Fox News Magazine 13

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13th edition/ November 2018

2nd Insurance Seminary Management of civil responsibility risks, reimbursement in air transport and the Law Project of Insurance Contract were addressed by experts in one more edition of the event held by HaĂźptli Lawyers & Associates. Pages. 06 and 07

Success Cases Fox Group companies and professionals perform work of excellence for the insurance market: several recovered cargos, frauds avoided or reveled and well audited regulation of claims. Pages 12 to 14



Top-notch teams working in partnership Among the countless services we carry out monthly at the five companies of Fox Group, we have collected successes cases that reinforce and reference these companies in the insurance market. Many recovered cargos, reveled or avoided frauds, claim regulation and the best audit. It is with great pride that we show the deliveries of our services to the market, because that is what we are hired for and we are dedicated to improve the knowledge of our team. We really like to dedicate ourselves and transfer the knowledge we gather. Haüptli Lawyers & Associates, our Insurance Law specialized office, held the 2nd Insurance Seminary, one more encounter to take information to the segment. In this opportunity were discussed by the experts on insurance risk management of Civil Responsibility the reimbursement over air transport insurance and a longawaited theme: The Law Project of

Paulo Rogério Haüptli

Insurance Contract (PLC 29/2017) which brings several changes to the rules of the segment with special focus on the claim regulation. We have also invested in preventive information; after all, preventing is always the best remedy! In medicine, when we talk about prevention, it means that we aimed to avoid the onset of an illness, prevent or intercept its evolution or even rehabilitate the patient, avoiding the incapacitation. The work carried out by MedFox in preventive medicine is reflected in the general health conditions of the patient, reducing drug expenses, increasing the productivity, reducing absenteeism and improving family life. But it is also possible to prevent losses in other areas where the Fox Group operates. Our Company Norn Risk Engineering and Consulting started its first Integrated Management Program of

Alexandre Massao

Bruno Lacerda Gusmão

transport risks and started to operate in whole Latin America offering the complete set of transportation risk engineering services: consulting on optimization for transport packaging, lashing control and cargo security in different transport modes, storage risks, cargo handling, cargo project consulting and other services. For this, we count on more than 20 years of claim expertise of Fox Regulation & Audit and the wide experience of our professionals. And to achieve excellence and to improve every day, we continue to intensify relationships with senior executives and leadership in the insurance market. We are pleased to have, in one more edition of our magazine, the participation of great names, disseminating knowledge. It is a virtuous circle that only tends to grow and generate more business! Good reading!

Robinson Seabra Filho

Jan-Oliver Mollien

Fox Group Partners


Fox Regulação & Auditoria Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 1752, 17º. andar Pompeia - São Paulo - SP - CEP 05001-200 (11) 3858.3234 / 3965.9001 E-mail:

Haüptli Advogados & Associados Av. Francisco Matarazzo, nº 1752, 24º andar Pompeia – São Paulo – SP - CEP 05001-200 (11) 4858.3644 E-mail:

OneRisk Global Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 1752, 5º andar Pompeia – São Paulo – SP - CEP 05001-200 (11) 3965.9001 E-mail:

MedFox Medicina, Odontologia e Perícias Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 1752, 9º andar Pompeia – São Paulo – SP - CEP 05001-200 (11) 3862-4848 E-mail:

NORN Risk Consulting & Engineering Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 1752, sl 1717 Pompeia – São Paulo – SP - CEP 05001-200 (11) 3965.9001 E-mail:


Fox News Magazine Thaís Ruco - Responsible Journalist Mtb 49.455 - Felix Ryu - Graphic Project - Teckel Design English version translated by Agnes Andriolo



SUMĂ RIO Editorial Top-notch teams working in partnership


Health Health Segment reunited in search of solution for individual plans


Event 2nd Insurance Seminary debates themes in evidence in Insurance Law


Insurance Law Subrogation: The ineffectiveness of limitation of responsibility and the principle of full reparation in the regressive actions of reimbursement judged by the insurers


Analysis Education and violence: to whom the quality of public elementary education interest?


Cases of success Group Fox experts performed work of excellence to the insurance market.


Private Pension Political reform puts the pension benefit on the agenda

16 17

Law On Line Agreements and conflict solutions Transports Insurance: Loss or investment?


Interview Mission of bringing technical knowledge to the transport sector


Loss Prevention Norn launches the Risk Engineering Guide for Photovoltaic Systems (PV Systems)


Transports Integrated Risk Management in the supply chain


International The Psychology of Technology


Self-knowledge Change: is it good or bad? Let's meditate about that?


Distribution How to become irreplaceable in the innovation era?

27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Technology Use of technology to incorporate digital, human and innovative services Logistic Contracting logistic services, risk management and insurance coverage demand evaluation that considers the cost/benefits relation In the Media The insurance law Political Scene Saving the Capitalism from the capitalists Economics Economic scenario in Latin America is getting better Event Life Insurance Sales Leaders reunited Career and Success Building bridges around the world Event Lecture presents business perspectives in the insurance guarantee in auctions and administrative contracts Health Preventing is the best remedy Trends The Insurance Market in 2033 Auto Route 2030 – What can we expect for the automotive sector in the coming years? Credit Insurance Protection against the non-payment Transports Why has Brazil entered the world map of the most dangerous freight roads? Chronic The broker and the dress code Other Reading Portuguese language, this sufferer



Health Segment reunited in search of solution for individual plans Not long ago, having a health plan was the third biggest wish of Brazilians, only behind education and home ownership. Now it is considered the highest aspiration item, priority of who can hire a care service to the greatest good, health. The private health sector in Brazil handles approximately R $ 161 billion per year, serving 47 million people with health insurance plans. But the access has become increasingly restrictive: today, 70% of the Brazilian population can not afford health insurance. The health care providers, even the largest ones left behind the offering of the individual plans because there were no rules to protect them in case of a costumer portfolio in which the volume of claims could increase (raise by use), on the contrary, they would not be able to make the necessary adjustments and would have to maintain the correction of inflation, under the supervision of the National Health Agency (ANS). However, the membership plans have always worked like that, because they are not ruled nor suffer interference of ANS. Thus, it ended up making a much bigger market membership plans and the individual plan went extinct. The Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU) recently concluded that the ANS does not have efficient mechanisms to prevent abusive increases in health insurance monthly payments and has determined that it will carry out within 180 days a plan to implement changes that inhibit abusive readjustments. Trying to solve this equation and with the understanding that it needs to act to expand the products offer, including the individual ones, ANS called on the sector to jointly study a new model of annual readjustments for individual and family health plans in a public hearing that took place on November 13. In a statement, the agency clarifies that it

regulates the private health care sector, both individual plans and collective plans, according to Law No. 9,656 / 1998. It emphasizes that it regularly monitors the percentages applied to collective agreements and all registered complaints for readjustment are cleared and that, in addition, forces the operators to make available the memory of the calculation of the readjustment of collective plans for the contractor, thus explaining how they defined the applied percentage. In the public hearing ANS will present the proposal to change the way of the annual readjustment, incorporating to the rule the official inflation of the economy, through the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA). Currently, the increase is calculated taking into account only the variation of medical expenses. The proposed calculation is that 80% of the readjustment is made up of healthcare expenses and 20% for non-care expenses. In a note, the agency explains that the main objective of implementing this new methodology is to reflect more directly the variation of the operators' expenses in the individual plans. Major sector players are still studying this and other

Rosa Antunes , President of Acoplan (Association of Brokers of Health Plans) and Director at VIACORP Administradora de BenefĂ­cios

calculation formulas. We know that ANS wants to develop a healthy market to the involved, because the service providers will only offer the individual health plan if they are sure that it is possible to balance the accounts. It is very important to follow this subject and contribute with the technical knowledge in order to achieve the goal of finding the best balance, the way we can make it viable for the users to keep their health care plans and even expand the market with new customers from all social classes. The supplementary health care market it will not be restricted to the richer, its social function is very important to us, including to the sustainability of the public health system.



2nd Insurance Seminary debates themes in evidence in Insurance Law Risk Management of Civil Responsibility, Air transportation compensation and Law Project of Insurance Contract were the themes approached by experts in one more edition of the event held by Haüptli Lawyers & Associates Haüptli Lawyers & Associates, specialized office in Insurance Law held the 2nd Insurance Seminary, one more encounter to take information to the segment in the morning of August 8th 2018. The event achieved its goal getting the attention of about 150 people who filled the room at Maksoud Plaza. According to Bruno Lacerda Gusmão, partner lawyer at Haüptli Lawyers & Associates, the event is in one more edition the contribution of the company to the insurance market for the opportunity of debating themes which are in evidence on Insurance law. In that opportunity was debated by experts the risk management of civil responsibility, the compensation on air transportation insurance and a well expected theme: the Law Project of Insurance Contract (PLC 29/2017) which brings several changes on the rules of the sector, with special pocus on the changes for the claim regulation. For registration, each participant made a donation of one kilo of non-perishable food, destined to the "Charitable Association House of Child" (Associação Beneficente Vivenda da Criança). The Panel I, “Management Risk of Civil Responsibility“ was presented by Márcio

G u e r r e r o , Superintendent of Civil Responsibility at HDI Global Seguros, and has as debater Thalita Graciolli, lawyer at Haüptli L a w y e r s & Associates. The lecturer highlighted the uncountable opportunities to the brokers and the insurance market to act on several modalities of Civil Responsibility. “We have an ocean of opportunities to make insurance of Civil Responsibility: all individual people and companies have the risk of responsibility”. However he defended the importance of the correct analysis of the risk and the providing of information by means of a questionnaire, including the characterization of third parties e possible conformity, as well as the reading of contractual clauses, in this way the insured will receive the indemnity in

accordance with the expectation. “To ensure the insurance company, the questionnaire must address the behavior of the insured, the crisis management plan, and it must have, besides the traditional reports, the history of claims and the territorial exposition, always with the signature of the legal responsible. For the insured, the policy must be clear and it must have the contracted conditions, and,


in this we notice the relevance of the broker role, as consulter, offering transparency to the insured and, mainly, giving awareness about the existence of CR policies to ensure their protection. "

the Code of Consumer Protection. For the lecturer, the tariff restriction does not apply to any moral damages suffered by passengers due to incidents in international transport.

The Panel II brought the underwriter lawyer of Chubb Seguros, Bruna Ávila Fernandes Fonseca who spoke about "The Reimbursement in the International Air

According to the expert, the main changes are on passenger transport, which is absurd and it is necessary to prevent abuses. "There must be manifestations of the STJ and STF in the next two or three years, since the decision determining the limitation is recent (2017) in general. The decision reflects the adequacy of the current scenario of economy and proportionality, and the minimum risk in the air transport activity, which involves goods with very high added values." The lecturer suggested, for understanding in the segment, the follow-up of judgments and the creation of a specific forum between insurers, reinsurers and lawyers, which results in the targeting of a unified document to the STF and STJ.

Transport after the decision of General Repercussion of the STF" and counted on the debates of Fabio Spinola, lawyer at Haüptli Lawyers & Associates. In May 2017, the Plenary of the Federal Supreme Court, appreciating the Topic 210 of general repercussion, by a majority of votes, approved the extraordinary appeal filed by the company Air France to reduce the value of the conviction for material damages established by the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, limiting the indemnity to the level established in the Article 22 of the Montreal Convention. The decision of the STF in judging the appeals as a matter of general repercussion defined by 9 votes to 2, item 210: "under the terms of art. 178 of the Constitution of the Republic, the international limiting rules and treaties of responsibility of air passenger carriers, especially the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions, are prevalent in relation to

In the Panel III, the lawyer Ernesto Tzirulnik, of ETAD Advocacy, talked about “The claim regulation and the rules of PLC 29/2017 (Law Project of Insurance Contract)” with the debates of Daniel Bellini, Commercial Superintendent at Pottencial Insurer and Hilton Gomes dos Santos, Brazil Claim Director and Vi c e - P r e s i d e n t Senior at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Brasil Seguros. As t h e p r o c e s s progresses in Congress, now in the Senate, the Law Project of Insurance Contract - PLCS (PLC 29/2017) has been receiving applause and some criticism, especially regarding the treatment it gives to the alternatives means for conflict resolution. There are those who maintain

that if, on the one hand, it represents advances in insurance contracts, on the other, it will be a step backwards in arbitration and mediation. Ernesto Tzirulnik, author of the PLC 29/2017 presented some points in which, in his view, they demonstrate the evolution that suggests the regulation of the sector. Considering that the claim can generate effects both for large insured, as well as those who are insured on the policies or even for third parties who are victims, Tzirulnik understands that insurance arbitration abroad is a matter of relevance to society. “As insurance is an indispensable protection instrument for people, companies and society in general, and acceptance of their hiring is sometimes conditioned to the acceptance of the arbitration clauses, it happens that insured parties are obliged to swallow the imposition of 'structured mediations' and arbitrations designed to the taste of the foreign reinsurance market. In order to improve the protection regime and specify it, it is sought to grant the first special contract insurance law. "




