August 2013 haf

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first presbyterian church



August 2013

He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Luke 10:3-6

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15 “Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.”

Volume 53

First Presbyterian Church

Our Core Values

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

• Glorifying God with our best • Pioneering and ongoing outreach • Engaging and nurturing relationships • Being a cornerstone in the community • Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service

(509) 248-7940



Head of Staff / Senior Pastor

Jack Peebles

Assistant Pastor of Discipleship



Tyler Van Horn


Pastor’s Administrative Assistant

Jana Alderman


Family Ministry

Shan Trick


Connecting Ministry

Jocelyn Larsen


Student Ministry

Jeff Murray


Student Ministry (asst.)

Kelsey Schmidt


Children’s Ministry

Susie Woodin


Childcare Coordinator

Monnie Miller


Childcare Reservations


Preschool Director

Rhonda Cardona


Temple Choir Director

Lyndi Peacock


Worship Team Director

Jason Cavanaugh


Finance Manager

Tammy Nunley


Media/Systems IT/Worship Planning

Deb Kent


Administrative Support & Women’s Minstry

Ericka Clark


Publications / Office Support

Curt Rosenkranz


Wedding Coordinator

Diane Kearby


Grounds and Maintenance

Maurice Peugh


Head Custodian

Dan Barela



Kyle Miller


SOAR School of Supernatural Transformation


SOZO Prayer Appointments


Pastor of Cristo Vive


Gustavo Carvajal

Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113


CALENDAR August Events Thursday, August 1 Thursday, August 1 Monday, August 5 Monday, August 5 Tuesday, August 6 Wednesday, August 7 Thursday, August 8 Saturday, August 10 Sunday, August 11 Monday, August 12 Monday, August 12 Wednesday, August 14 Sunday, August 18 Monday, August 19 Tuesday, August 20 Tuesday, August 20 Wednesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 21 Thursday, August 22 Sunday, August 25 Sunday, August 25 Tuesday, August 27

Happy Travelers Meeting SAM High School Bible Study Living Water Meeting Adult Ed Meeting Family Movie Night “Escape from Planet Earth” Happy Travelers: Yakima Valley Museum Ghormley Work Day Missionary Millie Redding at FPC High School Bible Study Edith Ferry Circle Potluck Youth Silverwood Trip Infant Baptisms & Baby Celebrations High School Bible Study CPR / First Aid Training Session Leadership Team Meeting Youth End of Summer Bash Foundation Board Happy Travelers: Lunch at Whistlin’ Jack’s Family Summer Party Last Summer Kidzone Session (No Dinner)

1:30p 3:00p 10a - 12p 5:30p 7:00p 6:30p TBA All day All morning 10a - 12p 12:00p 7:00a - 8/15 All morning 10a - 12p 9a - 1p 7:00p 5p 4:00p TBA 12:00p 9:30a 6:30p

Sunday, September 1 Monday, September 2 Wednesday, September 4 Sunday, September 8

No Kidzone Today Labor Day / Church Closed Preschool Parent Orientation Kick Off Sunday

Adult Ed Adult Ed Gym Parlor Adult Ed Gym YV Museum Ghormley Meadow Sanctuary Gym Parlor Silverwood Sanctuary Gym Gym Adult Ed TBA Library Whistlin’ Jack’s Drollinger’s Home K-5th Mid High Rm

Committee Committee Highschoolers Committee Committee Everyone Everyone Everyone / RSVP Everyone Highschoolers Women Mid Hi/Sr High Highschoolers Committee Mid Hi/Sr High Committee Everyone Everyone Elders & Prog’ Staff

Weekday Events M-W-F Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Exercisers TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon Women of Action 14th & 28th Contemporary Worship Rehearsal SOZO Prayer Cristo Vive Youth Group

9:00a-10:00a Gym/GR 10:00a Adult Ed 12:00p Adult Ed 5:15p Adult Ed 9:30a Chapel 5:30p Sanctuary 9a-Noon 7p-9p Gym

Sr Adults Everyone Everyone Everyone Women Worship Band SOZO Team Grades 6-12

9:00a 11:00a 9a & 6p 9:00a 9:00a 9:00a 10:00a 10:00a 9:30a

Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th 2½ yr & 3yr 4yr & 5yr Adults Adults Adults

Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes (K-5th Grades) Sonbeams Cubbies Adult Ed Bible Class Being a Disciple in the World Today Golden Circle

Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Upstairs Mezzanine L2 Room 103 Adult Ed Mezzanine L3 Lounge




To the 241 + Volunteers of Kingdom Rock VBS – for sharing the love of Jesus with 334 children.

