One of America’s
Heart Hospitals Trinity Health is proud to be named one of America’s “50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals” for 2013. We’re the only ND hospital to have earned this distinction. The 50 Top Hospitals provide measurably better cardiac care than others, with shorter hospital stays, fewer complications, lower readmission rates and better outcomes for patients.* For complete study findings go to
NORTH DAKOTA November 2012 Volume 59, No. 5
Center 8-page section, following page 18 (most editions)
Editorial by Dennis Hill A Veterans Day tribute
Wonderful season for Pride of North Dakota
page 8
Memories By Joey, Baby Button Tops and Zoovio proudly display the Pride of Dakota label
e-NORTH DAKOTA ‘Robot’ tractor envisioned in North Dakota fields; Talking Books go digital
Master three P’s to manage winter driving Take extra measures for operating a vehicle in a North Dakota winter
FAVORITES 2 News Connections
page 14
Conrad donates papers to GW, State Historical Society of N.D. page 20
6 Country Line RTC cameras boost security, safety at Garrison Cenex
22 Inspired Living by Roxanne Henke
NORTH DAKOTA LIVIng Educates members of electric cooperatives in North Dakota Publishes articles of interest to co-op members and all North Dakotans Presents local co-op news in center pages (most editions) Features articles for telecommunications cooperative members Published by
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You said what?
24 Reader Reply What are the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument? What do you play, and why?
26 Teen-2-Teen Doomsday technology
28 Calendar of Events 30 Recipe Roundup ‘The center of good things’
Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative
North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative
white logo
Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative Supported by
North Dakota Association of Telecommunications Cooperatives
32 Farm Byline by Al Gustin Farmers are producing many more bushels
34 Marketplace Forum 35 Advertisers’ Index 36 Co-op Country Generations
ON THE COVER Inspired by her son, Easton, who was born premature, Capital Electric Cooperative member Melissa Ahonen, Lincoln, learned to sew hats and headbands. Now a merchant for Pride of Dakota, Ahonen looks forward to marketing her Baby Button Tops business during the holiday season. Photo by Layn Mudder
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Conrad donates papers to GW, N.D. Historical Society
.S. Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), who has served 26 years in Congress, has announced his plans to donate his papers to his alma mater, the George Washington University (GW), in Washington, D.C. As part of this action, major portions of the collection also will be available through the State Historical Society of North Dakota (SHSND) in Bismarck. Conrad, retiring from the U.S. Senate, made the announcement this summer at the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck, joined by Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley, GW President Steven Knapp and Director of the SHSND Merl Paaverud. “I am so pleased to have a great North Dakota institution working with my alma mater to preserve these records,” Conrad said. “I know they will find innovative ways to make these documents available to everyone.” GW and the Historical Society will join about 600 other publicly accessible research institutions across the country which hold such collections from individuals who served in the U.S. Senate. “We are honored to join the State Historical Society of North Dakota in a unique partnership that will make Sen. Conrad’s papers available to scholars, students and
Those assembled for the Conrad papers donation announcement included, from left: GW President Steven Knapp, Sen. Kent Conrad, Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley and State Historical Society of N.D. Director Merl Paaverud.
became famous for using in Budget Committee and Senate floor debates; and White House photos of Sen. Conrad with U.S. Presidents. “Sen. Conrad’s long history of service to our state will be preserved for future generations of North Dakotans and will chronicle his role, as well as North Dakota’s role, in shaping our country’s policies and legislation,” Wrigley said. “We thank him for making his papers accessi-ble to scholars and the public.” The head of the State Historical Society of North Dakota also noted the important role the senator’s service has played in North Dakota history. “Senator Conrad’s papers will be a very important addition to
the general public, both in Washington, D.C., and here in the state he has so ably represented for so many years,” Knapp said. The collection will include more than 600 storage boxes or the equivalent of 600 linear feet of archival materials from his Senate offices in Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot and Washington, D.C., as well as documents from his years as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and from his campaigns over the years. Conrad’s papers chronicle 26 years of public policy debates important to North Dakota and the nation. These include: documents used to help draft various Farm Bills over the years; correspondence with fellow U.S. senators; charts he
n o v e mb e r 2 0 1 2 n N OR T H D A K O T A L I V I N G
the public record, and the State Historical Society is very pleased to participate in this new partnership with the George Washington University,” Paaverud said. “Senator Conrad’s collection will help historians in the decades to come understand the difficult choices, and behind-the-scenes negotiations that helped determine the nation’s fiscal policies during one of the most critical periods on that front in the nation’s history,” said Steve MandevilleGamble, GW’s associate librarian for collections and scholarly communications. GW, founded in 1821, is the largest institute of higher education in the District of Columbia. n
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Librarians confer 2012 awards
ith libraries playing an important contemporary role in the education of North Dakotans (see Talking Books story, page 16), the North Dakota Library Association (NDLA) continues to support libraries in this effort. NDLA recently held its annual fall conference in Fargo, where it presented awards to a number of members and library supporters. NDLA honored Christine Kujawa with the 2012 Librarian of the Year award. The Librarian of the Year award is given to a librarian who has made notable contributions to the library
profession, has furthered significant development of libraries in the state, or has performed exemplary statewide service for an extended period of time. Kujawa is the head of circulation services at the Bismarck Public Library, where she has worked since 2003. In addition to daily management of fulland part-time employees, Kujawa is the assistant systems administrator for the Central Dakota Library Network. As a chair of NDLA’s Intellectual Freedom Committee, Kujawa has been a strong voice in the state for the cause of intellectual freedom. NDLA conferred a Major Benefactor of the
Year award upon Dr. Wayne G. Sanstead. This citation is awarded by the NDLA executive board to someone who has made significant contributions to a library or libraries in North Dakota. Sanstead has served North Dakota in elective offices for 46 years, including eight years as state representative, two years as state senator, and eight years as lieutenant governor. These were followed by his 28 years as superintendent of public instruction; he is retiring at the end of this year. Sanstead is praised by NDLA for his strong support for the State Library during his tenure as superintendent. NDLA also conferred
1. Title of publication: North Dakota Living 2. Publication No. 0393-880 3. Date of filing: Nov. 1, 2012 4. Frequency of issue: Monthly 5. 12 issues published annually 6. Annual subscription price: $14.50 U.S.; $29.95 Canada 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication (street, city, county, state, ZIP+4): 3201 Nygren Drive N.W. (P.O. Box 727), Mandan, N.D. 58554-0727 (Morton County) 8. Complete mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher: 3201 Nygren Drive N.W. (P.O. Box 727), Mandan, N.D. 58554-0727 9. Names and addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor: Publisher: North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, 3201 Nygren Drive N.W. (P.O. Box 727), Mandan, N.D. 58554-0727. Editor: Kent Brick, 3201 Nygren Drive N.W. (P.O.