Subrogation: The ineffectiveness responsibility limitation and the principle of full reparation in the regressive actions of reimbursement judged by the insurers A matter of supreme importance that has not been fully pacified in our courts yet is the alleged lack of interest of insurers to act in regressive actions for compensation, before an obligation contracted by the insured parties to the causers, such as the limitation of responsibility defined in a debt confession term, or yet the foreign forum clauses present on the back of maritime knowledge. It is known that with the payment of the insurance indemnity, the insurer subrogates in all the rights and actions attributable to the insured against the person causing the damage; such affirmation finds support in Articles 346, III, 347, 349, 786, and 934 of the Civil Code, and in the praetorian understanding already enshrined in the 188th summary statement of the Federal Supreme Court. Well, with the reading of the above devices and the above mentioned summary, it is possible to deduce that the subrogation does not only affect the rights of the credit, but also, on all the rights of the insured, established in the primary relation. However, it is possible to assure that there is not a single line that deals with the absorption of the obligations and limitations assumed by the insured, especially those that the insurer does not even imagine they exist. In this standard, it is worth bringing to light what is exposed in § 2 of Article 786 of the Civil Code, which says that any act practiced by the insured that culminates in the diminution or extinction of the rights subrogated by the insurer is ineffective. Therefore, it must be concluded that any act carried out in isolation by the insured, and that adversely affects the interests of the insurer, should not be accepted in

court or out of court, as it lacks any legal protection to do so. Also, in some situations, such limiters are used as a pressure tool by third parties in detriment of the insurers in eventual negotiation of reimbursement. A classic example occurs in cases of car accidents, it being common for the party causing the damage to pay the deductible of the insured by making a "term" that covers all the damages resulting from the collision and the insured is surprised when it is approached by the insurer to carry out the payment of the amount that exceeded the contractual deductible. Another common example of an attempt to limit or annihilate the insurer's right on reimbursement actions that has as background the maritime transport are the clauses limiting responsibility and the choice of the court on the back of the bill of lading – subscription contract . Situation like these border the dishonesty, since, with no doubt, they encourage third parties to engage in malicious conduct against the insurer, who has the noble function of managing the resources of its insured, putting at risk the whole insurance market, we must not lose sight of the principle of mutualism. It is necessary to make clear that those who made such pacts were not the insurers, but the insured, being, therefore, a very personal right, and it is not reasonable to admit that the companies have to bear the losses resulting from a negotiation in which they did not participate. The same reasoning can be used in relation to submission to arbitration, since such a clause would imply in the renunciation of state jurisdiction. In a few words, it takes care of a convention in which the interested parties that participate of a determined legal business opt to submit to arbitration judgments of

Fabio Spinola Esteves Rocha, Coordinator of Litigation and Compensation Cores of Haüptli Office, he is graduate at São Francisco University, Post-Graduate in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law at Escola Paulista de Direito.

Carlos Alberto Menichelli Juniori, Lawyer, graduate at Santos Catholic u n i v e r s i t y, P o s tGraduate "Lato Sensu" in Civil Procedural Law with emphasis in Business law at Damásio Educacional College.

possible conflict, thus moving away from the Patriotic Judiciary Branch. Imposing such waiver to the insurer would be a clear violation of item XXXV of article 5 of the Federal Constitution. In view of this, how to prevent the interests of the insurer by means of pacts which it did not participate, much less agreed? In view of the above, it is impossible. It is therefore undoubted that a clause giving rise to the limitation of rights and, consequently, carries on its bulge a burden entailing the diminution or extinction of the rights subrogated by the insurer, must be summarily dismissed and considered as unwritten, in honor of the principle of full reparation ens hrined in article 944 of the Civil Code, the third party being responsible for all damages caused, except in cases where contracts expressly establish the agreement of the insurers with their content - limitation.



Education and violence: to whom the quality of public elementary education interest? “If the governors do not build schools, in 20 years they will lack money to build prisons” (Darcy Ribeiro)

The phrase above, from the anthropologist, politician and writer Darcy Ribeiro, proffered in 1982, clearly demonstrates the real situation in which we live: a country of the world's most violent and uneducated; this last word in both senses of the vernacular: lack of education and absence of manners. To educate, from the Latin educare, educere, comes from the particle “e” (outside) and ducere (conduct), it has the meaning of "to lead out", that is, to prepare a person for the world, for life in s o c i e t y, t o i n s t r u c t t h e p e r s o n . Historically, our country knows little or

simply ignores this verb. In Brazil colony there was no interest of Portugal in the propagation of the education that was restricted to some children of settlers and natives, the latter, in fact, catechized. In the middle of the eighteenth century, with the expulsion of the Jesuits who held the educational monopoly, by the Marquis of Pombal, new directions in education were designed and the primary purpose was to prepare an elite for issues related to politics and economy. However, the continuation of this formation was made in Coimbra, in the metropolis, from the late eighteenth and early

Rogério Donnini, Lawyer and professor of the Master and Doctorate program of PUC-SP, Escola Paulista da Magistratura and Facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Itália. Lecturer, doctor and master in Civil Law by PUC-SP

nineteenth century (Arno, Wehling, Maria José CM Wehling, The Formation of Colonial Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1994 ). For three centuries, therefore, the intention of the Portuguese was never to give their colonies a quality education, since it was always easier to govern an ignorant, unprepared population. In the nineteenth century, after our independence, unlikely countries such


as Germany, France, and Japan, which initiated a true educational revolution, with massive investment in this sector and an effective educational policy, among us, it was created, in 1827, the first law on elementary education, which was in force until 1946, establishing "small language schools in all cities, towns and villages". Over the next decades, in the First Republic (1889 to 1930) and in the Vargas Era (1930 to 1945), a wide range of measures were taken to improve education in the country, but with very little success. The Public Elementary Education which was not already of the highest quality in the 1950s, followed a downward trajectory, until in the mid1960s the middle class, aware of the decadence of the public school, started enrolling their children in private schools. In the military dictatorship (1964 to 1985) there was real chaos in our already deficient educational system, as the devaluation of the class of teachers was accentuated and, as in previous centuries, our elementary education became even more deteriorated. Since the redemocratization of the country to this day, little has been done to improve elementary education, which remains among the worst on the planet. Disregard for elementary education is evident when we face an alarming number of illiterates in Brazil: approximately 13 million (IBGE 2017), not counting as many millions of functional illiterates. According to a survey carried out by IPM (Paulo Montenegro Institute) and by the NGO Ação Educativa, only 8% of people of working age are considered fully capable of understanding and expressing themselves through letters and numbers. Th e c a u s e s o f t h e Tu p i n i q u i m educational catastrophe are the most varied and it would not be possible in a few lines to examine them. In fact, in no

fundamental education, in the face of a methodology that privileges the "study on the eve of the test" and does not allow the adequate assimilation of the content taught (Pierluigi Piazzi, Aprendendo inteligência, Editora Aleph, 2008), besides not encouraging, from the first years of school, the reading proper and pleasant for each age group, with titles that, effectively, cause interest and awaken the figure of the reader.

period of our history there has been the real interest of our rulers in the implementation of a quality elementary education. So much so that, nowadays, it spends more on public higher education than on elementary education, a true affront to common sense. If the existence of free higher education even for middle-class, uppermiddle and high classes, who represent the greater part of the student body is a cause of perplexity, it is even more surprising that the State spends annual billion-dollar sums for students who have full conditions of even lower than the one established in the private sector, to the detriment of millions of students who need effective elementary education.

Investing in education (and Brazil does not spend little) is to give priority to elementary education, which has never been done. The tragic consequence of this realization is the enormous increase in violence, true diuturnal acts of barbarism that we are witnessing.

In the best public and private universities in Brazil, including the postgraduate courses (specialization, master's and doctorate), the student has, every day, greater difficulty to express himself, to write correctly, to launch new ideas, the fruit of a inefficient

If quality education alone were not able to elude the escalation of violence in our country, at least it would make us not among the most dangerous nations to live in, and even worse, without sufficient and worthy prisons to house so many criminals.



Group Fox experts performed work of excellence to the insurance market. Several recovered cargos, avoided and revealed frauds and well audited claim regulations.

Among the countless services we carry out monthly at Fox Group companies, we have collected successful cases that reinforce and reference these companies in the insurance market. Many recovered cargos, revealed or avoided frauds, well audited claim regulations. “It is with great pride that we show the deliveries of our services to the market, because that is what we are hired for and we are dedicated to improve the knowledge of our team.”, affirms Paulo Rogério Haüptli, director of Fox Group. Check out some more recent cases from the second semester of 2018. Truck Tipping over Fox Regulation & Audit, a Fox Group company, received an accident report

through the Call Center, 0800, 24 hour, to assist, "cargo tipping", at a Federal Highway in Mato Grosso. With the quick arrival of the rescue team, the looting of the goods was avoided and preserved in its entirety. The experts

also succeeded in gathering the necessary evidence for regulation and possible declension of the claim indemnity. Despite the size of the accident, involving a bi-train that dragged along the runway, there were no major losses, including for the highway users who were immediately released. Fines were still avoided for blocking the lane for t h e c a r r i e r a n d s h i p p e r, w h o s e responsibility is objective and any damage to the environment that could bring severe penalties determined in Law. The Commissioners detected that the vehicle was without the proper Transportation Authorization from DNIT to transport cotton cargo, the truck was circulating out of the


permitted time schedule, as well as fines were applied that demonstrated in a clear and crystalline way the grievance of intentional risk of injury of the driver, as well as the signs left on the road. The record of the tachograph was seized by the Federal Highway Police, not allowing the team to have access, however, it was not necessary the judicial order of the disk to prove the excess speed, since they were informed in the fines and the layout of the scene of the accident, as braking marks, weight and distance. With the emergency and regulatory works, necessary information was collected for the re-analysis and adequacy of the accepted risk, including for the insured to have knowledge of their team and fleet of vehicles. In addition, with the total rescue of the goods, there was still no wear between the insured and the insurer, maintaining i n t h i s w a y, a g o o d c o m m e r c i a l relationship. The work was carried out by the Fox Regulation & Audit Load Rescue Unit, with the participation of the specialists Ricardo Henrique Tafuri and Vinicius Monteiro, as well as field collaborators.

The Fox Group received the communication of vehicle theft, to investigate the veracity of the facts. When checking the history, it was discovered that the vehicle had already suffered an accident with total loss and the salved went to auction, having been bought by the same owner who repaired the damages and kept the car. The car was then accepted by the insurer without previous inspection, since the policy was generated in the adhesion mode, together with the hiring of a tracker, after only the analysis of the insured's social profile and origin of the vehicle. Now the insured has filed a claim for theft of the vehicle. The insured was asked if he had the Inmetro's report on the repair of the car, and he presented the document which was found as original, without any tampering. This was a difficulty to prove that there was simulation of theft. However, the Fox Group continued the investigation and began conducting further investigations into the insured and the property, and it found out that the vehicle was seized at a police station in São Paulo, and the date of the seizure was before the insurance hiring. On the day of the research carried out by Fox, the vehicle was still in the police yard.

Police, Fox Group was successful on locating two bi-trains (the same as four trucks) which were transporting a cargo of bean valuated in R$ 180 mil. The joint operation of the Police and Fox Regulation & Audit, the cargo was located untouched. All security measures were adopted to avoid the cargo looting since it was a cargo of bean. Fox Group hired a truck tractor to remove the bi-trains from the site to the police station. After the police procedures, the cargo was delivered to the consignee in São Jose dos Campos-SP.

Conclusion: The vehicle had been seized, because it was abandoned on the public road, the insured contracted the insurance when the vehicle was seized, since there was no previous inspection, and even the occurrence registration was issued while the vehicle was seized.

Stolen or seized vehicle? The Fox Group's automobile department played a decisive role in uncovering a fraud and avoiding undue payment by the insurer.

The works came to prove the fraud and that the inspector who installed the tracker was involved. "With this we realized that the police systems are not perfect, because the vehicle seized was not on the Detran system and there was no communication with the police and thus the police report was drawn up," analyzes Fox Group director Paulo Rogério Haüptli. Bean cargo recovered Once more, with the support of the

Key in the underwear To conclude, among numerous cases of success of Fox Group, we bring an unusual history which happened after having been called to attend a


and frictional force (uneven paving).

case of cargo theft. The truck was found without the load by the police, who were surprised that no security devices (such as a panic button), present in the vehicle, had been activated. The company team accompanied the driver to the police station, but he contradicted himself at all times in the narrative of the facts. The employee of the Fox Group made the reconstitution with the police and t h e d r i v e r. A t o n e p o i n t , i t w a s suspected that the driver himself was involved in the case and during a search, the truck key was found hidden in his underwear. When a robbery happens the keys are usually taken, but in this case the driver handed over the cargo, then he left the truck and went to the police station to record the occurrence with the key hidden. Conclusion: the prompt response of the Fox Group and the monitoring of the inspector or regulator in the drafting of the occurrence registration make all the difference for the success of the investigation. The cargo was not found, as the driver declared that he would die if he spoke the name of the receptor: a gang of cargo theft and drug trafficking. The driver claimed that he owed much to the traffickers and it was the fourth cargo diverted in 60 days. According to the Fox Group Director, Paulo Rogério Haüptli, the pressure of the economic situation leads to increased diversions of cargos and fraud. Property Claim in the coverage of Miscellaneous Risks – Mobile Equipment Fox Group was activated by an insurer due to a tipping truck accident in the yard of the insured company, when they were trying to unload ore. The policy included coverage of Miscellaneous Risks Mobile Equipment.

