December 2013

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church



December 2013

y r r e M s a m t s Chri

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.”

Volume 56

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940


Our Core Values • Glorifying God with our best • Pioneering and ongoing outreach • Engaging and nurturing relationships • Being a cornerstone in the community • Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service

December Events Sunday, December 1 1st Sunday of Advent Cristo Vive Fundraiser Dinner 5:30p Gym Everyone Monday, December 2 Living Water Missions Meeting 5:30p Parlor Everyone Tuesday, December 3 Decorate Church 1:00p - 4:00p GR, Sanctuary, Parlor Everyone Wednesday, December 4 Presbyterian Women’s Silver Tea 1:00p Garden Rm Women Thursday, December 5 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Adult Ed Everyone Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Adult Ed Committee Friday, December 6 MOPS Christmas Tea 9:00a Garden Rm Moms December 6, 7, 8 Mountain Meadow Christmas All weekend Ghormley Meadow Everyone Sunday, December 8 2nd Sunday of Advent Angel Tree Gifts Due All morning Garden Rm Everyone Carenet Christmas Party 2:00p Offsite Committee Monday, December 9 Edith Ferry Circle Potluck 12:00p Parlor Women Fellowship Ministry Team 6:00p Lounge Committee Tuesday, December 10 Preschool Christmas Program (3 year old class) 10:30a Sanctuary/Garden Rm Preschool Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Adult Ed Committee Discipleship Ministry Team 6:00p Rm 203 Committee Business Ministry Team 7:00p Library Committee Preschool Christmas Program (4’s and Pre-K) 7:00p Sanctuary/Garden Rm Preschool Wednesday, December 11 Kids Christmas Rehearsal (soloists & speakers only) 4:00p Sanctuary Kidzone Youth Christmas Dinner and Party 6p - 8p Gym 6th - 12th grades Friday, December 13 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00a Lounge MOPS Craft Night 6:30p Adult Ed Women Cristo Vive Youth Group 6:30p Gym Youth Saturday, December 14 Ghormley Work Day / Free Lunch! RSVP All day Camp Ghormley Everyone Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Garden Rm Knitters Preschool Santa Breakfast 9:00a Gym Everyone Kids Practice 10:00a Sanctuary all kids Sunday, December 15 3rd Sunday of Advent A Child Size Christmas Service 8:00 & 9:30 Sanctuary Everyone Cristo Vive Planning Potluck Meeting 2:00p Lounge Cristo Vive Tuesday, December 17 Session and Deacons Dinner and Meeting 6:00p Garden Rm Elders & Deacons Wednesday, December 18 Soar Christmas Party 5:30p Garden Rm Soar Students Thursday, December 19 Ghormley Commission 6:30p Adult Ed Committee Friday, December 20 Special Christmas Organ Concert 1:30p Sanctuary Everyone Saturday, December 21 Cristo Vive Christmas Program 4:00p Gym Everyone Sunday, December 22 4th Sunday of Advent No Youth Sunday School (YES Kidzone!) Monday, December 23 Madison House Christmas Party Madision House Everyone Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve / Church Office closes at 1:00p Christmas Eve Family Service 5:00p Sanctuary Everyone Christmas Eve 70th Annual Carols and Candles Service 9:00p Sanctuary Everyone Wednesday, December 25 Merry Christmas! Church Closed Thursday, December 26 Church Closed Today Friday, December 27 Church Open Until 1:00p Sunday, December 29 Two services: 9:30a & 11:00a. No Kidzone or Youth Sunday School Today! Monday, December 30 Church Open Until 1:00p Tuesday, December 31 Church Open Until 1:00p Wednesday, January 1 Happy New Years Day! Church Closed Today


Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

Weekday Events

M-W-F Exercisers 9:00a-10:00a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Living a Spirit Led Life Women’s Bible Study 9:15a Gym Women Women in the Word Bible Study 9:45a Parlor Women Wednesday Women of Action (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) 9:30a Chapel Women Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p - 8:00p Sanctuary SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation 5:30p Chapel Soar Students Thursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00a Sanctuary Women Temple Choir 7:00p Choir Rm Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal 5:30p - 7:00p Chapel Cristo Vive Cristo Vive Mid-Week Worship Service 7:00p - 8:30p Chapel Cristo Vive SOZO Prayer 5:45p - 9:15p Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team Friday SOZO Prayer 9:00a - 11:30a Chapel, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

