Grace Alive Oct 2014

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

October Calendar of Events Thurs, October 2 Thurs, October 2 Fri, October 3 Fri, October 3 Sat, October 4 Sun, October 5 Sun, October 5 Mon, October 6 Mon, October 6 Mon, October 6 Tues, October 7 Wed, October 8 Thurs, October 9 Thurs, October 9 Fri, October 10 Sat, October 11 Sat, October 11 Sun, October 12 Sun, October 12 Sun, October 12 Tues, October 14 Tues, October 14 Tues, October 14 Tues, October 14 Wed, October 15 Thurs, October 16 Fri, October 17 Sat, October 18 Sat, October 18 Sun, October 19 Sun, October 19 Wed, October 22 Thurs, October 23 Thurs, October 23 Fri, October 24 Sat, October 25 Sun, October 26 Sun, October 26 Tues, October 28 Fri, October 31

Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 1:30pm Adult Ed Room Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:30pm Parlor TAG All Staff Meeting 9:00am - 3:00pm Adult Ed Room Craft Night 6:00pm Adult Ed Room Elders to Ghormley 10:00am - 4:00pm Camp Ghormley World Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary New Covenant Partners Class (1st of 4) 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Transformation Yakima Meeting 1:00pm Adult Ed Room Living Waters Meeting 5:30pm Room 220 Fellowship Ministry Team 6:00pm DF Lounge All Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00pm Parlor Women of Action Prayer Group 9:00am Chapel MOPS Set up 5:00pm Gym, Adult Ed Sacred Messengers Meeting 7:00pm Library MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Ghormley Work Day (RSVP for lunch) 9:00am Camp Ghormley Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Carenet Meeting 12:15pm Adult Ed Room New Covenant Partners Class 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Operation Christmas Shoebox Kick Off Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Room 203 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00pm Room 218 Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00pm Adult Ed Room Business Ministry Team Meeting 6:00pm Library Edith Ferry Circle 12:00pm Parlor Ghormley Commission 6:30pm Library Norma Marvin Funeral 2:00pm Sanctuary Clothing Exchange 9:00am - 2:00pm Gym National Day of Prayer Meeting 2:00pm DF Lounge Infant Baptisms / Baby Celebrations all morning Sanctuary New Covenant Partners Class 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Mary MacLean Guild 12:00pm Offsite / Homes MOPS Set up 5:00pm Gym, Adult Ed Kaffee Klatsch 2:00pm Sanctuary MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Sacred Messengers: Answers in Genesis 12:30pm Sanctuary (bilinguel service) New Covenant Partners Class 5:30pm Adult Ed Room (Last one) Session Dinner and Meeting 6:00pm Garden Rm/Mid High MOPS Creative Moments 9:30am Room 217

Committee Committee All Staff Women Elders Everyone Everyone Committee Committee Committee All Staff Women Committee Committee Moms Everyone Knitters Committee Everyone Everyone Committee Committee Committee Committee Women Committee Everyone Committee Everyone Everyone Women Moms Everyone Moms Knitters Everyone Everyone Elders / Staff Moms

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Jana in the church office 248-7940 x 108. 2

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events



9:00 am -10:00 am


Senior Adults

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care

10:00 am 12:00 / noon 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Adult Ed Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Room 203

Everyone Everyone

Tuesday SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation Bible Study “Living a Spirit Led Life” Women in the Word Bible Study

5:45 pm - 9:15 pm 9:15 am 9:45 am

Chapel Gym Parlor

SOAR Students Women Women

Wednesday Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds) Men’s Noon Bible Study Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High

9:30 am 12:00 / noon 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Chapel Adult Ed Sanctuary Youth & Mid High Rms

Women Men

7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm

Choir Rm Chapel Cristo Vive Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

9:00 am - 11:30 am

Chapel, Prayer Rm

Thursday Temple Choir Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer


SOZO Prayer

Everyone Everyone

6th-12th Grade


Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Going Deeper Golden Circle Youth Sunday School KidZone THE STORY

8:00 am & 9:30 am Sanctuary 11:00 am Sanctuary 12:15 pm Chapel 9:30 am Adult Ed 9:30 am Lounge 9:30 am Mid High & Youth Rms 9:30 am 2nd Floor 9:30 am Gym

Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 6th-12th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade Adults

Sermon Series The Story October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26

Commandments……… Exodus 20:1-17 “New Commands and Covenant” ……..……..……. Wandering………..……… Numbers 14:11-12, 17-23“Not All Who Wander Are Lost”……..… Joshua ………..……….. Joshua 1: 1-11 “Strong and Courageous” ……..……..……..……..……. Judges ………..……….. Judges 6:11-16 “A Few Good Men…and Women” ……..……..…….

Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8:

The Story The Story The Story The Story


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Announcements Peaceful Parenting

Cookies & Cans

Peaceful Parenting from continue Wednesdays through November 12 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the David Ferry Lounge. We offer childcare and a kids fun time that runs concurrent to class time.

Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name. Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.

Baby Baptism and Dedication Baby Baptism and Dedication: October 19th. If interested in baptism or dedication for your child, contact for more information.

Church Communication Needs? For all your church communication needs please email or call the office 248-7940.


October 5: N - S October 12: T - Z October 19: A - F October 26: G- M

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Pastor — Pastor Jack Peebles

Dear Church Family,

“[Jesus] told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” — Matthew 13:31-32

As I write this, I have just returned from Dallas, Texas, where Margaret and I took part in the 35th anniversary celebration of The Outreach Foundation that was held in conjunction with the fall board meeting. Not only did we celebrate 35 years, but we also celebrated over $100 million dispersed to various mission causes. Praise be to God!

as foolish to think that the “Good News” would have endured the test of time. Dale Bruner writes, “And yet experience teaches that over history’s long haul it has been the story of Jesus that has most deeply moved men and women intellectually, delivered the most meaning to them emotionally, and sent them into help mission most adventurously.”

For those who do not know, I have served on the board of The Outreach Foundation for the past six years. The trips to Egypt and Lebanon were orchestrated by The Outreach Foundation. On the last day of the celebration, I was invited to give the morning devotion. It was bittersweet for me as it was my last meeting as a trustee and as chair of the board of trustees. I was reminded and shared that God’s Story extends far beyond what we know and experience in our little worlds. It was truly amazing to hear the numerous testimonies and stories of what God is doing across the globe. The revelation hit me over and over again during the celebration that the Gospel is the most powerful force in the world!

It is the Gospel on which the Church and other expressions of the Church, like The Outreach Foundation, have been build. Something very small, twelve disciples, has grown into something amazing- the reality of God’s Kingdom here on earth. I always knew that God was big and that His Kingdom extended beyond my little world and comprehension. My knowledge is finite and, of course, God is infinite. I cannot tell you how amazing it has been to participate in these meetings, have conversation, and share experiences- and to see what God is doing elsewhere in the world in places like Iran, Iraq, Syria-Lebanon, Egypt, Kenya, Congo, Ghana, China, Brazil, etc…

Consider the above parable on the Kingdom of Heaven. A mustard seed is incredibly small. It takes 750 of them to equal one gram. Yet, when a mustard seed is planted and nurtured, it grows into something more- that which can even provide shelter for the birds! Like a mustard seed, the story of Jesus might seem insignificant upon first glance. Compared to the great philosophies and ideologies of history, it might even be perceived

Thank you for allowing me to serve on the board of The Outreach Foundation the past six years. I have been blessed as I have been reminded just how great is our God! His story is one that truly does inspire and transform the world. Living and loving for Him, – Pastor Jack Peebles 5

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Carter The Movement of ECO Pastor Jack and I had the privilege of attending our ECO and Fellowship Gathering in Dallas this past August. As a reminder, ECO – A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians is our new denomination, although we prefer to think of ourselves as a new Movement, not a new denomination. ECO’s mission is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. ECO combines the best of our Presbyterian heritage with a bold, courageous, and innovative environment. Currently there are 151 churches, 254 pastors, and 60,000 members who have joined ECO. The goal in becoming ECO is not to change denominations, but to be changed by the Holy Spirit into a church family who is making a difference in the community and the world. Part of our gathering in Dallas included our ECO Synod meeting – which is our National Meeting (something like General Assembly for the Presbyterian Church, USA), in which we come together for fellowship, learning, worship, and a little business. Rev. Dr. Dana Allin is our Synod Executive, and he addressed the shifts we need to make as a healthy movement (many of which we are already making some progress on as a congregation). The needed shifts are: 1. Shifting from Clergy-Centered to An Unleashed Laity. This is the truth that all God’s people are gifted for ministry in the church and in their everyday lives. Pastors are to help equip people for their ministry, not try to do it all. 2. Shifting from Safety and Preservation to RiskTaking and Expansion. Being the church is not about surviving, but rather thriving. This involves listening to the Lord and stepping out in obedience in new ways. Ministry doesn’t necessarily look the 6

