September | October 2018 Fox Times

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Fox Times



What’s in this Issue? College Curses with Quarter Moon New Movies PTK 2018 Catalyst and more!

Want to join the Fox Times? Advisor: Members: Articles can be submitted at Eric Drews Allison Hartter Kim Kamke Shannon Gerke Corrigan Kyrin Kuhn Access the digital version at Rob Wilson


Fox Times

September/October 2018 Publication

Campus Events






Advisor: Members: Articles can be submitted at Eric Drews Allison Hartter Kim Kamke Shannon Gerke Corrigan Kyrin Kuhn Access the digital version at Rob Wilson


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Phil Hands


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

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2018 Catalyst

Phi Theta Kansas City, Missouri Kappa

By Katie Hawley

The Most Exciting Event That Can’t Be Explained There are no words to express my trip to Catalyst with Phi Theta Kappa. Everyone there was very friendly; it doesn’t matter which state people came from or who won awards. Attendees are there to celebrate their hard work throughout the year while cheering everyone else on who is being recognized for their efforts. I really felt at home with other PTK members. I went to education forums to learn and continue to strengthen soft skills, leadership development skills, workforce readiness, and transfer readiness skills. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know potential international officer candidates who we would later vote for. There was so much energy during the general sessions that I could barely take it all in. Before the general session started, we got to run around with our Wisconsin region promoting our state. Each person was given one of the letters that spelled out WISCONSIN. Every state had their own unique letters that they used to cheer on their state. At this conference no one acts like they are better than anyone else. We’re all friends who encourage one another to be the best that they can be while growing and shining in their schools, communities, and all around them. This is the time to cement club friendships while growing, improving the world, and making voices heard. When PTK members shine and do great things to change their communities and schools, they have a chance to win awards at the Hallmark Awards Gala. Our region for the state of Wisconsin received two awards that night. It was inspiring to hear how well PTK was doing in my region and how I could be a part of a great change. One of my favorite keynote speakers during the general session was Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner PTK president and CEO. The biggest takeaway: I will always remember her saying “others are thinking big enough. Why aren’t you? Stop thinking small and start thinking that I can attend a four year college, become a CEO, or run for position on campus!” She was very inspiring and I found that I want to do more with my school and with the community. I can’t explain what I’m feeling or experiencing in a few sentences or words. It’s hard to come back to reality and turn my focus back to work and school. After a short while at the conference, I could honestly say, “I belong here!” I relive in my mind all the fun, excitement, energy, friendships, and newly learned skills that will last you a lifetime.



What Does Responsibility Mean?

What does responsibility mean? After looking over my findings, I came to an overall conclusion. Definition(s): 1. the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. 2. the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. 3. a moral obligation to behave correctly toward or in respect of. I then thoroughly found some articles and their opinions on the meaning of responsibility.

By Kyrin Kuhn

To me, taking personal responsibility in all these areas takes me out of being a victim and into personal power and emotional freedom.” 2

From what I’ve found, being responsible is being independent, being accountable, and having control. If this is what responsibility is, then why does it have such a negative connotation to it? One reason is because you don’t have to become accountable if something bad happened. With this logic, you aren’t being fair to yourself or others. Not only is the mindset of perfectionism terrible, but it also raises “Being responsible means being dependable, keeping expectations for everyone else making it essentially promises and honoring our commitments. It is accept- unachievable. Therefore, not taking accountability ing the consequences for what we say and do. It also and responsibility is unfair to others because it sets means developing our potential.” 1 unattainable standards. “Obviously, for me, personal responsibility is about What does responsibility mean to you? freedom and personal power...When we avoid taking ______________________ physical, financial, relational, emotional, physical, 1 financial, relational, organizational and/or spiritual html responsibility, we create much unhappiness for our2 selves, and we put ourselves in the position of being a what-does-personal-responsibility-mean-to-you.html victim.