After the action of our engineering sector, we started to calculate the losses, at this time the insured presented us an initial budget, at the time of our inspection. In analysis of the presented budget, we verified that the insured left open a possibility to raise the value in a considerable way after disassembling the bucket tipper for repairs.

The team - in a joint effort of Fox Regulation & Audit and Norn Risk Consulting & Engineering – the team had access to the event site, checked the damage to the truck and piston, as well as the images of security cameras. The Fox Group engineer was dispatched to the site to identify the cause of the event and extent of damage. All the security measures instruments were analyzed, including a test on the hypsometer (tilt meter), the test in operation simulated the rise of the tipper in a safe environment, if it presented a dangerous slope during the rise for dumping of the ore the tipper stops and the process of descent began. During the analysis of the security cameras in the site and in the vehicle itself, it was found that the operator of the tipper has carried out all the safety measures, such as checking the hypsometer, position of the vehicle and checking the connections of the tipper, and even after three attempts the tipping was not completed and the set fell. The mechanical engineer analyzed all the particularities of the event based on physical studies and analysis of damages, not having found traces that indicated failure in the cylinder of the tipper and through physicalmathematical calculation it was explained that it was exerted on the body (vehicles) 3 forces the resulted in the process of tipping, even in compliance with all safety regulations. These forces were: mass center displacement (load), wind force

Based on the information contained in the initial budget, we made contact with the manufacturer of the bucket and we found an authorized company to carry out a new inspection and a conclusive budget regarding the repairs to the bucket, without the possibility of inclusion of values after the start of the repairs. With the budget presented by the manufacturer, we found that the repair value of the bucket had a value that surpassed 75% of the value of a new equipment. Given the studies of our engineering sector, allied to the information of the manufacturer, there is a possibility that the equipment may present future defects, so we continue with the verification of the replacement of the equipment for a new one, which would minimize risks of future expenses to the Insurer. Noting that, a new claim of the same cause could double the amount of the loss. In view of the foregoing, we proceeded with a favorable opinion on the replacement of the property, as well as conducting market research to identify potential purchasers of the salvaged equipment, and, we succeeded in three proposals, in which after analysis, we decided to accept the higher value presented by the manufacturer . With the aforementioned actions, there was no doubt about the cause of the event, so that the process was concluded with a determination that avoided further losses. This was another well-executed claim regulation by Fox Group!



Political reform puts the pension benefit on the agenda The political debate over social security reform has been important in bringing public attention to this complex and urgent issue that affects the future of all Brazilians. Although PEC 287/16 has not made much progress in the National Congress, the discussion is fundamental to raise the awareness of entrepreneurs about the need for change, as w orkers are increasingly aware of retirement issues. P r e v i o u s l y, p e o p l e o n l y s t a r t e d thinking about retirement when they were older. However, nowadays, with the awareness of companies and employees, the idea of planning since the youth is gaining visibility. In addition to providing significant additional protection to workers, private pension can help attract and retain talent. For this reason, according to the Benefit Survey of Aon, 56% of companies already offer to their employee options for supplementary pension plans. The plans offered may have different formats. In the defined contribution model, the value of the contribution is determined at the time of contracting and the amount that will be received varies according to this amount, contribution time and profitability. In the defined benefit model, the value of the contribution varies so that the predetermined value of the benefit can be reached. There is also the variable contribution model, which occurs when the two previous modalities are combined. According to the Benefit Survey, 46% of companies choose to offer a variable contribution plan, 45% prefer the defined contribution model and only 9% defined benefit, a modality that has been decreasing over the years due to the risks.

In addition, most companies (61%) prefer to invest in open private pension plans, where the plans (PGBL, VGBL and FGB) are commercialized by banks and insurance companies. On the other hand, 20% of companies choose the closed pension plan made possible by a multi-sponsored fund, which is also commercialized by insurers, and 19% choose closed pensions through their own fund. Since 2012, when 53% of companies opted for open pension plans, there was a significant increase in this modality. This shows that companies no longer want to have so much work to manage their pension plans. Therefore, open pensions and multi-sponsored funds are growing and will continue to grow in the coming years. Concerning social security contributions, about 70% of companies choose to charge a fixed percentage of employees' salaries. On average, this figure represents 5.7% of the remuneration. A smaller number of companies (30%) opts for a more balanced distribution, either by defining a fixed contribution on a part of the salary that exceeds a certain value, or by adopting scaled contribution tables, dividing the resource and directing the larger slices to those who need more of the complement in retirement. These contribution formulas are more adequate to the concept of private pension, since if we take into account the process of professional growth, the worker who receives less will have more help from the company to make up the value of the benefit the closer he is to retirement. As the professionals grow in their careers their contributions increase in order to amplify their potential for capitalization in the future. The

Roberta Porcel , Leader in Private Pension Consultancy and Actuarial Services at Aon Brasil

objective is to direct the resources to those who effectively need complementary pension. Whatever the viability model, the role of the company is not only to take a portion of the employee's salary and to apply it, even if that alone brings advantages of more competitive rates by the gain of scale. The companies that offer the benefit, 96% contribute together with the workers - 80% equating 100% of the value of the contribution, 6% contributing less than 100% and 14% contributing more than 100%. However, even with the increased understanding brought about by the pension reform debate, Brazil still needs to mature its retirement culture. Private pensions will play an increasingly important role in solving the problems of old-age care, and on the other hand, companies will play a fundamental role in the social security education of their employees.



On Line Agreements and conflict solutions In the last years the country has suffered a considerable economic recession, being possible to identify a large number of companies closing their doors, others were forced to reduce expenses to not end their activities, such as a reduction of number of employees and the decrease in the business, to the need to do more with less. It was not different for the legal and non-legal businesses, and therefore the need for renegotiation and remodeling the service contracts and studies focused on the costs reduction with significant gain in effectiveness. During these studies big companies understood that there is no advantage on starting lawsuits against clients or third parties with poor financial health, the famous: “wins but does not take” which is becoming more and more evident for example on the collection lawsuits. In this case it is more interesting to exhaust all alternatives in extrajudicial measures, reducing in this way expenses with costs, fees, etc. and increasing stock of insignificant processes. The collection, compensation and

legal departments have understood that the conciliation is far better than taking to the court and why do not solve conflicts on line? In the digital era, it is impossible to separate the use of technology from the service providing. Just about everything can be done today in a v i r t u a l w a y, i n c l u d i n g c o n f l i c t resolution through out-of-court methods. The online conciliation and mediation services, for example, are supported by the law 13.140 / 15, better known as the Mediation Law. The standard provides for the possibility of using technology for the solution of conflicts by means of consensual methods. In its article 46, the law says that: "mediation might be done through the internet or other means of communication that allows the transaction at a distance, since the parties are in agreement." The new Code of Civil Procedure (Article 334) and the Mediation Law (Article 46), both already in force, emphasize the possibility of the parties to put an end to the dispute by electronic means.

Dra. Aletéa Albuquerque Pellegatti , Lawyer for the Compensation and Litigation Areas at Alfa Seguradora S/A

The online mediation services have been used to try to solve conflicts in a single act, without the need for proof production, and cheaply, since the parties avoid document spending and travel to the forums, the conciliation offers even more advantages when done in a virtual way. This is the proposal of online conciliation: solve p r o b l e m s q u i c k l y, e f f i c i e n t l y, economically and safely, in the judicial and extrajudicial spheres, with efficient results in the resolution of controversies, in order to relieve the judicial task in what it is expendable. Among the advantages already listed below, there is the guarantee of privacy and absolute secrecy, it is a flexible procedure, informal, economic and with legal certainty. It provides the preservation and valorization of the companies' images, raising the satisfaction and agility on the answers and needs of the customers and considerable juridical cost reduction. Nowadays it is possible to carry out 500 online conciliations a day, according to Agostinho Simões, Founder-Director at Concilie Online, which is leader and pioneer in this type of service all over the country. It is time to review the concepts on the “conservative” model, it is worth to keep it up!



Insurance: Loss or investment? We recently came across the question of what cargo insurance represents. And we notice that there are those who consider it a loss. It does not add value t o t h e p r o d u c t . We u n d e r s t a n d , without any doubt, that insurance is an investment. So it adds value. In order for the insurance to be considered a loss, we would have to take a number of factors into account. One of them is that the contracting of insurance would not generate, in any case, reimbursement for the loss of the goods. The contracting of insurance generates a counterpart in the loss or damage of the goods.

maritime transport, would never have problems. Let a ship never sink. Let it never be struck, and the same with fluvial transport. It is clear that all of these thoughts are absolutely impossible, especially in Brazil, where there is the highest cargo theft rate on ground transportation in the world, which is between 1.5 to 2.0 billion Reais annually. Thus, it is clear that hiring insurance is an investment. Investing in insurance is like buying a machine for the

Airplanes would never present problems, would never drop and work without ever crashing. The waterborne transport, especially

interruption of a goods delivery flow to a buyer who can not do without the goods, even for hours. What will be the loss for the company in an event like this? Especially when we know that the cost of the transport insurance is almost nothing comparing to the goods. And also, it is almost nothing comparing with the general logistic cost.

We would have to assume that the human being was the best among all the animals so that it would not be worth hiring insurance. And that the theft, and the robbery, should not dwell in the human being. In that case, in any accident, nobody would move the goods or the vehicle, which is not the case. And also, we would have to assume that the machines would never fail, that the transportation vehicles were perfect and accidents would never happen. In this case, there would not be loss of goods. We would have to assume that the trains would never have problems. And the machine would be perfect and would never fail. Derailment would be an unknown fact, its parts would never fail and a train would never stop or fail on delivering its cargo.

Samir Keedi, MBA Professor and Customs, bachelor in Economics, M a s te r i n B u s i n e s s Ad m i n i s t r at i o n a n d author of several books about transport, insurance, logistic and foreign trade

production line. That will be the basis for maintaining or increasing the production, and lever for productivity increase. In this way, insurance is investment. It preserves the logistic chain. With the insurance, the maintenance of the product is assured, especially, if the loss causes the production line to stop. And, as a consequence, the temporary

Without hiring insurance, we can infer that not even a real selling price can be possible. Depending on the losses, there will be a selling price of the good if it has insurance and another if it does not have. Depending on the good, the loss can be higher or lower, considering the accident rate, the problems can be serious. It does add value to the good in the sense of preserving it, avoiding the company to disburse something unnecessary. I n t h i s w a y, t h e r e i s o n l y o n e hypothesis to consider the insurance as a loss: when the accident rate is zero. But even though, it can never be considered as a loss. In this case it will never be contracted, for total lack of need, so there will be no loss.