Sunday Mornings Worship - led Contemporary Worship Team Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Adult Ed Bible Class Golden Circle Youth Sunday School KidZone Sunday School

8:00a & 9:30a 11:00a 12:15p 9:30a 9:30a 9:30a 9:30a

Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Adult Ed Adults Lounge Youth Room Classrooms

Everyone Everyone Everyone

Adults Gr 6-12 3yrs thru 5th gr

SERMON SERIES “Deeper Presence”

The Christmas story tells of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. It’s a story we hear each and every year and, unfortunately, may seem commonplace or ordinary. In reality, there is nothing ordinary about Christmas! The story of Christmas is the story of God’s “Deeper Presence” in our lives. God the Father was not content to remain far away, leaving us to our own conditions and circumstance. The gap between the Father and humankind was so great that our outlook was bleak! Therefore, God sent His Son into the world so that the world might receive His loving forgiveness through Jesus. Imagine that! The Creator of the universe loves us so much that He came to be with us!

December 1 “Deeper Hope” Luke 2:1-7 & Romans 8:18-25 December 8 “Deeper Grace” Luke 2:8-12 Ephesians 2:8-10? December 15 “Deeper Joy” (Child-Size/Kids Sing) Luke 2:13-15 & Philippians 4:4 December 22 “Deeper Love” Luke 2:16-21 & John 3:16-17

With the arrival of Jesus come the gifts of hope, grace, joy, and love! Are you ready to unwrap God’s “presence” this December? Utilizing the story of Christmas from Luke chapter 2 as our background, we will explore the amazing gifts of God’s “Deeper Presence!”



Come to the Connection Center and pick up your copy of the Advent Devitional. Suggested donation $2 to cover printing costs.

COOKIES & CANS Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name.

Many thanks to Janet Krieger for her hard work on crafting this special book for all of us.

Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.

December 1 : N-S December 8 : T-Z December 15 : A-F December 22 : G-M December 29 : N-S CHURCH HOLIDAY HOURS

• Closed December 25th and 26th. • Close at 1p on 24th, 27th, 30th and 31st. • New Years Day: Closed January 1st. • Normal Hours Resume January 2nd. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, December 8 at 10:35a for the purpose of electing officers.


Are you willing to donate one Tuesday morning a month to help young mothers attend Bible Study? We need more help in childcare. Please contact Monnie at the Church Office to lend a hand.


We need desserts to auction off at Mountain Meadow Christmas benefiting Camp Ghormley Saturday, December 7th. Please bring desserts to Parlor kitchen by Friday, December 6th. Sign up at the Connection Center or contact Shan.


We will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, January 27 from 10:00a – 3:00pm. Want to help Ericka organize this event? Call, 248-7940.



Come to a special lunch on Sunday, December 8 in the Gym. Marcello & Olive Gambito will be serving home-made Philippino food from 11a-1p. The Gambitos are donating all the food and labor, so 100% of your donations will be going directly to relief efforts. Please consider a $10/person donation or $30/Family. Larger donations are gratefully accepted.


Janet Krieger

All right then, the Lord himself will choose the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call Him Immanuel -- 'God is with us.' Isaiah 7:14 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. And the government will rest on His shoulders. These will be His royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this! Isaiah 9:6-7 . . . But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life. John 20:31 “The cradle of Christmas points to the cross of Calvary.” Christmas is more than a story. It is the birth of a Savior. It is the introduction to Jesus Christ who comes with life and power, who desires to be our fulfillment and joy, and who created us for His purpose. At Christmas Christ’s desire is that we give Him, and those we love, the gift of ourselves wrapped in the package of a life surrendered to Him. That is exactly what Joseph, Mary and the Wise Men did. They committed themselves to God’s purpose for their lives. They set aside their own plans to do and be what they were called to by God. Will you take time this Christmas to stop the baking, the shopping, the wrapping of gifts . . . and simply say ‘God I desire to be what You want me to be. I give You all of me to fulfill the purpose for which I was created.’ That is the Christmas present He longs to hear! Father God, take my mind, spirit and body in surrender as I offer them to You. Take them and make me wholly Yours as I consider this Christmas season Your wonderful gift to me. Thank You for Your Son. In Jesus' name, Amen.