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Project Linus

Hi! My name is Joss Perez and I am a Promise Scholarship Student. For those of you who do not know, the Promise Scholarship is available to all graduating high school seniors who live in the Fox Valley School District. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist students with the majority of the financial burden of attending college. Honestly, the only downfall I can think of with this scholarship is that students are not able to currently use the scholarship funds towards housing. The main qualifications for this scholarship that must be met are: Live in the FVTC district. Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Take at least 12 credits. Complete volunteerism each semester. Fill out the FAFSA and fill out the scholarship on the website. Many do not know that one of the requirements of the scholarship is to complete (at least) 8 hours of volunteerism within the Fox Valley Community each semester. I find this part of the scholarship extremely fulfilling because I enjoy giving back to my school and

By Joss Perez

community. I have actually completed over the required hours each semester because I just cannot turn down the amazing volunteer opportunities presented to me at FVTC Student Life sent weekly by John Rank. I was one of the promise students who went to Project Linus on Saturday, March 31st. in Holy Spirit Appleton, WI. Once there, I met up with five other Promise Scholarship Students: Stacy Schumacher - Student Life graduate intern and Heather Tebo - Marshfield Clinic AmeriCorps member who brought along, Dayde, her son. There was a huge variety of age and experience levels within the building. Some volunteers were clearly experts while others (like me) were “first - timers�. Project Linus is for children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or just born. Some people bring half of a blanket and use a sewing machining to attach patches. Other people (like me and the other) grab a blanket or two of their choice and bring them to their table to sew by hand.




Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

OTA Club

By Rebecca Dykes - OTA President

OTA Club is a volunteer group and club that is organized by the Occupational Therapy Assistant program. Occupational therapy is a form of therapy for those with both physical and mental illness that encourages rehabilitation through the performance of daily tasks centered on client interest and need. In our profession we work with a variety of populations and diagnoses primarily in the pediatric, mental health and geriatrics (elderly). As a club during the school year we have done a variety of volunteer opportunities such as the American Heart Association Heart Walk, a food drive for the FVTC pantry, and Adopt-A-Family through the Salvation Army. This semester we are planning on doing the Walk for Autism in April, the Wheelchair Wash at NuMotion in May, and make fleece blankets at the Children’s Hospital in Neenah. OTA club’s goal is to promote diversity and inclusion for those with disabilities through involvement and advocacy in the Fox Valley!

PAS Club In March, 33 students of the PAS Club had a successful week in Louisville, Kentucky as they competed at the National Postsecondary Agriculture Students Conference. This dedicated group of students brought home an outstanding 38 Top Ten finishes, with 20 students taking the stage to receive awards for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the national level! While at the conference students had to opportunity to network with others in the Ag Industry and take tours throughout Louisville. The tours included the Evan Williams Distillery, Churchhill Downs, Louisville Sluggers Museum, and Muhammad Ali Museum. @foxtimes


Want to see more College Curses? Read the next issue of the Fox Times!


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

All About the Wellness Club

By Philip Ozminkowski

Since its start back in 2016, the Wellness club has been a growing club at FVTC. Under the advisement of Patti Martin, the club has been growing steadily since its inception. It first started with three students who each wanted a club to help promote overall wellness at FVTC. The club is open to anyone who would enjoy building a healthy lifestyle and working with other like-minded people. Our mission statement is, bringing students together to experience a fun way to be healthy and learn about lifelong wellness. I think that we have achieved this for our current club members but have a lot of work left to do for the remaining students on campus. All members meet in Student Life to discuss the many events and volunteer opportunities the club puts on. The club has put on several events already this year, including a popcorn sale, a traveling healthy bake sale, and volunteering at The Boys and Girls Club. The members come from a variety of programs and all of them arrive at the meetings bursting with ideas and discussions for how we can better improve our community through health and wellness. One such student, John Davis, was interested in starting a run and decided to start one on campus through the Wellness Club. With that idea the Sly Fox Shuffle was planned for Sat April 28th . Having the 5k run/walk on campus makes it easy for students/staff to attend and it’s very affordable. It will also allow the community and student/staff family members to be part of the college. Along with the 5k run/walk, the Wellness Club has brought in outside vendors to talk about the multitude of ways to live a healthy and enjoyable life. For the first year we will be hosting the Student Health and Wellness Fair and bring in many vendors from inside and outside the campus. We also have Fleet Feet Sports Fox Valley come in with foot analyzing technologies to recommend proper shoes for students and staff. They go over how important properly fitting shoes are in aligning the spine and relieving foot and joint pain. The club is also recognized by The Student Government Association and the members participate in meetings when they are able. The Wellness Club brings so much to FVTC and enriching experiences to the students of Fox valley Technical College. They expose as many students as possible to what it truly means to have a healthy lifestyle in many different ways. Each event the club puts on fulfills the mission of the club. The club grows larger every semester and welcomes each new student, and they aren’t done yet. Go down to the Fitness Center and talk to Patti Martin to learn more about how everyone can make a difference through the Wellness Club.



