Fox Times April 2019

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April 2019

Want to join the Fox Times? Advisors: Members: Articles can be submitted at Eric Drews Kim Kamke Kyrin Kuhn Shannon Gerke Corrigan Rob Wilson Access the digital version at

What’s in this Issue

Ask Fierce Foxy

Happy Acts



WTC Student Showcase



Page 5


14 - 15

Paralegal Program

Page 10

Page 12-13

Table of Contents WTC Student Showcase

Ask Fierce Foxy

Page 2 and 3

Page 4

PAS Club

How to Survive Spring

Page 11

Page 12

Sivo a short story Pages 5-9

Page 10

Accounting Club

The Iconic Theory

Page 13 and 14

Page 15

The Diver’s License Diversion Program

PTK Regional Convention

Join the Fox Times!

Page 16

Page 17 and 18

Page 19


Staff Spotlight




WTC Student Showcase Have you heard the news?! The Paralegal Student Organization was chosen to represent Fox Valley Technical College in the WTCS Celebration of Student Engagement Event this year! Our names are Ashlee Cammack and Alexandra Jantz. We are both students in the Paralegal Program at FVTC. In February, we were given the opportunity to travel to Madison with a few of our advisors to take part in the annual 2019 WTCS Student Showcase that took place in the Rotunda of our State Capital. While we were at the event, we not only were able to rant and rave about how amazing the Paralegal Program is at FVTC, but we were also able to meet some of our local Representatives and Legislators. This event was a great way for all 16 of the Wisconsin Technical Colleges to show off their unique programs and organizations that are offered at their campuses. It was a great experience to be able to see what other students are getting involved with at other schools!


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

WTC Student Showcase The students in the Paralegal Program at our school take pride in helping the community while gaining hands-on experience at the Fox Valley Free Legal Assistance Clinics. At the showcase, we met a lot of different people who expressed their interest in what we do, and we were able to answer any questions that they had. Did you know that the Paralegal Program at FVTC has a job placement rating of 100%? This is a great achievement not only for our students, but for the instructors as well! Everyone does their part to ensure that all students gain the knowledge and tools that they need for a successful future! As students at Fox Valley Technical College, we are both beyond grateful for being able to attend this event and represent our school. We can’t wait to hear what other organizations will learn at the WTCS Student Showcase in the years to follow!






Ask Fierce Foxy


Here’s Some questions Foxy answered!

I hate spring only because of my allergies :( Do you like spring?

I like spring in other states because the plants are actually blooming! While here in Wisconsin, there’s still snow on the ground.

Are you Sly?

In a way I am like his cousin. While Sly represents Fox Valley Tech as a whole, I represent specifically the Fox Times Newsletter! Why? Did you think I was Sly? :/

Are you more of a coffee or tea fan?

Do I have to pick? Both leaf juice and bean juice tastes good to me!

Submit your questions to me! Don’t worry, I don’t bite much.


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Part One - A Cup of Jerushah He stirred the coffee and teas at his parent’s café, like a witch stirring a cauldron, and that’s exactly what he was: Sivo, a twenty-year-old boy with black hair, tanned and freckled skin behind black framed glasses, and with a smile plastered to his face. “Here’s your Caramel Happuccino. Have a great day!” He turned to grab a rag for the stone counter while enjoying the ambience. A few people sat around the comfortable, warmly-lit café with fingers tapping away at a keyboard, sipping at their drinks, and some chatting quietly with their neighbor. Sivo uses a small spell to continue cleaning the counters while he checks to see if the machines need to be refilled and topping other’s off. The bells dangling on the door grabs Sivo’s attention. He plaster’s another customer service smile and flicks his black wavy hair away from his face to look over to the door. He welcomes the new customer, “Hi there! I can take your order up at the counter.” Sivo walks up to the counter and tosses the rag into the nearby sink, “What would you like today?” He asked, pulling out a cup to mark what the boy wanted. “Can I just have an iced sweet tea?” The pale-haired boy spoke in nearly a whisper. Sivo looked at him. Something seems to be off about him… is he alright? While he quietly observes him, he marks the drink on the cup and then asks, “Alright, with or without a spell?” “With” He added hastily. Sivo nods and adds, “What kind?” “Death.” Sivo glanced at the boy and saw the seriousness in his face before questioning, “F-for you?”





