Our Catholic Journey May-June 2012

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Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic May/June 2012

Vol. 117 Issue 3

This Summer Gather4Good Mission Accomplished? Catholic United Response Pay yourself forward: new product launch

Winona Priest leaves lasting gift

From the President

“...if the youth are drawn away from their faith through the easy path of our worldly community, that community is the path back to faith.” Over these 15 years of Journey columns, I have written often about our youth and the future of the Church. We all have a clear understanding of what it takes to keep the young 0-18 set interested in the Catholic Church. Take them to Mass, receive the sacraments, educate them through the Catholic catechism, and set an example of how good Christians should live their life. When it comes to “young adults,” things seem to change. They are not as receptive to the “old ways” and the rich traditions of our Faith. They want to know “why?” They are easily influenced by the world as they leave the comfort of our homes. They are often reaching for more, not always sure what that “more” is, but searching for the inner truth that explains life, especially their own lives. Recently, I received a mailer from Saint Paul’s Outreach that graphically proves this point. Part of the literature included a story of a young man heading off to St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn., just a few blocks from where I spent my youth. Eric tells us he was raised in a very Catholic household by wonderful parents who helped guide him in his faith. As he left for college, he was “ready to face the challenges of faith on his own.” St. Olaf, a Lutheran college, has 400-500 Catholics on campus so Eric was not alone. However, he tells us that, “Within two years, my faith was gone. I doubted Catholicism and the reality of faith.” As you would expect, Eric rekindled his Catholicism and faith through Saint Paul’s Outreach, an on-campus ministry program that brings Catholics together to encourage and strengthen their faith through prayer, worship and camaraderie. Earlier this spring, Bishop John Quinn of the Diocese of Winona, Minn., — a good friend of


May/June 2012

Catholic United Financial — was interviewed on EWTN about the youth of his diocese. The Bishop said of the youth: “They’re looking for the truth. One of them said to me ‘Bishop, just tell us the truth. Don’t sugarcoat it. We want to know what the truth is.’ And someone else said to me, ‘You know, Bishop, we’ve been told so many lies throughout the culture and by other people. Just give us the truth.’” Bishop Quinn quoted Pope Benedict when he mentioned that they must “swim against our culture” in order to teach clearly on controversial subjects. The Pope encouraged the young people to escape the “prisons of relativism.” He completed his remarks with a prediction that “the next generation of Catholics will have a much richer, more sacramental and much more beautiful appreciation for the gift of human sexuality, if they are given a clear and truthful presentation of the Church’s vision.” A friend of mine gave me a book to read recently, The Only Necessary Thing. Living a Prayerful Life. The book is composed of the thoughts and prayers of Henri J. M. Nouwen. We all realize that if we prayed more, we could come closer to Christ. And if the youth wanted to learn the truth, they would find it in Christ. Prayer is the best way to bring Him closer. This is a simple yet profound truth. However, Henri Nouwen brings an additional perspective when he writes about community. It makes sense that if the youth are drawn away from their faith through the easy path of our worldly community, that community is the path back to faith. In his words, “Many people tend to associate prayer with separation from others, but prayer brings us closer to our fellow human beings.” This is a concept that Saint Paul’s Outreach has come to understand and we at Catholic United Financial have learned through our fraternal activities. No one truly wants to be alone on the road of life. It’s a lonely road without faith. May God bless you in every way.


Contents Features



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8 11 14

Mission Accomplished? A year into the Catholic United Response mission, what have we learned? See how Catholic United is finding its niche, and where it is.

Here We Go Again!

Gather4Good was as big a success story as any in 2010. It’s back again and aiming to best its production by ten times!

$125,000 Question

If you could leave your parish $125,000, would you? See how a Sales Rep and a priest made it happen.




7 16

New Product Launch

Single Premium Whole LIfe product will help a lot of people in the coming years.

Keys to Your Kingdom

Guest Columnist Margaret Cronin takes the writer’s desk this month, with tips on estate planning.


11 On the Cover Photo: Bob Pearle Photography

A blast from the past for the members who modeled for us! Beautiful days like the one the Clyde family of St. Paul, Minn., enjoyed in 2009 look to be returning soon. Have a great summer!





Board Minutes including the full report of the

Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic May/June 2012

Vol. 117 Issue 3

This Summer Gather4Good Mission Accomplished? Catholic United Response Pay yourself forward: new product launch

Winona Priest leaves lasting gift

Publication No. 093500 Official Publication of Catholic United Financial




Read news tidbits and see member photos.

In loving memory of our deceased members.

Constitution Committee.

Catholic United Financial President/Chairman Michael F. McGovern, Northfield Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann, St. Paul Board of Directors Lead Director Frances M. Barten, Union Hill; George Gmach, Rogers; Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Deborah M. Pauly, Jordan; Robert Krattenmaker, New London; Michael Schmitz, Mankato Magazine Staff: Publisher Michael F. McGovern Editor Jared Roddy Staff Susan Detlefsen, Michelle Clark Director of Marketing Steve Wendorf Office of Publication: Catholic United Financial, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 551268098; 651-490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Published bimonthly.

May/June 2012



A R.E.Newable source of donations

Mankato member honored with Bishop’s medal In appreciation for his dedicated service to the Church of the Holy Rosary in North Mankato, Minn., Charlie Stamp was awarded the New Ulm Diocese Bishop’s Medal for Service. Charlie is a member of the Holy Family Council in Mankato, Minn., and received his citation in recognition of his years of service. Stamp, an alumnus of Loyola Catholic Schools (Class of ’51), is an ongoing supporter of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. He shares his talent as a professional painter completing projects in the church, rectory and school. Congratulations on a well-deserved honor, Charlie.

Checks are unexpectedly arriving for Catholic educators everywhere, thanks to the R.E.New Fund for Catholic Religious Education. Sales Rep Dave Ehlert (center) recently dropped in on St. Mary’s School in Melrose, Minn., with checks for both Religious Education Coordinator Deb Douglas and St. Mary’s School Principal Robert Doyle.

Raffle Feedback

Generosity in Bird Island St. Mary’s Council in Bird Island, Minn., has been busy supporting the local St. Mary’s Catholic School. Council Secretary Sue Ebbers (on left) recently delivered matching grant and technology grant checks to Principal Tracy Bertrand.

Dear Mr. McGovern: On behalf of the entire Rapid City Catholic School System community, please accept our gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the recent [Catholic United] Raffle. Not only will the $39,655 allow our school community to purchase much needed technology equipment but was instrumental in bringing our whole school community together for a common cause. We look forward to continuing to partner with you next year. Thank you, sincerely, for your support of Catholic Education... Barb Honeycutt Superintendent Rapid City Catholic Schools

The Verdict: do it again next year!

Tentative Annual Convention Schedule Posted!

