
With the completion of the first 8 months of 2022, the official figures for Greek food and beverage exports record a large increase compared to last year’s corresponding period, despite the effects of the Ukraine war on the global economy (energy crisis, inflationary pressures, disruption in the logistics chain). But, it seems that, albeit slowly, the problems are being solved and world trade is finding its way again! The journey from the producer’s field, to the shelf of organized retailers - all over the world – may now be significantly more expensive, but still the demand for quality and healthy Food and Drinks seems to be stronger than ever. In this new setting, Greek production companies are “present” and are now directly competitive in the majority of Food and Beverage categories, compared to our neighboring countries.
It is worth noting that leaps have been made in recent years - including the period during the pandemic- concerning the improvement of packaging and the complete alignment with international standards.
Greek Food and Beverages are today, perhaps, at the best momentum in their history and it is therefore no coincidence
greek Food & beverages are today, perhaps, at the best momentum in their history
that in a few days at SIAL Paris -the major global Food and Beverage exhibition- over 260 Greek companies will take part, presenting to the international buying audience their unparalleled quality products with the certainty that they will further consolidate their position in the world market!
We will be there too and we will be very happy to welcome you to our stand 5A-J-144. Finally, you should take into account that the Hosted Buyers program for FOOD EXPO 2023 (March 18-20 in Athens) has already opened. Plan in time to visit the largest food and beverage exhibition in SE Europe and take advantage of the program’s exclusive privileges. You can see more information at www.foodexpo.gr/en/hosted-buyer-program-2023/
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The Greek Food & Drink Industry has enormous scale and impact. It is a driv ing force of the local economy, characterized by significant investments, in tense extroversion and strong activity in Greece and abroad. It is also a con tributor towards more resilient and sustainable food systems.
The business environment continues to be unstable and demanding. The difficult covid-period is followed by new challenges with wide socioeconomic effects. The food sector is impacted by the developments in the domestic and global market (sufficiency and cost of raw materials/energy), that are due to the climate, the en ergy and the geopolitical crises. However, the goals of the Food Industry remain unchanged, despite the general conditions: to operate responsibly, to produce with sustainable methods and to sat isfy the diversified consumers’ needs and new trends. Furthermore, in order to en hance the competitiveness of the sector, we focus on innovation, new technolo gies, continuous improve ment and of course on our people.
In this context, the answer to the successive adversi ties is the strengthening of extroversion and the promotion of the Greek products worldwide. That is depicted in the continuous increasing trend of the food sector exports. It is primarily due to the quality of the products and certainly to the co ordinated exporting efforts of the food & drink companies. The food products produced by our companies, with the special characteristics and added value that distinguish them, can operate as a link that keeps our country connected to the consumers abroad. The exploitation of the significantly increased touristic flow (as reported, especially this year), could have further positive impact on the domestic Food Industry and Tourism, that are both growth factors for the Greek economy and trade.
on quality,
sustainably and
The Greek Secretary General for International Economic Affairs on the leading role of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs in shaping a new framework for trade, investment and economic extroversion.
Interview: Charitomeni VontaGreek Secretary General for In ternational Economic Affairs, Ioannis Smyrlis, talks to Am brosia Magazine about Greek entrepreneurship’s great re silience and quick reflexes during the pandemic, the contribution of the f&b sector in the record exports of 2021, and the key-role Enterprise Greece and the ex isting Offices of Economic and Commercial Affairs play in the creation of the continu ous promotion and support network of the Greek exports.
What was the impact of the pandemic on Greek exports and especially on the food and beverage sector?
Twenty twenty-one (2021) was a milestone year for the global community, as the pan demic COVID-19 created new, unprecedented
conditions for economies, societies and peo ple’s daily lives all around the world. With in this framework, Greek export companies found themselves facing great challenges in the fields of supply chain and goods’ trans portation. Despite these circumstances, Greek entrepreneurship demonstrated great resil ience and developed quick reflexes succeed ing not only to maintain its export rates but even to increase it in all sectors. Hence, in 2021 Greece saw record exports of €40 bil lion, showing an increase of 29,7%, compared to 2020. Specifically, food and beverage ex ports reached €5 billion, representing 1/3 of the sector’s turnover. In addition, the total value of exports during the first semester of 2022 amounted to €26 billion compared to €18,6 billion in the same period of 2021, showing an increase of 39.8%. We continue all our efforts in optimism.
How do the ongoing war in Ukraine and the consequent food insecurity affect Greek ex ports?
The ongoing war in Ukraine is shaking further the world economy and people’s lives. We are called upon to take initiatives to tackle rising energy costs, food insecurity as well as to find alternative markets for our products. It is to be noted that Greek exports are mainly directed to the EU member states, while Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are not considered as top destina tions for our exports. With the view to ensure the sustainability of Greek exports as well as to minimize the potential risk, the current Greek Government is undertaking substantial reforms in order to expand Greek exporters’ portfolio. In parallel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to further create synergies with countries be yond its traditional trade partners.
What is the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with regard to the continuing promotion and support of the Greek Exports? Are you planning any particular actions to wards this end?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a leading role in promoting economic diplomacy and shaping a new, strong, and clear framework for trade, investment, and economic extrover sion. Through the worldwide network of Em bassies and Offices of Economic and Commer cial Affairs, Enterprise Greece and Export Credit Insurance Organization, our will is to support Greek companies so as to strengthen their ex port activity. Amid the pandemic, Enterprise Greece adapted efficiently to the new condi tions by activating new digital tools concern ing the training of Greek exporters and their presence in global electronic platforms. In the area of Export Credit Insurance, we restruc tured the institutional framework, in order to provide a series of new products to insure both exports and technical projects in new markets on very competitive terms. Simultaneously, we take full advantage of the existing network of 60 Offices of Economic and Commercial Af fairs in 51 countries, establishing bonds world wide, providing information and networking for new markets, while promoting the Greek products. Within this spirit, we developed the National Strategy for Extroversion, a tangible
product of our new perception for Economic Diplomacy which integrates all actions of rel evant stakeholders of both public and private sectors. Additionally, we have activated the Na tional Council for Extroversion, consisting of the most important business associations. Last but not least, we established the Intergovern mental Trade Facilitation Committee, whose main objective is to promote Greek exports through simplified and digitized pre-customs and customs procedures.
Where do Greek table olives stand in foreign markets?
Our first exports of table olives (about 200 tons) were record ed in 1858. Today, Greek exports, exceeding 200,000 tons, are worth approximately 600 million euros. The product has always been al most exclusively export-oriented. About 90% of annual domestic production is exported. How ever, the pressure exerted on the product by other olive-producing countries is strong. An important advantage for Greek manufactur ing, standardizing and exporting companies
is that competition is based on quality. The continuous modernization of Greek units and the mandatory application of the Community legislation on food safety guarantee excellent product quality.
High quality of table olives and the reduction of their salinity are the specifications that the international markets demand. Foreign distri bution networks and buyers look for safe, nat ural, great-tasting products for international markets. The biggest trend in markets today is reducing the amount of salt in products. We are working towards this direction.
Nelos Georgoudis, former president of PEMETE*, talks to Ambrosia Magazine about the challenges table olives face as a primarily export product in today’s competitive environment.
One of the most respected Greek f&b associations.
It’s worth noting that the current time pe riod, starting from 2020, continues to put the endurance of the economy, businesses, society and us all to the test, due to the pres sure that continues to be exerted by glob al events taking place (Covid, rising energy costs, Russian-Ukrainian crisis, supply chain disruption, inflationary pressures, rising trans port costs, etc.)
In which markets can one find Greek table olives?
Today the product is being exported to more than 100 markets (European and third coun tries). Among the oldest traditional markets are the USA and Canada, however, Greek ta ble olives currently also supply the European market, Middle East, and Asia.
Foreign markets appreciate quality and they
welcome the product. In recent years, the top targets are the USA, followed by coun tries such as Germany, Italy, England, Aus tralia, Romania, the Netherlands and Arab countries. Some, like Italy, where the Greek olive is repackaged, are price driven markets.
One of the most popular is Halkidiki (you can read more on page 18). The Kalamon/Kala mata variety, which is also popular in foreign markets, shows an ever-increasing export po tential and a correspondingly high demand, the result of which is the annual planting of thousands of Kalamata variety olive trees, mainly in the Regional Units of Aetoloakar nania, Lakonia and Fthiotida. The production of the variety in our country is expected to soon exceed 100,000 tons.
The most historic Greek variety is Konservo lia. The table olives of this variety became the first object of trade in the 19th century and from the beginning of the 20th centu ry the country’s exports were based on this type of trade. It is cultivated mainly in the Regional Units of Fthiotida, Fokida, Magni sia, Aetoloakarnania, Arta and Evia. Kons ervolia is the most widespread table variety in the country, with the biggest number of olive trees.
Who are the main competitors of the Greek table olive and why should one prefer the Greek product over any other?
Our main competitors are Mediterranean countries, most of which are trying to gain market shares, using low prices as their com mercial weapon. Our country has unique va rieties, with excellent organoleptic character istics, and since we present a quality prod uct, we can and do achieve better prices in the international markets, to the benefit of Greek olive producers.
Could the table olive’s export position improve, and if so, how?