Box 727), Mandan, N.D. 58554-0727. 10. Owner name, complete mailing address: North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, 3201 Nygren Drive N.W. (P.O. Box 727), Mandan, N.D. 58554-0727 11. Known bondholders/mortgagees/other security holders owning or holding 1% or more of total amount of bonds/mortgages/ other securities: None 12. Tax status (purpose/function /nonprofit status of organization and exempt status for federal income tax purposes): Has not changed during preceding 12 months. 13. Publication title: North Dakota Living 14. Issue date for circulation data: October 2012
Avg. no. of copies each issue during preceding 12 months
Actual no. of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date
15. Extent and nature of circulation A. Total number of copies (net press run)....................................................................................... 82,408.......................... 73,680 B. Paid and/or requested circulation: 1. Paid or requested outside-county mail subscriptions............................................................. 80,348.......................... 71,303 2. Paid in-county subscriptions (including advertisers’ proofs/exchange copies)................................................................................................................. 0...................................... 0 3. Sales through dealers, carriers, street vendors, counter sales, other non-USPS paid distribution....................................................................... 0...................................... 0 4. Other classes mailed through the USPS.......................................................................................... 0...................................... 0 C. Total paid and/or requested circulation (sum of 15b, 1, 2, 3 and 4)........................................... 80,348.......................... 71,303 D. Nonrequested distribution 1. Outside county as stated on form 3541............................................................................................ 0...................................... 0 2. In-county as stated on form 3541..................................................................................................... 0...................................... 0 3. Through the USPS.....................................................................................................................1,553............................ 1,870 4. Outside the USPS......................................................................................................................... 375............................... 375 E. Total free distribution (sum of 15d, 1, 2, 3 and 4)..........................................................................1,928............................ 2,245 F. Total distribution (sums of 15c and 1e)....................................................................................... 82,276.......................... 73,548 G. Copies not distributed....................................................................................................................... 132.................................. 132 H. Total (sum of 15f and 15g).......................................................................................................... 82,408.......................... 73,680 I. Percent paid and/or requested circulation.......................................................................................... 97.6%........................... 96.9%
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a Major Benefactor of the Year award upon the Clio Club of Enderlin. The Clio Club started the Enderlin library in 1911 and has supported its growth ever since. n
Bucyrus relief effort under way
he fire that consumed nearly all of the tiny town of Bucyrus last month has triggered an outpouring of concern and support. On Oct. 17, sustained gusting winds combined with extremely dry conditions in southwest North Dakota to feed an inferno that consumed 24 buildings and four homes there. There were no injuries, but the town’s two-dozen residents and rural neighbors face considerable resettlement and clean-up challenges. Two relief efforts have been organized to collect donations to aid the recovery of the Bucyrus community. Those include: n A fund established by the Dakota Plains Federal Credit Union. Donations should be mailed to: Bucyrus Disaster Relief Fund, c/o Dakota Plains Federal Credit Union, 221 S. Main St., P.O. Box 1020, Hettinger, ND 58639. n The North Dakota Community Foundation is handling online donations. To use this resource, go to www.ndcf. net/bucyrus. n
N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n nov e m b e r 2 0 1 2 3
A Veterans Day tribute
n Veterans Day, we pay tribute to our veterans, to the fallen and to their families. To honor their contributions to our nation, let us strive with renewed determination to keep the promises we have made to all who have answered our country’s call. As we fulfill our obligations to them, we keep faith with the patriots who have risked their lives to preserve our Union, and with the ideals of service and sacrifice upon which our Republic was founded.” In this proclamation, President Barack Obama declares the imporDennis Hill tance of Veterans Day and why we, as a nation, should pause each year to honor our nation’s veterans. On behalf of North Dakota’s rural electric cooperatives, we, too, want to offer our thanks and pay tribute to the thousands of North Dakotans who have served, or currently serve, in the Armed Forces including the National Guard and Reserve. The importance of this service, as it pertains to the Guard and Reserve, is borne out by a post on the North Dakota National Guard website. It reports that since the 2001 terrorist attacks on America, the N.D. National Guard has mobilized nearly 3,900 soldiers and more than 1,800 airmen in support of the global war on terrorism. About 70 percent of all members serving today have joined since that time. Currently, more than 100 North Dakota guardsmen are serving overseas, while more than 4,000 remain in the state for
NORTH DAKOTA November 2012 Volume 59, No. 5 Circulation: 74,000
Published monthly by white type >>>
North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives 3201 Nygren Dr. N.W., P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554 © Copyright 2012 NDAREC; North Dakota Living Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative (ISSN-1539-0063) Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative Your Touchstone Contact us: Energy Cooperative
800-234-0518; 701-663-6501; Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative
Your Touchstone Cooperative Dennis Hill, CCC, Energy editor-in-chief Kent Brick, CCC, editor Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative specialist Carmen Devney, CCC, communications Clark A. Van Horn, advertising mgr. J.C. Balcom, production & graphic services mgr. John Kary, graphic designer Tammy Kear, editorial assistant
emergency response and national defense. For every 10,000 citizens in North Dakota, 65 serve in the North Dakota National Guard; a rate that’s more than four times the national average. North Dakota’s electric cooperatives support the Guard and Reserve through employment policies that permit and balance service with work responsibilities. As an example, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck, was honored Sept. 20 by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) as a recipient of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award. The Freedom Award was instituted in 1996 under the auspices of ESGR to recognize exceptional support from the employer community. Since then, only 175 employers have received the award. The only other North Dakota Freedom Award winner was also a business cooperative, Ag Country Farm Credit Services of Fargo, in 2006. In accepting the Freedom Award, Basin’s Chief Executive Officer Andrew M. Serri summed up well the overall commitment that Basin and other electric cooperatives throughout the state have for military service: “We think the world of our employees. Whatever we can do, to me, is minimal when you think about the sacrifices these folks make for our country. We’ve received a wonderful honor, but it (what Basin and electric cooperatives do for employees) is really nothing compared to what they do for us.” Dennis Hill, editor-in-chief of North Dakota Living, is executive vice president and general manager of the North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, Mandan. Comments can be mailed to Dennis Hill, NDAREC, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727 or by email to
Public Relations Advisory Committee: David Sigloh, chairman, Upper Missouri G&T Electric Cooperative Russ Berg, Cass County Electric Cooperative Don Franklund, Innovative Energy Alliance, LLC Clayton Hoffman, Innovative Energy Alliance, LLC Jeanette Hoff, Reservation Telephone Cooperative Dan Price, Roughrider Electric Cooperative Lauren Klewin, Slope Electric Cooperative
Advertising sales:
Paid advertising accepted, in conformity with NDAREC policy. Rates, editorial calendar, specifications, deadlines, contacts available at Direct advertising orders, questions, comments about ad content to: Clark A. Van Horn,; 800-234-0518. NDAREC neither endorses nor guarantees products or services described in these advertisements.
Members of electric cooperatives subscribe to North Dakota Living as part of their membership with and service from the cooperative. Non-members of electric cooperatives may purchase subscriptions at these levels: 12 issues - $14.50; 36 issues: $40. Single copies: $2, plus postage. Subscription purchase information is available by calling 800-234-0518; or at
Addresses/address changes/subscription terminations: when the member terminates service from the electric cooperative, the North Dakota Living subscription terminates. Non-member subscribers should communicate with NDAREC about address changes; send magazine label with former address, a note bearing new address to North Dakota Living Subscriptions, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554; or contact
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Periodicals nonprofit postage paid at Mandan, N.D., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554. In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. No portion of the editorial or advertising content of North Dakota Living may be reproduced without permission. w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
Medor edora s ’ 17 1 17 7 7 Annual Old Old-Fashioned ashioned
owboy hristmas C C December78 , 92012
Oyster Stew Veteran's Memorial Service Wreath Ceremony & Parade of Lights Spirits of the Season Holiday Bar Stroll
Wine & Beer Sampling DAKOTA AIR the Radio Show Late Night Buffet
Eats on the Streets Kid's Games & Crafts Sleigh & Hay Rides Cowboy Snow Sculpting Cowboy Poetry & Music Cowboy Christmas Supper “THE RADIO STARS Band” Dance Fire & Ice Fireworks (tentative) Dance Contest following fireworks display
Breakfast Christmas Cookie Contest Cookies with Santa Sledding & Activities at the Chateau de Mores A Taste of Ethnic Christmas
“Like Us” on
Medora’s Old Fashioned Cowboy Christmas is sponsored in part by these community minded sponsors: First State Bank of Beach, Golva & Medora • MBI Energy Services, Inc. • Medora Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Midstate Telephone Company • Whiting Petroleum Corporation
RTC cameras boost security, safety at Garrison Cenex
he Garrison Cenex convenience center has recently taken a big step in high-tech property and personnel safety. It is doing so with camera surveillance equipment from its telecommunications provider, RTC, based in Parshall. About a year ago, RTC installed and activated six of the new surveillance cameras for the Garrison Cenex. This provides the management and staff with widesweeping and complete views of its vehicle and customer traffic. RTC leases, installs and services the Panasonic high-definition surveillance cameras, which operate indoors and outdoors, year-round. The cameras provide real-time streaming of highdefinition video imaging. Views are accessible on all modes of modern communication reception, including desktop and laptop computers and smart and mobile phone devices. Paul Schlichting, Garrison Cenex manager, says the video image quality is striking. “It’s the clarity of the images – much clearer than it used to be,” Schlichting says, comparing the new camera performance with imagery available from former surveillance systems. He said imagery from older systems was blurry in the critical areas of physical and apparel markers and vehicle identification characteristics.
“Now I can make out hair color, glasses, facial features, colors of the jackets – all the details you’re looking for when you’re watching one of these videos,” he said. Garrison Cenex has two exterior, and four interior cameras. Schlichting, a Garrison area native, and manager of the Garrison Cenex since 1996, says the surveillance functions to meet important safety and security concerns. “My first goal with the system is employee safety,” Schlichting says. Garrison Cenex has 34 employees, and the workforce handles customer traffic that has increased markedly with the growth of business activity in western North Dakota. “We’re on the edge of the oil activity, so there are people staying in Garrison and traveling out to the oil fields,” Schlichting says. “We’re also a tourist destination, with Lake Sakakawea and Fort Stevenson State Park. For a small town, there are a lot of things going on in Garrison – people like to come here, so we have seen an increase in traffic.” Schlichting says the high-definition imagery from the cameras aids in the identification of license plates on vehicles operated by gasoline drive-off thieves. This information is helpful in law enforcement investiga-
Paul Schlichting, Cenex manager, says the surveillance cameras deliver sharp, sweeping views of activity on the property. The station is experiencing an upsurge in customer traffic related to energy and recreational activity in the region.