same as it has in the past. Are we willing to try new ways of doing ministry? 3.Shifting from Homogenous Leadership Prepared for Christendom to Preparing all of God’s people for a Post-Christian Culture. Churches need to be training grounds for what it means to relate to, and make a difference in a culture that is moving further from Christian truth and values. 4. Shifting from Purely Attractional Ministry to Ministry that is Both Missional AND Attractional. We need to be a place where we as God’s people, young and old, and everything in between, experience meaningful discipleship, worship, and opportunities to serve the Lord, one another and the world. 5. Shifting from an Addition / Subtraction Mentality to a Multiplication Mindset. We are each to be discipling a few people who will each disciple a few more, and so on, as we follow Jesus together, and allow God’s Spirit to make us more like Jesus. As we are learning in THE STORY, God’s Story, God uses Unlikely People (like us), and Unlikely circumstances, so that when God shows up and does his work, people say, “That must be God!” It’s not an accident that we here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church of Yakima are part of the ECO movement. God can use all we are going through – the joys and challenges, the successes and failures for God’s good purposes in us and through us. God has great things in store, as we seek to humbly listen and follow God’s leading. We don’t want people to say, what great people we are, but rather, What a Great God we love and serve! Grateful to be part of God’s movement with you, — Pastor Cindy Carter

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Stewardship Service Ministry


ours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours… Wealth and honor come from you alone. But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us! —From David’s prayer of praise in 1 Chronicles 29

God owns everything. We are the stewards (managers) of all God has entrusted to us, including our time, our talent and our treasures. As stewards, we carry no sense of entitlement to the assets we manage. Its’ simply our job to find out what the owner wants done with his assets, then carry out his will. This also fits with what we are learning in The Story – We, God’s people, are blessed by God for the purpose of being a blessing to others. One aspect of stewardship is our financial giving. Giving was built into the foundation of the way of life for God’s people, the Israelites. The Old Testament law tells us in Leviticus 27:30, One-tenth (a tithe) of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD and must be set apart to him as holy. Pastor John Ortberg, from Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, in an article on giving notes: For Israel, giving a tithe (10%) was really only a start. There were actually three tithes collected from Israel – one to support priest and Levites (Num 18:21); another for a sacred celebration (Deut 14:23); and a third, collected only once every three years to support the poor, orphans, and widows (Deut 14:28-29; 26:12-13). So the actual income given was closer to 23% than 10%.

and generosity, it went far beyond the tithe. Giving has always been a training exercise to cultivate a generous and God-centered heart. Randy Alcorn writes: Tithing is like training wheels when it comes to giving. It’s intended to help you get started. How do you know when it’s time to stop tithing? For all of us not living in dire poverty, the answer is when you’re giving way more than 10%. Tithing is a bad ceiling but an excellent floor. Tithing is not the last word in generosity; it’s the first word. But it’s a word that God takes with deep seriousness. We would also encourage you to pick up the devotional, Giving to Live, at the church, to help you develop a life of stewardship. There’s no shame or guilt when it comes to giving. Simply take some time to talk to the Owner (God), about how God wants you to manage his assets. What is the next step God has for you and your family so that Stewardship truly becomes your way of life? Your Stewardship Team – Mark Baldwin, Steve Hildebrand, Rich Millet, Janet Krieger & Cindy Carter

Ortberg writes, “If there were two ways Israel was most obviously distinct in its ancient Mediteranean world, one would be monotheism. They worshiped one God. The other is they put voluntary limits on their wealth. God’s people lived in deliberate generosity.” Some people argue that the grace of the New Testament takes us out from under the Old Testament law, but Jesus was quite clear he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Jesus thought the tithe was still important. In Luke 11:42, Jesus addresses the Pharisees, who were tithing, but neglecting caring for the poor. Jesus says, “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone. The early church was so overwhelmed by God’s grace 7

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Service Ministry Meadow Christian Camp