Reduced production due to weather conditions is a key chal lenge. The black olive of the Kon servolia variety, which together with the green olive has been our main export product in foreign markets for many years, has sig nificantly decreased in exports, because we couldn't get the same quality product every year, as it is very sensitive to weather con ditions. Halkidiki and Kalamon/ Kalamata olives are more resis
The scope of the three-year “Olive You” cam paign (1/3/2017-29/2/2020) was to rise con sumer information and awareness, and con sequently strengthen the competitiveness and increase exports of popular varieties of table olives from Greece to 13 countries (Australia, Russia, Norway, USA, Canada, the Middle East, Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Sweden). Following consumers' turn towards products that contribute to health and wellbeing, the campaign emphasized on healthy snacking, also a big future trend. “Olive You” focused on the gourmet dimen sion of the product, as the audience of the tar get countries is “high profile” and demand ing, but at the same time receptive to inno vations, as they have access to a wide range of products to choose from. In recent years, there has been an extremely high preference for organic, vegan and vegetarian food, as well as a particular concern of consumers regarding the origin and labeling of products. Mindful of the fact that a large number of consumers
tant and we can have stability in the quality of the product we of fer abroad. An important area of sales growth is the green olive, and especially its side products, such as stuffed Halkidiki olives with pepper, garlic, almond, etc. Another area that is on the rise in recent years is organic olives, of all varieties, linked to the change of eating habits worldwide. Table olives have always been a key export product, with more than 50,000 families engaged in their cultivation, as its produc
tion is dynamic and an impor tant source of foreign exchange for the Greek economy. Along with the financial importance of the product for the country, its value in the human diet should also be emphasized, as it is one of the richest natural foods with beneficial ingredients for human health. The country’s manufactur ing and standardizing export en terprises invest and achieve the further development and consoli dation of the product’s commer cial position in the world market.
Konservolia, the most historic greek variety, is an object of trade since the 19th century
have linked health to nutrition, and a growing number of them look for healthier options, the campaign was based on new, modern recipes and ways to use the product in the everyday kitchen by famous Chefs.
Among the activities of the “Olive You” cam paign was the participation in the most impor tant international food trade fairs, the organi zation of seminars and business trips in Greece (476,000+ professionals took part), consumer actions at points of sale & entertainment, a broad advertising campaign (ads in print and digital press, SoMe), TV ads, influencing and reaching over 42,500,000 consumers, distribu tion of material and information to +1,800 stu dents and teenagers. The Olive You campaign, combining direct marketing and below the line actions, promoted both the product and the European policy for agricultural products (table olives). The visuals in the advertisements and in all accompanying material made an excellent impression for their modern aesthetics, linking the Olive You product with Europe and Greece. From the planning to the implementation of the Olive You campaign, PEMETE succeeded in upgrading the image of the popular Greek varieties of table olives as a modern European
food product with top levels of food safety and quality assurance.
Like many traditional foods associations, PEMETE opposes Nutriscore. What is it? Why is it potentially misleading for the consumer? It is an oversimplified evaluation based on an algorithm that calculates the nutritional value of food per 100 gr or ml, without accounting for the characteristics of each food, thus wrong ing almost all traditional, single-ingredient, less processed foods, such as table olives. There has been a strong reaction and mobilization by EU member states, among which Greece, Italy, Cy prus, Hungary, against this labelling. In Greece, the "Initiative" has been developed under the auspices of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, with the participation of 16 sectoral food bod ies, and PEMETE. The scope of the “Initiative” is that, in cooperation with other European countries, they intervene in the European sci entific committee to create nutritional label ing that ensures correct nutritional informa tion and protection of public health, without doing injustice to traditional foods, vital part of the culture, customs, diet and economy of these countries.
One of the oldest, local to the Greek terroire, olive varieties, Halkidiki, is as relevant as ever to the international audience, continously gaining new consumers worldwide.
The Greeks were the first to cultivate olive trees in the European conti nent, brought in either by Greek emigrants, or by Phoenician trad ers: according to Gaius Plinius Secundus*, in 580 b.C. in regions such as Latio (Italy),
Spain, and Tunis, the cultivation of the ol ive tree was not known. Perhaps this is the reason why in Greece we enjoy many great, endemic varieties, which have become very popular worldwide. Halkidiki Variety is one of them.
Halkidiki green table olives come from olive trees of the “Halkidiki “ variety (Olea Eu ropea sp.) and are cultivated mainly in the prefecture of Halkidiki, but also in the wider region of Central and Eastern Macedonia, while a smaller number of olive trees of the same variety are also grown in other regions of the country.
Commercially speaking, this type of olive is internationally known as “green olives Halki diki”, it has a characteristic large fruit size, cylindrical-conical shape with the "nipple" at the end part of the fruit and a distinc tive bright green-greenish-yellow color. What makes this type of olive widely popular is the large ratio of flesh to core, the excellent or ganoleptic characteristics and the fact that the core can be very easily separated from the flesh during the enucleation process.
The fruit is harvested by hand directly from the tree, from mid-September to the end of October, when the olives are at the appro priate stage of ripening. What follows is the quality sorting and size sorting of the fruit: about only 20% of the quality and size-sort ed product is taken to the packaging lines and is consumed as “whole olives”, in vari ous packages and many product types with various flavors and seasonings.
Accordingly, approximately 70% of the first sorting is pitted and available for consump tion in many types, also as “pitted olives” and “stuffed olives” with various fillings (red pepper, almond, carrot, anchovy, garlic, on ion, etc.), also in different packages and with different flavors and seasonings.
This particular commercial type (green olives Halkidiki) has great export potential and cor respondingly great demand as a Greek deli cacy, from markets across the world, thanks to its distinctive, truly unique taste. The re sult of its great commercial success is the continuous planting of thousands of new ol ive trees of the “Halkidiki” variety per year, mainly in the areas where Halkidiki variety is being traditionally produced.
*aka Pliny the Elder, Roman author and natu ral philosopher, writer of “Naturalis Historia” (Natural History), an edition which became an editorial model for modern encyclopedias. He spent most of his spare time studying, writing, and investigating natural and geo graphic phenomena in the field.
The fruit is harvested by hand from mid-september to the end of octoberPhotos: Curtesy of PEMETE
Αbetrom Ltd
17th km on the National Road Kalamata-Pylos, 24200, Kalamata Tel. (+30) 27220 22262 info@abetrom.gr | www.abetrom.gr
Agro.Vi.M. S.A.
6th km Κalamata – Μessini National Road, 24100, Κalamata Tel. (+30) 27210 69269 infoagro@agrovim.gr www.agrovim.gr
N. Athanasakis & Co
2nd Industrial Area of Volos, 37500, Velestino, Magnesia Region Tel. (+30) 24250 22242 olivesnikos@yahoo.com www.athanasakisolives.gr
Αlea S.A.
12,3th Km on the National Road Sparti - Gythion, 23054, Leykochoma Lakonias, Sparti Tel. (+30) 27310 – 44050 info@alea-sa.gr | www.alea-sa.gr
Κefalovryso, 30400, Etolikon, Aetolia-Acarnania Region Tel. (+30) 26320 22516 info@amalthia.com.gr amalthia.com.gr
Αnagnostakos & Sons
3rd Km on the National Road
Itea-Amfissa, 33200, Ιtea Tel. (+30) 22650 – 32535, 34355 info@anolive.gr www.anolive.gr
Agricultural Cooperative of Kavala Hydras 18, 65302, Κavala Region Tel. (+30) 2510 232792 maria@easkavalas.gr www.easkavalas.gr
Agricultural Cooperative of Kenourgio, Aetolia-Acarnania Region Κosma Αetolou, 110-30005, Kenourgio, Agrinio, Aetolia-Acarnania Region Tel. (+30) 26410 61243 a.s.kainourgiou@gmail.com www.askainourgiou.gr
Agricultural Cooperative of Messolonghi-Nafpaktia “I Enosi” Νafpaktou 35, 30200, Messolonghi Tel. (+30) 26310 55200 easmn@otenet.gr www.easmn.gr
Agricultural Cooperative of Messinia Region Ιatropoulou 10, 24100, Kalamata Tel. (+30) 27210 542.51 info@messiniaunion.gr www.messiniaunion.gr
Dimitrios Vagiannis & Co Simantira, 63200, Halkidiki Region Tel. (+30) 23730 61684 d.vagianniolives@yahoo.gr www.vagiannis-olives.gr
Armatolon & Klefton 48, 11471, Athens Tel. (+30) 210 9330595 info@gaea.gr www.gaea.gr
Christos Georgiadis Olynthos, Ν. Moudania, 63200, Halkidiki
Tel. (+30) 23730 91734 Email: olynthia@otenet.gr
Georgoudis S.A.
2nd Industrial Area of Volos, 37500, Velestino, Magnesia Region Tel. (+30) 24250 24025, (+30) 24250 24201, (+30) 24250 24202 info@olives.gr www.parthenonolives.gr
Stergios Gomas
Ferron 24, 37500, Velestino, Magnesia Region Tel.(+30) 24250 23415 stergiosgomas@gmail.com
Kimon Gourgouris Ltd Ormylia, 63071, Halkidiki Region Tel. (+30) 23710 42110 orm-elia@hotmail.com | www.ormelia.gr
Great Ltd
Ksanthou 14, 16673, Voula, Athens Tel. (+30) 210 9658459 roussos@great.gr | www.great.gr
Deas S.A.
Κalyves, 63100, Halkidiki Region Tel. (+30) 23710 54300 sales@deasolives.gr www.deasolives.gr
Drousias Olive S.A.
Gheraki, 23058, Lakonia Region Tel. 27310 71200, 6974 435432 info@drousiasolivesa.gr www.drousiasolivesa.gr
Eleones Halkidikis S.A.
9th Km on the Old National Road Thessaloniki-Kilkis, 57008, Thessaloniki Region Tel. (+30)2310 784529 info@olive.gr | www.olive.gr
Estell S.A.