Mission of bringing technical knowledge to the transport sector Salvatore Lombardi Junior is President of CIST (International Transport Insurance Club) entity that performs the important job of taking specialized qualification to a highly technical audience, for this reason it receives the constant support of Fox Group and its companies. CIST holds monthly events, but in November it takes place the master meeting of the transportation insurance professionals, the ExpoCist Symposium. During this talk to FoxNews, Salvatore talks about the CIST mission and about the challenges to expand its operation. Check out!

our segment, in order to attract even more members and broaden the participation in our achievements, reinforcing representativeness to jointly overcome the challenges of our technical and specialized transportation insurance industry. We decided to act in a very shared way, in a real collegiate. The boards took over part of the functions, since everyone have their positions in the

Fox News – This year in March a new Directory took over the management of CIST, entity founded in 2012 to take knowledge and relationship to the members of the transport insurance market. How was this challenge? S a l v a t o r e Lombardi Jr. – We took on the challenge of leading the CIST for the next three years with great enthusiasm. The responsibility is great because our Club, during its six years of history, has gained space and market representativeness, bringing together professionals from all segments of the transport insurance supply chain insurers, brokers, and various service providers. In this new management we have intensified the work of the entity in the mission to train transport insurance professionals and also the logistics chain linked to this segment. We are looking for new partners, professionals and relevant topics for

market and this collaboration helps a lot, and they are committed to bring news to the market and matters that demand action. Fox News – How has the work of expanding CIST's performance been? Salvatore Lombardi Jr. – One of the main proposals of the new CIST management board is to expand the actuation to all Brazilian territory. Among the ways we looked for to have more arms was the partnership with the

National School of Insurance. The first result of this partnership was the unprecedented Extension Course at Post-Graduation Level in Logistics, Risks and Claims in the Supply Chain, which first class started in September 2017 and, with waiting queues, there was already the second class in 2018, and the third is confirmed for the first semester of 2019. The first classes took place in São Paulo but we are planning to take it to other states and also through distance education. The expansion through partnerships with other entities and companies in the market does not leave aside the expansion of CIST itself. We also structure ourselves to take our events to other places and the internet. After six years of important qualification events in São P a u l o , f o r p r o f e ssionals from the entire transportation insurance chain, with the presence of visitors from other states and even countries, we held our first event in another location at the end of June. Rio de Janeiro was the place chosen for this first meeting outside, but we must go through the main capitals and continue investing in the dissemination and transmission to the whole country. This event in Rio de Janeiro also highlighted the importance of CIST's partnership with the entire market: we held our event at the IRB-Re facilities, which were honored by the presence of the company president. It is with these partnerships that we will continue to


expand our activities, focusing on CIST's mission to promote integration and knowledge sharing. In September, CIST received the 2018 Golden Seagull Trophy, a prize of the magazine Seguro Total, as "Featured in Training", for the qualification work aimed at transportation insurance professionals. We are very satisfied with the fruits of our work. Fox News – This year CIST will hold the biggest edition of its annual symposium. Tell us a little what we can wait for. Salvatore Lombardi Jr – Proof of the growing interest and credibility of CIST events is that our 6th ExpoCIST Symposium, which will take place on November 23rd, will have a new venue to support the public. We had more than 700 people in the last edition, and this year we will have 1,000 participants, so the event was transferred to WTC World Trade Center São Paulo, where

we will have better structure and space for participants and exhibitors. The November event is a result of the market issues we deal with during the year, whether in our workshops or in meetings with companies and partner entities, in the pursuit of the development of transport insurance. For this edition, from 9am to 6pm there are four large panels of lectures, interspersed by coffee breaks and lunch. The exhibition fair opens at 11am and continues after the end of the lectures, along with the closing cocktail and attractions, fostering to intensify relationships with specialists

in the transport insurance industry. So far, the 6th ExpoCIST Symposium has 18 confirmed sponsors, companies in the segment that will present their products and news to congressmen, and among our largest partners are the Fox Group and its companies, which will also have booths at our event, which has already consolidated itself as the largest in the Brazilian and Latin American transport insurance market. See you there!

LOSS PREVENTION Norn launches the Risk Engineering Guide for Photovoltaic Systems (PV Systems) The Photovoltaic Systems (PV systems), known as solar power are growing in importance both in commercial and private sectors, it has been usually installed on the residences roofs and public buildings, commercial, industry and also agricultural. The direct conversion of the power radiated by the Sun in photovoltaic systems complements the conventional power generation in energy stations which are predominant nowadays. Most damages of photovoltaic systems could be avoided by a proper planned assembling. For this reason Norn Risk Consulting & Engineering, a Fox Group c o m p a n y, d e v e l o p e d t h e R i s k

Engineering Guide to be made available to customers of companies in the sector of Photovoltaic Systems. The idea is to launch guides to other areas which can avoid losses with the risk management. “The loss prevention equals securing livelihoods - this should be the ultimate for any internal security management. In case of losses, an insurance policy covers loss of materials and profit, but can not protect against permanent loss of image, customers and position in the market. From this point of view, effective prevention of losses is considered essential in industrial activities. We would like to help customers in this matter, "says Jan-Oliver Mollien, director of Norn.



Integrated Risk Management in the supply chain Norn Risk Engineering and Consulting, a Fox Group company, started its first Integrated Transport Risk Management Program for an international company from the textile and retail market in the Americas. The company, headquartered in Europe, has open capital (S.A.) with a record of USD 250,000,000 in capital, and has more than 2,000 retail stores in more than 20 countries, in Asia, Europe and Americas. The company manages just over 400 stores in Mexico and Brazil, with approximately 20,000 workers in those countries. In Brazil alone, the retailer has a turnover of more than 5,000,000 items per week, with steady growth. This enormous turnover requires an excellent and organized logistics, which the retailer has already implemented worldwide. But why is an integrated risk management program needed? Integrated risk management addresses risks at various levels of the

organization, including strategy and tactics, observing circumstances and threats. Effective implementation of integrated risk management can produce a number of benefits for the organization, which are available in a limited and usual scope of transport. In this particular case, the retailer is threatened by thieves and robbers in Mexico and Brazil, a situation that needs to be controlled. Thus, the headquarter of this retailer decided to seek a solution from the international insurer - it is at this point that the NORN Risk Engineering and Consulting was activated to follow up with the retailer, supporting and protecting the entire Supply Chain area against cargo thieves for the next three years. The challenging part is to bring together all involved - insurers, brokers, reinsurers, headquarter, distribution centers and stores.

Jan-Oliver Mollien, CEO at Norn Risk Engineering & Consulting. Master Engineer in Loss Prevention of Fire, worked for more than ten years as Senior Risk Engineer to an industrial multinational insurance.

The whole project developed with several initial meetings and in-depth studies of loss reports and prevention programs already implemented, followed by involving and keeping to the same level of knowledge all involved parties. At this point, it was clear that it is essential to clarify the different environments and criminal structures of Mexico and Brazil to the European parties, for a better understanding of the need for some of the least known abroad loss prevention measures. When we look at the criminal milieu in Mexico, for example, we need to understand the history of the drug cartels and the war against them, unleashed by former President Calderรณn. The leader sent military and police forces to the regions controlled by the cartel to eliminate and arrest the heads of the mafia. This had a negative side effect, since in the absence of the main leaders the hierarchy of the mafia was broken, thus generating new "subcartels". In addition, because of the war against drug trafficking, the other traffickers of arms and people were forced to look for new "business segments", and found in the cargo theft a way out. Since Donald Trump was elected, the American president has made this situation even worse, since he has now narrowed the border with Mexico which


blocked drug trafficking to the United States which is one of the largest and welcoming main markets of the industry worldwide. This already critical environment is mitigated by the current crisis of refugees from Central America. Several police forces are engaged in containing the mass of refugees, who are clearly accompanied by some Central American gang members such as Mara Salvatrucha MS13 and Eighteenth Street Gang M-18. When we understand this complex structure, it is necessary to see with the eyes of the cartels to understand their tactics to subtract the loads in transit, as well as to analyze the history of occurrences. These gangs are formed by small groups of four or five armed criminals, using jammer devices and acting very agile. In some cases, especially in crimes committed in the countryside, the men use uniforms and false vehicles identical to the police, forcing the drivers to stop. The most dangerous route is the 150D highway between Mexico City and the port of Veracruz. In the state of Veracruz, around 90% of the robberies are registered on Friday between 02:00 and 05:00. However, these are only small details that make up a complex risk analysis. After analyzing the characteristics of the country, it was essential for Norn team to study the logistics demand of the international retailer and temporary demands, such as Christmas sales, for example. What to do when there are no trucks and drivers with the required security standard? What to do when stores need goods in their first hours in the morning? Should it be considered on a case-by-case basis as to the permission of night drivers? Many issues raised can be solved with security companies, cargo agents, stores and central logistics department. Last but not least, all this complexity must be reported in an understandable way to the finance department (people without specific knowledge of the subject) in three languages. Now it is clear that an integrated transport risk management program needs long-term monitoring, rather than a single risk analysis.

The highest security standard in Mexico today consists of real-time monitoring of both trucks and trailers, anti-jammer devices, fuel-fired devices and roads guarded by security companies to support cargo vehicles. This service of vehicles support by security companies are very popular in Mexico, every 10 km or 20 km the company has agents and vehicles strategically positioned on the roads, so that when any vehicle register unusual activity through remote monitoring, an alarm will take over and block the engine of the truck, and at the same time the nearest agent will be designed to the location with the aim of preventing the action of the muggers by triggering the road police if necessary. This model of prevention currently frustrates 60% to 65% of burglary attempts. However, even though this model works well, it is expensive and it is a challenge for companies' logistics department to justify these costs. In this way, the next step is to create hybrid safety models, in which some transports can count on the security system by

agents in the roads and others not, that will need in this case fleets and that they respect restricted schedules and so on. The security is something flexible and dynamic especially in supply chain. However, the great advantage that Norn Risk Engineering & Consulting offers is to work in both countries, Mexico and Brazil, bringing proven measures to the other. Norn Risk Engineering and Consulting operates throughout Latin America and offers the full range of transportation risk engineering services: optimization consulting for transport packaging, mooring control and cargo security in different transport modes (land, air and water), storage risks, cargo handling (especially high and heavy), cargo project consulting and several other services. For this, we count on more than 20 year of experience in claim regulation of Fox Regulation & Audit and also my 10 years of experience in multinational transport risk engineering.



The Psychology of Technology Our current world of technology has caused psychological alterations in our thinking and behavior, which will bring increased threats to companies operating in various sectors Technology is advancing at an alarming rate; statistics reveal that there are approximately 15 billion devices currently connected; which will grow to an incredible 50 billion by 2020! In a few years, billions of devices and people will be connected in various forms, from personal fitness trackers, smarthomes, smartphones, telematics, appliances, and many other areas. All of these objects will be pushing data into the world, data that must be managed and controlled. The first challenge for many companies will be learning ways to store and manage the immense amount of data in circulation; the second priority should then be to learn methods that a company can leverage this robust information into useful strategies that support that business's mission. From a psychological perspective, we are on information overload; current advances in technology are forcing us to “live” a significant part of our lives in the virtual environment; whether it is requesting a ride from the Uber app, ordering food online, booking and managing airline and other travel documents through our phone, controlling our homes heat and lock

mechanisms remotely, and the list continues. All of this “living” we do in the virtual world has left us more detached and removed from the human element of our society. So, as professionals in your respective fields, you might be asking, how does this affect me? Well, the answer is clear, all companies in our industry are at risk, let me explain further. Researching the psychological aspects of deviant and criminal behavior is one of my core academic interests and one that I have been heavily involved with throughout the years. This topic is so fascinating it became the core foundation of my book, The Psychology of Fraud. One conclusion I can draw based on my research is that the environment does shape behavior, whether that behavior is positive or negative. Thus, companies should look for gaps and vulnerabilities where threats can penetrate, and develop focused defenses in these areas. This is based on what I term, Opportunity T h e o r y, w h i c h s t e m s f r o m t h e sociological school of criminology. Opportunity Theory states that people will exploit an opportunity only if it is presented to them, they will not actively

Dr. Michael Skiba ("Dr. Fraud") , worked in the insurance sector for 22 years before becoming an international counter fraud consultant. He is currently consulting with INFORM, an i n te r n at i o n a l fr a u d solutions and optimization company.

seek out deviance. Opportunity Theory has been proven credible on other areas, such as studies of road rage which indicate there is a direct relationship between road rage and increased opportunity while driving. Let us further explore how this theory relates to most of the clientele an insurance or financial sector company deals with on a daily basis. Opportunity Theory would be especially relevant to the large majority of insurance or financial sector policyholders. These individuals are, by and large, average consumers who could suffer a legitimate loss, accident, or other incident, but then


exploit or exaggerate this opportunity to defraud a company. These claims may be smaller than, say, a large medical provider ring, yet numerically and in aggregate insurance dollars stolen, false and exaggerated claims by average citizens may be among the largest sources of loss in the fraud world. Claiming expensive contents stolen from one's home when only a small TV was actually taken is an example of seizing an opportunity when presented. Because these occurrences occur in high volumes but are of low relative value, they fall off the radar of the company and slip through the cracks unnoticed. This deviant behavior is driven by dishonesty, which involves two factors. First, increases or decreases in one's likelihood to cheat vary with the odds that the person will get caught. This is called the deterrent effect in academic circles. That is, what deters an individual from dishonest behavior? Studies show that even people who never cheat and score high on ethics tests are more likely to cheat if the chances of detection are low to non-existent. These individuals don't “think” about it, until an opportunity is presented to them. Second is the risk-reward scale. People will make a conscious decision and weigh the relative risks and rewards of an activity, then act according to their personal risk threshold. If the reward is high and risks low, individuals are more likely to engage in dishonest behavior. This also assumes our subjects are higher cognitive individuals with the mental capacity to decide right from wrong, and yet still make the wrong choice. A personal experience exemplifies how increased opportunity can motivate fraudsters. Several years ago, I conducted an in-depth interview with a convicted serial arsonist, a criminal that defrauded millions of dollars and was successfully prosecuted. John Doe never had a prior incident with law enforcement, and had no other signs of deviant behavior. He suffered a legitimate loss and made a claim for damages and started to follow the claim protocol as explained to him. After he submitted his claim form and appropriate damages, he received a claim settlement check that was for $1,000

more than what he had claimed. This mistake by the company created an opportunity for him, a small opportunity that would grow into a four-year, multimillion dollar scam. There is hope! Companies can focus on several strategies to assist with the d i s t u r b i n g psychology of technology. At the core of these approaches is the foundational ideal that businesses must look to reduce opportunity as much as possible, even small changes from a company's perspective can have significant results. First, companies must leverage technology to help fight technology. Companies can use analytics to maximize detection and optimization with reduced efforts. One, well trained analyst utilizing the power of analytics can filter and route hundreds (of even thousands) of claims or policies, which would normally have to be reviewed using manual methods. In this manner, carriers can now focus on those claims that have the highest potential for success, making them more effective and efficient. The high performing companies that use data analytics do so in a manner that is more holistic and broader than customary systems. These businesses will insert a detection system, but also use that program in the point of sale, underwriting, or claims environment. This will bring more data in the system, data that will enrich and strengthen the results. To be effective, a company must conduct an internal inventory or vulnerability assessment and assess how they can leverage data and technology. In an insurance environment, the claims structure is one of extremely high volume, and thus can benefit significantly from leveraging data management and

analytical systems. It is important that the claims environment is not silo'd and working independent of fraud and other units. Managers must ensure that fraud detection systems are linked to the claims environment, which will create a necessary bridge of data. One area that should not be overlooked by carriers as they approach this data enriched world of 2019 is the human aspect of these efforts. Many companies are just starting to become aware that the future for success is all about data; data management, inclusion, and integration, and at the nucleus of this is technology to help manage this. However, companies, as they focus on technology, must also remember that they need capable people to run these systems and fine tune them to meet the demands of the carrier. I recently read an article about machine learning which adamantly stated that ML systems are only as good as those that are driving it. We must embrace technology, but also keep in mind that we need to include experts to run these systems to glean the most benefit. As we slowly move toward the point where 50 billion devices are connected, be sure to consider how technology has alternated the mind, and how this new “wiring” will impact your company. Be sure to focus on ways that you can develop strategies to reduce opportunity and thus lower your exposure and vulnerability, moving you ahead of the curve and the wave of technology.



