Here@First February 2012

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first presbyterian church



February 2012

. t s e B r u O h t i W d o G g n i y f i r o l G

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.�

Volume 35

First Presbyterian Church of Yakima

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 248-7940

Our Core Values Glorifying God with our best. Pioneering and ongoing outreach. Engaging and nurturing relationships. Being a cornerstone in the community. Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service.

Continuing Sermon Series. . . “If You Build It…” “As you come to Him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him—you, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4-5) “Field of Dreams” is one of my all-time favorite movies. The film offers us an appropriate metaphor on the church and its strategy for church growth for much of the last century: “If you build it, they will come.” For decades, this “come and get it” approach worked quite well. People flocked to churches that had a nice building, solid worship, programs, staff, and ministries. However, our North American culture has changed dramatically during the 126 year history of our church. Whereas church attendance and participation were once encouraged by society, that is increasingly no longer the case. If you build it, they won’t necessarily come. Families have other things to do on Sundays and other commitments to keep. Thus, we need to rethink how we (with a particular emphasis on “WE”) engage our community. At the same time, however, we need to be congruent with who we have been in the past. A church’s core values articulate something of a particular church’s DNA. More specifically, core values articulate the very best of who that church has been and who that church will need to become as it lives into the future. They say something about the past, while guiding a church into its future. Over the course of this sermon series, we will explore our own church’s history and particular core values, which will shape and form our future ministry efforts together.

February 5 “Engaging and Nurturing Relationships” Acts 2: 42-47 (Acts 4:8-12) February 12 “Being a Cornerstone in the Community” Matthew 21:33-45 (1 Peter 2:4-5) February 19 Guest Preacher Bill Robinson, Former President of Whitworth College February 26 “Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service” Psalm 51:1-2; 10-12 (Ephesians 4:1-13)


Here@First is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions, omissions, corrections, yadda yadda yadda, contact Curtis Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113

HAPPENIN’@FIRST Starting Point

Are you a newly wed couple,

married within the past couple years? Would you be interested in meeting with some other recently married couples to compare notes and build relational support? If so, please take note: Carol and Hamilton Licht are offering a small group for couples like you beginning on Feb. 15 - the day after Valentine's Day. Five or six couples will gather to discuss issues relevant to the joys and challenges of the critically important first couple years of marriage. We will use a book for discussion titled, “The Most Important Year in a Man's/Woman's Life”. Carol and Hamilton will be facilitators for the conversations that probe such areas as communication styles, money conflicts, in laws and out laws, and sexual expectations. The group will meet for ten weeks. Research shows that the first year is key in determining how the marriage will unfold. So grab some friends and lets talk! Details: Wednesday evenings, 7 - 8:30p First session: February 15 Carol and Hamilton Licht's home: 6 Gilbert Dr. Contact: or 453-9243

Starting Point is the place to discover more about First Presbyterian Church including its history, current vision, beliefs, mission and denominational stance. You will learn more about how faith in Jesus impacts our core beliefs and lives. You will also discover how you can get connected in such a large church. You will meet the pastors and staff and be given the opportunity to become a member of First Presbyterian Church at the conclusion of the class. Starting Point @ First Presbyterian is an invitation to take a journey where questions and uncertainty are welcome and the course setting includes honest discussions about life and faith. Some of the topics that will be explored at Starting Point include: • Why am I significant? • Why does everyone’s journey begin with “s” words (sin, separation, selfishness)? • Why should I trust Jesus? What makes Him so special? • How can I build a foundation for my faith and life with God? • What are the essential Christian beliefs about worship, the Bible, church and service? Whether you are new to FPC, or you’ve been around for years, this is the place to start, or to get reconnected to the basics of the Christian faith. Starting Point will provide insights on God, the Bible, Christianity, and the beliefs of FPC Yakima. Childcare for 5 years and under is available for the Saturday gatherings with prior reservation. For more information, contact Ericka at 248-7940x100 or email ericka.clark@

Happy Travelers Planning for Next


d at work planning for The Happy Travelers ministry is har and some more next year. We have some new venues ent. So, in your ym familiar venues for your traveling enjo with the following calendaring for 2012, let us entice you schedule. m. Exhibits: “Head February – We are off to the Museu Sorrows” ($1.50 if 15 or Over Heals” and “Japanese - Land of more attend, $3.00 if fewer.) Theater – “The Last March – A Matinee at the Warehouse nection Center Five Years”. $16.00, pre-pay at the Con y. A guided tour. April – Cowiche Canyon Conservanc worth. Overnight ven May – Train trip from Seattle to Lea ncy. $329, Single trip May 11-12. $269, Double Occupa Occupancy.

