Issue 2 • Volume 5 • April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
- Take Advantage Of These Beautiful Places To Tee It Up
New Season, New Gear - Driver, Golf Balls And Spring Apparel
Off The Course Toys - Your Boat Club
2012 MN Golf Show
- What Was New This Year
Meet Two Minnesota Golf Legends - Bill Kidd And Brian Thuringer
Fairways & Greens
Where Great Golf & Great Events Begin
April 2012
A Premier Public Golf Course Rated 41/2 Stars By Golf Digest
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Mississippi Dunes offers great values on outings! Monday - $80 pp includes GF, Cart, Food, and MD polo shirt Tuesday-Thursday - $90 pp includes GF, Cart, Food and MD polo shirt Friday-sunday - $100 pp includes GF, Cart, Food and MD polo shirt Crystal Lake Golf Course & Banquet Facility • Lakeville, MN
Outings Of All sizes Welcome! Call Today To schedule Your Outing! Featuring live music and entertainment during the summer at Doc’s Landing Pub overlooking the Mississippi River.
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Order your 2012 Majestic Card today and enjoy many benefits like the Buck-A-Hole special on the Crossroads course.
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April 2012
Fairways & Greens
By Will Brogan
“Golf can be a great way to develop an understanding of another individual’s personality. By being out of the office, and on the course, a person is more willing to act like themselves because they are not in the business environment. A truer personality will then come out over that of the stereotypical office persona. People are more at ease and in a relaxed atmosphere, which can allow them to get to know each other better.” – Cameron Sprecher, B.S., Psychology The above is a great examination of why golf has such a profound effect on building business relationships. Getting a handful of foursomes together to go play the game we all love is becoming even easier to do, thanks to a slight shift in the marketing tactics of several of Minnesota’s premier golf courses. Getting groups of (on average) between 12 and 28 people to play golf together is becoming a great way to establish new connections, or re-establish existing ones. However, these outings are not limited to the business world. They benefit all groups of people who want to get together for a great time with one other, and above all…
Fun experience for the players If the groups are small enough, generally between 12-28 people, the level of closeness that is created in the group is highly beneficial, especially in business relationships. “These occasions are a great way to get acquainted with customers in a fun, relaxed atmosphere,” says Stonebrooke Golf Club General Manager Einar Odlund. Odlund and multiple other golf course managers agree that these smaller groups are a much better way for the players to experience one-on-one time with several people. In fact, they suggest you mix up the foursomes after nine holes, just to establish even more camaraderie with as many people as possible.
Jeff Kennedy, Golf Professional of The Legends Club, explains, “We call them They’re a reason to go play golf! our ‘Saturday Afternoon Gatherings’, The title for this section is all the enticing you should realistically need to organize a small and we see a pretty even blend between golf outing. But for those of you who need more convincing (Seriously? You do?), there are reunions, bachelor or wedding parties, and small corporate outings.” For those plenty of reasons for golf to become your “go-to” relationship building tool. who are guests coming to the area, Kennedy and The Legends can Say you’re a business looking to forge stronger relationships with your closest “steer accommodations” toward customers. Invite them for a day of golf at one of Minnesota’s fantastic courses. participants who are in need Perhaps you want to have a reunion with some high school or college of hotel rooms in the area, classmates without all the pomp and circumstance of a “formal reunion”? though “most often we’ll Get that group together, maybe add your dads, and go play golf. Plan an get a combination of a “extended family” bachelor party the Friday before a Saturday wedding bachelor party on Friday and split the guests, (family, friends, whoever) into teams, then go out and with a wedding on Saturday, hit the links! The reasons are endless, but the purpose is the same: get a group so in those cases hotels are of one to three dozen people together to enjoy each other’s company and create usually already taken care of.” some golf memories.
Fairways & Greens
April 2012
On the contrary, Willingers Golf Club General Manager Pete Stauffer prefers to offer these outings during the week. “When people come out here, they feel like they’re ‘getting away for the day.’” Typically, Willingers is quite packed on the weekends with daily-fee players, so Stauffer relies heavily upon bringing in the small groups on weekdays. “They keep us going during the season, that’s why we try so hard for them and cater to them.” Each club takes pride in allowing the group’s organizer to set the pairings however he or she sees fit, then the club fashions the carts and other amenities to marry each distinctive aspect of the event. In addition, they have gotten creative with the leaderboards for occasions that desire a little more of a competitive atmosphere. At the Links at North Fork, Owner Mike Tozier has introduced a “mobile leaderboard app” for participants to update and check scores in real time to know where they stand against their counterparts.
How outings benefit the golf courses (and the players!) Golf course managers have noticed a significant decline in large group golf outings in recent years, likely as a parallel to the economic recession this country continues to claw its way out of. While these large events, usually accommodating groups of up to 144 people, are still the “lifeblood” of many golf courses, as Tozier puts it, small group outings that typically consist of 12-28 people have become increasingly popular in the last few years.
Tozier brings up a point that may be forgotten: “The best part – from the course’s point of view – is that you don’t even need to ‘shut down a nine’ to hold these events. These outings are something every golf course should think about. Quite honestly, if they’re not, then they’re missing the boat.” The benefit for everyone involved, courses and participants alike, is exemplified in a simple “inverse” ratio: the smaller the group, the greater the flexibility; the larger the group, the smaller the flexibility.
“However,” Tozier says, “The huge outings have become pretty ‘cookie-cutter’ for the players. They become all the same after a while.” Tozier has a point. When golfers go to a fund-raising So when planning your next round of golf, consider adding multiple foursomes. The scramble for an athletic scholarship fund, for instance, they know what to expect: You’ll get relationship building possibilities are endless, and with the flexibility you’ll offer to the golf the cart, a quick lunch, a shotgun-started 18-hole round, maybe a closest-to-the-pin contest courses, so are the activities you can enjoy when coupled with a few hours on the links. or a sleeve of balls with a logo, and some raffle prizes. The parts are interchangeable, to a degree, but they all follow the same generic formula. “Stay and Play” (sort of) With a small group outing, the group’s organizer has pretty considerable control over what activities will take place and what amenities the players will get. All the golf course managers agree: “small groups” offer a great deal of flexibility, which Glen Hagberg, PGA Professional of Madden’s, says “creates a tremendous amount of convenience and value… All the organizer really has to do it pick a date. The effort isn’t that much, as long as you know a few golfers!”
Most ardent golfers dream of taking a trip across the Swilcan Bridge as they complete their first round on The Old Course and St. Andrews, or pray for the day they’ll have a chance to reach the wave-crashed 18th hole at Pebble Beach in two. Every golfer should have an opportunity to experience these moments, and while they are attainable for any golfer because these courses are public, it doesn’t mean they’re cheap. In fact, a recent advertisement on Google showed packages (travel and lodging included) to play The Old Course for nearly Madden’s even takes the convenience a step further by offering buses, in two different sizes, to pick $3,000, while a weekend at Pebble Beach will run you several hundred dollars. up golfers for the occasion. One is a true bus that will transport up to forty people, while the other is a “luxury coach” which seats sixteen. Hagberg explains, “We’ve gone and made trips to St. Cloud, Consider this: there is nothing that can beat the memories you’ll create on the courses above, the Twin Cities, Duluth, Fargo, and even Winnepeg. We’ve been very proactive the last two or three but there’s virtually no way to make them happen along with a dozen or so other friends. years to make it easier to get to Madden’s, especially since gas is always getting more expensive.” By staying in Minnesota and enjoying an outing with a handful of foursomes, you’ll not
Fairways & Greens
April 2012
only save money, but have the opportunity to set the round up exactly the way you want to. Think about it, on a trip to a “golf destination”, you and your playing partners will be treated well, but won’t be much different than any other golfers that come to play that resort.
Schedule Your Outing Today!
12977 - 200th Street East Hastings, MN 55033 Voted best Public Golf Course by:
So save the destinations like Kiawah Island, Bandon Dunes, or Pinehurst for a trip with family members or no more than a foursome. There are plenty of golf resorts in Minnesota, many of which have received national recognition as well, that would be better suited to host the type of event you’re trying to plan. Bunker Hills, Crystal Lake, The Legends Club, The Links at North Fork, Madden’s, Majestic Oaks, Mississippi Dunes, Oak Marsh, Stonebrooke, and Willingers are just a handful of courses in the state that specifically cater to these small groups.
PLAY: 4 Holes on Back 9
N E T GOLF NeverEnoughTime
$5 per person walking Contact clubhouse for details.
With the ability to create the outing in almost any fashion you desire, you’ll create an informal but competitive event that will bring out the best in everyone. It will be pleasantly overshadowed by the true meaning of the outing, which is to go out and have a good time with one another, enjoy the company, and have a great time truly playing the game of golf.
Perfect for golfers who want to play but have limlimited time. Ê Perfect for beginners who only want to try a few holes at a time. Ê Riding carts extra.
Stay Connected Issue 2 • Volume 5 • April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
- Take Advantage Of These Beautiful Places To Tee It Up
New Season, New Gear - Driver, Golf Balls And Spring Apparel
Off The Course Toys - Your Boat Club
2012 MN Golf Show
- What Was New This Year
Meet Two Minnesota Golf Legends - Bill Kidd And Brian Thuringer
Tee Times Magazine
2012 Minnesota Golf Card
Good At 170 Golf Courses! ‘Fore’ (4) - Buy One Get One Free Greens Fee At Each Course
Call: 763-753-6988
A $20,000 Value
Many Golf Courses Offer Driving Range & Power Cart Discounts
Schedule Your Outing Today! Steve Wetzler Kim Benjamin Jimmy Rockelman Kobie Conrath 121 Studios Will Brogan, Tim Brovold, Tim Cotroneo, Roger Fahrenkrug, John Green, Eric Hart, Michael Herzog, Matt Just, Dr. Grant Norland, Steve Manthis, Libby Mehaffey, Tim Ryan, Rick Shefchik, Mark Sheskey, R.J. Smiley, Josh Wendel, Steve Wetzler
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Interested in contributing an article to Tee Times? Contact Kim Benjamin 651-304-1140 •
Contact Steve Wetzler 651-304-1140 • © Tee Times Press, Inc. 2011
Tee Times • W11052 457th Avenue, Prescott, WI 54021 • 651-304-1140 • Fax 651-305-4110 • •
Influential People
April 2012
Influential People in MN Golf
By Michael Herzog, PGA First Assistant Golf Professional Bent Creek Golf Club
More times than not, opportunities will be presented to help benefit those you care about most. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to sit down with long time golf professional at Interlachen Country Club and Minnesota Golf Hall of Famer, Bill Kidd. At the age of 85, one might think that your time as a professional is slowing down and your focus is turned to other things more important. Not for Bill. I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting Bill when I first got into the golf business in 2004 while I was at Dahlgreen Golf Club. I remember standing behind the counter and this older gentlemen came in and darn near almost broke my hand shaking it and then introduced himself as Bill Kidd, PGA Professional, “here to see how you are doing and if there is anything I can do to help as a golf professional!” That is Bill Kidd, someone who takes the time and really appreciates the business and the professionals who see it day to day; and he sees it as an opportunity to give back and grow the game.
A young Bill caddied for his father, Willie Kidd, in the mid-1940's.
Bill Kidd has been the recipient of many awards, was an accomplished player, won several tournaments, served as President of the Minnesota PGA Section and is a member of the MGA-PGA Hall of Fame. Now is a great time to read and learn from someone who truly represents “influential people in Minnesota golf”. What inspired you to get involved with golf and become a PGA Golf Professional? My Father, Willie Kidd, was my biggest influence and the reason I got involved in golf. As a kid, I hung out at the club and had learned to play golf from him and also caddied as a teenager. My first job while working for my dad was picking range balls. If I started with 50 bags, I ended with 50 bags. That’s how it was. Everyone who worked for my dad started on the range. Who were some of your best coaches and/or teachers? Jock Hendry, who was a long time Head Golf Professional at Town & Country Club, was a great teacher of the game and was one I got to know over time. Also, my father and mother were some of the best. They always told me to work hard and I did. They are the best!
Did you know that the Lafayette Club on Lake Minnetonka was Minnesota’s first resort golf club? The club opened in 1900 with a 9-hole course, redesigned in 1915 by Chicago golf architect Tom Bendelow, who also designed the first 9 holes at the Minnetonka Country Club in 1916. The family of Jimmy Johnston, Minnesota’s greatest amateur golfer, owned a summer home on Lake Minnetonka, and as a teenager Johnston would take a boat to the Lafayette Club to play golf with the caddies. When head pro Otis George allowed Johnston to compete in the club’s annual caddie tournament, Johnston called it “almost the biggest golfing thrill of my life.” The sixteen-year-old shot 78 and won.
What was your best experience as a PGA Golf Professional? While working at Interlacen I had the great honor of watching one of the best female golfers ever to play, Patty Berg. Watching my father teach her and seeing her develop into the champion she was, was a great honor. I never saw someone practice as much as she did. She would spend 3-4 hours on the range and you have to remember back in those days, people did not practice as much as they do now. What was your best accomplishment in your time as Head Golf Professional at Interlachen CC? I really enjoyed serving the membership. I always made sure that my staff took care of the membership. I made sure that a no member was seen taking their own clubs to the cart, that their clubs were cleaned. My expectations were high and I made sure my staff knew that. Michael and Bill Kidd
Saturday, April 14, 2012 @ 2:00 PM Author Rick Shefchik will be in Minneapolis for a launch event for his new book From Fields to Fairways: Classic Golf Clubs of Minnesota. The event will take place at Theodore Wirth Golf Club, the first public golf course in Minnesota. There will be a slide presentation and book signing. To read more about this piece of Minnesota golf history as well as other events and people that shaped the Minnesota golf landscape, pick up a copy of Rick Shefchik’s book ‘From Fields to Fairways – Classic Golf Clubs of Minnesota’ at local bookstores or at
Minnesota Section PGA
April 2012
Taking the Plunge to Benefit Special Olympics Minnesota What would make some Minnesota PGA Professionals jump into frozen lakes this winter? The chance to help Special Olympics Minnesota, of course!
Ryan Bakken, Brian Bohlig, Michael Herzog, Michael Hinton, Greg Jamieson, Paul Kelley, Jay Meyerhoff, Lori Money, Aaron Roth, Tom Wiebusch and Eddie Wynne made up this year’s team.
The Minnesota PGA team raised more than $5,000 this winter for Special Olympics by participating in three Polar Plunge events in the Twin Cities. The team jumped in two plunges in Maple Grove and Eden Prairie and gave free lessons to more than 100 adults and children at the annual plunge at Lake Calhoun.
Aaron and Lori
The Minnesota Section PGA has partnered with Special Olympics Minnesota for five years, hosting an annual Pro-Am competition, the Bad Pants Open and a 100 holes fundraiser where PGA professionals played 100 holes of golf in one day for pledges. Special Olympics Minnesota offers children and adults with intellectual disabilities year-round sports training and competition. There are more than 7,100 Special Olympics athletes in Minnesota.
It’s time to PLAY GOLF MINNESOTA! 2012 Minnesota Golf Season Tees Off April 28th For 9 Days
Week,” said Minnesota Section PGA executive director, Jon Tollette. “This has been an amazing spring and we’re ready to keep playing!”
Minnesota golfers are returning to their favorite courses this spring. This year, golf facilities and resorts around the state and in the Dakotas will welcome their guests with special offers during Play Golf Minnesota Week, Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, May 6. Hosted by the Minnesota Section PGA and the Minnesota Golf Association, the 6th annual Play Golf Minnesota Week provides golfers of all ages and skill levels incentives to get out and play.
Golfers have two full weekends to take advantage of special offers this year. Highlights include: an all-area junior girls clinic, a junior summit, free lessons at the Minnesota Twins game on April 29, and free lessons throughout the month of May.
“Anyone interested in learning how to play or getting back in the game can find plenty of information, instruction and great deals during Play Golf Minnesota
Facilities participating in Play Golf Minnesota Week will feature special promotions or events each day. To find information on themes, events, specials and/or giveaways visit:
Tee Times Golf Academy
April 2012
With the Midwest waking up to an early golf season, many of us have turned our attention to what’s new in the world of golf clubs. It happens every year – TaylorMade has this, Callaway has that, look at what Cobra/Puma is doing. We get so caught up and excited about purchasing these new “breakthroughs” By Tim Brovold, Assistant PGA Professional, Bunker Hills Golf Club in golf equipment that we forget to realize a simple fact – golf instruction dollar for dollar will do more good than trading in your TaylorMade R11 driver for the brand spanking new R11S driver. So…before we go down the road of club shopping, club fitting, ball fitting and instruction, let me explain a little more about club fitting. Club fitting is now an essential part of learning the game for anyone wanting to take up golf and will allow you to take the next step towards better golf. But there is something to remember about club fitting – it fits the swing you have at the time. If you’re getting back into the game, your swing is going to go through a bunch of changes until you “find your swing” again. It’s not like riding a bike. My advice? Use your existing clubs, or get a demo set to practice with and groove your swing first. This is not just for the beginner. If you play multiple rounds a year but never seem to get better despite spending wads of cash on new clubs each season – read on. Once you’ve got your swing “working” or you have reached a plateau in your game, your next step is lessons. Now, explain to your professional your desire to buy new clubs and get fitted. He or she will work with you to ensure your posture and address position is in check and fix any big swing mistakes you might be making. Posture is one of the most important factors that influences how your clubs get fitted to your swing. After some lessons, hit the range and work on your swing some more. Ask your professional for their advice on when to get fitted. If he or she feels you have reached a point in your game where fitted equipment will get you to another level, go shopping. Be wary of people trying to sell you on specific brands of clubs. Most club companies these days put out very good products. Do however ask about “types” of clubs. For example, depending on your skill level you might do better in a larger more oversized set called game improvement irons verses playing players clubs that are more “blade-like” and harder to hit consistently. Find the clubs you like, demo them, buy them and then get fitted. Remember that your professional is probably qualified to do the club fitting for you. If you do go somewhere else it would be helpful to explain to the fitter what you have been working on in your lessons so that he or she can keep an eye on your posture for you. Finally head back to your professional and take some more lessons with your new sticks. This would be a good time to ask for their advice on ball fitting as well. This is the best approach – practice, lessons, fitting and club purchasing, then more lessons. Why? Because you want your clubs to fit your swing, not fit your swing to your clubs. To do this well you have to groove your swing and get instruction to ensure you are swinging properly and not fitting clubs to a bad swing. If you’re in the market for new clubs, especially if you are new to the game, please heed this advice for the best results. Contact your local club professional today!
The Little One is a game improvement club that promotes better ball striking and improves focus at address. How? Well, quite simply it helps your concentration and gives you confidence. The Little One is a real golf club, not a gimmick. It is made to the highest standards. The Little One is a full length 7-iron with a club head that has been reduced considerably. The loft and lie of The Little One can be adjusted up to 4 degrees in either direction based upon your swing plane. The club head is just slightly wider and higher than a golf ball. Thus the emphasis is placed on hitting the sweetspot time and again because there is little room for error. The Little One is being used by some sixty touring professionals on the PGA, LPGA, Champions and European tours as a warm up club for full shots and for chips around the green. It can be used for chip shots all the way up to a full swing. You can use it at the golf course, in your backyard, at the office or anywhere you want to work on your game. Building the shot strength like this makes a transition from chips to pitches to half and full shots more gradual and reduces shot expectation significantly. Their aim is to get you striking your full shots as brilliantly as your short chips. Available in right hand, left hand and The Wee One for juniors. MSRP $109.95 “The Little One is brilliant and one of the best warm-up/ game improvement clubs I have ever seen. If you are a mid to high handicapper, the club champion or one of the best players in the world, using The Little One will help you become a better player. It will quickly help to improve ball striking, concentration, accuracy, swing plane, tempo and confidence no matter what caliber of player you are.” – Sean Foley
Tee Times Golf Academy
April 2012
It’s the longest, biggest headed club in your bag. It has the largest face, which makes it the most forgiving club on misshits, but it’s also the hardest club to hit well.