Dear Church Family, “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11) The Christmas story tells of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. It’s a story we hear each and every year and, unfortunately, may seem commonplace or ordinary. In reality, there is nothing ordinary about Christmas! The story of Christmas is the story of God’s “Deeper Presence” in our lives. God the Father was not content to remain far away, leaving us to our own condition and circumstance. Because of our sin, the gap between God the Father and humankind was insurmountable and our outlook was bleak. Miraculously, the Father sent His Son into the world so that the world might receive His loving forgiveness through Jesus. Imagine that! The Creator of the universe loves us so much that He came to be with us. The Christian season that precedes Christmas is called “Advent.” It is a season of preparation as we anticipate the “coming” of Jesus. With the busyness of the season and because we spend so much time preparing for Christmas- the Day (presents, food, decorations), I fear we neglect our spiritual preparation and Christmas- the World Transforming Event. With the arrival of Jesus come the spiritual gifts of God’s hope, grace, joy, and love! Unfortunately, these gifts remain unwrapped for some. I sincerely don’t want that to be the case for you! Over the last several sermon series, we have provided

you with additional study questions related to the sermon points for you to use in your small group, with your spouse, or with a friend over coffee. The next sermon series, “Deeper Presence”, will be no different. Additionally, Janet Krieger has written an Advent Devotional entitled, “O Come Let Us Adore Him!” These resources are offered to you to help you prepare for your Christmas celebrations! My hope and prayer for you and your family is that December would be a time in which Jesus has a “Deeper Presence” in your lives. His love for you has compelled Him to draw close. There is Good News of great joy! He is near and He has brought incredible gifts. Whatever you do, don’t leave them unwrapped! May God grant you a very merry Christmas!

Jack Pastor Jack Peebles


ASSOCIATE PASTOR First Impressions and Future Hopes At the time of this writing, I’ve been here for six weeks! Thank you for the great welcome, by staff and the congregation. Thank you also for your patience with me as I am exploring more of my role as Pastor, and what that means in the life and ministry here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. So far, I’ve experienced a deeply faithful congregation, who loves the Lord, cares for one another, serves the Lord in a wide variety of ministries and mission opportunities, and gives generously of time, gifts, and resources. Thank you for your ongoing love and service to the Lord! Thank you again, to many of you who helped with Pastoral Care and Senior Adult Ministries during the interim period and beyond. Sometimes the tendency of a pastor is to try to come into a new situation and “do” all kinds of ministry. Sometimes the people may be a little tired and want the pastor to relieve them of doing the ministry. What is my hope? My hope is to be a pastor in the Ephesians 4 model: 7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ wanted us to have it … 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

My primary role as a pastor, is not to “do” the ministry, but to equip God’s people for their ministry, to build up Christ’s body, the church. My desire is to come alongside you and help you to continue to serve and minister in the way God is calling you. I look forward to learning and growing as we serve God together in ministry. 1 Corinthians 12:18 says, “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.” It’s not an accident that any of us are here! God has brought us together at this time and place. Each one of us is vital to what God is doing and wants to do here. One translation of verse 27 says, “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” We need each other. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” I love the story Miguel de Unamuno, the Spanish philosopher, tells about the Roman aqueduct at Segovia, in his native Spain. It was built in 109 A.D. For 1800 years, it carried cool water from the mountains to the hot and thirsty city. Nearly 60 generations of people drank from its flow. Then came another generation, a recent one, who said, "This aqueduct is so great a marvel that it ought to be preserved for our children, as a museum piece. We shall relieve it of its centuries-long labor." They did; they laid modern iron pipes. They gave the ancient bricks and mortar a reverent rest. Guess what happened? The aqueduct began to fall apart. The sun beating on the dry mortar caused it to crumble. The bricks and stone sagged and threatened to fall. What ages of service could not destroy idleness disintegrated. Only when we serve in the way God wants us to, will we experience the joy and purpose for which God has created us. I’m looking forward to many years of serving the Lord together with you. Have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate Emmanuel, our God who is with us!

