Forty Hall Estate Primary Education Brochure 2016

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Forty Hall & Estate is a place for learning, engagement and inspiration and is an integral part of every local student’s educational experience, regardless of their school or age. With activities themed on Art, Ecology and Heritage, it is a unique learning space outside the classroom and on your doorstep. With learning sessions written and led by a qualified teacher for Primary and Secondary school groups, covering curriculum content from a range of subjects, this is a real opportunity for pupils to have extraordinary and highquality learning experiences. Sessions will be tailored to meet the learning objectives of your class.


Sir Nicholas Rainton was a wealthy middle class merchant and family man who lived under the reign of two Stuart monarchs. Your class can learn about what life was like above and below stairs in the 17th century and draw comparisons with modern day life. Choose five options from the menu below to create a fun interactive session for your class:

The Stuart Cook

Prepare delicious and decorative 17th century food in our authentic Stuart kitchen. Then take it through to the Parlour to serve it to…

The Grandest Guests

Take a seat in our magnificent Parlour to enjoy guided dinner conversation and taste Stuart style food. Remember to use your finest 17th century manners!

Herbal medicine at Forty Hall

Learn how the Lady of the House would have treated ailments from her own herb garden and make a lavender bag to take away.

17th Century Style

Try on costumes, ruffs and hats, admire a selection of portraits and learn about Stuart clothing.

Jacobean Lettering

Decipher an authentic document and write your own message using Jacobean lettering styles. Textile, Stitching and Pattern Admire and try out some Jacobean handicrafts here in the Haberdasher’s House.

A Servant’s Life

Help us with the housework at Forty Hall! Churn, tidy, sweep and help with the laundry.

Stuart Child’s Play

Take a well-earned break with a selection of Stuart games.

By the end of the sessions pu pils will have:

- Learnt about significant events, people and places in their locality

- Understood where these fit within a chronological framework

We have a dedicated cast of costumed volunteers who regularly offer their time to help bring history to life for school children.

- Identified similarities an d differences between ways of life in different pe rio connections, contrasts an ds and noted d trends over time - Compared the 17th centur y home with the modern day home - Understood some of the ways in which we find out about the past

Schools Sessions will usually be available to help classes explore our temporary exhibitions and bespoke sessions on topics relating to the Hall & Estate can be requested.

Please note that all food ingredients are provided and the session leader is a qualified experienced teacher with a Level 2 Food and Hygiene Certificate.

Our sessions are designed to help you cover the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and individual Learning Objectives can be requested or tailored to your class’ needs.

depending on options chosen.

All sessions are priced at £3.50 per pupil and are available at 10.30am - 12.00 noon or 1.00pm - 2.30pm.

To request more information or to book please contact: Frances Cherry and Helen Hamlyn – Learning and Education Outreach Officers Telephone: 020 8379 2182 0208 379 5500 Email:

The price £3.50 - £5


Forty Hall was home to a succession of families from 1632 to 1951. Its inhabitants would have used the resources around them for food and warmth. During this fun interactive session, pupils will take part in a series of activities to explore how families in the past lived off the land and will compare the 17th century life with their own. Pupils will learn how the area of Enfield has developed over time using our historic map room. They will explore our Walled Garden to find out how food was grown to feed a household. They will consider the reasons that a walled garden would be created to provide a sheltered growing area. In our 17th century kitchen, pupils will make bread bread knots out of salt dough to 17th century designs. They will make butter using a jar, try out our butter churn and learn a traditional butter churning rhyme. They will consider the differences between rich and poor people’s diets in the 17th century. Your students will learn about trees, wood gathering rights and falconry using our fireplaces, a 17th century poem and our toy falcons.

They will also learn about how the Lady Of The House would be responsible for the running of the household and for treating the sick from her own herb garden. They will make a pomander to take away. Pupils can see what it would feel like to get dressed 400 years ago by trying on our 17th century hats and cloaks.