Class will be held on Saturday, February 4, from 9a-12n. Meet with a small group February 4- March 31. Follow up class will be held Saturday, March 31, from 9a-12n. Sunday, April 8 (Easter) - Become a member of FPC (if you desire).

Cookies & Cans

February 5 TFebruary 12 Z AFebruary 19 F G-M February 26 N-S Please bring a dozen (o r more) cookies on your week, and cans of food for Calvary Rescue Mission


Keep The Fire Up!

Night) m FPC (Valentine’s Couple's ines. All couples fro nt le Va r ou e at br le ce a bilingual 18 at 6p as we tic music, dinner and Join us on February an m ro y jo en e m r co vited to be accepted to cove ill w ns and Cristo Vive are in tio na Do r. ke stavo. ecial guest spea email Gustavo at gu or er teaching from our sp nt Ce n tio ec nn up at the Co t. the costs. Please sign ailable upon reques av be ill w re ca ild Ch com. carvajal@FPCYakima.

sion Trip: Students Fundraising for the Mis to raise money for their

ffee are selling “Ugly Mug” co the students is available at of t mission trip costs. A lis e. ffe co well as a order form for connection center – as n ply go to the connectio To sponsor a student sim ffee from or donate to a center and purchase co and can also call Jeff Murray particular student. You e. submit an order for coffe udent ing donations for their St pt ce ac o als is ies str ini Student M place on nner. This event will take Di on cti Au t en Sil ies ey for str Mini nts a chance to raise mon de stu e giv ll wi d an 23 Friday, March as a variety of e and resources as well tim eir th g llin se by s se lve themse you’d like to donate, plea g hin et m so ve ha u yo If 40 x 106. donated items. or call 248-79 ya pc @f ray ur .m jeff at ff contact Je

Ash Wednesday

0p, February 22, 5:30p / 6:3 Sanctuary Dinner / Gym, Service / n assembly. It is a day lem so of y da a is ay sd ne Ash Wed sin of all rning for our sin and the ou m of y da a g, tin fas of lity save recognition of our morta humanity before God, a member request that the Lord re a d an d Go of e ac gr e th for ed-out, e new life into our burn our creation and breath dusty lives once more.

President Emeritus of Whitworth


rsity Bill Robinson will be here on Saturday, February 18. “The Incarnate Leadership” 5 Leader ship Lessons from the Life Of Jesus Session I: 4p – 6p Dinner: 6p. “Tying Incarnate Leadership into min istry” Session II: 7p – 9p.


William P. (Bill) Robinson is president emeritus of Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He served as Whitworth's 17th president, from 1993 to 2010, after serving as president of Manchester College, in Indiana, from 1986 to 1993. His ten ure as Whitworth's president was the second-longest and one of the most influential in the university's history.

