April 2010
Here @First Published monthly for the members and friends of First Presbyterian Church.
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 13
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 509-248-7940 www.fpcyakima.com
table of contents 3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
April Events
Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series Sunday Morning Class Information Message from Pastor Jack Message from Session and Pastors of FPC Fellowship Ministry : Group Life Discipleship Ministry : Senior Adults Discipleship Ministry : Students Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s Missions: Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Missions: Cristo Vive Clothing Xchange Recap and Compassion Sunday Upcoming Events Easter Celebration Re3 Wednesday Nights
APRIL Events Calendar Thursday, April 1 Friday, April 2 Sunday, April 4 Wednesday, April 7 Thursday, April 8 Friday, April 9 Sunday, April 11 Monday, April 12 Tuesday, April 13 Wednesday, April 14 Friday, April 16 Saturday, April 17 Sunday, April 18 Friday, April 23 Saturday, April 24 Sunday, April 25 Tuesday, April 27 Wednesday, April 28 Thursday, April 29 Sunday, May 9
Maundy Thursday Communion 7:00p MOPS Spring Break Activity 9:30a Good Friday Worship Service 7:30p Easter Sunday Sunrise Service (North Lawn) 6:30a Easter Breakfast 7:00a - 11:00a Contemporary Services 8:00a and 9:30a Traditional Service 11:00a Careforce Spring Classes Begin 6:00p 6:15p RE3 Spring Classes Commence Staff Retreat @ Ghormley Craft Night (Cristo Vive/Women) 6:30p Carenet Meeting 12:30p Edith Ferry Circle 12:00p Preschool Spring Tea 3’s 10:30a Preschool Spring Tea 4’s/PreK 10:30a MOPS 9:00a 125th Birthday Dinner (Buy your tickets now!) 6:00p 125th Birthday Celebration / Sanctuary 7:00p 125th Birthday Day of Service 125th Birthday Worship ***only 2 services*** 8:30 & 11:00a Prayer Mosiac for Women 6:00p Starting Point - New Members Class 7-9p Starting Point - New Members Class 9-3a Northwest Boy Choir (Habitat House benefit) 7:30p Deacons Meeting 3:30p Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Naomi Circle 10:00a -12:00p Holy Spirit Boot Camp ReCap Gathering 6:30p Mothers’ Day - Infant Baptisms 8, 9:30 & 11:00 Pastor Mark Tumney’s Installation Service 7:00p
Sunday Morninginfo
Sunday Morning Services Contemporary Services Sanctuary The Best of Classic Worship Sanctuary RM 102 Childcare Ages birth – 21/2 years Kidzone Sunday School K inder - 5th Grade 2nd Floor *Special Needs classroom available RM 220 Student Ministries Grades 6 - 12 Ward Chapel (Mid Hi & Sr. Hi) Adult Education Classes Golden Circle 40 Days of Purpose Adult Ed Bible Class Cristo Vive Hispanic Fellowship Ward Chapel
Weekly Events at FPC Monday, Wednesday, Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8 & 9:30a 11:00a
Senior Adult Exercise TOPS Over-eaters Anonymous Trailseekers Church Basketball Women’s Bible Studies Spirit Led Life Series Studies with Jean Paulson Men’s Bible Study Women of Action (Prayer) Re3 Dinner and Classes Bible Study Fellowship Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir Rehearsal
During Services 9:30 -10:45a 9:30-10:40a 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a 12:00p
8:30a 10:00a 12:00p 2:30p 7:00p 9:15a 9:45a 12:00p 12:00p 5:15p 9:00a 6:00p 7:00p
Sermon Series April Sermon series: “Faces at the Foot of the Cross”
April 4 April 11 APRIL 18 APRIL 25 4
John 20:1-18/ The Resurrected Face of Jesus! New Sermon Series... “So That You Might Believe” John 8:58/ “I Am” John 6:35/ “I Am the Bread” John 8:12/ “I Am the Light”
Jack Peebles Jack Peebles Jack Peebles Jack Peebles
Sunday Morning
9:30-10:45 / 2ND FLOOR Kidzone helps our children apply biblical truth to their regular everyday experiences. Sonbeams (preschool) 2 ½ to 4 years old meet on L2 Mezzanine in the Sonbeams Room. Cubbies (pre-kindergarten) 4 & 5 yrs old meet in the Cubbies Room on the main floor (right next to childcare). Kindergarten through 5th grades meet on the 2nd floor.
