Our Journey Catholic Official Publication of Catholic United Financial
July/August 2012
Vol. 117 Issue 4
Catholic United Response — Deployed
2012 Scholarship Issue $167,400 for Catholic United Youth
+ Keys to Your Kingdom with John Tetzloff
From the President
July/August 2012
ennh ofer
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As my 15th and final year as President and Chairman of the Board of Catholic United Financial reaches completion, it’s easy to reminisce about the past. However, I really don’t feel that looking backwards is a very profitable experience, when we have so many things to look forward to in the future. Besides, I have noticed that since I have reached 65, my memory is not as good as it used to be. Many of you know that when I graduated from college, I became a teacher and football coach for my first 11 years. I have noticed that every year I have picked up a few more wins on that old record of games; I imagine my Catholic United memories will go about the same direction. Actually, what I would like to write about in this Journey column is what I have enjoyed the most about these many years. Just this spring, Ann and I attended the 50th ordination anniversary of Father Jack Brunner, a good friend and mentor. He stated that being a priest for these 50 years taught him that the priesthood is not a job or even a career; it was a way of life. Well, I would have to say that this has also been true for me as President and Chairman of the Board. Every day was a gift and a treat. They were all good, and many of them were great. Every year, at our Annual Convention, I have been able to start my presidential remarks with the phrase, “Catholic United Financial has never been stronger financially, fraternally, and spiritually.” It is fun to say and, to my way of thinking, it is a clear explanation as to why and how we are here today. Financially, we have been a rocket of growth. At the end of 1878, we had total assets of $444; one
hundred years later we had grown to $29 million. Today, just 34 years later, that number has increased to over $750 million, and we grow every day. Membership has come from 557 members after our first year to more than 84,000 today. This is a true measure of relevance and impact in a society where many organizations like ours our falling in these categories. Our future looks bright as we survey the young who come to us for what we have to offer. Fraternally, we grow every day in every way. Over 500 post-secondary scholarships were awarded this past year. Our matching grant funds , the R.E.New Program and all the other charitable donations we make bring us to well over a million dollars each year that goes to our members and friends. The Annual Catholic Laure Schools Raffle program has raised over $1,000,000 for n Chask Michelle A Creig a, Minn. Catholic schools in Minnesota and the Dakota’s in just hton Unive rsit three years. That is impressive and record setting. Spiritually, by promoting our Catholic values we have spread our faith in every direction. The Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust hit another Sarah Bellin Anderson all-time high in donations in support of seminarians g Unive ham, Min n rsit y o M f S.D. . in our region. A true measure of our Faith. Probably M N.D the most spiritual activity we have embarked on recently is our Disaster Response program. It brings members, young and mature, volunteers from all over Aman the Midwest, and, of course, our trailer together in one Hasti da Bauer n Univ. gs, Minn. location. The presence of our truck and equipment of Wisc.-Riv Crysta er Fall Fall C l Bauer s re tells all who are in need that we are there to help. To Univ. ek, Wisc of Wis c.-Riv reach out to those who need it, from all faiths, ways of life or social status. If you are a child of God, we are there to lift you up. Come wind or high water, Matthwe Alban ew Beutz at Catholic United Response will give you a helping N.D. S y, Minn. tate Marg a Yank to ret Bisgard hand, as we say, “Not because they are Catholic, University Moun n, S.D. t Mart y Coll but because we are Catholic.” A true expression e ge of our faith by “loving thy neighbor as thy self”. No man is an island. I would be naive and boastful A b by B to think that I played a significant part in these Mitch ollinger e Moun ll, S.D. t Mart Jason accomplishments. It was my Irish luck to be here 10 y Collegwhen e Fariba Bongard July /while Wino ult, Minn. Aug it all happened. I sat in the caboose of the train na Sta ust 2 Sarah te Un 01 iversit Buffa Brait y lo the engine and the boxcars carried all the weight. I 2 Anok , Min a-Ram se am thankful every day that I was allowed by our Lord to hold this position. It truly has become a way of life, not a job or a career. It has also been a lot of fun.
“I am thankful every day that I was allowed by our Lord to hold this position. It truly has become a way of life, not a job or a career.”
God Bless you all in every way.
Contents Features
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e— Bren nho fer
Laure n Chask Michelle Aase Creig a, Minn. hton Unive rsit y
Ambia Achen Purdu , Ind. e Univ ersit y
Sullim Brand an Al-Osta Iowa on, S.D. z State Unive rsit y
Aman d Norw a Amoe oo Norm d-Young Am andale eri Comm ca, Minn. . Colle ge
s k c a r T Making
Melan Milto y Arcenea u n N.D. S a, Minn. tate U nivers it y
Crysta Fall C l Bauer re Univ. ek, Wisc. of Wis c.-Riv er Fall s
Alann New U a Asmus Wino lm, Minn. na Sta te Un iversit
Lisa A North nn Atkinso n Conco field, Minn . rdia U nivers it y-St.
Linds ay Ay Paul Elysian, M ers inn. Roche ster C
Karl B Inver auer G Unive rove Heig h rsit y o f N.D. ts, Minn.
Making Tracks
Once again, our annual Scholarship Issue features the photos of hundreds of our winners. See who you recognize before they’re off into the world.
Sarah Saint Blonigen Clo M by CJared ollege ud Roddy of St. inn. Schola stica
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Lo gan Elysia Ayers n South , Minn. Centr al Coll eg
R y an B Madis ergerson Univ. on, Minn. of Min n.-Tw in C
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10 Steph Coon anie Besst ities R Colleg apids, Min Official Publication of Catholic United Financial e of S n L u ke t. Ben . B edic t Jorda etchwars n Minn , Minn. . State July/August 2012 Univ.Man
New U B o c k On June 24, Catholic CUnited’s lm entra , Minn. lL Cole B Colleg Gather4Good event drewakesmore Mank ohnert e a South to, Minn. Centr Kaitli than 240 volunteers. Young al Coll Sarah n e ge Maple Boll Buffa Braith Pla lo, Min C o volunteers (from left) Sami llege in, Minn. Ano k of St. a-Ram n. Josep B ene sey Co dic t h Bra mm. Syonesa, Catholic United k N e o Anna Maurer, Mitch rth Coll. Wino field, Minn Response — Deployed! na Sta . Julia B te Un Tara Brandt, Bolkcom, Adam iversit Cold S recht y Scholarship Issue + 2012 Creig pring, Min $167,400 for Catholic United Youth htonLundstrom n Babcock and Maia . Devoall Unive n rsit y Keys Your Kingdom Wagn Brecke + with JohntoTetzloff turned out to participate. Northerner, S.D.
Publication No. 093500 Official Publication of Catholic United Financial
Anna State m Unive Wyom arie Bren n www rsit y Colleg ing, Minn hofer .cat . e of S holi t. Ben cun edic t ited fina ncia l.org
Betha Roche ny Anderso Augu ster, Minn n stana . Colleg e
Haley Detro Baer it N.D. S Lakes, M in tate U nivers n. it y
Vol. 117 Issue 4
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Keys to Your Kingdom
Our resident expert John Tetzloff explains the benefits of life insurance for children.
Our Journey Catholic
On the Cover
Jaclyn Monte Blomme Minn video, Min . State n Univ.M . oo
Alexis St. Mic Anderson Unive hael, Min n. rsit y o f Wisc .-La C
Johan L o n g n a B e c ke r Pra
irie, M MN St ate Co inn. mm. & Tech Co ll.-Fer gus Fa lls
garet Bis on, S.D gard . Mart y Colleg e
Th head e futur e Tuit off on t is gett i h univ on Scho eir ow n ing pre t l e why rsit y or arship P and sta ty big i rt m nt ou ro co For r Schola llege, ap gram pr aking he win thei ov id do w pren $160 the 20 rship ro e fo t s i 1 p 7,22 ,700. Ca 2-2013 rogram ceship o grants f w n way. r our yo r o 1 st u u s t can choo r you Cath holic te c h are t c d olic ng mem ont nic l ye ent ng Un thei he recip s have b ited ha ar, ther r ibute t al schoo membe United bers wh s o r ind ie F e r l o iv idu nts of t een aide been giv were 50 just abo . Not ev s to find inancia are abo er l ’s h d 4 u u t i al jo ur ne is year’s by mor ng scho applica t any po yone fo heir ow Post Se t to et lar llo nw nt co sc y s, m st akin holarsh han $2. ships to s, 475 o -second ws the s ay; at a ndar y 5 f ip a g t ra a i cks t s. Our t milllion ts youn whom r r y instit me path utio hat w houg in ed g mem eceive n. , that’s h d u e ho pe w ts and p cation g bers sin awards c r ill le r ad o ayers ar ants. Pi e 1955. totaling I n to e c fulfi w ith th tured a n that ti nd l l i ng m e care m as the listed e, ers i y em here Josep n h Abra b all t Otseg ham heir ark on Unive o, Minn. son field rsit y o s. R ox a n f Min n
Catholic United Response was called into action for the first time in 2012 following flash flooding in the Duluth, Minn. – area. Follow the team’s exploits.
nders o a m, M n in y o f S n. .D.