10th Km on the Old National Road Lamia-Stylida, 35100, Avlaki, Fthiotida Region
Tel. (+30) 22310 22255, (+30) 22310 20166 info@estellsa.gr | www.estellsa.gr
Ε. Psounou Prodromou & Co
Nea Tenedos, 63200, Nea Moudania, Halkidiki Region
Tel. 23730 43124 welcome@yannisolivegrove.gr www.yannisolivegrove.gr
S. Zafiris S.A.
Pataetolio, Ambaria Location, 30003, Agrinio, Aetolia-Acarnania Region
Tel. (+30) 26410-61004, (+30) 26410-62792 info@szafiris.gr | www.szafiris.gr
Ilida S.A. Parou 22, 14452, Metamorfosi, Attica Region
Tel. (+30) 210 28 12 653 info@ilida.gr | www.ilida.gr
Ideal S.A.
Archimidous 25, 19441, Koropi, Athens Tel. (+30) 210 6020830 info@idealolives.gr www.idealolives.gr
Intercomm Foods S.A.
8th Km on the National Road Laris sa-Sykourio, 1127, Larissa Region
Tel. (+30) 2410 575092-3, olivexport@intercomm.gr www.intercomm.gr
Konstantinos I. Ioannidis S.A.Food Industry R. Ferreou 2, 57009, Kalohori, Thessaloniki
Tel. (+30) 2310 751756, 751658 reginant@otenet.gr | www.regina.gr
Kalogiros S.A. 318ο Km on the National Road (Ε75) Athens – Thessaloniki, Velestino, 37500, Volos Tel. (+30) 24250 22990 kalogirosolives@gmail.com www.kalogirosolives.com/en
Kozat S.A. Agiou Nikolaou 40-42, 270 57, Tragano, Ilia Region Tel. 0030 26230 62430 kozat-sa@kozat.gr | www.kozat.gr
Konstantopoulos S.A. 3rd Km on the National Road Katerini – Larissa, 60100, Katerini Region Tηλ: (+30) 23510 47000 info@konstolymp.gr www.konstolymp.gr
G. Konstantopoulos & Sons CO Industrial Area of Meligala, 24002 Messinia Region Tel. (+30) 27240 22142 info@alfamessinias.gr www.alfamessinias.gr
Ladas Foods S.A.
Simantra, 632 00, Nea Moudania, Halkidiki Region
Tel. (+30) 23730 61000, (+30) 23730 61040 info@ladasfoods.gr www.ladasfoods.gr/en
Lelia Foods S.A.
Kalochori Avlidas, 34100, Euboea (Evia) Region
Tel. (+30) 22210 31200 info@lelia.gr www.lelia.gr/en
Lychnaras Vergina S.A.
Malaki Volou, 37300, Agria, Magnesia Region
Tel. (+30) 24280 93246 klb@otenet.gr www.verginaolives.com
Medbest S.A.
Kifissias 282, 15232, Halandri, Athens
Tηλ: (+30) 210 6856191-3 info@medbest.gr www.medbest.gr
Bretas Ltd
9th Km on the National Road Larissa - Aghia, 41110, Larissa Region
Tel. (+30) 2410 972075 – 9 info@bretas.gr www.bretas.gr
Nacolives SMPC
Bouzi, 30100, Agrinio, AetoliaAcarnania Region
Tel. (+30) 26410 27100 nacos@otenet.gr www.nacosolive.gr
Νiarchos S.A. Κladas, 23100, Sparti, Lakonia Region
Tel. (+30)27310 25264 info@agrosparta.gr www.agrosparta.gr
Oinountas S.A.
Sellasia, 23100 Sparti, Lakonia Region
Tel: (+30) 27310 94131 acc@oinountas.com www.oinountas.com/en
Olivellas S.A.
Gerakini, 63100, Halkidiki Region
Tel: +30 23710 52260/53260 info@olivellas.gr www.olivellas.gr
23rd Km on the National Road Athens-Lamia, 14568, Kryoneri, At tica Region
Tel. (+30)210 6220068 olympiaoil@otenet.gr www.olympia-oliveoil.com/en
Elagros - Papageorgiou Nesto roudi P.C.
Portaria, 63200, Halkidiki Region
Tel. +(30) 2311 114551 info@elagros.gr www.elagros.gr/en/start/
Pelopac S.A.
Industrial Region Sindos (Block 38, Street ΝΒ1Α), 57022, Thessaloniki Tel. (+30) 2310 754050 info@pelopac.gr www.pelopac.gr
PVG Food Hellas
Asklipiou 52 – 54, Platikampos, 41222, Larissa
Tel. (+30) 24130 17487 info@pvghellas.com www.pvghellas.com
Sapounas & Co. S.A.
2nd Industrial Area of Volos, 37500, Velestino, Magnesia Region Tel. (+30) 24250 24240 sales@olivefood.com www.olivefood.com
Sativa S.A.
Molaoi, 23052, Lakonia Region
Tel. (+30) 27320 23780 info@sativa.gr www.sativa.gr
Siouras S.A.
1st Industrial Area of Volos, 38500, Velestino, Magnesia Region
Tel. (+30) 24210 91400-9 info@siouras.gr www.siouras.gr
Tripsas S.A.
Phoniskaria, 25100, Aeghion
Tel. (+30) 26910 22251, (+30) 26910 23837 info@tripsas.gr www.tripsas.gr
Trofico S.A.
6th km National Road Agrinio –Antirrio, 30100, Agrinio, Aetolia-Acarnania Region
Tel. (+30) 26410 51643 troficosa@gmail.com www.trofico.com.gr
Tsatsoulis Brothers S.A.
Industrial Area of Ksanthi, 67100, Ksanthi Region
Tel. (+30) 25410 64200 info@tsatsoulis.gr www.tsatsoulis.gr
Regional Road Polygyros – Nea Potidea, 63100, Kalyves Polygyrgou, Halkidiki Region
Tel. (+30) 23710 52001 argirists@gmail.com
St. Choutas – G. Mardas G.P.
Ormylia, 63071, Halkidiki Region
Tel. (+30) 23710 51330 info@athosolive.gr www.athosolive.gr/en
Dim. Koutsolioutsos & Co S.A.
Asklipiou 3,10679, Athens
Tel. (+30) 6972253151 demkoutso@gmail.com
Vassiliki Krystalli
Skarfia, 35009, Fthiotida Region
Tel. (+30) 22350 42181 krystalis.olives@yahoo.gr
Bläuel Greek Organic Products
Pyrgos West Mani, 24024 Messinia
Tel. (+30) 27210 77711 mail@blauel.gr | www.blauel.gr
Ermilia Olives S.A. Koukounaras, 63071, Ormylia, Halkidiki Region
Tel. (+30) 23710 98211, 23710 52083 accountant@ermiliaolives.gr www.ermiliaolives.gr
Freshland – Iordanis
Tsagkaropoulos S.A. Industrial Region of Neochorouda, 57008, Thessaloniki
Tel. (+30) 2310 781034, 2310 781044, 2310 780052 info@freshland.gr www.freshland.gr
Voted recently by the TasteAtlas audience among the Best in the World, these one-of-a-kind Greek cheeses, some of them with recipes lost in centuries of culinary tradition, are worth noting -and tasting.
aking a vote between 1350 world cheeses, the readers and members of TasteAtlas website ranked the best, in their opinion, cheeses in the world, some of them being quite un known to the wider public, yet famous in their own country and among taste connois seurs. In the top 50 list, we find 13 Greek cheeses -Greece is the only country with as many products on the list, closely followed by Italy, with 12.
Taste Atlas is a world atlas of traditional dish es, local ingredients, and authentic restau
rants, created by food fans, but mainly based on its members, who travel, explore, eat, and drink, actively discovering local foods and paying their respects to the people making it. The website has more than 10,000 foods and drinks catalogued, and is constantly adding new information: places and ingredients from around the globe to be researched and mapped, both popular and forgotten tastes and aromas of cities, regions and villages worldwide. What makes the page really influential is its very popular social media, with over 760.000 Facebook and 112.000 Instagram followers who actively interact with the page.
White, soft, brined cheese from fresh sheep milk or a combination of sheep and goat milk, salty and slightly acidic, traditional to the island of Lemnos (Northern Aegean Sea). A great cheese with its own taste identity, albeit similar with feta in terms of its production process, it became a PDO product in 1994.
Hard table cheese, made from pasteurised cow milk or a mixture of sheep milk and a maximum of 20% goat milk, produced on the island of Naxos (Cyclades). Its recipe was created in 1955, and became a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product in 1996.
to 20% sheep’s or goat’s milk), made in the Metsovo mountain region. It is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product since 1994.
Salty, strong, tangy, sharp, and spicy cheese, with firm and flaky texture, made from goat’s or sheep’s milk. Dating back to the Byzantine era, it is considered the predecessor of most hard Greek cheeses and it is being produced in several regions in Greece.
a maximum of 20% goat milk in Crete (Hania, Rethymnon, Iraklion, and Lasithio prefectures). It became a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product in 1996.
Curd cheese with a pleasant and fresh taste, made from milk and yogurt, produced in Epirus and Thessaly in central Greece. Traditional galotyri is made using only sheep milk and a bit of salt. It is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product since 1994.
scent and pleasantly spicy taste. It is considered one of the most expensive and rare Greek cheeses.