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Chad Betz, RTC, brought the new camera system to the attention of the Garrison Cenex and continues to provide service for that, and several other RTC-based technologies Cenex employs.
tions. The high-definition imaging also facilitates clear snapshot photo production, helping investigators evaluate information from the video stream. RTC combination tech coordinator in Garrison, Chad Betz, first brought the new camera system to Schlichting’s attention. Betz showed how the coverage, imaging and computer system access with the new Panasonic camera is far superior to the imaging and access with the former camera system. This sold Schlichting. He said RTC’s and Betz’s commitment to service for the cameras, and for a full complement of communication technologies, is impressive. “We’re using RTC for Internet, for telephone, for
cable TV for our customers, for the camera system here. It’s a nice relationship, doing this business with another co-op,” Schlichting says. He says phone calls to Betz and RTC with service questions are answered on a same day – often same hour – basis. “If there’s an issue, they come in and fi x it, no question,” Schlichting says. “If there’s a camera problem, they come in and replace it.” Cenex leases the equipment from RTC, and Schlichting appreciates that equipment service and upgrades are part of that arrangement. Betz says Schlichting and the Garrison Cenex are eager to explore and employ new technologies RTC is bringing to the community. “Paul has always been a great supporter of trying new services that RTC provides to keep Cenex on the leading edge of technology,” Betz says. Betz adds he appreciates that Schlichting shows the new camera system at Cenex to curious customers, and this has led to other camera system installations performed by RTC. The Garrison Cenex is in the energy brand family of CHS Inc. enterprises. CHS is a diversified Fortune 500 company involved in grain, food and energy supply. CHS uses the producer-to-consumer cooperative business model to meet consumermembers needs. Garrison Cenex is one of more than 800 of CHS convenience stores, the nation’s 13 largest convenience store chain. Kent Brick is editor of North Dakota Living. He may be reached at
(701) 663-1099
BEK Communications Cooperative .................................................Steele Consolidated Telcom Cooperative ............................................Dickinson Dakota Central Telecommunications Cooperative................... Carrington Dickey Rural Networks .............................................................. Ellendale Nemont Telephone Cooperative.........................................Scobey, Mont. Northwest Communications Cooperative .......................................... Ray Polar Communications Cooperative ........................................Park River Red River Rural Telephone Association............................... Abercrombie Reservation Telephone Cooperative ........................................... Parshall SRT Communications Cooperative................................................. Minot United Telephone Mutual Aid Corporation ................................. Langdon West River Telecommunications Cooperative ................................Hazen w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
NDATC Officers
Stanley Vangsness, President............................. SRT Communications Ron German, First Vice President ............... Red River Rural Telephone Jeanette Hoff, Second Vice President............................................. RTC Lorena Lambrecht, Secretary/Treasurer... Northwest Communications Leo Meier, Director.............................................. BEK Communications Jon Hendrickson, Director ....................................Consolidated Telcom Rodney Suko, Director .....................................Dakota Central Telecom Kent Klima, Director ......................................... Dickey Rural Telephone Larry Mahler, Director .............................................. Nemont Telephone Ron Steinke, Director ........................................ Polar Communications Lorne Field, Director................................................... United Telephone Randy Christmann, Director................................... West River Telecom NORTH DAKOTA LIVING NOVEMBER 2012 7
Nancy Jorgensen
Wonderful season for Pride F
PHOTo BY Kirsti craig
or merchants doing business under the Pride of Dakota brand, like the holiday song says, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” These merchants typically operate year-round, but the Christmas season is when Pride of Dakota merchants shower the state with gift possibilities. Pride of Dakota (POD) merchants Melissa Ahonen, Lincoln, and Joey Cote, Dickinson, see POD enthusiasm swell at this time of year. Another POD businessman, Marlo Anderson, Mandan, attests to the brand’s enduring value for his growing information technology services company. Ahonen, a member of Capital Electric Cooperative, Bismarck, operates Baby Button Tops, sewing hats and headbands from her home in Lincoln. She will display her Baby Button Tops line at the Holiday Showcase in Bismarck, Nov. 30-Dec. 2. Joey Mote operates Memories by Joey in Dickinson’s business district and is amply stocked with products and creations for many Pride of Dakota merchants. She is eager for Dickinson holiday shoppers to stop in her shop to sample and purchase any of these products. Marlo Anderson’s business service, Zoovio, is a valuable part of his Awesome 2 Products, which offers an array of computer and information technology services. Zoovio is a rapidly growing service which copies videotapes and stores them on the Internet. Zoovio is available in the region’s drugstores and Radio Shack outlets. Ahonen, Mote and Anderson
Joey Mote’s Memories By Joey store in Dickinson is a showcase of Pride of Dakota products.
are modern-day participants in the POD movement, begun by the N.D. Department of Agriculture in 1985. Launched primarily to help farm families sell food items developed from their crops, membership has flourished beyond farmers to many other commercial lines. The current POD merchant network stands 475 strong, including artisans, manufacturing, personal care,
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publishing and service organizations. They range from one-woman operations featuring the likes of Melissa Ahonen and Joey Mote, to expanding, multi-employee and service businesses like Marlo Anderson’s Awesome 2 Products. The cost of participating in the Pride of Dakota marketing program ranges from $50 to $300, depending on the business’ employee numbers. w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
of Dakota
Melissa Ahonen is a one-woman sewing dynamo, filling orders for her Baby Button Tops line.
Taste N.D. with Joey Mote Joey Mote runs a gift shop, with a strong devotion to North Dakota products. Her Memories by Joey in Dickinson welcomes visitors who want to taste, smell, inspect and support the POD brand. “I favor North Dakota products,” Cote says. “I’m proud of our entrepreneurs.” She radiates and stocks POD quality for the benefit of POD entrepreneurs. w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
Born and raised in Dickinson, Mote started her business from home after attending a holiday open house in 1980. “My friend said, ‘You can do this, and do it better,’ so I did,” Joey says. “We have been truly blessed!” She opened her storefront in 1989, sharing a building with her father, Joe Vozabal of Joe’s Video and Appliance. The Vozabal family, with
rural roots in the area, have long been associated with Roughrider Electric Cooperative, Dickinson. Mote offers tastings of Pride of Dakota food products at shows and in her store. “People try a sample and say, ‘This reminds me of something Mom made,’ ” she says. One family stops by every July to buy Dakota Seasonings chili. Other popular offerings include Dakota Seasonings German Potato Salad mix; Mikey’s Chocolate Salted Nut Rolls; North Prairie Signature Sweet and Hot Pepper Relish; and Simple Garden Harvest Dirty Martini dip mix. Year-round, Memories By Joey features one of the store’s six rooms, expanding them to other rooms as the holidays approach. She also sells balloon bouquets, baby clothes, permanent flower arrangements and bridal items. “We have some repeat wedding business from generation to generation,” she says. Recently, Mote has been greeting new customers arriving with the oil boom. Joey Mote creates Pride of Dakota gift baskets starting at $15, and she ships. Find Memories by Joey at 646 Second St. W. in Dickinson, at www.memoriesbyjoey. com, or call 701-225-6660. At, click on “Retailers.”
Ahonen’s Baby Button Tops When Melissa Ahonen gave birth to Easton more than three years ago, he was six weeks premature. Doctors recommended covering Easton’s head as a way to keep continued on page 10
continued from page 9
him healthy, but Melissa couldn’t find a comfy hat that fit after he reached six months. A friend showed Melissa a picture of some hats and suggested she make them for Easton. “From there, I took matters into my own hands,” Melissa says. She started sewing hats and embellishing them with buttons and phrases like “Lil Stinker” and “Rock Star.” Soon, Baby Button Tops was born. Now, every month, Melissa sells 50 to 100 baby hats and headbands for all ages. Ahonen works full time at St. Alexius Medical Center in Bismarck, and squeezes in sewing after her husband, Jim, and Easton go to bed. She works from the family’s basement – and appreciates the cooperative-supplied electricity powering her sewing and embroidery machines. “My biggest challenge is balancing family, work and my business,” Ahonen says. “I am first and foremost a wife and mother.” Her business keeps getting busier. Celebrities like Hilary Duff have purchased Ahonen’s products, thanks to her membership in The Artisan Group, which prepares gift bags for events. Ahonen
Pride of Dakota Holiday Showcases During November, take in a Pride of Dakota Holiday Showcase at one of these locations: Nov. 10-11, Minot State Fair Center Nov. 16-18, Fargo Civic Auditorium Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Bismarck Civic Center Hours: Fridays (Fargo and Bismarck only): 4-9 p.m.; Saturdays: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays: 11a.m.-4 p.m. Admission: $2 (get a reusable bag) or $1 if you bring your own reusable bag. For more information, go to:
Memories By Joey goes into a radiant Christmas season mode, encouraging customers to sample Pride of Dakota edibles (inset photo).
recently launched a headband collection with Adley Stump, a contestant on “The Voice,” a network television program. Ahonen’s grandmothers taught her to sew, and she’s proud of her Dakota roots. “When you display the Pride of Dakota brand on your products, people know their purchase helps a local business,” she says. Retail outlets as far away as South Carolina shelve Ahonen’s work, but most customers buy online from www.babybuttontops. com,, and www.prideof, where purchasers should click on “Artisans and Gifts.” continued on page 12
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continued from page 10
Awesome memories
From his Mandan main street business center, Marlo Anderson offers information technology products and services in demand nationwide.
In 2006, Marlo Anderson and his friend, Nick Ressler, hatched a new business as they drove home from a Pride of Dakota event. Their inspiration: It was the last day that VHS videotapes were being manufactured. “We asked each other, ‘How are people going to view their video memories?’ ” Anderson says. “Zoovio is about capturing those treasured memories.” Zoovio is a technology which can copy different types of taped media and transfer them to a secure, private Internet vault. Via Zoovio, the viewer can then access the video product from a personal computer or smartphone. Very soon, through Radio Shack and other outlets, a person can drop off a tape recording at up to 10,000 Zoovio locations and fi nd it online a few hours later. “It’s like one-hour film processing for video,” Marlo explains. The company is generating jobs. “We currently have 15 employees,” Anderson says. “By the end of next year, our goal is to employ 250
Ahonen has a wide selection of color schemes for her Baby Button Tops, which she started by making head warmer tops for her son, Easton (inset photo).
to 300 people.” Positions include managing computer servers and answering questions at a help desk. The governor of South Dakota recently called Anderson, encouraging him to base his business there. “We like Mandan,” Anderson says. “That doesn’t mean we won’t have another location somewhere else, but our home will always be here.” Anderson has always been an entrepreneur. Twenty years ago, he helped invent ink jet transfer paper that allows the transfer of print images onto T-shirts and other surfaces. He started Awesome 2 Products to distribute the technology. He and his wife, Alice, also launched a local enterprise, Print On It. For Anderson, Pride of Dakota spells networking opportunities.
