year’s resolution to be more fit & healthy?
ness from the fruit. • Use reduced-fat margarines for crumbled toppings and graham cracker crusts. • Use buttermilk or nonfat yogurt to replace fat. Add one tablespoon of flour to half a cup of nonfat yogurt Get a pair of proper-fitting running to prevent separatshoes for you and your loved ones ing when heated. and make fitness a family affair. Emiliano Hernandez • Replace cream This year, treat your Family to with evaporated skim milk or fat-free health half-and-half. Simple changes can put your Family • Replace one ounce baking chocolate onto a healthier path. Improve favorwith three tablespoons of baking cocoa. ite recipes with a healthier version, be • One egg is the equivalent of two egg more physically active and explore the whites. great Northwest. Here are a few tips on • Saccharin doesn’t lose flavor when heated. how to make that happen: fruit juice or puree can replace sugar. • Add vanilla extract, cinnamon, allReducing calories spice or grated orange zest for flavor • Replace up to three-quarters of the without the calories! fat in recipes with fruit puree, such as mashed bananas or applesauce. Cut down the sugar to balance the sweet 26
Getting physical • Bundle up the kids and walk.
Making regular trips to doc instead of just when I feel bad. Stop smoking, start exercising and eat better. Now if only I can stick with it!!!! — Christina R. I’m gonna start working out, doing exercises and lose 30–40 pounds to get bikiniready and be more active. — Lakeisha B.
• Go downhill skiing and boarding, cross-country skiing, sledding and snowshoeing. Take a trip to Mount Rainier and enjoy a walk in the snow. See page 20 for adventure trips with the Outdoor Recreation Program. • Make a commitment to work out. Exercise buddies help us stick to work out routines, so enlist a friend to get fit together this year! Get up early on the weekends and meet a friend for a quick walk or aerobics class. Play active games with the kids. — Lynn Larson
First step in fitness: good shoes Wondering how to take the first step in a list of fitness goals? Check out the shoes! Injuries occur if shoes aren’t properly fitted or right for the chosen activity. As you get older, feet become longer and wider. The proper size and type makes a big difference in how the mechanics of the shoe works with the foot. When picking a shoe from the hundreds available consider these factors: Details of the chosen activity. What types of terrain will running occur on?
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
is so easy! I plan on doing exactly what I am told by my chiropractor ... and stop thinking that just cause I feel better means I am healed :p — Alison M. Lost almost 17 pounds this year; another 10 would be awesome. So I guess I’ll keep my goal in view. Walking instead of a car ride whenever possible and stopping eating when not hungry anymore. — Susanne B.
Racing for the finish line in Santa’s Reindeer Dash! Ken Dietiker
Nearly 250 people raced in last month’s Santa’s Reindeer Dash. Congratulations to everyone who crossed the finish line at Eagles Pride Golf Course! A store that caters to runners will be staffed with knowledgeable employees, many who are avid runners themselves. They’ll be educated about body mechanics and which shoe will be right.
What types of arch do you have — high, normal or low to flat? It’s important for a shoe to support the unique foot structure.
Research different shoes on the Internet before making a purchase! The Internet has extensive information and reviews to assist in avoiding a costly mistake. See the shoe-buying tips below and get out there and enjoy! — Christina Kurty
The overall winners of the 10K are: Males • Nicholas Harvey, 38:03 • Dana Munari, 42:08 • Jared Long, 44:14
Females • Sabine Pullins, 43:08 • Tana Kornachuk, 43:28 • Ashley Taylor, 47:17
The overall winners of the 5K are: Males • Thomas Bolt, 18:58 • Brian Dossett, 19:54 • Matthew Siebert, 20:12
Females • Tatian Van Steinberg, 21:22 • Jodie Lynn Bolt, 22:28 • Karissa Owen, 22:52
The overall winners in the 2K are: Males • Jace Snedecor, 11:58 • Brigham Elliot, 11:59 • Teague Schasse, 12:34
Tips for buying your next pair of running shoes • Make sure there’s enough room for toes to move and a quarter-inch from the longest toe to the tip of the shoe. Proper measurement will help ensure an appropriate fit. • The shoe shouldn’t cause discomfort. If it feels loose, check lacing techniques. A properly tied shoe
makes a world of difference. Search online for ways to lace shoes for the best fit. • Make sure the store has a 30-day return policy. What feels good in the store doesn’t always work out in activity. It’s important to have the option of trading for a different style.