9:30-10:40 / CHAPEL Following worship, Mid High and High School students separate for time to study and discuss issues of life and faith in smaller groups. Student Ministries is eager to welcome new students, introduce them to others and help them discover the amazing love of God.
“Serious Answers to Hard Questions”
April 11 April 18 April 25 May 2
“Evil” Dave Raglin No Class today “Religion and Science” Dave Raglin “God of the Old Testament” Jean Paulson
9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.
9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON Originally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study.
Dearchurch family, This month we celebrate the high point of the Christian year and the foundation of our lives. On Easter, we proclaim, “Jesus Christ is alive! He is risen!” The impact of that fact means that our sins (and death) are wiped out. Those who believe are given, not just a new lease on life, but an eternal one. Easter is about God’s victory! Easter is about God’s faithfulness to us. No matter how dark our life may seem, God offers to us light. Through the Resurrection, we see that God does not forsake us. You are not alone! We rejoice as we encounter the risen Christ. But the Easter event does not merely entail one day. Someone once asked, “How long does Easter last?” For many, Easter is a glorious day. Then it is over. For others, Easter never really happens. They miss it completely; some may miss it for a lifetime. We are called to be witnesses to the event that shakes the very foundation of our lives. It transforms us. It changes the way we think, what we say, and how we act toward one another! It is the greatest Story Ever Told! Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and HE LIVES! That is good news! Happy Easter! Blessings in His service,
Pastor Jack
Coming this Spring
on Wednesday nights…
A class on Spiritual Leadership taught by Pastors Mark Tumney and Jack Peebles. Come, taste and see what it means to fulfill Christ's call to lovingly lead others.
to congregation
Dear Church Family, Over the course of the last 18 months, the Session of First Presbyterian Church has been engaged in a process of discernment regarding denominational issues. Much of that discernment has taken place through an ad hoc committee which offered guidance to the Session in the form of a report which was given to the Session in September of 2009. After various interactions with ad hoc committee meetings, and two specially called Session meetings, we have reached a point in which we want to communicate as clearly as possible what we have discerned and how we have responded and continue to respond to issues of concern. In light of continuing concerns of denominational action, the question was posed to the committee: Can we remain faithful in the PCUSA? In short, the answer to this question is “yes.” As the committee discerned, this question of faithfulness should be addressed on more than one level. On one level (and most importantly and foundationally) we are called to be faithful to God. This is true as individuals and it is true as a larger family of faith (our church and denomination). God calls us to live in joyful obedience to Him, as a response to the grace given to us in Jesus Christ. This includes adhering to lifestyles that are prescribed in the Bible. Second, while we strive to be faithful to God and His calling for our lives, we also recognize that God has assembled First Presbyterian Church of Yakima and has placed us in a particular community (Yakima Valley), within a particular presbytery (Central Washington), within a particular denomination (PCUSA). Jesus’ Words to His disciples are instructive: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:21). We believe God has, in effect, “sent” us here. Thus, we must remain faithful to that calling until such time that we are released. Moreover, Jesus said to His apostles to “Be my witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, to Samaria, and the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) This demonstrates God’s desire for us to witness to those in the church, outside the church, and even those who would be perceived to be enemies of the church. Through the ad hoc committee, we have identified and agreed to four issues. Should the denomination officially adopt any of the following this would effectively hinder us in being faithful. Official adoption would include; overtures passed at General Assembly, a subsequent nine month ratification of the presbyteries, and the exhaustion of any and all appeals. Those issues are: 1. Official adoption as PCUSA polity or theology recognizing other religions as means to salvation. 2. Official adoption as PCUSA polity or theology eliminating purity standards for those who are ordained as minister of the Word and Sacrament, elder, and deacon. 3. Official adoption as PCUSA polity or theology allowing and endorsing the ordination of non-repentant practicing gays and lesbians. 4. Official adoption as PCUSA polity or theology defining marriage, other than between a man and a woman. None of this has happened at the present time, although each of these have been discussed and debated, not only in our denomination, but in other denominations as well. The church over the centuries since the Bible was written has split and fractured, but we do not believe that is God’s desire. We cannot ignore Paul’s letter to the churches as he time after time addressed a church in turmoil and his appeal for unity in Christ. Have we concluded that God will never lead us out of the denomination? No, we believe that God will lead us wherever He wills and we must be open to that. For right now, we are called to be in the PCUSA. The votes of the presbyteries demonstrate that the majority of churches (although not as strong a majority as it once was) continue to stand for orthodox theology and we are ready to stand with them, arm in arm. The word “devil” can be accurately translated as the “splitter.” We see the devil at work, continuing to split the larger family of faith. When and if we leave, we believe 7
