first presbyterian church
FIRST what is your
testimony issue
“Worshiping God together, Growing in Christ-like maturity, Reaching those unconnected to Jesus Christ and Impacting our community and the world.�
Volume 17
First Presbyterian Church of Yakima
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 509-248-7940
in this issue
3 August Events 4 Sunday Morning Information / Weekly Events / Sermon Series 5 Sunday Morning Class Information 6-7 Pastor Jack’s Welcome 8-9 Pastor Mark’s Welcome 10 Fellowship Ministry : Group Life 11 Fellowship Ministry : Senior Adults 12 Discipleship Ministry : Students 13-14 Discipleship Ministry Team : Preschool 15 Discipleship Ministry Team : Children’s 16-17 Discipleship Ministry Team : Women’s 18-19 CityFest 20-21 Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp 22-23 Upcoming Events
events calendar
Sunday, August 1 Tuesday, August 3 Tuesday, August 3 Tuesday, August 3 Wednesday, August 4 Thursday, August 5 Thursday, August 5 Sunday, August 8 Thursday, August 12 August 9 - 20 Sunday, August 15 Tuesday, August 17 Wednesday, August 18 Wednesday, August 18 Tuesday, August 24 Tuesday, August 24 Sunday, August 29 Wednesday, September 1 Thursday, September 2 Tuesday, September 7 Wednesday, September 8 Sunday, September 12 Sunday, September 12 Wednesday, September 22
Communion Sunday - Team B Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Worship Ministry Team Meeting Adult Ed Meeting WOW Women of Wonder Meeting Happy Travelers Meeting Prayer Ministry Leader Meeting Carenet Ministry Ministries Fellowship Ministry Team Koehler Hall GYM Closed for Maintenance Family Swim Party @ Benson’s Service Ministry Team Meeting Baptism Class Ghormley (Board) Commission Meeting Kaffee Klatsch Session (No Dinner) Infant Baptisms and Baby Celebrations Preschool Parent Orientation Preschool Open House Preschool - First Day for 3’s and Pre-K Preschool - First Day for 4’s Kick Off Sunday! Family Swim Party @ Gustafson’s Kick Off RE3 Classes (No Dinner)
1:00p 5:15p 7:00p 4:00p 1:00p 4:00p 12:30p 5:15p all day 12:00p - 4:00p 7:00a 7:00p 6:30p 9:30a 6:30p all morning 6:00p 9:00a - 11:00a 9:00a 9:00a 12:00p - 4:00p 6:30p
Please bring cookies and canned food on your last name’s designated Sunday. August 1 N-P August 8 Q-T August 15 U-Z August 22 A-D August 29 E-I 3
Sunday Morning info
Sunday Morning Services Communion - Every Sunday Ward Chapel Contemporary Services Sanctuary The Best of Classic Worship Sanctuary RM 102 Childcare Ages birth – 21/2 years Kidzone Sunday School (See Summer Schedule on Next Page!) 103 3’s to Pre-K Kinder - 5th Grade 217 *Special Needs classroom available RM 220 Student Ministries Middle School Small Groups (6-8th grades) Powerhouse Adult Education Classes Golden Circle 40 Days of Purpose
10:30-12:30p 9:30-10:30a 9:30-10:30a
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday
8:30a 10:00a 12:00p 5:30p 12:00p 12:00p 6:00p 7:00p
Weekly Events at FPC
Senior Adult Exercise TOPS OEA Al-Anon Men’s Bible Study Women of Action (Prayer) Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir Rehearsal
7:45a 8 & 9:30a 11:00a During Services 9:30 -10:45a 9:30 -10:45a
Sermon Series August AUG 1 AUG 8 AUG 15 AUG 22 AUG 29
Coming august 22
FAITHFULLY CONNECTED: LIVING AND LOVING IN 2010! Hearing God God invites each of us into an intimate relationship with Him. Dallas Willard says “That being close to God entails communicating with Him, telling Him what is on our hearts in prayer and hearing and understanding what He is saying to us.” Over this short threeweek study, we will explore how we can develop our ability (and availability) to, not simply communicate with God, but how He speaks to us!