Cindy Pastor Cindy Carter


STUDENTS Yahweh is at work in our community, blessing His people and teaching our young ones to follow Him! Thanks to our team, we are able to hold two youth meetings at the same time on Wednesday nights (6-8p). Our middle school group has been thriving under the leadership of Kelsey Schmidt and her team. Many students from different high schools feel welcomed and that on Wednesday nights FPC is a place for them to belong.

Right now our high school community is making plans for the Easter Project mission trip. We will be heading back to San Francisco over spring break. Our hope is to re-establish relationships with the Bay Area community and introduce our new youth group friends to the mission of Jesus Christ! Twenty-five students have signed an “I’m interested in going” form. Pray for our high school and middle school communities! Please pray for our new volunteers.


Cyrus Bricel Student and Kelsey @ Halloween Party

Craig and Becca Harris

Sunday School


High School Community


veterans. r u o g in t a r b le hand in ce a t n le o h w ll Thanks to a

Special Christmas Concert Organist: Jon Waite December 20, 2013 at 1:30p Senior Adult Ministries is thrilled to sponsor this holiday concert just for you. Dr. Jon Waite, our premier organist, is already at the keyboard making his selections for this wonderful presentation. Please come enjoy a variety of Christmas selections and carols played on our grand pipe organ. The concert will begin in the sanctuary and then we encourage you to stay for coffee or wassail, munchies and fellowship afterwards. We’re giving you plenty of lead in time so you can mark the date on your calendar and plan ahead. That way, you’ll have this welcome moment of respite amidst the inevitable frenzy that seems to accompany the holiday season. This is a gift just for you. All you need to do is bring a smile. We’ll cover the rest of it. Special note: we think your smile would be even wider if you brought a friend to share the joy that will fill your heart as you hear the familiar strains of carols sharing the story of Christ’s birth. It would help us know how much wassail to prepare if you sign up at the Connection Center but please don’t stay away from the concert if you forget to do that. We still want you to come. Merry Christmas!






Join us once again as we partner with the Salvation Army in this wonderful project. Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church has blessed an average of 200 children each year for the past 20 years! Please help make Christmas special for a child in the Yakima Valley. It’s easy…all you need to do is:

• Choose a tag from the Giving Tree located in the Garden Room. • Purchase the NEW gift named on the tag, or a NEW gift of your choosing. • Attach the tag to the UNWRAPPED gift. • Bring the gift back to the Giving Tree at

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church by December 8, OR drop it off at the Salvation Army after that date. They will then distribute the gifts the following week.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child. Thank you for your generosity!


• December 8 – Salvation Army Angel Tree gifts due to the church.

• December 11 – Rehearsal for child-sized speakers and soloists only – 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

• December 14 – All KidZone Kids attend music practice at 10:00 Sanctuary.

• December 15 – All KidZone kids sing in worship. K-5th

please arrive to class by 8:15a. Sonbeams and Cubbies please arrive to classroom by 9:00a. Pancakes will be served to all kids during KidZone hour.

• December 22 – Last KidZone before Christmas break. • December 29 – NO KIDZONE – Families attend worship together. Childcare available for Kindergarten aged & under.

• January 5 – Regularly scheduled KidZone classes resume.

A SHEPHERD’S STORY “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11 The story of Christmas is so wonderful, because we are reminded of the Joy that came to earth that special night to save us from our sins. And what’s even more special is that the first to hear the good news were considered the lowest amongst people…the shepherds. Join us as we share this wonderful story and discover how Jesus is our Shepherd, helping us and guiding us gently with His staff. Sunday December 15 at the 8:00 & 9:30 Services 11:00 service is the traditional service with children providing special music during worship.



Encouraging women to be intentional about their faith.

“And let the

Christ rule in your hearts. For as members

Presbyterian Women

Silver Tea Wednesday, December 4 1:00pm in the Garden Room

Women, you are invited to the annual Christmas Silver Tea to be held in the Garden Room on Wednesday, December 4 at 1:00 in the afternoon. Pastor Cindy Carter will be sharing a Christmas story and the Davis High School Choir will perform a special Christmas concert. Please invite friends to experience the tradition of our Silver Tea; there is no charge. First Presbyterian ladies’ Circles will provide homemade cookies for sale to raise funds for our local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers.)