Change: is it good or bad? Let's meditate about that? In a context in which we have information coming from all sides, without filters or criticism, we find ourselves in the middle of a whirlwind of thoughts. And what is really worth reflecting or wasting energy? About 10 years ago, I learned a technique that helped me control the flow of thoughts, in the face of so many things that we have to manage on a daily basis, such as work, family, projects, our future: meditation. The technique is to meditate once a day at least and write down on paper the recurring thoughts (those that do not go away). The act of writing is liberating. It is amazing how the thought goes away with the assurance that the subject will be well conducted. The golden rule is to solve as quickly as possible anything that gets notated, no matter how complex. Solve it! Otherwise your thoughts will not trust you anymore. Well, in one of those days of meditation, all the time, there was a thought about

change. I have heard from people a concern about change, always accompanied by the expression "how the company is changing!" or "the company is not the same!". I noted down that thought and then ran to write my thoughts on it. First, it seems to me that change is not something that most people like. We are accustomed to the routine and the way we do things, with relationships already established (be the boss who already knows me, the clients I have already conquered ... so on!). It was kind of when our parents needed to move from neighborhood or city and we had to move to a new school or home. It was a mix of good and bad feelings: the new house or the neighborhood was cool, but we would have to give up the friends on the street. The school did not have the same sports as the other, but the laboratory was much more modern. My son went through this recently and we talked a lot. For me, it was so normal for him to live the change and for him it was so difficult...

Fabio Luchetti, Administrative C o u n s e l o r o f Po r t o Seguro, a company he was CEO for six years.

The second point I considered in this exercise is that people should be right when they say that the company is changing. Just as people who, according to the "Sevenfold" theory, change every seven years, biologically and emotionally, a company also undergoes evolutions: it grows, it gains new markets, new products. Every month new people enter, others leave; new leaders are promoted, we win new clients. Climate, political and economic changes, and especially the actions we need to take to mitigate risks, threats, and seize opportunities,


providers, suppliers, shareholders and the community as a whole;

also cause need of changes. But for those who suffer from perceiving a change, even if it is inevitable to change, what matters is that there are feelings, troubles, insecurities, and that we have to deal with all of this. The truth of each one must be respected and it is difficult to obtain unanimity in the concepts and in what is right or wrong. So, I continued to meditate and another thought came: "Fabio, but as a leader, you need to have a good perception about changes in the face of optimistic people and pessimists. After all, everyone is part of the team, so how to reassure the most uneasy, after all, the role of leadership is to give transparency, inspiration, direction and resources. " I wrote down this thought and therefore had to solve it. Blessed hour when I learned this technique ... I rescued other concepts on how to share the changes with people, how to get a good understanding of their importance and how I lead the changes. There is an archetype in Anthroposophy * that I like very much and I learned to introduce it in my management model called "Quadrimembrada (four limbs based) Vision". It divides organizations into four dimensions: 1. Identity: the Philosophy, the Vision, the Mission and the purpose of existence of an organization; 2. Relationships: As the name says, it deals with relationships between employees, customers, brokers,

3. Processes: this dimension addresses how products and services reach customers, how we manage projects, generate results, and manage expenses; how we serve customers, monitor risks, innovate, etc .; 4. Resources: the necessary tools to develop well all the activities of the organization (its real estate, fleet of vehicles, hardware, software, labor). Well, in view of this vision, the dimensions in which I always pay close attention to this need for change (and fast) are the "Processes" and the "Resources". The dynamics of the external environment, globalization, technology, everything moves very fast. Every day, we come across innovations with new solutions that break conservative and classic concepts of economics: just see the amount of applications that arise today that cause significant disruptions in the way society does things. New companies arise and others succumb because of a lack of strategic vision and, above all, the ability to selfdiagnose, create their own crises, change, innovate, do differently. Some of you will remember Varig. And suddenly Gol appeared. Why was Varig, which had market leadership, not been able to reinvent itself? The Polaroid, which printed photos at the time? Taxi apps, which ran over the classic models of radio taxi, and now allows parents to let their teenage children safely pick up taxis alone? For some, these changes were excellent

and generated opportunities. And for others, perhaps the most affected or impacted, the changes were terrible. Where should we focus then? in innovation, in maintenance or both? Now, I also spend a lot of energy and focus on the dimensions in which the changes are worrying and even threatening that is in "Identity" and "Relationships." These dimensions are timeless and the changes need to be very subtle, carefully orchestrated and engaging everyone as they give the tone and soul to the company. An organization must never forget the success factors that propelled it in the past to the present, but neither can it ignore the future, with all the unpredictability and chaos that presents itself. So I concluded the solution of my thinking, because I understood that it is normal for people to feel insecure and afraid of change, they take us out of the comfort zone. But at the same time, they are necessary to preserve success in the future, and no matter the size of fear, we must protect Identity and Relationships and be creative and daring in processes and resources. So now, I can go back to meditation and hope to have new thoughts to be able to bring me new reflections. And you: what do you think when you notice changes? What is your perception about your company being changing? Are they making the right decisions? Are the changes focused on processes and resources? Are you protecting identity and purpose? Share with me what you think so we can exchange ideas on the subject.

* Anthroposophy (word derived from the Greek "anthropรณs", man, and "sophia", wisdom) is a philosophy of life elaborated at the beginning of this century by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). This method of knowledge that approaches the human being in its physical, vital, spiritual and soul levels, and shows how these natures, absolutely different from each other, act in constant interrelationship.



How to become irreplaceable in the innovation era? I always liked the theme "excellence", especially in the service area. When we like it, we always observe around us (even unintentionally) what we consider to be excellent and what we consider to be medium. Observing with a critical eye from the beginning of my professional life, I came to the conclusion that all that has been replaced by technology were medium services. I looked for in memory a service that was rendered with excellence and was replaced. I did not find. Do you know why? We do not exchange what is excellent. We test and then replace what is medium, bad. What brings us satisfaction and enchantment, we always keep! Recently, economist Ricardo Amorin said that the profession of insurance broker has a 99% chance of ending in a short period. A friend who is not in the insurance business sent the story and asked me, "What do you think?" I replied that I always sought excellence and hope to be part of the honorable 1%. I argued

with the friend, but with the tranquility of not being one more. Honestly, the profession of insurance broker will not end. Okay, it will change a lot. So how do you keep on changing scenario, innovation, where everything happens so fast? It's simple (but do not confuse it with easy)! Seek the excellence in your service, anticipate the desires of the customers and create ways so that your service is irreplaceable. If it is medium, your client will test an alternative (even if it is not good), if it is more practical, he will prefer the new tool. How do I anticipate a customer request? Write down during a period (it can be for a day, fifteen days or a month) the requests of your clients. Select the ones that are the most recurring. Adjust your operation so that the information reaches the customers, without them having to ask you. This is the beginning to understand what your customers expect from you or from your business.

Roberto Schimith, Par tner Founder of Insert Seguros, a broker company that operates exclusively with transport insurance.

Another simple and valuable tip is to ask, "So-and-so, tell me what I, or my company, can do to improve the attendance?" Important: Be prepared to listen, even if you do not agree, write down and thank for cooperation. Reflect, most of the time, the information will help you to better serve. Believe me, reaching excellence is not difficult. The challenge lies in maintaining that focus, improving processes, anticipating customer requests, and keeping the team engaged in exceeding customer expectations.



Use of technology to incorporate digital, human and innovative services Nothing is older than saying that technology has changed the way we work and do business everywhere in the world. Artificial intelligence is already a reality and even the most traditional industries have surrendered to digital solutions to improve processes and deliver services tailored to their customers' needs. In the insurance market, the digital transformation is the best way for companies to seek results and performance. But we are late on this path. Other sectors already do their homework longer than the insurance market. We already know that the technological changes that we are going through will shape the way insurance will be conducted in the future, by offering simplified, intelligent and competitive pricing products. To stay in the game, companies must set foot on the accelerator in the search to implement digital solutions, adopt more efficient processes, and implement advanced mathematical models which can leverage results in a healthy way. All gain in this equation: 1) insurers, who will have agile processes

and greater profitability; 2) brokers, who can offer customizable products, adapted to the profile of each insured; 3) and customers, who will have quality services at fair prices. For this reason, we are more and more talking about solutions such as open insurance, block chain, IoT and machine learning, technologies adopted to optimize processes and make them assertive. With the digital resources we have today, it is possible, for example, to cross-reference data and evaluate the risk profile of a particular driver, which may reduce the renewal of the insurance or even works as a history for future quotation with other companies. Another example is chatbot, an artificial intelligence able to chat with the client via chat and solve problems in a more agile way. This solution is a global trend in many industries and HDI was the first insurance company in Brazil to adopt it on its Facebook page in 2017. But while technology is critical, insurers rely on other determining

Murilo Riedel, CEO of HDI Seguros

factors that make them good or bad. The humanized, welcoming service, coupled with a team of professionals engaged in creating innovative and mathematically profitable solutions is what makes a good company. It is not the technology that makes a better insurer, but the way that insurer uses its resources to improve its services. It's about that and other topics I want to deal with from now on my LinkedIn page, which is a very efficient platform for sharing knowledge and experiences. I will often bring insights and analysis to the insurance market and invite everyone to follow up and leave your comments.



Contracting logistic services, risk management and insurance coverage demand evaluation that considers the “cost/benefits� relation It is a fact that the outsourcing of logistics services is a growing phenomenon not only in Brazil but all over the world. And this has been happening to the extent that users, in addition to being satisfied with the purchased services, also come to understand that this is the shortest and most efficient way to improve their supply chains, either in reducing their inventory, in the best attendance to their customers or in reducing their costs. Also, as several researches show and day-to-day experience, at the beginning o f t h e p r o c e s s , s i m p l e r, m o r e operational logistics services were purchased. But now, with a more strategic focus, companies are outsourcing more complex activities which can improve their processes and

information technology, key items to the good performance of these activities and operational excellence. It is also observed that the reasons for which companies seek outsourcing are the most diverse. If cost reduction was the priority before, today there are several others with the same level of importance: greater efficiency and reduction of investments in assets, focus on its own core business, greater operational flexibility and access to the most advanced technologies are also quite cited by entrepreneurs. And more: considerations regarding q u a l i t y, o p e r a t i o n a l e x c e l l e n c e , s e c u r i t y, d e l i v e r y g u a r a n t e e s , relationships and ethics also have increased their importance when

Paulo Roberto Guedes is ex p e r t I n L o g i s t i c , Counselor at ABOL – Brazilian Association of Logistic Operators.

choosing an operator to outsource the company's logistics activities. This is so true, that among the main reasons for replacing one logistics operator with another, the first three refer to the poor quality of the service provided, the low flexibility to changes and the low capacity to propose new logistics solutions. Relationship difficulties, lack of technological qualification and ethical problems are pointed out as the reasons that have evolved most in the users' dissatisfaction with outsourced logistics services, according to research carried out by the Logistics Institute (ILOS). It c/is possible to conclude though that this is a clear and evident demonstration that the choice of a new operator is closely linked to the concept of the "cost / benefit" relationship. That is, the evaluation, while considering the prices paid, including comparing them with competitors, also considers the benefits received. All of this information is extremely important, especially for logistical operators, because they reinforce the fact that logistics service contractors consider the cost / benefit ratio to be an essential contracting concept. This corroborates and proves, especially in the more mature markets and for a significant number of companies that the service providers are


willing to outsource their activities, including those more complex, even at higher prices, since the benefits obtained will guide their decisions. Accepting, therefore, that the concept of "cost / benefit" is an integrating part of the processes that analyze, evaluate and select companies that provide logistics services, it is essential that logistics be placed at the top of the hierarchy of companies and aligned with the strategy itself of these companies, since it is also responsible for the success of the business and it does not limit itself to establishing purchasing processes that only evaluate the prices of the services to be acquired. Chopra and Meindl define 'strategic alignment' as the pursuit of the same objectives, that is, the compatibility of priorities between contractor and contracted (Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, "Supply Chain Management:

Strategy, Planning and Operation." São Paulo, Prentice Hall, 2003). The same must occur when contracting risk management services, insurance brokerage services or any other services directly related to logistics, as it has become essential to align logistics operations, risk management programs and the respective insurance coverage, and from these, with the needs and requirements of the customers and their respective supply chains. Undoubtedly, when acquiring these services, one must "take into account" evaluations based on the concept of the relationship between costs and benefits. Nowadays, with the most frequent crises and 'endless' moments of uncertainty and insecurity, with the risks inherent in business activities and operations increasingly complex, as well as legislation dealing with tax, civil and criminal responsibilities, corporations

and shareholders, every day have their assets put at risk. And this has undoubtedly created even greater difficulties for risk management and insurance programs to be hired efficiently, properly adapted to the new reality, and at the end, to achieve security for all. Given this scenario, it seems to be in a consolidation by service providers, the understanding that the acquisition of logistics services, which include risk management and insurance coverage, is much more complex than the purchase of commodities, , in which only the price of the product or service is important for analysis and evaluation. The operators, on the other hand, start understanding that it is imperative to offer services with competitive costs, but above all c u s t o m e r- o r i e n t e d , w i t h q u a l i t y, operational excellence, security, innovative attitudes, respect for ethics and the environment.