Kick Off Sunday

To the children who attended Kingdom Rock VBS – for being such precious creations of God…you are an inspiration and joy to us all!

Summer Office Schedule

To the Parents of the children who attended Kingdom Rock VBS – for putting your trust in us in allowing us the honor of teaching your children about Jesus.

Mark your calendars for Kickoff Sunday, September 8.

FRIDAYS through August 23rd the office will close at 1:00p.

Congregational Care Needed?

Coming in September for the Fall Session Of Adult Education

Among the great books of Scripture, none provide a more comprehensive and chronological prophetic view of the broad movement of history than the book of Daniel. Daniel brings together and interrelates the great themes of prophecy as does no other portion of Scripture. Please, join us, as we discover what Daniel has to say about our present day.

The following people are stepping in to fill the hole that Pastor Jim left upon his retirement: Pastor Steve Barker Walt Nelson Ben Antonio Pastor Gustavo Carvajal John Stolzenbach On site coverage is from 10a – 1p daily. Please contact the office if you need an appointment for care or need to report an upcoming surgery.

American Red Cross

Blood Drive Wednesday, September 11 9:00am - 2:00pm FPC Garden Room

Call 248-7940 for appointment. The need is constant. The gratification is instant. 4

Give blood.


God is calling you higher than you have ever been before... Will you answer the call? Learning to live like Jesus lived. Becoming wholehearted followers of Christ. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name Acts 4:30 SOAR Mission Statement & Core Values Mission Statement: The personal, regional and global advancement of God’s kingdom. Philosophy of Spiritual Transformation: In knowing God and seeking His presence, we discover who we are in Christ. Therefore, being empowered by the Holy Spirit we live as revivalists who bring light where there is darkness and life where there is death. Applications available at First Presbyterian church or online:

Cookies & Cans Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name. Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.

August August August August

4 : G-M 11 : N-S 18 : T-Z 25 : A-F

Kingdom Living: The Inviting Church “If you build it, they will come.” -Field of Dreams Who could ever forget that line from the baseball movie classic Field of Dreams? The plot of the movie entailed building a baseball diamond in the middle of a corn field, getting a game started, and waiting until paying spectators simply showed up to watch. Yes, there were other plot points, but that was the gist of it! This “wait until they come” approach has been utilized with great success within the church for the greater part of the last century. Churches that built nice facilities and put together the best “game” would be flooded with visitors who were looking for something to do on Sundays. Today, this is no longer the case. Aside from a few exceptions, this passive approach of sitting back and waiting for the people to come hither doesn’t work anymore. This is attributed to changes in the culture as we are now living in a post-Christian society. Many of the churches that peaked in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s have either plateaued or begun to decline. Thus, the challenge for the church today is to move from a passive posture to a more active position. In an athletic stance, one has to shift their weight from his/her heels to the balls of his/her feet. Instead of sitting back, ready to “welcome,” we need to go out and “invite”! Here’s the thing- we need to invite people to more than just Sunday morning! We need to invite people to get to know Jesus and experience the blessings of that relationship and being part of a community of believers. This necessitates believers being more active in sharing and living their faith. Within this summer series, we will explore what it means to be an active “Inviting Church.” Aug 4th / “The Invitation to Abide” / John 15:1-8 (9-17) Aug 11th / “The Invitation to Community” / Acts 2:42-47. Aug 18th / “The Invitation to Love” / 1 Corinthians 13 Aug 25th / “The Invitation to Go” / Luke 10:1-12 Sept 1st / “The Invitation to Rest” / Matthew 11:28-30