“When we do shows, it’s like a family getting together,” Marlo says. “We refer business to each other.” He also runs into members at meetings and training events. Two years ago, Anderson and other POD members tried to form a POD retailers cooperative storefront in Mandan. “We came up a few shares short, but we achieved my goal of recruiting businesses to downtown Mandan. Pride of Dakota was part of the catalyst,” Anderson says. For more information about Anderson’s business, visit www. Also, at www., click on “Manufacturers” and look for Awesome 2 Products. Nancy Jorgensen is a freelance writer based in Arizona.
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N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 13
e - N O R T H D A KO TA
‘Robot’ tractor envisioned in
Operated without a driver, the metallic gold Spirit was displayed at the Big Iron Farm Show in West Fargo in September. (see inset, opposite page).
The metallic gold box on rubber tracks certainly doesn’t look like today’s conventional tractors, but it’s the machine Terry Anderson envisions rolling across North Dakota’s fields in the near future. Challenged by his cousin, who farms in Minnesota, to build a “simpler” tractor, Anderson started tinkering with the technology in the 1990s. He describes tractors as “getting bigger and more expensive,” but remaining relatively the same, so he decided to drive in a different direction. The result is the “Spirit,” a tractor that doesn’t include a seat or a cab, because it doesn’t need a driver only a “remote controller.” Initial research and development of the Spirit was completed by Automation Research Corporation,
a research and development company in Minneapolis, Minn. The early work was ultimately taken over and refined by Autonomous Tractor Corporation, a North Dakota corporation. “No one has rethought the ag tractor from the bottom up in probably 80 years,” stated Dr. LeRoy Anderson, chief technology officer with the corporation, on the company’s website. “Currently, available equipment has tried to meet the needs of farmers by incremental innovation over many decades. The result is a creeping elegance that has produced giant machines.” The 70-year-old Terry Anderson started developing the tractor in earnest after his retirement in 1999, pulling together colleagues from past endeavors. Anderson, who dubs himself the vice president of systems
development for the Autonomous Tractor Corporation, has family ties to Red River Valley agriculture. His grandfather homesteaded in the Hatton area, then moved to Greenbush, Minn. Anderson attended elementary school in Greenbush, Minn., until his family moved to Hopkins, Minn., where he attended junior high and high school. After a stint in the U.S. Air Force, he started his first company in 1967, followed by seven others – all focused on technology. Anderson patterned his tractor prototype from a railroad locomotive, with wide tracks to provide ground traction. Nine-feet tall, the Spirit is 102 inches wide and 152 inches long and is powered by twin 5.2-liter diesel-powered electric drive systems. The driver-free concept relies on a combination of laser technology and radio signals. “Even though you don’t actually sit in a tractor cab, you are always in control of the tractor and its tasks,” w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
North Dakota fields
To learn more, visit www.; email spirit@autonomous or call 701-429-3964.
the company website states. The Spirit is controlled by four independent controllers. Two safety controllers include a collision avoidance system and a perimeter ultrasonic sensor. Two positioning controllers map and control the tractor’s path. If anything obstructs the tractor or indicates danger in its programmed path, the Spirit shuts down immediately and notifies the base station. Anderson opted not to utilize GPS for the tractor’s navigation system because it is not 100 percent reliable. “The tractor can never leave the field on its own,” Anderson says. “If we can operate a Predator in Afghanistan from a distance, why can’t we drive a tractor across the field?” To get to and from the field, the tractor uses a “follow-me” mode, in which the laser is guided by reflective tape in front of it. Anderson says the “follow-me” mode is so efficient, a piece of reflective tape on his back w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
would result in the tractor following him across the field. Using the follow-me mode, the tractor can be led to the field by a pickup or another tractor and put into operation, or it could follow another tractor while operating in the field. A remote control allows the farmer to shut the tractor off from afar. The 400-horsepower diesel-electric motor uses no transmission and no differential, Anderson says. Instead, each wheel is guided separately. Made of tubular steel, the Spirit is more lightweight than most tractors. To compensate, a water tank can be filled to add 4,000 pounds to the tractor’s weight, which is 37,000 pounds fully loaded. “Water is the cheapest way to add weight,” Anderson says, and variable weight allows the tractor to operate in all types of field conditions.
Priced at $500 per horsepower, Anderson believes the Spirit will be less expensive than conventional tractors. He expects assembly to begin around March 2013 at a plant in the Red River Valley, eventually expanding to several plants, where repairs can also be obtained. “It’s designed to be repaired by the farmer himself,” Anderson says. Anderson envisions his tractor keeping more farmers on the land, as labor becomes less of an issue with a driver-free tractor. Tillage with the Spirit, he says, can become less of a chore. “Lots of farms are ready for this,” he says. Luann Dart is a freelance writer from Elgin.
More e-NORTH DAKOTA on page 16 N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 15
Terry Anderson and the Autonomous Tractor Corporation hope to start assembling the “Spirit” in the Red River Valley in March 2013.
e - N O R T H D A KO TA
avis Anderson may be legally blind, but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying a good book. Anderson is a patron of the North Dakota State Library Talking Book program, which gives her free access to audio books and more, delivered to her door. As a 10-year patron of the North Dakota State Library, AnderSusan Hammer-Schneider shows a digital player to son has seen the TalkMavis Anderson who uses ing Book program go the Talking Book program. through its biggest change in 35 years: making the switch from primitive, bulky and not entirely cassette tapes to digital user-friendly. format. The State Library introHammer-Schneider recalls the duced the first digital players and story of one man from another books in 2009, and is in the prostate, who was born blind, and uticess of phasing out the older and lized the program in its early years. bulkier four-track cassette players. He chose to read Tolstoy’s “War Susan Hammer-Schneider, who and Peace,” and when it arrived directs the Talking Books proin the mail, it was recorded on 56 gram, says it is exciting to offer long-playing record albums. “Even the new digital format to patrons, though he didn’t finish the book,” because of the improved sound says Hammer-Schneider, “he said quality and usability. he waited a long time to send them Hammer-Schneider says the back, because he felt so bad for Talking Book program has had an the mailman having to carry all interesting progression over the those records.” years. In March 1931, the National Library Service for the Blind and Digital arrives Physically Handicapped – a diviGone are the days of dozens of sion of the Library of Congress record albums per book, or reels of – started the program to help cassette tapes; today’s digital carvisually impaired and physically tridges can store an entire book disabled individuals. The first onto a memory chip the size of a equipment and recordings were
small fingernail. The digital players also have a smaller, more compact design, audio-guided buttons, and a longer battery life. Another feature of the digital system is the Braille and Audio Reading Download program. This allows patrons to sign in to a website, and download several books at a time, “all from the comfort of their own home,” says Hammer-Schneider. Currently, 1,700 library patrons are enrolled in the Talking Book program. “There are over 27,000 books and magazines available in digital format,” she says, “so there is something for everyone, and we are always accepting applications.” “When someone begins to lose their vision or some independence because of a physical disability, we often hear that one thing they miss the most is being able to read,” Hammer-Schneider says. “I can’t count the number of times that patrons have told us this program is a godsend to them. ... And once they are familiar with the new digital player, they love it.” Making the switch from cassettes to digital wasn’t a big deal for Mavis Anderson. “The digital machine is an improvement over the old. ... The sound quality is much better, and it is easier to manipulate. I have vision loss, and am just legally blind, but even my totally blind friend can navigate and use it without a problem.”
Talking Books quick facts: Persons eligible to enroll in the program must have a visual, physical or reading disability. An individual qualifies if he or she cannot read standard print or hold a book. The disability may also be temporary in nature (as one recuperates from surgery.) The Talking Book program offers an array of services, including a radio broadcast reading of major North Dakota newspapers, known as Dakota Radio Information Services (DRIS). 16
Talking Books go digital
For more information, call 800-843-994870; email; or visit
Wendy Fix is a freelance writer who lives in Bismarck. You can visit her on the web at
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N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 21
Christina Roemmich
Master three P’s to manage winter driving
Smart North Dakota Living is a periodic forum for looking at pressing issues, new technologies and wise energy choices for North Dakota Living readers. This month’s topic: Winter driving
ipping a hot beverage in a warm living room, while peering through a frost-covered window at a beautiful winter scene is a peaceful pleasure this time of year. But, for our cooperative lineworkers, this is the season of navigating through frosty elements and snowy roads to keep your power flowing. Our lineworkers take winter driving seriously and so should you. From our lineworkers, you can learn these three P’s of winter driving: prepare, protect and prevent.