By John Green, Master PGA Professional, Golf Galaxy, Woodbury
The better player: The middle of the fairway isn’t always the best place to drive the ball. Pay attention to the routing of the hole or if you can see the green from the tee, look to see where the pin is and where the green opens up. You need to drive the ball to a point where it provides an ideal second shot: through the opening of the green to the pin, or to a location so you can have an easy third shot to the green. The ideal driving position might be in the rough!
Your can hit your drives the farthest when you have optimized your launch conditions (the correct launch angle and spin rate). Launch monitors are the only devices that can accurately measure this. Most facilities will charge you for a launch monitor fitting, but if you are going to spend upwards of $400.00 for a driver, its well worth the money spent. When you go through a driver fitting, the launch monitor will show what the optimal launch angle and spin rate is based on your clubhead and ball speed. Then, it’s just a matter of getting the correct loft, shaft (flex, torque, bend point, and weight) and golf ball “dialed in” to your swing with the launch monitor. And yes, the golf ball has a big influence on your launch conditions so it’s just as important to have the correct golf ball as the driver!
The average golfer: You always hear or read that you have to square the clubface at impact. You need to close the clubface! High-speed photography has shown the clubface will start closing at about 800 thousandths of a second upon impact with the golf ball. How can anyone possibly time that?
Two problems with trying to square the clubface: 1) The clubface will generally be open at impact. 2) Reduced clubhead speed will result because when you try to keep the clubface square, the clubhead will only be traveling as fast as your arms.
If the club is released properly, the clubface will close and the clubhead will be traveling at a faster speed than your arms because you will have leverage (the snap) in your swing. An easy way to practice this on the range, or use it on the course is to focus on your finish. Take a practice swing before you tee off and focus on two things: you are facing your target, and your arms have folded over your shoulder. Generally, if you release the club, your arms will have folded in this manner. But, if you keep the clubface square too long, you will usually end up with a short, abbreviated finish. The high handicapper/new golfer: The number one problem you have with the driver is you try to hit “at” the ball. In your attempt to “hit” the ball, you will start your downswing with your hands. If you’ve played baseball or softball, what starts your move towards the ball? It’s your body. How far would you hit the baseball/softball if you stood flat footed at the plate and tried to swing the bat with your hands and arms? In golf, you need to start your downswing with your body. The small difference between the two sports is the first move in golf should be a body turn, and the first move in baseball/softball you step into it and then turn.
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These factors also affect launch conditions: 1) Length: The correct length can help you hit the ball more in the center of the clubface. To determine your best length, take your normal grip on your driver and hit a few balls. See where the ball marks are (may need to use face impact tape). If it’s not near the center, choke down an inch on the grip and see if it’s closer to the center. Experiment with gripping in different locations to see where the best length is. Keep in mind the shorter the length, the slower the clubhead speed! 2) Grip size: Common knowledge says a smaller grip can cause you to get too much release/wrist action. From my experience, if a grip is too small or too large for your hands, it will cause you to grip it too tightly and inhibit your release motion (no leverage). 3) Impact on the clubface: The best location to strike a golf ball is in the upper half of the clubface; this is where you will get the best launch angle and a lower spin rate. If struck on the lower half of the clubface, your launch angle will be too low, and the backspin rate will be too high. To ensure you are hitting it on the top half of the clubface:
A) The ball position must be even with your left heel or big toe (right handed golfers); that way the ball will be struck on the upward path of the club. B) Tee the ball high enough to where the equator of the ball is even with the top of the face of the driver. (See picture)
There is much talk in the industry and marketing associated with proper fit and swing analysis and when it comes to your driver it really does make a difference. Now is the time to find a local PGA Professional or facility with the technology to analyze your swing so you can spend your hard earned money on the best driver for your game.
Tee Times Golf Academy
On Course With
the Assistants
April 2012
By Josh Wendel, Assistant Golf Professional, Eagle Valley Golf Course
I want to begin playing in competitive tournaments, what can I play in? If you feel like you are ready to take your game to the next level formats. These events give amateurs the opportunity to see how and compete against other amateurs from around the state, here their own game matches up against the Professionals. Registration are some great tournaments to look into for 2012. for these events must be done by your local professional. The Minnesota Golf Association (MGA) offers events throughout the summer that attract the best amateurs from the state. The MGA Amateur Championship is a 3-day stroke play event that will be played this year at Hastings Country Club, in July. To compete in the MGA Amateur, one must make it through one of the many qualifying events offered prior to the tournament. If you prefer match play rather than stroke play, the MGA Players Championship may be more appealing to you. The MGA Players Championship will take place this year at Windsong Farm, in June. Similar to the qualifying process for the MGA Amateur Championships, players who are not exempt must make it through a qualifying event. When the field is set, players will be seeded and paired up to compete in a match play format. The Minnesota State Open is an event for both amateurs and professionals to compete in the same field. The State Open is a 3-day event that is played in June at Bunker Hills. The qualifying process for the State Open is the same as the MGA events, as the field is comprised of exempt players and players who made it through the qualifying events. Since the field for the Minnesota State Open is very strong with past winners such as; Tom Lehman, the tournament is very prestigious.
If you would like to play on an Amateur tour, options such as the GolfWeek Amateur Tour, Golf Channel Am Tour and Twin Cities Golf Tour are available. The GolfWeek Amateur Tour and the Golf Channel Am Tour are national tours with stops in Minnesota. Players are broken into flights for each event to allow for all skill levels to participate. Both tours end with a National Championship at the end of the season. The Twin Cities Golf Tour plays in Minnesota and Wisconsin with most events being a 2-person scramble. No membership is required so golfers can register for the events they want to play in. Have you ever dreamed about being like ‘Tin Cup’ and playing in the final group on Sunday of the US Open? Although this is an example from a Hollywood script, the great thing about the US Open is that it is possible. Anyone with a 1.4 handicap or lower is eligible to register for a local qualifying event. This year, Minnesota hosts a US Open local qualifying event at Rush Creek. If you successfully make it through both the local and Sectional qualifiers, you are in the field of 156 at the US Open.
If you feel you are ready to begin playing in competitive tournaments this year, these are The Minnesota Section of the PGA offers numerous Pro-Ams through the year the events for you. If you have further questions about the upcoming events, or any other where amateurs can compete with their local Professional in a variety of scoring competitions, contact your local professional.
FREE discount cards from 40 metro area courses.
Early Season Bunker Play
All with information, offers or discounts – with many courses offering 2 for 1’s.
By Roger Fahrenkrug, PGA Assistant Professional at Braemar Golf Course, 2011Section Teacher of the Year
Twin CiTiEs GolF CARd CAddy ... some people just don’t get it.
As your favorite course comes to life this spring, maintenance crews will be buzzing to get it ready to play. After a season of snow and rain many bunkers on local courses have become compacted and quite firm. The set-up for this shot will be different than soft sand, here are a few keys. • Lightly scratch feet into wet/hard sand • Play leading edge of club head square to target, not open (Picture 1) • Ball position slightly forward in stance • Make a large enough swing to blast some sand out of the bunker
2 for 1 greens fees at Timber Creek . . . what are greens fees?
Are you sure this is a good way to meet guys?
(Picture 1)
By playing a square clubface at address the club will dig a little at impact, but the sole and bounce of your sand wedge will keep the face open enough to slide the club under the ball. The ball will come out a little lower and roll more, but you will be out of the sand! Discount Courses Include: Albion Ridges, Baker National, Brookview, Cannon Golf Club, Chaska Town Course, Mississippi Dunes, Wild Marsh, St. Croix National and Timber Creek
As conditions dry out and the bunkers get turned over you can return to a more open clubface at address. (Picture 2)
These FREE golf discount cards can be found only at the following locations: (Picture 2)
Austad’s | Dick’s Sporting Goods | Golf Galaxy | Golfsmith Golf USA | Ken Gorg’s Golf Shop | Morrie’s Cadillac | Nevada Bob’s Pat Ryan Golf | Joe Senser’s | Sports Authority | 2nd Swing
April 2012
Tee Times Golf Academy By Oliver Darby British PGA Professional golfTEC Director of Instruction, Edina
Selecting a golf ball can be a somewhat daunting proposition. The choices are expansive to 3: The three or four piece multi-layer ball: These will perform well for higher swing speeds. Professionals say the least. and elite low handicap golfers will favor this as the ball We should start by looking at the basics of golf ball design, construction and how the different of choice as it provides low spin for the driver (distance and accuracy) and also creates high spin for controlled types of balls perform. There are effectively three types of golf ball. approach shots. 1: The two-piece ball: This has a large solid rubber core with a plastic cover. The performance characteristics associated When choosing which ball you should use focus on the short game. This is the biggest with this type of ball are low spin and explosive distance. opportunity you have to lower scores. Golfers will typically hit the driver fourteen times in Slicers and players who need extra yards should favor this a round of golf (this assumes four par 3’s). Therefore a bogey golfer will play upwards of ball. The low spin helps to limit the curve of the ball. Less seventy approach shots to the green. Many of these include pitching, chipping and putting. spin and more distance can be a benefit to many golfers. Therefore the short game should be the basis of your selection. However, there is a potential down side. This ball is more difficult to control around the greens, as it will roll more A softer-feel ball that creates more spin can help you control approach shots and improve short game performance. Your choice would be the three-piece or multi-layer ball. when it lands. 2: The three-piece ball: This is a solid-core ball with an additional layer underneath the urethane cover. A revolutionary modern design that provides good distance and also allows approach shots to have more spin, allowing players more control on approach shots and around the greens. Generally speaking these golf balls are suitable for a wide range of players.
If you prefer a firmer-feel ball providing more distance, more roll and less curve on your shots look at the two-piece ball. There are many options for the different types of balls and the major manufacturers all seem to have multiple “variations” within these three types of golf balls. Your next biggest challenge then becomes what color ball you play…tour yellow, pink, orange or dare we mention WHITE!
Warm Up With The Right Moves By Roger Fahrenkrug, PGA Assistant Professional at Braemar Golf Course, 2011Section Teacher of the Year
When a student may be running a bit late for a lesson, rather than rushing into a few hurried swings I will slow them down and focus on my favorite warm-up drill.
Whether you’re teeing off across O’Dowd Lake on the famous 8th hole of our championship course, or dining at our restaurant, lounge or on our open-air terrace, you’ll realize that Stonebrooke is the perfect choice. • • • • •
The Perfect Place for Your Golf Event Full-Service Restaurant & Lounge Banquet Rooms for up to 260 Guests Chef-Prepared Cuisine Expansive Open-Air Terrace Views of Waterfall & Course for special offers send us a text message at stoneb 91011
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Of golf`s fundamentals, I believe a players posture is their main building block. Putting your body in an athletic starting position engages your legs and core, not just your hands and arms. • Begin with a club held to your shoulders. With a nice flat back, push your hips back and unlock your knees. This is your ready position! (Picture 1) • With your chin up, rotate to your backswing feeling weight transfer to the inside of your right heel. Feel that back stretch! (Picture 2) • Allow your weight to shift forward, then rotate hips and torso completely to target Feel the opposite stretch! (Picture 3) This is the motion of your Full Swing. When watching your favorite TOUR Professional on TV, look at how well they maintain that spine angle! Now you have an exercise to increase your flexibility and maintain your posture through impact. Start your season and warm-up with the right moves!
What's In The Bag
April 2012
Cobra – AMP With the new season upon us, we are always looking for ways to improve our driving distance and accuracy off the tee. The new crop of drivers in 2012 delivers many options to customize your driver to fit your needs. Whether its color of head, desired loft, face position or movable weights there is a driver to FIT all types of players. We recommend getting with your local PGA Professional to help with choosing the best driver for you. Here are just a few of the new models on the market that received Gold level awards on this years’ Golf Digest Hot List.
TaylorMade – R11s The more a driver is tuned to you, the farther you’ll hit it. With R11’s 3D Tuning, you can independently tune loft, face angle and flight path to your swing to maximize your distance. Only R11 is this adjustable. • Adjust the loft up or down (±1.5 degrees) with Flight Control Technology (FCT) • Adjust the face to one of five angels (±3 degrees) with Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) Technology • Adjust the center of gravity toward the heel or toe with Movable Weight Technology (MWT) • Maximum-sized 460cc titanium head with Thick-Thin Crown design for lower CG • Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) promotes more ball speed on off-center hits • White crown and black face makes alignment easy and eliminates glare on top MSRP $399.99
100% PURE. FRESH. JUICY. SWEET TECHNOLOGY. Trusted and tour proven by the best, the AMP driver features Advanced Material Placement, E9 Face Technology and Adjustable Flight Technology to deliver blistering ball speeds and customized performance.
E9 Face Technology With Dual Roll - A 30% larger sweet zone and a new approach to bulge and roll design delivers distance and accuracy. Adjustable Flight Technology - Three simple face-angle settings (Open, Neutral and Closed) optimize ball flight for increased distance and improved accuracy. Advanced Material Placement - Sophisticated computer modeling and simulation allow designers to thin walls to save weight and redistribute up to 15 grams of mass deep and back in the club head, to maximize distance through optimized launch conditions. Head Material - Titanium 6-4 head with semi-forged, milled titanium face MSRP $299
TaylorMade – RocketBallz Tune for extreme distance. Engineered with Flight Control Technology for easy face angle and loft tuning. Aerodynamic white crown – built for speed, power and ridiculous distance. • Flight Control Technology (FCT) allows you to easily adjust loft (±1.5 degrees) and face angle (±3 degrees) • Lightweight shaft and grip promotes faster swing speed for more distance • Speed-enhancing head aerodynamics promotes faster head speed for more distance • Inverted Cone clubface technology promotes more speed and distance on off-center hits • White crown and black face makes alignment easy and eliminates glare on top MSRP $299.99
What's In The Bag
April 2012
Titleist – 910D2
Ping – G20
A high performance, 460cc, pear-shaped driver that produces mid/high launch with medium/low spin.
Distance and accuracy are optimized by an external weight that optimizes the center of gravity position to generate high launch and low spin. The G20’s large, variable-thickness face generates faster ball speeds and increases MOI for maximum forgiveness.
Titleist® 910 Drivers deliver total performance with improvements in flight, fit, looks, feel and sound. The 460cc Titleist 910D2 driver delivers longer distance through a technologically advanced head design with a responsive, fast face insert. The patented, innovative, SureFit™ Tour, dual-angle hosel provides precise, independent loft and lie adjustments to fine-tune ball flight for more accuracy and control. High performance weighting increases stability and creates a low and deep CG for medium/ high launch with medium/low spin. MSRP $449
The 460cc club head is made from Ti 8-1-1, a lighter, lower-density alloy. Ti 8-1-1’s high strength-to-weight ratio allows for additional weight to be strategically placed for increasing the MOI on both the vertical and horizontal axes. Weight savings from varying wall thicknesses in the crown and body are positioned to optimize performance and durability. MSRP $299
Callaway – RAZR Fit The combination of Forged Composite and OptiFit Technology makes Callaway’s first driver featuring adjustability the performance leader. The OptiFit Hosel allows players to adjust the face angle for improved accuracy and trajectory while the OptiFit Weights can be adjusted to promote either draw or neutral ball flights. Golfers can dial in their ideal settings and hit drives like never before with simple adjustability that matters. A combination of VFT and Hyperbolic Face Technology creates a large sweet spot and high ball speeds across the titanium face for long, consistent distance. This technology saves weight that can be redistributed to the perimeter of the club head for a high MOI. The chemical milling process selectively removes excess material for precision thickness control. MSRP $399
Serious performance. Serious style.
What's In The Bag
April 2012
By Will Brogan
“These balls are right for you…” my Dad said as we stood in the middle of a Walgreens near our home in Northeast Florida. Only eleven at the time, and puzzled as to why we were standing over a near-overflowing basket of “second chance” golf balls, I naturally asked why. “…because they’ve already been in the water, and you’ll be sending most of them back!” My Dad’s playful but true humor and light wallet gave me my first “ball fitting” experience... owns an astounding 70% of the world-wide market share in the golf ball producing industry! That leaves just 30% of the market for Bridgestone, Callaway, Srixon, TaylorMade and a handful of others to battle over.
way to improve your score is to improve your short game. However, don’t you want to be in the fairway after your first drive? That’s why Bridgestone uses the driver to fit players to a better golf ball model.
Fortunately, Bridgestone has taken that to heart and done something about it for the betterment of every golfer on the planet. By conducting well over 150,000 “live launch monitor fittings”, Bridgestone can comfortably lay claim to being the “#1 ball fitter in golf”. Most brands contend that the ball Titleist has long used the moniker “#1 ball in golf”, and for makes the most difference on the “scoring” short game shots. good reason: Acushnet Company, makers of Titleist golf balls, There’s nothing wrong with this line of thinking, as the best
Matching YOUR swing to a ball When searching for the right ball for your game, there are a few considerations you must make to get the best ball for your buck. First, understand your own swing. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Can you hit it a mile but don’t know where it’s going? Can you shape shots the way you want to, but need more distance? Knowing your own game is half the battle in selecting a ball.
A background on the golf ball industry There are about 1,250 golf ball models available on the worldwide market conforming to the specifications set forth by the USGA and R&A. That number is a bit deceiving, since previous editions of current models, as well as a variety of colors for identical models are taken into account. However, that number still serves as a guideline to understand just how vast the golf ball industry is, and the myriad of options a golfer has to choose from.
