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What is the greatest asset of Greek F&B products in Νorth Macedonian market?
Our country has a significant comparative advantage, geographical proximity, combined with the high quality of Greek products: in the mind of the consumer of North Macedonia (NM), Greek products and services are identified and recognized as synonyms of higher quality. Therefore, this highly competitive aspect is the hallmark of their reputation in this market. The proximity of the two countries allows our exporters to ship their products with relatively low transport costs, rendering them highly competitive compared to other countries.
What is the biggest challenge for companies or brands who want to do business in NM?
The challenges are mainly twofold: First, NM, not yet being a member of the EU, poses several export barriers, including customs procedures and duties, which are relatively high, especially for products that interfere with protected sectors of domestic production: Let’s take for example imported honey, which is subject to customs duties as high as 40%, including quotas. Similar charges apply to several other product categories such as certain vegetables, wine, etc. In any case, it is a good idea for Greek businessmen seeking opportunities in the North Macedonian market to contact our Office, to provide them with the first necessary information that will enable them to better access the market.
There Is Truly Great Exporting Potential In The Growing Economy Of Our Neighbor Country
The second challenge has a lot to do with the main bilateral “thorn”, the naming issue. Certainly, the Prespa Agreement has eased the procedure, but is has not yet entirely cleared remaining issues.
What are the best-selling Greek F&B products in the NM market?
Products of the agri-food sector are undeniably the core of the Greek export presence here: According to our available 2022 data, meat products (fresh, chilled or frozen), namely citrus fruits (lemons) or vegetables (cucumbers) and canned goods present a strong demand. We should also not forget to mention opportunities in the beverage and soft drinks industry, including bottled water, while this is also true for beer.