February Events Wednesday, February 1 WOW (Women’s Ministy) Meeting 4p - 5:30p Rhino Room Women’s Ministry Thursday, February 2 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p-2:30p Adult Ed Everyone Thursday, February 2 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3p-4:30p Adult Ed Everyone Friday, February 3 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym Moms Friday, February 3 - 5th Bethel Firestorm Conference (Kevin Dedmon) Sanctuary All City Event Saturday, February 4 Starting Points/New Members Class 9a-Noon Rm 203 Everyone Sunday, February 5 FM Parenting Class begins for 8 weeks 11:00a Lounge Everyone Sunday, February 5 Carenet Ministries Meeting 12:30p Adult Ed Carenet Ministry Tuesday, February 7 Worship Ministry Team 5:15p Rhino Room Tuesday, February 7 Adult Education Ministry Team 7:00p Adult Ed Wednesday, February 8 SOAR Staff Meeting 4:00p Adult Ed Thursday, February 9 Preschool Board Meeting 9:00a Rhino Room Preschool Board Thursday, February 9 Family Ministries Board Meeting 4:00p DF Lounge FM Board Friday, February 10 Cristo Vive Women’s Craft Night 6:30p Lounge Women Saturday, February 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Mid High Rm Knitters Monday, February 13 Edith Ferry Circle Potluck Noon Parlor Women Tuesday, February 14 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 1p - 3p Adult Ed Wednesday, February 15 Deborah Circle 9:30a Offsite Women Thursday, February 16 Ghormley Commission 6:30p Rhino Room Ghormley Board Friday, February 17 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym Moms Saturday, February 18 Cristo Vive & FPC Couple’s Night 5:30p Garden Room Sunday, February 19 Dr. Bill Robinson preaching today all morning Sanctuary Sunday, February 19 Prayer Ministry Training 9:15a & 11a Rhino Room Everyone Monday, February 20 President’s Day / All Church Closed all day Entire Church Everyone Wednesday, February 22 Naomi Circle 10:00a Parlor Women Wednesday, February 22 Ash Wednesday Dinner/Service 5:30 / 6:30p Gym/Sanctuary Everyone Friday, February 24 MOPS Creative Moments 9:00a Rm 217 Moms Friday, February 24 CONCERT! / Student Ministries 7:00p Gym Students Saturday, February 25 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Mid High Rm Knitters Sunday, February 26 Student Easter Meeting 8:00a Adult Ed Sunday, February 26 Prayer Ministry Training 9:15 & 11a Rhino Room Everyone Sunday, February 26 CV Small Group Focus Meeting 2:00p Parlor Sunday, February 26 Deacon’s Meeting 3:30p DF Lounge Deacons Tuesday, February 28 Kaffee Klatsch 9:30a Garden Room Everyone

Sunday Mornings Contemporary Worship - led by Contemporary Worship Team Traditional Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) KidZone Sunday Classes Sonbeams Cubbies Adult Ed Bible Class 40 Days of Purpose Golden Circle Student Small Groups

8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary 11:00a Sanctuary 12:15p Chapel 9:30a Upstairs Rooms 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Rm103 9:30a Adult Ed 9:30a Mezzanine 9:30a Lounge 11:00a Power House

Everyone Everyone Everyone K-5th 2 ½ yr & 3yr 4yr & 5yr Adults Adults Adults Gr 6-12

Weekday Events M-W-F Exercisers 8:45a-9:45a Gym/GR Sr Adults Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed Everyone Tuesday Women’s Bible Study (Philippians) 9:45a Parlor Women Living a Spirit Led Life - Women’s Bible Study 9:15a Gym Women Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Women of Action 9:30a Chapel Women Thursday Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:00p Sanctuary Christian Service Brigade 6:00p Room 217 Boys Temple Choir Rehearsal 7:00p Choir Rm


PASTOR JACK Jack Peebles Senior Pastor

Dear Church Family, In this month’s issue of Here@First, we continue to look at our core values. Last month, I shared that core values articulate something of a particular church’s DNA. More specifically, core values articulate the very best of who that church has been and who that church will need to become as it lives into the future. They say something about the past, while guiding a church into its future. Our featured core value for this month is “Glorifying God with our best.” Consider this verse of Scripture: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). In the Westminster Catechism (part of our church history), the first question is asked, “What is the chief end of man?” The answer is given as “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” Essentially, the primary goal of those who follow Jesus is to glorify God. Do you remember the fad that swept through Christian circles nearly twenty years ago, “What Would Jesus Do?” Many Christians bought the bracelets with the acronym WWJD? The bracelets served as a reminder to the wearer that when faced with a choice, they should follow the example of Jesus. Even today, two decades later, I cannot help but think of this question when faced with a significant decision that must be made. I believe Paul’s message in Corinthians is a similar kind of reminder to walk in the will of the Lord. Whatever you do- in thought, word, or action- do it for God’s glory!