Mak ing T rack 20 s
Water, Water Everywhere
Read news tidbits and see member photos.
Board Minutes
Catholic United Kids
Of the May Board of Directors meetings.
Gather4Good volunteer event update.
Play the puzzles and submit your answers!
Catholic United Financial President/Chairman Michael F. McGovern, Northfield Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann, St. Paul Board of Directors Lead Director Frances M. Barten, Union Hill; George Gmach, Rogers; Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Deborah M. Pauly, Jordan; Robert Krattenmaker, New London; Michael Schmitz, Mankato Magazine Staff: Publisher Michael F. McGovern Editor Jared Roddy Staff Susan Detlefsen, Michelle Clark Director of Marketing Steve Wendorf Office of Publication: Catholic United Financial, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 551268098; 651-490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Published bimonthly.
July/August 2012
You’ll never know, until you fry Wabeno, Wis. The St. Ambrose Council of Wabeno, Wis., knows how to enjoy a Friday night! Between the work crew frying up dinner under the supervision of Fr. Jason Blahnik (above, at left) or just settling down to a good meal with good folk (below, right), the volunteers and attendees know how to enjoy themselves and support a good cause. Almost $1,000 was raised at the fish fry, which will go to support the religious education program at St. Ambrose Parish.
Remembering Catholic Education With more than $14,000 The R.E.New Fund for Catholic Religious Education keeps on growing, which means Catholic United keeps on giving. In less than a year, $14,425 has been donated to Catholic schools and religious education programs. Almost every new life insurance member can have a $25 donation made in their name by Catholic United; all they do is select the school or program! So far, 577 people have made that choice. At left, Sales Rep Dean Warta presents a check to Principal Mary Gangelhoff of St. Mary’s Elementary School in Sleepy Eye, Minn.
July/August 2012
Top-Selling Students Receive Raffle Reward
With the Catholic United Annual Catholic Schools Raffle, we believe we’ve created a program that creates winners out of everyone who participates. The schools win by raising thousands of dollars, the raffle winners obviously win prizes, and even the ticket sellers are rewarded for their efforts. Above, Gemma Johnson receives a Nintendo Wii, her reward for selling the most tickets at St. Joseph’s School in Moorhead, Minn. With her from the left, Principal Tony Biebl, Superintendent Msgr. Mike Foltz, Development Director Stacia Erdmann, Parish Administrator Mike Heinzen, Sales Rep. Brian Zitzmann (handing over Wii) and Regional Manager Mike Bredeck. Below: Grayce Mickelson was the top seller at St. Henry’s School in Perham, Minn., was recognized by Sales Rep Becky King and Principal Jason Smith.
How to Contact your Sales Representative: Your Sales Representative’s name and contact information should be listed with yours on the back cover of this magazine. You can also visit www.catholicunitedfinancial.org, or call 1-800-568-6670.
Here’s the handoff...it’s good! Fargo, N.D.
New council taking full advantage You might know that the St. John Bosco Council of Pipestone, Minn., is one of our newest — but you couldn’t tell from their activity! Council members there have already brought in $2,592 to support their religious education and parish. Below, council members receive a Matching Grant check from Sales Rep Dan Markell.
Sales Rep Brian Zitzmann stopped in at Nativity Catholic Church in Fargo, N.D., to show Catholic United’s support for their Annual Spring Salad Buffet. The 10th Annual Buffet and silent auction raised more than $1,000 for the children in the Nativity Faith Formation programs. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator Desirée Wilson and Director of Faith Formation Kathy Bourdon cheerfully received Catholic United’s $500 Matching Grant check from Zitzmann, and thanked Catholic United for sponsoring the event.
Final Installment...
Who (from left): Sales Rep Butch
Byers, Fr. Ken Lulf of St. Benedict’s Parish, Fr. Mark Lichter of Sacred Heart Parish Where: Yankton, S.D. Council: Sacred Heart
happening here? What’s
At the final meeting of the Sacred Heart School Board, Sales Rep Butch Byers presented the pastors of Yankton’s two Catholic Churches with the final $5,000 installment of a $15,000 building grant. The Yankton S.D. Catholic Community is served by Sacred Heart Elementary and Middle Schools. With more than 390 students in the system — more students than any time since the 1960s — space is at a premium. Byers addressed the board and turned the tables by thanking them. Almost all were members, and members are the reason Catholic United can financially support Catholic Schools and education!
July/August 2012
Keys to your
Estate Planning with John Tetzloff
The focus of this issue of Journey magazine is our Youth. In fact, every year Catholic United puts out it’s Scholarship issue to highlight the tremendous number of young adults who received a Catholic United Financial Scholarship. Every year, I’m truly amazed at the response and participation this wonderful program receives each year. Catholic United Financial’s commitment to the Catholic education of our youth these many years is and has been a cornerstone of our Mission Statement and will continue to be long into the future. In this issue of “Keys to Your Kingdom,” we will also focus on our youth. One of the requirements in receiving a Catholic United Financial scholarship is that the young person has to be a member of Catholic United two years prior to applying for said scholarship. As most know, membership in Catholic United means a person must have a life insurance policy or annuity policy with us. In this article we will discuss reasons for having life insurance or annuities on our youth both from a financial standpoint and a fraternal standpoint. We often get the question from parents and grandparents: “Why should we have life insurance on our children or grandchildren?”
From a financial standpoint, there are many reasons why children should have life insurance. Probably most important is future insurability. Life insurance can provide the ability to “lock in” current health status well into the future. Once a policy is issued, the rating that the child receives stays with them regardless of future health changes. Also, on most life insurance policies on children, a rider is added that allows that child to purchase additional insurance at ages 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, and 40 without proving insurability. Another financial reason for insurance on children is that premiums are based on the child’s current age. With most permanent policies that premium is locked in for the life of that child. This way we can guarantee a low premium on a child’s policy for their future. Other policies have a “one time” premium that provide future insurability but the premium will change once the child reaches age 25. Increasing cash value is another valuable benefit of permanent insurance on a child. When the premium is paid each year, part of that premium goes into a cash value account that grows over the child’s lifetime. This cash value can be used by the child and/or parent to help
with college costs. In applying for financial aid for college, life insurance is an asset that is not reported as an asset of the parent or the child. As the child becomes an adult, cash values can also be used for future needs such as a home purchase. The other benefits of becoming a member of Catholic United have to do with our Fraternal programs. We have opportunities for service and volunteering through Gather4Good and Ministree. Grants for travel to Catholic conferences and World Youth Day. And of course, the Scholarship program, which is available to almost anyone who has been a member for two years and is off to post-secondary school. The applications are on the Catholic United website and the deadline is typically February of the year they will be attending either a college, university, trade school, or technical college. If you are currently a parent or grandparent, consider the wonderful benefits of Catholic United life insurance for your children or grandchildren As always, if you would like more information on this topic or others, please contact your local Catholic United Sales Representative for assistance. May God Bless you and your families...
John Tetzloff, CLU, FICF, LUTCF, is the Catholic United Financial Advanced Case Specialist and Trainer. He leads estate planning seminars throughout the year and is the host of the “Creating Wealth Beyond Money” radio show, which can be heard Saturday mornings on the Relevant Radio network. He has more than 20 years’ experience in estate planning and financial preparedness. July/August 2012
d e y o l p de Water, Water Everywhere...
By Bob Heuermann
The power of water never ceases to amaze me. Our teachers taught us in school that the water of the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon, cutting deep into the rock; up to a mile down and 18 across in some places. But how much could it do in just three days? When 7.8 inches of rain falls onto ground that cannot absorb another drop, the answer is counted in hundreds of millions — of dollars in damage. Officials in Duluth, Minn., have said $100 million will be needed to repair the city roads and infrastructure that were destroyed when flash flooding struck the region on June 20. That figure does not include the news@catholicunited.org
damage done to state highways, or in Carlton and Aitkin counties. It also does not count the hundreds of families whose homes were damaged or destroyed by the rising waters of the Mississippi and St. Louis Rivers and the many large Minnesota lakes. The floodwaters rushing into the rivers and lakes pushed them to near historic flood levels not seen in the last sixty years. July/August 2012
Catholic United Response deployed our resources to assist in the Duluth flood area on June 29. Catholic United Response and our volunteers were directed to provide aid to residents in and around Barnum, Minn. Much of the immediate cleanup and restoration needs were being taken care of in Duluth, and St. Louis County by other non-profit organizations providing services similar to ours. Catholic United, under the “boots on the ground” of former Executive Director Paul Naumann, deployed to eight homes in three days.