it will not be as an individual church, but rather with a group of churches, because God wills and works through the Body of Christ. Over the next months, we will continue to demonstrate our witness to the Gospel by being proactive. We have passed two overtures to the next General Assembly which were overwhelming approved at the Central Washington Presbytery meeting on February 27, 2010. These two overtures are included in this letter. We have committed to be more active in service to the larger church, including participation in the levels of government. We have partnered with various renewal groups within the denomination including Presbyterians for Renewal, the Presbyterian Coalition, and Presbyterian Global Fellowship, and information about these groups will be made available primarily through our website. There will also be regular opportunities for congregational education in areas concerning these matters, including but not limited to a class on the essential tenants of Reformed faith. At various points in the 2000+ year history of God’s church, the church has “confessed” what it believes. Thus, at this time, we once gain affirm these standards: 1. That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the only way of salvation. • ”Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.” John 14.6 • “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men and women by which we must be saved." Acts 4.12 • “No one who denies the Son has the Father, He who confesses the Son has the Father also.” 1 John 2.23 2. That Holy Scripture (the Bible) is the Triune God’s revealed Word, the church’s only infallible rule of faith and life. •“Thy word [O Lord] is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119.105 •“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in the things that please God.” 2 Timothy 3.16-17 3. That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life. This includes honoring the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, the only relationship within which sexual activity is appropriate. •“‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’” Matthew 19:5-6 •“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh.” Galatians 5.13 •“Jesus looked up at the woman who had been caught in an obvious and serious sin and said to her, ‘Woman, is there no one here to condemn you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again.’” John 8.10-11 Seeking His continued guidance as we love Him and others in the name of Jesus, The Session and Pastors of First Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Ministry
Group Life / Family / Senior Adult
“Building Relationships that change lives by connecting the community to Christ”
GOD is AT WORK IN SMALL GROUPS I thank God and my small group for their prayers. Over the past 20 years my vision has been failing. The past three years my eyesight has dimmed so much that I haven’t read anything without the use of a magnifying glass. My small group prayed for my vision to improve. Then one day, I started reading the newspaper and magazine articles without the magnifying glass. A recent visit to the doctor proved that I could read two or three lines lower than a year ago. A confirmation that healing has and is taking place! Praise the Lord! I told my doctor it’s all because of prayer.
Judy Turner
Group Life Ministries
248-7940, ext. 125 judy.turner@fpcyakima.com
In my small group I got to know people well enough to be vulnerable discussing complacency of sin in my life. While no one in the group
openly confronted me, I had an encounter with the Lord (during that and my walk. I think discussion) which it would not have happened outside of a group who knew my spiritual struggles as could only occur in a small group.
changed my heart
Shan Trick
Group Life Ministries
Our couples’ small group gave one another permission to ask each other the hard questions about our walks with God and to talk about interactions that are hurtful. We’re feeling our way, but have seen healing and freedom in places where we’ve allowed the truth of God and love of “a band of Christian friends” (from The Prodigal God) to penetrate. Belonging to a small group helped me grow in many ways and my participation helped others grow. Our group works because everyone is . These two things I cannot stress enough! It allows us to be ourselves without worry of judgment or condemnation. It allows me to get into “real life” without the burden of doctrines, theology, by-laws, ceremonies and ritualistic traditions that often hinder and interfere.
and real
Fellowship Ministry Group Life / Family / Senior Adult
SENIOR ADULTS news Kaffee KlatSch Jim Erixson
Pastor of Senior Ministries and Congregational Care 248-7940, ext. 130 jim.erixson@fpcyakima.com
Donna Scofield, “An Author with a Sense of Humor,” will be sharing her insights on April 27 at 9:30am in the Garden Room. Come listen to what this warm, witty woman, who has a syndicated column in the Yakima Herald, has to tell us.
