Our Catholic Journey - January-February 2013

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Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic January/February 2013 Vol. 118 Issue 1

Raffle winners Revel in Rome! Attend Canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha


Ticket Sales Kickoff

grants + Schuler for Seminarians


Keys to Your Kingdom with John Tetzloff

From the President


hen Flip Spanier became our President about forty years ago, he started writing a regular column Harald E. Borrmann for our newspaper. That The Tenth President tradition continued under Mike McGovern even as of Catholic United our newspaper became a magazine. Having the Financial chance to read Mike’s column these past few years, and also looking back through the archives of Mike’s and Flip’s monthly messages to the membership, I marvel at how they blended the news of our business with discussion of faith, perseverance and commentary from the times in which they were written. I hope you will bear with me as I try to emulate what those two leaders have done. As the curtain rises on 2013, there have been some important changes here at your Association. Two of our longest-serving Board members, Deb Pauly and Fran Barten, have retired due to reaching their term limits. You, our members, have elected two exceptional women, Renee Brod and Patricia Kasella, to take their places. Also, after fifteen incredible years, Mike McGovern has retired as our President and Chair of the Board of Directors. I am humbled yet excited to have been elected by you to succeed him. I thought I would use this column to tell you a little bit about myself and what you should expect from our great Society in the coming years. My parents emigrated from Germany back in 1950. My sister and I were both born and raised in the St. Paul, Minnesota, area. I went to high school in Roseville and graduated from what was then Frank B. Kellogg High School. I attended the University of Minnesota and graduated from the business college, now known as the Carlson School of Business. My dad spent his entire career working for the St. Paul Companies. I also worked in the insurance business,


January/February 2013

spending more than thirty years in reinsurance. (Reinsurance is basically insurance for insurance companies.) It provided a good living for my family and me. In 2008, I decided to shift gears and come to work for the Catholic Aid Association, as we were known then. Denny Olson was retiring, and I was very excited to put my efforts into a business where we act according to our faith values. It is satisfying to know that you can run a very successful and growing financial services organization while still doing things the “right” way, and without having to sacrifice your principles. I truly look forward to more of the same in the years ahead. My wife, Mary, and I live in St. Paul, and we have three “grown” children – but do they ever really stop growing? Do any of us? I sure hope not! Mary is a sign language interpreter and loves her work. She does quite a bit of religious interpreting. She performs this service at our parish, St. Frances Cabrini, and has interpreted in many other Twin Cities-area churches. For me, watching a visual interpretation of a voiced message adds to the richness of our liturgies and a further layer of understanding. I am very proud that she has been by my side for more than 38 years now, so you know she has the patience of a saint! Our kids all attended Catholic schools and involvement with our schools and parishes has always been important to us. I look forward to working with you and your councils in the same way. It has been challenging, but a lot of fun these past four years. I am energized and excited to succeed Mike in his role as our President and I thank my predecessors for the precedent they’ve set. I look forward to the opportunity this column provides to speak and share my thoughts with you for many years to come. Peace.


Constitutional Amendments

Proposed amendments to the Catholic United Constitution must be submitted in writing to the president’s office no later than April 1, 2013. Constitutional amendments received and reviewed by the Board will be presented for ratification by the delegates at the 2013 Annual Convention.

Contents Features

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Raffle Returns

Want details? Get them here! Read about the return of the Raffle, and see the schools specific to your area where you can purchase a ticket.

2013 Seminarian Grants

The Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust awarded 142 grants this year. See the priests-in-training who benefitted in your diocese.

Rafflers in Rome

See how Catholic United helped one of its raffle winners realize a generations-old dream to witness the canonization of the first Native American woman.




11 15

Association Business

New management took over January 1, with Harald E. Borrmann as President, an Interim Senior Vice President and two new Board members.

Keys to Your Kingdom

Estate planning advice from our estate planning guru, John Tetzloff.


7 On the Cover Photo by Betty Young.

Ann Marie Young of St. Francis, S.D., at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. Read on p. 12 how Catholic United helped make a dream come true for her mother, one of our 2012 raffle prize winners.


Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic January/February 2013 Vol. 118 Issue 1

Raffle winners Revel in Rome! Attend Canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha


Ticket Sales Kickoff

grants + Schuler for Seminarians


Keys to Your Kingdom with John Tetzloff



4 20


Read news tidbits and see member photos.

Memorials/Announcements Two issues worth of memorials.


What’s the most popular Fraternal program we have? You might be surprised at this oldie but goodie.

Catholic United Financial President/Chairman Harald E. Borrmann, St. Paul Interim Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Michael Ahles, Andover Board of Directors Lead Director Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; George Gmach, Rogers; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Robert Krattenmaker, New London; Michael Schmitz, Mankato; Renee Brod, New Prague; Patricia Kasella, Royalton. Magazine Staff: Publisher Harald E. Borrmann Editor Jared Roddy Staff Susan Detlefsen, Michelle Clark Director of Marketing Steve Wendorf Office of Publication: Catholic United Financial, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 551268098; 651-490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN and other locations. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Official Publication of Catholic United Financial. Published bimonthly. Publication No. 093500

January/February 2013



Youth Rally Wraps Up Rewarding Year

Heckuva Happenin’ in Hoven, South Dakota Sales Representative Candee Cloos and officers of the St. Anthony of Padua Council of Hoven, S.D., had the exciting honor of delivering $11,750 to St. Anthony of Padua Parish’s Religious Education Program last November. A gigantic amount earned during their 125th Anniversary raffle Bazaar held September 30, 2012 (see p. 20 for more photos). From left, Vicki Rausch, Janine Stuwe, Joann Rader, Jean Dreis and Cloos presented Fr. Kevin Doyle with $10,750 plus $1,000 matched by Catholic United.

Collegeville, Minn. If you’re a member of Catholic United, there’s a pretty good chance you heard something about our Gather4Good projects that took place through the summer and fall of 2012. Enlisting volunteers to pack hygiene kits for disaster relief and the homeless, the project’s final event took place October 28, during the St. Cloud Diocesan Senior High Youth Rally. About 175 teens helped pack up 400 kits for Catholic Charities at St. John’s University in Collegeville. The St. Benedict Council at St. John the Baptist Church of Collegeville, was instrumental in staffing the event, which wrapped up a great campaign of fraternalism. The volunteer spirit was really on display in 2012. Let’s see what 2013 has in store!


January/February 2013

What Christmas is All About! Sales Representative Dan Markell took the notion “It’s better to give than to receive” to heart this holiday season, as he journeyed around western Minnesota to deliver donations. At far left, Markell delivers a MinisTREE check to Fr. Ron Huberty, Pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Ivanhoe, Minn. SS. Peter and Paul reached the maximum $500 in MinisTREE task-rewards in 2012, but can start fresh now that it is 2013. At right, he delivers a R.E.New Fund check to Fr. Paul Wolf and Principal Carol DeSmet of Holy Redeemer in Marshall, Minn. R.E.New allows new members to elect for Catholic United to make a donation in their name. Give us a call to find out more, almost every new member who buys life insurance will qualify!


How to Contact your Sales Representative: Look on the back cover of this magazine. Your Sales Representative’s name and contact information should be listed with yours. Or, visit www.catholicunitedfinancial.org, or call 1-800-568-6670.

We Got a BINGO!

Quilt Bingo raises huge sum for St. Michael

Good Morning, Mr. Zitzmann

Sales Representative Brian Zitzmann joined Catholic United in 2012 and quickly got to business showing schools and parishes the benefits of Catholic United. On November 29, 2012, he met with Principal Ralph Dyrness (above left) and Msgr. Dennis Skonseng to introduce himself and the Association. After the meeting, he produced a $500 Technology Grant from the Catholic United Financial Foundation. Now that’s an introduction! Below, Zitzmann and Fraternal Youth Liaison Nate Lamusga (far left) deliver a R.E.New Fund check to Pastor Msgr. Mike Foltz and Principal Toby Biebl of St. Joseph’s School in Moorhead, Minn.