Females • Kimberly Coffey, 11:37 • Kathleen Ballwebes, 11:39 • Terra Furney, 12:45 You can view complete results online and see a calendar of upcoming races at If you’re serious about getting fit this year, JBLM can help. There are top-quality gyms on nearly every corner of the installation for your needs — cardio equipment, free weights, and much more. Visit and get details about fun classes to get your heart pumping, the Civilian Fitness Program, how you can sign up for a fitness trainer (free!) and more. Be sure to check out the race calendar for upcoming events. For sports and fitness center locations, see page 31.
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Learning & earning
Save for a rainy day By Ryki Carlson, JBLM Financial Counselor
s the new year begins, many of us commit to changing our habits. One habit that makes the list is dieting and getting in shape. This year consider committing to a financial diet. A financial diet means reducing extra spending, toning down our wants and keeping money for a rainy day. Considering JBLM is in Washington, planning for those rainy days could come in handy.
Your budget is not a checkbook straightjacket but a tool to provide you information about your finances.
Q: Why should I put car maintenance into my ASK THE MONEY EXPERTS
Successfully making changes begins with our perspective on the challenges. There is almost nothing more emotional or personal than money. Clearly evaluating your financial situation takes objectivity, patience and organizational skills. Controlling your money habits requires a change in mindset. Making small financial changes that last can offer financial security for a lifetime. Setting concise and measurable goals will give you direction as you make changes. Planning your steps to achieve these goals directs your efforts. Many of us are wonderful at following plans, but have difficulty creating a viable one. The new year is a perfect opportunity to achieve financial control. Understanding the financial tools available gives you valuable resources during your change process. Using a budget as a money management tool instead of something to keep you from spending money will help you reduce stress during the process. Your budget is not a checkbook straightjacket but a tool to provide you information about your finances. Technology today makes budgeting your finances as simple as checking your smartphone. If you prefer one-on-one budget counseling, call Army Community Service at 253-967-1453 or the Airmen & Family Readiness Center at 253-982-2695 to schedule an appointment (special Saturday session available Jan. 7). A financial counselor can ensure your goals and budget are aligned for you to reach financial success in 2012.
monthly budget?
Your monthly budget should include all predictable items. Routine car maintenance (oil changes, tune ups, tire rotations and new tires) is predictable. Routine maintenance is critical to ensure the safety, reliability and longevity of a car — and helps reduce high-cost repairs. According the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends about 1.5 percent of its annual income on auto repairs. This amount can cause a financial crisis if you fail to plan for it. Technology can help you predict the cost of these repairs; a quick look at will give a valid estimate of maintenance actions. Figuring out these costs ahead of time and incorporating them into the budget will increase the likelihood the maintenance will be done and reduce financial stress.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012
Learn something new at the JBLM library nearest you eBook Basics back by popular demand! You asked, and it’s back! The eBook Basics program is back at JBLM libraries — just in time for you to learn more about that eBook reader you received during the holidays. The McChord Library will host eBook Basics Saturday, Jan. 14 and the Grandstaff Library will host the seminar Saturday, Jan. 28; both are at 1:30 p.m. Bring your eReader and computer cable to class. For more information, call McChord Library at 253-982-3454 or Grandstaff Library at 253-967-5889.
Learn why you should have a power of attorney and more In conjunction with ACS’s Financial Readiness Program, the McChord Library is hosting a seminar to teach you the importance of having a will, a power of attorney and more. Join Ryki Carlson, JBLM Financial Counselor (see article, previous page), Wednesday, Jan. 18 at noon to discuss living wills, advanced healthcare directives, burial options, Social Security, life insurance, notifying creditors and financial institutions, VA benefits and taxes. For more information, call 253-982-3454.