sunday morning
classes and services
(AGE 2 ½ THROUGH 5TH GRADE) 9:30-10:45 / 2ND FLOOR KidZone Meeting this summer: August 1, 8, 15 We will be exploring our Bibles as we see how God wants us to respect our friends, ourselves and God’s amazing creations. Kids going into... • K-5: meet upstairs in room 217 • 3’s-Pre-K: meet on the main floor in room 103
9:30-10:30 / MID HIGH ROOM ON THE MEZZANINE STEVE HILDEBRAND / MARSHALL GROVE / FRED MALONEY The 40 Days class continues to study the principles found in Rick Warren's “Purpose Driven Life” book. This class discusses and examines, in a non-threatening manner, the Bible passages used through the book. After several years of study, this group is halfway through the book. You are invited to jump in and join this interesting study.
(6TH-12TH GRADE) Middle School Small Groups / 6th-8th Graders 10:30am-12:30pm / Meet in the PowerHouse
9:30-10:30 DAVID FERRY LOUNGE / TOM OLIVA & JIM ERIXSON Originally formed in the 1940's, this class continues to study Christian life together. The Golden Circle class is a caring and supportive class that includes prayer, music and study.
Dear church family, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Stories are incredibly powerful. They instruct and form us. Each of us who profess to be followers of Jesus has an experience in which we have met our Lord. What is your story? Have you ever had the opportunity to share that story? This is mine… Prior to 1991, I had little to no experience in the life of the church. I did believe in God, but I was not an active Christian. Much of my time in high school was devoted to football. For me, football was an escape. All the frustration and anger in my life were released in a fury on the field. When I was not on the field, I was in the weight room, never fully content in myself. During my junior year in high school, I was asked to attend a youth group function. (It didn’t hurt that it was a girl who invited me!) I enjoyed the discussions and activities, and this led me to even attend worship services on occasion. It was not until mid-summer, when I participated on a mission trip to Mexico, that my life was transformed. In the tiny Yucatan village of Xochempieche, I was introduced to the power of the Holy Spirit. Upon our arrival, we discovered some of our group would be staying in the homes of the villagers. In actuality, the “homes” consisted of straw huts with about an inch of standing water on the dirt floor. The only electricity in the entire village was in the one tiny food store. In spite of the conditions, the villagers welcomed us joyously into their lives. I had never been around people who had so little, in terms of material possessions, but loved so much. In the hot sun of the Yucatan, we mixed and poured concrete, passed cinder blocks, and built a church hand in hand with the villagers of Xochempieche. By the end of the week, I was physically exhausted, but I was moved spiritually in a way I had never experienced. The last day of the trip was spent reflecting on the weeklong experience. That night, the leaders talked about the purpose of a mission trip and shared their personal testimonies on how they came to know Christ. We were invited to share our thoughts with the rest of the group. Without thinking, I got to my feet and, for the first time, openly talked about my desire for a relationship with God. The villagers’ love for one another and us illustrated to me the love they had for Christ. That love was something I knew was missing in my life.
