INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 maintenance tool. Prescriptive maintenance, as mentioned earlier, doesn’t just show you the condition of your machine’s components, it also tells you if there’s a developing issue and what to do to fix it. Using AI, the tool tracks a vast number of machine sensors and detects even subtle abnormalities. Caught early, fixing these small deviations may be very simple and cheap (like cleaning a part thoroughly during the next production break), preventing a bigger problem later and extending the component’s operating life. This could dramatically reduce maintenance and parts cost, as well as downtime. We’re rather excited about it! ■
但其实非常重要。 此外我们即将推出迪砂的规范性维护工具。如前所 述,规范性维护不仅向您展示机器组件的状况,还告诉 您是否未来使用中会出现问题以及如何进行修复。 通过使用人工智能,该工具可以批量跟踪机器传感 器,甚至可以检测到细微的异常。正因为可以尽早发现 这些异常,尽早修复会非常简单且成本节省很多(例如 在下一次生产中断期间彻底清洁零件),同时早干预早 修复,可以防止以后出现更大的问题并延长组件的使用 寿命。这可以显著降低维护成本和零件损耗以及避免出 现计划外停机时间。我们非常高兴我们的数字化产品, 能帮助客户实现这些目标! ■
Spare Parts For Die Spraying Systems In Die Casting – When It Is Urgent On Customers Presentation Thomas Fritsch Chief Editor
客户急需的压铸喷涂系统备件 托马斯·弗里奇 主编 About The High Vertical Range Of Manufacture At Gerlieva Sprühtechnik Gmbh During our on-site visit to GERLIEVA Sprühtechnik GmbH in Heitersheim, the company for spraying technology for die casting and forging companies we noticed various special features. In particular, we were able to recognize the high level of vertical integration in many areas of the company, which is no longer offered so often these days. In a conversation with Oliver Fösel, who is head of coordination management and quality management at GERLIEVA, we want to know what advantages the high vertical range of manufacture means for the customer. The vertical range of manufacture represents the number of stages of in-house production and is thus a measure of the vertical expansion of production. The rule is: the greater the vertical range of manufacture, the more independent the company is from external suppliers or service providers, emphasizes Fösel.
And how does the customer benefit from this? GERLIEVA is used to operating very individually and customer-specifically in the field of spraying technology for die casting and forging companies. GERLIEVA often offers special solutions and these are produced reliably and quickly for customers in Germany, Europe but also all over the world. This requires modern machinery, and GERLIEVA has invested in this in 2021, adding further machining centres and a new waterjet cutting machine. In addition to the modern equipment, it is especially the well-trained and experienced employees who take care of the customers' wishes. Training pays off and at 24
关于GERLIEVA SPRÜHTECHNIK公司高度垂直管理 的制造 对位于海特斯海姆的GERLIEVA Sprühtechnik公司进 行现场走访时,我们了解到这家为压铸和锻造公司提供喷 涂技术的企业的特点。 特别是,我们能够了解到公司在许多领域的高水平的 垂直整合,这在当前是很少见的。在与GERLIEVA公司 管理协调和质量管理负责人奥利弗·弗塞尔的交流中,我 们想知道高水平垂直管理一体化生产对客户来说具有什 么优势。 垂直幅度的范围代表内部生产的阶段的数量,因此是 垂直生产扩展的衡量标准。规则是:垂直生产范围越大, 公司来自外部的供应或服务就越独立,弗塞尔强调说。
客户如何从中受益? GERLIEVA公司为压铸和锻造公司提供个性化和有针对 性的喷涂技术服务。GERLIEVA公司经常提供特殊的解决 方案,支持德国等欧洲客户以及世界各地的客户进行可 靠、快速的生产。这需要现代化的设备,GERLIEVA在 2021年投资进行了现代化改造升级,增加了更多的加工 中心和一台新的水刀切割机。 除现代化的设备外,还需要训练有素、经验丰富的 员工来帮助客户达成目标。培训是有回报的,有很多