By the end of the sessions pupils will have:

- Learnt about significant events, people and places in their locality - Understood where these fit within a chronological framework - Identified similarities and differences betw een ways of life in different periods and noted connections, contrasts and trends over time - Compared the 17th century home with the modern day home - Understood some of the ways in which we find out about the past

17TH CENTURY CLOTHING AT THE HABERDASHER’S HOUSE Students will do laundry 17th century style and discover why the Stuarts used urine for cleaning clothes. They will learn about treacherous trade routes and have a go at mending like a merchant sailor. They will learn about pattern and fabric making and have a turn themselves. They will respond creatively to portraits and learn why boys and girls wore dresses. They can stage and create their own image to take away by dressing in 17th century clothing for a photo opportunity.


Your pupils will examine the real-life cases of a number of 17th century characters from their local area. Cases include William Blackwell who was executed for highway robbery in 1613 and Elizabeth Sawyer, known as the Witch of Edmonton. Students will decide on a suitable punishment for each personality before exploring our magnificent Hall to discover their true fate. They will consider the social causes of crime and reflect on issues such as equality. During this interactive session, pupils will have the opportunity to be “branded” and try out our stocks!

l have: By the end of the sessions pupils wil

ple and - Learned about significant events, peo places in their locality a - Understood where these fit within chronological framework s between - Identified similarities and difference ed not ways of life in different periods and over time. connections, contrasts and trends w and - Used sources to show that they kno nts understand key features of eve orical - Selected and organised relevant hist our information and understood how from a cted stru knowledge of the past is con range of sources.

By the end of the sessions pupils w ill have:

- Learned about significant events , people and places in their lo cality - Understood whe re these fit within a chronological fr amework - Identified simila rities and differenc es between ways of life in di fferent periods an d noted connections, co ntrasts and trends over time. - Used parts of stories an

d other sources that they know to show and understand key features of events - Selected and organised releva nt historical information an d understood ho w our knowledge of the past is constr uc ted from a range of source s.

MONEY, GOD AND POWER Sir Nicholas Rainton built Forty Hall at a time of growing political challenge. He was a Puritan, merchant, High Sheriff and Lord Mayor of London. He refused to lend money to King Charles I and was imprisoned for refusing to supply a list of citizens who would be able to raise a forced loan. However, whilst he shared strict Puritan beliefs with the Parliamentarians, he did not always agree with them either. During this session, pupils will learn about the causes of the English Civil War. They will learn about the development of Parliament and life in Enfield under King Charles through the eyes of a prominent local figure – a man who epitomized the rise of the merchant classes in London and in English society. Pupils will be able to use a variety of engaging sources to investigate real life, local examples of the factors that led to division in England in the 17th Century: money, religion and power. They will learn about how our modern day parliament developed and explore how they are represented today.

s pupils will have: n io ss se e th of d en By the and

le nificant events, peop - Learned about sig lity places in their loca these fit within a - Understood where ework chronological fram tween ies and differences be - Identified similarit ted rent periods and no ways of life in diffe time. rasts and trends over nt co , ns tio ec nn co d ow that they know an - Used sources to sh atures of events understand key fe ical nised relevant histor - Selected and orga r understood how ou information and from a past is constructed e th of e dg le ow kn range of sources.

BACK TO THE FUTURE CARTOGRAPHER! Begin developing your class’s map reading skills by giving them the opportunity to explore the work of cartographers from three and four hundred years ago! By looking at the richly illustrated maps in Forty Hall’s map room your pupils will be able to see for themselves how and why map symbols have developed as they have and examine the correlations between the evolution of map making and the advancements of technologies. They will use coordinates and comment on the changes of land use over time both locally and regionally. Outside, we will go on a ‘Fieldwork Walk’ where pupils will record and explain some land use features while matching them to OS symbols. Lastly, back at the Hall, your pupils will create their own OS symbols of the future to shape a predicted landscape around Forty Hall. This Education Session has been developed with Mr Plumb from Wilbury Primary School.

By the end of the sessions pupils

LOOK THROUGH TO FIND A VIEW Forty Hall is full of frames and views. Pupils will love discovering these for themselves on an exciting ‘window’ trail, using viewfinders designed by an artist to guide their choices when creating artworks and creating their own images. This session includes a section on portraits and frames through history as well as time outside exploring views of the landscape.

ns pupils will have: By the end of the sessio rent

can be framed in diffe - Explored how views ways all and e windows of Forty H - Investigated how th ered to ther have been consid ge to pe ca ds lan e th create views lop experiment then deve - Used viewfinders to es ag im n digital landscape and create their ow

will have:

- Learned about the history of their local area - Understood and applied kno wledge of O.S. map symbols - Used fieldwork to explore and explain ideas including changes in land use and economic activity over time - Been introduced to and use d grid reference knowledge to find points on a map - Familiarized themselves wit h basic compass use

HOW TO WRITE LIKE A JACOBEAN Pupils will be asked to explore part of Forty Hall and a range of sources including audio, costumes and a creative task to discover what ‘mystery’ event happened to the owner of the Hall in 1632 (Nicholas Rainton’s Mayoral Pageant, scripted by a famous playwright, Thomas Heywood, and performed along the along the banks of the Thames!) They will collect information to help bring this event to life through creative writing in role, and will learn how to incorporate some features of C17th writing into their work.

By the end of the sessions pupils

will have:

- Used deduction skills to wo rk out what a ‘mystery’ event connected to Forty Hall was (Sir Nicholas’ Rainton’s Ma yoral Pageant) - Explored the significance of a historical event, person and place in their ow n locality - Adapted their writing to inc orporate some C17th features and show considera tion of historical context

MICRO TO MEGA PLANT PARTS This session is based around the works of artist and scientist Rob Kesseler, who exhibited throughout the Hall in 2014 in an exhibition called ‘Silken Cells’. The artworks incorporate photographs of plants cells magnified many times. During this session pupils will investigate a series of images of microscopic art works by Rob Kesseler and respond both scientifically and imaginatively. They will explore our magnificent estate to examine plant parts and different growing environments through a series of fun tasks. They will scrutinize plants and pollen grains close up using powerful digital microscopes. They will produce their own works of art to take away using both digital microscopy and pastels.

ns pupils will have: io ss se e th of d en e th By

ental e work of an experim - Been introduced th capture uses a microscope to photographer who s and of seeds, flower head es ag im e nc ha en d an plant parts on wild ed a variety of comm - Identified and nam and garden plants ture of ribed the basic struc - Identified and desc cluding in ts, flowering plan a variety of common trees.



This session is an introduction to studying living things in their habitats, inviting pupils to draw surprising connections between people and insects!

Pupils will each be given their own ‘Nature Detective Checklist’ with photographs of types of trees and insects from the grounds of Forty Hall to spot and a magnifying glass. They will discover how to use pooters to collect and identify small insects while being guided on a ‘woodland safari’ in small groups. Inside Forty Hall, pupils will explore where and how wood has been used, for example in beams, for firewood and on picture frames. They will then sort picture cards of the different wooden features and items they have seen inside and outside Forty Hall into the categories of ‘food’ ‘warmth’ ‘shelter’ or ‘decoration’ . They will explore and compare how people and insects use wood. This session is particularly recommended for Key Stage 1 pupils.

By the end of the sessions pupils

- Explored two habitats at For

will have:

ty Hall - Treated living things carefully and respectfully - Found out about the uses of wood and trees

Forty Hall is an amazing place to explore how wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard have been and are still being used! Some are not what they seem, some are over 300 years old, and some are updated almost every single day. Follow a trail to find out why certain materials are marvellous for their purpose, while others could be replaced because of the development of new technologies. Objects, walls, floors, ceilings and furniture items will all receive a hands-on examination so that pupils will leave feeling confident identifying and evaluating what they are made from. This session is recommended for KS1 pupils.

pupils will have: By the end of the sessions

terials using sight, - Identified different ma touch and smell y different materials have - Explored how and wh ll been used in Forty Ha materials in the past and - Compared the uses of present

FOOD CHAINS AT FORTY HALL In this session, working in groups to examine different habitats and to sort living organisms found within each habitat into food chains. They will play a fun active game to look at the effects of food chains on populations and compare the impact of C17th humans on the immediate ecosystem of Forty Hall with the impact of humans today. They will explore a habitats trail around the magnificent grounds of Forty Hall Estate. As well as the 90 minute session you may want to spend extra time with your class looking for and identifying living organisms.

This would be recommended after the session once pupils are familiar with what populates each habitat.

