New Alresford Town Council
Neighbourhood Plan
Thank you to all those residents who attended the Neighbourhood Plan Engagement Day on 28th April, and to all those who have completed the questionnaire. The Advisory Group held its first meeting on 16 May and the results of the Engagement Day and questionnaires are currently being collated and reviewed. Further information is available on Neighbourhood_Plan
Floral Displays for the Town
160 floral displays have been installed in the town centre on many properties and will soon be looking splendid. As this is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year, we felt it was fitting that the displays are red, white, and blue flowers. The theme was continued by Anita Wade who planted the three town entry flower beds. A huge thank-you for her continued enthusiasm.
Platinum Jubilee
Celebrating the four-day weekend between 2-5 June with a party or community celebration to mark 70 years of HM the Queen’s reign? Please join the town celebrations at the Jubilee Picnic in Arlebury Park on Saturday 4th June from 2pm until late. There will be a big screen showing live coverage of the day including the concert from Buckingham Palace, fete, competitions, music, entertainment and refreshments. Thank you to our partners who have assisted in organising the
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event, Alresford Rotary, Pigs, New Leaf and Chamber of Commerce. Further information on Facebook page ‘Alresford’s Jubilee Picnic in the Park.’
NATC employs a very loyal litter picker who covers all the Recreation Grounds, centre of town, main arterial routes and one-off incidents most days of the week. Especially worrying has been continued incidents of broken glass on the football pitches and public footpaths at Arlebury Park and Stratton Bates Recreation Ground. Families of small children and dog walkers use our parks daily. Please help the litter picker to keep your town clean and tidy by using one of the many litter bins or simply take litter home with you. Fly tipping should be reported to Winchester council but if you witness a fly -tip please report this to the Police 101 number.
Vodafone mast to be erected at Arlebury Park Case 22/00483/ TCP A planning application has been approved by Winchester Council under permitted
development, for the installation of a replacement base station consisting of a 20 metre monopole supporting six antenna, two 600mm dishes, three cabinets and ancillary development. It is not known what date the works will commence, however when complete this will improve the signal strength and connectivity in the area.
A new committee ‘Community and Open Spaces’ has been formed by merging the former Community & Tourism and Recreation & Environment committees, the Chair is Cllr Sarah Jane Cavell. Chair of Planning committee is Cllr Ann Bean and Chair of Operations & Resources committee is Cllr Simon Evans.
On the Alresford River path
All council meetings are open to the public, and a full calendar of dates can be found on the council website. We welcome the views of the public.
Very sadly two resident swans, ducks and pigeons have recently been killed on the river path by air rifles. This is an unlawful offence in a public place. If you see any untoward activity of this nature, please report to the police immediately.
Annual Meeting of New Alresford Town Council
The council had its annual meeting on 10th May. At this meeting councillors decide the council structure for the municipal year 2022/23. The Chair of New Alresford Council Town remains with Cllr Marilyn Weston and Vice Chair is Cllr Ann Bean.
World Refill Day Save the Date!
Please be aware to help people live with less waste. REDUCE, REUSE, REFILL & REPEAT. Eat, drink, shop without the pointless packaging. Refill your water bottles in Alresford where you see the REFILL logo displayed. Get the app REFILL.ORG.UK. If your business would like to support the scheme, contact committeeclerk@ who can provide a REFILL LOGO sticker for your business.