Part One - A Cup of Jerushah The translucent-grey-eyed boy nods while twiddling nervously with the end of his sleeves. Sivo sighed and looked at him with sympathy, “Sir, that spell is not on the menu…” He narrowed his eyes at Sivo, “But you can do it. Plus, there are no laws for mythical creatures…” “Yet.” Sivo intervened. The boy continued, “Also, my parents are dead, so no one will come after you, and I am a paying customer. You’re not going to deny a paying customer, are you?” Sivo clenched his jaw feeling his hands becoming tied by this boy. I can’t kill someone! This is insane. Sivo sighed in defeat, “Name.” The boy’s mouth curved into a small smile, “Jerushah, J-E-R-U-S-H-A-H.” Sivo wrote his name down and processed his order, “Alright, Jerushah, your drink with a miscellaneous spell will be out in a few minutes.” Sivo gestured to a seat while Jerushah nodded and turned to take a seat. Sivo felt torn, his morals and the business were tearing at him. He had to come up with something quick. Sivo grabbed the sweet tea from the fridge and poured it into the cup along with some ice. He waved his left hand over the drink and it began to stir. He began to speak in his native tongue and stirred the spell into the drink.

He continued to stir the drink with his magic and decided to go on break. He stepped into the kitchen where his mom was making pastries for the cafe. “Mom, I’m going on break!” Sivo called out as he untied the apron and tossed it onto the counter. Her hazel eyes glanced up to the clock above one of the stoves, “Oh! This early? Alright, sweetie. I’ll be up there in a minute.” and continued to pour an ingredient into a wooden mixing bowl.


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Part One - A Cup of Jerushah Sivo dusted off his soft blue t-shirt before heading back out, grabbing Jerushah’s drink, and heading in his direction. With his heart pounding faster in panic with each step, he approached Jerushah. He set the cup in front of him with a sigh and sat in the chair across from him. The elf’s eyes shot daggers at him as he slowly reached for the cup, “Why are you doing this?” Sivo looked at the boy with concern in his eyes. Jerushah made a sad smile before downing half the tea in one sitting. The elf spoke with glossy eyes, “Why does it matter? You don’t care. You just pity me.” That made Sivo slightly irritated as he was genuinely concerned about him. “Hey, I’ll have you know I actually care.” That made him laugh for a minute before finishing his drink, “I can tell. You actually helped me.” He looked down at the empty cup before asking, “So when does it kick in?” “If I tell you, will you tell me what happened?” Jerushah sighed and leaned back against the back of the wooden stool, “I might as well get it off my chest before I die.” He said with a kind of sad smile before continuing, “As you may have been able to tell, I am an Elf. Yes, we have been known to be powerful because of our beauty providing wealth but I am not one of them.” He paused to rub his hands; his fingers must be tingling from the spell. “You know, Eliyen is actually my mother.” “Wait, Eliyen? The famous actress Eliyen?” Sivo interjects.





Part One - A Cup of Jerushah “Yes, that’s the one. Since I was born, I only saw her when she had to come home to sleep. Sometimes, the neighbors would help raise me. The elderly werewolf next door taught me how to walk and talk. She was so sweet; I hope I can see her after this spell kicks in.” Jerushah quickly wiped a tear away and took a deep breath to collect himself. “Once I turned 7, I guess my elf charm attracted clients which my mom was more than glad to make money from.” He spoke in a monotone robot-like voice now, “She decided after I got back from school, I could serve up to 7 clients a night. On weekends, up to 20… I hated weekends with every fiber of my being.” Sivo sat with his hands over his mouth in shock and his green eyes brimming with tears. Jerushah’s grip on his cup slowly tightened until the empty cup was crushed, “I lived like that everyday until I was 16 and managed to get away. By the time I was almost 18, Eliyen found me at a homeless shelter in tears. She told me she didn’t want them to do those things to me, that they had threatened her career and life. She said she’s dating a guy who is so sweet and has helped turn her life around; she wanted me to live with her. I was stupid enough to think she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Her so-called sweet boyfriend proceeded to come into my room at night for months. I even told her about him, but she chose to believe him over me.” He said now hysterically crying. Sivo went to put his hand on his to comfort him but Jerushah snatched his hand back like he touched fire and said in almost a whisper, “I just can’t live like this anymore… I can’t be other’s play thing!” Sivo glanced around and noticed they were making a bit of a scene, “Jerushah, that sounds completely like hell. Why don’t you come to the back and we can continue talking, okay?” he said in the gentlest voice he could. Jerushah slowly nodded and went to stand up from the stood only to tumble forward slightly. “You okay?”