IN THE MEDIA The Insurance Law The 2nd Edition of the Insurance Seminary, held by Haüptli Lawyers & Associates, a Fox Group company, was highlighted in a two-page article in the Magazine Apólice (policy). “Haüptli Lawyers & Associates reunites experts to debate relevant subjects to the insurance market”, says the article.



Saving the Capitalism from the capitalists The October 2018 elections brought to light a political phenomenon of transformative dimensions; a true point of mutation, to use the common language. Electors from all over Brazil, united in a message of strong ideological content, made a choice for a somewhat radical change in the way politics is done and the very concept of politics, as traditional parties were practically swept away from the National Congress and, for the first time in history, an election has been won without the use of official campaign space and abundant financial resources, which gives the winner a dual responsibility. First, it will be up to the winner to reaffirm campaign commitments and to actually implement a liberal agenda, deconstructing the links and fetters of promiscuous relations between the state and the private sector, either through i n c e s t u o u s p r o x i m i t y, w i t h t h e consequent supply and distribution of subsidies and tax relief, or by providing cheap credit to friendly companies. The agenda should also be complemented primarily with a comprehensive reform of the State itself, with a review of job plans and administrative functions, cuts of redundancy and termination of privileges, in particular the federal government's pension system, a relevant point for the rationalization of public administration, with the abolition of unnecessary organs, ministries and cost centers. The state, which has grown by the incorporation of functions other than the provision of essential services to the population, such as education, health and security, has become a source of inefficiency and loss of productivity. The long recession that the Brazilian economy has lived in the last four

years, the result of a series of irrational temptations and choices, has led the economy to a real state of anemia, a kind of lethargy, with loss of thrust and credibility, and bankruptcy of the government's ability to adopt consistent measures of fiscal balance. It is a spiral of public divestment with a drop in the investment rate to the lowest level in recent history. A more realistic assessment of the economic picture, in a long-term perspective, inevitably has to lead to the diagnosis of the need for realignment of the State, which can be achieved through privatizations, concessions, corporate arrangements via possible public-private partnerships and opening of the economy to international trade, in scale and stages compatible with the presence of strong protectionist temptations coming from some partner consumer markets. Another important point is the need to redesign the financial and capital markets, cautiously encouraging the development of experiments related to fintechs and insurtechs, opting for a model of financial services offering in terms and conditions more appropriate to a cycle of recovery of economic activity. T h e re a d i n g o f t h e p ro - re f o r m agenda Raghuran Rajan and Luigi Zingales, two Chicago professors in a famous book entitled "Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists", bring a broad and documented defense of the benefits of a free-market system. The book indicates that only healthy and competitive financial markets can be an effective tool in the diffusion of opportunities, in the fight against poverty and especially in economic

Rene Garcia Jr, Doctor in Economics FGV-RJ, Director of the economic consultancy RG Associados, he was Superintendent of Susep.

growth. Without innovative financial markets, the economy only tends to the prettification and decline. The book shows that most of the prosperity, innovation, and growing opportunities of the last few decades must be attributed to the resurgence of free markets, especially the financial markets, where the capital market figure in its broadest concept plays a decisive role. In another relevant work, the economists Keneth Rogoff and Carmem Reinhart, " This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial F o l l y, " p r e s e n t a c o m p r e h e n s i v e analysis of the wide diversity of financial crises, and guide us throughout the study period on appalling cases of public debt defaults, bank panic and inflation outbreaks, the fruits of debt crises, waste of public money and / or inconsistent fiscal and monetary policies. From this analysis emerges the concept, well articulated in the economic literature, of the unsustainability of the trajectory of the Debt / GDP ratio, in percentages above 80%, a phenomenon identified in emerging countries. In this regard, the need to revise the debt ratio as a proportion of GDP recommends making immediate


certain sequential order: Social Security Reform, Tax Reform (redesign of the duties and competencies of federative entities), Administrative Reform (positions, commissions, organs and public entities). The need to adopt a set of actions and policies aimed at aggregating productivity, with the strengthening of inclusive policies (generation of employment and opening of new businesses) is also highlighted.

decisions to reverse the trend, with the adoption of policies to cut expenses and reduction of the public deficit, at the present time in equivalent percentages to 2.5% to 3.5% of GDP. Abrupt moves to revise Public Expenditures and privilege cuts are complex issues that are difficult to

implement due to the wide range of corporate and political interests involved. However, exposed the critical situation in which the Brazilian economy is, the moment is of national convergence around the approval of the so-called reforms, which, by criteria of political eligibility, can not fail to observe a

The coming months will be decisive in the construction of a future with less uncertainties and in the definition of an environment of convergence of interests and valorization of stability in economic relations. Undoubtedly, these are the elements necessary for the sustainable resumption of economic activity and adherence to a cycle of economic recovery and falling unemployment.

ECONOMICS Economic scenario in Latin America is getting better On a recent visit to Brazil, Thomas Holzheu, chief economist at the Swiss Re Institute for the Americas, gave an analysis of the current economic scenario in Latin America. The executive stressed that the continent is going through the end of a political process that has taken place during the last 18 months, in which conservative leaders prevailed from the fiscal point of view. Holzheu also pointed to a gradual resumption of growth in the region after the sharp deceleration between 2014 and 2016. Holzheu, who attended an event with insurance brokers, also highlighted that financial conditions in Latin America are improving thanks to a rise in international prices of various

commodities. According to the executive, the recent renegotiation of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement - economic block formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico) should have limited impact in the region. Overall, monetary policy in Latin America is positive and under control, despite some exceptions. It is also worth noting that the economies of the region still remain very exposed to tightening monetary policies in the G7 countries, particularly the United States, "says Holzheu. About Brazil, the executive highlighted the potential for the country to retake its growth path at the end of 2019, even with the recent downward revision of

forecasts for GDP growth, Gross Domestic Product. The executive also spoke about the recent rise in consumer prices and the trend of inflation. "Foreign exchange pressures and the high cost of energy have caused inflation to rise, but it is still under control. We have seen a recovery in household consumption, a direct result of low inflation and favorable monetary policies. Recent political and social tensions still cause uncertainty in consumer and business confidence, but there is room for moderate growth in the short term, "Holzheu says. For more information about Swiss RE Institute, access:



Life Insurance Sales Leaders reunited With the participation of international lecturers, an unprecedented event in Brazil has brought valuable guidance for insurance brokers to increase sales in the segment. The CVG-SP (SĂŁo Paulo Life in Group Club) and Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) celebrated the success of MDRT Day Brazil, held on October 25 in the city of SĂŁo Paulo. The unprecedented event in the country brought together life insurance sales leaders from various countries, members of MDRT, an international association with more than 66,000 members, which brings together the best life insurance brokers and financial market professionals in the world. At the opening ceremony, the Brazilian National Anthem and the United States Anthem, home country of MDRT, were performed on classical guitar and guitar, respectively, by the musician Marcelo Cohen. Experts from Australia, the United States, Panama, Portugal and Brazil presented valuable guidance and tips to achieve professional success in the marketing of life insurance for a crowded audience attended by almost 400 people. "For CVG-SP, it was a great achievement to bring this event to the country and to contribute to the specialization and improvement of professionals working in the area of life and pension insurance sales," said Silas Kasahaya, president of CVG-SP.

Silas Kasahaya, president of CVG-SP

The attributes of a good seller: "invest in you." This advice from investor Warren Buffett served to reinforce the thesis of Australian Ross Vanderwolf, president of MDRT, that only through much study and preparation one can overcome professional challenges. Although considering life insurance a difficult area, Ross believes that discipline and planning are the attributes needed to become a good seller. One method that Ross has used for 30 years is the recording of all insurance sales data, including visits, meetings, phone calls, and any other contact with the insured. Despite the simplicity, he says it was this method that helped him initially believe in his career, increase his sales since the first years, and get the qualification to become a member of MDRT. "By registering everything, you'll have metrics to evaluate your performance and find out what you need to improve on," he said. Emotion on sale – A true showman, the Panamanian Beto Boutet, ambassador of MDRT, interacted with the audience. He made everyone stand up and repeat

Ross Vanderwolf, president of MDRT

several times and aloud the phrase "I am a gladiator". In addressing the theme "Communicating with reason, to provoke action," the specialist transmitted motivational messages. "I do not want to sell, I want to influence" was one of his messages for reflection. Boutet stated that he is moved by emotion and that many of us are also, but we do not realize. He proved his thesis by citing striking dates, such as Sept. 11, when most people remember where they were and what they were


doing. According to a specialist, using the emotion at the time of the sale can bring good results. For that, you have to disconnect from everything that is negative and ignore bad news. Boutet has revealed that to energize the day and maintain good humor, he does not leave home without watching motivational videos. Investing in knowledge - According to Igor de Brito, a member of MDRT Portugal, selling life insurance requires knowledge, especially to convince the client that he is not immortal. "I often say that after a year of learning, I'm already outdated. Our customers have Google, so why would they need us? "Investing in knowledge and using technology in sales are ways, in his view, of making insurance protection an instrument in building a better life for the client. Igor divided the sales work into three types: simple selling (with a generic product); extended sale (with products that aggregate services); and integrated sale (which integrates several resources, including technological, for an exponential sale). Since he became an entrepreneur, he practices the integrated sale. He created a product that brings together personal, family, medical, care and investment services. The sale of this product is advisable. "We must form our client so that he realizes our value," he said. Example of overcoming - One of the most touching moments of the event was the story of the life story of JoĂŁo Paulo Bottecchia, ambassador of MDRT to Latin America. In chronological order, he related all the adversities that he faced until today, beginning with the disability of his father, at the age of 40, after an accident, when he was still a baby. Due to the lack of personal accident insurance, the family faced financial difficulties. The mother died of cancer in 1999, and despite having insurance she received no compensation because the coverage was personal accidents. A few years ago, Bottecchia was

diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a degenerative disease. But that did not stop him from achieving success in the insurance broker profession, of becoming a mentor to the career of several colleagues, and of establishing a family. He is the father of a 12-yearold boy. The specialist said he often tells his story to customers to show the importance of having insurance. "Look into customers' eyes; that's how I sell", he said. Higher earnings - Then, Caio Henrique Cunha, Latin American Chair of MDRT and Tiago Melo, Country Chair Brazil, both leaders and promoters of MDRT in Brazil and also responsible for bringing the event to the country, explained the step by step to become a member of the association, the benefits and results. Caio Cunha, informed the criteria for the association at three levels. It is necessary to add R $ 181,700.00 of sales commissions in the first year to qualify in the MDRT. In the second year, to become a Court of Table you need to triple that amount, $ 545,100.00. And to occupy the rank of Top of the Table, six times the value, $ 1,090,200.00. Tiago Melo, said that the greater the number of participation in meetings and involvement with MDRT, the greater the career acceleration and the greater the financial gains. "The broker becomes more assertive with participation and becomes more confident in communicating with the client," he said. He showed data that compares the sales of professionals in the market with the billing of MDRT members. While the market can earn R $ 55 thousand between the first and fourth year, the MDRT member can earn R $ 150 thousand. The comparison is progressive until reaching the volume of R $ 500 thousand for the member of the MDRT and R $ 125 thousand for the professional of the market in the same period. Target Market - The last talk of the event was presented by Walter Katz, MDRT Top of the Table, which addressed the

theme "Find your target market and build successful practices." His most important orientation to increase sales is to establish the target market, which can start from a segment (real estate brokers and others), from a professional category (doctors, lawyers etc.), from a demographic base (age, gender, income etc.) or geographical (city, region, neighborhood or even another country). Katz has more than one target market. One of them is the market of gastroenterologists, of Houston, in the United States. "My goal is for every gastroenterologist in the city to be my client," he said. Another one is the SME segment, because among large compan i e s t h e c o m p e t i t i o n i s g r e a t e r. However, each small business owner represents around more 30 sales of employee retirement plans. "I like taking care of people and helping them to take responsibility for their financial future," he said. Partnership - The good receptivity of the market to MDRT Day Brazil, which in three business days sold out almost 400 invitations, was the result, according to Tiago Melo, of the support of CVG-SP. "The complicity between MDRT and CVG-SP reflected in the market and people understood that," he said. The MDRT chairman agreed. "It w a s a w o n d e r f u l e n c o u n t e r. Congratulations to the organizers and the speakers, "he said. Caio Cunha classified the event as a transformative. Faced with the success of this first event, he believes that Brazil could become a permanent site for the next editions. To ratify his project, he consulted the audience and received a resounding "yes" to begin preparations for the next meeting. Ross Vanderwolf praised the organization of the encounter and defined the focus. "We are here representing people who are looking to improve their careers," said MDRT president. The president Silas Kasahaya concluded: "CVG-SP and MDRT have in common the mission of disseminating knowledge".