PREPARE for the trip
PROTECT yourself
Your work attire is appropriate for the office, but may be a far cry from keeping you warm along a roadside in winter weather. Always have winter clothing available in your vehicle, to be added to what you are wearing. This includes a warm coat, waterproof boots, hat and gloves that will cover your skin and insulate you from cold conditions. Buckle up, use
PHOTo BY J.C. balcom
A quick visit to the local service center to winterize your vehicle will save you from plenty of winter vehicle headaches. According to Kevin Kautzmann, service professional with Kupper Chevrolet, several items should be considered when winterizing your vehicle: the condition of the tires, battery and cables; coolant levels; door locks; and the proper function of both the windshield wipers and heating system. Be prepared with a survival kit. The kit should contain: flashlight, batteries, matches, first aid kit, nonperishable highenergy food, extra gloves, hat and a blanket. Each year, cooperative office folks prepare winter survival kits for each of the lineworkers’ vehicles – and when spring arrives, the lineworkers feast on the remaining treats when the kits get put away! Like our lineworkers, sometimes we have to drive through winter conditions. When you do, be sure to notify folks at your destination of your planned route of travel and expected arrival time. Be mindful of key assistance phone numbers: 911 for emergency, and 511 for travel conditions. Always travel with a full tank of gas.
appropriate child restraints, do not use cell phones, and drive with extra caution. If you become stranded, do not leave your vehicle unless you are certain of your location and that help is near. Instead, attract attention to yourself with hazard lights, flares or by hanging a bright cloth from your antenna. Run your engine for only 10 minutes every hour as long as your exhaust pipe is not blocked. After you have made yourself safe and secure, make phone calls to contacts or emergency services, if mobile phone service is available. Cover yourself with your winter clothing and blankets.
PREVENT accidents
According to Larry Sailer, safety instructor for the North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, winter driving accident prevention is a simple matter. “Slow down,” Sailer says. The majority of vehicle accidents are speed-related, and this is particularly true in winter driving conditions. You should also leave yourself plenty of room to stop – at least three times more space than usual when driving
20 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 n N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G
in winter conditions. Always clear your windshield and lights from snow and ice before driving away. Snow left on the windshield and hood of the car will cause the interior to fog when the blower is turned on, thus decreasing visibility even further. Melting ice and snow can drip onto the blower, causing it to fail. Be especially careful on bridges, overpasses and infrequently traveled roads, as these will freeze first. Even at temperatures above freezing, you may encounter ice on the bridges and overpass. Do not pass snowplows and sanding trucks. The plow and sanding drivers have limited visibility and the road in front of them will be far worse than the road behind them. Do not assume your vehicle can handle all road conditions. Even four-wheel, allwheel and front-wheel-drive vehicles can encounter trouble on the winter roads. n Christina Roemmich is the NDAREC safety coordinator.
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Roxanne Henke
You said what?
open-minded person, and just because someone has green hair doesn’t mean they might not make a good roommate. They set a date and time to meet. A few days later, Rachael arrived at the coffee shop. She knew she probably wouldn’t have any trouble finding her green-haired potential roommate. She stopped in the doorway and scanned the coffee drinkers. There was no one with green hair. Maybe she was early? She started to look for a place to sit when a young Asian woman with pitch black hair asked, “Are you Rachael?” “Yes,” Rachael answered, totally confused. “I’m Sue,” the young woman said and shook Rachael’s hand. They sat down and proceeded to visit. They got along well and agreed rooming together might be a great idea. At that point, Rachael’s curiosity got the better of her and she asked Sue, “When I asked what you looked like, why did you tell me you had green hair?” It took Sue just a second and then she said, “I didn’t say my hair was green, I said, ‘I’m Korean.’ ” Oh, the difference of just one misheard word. Often, the way we communicate is a bit like that old game of telephone. Remember how we’d sit in a circle and someone would whisper a “secret” to the person next to them. They, in turn, would pass along the message and so it went, around the circle, until the last person would say the secret out loud. Inevitably, the secret was completely mangled by the time it had been whispered over and over again. Sometimes it can be hilarious the way we misinterpret something we hear. Other times, it can be devastating. I wonder how many times in the course of my 38-year marriage I’ve taken something my husband has said to me (with good intentions), jumped to conclusions (and turned it into an argument) before it’s sunk into me what, exactly, he really means. After enough years of half-baked misunderstandings and little tiffs, I’ve learned that when something I’ve heard doesn’t quite make sense, it pays to mull things over before responding. I repeat what I’ve heard instead of jumping on my high horse and galloping off on a wild goose chase of misinterpretation. And instead of getting all bent out of shape about a few words that don’t quite make sense, I’ve learned sometimes a dose of laughter can take care of many misunderstandings. And now, I think I’d better go check my voice mail messages. After all, I wouldn’t want them to pile up. n
y cell phone doesn’t really work in the little town where I live, which means that when I do turn it on when traveling, I have to remember what all the buttons mean and how to get my messages. And since I don’t use my phone that much, sometimes the messages pile up. Awhile back, I was on a speaking trip and in the lull right before the event started, I took a moment to check my messages. I dialed, pushed in my password, and put the phone to my ear. This is what I heard: You have 200 messages. Roxanne Henke Two HUNDRED messages! My mind started racing. Who could have called that many times? I don’t have that many friends and not that many people have my cell number. Certainly something catastrophic had happened to someone in my family. Every person I’ve ever been related to must have tried calling me! When in the world would I have time to listen to all those messages? Something at Verizon must have gone haywire! And then, as my mind was still trying to wrap itself around the idea that my little phone was holding 200 messages, it slowly dawned on me that what the voice inside my phone had really said was, “You have two unheard messages.” Not 200 messages, two unheard ones. A wave of relief spread through my body, right down to my fingertips. Oh, the difference one word can make. Oh, the difference really listening can make. Let me share another story of a misunderstanding. My daughter was fresh out of college and got hired by an ad agency in Minneapolis. Even though she was going to be making good money in her first job, she knew her salary would go a lot further if she had a roommate. So, she posted an ad and waited for the phone to ring. It did. The gal on the other end of the line (I’ll call her Sue) was looking for a roommate, too. My daughter and Sue visited on the phone and then decided they should meet for coffee to see if they got along in person. They agreed on a coffee shop to meet and then my daughter asked, “How will I recognize you? What color hair do you have?” Sue hesitated a bit and then said, “Green.” “Ooooo-kaaaaay,” my daughter thought. She then proceeded to quickly remind herself that she is an
22 novem b er 2 0 1 2 n N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G
Roxanne (Roxy) Henke writes from her home in rural North Dakota, where she lives with her husband and an aging English cocker spaniel, Gunner. Roxy is the author of eight novels. She can be reached by email at or you can find her on the Web at
w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
Classic Western Caribbean for Seniors
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Walter Piehl, Jr. Orange Peel’d (detail) 48x36
There is no better unspoiled corner of the Caribbean than this area. We’re excited about showing you the pristine sights, wildlife and culture of these unique ports of call. Of course, we’ll be onboard a Norwegian Cruise Line ship, there is no other way to cruise. No dress up, no fixed seating for dinner, 13 dining rooms to choose from, all with a different menu. 15
entertainment venues each evening. We’ve often heard, “we’re too old for island hopping.” This is for seniors (one person over 50 in the room). Come join us, we’re seniors, and we’ll show you just how much fun you can have! Our major reason for hosting this event is “We want to do this trip!”, so why not surround ourselves with people just like us, who we’ll love spending time with.
All gratuities, meals, transfers and entertainment included.
JENSEN TRAVEL North Dakota’s Caribbean Specialist
N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 23
This month, we asked our readers to submit replies to the following...
“What are the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument? What do you play, and why?”
Sharing talents
When I was 4 years old, I began Children’s Music Academy, a program which teaches the basics of music theory, piano, recorder and rhythm instruments. At the age of 6, having been inspired by a harpist at a home-school convention, I began saving my money to buy a harp. I saved for three years and was able to purchase a kit from which I built my
UPCOMING READER REPLY QUESTIONS: december: “Many of the best gifts cost little to nothing, and bring great rewards. Tell us about a gift you’ve given, or plan to give.” Deadline for submission: Nov. 16 january: Meet the 2012 Reader Reply winners. we want to hear you: Submissions should be no more than 250 words, typewritten or in legible handwriting. Include your name, complete address, daytime phone number and the name of the rural electric or telephone cooperative to which you belong. Note: Magazine staff reserves the right to make editing changes and cuts. We pay $25 for each letter we print. Email to or mail to READER REPLY, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan ND 58554-0727.n
courtesy PHOTO
Hannah Huwe
own harp with the help of my father. I now have the privilege of being able to sing and play instruments at hospitals, nursing homes, assistedliving homes and churches, and I provide entertainment for small groups. I have found that others are drawn to music, and so many doors have been opened up to me as a young musician. I am grateful for every opportunity I have to share my talents, and always do so with my goal being to please and bring glory to the one from whom all blessings flow — my heavenly Father.
Hannah Huwe Daughter of Brad and Rachel Huwe Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
Feeling rich When I was a young girl in the ‘60s, one of the many things I wanted to be was a professional flute player. When I started band in the 5th grade, my flute and I were inseparable. I loved to make it sing and be a part of something in school that didn’t require scholastic excellence. It was something that I felt like an equal with fellow classmates. And being a part of the band was no solo gig. Everyone had to work together to make one musical selection sing. I thought the only way to be able to be in the music world was to be a music teacher — but I was not teacher material. I wanted to play, not teach, so I played through my high school and college years. Several years later, I took a position coaching the church choir. I had the opportunity to select church choral music written with flute parts. I was in heaven! It’s enough to satisfy my desire to play without having to teach. It’s hard to put into words the feeling I get when I play my flute, but I love it, even after 40-plus years. While I am not making a living play-
24 n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 2 n NOR T H D A K O T A L I V I N G
ing my flute professionally, I am playing my flute to satisfy my passion, which makes me feel rich.