(Western Macedonia, Epirus, Aitoloakarnanina, Evrytania), it became a PDO product in 1996.
whey from the processing of Graviera or Kefalotyri and the addition of sheep or/and goat milk. It tastes distinctively sweet and sour, it is produced exclu sively on the island of Crete, since the 17th century and it be came a PDO product in 1994.
creamy texture, made from cow’s, goat’s or sheep’s milk, with the addition of fresh butter (up to 15%), traditional to Cyclades (mainly Tinos and Mykonos). Kopanisti, with a history of more than 200 years, is a PDO product since 1996.
of Lesvos (N.Aegean Sea). The final product is preserved in excellent quality local olive oil («ladi» is the Greek word for olive oil). It is a PDO product since 1994.
(optional addition of 20% goat milk). It has to mature before consumption. Delicately sweet and tangy taste, it becomes salty and piquant when aged. It is one of the oldest Greek cheeses (1st century a.C.) and was recognized as a PDO product in 1996.
Made in many Greek regions from goat’s and sheep’s milk, it can be either fresh or dry. Fresh anthotyro (anthotyro fresco) has a mild flavor and soft texture, while the dry one (anthotyro ksero) has a rich, salty flavor and crumbly texture. The Creatan version of anthotyro ksero is the most popular.
Nikos and Niki Koutsiana, the founders of “Apivita”, introduce their new venture, Symbeeosis, a food brand with organic, biofunctional herbs & beekeeping products, based on the Hippocratic philosophy: ‘food is our medicine’.
Let’s start with the brand’s name: Symbeeosis comes from the Greek word Symbiosis (Syn+biosis, which means living together) and the bee, the most important polli nator of nature and a model inspirer of harmo nious coexistence. “Symbiosis is everywhere in nature”, says Nikos Koutsianas, former BoD president of the famous beauty brand Api
vita, which he founded, along with his wife, Niki, in 1979. According to Mr Koutsianas, nature is the perfect example of the harmo nious coexistence of different organizations building mutually beneficial relationships. Inspired by this unique example, Symbeeo sis grows, harvests and offers mountain tea, herbs and organic honey, products deriving from vital examples of symbiosis that exist
Impressive works of art by sculptor Nikos-Giorgos Papoutsidis adorn the brand's headquarters in Attica, Greece.
3 4 Symbeeosis products are based on brand owned cultivations of indiginous plants and bee products.
in nature. “Our functional products, born of our creative symbiosis with nature, improve nutrition, support good health, and add au thentic Greek flavors to our every day. Niki, myself and everybody involved in the Sym beeosis project firmly believe in good living, and we embrace sustainability, creativity and innovation, not as a mere motto, but as a way of living. Cooperation and interdepen dence is the future”, stresses Mr Koutsianas.
The statistics reveal what most people ignore -or choose to ingore: one in five adults glob ally die due to bad eating habits, making diet the leading cause of premature death.
Furthermore, there is something really broken in our food system: we deforest around 10 million hectares of forest globally every year, 75% of the world’s crop varieties have been lost over the last century (there are 442 mil lion acres of monocropping in the US alone), while more than 75% of Earth’s land areas are substantially degraded, undermining the well-being of 3.2 billion people.
The phrase “our future lies in our food” was never more true than today.
The solution, according to the brand, is pur pose driven businesses which turn agriculture from a problem into a solution. People have the power to do good through regenerative business, agriculture, and beekeeping.
- Mount Olympus 85.000m2. - Arkadia 36.000m2,
Euboea 170.000m2, - Domokos 22.000m2
visiting over 30 billion flowers per day enhancing local plant diversity.
- up to 5 tones of organic thyme honey, 2 tones of organic pine honey and 2 tones of organic heather honey.
Sybeeosis products: Greek Mountain Tea, Greek Herbs, Greek Honey, Food Supplements
From genomics to key collaborations, the brand watches every step of its way:
■ smart agricultural and beekeeping practic es (the latest trends in technology and big data platforms to upscale production and conserve recourses).
■ development of genomic protocols (specific origin of the genetic material, from popula tions with the best desired characteristics to ensure quality).
■ collaboration with leading research institutes and the Greek and international academic community.
■ minimum footprint from farm to fork.
■ biodiversity strategy & holistic cultivation (organic and regenerative cultivations em phasizing on soil health and healthy bee populations).
■ ethical business (transparency throughout the supply chain, under the thought that everyone is a stakeholder).
■ ongoing certification plan (Regenerative Or ganic Certification, B-corp & BREEAM).
Symbeeosis brand offers Greek, certified organ ic functional food & beverage products, forti fied with natural active extracts from medici nal herbs and propolis, in 4 categories: Greek
Mountain Tea, Greek Herbs, Greek Honey, Food Supplements. All products, based solely on me dicinal herbs and beekeeping ingredients, are equally beneficial for people’s health and wellbeing, and for the planet.
The brand has carefully chosen the packaging of the products, in accordance with its core values and philosophy.
■ Metal, plastic-free packaging for tea & herbs, made of tinplate, certified plastic-free & Met al Recycles ForeverTM (can be reused or re cycled continuously)
■ Compostable pyramids for tea & herbs (made from PLA -Polylactic acid-, a fiber derived from maize starch, naturally biodegradable in soil or water, without emitting pollutants and leaving zero footprint).
■ Glass jars for honey, with a metal lid that can be reused or recycled.
■ Cardboard boxes (recyclable FSC certified pa per, which ensures that it comes from respon sibly managed forests, controlled sources, re cycled materials or a combination of these.)
Tmeat is placed on a vertical met al spit, which moves in a circular way, the fire, which roasts the meat, being steady on one side. As the spit moves slowly and circular ly, the baker cuts with a big knife thin slices of the meat which is already roast, and the rest is left to slow-cook, making it “fresh” at any given moment. This all but trivial detail
some regions in Greece, one could also taste cumin, oregano and other spices), letting the spotlight focus on the quality of the meat. The meat traditionally picked for gyros is pork (in some regions lamp is also used), and in re cent years, chicken gyros is also a big success and very popular among consumers, both in Greece and abroad.
Ginis Greek Meat, based on excellent meat quality and exclusive recipes, makes gyros, kebab and souvlaki to remember.
Ginis Greek Meat company, ac tive in the meat sector for many years, is located in Agios Ioannis Rentis (Attica Region) and dis tributes daily. The company’s factory produc es kebab and souvlaki since 2016, and went into the gyros market in 2018, with great suc cess and a growing list of satisfied customers.
The company currently sends its products to England, Belgium, Italy, Romania, and the next target market is Germany (they have just initi ated a collaboration with a German partner). The goal is to solidify the brand’s position and create a solid distribution network there.
The company produces more than 20 differ ent types of meat products (filet, chicken-ba
We place great emphasis on the raw material and look for the best quality in the meat we use, precisely because our product is as close to handmade as possible.
con, chicken nuggets etc), among which six types of kebab and minced meat products, such as beef doner, three types of souvlaki (pork, chicken breast, chicken leg), and two types of gyros (pork and chicken). The fac tory’s capacity is 5 tons of meat products -not just gyros- per day.
The new delicacy is souvlaki made of milk-fed veal calves -the production has just started. The product just became available in Greece and the company is about to start exporting.
The company’s best seller is the kebab (com bination of beef and lamb meat). Chicken gy ros follows shortly after -in some markets (i.e. England), chicken gyros is far more popular than any other meat product.
Yet another court ruling in Greece’s favor about the name «feta».
According to a statement by the Court of Justice of the Europe an Union (July 2022), Denmark breached its obligations by failing to take measures to put an end to the use of the name “feta” for cheeses intended for ex port to third countries (countries outside the EU). Denmark did not, however, breach the obligation of good faith cooperation. The word “feta” is registered as a protected designation of origin (PDO) in 2002. Since then, the name “feta” may only be used for cheese produced in the defined geographi cal area of Greece and meeting the relevant product specifications.
In the context of the present proceedings due to infringement by a member state, the Commission, supported by Greece and Cyprus, claimed that Denmark breached its obligations under Regulation 1151/2012 2 by failing to take measures to prevent or stop the use of the name ‘feta’ for cheese produced in Den mark but intended to be exported to third countries (countries outside the EU).
Denmark countered that the Regulation only applies to products sold within the Union and does not cover exports to third countries. The country, therefore, admits that it has never taken any measures to prevent or put an end to the use of the name ‘feta’ by domestic producers’ products intended for export to third countries.
*In 2005, the European Court of Justice struck down an appeal from Germany and Denmark —backed by France and Britain— over the right to keep using the name ‘feta’ for their white, brine-soaked cheeses.
*In January 2018 the Commission opened EU infringement proceedings against Denmark by sending formal notice, inviting the Danish au thorities to take any steps necessary to prevent or stop companies established on its territory from using the name ‘feta’ for their products.
*In June 2020, Greece authorized the EU to begin legal procedures against Denmark over its alleged appropriation of Feta cheese.
America may seem as the prom ised land of all opportunities for companies seeking to export, but things seldom are as they seem. Undoubtedly, it is a lucrative market with great potential, but before this potential is captured, there are specific rules, strict label compliances and marketing requirements that need to be met. Iason Loumidis, managing shareholder at Loumidis Foods Inc., talks to Ambrosia Magazine about today’s challenges and the art of being a successful business in the USA for over 30 years. Most -if not allGreeks associate the name “Loumidis” with the famous traditional Greek coffee Loumi dis Papagalos. And they have every reason to do so: in 1920, three brothers, Antonis,
Nikos and Iason, opened a small “general commerce store” on Retsina Street in Pirae us with all sorts of items, and, of course, cof fee, which gradually became their main trade product, inextricably linked to their name. In 1987 the company was sold to Nestlé by the three brothers’ sons, so that the brand could continue to expand and be part of the Greek culinary heritage. It was around that time that Sotiris Loumidis, Iason’s son, decided to do business in the USA, starting with importing Loumidis Papagalos and Nescafé coffee from Nestlé Hellas, along with other Greek prod ucts. Today, Loumidis Foods Inc is run by the third generation, Iason and Kimon Loumidis, Sotiris’ sons, and prides itself for a carefully built success story.