FVTC Well Student Spotlight

By Philip Ozminkowski

We would like to celebrate Meat-Head March by spotighting Anthony Brooks and John Davis. These two met here in the Fitness Center very early last semester. They started up a conversation together and ended up having a memorable dinner that night at Tech Village where they live. John and Anthony enjoy working out together 3-4 days a week and on their own. You will also catch them in Zumba class every Thursday shaking their booties together. While they both enjoy working out together they have very different things that inspire them. Anthony is inspired by his love for wrestling, and John is inspired by a medical issue he once faced, when he was unable to be active. He now takes advantage of the fact that he can workout and is very grateful. They both have been inspired by various family, friends, past teammates, each other, and are inspiring others to be healthy as well. John organized a campus SK in April and both work with others to help them with CrossFit, cardio, and strength training routines. Along with a passion of working out they both enjoy the outdoors.

When asked, Do you consider yourself a meathead, Anthony was quick to respond with, “Yes, I cannot deny that”. While John says, “No, I consider myself pretty lean, but Anthony definitely is”. John is enrolled in the Natural Resources program and also works in the Security Services. Anthony is in the Automotive Technology program and goes back home occasionally to help with his high school wrestling team.

Most Bromantic Bromance Ever!


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

DECA Competition


These past couple months Fox Valley Technical College’s Collegiate DECA has been very competitive on a state and national level. In February, nine members from the chapter went to Lake Geneva to compete at the state competition. While there, all of the members competed in two events, their main event and management institute. Members Ozzy Falcon, Hazel Reck and Emmanuel Servin placed top three in management institute. In their main events, all members placed in the top eight. This was a huge accomplishment for the club. This year only the top eight could qualify for nationals. In some of the categories there were over 20 people. Having all of our members get top eight and qualify for nationals was very exciting. We had three of our members get top three at state. Hazel Reck got third in Professional Sales and Ellizer Clune Cabigting and Brandon Gogolla placed third in Starting a Business: Entrepreneurship. This past April, all nine students that competed at state traveled to Washington D.C. to compete at the International Career Development Conference. In opening ceremonies, the club received the Executive Passport Award and Hazel Reck received the Gold Passport Award. The passport award means that the club and or individual are some of the most active in the nation. Besides competition, the students got to sight see the Holocaust Museums.



DECA Competition


This was a wonderful time for these students to learn more about a vast majority of subjects. After all of the competitions were done, the club sat through a very long final awards ceremony to find out some exciting news. Nick Hodge and his team placed first in Management Institute. Alexus Berndt and Tatum Barlow placed third in advertising campaign. Hazel Reck placed second in Professional Sales. Bringing home four top three plaques showcased Fox Valley Technical College very well. The members of FVTC DECA and advisor, Jeff Meverden, could not be more proud.