Georgine Sayler KEM Electric Cooperative
Hearing the harmony The benefits of learning to play a musical instrument are you can practice and excel at it if you like it. You can also play to entertain your friends and family. I play the tenor saxophone because I enjoy hearing the music and harmony I am creating with each breath of air. I started in fifth grade and am already higher than those in eighth grade. I am in seventh grade now. I try to find time to practice each day. It can be very time-consuming. Hours can feel like minutes, or the other way around. I enjoy listening to myself as well as others to hear the style and manner in which they play. I just like to listen to people play. It helps me relax.
Megan Jorgenson Daughter of Blaine and Jennifer Jorgenson Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative
Fostering lifelong pursuit Learning to play any instrument demands disciple; regular time of practice each day, even if for only 10 minutes; loved ones who give continual encouragement; and most of all, a genuine love and interest in the chosen instrument. All of these attributes assist in making positive changes in the would-be artist. As the person becomes more proficient in playing his instrument, he develops a sense of wanting to contribute to the enjoyment of others, a sense of increased self-worth, and a feeling of contentment beyond description. Playing an instrument during the years in school is more beneficial to the student in most cases than being engaged in playing a sport. Most students do not continue to play the sport they played in school after graduation, but many students who play a w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
Mariana Rumer Cass County Electric Cooperative
Sounding really cool! I play the piano because it is fun! When my class is learning about the music notes in school, I already know most of them. I have memorized one song so well that I can play it while looking up into the air. The name of that song is, “Friendly Echo,” and it’s one of my favorites. Sometimes I play a duet with my mom or my piano teacher, and that sounds really cool! I practice my songs every night and every
Katrina Just
Monday during piano lessons after school. I get a sticker on each song if I do it well. My piano teacher’s name is Mrs. Hager. Whenever my mom is a little bit late to pick me up, Mrs. Hager gives me pizza sticks and lemonade. She is very fun and very nice! I am glad I am learning to play the piano.
musical instrument continue to enjoy doing so even after graduation. One “instrument” usually not considered in the scope of availability is the human voice. There is an art in learning to sing well, which provides benefits comparable to the ordinarily thought-of choices like wind, brass, string or keyboard instruments. I believe all children should be given an opportunity to learn to play/ use a musical instrument, even if it is the human voice.
Katrina Just Daughter of Kelli and Christof Just Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative
Sharing with others Both of my parents were musically inclined. My father played the violin and there was an organ in the family. My oldest sister, Ann, played the
organ by ear. Nevertheless, she was the organist in our church. When she practiced music for Mass on Sundays, I was inspired and fascinated by her skill. I thought to myself, “I wish I could be an organist someday!” At the age of 8 years, I was determined to play the organ by ear. With much perseverance, I finally got the hang of it. As I remember, the first hymn I played was one of my mother’s favorites: “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.” As I grew older, I took piano lessons and eventually played by note. When I turned 17, St. Philips Catholic Church in Herschville was in need of an organist. The parish priest offered me the job. My dream came true and my goal achieved. Now, at age 85, I am a resident at Durham Booth Manor in Omaha, Neb., playing the piano for singa-longs, memorials and devotions. Spending time at the piano gives me a great deal of satisfaction. My love for music will go on and on. Eva Rettig
w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 25
Doomsday technology
oomsday is near. At least, that’s what the Mayans are saying. Preppers, survivalists and my dad are preparing for everything from an economic collapse, nuclear war and super volcano eruption, to an asteroid impact. While my dad likes to joke that he would be ready for the end of the world, he hasn’t started stock-piling weapons, or canning unbelievable amounts of questionable vegetables and storing them in our basement. When the time comes, my dad says he’ll just go online to research what he hasn’t already learned from the countless Ethan Michelson TV shows, chatrooms, google searches and blockbuster movies that already engross his condemnfilled cranium. I suppose his sources forgot to mention that none of these resources will be available when an event of this nature occurs. How will he be able to log in to chat rooms or contact other preppers for advice if the electricity, Internet and basic cable don’t work? No longer will he be able to call me at any time in the day.
Hey, teens! Become a
moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, and teachers! Tell a teen you know that North Dakota Living is seeking teen correspondents for 2013. Writing for North Dakota Living is a great way to earn some cash, build a resume and get real-life experience!
The teen correspondents we select will receive $50 for each article North Dakota Living publishes. 26 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G
No longer will we be able to have constant, uninterrupted contact with the world outside our doors (or, perhaps, fenced-in, electrified compounds). While there are many facts and credible sources like NASA that reinforce the debunking of these conspiracies, maybe thinking in this way can help us evaluate where and why we use technologies in our lives. We take most of these things for granted, and it isn’t until the power is out that people realize they are flipping the light switch when they enter or leave a room. Whether my dad actually believes in this fate or if it’s just a joke, I believe it’s time we reflect upon what technologies we use, and what we might do without them — just in case civilization collapses, or a mere snow storm knocks out the power. Ethan Michelson, 16, is a junior at Rolla High School. Involved in speech, FCCLA, church and Boy Scouts, Ethan’s passion lies in journalism. He currently works for the Turtle Mountain Star, KEYA Radio Station and BEK Sports Broadcasting. Ethan is the son of Cameron and Dainelle Mickelson, who are members of Northern Plains Electric Cooperative.
Plan ahead for 2013!
he popular Teen-2-Teen column features writers from across the state who address issues of importance to teens. This past year, some of our correspondents tackled subjects including coping with a disability, taking on responsibility and protecting privacy online. The writers included Katrina Leintz, Minot; Ethan Michelson, Rolla; Cassie Logie, Hampden; Abigail Alt, New Leipzig; Kim Ellwein, Hazen; Caleb Hoverson, Burlington; Kendra Akset, Buxton; Hayley Moe, Watford City; and Zachary Klockstad, Westhope. Ellie Franklund, Bismarck, will write the December column. Don’t pass up this rewarding experience! If you would like to write for North Dakota Living as a teen correspondent, send us an essay detailing why you would make a good contributor, along with a recommendation from a teacher. Also include at least two topics you might like to address in a column. Include your name, the names of your parents, your complete mailing address, telephone number and email address so we can contact you. Also indicate if your family belongs to an electric and/or telephone cooperative. Submissions should be received by Dec. 21. To apply, email all requested information to cdevney@ or mail to: Teen-2-Teen, North Dakota Living, PO Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554-0727. North Dakota Living staff will review the submissions, and select eager and qualified applicants to serve as correspondents throughout 2013. Students, we look forward to hearing from you! w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
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N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 27
CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOVEMBER THROUGH Nov. 30 Art display of selected works from collection of Rex and Carol Wiederander, James Memorial Art Center, Williston. 701-774-3601. THROUGH Dec. 1 Brad Bachmeier Ceramics Exhibit, The Arts Center, Jamestown. 701-251-2496. THROUGH Dec. 2 “Key Ingredients: America by Food,” a traveling Smithsonian exhibit, Medina. 701-486-3149. 9 Wildlife Feed, Community Center, Medora. 701-623-4910. 9-10 Holiday Magic Fundraiser, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m.1 p.m. Saturday, Jamestown Regional Medical Center, Jamestown. 701-320-1913. 9 and 12 Wild West Art Camp, 8:30 a.m.5 p.m., Theo Art School, Bismarck. 701-222-6452. 9-11 Badlands Art Show, Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge, Dickinson. 800-279-7391 or 701-483-0178.