PASTOR JACK Dear FPC Community: I am energized by the process of writing. I love taking ideas or thoughts, playing with them, turning them over in my mind, connecting the dots, and seeing where they might lead. As an outlet for writing, I have recently resurrected an old blog: The Sent Church. Originally created when I was an Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian of Nashville, Tennessee, The Sent Church is intended to “foster conversation about the Church and what it means to be missional. Together, we can explore God’s calling for our lives and seek to answer His gracious invitation to follow Him, wherever He may lead!” Thus, I wanted to take this month’s article space and share my blog with you. Here’s an excerpt from my latest entry called “God Revealed Through Creation” from July 15th: There are few places I enjoy more than Ketchum/Sun Valley, Idaho. It just so happens to be where our family is spending the week, thanks to the generosity of some wonderful people. The community and surrounding area is something special. It's difficult to look out our back door, behold the sight of the Smokey Mountains of Idaho, the Big Wood River, and various hiking trails and bike paths, and not think about the Creator of all that is. I am in awe. Perhaps you've experienced the same when you've been in the mountains or at the beach? On Sunday, we had the opportunity to worship at the Presbyterian Church of the Big Woods. No less than three Presbyterian Senior Pastors from other churches attended the 9:30 service. I guess I'm not the only one who loves the area! During the service, there was a group from Africa who led the worship singing. They


were fantastic! They sang with incredible passion and, in the rich tradition of African worship, did a little dancing as well. I think my hips may have swiveled on more than one occasion...unintentionally! You can imagine my spiritual high. Worshipping God in the midst of some beautiful country. It doesn't get any better than that, does it? And then... The guest preacher for the morning was introduced, and he stood up to address the congregation. Don Schoendorfer is the founder and president of Free Wheelchair Mission (http://www. freewheelchairmission. org). Their mission is to "provide the transforming gift of mobility to the physically disabled poor in developing countries, as motivated by Jesus Christ." I was startled to hear that 80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries. That number is staggering when you consider most of those people are without aid. During the message, he read a brief passage from the ninth chapter of John. He then proceeded to show a video of residents in a village in Ghana. Their mission group had arrived, and word quickly spread that they were giving away free wheelchairs. To see so many people come, dragging themselves in the dirt or walking with the assistance of a staff was quite a sight. The hope of mobility compelled them to come forward and they did so with great dignity.

In chapter nine of the Gospel of John, Jesus and his disciples encountered a man disabled by blindness. The disciples pose to Jesus a question, inquiring as to who is to blame for his disability: "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (9:2, NIV) Isn't that the question that most of us ask, when we see a person who is suffering, disabled, poor, ill, etc? Basically, we want to know who is to blame? We tend to think of it as punishment for some misdeed. Truth be told, some people who fall on hard times do so because of the poor choices they make. There is no question. For the person who was born disabled, however, their situation is not due to a poor "choice." We tend to get frustrated with and ascribe blame to God when it happens to someone we love. Why did you do this to him? Jesus responds: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned... but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." (John 9:3-5)

Jesus is not interested in ascribing blame. The reality is we live in a broken and fallen world. He is interested, however, in speaking about the purpose for which He came into the world. Jesus is led by the Father to offer a sign that He is indeed the light of the world. Specifically, He healed the blind man and through this miracle, demonstrated His authority and identity: the Savior of the world. Our sufferings are always opportunities for God's grace to be revealed. In the midst of the darkness, the light of Jesus can and does shine. His compassion preceded the miracle, and we are to have the same compassion. Elsewhere in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus articulates the expectation He has for His followers to be bearers of His light. "You are the light of the world... In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-15) Here's the lesson I learned in a nutshell: Although God is revealed in the majesty of His creation: the mountains, rivers, oceans, etc., He is more clearly revealed through the compassion we extend to those who suffer, as we are the incarnational presence of Jesus to the world. Both are equally beautiful! To read my blog go to You can also access the blog from our website I’d love for you to follow my occasional musings on missional living. As you witness God revealed through creation, may that revelation enrich you and your family as you finish the summer and prepare for the fall! Living and loving for Him,

ck Pastor Ja 7

MISSIONS - LOVE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST From the Desk of Elizabeth Benefield