I love the scene in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” when Indy is being attacked by the protectors of the Holy Grail. When the action stops and everyone is calm, Indy is asked, “Why do you seek the cup of Christ? Is it for His glory or for yours?” A great question for any of us to ponder! In my actions, do I seek to give glory to Jesus, or do I seek it for myself? Historically, the people of First Presbyterian of Yakima have sought to offer our best to God in an effort to glorify Him. Even the construction of our magnificent sanctuary was an occasion to give glory to God. At the ground-breaking ceremony that took place on October 3, 1926 with Dr. David Ferry presiding, the congregation joined together in singing, “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.” As we venture into our future together, we should weigh every decision against this question: “Is this for Christ’s glory or for ours?” Living and loving for Him,

Jack Pastor

SENIOR ADULT MINISTRIES Jim Erixson Associate Pastor

Our Best for His Glory Since the arrival of the New Year, we have been encouraged to improve ourselves, particularly physically. On our television screens, vigorous and fit specimens of humanity cheerfully wave carrot sticks and celery sprigs at us while racing on treadmills, thereby showing us how much leaner and more muscular we can be if we in follow their regimens. Without a doubt, being good physical shape is an admirable goal. As important as it is to try to stay physically fit, , we also need to address other areas of our lives particularly our spiritual side. How can we keep it healthy , too? When God designed each of us, , he gave us unique gifts. In keeping with His plan we are each to serve Him using those gifts and of talents. That knowledge raises a question each His for best our us must examine. Are we giving us glory? A review of 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 helps contemplate the spiritual gifts with which we are equipped. At some time along life’s way, we have all e observed another’s works and efforts and mad own our wed revie we As . comparisons to our own ed efforts, we may have sometimes felt discourag seem because our particular contributions did not s to be as good as another’s. However, He know

Happy Travelers..


are making plans for the 2012 travel season. One of the trips is the po pular Amtrak to M aifest in May. The trip will be M ay 11th and 12th an d the cost is $269 per person , double and $329 per person, single. The trip incl udes riding the Am trak train over Stampede Pass to Leavenworth, over ni ght at the Enzian Inn and th e Maifest celebrat ion. We travel to Seattle by motor -coach for a fun af ternoon along the waterfront. Th en board Amtrak’s Em pire Builder for the journey ac ross the mountains . Onboard the train enjoy a delic iously prepared di nner. Arriving in Leavenworth at mid evening we’ll check into the hotel for a comfort able night. On Sa tu rday morning a full, made-to-ord er, breakfast awaits in the solarium on the 4th floor. Th e view is gorgeous ! Next take a place along mai n street for the pa ra de , Maipole dance and festiviti es. Stroll the shop s and savor a delicious lunch be fore we head hom e over Blewitt Pass. Includes mot or-coach transpor tation, train ride, dinner on the trai n, overnight acco m m odations and full breakfast. Spac e is limited so don’ t wait until the last minute. Cont act Accent Tours at 575-3949 to reserve your seats.

ts exactly what we have to offer and what He wan from us. Now is the time to take stock of our for bestowed gifts and talents and to direct them His glory. To begin that task, make a mental list of your . abilities and think about how you can use them you Do s? Can you fix things? Do you clean thing you listen with your heart as well as your ears? Do ence pres His e shar you organize? Do you pray? Do in your life? Do you take directions and ‘get the e job done’? Do you care for others? Can you shar part readings with a shut –in? Do you enjoy being ing lead y enjo you of a team? Do you garden? Do is groups? Do you … the list of gifts we have endless. Each of us should explore what we can a give for His glory. Just as a parent encourages same the child to expand their horizons, God does He for us. It’s time to listen to those gentle nudges , best our give to us ts gives each of us. God wan can. we wherever we are, and in whatever way The potent message from the song, “The Little Drummer Boy”, is well taken year round. That young lad played a drum for Him. So, over the you course of these next twelve months, what will do for His glory? You may find that your spiritual heart--with additional exercise--becomes healthier and stronger, too.

Carolyn Mason



Mark Tumney

Shan Trick

Pastor of Family Life and Missions

Assistant FLM Director


This class is free of charge, no registration needed. Childcare and concurrent programs for children and students are available. For more information call 248-7940.

Women’s Ministry of First Presbyterian Church

Encouraging women up to be intentional about their faith.

