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ALBANIA Exploring Common Business Interest
First stop of the mission, headed also by the company’s Director of the International Department, Mr. Filippos Papanastasiou and the Hosted Buyer Manager, Ms. Ioanna Lalia, was at the Embassy of Greece in Tirana, and the meeting with the ambassador Ms. Konstantina Kamitsi, and First Counsellor for Economic & Commercial Affairs, Head of Economic & Commercial Affairs Office Mr. Marios Belibassakis, followed by a meeting with Ms. Elisabeta Katiaj and Mr. Ardian Lekaj, from the Business Chamber of the Albanian Diaspora, a private, non-profit organization for the promotion, development and encouragement of investments in Albania by Albanian citizens who live abroad, founded in 2019. As emerged from the discussions, there is a common business interest in both the energy and the construction industry.
The Greek delegation also met with executive Director of PPC Albania Sh.A. Mr. Denald George Tafani, Executive Director of the Hellenic Business Association of Al - bania Ms. Erifili Berberi and Director of the Project Department of Tirana CoC Mr. Aris Tasho. The Hellenic Business Association was founded in 2003, having Greek companies active in the country as members and aims to develop and strengthen mutual investments and to promote GreekAlbanian cooperation.
Finally, also important was the contact with Ms. Ines Mucostera, President of the Union of Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Albania, and the representatives of AIDA (Albanian Development and Investment Agency, which was founded in 2010 and is under the Ministry of Finance), Mr. Sokol Nano, Executive Director and Ms. Desarta Rapushaj, Head & Innovation Project Manager.
The Greek delegation also met several representatives of industry associations with particular importance for the FORUM exhibitions.
Read the full list of these meetings on our website www.ambrosiamagazine.com