peace that comes from

of one body you are called to live always be

in peace. And

thankful.” Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

Ladies! Are you looking for opportunities to serve? Here are some ideas... • Madison House - prayer, tutors, activities, food. Call Jocelyn 248-7940 • Sunrise Outreach Emergency Shelter - needs meals for 50 people in winter months. Call Sara 969-4515. *GREAT to do with your small group! • Parenting Class - Shan would love to have more greeters, prayer warriors & table hosts for next winter class (January - March). Call Shan 248-7940 x 142

Beth Moore The Inheritance Winter Class Begins in January

You are a princess in the Kingdom of God! He has given you an inheritance that is beyond any riches of this world. God chose you to be His heir! Are you ready for this wild ride? Come join us on Thursdays from 6-8pm starting January 16 to learn more through Beth Moore’s “The Inheritance” Bible study. It’s time to claim your inheritance! Childcare available with RSVP, 248-7940 x 117. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6 (ESV)


God’s Truths for

Building a Solid Marriage


Teaching by Jamal Zakhary WOMEN!! We are God’s last and best invention! We are intelligent, capable and beautiful. We excel at everything we do: our jobs, motherhood, ministry, and at loving people. Wherever something is lacking: Throw in a woman!!!!!! Yet, our marriages do not seem to be the crown jewel of our abilities; we are unhappy, dissatisfied, hurt and unappreciated. Our husbands wish it were different, and our kids ache for a cohesive conducive atmosphere at home. We wish for homes where God still changes man and woman, where sweetness fills the atmosphere and where appreciation is mutual. What is wrong with our marriages? On January 11 we have an opportunity to explore the Word of God for truths on which we can build a solid marriage. We want to regain our faith that God can still heal sick marriages and give us back our “Promised Land”. Together we will learn how to protect our hearts in the midst of the battle and how to pick up our fragmented emotions so that we can pass over the residue of anger in our hearts. This is our battle, and Satan wants to destroy our homes; we will not let him; shoulder to shoulder we will push forward to rebuild the broken walls of our Jerusalems.

Saturday, January 11 9:00a - 3:00p Rhonda Taylor’s Home (directions given at time of RSVP) Lunch Provided; Nursing babies welcome; There is no cost for this event and all women are welcome. Please RSVP to Grace of Christ Church 248-7940

A testimony from a woman touched by the Lord through Robin and Jamal’s teaching... "Are you finished yet?...because all I hear is I,I,I." Those are the words that changed my life. The beginning of my transformation started with those words spoken to me by Jamal Zakhary the first time I met her. I'll give you a brief summary of where I was at before that fateful day. It was last November and I had lived in “winter” for seven years. I literally had come to the end of myself. I was done. My marriage was done. I cried out to God on my knees and then called my husband sobbing to tell him I couldn't do this anymore. Through tears he said "call Robin. Don't do anything, just call Robin." So, I did. I called Robin Stuber who I had met through Prayer Ministry as a last ditch effort to save my life. She asked me to meet with Jamal before giving up. I met with Jamal, told her my story and those were the words she spoke that started my life over in Christ. She breathed God's truth into me that day. I felt like I had come out of a coma. I walked away from that meeting with a renewed heart for my husband and more importantly for Christ. Not only was my heart renewed, but my mind was transformed. I committed to die unto myself that day which was incredibly painful, terrifying, and wondrously freeing. I stopped focusing on my husband and started focusing on the cross. You see, surprisingly it was never about my husband and I - that is where I went wrong so long ago. It was about me and Jesus. It was about that relationship. I started being obediant to Christ and through that I learned how to honor my husband. The freedom I have found in submitting myself to the Lord and to my husband's leadership is absolutely amazing! Nothing tastes so sweet. I've met with Jamal weekly for the last year to soak in her wisdom and seek her guidance. Jamal is the vessel the Holy Spirit used to breathe life into a girl who was dead in her sin and sickness. The teaching she has taught me is not unique, it's biblical and that is why I carry it in my heart and mind. The truth has set me free. I'm out of Egypt! My husband and I are both new creations in Him. We are constantly amazed at what God has done and continues to do in our lives. We celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary in July, but really we agreed it was our first. Everything truly has been made new and the Lord is redeeming the years the locusts have eaten. When I took myself off the throne and put the rightful King upon it- the world shifted. Suddenly there was no more chaos. No more oppressing darkness. With obedience everything came into alignment. My children are respectful and loving. They now see a mommy who loves them, who loves and honors their Daddy, and most importantly they see a mommy who loves and serves the Lord. I encourage you in the Lord. Set your heart and mind on Him. Don't be afraid. He said, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32


MADISON HOUSE Christmas time needs on behalf of Madison House

The Olde Lighthouse Shop has been deluged with gifts designated for the Christmas party at Madison House and they need help wrapping them! Get your friends or small group together to wrap Christmas gifts for an hour or two sometime this month. Call Debbie Jones at the Olde Lighthouse Shop (509) 248-9207 for more information.