The Traveling Angels, a non-profit volunteer outfit, along with Deb and Myron Pauly of St. John the Baptist Council of Jordan, Minn., joined Paul and me as our core of affiliated volunteers. The others had seen this kind of damage and worse before; they were all together at other Catholic United disaster responses such as the Minot ND flooding last summer. For me, this was the first time I had seen the actual effects of this type of flooding on a community. The Carlton County residents we met put on a brave face. Their attitude was that there was work to be done and neighbors to help. They had begun the cleanup work before we were set up to help and told us that they thanked God that no lives were lost. Possessions
Rising Water, Rising Souls Editorial Observation by Bob Heuermann came together to eat and talk at a young couple was blessed with Volunteer Resource Center hastily the anticipation of the arrival of set up in the United Methodist their first baby. The pregnancy Church. The water had risen to the had not been easy or typical. Early doors of the Church nine days earlier, one Tuesday morning, the wife was but thanks to the grace of God, had rushed to the hospital. Something left the inside dry. As volunteers, had gone terribly wrong with her we came from many faiths and pregnancy. The doctors delivered her stillborn baby. As the couple began the organizations but the common bond of charity brought us together. The process of dealing with their grief and center also had a steady flow of local funeral arrangements, the rain began residents coming for assistance, food, to fall outside the hospital window. flood clean-up kits and comfort. After a few hours and a historic Suddenly, chaos and cacophony in rainfall of eight inches, the husband the center was silenced. We watched left his wife’s side to check on their as a funeral home director and his home. After navigating many blocked assistants carried a tiny casket into and flooded roads, he arrived at their the adjoining Church sanctuary. house to find it underwater. The The young couple, their family realization that they had lost not and friends would arrive in a few only their baby but also most of their hours to join together for the baby’s possessions was overwhelming. How funeral. In the meeting room next to would he be able to tell his wife? the sanctuary, volunteers worked to How many straws could the camel aid the people affected by the floods, bear before its back was broken? including these very neighbors. As flood response volunteers, we
July/August 2012
Work would continue as the hymns of faith and tears of the family spilled into the Volunteer Resource Center. The center was silent except for the whispers relating the story of the family in the Church. Few volunteers or neighbors remained untouched by the grief. For some, it put their loss into perspective. Many had lost much to the rain, but by the Grace of God, their families were safe. What wouldn’t we all give up for that to be so? It is often said that God only gives us what we are able to handle. If that is true, this young couple must possess a strength in their souls far greater than most. May God bless and keep this young couple, may He accept this innocent babe into His loving arms, and may He give us all the strength to endure and continue to do His work. God bless all of you who help in any way to alleviate the suffering and strengthen the souls of our neighbors in need. www.catholicunitedfinancial.org
can be replaced, after all. No one seemed to be sitting around waiting for help to arrive, but they eagerly welcomed all the assistance they could get. Many local volunteers, neighbors of the families whose homes we were working on, joined us in our efforts. Athletic teams from Coon Rapids High School and other volunteers from as far away as the Twin Cities arrived and joined the locals in the cleanup. More than 70 volunteers provided labor over the three days of our deployment to clean and gut homes damaged by the flood. In all, we were able to provide close to 400 hours of labor to the efforts responding to the flood damage. While much has been done to repair and restore the damage of the Duluth floods, there remains considerable long-term recovery to be completed. We redeployed to Aitkin County on July 23, to work on more homes in McGregor, Aitkin, and Cromwell. The water around Aitkin crested on June 28 and was estimated to remain at or above flood stage until the end of July. President Mike McGovern reminds us when we talk about our Disaster Response that we provide aid to others not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic. Together, the volunteers who assisted in our response to the Duluth floods truly showed the Catholic value of charity. They freely gave their time and worked hard to help others in need no matter who they were or what beliefs they held. Additional and up-to-date information about our response to the Duluth floods and other deployments can always be found on our website, at www.united-we-help.org, or, you can “like” us on Facebook to receive up-to-date information. If you would like to register to volunteer for this or future responses, news@catholicunited.org
register with Catholic United Response on our website. We will e-mail registered volunteers with available opportunities, schedules and meeting places as we have additional information. Finally, if you are unable to donate your time and talents to the victims of this and other disasters, a monetary contribution is always welcome. If you would like to contribute by credit card, you can make your gift at the Foundation Website at www.catholicunited.org by clicking on the blue “Donate Now” button. Checks to support our efforts can be sent to the Catholic United Financial Foundation at 3499 Lexington Ave N., St. Paul, MN 55126. Thank you for keeping the people of Duluth and the surrounding counties in your thoughts and prayers as they recover from the floods.
All the photos in this story are from the deployment beginning June 29. At press time, photos and reports from the field were not available for the July 23 deployment. Title photo: The Coon Rapids High School athletic teams help fill a dumpster with once-treasured possessions. Opposite from Left: a destroyed bridge in Barnum is also the site of other flood flotsam; the Coon Rapids kids pose for a photo. This page, clockwise from top: More debris at a Barnum home; bagging wet waste to dump; three young volunteers drove up from the Twin Cities to help out; another volunteer is already through the drywall, almost time to move on to the next victim. July/August 2012
Making Tracks
Aase — Brennhofer
The future is getting pretty big in the window for our young members who are about to leave the lives they’ve known to start making their own way. Catholic United Financial’s Post Secondary Tuition Scholarship Program provides grants for young members to find their calling; at a university or college, apprenticeship or technical school. Not everyone follows the same path, that’s why our scholarship program can contribute to just about any post-secondary institution. For the 2012-2013 school year, there were 504 applicants, 475 of whom received awards totaling $160,700. Catholic United has been giving scholarships to its young members since 1955. In that time, 7,221 students have been aided by more than $2.5 million in education grants. Pictured and listed here are the recipients of this year’s scholarships. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they embark on their individual journeys, making tracks that we hope will lead to fulfilling careers in all their fields.
Lauren Michelle Aase Chaska, Minn. Creighton University
Joseph Abrahamson Otsego, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Roxann Achen Ambia, Ind. Purdue University
Sulliman Al-Ostaz Brandon, S.D. Iowa State University
Sarah Anderson Bellingham, Minn. University of S.D.
Melany Arceneau Miltona, Minn. N.D. State University
Alanna Asmus New Ulm, Minn. Winona State University
Lisa Ann Atkinson Lindsay Ayers Logan Ayers Northfield, Minn. Elysian, Minn. Elysian, Minn. Concordia University-St. Paul Rochester Comm. & Tech College South Central College
Haley Baer Detroit Lakes, Minn. N.D. State University
Amanda Bauer Hastings, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Crystal Bauer Fall Creek, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Karl Bauer Inver Grove Heights, Minn. University of N.D.
Johanna Becker Long Prairie, Minn.
Matthew Beutz Albany, Minn. N.D. State University
Margaret Bisgard Yankton, S.D. Mount Marty College
Abby Bollinger Mitchell, S.D. Mount Marty College
Jason Bongard Faribault, Minn. Winona State University
July/August 2012
Amanda Amoe
Alexis Anderson Bethany Anderson St. Michael, Minn. Rochester, Minn. Normandale Comm. College University of Wisc.-La Crosse Augustana College Norwood-Young America, Minn.
MN State Comm. & Tech Coll.-Fergus Falls
Ryan Bergerson Madison, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Stephanie Besst Coon Rapids, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Luke Betchwars Jordan, Minn. Minn. State Univ.-Mankato
Jaclyn Blomme Montevideo, Minn. Minn. State Univ.Moorhead
Sarah Blonigen Saint Cloud, Minn. College of St. Scholastica
Patrick Bock New Ulm, Minn. Central Lakes College
Cole Bohnert Mankato, Minn. South Central College
Kaitlin Boll Maple Plain, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Sarah Braith Buffalo, Minn. Anoka-Ramsey Comm. Coll.
Joseph Brake Northfield, Minn. Winona State University
Julia Brecht Cold Spring, Minn. Creighton University
Devon Brecke Wagner, S.D. Northern State University
Annamarie Brennhofer Wyoming, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Brewers — Fortuna
Mathias Brewers Lebanon, Ohio University of Dayton
Alicia Brey New Ulm, Minn. University of N.D.
Adam Broderius Glencoe, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Ryan Bruder Kennan Bruening Michelle Bue White Bear Lake, Minn. Brownsville, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Dakota County Tech College Univ. of Wisc.-Stevens Point Inver Hills Cmnty. College
David Bursack Canby, Minn. S.D. State University
Taryn Carter Fort Pierre, S.D. SE Tech Institute
Heather Castner Rosemount, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Abigail Christianson Austin, Minn. Riverland Comm. College
Jacob Clements Mankato, Minn. Iowa State University
Mark Collins Inver Grove Heights, Minn. University of Missouri
David Cook Adrian, Minn. S.D. State University
Mitchell Cottew Sauk Rapids, Minn. Minn. State Univ.-Moorhead
Stephen Couillard Fridley, Minn. Univ. of Minn. - Twin Cities
Gabrielle Crain Scandia, Minn. University of Minn.-Morris
Wesley Culp Sacramento, Calif. DeVry University
Annelise Curran Yankton, S.D. University of NE-Lincoln
Joseph Cysiewski Hastings, Minn. Hennepin Technical College
Alison Day Mitchell, S.D. Concordia College
Blake Degerstrom North Branch, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Timothy DeGrood Faribault, Minn. Bemidji State University
Mary Dingmann St. Cloud, Minn. N.D. State University
Emily Ditsch Delano, Minn. Bemidji State University
Michael Dittrich Hastings, Minn. Winona State University
Nicole Dolan Sarah Dolan Brandon Dorn Alexandria, Minn. Alexandria, Minn. Plymouth, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. University of N.D.