TaylorMade Penta TP5
Callaway HEX Black Tour
Nike 20XI-X
Nike 20XI-S
Titleist Pro V1x
Titleist Pro V1
Bridgestone TOUR B330
Bridgestone TOUR B330-S
Srixon Z Star XV
Srixon Z Star
Bridgestone TOUR B330-RX
Srixon Z Star SL
Bridgestone TOUR B330-RXS
Callaway HEX Chrome
TaylorMade Penta TP3
Titleist NXT Tour
Titleist NXT Tour S
Srixon TriSpeed Tour
TaylorMade RocketBallz
Srixon Tri Speed
Callaway HX Diablo Tour
Bridgestone e7
Bridgestone e5
Bridgestone e6
Srixon Q Star
Nike Vapor Black
Nike ONE Vapor Speed
Titleist Velocity
TaylorMade Burner 2012
Callaway HX Diablo
Titleist DT SoLo
Callaway Warbird Plus
Srixon AD 333
Bridgestone xFIXx
Srixon Soft Feel
Next, what characteristics do you need most from your golf ball? If you are great at bending the ball around a dogleg, or getting Phil Mickelson-esque back spin, you don’t need to bother with a lower-spinning ball that is designed for straighter flight. On the contrary, if you struggle to find the fairway, you don’t want to be playing a high-spin ball that’s going to make a wayward shot even harder to find! Finding your “niche” Take a look at the table on the opposite page. By no means is this a “gospel” of golf ball characteristics, but it is intended to help the amateur golfer better understand the variety of golf balls available to them in an effort to find the right fit. To keep it as simple as possible, the “higher” on the chart, the more “tour-level performance” you can expect from the golf ball. However, this comes with the understanding that the higher you go on the chart, the more it will take to compress the ball. Generally, the more layers a ball has, the harder it is to compress. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, you have two columns that differentiate how much the ball spins. The left features balls that spin less than those on the right. The columns labeled “SPIN” show the USGA’s and R&A’s findings concerning the spin rates for that particular golf ball. “L-M”, for example, means that particular model will feature a “low” amount of driver spin (first letter) coupled with a “medium” amount of short iron spin (second letter). The best way to use this graph is to find the “category” that fits your needs and preferences. You’ll notice there are a total of six sections, and the top third has two sub-sections (below the dotted line are “tour performance balls” generally intended for amateur swing speeds). Rory McIlroy uses a ball from the top left section (Titleist Pro V1x), while Matt Kuchar plays a ball from the top right (Bridgestone TOUR B330-S). On the contrary, that local player whose swing speed is so slow it wouldn’t get pulled over on a back
What's In The Bag
April 2012
Adjustable blade for perfect groove alignment! Kdon Technology Golf Club Groove Sharpening Tool
$9 95O
country road, yet he can work the ball in any desired direction and sports a 4-handicap, should probably play a ball from either the middle right or lower right sections of the graph. Naturally, price is a consideration. High handicappers probably shouldn’t bother shelling out $40-plus dollars (per dozen) for a ball the pros use. Fortunately the ball companies offer a variety of balls at different price points to allow flexibility in purchasing. They also offer a variety of choices based on such characteristics as feel, launch angle, and even considerations like color and number! Go make it happen! Most of us, as amateurs, don’t have an endorsement deal with any one particular company. Therefore, we can gather all the resources available to us by the different brands to compare and contrast similar balls from competing companies. Go to a Bridgestone “live launch monitor fitting”. Print off the PDFs found on Titleist’s website to “score” your ball fitting experience. Go through the steps that almost every one of the major companies has put together on their website to fit the right type of ball to your swing and preferences. Use the graph to find your “niche”, and go out and purchase a sleeve of each kind of ball in that category. Test them out –on the course – and hopefully you’ll find a favorite. Quite simply, there is no longer an excuse to walk into a store and blindly choose a ball. Find the right one, and go shoot your lowest round ever!
Southern Hills Provides The Twin Cities Ultimate Value A True Hidden Gem Amenities Include: • 18 Hole, Par 71 Championship Course • 3 Sets Of Tees • Practice Facility Including 300 Yard Driving Range & Excellent Practice Green • Banquet Facility For Up To 150 People • Full Service Clubhouse Grill • Full Service Pro Shop
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What's In The Bag
April 2012
With our early Spring weather and unseasonably warm weather, many of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin courses are open and golf fans are heading out to get some early rounds in. Tee Times is here to help you get outfitted with the right Spring golf apparel to keep you warm and comfortable when, and if, these weather conditions change. Check out some of the new “players” in the golf apparel field.
Why not use the latest fabrics to improve your comfort level and your game? At least that’s how we see it. The Spring 2012 collection from Cutter & Buck pays homage to the prep sport of golf with its upcoming line of active apparel for men. On the course this year, Cutter & Buck presents an upbeat and refreshing approach to golf apparel while weaving in vintage golf elements to its design such as bright argyle cardigans, simply patterned knits and plaid slacks that are reminiscent of the bygone years. From the bold colors of Tofino, to the muted colors of Portage Bay, the Masters inspired colors of Axiom, to the pinks and blues of the Cannon Beach collection, you will find this spring’s collections from Cutter & Buck both performance driven and tasteful. For the ladies, Cutter & Buck continues with not one, but two, strong offerings. First, bearing the Cutter & Buck name you will find resort friendly fabrics paired up with trendy retro details designed for both on and off the course. Cutter & Buck has stretched ladies golf design beyond the norm by integrating modern fashion techniques that flatter women’s figures for slimming and feminine looks. And, of course, inspired by legendary golfer Annika Sorenstam, this spring’s ANNIKA Collection by Cutter & Buck is sleek, stylish and made to perform. Own your game with the powerful, sophisticated look of this spring’s ANNIKA collections. From the simplicity of Gold Dust with hints of gold on blacks and whites, to the blends of purple and inky grey-greens in Iris, and the playful patterns of the Prep group...this spring, sport style as unmistakable as Annika herself.
For 2012, heritage sportswear brand Fila Golf presents a range of tops, bottoms and outerwear all inspired by the iconic looks of 1950s prep school athletics, blending ski, tennis and golf styling with modern technical properties and premium fabrics. The collection is enhanced by time-honored details such as mesh rolled shoulders for men, keyhole and
sweetheart necklines for women and the addition of rich Highlighted by premium fabrics, bold colors and authentic Crimson to the color palate. styling, the latest offerings are separated into six subcollections – Essenziale, Forza, Primo, Strato, Fuori and “Our goal is to create innovative and functional apparel that is Bersa. Color blocking, sleek stripes and subtle texturing true to FILA’s century-long heritage,” says Nancy Robitaille, providing a refreshing twist on golf fashion. Fila Golf Principal Designer. “This line blends seamlessly with previous offerings, but has a unique flare that’s both reminiscent of classic resort styles and fun.”
April 2012
What's In The Bag
AUR stands for ‹All that you Are› and lends its design to men›s and women›s added value golf fashion that is relevant in today›s marketplace both from design and performance point of view. The lines are trendy and fashion forward. They look good on and are eco-friendly. «Like all our products, the Spring 2012 collection is very tech-driven to make it ideally suited for golf,» says Mark Fletcher. «They›ve got a great look and hand feel, and the overall styling is a bit more European-influenced than what U.S. buyers might be familiar with, but at a much more reasonable price and with a more relevant, current fit. Our customers get great value for the fashion and quality we offer; our products are very fashion-forward for the price point.» AUR Active is a performance golf collection with emphasis on the golfers ease of movement. This category features the AUR double-knit Dri-Max™ polyester. These polos feature a stretch of spandex, a soft supple hand feel and a lightweight drape that makes it ideal for swinging a golf club. Next on the tee is AUR Authentic, a collection of more traditional golf-inspired clothing. An assortment of sweaters, vests, pants and shorts round out the category in classic colors of black, taupe, navy and charcoal. Classic inspired v-neck argyle vests and full-zip cardigans in taupe or iceberg are standouts in this collection. Finally, AUR Aware is the newest strongest growth category and the company’s attempt to give back to our ailing planet with a unique list of specifically designed fabrics including CarboCool, S.Cafe and Ecosmart. This line not only looks great on the golfer but also is great for the world’s golf environment. The Spring 2012 color palette for men features basic must-haves in a myriad of colors that all merchandise back to the men’s fashion collections. An assortment of cool grays and black mixed with additional bright blasts of color. For women, distinctive style, fine quality and an aura of sophistication lends itself nicely to a golf collection that is current and on the ball.
The inspiration for Antigua›s Spring 2012 performance golf collection is color, and in bringing this inspiration to life Antigua has developed for the collection six different color groups, including the Azalea/Ruby group, focusing on bright, bold colors. «We found many ways to weave our ‹pop› colors in as subtle details while keeping them sharp and proud,» says Sean Gregg, Director of Product Development at Antigua, «and tried to focus on how a color affects the textures of its complementing neutrals and sits as a critical contrast as the spark to the paler surroundings.» «With the wide selection of shirts, shorts, outerwear and hats offered in the Azalea/Ruby group, any piece from this group may be combined with any others to create a fashionforward golf ensemble that›s both simple and elegant.» Add to this the tie-in with the complementing outerwear, which Antigua has expanded on in both layering styles as well as sweaters, vests and wind shells, and the color story and presentation is enhanced even further. The Melon group is highlighted by a sharp melon orange that pairs with shades of grey and every shade of neutral to form an unexpectedly pleasing palette, an essential component of the single color story of the Spring 2012 performance collection. Antigua›s philosophy during the development cycle is that each garment be built to stand alone - as though you were creating someone›s ‹favorite› piece - and build those pieces out to assemble a full collection of favorites. Antigua’s Women’s 2012 collection features a brighter more playful approach to performance clothing. The color palette has been expanded with a total of six hues ranging from rich jewel tones to soft brights. Color names such as ‘honeysuckle’, ‘tide’ and ‘lilac’ bring about connotations of relaxed summer days while the softer bright colors make any woman feel instantly feminine and comfortable. or
What's In The Bag Tommy Hilfiger Golf
For the Spring 2012 Tommy Hilfiger golf collection, the same design philosophy of bringing a fresh perspective to Classic American Cool styling was adhered to and the result is a collection true to the Tommy Hilfiger heritage and true to golf. Making this brand appeal to the golf consumer meant designing a line that truly displays golf sportswear that can be worn on and off the golf course. As golf has evolved over the centuries, so has the apparel worn for golf. Traditionally a cotton driven category, golf wear has followed suit with the emergence of the vast variety of technical
April 2012
apparel that now has a strong place in the golf market. To be a true player in this category, an approach of bringing technical fabrics to this collection was imperative. The end result is an offering that features strong Classics essential for any golf wardrobe and an assortment of Fashion Collections that truly deliver “Preppy with a Twist” to the fairways and greens. A signature grosgrain tape was developed to help distinguish the line and is evident in it’s classic navy, white and green detailing on all core items for both men and women. An assortment of fits accommodates the freedom of movement required in the back swing and longer polo lengths stay firmly tucked during play.
Sun Mountain – Headwind Pullover Womens
It’s spring and you’re itching to get out there again! But even though winter is gone and summer isn’t far off, don’t let unpredictable spring weather ruin your game. Be prepared for the occasional rain showers and brisk winds ahead of time, and you won’t be caught by surprise out on the course. To keep you warm and dry on the links, slip into Sun Mountain’s Headwind pullover. This microfiber windproof jacket keeps a stiff breeze at bay and even includes a stand-up comfort collar as well as hand warmer pockets to keep your hands warm between swings. Thanks to a Teflon-coating this pullover doesn’t just repel wind but also a spring shower, and features a breathable, water-resistant, and stretchable RainFlex shoulder insert, so a little spring shower isn’t going to distract you from your swing anymore.
To give you the highest level of comfort and allow you to customize the fit without inhibiting your swing, Headwind features shock cord adjustments at its lower hem as well as adjustable cuffs! After the long, dark winter, add a splash of color to the spring green by selecting the Headwind in royal blue or red for men, and Niagara green or red for women. Men’s and Women’s styles are also both available in black and grey. You’ve made it through another winter. Start out this year’s golf season in comfort and style! MSRP $69.99
April 2012
Callaway Golf’s Spring 2012 The line furthers the Company’s commitment to the Soft Goods category by delivering a collection of authentic golf products influenced by contemporary style. Highlighting tradition, fashion, athleticism and fun, the new line will offer selections for golfers from head to toe, and include bold colors and a mix of classic and fashion-forward looks. The men’s line will feature considerable technical elements to advance performance while looking and feeling good, and the women’s line focuses on fit, comfort and versatility. The styling and technology all serves a valuable purpose in the game of golf, allowing players to concentrate on their game while looking their best. Callaway’s position as an authentic golf company is what distinguishes the brand from others in the sport. Callaway is a true golf company that is 100% focused on golf. That means every product - from your driver to your sand wedge to your golf shirt to your shoes – has been innovated and engineered with one thing in mind: your golf game. That same advanced level of technology and innovation that golfers have come to expect from our drivers, irons and other clubs is entrenched in our apparel, footwear, eyewear and accessories. From a superior moisture wicking feature on our standard golf polo’s to a sophisticated temperature regulation system in our footwear, technology and innovation are weaved throughout Callaway’s soft goods. Callaway’s sole focus on golf means all the technology and innovation found in our products serves a valuable purpose for your golf game. In apparel, footwear, eyewear and accessories we combine that technology and innovation with style and design to bring you the best of class in the Soft Goods category.
What's In The Bag
What's In The Bag
April 2012
Save Your Long Drives For Our Fairways!
Devant Golf Towels Ron Eskierka, MN Rep If you are a fan of one of the all-time classic golf movies, Caddyshack, then Devant’s new Tribute to Caddyshack Collection golf towels are a must have!
A Twin Cities Hidden Gem! 18 Hole Championship Course New Electronic Golf Carts With GPS Full Grass Range And Practice Green Fun For Golfers Of All Skill Levels
Devant, known in the golf industry for its high quality towel and innovative designs, teamed up with renowned pop culture artist, David O’Keefe, to create these unique golf towels. The collection features O’Keefe’s famous paintings, “Bushwood-A Tribute to Caddyshack” and “A Cinderella Story”. The patented Hi DefTM technology produces a sharp image of a piece of artwork or photograph while maintaining a soft hand of a fully functional golf towel. • Towel size: 16”x25” • Lock Clip solid brass attachment • Super absorbent poly/cotton blend MSRP $24.95 The towels are sold at golf retailers and
952-445-5685 • 1025 Creekwood Street • Chaska, MN 55318
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a Tribute to Caddyshack towel! Visit to enter. Become fans of the Bag Boy and Tee Times Magazine Facebook pages to win, we are giving away one towel each day from April 7th thru April 14th.
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April 2012
By Mark Sheskey
Deb & Brian Thuringer
Brian Thuringer in his boat: "The Cheerio"
The way one flies an airplane can tell you a lot about his business management style. Brian Thuringer in a well-qualified private pilot with single and multi-engine ratings for high performance/complex aircraft he’s certified for land aircraft and seaplane aircraft as well as instrument flying. He’s the Owner/President of Minnesota’s largest and, arguably, most decorated resorts.
to 1000 people daily. Madden’s has remained one of the longest family-owned, independent resorts in the region.
Managing the Madden’s Resort complex is a multi-tasking challenge far beyond the multitasking requirements of flying your own aircraft. All the preparation skills, communication, technical expertise, navigation capabilities, flying in turbulence, resource management and cool headedness of flying pales, albeit parallels, the skill and experience required to bring This writer is also a pilot and has flown multiple times with Brian. On Madden’s to the smooth business altitude in leadership in the resort and golf industries. takeoff I tend to hold the brakes, spool up the engine, release brakes and jump into the air as quickly as possible. Thuringer’s takeoffs, including Even Family Has to Work Their Way Up – The Co-Pilots a well-crafted flight plan, are methodical, with gradual power input for Not your prototypical mom-and-pop resort. But it has been in the same family since the a long smooth departure. My landings consist of a short approach and 1930s, when Tom Madden and his nephew Jack bought a golf course and clubhouse and steeper drop in. Brian’s landings are in classic style; a well communicated built three cabins on the property. Over the decades Jack and his brother Jim steadily added smooth approach, centered well on the recommended 3-degree glide to the property, now run by Jim’s son-in-law, Brian Thuringer. “I worked my way up the oldslope, maneuvered to avoid turbulence resulting with wheels touching fashioned way and married the boss’ daughter,” Thuringer chuckles. down effortlessly. As a skilled pilot his every move is well calculated; every preparation researched and executed; every potential crisis They’re still keeping it in the family. Deb (Madden) Thuringer is co-owner and Director of handled with professional calm – his flights are fun. A modern pilot Design and Purchasing; both daughter Abbey Pieper and son Ben Thuringer are Vice Presidents. does not just fly an airplane; he is also the ‘manager of flight’. Brian Abbey and Ben will be the next generation in charge of the 1,000-acre peninsula in the Brainerd Thuringer’s professional approach to flying is evident in the leadership Lakes area. This family business, though, is not just being handed to them. The family is well and management of the complex business of piloting his exceedingly aware of statistics showing that most family businesses fail by the third generation. “We had to successful resort – Madden’s On Gull Lake. work our way up, so cigarette-butt-picking-up was my first official job,” said Abbey. But she did not go it alone. “I recruited my grandfather [Jim Madden] to take me around in a golf cart.” In the Cockpit of a Jumbo Operation Madden’s Resort employs 525 people during its peak summer season. While Abbey helped on the golf course Ben could be found in the main lodge at the age The resort sits on a thousand acres of pines and hardwoods with miles of 10. “I’d come to work in my little 12-foot-3 horse boat and serve coffee all mornings of picturesque Gull Lake shoreline. Amenities include: five swimming and evenings,” he said. “My father set the guidelines,” Ben said. ‘if you guys want to even pools; three sand beaches; 64 holes of golf; a full marina offering all types consider coming back, come back and see me with a four-year degree and at least three years’ of watercraft to get you out on the lake (speed, fishing, pontoon, paddle, experience at another four-star-plus property.” Ben and Abbey have the experience to take water bikes); croquet; lawn bowling; tennis; fine dining; both indoor and over the Madden’s Resort flight. outdoor cafes; gift shops; an ice cream and pizza parlor; and a couple of bars with live entertainment on selected dates. Accommodations include The Right Stuff – A Flight Plan & A Business Plan your choice of hotel-style rooms and private cottages. Madden’s has their Successful managers do things right while leaders do the right thing, says author own East Gull Lake Airport (9Y2) and full blown Convention Center. Warren Bennis. Pilots tend to be leaders and managers doing the right stuff. Sticking The Spalon Montage Spa overlooks Gull Lake. Nights are filled with to his flight plan and business plan characteristics is how Brian Thuringer flies gourmet dining, luxurious accommodations and incredible lake and golf his planes and has piloted his business to Minnesota’s #1 Resort. One can learn a course vistas. Madden’s has served guests since 1929 accommodating up lot about business skill from flying skills - Brian Thuringer has the Right Stuff!
Local Golf
April 2012
a few o f the a ttrac ti o ns and e vents tha t a ttend ees e xperien ced. Upgraded for 2012, the large crowds were treated to strategic clinics by local PGA pros, demos of next season’s new equipment by the manufacturers, bargains on merchandise from area retailers and special offers from their favorite courses. Attendance records were set on Saturday and overall numbers were up 49% over last years show. Positive feedback and enthusiastic crowds will have a big impact on the number of golfers out at local courses especially with our above average Spring weather and early course openings. Randall M cD aniel & Matt B lair Visit the MN Golf Show
W ine, W omen and W ed ges Event
1500ESPN Live Broadc asts
KS95’s Wine, Women and Wedges Presented by Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery and Fannie May Fine Chocolates took place on Saturday afternoon. The event was hosted by KS95’s Dez and featured local wines from Northern Vineyards Winery on the St. Croix. Wine, Women and Wedges was an exclusive event where women learned how to get started in the game of golf. If they were already a golfer they gained some great golf tips on their short game and putting. MN PGA Golf Professionals shared their knowledge of the game and all attendees talked about the great wine, food and instruction. KS95 is already talking about making next years’ event even bigger.
Thanks to Hubbard Broacasting/1500 ESPN for their support in securing a booth for Tee it up for the Troops at the MN Golf Show held at the Minneapolis Convention Center on February 17-19th. They also provided the Optishot Challenge and some prizes to raise monies for our military veterans and their families. For a $5 donation individuals attending the Golf Show could take three swings using the Optishot equipment and software for a chance to win a prize by landing their golf ball on the green. Over the three-day period Tee it up for the Troops raised $1,600. At the end of the weekend a drawing was held for the grand prize, which included an Optishot unit, software and a flat screen TV. The winner was Ian Skule of Richfield, MN.
