Inspired Balance Self Love 2013

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Inspired Balance: Self Love


Welcome to the February edition of Inspired Balance. This month we are exploring “Self-Love” not just what it is and why we need more of it, but how we can introduce more time for self-love. We know that February is typically the month everyone thinks about “love” since Valentine’s Day is this month. But I think most often we are thinking about our love for others and trying to ensure that they know how we feel about them.

Director/Curator: Lori Lynn Smith

Contact Us Sacred Earth Partners Training and Retreat Center Inc. 6326 37th Ave NW Edmonton AB Canada T6L 1H8

But we cannot even begin to share this love and compassion with others if we do not have enough flowing through our body, mind and spirit. This is where we begin the exploration. I hope that you enjoy this months articles and put into action the tips and advice we have put together. We encourage you to download each edition so that you can easily click all blue underlined links to valuable resources without losing your place while you are reading.

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If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please feel free to contact me at Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy!

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Even if loving yourself isn’t frequently on your mind, you’ll benefit enormously from recognizing the impact that accepting and caring for yourself can have on your everyday life and relationships. Practice self-love every single day. If you do, you’ll prosper and come closer to achieving the life you truly deserve. To cultivate self-love, start with these tips and see how you can expand them to suit your own life. 1.

Your Physical Self: Looking After Your Body

‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣

Take more time with your appearance. Make a change today. Put energy into yourself. Notice your physical “positives.” Sleep more. Brighten up. Ask yourself what your body requires. Consistently focus on your physical self. Acknowledge all that your body does for you. Show commitment to loving yourself.

2. ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣

Your Intellectual Self: Feeding Your Mind Do something you’ve longed to do. Write down your life priorities. Foster your passions and dreams. Ensure you’ve got a real life with real people. Stop doing something just because “it’s always been this way.” Take a personal inventory of your life. Consider the bigger picture. Tell yourself you deserve it. Find your inner power.

3. ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣

Your Emotional Self: Understanding and Respecting Your Feelings Accept yourself as you are. Journal. Claim responsibility for your own life. Avoid negativity toward yourself. Forgive others. Send out positive vibes to other people. Say you’re sorry if you are. Let go of any negative feelings you may carry toward others. Cultivate self-respect.

4. ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣

Your Spiritual Self: Caring for Your Soul Make each morning a good morning. Indulge. Change your personal space. Turn on the tunes. Turn off the gadgets. Allow yourself to feel love from others. Worship. Immerse in nature. Be adventurous. Recognize that time is of the essence.

Summary When you devote even a little time and energy to accepting and loving yourself, your life will be enriched. Connections with others will be stronger. And you’ll be more apt to achieve your dreams. Love yourself in some way each day to keep your passion flowing and accomplish your greatest desires!

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.� E. E. Cummings

To love yourself means to wholly accept yourself just as you are. Loving yourself involves knowing that you deserve your own time, patience, and effort.

ing, “Yes!” If you’re on a road of personal growth and healing, you probably work to change unhealthy lifestyle patterns each day.

When you love yourself, you tend to yourself emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Here are some ways you can show self-love by tending to your physical body:

Of course, all of these parts of you are interdependent. Therefore, although they can be addressed individually, you’ll find that you feel most loved when you attend to all of them.

1. Take more time with your appearance. Most of us could easily spend a few additional minutes during our shower, shave, makeup application, or hair styling.

We’ll explore suggestions for how to care for yourself in all four of these areas of your life: physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.

‣ Ask yourself: do you notice the condition of your skin each day? Or do you spend your brief minutes in the mirror thinking unkind things about your body? ‣ If you want to demonstrate to the world that you love yourself, spend more time on the physical you. Take pride in yourself and in your appearance.

YOUR PHYSICAL SELF: Your physical appearance and condition reveal so much regarding how you feel about yourself. Do you make special efforts to care for your body each day? When was the last time you spent extra time to improve your personal appearance? In regard to your health, do you regularly visit your doctor and take all medication as prescribed? Hopefully, the answer to all of these questions is a resoundA Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

2. Make a change. Occasionally, do something different with your appearance. ‣ Shave off your mustache or beard and see how you look. ‣ Get a haircut and style it into that sassy hairdo picture you saved. ‣ Change the color of your hair. 9

‣ ‣

Consider trying out a new style of clothing. You can even change your eye makeup.