“Greece should continue investing to establish National Culinary Identity in the American market”Iason
Where is the company located, and which brands are currently in your portfolio?
Loumidis Foods’ operations are clustered on the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic part of the coun try -we are based in New Jersey, but our pri mary market is the Tri-state area (New Jersey, New York, Connecticut), including the neigh boring states of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. We represent exclusively many iconic Greek food manufacturers, such as Nestle Hellas, Papadopoulos, Paliria, Olym pus Dairy, Ioniki Filosophy, Cretamel, Agrino, Loux, Hellenic Fine Oils, Olympos (Papayianni Bros), Stathakis Family, Boudouris Family, Trata, Askada Farm, MastiH2O, Othrys Farms, Kriton Artos, Tsanos Bakery and Elviart. In addition to our exclusives, we act as representatives of many great brands, such as Rodoula, Misko, Nouns Creamery, Megas Yeeros & MegaMea tless, Loukoumiland, Chion, and Fruit Hellas. Finally, we also have our own trademark brands (MFG-My Favorite Gyro, Loumidis, My Favorite Greek Yogurt, Mediterranean Nation).
What is your distribution network? Does it include a HORECA channel?
Our operational profile consists of two main roles: We act as (master) importers for the entire U.S. and as regional distributors for the North east/Mid-Atlantic market, delivering directly with our own distribution fleet. Moreover, we manage directly key-accounts across the nation (namely medium/large scale supermarket chains and na tional restaurant chains). Finally, we have distri bution partners in 21 states (including some Ca nadian territories), practically covering half the country. Currently, our active database consists of over 1.000 customers, we import and trade more than 470 SKUs, and we receive and handle on average 20 containers monthly. What you call HORECA channel, we call Foodservice, covering restaurants, catering facilities, casual eatery, fes tivals etc., and comprises almost half of our gross revenue business (45%).
Which products are your 10 top sellers, and which are the Greek products that you con
sider having the greatest growth prospects in the American market?
Our best sellers are iconic Greek delicacies, such as Loumidis Papagalos (traditional Greek cof fee), Nescafé (the famous Greek Frappé), Paliria (stuffed vine leaves with rice, “dolmadakia”), Ca price Papadopoulos (hazelnut wafers), Olympus Dairy PDO Greek Feta, Ioniki Filosophy (phyllo products), Rodoula (savory pies and Greek des erts), Orino Honey by Cretamel, Sparta Gold (ex tra virgin olive oil), Misko (pasta products) and Nouns (Greek yogurt). As for products with ex port potential, we consider the Mediterranean profile snack category as upcoming, along with savory pies, especially spinach pie, and frozen ready meals (based on All Natural Mediterranean recipes) - products that can fit under the “goodfor-your-health” motto, which is the quintessen tial of the Mediterranean diet.
To put it in a wider perspective, thanks to the groundbreaking, positive impact of the Greek yo gurt fad in the last decade, the growing interest
The infamous “success story” is to sellout at satisfactory level, not just “product placement”. The sellout is the real challenge.
1 2
Loumidis Foods stand in the Summer Fancy Food 2022.
The company delivers with its own distribution fleet within the tri-state region, Pennsylvania and the upstate New York region.
of Americans in healthy eating and the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, Greek culinary brand identity has radically improved in the last decade - truth be told, this has not always been the case. Today, the name “Greece” can be considered as an added value for a (food) brand, but we should not rest on our laurels. It is imperative to continue investing and improving the Greek culinary brand identity, because this is an attribute all products, in all categories, can benefit from.
We are experiencing a major supply chain crisis worldwide. How does it affect you?
Since we are an active link of this chain it has affected us significantly, but we are handling it better than expected because of our strong organizational structure and constant commu nication with our suppliers and logistics part ners. The inflation, along with port congestion and logistics crisis at all major ports worldwide (COVID and the incident with Evergreen in Suez Canal were the main factors), caused the freight costs to practically triple within a year. And if this was not enough, the recent war outbreak further complicated the supply chain crisis. In our opinion, the situation will continue “as is” at least through the end of 2022, and hopefully begin to stabilize within 2023.
In your opinion, what are the challenges in the American food market today?
Before I give you an answer, we must stress that “American food market” is a misleading term, because there is not one America. There are 50 states with different consumer habits, different retail structure, even different practices by which imported foods are sold, not to mention the di verse U.S. demographics. That said, in all states the greatest challenge is to stand out, in terms of quality (that goes without saying), but in terms of authenticity, too. Having a good product is not enough. If a company wants to export to America, they have to choose their target market and channel first, and at least do some prelimi nary market research: identify the needs of the consumers, the way competitive products are being presented and promoted - even details, such as portion quantity. Allocated shelf space at major supermarkets (even smaller chains or independent stores) is granted for a short period of time, through hard-bargain “real estate” deals and the infamous “success story” is to sellout at satisfactory level, not just “product placement”. A food manufacturer must be ready to pursue and invest towards this challenge, because, in most cases, they only get one shot to present their brand to the buyer.
What are your company’s next steps?
Our goal is to become a reliable reference/source for Premium Greek Products in the U.S. mar ket. Our operational goal is to excel in inven tory forecasting & management and eventually pursue a perfect “order fulfillment” ratio, a key element for the success of every retail / foodser vice customer we have. By the end of 2022 we will complete our premises expansion (doubling warehouse space) in New Jersey, which will al low us to streamline our existing collaborations and enable us to introduce more great Greek brands to the American market. In relation to business development, we have plans, but at the moment, I can only give you a few key words: education, health and bespoke MKT services to the foodservice sector. The Greek / Mediter ranean Diet can be directly connected to good health. This is a strong asset in our hands, on which we can -and must- build. We at Loumi dis Foods endeavor to become the source for the authentic Greek food experience. More information on www.loumidisfoods.com
Taste may be a subjective matter, but great taste can be purely ob jective, based upon strict criteria and undoubtable know-how. The International Taste Institute just presented the Dairy Category of the 2022 Superior Taste Awards, among which we find many great Greek products. The International Taste In stitute was founded in 2005 with the scope to help consumer food & drink companies improve the quality of their products and in crease their sales with the renowned Superi or Taste Award certification. The Institute is based in Brussels, and its multicultural team consists of more than 20 food enthusiasts from 14 nationalities, brought together by their passion for good food, their cheerful attitude, and an unmistakable drive for ex cellence. In the words of the Institute’s peo ple: “We love to sit down together to eat great food. Like Michelin starred chefs, we are disciplined and committed to delivering high level service to our customers. When you work with the Taste Institute, you work with foodies that mix passion with expertise, classiness with fun."
Regarding the awards, blind tasting, for truly objective evaluations is the method of choice. The Institute’s strict tasting process is per formed blind and in complete silence. Chefs
and sommeliers know nothing ahead of time about the product being tested, except for its category. During the tasting process, jury members are not allowed to speak to each other, and at the end, they provide thought ful feedback and advice based on their deep experience with taste. Each product is evalu ated in accordance with the 5 International Hedonic Sensory Analysis criteria (AFNOR XP V096A standards) – first impression, vision, olfaction, taste and texture (for food) or fi nal sensation (for drinks). Last, but not least, product samples are never compared with each other; they are always evaluated based on their own intrinsic characteristics.
Hailing from over 20 countries, Taste Institute jury members are all external and indepen dent. The jury members, composed of more than 200 professional taste experts, albeit all being members of the most prestigious chef and sommelier associations worldwide, are carefully selected based on their tasting expe rience, and spotlighted by chef and somme lier competitions or top institutions such as Le Guide Michelin and Gault & Millau, since membership in an association alone doesn’t qualify them. Their knowledge of taste and their ability to provide relevant feedback is constantly evaluated and monitored by the Institute’s tasting committee.
Strained Yogurt 5%.
Hellenic Dairies S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni Authentic Greek Yoghurt 2%. Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Dodoni Authentic Greek Yoghurt 5%. Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Gypari Bros (Dairy, Cheese)
Greek yoghurt 0% fat.
Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
The Institute’s strict tasting process IS PERFORMED BLIND AND IN COMPLETE SILENCE.
with stevia & red fruits. Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Milk & dairy Drinks)
Strained Yogurt 2%.
Hellenic Dairies S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni Lactose Free Feta P.D.O. Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Oat-Apple & Cinnamon, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Dairy Alternative Products)
Plires 3,9% fat, Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Milk & dairy Drinks)
Feta Cheese
Hellenic Dairies S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni Ipirotiko Greek Strained Yogurt 2%, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Dodoni Ipirotiko Greek Strained Yogurt 6%, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Epiros Original Feta & Organic Feta (PDO), Epirus S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni Authentic Greek Yoghurt 10%, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Dodoni Authentic Greek Yoghurt 0%, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Dodoni Authentic Greek Yoghurt 8%, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Feta Ziria PDO, Stymfalia S.A. (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni Plant’d Oat-Vanilla, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Alternative Products)
Dodoni Plant’d Oat-Plain, Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Alternative Products)
Anthotyros of Lefka Ori Creta (Fresh), Gypari Bros (Dairy, Milk & dairy Drinks)
Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Traditional Goat Yogurt, Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
Gypas Sour Myzithra, Gypari Bros (Dairy, Cheese)
Dodoni S.A. (Dairy, Yogurt)
More Info on the awarded brands
Vanilla flavour dessert, Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Cream)
Gala Farmas Elafri 1,4% fat,. Koukakis Farm S.A. (Dairy, Milk & dairy Drinks) www.dodoni.eu www.koukakisfarm.gr www.epirosa.eu www.stymfalia-sa.gr www.gypas.gr/en www.olympos.gr/en/
the largest food & beverage trade show in Southeast Europe and one of the most significant of its kind internationally, after its impressive post-covid comeback last year, is preparing a strong fair, organized to the last detail, featuring 1.300 exhibitors from Greece and the rest of the world, 3.500 key food traders and 850 Ηosted Buyers.