Fans of 1500ESPN on air personalities had a chance to watch up close and personal their favorites during continuous live broadcasts all three days of the MN Golf Show. Large crowds were on hand to listen and watch sportscasters Judd Zulgad and Joe Anderson, Cory Roufs, Jim Souhan and others as well as always entertaining Patrick Reusse with a live feed to Phil Mackey broadcasting from Fort Meyers and the Twins spring training facility. The on air personalities had some great conversations and interviews with show attendees and exhibitors over the three-day event.
1500ESPN Broadcasting Live
Brid gest one Golf B all Fittin g Dez from KS95 at Wine, Women and Wedges
MN Golf Fashi on Show
Thank you to all the volunteers and celebrities that volunteered their time to work at our booth during the myTalk 107.1 hosted the MN Golf Show. Pictured below are some photos taken during Golf Fashion Show presented the event. by Tee Times Magazine on Saturday and again on Sunday on the Totally Driven Demonstration Stage. Let’s face it most of us may not golf like a pro yet...but you can definitely look like one. myTalk 107.1’s Allison Kaplan & Twin Cities Lives’ Emily Enberg walked the big crowds through the new collections that you’ll be seeing out on the courses this Spring. Vendors included Antigua, FILA, Cutter & Buck, ANNIKA, Sun Mountain, Mizuno and Sundog sunglasses. Local PGA Professionals and the Tee Mates served Nancy Christopherson - TIUFTT Executive Director, Randall as models and really enjoyed “entertaining” the crowds. McDaniel - MN Vikings, Jen Gouette - Freedom is Sweet Volunteer, and Jim Sullivan - Vietnam Veterans Event Chair
Bridgestone Golf provided free custom ball-fitting analysis. The first 500 participants each day received a 2-ball pack of custom-fit Bridgestone golf balls! The lines were a little long but every golfer that got to experience the ball-fitting process said the wait was definitely worth it.
2012 Leagues Make New Friends Leagues Forming Now! Mens Womens Couples Juniors Call Today For More Information
Heidi Collins, News Anchor at Fox 9 News and TIUFTT Board Member, and Matt Blair, MN Vikings
Fashion Show Models
33942 Falcon Avenue • Stacy, MN 55379
Local Golf
April 2012
N ew
Pr o duc ts
sh ow
Opti Shot by D an cin’ D o gg
Lining the Minneapolis Convention Center were rows of booths promoting new gear, exotic travel destinations and industry specific services. Among the packed aisles, one product stood out with an ever-present crowd - OptiShot Infrared Simulator from Dancin’ Dogg Golf.
A lot of us go out in the backyard with a wedge and chip some balls around. A few of the more excitable among us can’t resist taking a full swing. A fine idea if you don’t have any neighbors or care much about your lawn. That is until BIRDEE GOLF launched onto the scene late last year being featured in the Best New Product Zone at this years National PGA Show in Orlando and being voted Best New Product in the most recent Minneapolis Golf Show by
Very visible on the floor, OptiShot was available to test at both the ESPN 1500 and Tee it up for the Troops locations. Hundreds BIRDEE GOLF consists of 2 target nets (no assembly and of attendees took their shot to win an award-winning simulator sets up in seconds!) and 6 patented birdees (golf ball/shuttle or flat screen TV through closest to the pin and raffle contests. combo) and a nylon carrying bag for easy storage and portability. BIRDEE GOLF’S flexibility allows you to not only The ultimate in-home virtual golf system, OptiShot (starting play a very exciting full swing golf game but makes for a at $399) is remarkably affordable and easy-to-use. Ideal for great limited flight training aid, and non-golfers will love the all ages and abilities, it connects with Windows computers ability to toss the birdees like lawn darts. The patented birdvia a plug-and-play interface and requires only 8-½ feet of ees hit and react just like a real golf ball and the one 1 piece swing space. Infrared sensors on a durable swing pad precise- molded design won’t break apart like other models. ly record club-head speed, face angle, swing path, distance, tempo, face contact and ball flight. Whether on the beach, in the yard or tailgating BIRDEE GOLF allows you to have fun, work on your game and satisfy Up to four players per round use their own clubs to compete that urge to reach back and crush it! on replications of some of the most famous golf venues in the world. Users can also purchase premium layouts – such as Have a tournament coming up? BIRDEE GOLF makes a Monterey Classic, Old Scot and Ponte Vedra to complement great addition to any fundraisthe course offerings that come standard with the unit. ing event! “We were blown away by the incredible buzz at our booth MSRP $89.95 as golfers couldn’t wait to beat Old Man Winter and hit golf balls on our lifelike system,” says Morgan Makowski, Dancin’ Dogg Golf Project Manager. “With OptiShot there is no offseason. Golfers can practice or play realistic replications of world-class courses all year long from the comfort of home.”
Bird ieB all Indoo r Puttin g Green Syste m
Finally you can have a putting green in your house that rolls just like the green at your local course. Using RollTech technology BirdieBall has created the perfect indoor putting green. It’s lightweight, easily transportable, lays flat (or contours), and rolls just like a real green. Plus you can pick your own stimp speed, so you can practice at home on the same speed as your home course. Made of a proprietary aerated polymer, the surface of this green resembles an actual putting green. Soft, like a putting green, you can chip to this surface and get an actual real bounce and release characteristics. Putt, chip and change the contours with the shim sections supplied with your system. The 1/2”+ thickness is unprecedented as it allows for the golf ball to actually fall in the hole. The 2 piece extraction flag and cup work in tandem to stop the ball at the cup. When the ball(s) drop into the cup, simply pick up the flagstick, and dump them out. Just like the flags on the practice green at your local course. The system rolls up and stores away easily, allowing you to bring it out for hours of entertainment. Birdie Ball can make almost any size and the smallest standard size is 9 feet long by 16” wide with various sizes all the way up to 18 feet by 8 feet. They can also custom design any length, width and hole configuration you desire. Visit their website for all the pricing and custom options. or call 866.941.3644
Twili ght Super Nov a Go lf B all
Sun Products USA is introducing their newest product the SuperNova provides the high performance aerodynamics, MSRP $27.95 for a 3 pack Twilight SuperNova. It is a light up golf ball that upon control, accuracy, feel and distance you expect from a impact lights up for 8 minutes, the internal battery is good professional golf ball., or for 40 hours. “This light up golf ball is very exciting for us. It has taken John Gill President and CEO states that the product is getting years of technology and manufacturing to develop a real golf great acceptance throughout Europe. Players realize that they ball that lights up for 8 minutes,” states Gill. can save money not only on tee times but they can start very early in the morning and play late in the evening. The ball is The product should be available nationwide this fall at finer the only night golf ball with no loss of performance. Twilight golf shops everywhere.
Local Golf
April 2012
Minnesota: The Land of 500 Golf Courses
By Mark Sheskey
Golf in Minnesota – A Great Story Known as a top U.S. golf destination, Minnesota offers 500+ courses characterized by beautiful natural settings, excellent conditions and affordability. The overall “Quality” of golf in Minnesota cannot be matched. The listing of nationally recognized golf courses included in the Minnesota golf landscape constitutes a hall of fame of national and regional “AwardWinning” courses from such publications as Golf Digest, Golf Week, Golf News, Business Week, Sports Illustrated, National Golf Course Owners Association, Midwest Golf Course Owners Association etc. etc. – hundreds of awards. From metro area layouts to resort links, there’s a wide selection of courses for an easygoing round or a challenging game that tests your skills. “Value” is a major attribute of golf in Minnesota with green fees lower than other golf hotbeds around North America – almost always short of $100 and averaging $30-$50 for fantastic golfing experiences. Many facilities offer great Stay & Play packages.
While the study points out how broadly golf impacts Minnesota’s economy, it also highlights the importance that every golf course plays in local communities and that golf is a major part of the tourism equation. Such statistics validate the importance of keeping the game flourishing. This is where the EMT and EMGA along with the Minnesota Golf Association and its allied associations come in. Marketing Minnesota as a Destination - Explore Minnesota Tourism (EMT) “Explore Minnesota Tourism is a unique public/private agency that serves as a catalyst for growing tourism in Minnesota. It works in close partnership with the tourism industry itself. With increased industry input and support, we have repositioned our efforts, created new marketing partnerships and discovered new ways to keep the tourism industry thriving for many years to come.” …….John F. Edman, Director, Explore Minnesota Tourism
EMT’s Purpose Explore Minnesota Tourism was once a part of the state’s Depart of Economic Development; Minnesota Tourism is now its own State Agency. The mission of Explore Minnesota Tourism, the state’s tourism promotion office, is to promote the state’s public and private assets and to facilitate travel to and within the state of Minnesota, including golf. The goal is to generate both revenue and jobs across the state. A key sector of Minnesota’s economy, tourism in the state is an $11.3 billion industry, supporting more than 245,000 leisure and hospitality jobs, which represents 11 percent of private-sector employment. In addition, it generates almost $700+ For 2012, Tee Times Press is running a series of articles focusing on the many organizations, million in state sales tax revenues, which is 16 percent of Minnesota’s sales tax revenues. The both public and private, that support the growth of golf in Minnesota. The organizations that will be profiled in 2012 include Explore Minnesota Tourism, Explore MN Golf Alliance, MN Woman’s Golf Association, The 1st Tee, Fairways Foundation and others - all are Allied Partners of the Minnesota Golf Association. Why is Golf So Great in Minnesota? Our state leads the nation in golfers per capita; Hibbing is home to a golfer who consistently plays more rounds and posts more scores than any other golfer in the U.S.; and Minnesota is the only state to have hosted all 13 USGA national championships plus the Walker Cup, Curtis Cup, and men’s and women’s U.S. State Team championships. Minnesota will host the 2016 Ryder Cup also.
The above organizations are part of a small band of golf aficionados that are dedicated to promoting and preserving amateur golf in the state of Minnesota. This small band operates in conjunction with their allied partners in supporting the organized functions of golf leading to the growth of the game as a sport along with some very positive economic impact for the State of Minnesota. The lead organization, a non-profit corporation, is the Minnesota Golf Association (“MGA”). In close partnership in leadership with the MGA are Explore Minnesota Tourism (“EMT”) and the Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance (“EMGA”). Golf – Not Just a Game, a Benefit to the State’s Economy With over 10,000 lakes and approximately 500 golf courses, tourism and recreation thrive in Minnesota. Golf is a key driver of Minnesota’s tourism and recreation industries. While Minnesota’s quality of golf seems to defy conventional wisdom, quantifying what golf means to Minnesota is clearer now, thanks to a recently published study (“Golf 20/20-A Vision of the Future” by SRI International) on the economic impact of the golf business to the Minnesota economy. The total calculation of inflows generated by all tourism to Minnesota is approximately $11.3 Billion. When the economic impact of golf-related activities is considered (core industries such as golf facility operations, construction, capital investment, plus enabled industries like real estate and hospitality/tourism) Minnesota’s golf industry generates approximately $2.4 - $3.0 billion in direct, indirect and induced economic output, $776.7 million of wage income and 34,653 jobs.
Local Golf
April 2012
Braemar #12
economic impacts of travel and tourism are felt in communities The membership is open to Minnesota organizations including in every part of the state, both urban and rural. daily fee and municipal golf facilities, resorts, Convention & Visitors Bureaus, tourism-oriented and travel-related Explore Minnesota Tourism works closely with tourism organizations, hotels etc. Activities include website, social businesses and promotional organizations across the state media and blog, participation in out-of-state golf shows, to attract travelers to Minnesota communities. For every printed golf guide and many components of e-commerce. $1 invested in state tourism marketing $53 in gross sales Public Relations and editorial also play major roles in the is generated. Tourism marketing activities result in dollars organization’s successes to include: spent at Minnesota businesses, tax revenues generated for the state and jobs. Local/Regional/National Media Segments Influence Writers to Cover EMGA Courses EMT’s Plate is Very Full - Golf is a Priority Feature Focus Articles in Golf Magazines EMT is faced with promoting a mind boggling number of Networking with the Tourism Center at U of M featured activities: e.g. golf, biking, snow sports, wacky Networking and Support-Governor’s Explore MN Tourism winter festivals, indoor waterparks, music, art & theater, Council winter travel ideas, parks and forests, trails, fishing and hunting, wildlife and birding, art museums, musical groups, Membership is not meant to replace individual course/resort theater, dance, theme parks, waterparks, zoos, mines, caves, marketing plans but rather serve as a solid component of each boats, trains and trolleys, museums and sites exploring history, course’s marketing strategy. The marketing value for member science and nature plus shopping, antiques, boutiques, and courses and resorts is in multi-thousands of dollars. major shopping centers like the Mall of America. “Active” participation in membership gives the course/resort With all those activities, and a markedly decreasing state the BEST chance of attracting the out-of-town golfer. The budget allocation, it only makes sense that a private sector course/resort that provides the most input (participation) will group has stepped forward to bolster the promotion of get the best return-on-investment. Minnesota’s great golf. This group is the Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance (EMGA) Northwest Region Membership for courses and resorts in EMGA has unmatched marketing benefits. Members have marketing options in the Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance (EMGA) form of a menu of À la carte marketing opportunities. The Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance is a golf industry group programs, activities and promotions of EMGA significantly (leading course/resort owners and managers) that pools bolster the potential of Minnesota, and that specific property, resources to promote Minnesota as a golf tourism destination. in successfully attracting visiting golfers/tourists.
The Legends #18 Photo Courtesy of Peter Wong Photography
The roster of EMGA courses, and the overall availability of golf across Minnesota, delivers excellent “Geographical Disbursement” throughout the state. All of the EMGA courses are open to the public. The “Variety” of EMGA courses allow golfers to opt for their favorite style – links, deep woods, breathtaking river and lake views all woven into Mother Nature’s natural beauty. Choose from family friendly par-3 and executive courses to championship courses and former pro tour sites – Minnesota has it all! Promoting the Great Story Golf in Minnesota is a great story. As a top U.S. golf destination, Minnesota offers 500+ courses characterized by beautiful natural settings, excellent conditions and affordability. The overall “Quality” and “Value” of golf in Minnesota cannot be matched. The small band of golf aficionados, including Explore Minnesota Tourism, Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance, Minnesota Golf Association and others, promote and preserve amateur golf in our state. This small band operates to supporting the organized functions of golf leading to the growth of the game as a sport along with some very positive economic impact for the State of Minnesota. Invite an out-of-state friend or associate to sample the quality, variety and value of golf in Minnesota. Visit the websites of Minnesota golf aficionados and show your appreciation of their work in promoting Minnesota. EMT EMGA MGA
Local Golf
April 2012
April Book Review
By Tim Ryan
Caddy Tales For anyone who has ever caddied, taken a caddie, or wondered what life is like being able to afford a regular looper from the yard, the book Caddy Tales by Scott Werner is a must read this Spring and Summer.
Released in December 2011, this book is a collection of true stories, with fictionalized characters to protect folks’ identity, all written from the magnificent viewpoint of a caddie. The beauty is that nearly every one of the notes and anecdotes take place at a number of the most glorious golf courses around the world, where Mr. Werner has had the privilege of caddying for celebrities, multi-millionaires, billionaires, sports legends, and virtually every type of mogul and commoner in between. These truly genuine and authentic tales from a real life, hard working, seen-it-all
caddie read very smooth and easy, while being absolutely hilarious to boot! I laughed my way through the entire book, and Caddy Tales will have you shaking your head and nodding, as well. Many have said they have had bursts of laughter while reading this little gem in public, so be prepared to have people stare. Treat your golf game right. Buy a copy of Caddy Tales through and revel in the delight!
Call To Book Your Event Today. Great Greens, Great Location, Great Price Chomonix Golf Course Has It All!
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Now You Can Get Greens Fees That Look This Good. • 33+ Free rounds with a cart rental • Member for a day at 8 Private Country Clubs • Preferred rates at 166 courses • Kids play free at 45 courses • 2 for the price of 1 Lessons • Restaurant savings nationwide • Travel savings on air/hotel/condo Great price……..Only $49.95 Visit us at: Call us at: 952-935-8910
Let Us Provide You With A Memorable Experience That Exceeds Common Expectations Weddings, Banquets, Meetings & Golf Events
18 Hole Golf Course Practice Range and Instruction Banquet Facilities for up to 300 people! Visit our website to sign up for our Player’s Club Awards Card and receive a FREE 18 hole green fee for your birthday.
Information at
Interstate 94 East Exit 250 526 Inwood Avenue N Oakdale, MN 55128
Local Golf
April 2012
Tee Times Cup Participants Tom Abts Head Golf Professional, Deer Run Golf Club
Will Brogan Tee Times Writer
Tim Brovold Assistant Golf Professional, Bunker Hills Golf Club
Michael Herzog Assistant Golf Professional, Bent Creek Golf Club
Have you ever wondered how well the contributors of Tee Times Press really know golf? More specifically, how well they could forecast the upcoming majors and other significant events on Tour? This season, you can find out just how good your favorite Tee Times Press writers and other Minnesota golf personalities can be at predicting the winners of the biggest events of the season! Further, these prognostications will be scored and kept in standings throughout the summer, and for the October Issue, a Tee Times Cup “champion” will be declared! For simplicity purposes, there will be one event per month, including each of the four men’s major championships, The PLAYERS Championship, and the FedEx Cup. Also included will be “bonus” predictions of the 3M Championship for the August Issue.
The breakdown looks like this:
2012 Masters Preview
April Issue: The Masters (Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta, GA, April 5-8)
Let’s face it: we’re all enormously excited for this year’s Masters. The 76th edition of the year’s first major is one of the most anticipated golf tournaments in recent memory. All of the top names in golf are healthy and their games are peaking. Previous winners Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson are rounding into fine form, while stars like Rory McIlroy and Luke Donald are itching to slip into their first green jacket. All of the aforementioned players have a PGA TOUR win on their 2012 resumé, and defending Masters champion Charl Schwartzel is also quietly playing well.
May Issue: The PLAYERS Championship (T.P.C. Sawgrass, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, May 10-13) Matt Just Golf & Fitness Professional, Life Time Fitness, St. Louis Park
June Issue: U.S. Open (The Olympic Club, San Francisco, CA, June 14-17) July Issue: The Open Championship (Royal Lytham & St. Annes, Lancashire, England, July 19-22) August Issue: PGA Championship (The Ocean Course, Kiawah Island, SC, August 9-12) August Issue BONUS: 3M Championship (T.P.C. Twin Cities, Blaine, MN, August 3-5)
Paul (P.K.) KellEy Head Golf Professional, Woodhill Country Club and President, MN Section PGA
Jim McNaney City Manager, Director of Instruction, golfTEC
September Issue: FedEx Cup Playoffs (predicting the overall champion; concludes September 23)
Each contributor will select two golfers. Here’s a guideline of how the scoring will work: If one of the chosen golfers ends up winning the tournament, that is worth 10 points. If one of the chosen golfers records a Top-10 finish, that is worth 5 points. If one of the chosen golfers records a Top-25 finish, that is worth 2 points.