Following that trip, the youth director was relentless with me. He continuously invited me to coffee, to play golf, meet him for lunch, etc… I didn’t know it at the time, but he was discipling me, walking with me in my journey of faith. As my relationship with him grew, so did my relationship with God. My job as a produce clerk in a neighborhood grocery store prevented me from attending worship and youth group activities. At the recommendation of the youth director, I contacted the office at Grace Presbyterian Church and inquired about any available positions. To my surprise, the pastor’s administrative assistant called me a short time later with a proposal. It didn’t matter that my parents didn’t attend the church or weren’t big-time givers. The offer was to work, after school, in the senior pastor’s office as an assistant. It was for me a true demonstration of God’s grace. My duties ranged from running the weekly bulletin to helping with stewardship campaigns. It didn’t matter what I did, only that I was living for Christ. Furthermore, I began assisting in the youth program working with junior high youth and, after graduating myself, working with the senior high. This opportunity initiated what I later identified as a call to ministry. I was called to do for others what my pastor and youth director did for me; open the door to Christ. When I first approached the pastor, Dave McKechnie, of my home church and told him I felt I was being called into the ministry, he offered this: “If you think you could do anything else, do it. Ministry is tough because you not only experience the joys of the Christian life, but must also deal with the sorrows.” You know something? Mckechnie was right! My response shows the conviction I had even back then and still have to this day: “I could not do anything else that my heart would so fully embrace.” The rest, as they say, is history! Sometimes, we either don’t know how or shy away from sharing how God has changed our lives. Let me encourage you to take a look at the testimonies in this month’s edition of Here@First. Be encouraged by what you read to share your story with someone else. Even better, share that story with someone who doesn’t yet know Jesus! All you need is the courage to step out of that comfort zone and begin the conversation. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest! In His grace, Pastor Jack
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Most Important Week of a Young Adult’s Life
Mark Tumney is the Associate Pastor of Families and Missional Outreach. He can be reached at 248-7940, ext. 114 or at
“Hello, is this Mark?” “Yes,” I replied. “This is Matt Hexter, I’m a graduate of Bay High, too, and I heard that you’re coming to Ohio State this fall and I wanted to know if you were looking for some roommates.” That was my introduction to college. In my conversation with Matt I learned that he and his roommates were all Christians and leaders in various campus ministries. While, it was appealing to have roommates who weren’t “potluck,” I was struggling with a question most every kid asks when they leave home for the first time: “Who do I want to be when I leave home?” I had been a committed follower of Jesus for about two years at that point and was a student leader in Young Life. Still, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be the “Christian guy” at college. There was a part of me that wanted to “experiment” a bit over the next few years. Sure, everyone at Bay High School knew that I was a Christian, but no one at Ohio State had any idea of who I was. Having the freedom to “do what I want” was competing heav-
ily against my perceived confinement of the Christian box. Fortunately, I decided to speak to my spiritual mentor Joel about the matter. After hearing me out, he encouraged me in a very strong but gentle way, that having those roommates would be the best thing for me. Walking away from that conversation, I knew he was right. That decision was one of the largest crossroads of my life. Had I not decided to room with these older Christian guys, I’m certain that I would have tossed my faith—at least for a while. Having seen all the temptations at college, I wonder if would even be following Jesus today. As a result, my college years were some richest spiritually. Were it not for those years of growth, I wouldn’t have gone into full-time ministry. Having worked with teenagers for close to 15 years with Young Life, I’m absolutely convinced that a young Christian adult’s first two weeks away from their family and friends are some of the most pivotal in their life spiritually. It’s not hard to understand why. We like to think of ourselves as individuals. Paul Simon hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “I am a rock; I am an island.” However, Scripture says that we do not find our identity as individuals. Since we are made in the image of God who is within Himself community (i.e., Triune), we find our identity not in our individuality, but rather, in community! It is part of the American myth that we must run across the country to “find ourselves.” In fact, the exact opposite is true. I find my identity in my relationships—with God, my family, and my community. It is my God, my family, and my community that offer me a true understanding of who I am.