Most Catholic School principals will tell you that every little bit helps. So when the members of the St. Michael Council of St. Michael, Minn., delivered their check to Principal Jennifer Haller, you can bet she knew it would help a lot! The St. Michael school received a check for $4,243 in early December, thanks to the council’s Quilt Bingo. The unique fundraiser received the full $1,000 match from Catholic United. Pictured with Principal Heller (in blue jacket) are members Mona Kramer, Debbie Fairburn and Justine Folkestad. Justine writes, “Thank you to everyone who helped make Quilt Bingo a huge success!”

Don’t we know that guy? Hey, yes we do! Former President Michael McGovern appeared in an unusual place this month, Our Catholic Journey’s scrapbook files. And he had told everyone he was just on vacation last November! McGovern couldn’t stay away apparently, especially from the opportunity to deliver funds to the Mitchell, S.D., area while having some fun among the pheasants. Above, McGovern delivers a check for Faith Formation to Christine Lemmer and Fr. Mike Schneider of Holy Spirit Parish in Mitchell. Below, Sales Rep Butch Byers joins in awarding funds to John Paul II school Principal Michelle Ommen and technology teacher Jodi Wilson.

Don’t miss out on up to $500 toward tuition! Scholarship Applications are due February 15, 2013! news@catholicunited.org

January/February 2013


Catholic United sets bar high for 2013 Catholic Schools Raffle Challenge accepted by 83 Catholic schools; Tickets on sale now in Minnesota, North Dakota & South Dakota

c Schools Raffle e Catholi Annualffl 4th hools Ra ic Sc ol : ame: Name: N al CathName 4th Annu Raffle : ls Address o o e: e: ch Nam Na olic S e l Cathdr affless: nnua Ad ls R 4th A Email: hoo c S eh:olic Nam t Phone: a al C ss: Email: nnu Addre A School: h 4t Phone: : School city: e : ol m Scho o Yes No ail: : m E s Are you Catholic? Yes N ty: dres e: School ci Are youoa membersof No Yes No c? Phon oli th Ca N UnitedYe Financial? Catholic of Are you s r l: e be o Y o a mem Sch cial?you previously participa o at Have an il: Are you No ted Yes No Ncip ed Yes affect o d Fin ite l city: spa Ema eligibility) N c Un o e rti (Will not oli e? o Y raffl th this h in ? ly c Ca S olic esyou prevoious t affect eligoibility) ne: fve u Cath r oY Pho N #: VOID (Will no s Ticket e? Are yo a membe Ha ciasl?rafflN e ted u ool: Fininanth Yaeisrt icipa ty)#Y: VOID Sch y: Are yo nited igibet l cit oliCca? tholic U reviously p ec Tit elck Nilio o o t aff es Sch u Cath baeve r ofyouiapl? ? (Wte ill no d Annual s Rafflec Schools Raffle Y 4th olCatholi yo emH Finis anc ffleicipa it:y)VOID olic Scho Are ou a m ein il th ra al Cath e art elitgib# it d y ly p ek te affl 4th Annu Are olic Un vious Tt aic ff c ols R o o h re n c th p l S a il u c D C tholi affle e yo e? (W : VOI R al Ca Hav is raffl et # 4th Annu Schools in th c Tick holi t a C ual Ann 4th

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Catholic Schools 6


The fanfare and commotion of the Catholic Schools Raffle prize ceremony was winding down on March 1, 2012; the winners had been announced and the total dollars raised – $611,290 – was hanging proudly on a banner at the front of the room. Then-President Michael McGovern stood up in front of the six-foot-long raffle drum holding over 120,000 tickets to offer parting remarks. After a glance at the banner, he offered this challenge to those in attendance: “This has to be the biggest thing that’s happened to Catholic education in the Midwest in any time I can remember,” McGovern said. “It’s really impressive and it’s only going to grow from here. In fact, next year I think we oughta do $750,000.” Applause and cheers followed the announcement, as did a flurry of planning on the part of the Catholic United employees charged with making that ambitious goal a reality. If the 83 schools participating in the program all reach

their submitted fundraising goals, the Raffle will hit $750k, and then some! “Twenty schools are participating for the first time this year. Along with the 60 schools we had last year, we have a very ambitious group. They have lots of competitive spirit, and everyone wants to do their best,” said Michelle Clark, marketing assistant and the main company contact for all things Raffle. “We’re on pace to reach the $750,000 mark, and possibly even $1 million if every school reaches their goal.” New this year, Catholic United’s Marketing department is using a Facebook page (www.facebook. com/catholicschoolsraffle) as one of the primary means of communication between the Home Office, Raffle coordinators at each school and the public. Clark regularly posts common questions, links to news stories and progress updates to the page.

ABOVE RIGHT Students from Sacred Heart School in Robbinsdale, Minn., cheer on the start of the Raffle during their kick-off assembly on Jan. 16. This is the school’s first year as a Raffle participant. www.catholicunitedfinancial.org

Participants are sharing and commenting on the posts, and even generating some friendly competition online. Students started selling tickets on Jan. 18, and many schools held rallies during the first week of sales to generate excitement for the fundraiser. Sales Representative Jon Ginther attended the Raffle rally at Sacred Heart School of Robbinsdale, Minn. (photo above). This is the first year of participation for the 250 students and staff of Sacred Heart, and they hope to raise $20,000 by March 1, the last day of ticket sales. As with previous years, the Raffle prizes have generated a lot of buzz. Sports fans can get excited about two prize

packages that are up for grabs. One lucky person will win two tickets to Super Bowl XLIX in 2014, including airfare and hotel stay. Another winner will nab a prize package including tickets for a Twins game in a luxury suite at Target Field (donated by Hubbard Broadcasting). The grand prize is a brand-new Ford Escape SUV or $25,000 cash.

A complete list of prizes can be found at www.catholicunited.org/ links/raffle. To all the students, families and schools participating, best of luck!

Schools Participating In Your Area Holy Spirit Catholic School of Rochester Holy Trinity Catholic School of South St. Paul Sacred Heart School of Adams St. Agnes School of St. Paul St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School of Hastings

St. Felix Grade School of Wabasha St. John the Baptist of Vermillion Transfiguration Catholic School of Oakdale Winona Area Catholic Schools of Winona

Follow www.facebook.com/catholicschoolsraffle for a list of schools, prizes and updates Metro/East

January/February 2013


2012 Grant Recipients

Reverend Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust Every year since 1998, the Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust has awarded grants to young men studying for the priesthood. Seminarians rarely have the ability to earn income while they are in school, as they are not permitted to have jobs during the school year and must commit 40 hours of study per week outside of prayer, class, meetings and fraternity. So, they are limited to fitting in earning opportunities over breaks and vacations. This can make everyday expenses difficult to cover. These awards help to cover incidentals such as food, car repairs, textbooks, personal items and medical co-pays. This grant also allows them to prepare to be social, relatable pastors of their future parishes by enjoying some time with their brothers, joining

them for meals and interacting with them outside of the seminary walls. Most of the seminarians do work during the summers, but the little money that is made only contributes slightly to the expense of books and travel to and from the seminary. In its 15 years, the trust has given more than 1,000 grants totaling close to $400,000 in scholarships. Pictured in these pages are 137 of 142 seminarians who are receiving a share of the $47,300 awarded in grants this year. The trust relies on its endowment and donations from members, parishes and councils like you and yours to make these gifts. To give to the trust and encourage young men in their vocations, contact the Foundation today at 1-877-275-7145.

Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis Jake E. Anderson Samuel R. Backman Paul Baker Neil Bakker Michael Barsness Paul William Befort Andrew Ronald Brinkman James D. Carrico Joseph Connelly Michael Daly John DeLozier John Dick John Drees Louis Floeder Nicholas Froehle David P.J. Gockowski Byron Hagan Michael Harrington Paul Haverstock Peter Hughes Andrew Jaspers Colin Jones Brian Kloempken Kyle Kowalczyk Patrick Lenertz Toulee Ly Luke Marquard Michael McClellan


January/February 2013


Thomas McKenzie Marcus F. Milless Benjamin R. Nelson Matthew Northenscold Brun Chizoba Nwachukwa Marc Paveglio Mark Daniel Pavlak James E. Peterson John Powers Phillip Reid Nathan Schuster Paul Shovelain Tim Tran David Nathaniel Tucker Diocese of

Bismarck Diocese of

Duluth Diocese of


Diocese of


Chad VanHoose Nicholas Welter Nye F. Wiley III Benjamin Wittnebel Andrew Zipp Jared Wolf Nathan A. Brunn Johnathon Christianson Adam Hamness Bryan Kujawa Matthew Regan Matthew Schmitz Charles Friebohle Michael Garry Timothy J. Lange Trevor Peterson Blake Rozier Paul Strommer Riley Durkin Zachary Howick Robert J.E. Keller John Klocke Paul Kuhn Kyle Metzger John Miller Sean Mulligan John Norberg Patrick Parks

Diocese of

Eric Francis Seitz Steven Wirth

Nicholรกs David Araujo Vega

La Crosse

Aaron Becker Paul Michael Buchmann Billy Dodge Clayton R. Elmhorst Alan M. Guanella Brandon Guenther Tyler Hiles Ethan Hokamp Adam R. James Peter John Kieffer Alex Kren


January/February 2013


Nate Kuhn Kyle Laylan Matthew Marshall Samuel McCarty Andrew Cameron Pekham Daniel Purkapile Charles Richmond Tyler Riese Mark Rydell Andrew James Rydlund Levi Schmitt Daniel Sedlacek James Patrick John Smyth Daniel Lawrence Thelen Daniel Williams Aaron Gerard Wolfe Andrew Dieter Samuel J. Wagner Chris Deaver Itchell Bechtold Mark Botzet

Diocese of

New Ulm

Diocese of

Rapid City

Diocese of

St. Cloud

Michael Grundhoefer Joseph Koczur Matthew Lanager Joseph D. Mead Aaron Nett Gregory Sauer Jeremy Theis Gabriel M. Walz Derek Wiechmann Steven Bierschbach Brian Eckrich Thomas Jay Hartman Grant Lacey Derek Mitzel

Diocese of

Sioux Falls

Barry Reuwsaat Darin Schmidt Joseph Scholten Timothy Smith Theodore Heino Adam J. Laski David Neuschwander Samuel Ferdinand Schneider James Zahler Ryan Anderson Joachim Ferk The Hoang David Kruse Steven Lehn Brian Mulligan Jedidiah Taubel Daniel Ward Marcus Wobschal

Diocese of

Superior Diocese of


As well as Jeremy Michael Bock, John Hayes, Christopher Moosbrugger, Shawn Polman and Wilson Kubwayo

who are not pictured.


January/February 2013


! Under New Management:

Harald E. Borrmann President and Chair of the Board Elected to succeed Michael F. McGovern by the delegate convention in August, 2012, Harald has served with great distinction as the Senior Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer of Catholic United Financial since January 1, 2009. Borrmann is the first generation of a German immigrant family, raised in St. Paul, Minn. He attended high school in Roseville, Minn., and graduated from the University of Minnesota’s School of Business. Following his father’s profession, Borrmann has worked in the insurance and reinsurance industry for more than 30 years, and brings a body of knowledge with him that will greatly benefit Catholic United in the coming years. Harald was pursued by the Board of Directors for his expertise and strong faith values four years ago. He decided to leave corporate finance and insurance and join the Fraternal world because it afforded the opportunity to help families achieve their financial goals, in a fundamentally ethical and morally sound manner. That’s the mindset and motivation that Catholic United’s new president will continue to provide.

Michael M. Ahles

Interim Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer Appointed by the Board of Directors to take on the role of Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer, Michael comes from a background in the fraternal insurance industry. When identifying a candidate to hold the position until the delegates could elect a successor, the Board specifically looked for someone who could stand for election and remain with Catholic United for the long term. Ahles (AH-less) is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. He served many positions with Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, including Senior Vice President. His most recent position was as Vice President of Insurance Operations at The Independent Order of Foresters, a multi-national fraternal with $8 billion in assets and 950,000 members. He took on the role at Catholic United to bring his skills and knowledge to bear with a fraternal whose mission supports the Catholic community. He and his family live in Andover, Minn., and attend the Church of the Epiphany, where they are active in the parish.

New Members of the Board of Directors

Renee Brod

Patricia Kasella

Brod has been a member of Kasella is a 50-year member of Catholic United for more than Catholic United, and has served 20 years, living in New Prague, as an officer to her local council Minn. She has significant business since 2004. She has also served management experience and sits on several community boards on a number of boards in her and associations. Along with her community. She is married with two children, and is husband and son, she runs a crop farm near Royalton, an active member of St. Wenceslaus Parish. Minn. They are active members of Holy Trinity Parish. news@catholicunited.org

January/February 2013




Have you ever felt completely transport passage of time and the worries of life to One expects that it isn’t a common occu clarity do some people grasp the feeling


etty Young, 75, a Lakota Sioux of St. Francis, S.D., says she felt something like it, just for an instant, as she came face to face with the Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, on October 21, 2012. “When he came down the way I looked right into his face, I was that close,” she says. “It just kind of gives you this feeling, to see the Holy Father that close, tears come into your eyes. You’re not thinking about anything else in the world, you’re just in such a holy place being there with him.” Half a world away from home,


January/February 2013

Young and her daughter, Ann Marie, were mere feet away from the Pope as he was transported through St. Peter’s Square. What they were doing there is a story unto itself.


oung says she has never won anything in her life. A devout Catholic and teacher of religious education at the St. Francis Mission on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, she doesn’t really gamble or travel much. When her grandson Malic Osborn approached her in early 2012 and asked her to buy a raffle ticket, she did so to support his

school, St. Elizabeth Seton. Not with any hope of actually winning anything. “I only had five dollars with me,” Young says. “ I told him I’d buy more but I never got around to it. I just bought the one and forgot about it.” But it turned out that of more than 129,000 tickets sold and stuffed into the raffle drum, Young’s was the second to be pulled. Marketing Director Steve Wendorf called that day to tell her she had won a $5,000 Upper left: Betty Young and Caribbean cruise. St. Peter’s Square, Vatican C “I couldn’t believe canonization of Blessed Kate 2012. Bottom left: Ann Marie it. I thought it the throng of celebrants in t was one of those Ann Marie, like many others hoaxes they’re Upper right: The Duomo of F always warning brick dome in the world atop elaborate Cathedrals. the elderly about,” Young says. But when Sales Representative Butch Byers followed up and brought by the gift voucher and paperwork, it started to dawn on her that she’d actually won. But it was a bittersweet victory. “I really wasn’t interested in it,” Young says. “After I saw Titanic, I thought ‘Naw, I’ll never go on a cruise.’” Byers kept in contact, and Young told www.catholicunitedfinancial.org



ted? As if you’ve been removed from the o exist totally present in a single moment? urrence. Only in exceptional moments of g for a fleeting second.

him how she felt. She maintained she didn’t want to go on a cruise, in fact, the only place she could really imagine making such a trek to would be Rome. To see the Sistine Chapel and the Pope, and did you know (she informed him) that the Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha was going to be canonized in October? That would be something to see. Young left South Dakota to attend a Kateri Conference with some of her family members, and while she was away, her daughter Ann Marie in City, awaiting the Mass and Byers contacted the eri Tekakwitha, October 21, Home Office. “How e turns the camera back on much difference can the square. Center spread: it cost? Wouldn’t this s wore a ceremonial dress. be a great prize for Florence, italy. The largest a Catholic Raffle p one of the worlds most anyway,” he asked. Then-President Michael McGovern agreed. He brought it to the Board and, noting that the Rules of the Raffle specifically say that a prize of equal or greater value may be substituted, approved the plan to send Betty Young and one guest to Rome to see the first canonization of a Native American Woman.



housands of Native Americans flocked to the Vatican. Thousands more came from France, The Philippines, America, Italy, Spain and Germany, packing St. Peter’s Square with revelers eager to witness their patrons ascend to sainthood. Young and her daughter, Ann Marie, were among them. A long day was in store, as six others were canonized that day. A full Mass, including communion with the entire congregation of the square was celebrated, followed by the telling of the story of each of the seven saints.

From waiting in line, to finding a spot to sit, to the Pope’s exit directly past them, the event lasted more than 7 hours, Young says. Along with many others, full of pride and joy at the long-awaited recognition, Ann Marie wore her ceremonial jingle dress. “There were thousands, I don’t know, hundreds of thousands of people from everywhere,” Ann Marie says. “It was shoulder to shoulder and pushing and shoving to get into the square. People from every country with flags and ceremonial clothing on.”