In many communities the only option some people have is to go from church to church asking for help. Sometimes the need is legitimate, sometimes it’s just a well-rehearsed story designed to evoke sympathy and money. Yakima is no longer one of those communities! For the last five years Love INC (Love In The Name of Christ) has been providing a central source of information and resources to people in need in Yakima. Love INC’s Clearinghouse is manned by trained volunteers who listen with compassion while obtaining the important information necessary to verify the need. Love INC is able to screen out those who are trying to scam God’s people and direct help to those with legitimate needs. All of this is done over the phone Monday – Wednesday from 9:30-1:00. If you are available one of those days, one day a week, and have a heart to listen, this may be the place for you!

Elizabeth Benefiel, Executive Director

Wendy Staff, TEAM Graduate and now Clearinghouse Coordinator

Meeting a need is a vital and biblical way to show God’s love. But it rarely leads to a transformed life. The mission of Love INC is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ. With that in mind, last year we launched the T.E.A.M. Program. TEAM stands for Training, Equipping, and Mentoring. It is a long term program of mentoring and life skills for families. TEAM combines a hands-on course of money management with strict accountability to help people learn to manage their money and get out of debt. TEAM participants are matched with a Budget Mentor who meets with them each week to coach, encourage, and provide accountability. TEAM also includes a year-long curriculum of life-skills classes that address areas like Communication, Conflict Resolution, Anger Management, and Boundaries. Each TEAM client is matched with a volunteer Budget Mentor for one year

“Financial Fitness Class” is taught by two volunteers with a passion to help people understand God’s money management principles


As families go through the TEAM Program they earn vouchers that can be redeemed for weekly orders of groceries, hygiene products, cleaning products, and paper products from our TEAM Pantry. Vouchers can also be used for $25 gas cards, haircuts, oil changes, linens and even furniture. Each time they redeem earned vouchers it frees up their income to pay off debt. Does it work? Yes! Wendy is a single mom with 3 teens. She

The Donation Center needs volunteers to sort and inventory donations started the TEAM Program with less than $600/month of income and over $8000 debt plus student loans. Loaded down with shame and hopelessness, she also lacked basic skills of money management. With lots of tears, lots of prayer and support, Wendy gradually began to see a glimmer of light at the end of her long, dark tunnel. We watched her Life Skills classes provide tools and grow in confidence and hope. She worked with her Budget skills needed to empower families to Mentor each week to stay on track. Wendy graduated the break out of poverty TEAM Program in March of this year. She graduated debt free! Equally important, she is a transformed woman! Wendy has learned how to take care of herself and her children. They have learned a lot through all of this as well. Wendy recently became our Clearinghouse Coordinator. It is a volunteer position now but we hope to be able to hire her in 2014. Meanwhile, she is touching other lives, sharing what God has done in her life with those who call us for help. TEAM offers a fun, safe place for kids to learn about Christ. We need volunteers in this area!

“Cooking On A Budget” is so hands-on it’s taught in the church kitchen!

If you would like more information about our programs or how you can get involved, please contact us at our Administration Office, 453-2942. You can also visit us on the web at Donations can be made through our website or by mail to Love INC, 811 W. Yakima Ave. Suite 104, Yakima, WA 98902. Thank you First Presbyterian Church for your partnership!


CRISTO VIVE We celebrate our Youth Rising in Worship and Service, by Harold’s Music Ministry

It seems so short… Can someone teach people to sing and play piano, guitar and base guitar in only 10 weeks? A miracle has happened! We rejoice in what the Lord did through Harold’s (CV summer intern) ministry among us. Thank you for your support to make this happen. We now have children and youth who are leading our Sunday evening worship. If you want to experience the miracle of worship come and join us Sunday evening at 6.

Celebrate with us Adrian, Sam, Diana and Estefany’s Film and Video Camp experience

As a segway to the music classes we provided the opportunity to four high school kids to attend Tall Timber Ranch Film/Movie Camp. We expect their newly acquired skills in short film/movie making will motivate them to enhance our worship experience.