Now, consider what happens the first two weeks of a young adult’s life, particularly one heading off to college. These teens are often separated from their family and the primary community that has helped them to remain faithful to the Lord. Then they are bombarded by scores of enticements: sex, alcohol, parties, the invitation to join various campus groups and to befriend new people. Of course, making personal decisions about these matters is part of what it means to become an adult. However, without a community to help us remember “who we are” or “Whose we are,” these decisions can be overwhelming. So, what can we do? First, have this discussion with your teenager. Make them aware of the challenges that they are about to face and gently encourage them to remember who they are. Specifically, encourage them to find a Christian group or church (preferably both) within the first two weeks. For new college students, this can be easier. In the first few weeks of school, campus groups and churches often set up information tables to encourage students to connect with them. Also, let your child know that these groups will not be as welcoming and wonderful as their Christian experiences at home for the simple reason that their current relationships literally took years to build. Second, look into new communities before your child leaves the home. If we spend hours considering decisions about eating plans, jobs, coursework, and financial aid, should we not also consider carefully where our kids might be cared for spiritually? When you visit for orientation, look into churches in the area and visit those churches with your child. Perhaps it goes without saying, but don’t assume that a group in the area is going to be as healthy as the one you remember from your youth. And as much as I would love to see our kids plug into a Presbyterian church, unfortunately even many healthy
Presbyterian churches don’t have healthy campus ministries, and thus, may not be the easiest places for to connect. Look into FCA, Intervarsity, Navigator and Young Life as well. Finally, one of the best things you can do is to have a former FPC young adult in the area serve as a relational connection. That person can serve as a host, introducing your child to a people who might form the basis of a new community for them. If you don’t know of anyone in the area, check with our student ministry staff. They may even be able to offer suggestions, not only for particular people, but also various healthy ministries in the area. One word of caution before I close. If your relationship with your teenager is a bit shaky, as many parent-teen relationships are, be cautious about pushing your teen too strongly into any new community. Your efforts can easily backfire, encouraging them to do precisely the opposite of your recommendations. As painful as it may be, remember that for your teen to become an adult they must begin taking personal responsibility for their decisions. As Joel did for me, gently offer your help and allow them to choose their ultimate direction. In fact, if your child has a good relationship with our student ministers, you might encourage Tyler or Karin to have this conversation with your child instead (or, as well). I’m so glad that God provided such good community for me when I left the confides of my family and friends. May the Lord do the same for our students when they leave home. - Pastor Mark
group life senior adult
Erik Mickelson
Group Life Ministries 248-7940, ext. 125 or at Erik.Mickelson@fpcyakima. com
SUMMER POOL PARTIES // Noon to 4:00 pm
Burgers and hotdogs provided. Bring a side dish to share.
Sunday, August 15 @ John and JoAnn Benson 7 N 67th Avenue Sunday, September 12 @ Eric and Nancy Gustafson 5502 Scenic Drive
My oldest daughter asked me a few months ago, “Daddy, why do people come over to our house every week for small group?” My response was because her mom and I wanted them to get to know Jesus and so we could support, encourage, and love them. Since that initial conversation, my daughter now tells me, “I love it when people come over for small group!” Sure, she enjoys playing with the other children and raiding the plate of brownies, but she is also learning the importance of opening up her home and heart to others. The unintended consequence of living missionally is God not only works in other people’s hearts, he works in our own hearts and our family’s hearts. Over time, we take on the heart of Jesus because we are spending more and more time with Jesus. In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to go out and make disciples. I am slowly learning the full significance of the process of making disciples. I met Jesus at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue when I was fourteen years old. Immediately I knew there was something different. A few years later, I felt a strong calling to the ministry. After I graduated from the University of Washington, I married my wife Aleah here at First Pres Yakima and we traveled to Denver Seminary so that I could pursue a Masters of Divinity. After graduation, God was still working and refining my call. For the past six years, I have been managing a small business while volunteering in youth ministry. It has only been in the last year that God has given me a stronger vision for the city of Yakima. While finishing a second Masters degree this year in missional leadership at the Resurgence Training Center in Seattle, I have begun to see how our culture is changing here in Yakima and in light of these changes how we can show others what it means to know Jesus. Over the last year I have had a strong calling to help plant community groups, teach others, and disciple men. Christians are called to worship Jesus by being inwardly strong and outwardly focused. In small groups, we are to grieve for others who are not in a relationship with Christ and seek ways of developing community. Practically, I see myself helping in the missional planting and replicating of these small groups. Perhaps we can encourage you in your journey. If God is calling you to reach your neighborhood in an organic way, let me know so we can encourage you. Let me buy you a drink over at North Town coffee house. I’d love to hear how God is moving in your life or answer any questions you may have about how Jesus works in all our lives. I look forward to getting to know you this next year. If you are not currently in a small group, I would love to talk with you and see where we could place you. - Blessings, Erik Mickelson
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY group life hospitality senior adult
Jim Erixson
is the Pastor of Congregational Care he can be reached at 2487940, ext. 130 or at
I have always known that God is here with us. Ever since I could remember my mother would teach this to me. God is good, God is great and His Son, Jesus, loves us. I also remember going to Sunday School as a little boy, learning about Jesus, but I really did not get to know Him until I was 40 years old. I was a divorced man, all alone with no-where to turn. I was without family or friends, very lonely and frightened. One night I was on a walk in my neighborhood. I invited Jesus into my heart and we took that walk together. I talked to Him like never before. It was like the song, “In the Garden” and I didn’t want it to end. This is when I my life changed. I knew I was going to be okay. Several years later I made the life changing decision to finish my career in Aerospace and go to work for a “Higher Authority,” God. While in Seminary I thought I wanted to do street ministry in the Los Angles area. But that changed when I did my Clinical Pastoral Education Unit at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. God let it be known that ministry of caring for the broken spirit was where I was needed. During my time in Long Beach, I saw many different patients with many different illnesses. The people who really tugged at my heart, was the older generation. Over the years God led me to Yakima and I am thankful for every step of the journey. Recently, I received the following poem in an email. It is about how we need to respect and treat our older generation. Please take time to read this poem. Put yourselves in this man’s place, because we will all be there some day.