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Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Machine Tool Club

At Five Giddings & Lewis

Here at FVTC we do many things to help us understand what it means to be a machinist and what our future in the industry all entails, but without a doubt one of the most eye opening experiences they offer is participating in the shop tours and the tool shows. One memorable trip we took this year was on our way to the Milwaukee tool show when we stopped at Five Giddings & Lewis in Fond Du Lac. There we got a hands-on look at an old school machine shop. Fives Giddings & Lewis isn’t just an average machine shop, what makes them special is they not only machine a variety of parts such as wind turbine parts the size of cars, or engine components for major brand vehicles, but they also make and assemble their very own machines in house. After we toured the enormous building we continued our trip to the Milwaukee tool show where we got to see many of the things we have been learning about in school. Also we were able to see a whole new side to machining like all the different styles of machines and the newest designed tools and equipment on the market today. All and all the tours of shops and the trip to the tool shows is an incredibly huge opportunity for students to see for themselves how amazing this program is.



Passion Starts with a Spark

A poem by Kyrin Kuhn

I have never been the person to blossom in high school or to be so smart that I stand out, but I have always had passion and drive. What made me feel so isolated was seeing the lack of drive and passion in everyone; It was like the fire inside them was smothered. I could see so much potential in everyone, but they looked too tired to try. At some point, I was close to having my fire put out as well; In fact, multiple times, it was nothing more than hot coals. I lost sight of who I was, what I wanted and what I was working hard for. I seemed to just live my life day by day and just continue for the sake of breathing. One day, something was said that changed my perspective on how my quality of life was. “You’re so strong to have made it through all of that.” I was slightly taken back.

Doesn’t everyone have their own monsters to deal with?

I thought that I was handling the same weight as everyone else and that I was just too lazy. Turns out, that wasn’t the case. Not everyone can lift their head up while their burdens weigh on their shoulders. He sparked hope within me and I finally started to believe in myself and where I wanted to go in life. Before I knew it, I knew who I was, where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do, and what I was going to work hard for. When I thought I lost my way, Scott Sommerfeldt helped spark my passion and remind me how strong we can be. I wanted to say thank you for being there when I needed you. I would’ve never had the courage to pursue what my passion if it wasn’t for you.

Thank you for being a spark in my life.


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Staying Busy with Designing and Upcoming Trends!

NKBA WI/UP Chapter Meeting

By Hannah Christopherson This Spring Semester has the NKBA Student chapter busy as we start off in March on the 13th, with NKBA WI/UP Chapter Meeting with Chief Architect software and Stone Harbor Hardware! This event was hosted by The Waters in Oshkosh WI. Second meeting for the northern area of Wisconsin, as previous meeting was in Green Bay WI and past meetings has been held in Madison/ Milwaukee area. The evening started with supper and catching up with students who graduated the previous year, after supper a presentation was shown to learn about a quick way to show clients and designers learn how to use Chief Architect software as a reference to what the future design would look be once finished. The NKBA meeting also had representatives of Stone Harbor Hardware, where they showed a model of the different hardware used in each setting room of the house. The NKBA Student Chapter of FVTC is looking forward to more meetings with the NKBA WI/UP Chapter Meeting.

NETWORKING During our time at The Waters, The NKBA had a wonderful time connecting with business professionals and made strong networking relationships. Designers and people who work in the design field, come from across the Wisconsin area to meet new members of the NKBA and to know more about the latest trends.



Staying Busy with Designing and Upcoming Trends! CHIEF ARCHITECT SOFTWARE: If there was ever a time where a client needed a better understanding on knowing how their kitchen, bath or room would look like once its finished. Chief Architect software is a user-friendly program to bring projects and building to perspective. Chief Architect software also has partner up with the NKBA industry to give designers and companies the study guide to be certified in the NKBA industry. Chief Architect also has a mobile app for users to have for quick access. STONE HARBOR HARDWARE Is a company out of Appleton Wisconsin that deals with the hardware of bathrooms, kitchens and hardware for most rooms. They offer standard hinges, ball-bearing hinges, double-acting spring hinges and adjustable spring hinges, as well as decorative hinge pin caps and other door hardware.

Check Out These Links! -year-2018


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Estate Planning FAQs:

Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Directives

By: Rikki P., Kelisity H., Izzy K., Dusty G., and Rich W.