LOOKING FOR A MEANINGFUL WAY TO SERVE? I’d like to share with you an amazing opportunity to minister to others, to help serve Camp Ghormley and have the opportunity to get away to the mountains in a beautiful setting.

them what was on the menu for that night. I said a blessing for their meal and reminded them that I was going to be at camp all weekend and if they had any questions or needed anything special that I was there to help them. Well, by the At Camp Ghormley, we have a program called “Guest Host.” end of the weekend and after greeting them at each meal, we This is very much like having your friends or family over for became friends and they were offering their own blessings dinner or a weekend visit but without all the planning and before mealtime (amazing acappela) and telling me they work. Our guest hosts are at camp to greet the groups when could not wait to come back to such an amazing place with they arrive, they show everybody which cabins they will such great food and friendly people. It be staying in and they help welcome really is a special experience to hear our Know someone looking our guests as they come to breakfast, for a location for their guests share about how they connect lunch and dinner. Our Guest Hosts are group event?” with our Lord in the higher altitudes of responsible for showing our guests a His creation. I came away with much the great time and making sure our guests We’ll make you a deal! For same feeling as I was able to have quiet have everything they need to enjoy their groups that hold retreats in the time and explore on my own in between time at camp. months of November, December, meals. I did have a request for more I’ve had several opportunities to host March, April, or May, Ghormley firewood during the day and one of the groups this last year and I’ve come away will offer you substantial cabins needed more coffee (I was glad from each weekend feeling like I’m the savings from our pricing during the TP was well stocked as I did not get one who has been ministered to and peak months! If you’d like more any requests for more). The Ghormley benefited from my short time at camp. information regarding booking staff was very friendly towards me and Let me share with you one of my a retreat at Ghormley, please helped me with any requests I had for experiences this last year when I had my “guest group”. The camp provides contact our Guest Services the opportunity to be a guest host for the Guest Host with their own cabin Director, Matt Gooch. a women’s retreat. I got up to camp (with a bathroom). They welcome Guest about 4:00 on a Friday afternoon and the Camp Ghormley Host couples or individuals and make it very easy and fun. Guest Coordinator, Matt Gooch, was there to meet me with If this sounds like a nice get-a-way weekend and a fun way to all the details about the group that was coming. He had serve, see, and hear how the Lord is working in people’s lives, a kit prepared for me that had info on when meals were then contact someone from Camp Ghormley (672-4311) for served, where the ladies were staying, even name tags and opportunities to be a Guest Host. If you are not sure if this is markers for them when they arrived. So when the ladies for you, but want to come up and observe as someone else arrived, I was able to greet them. I took them over to their is the host or if you would like to be trained as a Guest Host, cabin, showed them where in order of importance, the toilet again, let us know and we would love to contact you and paper, coffee and firewood was. I let them know what times share more about this cool experience. their meals were and that I would be ringing the camp bell With God’s blessings, before each meal as a reminder. After ringing the bell, the Steve Hildebrand ladies all arrived for dinner and I was there to greet them and introduce them to our great kitchen staff and describe for

DID YOU KNOW? Joe Park Sr., age 101, and father of our retiring Clerk of Session, Joe Park, was a friend of Ghormley’s founder, Charles Ghormley? He recalls many times when he visited in the home of the Ghormleys. 8

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp FALL YOUTH EVENTS


Did you love summer camp? Then you’ll love our weekend retreats for Jr. High and High School students! Each fall, Ghormley hosts two events, called Slamquest and The Blast.

Please thoughtfully consider how you might partner with Ghormley. Here are some ideas:

Slamquest is for students in 6th-8th grade, over the weekend of October 17-19.

• Prayer for more guest groups to take advantage of all Ghormley has to offer. More groups throughout the year will help stabilize Ghormley’s financial situation.

The Blast is for students in 9th-12th grade, over the weekend of November 21-23. If you register early, you will save $20 off your registration cost! Check out the Ghormley website for more information. Don’t miss these great opportunities to catch up with old friends, play your favorite Ghormley games, and further connect with Christ! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Thanksgiving Dinner – November 27 Make plans for your family to join us on Thursday, November 27th, for our Thanksgiving Day meal and festivities! We’ll provide a full-service meal with all the trimmings that allows you to spend time with the ones you love the most -- without the cleanup! In addition to that, enjoy games, beautiful scenery, and perhaps even a game of flag football! For more information, or to register, please visit our website, http:// Mountain Meadow Christmas – December 6 Make plans to join us on Saturday, December 6, for Mt. Meadow Christmas! We’re transitioning it to a one-day event, in hopes that more people will be able to take advantage of this great event. Look for more details on our website and on Facebook in the upcoming weeks!