Building bridges around the world Two things excite me on facing the opportunities life offers us every day: what we learn when we know nothing and what we become after learning.

relationships with others. Although I have had the experience of changing countries so many times, each situation presents itself as a different challenge.

Every day I learn that relationships are all we have. All things in the world exist only because they relate to everything else and in this diversity of knowledge and people, everything finds the perfect synchrony. Nothing exists isolated or stays isolated for long.

Changing scenario also implies changing habits, customs, the way of making new friends, not to mention that all my references were left behind. The way was gradually to abandon old points of views which would make my adaptation more difficult and invest in a new way of seeing the world from a different perspective.

Every day you meet new people, you acquire new habits, you realize that at every moment the needs change and how to supply them too, so I can safely say that success in any area in life, but specifically in the business world, is intimately connected to the work done with people and not against them. Those who intuitively establish their network based on strong relationships have greater ability to establish important business and expand ideas and expand the future anywhere in the world, regardless of differences in culture, scenario or even the language barrier. If you ask any successful executive about what tools he has used to succeed on his business, he will certainly talk about people. If you insist and want to know what the most innovative methodology he has used to strengthen his enterprise and he will comment on people, this is because the people you meet along the way that determine your finish line. It may take longer to find the way out of a problem or you can get advice from anyone who has gone through it before and get to the right place faster. This happens for a very simple reason: people usually do business with whom they know, trust, and admire. I have, in the past, taken some time to figure out the right way to establish

The relationships influence our whole trajectory through the emotional involvement we build with people. When they like and trust you, the doors of the world open with credibility. When we choose a profession, we invest so much in the career and in the search for an adequate specialization that every sacrifice seems to make sense. It's the first marriage plan we draw. We do not think about the possibility of going wrong. We have invested every effort and plan possible to get it right from the beginning, without supposing that for a moment, a frustration comes in the middle of the road and a whole life ends at the edge of the road. In the United States, incredible as it may seem, it's not a barn that makes it easy for you to build a huge network of friends. In certain cities, the friendship cycle is usually small, but bonds of trust are much stronger. The American has a habit of creating small strongholds, where you will find certain types of people. Churches, schools, clubs, community centers in which the community maintains a certain type of contact, around the same collective habit, transforming relationships into an economic cycle in which friends and neighbors are seen as

Jรถel Thrinidad, International Relationship, expert on People Management and writer.

business partners, making relationships stronger and safer, even if people do not have the habit of calling or seeing each other often. Social relationships tend to transform our individual talent into a brand which people defend when they believe. When you begin to treat people with loyalty and honesty, your actions give value to your purpose and this makes you a potential partner. People come to see you as a branding, a brand and consequently begin to develop for you a strong and lasting relationship, as consumers who feel supported by what they need. In a consumer society such as the United States, where consumer relations make people incarcerated in individual structured islands, bonding and spontaneous friendship with people can go beyond what they expect and in these cases come to surprise and go beyond of expectation. Every day I am surprised, living a different reality in every way. It's as if I've given to my professional and personal experiences an amplifier that made even those advices written in the best bestseller of all time audible, not to mention opening my eyes to the real plans that truly matter. The need to impress others and the worry about appearances go away, and


you get right to the point that matters: the result, and this, the Americans know how to do it like nobody else. One day I was discussing with a coworker on how to improve a portfolio of services for a campaign that would come out in a few days, he made me see that a lot of everything I've been planning all morning was going far away from what mattered most: gaining the trust of my client by giving him, what he really needed: time gain, cost reduction and immediate result. Perhaps at that moment, I was more concerned with gilding the pill than precisely giving the patient the certainty of healing. The American has a very outspoken way of dealing with unusual and professional situations, making it as personal as possible, even if it is anything but personal.

They do not waste time with ceremonies, lengthy introductions or formalities; on the contrary, they are informal to the extreme. Direct and objective, they are able to draw attention to the functions of a remote control as if he and the customer were old acquaintances, adjusting the sound of the TV, before a baseball match and if by chance the remote control stops working for whatever reason, they are quick not to leave the customer waiting, they soon try to remedy the customer's dissatisfaction by replacing the broken device without bureaucracy, this is because customer satisfaction is worth much more than repairing an unexpected problem. Owner of the best and most famous products and brands in the world, you may wonder that the American's preference is on the label and the

brand of the products displayed in the s h o p w i n d o w, b u t y o u ' r e w r o n g . Everything has a rigor of quality so expressive that both the most expensive or cheaper products almost always have the same specifications and conditions of use and durability as the products of little-known brands that make Americans the most disinterested in consuming fashion products simply by the value that people give to products than people. By itself this already justifies the stripped-down style of the most admirable entrepreneurs in the world like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Z u c k e r b e rg . Wo r k a h o l i c s , w h i l e seemingly disinterested in how to sell an idea, Americans do not waste much time on formalities and go straight to the focus of what really matters without worrying about whether the shoe is matching with the belt.

EVENT Lecture presents business perspectives in the insurance guarantee in auctions and administrative contracts Dr. Bruno Lacerda GusmĂŁo, a partner at HaĂźptli Lawyers & Associates, a Fox Group company, was invited by the Professional Qualification Center Seg News to take part in the panel "Guarantee Insurance: business prospects with the renewable energy works, sanitation, bids and public administration contracts", during the I Seminar on Risk Management, Insurance and Civil Construction Claims. The event took place on September 20 at the San Raphael hotel in SĂŁo Paulo, bringing together professionals from insurance companies and insurance brokers, lawyers, and claims regulators. Dr. Bruno highlighted in his speech the business prospects in bids and adminis-

trative contracts for the insurance guarantee. He explained that due to the economic instability and the electoral period, there was a significant drop in the volume of bids in 2018, but with the stability of the new government this market should be reheated. "The bids will increase in 2019 and, consequently, the sales of the insurance guarantee. Next year we expect GDP growth to 2.5%, "he said. The project of the

New Bidding Law, the advantages and disadvantages that will arise with this legislative amendment have also been addressed.



Preventing is the best remedy In medicine, when we speak of prevention, it means that we aim to prevent the onset of a disease, prevent or intercept its evolution or even rehabilitate the patient, avoiding the incapacitation. The work carried out by the preventive medicine professional is reflected in the general health conditions of the patient, reducing drug costs, increasing productivity, reducing absenteeism and improving family life. We can divide prevention into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary Prevention Primary prevention is present at the time when the disease is not installed yet. Its promotion is by general measures such as adequate housing, education at all levels, food, leisure, sports, etc. As well as through specific measures like immunization, personal and environmental hygiene, accident protection, genetic counseling. Primary prevention, therefore, has as its main objective to prevent the onset of any disease. MedFox acts in primary prevention by conducting lectures on sexuality, smoking, alcoholism, physical

i n a c t i v i t y, f o o d , p e r s o n a l a n d environmental hygiene, motivational, prevention of chronic and genetic diseases.

Dr. Robinson Seabra is D o c t o r, T e c h n i c a l Director of MedFox. Graduate in Medicine at Estรกcio de Sรก University, graduate in Physiotherapy at Mogi das Cruzes University, postgraduate student in Endocrinology.

Laboratory tests: fasting glycemia, lipid profile, liver function, renal function, pancreatic function, thyroid function, pulmonary function, hormonal dosages, serology for hepatitis and other infectious diseases, gynecological and urological preventive exams and tumor markers. Image exams: screening for cardiovascular diseases, renal, liver, cerebrovascular disease, cancer screening (mammograms, gynecological ultrasound, prostate, abdomen, pelvis, and thyroid). Secondary Prevention Secondary prevention occurs when the disease is already present in the patient therefore its main objective is to provide an early diagnosis and treatment, thus avoiding permanent or temporary complications and sequels caused by the disease. The development of screening tests has made it possible to detect latent diseases in individuals considered at risk. Pre-symptomatic diagnosis and treatment through screening programs are referred to as

secondary prevention because it is a secondary line of defense of the disease. Although they do not prevent the cause, they can prevent permanent sequels. In this type of prevention, MedFox works with screening programs and specialized medical care. The MedFox screening exams include basic laboratory, clinical and other more a d v a n c e d i m a g i n g : H o l t e r, m a p , echocardiogram, ultrasound, and mammography. Tertiary Prevention Tertiary prevention aims to rehabilitate the patient with the disease, who has undergone some treatment or not, preventing their social, work or family incapacity. Its promotion happens through physiotherapy, occupational t h e r a p y, p s y c h o t h e r a p y, t h a t i s , measures that can provide life quality to the patient. In these cases the actions of MedFox reach psychology and physiotherapy treatments. Preventing is fundamental. In some situations, the actions of the doctor and the patient are not enough to prevent the onset of the disease, but they can certainly provide an early diagnosis, minimizing the need for more aggressive treatments, preventing sequels of diseases and treatments, and especially increasing the chances of cure.



The Insurance Market in 2033 After all, who is going to be responsible for accidents with self-driving cars and farming equipment, drones or robots that do surgeries? Predictions are always complex, especially when we are dealing with technology and innovation in today's world, when everything can change from one moment to another. So understanding and knowing where we are going in the quest for the new frontier of the insurance market is no less than a nice challenge. Perhaps the year reported in the title of this article in the future will prove to be mistaken probably for less - but it is undeniable that we are plotting a very interesting path, with intriguing strands, both for those who buy insurance (customers) and those who manufacture (insurers) and to those who distribute this product (brokers). The focus of the insurance industry is changing and this is undeniable. If, at present, the essence is in "detecting" and "repairing", it will soon change to "anticipate" and "prevent", in order to mainly reduce the number of accidents and possible avoidable accidents. There is an estimate that the number of accidents that exist today will be reduced by 30%. This will be possible with the forceful entry of the focus on accident prevention and real-time risk monitoring. And even if the accident is inevitable, the agility in this process will be enormous, because warnings can be sent through chatbots, and the help can be provided more quickly, and later, there will be sophisticated analyzes to study the problem so that it can be, once again, minimized. In addition to shifting the focus to prevention rather than reparation, it will be evident the need of adaptation to which the brokers, insurers and service providers will be subjected, as these companies will focus primarily on processes to improve the customer experience across the journey, from the hiring, processes during validity of the

policy, through the accident, to, finally, to the renewal. Having said that, it is important to stress that yes, technology is very important, but the client's centrality can never be lost. And, in a few years, they will also expect different processes, such as t a i l o r- m a d e p r o d u c t s , a ff o r d a b l e prices, invisible, simple and fast techniques, flexible coverage and progressive discounts through the use of good behavior programs – applications (Apps) which will advice about health, direction etc. It is a lost effort to try to go against the wishes of the current customers who are already starting to give small signs of their wishes. Failure to keep up with this will be a big problem for small, medium or large conglomerates as they will get hit by the facts. But it will not just be the customers who will benefit from these changes. Companies, especially insurers, will also benefit immeasurably, since the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA) will redefine the industry in several ways. The data explosion will enable insurers to better understand their customers, accurately pricing and deliver services instantly regardless of the situation. A clear example of this is the use of watches that measure the vital data of an insured, and send warnings and recommendations when something comes out of the usual, such as drastic changes in heart rate. Again, prevention being a main actor, not a supporting actor. These changes will bring impact even in the concept of risk and who is responsible for what. After all, who is going to be responsible for accidents with self-driving cars and farming equipment, drones or robots that do

Marcelo Blay, CEO at Minuto Seguros

surgeries? This is something to be thought about and explored, especially when this will open up new opportunities for the sale of products, services and sales and service channels. But the benefits for insurers are not exhausted, as it is time to talk about underwriting risks which is something that is not so clear today, but will undergo transformations in the coming years. I believe that the main point will be that much of the collection of information will no longer be necessary as public and private data will be available. And it will not end there: I can predict artificial intelligence by establishing risk profiles, instant quotations for all products, telematics and the internet of things generating huge databases, product enhancement and pricing through machine learning and so on. I confess that it gives some anxiety to know when all of this will actually be happening. But even in 2033, some components will still separate the winners from the losers. Who does not include the human element in the business relationship will lose. It is correct to say that there is no technology, or something close, that replaces empathy, emotion, passion, creativity, feeling and solidarity. It is hard to imagine technology replacing human heat, so necessary at times that we need the comfort of a friendly shoulder.