Crabby Old Man What do you see nurses? What do you see? What are you thinking,when you’re looking at me? A crabby old man, not very wise, Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes? Who dribbles his food, and makes no reply. When you say in a loud voice, ‘I do wish you’d try!’ Who seems not to notice, the things that you do. And forever is losing a sock or shoe?
At fifty, once more, babies play ‘around my knee, Again, we know children my loved one and me.
Who, resisting or not let you do as you will, With bathing and feeding the long day to fill. Is that what you’re thinking? Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse you’re not looking at me. I’ll tell you who I am as I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, as I eat at your will. I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother, Brothers and sisters who love one another. A young boy of sixteen with wings on his feet, Dreaming that soon now a lover he’ll meet.
Dark days are upon me, my wife is now dead. I look at the future, shudder with dread. For my young are all rearing, young of their own. And I think of the years, and the love that I’ve known.
A groom soon at twenty my heart gives a leap, Remembering the vows that I promised to keep. At twenty-five, now I have young of my own, Who need me to guide and a secure happy home. A man of thirty my young now grown fast, Bound to each other with ties that should last. At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone, But my woman’s beside me to see I don’t mourn.
I’m now an old man and nature is cruel. Tis’ jest to make old age look like a fool. The body, it crumbles - grace and vigor depart. There is now a stone where I once had a heart. But inside this old carcass a young guy still dwells, And now and again my battered heart swells And I’m loving and living life over again. I thing of the years, all too few gone too fast, And accept the stark fact that nothing can last. So open your eyes, people open and see. Not a crabby old man . . . look closer . . . see me! 11
DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults
Summer Schedule
Middle School Small Groups /
6th-8th Graders / Sunday mornings 10:30am-12:30pm / Meet in the PowerHouse
D- groups / Sunday nights
High School and College Students 5:30-7:00pm / Meet in the Garden Room
Tyler Van Horn
Director of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 106
Karin Skone
Assist. Dir. of Student Ministries 248-7940, ext. 116
August 15
Youth Sunday
preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare
Rhonda Cardona
Preschool Director 248-7940, ext. 119
FPC preschool has had a large impact on families in our community. Some of the familes that come through this program have never experienced a loving, Christian environment before. Some come from other church families, and some come from right here at FPC. Here are just a few that have been impacted. “I’m a much different mom than I was six years ago when I dropped off my oldest son for his first day of 3 year old preschool. Everything was new and I didn’t know the first thing about choosing a pre-school. A former co-worker had recommended First Pres and, on her advice, I enrolled my son. Neither he nor I knew how much we would learn there. He found a place that encouraged his love of learning, taught him Godly principles, and allowed him to grow socially. I found creative, caring, and loving teachers that partnered with me as a parent. They were able to recognize gifts and abilities in him that needed to be nurtured and provided him a safe environment to learn and explore. When my daughter turned 3, it didn’t even enter my mind to explore other pre-school options. She was enrolled in the 3 year old class, and then went on to Pre-K, as my son had done. She loved every aspect of school, from circle time to PE, music to learning centers, and was more than prepared for kindergarten. The teachers did an excellent job of adjusting to the needs of the classroom as a whole as well as to individuals. My 3 year old son, Matthew, is getting ready to start pre-school this fall. Although we attend church somewhere besides First Presbyterian, we are involved in various things that bring us here, as well as driving by on our way through town. Each time he sees the bell tower, he proudly announces, ‘There’s my school!’ He knows this place. I’m thankful that he too will have a chance to be taught and loved on by this amazing school.” Heidi Bethel – parent and board member
“This has been such a rewarding time in our lives to see our daughter love going to school and learning new things every day. Her whole life is centered around everything she is learning, from academics to faith.” Alba Levesque – parent 13
preschool, cont.