Peter J Dotray Lubbock, Tex. University of Tex.
Sarah Duwenhoegger Cheshire , Conn. Univ. of Wisc.-Milwaukee
Amy Eckstein New Ulm, Minn. S.D. State University
Stacy Eckstein New Ulm, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Kincaid Edwards Delano, Minn. WyoTech
Courtney Ehleringer Morris, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Mary Erickson Hastings, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Lauren Fanta Yankton, S.D. University of S.D.
McKenzie Fawcett Colome, S.D. S.D. State University
Mikayla Feda Loretto, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Sadie Fedor Monticello, Minn. Mount Marty College
Bryce Feia Avon, Minn. Concordia College
Elliott Fitzloff Lakeville, Minn. University of Wisc.-Stout
Megan Flaherty North St Paul, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Bernard Floeder Shoreview, Minn. University of Notre Dame
Gabriella Fortuna Eagan, Minn. University of Wisc.-Madison
April Euteneuer Katy Faber Paynesville, Minn. Sartell, Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. Winona State University
Joseph Feidt Amanda Feils Ryan Ferkinhoff Hampton, Minn. Kellogg, Minn. Saint Anthony, Minn. Dakota County Tech. Coll. Minn. State Univ. -Moorhead Hamline University news@catholicunited.org
July/August 2012
Fortuna — Hubley
Shawna Fortuna Sparta, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-Platteville
Jeana Gaida Jill Gareis Holdingford, Minn. New Ulm, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Moorhead Winona State University
Stephanie Gerke La Crosse, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-Green Bay
Grant Gernes Winona, Minn. Winona State University
Hannah Gaspar Mankato, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-Eau Claire
Timothy Gelhaus Owen, Wisc. Clarke University
Byron Gerads Anastacia Gergen Freeport, Minn. Hastings, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. N.D. State University
Nathan Gertken Eli Albert Gindele Richmond, Minn. St. Michael, Minn. St. Cloud Comm. & Tech Coll. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Nicholas Gindele Jonathan Goeden St. Michael, Minn. Wadena , Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. St. John’s University
Abigail Goenner Stratford , Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-Platteville
Sadie Gohman Luke Graham Sartell, Minn. Sebeka, Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. SW Minn. State University
Catelyn Grueneich Alexandria, Minn. University of Minn.-Morris
Carolyn Gruenes Saint Cloud, Minn. St. Catherine University
Daniel Guertin Jordan Guggisberg Belle Plaine, Minn. New Ulm, Minn. Dakota Co. Technical College Winona State University
Nicholas Guldan Saint Joseph, Mo. Mo. Western State University
Alison Gunter Clara City, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Sam Haas Madison, Minn. SW Minn. State University
Kevin Hackenmueller St. Michael, Minn. N.D. State University
Kelly Haff Maple Grove, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Joseph Hager Detroit Lakes, Minn. University of Mary
Kenna Hanisch Saint Cloud, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Nicole Hansen Cold Spring, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Brittany Hartung Little Falls, Minn. Central Lakes College
Tiffany Hartung Little Falls, Minn. Central Lakes College
Cody Harwig Baltic, S.D. S.D. State University
Benjamin Hecht Fonda, Iowa Iowa State University
Hillary Heiling Pine Island, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Alex Heine Yankton, S.D. University of Neb.-Lincoln
Jeremy Hejna Tabor, S.D. Southeast Comm. College
Jacob Henrich Bellingham, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Christopher Herd Mayer, Minn. N.D. State University
Anna Herkenhoff Freeport, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Eric Hiltner Melrose, Minn. Ridgewater College
Nicholas Hirsch Eagan, Minn. Marquette University
Lauren Hoen Joseph Hoffman Owatonna, Minn. New Ulm, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-Stevens Point S.D. State University
Amy Honek Elk River, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Jacob Honzay Olivia , Minn. S.D. State University
Jamie Hoppe Tucson, Ariz. University of Arizona
Matthew Huberty Michael Hubley Rice, Minn. Hastings, Minn. Bemidji State University Minn. State Univ.-Mankato www.catholicunitedfinancial.org
Pamela Hofmeister Mariah Hoheisel Hampton, Minn. Hillman, Minn. Western Iowa Tech Comm. Coll. St. Cloud State University July/August 2012
Hughes — Loecken
Sara Hughes Dassel, Minn. St. Catherine University
David Huston Excelsior, Minn. University of Mich.
Eric Imdieke Erika Jahnke Sauk Centre, Minn. Green Bay, Wisc. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. St. Norbert College
Alexander Jansen Clearwater, Minn. N.D. State University
Krista Jennissen Garfield, Minn. Concordia College
Samantha Johnson Pipestone, Minn. Stewarts School
Bryan Jungles Rogers, Minn. St. John’s University
Andrew Justin Shoreview, Minn. Iowa State University
Daniel Kaiser Savannah Kaiser Apple Valley, Minn. Shevlin, Minn. University of Wisc.-Madison Bemidji State University
Eric Kasel Vermillion, Minn. St. Paul College
Joseph Kasper St. Michael, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Kasey Kavanagh Bemidji, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll.
Nicholas Kerfeld Melrose, Minn. Ridgewater College
Jane Kersch Dubuque, Iowa Iowa State University
Tyler Kieffer Royalton, Minn. N.D. State University
Sarah Kiminski Farmington, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Nicole Kirchberg Bellingham, Minn. Lake Area Tech Institute
Corey Klaphake Melrose, Minn. N.D. State University
Ethan Klaphake New Munich, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Ashley Klavetter Mara Klecker Plainview, Minn. Sioux Falls, S.D. Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. University of NE-Lincoln
Jeremy Klein Avon, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Daniel Kluthe New Brighton, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Adam Kolb Wabasha, Minn. St. John’s University
Chelsea Komarek Monticello, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Joshua Kopacek Sleepy Eye, Minn. Minn. State Univ.-Mankato
Xavier Kopp Vermillion, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Ryan Kotval Maple Grove, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Lauren Kramer Kelsey Kratzke Rochester, Minn. Dent, Minn. Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. University of N.D.
Jordan Krump George Kueppers Tintah, Minn. Spicer, Minn. N.D. State College of Science Concordia College
Christie Kullman Shoreview, Minn. Concordia College
Trisha Laabs Jordan, Minn. Argosy Univ. - Twin Cities
Michelle Lahr St. Joseph, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Rachel Lamberty Sioux Falls, S.D. St. Mary’s University
Daniel Langfeld Blaine, Minn. St. John’s University
Elizabeth Larsen St. Paul, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Angela Lax Sleepy Eye, Minn. Creighton University
Adam Lichty Burnsville, Minn. Iowa State University
Jeremy Lieser Erin Lilliencrantz Belgrade, Minn. Lakeville, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. University of St. Thomas
McKaela Laxen Karry Leber Burnsville , Minn. Sioux Falls, S.D. University of St. Thomas Concordia College news@catholicunited.org
Sarah LaValla St. Charles, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Thomas Loch Wyoming, Minn. Northwestern College
Kristen Loecken Freeport, Minn. College of St. Benedict July/August 2012
Loecken — Plasek
Stephanie Loecken Freeport, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Daniel Lacina Lovik Brooklyn Center, Minn. Minn. State Univ.-Mankato
Marie Lutz Turtle Lake, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Tyler Magedanz Richmond, Minn. St. John’s University
Steven Masberg Waseca, Minn. Drake University
Emily McDonald Hermantown, Minn. Lake Superior College
Cole McKeown Seaforth, Minn. University of Mary
Adam Meaney Mitchell, S.D. S.D. School of Mines & Tech
Rebecca Meidl Lakeville, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Christopher Menard Jason Menden Jeremy Menden Loretto, Minn. Shakopee, Minn. Shakopee, Minn. N. Hennepin Comm. College University of Wisc.-Madison Hennepin Technical College
Brittany Meurer Winona, Minn. College of St. Scholastica
Benjamin Meyer Wabasha, Minn. St. Mary’s University
Connor Meyer Lake Elmo, Minn. Drake University
Gregory Meyer Madison Lake, Minn. Gustavus Adolphus College
Taylor Meyer Farmington, Minn. University of Minn.-Duluth
Dawn Miller Cologne, Minn. St. Catherine University
Scott Miller Cologne, Minn. N.D. State University
Sarah Mueller Stacyville, Iowa N. Iowa Area Comm. Coll.
Jaylynn Nash Sioux Falls, S.D. Minn. State Univ.-Mankato
Meagan Nechuta Joseph Neisen Mosinee, Wisc. Burnsville, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-Marathon Co. University of Minn.-Duluth
Megan Nelson Trevor Nevin Zumbrota, Minn. St. Michael, Minn. University of Wisc.-La Crosse Anoka-Ramsey Comm. Coll.