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Part One - A Cup of Jerushah Jerushah nodded, “Yeah, my legs are just a little numb and I’m kind of tired.” Sivo frowned at that but walked with him to the back behind the kitchen where a small used bookstore was. Passing shelves of books and heading to the office in the back, Sivo held the door open. The room was a standard 12 by 15-foot office with a black metal desk, degrees hung on the wall, filing cabinets along the walls, and a black loveseat with red throw pillows for visitors. “You can sit on the couch while I grab some snacks for you.” “You don’t need to do that.” Said the elf, as he carefully took a seat on the couch by the window. Sivo looked at him with a smirk of amusement, “You’re going to die anyways so why not?” and then proceeded back into the rustic kitchen. “Hey mom… I have a bit of a situation.” The middle-aged mother paused the coffee mixing to look over to Sivo, “What do you mean?” Sivo grabbed some snacks as he reiterated the situation with Jerushah, “And now he’s in the office about to pass out.” “WHAT?!” She nearly dropped the cup, “Why- but can we- How-” She stopped mid-sentence to start over, “I will contact a therapist to come here and check on him, but after I finish this.” She sighed, and with a flick of her finger the spoon started stirring the spell into the coffee. “Okay, I told him I would get him snacks, so I’ll see you back there.” Sivo waved to his mom and headed back through the quaint used bookstore and into the office. He opened the door to see Jerushah laid out on the couch not moving an inch. “Uh oh…” -End of Part One-






March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Professional Agricultural Students Organization

This past March the Professional Agricultural Students (PAS) club had 27 students compete at the National PAS Competition in Loveland, Colorado. They toured Kinze Manufacturing, Lely, and Corteva during their drive to Colorado. The students competed in team and some individual events throughout the week and did very well. Fox Valley placed first, second, third, and seventh in the Crop Specialist, second in the Soil Specialist, third and eleventh in the Dairy Specialist, sixth in the Equine Specialist, and seventh in the Livestock Team Events. The club also had four students place in the top three for their individual events. The club’s hard work paid off and had a successful conference.





How To Survive Spring

Do you LOVE winter? Are you sad to see it go? Well, have no fear! I have some survival tips for you! Miss the artic air? Blast you’re A/C! You will get that wintery feel you miss so much, but don’t blame me for your electric bill… it’s bound to be a rough one. Snowmobiling, skiing, building snowmen… what on earth will you do with your free time? Well, if you can handle the warmth go 4-wheeling, water skiing, and build a sandman… if you can’t handle the 60 degrees +… eat a snow cone and see tip #1. When the snow melts and you look out your window, what do you see? Dog poop. Dog poop everywhere. Solution? Get a cat. What about that wonderous adventure of running outside 20 minutes before you need to leave to warm up your car? Well, continue to do so… but I’m gonna warn you… it’s pointless. Going to miss the excuse to be a homebody? Stay home, drink hot cocoa, and watch Disney movies anyways… we aren’t here to judge! No more chance of snow days got you down? No worries, due to the amount of snow we received this past year the flooding will probably give you an excuse to stay home anyhow. Spring is here, which means summer is ALMOST here, therefore Spring semester is about to end. How will you survive without homework?!?! Well, GREAT NEWS! FVTC offers summer classes! Miss ice fishing? Get a boat. What about the awesome winter fashion? Hoodies, scarves, hats, mittens, cardigans, warm coats…. Ahhh, they are glorious aren’t they! Well, now is the time to hit up the clearance section at your favorite stores. No, you won’t get to wear them just yet, but think of all that money you will save to look cute NEXT year! None of my tips are good enough for you? Move to the artic circle. It’s winter there most of the time. You will be much happier there.