• Pray for guest hosts for groups coming up over the fall and winter. • Pray for Ghormley staff as they transition from summer camps to fall and winter events. Volunteer – Contact Joe Buckley, 961-0424 (cell) 697-8729 (home), • Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month camp to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds • Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed • Host guest groups • Help with activities and events that will be part of the Year of Ghormley Financially support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, memorials, etc. NEW CABIN ADOPTIONS Thanks to Eric Gustafson’s small group, who have adopted Willow Cabin and Scott Henyan’s small group who have adopted Cougar Cabin. There are still several more in need of adoption, including Evergreen, described below. Contact Joe Buckley for more information.

CABIN SPOTLIGHT – UPPER EVERGREEN Here are some of the “honey do” items at Upper Evergreen. This is perfect way for your family or small group to work on a project together. • General housekeeping • Repairs to doors, beds, windows, fans • New flooring and molding

• Painting walls


It was the summer of 1965 and I had just moved to Yakima from Saudi Arabia. Mother had been telling us for months, “In the States you girls will be able to have a dog, go to a real church AND attend summer camp!” And so here I was, crowded into a tall-sided truck with a bunch of other junior highers, headed off to Ghormley. Admiring the tall forest pines I made immediate friendship with another camper, Kathy Kelly, with whom I was to remain close for years. The girls in my cabin were friendly and I even have a journal entry about a Deb Wagner and how strong her testimony and life shone for the Lord! I think the thing that impressed me the most was the cool mountain air. Other kids seemed to enjoy that cold pool but I loved to stand on the deck and watch all the fun games and playing, especially the ping-pong ball blow race! I learned how to dress in my sleeping bag to avoid the chilly air. Imagine my embarrassment on the morning I proudly hoisted the flag in the pre-breakfast Pledge of Allegiance ceremony to discover that all my clothes were inside out! Stan MacKenzie was the camp leader and one late afternoon/evening he took us all on a long hike up a forest trail. He told us a scary story about “Scar Face”, an escaped criminal who was kidnapping campers. I knew that America had untold violent offenders running about….unlike relatively safe

Arabia where beheading quickly took care of the dangerous ones….and I bought the story hook, line, and sinker. My fear was so profound that several adults had to escort me back to safety to the camp dining hall! One of the most moving events was the “Faggott” service. Campers were encouraged as the Lord directed to bring a piece of wood to the fire, representing a discovered sin or a commitment needed. During this long invitation, I was seated outside the campfire circle playing hymns on a portable pump organ. I grew colder and colder…my fingers froze up, my teeth began chattering, and soon I was shaking uncontrollably. I guess everyone was audibly alerted when hypothermia took over as the hymn playing stopped. The next thing I remember is being in the first aid room with the nurses using blankets and hot water bottles to bring up my body temp! When my parents arrived at the end of camp I couldn’t wait to share all I had learned and experienced and to talk about my new friends. But as soon as I entered the car I got into an argument with my sisters about who got the window seat and I interrupted my Dad in my enthusiasm to share, prompting my Mother to sharply command me to be quiet. And I experienced for the first time in my life the let down that comes after a mountain top experience. But the lasting lesson that summer at Camp Ghormley was how to have personal devotions. This had been my favorite time of each morning as I learned how to step out of my care-laden world into a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries — Jeff Murray