At Winter Reading Program — and every day — Reading is Snow Cool! All readers, prereaders and Families had a great time during the Winter Reading Program at Book Patch Library! The weekly storytimes were as noisy and fun as always, and Saturdays were filled with crafting and good books. If you missed it, don’t worry; the Summer Reading Program is right around the corner. For more information, call 253-967-5533.
Ursula Buford
Every Wednesday morning at 10:30, Book Patch Library hosts a family storytime event with lots of stories, songs, fun and a craft! The McChord Library also hosts storytime at Thursdays. There are two times to stop by — 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for fun, crafts and a great story! The event is geared toward ages 2–8 but all ages are welcome. And don’t forget to stop by Raindrops and Rainbows at Lewis Main on the third Thursday morning of each month at 9:30 for songs and stories with Book Patch staff. It’s great free fun, so come join in!
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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family & MWR phone guide MWR facility
MWR facility
Phone number
Phone number
253-967-5001 253-982-6726 253-967-3728 253-982-7226 253-964-8837 253-282-5522 253-964-8152 253-964-2813 253-967-5636 253-967-4661 253-964-0331 253-967-6522 253-982-8175 253-964-4054 253-982-5581 253-967-2539 253-982-5954 253-982-5372 253-967-5776 253-982-4927
Bldg. 5038 Pendleton Ave. Bldg. 1121 M Auto Skills Center Bldg. 4043 inside DuPont Gate Bldg. 1120 M Battle Bean coffee shops AFC Arena, Bldg. 2275 Lewis North Trailer N Stone Education Center Bistro at Russell Landing Bldg.8981American LakeAve. N BOSS Program Bldg. 3168 2nd Division Dr. Bowl Arena & Strike Zone Café Bldg. 2272 Liggett Ave. Cascade Community Center Bldg. 2400 Bitar Ave. Eagles Pride Golf Course Off I-5, Exit 116 McChord Catering Bldg. 700 M Madigan Café Bldg. 9903 Old MAMC McChord Field Club Bldg. 700 M Nelson Recreation Center Bldg. 3168 2nd Division Dr. Sounders Lanes Bldg. 737 M Strike Zone Snack Bar Bldg. 737 M Special Events Office Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. Whispering Firs Golf Course Bldg. 895 M
family & the homefront
Closed for renovations
Arts & Crafts Center
learning earning &
feelin’ good
food & fun
Airman & Family Readiness Bldg. 552 M 253-982-2695 Army Community Service Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-7166 Army Emergency Relief Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-9852 (For after-hours emergencies, call the Red Cross) 1-877-272-7337 Army Family Action Plan Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. 253-967-3689 Army Family Covenant Arena Bldg. 2275 Liggett Ave. 253-967-4458 Army Family Team Building Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. 253-967-2382 Army Volunteer Corps Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-967-2324 Beachwood Child Dev. Ctr Bldg.8300 American LakeAve. 253-967-2600 Cascade SAS Bldg. 2402 Bitar Ave. 253-967-6710 Clarkmoor Child Dev. Center Bldg. 2095 Bitar Ave. Closed for renovations Clarkmoor Hourly Care Center Bldg. 2094 Bitar Ave. 253-966-2490 CYSS Parent Central Services Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-966-CYSS McChord Field location Bldg. 560 M 253-966-CYSS Domestic violence helpline Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-966-SAFE DSHS Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave 253-966-9419 Employment Readiness Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave 253-967-3538 Exceptional Family Mbr Prgm Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-9704 Family Advocacy Program Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-967-6618 Family Child Care Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-967-3039 Family Events & Prgms Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-966-7935 Family Resource Center Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-967-9496 Adventures Unlimited 253-982-2206 Bldg. 739 M Hillside Child Dev. Ctr Bldg. 6396 Garcia Blvd. 253-477-3125 M Evergreen Inn 253-982-5613 Bldg. 1147 Immigration & Naturalization Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-966-6338 Leisure Travel Services 253-967-3085 AFC Arena, Bldg. 2275 Information & Referral Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-6399 Lodging/Rainier Inn 253-967-2815 Bldg. 2111 Loan Closet Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-3635 Northwest Adventure Center Bldg. 8050 NCO Beach Rd. N 253-967-8282 Madigan Child Dev. Center Bldg. 6995 Jackson Ave. Closed for renovations Equipment rental & sales 253-967-8282 M Madigan Infant/Toddler Center Bldg. 6993 Jackson Ave. 253-968-7924 Holiday Park 253-982-5488 Main PostYouth Ctr Teen Zone Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-967-4441 Outdoor adventures 253-967-6263 253-982-4901/4166 McChord Field Child Dev. Center Bldg. 578, 580 M Scuba diving center 253-967-3405 M Bldg. 3032 253-982-2203 McChord Field Youth Center Travel camp, cabin rental, storage lot reservations 253-967-7744 M Bldg. 3032 253-982-2203 McChord Field SAS Paintball reservations 253-912-8000 253-495-8425 Military Family Life Consultants Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Rifle & Pistol Range 253-967-9803 Range 15 253-967-9916 Mobilization & Deployment Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. Russell Landing Marina 253-967-2510 American Lake Rd. N Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-967-7409 New Parent Support Prgm Shoreline Park Beach Road N 253-967-2510 North Fort Child Dev. Center Bldg.8589American LakeAve. N 253-966-8901 Skeet & Trap Range Bldg. 3969 2nd Div. Range Rd. 253-967-7056 North Fort Part-Day Programs Bldg.8587American LakeAve. N 253-966-9715 Sports Admin. Office Bldg. 3236 2nd Div & Handrich 253-967-2604 North Fort Youth Center SAS Bldg.8584American LakeAve. N 253-966-7166 Cowan & Memorial stadiums Bldg. 2170 Bitar Ave. & 12th St. 253-967-2912 Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-968-7199 Outreach Program Intramural sports Bldg. 2170 Bitar Ave. & 12th St. 253-967-4768 N Bldg.8197 American Lake Dr. 253-966-4802 Raindrops & Rainbows 253-967-5975 Bldg. 2022 Liggett Ave. & Div. Jensen Family Health & Fitness 253-967-3628 Relocation Readiness Prgm Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-1254 Bldg. 2022 Liggett Ave. & Div. Onsite child care Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall 253-967-7195 School Liaison Office M 253-982-6707 Bldg. 729 McChord Fitness Center Bldg. 2013 N. 3rd St. 253-967-3583 Sexual Assault Prevention/Response 253-982-6700/2393 McChord Fitness Ctr Annex Bldg. 726 M 253-966-3539 SKIESUnlimited Youth Academy Bldg. 6398 Garcia Blvd. 253-982-2807 Bldg. 736 M McChord Pool 253-966-2564/3747 Soldier & Family Asst. Center Bldg. 2021C Liggett Ave. 253-967-5869 McVeigh Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 2160 Liggett Ave. Bldg. 4274 Idaho St. 253-967-7501 Survivor Outreach Services McVeigh Sports & Fitness Center 253-967-5026 Kimbro Pool Bldg. 9037 Gardner Loop 253-968-5656 Warrior Child Dev. Center 253-967-7311 Sheridan Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 3759 Stryker Ave. Bldg. 2166 Liggett Ave. 253-966-4956 WIC Bldg. 3236 2nd Div. & Handrich 253-967-4771 Soldiers Field House Bldg. 2295 12th & Bitar 253-967-2405 Youth sports 253-967-5390 Soldiers Field House Pool Soldiers Field House Book Patch Library Bldg. 2109 N. 10th St. 253-967-5533 N 253-967-1254 Bldg. 11596, D St. & 41st Div. Wilson child care Crittenberger Library Bldg. 3271 2nd Div. Dr 253-967-2824 Wilson Sports & Fitness Center Bldg. 11596, D St. & 41st Div. N 253-967-7471 253-967-1453 Financial Readiness Bldg. 2140 Waller Hall Grandstaff Library Bldg. 2109 N. 10th St. 253-967-5889 Facilities are on Lewis Main unless otherwise indicated. N Lewis North M McChord Field M McChord Field Library Bldg. 851 253-982-3454 30 Joint Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012 CallBase for hours and details. For more information and up-to-date listings, visit American Lake Community Center Bldg.8085 American Lake Ave. N
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30 31
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Joint Base Lewis-McChord Focus • January 2012