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Accounting Club #HappyActs Campaign

By Leighanne Gill

What does it mean to live happy? It’s being a Happy Activist – a thoughtful, active participant in your own life and community. You can make the world better through kind words and intentional positive actions. On March 20 th , the world celebrated the International Day of Happiness! The United Nations established this day back in 2012 during a General Assembly and the world began celebrating this movement in 2013 ( Join happy activists right here at FVTC by adding your happy act to our #HAPPYACTS wall located in the library. Our wall is sponsored by the Accounting Club and is part of a group that hopes to reach its goal of over 1000 walls internationally. We are celebrating by encouraging others to physically post and share how they are spreading kindness and compassion to make this world a brighter, happier place.





Accounting Club #HappyActs Campaign

Research shows that happiness is important to life. Positive emotions have positive effects on health, longevity, personal relationships, creativity, and work satisfaction. More than 1000 happiness walls will be set up in communities, businesses, schools, and colleges/universities across the country, as well as globally. There is nothing more universal than happiness, which inspired the founders of Live Happy to create ways to spread and inspire joy. Walls can be registered on to become a more active member in this global movement. It’s easy to participate through these fun ideas: During the month of March, people performed and shared many Happy Acts, took pictures, and used #HappyActs in posts on all social media platforms. In a world were many feel isolated and alone we urge you to spread a little joy and kindness. It is our goal at FVTC to spread happiness throughout the month of March, and any other month, by sharing small acts of kindness. Visit our happiness wall in the library at the Appleton campus for an idea-list and share your happy act on a post-it and become part of the movement.


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

The Iconic Theory By Kyrin Kuhn

When people think of unicorns, some think of the LGBT community. The reason? The LGBT community find unicorns iconic and relatable. One theory from GayStarNews is that the LGBT community relates to mythical beings in a sense that they feel they only half belong, or that they feel a sense of ‘otherness’ in society. This not only applies to unicorns, but all mythical creatures. One joked that it was because unicorns were like bisexuals as in people thought neither of them existed. Another theory is their flamboyancy and their symbol of power in some cultures. In a way, it is seen as a sort of flashy, proud creature and the LGBT community needed and wanted that feeling. As someone from the LGBT community, I can say I agree with both statements. I tend to search for things I feel I am missing; I think we, as humans, just tend to do that regardless. When I came out as a trans male, I wanted a sense of strength and pride in finding myself and being who I am. I also agree with the feeling of only half belonging because although it is widely accepted, I sometimes question whether I should bother going in public because I don’t want to deal with the bathroom situation. Having a symbol that represents strength, flamboyancy, otherworldly, and many other things, is simply empowering to be correlated with such a creature. What is your opinion on the iconic theory? Send your responce to

or one of our social meida outlets!





Driver’s License Diversion Program By: Logan Westphal

Recently established in Winnebago County, the Driver’s License Diversion Program is here to assist those who are applicable to regain their licenses. This program is explicitly offered by the District Attorney’s Office. This program will assist individuals in restoring their driving privileges and to potentially dismiss charges against them for operating after revocation, suspension, or without a license. The Driver’s License Diversion Program, or DL Diversion for short, is a program instituted by the Winnebago County District Attorney’s Office for the purpose of helping, rather than punishing. Licenses are lost due to risk taking or faulty knowledge, and this program aims to assist individuals in fixing those issues so everyone on the road is in a safer place. The DL Diversion Program will also assist individuals in restoring driving privileges at a potentially faster pace, and except for out of pocket expenses for a valid license, the program is available for no cost. An individual has up to 9 months to obtain a valid driver’s license, and if passed successfully, the State will dismiss the charges. For some backstory, the DL Diversion Program was originally created to help prevent the substantial amount of “Operation After Revocation” cases the District Attorney’s Office had been receiving. This is with intent to fix the issue, rather than setting it aside. The DL Diversion Program is very similar to programs instituted in counties within states such as Minnesota, to prevent further Operation After Revocation cases. Once again, this program is only offered through the District Attorney’s Office. If an individual has access to the program, they can go to any of the Fox Valley Free Legal Assistance Clinics, and volunteers will help assist with the 90-Day Compliance Letter. Volunteers will further help individuals with understanding any requirements for obtaining a valid license. To quote from the Winnebago County post regarding the DL Diversion Program, “this program will provide an individual with the assistance they need to take the necessary steps in recovering their license.” In the end, the program will help both the State and the Defendant, and in addition, everyone on the roadways.