Need a Good Book?
Our library has an abundance of titles for your perusal! Some books are on display in the Garden Room but many more books are available in the library (next to the Ward Chapel). Just ask for the library key in the office. Whole new vistas lie ahead of you. If you have books of a spiritual nature sitting on your shelf at home, we welcome donations!
Happy Travelers April 29 May 13
Tour of Yakima’s Osteopathic School Meet at the church at 10:00am. Plans for a group lunch are being made. Please call the church office to say you will come. Ron McKitrick’s Cactus Garden. Meet at the Church at 10:30am and bring a sack lunch to enjoy at a nearby park.
Presbyterian Women Visit and Lunch at Campbell Farm All interested women are invited to sign-up and enjoy a visit to Wapato to hear about the mission of Campbell Farm. Speaker will be Carman Pimms. Lunch is $7. Transportation will be provided by the church van and private cars. Reservations required to your circle leader, Connection Center or with Chris Leverett (965-8481). Come and have a fun filled day of fellowship. 10
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
Saturday, April 10 We are taking a group of people over to Richland for a Youth Leader Training Seminar. This event will be led by Dr. Andrew Root (author of “Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry” and “Relationships Unfiltered”) and attended by volunteer youth leaders and staff from churches all over Central Washington. We will meet at the PowerHouse at 7:30am to carpool over to Richland for the 9am to 3pm training. We are interested in taking anyone who is interested in learning more about what it means to have relationships with teenagers. If you would like to attend or know of someone you would like to nominate to attend contact Tyler either by phone or by email. Our hope is that this training will be a good place for people to start getting involved with Student Ministry here at FPC. This will also be a good encouragement for those already working with students or parenting students as part of this church community. We can all be thankful to be part of a church that makes discipling young people a priority.
FPC Students Spring Flower Fundraiser:
Spring is right around the corner and you’re probably already thinking about plans for your garden. Well, as you plan for spring, keep in mind that FPC students are selling flowers and plants. Students have the opportunity to sell flowers to earn money for youth activities, such as Camp Ghormley, weekend retreats, mission trips and special events. Students can earn money ahead of time, keep it in their account, and then use it when the time comes for events and activities.
Tyler Van Horn
Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 106 tyler.vanhorn@fpcyakima.com
Karin Skone
Assist. Dir. of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 116 karin.skone@fpcyakima.com
Students will pre-sell flowers now through Sunday, April 4. Flowers will be delivered to the church on May 8. Students will pick up their flowers from the church and deliver them to customers. Also, on Sunday, May 9 we will have flowers for sale in the Garden Room. May 9 is Mother’s Day, and these beautiful flowers will make a great gift. Talk to Karin if you are interested in selling or buying flowers. 248-7940 x116 11
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
PRESCHOOL MINISTRYnews Spring is here! Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director
248-7940, ext. 119 rhonda.cardona@fpcyakima.com
We are continuing registration for the next school year and spaces are filling up quickly. This month is also full with celebrating spring. Tuesday, April 13 & Wednesday, April 14 Annual Spring Teas 10:30am FPC Sanctuary Our children will be sharing God’s love through songs, poems, and verses to all.
Spring FundRaiser
Thursday & Friday, April 15 & 16 9:00am – 12:00pm. Have a picture taken with a “live” bunny and some spring flowers on the front lawn! Pictures are available in 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 and wallet size. Call Rhonda at 248-7940, ext. 119 for more information.