When you alter something about your appearance, you demonstrate you’re worth the time and effort it takes to try something new. Plus, it’s refreshing. Even if you decide not to stick with a new look, trying one out for a day or a week can bring new zest to your life. 3. Put energy into yourself. Knowing you’re worthy of your own energy is an important aspect of loving yourself. When you direct your attention toward something that’s just for you, even if only for ten minutes a day, the message you send to yourself is that you’re worth it. ‣ Having a partner and a family can be a huge drain on your energy in an average day. Conserving at least some of your energy for yourself shows you care about you as much as you do your family. 4. Notice your physical “positives.” Take a good, honest look in the mirror. Instead of focusing on what you’d change, draw your attention to what you like. Maybe it’s your handsome chiseled chin or how you smile with your eyes. ‣

Acknowledge to yourself what you’re proud of physicalA Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

ly. Maybe you’ve got long legs or a really strong core. Perhaps you like of the curve of your waist or your 6-pack abs. ‣ Take plenty of time to do your physical inventory to find attributes to love about yourself. To feel even better, think about how you can enhance your best features. As you learn more about and augment your positive physical attributes, you’ll discover self-acceptance, and be well on your way toward self-love. 5. Sleep more. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, you’re most likely on the short end of getting enough sleep. Strive for seven to eight hours each night to show love to yourself. ‣ Acknowledge that obtaining proper rest and sleep is on your priority list. And related to item #3, above, the more sleep you get the more energy you’ll have. And that means more enthusiasm and love to give to your family and to yourself. 6. Brighten up. Wear a color you’ve never worn before. Something as simple as stepping up your wardrobe a bit indicates that you love yourself. 7. Ask yourself what your body requires. Perhaps for the first time in your life, seriously ask yourself what type of nourishment your body really needs. If you don’t know, see a nutritionist. It’s worth the cost of one or two office visits to find 10

out what your body requires to be as healthy as possible. ‣ If you already know what your physical self needs, apply your knowledge. Feed your body what it requires. Making your body a priority is a wonderful and important way to show love to yourself. 8. Consistently focus on your physical self. As long as your doctor approves, exercise in some form at least five days a week. Your body will feel better and better over time. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the flexibility of your limbs, the strength of your body’s core, and the shape and efficiency of your muscles. ‣ Strive to perform well physically in some specific way, whether it’s doing calisthenics, yoga, weight-lifting, or jogging. Experiment with dance or try training for a triathlon. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the feelings of pride, confidence, and care you feel for yourself when you consistently focus on your physical body.

‣ Your physical self holds up for you under plenty of pressure on any given day. Cultivate gratitude for how your body does pretty much everything you require. Love your body. 10. Show commitment to loving yourself. Through your behaviors every single day, be dedicated to fully accepting yourself. The level at which you ensure that you meet all of your physical requirements helps illustrate how you feel about yourself. Commit to your own self-care. Tending to your body is one of the primary ways of showing how much you love yourself. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to demonstrate that you love your body, and there’s no need to do all of them in any given day, though you’ll feel great if you do.

9. Acknowledge what your body does for you. One aspect of loving yourself is realizing everything your body allows you to do. Your mobility, your ability to use your hands to manipulate objects, and the energy that sustains you through a challenging day are all thanks to your body. A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners


“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.� ~Mary Dunbar


“We must be our own before we can be another’s.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Loving yourself also involves providing your brain with plenty of intellectual stimulation. Here are some effective ways to demonstrate self-love by giving your mind a workout. 1. Do something you’ve longed to do. Loved art class in high school? Always wanted to pick up that paint brush again? Now’s the time to go for it. Exploring a new or long-loved subject might feel like a delicious indulgence. You deserve to feast your mind on subjects that are intellectually stimulating to you. ‣ The internet offers an abundance of fascinating information. Dive into a search on a topic that arouses your interests. 2. Write down your life priorities. What’s important to you? Next, jot down your life goals. What do you really seek to accomplish in life? Finally, take note of how you spend most of your time. Your three lists should all be similar or closely connected. ‣ Do you now spend most of your time achieving that thing you’ve desired for so long? ‣ If you want more training to excel at work, do you make sure you follow through to attain it? ‣ If travel is a dream of yours, do you do something every single day related to it? You’ll be intellectually stimulated if you make efforts to achieve your greatest desires.

‣ When you spend your time and thoughts on working toward your goals, your mind will be at its happiest and most fit. Plus, this sort of work shows that you care enough about yourself to have your priorities in good order. 3. Foster your passions and dreams. Ask yourself, “What do I care intensely about?” Then, delve into that subject. Learn everything you can about it. Practice it. Study it. Live it. If an idea, topic, or endeavor excites you, chase after it. The same goes for your dreams. Once you know what your hearts’ desires are, do everything you can to achieve them. ‣ Stay engaged on a daily basis with your life’s passions and dreams. There’s no better way to express self-love than to strive to give yourself what you truly want in life. 4. Ensure you’ve got a real life with real people. When you love yourself, you’ll have close friends and family with whom you regularly spend time. Spend this time with your loved ones “in person” rather than with their Facebook pages. ‣ Connecting with people in the physical world gives you many kinds of opportunities to keep your mind sharp. You’ll engage in interesting discussions, be exposed to what’s going on in the world, and have a forum to formulate and share your own opinions and intellectual ideas. A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