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha “Lily of the Mohawks” 1656 – 1680 Kateri (Catarina in Latin) was an Algonquin of the Mohawk tribe. An orphan at 4, she converted to Catholicism and lived a short, difficult life of virtue and chastity. She has been unofficial patroness of indigenous North American people since the 1700s. Many Native Americans have long prayed for the sainthood of Kateri. The required second miracle was officially attributed to her in 2006, when her holy intercession was determined to have saved a boy in Washington state from a deadly flesh-eating bacteria, after all medical attempts had failed. January/February 2013


Both describe the canonization day itself as the highlight of the trip. “We’ve been praying for [Kateri] to be canonized since the 1800s,” Young says. “But the others too, the way they died and gave their lives. All the natives are proud that we finally have a saint, but so were all the others. They all had their own cheering section.”

sung in Kateri’s native Iroquois tongue, and 800 or so congregants again took communion. For the next week, the two women traveled through some of the most beautiful towns and churches in the world, celebrating Mass daily and seeing firsthand the


s the ceremony ended and the Pope disappeared from view, they prepared to wait for the crowd to filter away. Suddenly, Young says Ann Marie started yelling, “He’s coming! He’s coming!” and fumbled through her purse for the camera. Just for that moment, Young got a look right at him, and

U.S. Ann Marie threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain; they traveled to the top of Giotto’s Bell Tower and the Duomo in Florence; they prayed in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. They were serenaded by gondoliers in the canals of Venice.


ne has to wonder at the blessed confluence of events. What other company would have individuals who work so hard to help a person whose only relation to it was a $5 raffle ticket? What are the odds that that one ticket would win out of 129,000? And after hundreds of years of prayer and hope, how could it be that Kateri Tekakwitha was canonized in October 2012,

wonders of Italy and the Old World. “Rome was my favorite,” Ann Marie says. “But all the other cities were so beautiful. I think it’s just the most romantic place. It lives up to all the movies and pictures.” Their tour took them from Rome to Assisi, to Siena and Montecatini, Florence, Padua and Venice before returning to the Ann Marie snapped a single photo of the encounter a few seconds after the Holy See passed by. After the ceremony and that exhilarating moment, a special Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica for the Native Americans who now had their own official Patron saint. Hymns were


January/February 2013

and not May, or 2011 or 2015? As Young and her daughter recall the incredible sights, sounds and smells of Italy, one can sense their minds’ eyes wandering back, and a sense of disbelief that the whole thing happened at all. “It was what everyone was saying,” Young says. “It was once in a lifetime.”

Upper left: Ann Marie catches a shot of the Pope. Left: Thanksgiving Mass for Native Americans in a side chapel of St. Peter’s Basilica. Center top: Betty Young in good spirits on her way back to the hotel after the ceremony. Center: Many of the Native Americans on hand for the Kateri canonization dressed in ceremonial clothing. Right top: Irene Bordeaux and her sister Betty (in a Venice gondola) have been attending Kateri conventions and praying for her sainthood for many years. Right: Sales Rep Butch Byers and Former President Mike McGovern greet the weary travelers upon their return. The borders on this and the previous pages are photos of tilework at Young’s parish, St. Francis Church, in St. Francis, S.D.


Keys to your


Estate Planning with John Tetzloff


he economy, unemployment, land prices, the “Fiscal Cliff,” are all words and phrases that have been in the news and in a lot of conversations this past year. These topics are not new.

Think back a few years and the conversations revolved around the same concerns at that time as well. What all this tends to cause is a sense of uncertainty and maybe a little fear as we contemplate our own personal financial situations. As I go out and visit with people personally and at seminars, they often talk about not being able to control these outside factors which in turn prohibit them from planning. The thing is, though, we CAN control our own personal situations. We can put our own “house in order” despite what’s going on around us! We just need to have the right tools and knowledge in place to make good, solid decisions even in times that seem so uncertain. The first step to help in preparing a good, solid plan is to really know what you have in your estate. While we all probably have a good understanding of what makes up our personal estates, do we really know how each asset works. What type of tax rule does it play by? How does the asset pass to the next generation? Is it protected from long-term illness or death? Each asset we have plays by a different set of rules.

Understanding that can help people make solid, certain decisions in their planning. The Sales Reps at Catholic United Financial have available an Estate Planning Fact Finder that assists in gathering information and asking the right questions. After understanding how each asset works, the next step in preparing a good plan is to take a “snapshot” of the entire estate. See how all the assets fit together with a person’s goals and objectives in mind. We often say at Catholic United Financial that we help people put all the pieces of their estate (assets) on the table and then help them put it back together in ways that match their goals and objectives. We offer this assistance as a benefit to our members and Catholics free of charge. Once the review and analysis are complete, good decisions can be made based on the current and future rules and regulations, current and future goals and objectives, and the overall recommendations given. At this point we often need to meet with an

attorney or accountant to complete the legal and tax work of a given plan. Most of the Sales Reps help people get ready for this visit and often accompany the member to the meeting for support. In times of uncertainty, Catholic United Financial can be a great resource to provide help for those who are looking to “put their house in order.” With our knowledgeable and caring Sales Reps we can help you through the process of gathering and analyzing information and providing answers and support. If life insurance and/or annuities are needed to provide certainty, using Catholic United Financial products can provide a safe, guaranteed choice when building a solid plan. Please contact your local Sales Representative if you are interested in wading through all the uncertainty that surrounds us to arrive at a solid, safe plan for you and your family. May God bless you and your families.

John Tetzloff, CLU, FICF, LUTCF, is the Catholic United Financial Advanced Case Specialist and Trainer. He leads estate planning seminars throughout the year and is the host of the “Creating Wealth Beyond Money” radio show, which can be heard Saturday mornings on the Relevant Radio network. He has more than 20 years’ experience in estate planning and financial preparedness.


January/February 2013



A note on these extended memorials:

The November/December issue of Our Catholic Journey was a special condensed edition. Because of space constraints, no Memorials were included. The following represents two publishing periods of memorials.


In loving memory of our deceased members

Joan M Bachynsky, 78 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s

Margaret T Holland, 74 Rollingstone, MN SS. Nicholas/Theresa

Justin H Schulte, 87 Freeport, MN Sacred Heart

Edward J Frieler, 94 Melrose, MN SS. Bernard/Elizabeth

Lorraine B Meyer, 87 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Bernard H Voss, Jr., 90 Rogers, MN Mary Queen of Peace

Francis J Barthel, 61 St. Michael, MN St. Michael

Ottilia A Jaros, 95 Mahtomedi, MN St. Jude of the Lake

Lori A Sprenger, 45 Melrose, MN SS. Bernard/Elizabeth

James L Goblirsch, 86 Wabasso, MN St. Anne

Lucina A Moonen, 98 Cologne, MN St. Bernard


Robert J Bullemer, 84 Gibbon, MN St. Willibrord

Roy E Jurek, 72 Pierz, MN SS. Mary & Joseph

Regina A Steil, 92 Freeport, MN Sacred Heart

Charlotte F Graunke, 84 Darlene J Peichel, 76 Lakeville, MN Delano, MN All Saints SS. Anthony & Ann

Alice G Bungert, 88 Bloomington, MN SS. Ann & Wendelinus

Richard S Kastner, 79 Sauk Rapids, MN Sacred Heart

Gerald A Vogl, 77 Morgan, MN St. Michael

Irene a Haebig, 89 Wabeno, WI St. Ambrose

John A Carland, 73 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Eva Keller, 79 Fargo, ND Holy Cross

Dorine M Von Wahlde, 78 Anthony V Hauser, 56 Sleepy Eye, MN New Munich, MN St Mary Immac. Conception