Margaret Noble Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-Eau Claire
Amanda Notch Catherine O’Connell Freeport, Minn. Elk River, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. University of Mary
Cody Olmscheid St. Martin, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Eric Olson Big Lake, Minn. Iowa State University
Kelsey Olson Eagan, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Riley O’Neil Ellsworth, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-Milwaukee
Jenna Orth Melrose, Minn. Augsburg College
Joseph Parsley Flandreau, S.D. Northern State University
Rachel Perish Long Prairie, Minn. Jamestown College
Kyle Petersen Brandon, S.D. Iowa Lakes Comm. College
Brittney Pfenning-Wendt Shoreview, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Rachel Pfenning-Wendt Shoreview, Minn. N.D. State University
Collin Philipps Hende Rachelle Pierre Natalie Pillatzki Rochester, Minn. Onalaska, Wisc. Corona, S.D. Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. S.D. State University
Alex Pitzen Adams, Minn. Winona State University
Christopher Plasek Hinckley, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Shawn Polman Cottonwood, Minn. University of St. Thomas
July/August 2012
Alyssa Maxson Montgomery, Minn. Gustavus Adolphus College
Michael Meyman Ogilvie, Minn. Central Lakes College
Taylor McAlpine Rogers, Minn. St. John’s University
Alexandra Miller Sauk Centre, Minn. University of N.D.
Amanda Nelson Centerville, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Poppler —Spanier
Richard Poppler Hamel, Minn. N.D. State University
Erich Prokosch New Ulm, Minn. Ridgewater College
Zachry Pudas Sean Quinn Becker, Minn. Lake Elmo, Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. Kansas State University
Andrew Rausch Hoven, S.D. S.D. State University
Brenna Rausch Big Stone City, S.D. Northern State University
Jakob Reeder Montgomery, Minn. Minn. State Univ. - Moorhead
Tanya Rehkamp Albany, Minn. SW Minn. State University
Kayla Rickerl Riceville, Iowa Upper Iowa University
Mary Roggenbuck Madison, Minn. University of Dallas
Andrea Rothstein Cold Spring, Minn. SW Minn. State University
Kyle Rothstein Cold Spring, Minn. Iowa State University
Trent Rothstein Richmond, Minn. N.D. State University
Alex Rutten Osakis, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll.
Hannah Sattler Minnetonka, Minn. Benedictine College
Matthew Schafer Quinci Scherber Eden Prairie, Minn. Rogers, Minn. Normandale Comm. College Mater Ecclesiae College
Andrea Schlangen Belgrade, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-River Falls
Bradley Schlangen Zachary Schlangen Eden Valley, Minn. Cold Spring, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. College St. Cloud State University
Kiernan Schlegel Baldwin, Wisc. CVTC-Eau Claire
Kellen Schmidt Sioux Falls, S.D. S.D. State University
Alex Schmitt Chaska, Minn. St. John’s University
Laura Schmitt Chaska, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Matthew Schmitz Adams, Minn. Hennepin Technical College
Christopher Schramel Cold Spring, Minn. Univ. of Wisc.-Milwaukee
Heidi Schroden Big Lake, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Sadie Schroeder New Ulm, Minn. South Central College
Christina Schulzetenberg Melrose, Minn. University of Wisc.-Stout
Courtney Schwartz Plainview, Minn. S.D. State University
Timothy Schwarz New Ulm, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Hannah Schwieters Jacob Scott Rochester, Minn. Atchison, Kan. Rochester Comm. & Tech Coll. Benedictine College
Cullen Shanrock Wabasha, Minn. University of Iowa
Mason Shanrock Wabasha, Minn. Gustavus Adolphus College
Mitchell Shearer Sioux Falls, S.D. S.D. State University
Jacob Shimota Woodbury, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Kelsie Silvernagel Strasburg, N.D. N.D. State University
Nicholas Simon Sleepy Eye, Minn. St. John’s University
Theodore Skillings New Ulm, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
McKinzie Smith Adams, Minn. Winona State University
Lindsey Solheid Farmington, Minn. Iowa State University
Rebecca Sommer Parkston, S.D. SW Minn State University
Mary Sonnek Lake Crystal, Minn. Benedictine College
Kayla Sorenson Sartell, Minn. N.D. State University
Matthew Spanier Belgrade, Minn. Ridgewater College
Sabrina Smith-Mount Lauren Solheid Aberdeen, S.D. Farmington, Minn. Northern State University Winona State University news@catholicunited.org
Zachary Schreier Maplewood, Minn. St. John’s University
July/August 2012
Stanoch —Westerdahl
Krista Marie Stanoch Rachel Leona Statz Chaska, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. University of Wisc.-Madison University of St. Thomas
Megan Steven St. Cloud, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Corey Sura Hinckley, Minn. Bemidji State University
Esther Susag Cannon Falls, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Alyssa Swanson Hamburg, Minn. Valley City State University
Laura Swartz Willmar, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Megan Swayze Rochester, Minn. Viterbo University
Andrew Swedzinski Jerred Tarrell Taunton, Minn. Hot Springs, S.D. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. Presentation College
Collin Tasler Mankato, Minn. South Central College
William Terres Rogers, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Timothy Thein White Bear Lake, Minn. Vermillion Comm. College
Nicholas Thell St. Joseph, Minn. St. Mary’s University
Margaret Thompson St. Paul, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Tim Toenyan Peter Tolles Caleb Traut Freeport, Minn. Clontarf, Minn. St. Joseph, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. U.S. Merchant Marine Acdmy Univ. of Minn.-Crookston
Abigail Trieb Gary, S.D. University of S.D.
Emily Tschida Watertown, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Grant Tufto Montevideo, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Jerry Tygeson Rogers, Minn. N.D. State University
Alex Ukkelberg Clitherall, Minn. St. John’s University
Theodore Gene Vaala Alex Van Vooren Eden Prairie, Minn. Hayward, Minn. University of Wisc.-Madison University of St. Thomas
Catherine Vannett Carver, Minn. N.D. State University
Hunter Vezina Almond, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc.-Platteville
Travis Vieths Marcus Vievering Hastings, Minn. Lakeville, Minn. University of Wisc.-Superior St. John’s University
Stephanie Vogel Brownsdale, Minn. St. Mary’s University
Emma Voit Inver Grove Heights, Minn. College of St. Benedict
Stephanie Waletzko St. Cloud, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Bridget Walsh Big Stone City, S.D. Valley City State University
Meghan Walter Rochester, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Emily Walz Paul Walz Cold Spring, Minn. Cold Spring, Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. Ridgewater College
Rebecca Walz Brendan Wappes Cold Spring, Minn. St. Anthony, Minn. St. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. Univ. of Minn. -Twin Cities
Kristin Weber Melrose, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Mankato
Aaron Wehlage Greenwald, Minn. N.D. State University
Rachel Wehr St. Anthony, Minn. University of Wisc.-Stout
Bradley Welle Melrose, Minn. Pine Technical College
Brittany Wenning Albany, Minn. St. Cloud State University
July/August 2012
Ashley Streich Sleepy Eye, Minn. University of S.D.
Jared VonWahlde Andrew Wagener Freeport, Minn. Shorewood, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Nicholas Welter Albertville, Minn. University of St. Thomas
Joesphine Wahl Alexandria, Minn. Alexandria Tech & Comm. Coll.
Kailey Westerdahl River Falls, Wisc. State Coll. of Beauty Culture
Gabriel Wicklund Clitherall, Minn. N.D. State University
Christine Wiechman Freeport, Minn. St. Cloud State University
Maggie Wiener Ryan Williamson Sauk Centre, Minn. Eden Prairie, Minn. Minn. State Univ. -Moorhead University of Missouri
Anthony Wilma Winona, Minn. Augsburg College
Hannah Wilts Kerkhoven, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Brittany Winter Belgrade, Minn. University of N.D.
Ethan Winter Glenwood, Minn. Ridgewater College
Maxwell Winter Minneapolis, Minn. Wesleyan University
Katherine Wippler Parkers Prairie, Minn. Univ. of Minn.-Twin Cities
Joseph T. Wolf Pine City, Minn. Gustavus Adolphus College
Alyssa Wolter Elysian, Minn. Hamline University
Abigail Woodford Red Wing, Minn. N.D. State University
Kaitlyn Wuebkers Ann Zipp Tara Zupan Burtrum, Minn. Green Bay, Wisc. Minn. State UniversitySt. Cloud Tech & Comm. Coll. University of Wisc.-Madison Moorhead
Ben Wolf New Ulm, Minn. Central Lakes College
Westrich — Zvorak
Brianna Westrich Burtrum, Minn. Winona State University
Not Pictured: Allen — Zimmerman Ben Allen Faribault, Minn. Tessa Ardolf Chaska, Minn. Rebecca Arend Andover, Minn. Kyle Athmann Bird Island, Minn. Alexander Bauer Pipestone, Minn. Kenric Baune Wabasso, Minn. Michael Bellefeuille Detroit Lakes, Minn. Kaitlin Bertram Becker, Minn. Megan Bissell New Prague , Minn. Tasha Bissell New Prague, Minn. Ryan Bissen Stacyville, Iowa Jacquelin Blomker Melrose, Minn. Alexander Boyer Cottage Grove, Minn. Maria Breimhurst Eagan, Minn. Brian Brokofsky Burnsville, Minn. Whitney Buck Detroit Lakes, Minn.
