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Riwayat Kultur Pengguna Dalam Jejaring Penaklukan
hill exclusively for their circles. These forces formed new contours. Physical and imaginary contours that have conditioned the social and economic life of today’s consumer society by appropriating traditions, citizenship identities, and science.
Then, moving image as the child of mechanical reproduction technology was born, and it holds the key to criticize that phenomenon, even greater than the previous modes of representation. Reality, portable cameras, colors, montage, sound, synchronized sound, and the Digital Revolution, as well as other triggers for cinema language developments, arm the navigators in uncovering the phenomena of their times. Through the cinema’s ironic assemblage of today’s landscape with history, we can explore the traffic of ideas and physical matters that brings forth Asia and the world today. Narratives and representations made on Asia can be countered by montages and narratives that dismantle the institutionalized segregation and reductionist agenda. The sound of landscape ambiance can turn into lyrical poetry about the exploration of collective memory and the dislocation of Asian humans.
This curatorial invites you to see and imagine the tentacular creatures born from the effort to move plants in a box of glass. The tentacles can take form as port cranes that move cargo from the other side of the ocean, as construction cranes that build new real estate in areas that are said to be lacking of land, as escalators that take humans to see their reflections along with goods in storefronts, or botanical networks that map the achievements of botanical experiments of colonial scientists. Whatever it is, these tentacular creatures chop humans into clusters agreed upon by old values that are continually transformed and perpetuated consciously or unconsciously.
Country of production China Language English, Chinese, Cantonese Subtitles English 125 min, stereo, color B/W, 2019
Filem esai yang membedah jejaring sejarah Hong Kong dan agenda kolonialisme yang membentuk realitas fisik dan sosial masyarakat Hong Kong hari ini. Lewat pertautan ironis antara lanskap kontemporer Hong Kong, arsip negara koloni, media, dan fakta sejarah dengan puisi liris nan jenial, sutradara memberikan gambaran kerja gagasan dan materi atas Asia pasca-kolonial. A film essay that dissects the network of Hong Kong's history and colonialism agenda shaping the physical and social reality of Hong Kong society today. Through an ironic linkage between Hong Kong's contemporary landscape, the colony's archives, the media, and historical facts with genius lyrical poetry, the director gives an overview of the ideas and material for post-colonial Asia.
Bo Wang & Pan Lu (China)
Luthfan Nur Rochman
Bo Wang adalah seorang seniman dan pembuat filem yang tinggal di Belanda dan Cina. Ia mendapatkan beasiswa dari Robert Flaherty Film Seminar pada tahun 2013. Ia pernah menjadi seniman residensi di ACC-Rijksakademie 2017-2018 dan NTU CCA pada tahun 2016. Karya-karyanya telah dipresentasikan di berbagai peristiwa internasional.
Pan Lu adalah seorang penulis, peneliti, dan pembuat filem yang tinggal di Hong Kong. Dia adalah Asisten Profesor di Departemen Kebudayaan Cina, Universitas Politeknik Hong Kong, dan sarjana tamu di berbagai universitas bergengsi. Tahun 2018, ia menjadi salah satu kurator Kuandu Biennale, Taipei. Bo Wang is an artist and filmmaker based between the Netherlands and China. He has received a fellowship from the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar in 2013. He was an artist-in-residency at ACC-Rijksakademie 20172018 and NTU CCA in 2016. His works have been presented in numerous international events.
Pan Lu is an author, researcher, and filmmaker based in Hong Kong. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and was a visiting scholar at numerous prestigious universities. In 2018, she was one of the curators of Kuandu Biennale, Taipei.
Riwayat Kultur Pengguna dalam Jejaring Penaklukan
Anggraeni Widhiasih
Kultur pengguna (user) dalam cara manusia berkomunikasi dan mengakses pengetahuan menjadi gejala yang mengglobal bersamaan dengan dominasi internet sebagai teknologi yang mendorong akselerasi pertukaran informasi. Mulanya, internet lahir sebagai teknologi jaringan komunikasi dalam perjalanan perang politik ideologi di masa lalu. Kini, ia merupakan sistem yang menavigasikan kehidupan orang-orang saat ketergantungan penggunaannya dalam keseharian semakin meningkat. Kedangkalan pengetahuan seakan muncul sebagai buah dari kultur “pengguna” tersebut dan menjelma menjadi persoalan generasi.
Saat konsumsi pada suatu objek berlangsung terus-menerus memunculkan hasrat yang seakan tidak tertahankan, hubungan patologis dalam aktivitas konsumsi terjadi. Kerap kali perilaku kecanduan dalam konsumsi dihubungkan pula dengan kegagalan kontrol maupun otonomi diri. Di sisi lain, perilaku konsumsi tidak terlepas dari kultur