Rufina T Deidrick, 93 Winsted, MN Holy Family

Bernard P Lang, 83 Roscoe, MN Holy Family

Theodore H Weber, 85 Pierz, MN SS. Mary & Joseph

Vera C Deutsch, 90 Union Hill, MN St. John

Michael L Lizotte, 45 Melrose, MN SS. Bernard/Elizabeth

Ernest N Werner, 93 Vermillion, MN SS. Barbara & John

Ann R Dietz, 86 Victoria, MN St. Victoria

Eugene C Martinka, 88 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Charles R Whitcomb, 95 Ida Janni, 95 New Ulm, MN Paynesville, MN St. Mary St. Louis

Mary P Gertken, 85 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Matthew J Montag, 20 Rosen, MN SS. Anthony/Monica

October Karen M Boese, 54 Sauk Rapids, MN Sacred Heart

Fr. Lawrence P Ginther, 91 Mary C Nanik, 91 Bluffton, MN Winona, MN St. John/Holy Family SS. Joseph/Elizabeth


Lorraine A Altman, 96 New Ulm, MN St. Mary

Catherine R Peterson, 20 Pine City, MN Immac. Conception

James L Bergeron, 86 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

John G Price, 91 Wabasso, MN St. Anne

Mathew G Berres, 73 Murdock, MN Sacred Heart

Richard R Hentges, 67 Jordan, MN St. John the Baptist

Lorella C Pundsack, 78 New Munich, MN Immac. Conception

Joseph A Berscheit, 85 Melrose, MN SS. Bernard/Elizabeth

Robert M Huset, 79 Rice Lake, WI St. Joseph’s

Laurence Puterbaugh, 47 Sioux Falls, SD St. Lambert’s

Adelaide E Binner, 92 Wabasha, MN SS Joseph/Kunigunda

Suzanne M Reinert, 46 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Virgil B Brgel, 76 Gibbon, MN St. Willibrord

Viola A Jeurissen, 89 Victoria, MN St. Victoria

David S Reisinger, 80 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Rose A Bromen, 96 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Rosemary C Kelzer, 83 St. Paul, MN St. Anthony-Maria Hilf

Mark T Schloeder, 48 Sauk Rapids, MN Sacred Heart

Donald Bromenshenkel, 61

Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Clarence S Gleisner, 92 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Jerome A Olmscheid, 86 Mary A Boner, 89 Lake Henry, MN Sykeston, ND St. Margaret SS. Joseph/Elizabeth

Margaret G Klaers, 73 Loretto, MN SS. Peter & Paul

Garrett S Schlosser, 49 Jordan, MN St. John the Baptist

Michael J Carkhuff, 46 Wadena, MN St. Joseph

Marland C Goettl, 76 Madison Lake, MN All Saints

John Oxborough, Jr., 87 Bloomington, MN ss. Ann & Wendelinus

Aloysius Klingelhutz, 80 Bloomington, MN SS. Ann & Wendelinus

Peter D Schoen, 79 Hastings, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Conway, 91 St. Paul, MN SS. Matthew/Cecelia

Leo P Granlund, 89 Litchfield, MN St. Philip

Marjorie Placek-Simmons, 82 Ora M Bruns, 83

Yankton, SD Sacred Heart

Wilmont, MN St. Kilian

Patrick G Kuck, 74 Searles, MN St. John the Baptist

Lenora S Schroeder, 84 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Hildegard M Denn, 94 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Leo F Haas, 88 Madison, MN St. Michael

Rolland A Ramler, 74 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Joyce R Bungert, 68 Bloomington, MN SS. Ann & Wendelinus

Hilary J Kuznia, 76 Fosston, MN St. Mary’s

Leroy J Seifert, 77 Paynesville, MN St. Louis

Andrzej M Dobrzynski, 68 Rochester, MN Holy Family

Jerome H Haus, 67 St. Cloud, MN St. Augustine

Bernice Reding, 83 Stacyville, IA Visitation

Kathleen L Carpenter, 56 Wabeno, WI St. Ambrose

Richard Lenneman, 85 St. Michael, MN St. Michael

Patricia St. Lawrence, 86 James M Dockendorf, 76 St. Paul, MN Cold Spring, MN St. Anthony-Maria Hilf St. Boniface

Gerald Hauwiller, 61 St. Bonifacius, MN St. Boniface

Cletus J Schefers, 75 Delano, MN SS. Anthony & Ann

Kathleen A Cliff, 64 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Bernard J Lieser, 102 St. Martin, MN St. Martin

John L Steffl, 80 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Mark E Eichten, 90 Theilman, MN Holy Family

Monna C Hoffman, 84 Johnsburg, MN St. Theresa

Harold C Schmid, 84 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Imelda L Domeier, 92 New Ulm, MN St. Elizabeth

Celine A Mamer, 80 St. Leo, MN St. Leo

Linda K Stoffel, 65 Vermillion, MN SS. Barbara & John

Jeanette C Fox, 96 New Trier, MN SS. Nicholas/Theresa

Leo J Hoffmann, 91 Searles, MN St. John the Baptist

Kathleen E Schuller, 65 Clara City, MN SS. Anthony & Clara

Germaine A Ford, 86 St. Bonifacius, MN St. Boniface

Janet A McNamara, 76 Hastings, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

William Van Beusekom, 89

Irene S Gnitka, 96 Delano, MN SS. Anthony & Ann

January/February 2013

Eleanor G Bosch, 83 Detroit Lakes, MN Holy Rosary

Delano, MN SS. Anthony & Ann



Recipes will return!

We know recipes are one of the most popular features of any magazine, and we will bring them back in March/April. But we want to hear your comments! Would you be interested in recipes you can scan with your smartphone? Would you use these? How about the pull-out cards? do you like them compared to using a page in the magazine? Tell us what you want with your publication; contact us at news@catholicunited.org.

John M Pflueger, 90 Jacobs Prairie, MN St. Jacob

Herbert J Gohman, 92 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony

Ottillia Meyer, 98 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Bernice M Schweiss, 79 LeRoy L Bierle, 83 Vermillion, SD Fairfax, MN St. Agnes SS. Mary & Joseph

Patricia H Grall, 80 Leavenworth, MN Holy Family

John S Miller, 62 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Wendelin G Sellner, 80 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Ann R Grund, 88 St. Paul, MN Home Office

Jerome C Speltz, 96 Phyllis E Mohs, 77 Rollingstone, MN Luxemburg, MN SS. Theresa/Wendelinus SS. Nicholas/Theresa

William C Hazel, 85 Bloomington, MN SS. Ann & Wendelinus

Lorraine A Moltor, 86 Sauk Rapids, MN Sacred Heart

Leona C Hemmesch, 83 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Georgina E Moonen, 88 John H Stopyro, 83 Rochester, MN Cologne, MN Holy Family St. Bernard

Elaine R Hillesheim, 90 New Ulm, MN SS. Joseph & Elizabeth

Leo J Moorse, 85 Wilno, MN SS. Cyril & Methodius

St. Cloud, MN St. Augustine

Friedericka Hollermann, 96

Virginia M Moselle, 90 Jerome F Thill, 79 St. Paul, MN Rockville, MN Mary Immac. Conception St. Anthony-Maria Hilf

Craig R Huffman, 49 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Harold L Otto, 89 Gibbon, MN St. Willibrord

William C Weber, 87 Springfield, MN St. Boniface

Leander A Heuring, 94 Albertville, MN St. Albert

Michael J Schaack, 97 Hampton, MN St. Mathias

Loismae C Huneke, 81 Wabasha, MN SS. Joseph/Kunigunda

Margaret A Pexa, 87 Shakopee, MN St. John the Baptist

Victoria R Wenner, 62 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Norbert F Hoffman, 83 Parkston, SD Holy Cross/St. Mary

Margaret B Schmidt, 89 Millerville, MN St. Catherine

Jerome J Janski, 87 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Lawrence Pillatzki, 88 Murdock, MN Sacred Heart