Kayla Burg Janesville, Minn. Sarah Cannedy Milbank, S.D. Logan Cigrand Monticello, Iowa Julia Colling Maplewood, Minn. Kelly Davis Cold Spring, Minn. Nicholas DeVos Plymouth, Minn. Jory Dove New Ulm, Minn. Thomas Eichten Elk River, Minn. Matt Emineth Bismarck, N.D. Jack Emmer Delano, Minn. Thomas Emmer Delano, Minn. Maddie Erickson Wilson, Wisc. John Eustice Ortonville, Minn. Dustin Fuchs Avon, Minn. Craig Gapinski St. Cloud , Minn. Peter Giddings Madison, Wisc. Joseph David Gjengdahl St. Paul, Minn.
Jared Goettsch Eagan, Minn. Matthew Groetsch Albany, Minn. Caitlyn Grotewold Larchwood, Iowa Kallie Guggisberg Lafayette, Minn. Rebecca Hager Good Thunder, Minn. Monica Halbur Jasper, Minn. Benjamin Hall Mendota Heights, Minn. Caitlin Hanson Rochert, Minn. Eric Hauser New Ulm, Minn. Rebecca Hebda Mission Hill, S.D. Samantha Jo Hentges Jordan, Minn. Thomas Hentges Jordan, Minn. Dalton Hiltner St. Cloud, Minn. Larissa Hoen Delano, Minn. Jessica Honetschlager Lucan, Minn. Sara Hoppe Freeport, Minn.
Lindsey Jacques Glencoe, Minn. Dustin Kalthoff Belgrade, Minn. Jason Kampsen Paynesville, Minn. Rebecca Kiernan Hastings, Minn. Daniel Kimlinger Lindstrom, Minn. Tyler Kloeckner Adams, Minn. Benjamin Klotz Sleepy Eye, Minn. Nicholas Kremer North Branch, Minn. MaKayla Kuck New Ulm, Minn. Michael Kueppers Saint Cloud, Minn. Robert Kueppers Mendota Heights, Minn. Kate Laird St. Michael, Minn Stacey Leber Rochester, Minn. Brittany Leisinger Wentworth, S.D. Matthew Linden Delano, Minn. Abby Loeffler Bemidji, Minn.
Mary Marchiafava Mounds View, Minn. Blake Marg Winona, Minn. Madeline McIntee Two Rivers, Wisc. Megan McMullen Champlin, Minn. Nicholas McNeely Coon Rapids, Minn. Augustus Meriwether Central Lake, Mich. Emily Meyer Gibbon, Minn. Nathan Meyer Cold Spring, Minn. Carey Montag Big Stone City, S.D. Stephen Mueller Bloomington, Minn. Mikaela Murtha Parkston, S.D. Paige Nelles St. Michael, Minn. Heidi Nelson Detroit Lakes, Minn. Morgan Neu Richmond, Minn. Alexis Neugebauer Ethan, S.D. Riley Nordegaard Gary, S.D. Brian Nosbush Fairfax, Minn.
Cody Nystedt Mora, Minn. Isaac Oakes Ortonville, Minn. Kelsey Osendorf St. Joseph, Minn. Isaac Pazdernik Detroit Lakes, Minn. Mark Thomas Pederson Richmond, Minn. Leeza Peterson Maribel, Wisc. Hannah Pillatzki Milbank, S.D. Lukas Pitzl Harrisburg, S.D. Justin Polejewski Fergus Falls, Minn. Paul Ratigan Sheridan , Wyo. Thomas Rausch Big Stone City, S.D. Sarah Reiner Springfield, Minn. Michael Reinke Bismarck, N.D. Carly Reiter Champlin, Minn. Trevor Renshaw Mitchell, S.D. Brandon Reuter Mazeppa, Minn. Nicholas Reynolds Apple Valley, Minn.
Alex Zvorak Spearfish, S.D. Mitchell Technical Institute
Dana Richter Young America, Minn. Alexandra RickeVergara Merritt Island, Fla. Brian Rivers Winona, Minn. Kayla Roberge Burnsville, Minn. Aaron Roelike Belgrade, Minn. Nathan Roemen Larchwood, Iowa Kylie Salmen Madison, S.D. Madilyn Schmitz Adams, Minn. Clark Schulte Duluth, Minn. Kayla Spanier Pipestone, Minn. Crystal Stangler Cold Spring, Minn. Joshua Stangler Albany, Minn. Linnea Steinmetz Delano, Minn. Jesse Stertz Hampton, Minn. Nathan Sypnieski Monticello, Minn. Brady Tetzloff Nicollet, Minn. Cecilia Tierney Roseville, Minn.
Monica Turner New Prague, Minn. Steven Michael Vander Poel Jasper, Minn. Jordan Vander Poel Jasper, Minn. Taylor Wait Sleepy Eye, Minn. Nicole A Welle Paynesville, Minn. Brady Weller Brooten, Minn. Laura Wentzel Murdock, Minn. Amanda Elizabeth Young Delano, Minn. Paul Young Delano, Minn. Julia Ziegler Alexandria, Minn. Nichole Zimmerman Monticello , Minn.
July/August 2012
Minutes of the
Board of Directors Front row from left: Lead Director Deborah Pauly, President & Chairman Michael McGovern, Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann and Fran Barten. Back row from left: George Gmach, Robert Krattenmaker, Michael Schmitz, Joseph Kueppers and John Maile.
May 10, 2012 The Board meeting was held at the Broom Tree Retreat Center in Irene, S.D., and started at 9:55 a.m. with Chairman McGovern reviewing the Agenda and making one revision; the revision was moved for approval by Lead Director Deb Pauly, seconded by Director Joe Kueppers and approved by the Board. The April Minutes were reviewed; two minor corrections were made and the revised. Minutes were moved for approval by Ms. Pauly, seconded by Director Fran Barten and approved. Mr. McGovern and Secretary Harald Borrmann reviewed the Investment Activities Report. The Association’s investments continue to perform as generally expected. The overall quality of the portfolio continues to be good, and no investments are outside the guidelines established by the Board. With regard to the Securities Lending matter, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann reviewed the current status and apprised the Board of the likely next steps. A further update will be provided at the June Board meeting. With regard to Policy Governance, the following should be noted: Treatment of Staff: reviewed and moved for acceptance by Mr. Kueppers, seconded by Director John Maile and approved. Financial Planning/Budgeting: moved for acceptance by Director George Gmach, seconded by Mr. Kueppers and approved. Emergency CEO Succession and Accountability of CEO were discussed and it was agreed that these items would be moved to the June meeting for further discussion and acceptance. Ends Policies, Delegation to the CEO and Shared Responsibility of the Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer were all reviewed and found acceptable. Next, Mr. Borrmann led a review of the first quarter financial report. The Association continues to grow its assets, reserves,
life insurance in force and membership. Surplus, which had seen a decline in the fourth quarter due to a required adjustment in the Pension liability, is now growing. The approximately $500,000 first quarter gain from operations is indicative of the sound financial fundamentals of the Association. Mr. Borrmann and Mr. Kueppers discussed the recent meeting of the Pension Trustees. Several options were discussed by the Trustees and the decision of which option to implement in the funding was based on the best long-term interests of the Association and its employees. Mr. McGovern discussed the recent meeting of the Catholic United Financial Foundation Board of Directors. Several resolutions from that meeting were presented and approved by the Board: The appointment of Mark Zeman to the Foundation Board. The appointment of Father Tom Thompson to the newly created position of Spiritual Director for the Foundation Board. Updated By-laws for the Foundation. Formal recognition of, and thanks to, Bernie Bastian for his six years of service to the Foundation and its Board. Ms. Pauly led a review of the Board SelfEvaluation Questionnaire. It was agreed that a comprehensive review of the questionnaire would be an agenda item at the June Board meeting. Mr. McGovern reviewed the Corporate Giving Guidelines and how management sees them as providing guidance to local councils’ by-laws. Management will work with the Fraternal Department to assist councils in using them as such. Mr. Borrmann updated the Board on Risk Management activities. Enhanced email encryption is now being used. A new location for the Association’s disaster recovery site has been identified. The final
phases of the physical plant improvements are starting. Mr. Borrmann updated the Board on the merger integration efforts. It was noted that the two interim independent contractors in Ely (former AFU staff) have been exceedingly helpful, professional and diligent. Mr. McGovern discussed the status of Board candidates to replace the two retiring Board members. The Board then met in closed session to discuss the report of the Nominating Committee. That Committee’s work continues and they expect to be able to present their recommendation to the Board in accord with the established timeline. The President’s Remarks are as follows: Profitability in the merged credit union is off to a strong start. The Disaster Response group returned to Minot, where they had spent several weeks in 2011, and met with the Bishop. Catholic United was a sponsor of the Catholic Men’s Conference. The annual visit with the seminarians was again a great success. As the number of seminarians continues to grow, the work of the Association in supporting vocations becomes even more important. Catholic United will again be a major sponsor of the Minnesota Catholic Educators’ Association Conference, held in Rochester, Minn. Life sales are up nicely so far, with both applications and the premium growing. Annuity sales are up slightly, though the rate is slowing considerably. This is an ideal situation. New members are also increasing. The closing prayer was led by Ms. Pauly and the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, Harald E. Borrmann Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer
Board Minutes are abridged. Complete minutes are available at no charge by contacting the Home Office at 1-800-568-6670 or by visiting our website.