Discipleship Ministry
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
Vacation Bible School 2010
Get ready for the voyage of a lifetime with “High Seas Expedition” where kids explore the might love of God on a journey that will change them forever! All hands on deck! Kids four years through entering 5th grade
June 21-25
Kathy Eaton
Director of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 110 kathy.eaton@fpcyakima.com
9:00 am – 12:00 noon Invite a friend to join you 200 volunteers needed – We Need YOU!
“I wasn’t sure that being a VBS volunteer was for me, working with kids, early in the morning getting all excited! I just wasn’t sure. But, I did it and VBS was one of the best weeks of my life. I had a great time – the kids and the music were wonderful. I’d do it all again.” Alisha
Susie Woodin
Assist. Dir. of Children’s Ministries 248-7940, ext. 135 susie.woodin@fpcyakima.com
April 4 – Easter Sunday
Kidzone 9:30 – 10:45 Our five week journey with Holy Land Adventure, where Jesus walked to the cross, ends today as kids gain a new understanding of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made out of His love for us. “JESUS IS ALIVE!”
Discipleship Ministry Women’s Ministry news
Preschool / Children’s / Student’s / Women’s / Careforce / Men’s / Adults / Childcare / MOPS
“God is on the move!” That is what we often hear woman saying to one another as they engage in conversation. It is a fun and exciting time to be involved with women’s ministries at FPC. Several on-going Bible Kathy Bricel studies for women, small groups open to new members, and a new Wednesday night RE3 class for spring titled, “Sweeter than Chocolate” (who can resist that!), are a few of the opportunities available. Our women’s spring event this year is a Prayer Mosaic offered at the church. It will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with God in prayer through a variety of different experiences. Come join us Friday, April 23 at 6:00pm in the Garden Room as we celebrate God’s faithfulness while exploring different ways we can intimately connect with Him and experience His extravagant love. You too will be saying, “God is on the move!”
Shan Trick
Women’s Ministry 248-7940 ext., 102 shan.trick@fpcyakima.com
Women’s Spring Event
Prayer Mosaic
Deborah circle Deborah Circle meets in homes the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30am. The meeting follows a breakfast. We would like new members! Please call Mary Strensrued for more information (965-0459). Visitors always welcome! 14
Friday, April 23 6:00pm FPC Garden Room $5
We will celebrate God’s faithfulness Intimately connect with Him and Experience His extravagant love
First Presbyterian Church
9 S 8th Avenue www.fpcyakima.com 248.7940
Cristo Vive/ Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
Mark Washam Camp Director
mark@ghormleymeadow.org 509-672-4311
This month we would like to continue to introduce you to the staff that makes Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp what it is. This month’s featured staff, Tim and Cindy Acton. Tim came to Ghormley, first in August 1993, to assist with maintenance. He has been faithfully serving as our facilities director for 17 years. As far as I can tell, he is the longest serving employee of Camp Ghormley. Tim is known for his huge servant’s heart, commitment to biblical principles, and ability to keep this 75+-year-old camp up and functioning. He not only keeps things running but also supervises all of our construction and remodeling projects and is an integral part of our summer program as he directs our water ski camp. Cindy first came to Ghormley in January 1994 and has worked in various capacities over the years. Over the next three years she and Tim fell in love while working here and had their wedding here at Ghormley in March 1998. Cindy currently is our housekeeping supervisor and also our new Sundeck manager. She and Tim are favorites with our summer staff as they open their home to hospitality and Bible study. Both are highly thought of in our mountain community and they currently attend Sun Valley Church in East Valley. April events of interest: FPC 125th Anniversary Service Day, Saturday April 17 Central Washington Presbytery Vision Retreat Fri.-Sat. April 23,24. Important Summer Dates: Ghormley Sunday Outreach Camp Junior 1 Camp Senior High Camp LEAP Jr. High Adventure Camp Mid High 1 Camp Primary Camp Mid High 2 Camp SUMMIT High School Adventure Junior 2 Camp Water Ski Camp Mid High 3 Camp LEAP Jr. High Adventure Camp FAMILY CAMP (NEW!!!)