Harold F Widmer, 87 St. Bonifacius, MN St. Boniface

Josephine A Hoheisel, 78 Pierz, MN SS. Mary & Joseph

Aletha M Schnieder, 84 Dimock, SD St. John the Baptist

Marie J Kaping, 85 Hutchinson, MN St. Anastasia/Boniface

Joseph M Reiland, 90 Rochester, MN Holy Family

Ervin B Wiechmann, 84 Melrose, MN SS. Bernard/Elizabeth

Kenneth W Kuck, 72 Searles, MN St. John the Baptist

Mary A Schonher, 80 Albany, MN St. Anna

William J Kaufhold, 76 Victoria, MN St. Victoria

Robert L Rengel, 61 Wadena, MN St. Joseph

Richard A Wiehoff, 77 Sartell, MN St. Francis Xavier

Gertrude B Kessler, 87 Pine City, MN Immac. Conception

Thomas A Revier, 68 Detroit Lakes, MN Holy Rosary

Herbert P Windschitl, 82 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Jerome H Klimek, 84 Millerville, MN St. Catherine

Joseph M Rieland, 50 New Munich, MN Immac. Conception

Bridget H Worms, 95 New Munich, MN Immac. Conception

Charles J Krump, 73 Fergus Falls, MN (blank)

John J Riestenberg, 85 Dent, MN Sacred Heart

Theresa J Zachman, 80 St. Michael, MN St. Michael

Connie K Ladwig, 49 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s

Gerald H Rollinger, 84 Faribault, MN SS. Lawrence & Anna


Br. Robert S Ludwig, 87 Lake Henry, MN St. Margaret

Helen C Schleper, 91 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Jane M Anderson, 60 St. Paul, MN St. Bernard’s

Patricia a Matejcek, 71 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Leonard G Schniebel, 84 Diane W Barrette, 66 Sykeston, ND River Falls, WI SS. Joseph/Elizabeth Fr. Solanus Casey


Andrew J Stang, 85 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Marion M Sullivan, 92 New Ulm, MN SS. Joseph & Elizabeth

William C Weber, 87 Springfield, MN St. Boniface

Gladys S Blake, 86 Stacyville, IA Visitation

Delores A Preisinger, 90 Lillian Weis, 103 New Ulm, MN Bird Island, MN SS. Joseph & Elizabeth St. Mary

James A Braun, 62 Aberdeen, SD SS. Joseph & Ann

Joseph M Reiland, 90 Rochester, MN Holy Family

Arthur E Welle, 62 Holdingford, MN St. Joseph

Vincent B Clouse, 99 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Sr. Christa Rein, 87 Cologne, MN St. Bernard

Audrey M Welle, 90 Albany, MN St. Joseph

Donald C Doll, 88 Bluffton, MN St. John/Holy Family

John J Riestenberg, 77 Dent, MN Sacred Heart

Arlene D Werner, 80 Perham, MN Holy Family

Jerome J Gerlach, 76 St. Paul, MN SS. Peter & Clemens

Agnes L Rosenthal, 81 Bertha, MN SS. Joseph & Edward

Lydia M Willenbring, 86 Richmond, MN SS. Catherine/Joseph

Michael N Gruber, Jr., 83 Carolyn Sand, 69 Roscoe, MN Lake Henry, MN Holy Family St. Margaret

Esther R Winters, 86 Sauk Center, MN St. Paul

If your loved one is from Alice F Leif, 74 Jerome E Schroepfer, 84 the Green Bay, WI area, their memorial should Millerville, MN Sleepy Eye, MN appear in the March/ St. Catherine St. Mary April issue of Our CathoMarilyn L Lenss, 78 Rose M Schwegel, 88 lic Journey. Minneapolis, MN Cold Spring, MN St. Ann’s St. Boniface A programming discrepancy in our last issue Ashton D May, 25 Loretta K Solheid, 94 assigned all American Johnsburg, MN Belle Plaine, MN Fraternal Union memSt. Theresa St. Anna bers to that area, and Robert E McCarney, 91 Bertilla C Solinger, 85 until it has been rectiManannah, MN Pierz, MN fied, we will withhold Our Lady of Grace SS. Mary & Joseph Green Bay memorials. Hildegard R Mehr, 90 Russell G Spoerner, 84 Our goal is to avoid Richmond, MN Chaska, MN the mistaken impresSS. Catherine/Joseph Guardian Angels sion that an inordinate Genevieve B Molitor, 93 Kenneth N Strauss, 82 amount of deaths have Adrian, MN Red Wing, MN occurred in that area. St. Joseph SS. Joseph & Mary We apologize for the omission, and thank you James E Nelson, 61 Adeline C Weber, 96 St. Paul, MN for your patience and Rogers, MN SS. Peter & Clemens Mary Queen of Peace understanding.

January/February 2013


Minutes of the

Board of Directors October 11, 2012 The meeting was held at the Home Office in St. Paul, MN and started at 9:38am with Lead Director Deb Pauly leading the Directors in the Opening Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. The September minutes were reviewed with minor corrections made and the thusly revised minutes were moved for approval by Director George Gmach, seconded by Director Fran Barten and approved. Chairman Michael McGovern and Secretary Harald Borrmann reviewed the Investment Activities Report and Annuity Crediting Rates for September. The Association’s investment results are consistent with recent months with yields stabilized at low levels. Mr. Borrmann discussed an analysis completed recently by one of the Association’s investment advisers which predicts portfolio yield and is an effective model for the financial team. Mr. Kueppers inquired as to the status of the Association’s relationship with other financial vendors. Mr. McGovern commented that a further assessment will occur in 2013. Mr. Borrmann highlighted the mutual fund trades executed in September. The overall quality of the investment portfolio continues to be good with no investments outside the guidelines established by the Board. Mr. Gmach moved, Mr. Kueppers seconded and the Board approved the Investment Reports. With respect to Policy Governance, the following items were discussed: Board Committee Structure Policy: Mr. Kueppers moved for one revision and for acceptance, Director Bob Krattenmaker seconded and the Board approved. Board Committee Principles Policy: The policy was reviewed


January/February 2013

The 2013 Board of Directors. Front row from left: Interim Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer Mike Ahles, President Harald Borrmann and Lead Director Joseph Kueppers. Back row from left: John Maile, Michael Schmitz, Renee Brod, Patricia Kasella, Robert Krattenmaker and George Gmach.

and Ms. Barten requested that governance best practices on this topic be evaluated. Board Members’ Code of Conduct: Policy was reviewed with no changes. Cost of Governance Policy: Mr. Borrmann reviewed the policy noting 2013 estimates will be prepared. Compensation and Benefits Policy: Mr. McGovern reviewed the updated policy, Mr. Kueppers moved for acceptance of the revised policy, Mr. Krattenmaker seconded and the Board approved. Mr. Kueppers discussed the Audit Committee Report noting the Association’s auditors, Strohm Ballweg, expressed no concerns with the 2012 audit plan. Mr. Kueppers reviewed the 2012 audit engagement letter and moved for its approval, Mr. Gmach seconded and the Board approved. Mr. Kueppers discussed risks including the tax-exempt status granted to fraternals, the impact of low interest rates and surplus. Mr. Kueppers moved for approval of the report, Ms. Pauly seconded and it was approved by the Board. Mr. Borrmann discussed Risk Management activities which included: A new backup site for the Association’s mainframe system. Disaster recovery plan will be updated in 4th quarter and 1st quarter 2013. State of Minnesota Exam continues with no significant issues noted. Mr. McGovern presented an option for Robert’s Rules Training. Mr. McGovern reviewed a request for a building grant. Ms. Pauly moved, Mr. Kueppers seconded and the Board approved the grant. Mr. McGovern presented a calendar for review of the Catholic United Financial Constitution

& By-Laws during 2013. Mr. McGovern presented his President’s Remarks, as follows: Retired Spiritual Director, Msgr. James D. Habiger passed away on October 9th. We are very grateful for the Monsignor’s service and mourn his passing. Credit Union is completing an agreement for a large SEG group. Securities Lending matter was updated. Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann have a meeting scheduled with Bishop John LeVoir about becoming the Association’s Spiritual Director. E-mail survey to Members and nonmembers had a favorable response as did Marketing’s September mailer. The Foundation’s financial statement audit went well. Technology and Chastity grant decisions were made with higher overall 2012 gifts fueled by the success of the golf event. Mr. Borrmann will become the Foundation’s Board Chairman effective January 1, 2013. Ms. Pauly and Ms. Barten attended a Pro Life Action Ministries event. Life sales are up whereas annuity sales are down year to date after trending up for most of 2012; both are welcome. Total members are 84,090 currently. The normal decline of the AFU block is expected inasmuch as no new AFU members have been written since May of 2011. The closing prayer was led by Ms. Barten and the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Harald E. Borrmann Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer

December 13, 2012 The meeting was held at the


Board Minutes are abridged. Complete minutes are available at no charge by contacting the Home Office at 1-800-568-6670 or by visiting our website. Home Office in St. Paul, MN and started at 9:35 am with Secretary Harald Borrmann leading the Directors in the Opening Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present as were Directors-elect Renee Brod, Patricia Kasella and Michael Ahles, Interim Secretary, whose appointments as Directors begin January 1, 2013. The October Minutes were reviewed with minor corrections made and the thusly revised Minutes were moved for approval by Mr. Kueppers, seconded by Director Bob Krattenmaker and approved. Chairman Michael McGovern and Secretary Harald Borrmann reviewed the Investment Activities Reports and Annuity Crediting Rates for October and November. The Association’s investment results are consistent with recent months with yields stabilized. The quality of the portfolio is good with no investments outside the guidelines established by the Board. Mr. McGovern discussed a recent meeting with the Association’s primary bank partner. Director Deb Pauly moved, Mr. Kueppers seconded and the Board approved the Investment Reports. Mr. Ahles was selected as the Association’s Compliance Officer via a motion by Ms. Pauly and a second by Mr. Kueppers; the motion passed. Howard Heidorn was selected as the Association’s Illustration Actuary via a motion by Mr. Kueppers and a second by Director George Gmach; the motion passed. Mr. Ahles was selected as the Association’s Illustration Officer via a motion by Mr. Kueppers and a second by Mr. Gmach; the motion passed. Mr. Borrmann explained the recommended 2013 dividend for life policies then moved, and Ms. Pauly seconded, that this dividend be used for 2013; the motion passed. Regarding Policy Governance, Mr. McGovern led a discussion or action on the following items: Board Committee Principles Policy: Mr. Ahles presented findings on governance best practices. Communication and Support to


Association Business

the Board Policy was reviewed. Monitoring CEO Performance was reviewed with slightly revised wording. Cost of Governance Policy was reviewed with changes noted. This policy will be updated for approval in January. Privacy Resolution was reviewed noting the Association does not share Member information. Mr. Kueppers moved, Director Bob Krattenmaker seconded and the Board approved this resolution. Mr. Kueppers moved, Ms. Pauly seconded and the Board approved the revised By-Laws for four councils. Mr. Kueppers discussed the Audit Committee Report. No issues arose. Mr. Kueppers moved for approval of the report, Mr. Gmach seconded this motion and it was approved by the Board. Mr. Ahles shared training materials on Robert’s Rules of Order. The Compensation Committee met in closed session, and their report was then moved for approval by Ms. Pauly, seconded by Mr. Gmach and approved by the Board. Mr. McGovern presented his President’s Remarks, as follows: American Fraternal Alliance launched a new brochure. Bishop John LeVoir from the Diocese of New Ulm accepted the position of Spiritual Director of the Association. Mr. McGovern met the 2012 Catholic Schools Raffle second place winner who attended the canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha as her award for winning the raffle prize. Transition from Mr. McGovern to Mr. Borrmann as the Association’s new Chairman and President beginning January 1, 2013, continues as planned. Employees increased United Way donations by 35% over the prior year. A thank you was received from the University of St. Thomas for our donation to the Habiger Institute for Catholic Leadership. Life sales are up and annuity sales are now down vs. 2011. Both

are as planned. Net membership is up slightly for the year. Mr. Borrmann presented the Third Quarter Financial Report noting that assets exceed $766 million and year to date earnings improved during the quarter. The full report is available from the Home Office. Mr. Borrmann discussed Risk Management activities which included: A meeting with the Minnesota Department of Commerce. The Association continues to benefit by proactive and open communication with regulators. A new backup site for the Association’s mainframe system was completed and the new network recovery facility will be complete in early 2013. State of Minnesota Exam continues with no significant findings noted. Internal review of unclaimed property is progressing. Mr. McGovern reviewed a resolution from the Foundation Board of Directors seeking approval of planned leadership changes and the transfer of the Monsignor Schuler Trust assets to the Foundation. Mr. Gmach moved, Director Fran Barten seconded, and the Board approved this resolution. Mr. McGovern reviewed a request for a building grant from Saint John Vianney Seminary. Mr. Kueppers moved, Ms. Pauly seconded and the Board approved the grant. Mr. Borrmann presented the annual Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Statements and all Board members signed and returned these statements. Mr. McGovern thanked Ms. Pauly and Ms. Barten for their years of tireless service to our Association as Board members and all thanked Mr. McGovern for his visionary leadership as Chairman and President for the past 15 years. The closing prayer was led by Mr. McGovern and the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Harald E. Borrmann Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer

January/February 2013




! t h g i l gh

Matching Grants

The R.E.New Fund for Catholic Religious Education is a pilot program designed to generate new members by supporting the Catholic School or Catholic religious education program of the new member’s choice.

Our most popular way to raise money for Councils and Parish groups alike


t all started in 1987. Now after 25 years, I’m sure you’ve all been to one. Every year, at least 170 parishes in our territory hold Matching Grant events, making them our most utilized fraternal program. And the amount of money is nothing to sneeze at: In 2012, more than $730,000 went to support Catholic education with your help. We often hear comments in the fraternal department such as “We peeled a quarter-ton of potatoes for our event,” “We served more than 1,000 meals” and “A local farmer donated a pig for our hog roast.” A tremendous amount of work is put in by youth and seniors alike, and droves of people pack church basements and parish halls – all for one reason: to support Catholic education. Personally, I love Matching Grant breakfasts and dinners. Think about all of those potato pancakes, waffles and omelets. Can you smell the bacon!? Seriously, where else can you win a meat raffle, stuff your face with potato salad, buy a year’s supply of Christmas cookies AND offer the gift of Catholic Matching Grant events, like the raffle bazaar held September 30, 2012, in Hoven, S.D., can raise money and bring people together. This event was organized by dedicated officers (from left) Vicki Rausch, Janine Stuwe, Jean Dreis and Joann Rader.


January/February 2013

education to a young family? From my chair, I have the privilege of seeing the difference Catholic United members are making in their communities. For many parishes, this is an annual event, woven into the identity of the parish community. Where else are you going to get a quart of Fr. Tony’s special spaghetti sauce? These funds are contributing to technology upgrades, new text books and a reduction (or elimination!) of tuition costs. Whether it’s the Potato Pancakes and Sausage in Meire Grove, all the pie you can handle in Detroit Lakes or the Fish Fries in Brainerd, a common thread exists that makes Catholic United special: We gather in support of a greater cause; a greater good. We work our tails off to improve our communities and we care. So if you’re reading this and you’ve planned, attended or worked at a Catholic United Matching Grant Event (and I’m guessing that’s most of you) – Thank You! Remember, while the money is nice, pulling together as a Catholic community around a common goal is priceless – and Father Joseph’s eggrolls are pretty good too. Parishes with a Catholic United Council are eligible for a $1,000 annual match, and parishes without councils are eligible for a $500 annual match. If your parish is missing out, contact your local sales representative to get started (see the back pages) or contact the fraternal department by phone at 1.800.668.6670 or email fraternal@catholicunited.org. Wishing you an abundantly blessed 2013. Try not to over-eat! Nate Lamusga, Fraternal Youth Liaison www.catholicunitedfinancial.org

Catholic United Kids Cool Kid

Name: Rachel Michels Age: 6 Hometown: Eagan, Minn. School: Deerwood Elementary The Rundown on Rachel: Happy New Year and congratulations to Rachel Michels of Eagan, Minn. Rachel is a good student from Deerwood Elementary who loves to read and play with her friends. She’s got a lot to look forward to in 2013. In March she’ll turn seven. And she can’t wait for nice weather to get back outside to ride her bike and go swimming. Until then she can enjoy her prize pack and her favorite food, Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Congratulations, Rachel! Be the March/April Cool Kid! Fill out the puzzles on this page as best you can and submit them to Our Catholic Journey. One winner will get a Catholic United prize pack! Include your information, as seen above, a photo (can be returned) and a phone number. Send to: Catholic United Kids, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126.