Have you ever thought about what happens to your assets (property) when you die? Do you have specific wishes regarding medical treatment should you become unable to communicate to physicians? This article covers some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the estate planning process that you may not be aware of and may save your family members a lot of headaches. Attorney Nathan Wojan and Attorney Steffanie Walczak of Petit & Dommershausen, SC Law Offices, sat down with us to provide insight and answer questions on the most important issues relating to estate planning.

What is estate planning?

Estate planning encompasses the process of creating a will, establishing powers of attorney for health care and finances, and often includes trusts and tax planning.

When should I start the estate planning process?

It’s never too early to start estate planning! Life is unexpected and you want to be prepared for your worst‐case scenario. Even if you don’t have a lot of “stuff ” in your estate, planning ahead is important. If you’ve died unexpectedly, having a will can make things easier for your family.

How can I start the estate planning process?

Start by contacting an attorney about what your options are and take some time to think about who you trust to handle your affairs. Who would you want to take care of you children? Who do you want to be in charge of your estate?

What happens if I die without a will?

If you pass away without a will, you pass away “intestate.” When a person passes away intestate, the court generally will appoint a personal representative who distributes your estate to your surviving spouse. If you have children from outside your current marriage, property may be distributed in a different fashion. If you are unmarried, your estate goes to other surviving relatives which may include children, parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, grandparents, and descendants of grandparents. The court may also need to make decisions regarding appointing a guardian for your minor children and may also make decisions regarding the financial future of your children. If you pass away with a will, you can make decisions regarding your personal representative, your heirs, a guardian for your minor children, and many other important issues that the court will follow after you pass away.

What makes a will valid in Wisconsin?

A will must be in writing and must be signed and dated by the testator. At least two witnesses must also sign the will after they watch you sign it or you attest that your signature is on the will. The witnesses should not be beneficiaries named in the will or your heirs as designated by law.



Estate Planning FAQs:

Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Directives

By: Rikki P., Kelisity H., Izzy K., Dusty G., and Rich W.

Do I really need to hire an attorney to write my will or can I just use a form I found online?

The forms that you can find usually are not state‐specific and are very general. As with anything you read online, use some caution. Using a form that is invalid will just create a lot of headaches for your family down the road.

Are there any limitations to what I can put in my will?

There may be limitations depending on circumstances specific to you and your family. You should consult with an attorney on your options.

I do not have a good relationship with some of my family members. Can I prevent them from inheriting any of my assets?

Yes, you can purposefully exclude someone from inheriting.

I have step‐children. Will they automatically inherit any of my assets?

Step‐children will not inherit from you unless you specifically name them in your will.

I am single and have no children, can I give my assets to my pets or to charity?

While you cannot leave your estate to a pet, you can designate a charity (or multiple charities) to receive your estate.

Aside from a will, are there any other documents I need?

Having a power of attorney for finances and a power of attorney for health care can be very useful. These documents allow you to designate someone you trust to make decisions for you and take action on your behalf if you are incapacitated. Having these documents in place can help your family avoid filing a guardianship case.

How do I make sure my family members and physicians follow‐through with my wishes if I am unable to make medical decisions for myself?

Power of attorney for health care can help with this. Make sure you pick someone you trust to hold this decision‐making power. You can put specific instructions in your document, but it’s also important to have a discussion with the person you name as power of attorney about what your wishes are.

Who needs copies of my estate planning documents and where should I keep them?

You should keep your estate planning documents in a safe and secure location. If you have a power of attorney for healthcare or living will, you should ensure that copies are available for your primary care providers. If you have a financial power of attorney, you should ensure that it may be on file with your financial institutions.


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

AutoCollision Club The Fox Valley Technical College Auto Collision Club appreciates all United States Military Personnel and Veterans and would like to thank those who have served in protecting this country. They are very grateful to be able to work with and help those who have served. The Auto Collision Club has been given the opportunity to refinish a WWII Cannon for the New Holstein American Legion Post 124. The Cannon is a Japanese 75mm Howitzer that was captured by Americans in early 1946, during WWII. The members of the collision club have worked hard on preparing and painting the cannon. It can be found in front of New Holstein American Legion Post 124 Memorial Clubhouse at 2000 Wisconsin Ave. New Holstein, Wisconsin 53061, where it has been displayed for almost 60 years, according to Herb Buhl of New Holstein American Legion Post 124. On November 11th 2017, the Auto Collision Club held a Veteran’s Car Wash to honor those who served. Veterans were given coupons to receive a free car wash as a thank you for their service. The Auto Collision Club washed a total of around 25 Veteran’s cars that day. The Auto Collision Club is grateful to be given the opportunities to support Military Veterans. Thank you again to all who defend America and our Freedom.