Madison House Annual Christmas party

A group of our very own GCPC youth are preparing the dramatic program for the Madison House Christmas party on Monday, December 23. Give part of your day to come down and help: distribute gifts, welcome families, show Jesus’ love to the kids, and support our youth as they share the gospel of Jesus in this unique way!

Ongoing needs

• Help with dinner service at Madison House any weekday 5-6pm. • Offer childcare at Madison House for young moms who want to participate in the English as a Second Language (Monday and Wednesday mornings) program led by FPC volunteers. Administrative assistance to the Madison House Volunteer Coordinator.

For more information regarding any of these opportunities, contact Jocelyn Larsen at (509) 248-7940 or


"It's MY Business"

Can anyone learn to think and act like an entrepreneur? Most definitely! The Junior Achievement curriculum, It's My Business, taught by Madison House volunteer Mark Holtzinger, demonstrates for students the key characteristics of becoming a true entrepreneur: Believe in yourself, fill a need, know your customer and product, and be creative and innovative. This fall, eight middle school youth have embarked on this adventure with Mark. For the third year in a row, Mark has taken over twenty-five youth through a curriculum that not only teaches, but empowers students to become a true entrepreneur. Such is the heart of the Madison House Apple Company. From now through the first of the year, Mark, YUGM Board Member Buzz Rowe, and the MH Apple Company Team will be selling apple gift boxes to local businesses,


church members and friends of the Madison House to earn "fun-tickets" (aka Mark's term for "cash") to an academic science camp this next Spring Break of 2014. If you would like to help, please contact Mark directly at (509) 941-8000.

MISSIONS - CAMBODIA September/October Update - Highlights Hi everyone around the world! We are all doing well here in Battambang, Cambodia, at the end of the long rainy season. Here are some highlights of what’s been going on in our lives, ministry, and family:

Welcome to our family Gunner Elwood Gustafson, born in Bangkok, Thailand, 11/11/2013 at 6:25a.

1) We had our annual National Staff Conference in Siem Reap. We took two busloads full of our staff and students and met with the rest of our organization’s staff that minister in different parts of Cambodia. It was close to 200 people there and the theme of this year was “Press on Towards the Goal.” It was a very encouraging time, as we sought the Lord corporately about how He wants to lead us into the future here in Cambodia. 2) Our 5th ever School of Biblical Studies began at the end of September, with 17 students from all over the world! In a recent Monday Morning Worship, I looked across our meeting room and was in awe to see all our staff and students that come from so many different backgrounds and countries and was THANKFUL for God’s faithfulness to bring the Nations to Battambang, to be trained and then sent out to the Nations! 3) We partner with “Rural Shepherds Network which exists to encourage, promote and nurture meaningful relationships among rural ministers, to equip and empower rural pastors in their personal lives and in their callings, and to strengthen, multiply and plant, strong local churches in rural communities.” Four people from the network ran a local Pastor’s training seminar as well as a teacher’s training seminar. What a blessing! 4) YWAM’s training arm is University of the Nations. Through this the training programs that we offer here in Battambang, have a two year track which includes our Discipleship Training School, Phase 2 (Staff and leadership Development), School of Biblical Studies, and finally the Titus Project (training for SBS grads to learn how to effectively teach the Bible to oral learners). After one successfully completes this two year track, they are able to graduate with an AA degree in Biblical Studies through the College of Christian Ministries at the University of the Nations. This past week, we had six of our Cambodian staff receive their degrees and graduation certificates! Prayer Request: 1) Praise for the healthy delivery of our son Gunner. Mother and son are both healthy. 2) For continued hunger and passion for Jesus, to fill us up, so that we can pour out to those we minister to here in Battambang! That we will have the wisdom and joy to be able to disciple our Cambodian leaders to be effective in the various ministries they are involved in. WE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT, PRAYERS, and PARTNERSHIP for us to be able to do what Jesus is calling our family to do here in Battambang, Cambodia! We LOVE you and are so GRATEFUL for you to be a part of our ministry!

ne Gar th & Caroli



g n i t n e r a P l u f e c a Pe

How to Manage Conflict, Set Boundaries and Discipline our Children in a Firm, Loving Way.

