The Tentacular Transforming Ghost Luthfan Nur Rochman
Welcome to the er a of A nthropocene! Ca pita locene! Pl a ntationocene! Cthulhucene! 1 To navigate the t wilight zone, we must be willing to get ourselves tangled in the chaos of those cenes. It is because after the ships of Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus reached the t wo India, the greatest jolts of humanit y since
1. Anthropocene is a geological term that refers to an era in which humans are the massive geological modifiers. The term developed into a transdisciplinary discourse, primarily in ecology, which rejects human exceptionalism. Theorists criticize the use of the term Anthropocene because it is considered too broad and does not point to the main cause. Afterwards, there are terms Capitalocene (the capital network as the modifier), Plantationocene (the cash crop plantation network as the modifier), and Cthulhucene (Cthulhu = tentacular creature, Donna Haraway’s idea, to represent an era when humans and non-humans are in complex chaos so humans need to recognize non-human agencies to end this era together).