C.J. Meyer Assistant Golf Professional, Woodhill Country Club
Jay Meyerhoff Head Golf Professional, Rush Creek Golf Club
Lori Money PGA Professional and Director of Operations, StoryTeller Media Jimmy Rockelman Lead Golf Instructor, Coral Ridge Country Club and Tee Times Magazine, Director of Instruction Steve Wetzler Publisher, Tee Times Magazine
Eddie Wynne Head Golf Professional, Program Director, U of M Les Bolstad Golf Course
A contributor’s picks work independently from one another. In other words, they can receive points if one, the other, or both of their choices end up qualifying for points. For example, say a person selects Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson for The Masters. If Tiger finishes in the Top-10, and Phil wins, that contributor will receive 15 points: 5 for Tiger’s Top-10 and 10 for Phil’s win. Included in each month will be a brief preview of that month’s upcoming event. Be sure to follow the exciting Tee Times Cup all season long!
Here are our contestants “picks” for the 2012 Masters Tom Abts Will Brogan Tim Brovold Michael Herzog Matt Just Paul (P.K.) Kelley Jim McNaney C.J. Meyer Jay Meyerhoff Lori Money Jimmy Rockelman Steve Wetzler Eddie Wynne
Pick 1
Pick 2
Keegan Bradley Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Bill Haas Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Rory McIlroy Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Jason Day
Rory McIlroy Rory McIlroy Rory McIlroy Rory McIlroy Charl Schwartzel Lee Westwood Hunter Mahan Lee Westwood Phil Mickelson Rory McIlroy Dustin Johnson Rory McIlroy Luke Donald
If there is anything we have learned from this young season on the PGA TOUR, it’s that anything can happen. Almost week after week, tournaments have come down to the very last shot. Based on the incredible leaderboard log-jam that we saw during the final round of the 2011 Masters, and the late drama and parity that has become the calling card of this PGA TOUR season, this Masters could live up to the building hype and truly end up being one for the ages. Augusta National Golf Club is traditionally voted as one of the very top golf courses in the world. Developed by Bobby Jones, Clifford Roberts and architect Dr. Alister MacKenzie, the par 72 course will play at a length of 7,445 yards for this year’s Masters. Massive elevation changes, slick tabletop greens and beautiful scenery, among dozens of other timeless characteristics, are some of Augusta National’s most important course features.
By Eric N. Hart
of season, Minnesota’s resorts are thriving hubs of activity for the Regardless opportunistic. Consider this, within our state borders we have a casino to rival any in Atlantic City (The Wilderness at Fortune Bay), ski slopes that compare favorably with the greatest in Vermont and Maine (Giants Ridge) and lakes…well, when it comes to lakes, what state would even dare to compete with Minnesota? On the shores of our 10,000 beautiful lakes, you’ll find many a family centered resort destination that, according to Conde Nast Traveler, Golf Digest, GolfWeek and Golf Magazine, go head to head with the best in the entire world (Grand View, Madden’s, Craguns). Add in the Audubon recognized Izaty’s Resort and the natural beauty that is everything at Minnesota National, and why would you even leave the state for golf, or skiing, or gambling or okay…even fun for that matter. Yes, the abundance of entertainment means airline tickets elsewhere are pretty much unnecessary.
Stay here. Play here. Keep your hard earned money in Minnesota and let the resorts pay you back, or at least make every minute of your visit well worth your while. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no time like the now, no future golf opportunities likely to exceed those of the present. Regardless of what you seek, you can find it right here in Minnesota. So make plans right now for a first trip, or return, to at least one of the destinations featured on the following pages. Continue to Live, Laugh, and Loveâ&#x20AC;ŚMinnesota.
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
Golf Week’s #1 Course in Minnesota and So Much More! By Steve Manthis
Wilderness at Fortune Bay #3 Photo Courtesy of Peter Wong Photography
Let me start out by saying this: We earned it. After the excruciatingly long (and snowy) winter last year, it’s only fair that we caught a break and had a winter with mild temperatures and little snow. Like most Minnesota golfers, I’m excited to get out there and play. It’s always a great feeling playing those first few rounds after a four or five month hiatus. With the early arrival of this year’s golf season, hopefully you can get in more rounds than you did last year. One thing we’re blessed with here in Minnesota is that we have plenty of great courses to play despite the fact that winters here can sometimes last far too long. Wherever it is that you play regularly, any good Minnesotan needs to take advantage of all those great places to tee it up. When the opportunity comes, take the time and plan an “Up North” golf trip to Tower/Lake Vermillion and The Wilderness at Fortune Bay. About a 3½ hour drive from the Twin Cities and 35 miles north of Giant’s Ridge, Fortune Bay is home to a hotel, a casino and The Wilderness – a beautiful, award-winning golf course. It started winning accolades as soon as it opened; Golf Magazine ranked it as one of the best new places to play in 2005, and the awards keep coming. Golf Digest ranked it as the #2 casino course in the nation in 2008 and #40 on the list of America’s greatest public golf courses in 2011. And just last month, Golf Week named it the #1 course in the state.
back to the clubhouse and 12 through 14 run next to the lake. The 13th provides options for just how much of the lake you want to hit over. By the time you get to #18, a long, downhill par 4, you’ll be wondering what took you so long to get up here and play. If you’re lucky, you’ll have another tee time tomorrow; then you can take advantage of all the resort has to offer. If you are staying for another day, be sure to take advantage of the practice facilities at the course. They have a spacious driving range with an elevated tee as well as a large practice green. If your game really needs some work, be sure to contact professionals Tom Beaudry or Ryan Peterson for a lesson. If you need a meal before or after your round, be sure to stop in at The Wilderness Grill where they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. From the huge patio you can watch golfers on four different holes or simply enjoy the scenery. The burger I had after my round really hit the spot without lightening my wallet too much. Since we were playing the next day too, the staff left our clubs on the cart and safely parked the cart in their garage. The next day, we simply walked down to the course from our rooms and our clubs were waiting for us.
According to their website (, “The Wilderness offers spectacular panoramic views from the shores of the magnificent Lake Vermilion” and it’s “wrapped around picturesque Minnesota woodlands, which include majestic white and red pines, thick evergreens and dramatic rock outcroppings.” Like any golf course, words don’t describe The Wilderness; you have to play it to fully appreciate its beauty. With five sets of tees, it’s a necessity to find the correct ones to fit your game. Long hitters who want a good challenge will need to make sure their drivers are working as it measures 7,200 yards from the back tees. One of my playing partners was comfortable hitting from there, but I soon came to my senses after a few holes and moved up to the realistic 6,700 yard blue tees. I like a challenge, but I’m also aware that I don’t possess the length of a Tour Pro. Let me say that the blues still provided quite a challenge. The first hole is a long par 5 that shows you just what you’re in for. The multi-level fairway is split in two by one of those outcroppings the website mentions. It’s a pretty hole that requires a good drive to start. #2 is a tough par 4 and there’s no rest when you get to #3. Measuring193 yards over water, the third is a great looking hole that provides quite a challenge. I’d take a par there any day, so the birdie I made makes it an easy choice for favorite hole (it’s also the hole on the front of the scorecard). From there, the course continues on much like it starts. #9 brings you
Fortune Bay Blackjack
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Fortune Bay Marina
Golf Car at The Wilderness
Fortune Bay Pool Photo Courtesy of Jeff Henningsgaard
The resort itself has 173 rooms, a casino, a lobby lounge, a pool, two restaurants and a theater. Performers coming up in April and May include Air Supply, Rob Schneider and GB Leighton. Be sure to check the schedule to see who’s playing on the weekend you plan to be there. If you’re the RV type, they have an RV park with 36 sites, all with power hookups. And if you need another way to get there, Fortune Bay Resort has its own marina with 80 slips. If you come by boat, they’ll even pick you up and bring you to the hotel! At the marina there is a bait and fishing shop for all of you who try to catch fish after chasing birdies. If fishing isn’t your thing, you can rent canoes, paddleboats and pontoon boats. Also available to rent this year are two hydro bikes. One last item on the property is the Heritage Center located down by the lake near holes 1214. Here you can learn about the Bois Forte band of Chippewa. Pricing depends on when you go, but a Play and Stay Package for the beginning of the year starts at $118 per person, based on double occupancy. For June, July and August, the rates start at $147. If you arrived by RV and therefore don’t need a room, rates run from $69 which includes green fee, cart and range balls. With so many places to play in this state, it’s tough to get to all of them. I’m living proof of that. It took me seven years to get up to The Wilderness at Fortune Bay and I hope that it doesn’t take me another seven years to get back. If you’ve never been there, make an effort this year to change that.
Owned by the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
The Wilderness at Fortune Bay, part of Northern Minnesota’s premiere vacation destination at Fortune Bay Resort Casino. The Wilderness offers spectacular panoramic views from the shores of the Lake Vermilion. Wrapped around picturesque Minnesota woodlands, which include majestic white and red pines, thick evergreens and dramatic rock outcroppings, the challenging course is as visually stimulating as it is enjoyable to play, making it a true golfer’s dream.
The Wilderness • At Fortune Bay 1450 Bois Forte Road Tower, MN 55790 800.992.4680
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
Tops On Golf Digest’s “Must Play List” By Steve Manthis
The Legend at Giants Ridge #11 Photo Courtesy of Peter Wong Photography
Whether you have a cabin nearby, or, better yet, a friend with a cabin nearby, make an effort to head up to Biwabik sometime this season. Whatever the reason you make it there, you’ll be rewarded with some great golf. Located 80 to 90 minutes north of Duluth, Giants Ridge provides another great golf opportunity for us Minnesotans. Featuring two championship-caliber courses, the Legend and the Quarry, Giants Ridge is one of those “must plays” for any serious golfer.
of the top 100 Greatest Public Golf Courses in the U.S. In other words, if you haven’t been there yet, what are you waiting for? These two gems are right here in your own back yard.
On one of the many gorgeous but hot weekends last summer, I teed it up at the Quarry. Like most well designed golf courses, the Quarry has several sets of tees. From the back/gold tees, the course measures 7,200 yards – quite a challenge. The blues provided a more sensible 6,700 yards, so that’s where I headed. For newcomers or seniors, the whites are 6,100 yards Like its neighbor at Fortune Bay, the Legend at Giants Ridge earned awards right and the forward tees are a nice 5,100 yards. The first hole is a 400 yard par 4 called “Pioneer,” from its opening and continues to do so. Golf Digest called it one of the Top Ten Best and I have to agree with the Giants Ridge website when it calls #1 “a very solid starting hole.” New Courses in the Nation in 1998, and listed it as the #2 Golf Resort in A nice drive left me with a mid iron to the green. the Midwest in 2010. The newer course, the Quarry, is no slouch either. In 2004, Golf Digest called it America’s Best New Upscale Public Course, and it has consistently Adam, one of the guys in my group, calls the second hole, a long par 5, one of his favorite been named Minnesota’s #1 Public Course. Golf Digest has it as #16 on its 2011 list holes. After playing it, I see why. A wide fairway heads towards some sand dunes, remnants of the rock quarry that gives the course its name. Depending on where you hit your tee shot, the second shot asks you to choose how much of the 25 feet deep waste area you dare to go over. Not knowing the hole, I played a safe second shot and was left with a short iron to a narrow green with very pronounced tiers. Great looking holes continue to come, one after the other. The Giants Ridge website calls the par 3 fourth similar to the famous Redan hole in North Berwick, Scotland. I’ve played both, and the Giants Ridge version is much more difficult, most likely since it is, at about 230 yards, 50 yards longer than its Scottish counterpart. The next par 3, #7, is an all-or-nothing carry of about 175 yards also over the quarry’s remnants. The long par 4 eighth hole will test your ability, and the short ninth hole is no place to let up. A blind tee shot through a trough leaves a tricky short iron to the green. If you can, stay left with your tee shot, as it will offer a better angle to the green. The back nine shows more of the same – lots of elevation change, pine trees and reminders of the quarry. While the front nine is the longer of the two, the back nine has a few shorter holes. #13 comes in at 296 yards and it’s quite a fun hole. From an elevated tee, there are several options. A tee shot left puts you on the upper tier of the double fairway, but it’s difficult to see from the tee box. A drive to the right half of the fairway is more easily seen, but then you’re left with a harder second shot up to the green. If you’ve got that kind of distance, you can be like Adam and simply knock it on the green and two putt for birdie. I played it out to the right, but next time I’ll try to go left off the tee for the easier approach. To finish up the round, #14 and #16 are nice par 5’s sandwiched around the long par 4 15th, and the final two holes leave the topography of the quarry behind and bring you back to the clubhouse on much flatter terrain. The Quarry at Giants Ridge #13 Photo Courtesy of Schiller
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Wacootah Grille at The Quarry Clubhouse Overlooking Lake Mine
The Quarry at Giants Ridge #17 Photo Courtesy of Peter Wong Photography
Checking their website (, you can find some great deals. Thanks to an early spring, both the Legend and the Quarry. With the great weather come some great prices. From opening day through April 26, you can play 18 holes for $45 and 36 for $75. If you’re going to play and stay, they have a few choices. For $77, you can get 18 holes and one night’s stay (off site) midweek; on weekends, the rate is $87. If you’d like to stay on site, the prices begin at $125. There are four different on site places to stay, so check the website or call (800-688-7669 or 218-865-8000) for more information. Besides golf, Giants Ridge offers other summer activities like hiking and mountain biking as well as kayaking and canoeing. They also have tennis (tennis is only at Villas) and disc golf for those who aren’t golfers. The Wacootah Grille and The Lodge restaurant are there to take care of your nourishment and the chalet or The Lodge can be rented for conferences, banquets and weddings. With so many amenities, there’s plenty of reason to make Giants Ridge your destination. A rookie to Giants Ridge last year, I jumped when given the opportunity last summer. Three friends and I made the trip to and my only regret is that I didn’t get the chance to play the Legend. Looks like I’ll have to make it up there again this year and tee it up on both courses.
The Legend at Giants Ridge
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Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
“Just Get Yourself Free, Hop On The Bus, Gus"
- Paul Simon lyric
By Mark Sheskey
Pine Beach East #18
Greyhound Lines had its origin in Hibbing, Minnesota in 1914 transporting iron ore miners from Hibbing to the Alice, MN mines. The motor coach has great history in Minnesota as does Madden’s Resort in Brainerd. Madden’s history began in 1909 when entrepreneur T.H. Harrison planned a Gull Lake resort and eventually built a golf course and hotel. The golf course was leased to the Maddens in 1920’s. Both Greyhound and Madden’s have Minnesota history.
Owner Brian Thuringer says his resort is a success because it meets guests’ demands. Thuringer believes resorts have to give guests what they want, which isn’t easy, because guests want more activities and amenities than ever before. “People are very demanding of service and activities, much more so than they used to be. And I think that’s where keeping up is very important”, Thuringer states.
It’s the perfect time to plan this season’s golf getaway. The Classic at Madden’s provides a first-class golf experience. The professional layout and beautiful treelined fairways keep golf lovers coming back. In case you needed more reasons to golf at The Classic at Madden’s, here’s a stat: The Classic at Madden’s is the only golf course in Minnesota to receive a 5-Star, Top 100 rating by Golf Digest. Among The Classic’s peer group of Top 100 courses, the average peakseason greens fee is $193 for golf only and only 15 courses charge $100 or less. The newly introduced Motor Coach Golf Tour pricing starts at $129 for golf PLUS practice range, lunch, and travel from the Twin Cities – a great VALUE for a “must play” 5-star golf course.
Planning a Golf Trip is a Lot of Work: Most agree that the CHALLENGE of golf should be PLAYING GOLF - not planning! When it comes to golf trips, Madden’s new motor coach program, featuring premium commercial coaches, handles all the details of a customized golf itinerary, including transportation.
Tourism officials say more and more, the key to success in the resort industry is size. A So, how do these historical tidbits relate?……….Madden’s offers a motor coach bigger resort is able to provide its guests with more to do. Madden’s is the biggest resort golf tour to The Classic. in Minnesota. It has room for almost 1,000 guests, and of course delivers 63 holes of golf. Quality is the No. 1 priority at Madden’s and they are always ready to introduce “Must Play” Golf Course: Madden’s Resort has been a destination of new recreational activities and to rebuild and refurbish accommodations to meet the choice for organizations around the country and on the “bucket list” for many as standards of 21st century guests. The philosophy here is simply to provide the best that Minnesota has to offer. a “must play”.
A very unique aspect of Madden’s Motor Coach Tour to The Classic is that the group can be picked up ANYWHERE the group wishes…the group specifies the pickup/drop-off location and the Madden’s motor coach will pick the group up. For 2012 they even have groups from as far away as Minot, ND and Winnipeg, Canada! The program works like this: the group leader contacts Madden’s Head Golf Professional Glenn Hagberg with the date/s desired for their group of 40 or more golfers. The group leader specifies the pickup location….Madden’s takes care of the rest! Not Madden’s First Bus Rodeo! The concept of motor coach trips is not new for Madden’s. In better economic times Madden’s offered luxury motor coach trips with their very own motor coach which carried the title of “The Classic Coach”. These were true luxury trips for small groups of 12-16 golfers originating mostly from the Twin Cities. These trips were suspended at a time when business budget allocations, particularly corporate entertainment, dried up after the 9/11 reversal of the economy. The Classic Coach was first offered when The Classic golf course opened in the 1990’s. The bus was their own full sized, state-of-the-art coach configured with luxury amenities including two televisions, VCR, CD player, living room-type seating, complete kitchen and restroom plus on-board hostess with catered food and beverages. The Classic Coach was popular, primarily with major corporations, for entertaining their best clients with luxury golf-based outings. The Classic Coach was a perfect place for face-to-face business interaction and to get the formalities of a business meeting out of the way before an afternoon of fun on The Classic.