Visit www.catholicunitedfinancial.org/links/convention to see this year’s schedule


May/June 2012


How to Contact your Sales Representative: Look on the back cover of this magazine. Your Sales Representative’s name and contact information should be listed with yours. Or, visit www.catholicunitedfinancial.org, or call 1-800-568-6670.

Well-traveled in Wisconsin...

Mary Holm, Sales Representative to the area around Wausau, Wisc., did her best St. Nicholas imitation over the holidays in 2011, by delivering presents like MinisTREE checks, technology grants and R.E.New Fund donations. She visited Sacred Heart School in Shawano (below), St. Matthew in Wausau, (right) and St. Rose of Lima Church in Cadott to spread a little Christmas cheer.

We can prepare them, we have the technology! Students at St. Henry’s School in Perham, Minn., will get a leg up on learning in the digital age this year, with help from a $500 technology grant from the Catholic United Financial Foundation. Below, Sales Rep Becky King delivers the grant to St. Henry’s Principal Jason Smith.

IRAs for the young ones

A sound investment in the future Like many others, Jerry and Mary Weidert of St. Kilian, Minn., often bought savings bonds for their grandchildren as presents. But according to Mary, they were getting expensive and weren’t offering a very good interest rate. They wanted something that would grow with their grandkids, and something they could add to for Christmas, birthdays and other special milestones. The Weiderts say they’ve seen the benefits Catholic United brings to their community of St. Kilians, and they’ve both been members for more than 50 years. So when they decided to open IRAs for all 24 of their grandchildren, they contacted Catholic United Sales Rep Sara Bartosh. What a great gift idea! Catholic United IRAs can be opened with just $25, and can grow and last a lifetime!


May/June 2012


Extending a welcome to new board members Leadership was a major focus of the 11th annual meeting of members of the Catholic United Financial Credit Union on May 17. Held at the Home Office, credit union members elected a new board member, re-elected an incumbent, and were introduced to new board appointees. The Board took a moment to recognize outgoing Vice Chair Bernard (Bernie) Bastian for his service to the credit union since its founding in 2001. Bastian brought invaluable expertise to the board drawing from his 50 years of experience in the banking and financial services fields. Board member Mary Harens was elected to serve in the position of Vice Chair. Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann was re-elected to a second term on the board. Borrmann is also Senior Vice President, Secretary/

Treasurer of Catholic United Financial. Members elected Eugene Lieser to his first term on the board. Lieser is a founding member of the credit union, a former president of St. Stephen’s Catholic United Council, a former member of the Home Office Fraternal Advisory Council and a member of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church for more than 30 years. The Board has appointed three new directors from the St. Cloud area as part of the merger with Catholic Credit Union that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2012. James Wensel has been appointed to a three-year term. Wensel is a resident of Rice, Minn. and is currently employed by Stearns Insurance Services. A member of Sacred Heart Parish in Sauk Rapids, Minn., James is also an active volunteer with the

Make a Wish Foundation. Board appointee Jody Kapphahn is a resident of St. Cloud, and a member of St. Michael’s Parish. He is currently Coordinator of Buildings and Grounds for Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica Convent in St. Cloud. He will serve a two-year term. Michael Wilhelmson resides in Motley, Minn., and works in the fraternal insurance industry. He has achieved the Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow (FICF) industry credentials. He is a member of St. Michael’s Church of Motley. Wilhelmson will serve a one-year term. Thank you to our board members for serving the credit union in this way.

Our ‘free checking’ is still free Is the “free” checking account at your bank still free, or has “free” become more expensive? Our checking accounts have no monthly fees, no per-check fees and no minimum balance. Accounts with average daily balances over $500 are eligible to earn dividends! Contact us today to learn more, or apply for membership online at www.catholicunitedcu.org.






New whole life policy available from Catholic United Financial Catholic United Financial is proud to anproduct because this combined some of the nounce the debut of a new life insurance pol- best benefits of both with the cash value icy in the company’s roster of strong, consergrowth and death benefit of whole life,” vative insurance and financial products. Schisler says. Catholic United is now offering Single “This is a great tool for passing large sums Premium Whole Life. on to heirs,” John Tetzloff says. John is A type of permanent life insurance, Single Catholic United’s Advanced Case Specialist Premium Whole Life offers policy owners and Trainer.“If you want to leverage your dolthe benefits of whole life insurance. A single lars to create an income tax-free benefit for premium is paid at issue, and the policy proyour heirs, this is a good product for you.” vides protection for the member’s lifetime. “Single Premium Whole Life is for someLife other Whole Life products, Catholic one who wants one premium payment, wants United’s Single guarantees and a poliPremium Whole Life cy that they know will We want to give the has a guaranteed death be there in the future, benefit (which would be best benefit for the price no matter what hapreceived by the policy’ pens,” Schisler says. to our members, and beneficiary free of in“If they have money come tax) and a guaranthis product offers an sitting in a CD or inteed cash value. It is vestment that is earnexcellent cash value also eligible to earn diving a return on a taxidends based on comable basis to their build-up in a time of pany performance and heirs, they should low interest rates. other factors. Dividends look into the benefits can be used to provide of Single Premium Paid-Up Additions; they can also be received Whole Life.” in cash or left with the policy to accumulate at NOTE: According to our understanding of interest. Internal Revenue Service regulations, policy Sales Director Tom Schisler says that the loans or dividend options other than Paidtime is right to offer Single Premium Whole Up Additions under our Single Premium Life to Catholics. “We want to give the best Whole Life plan may create income tax libenefit for the price to our members and this abilities for the policy owner. product offers an excellent cash value buildCatholic United Financial is not permitted up in a time of low interest rates.” to give tax or legal advice. If you apply for Knowing that this type of whole life policy our Single Premium Whole Life plan, please is popular in the market right now, Catholic carefully read the Modified Endowment United leaders want to offer it to members Contract Disclosure you ill receive from who are looking to purchase it from a comyour Sales Representative. Consult pany that they know and trust. your personal tax or legal adviSingle Premium Whole Life is “the missing sor for information about your link between an annuity and a life insurance specific situation.