”Kids are first, God is glorified. The foundation that has been laid in Anson’s heart with the Word of God, and a true love for Jesus is priceless!” Cheri Grange – parent “I really love your program and have been impressed on how much Connor has changed and he talks about God too.” Angela Peters – parent “First Pres Preschool is an awesome learning experience for children, families, and extended families! We love that the gospel is being taught and the staff demonstrates the love of Christ!” - Preschool Parent
“The best thing about this program is the teachers, that God is glorified, and that it has the support of the church body.” - Preschool Parent
Four years ago, when my oldest daughter was about to turn three years old, I started looking for a preschool for her to attend. Quite honestly, I had no idea where to start. As I began asking around, parent after parent recommended First Presbyterian Christian Preschool. Impressed with its reputation for a loving, nurturing environment and strong academics, I took the plunge and registered my daughter for the threeyear-old preschool class. Now, four years later, two of my daughters have graduated from the program and my third daughter is about to start her preschool career. A lot has changed in those four years. Our family now calls FPC our church home and I’ve gone from preschool neophyte to board member. As I think back to my decision four years ago to register my oldest child, I am very thankful God guided me to this program. My daughters have flourished in First Presbyterian Preschool. They’ve had the opportunity to build relationships with other children, and the teachers and staff make them feel so loved and special. They learn about Jesus and his love for us. As a family we have truly been blessed. -Aleah Mickelson
preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare
Join us for
Summer Kidzone
Sunday Mornings meeting : August 1, 8, 15 We will be exploring our Bibles as we see how God wants us to respect our friends, ourselves and God’s amazing creations. Kids going into... • K-5: meet upstairs in room 217 • 3’s-Pre-K: meet on the main floor in room 103
I had a blessed childhood. I had a bike with a basket and a cat and neon green salt-water sandals. I also had a family and church community that loved me. I knew they loved me because they told me and showed me they loved me. Without exaggeration, I can say, that while growing up I never had a single day where I wasn’t given a hug and told that I was loved. I realize now, more and more, how rare that was. In August I begin my first year teaching. So when I was asked to help lead the Bible story dramas at VBS this year I agreed, hopeful for a crash-course-warm-up before the first day of school. I needed a coffee after the first half hour. A strong coffee. Whichever sociologist said that “kids these days are less active” certainly has never been to our VBS! Together with a small but mighty drama Megan Antles team we were able to share the stories of Peter and Paul, survive a ship wreck, hide from Roman soldiers and share the incredible love of the Lord, our God. On Thursday we got to tell the story of Jesus. We told about His mission, His hope, His sacrifice, His rebellion, His radical views, His forgiveness and His love. We invited anyone who wanted to, to come up to the cross and pray. At the cross, children closed their eyes tight and whisper under their breaths, “Lord, change my life.” I’d never heard anything more beautiful in my life. Their sincerity was moving. But what became even more moving was what happened next. At the cross, the other leader and I bent down, looked into the eyes of each child that came forward, held their hand in ours and said to them faceto-face, “Jesus loves you. You are loved!” That night, before bed I thanked God that nearly 365 children heard that they are loved. I told Him it was perhaps the most important thing I’ve ever done in my life and I meant it. I sensed that perhaps for many of the kids there that week they had never heard this before. Maybe this is something you need to hear. Maybe this is something that you never got to hear. Maybe this is something that as a believing community we have failed to do. If so, I am sorry. If you need to hear this (or rather, read this) then please do. Please know that you are loved. You are worthy. You are of valued. You are a source of joy. And there is a God that loves you, who fights for you, who laughs with your and shares pain with you and who is ready to tell you all these things (and more) Himself. So come! Come and listen. Come to the foot of the cross and let Him hold your hand, look into your eyes and tell you how loved you are. I pray you hear it. - Megan Antles
preschool children’s women’s careforce men’s adults childcare
How often do we allow our own personal “comfort zone” to define what we will and won’t do for God? This summer women in the Holy Spirit Boot Camp follow-up classes have been challenged to throw off the shackles of self imposed “comfort zones” and step out in faith to watch God’s love reach out to a hurting world. We have been inspired to listen to the Spirit, leave the church and pray for people we sense God has led us to. Exercising spiritual muscles that most of us don’t use very often can be scary and intimidating, but when we are willing to step out in faith life with God becomes VERY EXCITING!