July/August 2012
May, 2012
Happy Anniversary!
Goodbye & Thank You!
August and Rita Braun —formerly of Aberdeen, S.D., and now of the Sioux Falls, S.D., Prince of Peace Community — celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on June 10, 2012. Congratulations, Rita and August!
The Catholic United members of St. Matthew’s parish in St. Paul, Minn., would like to thank Fr. Stephen Adrian for his 34 years as their pastor. Fr. Steve retired in June, and his flock wishes him many happy years of retirement.
In loving memory of our deceased members Roberta Witt, 88 Union Hill, MN St. John
Ruth Abraham, 81 New Ulm, MN St. Elizabeth
Christine Kremers, 87 Luxemburg, MN Ss. Theresa/Wendelin
Richard Reining, 62 Belgrade, MN St. Francis de Sales
Patrick Bassett, 74 New Ulm, MN St. Mary
Isidore Kuelbs, 96 Redwood Fall, MN Holy Rosary
Norbert Richter, 88 Sykeston, ND Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth
Roman Bonczek, Jr., 87 Little Falls, MN Tri Parish
Mary Ann Lewis, 79 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s
Michael Ronayne, 85 Aberdeen, SD Ss. Joseph & Ann
Norbert Ament, 94 Bluffton, MN St. John/Holy Family
Leo Koshiol, 76 St. Augusta, MN St. Mary
Inez Schons, 81 Springfield, MN St. Boniface
Joseph Bowar, 68 New Ulm, MN St. Mary
Mary McDonald, 90 Mahtomedi, MN St. Jude of the Lake
Benedict Rothstein, 87 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony
Andrew Becker, 85 Millerville, MN St. Catherine
Evelyn Kronk, 92 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s
Loren Schumm, 79 St. Michael, MN St. Michael
Donald Breeggemann, 82
Marystown, MN St. Anthony
Gloria Meyer, 51 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface
Marie Scharber, 69 Rogers, MN Mary Queen of Peace
Jerry Bottema, 70 Zimmerman, MN Christ Our Light
Joanne Krueger, 81 Winsted, MN Holy Family
Elaine Selke, 80 Elba, MN St. Aloysius
Bernice Bretz, 86 Osakis, MN Immaculate Conception
John Niebur, 79 Hampton, MN St. Mathias
Nancy Schaus, 71 St. Peter, MN St. Peter’s
Leon Bushard, 78 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary
Raymond Kunz, 97 Madelia, MN St. Joseph
Marion Spanier, 73 Roscoe, MN Holy Family
Lanita Butkowski, 63 St. Rosa, MN St. Rose
Milton Nietfeld, 80 Melrose, MN Ss. Bernard/Elizabeth
Florentine Schefers, 87 St. Cloud, MN St. Augustine
Scott Chida, 49 Albany, MN St. Joseph
Bertha Lang, 90 Albany, MN St. Anna
Leo Stein, 83 Chokio, MN St. Pius
Earl Dehn, 85 Anoka, MN St. Stephen
Thomas Nimis, 74 St. Paul, MN Ss. Peter & Clemens
Elmer Scheid, 90 New Ulm, MN St. Mary
Francis Dauer, 85 New Ulm, MN St. Mary
Alice Lueck, 85 Winsted, MN Holy Family
Harold Strei, 86 Rosen, MN Ss. Anthony, Monica
Gary Diethelm, 64 Victoria, MN St. Victoria
Walter Nytes, 85 Union Hill, MN St. John
Mary Ann Schmitt, 76 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph
William Eckstein, 77 Alexandria, MN Our Lady/Runestone
Jeanette Meyer, 58 Minneapolis, MN St. Ann’s
Allen Thell, 79 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony
Regina Dobmeier, 92 St. Francis, MN St. Francis
Dolores Olson, 84 Perham, MN Holy Family
Urban Spanier, 86 Spring Hill, MN St. Michael
Lorraine Evens, 83 St. Joseph, MN St. Joseph
Victoria Miller, 74 St. Augusta, MN St. Mary
Rose Traen, 84 St. Leo, MN St. Leo
Delores Frieler, 84 New Munich, MN Immaculate Conception
David Ostendorf, 24 Albany, MN St. Joseph
Estelle Spoden, 94 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony
Rose Fiecke, 87 Winsted, MN Holy Family
John Minchow, 36 Murdock, MN Sacred Heart
George Walter, 91 Clements, MN St. Joseph
Elizabeth Herold, 91 Lacrosse, WI St. James the Less
Albert Peichel, 97 St. George, MN St. George
Annella Hoffmann, 77 Winsted, MN Holy Family
Andrew Penning, 90 Stacyville, IA Visitation
Bertha Hofland, 91 Perham, MN Holy Family
Eugene Piontek, 79 Wabeno, WI St. Ambrose
Boniface Stoermann, 82 Mary Fischer, 90 Veronica Minnerath, 85 Holdingford, MN Cold Spring, MN St. Paul, MN St. Joseph St. Boniface Ss. Peter & Clemens Victor Stolpman, 88 John Nephew, 61 Joseph Gillen, 84 Rosen, MN Duluth, MN Faribault, MN Ss. Anthony/Monica Ss. Lawrence & Anna Roger Vanheel, 70 Gerald Hackenmueller, 76 Paul Nosbusch, 76 Melrose, MN St. Leo, MN St. Michael, MN Ss. Bernard/Elizabeth St. Leo St. Michael
Gerald Hopman, 79 Kandiyohi, MN St. Francis of Assisi
Anna Proell, 80 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony
Audrey Welter, 69 St. Michael, MN St. Michael
Edward Hemmesch, 91 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph
Lawrence Ostendorf, 85 Roland Yankowiak, 87 Pine City, MN Freeport, MN Immaculate Conception Sacred Heart
Dolores Imdieke, 77 Meire Grove, MN St. John
Diane Radke, 66 Hastings, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Mary Jo Weseli, 84 Rice Lake, WI St. Joseph’s
Marion Hoffmann, 90 Lucan, MN Our Lady of Victory
Geraldine Rauen, 90 Waconia, MN St. Joseph
Stanley Johnson, 87 St. Cloud, MN St. Augustine
Glorine Raeker, 81 Freeport, MN Sacred Heart
Rev. Joseph Keefe, 65 Winona, MN Queen of Peace
George Reiling, 95 St. Paul, MN Ss. Anthony/Maria Hilf
Lawrence Willenbring, 91 Friedericka Hollermann, 96 Cold Spring, MN St. Cloud, MN St. Boniface St. Augustine Mary Wilson, 78 Lucille Jansen, 93 Holdingford, MN Sauk Centre, MN St. Joseph St. Paul
Terry Johnson, 55 Wadena, MN St. Joseph
Ida Schaefer, 99 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface
Orville Kleinschmidt, 88 William Scherer, 76 Rogers, MN Sauk Centre, MN Mary Queen of Peace Our Lady of Angels
Alvin Welle, 81 Sauk Centre, MN Our Lady of Angels Hildegard Willems, 92 St. Paul, MN Ss. Peter & Clemens Gloria Wren, 69 Bloomington, MN Ss. Ann & Wendelinus
Lambert Renneberg, 88 Wadena, MN St. Joseph Leona Salfer, 97 Mankato, MN Holy Family
July/August 2012
! t h g i l gh
Sunday, September 16
ell, it certainly feels good to be a fraternal employee at Catholic United Financial after the fantastic Gather4Good event we held back in June. You won’t find a big feature story about it in this issue of Journey, but our editor assures me the September/October edition is not to be missed in terms of Gather4Good coverage. Let me tell you a little bit about it now, to prime the pump, so to speak. It was a beautiful day at Cedar Lake Farm in New Prague, Minn., where more than 200 people came out to enjoy some live music, perfect weather and free food. Most importantly, everyone was there to pack 1,500 care kits to be distributed to the needy throughout Catholic United’s territory. In our last issue of Journey, we wrote a bit about what would go into these kits and how we were going to use them. We couldn’t have guessed how quickly our efforts would be put to use! Just three days after our event, a couple hundred of them were sent to the Duluth area to provide a little comfort for the victims of flash flooding there. (Read more about that on page 7.) Another 200 kits were distributed to the Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women, and 75 more to the Belle Plaine Food Shelf. We are coordinating distribution of the remaining kits to local homeless shelters in the coming weeks. In addition to donating their time, we’re also asking councils and individuals to donate to Gather4Good in 2012. So far we’ve raised about
July/August 2012
$6,800! Each kit costs about $7.50, so those donations will provide enough for almost 1,000 Care Kits! We’re not done yet. If you’re interested in supporting our next event, visit our Foundation’s website at www. catholicunitedfinancial.org/links/foundation. Speaking of our next event... On September 16th, we will be gathering for good at Lion’s Park in Albertville, MN. This event is open to everyone who is interested in showing a little love to our neighbors in need. We start the kit building at 11:00 a.m. sharp. Once again, there will be live music, free food and lots of fun for kids of all ages. We simply ask that you register online by September 10, at www. catholicunited.org/links/gather4good so we make sure there is enough food. Hope to see you there! Above: Inside the Gather4Good “big top” tent, participants worked their way down the assembly line to put together Care Kits. Right: A young participant helps build an impressive pile of finished kits next to the Catholic United Response trailer. The first Gather4Good event produced 1,500 Care Kits. Join us on September 16 in Albertville to put together 1,500 more!