Insurance terms to remember Cash Value: The amount of money which the certificate owner will receive if the certificate owner cancels the coverage and returns the certificate to the insurer. Face Amount: The amount stated in the certificate as payable at the death of the insured or at the maturity of the certificate. Premium: The payment, or one of a series of payments, required by the insurer to put an insurance policy in force or to keep it in force. news@catholicunited.org

May/June 2012



It’s a Family Affair 14th Annual Foundation Golf Tournament follows tradition of success The 14th annual Catholic United Financial Golf Grove. Foundation grants made possible by the Tournament was not only a success but it was a family generous support of the event sponsors, golfers, affair. Joining many of our long-time sponsors like volunteers and donors will be distributed to 21st Century Bank and Preferred One, were some new Catholic schools in October and February to aid sponsors and families. More than $27,000 was netted in their work educating our Catholic youth. More from proceeds to be distributed to support Technology information about the Golf Tournament (including and Chastity Education grants for our Catholic schools. event pictures), grant applications, and a link to Fr. Tom Thompson, new Foundation Board Spiritual make your own gift to support the Foundation’s Director, sponsored two of his brothers to join him critical work can be found at our website, www. in a beautiful day of golf. No fewer than eight of catholicunited.org under the Foundation link. the 121 golfers shared the last name of Sales Representative Dave Stang and made up two formidable foursomes on the links. Other family representation included Father and Son team Tom and Ryan Boerboom, along with Jon and Tom Dolphin representing sponsor 21st Century Bank, Dave and Tom Bramwell from MECA Sportswear, and Dean and Dennis Warta from Catholic United Financial. In addition, playing but still assisting was recently retired Foundation Director Paul Naumann. The 15th Annual Catholic United Financial Top: River Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove, Minn., rolled out the red carpet for a day Golf Tournament will be played on May 20, on the greens. Above left: President Mike McGovern and Mark Zeman, president of golf 2013, at River Oaks Golf Course in Cottage cart sponsor Zeman Construction on their way to the tee. Above Right: Assistant Sr. Vice President Deb Gephart (in red) with participants from RJF Agencies.

Thank You to all our Sponsors! 21st Century Bank Preferred One Leonard, Street & Deinard Zeman Construction Catholic United Financial Heidorn Consulting, Inc. MECA/SAMCO Sportswear Inc. Wells Fargo Institutional Trust Services Advantus Capital Management Mike and Ann McGovern Business Data Records Fr. Thomas Thompson, Foundation Spiritual Director


May/June 2012

Resolution Graphics Stearns Bank Miller & Newberg, Inc. Deborah Pauly - Board Member Immaculate Conception Council David Zenk Dennis Olson - Board Member Flip Spanier - Board Member Optimum Re-Insurance Our Lady of Grace Council Securian Retirement Services SS Joseph & Elizabeth Council St. Mary Help of Christians Council Stifel Nicolaus

Sunrise Community Banks - William Reiling Catholic United Financial Credit Union Deb Gephart Plum Tree Solutions Roger Bauer St. Joseph Council St. Mary’s Council St. Mathias Council St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council Greg Steele


Here We Go Again! It was ambitious, difficult, time-consuming and completely new. Planners of the event had no idea if two people would show up, or two-hundred. The only thing they knew for certain was that they wanted to bring the fraternal aspect of Catholic United — service and volunteerism — to center stage. From that acorn of an idea grew Gather4Good. And once again in 2012, Catholic United will host two large-scale volunteer opportunities, in New Prague, Minn., on June 24, and in Albertville, Minn., on September 16. Everyone is invited to attend for lunch, games, music and most importantly, service. This year’s project is different than the care packages created for soldiers in 2010, we’ll be putting together hygiene kits for disaster victims and people in need. “Growing our membership and telling our story are probably our two highest priorities, right now,” President Michael McGovern says. “We recognize that our delegates are already our most loyal customers. So we’re organizing Gather4Good again to get out into the community more and create some excitement.” Gathering the Good In its first iteration, after striking on the idea of a large-scale service project, Catholic United decided to invite every Catholic who cared

Catholic United’s 2010 Gather4Good attracted families from all around the New Ulm and Sauk Rapids, Minn., areas. Top: Volunteers gather supplies to pack boxes in New Ulm. Above: making space for goodies, a Sauk Rapids volunteer completes a care package. May/June 2012


June 24 t 1 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. n e Cedar Lake Farm Ev New Prague, Minn.

G 4 G

to donate a few hours. We provided a picnic lunch, music, games and the materials to put together care packages for soldiers serving overseas. More than 700 people attended the events in New Ulm, Minn., and Sauk Rapids, Minn., in 2010, and packed more than 300 shoebox-sized packages for distribution to all branches of the military. Director of Fraternal Kathleen Moriarty says they wanted to bring Catholic families together to work on something that everyone could appreciate. “In 2010, it was the tremendous service our military does for our nation,” she says. “When we started planning for 2012, we had that as a great model to build on.” The 2010 Gather4Good was a success by all measures. It was only a short while after the conclusion of the first Gather4Good that Moriarty and McGovern agreed that in 2012 — McGovern’s final year as president — another round of large-scale service projects would be in the offing. Now, with 2010’s success as a guide, Moriarty’s Fraternal department will raise the bar. “This year, we set our goals much higher. We’d like to see more attendees, and we’ve set a goal of building 3,000 kits, compared with 300 in 2010,” Moriarty says. “We’re also expanding our focus to help those in need closer to home.” Increasing the footprint The materials, location, and coordination of the event are once again to be paid for and managed by Catholic United. But the enthusiasm and elbow grease will come from hundreds of volunteers. Many volunteers from the first installment were attracted by the notion of helping our men and women at arms. But as the wars in the Middle East begin to wind down, Moriarty and Fraternal Youth Liaison Nate Lamusga wanted to cast a wider net. “The military care packages were a huge hit,” Lamusga says. “But with all the people affected by The assembly-line process (seen here in New Ulm, Minn.) will be repeated with some adjustments in 2012 — our goal is to put together ten times as many kits as 2010!


May/June 2012

natural disasters last year, and the great response we saw to that, we thought maybe we could focus on helping those most in need this year.” Care packages this year will look very different from the “shoeboxes“ stuffed by volunteers two years ago. To begin with, fabric drawstring bags will be the containers, easier to carry, stuff into a locker or re-use. The kits will focus on hygiene products: soap, toothpaste, toothbrush (see sidebar for complete list of contents.) Depending on the destination, the bags for assembling the kits will also be distinct: highly-visible neon green for disaster victims; less conspicuous black for individuals in shelters. The green disaster kits will go to the Catholic United Response team for distribution during natural disasters, while the black bags will be donated to local homeless shelters. Bringing home the builders One of the attractions of the 2010 care package event was the fact that the beneficiaries were our men and women in uniform. Edith Daniels of Sartell, Minn., said it was a significant factor in her deciding to participate. “I decided to come mainly because it’s a way of helping out our servicemen and women, giving them a little bit of extra joy when they receive their packages,” Daniels said. “I’d never been a part of anything like this before and I thought I’d try it. And I like it.” With soldiers returning from Middle East conflicts and more emphasis being placed on problems closer to home, Catholic United organizers expect many Catholics will still hear the call and help. “There’s need everywhere,” McGovern says. “And as we saw with Catholic United Response — our disaster response group — there’s almost no limit to what people will give when they get the opportunity.” Gather4Good will offer volunteers the chance to make a significant impact in the lives of thousands of people. Dignity is something everyone deserves. The 3,000 care packages we hope to assemble will help


individuals reclaim some of that dignity, and we hope, help them return to the lives they once knew. The events this year will be held at locations capable of hosting hundreds. So no matter where you live, you are invited! Join fellow members and other conscientious Catholics as we gather for the chance to do some good for an afternoon. As always, we’ll provide food and fun for the kids, and all the supplies you need to make an impact in someone’s life. Go online today to www.catholicunited.org or www.facebook.com/ catholicunited and sign up to join us on either June 24 in New Prague, or September 16, in Albertville. There’s no better way to introduce your family to the joys of service than to do it an event like this where we aim not only to serve, but to celebrate.