After the very successful arranging of the 2022 trade show, the first after the very much unsettling Covid-19 pandemic outburst and the subsequent lockdown period, the fair is back for good, consolidating its leading position in the wider region of Southeast Europe, while further strengthening its international reach.
FOOD EXPO 2023 will take place March 1820 at the Metropolitan Expo exhibition center in Athens, Greece, and it is expected to be the central platform for the international food industry interested in excellent quality
Mediterranean food and beverage products. More than 3.500 international visitors are expected to visit the exhibition, in addition to the forecast of 30.000 visitors, in an exhibition space spanning 50,000 m2, for buyers from the entire Food & Beverage sector. These numbers are no surprise, since Greece is a major trade center in S.E. Europe and the Middle East, and a gateway to the Balkan marketplace.
As a result, FOOD EXPO 2023 will once again offer its exhibitors the opportunity to meet key players and decision makers from the Greek market.
In addition, major buyers from the organized retail and wholesale from countries all across the globe will also be attending and participating in B2B meetings with exhibitors of their choice. The forecasts of the 2023 fair speak for themselves: a striking 17.000 b2b meetings are expected to take place between hosted byuers and FOOD EXPO exhibitors.
he resounding success of FOOD EXPO Digital 2021, and the extended use during the 2022 trade show, proved that a well-organised online platform can act as an additional service to the physical trade show. If you plan to meet in person during the trade show, the FOOD EXPO Digital platform offers the possibility to better organize your time, as it will give all hosted buyers the chance to pre-arrange b2b meetings with exhibitors of their choice. Or, in case you will not be able to attend the show, you can contact them online & participate in video meetings with them.
The most influential food and beverage trade show in south-east europe is prepairing its 2023 edition.
The Greek f&b sector remains a strong economic growth indicator even dur ing these difficult economic and social global conditions. As a high-income economy, based on the service and the industrial sector, as well as a tourist hotspot and gateway to more than 100 million consumers in South eastern Europe, Greece is a dynamic market, all year round, with a high appetite for quality food and beverages imports.
The Greek f&b sector recorded significant rise in imports within 2021
It is a fact that the Greek f&b sector has with stood the challenges and has been recording strong exports, while imports are also picking up. In addition, the expected return of Greek tourism to levels even higher than 2019 are also a proof that Greece is offering great op portunities for investments and business ven tures. It is worth mentioning that there are more than 15.000 food retail businesses operating in Greece, where as a substantial 34% of monthly income is spent on food and beverages. On top, there was a 12,9% raise in f&b imports in 2021 alone, which showcases the vast inter est around the field within the Greek market.
Given the above mentioned data, and accord ing to a survey conducted by ALCO, the stag gering majority of FOOD EXPO 2022 exhibi tors expressed their enthusiasm with the trade show’s size and scope, while 95% revealed their intention to participate at the upcom ing fair, in 2023.
It is thus no surprise that survey results on the commercial effectiveness for FOOD EXPO 2022 exhibitors reveal a whooping 67% clos
ing deals during the trade show with Greek Food traders (80% closed deals during the next 6 months), while the percentage was 36% and 87% respectively for closing deals with int’l food traders.
As for the exhibitor satisfaction per se, an impressive 95% said they were satisfied con cerning the quality of Greek visitors, while an almost equally high 91% expressed their satis faction with the quality of the b2b meetings.
The leading wine & spirits trade show in Greece will be organized March 18-20, 2023, alongside FOOD EXPO trade show. Confirming its reputation as a trade show with international allure, Oenotelia showcases and promotes wine and spirits not only from Greece but also from the entirety of the Mediterranean region. During the three days of the Oenotelia trade show that will take place alongside FOOD EXPO 2023, Greek and international visitors will have the chance to meet with producers from all wine-growing regions and discover the unique qualities of the Greek vineyard, as well as its phenomenal indigenous varieties. The Greek vineyard has a long history and is
one of the oldest in the world. Due to its privi leged geographical position as well as the cli mate of the region, Greece produces a wide array of wines, product of unique, indigenous varieties, each with distinct characteristics and aromas. Furthermore, Greek wines pair well with cuisines from all over the world, and they offer an excellent ratio of price to quality. These are some of the reasons Greek wines have un doubtedly started to create some critical buzz around their name, and trend-setting markets are already won over by their character. Oe notelia trade show presents all these unique assets and facilitates the connection line be tween producers and influential buyers.
Synergies from the parallel organization with FOOD EXPO
As it runs in parallel with FOOD EXPO, wine companies can promote and showcase their products and contact thousands of significant Greek and international traders from retail, wholesale and foodservice and conclude significant commercial deals.
FOOD EXPO has designed a detailed
Hosted Buyer Program, aiming to at tract the highest caliber of food buyers from across the globe, looking to do business in Southeast Europe. During their visit at the trade show, they will have the opportunity to meet in person more than 1,300 Greek and international exhibitors in a single event - more than 280 international exhibitors from 30 countries- and to find the most promising new F&B products from top producers and suppliers to accelerate their business growth. Qualified hosted buyers simply have to attend a minimum number of B2B meetings (hosted buyers are expected to hold more than 17,000 b2b meetings with FOOD EXPO 2023 exhibi tors), that are pre-scheduled through an on line matchmaking platform, while having all or part of the travel and accomodation ex penses paid for.
Life is more than business alone: along the professional side of the trade show, one can explore the beauty, historic sights and cu linary treasures of Greece by joining FOOD
EXPO Hosted Buyer Program. Hosted buy ers get to enjoy a day tour to the center of Athens, including Acropolis and the Acrop olis Museum, or the Temple of Poseidon at Sounio, three of the most picturesque desti nations, making the most out of their busi ness trip in Greece.
For further information, please contact our team Filippos Papanastasiou / fp@forumsa.gr Ioanna Lalia / il@forumsa.gr Christine Mponoti / chm@forumsa.gr Despina Irida Tsirikou / dt@forumsa.gr
By joining the Hosted Buyer Program of the trade show, one enjoys the following benefits:
■ Round trip economy air ticket
■ Up to three nights’ accommodation (room only) at a 4 or 5-star hotel
■ Free transportation with the trade show’s shuttle bus from the hotel to the exhibition center and back
■ Free detailed, custom-made directory on your b2b pre-scheduled meetings
■ Free Hosted Buyer badge, giving you access to the trade show with fast lane priority
■ Privileged access to Hosted Buyer lounge
Hosted Byuers have privilege access to the Hosted Buyer Lounge throughout the exhibition.
After the turmoil caused by the covid pandemic and the subsequent 4-year break, this October, one of the biggest international tradeshows, SIAL Paris, is back to showcase current trends and innovations worth knowing in the f&b sector.
SIAL Paris is one of the world’s larg est food industry events, which pro vides privileged access to all the key players in the sector, generat ing business and accelerating growth. The numbers of SIAL 2018 speak for them selves: in 10 exhibition branches, the fair hosted a total of 7,200 exhibitors from 120 countries, 87% of which were internation al entries, the total number of trade visitors was a whooping 310,000 from 200 coun tries, 65% of which were international visi tors from outside France. Last, but not least, there were 2,355 candidates for the “SIAL Innovation Awards”, while the overall visi tor satisfaction rate was an impressive 91%. As we all know, Covid-19 took by storm all major events, especially in 2020, the year of the pandemic burst-out, leading to the can celling of the biannual tradeshow.
This year, SIAL returns, sharing knowledge, innovation and know-how to all participants from the f&b sector worldwide, while fully re specting current international hygiene rules.
The theme of the 2022 edition is Own The Change: The fair, being a unique place of in spiration around products, a space for exchanges on issues, trends and best practices in the sector, aims to unite people, products and businesses, aka the entire “ecosystem” around the major transformations taking place in the food indus try. According to the fair’s officers in charge, this year’s theme is set to remind us that we are all active participants in change and called upon to understand the environmental, ethi cal, digital and demographic challenges of the planet. It is up to us to respond to the issues of food sufficiency and change consumption habits.
A total of 96 Greek companies will exhibit their products in an exhibition space of 1,630 m2
It also entails the search and development of start-ups willing to actively contribute to tomor row’s ecosystem. Under this light, the 3 Michelinstarred chef Mauro Colagreco, chef at the Mi razur restaurant, will be the patron of the exhi bition. «In 2022, SIAL Paris is encouraging the Food community to seize the reins of change and to work together to imagine the solutions of the future, to benefit both the industry and consumers. We are delighted that Mauro Cola greco, who goes to great lengths to do his bit in the way he works every day, has agreed to be the sponsor of this year’s event», states Audrey Ashworth, Director of SIAL Paris.