Making a Difference in our Community: Cristo Vive Restoration Ministry

We have a couple of projects in the pipeline. We power washed Bertha and Rubén’s house, we secured some loose siding and after some more prep work we will be ready to paint. Kathy’s home also needs weather proof windows. We got them at the Habitat Restore and will also replace Kathy’s old windows. If you want to join us in this project, send Gustavo an email or call him and let him know. 248-7940 or



Janet Krieger

The Inviting Church I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." Psalm 122:1 Most churchgoers have forgotten what it’s like to go to a church for the first time; I know I have. And, that is why it is important that as a body of believers we take the time to stop and consider the importance of being a welcoming and inviting church. It has been proposed there are two questions in a visitor’s heart and mind when they walk in the doors of a church. The first is “Is there anyone here like me?” The second is “Is there anyone here who is interested in me?” The response of a welcoming congregation is “We are interested in you. Our hearts, minds and doors are always open to you, no matter who you are.” And the King will tell them, 'I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these My brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me!' Matthew 25:40 Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2 How do we welcome people to the family of First Presbyterian Church? Is our welcome a brief handshake, a single initial encounter or does it include the extension of an invitation to include new people into our community of believers, to disciple them, to fellowship and take them out with us to love and serve? The culture of a welcoming and inviting church is all about . . . making people feel comfortable physically, emotionally and spiritually. This includes being greeted, being accepted, experiencing the peace and joy of the body coming together in God’s presence, experiencing joyful worship and providing opportunities and invitations for discipleship and fellowship. It must become the responsibility of the entire church to create a welcoming and inviting culture. Welcoming is not assigned to a few people stationed

at a door or a committee. Welcoming must begin at the curb and continue into the very heart of our congregation. A welcoming culture allows us to serve as hosts to both guests and our church family. Truly, anyone who welcomes My messenger is welcoming Me, and anyone who welcomes Me is welcoming the Father who sent Me." John 13:20 Will you accept the challenge to grow the culture of welcoming at First Presbyterian Church? Will you join other members of this body of believers in becoming an inviting congregation? Begin to practice the Circle of 10 and Rule of 3. Circle of 10: Greet anyone, member or guest, who comes within ten feet of you. Make a special effort to greet the people you don’t already know within your Circle of 10. Rule of 3: Try not to talk to other members for the first three minutes after the service Talk only to those you don’t know and to people that you know are guests. It takes guests about three minutes to exit the church after worship so it’s important to make sure someone has made contact with them before they leave.



MISSIONS - MILLIE REDDING - RETIRED Here @ First is pleased to bring you a re-introduction and interview with long-time missionary partner, one of our own, Millie Redding. Millie grew up here at FPC, and followed the Lord into the mission field. FPC gives financial support to her in her retirement. Currently residing in Nampa ID, she has published a book of her adventures, which she will bring on her visit Sunday, August 11. Be sure to come and say hello.

H@F: How did you get your start in missions? Millie: The Hillis family of Yakima were a positive influence

during my High School years. They had been forced out of China. Dick Hillis told many spellbinding stories regarding doing the Lord’s work in China. He challenged me to be a missionary wherever I was, starting at Yakima High School (now Davis HS). He urged me to give my life to the Lord then serve wherever He wanted me to be whether in Yakima or overseas. Another person who greatly influenced and inspiration to me was Helen Cope. She was home on furlough from China. Miss Cope said she doubted if she would ever marry because there were very few single missionary men in China. I greatly admired her willingness to give up the idea of marriage and family to serve the Lord. Because of these two people and my Christian training at FPC, I was one of 18 young people who traveled by Greyhound bus in 1943 to start their training at Biola.

H@F: What one statement would sum up your ministry? Millie: Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words. - Francis of Assisi.


H@F: How do you support missions today? Millie: I send a quarterly newsletter to all

the retired ISI missionaries. I continue my hospitality ministry among the international students at the local college. Also, I know many students, in California, Seattle, Japan, China, and other parts of the world. I send letters, Skype and dedicate face-time to encourage them in their calling.