Catholic United Kids



Amazing Saints artwork and games ©2013 Mario D. Macari. All rights reserved. mario@incrediblesaints.com

January/February 2013


ye on the Industry Your sneak peek into current trends of the fraternal life insurance industry

Most Americans flunk life insurance IQ test What is your life insurance IQ? LIMRA, the insurance industry trade organization, asked 4,000 Americans to take a basic, 10-question test about life insurance, and the results showed that most lacked an understanding about the product. Less than one-third of the people who took the test got at least five of the 10 questions correct. Less than one percent passed all 10. “With life insurance ownership at

an all-time low, it is important that the industry not only overcome consumers’ lack of knowledge about life insurance but address the misinformation that is out there confusing them and possibly having a negative impact on their image of the industry,” said Jennifer Douglas, LIMRA associate research director for strategic and developmental research. The test asks respondents about the differences between term and permanent insurance, whether or

not benefits are taxed, and characteristics of individual versus group life insurance. Most people who took the test knew the basic functions of life insurance, but they were less likely to know answers to questions such as, “What happens to my policy if an insurance company goes bankrupt?” LIMRA invites everyone to test their life insurance IQ online at: www.limra.com/NewsCenter/LIIQ (Source: www.limra.com)

Jan/Feb Catholic Crossword Across 1. “Expendables” star who is a Catholic 5. Catholic comedian, Steve ____ 10. Saint _____ Ann Seton 11. Actor in “The Departed” who is a Catholic, Martin ___ 12. It means modern as a prefix

13. Annuities are paid out _____ 14. Good grades in exams 15. Sackcloth and ___es, a sign of mourning in the Bible 19. ___ mission (2 words) 21. Lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas who is a Catholic 22. False god in the Bible

24. Number of each species that entered the ark 25. Before Christ, for short 26. Opposite of love 28. Sin 30. For example, abbr. 35. Pope from 1623 to 1644 36. California governor, who is a Catholic 37. “Come unto me, ye who __ weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest” 38. Famous jazz pianist, who is a Catholic, Harry ____ Jr. 40. Catholic political commentator, ____ Matthews 41. 2x National Champion college football coach, who is a Catholic, Urban ____ 42. Middle name of a famous classical music composer who was a Catholic

Down 1. “Movie, “Archbishop Fulton J. ____” Servant of All” 2. Supreme Court justice who is a Catholic 3. Five ___ and two fishes


January/February 2013

4. Poor 6. Grant remission of a sin to 7. Genesis garden 8. Advances money 9. “... I will give to your servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten ____” 2 Chronicles 2:10 16. Oscar de la ___, top boxer and a Catholic 17. Nest ___ for retirement 18. He dreamed of a ladder 20. Feasted upon 21. Enemy 23. Sailor, for short 26. Fox News TV host who is a Catholic, Sean _____ 27. Philosopher 29. The wife of Isaac 31. First book of the Bible 32. Papal representative 33. He was featured in the DVD Documentary on Catholic baseball, Mike ____ 34. “The Wrestler” star who is a Catholic, Mickey _______ 39. ___ de plume Solution posted at www.catholicunitedfinancial. org/links/games



Sales Representatives in Your Area

Roger Bauer, FIC

Mary Harens, FIC

651-437-6026 rbauer@catholicunited.org Cannon Falls, Hampton

651-295-2040 mharens@catholicunited.org St. Paul area

Michael Gross, FIC 651-641-1740 mgross@catholicunited.org Mahtomedi, St. Paul, Roseville

Mary Holm, FICF

715-218-7522 mholm@catholicunited.org Wausau & surrounding area

Gail Hakes


Roger Reitmaier, FIC 507-454-4979 rreitmaier@catholicunited.org St. Charles Mike Skillrud

(612) 750-5885 mskillrud@catholicunited.org Burnsville, Cottage Grove, Eagan, Inver Grove Heights

Susan Stenzel

507-254-7471 ghakes@catholicunited.org Owatonna, Austin and surrounding area

Lori Jackson

952-437-2208 ljackson@catholicunited.org Hastings, Vermillion

ChFC, LUTCF, FIC 507-282-1793 sstenzel@catholicunited.org Rochester, Adams

Jamie Hansen

Jeff Passe, FIC, LUTCF 651-955-2453 jpasse@catholicunited.org Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Stillwater

Patrick Brown, FIC, CLF 888-412-9766 pbrown@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, Metro

507-459-2669 jhansen@catholicunited.org Winona, Rollingstone, Stockton

Jeff Plank, FIC 507-457-0413 jplank@catholicunited.org Wabasha and surrounding area

Region Events Feb. 18 - Presidents Day The Catholic United Financial Home Office will be closed. March 1 - Catholic Schools Raffle Ticket Selling Deadline Today is the last day for ticket sales in the Catholic Schools Raffle. All tickets, sold and unsold, must be returned to the Home Office for inclusion in the Raffle drawing on March 14. March 14 - Catholic Schools Raffle Prize Drawing Ceremony Win a car, a trip or several other wonderful prizes during the live drawing ceremony at the Home Office in St. Paul. The ceremony will be news@catholicunited.org

Robb Smith, FICF

715-645-2730 rsmith@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, East

broadcast live online. Visit www.catholic united.org on this day to watch. March 29 - Good Friday The Catholic United Financial Home Office will be closed. April 21 - Communion Sunday Breakfast St. Peter and St. Clemens Council will host a communion breakfast at Church of the Assumption in St. Paul. After 9:30 a.m. Mass, a light breakfast will be served and a speaker will address the group. Contact Sales Representative Mary Harens for more details.

May 20 - Foundation Golf Tournament Fundraiser for the Catholic United Financial Foundation at River Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove, Minn. Registration and lunch starts at 11 a.m. Call 1-877-275-7145 to register. May 31-June 1 - MN Catholic Home Education Conference Say “Hi� to us at the Catholic United booth at this conference, held at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. More information can be found at www. mnconference.org or contact Sales Representative Mary Harens for more details. January/February 2013


3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098

Conclusion: Local councils give big and win big in 2012 Council Winners - Cash Donation Prizes

1st Place...............SS Cyril & Methodius Council #307 of Wilno, Minn.* 2nd Place...............Bread of Life Council #382 of Marshall, Minn.* 3rd Place...............St. Michael Council #31 of St. Michael, Minn.* 4th Place...............St. Kilian Council #70 of Wilmont, Minn.*

Individual Winners - Cash Prizes

1st Place...........Mary Weidert* 2nd Place...........Mary Jerzak* 3rd Place...........Julia Knauss 4th Place...........Darlene Carlson

Council Winners - Logo Store Gift Card • Immaculate Conception Council #315 of Pine City, Minn. • SS Peter & Clemens Council #1 of St. Paul, Minn. • St. John Bosco Council #393 of Pipestone, Minn. • Mary Queen of Peace Council #75 of Rogers, Minn. • SS Anthony & Ann Council #24 of Delano, Minn. • Holy Rosary Council #321 of Detroit Lakes, Minn. • St. Mary Council #290 of St. Augusta, Minn. *winner also qualifies for gift card prize to the Catholic United Financial Logo Store

In January of last year, we challenged all of you to share the benefits of membership with friends and family members. In return, those friends and family members gained financial security with a Catholic United product, and you gained the chance to win cash prizes, donation prizes, iPads and gift cards. Sounds like a win-win situation! After a year of amazing activity, we’re excited to announce the winners of our Membership Drive prizes, listed to the left. These local councils and individuals, in partnership with their local Sales Representatives, sent in the most referrals who then became new members during 2012. We also gave away 11 iPads during the year. Visit our website to see a list of these winners. Now, get ready for the numbers. In total, more than 450 individuals -- representing 98 councils -- sent in more than 3,000 referrals, which generated almost 400 new members! With this amazing outcome, we say a sincere “Thank you!” to everyone who participated and “Congrats!” to our winners. You are outstanding.

Catholic United Financial Fraternal Results through December, 2012


$ 7 4 0 ,7 3 0.9 4

$ 6 9 8 ,2 4 8.0 6 4 2 ,4 8 2.8 8 Matched: $

Raised By Councils:

Hours Volunteered: 7 4 ,1 4 8

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