WHO & WHAT I’m excited to announce that Student Ministries will be raising money this year to fund rescue operations for two victims of human trafficking. Slavery is still an issue in our country and an even bigger issue worldwide. Our youth group (along with Yakima Covenant & Selah Covenant) will be partnering with International Justice Mission ( to fight the issue on a global scale. The goal for our youth group this year will be to raise $9,000 which is enough to fund two rescue operations and pay for the rehabilitation and therapy that will follow. International Justice Mission is a Christian organization dedicated to 1) rescue victims of human trafficking 2) bring criminals to justice 3) restore survivors and 4) strengthen justice systems in the developing world. They operate in countries like Uganda, Kenya, Thailand, Cambodia, India and Guatemala to name a few. More information about this incredible, dynamic organization can be found on their website. WHERE & HOW Instead of traveling on a short term mission trip this year The Justice Project will be a way for our youth group to engage in a larger conversation about the mission of Jesus and the Kingdom of God for the entire school year. Our youth community will be partnering with a few others in the valley to put on events that will raise awareness of the issue as well as money. Events include: • A 24-hour justice experience overnighter (Mid High) • A benefit concert to be announced (both groups – and open for the community) • An event honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr to be announced (High School) • Spring Break: 4-day local service/learning/worship immersion (High School) • A Celebration meeting on Wednesday, May 20th at Selah Covenant Church. Other smaller events, where our youth group will have a chance to reach out to the community will pop up and be announced at Youth Group and Sunday School. CHANGE FOR CHANGE Youth are being encouraged to bring spare change in 10

to donate to the mission. A suggested $2 donation has been put into place for our Wednesday night community meals. Students will be able to watch our meter slowly go up until we reach our goal (or surpass it). Students are already bringing in jars of pennies and other loose change they have at home. Every little bit adds up! WHY Jesus first public address, in Luke chapter 4, reveals an agenda. Jesus is asked to read in the synagogue, which is not all that unusual for a Rabbi. He opens up to a text in Isaiah which reads, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has arrived.” Then, He says that He has come to fulfill that scripture. As people who choose to follow Jesus, and choose to try and look like Jesus in a world that rejects Jesus, we have to be about this agenda too. This summer some of our students had the chance to learn about the reality of child slavery and sex trafficking. The overwhelming consensus was, “We should do something about this”. Jesus proclaimed release for captives and for the oppressed to be set free. We are called to long for Justice and to put an end to oppression. God’s will is for his kingdom to invade

(Continued on page 11)

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Cristo Vive Fellowship — Pastor Gustavo Carvajal

A Great Family Camp time at Ghormley and The Story Kick-Off We praise God for your support, the scholarships provided by the Presbytery and for the families that took time off from work and for all the 42 attendees in our Family Camp in September. Ministry leaders made a presentation that sought to call each person, family and our congregation to continually grow. This was our family kickoff to The Story and a great segway into what will help our members to know God better and establish/re-establish the friendship God longs to have with each and every one of us. Pray for us and continue to invite people you know to participate in our Story discussion group in the Chapel on Sundays at 9 am followed by brunch at 10:45. Blessings, Gustavo

Answers in Genesis on October 26 @ 12:30pm Cristo Vive’s service is moving for one Sunday to the Sanctuary! We will have a bilingual service and a bilingual message coming from the book of Genesis. Guest speaker Joseph Owen, pastor of a Spanish language church in Kentucky and coordinator of the Hispanic Ministry of Answers in Genesis, will lead us as we explore ginormous questions from a book written so many years ago, but so alive in God’s story and in ours. Invite a friend, bring your questions, email them to Pastor Gustavo and he will forward them to Pastor Joe. Let’s make of this event a great excuse to invite Spanish and English speaking friends to worship and dialogue with God. Email:, Text: 509-388-5752. FOOTBALL CLINIC Saturday October 25th Football Clinic for Boys and Girls grades 3rd through 8th. Cristo Vive / Grace of Christ wants to reach out to children in our church neighborhood with a fun and exciting sports event. Kids have watched their favorite football team play, but what if they have not had coaching to help them understand it or play it. This is their chance to come and learn how to pass, catch, hand-off and live the passion of the game. Event’s Timeline: 11 am to 3 pm. Registration starts at 10:30! There will be music, a message about the greatest prize and a closing barbecue. Don’t fit the 3rd grade to 8th grade category? No worries, we need volunteers to man and “woman” the registration table and to help children move from one station to the next.