5. Avoid doing things just because “it’s always been this way.” Know and connect with your own consciousness. Perform behaviors deliberately and with great forethought. Living consciously shows that you use your mind to think through what you do because you care about what’s going on in your life. ‣ When you live intentionally, you intellectually consider the ramifications of the choices you make. You recognize how precious time is and judiciously spend the twenty-four hours you get in a day on what’s most important to you. Now that’s real self-love. 6. Take a personal inventory of your life. Make a list of your personal characteristics. Then take a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write down what’s working. On the right side, write down what’s not working. Then, make some decisions about the things you want to change. And then work on them. ‣ This exercise will help you determine what your “thinking self” requires. Figuring out what you need to be intellectually challenged and move forward in life demonstrates that you’re worth the time and effort to be happy. 14

7. Consider the bigger picture. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Use your mind to ponder how you want your life and the lives of others to be. Strive to behave the way that you hope others will behave. Consciously decide to make the changes that you hope other people will make. Set an excellent example to the world. ‣ You may wonder how this can be considered self-love, since these actions may seem so intent on affecting other people. But how can you not feel good about yourself when you’re focused on making the planet a better place? 8. Tell yourself you’re worthy. Recognize that you deserve to be loved, not only by yourself, but by those around you. Mentally prepare yourself for the love you receive from others and yourself. Know that you’re worth of all the love you give to yourself. With the proper mindset, your possibilities in life are limitless. ‣ Working with your belief in yourself will help pave the way to more self-acceptance and self-love in other areas. You’ll find loving yourself to be much easier when you’re confident that you’re worth the effort.

do as you wish with your life. In other words, you’ll get to exercise the power you have in ways that enrich your existence. ‣ Closely related to finding your power is infusing knowledge into your daily life. When you gain knowledge, you gain power. Accessing the power you have in your mind means you’ll experience self-confidence and feel love for yourself each day. Loving yourself means you seek, find and experience all types of mental stimulation. You look into topics of interest, maintain real friendships with real people, live consciously each day, consider the bigger picture, and find power within you. Express your self-love by feeding your mind with intriguing thoughts, ideas and activities.

9. Find your power. When you see that you have control over your own mind, you’ll be provided with opportunities to A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners


“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” –The Buddha

YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: UNDERSTANDING & RESPECTING YOUR OWN FEELINGS Possibly the single most important facet of loving yourself is taking great care of your emotional self. What you believe to be true about yourself illustrates the degree to which you love and accept yourself. Try these tips to love yourself more by taking care of your emotional being: 1. Accept yourself. Realize that you’re as important, special and worthy as every other human being on earth. Connect deeply with this reality. ‣ Use this as an affirmation: “I am important, special and worthy.” Try saying the affirmation out loud. Repeat it. Write it down. Then, read it to yourself. Do this twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Watch for subtle shifts in the way you view yourself. 2.

Journal. Write in a journal about what you really like about yourself.

‣ Journaling helps you connect with all of your strengths. The time you spend writing down your thoughts is an opportunity to cultivate positivity about all of your best qualities. On an emotional level, you can most easily relate to positive feelings about yourself when you recognize your own strengths.

3. Claim responsibility for your own life. Often we try to find external reasons for why something happened, such as, “Why does he keep hurting me?” or, “What makes her think I deserve this treatment?” Instead, take responsibility. ‣ Ask yourself, “Since I’m responsible for myself, what do I need to do right now to remedy this situation for me?” ‣ Once you claim responsibility for your own life, you’ll fully consider the ramifications of your choices to stay in less than ideal situations. Over time, you’ll begin to make decisions to disconnect from people, places and things that consistently harm you in some way. ‣ Take the time to consider what’s best for you in life. This is an enormous expression of the love you have for your own self. 4. Avoid negativity toward yourself. A person who loves herself avoids sending herself negative messages. ‣ You can practice avoiding negativity and still acknowledge that no one is perfect. Being human doesn’t mean that you deserve scorn, shame, or ridicule. Instead of beating yourself up emotionally, direct your energies toward turning any situation into something positive.

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5. Forgive others. You’ll feel less burdened by unwanted negative feelings when you cultivate forgiveness. ‣ Of course, it’s also okay to decide that even though you forgive someone, continuing to be involved with that person isn’t healthy for you. When you forgive them first, however, you can move on without the extra emotional baggage of hurt and angry feelings. 6. Send out positive vibes to others. Show other people how loving, caring and kind you are. Often, we get immersed in our daily grind and don’t notice all the opportunities we have to make someone’s day. Showing positivity and kindness toward everyone can be intensely refreshing. When you do this, you make it obvious to others that you love yourself. 7. Say you’re sorry if you are. Notice within yourself when you’ve made an error or had a misstep. Then, openly acknowledge it. This shows you’re a genuine, caring human being. ‣ You’ll ultimately feel very good about apologizing when it’s required. Saying you’re sorry is a deeply satisfying experience that will help you to love and respect yourself even more.