Ericka Clark Women’s Ministries

Happy Valentines Day! May you feel the divine love our dear Lord and Savior as He gently guides you through each day. Remember, YOU are His daughter, a princess of the King of kings! Seek Him. “The Lord is God. There is no other. Our God is a consuming fire.” Scripture from Deuteronomy 4

First Presbyterian Church Our New Mission Statement and Core Values. Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors. • • • • •

Glorifying God with our best Pioneering and ongoing outreach Engaging and nurturing relationships Being a cornerstone in the community Equipping people for ministry through biblical foundation and service

Women’s Ministry and the First Core Value: Glorifying God with our best This month, we are looking a bit closer at our core values and asking our ministry teams how we have Glorified God with our best in the past couple of years. The Women’s Ministry team met and prayed over this core value. What we heard from the Lord was so encouraging! He reminded us of how women in our community have been stretched, encouraged to step out of our comfort zone and how we have, by the grace of God, been equipped to better serve our Lord and Savior.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

We have challenged one another to be authentic in worship, in our calling as wives, mothers, and grandmothers, as well as in our work places. We have lept into the supernatural, seeking God’s Kingdom here on earth. We practice listening prayer and we find joy in meeting Jesus in worship. Through the Prayer Mosaic, weekend retreats, Holy Spirit Boot Camp (Jesus clap!) and various Bible studies we have provided a place for women to live out the lives God originally designed for each one of us. To Him be all the glory now and forever! Amen!

I Corinthians 10:31

2012 Gathering of Presbyterian Women

Coming Soon! •

More Marriage Seminars with Jamal & Robin Including Accountability Small Groups!

Firestorm Conference Follow Up - Training in healing prayer, prophetic art and treasure hunting! (see the back page for more information on the Firestorm Conference)

Women of Faith Conference / August in Spokane -- Let’s Carpool!

Orlando, Florida ** July 18-22, 2012

The 2012 churchwide gathering of Presbyterian Women will be held at Gaylord Palms Resort and Convetion Center in Orlando, Florida July 18 through the 22. Speakers, forums and workshops regarding women and children’s issues are offered, as well as church and international areas of interest. Scholarships may be available through Central Washington Presbyery. Need to apply by February 15! For more information, contact Chris Leverett, 965-8481.


to all Thank you t orted us a who supp y buying b l o o h c s the pre r or See’s a calenda Candies!

Continuing Support

There are many different ways you can help us help families with young children. The staff, Board of Directors, children and family of the preschool thank you. Prayer: Please pray for each child and their family. This preschool program is a large outreach for our church into the community - 20% do not have a church home. Pray for the staff as they bring Christ’s message of salvation to these children and their families, while providing an enriching early childhood education. Scholarships: We have several families this year in need of scholarship help with tuition. This need is continually increasing. Your donation towards this will ensure that these families, plus those coming to us next year, can continue to send their preschoolers here to have a strong Christ-centered preschool education. Preschool Bibles: Each child receives the Preschooler’s Bible as part of the curriculum of the preschool. This Bible is sent home where their families can re-read what has been shared at school. The cost of each Bible is $12 and your donation greatly helps with this important part of our program. 2012-13 School Year Registration begins Feb. 6th! Do you know someone who has a preschool child that is looking for a preschool? Tell them to check us out! Call Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940 x119 for more information.


Rhonda Cardona Preschool Director

Registration for 2012-13 Opens February 6th! Classes for 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and pre-kindergarten (5 years old by December 31st). We have music classes for all ages, weekly chapel worship for all classes, P.E. classes for the four year olds and pre-kindergarten, plus a rich early learning environment preparing children for kindergarten. Registration is continued until classes are full. After classes are full, names are placed on a “wait-list” on a first-come basis. Classrooms are open to observe – just call Rhonda at 248-7940, ext 119 for more information. Three Year Olds Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 – 11:30 a.m. Must be 3 by 9/1/12 $95 monthly tuition (September – May) Non-refundable registration fee: New families - $80 (includes school t-shirt and bag); Currently enrolled families - $60 One time snack fee: $35 Four Year Olds Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9 – 11:30 a.m. Must be 4 by 9/1/12 $125 monthly tuition (September – May) Non-refundable registration fee: New families - $80 (includes school t-shirt and bag); Currently enrolled families - $60 One time snack fee: $45 Pre-Kindergarten Mondays through Thursdays 9 – 11:30 a.m. Must be 5 by 12/31/12 $150 monthly tuition (September – May) Non-refundable registration fee: New families - $80 (includes school t-shirt and bag); Currently enrolled families - $60 One time snack fee: $55