For Greek companies, SIAL Paris is a great op portunity to showcase the quality and the variety of their products to wholesalers, importers, and food traders from all across the globe: this year Greece is one of the 15 leading countries in par ticipants. Compared to SIAL 2018, there will be 20 more participations (26% for the first time). Ιn 2022, over 260 Greek companies will be attend ing SIAL Paris seeking to boost their businesses, promote their products and increase their visibil ity. Greek participation will be held mostly under the auspices of three agencies: Enterprise Greece, the official agency of the Greek State to promote
investment in Greece and exports from Greece, and make Greece; Promo Solution, a company offering complete support for the participation in any exhibition across the world, and GreatGreek Exports and Trade, an Athens-based com pany organizing trade fairs and business dele gations, and providing export consulting and support actions essential for Greek exporters.
Greece In SIAL Paris 2022
“Invest in Taste”. This is the motto of Greece’s national participation in the upcoming Paris tradeshow, in an exhibition space of 1,630 m2 comprising the national pavillion. Ιn addition, the regions of Attica, Central Greece, Epirus and Thessaly, the chambers of Larissa, Evia and Achaia, as well as the Hella-Dika Mas initiative, will also take part. Ιn this year’s fair, 7,000 ex hibitors will participate in 250,000 sq.m. exhi bition spaces, while more than 300,000 pro fessionals are expected to visit. For the Greek participation, space has been reserved in Hall 2 of National Pavilions / General Foods National Pavilions Hall 2, while Greek companies will also be present in the following halls:
• Frozen HALL5A
• Grocery HALL5B
• Bakery & Sweet Products HALL 5A
• Dairy products HALL 7
FOOD EXPO Greece, the most important trade fo rum for Food and Beverages, not only in Greece, but also in the wider region of the S.E Europe, will have its own stand at SIAL 2022. Following our succesful presence in the last SIAL, and along with Ambro sia Magazine, we will be waiting to inform visitors about the Greek food and beverages sector and the upcoming FOOD EXPO GREECE 2023.
«In 2022, sial paris is encouraging the food community to seize the reins of change and to work together to imagine the solutions of the future». A. ASHWORTH
Abetrom 1 - A - 92
Aggelakissa 6 - H - 70
Agrexpo S.A. 1 - D - 73
Agricultural Coop. Union-Aeghion 2 - J - 2
5B - M - 32
Agro.Vi.M. 2 - K - 95
5A - J - 236
Agrophoenix S.A. 5A - H - 52
Agrosparta 7 - A - 29
Alexakis Pita Breads 2 - K - 143
Almi Brine 1 - B - 91
Almme 2 - L - 135
Almond Products Hatzigeorgiou 2 - K - 125
Alpha Gefsi 7 - C - 72
Amalthia 2 - L - 156
Ambrosia Magazine 5A - J - 144
Amphoreus 2 - L - 169
Amvrelia Kontodimas 2 - L - 167
Amvrosia Gourmet- Stilianidi P. 2 - J - 144 Antoniou Dairy “Thessalos” 1 - C - 91
Aposolou Spices 2 - J - 134
Arcadia 1 - D - 73
Arcadia Dairy 1 - D - 73
Ariston Hellas 2 - J - 110
Arnaoutelis S.A. 5B - N - 137
Artemisia Estates Olive Oil 1 - B - 94
Asopos Groves 1 - D - 73
Bally Nuts- Balamoutsos Konst. 2 - K - 147
Barba Stathis S.A. 5A - P - 106 Bartzis Nikolaos “Melitimon” 2 - K - 141
Begas Agro 2 - J - 164
Bequest Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 - A - 92 Berris S.A. 7 - A - 29
Bikre S.A. 6 - C - 99
Bio Cretan Olive Oil Ltd ‘’Critida’’ 1 - B - 94
Bio-Life Secrets 1 - B - 94
Biscotti Tsoungari 5A - J - 14
Botzakis S.A. 1 - B - 94
Cafetex S.A
5C - F - 282
Chb Group - Chris Family 5C - F - 155
Chios Fruits S.A. 7 - A - 29
Chrisanthidis S.A. 5A - K - 5
Corinto Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 - A - 92
Couniniotis Currants 5B - M - 12
Creta Drop 2 - J - 146
Cretamel S.A.
5A - K - 76
Cretan Mill, Almpantakis S.A. 5B - K - 234
Deas Olives
Delights Of Crete - AbeaHiotakis - Bioxym
5B - M - 128
Galaxy - Sotiria Mavidou & Sons O.E. 7 - A - 29
5B - N - 25
5B - M - 142
2 - J - 118
1 - B - 94 Dimello
5C - G - 207
2 - L - 130
Great - Trade Exhibitions & Exports 1 - B - 94
Dodoni S.A. - Agricultural Dairy Indus
7 - A - 29 Dragees Hatziyiannakis S.A.
Greek Aloevera Fampas Farms 1 - D - 73
Green Land Co-Farming 1 - D - 73
5A - H - 159
7 - A - 29 Dryfo - Menexopoulos Bros
2 - J - 159
Gristiren Ltd 7 - A - 29
Gusto Dairy 1 - B - 94
Eftychia Premium
5B - M - 18 Elasion
1 - A - 91 E-La-Won
2 - k - 145 Elbak
2 - J - 143 Eleni Nikolopoulou
5B - N - 25 Eleon By Soya Hellas S.A
1 - GH - 28 Eleonas Stefanos Vallis
2 - J - 99 Eleones Of Chalkidiki
2 - J - 152 Ellie
1 - B - 94 Elmar Olives-Marerra
2 - J - 116 Elmika- M Dogramantzi
2 - J - 130 Elssa Srl / Nestoras
1 - D - 73 Elviart Kaloidas
5A - H - 32 Enterprise Greece
5A - L - 207 Enterprise Greece S.A. Investment & Trade
2 - J - 96 Entopia Deli
Haitoglou Bros 5A - K - 202
Hatzakou G. Anastasia
5A - J - 144
Helios Pasta Industry 5B - N - 25
Hellas Quality Foods 2 - J - 125
Hellenic Crops 2 - J - 95
Hellenic Fine Oils 5B - N - 31
Hellenic Grocery - Spitiko 5B - N - 51
Hellenic Honey Producers “Melitteas” 2 - J - 127
Hellenic Milk & Flour Industry S.A. 7 - A - 29
Hippocratic Essentials 2 - J - 147
Honey Helmos 5A - H - 239
Hotos S.A. 7 - A - 31
Ilida 2 - J - 148
Ilida S.A. 7 - A - 29
Intercomm Foods 2 - J - 2
Isostevia 2 - J - 121
2 - J - 174
2 - J - 132 Epirou Vios
J.P. Anagnostakos Sons S.A. 7 - A - 29
5B - N - 33 Ertha
2 - J - 140 Escarcom
Jannis 5A - J - 214
Kafea Terra Food And Drinks S.A. 7 - A - 29
Kaldanis Family Apiculture 2 - L - 171
6 - C - 19
7 - A - 29 Escarcom S.A.
Eu Food Masters
5B - M - 125
Kalogerakis 7 - H - 33
Kalogiros Olives Sa 7 - A - 29
Eurimac S.A,
Eurofoods Markinos Private Company
5B - N - 25
5B - K - 170 Eurocert
1 - B - 89
Kandylas S. S.A. 7 - A - 29
Karalis 7 - B - 82
Karalis S.A 7 - A - 29
Karpea S.A. 5B - R - 75
EVLOGIA “ True Taste Of Greece”
5B - M - 16 Evrofarma S.A.
7 - A - 29 Expoaid - Agrosparta
Katsaros Distillery 2 - J - 149
Katsouki Family 2 - JJ - 172
Kolionasios 7 - A - 29
7 - A - 29
5B - M - 152 Farmhouse S.A.
Kolios S.A. Greek Dairy 7 - A - 29
2 - J - 103 Fundelina
Filaretos Bros
5B - MN - 19 G.Konstantopoulos & Sons Co
Konstantinos Antonakakis S.P. 1 - B - 94
Konstantopoulos- “Olymp” 2 - K - 119
Koronzi Brothers 8 - F - 1
5B - MN - 17
1 - HG - 29 G.S. Skiadaresis
Korvel Ltd 7 - A - 29
Kourellas S.A. 7 - C - 245
Kozat Fine Foods 2 - K - 158
Kri-Kri S.A. Milk Industry 7 - A - 37
Kritsa Agricultural Cooperative 1 - B - 94
Kronos 1 - G - 1
Krop 2 - J - 170
Kykao Handcrafted
La Farm S.A.
Labridis Bros S.A.
Lactea S.A.
Ladas Foods S.A.
1 - C - 68
7 - C - 194
5A - N - 218
7 - C - 164
7 - A - 29
Lasitia 1 - B - 126
Latrovalis 2 - L - 151
1 - D - 73
Le Petit Dejeuner-Tsakiris Family 5A - H - 235
Lefkara Farm
1 - B - 94
Lelia Foods 5B - R - 165
Lenas Gourmet 1 - A - 92
Leo’s House Of Bagels 2 - k - 133
Let’s Eat 6 - A - 124
Levantes Farm 5B - R - 216
Liokarpi 1 - B - 94
Loux 5B - N - 25
Makedoniki S.A.
7 - A - 29
Mana Gi 1 - C - 68
5B - N - 25
Markellos Olive 2 - K - 147
Medbest S.A.
1 - E - 63
Mediterranean Olive House S.A 1 - A - 92
Medolio S.A.
1 - H - 29
Melas “Epidaurus Olive Oil Domain” 1 - B - 94
Meligyris Cretan Apiary Center 1 - GH - 30
Melinda Ltd
Melissa Kikizas
Melissa Kikizas S.A.