8. Let go of any negative feelings you hold toward others. Cleansing yourself of as much negativity as possible sets you up for success in life. You feel better emotionally and physically, act more openly toward others, and demonstrate love to yourself. Lighten your emotional load by letting go of negativity. 9. Have self-respect. Refuse to allow anyone to emotionally harm you. Set guidelines within yourself about tolerating unsavory treatment from others. Having limits and boundaries is healthy and shows that you protect and respect yourself in all situations. 10. If you dislike the way someone treats you, leave their presence, if possible. Doing so will be the gateway toward re-claiming your self-respect and self-love. ‣ Exit negative relationships, regardless of how scary that may feel. Ultimately, your love for yourself will be stronger than for someone who’s less than positive toward you. In essence, understanding and acknowledging your own feelings validates your existence. By being honest with yourself about your feelings and taking action in accordance with them, you honor and show love to yourself.

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“Your breathing is your greatest friend. Return to it in all your troubles and you will find comfort and guidance.” – The Teaching of Buddhist Master

utes before the kids get up. Or perhaps 10 minutes to practice meditation would give you the restful start you need to have a good day.

“Your soul is all that you possess. Take it in hand and make something of it!” –Martin H. Fischer YOUR SPIRITUAL SELF: CARING FOR YOUR SOUL Filling your spirit with genuine joy is a must if you love yourself. Give yourself time to do only what you love to do. Try refreshing your living space even in small ways from time to time, disengaging from technology periodically, and doing other activities that bring adventure and joy into your life. Check out these strategies and be inspired to think of still more ways to demonstrate how you care about yourself: 1. Make it a good morning. Take a little time in the morning to do something you really like to do. It might be 45 minutes of yoga to start your day off right. Maybe you’d like to read your favorite novel for 15 minA Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

‣ Give yourself the gift of the first few minutes of each morning. Your whole day will be better and your soul will thank you for that little bit of “me time” when you first arise. 2. Indulge. Do a little something special for yourself each and every day. You’ll enjoy life more when you put in the effort to do just that one thing that makes your heart sing. Go ahead and do those activities you think are special, fun or self-indulgent. ‣ You can afford 30 minutes to 1 hour every day just for yourself, can’t you? Knowing you deserve it translates into loving yourself. 3. Change your personal space. Making small but meaningful changes in your home truly invigorates your soul. Nothing says “I love myself” like renewing your cherished space in your house. 21

Clean something deeply and well.

‣ Throw some things away that weigh you down. ‣ Rearrange the furniture in your living room. If you don’t spend much time in your living room, try this in your favorite room, the one in which you hang out the most. ‣ Paint. 3. Turn on the tunes. Listen to your music each day for at least 15 minutes. Most phones today have MP3 players or iPods in them. 4. Turn off the gadgets. One day every other week, or even once a month, turn off your cell phone, television and computer. ‣ Disconnecting from your technology is a great way to re-connect with your soul. ‣ Consider how you might spend a whole day away from all your gadgets. Will you take a walk, bake bread from scratch, or have a relaxing afternoon out in your yard? Maybe you’ll spend the day with your father or your niece. Whatever you do with

your unplugged time, you’ll feel relaxed and rejuvenated. 5. Allow yourself to feel love from others. Experiencing the loving messages given to you by your family members and cherished friends is good for the soul. For example, when you go out to lunch with your sisters, savor their presence. Take in how they smile and make eye contact with you, or revel in that special silent communication you have. ‣ Soak up the love that your cherished friends and family provide by staying emotionally in touch with their compliments or by their presence. Although we are often taught not to accept compliments or take them to heart, they’re good for you, and are given with love. Accepting them is a way of loving yourself. 6. Worship. If you enjoy attending a church, temple, or other place of worship, doing so regularly is good for your soul. If you prefer to pray at home alone, that method of worship will also bring you soulful comfort and demonstrate self-love. ‣

Perhaps you seek to discover the

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“right” place of worship for you. That’s okay, too. Finding your spiritual “home” can be a great adventure in self-love. People who want to worship and are successful in finding the place that fits for them re-fill their souls every time they attend the services or events that are meaningful to them. ‣ If you have religion or spirituality that’s meaningful in your life, practice it. Many people report that worshipping simply makes them feel better. ‣ If you don’t have a spiritual “home,” and feel like something’s missing in your life, visit various kinds of churches or temples to see if you can fill the void and discover what your soul seeks. Whether you go alone or with friends, you’ll have fascinating experiences. And even if you don’t find a place for you, you’ll learn a lot about yourself. 7. Immerse yourself in nature. Make special efforts to experience the joys and beauties of nature. If you’ve ever walked through a pine tree forest, you know the awesome spiritual power inherent in the great outdoors. ‣ Whether you put on your snowshoes 22

and tromp off through piles of lovely white fluff or walk along a sandy beach somewhere collecting seashells, find a way to stay involved with nature. 8. Be adventurous. Find that part of you that seeks the unknown and strives for the yet-experienced adventure. Maybe you want to climb a mountain, run a sprint triathlon, or visit the pyramids in Egypt. Whatever your adventuresome spirit seeks, make an effort to provide it in some way. You’ll feel deeply alive and loved when you do. 9. Recognize that time is of the essence. Spend your hours and minutes in ways that demonstrate your self-love. Consider time as precious, golden moments meant to be spent doing the things you love and working toward your life’s goals. Decide to love yourself every single minute of every single day by making each of those moments count.