2018 Manawa Snodeo - Big Success!

On February 17, 2018 the FVTC OPE and Power Sports Programs were involved in helping with the 11th annual Manawa Snodeo event held on Bear Lake. The responsibilities of both programs included track setup of hay bales, fence setup, banner and bleacher setups and many other activities need for the event to be a success. The weather and the ice conditions worked in favor of the racers and those who attended. The events included motorcycle races, UTV (side by side units) races and the snowmobile 2.5-mile lake cross track. There were also kitty kat, radar runs and a newly added event of garden tractor races. We are looking forward to next year’s Snowdeo as it is a great fundraiser and good exposure for FVTC. So, mark your calendars for the 3rd Saturday in February and we hope to see you out there next year.

Skills USA

Six students from the Auto Collision Club traveled down to Madison, WI to comete in SkillsUSA on April 24th and 25th. SkillsUSA is a state-wide event made up of many competitions for different skills, including



AutoCollision Club Automotive Refinishing Technology and Collision Repair Technology. The six Fox Valley Technical College students who went to compete were Kylie Beck, Jake Falk, Jason Heinz, Haille Piechowski, Christian Coria, and Joe Workman. Three of these students went to compete in the Refinishing competition which included preparing and painting a fender. The other three went to compete in Collision repair which included fixing dents, repairing a plastic bumper, and welding. One FVTC student, Jake Falk, placed 2nd overall in the Automotive Refinishing Technology competition. This competition is a great opportunity for these students to be able to show off the skills they have learned here at Fox Valley Technical College.

Harbor House

Fox Valley Technical College’s Auto Collision Club is grateful to have opportunities to help in the local community. They have donated vehicles in the past and have been looking for another opportunity to help out someone in need. The Auto Collision Club is excited to be teaming up with Harbor House to do exactly that. Harbor House works toward domestic abuse awareness and prevention while providing shelter, services, and programing to victims of domestic abuse. The Auto Collision Club is working to repair a vehicle to donate to an individual at Harbor House. With the help of part donations from local salvage yards and auto parts retailers, as well as paint and material donations from a paint manufacture, the goal is to repair the vehicle for little to no money at all. Students from the Auto Collision Club will be working together to complete the collision and the mechanical repairs on the vehicle. The Auto Collision Club is planning to repair the vehicle throughout the 2018-19 school year and plan on donating the vehicle to Harbor House in May 2019.


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

How to Survive

Zombie Apocalypse Edition Always be Prepared

Have supplies on hand. Stock up on stable food products, water, first aid items, running shoes, clothing for all weather conditions, and coconut oil – you can use that stuff for everything.

Use a Buddy System

Have someone you can depend on and never split up. Splitting up is always a recipe for failure – just watch any horror movie. Unless of course, they become undead… in that case split up, and split up fast.

Secure your Surroundings

Secure your home by boarding up windows, keeping doors locked, and avoid using lights or making noise. In the event your residence is overrun by the infected, have a travel plan and a destination in mind. Practice the travel details with your buddy.

Aim for the head to avoid becoming undead

If you find yourself in combat with a zombie, always aim for the head. Need I say more?


Being in top physical condition is a must. Being able to outrun the infected is paramount. Not currently in the best shape? Maybe now is a good time to go see Patti in the FVTC fitness center to get a customized workout plan before it’s too late!

Do your Research

Now is the time to gain all the knowledge you can about zombies. Can they swim? Can they run? Who knows… but thorough research will help you be prepared for all scenarios

Avoid public spaces at all costs

It is not a good idea to run to Sam’s Club once an outbreak is determined. You will be a sitting duck. Start preparing now and avoid complication later.