June 6 June 11,12,13 June 14-18 June 27-July 3 June 27-July 2 July 5-10 July 11-14 July 18-24 July 18-24 July 25-29 July 25-29 August 1-7 August 1-7 September 3-6 15
Cristo Vive/ Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
Cristo Vive reporting Easter is all about a new beginning! We will celebrate the new beginning the Israelites had as they celebrated the first Passover! On Maundy Thursday we will have a Seder meal in the chapel and learn about the meaning of the elements involved in it, especially the lamb that was sacrificed. We will also celebrate on Easter new beginnings for people becoming new members and/or renewing their baptismal vows. After our service we will go to Campbell Farm and have a potluck and enjoy carne asada.
Another New Beginning @ Madison House The Computer Lab is up and running. People are coming to learn how to use word processors, spread sheets, PowerPoint and also English with a tutoring software. English teachers from First Presbyterian have seen more students come to their Monday and Wednesday classes as well. We are also starting a story time for preschool age children from 10:00am - noon and 3:00pm - 5:00pm Mondays through Fridays. If you want to volunteer for one or more reading hours, please give Pastor Gustavo a call. This will be a blessing to many in the community that surrounds the Madison House and a great witnessing of our love for this city. God has a New Beginning for Yakima!
Gustavo Carvajal Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive
248-7940 ext. 133 gustavo.carvajal@fpcyakima.com
Thank You!
First Presbyterian Church
Clothing Xchange
Thank You! The 13th bi-annual free family Clothing X-Change took place March 13 in our gym from 9 to 2 with over 1000 men, women and children who came to gather free clothing for their families and friends. In addition to clothing, God provided their physical sustenance with cookies, muffins, and a hot drink. Thanks to everyone who helps make this ministry so successful! Donating clothing is the heart of the X-Change. This simple act not only cleans out our closets, it also shows God’s Love to those who receive. Love in Christ, Theresa Higbee
Romans 12:10 NIV Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Compassion Sunday April 18
You’ll have the opportunity to sponsor a child through Compassion International. Information will be in the Garden Room. 17
Upcoming news.events. Begin Your Journey April 23, 24 - Questions? Call 248.7940 Register online at www.fpcyakima.com Led by pastors Steve Barker and Mark Tumney
starting point Every Journey, every Adventure needs a STARTING POINT Life is a journey and an adventure and at FPC Yakima we believe that the journey and adventure of life is better when we live it together. We invite you to bring your questions for honest discussion about life and faith. Starting Points offers insights on God, the Bible, Christianity and the beliefs of FPC. If you choose to join the church, you may do so through this class.
Please bring cookies and canned food on your last name’s designated Sunday. April 1 E-I April 11 J-K April 18 L-M April 25 N-P
Easter Lilies
Bring memorial liles to the Garden Room April 2 or 3. Please be sure they are delivered before noon on Saturday. Also, remember to label the memorial person and the giver and if the family will pick up or donate to the deacons to distribute to shut-ins.
Northwest Boychoir Performing at FPC on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 7:30pm. All proceeds will benefit the First Presbyterian Church 2010 Habitat for Humanity House.
Holy week April 1 – Maundy Thursday Evening Service 7:00pm April 2 – Good Friday Service 7:30pm easter sunday - christ Has risen! Sunrise service 6:30am Breakfast in the Gym 7:00am - 11:00am A fundraiser for Student Ministries
Contemporary Services 8:00am and 9:30am Traditional Service 11:00am All are welcome!
RePlenish ReCharge ReConnect
*Suggested donation: $5/person & $12/family.
Class break-out 6:15p ALL ARE WELCOME!
Elements for life Wednesday Nights First Presbyterian Church
Spring Session
Adult Classes: 6:15p
Spriritual Leadership / Pastor Mark / Ward Chapel Sweeter Than Chocolate: Psalm 119 / Janet Krieger / Lounge Careforce Valiant Man / Adult Ed Room Careforce Woman to Woman / Mezzanine Careforce Understanding Your Valiant Man / Libary
Children’s Program
Kindergarten - 5th Grade / 2nd Floor (Rm 217)
6 months-kindergarten age Available by reservation only (48 hours in advance). Call: 248-7940 ext. 117
Students Mid-High (6-8th grade)
High School (9-12th grade)
6:30- 8:00 7:30-9:00
April 7 For Six Weeks