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Civic 10 Craft and 23 Wild Game Center, Jamestown. Night, Chahinkapa Zoo, Merchant Fair, Oakes. 701-320-7170. Wahpeton. 701-642-8709. 701-742-3508. 17 • Festival of the 24 Santa Parade, 10 • Arts and Crafts Arts, 6 p.m.-midnight, 5 p.m., Main Street, Bazaar, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. MT, Radisson Hotel, Bismarck. Cavalier. 701-265-8188. City Hall, Hazen. 888-464701-223-5986. 2936 or 701-748-6848. 24-Dec. 20 Santa 17 Fall Craft and Village, Rheault Farm, 11 Moroccan Film Bake Sale, 10 a.m.Fargo. 701-499-7788. Screening, 5 p.m., The 3 p.m., Parshall American Arts Center, Jamestown. 28 Farmers’ AppreLegion building, Parshall. 701-251-2496. ciation Banquet, Civic 20 Christmas Open Center, Jamestown. 12 Veterans Day House, 1-5 p.m., 701-252-8088. Film, Exhibit and Lec13571 Hwy. 5, Cavalier. 29 Taste of North ture, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., Holiday Open Ann is professional, Dakota knowledgeable Fargo Air Museum, Fargo. “…701-265-4562. Christmas Tree House, 5-8 p.m., and 701-293-8043. and 21 enthusiastic. She has gone above Lighting, Civic Center, 500 17th St. S.E., James13 Health, Technol- beyond anything I would have imagined Jamestown. town. 800-807-1511 or ogy and Trade Fair, 701-252-8088. 701-252-8648. Civic Center, agent would do. I would not hesitate to 22 CysticAnn Fibrosis 30 who Guitarmay Perforrecommend to anyone be 701-252-8088. Association of N.D.’s mance by Michael looking to buy or sell real estate 16-17 Bioethics Turkey Trot 5-K run, Whisler, 7:30 …” p.m., The Seminar, 5:45-8:30 p.m. Connie E., Jamestown. Bismarck 10-K run, 5-K competiArts Center, Friday and 9-11:45 a.m. tive walk, 8 a.m. regis701-251-2496. Saturday, Matt and Jo Ann tration and 9:15 a.m. race, 30-Dec. 2 Dickens Butler Hall, Gary Tharaldalong the Missouri River, 701-220-1180 Ann Andre Village Festival, Main son School of Business, Bismarck. 701-222-3998. Street, Garrison. 800-799University of Mary, Bis23 Art Camp, 4242 or 701-463-2345. marck. 701-355-8002. 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 17 Christmas BouTheo Art School, BisS. Washington St., • Bismarck, ND 58504 tique/Vendor Show, DECEMBER marck.1035 701-222-6452. 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Grace 23 Holiday Dazzle Lutheran School, Fargo. 1 Clown for a Night, Parade, downtown, 701-730-2377. Civic Center, Jamestown. Jamestown. 701-252-8088. 800-222-4766. 17 Christmas Fair, Beeler Community Cen1 Holiday Vendor/ 23 Wake Up Santa ter, Lemmon, S.D. Craft Fair, 10 a.m.Fireworks and Lighted 605-374-5716. 3 p.m., Holy Cross Parade, 5:45 p.m., Catholic Church, West Main Street, Hettinger. 17 Indoor RadioFargo. 701-277-9681. 701-567-2531. Controlled Fun Fly,
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1 Jingle Bell Run/ Walk for Arthritis, 8 a.m. registration and health fair and 9 a.m. walk/run, Courts Plus Fitness Center, Fargo. 800-333-1380. 1 Moonlight Madness/Fish Fry, 5-10 p.m., Main Street, Cavalier. 701-265-8188. 1 Old Fashioned Christmas, afternoon and evening, downtown, Drayton. 701-454-FISH. 1 Santa Claus Days, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Community Center, Marmarth. 701-279-6612 1, 8, 15, 22 Santa Fly-In, noon-2 p.m., Fargo Air Museum, Fargo. 701-293-8043. 3 Christmas Around the Town and Parade, Carrington. 701-652-2524. 6-Jan. 12 Walter Piehl Cowboy Contem-
porary Artist Exhibit, The Arts Center, Jamestown. 701-251-2496. 7 Pearl Harbor in Serenade and Song, 1 p.m., Fargo Air Museum, Fargo. 701-293-8043. 7-8 and 14-15 Dickens Village Festival, Main Street, Garrison. 800-799-4242 or 701-463-2345. 7-9 Old Fashioned Cowboy Christmas, Medora. 701-623-4910. 7-9 Performance of “The Nutcracker,” 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Belle Mehus Auditorium, Bismarck. 701-530-0986. 7-9 and 13-16 Performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays, 333 Fourth St. S., Fargo, 701-235-6778.
PROMOTE YOUR COMMUNITY North Dakota Living publishes calendar events free of charge. We only publish the date, name of the event, time, place and location, and contact telephone number. To submit an item, email or mail to: Calendar of Events, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan ND 58554-0727. North Dakota Living does not guarantee the publication of any event.
Naomi Rossow, Broker
701-290-3931 Email: Licensed in North Dakota and South Dakota
View additional listings at
OUTLAW RANCH. Tastefully remodeled country home plus rustic hunting lodge. This 1120 acre cattle ranch is located in the sand hills of north central ND, an hour east of Minot. Pasture land, hayground, good water and working facilities. Lucrative outfitting business with excellent 2012 income so far. Trophy bull elk included in sale. OUTLAW RANCH business name and website transfer with sale. $1,400,000. WATFORD CITY COUNTRY LIVING This 40 acre ranchette is a beauty and not a thing out of place! Four BR home with finished basement and dbl. att. garage-man attractive updates, large shop, horse barn and top of the line roping arena. Perimeter property is fenced, plus pastures and hay ground. 15 mi. NE of town. $575,000. PRIME HORSE PROPERTY Motivated Sellers. Located 15 miles west of Killdeer on Hwy 200. Forty acres, beautiful ranch style rambler with designer kitchen and two family rooms with gas fireplaces. Steel beamed barn w/Priefert box stalls, heated office, restroom and vet room. Heated shop and addn’l buildings for storage. WORKING CATTLE RANCH in south central ND. 7600 deeded ranch supports 600-650 cow/calf pairs under current management. Outstanding working facilities and ranch style home (2004). Miles of new trees, 17 wells, many dams and two pipelines. One hour from Bismarck. RUTHIES CAFÉ Family owned business with reputation for “good home cooking”. Large building in excellent condition. On Main Street, Herreid, SD. Reasonably priced at $85,000. BELFIELD, ND RV & TRAILER PARK 40 unit trailer park. Full capacity, $45,000 monthly income, priced at $1,400,000. Plus RV Park—partially completed, platted for 72 units with 20 complete. $1,400,000. w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G n N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 23
‘The center of good things’
hen people think about cookbooks, many envision recipes like knefla hot dish or cherry fudge bars. While both sound delectable, how would you like a recipe to make your own laundry soap? Or modeling clay or play dough? Or, with Christmas fastapproaching, a recipe for scented cinnamon ornaments? The Faith, Family & Friends: Ottawa Lutheran Church 125th cookbook has these unique recipes and hundreds more, including a variety of appetizers and dips, soup and salads, breads and rolls, vegetables and side dishes, main dishes and desserts. Ottawa Lutheran Church is located 15 miles north of Cooperstown. A Native American name, Ottawa means, “The center of good things.” The congregation consists of about 20 families that wanted a meaningful keepsake to commemorate the church’s 125th anniversary in 2010. Members Sandi Chapman, Donna Rickford and Judy Rusten volunteered to collect recipes and create a cookbook the church could sell. Recipes were submitted by past and present congregation members and their families. “We are more of a family than a
Pictured left to right, Judy Rusten, Donna Rickford and Sandi Chapman, served as the cookbook committee for the Faith, Family & Friends: Ottawa Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary cookbook. The rural church continues to be a beacon throughout the valley, offering weekly church services, a monthly family night during the summer, a Memorial Day dinner, an Easter breakfast, a harvest festival and a Christmas program.
congregation,” Rusten shares. After the trio researched cookbook publishing companies online, they hired G & R Publishing Company of Waverly, Iowa, based on a local recommendation. The book was well-received by the Cooperstown and Aneta communities; all 800 copies sold. The committee ordered 300 more, and some still remain. The book sells for $15 including shipping and handling. Cookbook proceeds will
CHEESY TURKEY CHOWDER 4 T. margarine 1 T. chicken soup base 3 2 cups celery, chopped ⁄4 cup flour 2 cups potatoes, chopped 1 tsp. salt 2 cups carrots, chopped pepper, to taste 4 cups milk (2-percent) 3-4 cups cooked turkey, diced 1 qt. turkey or chicken broth 2 cups Cheddar cheese Cook vegetables separately in margarine until tender. Heat milk and broth about 1 minute; add chicken base. Make paste of the flour and a small amount of milk. Add to heated milk-broth mixture and cook until slightly thickened (about 7 minutes) while stirring. Add salt, pepper, vegetables, cooked turkey and cheese to heated broth-milk mixture. Heat and stir until cheese melts, but do not boil.
Elwood and Mary Lou Gunderson Page 11 of the Faith, Family & Friends cookbook
North Dakota Living test notes: We used white potatoes and omitted the salt. This was a tasty recipe and a great recommendation for turkey leftovers after Thanksgiving.
be used for building maintenance and mission work. Rusten says it’s well-worth the money because it features North Dakota cooks who use common ingredients. Chapman says she’s made a condensed list of her favorite recipes and taped it to the inside of the book. “It’s just so much fun, because I know most of the people who submitted recipes,” she says. This month, North Dakota Living features a Cheesy Turkey Chowder recipe to make use of Thanksgiving leftovers. The recipe was submitted to the cookbook committee by Elwood and Mary Lou Gunderson. It was passed to them by Elwood’s parents, Gordon and Connie Gunderson. If recipes for Cheesy Turkey Chowder, laundry soap, play dough and cinnamon ornaments don’t tempt you, you’ll also find ones for knefla hot dish and cherry fudge bars in the Faith, Family & Friends: Ottawa Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary cookbook. North Dakota Living thanks Chapman, Rickford and Rusten for sharing their community connection. w w w. n d a r e c . c o m
The cookbook
w w w. n d l i v i n g . c o m
NEEDS YOUR HELP! It’s time to restock the Recipe Roundup archives with your favorite recipes and cookbooks. We want to feature your recommendation in 2013. If we publish your submission, you will receive $50 for your time and effort. But be prepared, because we plan to join you in your kitchen — or invite you into ours! Contributors appreciate North Dakota Living experience!
n October, North Dakota Living featured Gus Mueller, a Capital Electric Cooperative member from south Bismarck, who shared his BBQ Bacon Shrimp recipe and advice on how to become confident in the kitchen. Following publication of the story and a complimentary online video, Mueller emailed magazine staff with this note: “I watched the video, which I think captures the spirit of the occasion! A fun day,” he wrote.
n September, North Dakota Living promoted the St. John’s Academy Cookbook, which was submitted by Tammie Skarie of Jametown. Skarie is a mother and member of the school’s parent-teacher organization. The books were created as an innovative fundraiser for the school and a meaningful keepsake for students and their families. Following publication of the magazine article, Skari emailed this note to staff: “Sales are going good with the cookbook, and hope they keep it up. … Thanks so much for letting us do this, and everyone loved the article,” she wrote.