5A - J - 2
5B - K - 52
7 - A - 29
Messiniaki Paradosi 1 - D - 73
Mevgal S.A.
7 - A - 29
Mezap 2 - J - 161
Minerva Sa Edible Oils Enterprises 7 - A - 29
Minoan Bee
1 - B - 94
Modello Group - -
Mouriki Greek Premium Honey 2 - J - 117
Nektar Coffee Roasters
Nektar Drinks
Neogal S.A.
Nera Kritis S.A.
5B - K - 182
5C - G - 77
7 - F - 38
5C - G - 77
Nestos 2 - K - 156
Nutria 2 - K - 164
Ohonos Snack
5A - H - 218
2 - J - 136
1 - A - 92
Royal Tsatsoulis Bros
2 - k - 151
S. Mentekidis S.A. 7 - A - 29
Olive Fresh- Chatzipetrou
5B - P - 105
2 - J - 124 Olivellas
S. Spiridis
Saristi Herbal Teas
2 - k - 137
5B - P - 227
Olympus - Hellenic Dairies Group 7 - F - 30 Omiros Dairy S.A
7 - C - 153
2 - J - 106
5B - N - 151
Saristi S.M.P.C.
1 - B - 94
Savouidakis Sa - Olive Oils 1 - B - 94
Sdoukos S.A.
7 - A - 29
Sellas Olive Oil 1 - D - 73
Othrys Farms - Vrino
2 - J - 1
5B - M - 148 P. Pavlides
Simitzi Maria - -
2 - J - 126
Papadimitriou Cc S.A.
1 - A - 92
6 - F - 69 Panprod S.A.
5B - N - 153
7 - A - 29
Smari 1 - A - 91
South Aegean Prefecture 7 - A - 29
Sparta Spirit 1 - A - 92
Spartan Farmers By Spiridis Family 1 - D - 73
Papadim’s Greek Family Dressings
5B - N - 25 Papayiannis Bros S.A.
5A - G - 38 Paraskevopoulos “Ilis”
Stayia Farm
5A - K - 214
Stylis Olive Producers Cooperative 2 - J - 115
Telhinia 1 - A - 92
Temeteron 2 - LL - 173
2 - K - 109
2 - K - 134 Pelopac Mediterranean F ood Specialties
7 - A - 29
Tenéa – Athina Kordosi 1 - A - 92
The Epic Spice Company 2 - K - 130
2 - J - 103
2 - K - 143 Petros Tsaglis
The Manna BakeryN. Tsatsaronakis S.A.
5A - G - 32
Philomelia Greek Honey
2 - JJ - 171 Pineios Brewery
Thesauri Caviar 2 - JJ - 174
Thessaliko Trikalon S.A. 7 - A - 29
7 - A - 29
2 - J - 141 Provertia S.A.
Trata 1 - G - 28
Provil S.A.
5A - U - 63 Rafteli Protouli Maria
Tripsas 5B - M - 18
Tsanos Bakery 5A - G - 156
2 - k - 163
5B - K - 182 Rea Coop
Tsanos Evangelos 7 - A - 29
Region Of Attica
Region Of Crete
2 - L - 163
5A - LM - 249 Regina Con Ioannidis
2 - J - 138
1 - B - 94
Tsatsaronakis \”To Manna\” 7 - A - 29
Tzafettas S.A. 7 - A - 163
V.Roubis Single Member Llc 5B - N - 261
Vamvalis Foods
5A - J - 144
Region Of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace
2 - L - 173
7 - A - 29 Region Of Epirus
Vassilakis Estate 2 - J - 158
Venus Growers 2 - k - 155
Region Of Western Greece
1 - A - 92 Region Of Western Macedonia
1 - B - 94 Relkon Hellas
Viglia Olives
5B - K - 182
Violanta S.A. 5A - K - 68
Viosal LTD 7 - A - 31
1 - D - 56
5A - L - 213 Renieris El.
Viotyr 7 - C - 194
5A - H - 235 Rizos Nuts
Rito’s Food
5A - L - 199 Rizos Nuts S.A.
7 - A - 29 Rodoula S.A.
Vitom Chb Group 2 - K - 130
Vrino LTD 7 - A - 29
Vrionis S.A. 1 - A - 92
7 - C - 53
7 - A - 29 Roussas Dairy S.A.
- -
2 - L - 141
30% increase in july 2022
According to the data announced on Sep tember 7th 2022 by the Hellenic Statistical Authority and processed by the Institute for Export Research and Studies (IEES) of SEVE, Greek exports continue exploding during 2022, climbing over 30 billion euro (Jan.- July). Exports marked a 40% increase in July alone, and whooping 30,3% in the food sector, com pared to the same period of 2020 (January-July).
A growth of 5.72% was recorded in 2021 for the dairy industry of Karalis, which closed the year with a turnover of €39.11 million. At the same time, total cost of products sold increased by approximately 8% (€33.82 million from €31.32 million in 2020). Karalis Milk Industry of Epirus, located in Arta, Greece, is one of the biggest exporters in Greek cheese, especially kefalograviera PDO.
The company exports half of its pro duction to countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, England, Germa ny, France, Belgium and Sweden. In its portfolio, one can find dairy prod ucts of excellent quality, such as sheep milk butter, sheep milk yogurt, and de licious cheeses, such as Feta PDO, Ga lotyri PDO, Mizithra, Pindos Kaskaval, Goat cheese, etc. www.karalis.com
Kalios, the premium Greek food brand that has become the secret weapon in the hands of over 1000 chefs including Pierre Gagnaire*** and Nicolas Sale** and is sold in the most notori ous delicatessen in Paris (La Grande épicerie de Paris, Galeries Lafayette Gourmet, Maison Plisson, Causses, to name just a few), has become an essential brand in the Greek food industry, since 2010, the year of its launch. Among its delicious products, the nuts line, comprising of pis tachios, almonds, cashews, mixed nuts, stands out, and also a brand new nuts line, launched this summer, for the HORECA line: Aegina nuts with pink peper, roasted and smoked almonds, cashews with Greek black truffle chips and black pepper etc. www.mykalios.com
The new chapter in the history of Kallimanis began with the completion of the procedures for validating the company’s reorganization agreement. Kallimanis is now strengthened by the support of the Dardanel group, with the goal to once again reach the top of the frozen fish and seafood cate gory, in Greece and Europe.
The decision of the High Court of First Instance of Aegion, published on June 20, initially secures the employees, while at the same time provides for
the complete restructuring and set tlement of the company’s debts, fol lowing a mutual agreement with the State, banks and suppliers. With the ratification of the agreement, the new company will be able to reactivate all the production lines of the Aegion fa cilities, but also to implement an ex tensive business plan, prepared by De loitte Greece, thus forming the basis for the return of the brand to the top of its category.
www.kallimanis.gr/enThree new Quality Awards, two Gold and one Silver, were awarded to Olix Oil at the Berlin GOOA 2022 International Competi tion, considered one of the most important and valid competitions on olive oil worldwide.
■ Gold Award for LADELIA Premium and Ko roneiki Premium, both from koroneiki variety, two extra virgin olive oils of premium qual ity, who have won 20 and 18 international awards respectively
■ Silver Award for NATÉ Koroneiki Premium, also from koroneiki variety, the brands best selling extra virgin olive oil.
The Berlin GOOA 2022 International Compe tition, held in Berlin, featured more than 891 Extra Virgin Olive Oils from 28 countries. More about the competition at www.eliteoliveoils com and the brand at www.olixoil.com
New Company by Chitos and Green Cola
Two major Greek companies in the beverages sector, Chitos Group and Green Cola Group established a joint company with the name “Green Beverages Group PLC” and distinctive title “Green Beverages”, in order to join forces and meet the needs of the international markets. Green Beverages' objective is to promote the full portfolio of products and codes of both companies in foreign countries, while they will con tinue their activity in Greece as autonomous legal entities, with the same scheme regarding joint distribution in Greece and Cyprus. Next international targets for both Chitos and Green Cola are the US, UK and Middle East markets, as well as Germany: under this perspective, the establishment of the new company serves the purpose of better organizing the joint goals. Find out more about the new company here: www.greenbeveragesgroup.com
Mitira is a premium organic extra-virgin P.G.I. olive oil from the island of Lesvos, a balanced blend between two of the island’s indigenous varieties (Adramitiani & Kolovi). It is a superior category organic olive oil, high in phenolic content due to the early harvesting of olives and cold extraction. The product line comes in a beautiful packaging, inspired by the works of 19th century Greek folk painter Theophilos. www.mitiralesvos.com
A brand new product, combining Mitsikeli natural mineral water and the energizing scent and taste of pink grapefruit, available in 0.33 ml bottles, is on the market by Vikos, a brand of Epirotic Bottling Industry SA. Mitsikeli Natural Mineral Water is bottled at Zagorochoria source, brought via a stainless steel network of pipes to the latest bottling machinery, without undergoing any processing. www.vikoswater.gr/en/
Kozani saffron, the red gold of the Greek land, stands out for its excellent quality, which ranks it among the best varieties worldwide. In cooking it gives a special taste & color to risotto, soups, meats, sauces etc, and it can also be enjoyed as a drink by adding 1 sachet of Kozani yolk powder in a glass of water. www.safran.gr
H ELIOS quick cooking espressi pasta cooks in no time: 1.5 minutes for the spaghetti and 4 minutes for the penne rigate, much faster than making a salad, frying an egg, or even ordering delivery. Now, it is becoming even more playful thanks to the modern, cool design of the new packages, in light blue. www.heliospasta.gr