Watch for signs of an impending infection

There will be warning signs before the mass break out of undead. Keep an eye on social media for clues.


If all else fails… hide. Be sure to sob quietly as to not alert the infected to your whereabouts.

Do not Mistake FVTC students for Zombies It’s proabably just midterms.



Alumni Spotlight: Nicole Kornowski

By Allison Hartter

Nicole Kornowski is a graduate of 2015 and obtained an Associate Degree in Residential Interior Design. Fox Valley Technical College was the school of her choice due to location and program availability. These factors heavily impacted her decision because, while being a full-time student at FVTC, she was also a single mother and working full time. After two dedicated years of schooling she is now an interior designer as well as a vital leader to the paint department at Kimps Ace Hardware of Green Bay, Wisconsin. When asked her favorite aspect of interior design, Nicole states, “I would say the challenge of learning what a client wants, what they have to work with and then executing the project so that they are satisfied on the other end.” Nicole originally started her Associate degree in 2006 but due to “life,” and all the obstacle it brings, she deferred her time to work and experience until she felt it was truly her time to pursue her dream. While going to school is a task in and of itself, having a family and working full time to support your lifestyle is a whole other form of obstacles. My question to her was how she overcame these challenges, her response, “Time Management. Juggling all the things in life was a bit of a challenge but prioritizing what needed to get done and staying discipline was key.” Nicole excelled in Fundamentals of Design but felt challenged in AutoCAD. However, these classes are great experiences and vital to everyday design. A big regret of Nicole’s is that she did not join any clubs or organizations. She states, “I would have loved to be a part of extracurricular activities but the whole reason I chose FVTC is that I was a single mom working full time, juggling kids, school, and work so I didn’t have any extra time to give for clubs and organizations.” She did however attend a trip to New York City in her final time at FVTC. This substituted for the lack of college life she did not get to experience for the overall duration of her time at FVTC. When asked of her favorite experience on campus, “Hands down our study tour to New York City. There was a wealth of knowledge to be had and so many memories made with wonderful classmates and instructors.” Nicole is currently very content with her job at Kimps Ace Hardware. She feels that family is her number one priority and that her current job allows her to juggle both her professional and home life. She also has obtained many different resources and outlets through her current job that allows her to feel connected to the design and retail world. Finally, if she could give and interior design student advice it would be this, “Enjoy your time while in school, get involved if you can, and make friends. Some of the dearest people in my life are classmates I went to college with. Finally, apply yourself and watch what possibilities will come your way.”


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

FVTC Student Takes 2nd Place in National Competition Joan Watson, a recent graduate in both Interior Design and Kitchen and Bath programs, took 2nd place in the National Kitchen and Bath Association’s competition against nearly 300 submissions from all over the country. This prestigious award included a $2,500 scholarship and a trip to the 2019 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Las Vegas. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Joan and discussing this major accomplishment. How does it feel to have taken 2nd place in a National competition? “I’m really excited and thankful to receive this award. It means a lot to me. I worked really hard on my design so to place in a national competition is an amazing feeling.” What are you most excited about regarding taking 2nd place? KBIS trip? Scholarship? Notoriety? “The KBIS trip is exciting to me. KBIS is the major trade show for the Kitchen and Bath industry. It consists of everything to do with Kitchen and Bath. There will be new ideas, up and coming design trends, and tons of people who are all a part of the Kitchen and Bath Industry. The show is being held in Las Vegas.”

How did the FVTC Kitchen and Bath program prepare you to win such a prestigious award? “Every Kitchen and Bath and Interior Design class I took helped me to prepare. The instructors are wonderful, and they all have real Industry experience which is very helpful in getting a good grasp on things.”

Your design was unique, where did you draw inspiration from? “My inspiration was from the family who would eventually be living in the home. I took into consideration that this would be the family’s forever home, so I chose timeless materials and finishes. Because it was the only bathroom for a family of 4 – 6 people, I separated the grooming/lavatory area from the bathing and toilet area with a wall and a pocket door so that more than one person would be able to use the bathroom at once with adequate privacy.”