The 2012 Gather4Good Kit contains: Drawstring Bag Washcloth Hand Towel Shampoo Conditioner Body Lotion Bar Soap

Soap Box Deodorant Stick Hair Comb Hairbrush Facial Tissues Emery Board Shave Gel

Razor Toothbrush Toothbrush Cover Toothpaste Mouthwash

We’re not doing it just to serve, but to celebrate! Gather4Good events will cater to the whole family and include fun activities for everyone. The 2010 events featured hayrides in Sauk Rapids, Minn., (above, center). Participants, like those in New Ulm, below, will also be treated to a picnic lunch.

Event 2

September 16 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Central Park Albertville, Minn. news@catholicunited.org

May/June 2012


Beautiful Life Beautiful Gift Generous donors, an energetic Sales Representative and a committed priest made plans more than a decade ago to benefit Catholic institutions of the Diocese of Winona using life insurance and deferred giving. With the passing of beloved pastor and friend Father Joe Keefe at the young age of 65 of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), the result of that careful planning is a beautiful gift. by Roger Reitmaier, FIC

council still exists today and has never missed a I first met Father Joe Keefe when he was the pastor of monthly meeting, not-withSt. Mary’s Church of Rushford, Minn., in the late 1980s. I standing summer. told him the [Catholic United] story, how we were estabI told Father Joe of the fraterlished in 1878 to provide life insurance to German eminal programs, like the Matching grant Catholics. Back then many commercial insurance Grant Program to benefit parish companies carried a bias against others of different ethschools and religious education nic or religious backgrounds. So 10 independent German programs. Catholic fraternals came together in 1878 to form one orFather Joe tuned in to what I was ganization, one of which was right here in Winona, saying and soon took ownership of it. formed 12 years before the Association in 1866. This He took out an insurance policy on his life to benefit the Winona Diocese priests’ retirement fund. When he was assigned to St. Mary’s Parish [in Winona] by Bishop Vlazny in the mid 1990s, Father Joe brought his fondness for Catholic United Financial with him. Not long after Father Joe arrived he wholeheartedly endorsed the idea of a council at St. Mary’s. In 1997 a brand new council was formed, the Queen of Peace council; it remains very active to this day. In late 1998, I approached him to gauge his support for a deferred gift of life insurance on his life to benefit the Catholic Schools Foundation of Winona. The idea was well received. Father gave me the names of some St. Mary’s parishioners to contact. Letters were sent, signed by the pastors of all Winona Catholic churches, supporting the idea. A few months later, an initial group of seven Taken in 1999, this photo shows donor Dave Arnold, Father Joe Keefe people provided pledges to give to the policy over a and Sales Representative Roger Reitmaier holding the $100,000 life five-year period. insurance policy that would benefit Catholic institutions after Father Joe’s passing in March. That group was augmented by five more families


May/June 2012


In April, Sales Representative Roger Reitmaier presented checks for $125,000 to Megan Sadowski, development director for the Catholic Schools Foundation of Winona, the result of deferred gifts in the name of Father Joe. Friends, family members of Father Joe Keefe and parishioners of St. Mary’s of Winona, Minn., gathered to celebrate Father Joe’s life on April 24. Reitmaier presented Father Jim Berning (right) with a $25,000 check, a sum generated by a deferred gift of life insurance in Father Joe’s name.

over the next three years. Enough funding was provided by these generous parishioners to secure a $100,000 policy. A few years later, a salt-of-the-earth Winona-area farming couple, also St. Mary’s parishioners who have since passed away, wanted to leave a legacy to their church. I assisted them in taking out another policy on Father Joe’s life for $50,000; one-half of the death benefit would benefit their parish, and the other half was to benefit the Catholic Schools Foundation of Winona. As we formed a friendship, I found Father Joe to be a delight to work with and that he had an absolute love for God, life, his parish and Catholic education. He was beloved by all who knew him, very charismatic. Unfortunately, Father Joe passed away on March 13 of ALS at the young age of 65. St. Mary’s parish held a Mass and potluck dinner as part of a celebration of Father Joe’s life on April 24. At that dinner, I shared the nature of deferred gifts with 60 parishioners and friends. news@catholicunited.org

For me, this is the crown jewel to my 26-year career as a Representative of Catholic United Financial. To see the fruits of one’s labor come home in such a magnanimous way to benefit Winona Catholic education and a wonderful parish is profoundly fulfilling and rewarding. I humbly thank God: Father, Son and especially Holy Spirit, for working through me, the donors, Catholic United Financial, and Father Joe Keefe to make these wonderful gifts possible. Contact your local Sales Representative to learn about using life insurance and annuities for deferred giving, or get in touch with the Catholic United Financial Foundation for more charitable giving options, 1-877-275-7145.

Roger Reitmaier, FIC has been a member of Catholic United Financial’s sales force serving the Winona, Minn., area since 1986.

May/June 2012


KeysKingdom to your

How to Prepare for Passing

By Margaret Cronin

Assets to Your Beneficiaries

Preparing an estate plan can initially seem like an overwhelming task: you need to consider your own needs, and the needs of your spouse, children, charities and other beneficiaries. You need to plan for incapacity, probate and taxes. If you have a large family asset, such as a family farm, cabin or business, planning can seem even more complicated. Start By Taking Inventory of Your Kingdom The best way to get started in planning your estate is to make a detailed list of what you own and how it is presently titled. In addition, if you own an asset with a beneficiary designation attached to it, such as a life insurance policy or a retirement account, determine who you currently have named as your beneficiaries. If you need help taking inventory, consider tapping into your Catholic United Financial Representative as a resource to sit down with you and go through your assets.

asset will stay in the family for future generations to enjoy? Who can you trust to occupy the key roles in your estate plan and administer the plan with your intentions in mind? Again, your Catholic United Financial Representative or other professional advisor can be a helpful resource to you here. Try to focus most closely on scenarios that could happen in the next five years. Hone in On Your Goals and Values During the course of brainstorming different scenarios, you may learn that you do not have all of the answers figured out yet. Do not feel discouraged – what you will likely have accomplished is a vision of what is important to you. If you can, write down some bullet-points that describe your vision, goals and values. You may also want to talk with key family members about your ideas.