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Glacial Waters Spa
Madden's Resort aerial
Madden’s Classic Coach is currently being refurbished and for hefty carbon footprints and driving your own car isn’t much better (particularly if there are only one or two people updated for luxury trips in the future. in it at the time). Another consideration in favor of a motor Why a Group Golf Trip? What makes a golf trip coach is the recent spike in gas prices. memorable will always be the same laughing with friends, pursuit of the ever-elusive eagle, and being treated like the Stress….. Everyone knows that reduced stress at tee time pros. Groups attracted to motor coach golf trips include: Golf improves the potential of enjoying your round more. Recent Leagues, Member Clubs and Associations, Mystery Trips, studies by American Bus Association have also proven that Radio Station and Retail Store Promotions, Bar/Restaurants. bus trips are better for your health, compared to using your personal vehicle. Tests show that people who take the bus Example: Nevada Bobs in Duluth June trip: depart store 9am, are 33% less stressed than those who use their cars. Bus trips arrive Classic 11:30am, 1:00 shotgun, arrive home 8:30pm. are less stressful because you don’t have to deal with traffic “The buzz about Nevada Bob’s Day on The Classic has been plus travelers can read, socialize and relax. Many people also great! With the normal greens fee over $100 the VALUE in this find the fact that someone else is in charge of the trip more trip is great, not to mention the additional benefit of not having comforting and less stressful. to organize and drive.” Ryan Bard, Nevada Bob’s Duluth Madden’s Motor Coach 2012 Offerings An Eco-Friendly Option: Madden’s is an industry Option 1: Spend the Day leader in ‘going green’, Madden’s was awarded the Premium Motor Coach to/from customer’s pickup point, “Sustainable Tourism Award” by Minnesota Tourism and lunch, 18-holes w/cart at Classic, Practice Range Golf Digest’s exclusive “Green Star” Award. Starting at $129/person Option 2: Spend the Night To minimizing environmental impact, the bus is one of the Premium Motor Coach to/from customer’s pick-up point, one best transportation options around. Airplanes are notorious night lodging, dinner, breakfast, 18-holes w/cart at Classic,
Madden's Golf Villa
18-holes w/cart at Madden’s Pine Beach East or West, Practice Range. Starting at $199/person Program prices vary with day of the week and peak season as well as distance from Brainerd. Minimum groups of 40+ Packages Comp Group Leaders The Madden’s Motor Coach Golf Trip Value. Madden’s Golf Motor Coach charters are fully customizable. Madden’s offers the only motor coach golf trips in Minnesota and delivers the best golf experience possible. You’ll receive a great hassle-free golf value. With a motor coach trip you spend less time planning and more time playing! A golf trip to Madden’s is the ‘full deal’ resort experience... it’s not staying at a Super 8, running to different courses. It’s sitting on the deck of the Golf Villas, overlooking Pine Beach East, talking over the day’s game with a nice scotch and cigar...or maybe fishing in the evening after golf in the afternoon with the guys. Bus tours leave the driving to someone else, saving on stress, eco concerns and costs. “Just get yourself free, hop on the bus, Gus”
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
By Eric N. Hart
The Preserve
Conde Nast Traveler proclaimed it a Top 121 Worldwide Golf Resort, and ranked it #4 in Northern U.S. Golf Resorts, alongside highly esteemed Top 5 partners such as the American Club in Kohler, WI. GolfWeek Magazine then singled out two of Grand View’s championship courses, the Arnold Palmer designed Deacon’s Lodge and the scenic Preserve, ranking them 3rd and 10th respectively on Minnesota’s Top 10 Public Golf List. Golf Digest lists Grand View as one of the 75 Best Golf Resorts in North America. And not to be outdone, Golf Magazine, for the second year in a row, honored Grand View Lodge with the Gold Medal Award, inevitably cementing the resort in the most elite of company. That’s what the experts are saying. Now how about what Grand View Lodge is doing? Not resting on their laurels! The enchanting lakeside cabins not far from the flower lined signature steps of the main lodge are being renovated, upgraded, primped and made even more proper. The restaurant menus have been redone, catering to both local and visitor requests collected over the past few years. And where many visitors to Grand View notice it the most, the golf courses are being prepped for a phenomenal year. Grand View Lodge
To be recognized as one of the greatest resorts on the planet, the amenities must be valuable and plentiful. Grand View Lodge has no shortage of such amenities. The visitor has the “can’t miss” task of selecting from a plethora of lodging options ranging from immaculate rooms at The Inn, to golf or lakeside villas and cabins. Mark Ronnei, General Manager of Grand View, states what many golfers already know to be a given. “Golf groups love it here, regardless of their size, because we can fit 4, 12 or even more golfers together in a single lodging facility, all the way up to an 8 You won’t here. Not at Grand View Lodge where, bedroom townhome… with full kitchens, pool tables and even if you went to Grand View last year, you need countless other amenities, just steps from some of the best to come back and see what’s new. The vibrant, courses in the state.” family oriented, Brainerd Lakes area Stay & Play “desti-cation” hotspot bolted out of the gates this But they cater to so much more than just golfers here. The spring, on cresting waves of acclaim and significant Glacial Waters Spa pampers with reinvigorating treatments (popular) change. There was already sufficient in a soothing atmosphere. Eight delectable restaurants cover reason to come here annually for many Minnesotan every imaginable taste or pleasure, with intimate, athletic, and Midwestern families… and yet, trust us when comforting and/or family dining environs. The indoor pool we say there’s never been a better year to make a and waterslide, water sport possibilities, Kid’s Club and Grand View trip than THIS year. Why? Well, in the Adventure Clubs will easily occupy the young and young at last month alone, the most recognized travel and heart, and those planning a wedding, family reunion, corporate golf media giants have spoken out about the historic outing, or celebration of any sort will find themselves catered to at every level by a compassionate, and consummately central Minnesota resort: The all too familiar advertising campaign encourages travelers who haven’t visited a particular destination in a few years to come back and check out everything that’s “new”. But it usually isn’t. Repainted, cleaned up, renamed, sure. But new? No. People fall for it year after year and typically come away unimpressed, even feeling somewhat disillusioned or fooled.
professional staff. With all of that said, if escaping to Grand View with your family, friends and/or colleagues for some rest, fun, “work” and relaxation isn’t enough, well, we haven’t even touched on the aforementioned 72 holes of golf yet. A short walk from the Historic Main Lodge you’ll find the “feel good” 9-hole Garden course. A high value low pressure design perfectly suited for a warm up or cool down round, or a casual stroll with kids and some sticks. Across the street, The Pines is nestled amongst pine and lake enhanced landscapes, you can explore 27 holes divided into three varied 9-hole designs, Woods, Marsh and the Lakes. Inside the award winning Pro Shop, Head Golf Professional, Jack Wawro, compares the golfer’s experience at The Pines to its sibling courses. “In many ways we are the reverse of the other two championship designs. We are tighter and less forgiving off the tee, yet far more forgiving on approach and on the greens. But we provide so many different playing options that we can be friendly enough for every skill level of golfer.” Before or after your round you can take a courseside seat on the patio at Freddy’s Grille, adjacent fountains and a near-island green. Sit back and relax. They make that so easy to do here. The Pines thrives on making every visitor, new or returning, comfortable in these pleasant surroundings, providing high end social opportunities and service at a rather modest cost. On your next visit to Grand View you’ll want to pay particular attention to, and probably even take a firsthand look at, the NEW Lakes nine, fresh off a significant renovation. With restructured tee boxes on 14 holes (including 5 completely new ones), scenic rock walls, added yardage, and major enhancements to the property’s signature hole (Lakes #7) it’s clear they’ve been quite busy. The #7 green has been tripled from it’s former size, the tee boxes enlarged, and the new lakeside rock wall has made an already picturesque hole even more frame worthy. A short drive from the main property you’ll find Grand View’s two state ranked gems. The Preserve is a frolicking roller coaster round, wildly entertaining and wildlife abundant, with one of the most memorable clubhouse views you’ll ever see. Weaving alongside, over and through wetland areas, eleven elevated tees will give you vantages (and your shots advantages) relatively uncommon in Minnesota. You’ll appreciate both.
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Glacial Waters Spa
Grand View Cottages at Roy Lake
And then there’s Deacon’s Lodge. (Named after Arnold Palmer’s father.) This golf sanctuary has risen in the rankings the past few years as droves of golfers have either discovered or rediscovered the Palmer gem, and maintenance of the course has never been better. Golf groups relish the opportunity to stay in the superb multi-bedroom golf villas, and to experience the serene solitude of 18 masterfully crafted nature friendly holes. A well-traveled national golf writer was quoted of saying, about Deacon’s Lodge; “With more loons than houses, more deer than golfers and more golfers than bugs, this is what “escaping” is all about.” It’s worth noting that at Deacon’s Lodge it is entirely possible to play an entire round without seeing or hearing another golfer. Even when
it’s busy! To those fortunate enough to have experienced a round here, it is no surprise at all that this course continues to draw so much praise and adulation.
Grand View Lodge certainly provides ample opportunities and amenities for any type of vacationer, regardless of what floats your boat. The activities and events calendar is kept full, and the staff follows through from your arrival to departure on what they were professionally trained to do… Take care of you. In the Grand View of things…Today is a great day to be here. Tomorrow is a great day to come back. The Pines #7
Best Courses You Can Play in Minnesota
Gold Medal Winner
Top 121 Golf Resorts in the World
Golfweek Magazine 2012
Golf Magazine 2012
Condé Nast Traveler 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
Taking Golf To The Next Level By Steve Wetzler
Bobby's Legacy #10 Photo Courtesy of Peter Wong Photography
Some think that Minnesota golf resorts are all the same. The fact is they couldn’t be further from the truth. While most are on a lake and offer golf, lodging and wonderful amenities, they are all very different. They forge their niches and guests return year after year to their favorite resort. Guests develop friendships with many staff members, the staff watch as guests children grow up summer after summer. Cragun’s can be described as a mom and pop resort on steroids. A focus on family, incredible golf, a mile of prime Gull Lake shoreline, a wide array of lodging options and recreation activities that will keep you busy from dawn until dusk. All just a short list of examples as why Cragun’s is one of Minnesota’s premiere resorts.
The must attend event of the weekend is Dutch’s party, the Friday night dinner buffet by the pool with live music and Dutch visiting every table welcoming his guests. Dutch’s party is on Sunday nights June – August and moves to Fridays during the shoulder seasons. It’s Dutch’s stage and he is the star. He meets new friends and shares stories with old friends. Dinner was also our introduction to a pack of grandmothers that I will refer to as the ‘tomato eaters’. One of them was standing behind us with a three-foot fork trying to spear a tomato from my salad. She finally got it on the eighth try. Stick around after dinner for Cragun’s Bingo. We played for about an hour. I won $3 in Cragun’s bucks but I really wanted the red, white and blue socks. After dinner we found a fire burning on the beach and stared at the stars. It wasn’t a late night as we had an early morning tee time at Bobby’s Legacy.
Named after it’s famed designer and rated 4 ½ Stars by GolfDigest, Bobby’s Legacy is every Dutch and Irma Cragun have worked a lifetime making summer vacationers feel bit a shot maker’s dream as its brother Dutch. Bobby’s like family. We spent a weekend last fall at Cragun’s and enjoyed every minute Legacy also offers many split fairways and multiple tees of our stay. for golfers of all skill levels. Just beyond the 18th green is the 55th hole, the Gambler’s Hole. Kim and I halved the Cragun’s boasts 55 holes of championship golf designed by Robert Trent Jones, Gambler’s Hole, but once again she beat me playing from Jr.; Dutch Legacy, Bobby’s Legacy, the Reversible 9 and hole #55, the Gambler’s the whites. Hole. The Legacy courses sit on over 300 acres of woods, marshlands and lakeshore. A premium is placed on shot selection, as there are several options We asked PGA General Manager Eric Peterson what is their to the green and a plethora of risk/reward shots to be found. The variety of hole niche. “What separates us from other courses in the Brainerd designs makes the Legacy courses so interesting. The Legacy courses level the Area is the overall experience. The Legacy complex is one playing field as they put as much emphasis on thinking your way around the course of the finest in the Midwest with two championship courses as they do for bombing one off the tee box. designed by Robert Trent Jones, Jr., a fantastic practice facility and reversible Par 3 course, and a 35,000 square foot Kim and I arrived early on Friday to get a round in at Dutch Legacy. Dutch Legacy clubhouse,” said Peterson. “When you couple these first has been awarded 5 Stars by GolfDigest and is an Audubon Signature Sanctuary class facilities with a great team focused on assisting our course. Playing 6,879 from the tips, Dutch Legacy is a great test of golf, yet it has golfing guests it creates an amazing atmosphere. Our goal is five sets of tees and is enjoyable for golfers of all skill levels. to be Minnesota's course with the most fun." Even though the tee sheet was full, we didn’t run across many other groups and the pace of play flowed smoothly and efficiently. It was a beautiful fall day and the course was in excellent condition. We finished our round in about four hours. Kim shot a 92, I make her play from the whites, and I shot…let’s just say she beat me.
Speaking of ‘Team’, Cragun’s has new member joining the superb leadership team of Peterson and Director of Golf, Chuck Klekatsky. Chris Foley returns to the Brainerd Lakes area in May.
We stopped at the bar at the Legacy Grille after our round for a quick drink before “I spent 14 great years at Madden’s on Gull Lake and heading back to the resort to meet our friends, Ty and Sandy, who were coming can’t wait to get back to the Brainerd Lakes area and my new partnership with Cragun’s. Cragun’s has outstanding up for the weekend.
Chris Foley
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Cragun's Reversible 9
Cragun's Clubhouse
Cragun's beach
facilities for coaching and teaching. With a great range, short game area, and par 3 course there is a great opportunity to create a total golf-learning environment. I am extremely excited to be in a situation where I will be devoting 100% of my time to coaching and teaching. There is so much great golf at Cragun’s and in the Brainerd Lakes area. It is going to be fun to get back to growing the game and promoting golf in the area!” states Chris Foley. Dutch Cragun has put together an awesome threesome. The Legacy Courses at Cragun’s are in great hands.
end, but it was getting close to dinnertime and I wasn’t going the shuttle was preplanned. Well, the tomato eater girls were to miss the tenderloin medallions I had noticed on the menu. there too. Somehow Ty and I ended up on the stage singing Stand By Your Man by Tammy Wynette in falsetto ala the We were shuttled back to the Clubhouse for dinner at the Blues Brothers with the tomato eaters singing backup. The Legacy Grille. I highly recommend it. Trust me on this one, tomato eaters were good at solo karaoke songs, but were lame the meals were excellent and for those that don’t know me, as backup singers. eating is my forte. We all ordered different entrees, so we ended up sharing the tenderloin medallion, the traditional What a vacation! Great company, great golf, great food and prime rib, Northern lakes walleye and the salmon. entertainment, a great staff and even a really good rubdown. I have no doubt you will feel that fun atmosphere surround you A short ride back to the resort and we were at the Bear Trap during your stay at one of the most recognized, and pleasant The Gull Lake Spa was next on the list after golf. I didn’t Bar in the main lodge for karaoke. Yes karaoke, but hey I was places to be in the Midwest; The Legacy Courses at Cragun’s. want the hour with Michelle the magic fingered masseuse to on vacation, and I had a few drinks at the Legacy Grille and You can’t beat it. 68-2569_Tee_Times_ad3-28-12_Layout 1 3/28/12 2:10 PM Page 1
1 night in Lakeview Fireplace Room One 18-hole round with cart Additional rounds $40 each
2 nights in Lakeview Room 3 days unlimited golf with cart 2 dinners & 2 breakfasts
Package rates are per person and based on double occupancy. Subject to 6.875% MN sales tax.
To book today, or for other great Stay & Play golf packages:
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
So Many Options
Izatys Black Brook #4
By R.J. Smiley
Izatys is a family resort.
No! Izatys is a golf resort. You are both wrong! Izatys is a fishing resort.
You all missed it! Izatys is a fine dining restaurant.
The argument has raged for over 90 years. What is the true identity of Izatys Then came Edina developer, Chip Glazier, who made major improvements to the resort. Resort on the south end of beautiful Mille Lacs Lake or as others say, “on the With Mille Lacs going through a metamorphosis from a walleye only lake to a lake where south end of the Dead Sea.” anglers can chase record muskies, northern, smallmouth bass as well as the huge walleyes that have made the lake is famous. With one of the best marinas on the lake and a new When asked the question, “How would you define Izatys?” General manager, 40-person launch, Izatys can accommodate any angler. Fishing guide, Matt Treno, who grew Jason Tolette responded, “In my opinion, Izatys is a family resort, with all up on the lake, has started a Wednesday evening fishing league this year; a compliment to the the condo and timeshares on the property, we must cater to the entire family. golf leagues. If having a variety of fishing options makes a resort a fishing resort, Izatys is But if you asked golf course Superintendent, Steve Schumacher, he would truly a fishing resort. tell you that golf drives the traffic to the resort. If you asked the people at Cabelas, that will host the MWC (Masters Walleye Circuit) National Team Izatys is a Golf Resort Championship, they would tell you that Izatys is a fishing resort. On the The resort became the modern definition of “Golf Resort” when Glaser purchased the property other hand, if you asked award-winning chef, Kevin Aho, he would tell you in 1987. His development plan for the resort included two, 18-hole golf courses, hundreds of that, “Without great food the resort would be in trouble. So, you tell me.” condominiums and a hotel and conference center that could handle the big corporate outings Thus the debate continues. for their employees and guests. Glaser, an avid golfer, brought in The Dye Design Group to build the first of the two golf courses. Later Glaser commissioned John Harbottle to blend Izatys is a Family Resort the Dye 18-holes into two, new courses. Harbottle was familiar with the property, he had The reason Izatys is a family resort is that over the years the collection of various done the design work for the first course when he worked for Dye Design and had since owners has added about every amenity that they could think of to attract customers opened his own design company. The two courses, The Sanctuary and Black Brook, enjoyed to the resort. The swimming pool and various non-fishing lake activities are still a great deal of notoriety hosting the annual Boys and Girls Minnesota State High School the most popular. No matter your age Izatys has something for you. Izatys is a Golf Tournament. Black Brook, the better of the two courses, was the site of the Minnesota family resort. Section of the PGA Championship for three years. Izatys was also the venue for several Minnesota Golf Association Championships. Izatys is a Fishing Resort When Izatys was first opened in 1922, it was nothing but a fishing camp The 150 yard, par-3, fourteenth hole on Black Brook might be the most photographed hole in on the south end of the lake. Customers would drive to Mille Lacs, rent a Minnesota. The full length of the hole runs along the boulder-laced shoreline of Mille Lacs boat at Izatys and row, yes row that boat, to the nearest “hot spot” and catch Lake, with views that run for 20 miles to the northwest. walleyes until they were tired of catching them. Then the would hurry back to the Twin Cities before their fish spoiled. The winters were even better With the real estate project sold out, in 2004 Glaser sold the resort to an investment group. because the ice gave the fishermen access to more areas of fish and their Then, the economy turned sour and the resort went through a foreclosure and the courses catch would not spoil. The owners, the Dubbs’ family, ran the resort and were closed. The bank was savvy enough to bring Jason Tollette, a member of the golfing made many improvements. Over the years they built cabins, dredged a very Tollette family, back to manage the resort. Jason and his wife, Sherry, were previous large marina where customers could rent boats, enjoy trouble free fishing managers under Glazier. For the past three years Izatys has operated only Black Brook with an experienced captain on a launch or in later years dock their own boat while building the business. in the marina. The Dubbs’ family did create a poorly maintained 9-hole golf course, but it only served as a diversion from fishing during the mid-day heat With bookings near capacity and Black Brook in great shape, Superintendent, Schumacher when the trophy walleyes are less active. and Tolette will open the original Dye nine on Memorial Day weekend. With a driving range,
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Izatys Black Brook #14
Izatys Clubhouse & Pool
a 3-hole executive course and 27 holes of championship golf, Aho celebrated winning the national award by dishing out Izatys is a golf resort. Beef Carpaccio, Steak and Blue Salad, Filet Veloute, Sirloin Duxelle and Steaks and Eggs Oscar for friends and associates Izatys is a Fine Dining Restaurant who had a hand in selecting him for the award. Two years ago Tolette, enticed previous Izatys’ Executive Chef, Kevin Aho back to Izatys. Working together, Aho The food and beverage operation is extremely broad based at and Tolette have the restaurant operation better that ever; Izatys. Serving everything from a great hot dog at the turn to and people are traveling from Brainerd and St. Cloud just to fine steaks to rival those at the finest steak houses in the Twin have dinner. This past winter, even with the lack of snow Cities. Yes Izatys is a fine dining restaurant! and ice, food and beverage sales were up 300% over the previous winter. So you may be the final judge. But the only way for you to get a vote is to visit this multi-faceted resort that has been an Chef, Kevin Aho was recently awarded the 2011 Certified institution on Mille Lacs Lake for over 90 years. No matter Hereford Beef’s Distinguished Chef awarded. He was what your interest, Izatys means fun and what ever its mood; selected from more that 10,000 restaurants nationwide. gigantic Mille Lacs Lake is stunning.