Catholic United Kids
Cool Kid
Name: Jordan Imdieke Age: 11 Hometown: St. Cloud, Minn. School: St. Katherine Drexel The Jive on Jordan: This month’s Cool Kid is Jordan Imdieke from St. Cloud, Minn. Jordan is a fun-loving kid who is always looking for something active to do. He lives with his mom, dad, three brothers (Jonathan, Joshua and Jacob) and his dog Daisy. He enjoys playing sports, especially baseball, football and basketball. When he’s not playing ball, he likes to draw and make inventions. Enjoy the rest of the summer, Jordan, and congratulations! Be the September/October Cool Kid! Fill out the puzzles on this page as best you can and submit them to Our Catholic Journey. One winner will get a Catholic United prize pack! Include your information, as seen above, a photo (can be returned) and a phone number. Send to: Catholic United Kids, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126.
Catholic United Kids
Amazing Saints artwork and games ©2011 Mario D. Macari. All rights reserved. mario@incrediblesaints.com
july/august 2012
ye on the Industry Your sneak peek into current trends of the fraternal life insurance industry
People who seek help more likely to save Did you know about the “silver tsunami”? It’s the term that the media are using for the fact that for the next 18 years, 10,000 American Baby Boomers will reach age 65 every day. A majority of people who will be part of that “tsunami” (those within a couple of years of retirement age) tell the insurance industry organization, LIMRA, that they do not feel financially prepared for retirement, and
only one in three believe they have saved enough to get by. Risks facing this age group include the possibility of outliving their retirement income. So, what are the factors that influence greater retirement planning and saving? A study conducted by LIMRA in late 2011 concludes that respondents who sought out professional help for their retirement savings plans saved more than people who managed their financial plans
on their own. LIMRA reports that 61 percent of people who receive professional help with their finances save for retirement. Of the people who didn’t seek professional help, only 38 percent were saving for retirement. Getting professional advice makes the difference in retirement savings. Consider calling your Catholic United Sales Representative today. Source: www.LIMRA.com, July 2012
July / August Catholic Crossword Across 1 Committing money to 6 Famous film critic who is a Catholic, Roger ____ 9 Pope’s representatives 10 Downfall of Samson
14 15 18 19 21
Roman cloak Heisman Trophy winner who is a Catholic, Vinny ____ Government website ending Comic actor, ___ Romano who is a Catholic “Miracle on ice” winners
22 23 24 26 28 29
Educational institution Italian “but” The R in R.C. Poems of praise Regrets Discover 31 Rink surface 32 Good to go, for short 33 Actress, Meg ____ who is a Catholic 34 Solemnly promise 37 Actor who starred in “Ocean’s Eleven,” George ___, who is a Catholic 38 Actor, Danny ____ who is a Catholic 39 “___ Hur” classic movie 40 _____ Ronan, actress who starred in “Atonement” who is a Catholic 41 Strayed
1 First name of the founder of the Society of Jesus 2 Singer who sang the album “V” _____ Hudgens, who is a Catholic July/August 2012
3 Travel on snow 4 Company action to give investors a chance to invest in it (2 words) 5 Jehovah 6 Sushi food 7 Speech of praise 8 Part of a wedding vow (5 words) 11 She was tempted by the serpent 12 Tech department 13 Back in time 16 Saint Francis of ____ 17 The territorial jurisdiction of a bishop 20 In the sky 23 The human race 25 Stronger 27 Ordained ministers 30 State of sanctification by God 32 Writer who was a Catholic, Graham ____ 35 __ , the people 36 Interested in 38 Fleur __ lis 39 To stay the same Solution posted at www.catholicunitedfinancial.org/ links/games www.catholicunitedfinancial.org
Sales Representatives in Your Area Roger Bauer, FIC
651-437-6026 rbauer@catholicunited.org Hastings, Cannon Falls
Michael Gross, FIC 651-641-1740 mgross@catholicunited.org Mahtomedi, St. Paul, Roseville Gail Hakes, PMP
Mary Harens, FIC
651-295-2040 mharens@catholicunited.org St. Paul area
Mary Holm, FICF 715-218-7522 mholm@catholicunited.org Wausau & surrounding area
507-254-7471 ghakes@catholicunited.org Owatonna, Austin and surrounding area
Rick Mathiowetz, FIC
Jaime Hansen
Jeff Passe, LUTCF 651-955-2453 jpasse@catholicunited.org Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Stillwater
507-459-2669 jhansen@catholicunited.org Winona, Rollingstone, Stockton
Scott County
Catholic United Financial can assist you with your estate plan, for free! A quality estate plan makes your final financial wishes known. No matter the size of your assets, you can put an estate plan together with Catholic United Financial to ensure that your estate will benefit the people and charities that matter to you. Catholic United Financial offers a free estate planning course led by John Tetzloff, our Advanced Case Specialist. During this 45-minute seminar, John outlines common estate planning principles and steps to take to get yourself ready for a meeting with a lawyer or tax advisor. There’s no hard sell at this seminar, just time-tested advice. You’ll want to take notes. Questions are encouraged. Bring an estate planning seminar to your parish. Call your local Sales Representative listed above to schedule a date, time and location for this important and free seminar. news@catholicunited.org
Jeff Plank, FIC 507-457-0413 jplank@catholicunited.org Wabasha, Rollingstone Roger Reitmaier, FIC 507-454-4979 rreitmaier@catholicunited.org Winona, St. Charles Susan Stenzel
ChFC, LUTCF, FIC 507-282-1793 sstenzel@catholicunited.org Rochester, Adams
Jim Suek
612-788-8051 jsuek@catholicunited.org Blaine, Brooklyn Park, Forest Lake
Robb Smith, FIC
715-645-2730 rsmith@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, East
Regional Events Aug. 20-21 – Minnesota Catholic Education Association Convention, Rochester, Minn. Catholic United Financial is sponsoring a booth and seminar at the bi-annual MCEA Convention at the Mayo Civic Center. We’ll be sharing tips on school fundraising using Catholic United products and programs. Ask your priest, Catholic school teacher or religious education director to stop by our booth for a free gift. Sept. 16 – Gather4Good Community Event at Central Park (Lions Park) in Albertville, Minn. Help assemble 3,000 care kits for the needy, enjoy a picnic lunch, face painting, musical entertainment and more. Visit www.catholicunited.org/links/ gather4good to register. July/August 2012
3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098
More than 1,900 potential new members submitted...Can we reach 3,000 by 2013? A summer lull? No way! Our members decided to make July one of the biggest months of the entire year for the Membership Drive. And, thanks to their participation, we’re going to reach our goal of 2,000 potential members referred LONG before Labor Day. Does sending in more than one qualified referral increase your chances of winning the monthly iPad drawing? Just ask our past winners. You can see some of their pic-
tures on the “false” cover of this magazine. Miriam Johnson of Pipestone, Minn., won the first iPad drawing of the year. She sent in 36 qualified referrals. Mary Weidert of Lismore, Minn., won an iPad in May after sending in six qualified referrals. Our most recent winner, Kelly Minten of Shoreview, Minn., won after sending in 15 qualified referrals. Additionally, everyone who submits a referral, including our iPad winners, can still win our cash and gift card prizes at the end of the year. To submit a referral, fill out the card on the cover of this magazine and drop it in the mail. Or, referrals can be submitted online at www. catholicunited.org/links/ drive2012. We’re also collecting referrals at our Gather4Good event in Albertville, Minn., in September.
Tally: Top 5 Councils* 1. Holy Rosary, Detroit Lakes 2. St. Michael, St. Michael 3. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Rockville 4. St. John Bosco, Pipestone 5. SS Joseph & Mary, Eden Valley as of July 20, 2012
Tally: Top 5 Individuals* 1. Julia Knauss 2. Miriam Johnson 3. Dennis & Vera Ebensteiner 4. Monique Kramer 5. Jean Walz
as of July 20, 2012
*Tallies reflect total qualified referrals submitted and have no bearing on the cash prize awards to be given at the end of the year. See www.catholicunited.org/links/drive2012 for official rules.
Catholic United Financial Fraternal Results through July, 2012
$ 1 9 0 ,3 4 1.6 2
$ 1 5 0 ,1 9 8.0 5 4 0 ,1 4 3.5 7 Matched: $
Raised By Councils:
Hours Volunteered: 1 1 ,1 1 1