Sundays January 19-March 16 from 9:30 to 10:45 in the Gym

Topics include: Understanding the Child’s Behavior How to Develop Empathy in Your Child The Power of Praise What Makes My Child Unique and How Do I Honor That What is My Parenting Style Barriers and Builders to Communicating with My Child

• • • • • •

Please welcome our class instructor: Mary Pleger

A wonderful program is available for your preK-5th graders, and childcare for babies and kids who aren’t yet potty trained.

We are pleased to welcome Mary Pleger who will lead parenting class this winter quarter. Mary is a lifetime resident of Yakima. She has been married for twentyeight years and has raised three children, twin sons who are twenty-four and a daughter who is twenty years old. Mary works for Catholic Family & Child Service as a Kinship Navigator and has been there for twenty years. She also teaches a parenting class at Sundown M. Ranch. Mary has taught parenting class for eighteen years in the Yakima area. She received her Bachelors degree in Community Health in 1983 from Central Washington University.



Welcome to Motherhood ...heels are optional.


The $20 cards include discounts to the following local businesses:

SER MOPS leadership moms are selling Premium Discoun t Cards. GOOD AT LOCAL STORES!!! Get yours today! P urchase from a MOPS mom or in the Church Office .

1. Anytime Fitness 2. El Mirador 3. Red Robin 4. Don's Doughnuts & Julie's Java 5. Arctic Circle 6. Arby's 7. Panda Express 8. Jack-in-the-Box 9. Papa John's... 10. Tony's Big Cheese Pizza 11. El Porton De Pepe 12. Sharky's Pizza Shack 13. Yogurt Shack 14. Baskin Robbins 15. Kabab House 16. Bounce Central in Ellensburg 17. YoYakima yogurt 18. Little Caesars

only $20

Again, the cards are only $20 and are valid until NOVEMBER 2014.



Come for the day, stay over night, or come for the entire weekend. Activities for everyone. Gingerbread House Building Contest, Sledding, Christmas Stories and Carol Singing by the Fireplace, Cookie Decorating, Crafts, Family Games, Hay Rides, Enchanting Christmas Light Displays, Plus Much More!

Meals: Fri. Dinner Sat. Cont./Brunch Sat. Dinner Sunday Continental


7-11 $6 $8 $7 $4

12-Adult $11 $15 $13 $4

Lodging: Superb $75/night (Private Bathroom) Standard $50/night (Shared Bathroom) Rustic $35/night (Use of Bath House) TO REGISTER ONLINE: WWW.GHORMLEYMEADOW.ORG CALL (509) 672-4311 EMAIL: OFFICE@GHORMLEYMEADOW.ORG



Cristo Vive has a special Christmas service in spanish, on Saturday, December 21. Please feel free to share this announcement with your spanish speaking friends and neighbors.

Le invitamos a la Celebración de Navidad Iglesia Cristo Vive Dic. 21 de 4 a 7 pm. ¿Tiene planes para el sábado 21 de diciembre? Si tiene planes, le animamos a que haga un cambio de planes y si no, a que marque en su calendario el sábado 21 de diciembre de 4 a 7 pm. Tendremos villancicos, música especial, La Historia de Navidad y terminaremos compartiendo un convivio juntos. Habrá cuidado de niños también. Si tiene alguna pregunta o si quiere confirmar su asistencia por favor llámenos al 388-5752 y pregunte por Gustavo Carvajal.




December Services

December 15 - Special Sunday Services 8:00a & 9:30a A Child Size Christmas

December 21 - Cristo Vive

4:00p Cristo Vive Christmas Program (Espanol)

December 24 - Christmas Eve

5:00p Family Christmas Service 9:00p 70th Annual Carols & Candles Service

December 29 - Sunday Services 9:30a Contemporary 11:00a Traditional

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