By the end of the sessions pupils

will have:

- Been introduced to food cha ins and webs, and used the terms ‘producer’, ‘co nsumer’, ‘predator’, ‘prey’ correctly - Explained how the terms abo ve are linked and applied them to living organi sms in the environment surrounding For ty Hall - Explored the impact of hum ans on this ecological model in the C17th and today



A haunting and memorable encounter with past residents of Forty Hall through Victorian photography. There are oil paintings at Forty Hall which are over 300 years old, black and white photographs from the Victorian period and even ‘selfies’ being taken today. Who was the girl who loved climbing trees even in her pristine white pinafore? What is the man in coarse wool standing by the garden wall so proud of? Who has chosen a rowing boat to be photographed in? This session will lead pupils to question and explore the conventions and perceptions of the portrait, the relationship between Forty Hall and its surviving photography collections and create their own unique portraits.

will have: By the end of the sessions pupils

ventions and - Become familiar with the con purposes of portraits of ‘private’ and ‘public’ - Explored the connotations - Created their own portraits

What can we tell about each figure from the composition of their portrait as well as their costumes, props and composure in this Art session? Why are some not what they seem? We will also look at examples of Stuart miniatures and pupils will be able to create their own after suggesting modern day equivalents.

They will see how the Tudors before this period also took inspiration from nature to decorate pottery pieces found on this site, and discuss how and why this may have been. Outside in The Walled Garden, pupils will ‘collect’ patterns by sketching and colouring a selection that they have chosen from their natural surroundings using their hands to make small viewfinders. Three from each pupil’s collection will be chosen to be developed further back inside Forty Hall – using collage, pastels and other materials. Once pupils are happy with the effects of their techniques and patterns, they will decorate their own mini Fireplace surround showcasing their own artisan effects.

will have: By the end of the sessions pupils


Forty Hall has three Stuart portraits.

This session will begin in the richly decorated Great Hall, where ‘tricks of the eye’ through clever paintwork take place. Pupils will examine the patterns created by artisan Jacobean painters on the joinery in this room and see if they can work out what material each pattern is meant to be and how many are inspired by natural materials.

By the end of the se ssions pupils will ha ve:

- Identified key fe

atures of Stuart Po rtraiture - Discussed the re asons for the com position, costume and bo dy language of the three sitters

- Find out what a Miniature is and dr awn their own

tion and style in - Gained knowledge of decora influences were the Stuart period and where drawn from of art materials in - Experimented with a range and effects order to reconstruct patterns examined in the landscape duce a model - Developed techniques to pro according to a brief. Jacobean fireplace surround

Students will be inspired by the mythical creatures featured in Forty Hall’s interiors and its rich landscape to create their own mini maquettes of creatures. They will photograph a location for their sculpture to stand in around the Estate and the images can be merged back at school so that the sculptures appear full sized! This session will begin with a trail around Forty Hall looking for mythical beasts and creatures often in hidden or hard-to-spot locations. The associations and symbols around each will be explored by pupils. Outside found materials will be gathered and pupils will work on their own maquette of a mythical creature – either based on one already seen or one which is completely new. Pupils will use clay to form a base and head as well as found objects from the landscape such as feathers and seed cases as well as other art materials. Once the maquettes are finished, they will photograph both their maquette and location for it, before the image will be superimposed over the background to create the desired size and location of the pupils’ sculpture!

By the end of the se ssions pupils will ha ve:

- Investigated the roles of mythical cr eatures in Jacobean interi or decoration - Explored the land scape around Fort y Hall for inspiration and gathered found m aterials - Used 3D materia ls to create a maq uette and photography to design a sculpture considering its location

SCHOOLS CANCELLATION POLICY Please note our cancellation policy which is applied to all bookings. If on the day of your visit to Forty Hall severe weather conditions or teaching staff strikes are taking place you will be able to move the date of your trip to a different date as agreed with the Education Officer. If you decide to cancel your trip completely by 9am and within seven working days before the date of your visit we will have to charge you 100% of the cost, or if you decide to cancel by 9am and 14 working days before we will have to charge you 50% of the cost.


Please note our cancellation policy which is applied to all bookings.

If on the day of your visit to Forty Hall severe weather conditions or teaching staff strikes are taking place you will be able to move the date of your trip to a different date as agreed with the Education Officer.

If you decide to cancel your trip completely by 9am and within seven working days before the date of your visit we will have to charge you 100% of the cost, or if you decide to cancel by 9am and 14 working days before we will have to charge you 50% of the cost.



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