Treasure Hunting Treasure Hunts lead believers into a supernatural lifestyle of kingdom building. A few times in July, Women’s Ministry met to practice Treasure Hunting. We broke into groups of three or four, prayed for a word of knowledge from God, and followed the clues to find His treasure. In this article you will get to read some Treasure Hunting testimonies journaled by women from the Holy Spirit Boot Camp.
God tells us to Go into all the nations and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
Shan Trick
Women’s Ministry 248-7940, ext. 142
During a prayer walk around the Madison House neighborhood Carla and Robin were on the watch for a woman with long hair somewhere near the vicinity of 6th Street. These were the words of knowledge God had given them as they embarked on the walk. Near the end of their walk they noticed a woman with long hair exiting a taxi cab and unlocking a chained gate to enter the front of a house. They walked up to the woman and began to talk with her explaining they believed she was the treasure God was leading them to on this night. They asked if there was something they could pray for on her behalf. Startled the woman joined them on the sidewalk, outside the chain fence. She shared she had just come from the police department where she had placed a restraining order against the father of her children. The woman began to cry and shared that last night she had prayed for someone to come into her life, alongside her, to help carry this burden of pain. Carla and Robin were able to minister to her with prayer and the love of our Father.
Treasure Hunting Testimonies, Cont... Given the clues “tree by Miners, long blond hair, woman, beauty products, Linda, encouragement, and friendship” Linda’s first thought was ‘me, I am hunting for me!’ After listening for a word of knowledge from God Linda, joined by Carla, Sarah and Kathy set out one evening to find the treasure God was directing them toward. Linda remembers feeling irritated and thinking “When am I going to stop thinking about myself!” Linda doubted the words she heard from God during an interval of listening prayer. She was concerned her own thoughts were crowding out the voice of God and Linda did not want that to happen; rather she was intent on pursuing the supernatural encounter of God revealing Himself in a very specific way.
Give all your
and cares to God, for he cares about .
1 Peter 5:7 NLT
The group of women searched the area around Miners and the Valley Mall for anyone matching the clues they had received. In the parking lot near Old Navy they spotted a blond woman about Linda’s age and body type wearing a braid, and carrying a bag from Ulta, the nearby beauty supply store. Linda remembers thinking “I see me!” The woman was approached and it was shared the group was on a treasure hunt and they believed she was the treasure God was leading them to find. After sharing with her a few moments the woman expressed her home church was experiencing problems and specifically that she was carrying a burden for her church and pastor. Prayer was offered and there in the parking lot Linda, Carla, Sarah and Kathy prayed for this woman and her church. During the prayer Linda was given a vision of shoes containing cleats that only allowed forward movement suggesting a taking of ground, an inability to retreat. The vision included a red banner with gold tassels declaring “I’m a presence;” a declaration to Satan of God’s authority. The woman was encouraged to engage in intercessory prayer for her church and pastor. Although this woman did not match every clue on the treasure map God gave to Linda that evening, it was clearly a divine encounter allowing a treasure to be found, intercession for a church, and encouragement to be given.