H@F: What type of mission work did you do? Millie: Elcho (my husband) and I, went to India with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) in 1950. The first nine years we learned the language and worked with illiterate villagers and established seven schools. The next nine years worked in North India helping Tibetan refugees. In 1968 we joined (ISI) International Students, Inc. befriending students in local colleges in southern California. After twelve years there we went to China and Japan until our retirement. While we taught English in schools our main way of spreading the Gospel was through hospitality. By inviting people into our home, letting them ask questions and developing relationships we were able to spread the Gospel. ISI did not have a retirement plan for their missionaries. I am so extremely grateful for the financial support I receive from First Presbyterian Church.

FAMILY MINISTRIES The summer fun is under way. Here are a couple of activities just around the corner. For more info contact Shan at the church office 248-7940. August 7th

Movie Night: “Escape from Planet Earth” 6:30p - 9:00p in the Gym. Movie snacks will be served.

August 25th

Play at Bruce and Diane Drollinger’s home: noon - 4p Swimable pond with accessible boats, zipline and rope swing into pond, bouncy house, other water games, soccer field, volleyball and croquet. Lots of wonderful grassy area to run and play. Drollinger’s address is 2551 Mapleway Rd.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY The Value of Children

We’ve heard Pastor Jack teach from the pulpit the fact that children aren’t the future of the church… they ARE the church. As I ponder this reality, I think about Jesus’ encounter with the children in Matthew 19:14 and I am struck by that fact that He interrupted an adult meeting to take time for children. It’s also not surprising that He actually picked up the children and loved them. The most remarkable part of this story though is Jesus’ words to the adults… “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.” Jesus saw something in the children and their childhood besides the future. He recognized worth and value in the state of being a child, for He told the waiting adults in the crowd that children are important for what they are right now –“for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” I love the way this church has always valued children as children. It is crucial that we believe that they have the most to offer right now, as they are. It’s not that we don’t want them to grow up and become responsible, contributing, faithful members of society…but we don’t need to rush them through their childhood expecting more and more at earlier ages. Jesus meant it when He took a small child in His arms and said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) Our goal in KidZone is to make children feel valued, and to let “kids be kids”. We accept them as they are, not as who we wish they were. We see potential in all children and we don’t endure them until they get old enough to matter. We value each child for what they are right now. That’s what makes First Presbyterian Church so special, because this church is the children…right here and now.


We are working hard in KidZone to provide a place where kids are loved just as they are, without putting expectations on what they could or should be. We simply want kids to know they are loved by a Jesus who wants us all to be just like them…children. My purpose in this reminder is to ask you to pray about becoming a part of our KidZone team this fall. Your investment in children now can make a big difference in the future for us all. Parents, grandparents, neighbors and congregation members, all have the responsibility to cherish and teach our kids the love of Jesus now. We all need to take time for the children by becoming like children, just as Jesus said. Kids grow up so fast; don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy them right now!


Areas of need in KidZone include ages 2 ½ through 5th grade in storytelling, drama, large group, and small group leaders – hours of service are flexible and can work with any schedule. Please call Susie at 248-7940 ext. 110 for more information.

PRESCHOOL First Presbyterian Christian Preschool is busy getting ready for our new year beginning in just one more month! We still have a few openings in some of our classes. You can check out our program at our own website:

We provide a fun preschool experience that is full of learning. Children will participate in weekly music classes, weekly chapel time, p.e. classes, not to mention the rich, experienced and proven curriculum that gives each child a firm foundation for success in school.

Call me, Rhonda Cardona (248-7940, ext. 119) today to find out more! If you know someone who might be interested, please pass this information on! Most of all, we thank you for your prayers as we prepare to welcome a new group of children and for our staff who are excited to begin a new year.







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er 2013

Without Spanking or Spoiling

Kids Don’t Come with an Instruction Book...We Can Help! • Why kids misbehave/discipline • Setting reasonable limits • Understanding your child’s temperament • Listening to feelings to gain cooperation • Avoiding predictable problems • Reducing the stress of parenting

Taught by Certified Family Life Educator and author Laurie Kanyer. Beginning Sundays September 8 @ 9:30am in the Gym Free of charge. Call to register - (509) 248-7940. Childcare and concurrent programs available for kids. Certificate of Attendance provided. Hay Translacion en Español.

Because parenting is the most important thing you do

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