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Gifts of Love As we all know, February is the month for love…and along with that comes candy, flowers, jewelry, and all the other stuff that goes along with Valentine’s Day. While these gifts are nice, oftentimes the best gift we can give is the give of ourselves. Our time is one of the most valuable gifts given to a child. Couple that with sharing Jesus-- it’s the greatest gift of all! One of the core values that we are focusing on in the Children’s Ministry department is glorifying God with our best. Giving the gift of love, the gift of ourselves and Jesus; that is truly our best. We count it an honor to impact the life of a child for the Lord. We are so grateful for all those who have a part in sharing themselves and Jesus with our kids. There is no better way to glorify God with our best than by teaching His children all about Him! Don’t underestimate what happens in the life of a child when you share Christ with them. Miraculous things happen…and you can have a part in that. Join us in sharing these gifts of love with the kids of Yakima, and you will also receive the gift of blessings beyond your imagination. Right now we need one male and one female adult leader for our 2/3 and 4/5 grade classes. We also need volunteer assistance during the 11:00 program on Sunday mornings with childcare and K-5th grade kids. If you would like to glorify God with your best by serving His children, please call Susie at 248-7940.



d we are excited to have Palm Sunday is April 1 an in worship this year. the opportunity to lead e fun getting to know mor KidZone kids are having know more about one about Jesus as we get to n king forward to lots of fu another too. We are loo ing new songs that will this spring, and to learn ! bring a smile to everyone

Presbyterian Traditions e church seasons The liturgical colors of th d green. White is are white, purple, red an the redemptive used for special days in ch as Christmas work of Jesus Christ, su the seasons of and Easter. Purple marks n, Advent and penitence and preparatio Pentecost and is Lent. Red is the color for n services. During often used for ordinatio rple until the Holy Week the color is pu end of Maundy church is stripped at the ains bare (gray) Thursday. The church rem es is decorated until Easter, and sometim een is used for all with black or scarlet. Gr marked by a specific other time periods not ual growth. season to represent spirit

Susie Woodin Children’s Ministries

Significant dates in th e Kingdom (2012) Epiphany of the Lord, Jan uary 6 Baptism of the Lord, Jan uary 8 Transfiguration of the Lo rd, February 19 Ash Wednesday, Februa ry 22 Easter, April 8 Ascension of the Lord, Ma y 17 Pentecost, May 27 Trinity Sunday, June 3 All Saints’ Day, Novemb er 1 Christ the King, Novemb er 25 1st Sunday of Advent, De cember 2



The Missional Church Glorifies God When Loving Each Other

Greg Nebeker, Trail Seeker founder and leader, communicates the power of relationship to the adult volunteers with the three-fold purpose of LOVE, LAUGHTER, and LEARNING. We hope to communicate ...For this is the message which you have heard from the Jesus’ unconditional love to these children who may beginning, that we should love one another; (1 John 3:11) live in poverty, family discord, or lack of resources. Through home visits, mountain outings, YMCA For many years now, First Presbyterian Church has supported, among other programs, a powerful outreach swimming, Ghormley summer camps, and weekly effort with Yakima’s at-risk young boys, known as the Trail meetings, Greg and the team come to know these Seekers. If you are here on a Monday afternoon, you may kids AND their brothers and sisters, moms and dads, see forty or so elementary-aged children and many adults aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. The children are equipped with life skills, Bible lessons, games and busily interacting together: playing, eating, singing, laughing, teaching and learning. The children are initially activities. Watch their faces sometime. You see them light up when Greg and the volunteers give them love referred to the program by Yakima School educators/ and attention. These kids begin to see themselves counselors. They enjoy a life-changing week camping as Jesus does: capable, lovable, worthy. This ministry in the beautiful surroundings of Orcas Island with their comes full circle as the Trail Seekers mature. Many stay own teen-aged mentor all day long (yes—from before connected through leadership groups, where we are breakfast to “lights out”), and stay involved throughout blessed to see them develop into Godly men, positive the school year through weekly after-school meetings. role models and successful students. This year, one of Greg’s goals was realized—to start a girl’s Trail Seeker This 22-year old ministry is made possible by many group, meeting concurrently in the Youth Powerhouse volunteers and financial support from private donors, (thank-you Jeff and Courtney for sharing the space). Kennewick Pres. Church, Westminster Pres. Church, and our own FPC. The ministry has touched hundreds of families in the Tri-Cities and Yakima through...get ready... Many thanks to you who have volunteered in some capacity for this ongoing outreach: 1:1 mentors from relational connection building! church youth groups in the area, drivers, supervisors, teachers, board members, financial supporters, and YMCA Aspire Mentors. We can grow the number of Trail Seekers in proportion to the number of volunteers.