Izatys Resort
Izatys...Mother Nature’s finest work and Minnesota’s perfect getaway. Gol f & L o dg i n g P a c k a g e s Start i ng a t $ 79 Come and meet Kevin Aho, our Executive Chef, winner of the 2011 Certified Hereford Beef’s Distinguished Chef award! This award recognizes Chef Aho as the top chef in the United States.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Championship Golf 18 Holes Starting at $25 Award Winning Cuisine Outdoor Pool F ul l S er v i ce Mari na Luxur y Tow nhom es & Beach Vi ll as Li nks Lodge H otel Weddi ngs Busi ness Meet i ngs/C onferences Lake Sw i m m i ng & Fi shi ng Li ve Entertai nm ent Tenni s, Paddl e Boat s & Much More!
Minnesota Golf Trips
April 2012
Nature’s Golf Course at Settler’s Ridge By R.J. Smiley
What is Minnesota National? What is Settler’s Ridge? How do I get to Minnesota National? Minnesota National Golf Coures
Big Sandy Lake in McGregor
What is Minnesota National Golf Course?
Minnesota National is a hidden gem of a golf course you should find the time to play. Minnesota National Golf Course and Settler’s Ridge Vacation Home Community is the dream of developer/owner, Wayne Alden, who believed, and still believes, that if you build it they will come. He created a golf course and vacation home community in the wilderness just north of McGregor near Big Sandy Lake. The setting for his dream is perfect! This is proven by the fact that over 2,000 years ago, with all of North America to chose from, the Native American People chose the exact spot to create a large village that lasted for over 200 years. (Hence the name Settler’s Ridge.) Shortly after opening, Wayne and his dream got caught in the real estate downturn. The truth be told - Minnesota National Golf Course is in the wrong place! But, this is good news for golfers. The out-ofthe-way location allows golfers, who find their way there, to feel like they have their own private golf course in the heart of Nature’s wonderland. Minnesota National is a wonderful golf course designed by Minnesota native, Joel Goldstrand. With an undisturbed natural setting and 7,200 yards of perfect bent grass to play from, Minnesota National is a treat for all golfers. From the tips, Minnesota National boasts a slope of 144 and a course rating (nearly equal to Hazeltine National) of 75.6. With five sets of perfect tees, all golfers will find the proper challenge. The white sand in the bunkers stand in stark contrast to the lush green and vivid blues of the fairways, sky and water.
Minnesota National Clubhouse
The earth moving to create another of Minnesota’s great golf course treasures was done by Mother Nature and her huge bull dozer, named Glacier, 10,000 years ago during the last ice age. The variety of natural holes created on this, gently rolling, 600 acres canvas gave Goldstrand an unusual problem; which 18 holes should he include to create this wilderness masterpiece. Once the 18 unique holes were chosen, all Joel had to do was define the fairways by clearing the towering white, red pine and the native hardwoods. Then Goldstrand completed the design job by creating, his design trademark - a complex of greens that add an endless variety of approach shots to every hole and a “never-scene-that putt-before” comment, even to regular players. First time players appreciate the fact that, all carts are equipped with, very accurate, and easy to use GPS. Wayne Alden understands that not all vacation golfers want to hit shots from tight bent grass lies to slick greens, so he had Joel Goldstrand add a shorter nine to the mix. The par 33, 9-hole course is covered by lush blue grass fairways where the ball sits up and is easy to hit. The course has four par 4’s, four par 3’s, and one par 5, with a variety of tee options. The par 33 course has the same element of charm and beauty as its big brother, the championship course. If Minnesota National was anywhere around the Twin Cities it would be packed to the gills.
What is Settler’s Ridge?
Settler’s Ridge is a vacation home community that was developed on the exact spot where a Native American village prospered for over 200 years.
April 2012
Minnesota Golf Trips
Gatehouse Restaurant
Minnesota National Golf Course
Artifacts of pottery, stone tools and animal bones prove that the original inhabitants of this lakeshore oasis 2,000 years ago enjoyed many of the same amenities that exist for today’s home owners. The fishing is great with access to four different lakes and anglers catch virtually all native Minnesota fish species, and the variety of game animals range from grouse, deer, bear and rabbits. However many of these animals are shot only with a camera today.
Settler’s Ridge boasts its own eagle’s nest with the same nesting pair returning to raise their young, year after year. Believe it or not, Aitkin County is famous for the variety of birds that migrate through the area. Bird watchers from all over the world come to the area for viewing the rare species. Homeowners at Settler’s Ridge have some of the best of the bird watching world. The clubhouse at Minnesota National gives homeowners a place to go for dinner and is a perfect place to host a In addition to the original amenities, Settler’s wedding for their children or family reunions. Ridge now has 24 boat slips that provide owners immediate access to the variety of four connected With over 300 individual home sites along a mile lakes including Big Sandy. With over 5 miles of lakeshore and golf course fairways, Settler’s of improved walking and hiking trails, Settler’s Ridge will surely attract the right mix of vacation Ridge is the perfect place to enjoy the potpourri and retirement homeowners. of nature’s creatures that also make the area home.
How do I get to Minnesota National?
When you and your golf group head to Northern Minnesota, the scenic route to Minnesota National is just a little dog-leg right from Lake Mille Lacs. Minnesota National is located a few miles north of McGregor, just west of Highway 65. Head up Highway 169 - when you get to Garrison, on Mille Lacs Lake, take the right fork (the Y), Highway 169, (after a beer and lunch at the Blue Goose) then continue east on Highway 210 (toward Duluth) east of Aitkin where Highways 169 and 210 split then Highway 210 to McGregor then north on Highway 65. For those itching to hit the links just take Highway 65 north. You won’t find Minnesota National Golf Course unless you are looking for it! Make your plans for a trip to McGregor this summer. You won’t regret it!
Welcome To Nature’s Gated Golf Course Community
Enjoy Great Golf Rates
18 Hole Championship Course • Bent Grass Fairways • 7,200 Yards 9 Hole “33 Course” For Family Fun
Great Prices on Homes and Lots Tee Times, Stay & Play, Restaurant Reservations 218-426-4444 Ext. 1
See our web site for weekly golf specials
Just 2 Hours From The Twin Cities
23247 480th Street McGregor, MN Located 7 miles North of McGregor on Hwy 65, then 2 miles west on 232
Characters on the Course
Westy and His “Buddy” Chuck Foreman
Bos Landen
April 2012
Golf Club
Ranked as Iowa’s #1 Public Golf Course from 1997 to 2001
By R.J. Smiley Westy, through eyes blurred by his favorite beverage, Beefeaters’ Gimlets, had nearly holed a long green-side bunker shot on the tough 18th at Olympic Hills Country Club, a track known for the big money games, to win all the presses and most of the bets. We had spent the last two hours replaying our round at a favorite watering hole, The La Cantina, famous for their happy hour and delicious hors-de-vours. La Cantina, located along the legendary “494 Strip” in Bloomington is near the old “Met”, Metropolitan Stadium where Minnesota’s Vikings and Twins played in the elements and on real grass. “The Strip” was known in those days for a progression of remarkable bars, nightclubs and disco joints that attracted all the athletes and pretty people in the Twin Cities and the want-to-bees and groupies who followed them around. As were standing at the well lit curb near the entrance of The La Cantina people watching with many other satisfied happy hour patrons, waiting for the valet to fetch our cars, a huge British made automobile, a beautiful Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, sparkled in the bright entryway light, pulled up to the curb. The two different shades of the subtle silver Roller stopped, blocking the cross walk that ran from the curb in front of nightclub to the vast parking lot. Chuck Foreman, the cocky all-pro running back for our beloved purple gang slammed his gleaming Roller into park and hopped out. Foreman, with a huge toothy grin on his face and dressed in the disco era, flashy leisure suit and print silk shirt with patent leather shoes to match, made a big deal of locking the door and slowly sauntered up the walk toward the double door entrance. Westy, with a few more Beefeaters under his belt, and a crowd of in-awe Viking fans to show off for, hollered at the famous number 44, “Hey Foreman, four years from now you will still be driving that Rolls, but I’ll be in the back seat.” Foreman turned his eyes searching the crowd for which of his admiring fans had recognized him, for the king that he was and made a comment that, he at first, did not comprehend. When the pretty people, groupies and want-to-bees started to snicker, Foreman got it! The cockiness and smile left his face; he lowered his eyes to the sidewalk and quickly entered his second playing field searching a more appreciative audience. The even more blurry-eyed Westy just nodded his head and smiled in self-admiring approval!
18 Hole Championship Golf Course
Ranked in the Top 75 Most Affordable Golf Courses in the United States Golf Digest, 1999-2000
“Four Star Place to Play - 2007” Golf Digest
5 sets of tees ranging from 5,100 to 7,000 yards in length Grill on the Green Restaurant
Extend Your Season At Bos Landen 2411 Bos Landen Drive Pella, IA 50219
(641) 628-4625 Southern Minnesota’s Golf & Entertainment Capital Two 18 Hole Championship Courses Legendary Tournament Course & Highlands Course
A great way to get together! Outings only $55 per player + tax for groups of 16-28 players! Choose Mississippi National as your next course to host your group. (651) 388-1874 409 Golf Links Drive • Red Wing, MN 55066
Includes 18 holes of golf on the Highlands, 1/2 riding cart, Burger, Chips & Beer. (must be 21+ to receive beer). Must have booked tee times, 1 coupon per group and per person, must redeem a copy of this ad at the time of check in. Valid Monday-Sunday through May 25, 2012.
April 2012
Critters on the Course
Geezer Foursome and Beau Jacque By R.J. Smiley
Discover your playful nature in ours... • • • • • • •
18-Hole Championship Course (Golf Digest’s “Best Places To Play”) 9-Hole Par-3 Course On Beautiful Burch Island Lake Fantastic Dining At Legends Bar And Grill Indoor Swimming Pool And Fitness Room Private Beaches Hiking Trails And Much More
715.259.3910 • 14 miles east of Webster, WI, off County Road A and Kilkare Road
Quality • Value • Service
Connections, The Key To Golf Outings! Large Or Small, Willingers Caters To Groups Of All Sizes! Championship Golf Course Incredible Value Unmatched Personalized Service Plan Your Next Outing At Willingers Golf Club! • 952-652-2500 Top 10 Courses In MN - By Golf Magazine & Golf Digest
Their drink of choice during the hot, windy summer months was “Salty Dogs” (gin and grapefruit juice); in the winter, when the biting north wind chilled them to the bone, it was “Peppermint Sunshine” (vodka and peppermint schnapps). They had been members of Smoky Hill Country Club since the beautiful west Kansas golf course was built in the early 60’s. 11:30 AM was their assigned tee time 365 day’s per year. If the temperature was above freezing and not raining they were there. Each player in this “Geezer Foursome” had his own golf cart – each cart was a true reflection of the owner’s personality. This story is about Big John and his beloved white toy poodle, Beau Jacque. Where ever Big John went Beau Jacque was there. Beau had his own place on Big John’s red EZGO. His seat and/or bed (whatever), strapped securely on the seat on the cart, looked more like a over-sized catchers mitt than a dog’s bed and was lined with a soft white sheep skin. Beau Jacque owned his spot on Big John's right hip and never made a move off the cart without the verbal or visual approval of his master. He protected the golf cart from anyone who ventured too near - like a mother hen protecting her nest. His warning, to potential invaders of his space, started with a low growl but quickly turned into a fierce snarl and barking that would make any guard dog proud. Beau, who thought he was a hunting dog, loved to ride the Smokey Hill fairways with an attentive watch for the meadowlarks who made the prairie their home. When he spied a potential prey, Beau would whine and prance frantically back and forth on the seat, but he was only allowed off the cart on Big John's command. At the nod of his head or the flick of his finger, Beau was off. “He’s quick as a rat and twice as nasty,” Big John said one day when his beloved Beau actually caught a, too-slow-to-react, Kansas State bird. This love affair lasted 13 years. Beau probably played 2,500 rounds on Smokey Hill. When Beau was called to the great golf course in the sky, Big John and his Geezer Foursome buddies buried Beau along with his sheep skin on Smokey Hill CC. Then drank a special toast to the mighty little guy - Peppermint Sunshine.
April 2012
By Will Brogan According to the NCAA website (, there are 807 Men’s Golf programs in the country and 599 Women’s Golf programs. There are dozens of golf teams throughout NAIA and Junior College ranks as well. If you think you have the skills and desire to be a member of one of those teams during your four years on a college campus, this article will share all the golf-related information you need to know to make that dream a reality.
players face in high school. Managing trajectory in the wind is also vital, as coaches are concerned with how well you can control your distances. Your short game will need “polishing” before competing in college. A Division I coach noted that “the biggest flaw seen in recruits is the short game and putting.” Be sure to put extra effort into improving these two areas of your game.
Once you’re on campus and attending classes, time management becomes critical. Some coaches recommend When (and how) coaches start looking: Limited recruiting you “practice up to three hours daily” (up to six days a week), budgets are allotted to college golf coaches, so they typically and “play 36 holes on weekends, on your own, even if you don’t fully recruit until the State Championships. However, aren’t in the tournament that week.” there are other great tournaments to play in and ways coaches can access your scores. Playing in events such as You’ll miss a significant amount of class time, so “get to MGA State Tournaments or the Minnesota Junior PGA are know your professors on a personal level, it will help.” One great ways to gain “a lot of positive recognition before you player suggests “asking admissions to put you in early classes get to college.” A video should be part of your recruiting so that you will have time to do homework and make it to arsenal, but the real evaluations take place in person. One golf every day being prepared. Student-athletes learn how to coach says there is “absolutely no substitute” for watching balance a lot of things during their four years, and it pays off a recruit play in person. “Expected” average high school to start on the right foot when you’re a freshman.” scores for a prospect will vary depending on the collegiate level in which they’re being recruited, but it better be in the On-course demeanor: One thing college coaches absolutely 70’s to have a realistic chance. will not tolerate is a bad attitude. In fact, they prefer to see as little emotion as possible. A fist pump on a rare occasion is okay, but Additionally, there are two great ways for coaches to access a slammed club into the ground after a bad shot at a tournament your scores and what courses you’ve played. For the first, visit is a surefire way to make a coach move on to the next recruit. and create a profile. The second is to create a resumé, which “should include scoring average, courses To that point, however, coaches tune in the most after you’ve you’ve played, tournaments you’ve played in, teams you have hit a bad shot. They want to know how you handle adversity. played on” and necessary academic information such as your Can you keep your emotions in check and recover? How well GPA and test scores. Always be prepared to hand out a transcript, can you do nothing else but focus on the next shot? The better even if it is unofficial, so coaches can gauge your eligibility. you are at “staying even par with your emotions”, the more appealing a prospect you will become. Adjustments - on-course and on-campus: Making improvements in long iron play becomes a point of emphasis in college because Choosing a school: Choosing which college to attend is one of courses are played at significantly longer distances than what the biggest decisions you will make in your life. It should not
be taken lightly, nor should one factor dominate over others. Current players stress having a great relationship with the coaches, as “they can be your best friend or your worst enemy.” Don’t let the amount of a scholarship offer weigh too heavily on your decision to attend a particular school. College coaches generally have a very limited budget, so scholarship dollars are usually small. Most coaches at Divisions II and III tend to look at prospects who are already interested in coming to the school before recruitment even begins. Expect to hear questions like “do you want to come to [our school]” and “do you really want to play golf?” Prepare to respond accordingly. Coaches and players share the same sentiment regarding choosing a school: make sure you feel comfortable attending the school aside from your athletic activities. One coach points out the all-too-real possibility: “you never know if they may get injured...” Therefore, the last question you should ask yourself before putting pen to paper and finalizing your decision is this: “If my golf career ended after my first year on campus, will I still love the school as a student?” If the answer is no, it’s wise to keep looking. Special Thanks: Ben Bergquist: Former player, North Dakota State University Nick Campa: Head Women’s Golf Coach, Minnesota State University-Mankato Christine Herzog: Former player, University of Minnesota Alex Klehr: Current player, Saint John’s University Geoff Klein: Head Men’s Golf Coach, Minnesota State University-Mankato Pete Molinaro: Head Boys’ Golf Coach, Ponte Vedra (FL) High School Michele Redman: Head Women’s Golf Coach, University of Minnesota
For information you WILL NEED
regarding becoming an eligible collegiate student-athlete, visit
AND schedule a meeting with your high school academic advisor concerning “core courses” and “sliding scale” GPA and SAT/ACT requirements.
April 2012
By Will Brogan Do you know someone interested in having a career in the golf industry? Would that person want to potentially do an internship at legendary courses like Pebble Beach, Oakmont, or even Carnoustie? Perhaps they hope to start their career as a sales rep for one of the top equipment companies in the industry? The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has just the major: PGA Golf Management, where “you can turn the game you love into a career you love.”
Academic requirements for continuing in the program include: maintaining at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, paying all program fees, competing in at least three PGM golf tournaments per semester, and participating in the PGM Student Club. Each year, the PGM Student Club puts on more than 30 competitive tournaments, so students will get to battle it out regularly on the course!
About the program: The PGA Golf Management (PGM) program at UNL, which became an official program in 2004, is an undergraduate bachelor’s degree through the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Upon completing the program, students will also be eligible to become a Class A PGA Professional.
“To graduate, they have to pass a playing ability test, which requires about a 6 or 7 handicap”, Baquet says. According to the PGM program’s website, 120 credit hours, sixteen months of internships (full time, in three different fields of the industry), and completion of Level 3 of the PGA curriculum are also needed to graduate with a degree in PGA Golf Management from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Students will complete a specific curriculum of classes in golf course management, all of which are directly related to the golf industry. In addition, students will also receive a wellrounded education in subjects such as business, hospitality, restaurant management, tourism, and turf-grass management, as well as a comprehensive university education from the state’s oldest and largest institution of higher learning. To accompany the classroom-based lessons, PGM students have the opportunity to take their game to the course – and not just one. While Wilderness Ridge is the official home course of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln PGM program, PGM students have access to over ten partner courses. Included in that list is Firethorn Golf Club, which consists of 18 holes designed by the Marquis de Sod, Pete Dye, and another nine by two-time Masters champion Ben Crenshaw. For the winter months and rainy days, students can sharpen their skills in the “state-of-theart” HD teaching lab, or play more than four dozen courses from all over the world on one of two simulators. The teaching lab includes some of the best technology available in analyzing the golf swing, such as ball flight monitors, a putting system and technology for club repair. A high speed camera also makes its home in the teaching lab, capturing images of the golf swing at several hundred frames per second. Check out UNL’s PGA Golf Management YouTube channel to see some impressive, ultra-slow motion video of various golf swings!
If you or someone you know is serious about becoming a Class A PGA Professional, there are only a handful of universities that offer PGA Golf Management as a bachelor’s degree program. With their incredible facilities, curriculum, networking and job potential, and overall atmosphere, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln should be the first place to look!