SUMMARY If you want to live a rich, full life, learn now to love yourself. Take care of all of your different kinds of needs. This shows that you have great affection and love for yourself.

“It’s important to talk about loving yourself and looking at your tragedies and the stuff that makes you grow.”

When you love yourself, you’re more likely to be loved by others and to be able to truly care for another person. Love yourself first and you’ll experience the incredible joys that life can bring.

Taking care of your spiritual self can be done by practicing one or many of the above strategies. Anything that brings joy to your soul ultimately demonstrates self-love.

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–Anne Heche


“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Carl Gustav Jung

Every day, you have a multitude of opportunities to love yourself. You can take care of yourself physically, seek intellectual stimulation, carefully manage your emotions, or feed your soul. This worksheet will help you to discover new ways to show yourself love. YOUR PHYSICAL SELF: LOOKING AFTER YOUR BODY 1.

How do you feel about your appearance?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Accepting yourself just the way you are will actually help you in pursuing your goals. 2.

What are your strongest physical features and attributes?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Strategy: Make a conscious decision to love yourself, no matter what. 3. Brainstorm ideas for making small changes to your physical appearance or condition. These should be positive, attainable actions. Write them here. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Set small goals to experience success in your quest to improve your physical appearance and condition. 4. Are there certain activities you love to do but just don’t have the time or energy to do them on a daily basis? If so, what are those activities? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Strategy: Tell yourself you’re worth the time and effort to do what you want to do for yourself.

5. Commit to yourself now to make time for a couple of those activities each day. Write your plan for fitting them into your schedule. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Make time each day for a beloved activity. Even though you might not see the value in having a hobby, you’ll feel special and enjoy your day more when you do an activity you love to do. 6. How will you focus on your physical self in terms of nutrition and exercise? Be specific in the actions you will take. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror with your brief plan to “eat more fruit” or “walk 30 minutes.” Also, place a duplicate note on your refrigerator as an extra reminder.


What are your priorities in life?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Ponder what you truly want your life to be like. Then develop a strategy to make it happen. 8.

List your life goals here. Focus on your top 5 goals.

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Be specific when writing your goals. Instead of, “Get a job promotion,” write, “Complete the 4 week accounting training and get a pay increase within 6 months from today.”

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. “~Thich Nhat Hanh

9. Are you satisfied with the number of friends you have? We’re talking real life here, not online. When was the last time you got together with friends? Set a goal now about how you’ll spend more time with loved ones over the coming months. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Call a friend or family member to make a plan to spend time together at least every other week. 10. Do a personal inventory. List what you love about your life here. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Now, list what you’d like to change about your life. For this exercise, focus on how to make your intellectual life better.

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Consider whether getting new training or learning something new would create welcome changes in your life. 11.

Do you feel you deserve love? Why or why not?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Recognize that you matter. Because you’re here on earth, you deserve to love and be loved.

YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: UNDERSTANDING AND RESPECTING YOUR OWN FEELINGS “Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
- Louise L. Hay


What does it mean to you to take responsibility for your own life?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Think about times when you simply stayed in a relationship because it was easier. Now, consider what it would have been like if you had taken full responsibility for how your life progressed. 13. When you “talk” to yourself, what do you say? Is it mostly positive and encouraging? If not, why not? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Make a point to arrest any negative thinking and replace it with a positive thought. Instead of, “I messed up,” consciously think, “I’ll do better

next time.”

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as selfneglecting.”William Shakespeare, Henry V

14. Do you apologize when you’re aware that you made an error? If not, why not? Do you forgive others when they err? If either one of these actions doesn’t come easily to you, think about why not and write those reasons here. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Saying you’re sorry shows that you accept the fact that you sometimes make mistakes. Apologies and amends are an important step to selflove. Also, letting go of hurt and forgiving others will free you emotionally. 15. Do you respect yourself? In what ways? Are some ways easier than others? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ If someone mistreats you, what do you do? How do you handle the situation? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Strategy: One who loves himself has self-respect. He has limits in terms of how he allows someone to treat him. Sometimes, loving yourself means respecting yourself enough to change a disappointing or hurtful situation. YOUR SPIRITUAL SELF: CARING FOR YOUR SOUL 16. Have you been thinking about changing your living space? How would you like to do it? What changes would you make? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Renew your soul by transforming a special space in your home. 17. Each day, how much off-work time do you spend with technology, on average? ______________ If you aren’t sure, pledge to keep track tomorrow of your time spent using gadgets or the internet.