Seek Professional Advice to Identify Financial and Legal Options If you have not already done so, the next step is to visit your professional advisors to review your financial and legal options. Remember that each person’s kingdom is different, and your estate plan will be a unique fabric that is a compilation of your family situation, your assets, your vision, the current legal framework, and financial and legal solutions that are available to you. You and your attorney should discuss probate (a legal process for transferring assets from a deceased person’s name to his or her beneficiaries), Margaret Cronin state

Walk Through Different Scenarios The next step is to walk through planning scenarios during your different life stages. For example, if you pass away while your children are minors, how should the guardianship of your children be handled? If you should become incapacitated, how should your financial assets be managed? Will your assets be sufficient to provide for your spouse if you should pass away first? If you have a large family asset to give to your children, how can you ensure that the

and federal estate taxes (taxes imposed by state and federal governments on the transfer of assets from a deceased person to his or her beneficiaries), and the exemptions from state and federal taxes that will apply to your estate. Your professional advisors should work together to create options and solutions. For example, if you identify that your primary goal is to pass your family farm to your children, and your attorney advises you that doing so would subject your estate to significant taxes, your life insurance advisor at Catholic United Financial may offer life insurance planning to provide liquidity in your estate to cover these taxes. Decision-Making and Drafting Only after your professional advisors have a true understanding of your situation should legal documents be drafted. Typically, these documents will consist of a Will, Revocable Trust, Financial Power of Attorney, Health Care Directive, and Personal Property List. You may have additional documents that effectuate specific planning goals, such as a Life Insurance Trust, a Cabin Trust, Charitable Trust or a Family Farm Partnership. Implementing the Plan Think of your professional advisors as a support team for your family members in carrying out your plan upon your death or incapacity. Taking the time to form a good estate plan now will facilitate a smooth transition of the keys of your kingdom to your individual and charitable beneficiaries in the future.

is a shareholder in the estate planning practice of Leonard, Street and Deinard, Professional Association. She focuses on estate and charitable planning, cabin succession planning and business succession. Margaret graduated from the University of Notre Dame with high honors in 1993 and from the University of Minnesota Law School magna cum laude in 1996. Among other community activities, she serves on the Board of Advisors of the University of St. Thomas Family Business Center.


May/June 2012




Celebrating 60 years of togetherness! Alfred (Fritz) and Martha Mullenbach held their diamond jubilee anniversary party on May 20, 2012, at St. John’s Catholic Church in Johnsburg, Iowa. Congratulations Mullenbachs, we wish you many happy returns!

We will happily post anniversary announcements for our members. Send photo and info to news@catholicunited.org.

In loving memory of our deceased members

March Maxine Baune, 86 Alexandria, MN Our Lady/Runestone

Lucille Kauth, 88 Loretto, MN Ss. Peter & Paul

Lorraine Spoelstra, 77 Lucan, MN Our Lady of Victory

Cecilia Cook, 92 St. Paul, MN Ss. Peter & Clemens

Verena Koopmeiners, 94 Kevin Printz, 42 St. Francis, MN Minneapolis, MN St. Francis St. Boniface

Rita Mae Browne, 72 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Deloras Kearin, 91 Madelia, MN St. Joseph

Phyllis Stacken, 79 Chaska, MN Guardian Angels

Elizabeth Dingmann, 91 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Agnes Landwehr, 91 St. Augusta, MN St. Mary

Roman Proell, 84 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

George Campbell, 96 Waconia, MN St. Joseph

Elizabeth Kornder, 85 Belle Plaine, MN St. Anna

Agnes Stadtherr, 91 Gibbon, MN St. Willibrord

Rev. Leroy Eikens, 91 Rochester, MN Holy Family

Isabelle Langer, 79 Bluffton, MN St. John/Holy Family

Elmer Rathman, 83 St. George, MN St. George

Regina Cochrane, 97 Glencoe, MN Holy Family

Arthur Ley, 88 Sartell, MN St. Francis Xavier

Joseph Straus, 83 St. Paul, MN St. Bernard’s

Lucille Eischen, 91 Comfrey, MN Ss. Paul & Mary

Alois Lauer, 85 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony

Wilfrid Redig, 90 Winona, MN Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

Clifford Denn, 89 Wabasha, MN Ss. Joseph/Kunigunda

Celine Leyendecker, 88 Sykeston, ND Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

Gordon Tierney, Jr., 64 Hastings, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Carol Eischens, 67 St. Leo, MN St. Leo

Celine Leyendecker, 88 Sykeston, ND Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

Benedict Rothstein, 87 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony

Richard Todd, 79 Winona, MN Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

Wilfrid Gall, 78 Buckman, MN St. Michael

Loraine Ludivig, 94 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Margaret Rowles, 82 St. Paul, MN Ss. Peter & Clemens

Mary Kay Engelmeyer, 54 James Mackey, 83 Hastings, MN St. Rosa, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Rose Philip Fiecke, 80 Winsted, MN Holy Family

Julia McCann, 76 Manannah, MN Our Lady of Grace

Craig Wiechmann, 18 St. Rosa, MN St. Rose

Elizabeth Gergen, 84 New Trier, MN Ss. Nicholas/Theresa

Julius Manske, 92 La Crosse, WI St. James the Less

Carl Rust, Jr., 70 Perham, MN Holy Family

Barbara Frank, 64 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Lois McClellan, 91 St. Paul, MN St. Anthony-Maria Hilf

Doloria Wuellner, 85 Pierz, MN Ss. Mary & Joseph

Marvin Geyen, 97 St. Bonifacius, MN St. Boniface

Elizabeth Matuska, 92 Mankato, MN Holy Family

Raymond Schmidt, 93 Morgan, MN St. Michael

Eugene Fridgen, 91 Chokio, MN St. Pius

Joseph Meisch, 91 Rollingstone, MN Ss. Nicholas/Theresa

Marilyn Zweber, 61 Cologne, MN St. Bernard

Francis Goschy, 75 St. Paul, MN St. Anthony-Maria Hilf

Julia Maus, 106 Watkins, MN Holy Family

Warren Schreifels, 47 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

John Gillen, 100 Faribault, MN Ss. Lawrence & Anna

Eleanor Otto, 94 Winsted, MN Holy Family


Leander Hansen, 79 Jacobs Prairie, MN St. Jacob

Rogaria Mehr, 89 St. Martin, MN St. Martin

Marie Spedick, 92 Glencoe, MN Holy Family

Everett Grimm, 83 Faribault, MN Ss. Lawrence & Anna

Jordan Playle, 19 Zimmerman, MN Christ Our Light

Lorraine Ashbaugh, 87 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Wilfred Hansen, 94 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Verna Mertz, 90 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Phyllis Stacken, 79 Chaska, MN Guardian Angels