Jill Skone


If you are interested in becoming involved or want to visit some Monday afternoon, please call Greg (307-1100) or Trail Seeker Board Chairman Pat Erickson (509-877-4644).

DEVOTIONAL They brought a paraplegic to Him, carried by four men. When they weren't able to get in because of the crowd, they removed part of the roof and lowered the paraplegic on his stretcher. . . Jesus replied "Get up. Pick up your stretcher and go home." And the man did it - got up, grabbed his stretcher, and walked out, with everyone there watching him. Mark 2: 2-12 But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him. Acts 12:5 And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for the next three and a half years! Then he prayed for rain, and down it poured. The grass turned green, and the crops began to grow again. James 5:15-18 God listens to and answers the prayers of those who intercede on behalf others! When Jesus saw the faith of the four men carrying the paraplegic He forgave the man’s sin and healed his body. Peter was freed from prison by an angel of the Lord. The prayers of Elijah yielded great power from Heaven to save the land. These three Scriptures are examples of God’s desire and open invitation that believers stand in the gap to pray for one another’s need or for unfavorable situations. It is God’s plan that we are able to borrow the strength and faith of other believers to intercede on our behalf. Prayer is God’s design for us to engage in relationship with Him that calls down Heaven to invade earth. Prayer is His gift to nurture relationships among each

other and to encourage the church. The prayer of intercession is our privilege . . . when we come before His throne and talk about our needs and desires we unite with the Lord. Prayer becomes less an effort to complain about or even change a situation but rather an opportunity to bring us into that place of agreement with His ways. Prayer is the fulfillment of our Father’s teaching “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Intercession is one of the most significant gifts to, and responsibilities of, the church. Sometimes we need others to pray for us. We do not need to carry the burdens of life alone. God has created us and called us to be part of a family of believers who can support us in prayer in our times of need. We are to be not only willing to pray for one another, but seek out every opportunity to do so because when we pray change happens. God has chosen to be moved by the intercession of His children. We must be ready to pray for ourselves, our families and anyone who comes before us with a need. We must recognize that Jesus has declared our prayers to have great power and authority when He is Lord of our life. When Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before! Job 42:10 The King James translation states that when Job prayed for his friends the LORD “turned Job’s captivity.” The Hebrew definition for this phrase is that “all his bodily distempers were thoroughly healed, and probably in a moment. His mind was calmed, his peace returned, and the consolations of God were not small with him.” By prayer Job demonstrated his obedience to God and his love for his friends. Begin to intercede in prayer; allow God to lead you to those in the church, your family, our community who need God to reach down and touch their lives. Let God’s heart become your heart. May you be restored and lifted up as you intercede on behalf of others.