Women’s Ministry looks forward to continuing the Holy Spirit Boot Camp classes this fall during RE3. Join us on this amazing God-lead adventure as we stretch our spiritual muscles. Look for details in the September issue of Here@First. If Treasure Hunting intrigues you, please connect with WOW (Women of Wonder, Women’s Ministry) to get plugged in. God has amazing things in store for YOU! 17
Gustavo Carvajal
Pastor Iglesia Cristo Vive 248-7940 ext. 133
What an awesome weekend we experienced!
The attendance guess-timates are 4,000 Saturday afternoon, 8,000 for Saturday evening and 13,000 for Sunday. After Palau’s good word, and while Third Day was playing I met Pastor Jacob Meadows, from First Presbyterian Bickleton. Jacob drove down with his family and several young people from his church. He was excited sharing about two of these kids praying and going forward giving their lives to Christ. I couldn’t hold my tears of excitement as I saw the heart of a shepherd, bringing his sheep all the way from Bickleton to be fed by the Living Bread and to be refreshed by the Living Water. Hundreds of people made a first time commitment while many others rededicated their lives to Christ at the Business and Women’s luncheons and both Saturday and Sunday. A good group of volunteers, including several of us from FPC, stayed last night sorting most of the decision cards. A smaller group gathered this morning to finish up the task at WestSide Baptisp. Those who wrote an email address received a CityFest note of encouragement either Saturday evening or last night. Our harvest continues now as we take care of those whose hearts were moved by the power of God’s Word. Let’s pray for them and welcome them into the life of our church. Thank you for your leadership and involvement making this Festival a reality. What an awesome team we are and what an Awesome God we have!
upcoming news and events
Pilots Needed This fall we’re looking for people to serve in a pilot program to help pioneer and shape our renewed efforts to connect with families in our congregation and the community. We’re looking for about 15 couples with kids currently living at home who have a desire to connect in community and to encourage others to do the same. We will specifically be engaging in study, play, service and laughter—both separately and together with our kids. We’ll meet on Sunday mornings following the 9:30AM service for about an hour. Snacks will be provided for the kids. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Pastor Mark at
Men’s Class
Fall RE3 on Wednesday Nights 6:30p - 8:00p
We are excited to announce the start-up of a Men’s Class beginning in September as a part of the Re3 Wednesday night program. The purpose of this class is twofold: 1) To provide a place of gathering for men of all ages from within and outside our church to connect, learn, support and serve. 2) To expand the ministry scope of themen of our church to include validating and empowering them to serve in the ministries they already have at work, at home, in church and in the community. We will be studying “The Reason for God” the best selling book by Timothy Keller, who also wrote “The Prodigal God” that our church studied together last year. Bill Starr will be the class facilitator and main teacher, and will be joined by a number of other men who will help us look at the challenges set forth in this excellent book. We will kick off on September 15 at Round Table for dinner (6:30pm.) Class will begin September 22. Come join us and bring a buddy!
SunFair Parade For the last few years I have had the opportunity to serve our community through the Sunfair Parade. It is such a joy to see the smiles on the people’s faces as we gifted them with items such as popcorn, snow cones, a beverage, a balloon for a child or information about our church. As we pulled wagons filled with such items up and down Yakima Avenue, reaching out to the parade watchers, I realized what a blessing our church can be to this community. Not only was I blessed by this experience, but so was my family. We are all looking forward to serving again this year. Watch for more details on the September 25 Sunfair Parade and how you and your family can participate. -Monnie Miller
Pray 24/7 FPC is joining hands with 30 churches in our city to cover the Yakima Valley in prayer 365 days a year, 24 hours a day! We have committed to the 2nd Sunday of every month. Would you prayerfully consider taking a 15 minute (or more) time slot to spend time praying for the Yakima Valley? Each month you will receive a Scripture support printout that will guide you in your prayer time. Sign up at the Connection Center or you can email Donna Fuhlman at
infant baptisms and dedications
Sunday, August 29
Parents of infants being baptized, need to participate in a Baptism Class on Wednesday, August 13 at 7:00pm in the Garden Room. Call Jana Alderman for confirmation and details, 248-7940 ext. 108. 23
reach worship
first presbyterian church