Gary Gummert, 67 Mayhew Lake, MN Annunciation

Jeanette Ramler, 81 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony

Rolland Block, 85 Pierz, MN Ss. May & Joseph

Margaret Hericks, 92 Hoven, SD St. Anthony of Padua

Andrew Neu, 58 St. Cloud, MN St. Anthony

Rose Stommes, 91 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Evelyn Hamner, 85 Mahtomedi, MN St. Jude of the Lake

Bernardine Rancone, 81 Bird Island, MN St. Mary

Virgil Bloechl, 90 St. Paul, MN Home Office

Vera Hielscher, 90 Red Wing, MN Ss. Joseph & Mary

Susan Olmscheid, 95 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Genevieve Torgerson, 72 Spring Hill, MN St. Michael

Eleanor Helm, 88 Aberdeen, SD Ss. Joseph & Ann

Carla Rother, 68 Hampton, MN St. Mathias

Bernice Bretz, 86 Osakis, MN Immaculate Conception

Gilbert Hoen, 90 Waconia, MN St. Joseph

Harold Orlowski, 85 Wabeno, WI St. Ambrose

LeRoy Torkelson, Jr., 82 St. Paul, MN Ss. Peter & Clemens

Melvin Hinderscheit, 73

Union Hill, MN St. John

Agnes Rothstein, 84 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Elizabeth Petersen, 82 Bemidji, MN Our Lady of the Snow

Dorothy Vanderheiden, 95 Alexandria, MN Our Lady/Runestone

Loismae Huneke, 81 Wabasha, MN Ss. Joseph/Kunigunda

Adeline Saffert, 82 New Ulm, MN St. Mary

Allan Bromenshenkel, 82 Rev. Joseph Keefe, 65 Winona, MN Sauk Centre, MN Queen of Peace St. Paul Bertram Kern, 70 Marion Brunner, 73 Faribault, MN Belgrade, MN Ss. Lawrence & Anna St. Francis de Sales

Louis Plaetz, 91 Wabasso, MN St. Anne

Thomas Walsh, 78 St. Paul, MN St. Bernard’s

Maryjane Joseph, 75 Belgrade, MN St. Francis de Sales

Viola Sondag, 90 Sykeston, ND Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

Vincent Cisewski, 81 Winona, MN Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth

news@catholicunited. news@catholicunited.org news@catholicunited.org

Hilary Klassen, 59 St. Martin, MN St. Martin

Joseph Pohlmann, 82 Melrose, MN Ss. Bernard/Elizabeth

19 1717

March/April May/June 20112011 May/June 2012

Minutes of the

Board of Directors Front row from left: Deborah Pauly, President & Chairman Michael McGovern, Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann and Lead Director Fran Barten. Back row from left: George Gmach, Robert Krattenmaker, Michael Schmitz, Joseph Kueppers and John Maile.

March 15, 2012 The meeting was held at the Home Office in St. Paul, MN. The meeting started at 9:30 am with Director Bob Krattenmaker leading the Directors in the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. The December and January minutes were reviewed. Both were moved for acceptance, seconded and approved. The Investment Report was discussed by Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann. The Association’s investments are performing well given market conditions. Ms. Pauly moved and Mr. Kueppers seconded that the Investment Report be approved and the Board so approved. Mr. Borrmann led a discussion regarding investment compliance. The Association is in a good position. Mr. McGovern led a discussion of Policy Governance: Governing Style Mr. Borrmann reviewed the Member Complaint Report: the Association receives very few complaints and resolves them quickly and fairly. Mr. Borrmann and Controller Allan Carlson reviewed the 2011 Annual Financial Report for the Association which attained numerous extraordinary benchmarks. The full Report is available from the Home Office. Mr. McGovern described the first American Fraternal Union (AFU) Advisory Board meeting, conducted via teleconference. There was a good discussion


May/June 2012

of several fraternal matters affecting former AFU members. Fraternal Director Kathleen Moriarty chaired the meeting. The Foundation’s new Executive Director, Bob Heuermann, was introduced and made a brief presentation to the Board. He has a strong financial background and a deep faith. He expects to take the good work done by the retiring Director and expand on certain aspects. The Catholic Schools Raffle was again a marvelous success. More than $611,000 was raised, bringing the three-year total to just over $1.1 million. Mr. McGovern set a 2013 goal of $750,000. This effort has transformed the Association’s work in supporting Catholic education. Next, the Board met in closed session to discuss the candidates for the position of President and Chairman of the Board. The Board also discussed the next steps involved with the meeting of the Nominating Committee. During lunch, Mr. McGovern presented his President’s Remarks as follows: • 2012 sales are starting off strong. • Fr. Tom Thompson has agreed to serve as the Foundation’s new Spiritual Director. • The Saint Paul’s Outreach dinner was a big success. • We are off to a strong start in Sales Rep recruiting with five new Reps already hired; the goal for the year is 15. • The Membership Drive is being advertised with an initial strong showing and interest. This will continue to

be stressed throughout 2012. Mr. McGovern updated the Board on the Constitution Committee; for certain committees, it was agreed that the number of committee members should be changed from nine to five. There was a related discussion about a clearer role for the Spiritual Director and the possibility of a three-year term, which could be extended with mutual agreement. Mr. Borrmann updated the Board on Risk Management efforts, particularly in regard to exterior physical plant issues, Disaster Recovery site matters and the Association’s initiative to go to a paperless environment with the AFU business. Mr. Kueppers led the closing prayer and the meeting was

April 12, 2012 adjourned at 2:55 pm. The meeting was held at the Home Office. The meeting started at 9:30 am with Director Fran Barten leading the directors in the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. The March meeting minutes were moved for acceptance by Director Joe Kueppers; the motion was seconded by Director Deb Pauly and approved. The Investment Report was discussed by Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann. Mr. McGovern updated the Board on the Securities Lending matter. Ms. Pauly moved and Director John Maile seconded that the Report be accepted and the Board so approved.


