A Report on the BRICS Foundry Association Online Meeting
金砖国家铸造业联合会线上工作会议召开 Due to the prolonged global Covid-19 epidemic, the members of the BRICS Foundry Association have not met offline for three years, but the online meeting has never been interrupted. And during the past week on May 26th 2022, BRICS Foundry Association just had its online executive meeting successfully. The online group meeting has the below member associations, they are Mr. Devendra Jain and Subodh Panchal from The Institute of India Foundrymen, Ivan Dibrov and Andrew Dibrov from Russian Association of Foundrymen, Janley Kotze from South Africa Institute of Foundrymen, Roberto João de Deus from Brazilian Foundry Association, Igor Kulkov from the Industrial Innovation Club of the UNIDO Centre of the Russian Federation, Thomas Fritsch from Foundry Planet and Libo Zhang, Thomas Wei Gao, Xing Chen and Yuxin Han from China Foundry Association headquarter and Russian branch also join the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr. GAO Wei, the executive vice president of China Foundry Association. As the initiator of this online meeting, Mr. Libo Zhang, President of China Foundry Association invites and introduces Mr. Decheng Wang from China Academy of Machinery Science & Technology Group as member of executive committee of China Foundry Association. China Foundry Association initiated the meeting along with the 6th BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting which was held on May 23, during which the ministers of the industrial authorities of the five BRICS countries conducted in-depth discussions on the theme of "enhancing innovation cooperation in the field of the new industrial revolution and promoting a stronger, healthier and more resilient sustainable development". They discussed and jointly issued the Joint Declaration of the Sixth BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, and encouraged the BRICS countries to further enhance industrial cooperation, jointly create an open, fair, dynamic and resilient development environment, and build a stable, safe and mutually beneficial industry supply chain cooperation system to promote and accelerate the recovery and growth of the global economy. On May 24, the 7th BRICS Culture Ministers Meeting and the opening ceremony of the 2022 BRICS Vocational Skills Competition kick-off were held successively. On May 25, the
2022 年 5 月 26 日, 金砖国家铸造业联合会工作 会议在线上召开。 印度铸造业者联合会 会 长 Devendra Jain、 前 会 长 Subodh Panchal, 俄 罗 斯 铸 造 协 会 会 长 Ivan Dibrov、 副 会 长 Andrew Dibrov,南非铸造业者联合 会副会长 Janley Kotze,巴 西铸造协会秘书长 Roberto João de Deus,俄罗斯马格尼托戈尔斯克大学外事官员、俄 联邦工发组织中心工业创新俱乐部协调员 Igor Kulkov,德 国 FOUNDRY PLANET 负责人 Thomas Fritsch,中国机 械科学研究总院集团有限公司董事长王德成、部长黎晓东、 主管张晓璐,中国机械工业联合会副会长、中国铸造协会会 长张立波,中国铸造协会专务高巍、秘书长助理陈星、俄罗 斯代表处主任韩育新等领导以及金砖国家铸造业联合会相关 人员出席会议。高巍主持会议。受全球疫情影响,金砖国家 铸造业联合会成员已有 3 年之久未在线下共聚,但线上的见 面从未曾间断。 在 5 月 23 日召开的第六届金砖国家工业部长会议上, 五国工业主管部门部长围绕“深化新工业革命领域创新合作, 推动实现更加强劲、健康、韧性的可持续发展”主题进行深 入讨论,并共同发表了《第六届金砖国家工业部长会议联合 宣言》,并鼓励金砖国家深化产业合作,共同营造开放、公平、 活力、韧性的发展环境,构筑稳定、安全、互利的产业链供 应链合作体系,推动工业经济加快复苏与增长。5 月 24 日, 第七届金砖国家文化部长会议、2022 金砖国家职业技能大 赛启动赛开幕式先后举行。5 月 25 日,金砖国家航天合作 联委会成立,正式开启星座数据共享与交换工作,此次“天 作之合”,让金砖国家的合作上升到了全新高度。 金砖国家间的密切联络,促成在各个领域间的合作多点 开花,今天金砖国家铸造业联合会工作会议的召开,可谓恰 逢其时。