Carmen Devney is a communications specialist for the North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, Capital Electric Cooperative and Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative.
A lot — and not much — has changed since 1885 for the Ottawa Lutheran Church located near the beautiful Sheyenne River in between Coop-erstown and Aneta. By the end of the year it was established, the church congregation consisted of 28 families. Currently, about 20 families attend, many of which are generations of the founding members. According to church history preserved in secretary books, pioneers worked hard to raise money for the church. The building fund was $1,178 in 1903, and construction was completed that year. A barn was built in 1909 to protect the horses used for transportation. By 1940, the barn was no longer needed, and it sold for $48. The church was modernized in 1949, when the REA (rural electrification association) provided electricity for lights. The church is now served by Nodak Electric Cooperative out of Grand Forks. The church has been greatly enhanced over the years with an alter cross, hymnals, kitchen, steeple and sound system. Members continue to raise money for additional improvements like new shingles and windows. Part of the proceeds from the Faith, Family & Friends: Ottawa Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary cookbook will be used for maintenance; the rest will be donated for mission work. Cookbooks are available for purchase. They cost $15, which includes shipping and handling. To order a book, call Judy Rusten at 701-326-4240, email rusten@, or send a check or money order to: Faith, Family & Friends, Ottawa Church, Judy Rusten, 11736 13th St. N.E., Aneta, ND 58212.
To submit your treasures, visit and click on “recipes” and “online recipe submission form.” Or, email or mail to North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan, ND 58554. Please include: Name Email address, if applicable Address Electric and/or telephone cooperative, if applicable Daytime telephone number
We look forward to hearing from you and replenishing our archives! N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 31
Al Gustin
Farmers are producing many more bushels
Barley and oats production combined totaled about 1 million bushels. But the county also produced the equivalent of 1.7 million bushels of sunflowers and 86,000 bushels of canola. Morton County also produced more than 2.5 million bushels of grain corn last year. If you add up the crops listed in the Ag Statistics Service publication for Morton County in 1974, they total about 3.3 million bushels. The listing does not include sunflower, canola or grain corn, because they weren’t major crops in 1974. If you add up the listed crops for 2011, you get 8.75 million bushels. That’s 5 million bushels more than in 1974. Much of that increase is due to increased yields. It’s also due to the fact that crops like corn and sunflowers produce many more bushels per acre than wheat or barley. The acre that produced 20 bushels of wheat in the 1970s can produce 120 bushels of corn today. What’s more, a significant portion of the oats and barley produced in 1974 never left the farm. It was raised as livestock feed, not as a cash crop. Shuttle-loading grain elevators pull grain for more than one county, of course, and similar comparisons can be made in other counties. The bottom line is North Dakota farmers haul a lot more grain and oilseeds to market every year than their fathers did. n
ith huge, shuttle-loading grain elevators popping up around the region, someone asked recently, “Where’s all the grain going to come from?” It got me thinking about how much more grain farmers produce for the market today than they did years ago. In Morton County, a shuttle-loading elevator came online last month near Hebron. Another is being built at New Salem. And there’s another, not far away, at Hensler, in Oliver County. Each of those might handle between 5 and 10 million bushels of grain a year. Al Gustin Consider this: Morton County has about 500,000 acres of cropland. Back in 1974, more than one-fifth of the cropland was summer-fallowed, so it didn’t produce any crops. The county had 130,000 acres of spring wheat that year, which produced less than 2 million bushels, because it averaged just 15 bushels per acre. In 1974, Morton County had about 100,000 acres of barley and oats. Farmers harvested 270,000 bushels of barley and 1.1 million bushels of oats. Last year, Morton County had 178,000 acres of spring wheat, which produced 3 million bushels.
Al Gustin is farm news director for KBMR and KFYR Radio in Bismarck.
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N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 33
M A R K E T P L A C E F O R U M R e a l E s tat e • F a r m & R a n c h • W a n t e d • F o r S a l e • T r av e l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • 158.3-acre hunting/recreational property 10 miles from Dickinson. Beautiful property with the Heart and Knife Rivers running through it. $435,325 • Goldsberry horse/cattle ranch on the Little Missouri River north of Medora. One of the prettiest ranches in western North Dakota with a 278-head national grasslands grazing permit. $1,950,000 • Absolutely beautiful Little Missouri River Ranch west of Grassy Butte with 2,360 deeded acres, plus 250-head national grasslands grazing permit. More than $500,000 in recent improvements. New home, second home, new shop, etc. Awesome hunting ranch allowing for bonus income. $2,800,000 • 139 acres of prime commercial- and industrialzoned land approx. three miles north of Dickinson with Highway 22 frontage. • 153 acres of land for development bordering Highway 10 and the proposed new truck bypass west of Dickinson. • 46 acres of land in the heart of the oil field west of Killdeer on Highway 200. $460,000 Contact: Don Schmeling, Continental Real Estate, Dickinson. Call 701-260-5555 or 701-483-4400. View properties online at
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Acme Tools ..............................................33
STEP 1: Don’t panic. STEP 2: Take the bag off your head. STEP 3: Call Clark at North Dakota Living STEP 4: Advertise where you’ll get the most for your hard-earned dollars.
Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort.............25
For more information or space reservations, contact:
Heritage Homes .......................................21
Clark A. Van Horn, North Dakota Living
Judy’s Leisure Tours Inc. .........................18
Advanced Surgical Arts Center................18 Ann Andre, Realtor...................................18 Attention to Detail ....................................17 Bank of North Dakota...............................17 Basin Electric Power Cooperative ............19 Dakota Carrier Network ... Inside back cover Days Inn, Bismarck ..................................18 Design Homes, Inc. .................................23 Farm Credit Services of Mandan .............33 Grand International Inn, Minot .................28 Healthy Steps ..........................................27 Heringer Dentistry ...................................13 Jensen Travel ..................................... 17, 23
800-234-0518 or 701-667-6436 Fax: 701-663-3745 Email: or visit:
Junk Yard Chic.........................................28 Kelly Inn, Bismarck ..................................25 KFYR Radio .............................................32 Kvamme Travel & Cruises .......................23 Luter’s Supply..........................................25 Medora CVB ............................................ 5 Mid Dakota Clinic ...................... Back cover Naomi Rossow Realty LLC ......................28 ND Beef Commission ..............................29 ND Farmers Union Tours .........................21 North Dakota Living .................................27 Prairie Public Radio .................................23 Pride of Dakota ........................................13
Bismarck to Las Vegas Charter March 7-11, 2013
Radisson Hotel, Bismarck ........................21
Sanford Health .........................................11
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OPEN HOUSE NOV. 15th 2-5 pm NEW LOCATION 1674 15th St. W
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N O R T H D A K O T A L I V I N G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 35
Generations G
enerous with hugs and full of patience, grand-parents and great-grandparents are one of life’s treasured blessings. This November, North Dakota Living kids of all ages will give thanks for elders who who teach, nurture, love and spoil — and then send the children home.
PINKIES UP! Originally, porcelain teacups had no handles. In order not to spill the hot liquid, the English raised their pinkies for balance while sipping their tea. Addie Robbins practices this tradition at her preschool party with (from left) her grandmother, Connie Bitz; mother, Kimberly Robbins; and great-grandmother, Addie Ilene Frauenberg. All four generations are members of Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative. Proud parents Nathan and Kim Robbins submitted the photo. FARM HAND: Benjamin Watkins gets his love of horses and tractors from “poppa.” Whenever Benjamin visits, he and poppa take horse and wagon rides around the farm. Benjamin is the son of photo submitter Leann Watkins, and the grandson of Roughrider Electric Cooperative members Dave and Diane Watkins.
BOOK WORMS: Jaela (left) and Amara Baumeister are mesmerized as they listen to Grandpa Rod explain how animal mothers carry their babies. The girls are the daughters of Amber Baumeister and Matthew Baumeister, and the grandchildren of Rod and Teresa Kosmicki. Amber submitted the photo; she is a member of Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative.
COWBOY CONTROL: Great-grandparents Gordon and Adela Clark steady a bouncy bronc and its rider. Jax Wolf Necklace may not recall this particular rodeo, but he will remember frequent treats with great-grandpa and conversations with great-grandma — and know he was loved. Jax is the son of photo submitter Larissa Wolf Necklace; all are Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative.
North Dakota Living is seeking photos of kids related to winter, school and chores! Of course, we also want other family favorites for upcoming Co-op Country pages. We’ll select and print them as space allows. Those whose submissions appear on this page will receive a check for $10 following publication of the magazine. We prefer high-resolution digital photos emailed to, but you may also mail entries to Co-op Country, North Dakota Living, P.O. Box 727, Mandan ND 58554-0727. Readers, North Dakota Living will not publish low-quality photos such as those taken on cell phones. When submitting photos, please include the following information: your complete name and address, your daytime phone number, and the name of your electric and/or telephone co-op. We will contact you prior to publication. NOTE: Please keep a duplicate photo, negative or file; the magazine is no longer able to return submitted photos. 36
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