Strategy: Explore new hobbies or revive an old one with your new-found time. “Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.�Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

18. Are you open to feeling loved by friends and family members? How do you want to be loved? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Be aware and accepting of the love that people give you. 19.

How often do you go outdoors just to enjoy the day?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Name some simple ways you can enjoy nature every few days. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

“I love myself for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now.” - Louise Hay

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Find the beauty in nature each day. Your spirits will be lifted and you’ll approach your day more positively. Plus you’ll love yourself even more! 20. Do you have adventure in your life? If not, why not? How can you add some adventure to your existence? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Strategy: Adventures will boost your soul. Try one!

Spiritual Wellness Can Create Balance in Your Life Are you searching for deeper spiritual meaning in your life? You’re not alone; the hectic demands of life in the 21st-century has made many people feel disconnected. Perhaps what you need is a spiritual connection to bring about a sense of balance and completion in your life. Many people confuse spirituality with religion and believe that spiritual wellness can only come from religious beliefs. However, spiritual balance comes from more than subscribing to a religion. Some people do seek religion for their spirituality, but spirituality can also be achieved without belonging to a specific religion. How to Develop Spiritual Wellness Essentially, developing spiritual wellness means working toward identifying what you believe in and how well those beliefs can give you inner strength through even the roughest patches in life. When you’ve developed spiritual wellness, you can: • Respond to others honestly, regardless of the situation. • Express the values that you uphold and stand behind them at all times. • Understand the meaning of life and become in tune with the meaning of your existence. • Lead a fulfilling life. A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

How do we achieve spiritual wellness? Each of us has to develop our spirituality in own way. Your chosen path may take you on a different journey than another’s. When you’re ready to begin your journey toward spiritual wellness, consider the following suggestions: 1. Question the purpose of your existence. Ask yourself a few key questions as you go on a quest to achieve balance through spiritual wellness. Self-exploration is the key to developing your spiritual balance. Ask yourself: • • • to? •

What defines me? What is the purpose of my existence on the planet? What things, people, and ideologies should I be committed What do I want out of life?

2. Connect to what’s meaningful. After you’ve answered those questions, your next mission is to connect to and identify with the things in life that you want to represent you. Do you believe in helping others? Is it your interest to sacrifice the physical aspects of life to gain spiritual strength? Put the answers to the questions to work. • Contribute to a charity if you’re inclined to help others. • Go on a fasting mission to gain endurance and clarity of mind. 37

3. Test your limits. When you take on challenges, you expand your understanding of a whole new myriad of possibilities for you. Testing your limits could involve many things. Here are some examples: • Take on a physical challenge that ordinarily you wouldn’t take on due to fear of failure, disappointment, or the challenge itself. • Make a decision based on your beliefs even though you know it may not be popular. • Have the strength to stand by those convictions even if others reject them. Becoming spiritually strong involves believing in something. It involves identifying your purpose and working towards achieving that purpose. Most importantly, it involves becoming truly happy with your life. Ultimately, the balance you seek will come when you satisfy your spiritual needs. By taking the steps outlined here, you can put yourself on the right path to spiritual fulfillment. Achieving spiritual wellness isn’t an overnight process. With persistence and dedication, you’ll find yourself connecting with another aspect of your existence that you never realized. More and more things will become clearer to you and you’ll start to experience true inner peace, no matter what challenges you’re faced with!

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Self Care Retreat Sometimes you just feel that you are missing something, missing a sense of connection and compassion for yourself. You might be feeling tired, or sick or lost, you want to remember what makes you, YOU. Definitely it is time for a self care retreat. A retreat can be as easy as kicking everyone out of the house for the weekend, send the kids to Gramma’s and send you partner to a sports game. Or is can be as amazing as a Yoga retreat in Bali and everything in between. Step 1. Decide where your retreat is going to be? • • • • • • •

Stay at Home send the family away A little spot by the beach Spa Hotel Meditation retreat Secret Garden Cabin in the woods Bed and Breakfast

Step 2. Decide what you really want gain from this time? • Creativity exploration • Body love or boot camp • Spiritual journey • Relaxation and Meditation • Finally hear your inner voice

“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it “- Thaddeus Golas

Most importantly you want to decide how you want to feel during and after this retreat. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are find that feeling you are looking for. Start on the right foot I personally love rituals, they allow you to transition from your everyday life to your retreat time. When we practice rituals time and time again our body and our mind learns to make the transition easier. Each time it will take less and less time to move into the more relaxed frame of mind. Include in your ritual • Lighting a candle • Light incense • Saying a prayer or blessing • Practice some deep breathing • A centering Meditation • Take a bath or spend time in the hot tub or sauna • Yoga, walking or dancing Create something beautiful and lovely that you really really enjoy and that allows you to relax your body and calm your mind.