Route 2030 – What can we expect for the automotive sector in the coming years? With the end of the Inovar Auto in 2017, the Route 2030 was conceived with the guideline of searching the modernization of the Brazilian fleet and meet international requirements, which were not considered by the former program created in the Rousseff government. The new program aims to establish rules for vehicles produced and commercialized marketed in Brazil over the next 15 years, as well as the investments required to improve its entire Brazilian automotive chain, energy efficiency targets, mandatory items and new technologies to be applied in vehicles. Divided into three phases, the 2018-2022 period contemplates initiatives where the government is expected to achieve a 12% goal of energy efficiency improvements in day-to-day and light commercial vehicles. The proposal would be an average of 1.62 MJ / km issued by passenger cars. However, among the many aspects of the automotive sector that Route 2030 should impact, I would like to stick to what changes (or not) for the auto parts segment. In general, the program has concerns

about strengthening the development of the auto parts sector, through incentives such as supply chain training, carried out in partnerships with private and public initiative. In addition, we can expect an effort to simplify our tax system, something slow and that has a negative impact on the cash of entrepreneurs in the sector. Another point that we must consider is that the Rota 2030 program establishes actions that take us to a global competitive level, which allows us to think about a broad strategy that moves us, in fact, into the hall of global auto parts manufacturers and dealers, with representation in strategic countries. Finally, we can not ignore what the future holds. With the rapid advance of technological solutions in the automotive sector, the auto parts sector will be impacted. The search for energy efficiency will boost the production of electric vehicles and their batteries, structural materials of lower weight, in addition, the new mandatory safety equipment will introduce a new range of parts and

Alexandre Ponciano, Commercial Director of S o l e r a H o l d i n g I n c. , company that provides digital technology to manage risks and assets to the auto sector.

accessories, among other demands that should represent important changes and need of adaptation by the entire supply chain and industry professionals. We see this trend strengthened by the growing search for sustainable consumption, especially by a large portion of the world's younger population. Therefore, the entrepreneur of the Brazilian auto parts industry must be aware of the evolution of Route 2030. In this way, he will be able to follow the changes and seek competitive advantages in this new market.



Protection against the non-payment The political and economic crisis scenario brings more than bad and challenging situations, credit has become scarce, and delinquency has increased, providing opportunities to innovate, change behaviors and find new solutions. One of the difficulties experienced by companies today is the defaults, and to protect themselves from these losses, companies have started looking for more credit insurance that provides a safety net for receivable assets. In the event of default, the company is indemnified and avoids jeopardizing the loss of its portfolio. This insurance can be tailored to the size, segment and business needs of each client. This modality of insurance is not recent in Brazil; it began with a demand of the multinational companies that felt the need to be guarded against possible defaults. Another concern was the domino effect that the lack of payment would cause in the market in general. When the company stops receiving, it consequently fails to pay, creating a cycle of defaults and contaminating the market.

Credit insurance is a powerful tool that avoids serious problems for companies, as well as protects against the risk of being defrauded by customers, transferring to the insurer the risk of default of the assets to be received and outsource the collection. Having protection to ensure the receipt of assets becomes an important tool, with the additional advantage of becoming eligible for the tax benefits granted. It becomes even more interesting considering that between 30% and 40% of the company's assets are receivables. The demand for this insurance has increased considerably; as a result, the insurers adapted their products to keep pace with the market. Natural and immediate reflection is the increase of rigor in the evaluation of risks and especially in relation to the credit limits granted, which also contributed to increase the value of the insurance. When companies seek this solution through the advice of an insurance

Denis Teixeira, Business Manager and CEO at Transbroker Corretora de Seguros

broker, you can count on the support of specialists in credit risk management and constant monitoring of the customer portfolio, protection of Accounts Receivable (margin and cash flow of your business ), and greater security to make sales, increasing the flow to the same customers. Another advantage for the insured company is to obtain financing at lower rates and with higher limits. With the credit insurance, the company starts to worry about the growth of the business itself and less with the possibility of non-payment.



Why has Brazil entered the world map of the most dangerous freight roads? The serious problem of cargo theft and lack of road security becomes more l a t e n t w i t h e a c h p a s s i n g y e a r. According to the Public Security Secretariat of São Paulo (SSP-SP), this year there was a 160% increase in cargo theft cases in Piracicaba (SP), due to the significant numbers registered in Limeira, which had 12 occurrences in 2018 against two last year.

which has long been evident, is one of the important points to be debated.

Marcos Guilherme D. Cunha, General Director at Transvip Brasil.

There is no efficient logistics planning in our country that brings effective results. Nor is there a task force for solving the problem or at least minimizing it. The lack of concern of rulers with this problem contributes to the increase in the statistics of this type of crime.

In Rio de Janeiro, between 2003 and 2017, the average number of cargo thefts in February and June was 33.5 registries, according to data from the Public Security Institute. In 2018, during the same p e r i o d , 2 0 0 c a rg o thefts were registered in the area, which means an increase of 497%, the highest value ever recorded by the region. According to a survey done by the JCC Cargo Watchlist, the sections of the BR116 highways (Curitiba - São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro São Paulo); SP-330 (Uberaba - Porto de Santos) and BR-050 (Brasília - Santos) are considered areas with very high risk for the occurrence of cargo theft. Anyway, the above figures make clear how this is one of the most executed crimes in Brazil. With this in mind, I bring up the discussion on the reasons that make cargo theft one of the fastest growing crimes in our country and which makes our roads so dangerous for the transportation of cargos. The fragility of the public security system,

It is necessary to discuss issues related to transport security more deeply. It is important to remember that cargo theft affects all Brazilians, as it reflects in the production, supply and development of all sectors of the economy. The losses are incalculable. For now, it is up to us, companies in the

logistics sector, to invest more and more in security. We from Transvip Brasil, carrier of values and special cargos, we work with armored trucks and with all the available technology in the market like GPS vehicle tracking, real time monitoring during the whole route, besides counting on armed guards inside the vehicles, among other means of inhibiting the crime of stealing loads. The results have been positive since we have not registered any claim since the beginning of the service. We seek to bring all our knowledge in transport of values for the transport of special cargos. It is the fastest solution to try to reduce the high numbers mentioned at the beginning of this article. Or someone who has the power takes action and begins to look more concerned about this topic, or we will continue in the list that gives title to this article.



The broker and the dress code Does the insurance broker always have to wear a suit and tie? Really? When I started in the profession, 40 years ago, it was inadmissible a professional to be seen without a suit and tie. One occasion I met a very elegant colleague who was unemployed while I was walking with the director of the insurer which I worked for, through the center of the city, a region that at the time was home to almost all the big companies in São Paulo. We were friends of this professional and my boss was very angry with him. "How dare you come to the Sportswear Center? That way you devalue yourself and if someone sees you it will get a bad impression. Go home now and just reappear in the Center suitably dressed." The friend, totally embarrassed, slipped away and turned tail and walked away. Much has changed since then. Even Lloyd's of London, where I've been a reinsurance broker for over 20 years, has changed. In the old days, women were not allowed in, the men had short hair and no one took off their jacket and tie either inside or outside Lloyd's. Some habits still

remain, after all England is the land of tradition. Suits only black, gray or navy blue and the shoe always black, never brown, and never blazer! On the other hand, they now barbarize in sock, coat linings and ties, all super colorful, and in the offices of the brokers most of them work without ties and without a jacket, the youth with the shirt off their pants. Here in Brazil things have also changed, but more radically. At first casual Friday came and some insurers, still very concerned about the formal appearance, even hired consultants from fashion professionals such as Gloria Kalil, to "educate" and make the employees more chic. Then, little by little, the employees of companies in the insurance and financial market were relieving themselves from the ties and began to dress in the manner of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former president of Iran, in a suit without tie, and then the tie-less blazers came to dominate .

Renato Cunha Bueno, Partner-Director at ARX Re Corretora de Resseguros and C o o rd i n ato r o f t h e Commission of High Risks and Reinsurance of Sincor-SP.Sincor-SP.

any type of clothing each one presenting himself as one likes, but the truth is that most people dress more and more casual and comfortable wearing even jeans, polo shirts, shoes even moccasins and sneakers and t-shirts. To my surprise, I received an article published in the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, which I am so totally reproducing: Itaú Unibanco releases dress code to the taste of each collaborator.

Nothing against the use of suits and ties or After releasing the use of shorts in daily clothing, in response to a demand from the employees of its Technology Center, Itaú Unibanco went beyond. As of this month, each of its more than 85,000 employees from Brazil will be able to choose the costume of each day at will, from T-shirt, to tennis, to suit, to jeans and even to shorts. The new dress code of Itaú has as slogan "our way has its style". Common sense. The initiative, which starts taking effect in the bank as of tomorrow, has only two rules: common sense and the customer in the first place. Itaú's external units, which add up to some 14,000 employees, will evaluate how to apply the new dress code. That's why today I advise: work well, be responsible and good professional, because the appearance does not solve anybody's problem anymore. This without forgetting the good rule of Itaú Unibanco: "common sense and the customer in the first place".



Portuguese language, this sufferer There are several ways of torturing the Portuguese language and I believe that this subject could yield a whole book. But as I did with an old text about women's toilets, today I will restrict my focus to the corporate world, this environment so full of peculiarities... That's because the Brazilian corporate world expresses itself in many different languages and dialects and none of them, I assure you, is the official language of Brazil. Otherwise, let's see: Serial killers

But the situation is critical when we begin to conjugate words (which are often not even verbs) in English as if they were from Camões language. I can quote from the basics "I will go to printar the report", "I will go to startar the presentation", even the most elaborate ones like "you already accruou the revenue?", "The balances will netar in the end" and so on… But it's not over! There is that word in English that some enlightened corporate one is absolutely sure that there is a similar word in Portuguese

“On level of”, “few chance” e “me do” they are few but selected examples of how serial killers of the Portuguese language operate within organizations. They repeat these and other expressions to exhaustion, first orally, then in writing, until one of these copies appears in some official company-wide presentation and is then considered correct or "chic" by some incautious. How do I return to Brazil? I have included the expression "serial killer" previously only as a provocation. That the English language dominates the business world, I believe it is a known fact and accepted by all. The problem is that we use so many expressions in English on a daily basis that sometimes we do not even realize we are doing it. It has occurred to me more than once to forget the word in Portuguese and only remember it in English. And it is not because my English level is very high, but because I was so used to using the English language for that particular concept that I did not know how to do it in Portuguese.

and if well used, can brighten up any speech. And with this appear pearls of the type "clarificar" (derivation of clarify). I confess that the first time I heard I remembered clarified butter, but soon I realized that it had no gastronomic connotation... The false “gringo” (Foreigner) In a corporate world of a multinational, American or not, you will surely attend meetings in English, read and produce documents in English, give presentations in English and so on. But the fact is that, as much as you use the

Luciana Miliauskas Fernandes, graduate in Data Processing, she wo r ks n owa d ays i n Internal Control and Audit . Her hobby is writing, from all a little, but she really loves to be an informal cinema critic.

English language in your daily life, if you were born in Brazil, spent your childhood and adolescence in Tupinikin lands and live here, there is no way, Portuguese will be your first language and you will always have a different accent to the ears of the gringos. Unless.... Unless you're so peculiar that you start speaking Portuguese with a gringo accent. Yes, there are cases like that. It is not the s a m e a s f o rg e t t i n g o r n o t knowing the expression in Portuguese as I explained earlier. These are people who, e v e n i n i n f o r m a l conversations, speak with an accent! And those who have never seen the creature before ask where the enlightened one came from. And they do not believe when they hear that the guy is Brazilian himself, only more foolish than most. The side effect of interacting with this type of "professional" is that you are affected by an uncontrollable urge to laugh in the middle of a serious meeting, but with a little training, you will be able to restrain yourself. And so, by leaps and bounds, our beloved native language is trying to survive in the corporate jungle, hoping that one day it can be respected again in this and in many other environments...

FOX GROUP Fox Regulation & Audit, Haßptli Lawyers and Associates, One Risk Global, MedFox and NORN Risk Consulting & Engineering – an umbrella of service for a full risk analysis.

More than 20 years in claim regulation and audit

Office specialized in Insurance Law to assist insurers in their claims analysis

Occupational and preventive medicine and medical inspection services

Its objective is to support the market in loss prevention and ensure the application of care and safety standards.

Management with sharing and use of globalized insurance risk information

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