Janet Krieger


HAPPILY EVER AFTER We’ve asked Pat and Harley Drollinger, who are happily looking forward to celebrating their 63rd anniversary on August 14th, to share some of their thoughts about building successful marriages with us. H@F: Couples meet in many different ways. How did you find each other? Harley: While I was in the Air Force during WWII, Pat’s family moved into our close knit community just a few miles north of Spokane. When I was home on leave, I used to round up the neighborhood children together to play games. Pat’s sister, Wilma, was a tomboy and she’d be among the players. One day I saw Pat walking home and recognized her. I offered her a ride and then invited her to go to a movie. That date was the beginning of a lasting relationship. Pat: I had a secret crush on Harley for several years when I was in high school. To this day, I marvel at God’s grace and kindness in giving him to me as my husband and best friend. H@F: What advice do you have for young couples who are trying to get started in a new life together? Harley: Live the Golden Rule. Do for your mate what you want them to do for you. Love is DOING. It’s NOT JUST WORDS. Be thoughtful, kind and generous. Set your priorities. First love God, then your mate, then the children and your family. Lastly be good to yourself and take good care of your body. Take time for each other. Each for the other and both for the Lord. Keep your love alive with little gifts, remembering birthdays, anniversaries and more. Pat: Don’t ever think “If this marriage doesn’t work out, I’ll just get a divorce and end it”. If you need help or are troubled about something, don’t be shy about asking for help or talking to someone you can trust—preferably your pastor or a mature, proven Christian friend. Let them mentor and pray for you until the problem is resolved. Pat and Harley: Set some primary goals and objectives for your marriage right from the beginning. We both received the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior as children, but we wanted to go with God even farther. In the words of a hymn, “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord to thee”. We wanted to be on the marvelous, exciting adventure of serving Jesus together. Be regular in your church service, volunteer to help, pray together. Get acquainted with other young couples and have fun together. We surely did! H@F: Small children can be very demanding and parents can feel really stretched. What advice to you have for the ‘young family’ years? Pat and Harley: Take them to church with you. Statistics prove that they will be more likely to stay in the church after high school if they have a strong beginning. Be on the same page with each other regarding discipline. BE CONSISTENT IN THEIR TRAINING. Always, always carry through with what you have given for a consequence. Spend time with them and play with


Many of us grew “And they lived happily ever after.” s of stories hoping up hearing those words at the end ly, in real life (even that would be true for us, too. Sad marriages fall apart. after a fairy tale wedding) many h many couples whose God has blessed us here at FPC wit time. Over the coming marriages have stood the test of from some of them. months H@F will spotlight advice the ‘really hard work’ Read with us as we look closer at . that creates the ‘happily ever after’ them so that they’ll come to your side. That will help prevent a lot of discipline problems and rebellion. It really helps when both parents are involved with raising the children. Young children can be exhausting. Sometimes it can be helpful to hire responsible young people from the church to assist with them. If at all possible, plan a regular ‘date night’. A little break can help enormously. H@F: Money can sometimes be an issue for couples. Have you got any advice for husbands and wives regarding how to manage their finances? Pat and Harley: TITHE YOUR INCOME—GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES IN THE SCRIPTURES. We decided to work as a team to manage finances. Being on a tight budget when we were first married called for maintaining a Cash-only; pay-as-you-go policy. If we didn’t have the money for something we wanted, we waited until we did. No going into debt. Both of us came through the depression. Credit cards weren’t available then, but even now, if we use them, we pay off the full amount at the end of the month. Taking classes or reading the materials published by Dave Ramsey is a great idea.

A warm thanks to Pa t and Harley for sharing these though tful responses.

St Valentine Who was St Valentine? Why do we celebrate him? The origin of St. Valentine, and how many St. Valentines there were, remains a mystery. One opinion is that he was a Roman martyred for refusing to give up his Christian faith. Other historians hold that St. Valentine was a temple priest jailed for defiance during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius II. Whoever he was, Valentine really existed because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to Saint Valentine. In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom. The first representation of Saint Valentine appeared in The Nuremberg Chronicle, a great illustrated book printed in 1493. Additional evidence for a real Valentine: archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to Saint Valentine. Alongside a woodcut portrait of him, text states that Valentinus was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius the Goth [Claudius II]. Since he was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding Christians who were being persecuted under Emperor Claudius in Rome [when helping them was considered a crime], Valentinus was arrested and imprisoned. Claudius took a liking to this prisoner, until Valentinus tried to convert the Emperor, whereupon this priest was condemned to death. He was beaten with clubs and stoned; when that didn't do it, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate [circa 269].

‘Saints are not supposed to rest in peace; they're expected to keep busy: to perform miracles, to intercede’ Being in jail or dead is no excuse for non-performance of the supernatural.’ One legend states that, while awaiting his execution, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. Another legend says, on the eve of his death, Valentine penned a farewell note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine." St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, and young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses. Article excerpt from

ted off their For those who chea Class: St neighbors in History sacre wasn’t Valentine’s Day Mas a thousand a day of martyrdom ct a mob hit on years ago, but in fa February 14, 1929.




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