Board Minutes are abridged. Complete minutes are available at no charge by contacting the Home Office at 1-800-568-6670 or by visiting our website. Mr. McGovern reviewed the Investment Committee meeting minutes which, were moved for approval by Mr. Kueppers, seconded by Ms. Barten and approved. Mr. McGovern led a discussion and approval of Policy Governance items: Financial Conditions and Activities Asset Protection Policy Unity of Control Mr. McGovern and Ms. Pauly discussed the Ad-hoc Compensation Committee status. Officer compensation is a timely item given the election of a new president for 2013. Mr. McGovern led a discussion of the Corporate Donations Policy. No changes were made, though there should be consistency with local Councils’ policies on this matter. Mr. McGovern led a review and approval of the annual donations. Mr. Borrmann reviewed the Association’s pension plan. Due to low interest rates, there will be some adjustments necessary to maintain proper funding. Past contributions toward full funding will provide flexibility in current and future funding requirements. Mr. Borrmann discussed the AFU merger. It is proceeding on course. Full system integration is expected during May and June. Mr. Kueppers led a discussion of the Audit Committee report. The Association again received a completely “clean” audit. This is noteworthy given the complexities of the merger and the investment climate. Mr. Kueppers moved for approval, Mr. Schmitz seconded and the report was approved. Two Board members will be reaching the end of their terms in 2012. Efforts are being made to find members interested in serving on the Board of Directors. The Board encourages any qualified member to consider this service. news@catholicunited.org

Association Business

Management is aware of two interested potential Board members and continues to look for others. Mr. McGovern had the following President’s report: • Another advertising campaign is wrapping up, with numerous compliments on the billboards and the more diverse radio ad campaign. These efforts are helping with name recognition and brand awareness. • They are meeting with a consultant regarding employee succession planning. • The Foundation Board meeting will be on April 22. The new Executive Director is planning the meeting. • The Foundation Golf Tournament will be on May 21. • The post high school scholarships have been awarded; this program has become one of the Association’s more visible and

important fraternal benefits. • Life insurance and annuity sales are both increasing. • Membership is now up, yearto-date. This is an important milestone each year. • Recruiting for new Sales Reps is off to a good start. • The credit union merger continues to go smoothly. Earnings are increasing. Mr. McGovern updated the Board on the Delegate Convention. It will be a one day convention at the University of St. Thomas campu The new Student Center will house most of the activities and should suit the Association’s needs nicely. Mr. Schmitz led the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, Harald Borrmann Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer

Report of the Constitution Committee The committee on Constitution and Bylaws, duly appointed by the President of the Association, met at the Home Office of the Association on March 21, 2012. The Committee reviewed and gave consideration to proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws that had been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association. The Amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, for approval by the 2012 Delegate Convention, is as follows: RECOMMENDED CHANGE: 1.) The committee recommends that the number of members on Convention Committees (Appeals, Credential, Good of the Association and Resolutions) be reduced from nine (9) to five (5). If approved by the 2012 Delegate Convention, the third line of Section 12 of the Bylaws will read: Prior to each annual convention the President shall appoint the following committees, each composed of five delegates. The committee members in attendance unanimously recommend that the foregoing amendment be passed. Respectfully submitted, John Welle, Chairperson, – St. James Council, Aitkin, Minn. Lisa Neugebauer – Holy Spirit/Holy Family Council, Mitchell, S.D. Rosella Quast – Holy Family Council, Winsted, Minn. Jean Walz – Mary of Immaculate Conception, Rockville, Minn. Ralph Walz – Mary of Immaculate Conception, Rockville, Minn. Bonita Westberg – St. Jude of the Lake Council, Mahtomedi, Minn. Absent: John Klocke – Holy Cross Council, West Fargo, N.D.

May/June 2012



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Faces of

Mona Kramer Catholic United Financial’s fraternal department contributed almost a million dollars in support of Catholic education in 2011! And while that number is impressive and certainly makes a big difference in your community, this is largely due to the extraordinary generosity of our local council officers. Without these unsung heroes, these volunteers of Catholic United, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. In 2012, there are a number of new faces taking the reins of their council to “do good” for their community. Here are a couple of those faces:

Mona Kramer Age: 45 Council Position: Treasurer, St. Michael Council From: Originally Vermillion, SD and now St Michael, MN Work: Accounting Bookkeeper at Crestview Lutheran Q: How did you get involved with the council as an officer? A: “The new fraternal secretary Justine Folkestad and Catholic United Sales Representative Peter Ryan, approached me to get involved with the council.” Q: Why did you get involved as an officer? A: “I got involved as an officer because I believed in the mission of Catholic education and knew


May/June 2012

The Future

David Brake that Catholic United Financial did also.” Q: What do you hope to accomplish as an officer? A: “I hope to increase membership in Catholic United Financial within our Catholic school and church community. More members means more money we can use to support Catholic education. As a parent of four children, who have or are still attending catholic school, I see the struggles Catholic schools face to keep up with our public counterparts.”

David Brake Age: 26 Council Position: Fraternal Secretary, St. Kilian Council From: Wilmont, MN Work: Farmer Q: How did you get involved with the council as an officer? A: “I got involved with the council when a current council member asked me if I would be interested in filling an open position.” Q: Why did you get involved as an officer? A: “I had been looking for more opportunities to be active within my church and felt it was important as a young adult to be working side-by-side with those who have been serving for many years.” Q: What do you hope to accomplish as an officer?

Amy Cummings A: It is my hope that more and more young people will become leaders within the church, taking active roles in order to help our parishes thrive.” Amy Cummings Age: 43 Council Position: Vice-President, All Saint’s Council, Lakeville From: Farmington, MN Work: Executive Director at Partnership for Youth Q: How did you get involved with the council as an officer? A: “I was invited. I’ve always been interested in what they do and have attended events at other parishes.” Q: Why did you get involved as an officer? A: “I care about the parish community and the attached Catholic school so this feels like a good place where I can give back to the Catholic Church. I also wanted to offer my gifts and talents to a great organization where I could be helpful, useful and be appreciated.” Q: What do you hope to accomplish as an officer? A: “I want to raise awareness of Catholic United and increase membership. The parish can definitely benefit financially through fraternal programs, like the matching grant, so I’d like to be able to do more activities like that in 2012.” www.catholicunitedfinancial.org

Catholic United Kids Cool Kid

Name: Maria Blenke Age: 7 Hometown: Albany, Minn. School: Holy Family School Meet Maria! Our May/ June Cool Kid drawing winner. Maria is the oldest in her family and takes her responsibility seriously. She’s proud to be a great helper and big sister. She loves going to school too, where her favorite subject is reading. She’s looking forward to a summer full of lots of walks and plenty of time to spend with her extended family. Congratulations, Maria! Be the July/August Cool Kid! Fill out the puzzles on this page

as best you can and submit them to Our Catholic Journey. One winner will get a Catholic United prize pack! Include your information, as seen above, a photo (can be returned) and a phone number. Send to: Catholic United Kids, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126.