Learn to be alone It took me many years to learn how to be alone with myself. Let’s face it I had never had to experience that feeling. I had my parents, then my husband, then my kids. It wasn’t until I was divorcing and my kids were spending weekends with their dad that I learned to spend time with just me. Some great ideas to get you started: • Watch the moon and stars • Take a drive with the top down and the music on • Watch a sunset or sunrise • Sit on the porch swing • An afternoon bike ride • A walk in the park with your dog • Inner work At least 50% of the time for your retreat NEEDS to be spent on inner work, you need to not just try to hide from the outside world, you need to find you greatest strengths, and you need to learn how you can best walk among world. There are many really great books that you can use as a reference why doing the inner work. Each time you plan a retreat, ensure you select a new book to work through. Focus on your Spirit I believe that everything starts with self care. Learning to calm yourself to the point where you can hear that still small voice that is inside of you just waiting; waiting for you to ask for help, waiting for you to surrender to your situation,

“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

waiting for the chance to show you the way. It can sometimes take a while to become comfortable with this practice, be patient with yourself, take the time you need to really. Don’t worry and don’t fret, even if it takes you a couple of retreats to break through and start to hear your inner voice. Next you will need to put all your faith into YOU. You need to believe with all your heart that you can hear your inner voice and that your inner voice will not steer you wrong. Just intuitively allow. Journaling and Channeling One of the most important tools you need to bring along with you is your journal and a pen. You need your pen and paper to engage both parts of your brain. There are a couple of processes that are excellent. One is free writing, with this you just sit quietly and start writing, whatever pops into your head and your just keep writing. If you have never done this before, it starts slowly and it takes a bit to get going, but if you are patient and let your tension fade away. You will soon beginning to flow, your hand will be writing and you will scarcely know what you are writing. When you finally stop and start reading you will be amazed! Another beautiful way is to use guided meditation to involved a different level of brain activity and once you have reached this you can begin writing, truly amazing things will come from this experience. Just trust you inner voice to come through when you are willing to open up.

Relaxation Time I don’t know about you, but I have often found it very hard to let go of my family and/or job stresses and responsibility. But this is another valuable skill that will reap huge benefits. What are some ideas of things you can do: • Take a wonderful walk in nature • Get your hands dirty playing (working) in the garden • Find a wonderful swimming hole or local pool • Dance like no one is watching • Create a brilliant sacred space for meditation or yoga • Practice meditation or deep breathing • Get a message Gratitude At the end of you retreat spend some time writing everything you are grateful for, everything that you learned and anything else that comes up for you. Take a few minutes to meditate on everything you learned and what you want to take back with you. Gratitude and Self Love are the foundations of a great self care practice. How to get started Now is time to do a little planning, here are a list of ideas to get you started Plan a vacation to ______________________________________________ Learn about ____________________________________________________ Go ___________________________________________________________

_ Invite ________________________ to _______________________________ Take a ____________________________________________________class Spend time in nature ___________________________________________ Try ___________________________________________________________ _ Gain energy by _________________________________________________ Some ideas to get you started: Re-connecting to Self Care Retreat Day 1 • • • • • • • • • •

Mindful Breakfast Reading/learning Relaxation Video Meditation/Prayer Mindful Lunch Journaling Read Poetry Take a Walk Mindful Dinner Meditation/Prayer

“What you think about yourself is much more important than what others think of you.” - Marcus Annaeus Seneca

Day 2 • • • • • • • • •

Mindful Breakfast Reading a Spiritual Text or listening to an audio program Play Journaling Mindful Lunch Visual Journaling or creative activity Dance Mindful Dinner Luxurious bath

Spiritual Retreat Friday Evening: Mindful dinner Prayer& Meditation Time Rest Saturday Morning prayer Silent breakfast Meditation/prayer Paint or Draw

“Self-love seems so often unrequited.� - Anthony Powell

Noonday prayer Silent lunch Study a spiritual text Walking meditation/awareness walk Evening prayer Mindful Dinner Music Listening time/silence Rest Sunday Morning prayer Silent breakfast Meditation/prayer Noonday prayer Silent lunch Study a spiritual text

“The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.� - Sonya Friedman

Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds. Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. If you’re seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these four ancient techniques have proven effective even by today’s standards. Practice Meditation 1. Practice breathing meditation. Breathing meditation is a simple and effective method for calming your mind. Start by finding a comfortable and quiet place where you can sit and observe your breath. With practice, you’ll be able to meditate longer periods or place your mind on your breath in any surroundings. 2. Develop single-pointed concentration. Train your mind to rest upon your object of meditation whether it’s a candle or a spoken mantra. Note any distracting thoughts but decline to pursue them. Bring your mind back to your chosen object.