Turn the game you love PGA GOLF MANAGEMENT MAJOR
into a career you love.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln was established in 1869, a mere two years after Nebraska was granted statehood! With a total enrollment nearing 25,000, the university is the largest in the state of Nebraska, yet it is the smallest public school in the Big Ten Conference. In the Fall of 2011, U.S. News and World Report listed Nebraska-Lincoln among the top 50 public colleges in America for the eighth year in a row. A “research-extensive institution”, UNL presently offers over 150 undergraduate majors from nine colleges. A significant part of attending UNL is having the opportunity to experience a major NCAA Division I, Big Ten Conference school. Students can be a part of the “Red Sea” at Memorial Stadium on Fall Saturdays for Cornhusker football games, or cheer on the incredibly successful women’s volleyball team, who’s most recent of three NCAA National Championships occurred in 2006. Countless activities and events to enjoy on campus make UNL a vibrant campus that students can thoroughly enjoy. Requirements – before, during and after: Alan Baquet, Ph.D., the Director of PGA Golf Management at UNL, says “our students are interested in a career in the golf industry, and to become a PGA Professional.” Baquet actively recruits individuals to join the program. “Our typical incoming student has been a high school golfer, who usually played well in high school. They have to have a certain handicap – 12 or lower – to get into the program.” In addition to a verification of playing ability, students need to be admitted to UNL and receive written confirmation of their acceptance into the program by Baquet.
18 Golf Management
Schedule A Tee Time To Tour PGA Golf Management Office University of Nebraska–Lincoln 203 Keim Hall Lincoln, NE 68583-0953 402.472.7467
“Hey Pro,
April 2012
By Matt Just - PGA Golf Professional Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, Life Time Fitness, St. Louis Park
My buddy told me it costs $3,200 to be analyzed at the Titleist headquarters in Oceanside, CA and there is also a 1 year wait list to be analyzed with the 3D program that the PGA Tour Players utilize?
Dr. Grant Norland - Owner and Co-Founder of Performance Therapy Innovations and Physical Therapist
Well, those numbers seem a little exaggerated, however I know an individual in the Twin Cities that offers the same program as Titleist and he showed my the difference between 2D video and 3D motion systems. Dr. Grant Norland took me through the 3D program and it was well worth it. Working for Life Time Fitness I am starting to understand that the most important piece of equipment to your golf game isn’t your clubs, grips, golf balls or shoes – it’s your own body! You can have the most expensive clubs on the planet and they will only do as much for you as your body will allow. If you want to maximize your golf game, it is of vital importance that your muscles and joints are functioning properly for executing a golf swing. This will not only help you reduce pain and injury, but it can also improve your performance on the course. There are many ways to go about assessing and training your body to optimize it for golf. Below, Dr. Grant Norland will explain the most in depth and advanced method is with a 3D swing assessment. 2D vs. 3D Before we get into more about what a 3D system is and how it works, let’s talk about the difference between 2D and 3D. 2D (Two-dimensional) is what you can see with standard video. When you have your swing analyzed with video you can see what is happening in 2 planes of movement. There is an “x” and a “y” axis. A 3D (Three-dimensional) system adds a “z” axis to the equation, which allows for the assessment of movement as it occurs in real life – in 3D.
3 DOF vs. 6 DOF
Degrees-of-freedom (DOF) is basically a term for the number of variables and type of information that a 3D motion capture system can measure. There are two different levels of measurement for 3D systems: 3 DOF, which can measure rotations, and 6 DOF, which can measure rotations and positions. For example a 3 DOF system can tell me that my pelvis is turned open to my target 30 degrees when I strike the ball, but a 6 DOF system can tell me that my pelvis is 30 degrees open and that it moved 2 inches toward the ball and 3 inches toward my target.
A 3 DOF system measures what a body part is doing relative to itself, meaning that it can measure tilt (forward-back), side bending (toward-away from
Holy Golf Balls! Two green fees AND a cart for only $59.00 at Creeks Bend! Offer valid every day, any time until May 15, 2012.
Come out and visit with our new assistant pro Natalie... Taking over the golf world one stroke at a time.
952-758-7200 A 3D golf swing assessment objectively measures what is happening in your body during your golf swing. For example, it can tell you the amount of rotation in your torso (i.e. 92 degrees) during your backswing. There are several different types of 3D systems out there and they are all a little different in what they measure and the depth of information they provide.
Rotation (Closed or open)
April 2012
your target), and rotation (open-closed). All of these measurements are made in degrees of rotation. For example, in the address position, most golfers tilt their torso forward, side bend slightly away from the target, and rotate slightly toward the target. This method of measurement can provide a lot of great information about your golf swing. The limitation of a 3DOF system is that, while it can measure angles of your body segments, there is no way to know where the body segments are in space. That is where 6 DOF systems set themselves apart from 3DOF systems.
Lift (up or down)
Thrust (forward or backwards)
Number of Sensors
A 6 DOF system not only measures motion around an axis(measured in degrees), but it also measures the position of the body in space (measured in inches), which means that it knows if a part of your body is moving forward or back, up or down, or side to side. In the golf swing, this means that it has the ability to measure sway, slide and other aspects of the swing that assess displacement (movement in space) in addition to rotations. This essentially provides double the amount of information about your swing as compared to a 3 DOF system.
3D Results
The information collected during a 3D swing analysis can be useful in a variety of ways. First, when combined with physical testing, it can provide insight into how your body is functioning during your swing and give a physical therapist or other medical professional information that can better direct your treatment related to improving your golf game. Second, the results can be relayed to your golf instructor, which provides them with more in-depth information about your swing and can make your lessons more productive. Third, a personal trainer or fitness professional can use the information to make your workout sessions more focused on your specific needs as it relates to improving your swing.
Another variable that is a factor in a 3D golf swing assessment is the number of sensors used. This aspect is simple, the more sensors you use, the more information you get about your golf A 3D swing analysis is a great addition to any program focused on improving your golf game. swing. A 1-sensor system captures information about what is happening at one body segment, You can take things to the next level by making use of the most advanced technology on the whereas a 12-sensor system can map out and measure the entire body and the golf club. market. It will reduce pain and injuries and improve your performance, making you a better, healthier golfer. Dr. Grant uses, a full-body, 12-sensor, 6 DOF motion capture system that was developed by Advanced Motion Measurement and the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) and is used by For more information, visit or contact Dr. Norland at (952) 649-1001 TPI with many of today’s PGA Tour pros.
For more information, visit or contact Matt at (612) 310-1793
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Off The Course Toys
Gull Lake
Lake Minnetonka
Prior Lake
April 2012
White Bear Lake
As President and COO of Crystal Pierz Marine, Luke Kujawa has always believed in boating. fee, Your Boat Club members get unlimited use of a variety of new or newer pontoon boats, ski By Tim Cotroneo “There’s just no better way for a family to spend quality time and have fun together than to be boats and fishing boats outfitted for a wide range of activities. “We started with 5 boats at Prior Lake,” Kujawa said. “Most boat clubs across the country average about 12 members per boat. out on a boat,” Kujawa said. “A lot of special memories are made out on the water.” But Michael and I realized right away that we wanted to keep our membership ratios smaller But after 20 years in the industry, Kujawa realized that the high-costs and hassles of boat than that to make sure that it was fairly easy for our members to get a boat. Our initial goal was ownership were preventing most families from getting into the sport of recreational boating. only to find 50 people who wanted to be members and to maybe keep adding boats every year. “There’s storage, winterization, maintenance, insurance, depreciation and unfortunately But we were really surprised, and little shocked, at how quickly we sold out of memberships.” sometimes costly repair costs to consider. There’s also a lot of time spent cleaning, covering, uncovering, prepping, trailering and waiting your turn at the launch. And if you don’t want Membership Grows to trailer, slip fees have gotten to be very expensive,” Kujawa said. “I just knew there had to Your Boat Club was completely sold out of memberships by June of 2010, and Kujawa and Jellish quickly realized they were on to something bigger and really good. So after adding be a better way.” more boats and another location on Lake Minnetonka, Your Boat Club finished its initial So after selling the family boat business to Bass Pro Shops in 2009, Kujawa and his business season with about 100 members and a waiting list of people that were ready to join. “The partner, Michael Jellish, launched Your Boat Club at the Minneapolis Boat Show in 2010. The problem for us was marina capacity,” said Kujawa. “When the marinas are sold out of slips business is modeled after other higher-cost boat clubs that have been around on the East Coast we can’t add boats because we have no place to put them, and we can’t oversell the Club or it and down south for years, but Kujawa and Jellish adapted the Your Boat Club model to better would become too tough for our Members to get a boat. So when we were full all we could fit the boating needs of the average family here in MN. In exchange for an annual membership do was start a waiting list.”
Off The Course Toys
April 2012
St. Croix River
Lake Waconia
In 2011 Kujawa and Jellish added more boats and new locations at White Bear Lake, the St. Croix River, and Gull Lake in Brainerd, MN. They also refined their online reservation system to make it even easier for their members to reserve a boat and explore more bodies of water. The membership base responded and quickly grew to over 400 members. For 2012, Your Boat Club has now added two more locations on Lake Waconia and Cross Lake and even more new boats. They now have 70 pontoon, ski and fishing boats that are ready and waiting for their members to use on Prior Lake, Lake Minnetonka, White Bear Lake, the St. Croix River, Waconia, Gull, and Cross Lake. “We believe that having more boating options is one of the keys to our success,” said Kujawa. “Why would you ever want to own a boat if you can more or less go wherever you want, in whatever type of boat you want to, for a lot less money and none of hassle when compared to owning a boat.” Compare Costs to Owning The cost of a one-year membership with Your Boat Club is about the same price as the cost of renting a boat slip. Everything else, storage, hauling, preparation, maintenance, cleanup, fueling and insurance, is covered by the membership. The Members can choose from three Pier Groups, or sizes of boats, which determines how big of boats they will get access to what they pay for a membership. But no matter which Pier Group a member chooses, Kujawa is quick to point out that all of the boats are impeccably maintained, current models. And the members always get unlimited access to all three types of boats, fishing, ski and pontoons. They also can use all 7 Your Boat Club locations. The Club has a team of dock staff that are always ready and waiting at each location to assist the members with carrying gear when they arrive. So Your Boat Club Members simply show up, go boating and go home as often as they would like to.
Cross Lake
I think a lot of our customers are also surprised about how quickly boating becomes part of their lifestyle. Last year, I remember we were discussing membership details with a family that was considering joining. The Mom liked the idea of spending time on our pontoons and runabouts. But she wrinkled up her nose when we pointed out that we also had fishing boats they could use. Her comment was that we wouldn’t see her butt in one of our fishing boats. After they joined, about a month later, I saw her show up at the dock with her kids. What surprised me was that each family member had a fishing rod in hand. She said they were going pan fishing. As she walked away, she glanced over her shoulder, smiled, and said, ‘We love this …who knew? The great part of the Club is that you don’t have to choose one option over another. There’s something for everyone when you need it,” Kujawa said. Boating Newcomers Welcome For those new to boating or wondering if Your Boat Club is right for them, there are options, options, and options. “A lot of our members have owned boats for years,” Kujawa said. “But for the novice, full boating instruction is included with all of our memberships. We really go through all the key scenarios with a complete, one-on-one, on the water orientation. Safety is huge for us. We teach our members how to boat the right way. We want our members to feel safe and confident when they are out on the water.”
Your Boat Club offers free tours of their facilities and also has several early-season Open Houses planned at nearly all of their boating locations. A tour or an Open House is a great opportunity to meet the staff, go over the reservation system, see the boats, talk to other Members and learn what to expect from your membership. Most of the membership information is also viewable online on the Club’s website at The A Passion For Boating website also includes testimonials from current members. Interested boating enthusiasts can The team is passionate about boating and this energy seems to rub off on the membership easily register online to have a Your Boat Club Membership Services Representative contact base. What Kujawa loves the most about his business is hearing the before and after stories them and answer questions about the memberships or how the club works. Or you can call that evolve from satisfied Club Members. “A hassle-free experience is the key for our their main office at 612.208.1800 and get your questions answered over the phone. Members,” Kujawa said. “And a lot of times people are really surprised about how often they wind up getting out on the water. Because they don’t have to do any of the work, our So whether you love to fish, water ski, take the kids or grandkids tubing or just relax on the Members will often show up at 6:30 on a Tuesday after work and just buzz the lake for a few water, Your Boat Club has a Membership that would most likely work to get you, your family hours. It’s a great way to end the day with your family and connect for some quality time. and friends out on the water!
19th Hole
April 2012
Earlier this year the Ellsworth Creamery made its debut at the Minnesota Golf Show where it gave out free samples to participating vendors and attendees. The curds went over with rave reviews. “Everybody loved them. Hardly anyone had tried them before, but once they did, they were hooked,” said Beth Ingli, Marketing Manager for the Creamery. Cheese curds and golf makes sense. They are delicious, nutritious, and easy to eat on the go. Golf course operators agree. Starting this year, The Jewel in Lake City will begin selling Ellsworth Cheese Curds in five-ounce packages on its beverage cart and in the restaurant. “I knew about Ellsworth Cheese Curds, but wasn’t aware of their five-ounce vacuum sealed bags. These are a nice size to pick up. They are unique from what we offer and they’re local, which is great,” said Cody Buck, Golf Manager at The Jewel. “I’d rather have a bag of cheese curds than chips on the course anyday.” Several other courses will have wine and cheese curd tastings this summer. Stay tuned as Rush Creek, Bunker Hills, Mississippi Dunes and Voyager Village are looking at scheduling tastings throughout the summer.
By Libby Mehaffey A lot of great things come out of Wisconsin. Miller Lite. Bratwursts. Kohler with Whistling Straits and Blackwolf Run. Door County. And, perhaps most notably, cheese. With over 1,200 cheesemakers in Wisconsin that produce more than 600 varieties, types and styles of cheese, “The Dairy State” knows its cheese. We Minnesotans are thankful for our neighbor’s sharp cheddar, we appreciate its creamy mozzarella, but we are eternally grateful for its cheese curds.
Cheese curds really are great for golfers (and athletes alike). They have no carbs, no trans fats, are glutten free, hormone free and they contain 20% of your daily-recommended protein - super bonus - they taste great. Want more reasons to eat Ellsworth Cheese Curds? They are locally produced with milk provided by 495 small dairy farmers who distribute to the plant sending over 1,700,000 pounds of milk to the creamery daily.
“Our farms average in size from 75-100 cows. No corporate farms. It’s really a family operation,” said Ingli. “My husband and I have a small dairy farm and have been selling milk Just over the border in Wisconsin’s “Cheese Curd Capitol” is the Ellsworth Cooperative to the creamery for over 20 years. I get up at 5:30 AM to feed the cows, and then I come here Creamery - home to Ellsworth Cheese Curds. You may have had Ellsworth Cheese Curds (Ellsworth Creamery) to promote what we do. It’s pretty great.” without even knowing it; these are the same deep-fried curds served at the State Fair (remember the long lines?), Target Field and Target Center. Well, beginning this summer, Off the course, you can find Ellsworth Cheese Curds available at the Creamery Store and you will be able to find their gourmet cheese curds at several local golf clubs. These squeeky online at These delicious curds are also at many local milky farm fresh curds make for delicious and nutritious snacks on the links. grocery retailers including Cub Foods, Byerly’s, Lunds and Kowalskis. In addition, they are the curds of choice at your local DQ and A&W restaurants.
Hey Golf Lovers! Guess what my favorite snack on the course is. Ellsworth Creamery’s All Natural Cheddar Cheese Curds! Ask for them at your favorite course. Planning a golf party? Cheese Curds make the perfect appetizer. 5 delicious flavors! Onder online today! ~ Gladys
715.273.4311 Open 7 Days A Week! 232 N Wallace - Ellsworth, WI
In addition to its signature Original Cheddar curds, Ellsworth Creamery produces four delicious flavors of curds including taco, ranch, garlic and cajun. “We try new flavors all the time - having our workers test them to see if they like them,” laughed Ingli. “Currently we’re trying barbeque flavor. We sell these at the store for $1 a bag to test them out. We’ll see… we have three other flavors we’re working on so stay tuned!”
Try Ellsworth Cheese Curds April 14 @ Wings and Brew Festival in Red Wing April 21 @ St. Croix Casino Women’s Expo April 28 @ Ellsworth Creamery Fishing Opener Open House with Minnesota Bound’s Ron Schara & Raven
Make it a Day Trip
(Golf Clubs near the Creamery) Clifton Highlands, Prescott Ellsworth Country Club, Ellsworth (9 holes) Kilkarny Golf Club, River Falls Troy Burne, Hudson
19th Hole
April 2012
What’s the best tip you have ever received from a golfer...monetarily or other? “It’s all in the hips”. What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen on the golf course? I like to challenge golfers to handstand contests while they are waiting on the tee box. Very entertaining to see the results!
Brittany Daulton The Links at Northfork Tell us what you do during the golf off-season. I love to travel! Whether it’s just to “Up North” Minnesota or across the world to Australia it’s one of my favorite ways to spend my time. Why did you decide to pursue a career in “beverage distribution” at your golf course? I’ve always grown up around golf and it seemed like a perfect fit to be able to keep people happy and “hydrated” while on the course.
What hobbies do you have away from the golf course? I love to work out and spend time with my amazing family and friends. What is your favorite drink? John Daly (iced tea, lemonade, and vodka) Do you play golf? How well? I like to get out as much as I can to play! How well I play…that is debatable. When your “career” as a beverage cart girl is over what are your goals in life? I would like to become a corporate event planner so I can travel and pursue a career I love.
Enjoy Golf!
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Tee It Up For The Troops p for the T r tu
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Divots can be replaced. Freedom cannot.
Tee i
Tee it up for the Troops, Inc. was established in 2005 by the family and friends of a soldier who enlisted in the U.S. Army after September 11, 2001. When the father asked his son what he needed, the soldier responded by asking his father to do something for the soldiers and their families back home. Tee it up for the Troops was created to honor that request and to recognize the needs of all veterans who have served and continue to serve this great nation. The National Day of Golf was subsequently formed and has since produced numerous golf outings throughout the country where proceeds benefit veterans from every military branch and conflict. Each year the goal is to make the Friday closest to September 11th the National Day of Golf. This day is their way to salute all those who have answered the call of duty. Tee it up for the Troops’ mission is to honor, respect and remember the sacrifice of all veterans and their families. Go to and click on ‘Find Event’ for more information on how to participate in these great events.
Women Were There Too! Throughout our history and during every one of America’s conflicts women have served this great nation. Duty, Honor and Pride reflect the spirit of generations of women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Since 1941, nearly two million women have served in many different defense roles. Over 500,000 women have served in the combat theater of operations. Women have served as officers, nurses, pilots, mechanics, drivers and gunners. Women have also served as medical, communications, logistical and administrative support. Over 1,000 women have been wounded and over 100 have been killed in action or taken as a prisoner of war. It is now time to honor, recognize, and remember the service of our women veterans. Tee It Up For The Troops’ newest event, Women Teeing It Up For Our Women Veterans, is a way to show support for women who are serving and have served in the military. The event takes place at The Wilds Golf Club on June 18th. Please go to and click on ‘Find Event’ for more information on how to participate in this great event.
April 2012
You Don’t Buy a Golf Course When You Want to Go Golfing...
You Don’t Have To Own A Boat
Our Boats, YOur Fun!
To Go BoaTinG! Our Members Get Unlimited Boating Without the Hassle of Ownership • Get Access to a Fleet of 70 New Ski, Pontoon and Fishing Boats • Free Boating Instruction - Insurance Included • We Limit Our Memberships to Ensure Great Boat Availability
Boat at any of our locations Prior Lake
Lake Minnetonka
White Bear Lake
St. Croix River
Gull Lake
Cross Lake
Call or visit our website to secure your spot today.
612-208-1800 •