What skills and computer programs did you utilize to complete your design? “The classes that I took at FVTC helped me with my design. These classes were Basic Kitchen and Bath Design, Advance Kitchen and Bath Design, Hand Drafting, History of Furniture, Fundamentals of Design, and Presentation techniques. The computer programs that I used were 2020, Sketchup, and InDesign.”



FVTC Student Takes 2nd Place in National Competition What made you decide to pursue interior design and kitchen and bath? “I have always been interested in interior design. Furniture, wall color, lighting, cabinetry, countertops, flooring, space planning, window treatments, fabrics, remodel projects and new construction are all areas that are really exciting to me. I wanted to work in the industry, so I decided to go back to school and get my degree. I am thrilled that I did.” Where are you working now? “I work at Valley Cabinet Inc. in Neenah as a Designer.” What is your favorite part about being an interior designer/kitchen and bath designer? “My favorite part is the designing aspect, since I love solving puzzles. It’s a lot of problem solving and putting the pieces of a puzzle together.” What is the hardest part? “I haven’t been in the industry long enough to know for sure, but I can imagine it being hard to design spaces with wonky walls, uneven flooring, or narrow openings and walkways.” What are some tips you can give new students pursuing their interior design or kitchen and bath degrees? “Put your best efforts into your education, get to know your classmates, study hard, do your homework and if you don’t understand what’s going on ask questions.” How about tips for returning adults? How did you balance school, a job, and a family? “It was scary at first because things have changed since my first time around. It was challenging and lots of work, but I loved it. I’m proud of myself. I’m glad that I went back to school and I’m glad that I received my degrees. For me it was more about prioritizing things and time management. Family came first, then school, and then my job. My house was not as tidy, the family meals were not as time consuming, and holidays were accomplished in a timely manner.” Joan, I would just like to conclude by saying you are an inspiration and we are all so proud of you. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! Congratulations! National Kitchen and Bath Student Chapter – Fox Valley Technical College


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Hmong Student Union

Hello and welcome back to Fox Valley Technical College! We at the HSU (Hmong Student Union) would like to welcome everyone back with our first event of the year, a Halloween dance. If you are free and have nothing to do please come join us on October 19th, 2018 in room C 190 from 5 pm to 9 pm. We would like to meet and get to know you guys! See you there!



AmeriCorps Student Life Volunteer Coordinator A new semester has started, and that means class is in session. But Fox Valley Tech is more than just a classroom. FVTC is a community of students and faculty that live and work in the Fox Valley. In recognition of all our faculty and students do for the community, Student Life is forming a new club centered on volunteering. The main goal of this club is to unite faculty, staff, and students with volunteer opportunities taking place in and around the Fox Valley Community. Once officially formed, the club will meet weekly. We will focus on helping volunteer and nonprofit organizations fulfill their volunteer needs, as well as staffing charity events such as the Fox Cities Marathon. The long-term goal of this club is to provide our community with the help it deserves by giving our time and efforts to those in need. Please contact Trevor in the Student Life Office with any questions, or email at


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

Samhain - a Pagan’s Halloween

By Kyrin Kuhn

Samhain is on October 31st when the veil between the lliving and the dead is the thinnist. Samhain marks a new year for many witches. This is a time to remember ancestors, pay respects to the dead, and celebrate the finished harvest. Many witches will practice moving forward and letting go of the past (including emotionally letting go). Many witches will take this time to visit their loved ones grave sites with their favorite food and invite them near. While you are inviting your loved ones near, some creature may also be attracted. On Samhain, it is important to practace safe witchcraft using protective spells and (as many of you many know) a carved pumpkin. It is said that a carved gouard was used in aincent times to ward off demons during this time. Now we use pumpkins! Do you celebrate Samhain? Do you celebrate Halloween? Sometime else? Submit ypur story to the Fox Times!




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Phil Hands


Sept/Oct 2018 | Student Run Publication

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