3. Learn to visualize. Select images that promote happiness and serenity. Perhaps you may want to picture snow-capped mountains or sheep grazing in a meadow. 4. Focus on positive thoughts. If your meditation is part of a spiritual practice, you can follow the prayers taught in your tradition. Alternatively, you can soothe your mind by repeating any thought or quote that is meaningful for you. Use the Soothing Qualities of Water 1. Take a bath. Cultures all over the world have long appreciated the calming effects of water. A simple warm bath can soothe your nerves. Rest your head on a bath pillow and add some comforting scents like sandalwood or lavender. Turn the lights down low and play soft music. 2. Surround yourself with the sound of water. Eat your lunch by a park fountain or install a solar device in your own backyard. You can find recordings of waterfalls online or get a CD with aquatic effects that you can play anywhere you go.

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Get Back to Nature 1. Go for a walk. In some eras, it was common for people to go on long retreats into the wilderness. Even a short break can do wonders to restore your peace of mind. Visit your local state park or take a quiet walk around your neighborhood. If you work indoors all week, use the weekend to explore scenic trails for biking and hiking. 2. Cultivate a garden. Gardening is a great way to slow down and appreciate nature. Devote a section of your backyard to growing flowers and vegetables. If you live in an apartment setting, select plants that will flourish indoors or on a balcony, like some species of palm trees and herbs. 3. Spend time with animals. Spending time with animals is so therapeutic it’s even been proven to help people recover from surgery faster. Take your dog for a walk. Watch your cat at play. Sign up for horseback riding lessons. Live in the Present Moment 1. 48

Put the past behind you. Dwelling on

4 Ideas for the Ultimate Relaxing Vacation

the past can make it difficult to feel composed. If you’re thinking about past misfortunes, decide if you’d rather devote your energy to more constructive activities.

Do you go on vacation planning to rest and refresh, only to return home feeling just as worn out as you did before you went? If you truly want a relaxing vacation, consider the environment and location when weighing your vacation options. Not every fun vacation can be relaxing but a relaxing vacation can be fun.

2. Adopt a positive view towards the future. The future always carries some uncertainty. Focus on creating causes for a better future and patiently accepting whatever outcomes arise. 3. Enjoy the present moment. Give your full attention to what is happening now. Take advantage of the opportunities before you and delight in the good things that surround you. Steer your mind towards wholesome thoughts and actions. Engage fully with the people who share your life.

Consider the following relaxing and fun vacation suggestions. Whether you spend a weekend or an entire week, you’ll return home feeling refreshed, renewed and most of all relaxed! Great Relaxing Vacation Ideas

Many ancient techniques work equally well today for achieving a quiet mind regardless of external circumstances. Visit your local library or bookstore to discover more information about the healing powers of meditation. With these methods, you can create a welcoming environment for yourself and others and train your mind to enjoy greater peace. A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners

Nature can be very relaxing. Even people who have spent most of their lives in the city feel different the minute they step into the unspoiled outdoors. The following four vacation ideas all highlight different elements of nature that can easily drive you into relaxation mode! 49


Take a skiing trip. Although skiing

tends to look like a physically trying sporting activity, it can actually be quite relaxing cruising down the slopes of snow-covered mountains. The air is fresh. The scenery is breathtaking. And skiing downhill is an absolutely liberating feeling! Here are some options for great ski destinations: • • • •

The Alps or the Pyrenees in France Aosta Valley in Italy Trysil Resort in Norway Sälen in Sweden

2. Spend a weekend at a nature-oriented spa. Can you imagine what it would feel like to spend an entire weekend at a secluded spa surrounded by the beauty of nature? The experience would definitely put both your mind and muscles at ease! • Spend a couple hours each day in a sauna. • Receive signature facial treatments while you overlook a river or the ocean. • Choose a different type of massage for each day you’re in the spa. 3. Go camping. A camping vacation is one of the ultimate vacation ideas for rest

and relaxation. There are campsites all over the country and even more options if you decide to travel abroad in search of campsites. You’ll be able to unwind as you: • Take in fresh air found only in the midst of nature. • Gaze at the stars at night. • Listen to the soothing sounds of nature’s creations.

get on a vacation to Las Vegas or Disneyworld! If ultimate relaxation is what you’re looking for, one of these vacation ideas may be just the break you need. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

4. Take a countryside cottage vacation. City life can be stressful, and sometimes a trip to the countryside is all you need! A cottage rental in the countryside can take you far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It’ll feel like being at home, but without the lights, noises, and stress found in the city! Decide On Your Budget First Of course, different vacation ideas will have different costs attached to them, so you’ll definitely want to decide ahead of time what kind of budget you’re working with. However, it’s important to recognize the value you’ll get from these relaxing vacation ideas. The experience isn’t something you’ll

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Thanks and Attributions Thank you so much to every one that made this months magazine a success!

Images: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Denise Cross Photography ToniVC aussiegall sel nicadlr fs999 thomaswanhoff Badruddeen Tara Angkor Hotel dMap Travel Guide Toudai A6U571N SergioTudela photophilde kevin dooley

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