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Phi Theta Kappa

Wisconsin Regional Convention

By Eric Saeger

How well do you know the Beta Epsilon Omicron Chapter of the 2-year College Honor Society Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)? While being a member of an honor society is impressive in its own right, FVTC has award winning chapter, members, and healthy participation at the regional level. The WI Region Convention was held March 8 th & 9 th at Northcentral Technical College in Wausau and once again the team from FVTC learned leadership and practical skills, aided in a service project, and was honored for their scholarship. With a number of the other chapters from around the state attending, fellowship and lasting connections were also made. Pratical Skills Seminars to Authentic Leadership and Interview Techniques a Mini-transfer fair for regional 4 year schools Service a Partnership with United Way to build kits for the local elementary schools, 65 kindergarten classes will be impacted Scholarships Awards for te chapter/ Officer Team 1st Place - Honors in Action - theme 1: Networks of Life (Also 4th overall in the region) 1st Place – College Project Presentation 3rd Place – Chapter Officer Team Awards for Individuals 1st Place – Chapter Member: Shirley Urban New Century Scholar Winner: Dorea Lauer





Phi Theta Kappa

Wisconsin Regional Convention

By Eric Saeger

In addition to these great achievements by the FVTC chapter, participation at a regional level was strong this past academic year. FVTC’s own Heather Schroeder served as the Regional Vice President and was nominated with her fellow regional officers for a national level award for their Honors in Action Project on Homelessness, this involved researching, raising awareness, and encouraging the chapters to educate the local communities about homelessness. At the advisor level, at the end of the two day convention Jennifer McIntosh, Chair of the Professional Communication Department and FVTC Chapter advisor, was installed as the new Regional Coordinator after serving as the past year’s Associate Regional Coordinator. Looking ahead to the international convention, PTK Catalyst in April, the opportunity exists for more hardware and fellowship with college students from across the US and other countries. Additionally, on May 31 st and June 1 st , the Wisconsin Region will have a Leadership Academy at Mid-State Technical College in Stevens Point. Any interested PTK member can contact the officer team for details in joining in the fun. Please, wish us luck in representing the college well!


March 2019 | Student Run Publication

A Brief history of the Legend of Unicorns I’m sure you all know more about unicorns than you realize, but there’s a lot about this legend that you probably don’t know! - Most cultures have some story or legend regarding the existence of unicorns. Early Mesopotamian artwork, myths from India and China, Greek literature, and even in the bible! - Their horns were said to provide cures for sicknesses and as an antidote for poison. In medieval times traders would sell rhino and narwhal horns (passing them off as genuine unicorn horns) to the wealthy due to this belief. - Depending on the region, the unicorn’s horn was believed to be anywhere from 28 inches in length to over 3 feet in length!

- Romans believed it was impossible to capture a unicorn alive

- The unicorn’s power was believed to be in its horn

- Some cultures believed that a unicorn could not resist a virgin woman. (Uh… what?!) Many times, virgin maidens were used as bait to catch unicorns. - Marco Polo’s account of the unicorn closely resembles what we now know as a rhinoceros - Many believe the legend of unicorns were actually just the lack of knowledge of the animal kingdom. Some possible examples of what people described as unicorns include: rhinoceros, auroch (extinct cattle), narwhals, or even goats and horses shown in ancient drawings from a side profile. - Many BIG-NAME historical figures wrote about unicorns: Da Vinci, Marco Polo, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, and MORE! - It is pretty universally accepted throughout all cultures that unicorns were known for their purity and divinity.






March 2019 | Student Run Publication

Testimonials “Keep up the good work!”

- Ron Tank Emeritus Professor of Geology

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