Global Casting Magazine - JULY 2022

Page 31

INDUSTRY NEWS / 行业新闻 Sure Cast, owned by Nordstern Group in Winnipeg, Canada, is primarily a green sand molding operation with some nobake sand casting. Employing approximately 20 people, the company also produces its own cores in-house and offers heat treating, cleaning, and grinding. “We definitely want to grow and have a bigger offering for our customers,” said Sure Cast General Manager Andrea Lindquist. “And from a staffing perspective, it’s extraordinarily challenging these days––right now, everybody’s having issues with labor. The ownership team in Canada felt strongly about putting our best foot forward to have a comfortable facility for our employees, as well as for customers. We have an opportunity to bring in additional talent going forward because we have such a nice facility.” New equipment added to the team’s excitement as movein drew to completion at the end of April. Chief among its capital investments is the newly installed Sinto FDNX 16 x 20 automatic molding machine that replaced old jolt/squeeze molding equipment. Sure Cast also added a fully automatic, customized sand return system from Green Sand Controls, which has been installed indoors due to severe Northern temperature fluctuations. Additionally, new conveyor systems within the new floorplan will facilitate improved mold handling. The move-in, which included the foundry’s nobake sand system with two large silos, was completed at the end of May. “I’m really excited about the opportunity for a fresh start,” said Lindquist, “not only with a brand-new facility and a lot of brand new equipment, but the opportunity to really go deeper with lean manufacturing and continuous improvement principles that we haven’t had a chance to do before because of the way our facility was set up–– we were kind of boxed in at our previous space, which made it hard to change and make improvements. With this new space, we definitely will be able to do that.” ■

Sure Cast 铸 造 公 司 隶 属 于 加 拿 大 温 尼 伯 的 Nordstern 集团,主要采用湿型砂工艺,兼有自硬砂工艺 的铸造企业。该公司有近 20 名员工,并可自行制芯,进行 热处理、清理和打磨等工序。 公司总经理 Andrea Lindquist 表示:“我们希望公司 业务不断增长,为客户提供更多的产品。但是,员工招聘是 非常具有挑战性的——现在,每个企业都存在用工难的问 题。加拿大的管理团队在尽最大努力为员工和客户提供舒适 的工作环境。我们具备很好的工作环境,因此我们有机会招 聘到更多的人才。” 4 月底,随着工厂搬迁接近尾声,新设备的安装使团队 激动不已。其中,主要包括新安装的新东 FDNX 16x20 自 动造型线,它取代了旧的震动 / 挤压成型设备。Sure Cast 公司还安装了 Green sand Controls 公司的全自动、定制 化砂回收系统,由于当地气温变化较大,该系统安装在室内。 此外,新的运输系统将有助于改进铸型的传送。包括自硬砂 系统和两个大型筒仓在内的搬迁工作已于 5 月底完成。 Lindquist 说:“公司将迎来新的开始,我感到非常高 兴。我们不仅将有全新的工厂和很多全新的设备,还将有机 会真正深入实施精益制造并持续改进,因为新厂就是按这样 的规划建立的,这在以前是不可能做到的。因为以前我们受 到很大的局限,很难做出改变和改进。现在有了新的工厂, 我们一定能够做到。”■

New Book from AFS Details Keys to Structural Aluminum Castings

美国铸造协会新书详细介绍铝合金结构件的生产要点 A new book from two of the aluminum industry’s most respected experts teaches metalcasters the keys to creating superior structural aluminum castings. Written by Mahi Sahoo and David Weiss, Aluminum Castings for Structural Applications goes beyond the basics to explore the factors that affect mechanical properties of structural aluminum castings, the influence of alloying elements, solidification characteristics, heat treatment, and other advanced metallurgical concepts. The book, published by the American Foundry Society, originated as a well-received presentation delivered by the authors in 2015.

两位备受尊崇的铝合金专家出版新书,向铸造行业讲 解生产卓越铝合金结构件的关键。 由 Mahi Sahoo 和 David Weiss 编写的《铝合金结构 件的应用》,超出基础知识的范畴,深入探索了影响铝合金 结构件机械性能的因素、合金元素的影响、凝固特性、热 处理和其他先进的冶金学理念。本书由美国铸造协会出版, 作者曾于 2015 年发表相关演讲,获得好评。 全书共 229 页,共 10 章:

• 结构件简介



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