Catholic United Kids


Amazing Saints artwork and games ©2011 Mario D. Macari. All rights reserved. mario@incrediblesaints.com

may/joon 2012


ye on the Industry Your sneak peek into current trends of the fraternal life insurance industry

‘Life events’ main reason for insurance purchase In these lean times, we’re all looking for bargains. However, purchasing insurance has proven to be more complicated than simple comparison shopping. While the sticker price on a policy is certainly a consideration for consumers, the motivation for making a life insurance purchase is mostly dependent on an individual’s circumstances, commonly called “life

events” in the insurance industry. LIMRA, an insurance trade organization, cited common situations consumers found themselves in that triggered a life insurance purchase, even during a down economy: • having or adopting a child • change in marital status, such as marriage or divorce • receiving an inheritance or large amount of assets

Source: To Shop or Not to Shop for Life Insurance, LIMRA, 2011

May/June Catholic Crossword


1 Catholic girlfriend of Justin Bieber, Selena ___ 4 Baseball great who was a Catholic (2 words) 8 Audio-visual, abbr. 10 Mother ____, who founded Eternal World Television Network

13 Sinlessness 14 Boat that was a refuge 15 Morally bad 16 Charitable donations to the poor 18 Massachusetts senator and a Catholic, John ____ 21 For example, for short

22 Home of the Pope (2 words) 24 Song of praise 26 Choir attire 28 Old vinyl record 29 Religious truth 31 Close friend 33 Christmas season 34 ...and justice for ___ 36 Type of retirement fund 39 “I am the __ and the truth and the life” 40 First name of a famous director who created psychological thrillers, who was a Catholic 42 Blue Ridge Mountains state 44 Sacred book 46 Verb with thou 47 Saint ____ Ann Seaton 48 Philanthropist



• buying a house or other real estate • starting or building on a business Life insurers stress that while “life events” might prompt someone to purchase life insurance purchase, there’s no need to wait for one to happen before they buy.

1 Catholic actress and Princess (2 words) 2 “The Yankee Clipper” who was a Catholic, Joe Di_____ 3 First woman in the Bible 4 Catholic author who founded the National Review in 1955, William F. ____ 5 Exist 6 “The Wrestler” actor who was a Catholic May/June 2012

7 Theologian and mystic, William of St-_____ 9 Belonging to me 11 West coast city 12 Can be Roth or traditional 17 What the shepherds watched 19 Over there 20 Old Testament book 22 “And now these three remain: faith, ___ and love” 23 Part of a turkey 25 Business degree 26 Depend (on) 27 Work out future actions 30 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and ____ son....” 31 Catholic TV host who participated in the film “Archbishop Fulton J Sheen: Servant of All” 32 Nonclerical 34 Reverence 35 Young guy 37 Vote against 38 Catholic actress, ____ Dunaway 41 End of the week day 42 Wine barrel 43 ___ Wednesday 45 Corn part 46 Person referred to Solution posted at www.catholicunitedfinancial.org/ links/games www.catholicunitedfinancial.org


Sales Representatives in Your Area Roger Bauer, FIC

651-437-6026 rbauer@catholicunited.org Hastings, Cannon Falls

Michael Gross, FIC 651-641-1740 mgross@catholicunited.org Mahtomedi, St. Paul, Roseville Gail Hakes

507-254-7471 ghakes@catholicunited.org Owatonna, Austin and surrounding area

Mary Harens, FIC

651-295-2040 mharens@catholicunited.org St. Paul area

Mary Holm, FICF 715-218-7522 mholm@catholicunited.org Wausau & surrounding area

Rick Mathiowetz, FIC 952-447-2546


Scott County

Jeff Passe, LUTCF 651-955-2453 jpasse@catholicunited.org Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Stillwater

Jeff Plank, FIC 507-457-0413 jplank@catholicunited.org Wabasha, Rollingstone

New members: Join us for baseball fun!

We’re welcoming new members to our association with exciting nights of baseball fun. Join us for “MVP” (Members. Values. Products.) Celebrations at a minor league ballpark near you; locations and dates are listed below. Enjoy a light meal and outdoor baseball. Game time is 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. New members are welcome to sign up for tickets online at catholicunited.org/ links/baseball, or call your local Sales Representative. Tickets are “firstcome, first-served” so sign up today!

June 28 – Duluth Huskies July 10 – St. Paul Saints July 16 – St. Cloud Rox

RSVP Online: www.catholicunited.org/links/baseball news@catholicunited.org


Roger Reitmaier, FIC 507-454-4979 rreitmaier@catholicunited.org Winona, St. Charles Susan Stenzel

ChFC, LUTCF, FIC 507-282-1793 sstenzel@catholicunited.org Rochester, Adams

Jim Suek

612-788-8051 jsuek@catholicunited.org Blaine, Brooklyn Park, Forest Lake

Robb Smith, FIC

715-645-2730 rsmith@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, East

Patrick Brown, FIC, CLF 888-412-9766 pbrown@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, Metro June 24 – Gather4Good Community Event at Cedar Lake Farm in New Prague, Minn. Help assemble 3,000 care kits for the needy, enjoy a picnic lunch face painting, music and more. Visit www.catholicunited.org/links/ gather4good to register. Aug. 4 – Annual Convention will be a one-day convention held at University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. Fraternal Secretaries can register delegates, alternates and guests online at www.catholicunited.org/links/convention. Sept. 16 – Gather4Good Community Event at Central Park in Albertville, Minn. Help assemble 3,000 care kits for the needy, enjoy a picnic lunch, face painting, musical entertainment and more. Visit www.catholicunited.org/links/ gather4good to register. May/June 2012


3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098


Use the referral card inside to enter the iPad drawing! We are six months into the Membership Drive, and members have posted some impressive results. We’ve added 21 more participating councils to the list since last issue. Keep it up! From your referrals, we’ve received information for more than 1,400 potential new members. Can we reach 2,000 by August? You bet we can. There are six months left to go, and six more iPads to win, plus cash prizes and gift cards at the end of the year. Our iPad winners this year are: Miriam Johnson - Jan/Feb Jean Walz - March Justine Folkestad - April Mary Weidert - May

Here are some reminders of invalid referrals. (See the full rules at www.catholicunited.org/links/ drive2012.) • Multiple submissions using the same address are omitted. A family of five living at the same house is one referral, not five. • Referring the same people every month is omitted. • Referral cards that are missing contact information may be omitted. Information on the cards need to be as complete as possible. • Referrals who live outside the five-state area are omitted. • Referring yourself is omitted. • Referring a current member is omitted.

More than 1,400 potential new members submitted Can we reach 2,000? Tally: Top 5 Councils* 1. Holy Rosary, Detroit Lakes 2. St. Michael, St. Michael 3. St. John Bosco, Pipestone 4. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Rockville 5. SS Joseph & Mary, Eden Valley as of May 25, 2012

Tally: Top 5 Individuals* 1. Julia Knauss 2. Miriam Johnson 3. Jean Walz (tied) 3. Monique Kramer (tied)

4. Linda Feldmeier 5. Kim Carpenter (tied) 5. Kelly Minten (tied)

as of May 25, 2012

*Tallies reflect total qualified referrals submitted and have no bearing on the cash prize awards to be given at the end of the year. See www.catholicunited.org/links/drive2012 for official rules.

Catholic United Financial Fraternal Results through May, 2012


$ 1 1 5 ,7 3 4.1 6

Hours Volunteered:

$ Matched: $

Raised By Councils:

5 ,7 4 4

8 7 ,9 0 6.4 1 2 7 ,8 2 7.7 5

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