New Products, Trends and Opportunities--Highlights of METAL CHINA & DIECASTING CHINA 2022
看新 观势 觅商机——2022 年铸博会、压铸展亮点直击 The foundry industry exhibition covering the entire industrial chain-the 20th China International Foundry Expo (METAL CHINA 2022), the 16th China International Die Casting Industry Exhibition (DIECASTING CHINA 2022) and the 16th International Nonferrous and Special Casting Exhibition will be held from September 19-21, 2022, at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). Relying on rich industry resources, global partnership network and profound professional exhibition experience, the exhibition will strengthen in-depth cooperation between Chinese and foreign companies in the industry's forwardlooking technologies, standards, markets, training, forums and other relevant fields.
囊括铸造全产业链的行业大展——第二十届中国国际铸 造博览会、第十六届中国国际压铸工业展览会及第十六届国 际有色及特种铸造展览会,将于 2022 年 9 月 19-21 日于 国家会展中心(上海)精彩上演。 依托丰富的行业资源、遍布全球的伙伴关系网络和专业 的办展经验,强化中外企业在行业前瞻性技术、标准、市场、 培训等相关领域的深度合作。
海内外共享铸造盛宴 10 万平米展出面积,覆盖铸造、压铸、有色及特种铸 造等类别的百余项丰富展品,集结 1300 余家国际知名展商,
High-level Industry Event
预计将吸引超 10 万人次专业观众线上线下参观。同期百余
The exhibition will feature more than 100 kinds of products, covering the ferrous, nonferrous and special casting sectors at the 100,000 square meters hall areas. 1300 exhibitors are expected to bring the latest products and innovative technologies to the show, which will welcome more than 100,000 trade visitors to visit and discuss both on site and in the virtual way. At the same time, more than 100 supporting programs will be launched to introduce the industry achievements and connect participants closely.
Highlighted Exhibition Areas •Intelligent, Low-Carbon Die Casting Demonstration Zone •High-end Brand Foundries Exhibition Area •Large-scale Integrated Die-casting Display Area •Low-pressure Casting Exhibition Area •Squeeze Casting Display Area •Melting Enterprise Exhibition Area •Investment Casting Exhibition Area
展区设置特色鲜明 • 苏州亚德林智能压铸低碳环保示范专区 • 中国铸造高端品牌展示区 • 大型一体化压铸展示区 • 低压铸造展示区 • 挤压铸造展示区 • 熔炼优秀企业展示区 • 精铸优秀企业展示区
Full Exhibits Coverage
Non-ferrous castings with thinwalled, high-strength and integrated characteristics, functional high-quality castings, high-performance nonferrous castings of aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, nickel alloy, titanium alloy; foundry equipments in the whole process, such as melting, molding, core making, cleaning, sand processing and testing; green raw and auxiliary materials; various deep processing equipment for castings... •High-end, streamlined, high value-