(Continued from page 10)

earth. That means there should be no slaves. No children in captivity. No forced prostitution (or prostitution in general for that matter). I think it’s beautiful that a Christian organization is heading up this fight and that they are inviting us to help. I’m also very excited to see God’s freedom and grace spread out to children all over the world. HOW CAN I HELP? We are going to focus a lot of our fundraising efforts out in the community, rather than all of it through the church. There will be some chances to sponsor students for the 24-hour Justice Experience and the Spring Break Immersion later on. Mostly, please keep giving to the church. If there is anything that I’ve learned from the Gospel, it is that true ministry comes at a great cost for the community, but produces lasting change and beautiful Kingdom growth. Please keep us in your prayers as we take on this cause. Peace in Jesus Christ, – Jeff Murray







2 3


9 10


6-8 pm 5 6 7 8 9:30 Worship 9:45-10:45 Class

THE STORY Exodus 5:1-20


6-8 pm

12 17 18 9:30 Worship 13 14 15 16 9:45-10:45 Class

THE STORY Number 14:11-12 & 14: 17-23

19 9:30 Worship

No Sunday Class


20 21 22


6-8 pm

26 27 28 29 9:30 Worship 9:45-10:45 Class

THE STORY Judges 6:11-16


6-8 pm


23 24

Early Reg. Cuttoff for SLAM


30 31

6-8 pm 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Local Missions

Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves As schools got out for summer vacation, kids couldn’t wait to get on with fun and games and parents were anxiously trying to figure out what to do with their kids’ free time during the summer months ahead. In the lower valley around the Wapato area, The Campbell Farm Summer Day Camp was a very popular choice. The staff led daily classes on Christian spirituality and discipleship. We took the kids to the Wapato community swimming pool, on interesting field trips and we made sure everyone had three nutritious meals a day. Campbell Farm continues to offer financial assistance to those who attend and seek to continue their education. A number of the Campbell Farm students who have grown up here, graduated high school this year and all seem to have overcome a great number of difficulties to do so. One young lady, Shana Langee, shared with us that she is the first person in her family to graduate from high school. The graduates brought great honor to themselves and the support staff here at the farm. The Campbell Farm staff and volunteers, who are led by Director Carmanita Pimms and her assistant (and daughter) Dionna Estrada, were very busy planning activities and curriculum for the 80 plus kids that planned to attend the daily summer camp. In addition to the kids, the farm also hosted campers and guests throughout the summer. In July we hosted a group of over 90 people! Did you know – Campbell Farm can sleep and feed groups in excess of 100 people? Guests can experience hands-on care, feeding the farm animals, as well as planting and harvesting vegetables from the garden. We provide endless 12

opportunities for volunteers and servers to assist with kids and the caring of the property. Campbell Farm feeds impoverished people throughout the lower valley at three central sites. One here at the farm, another at the project housing out by Harrah and our newest and most visible site is at the Wapato Community Center in conjunction with the Sister Mary Ellen Program titled, “Mexico in Wapato Immersion Program.” Last year the farm served over 14,000 meals and this year we are expecting to serve over 18,000 meals. Some of our upcoming events at the farm will be to continue hosting campers and guests, including a group from the United Church of Olympia. We had a great a summer camp party with dinner in August. Our annual GALA fundraiser will be in December at the Selah Elks (details coming!) and we hope to do some renovations to the main house before winter arrives. We truly appreciate the prayers of everyone at Grace of Christ. People are coming to Christ, being fed and clothed and God’s Word is spoken daily here at The Campbell Farm. Prayers are being answered! – Jerry Smith

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Ministry

Kaffee Klatsch The October Kaffee Klatsch will be a special treat for the entire church. Our Temple Choir, under the direction of Lyndi Peacock, will present their favorite hymns on October 23, 2014 in the Sanctuary at 2:00 p.m. Following their concert we will meet in the Garden Room for fellowship, cider and Halloween tummy teasers. We encourage you to come and bring your music loving friends with you.

Bibles we could find no indication that they signed up at any Connection Center prior to going to hear Him. So, if He can do that on the spot, for the multi-tudes, we feel very confident He’ll also amply cover the minitudes. PLEASE COME! We can hardly wait to share this special afternoon. – Carolyn Mason

We always appreciate having an idea of how many to plan for with these events, so it’s helpful if you’ll let us know you are coming by signing the sheets at the Connection Center. That said, we also know that life isn’t always predictable and one can face last minute changes. This is a true gift from our choir and we hope as many as possible will be able to attend. Even if you haven’t signed up to attend and if, at the last minute, your plans shift so that you are able to come, please do so. We already know that Jesus fed the masses with two fish and five loaves. After checking our


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin

GOOD NEWS. GREAT JOY. THROUGH OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, inspire pastors, and plant new churches. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of a simple gift. Join us this year as we begin collecting shoeboxes from Oct. 12 – Nov. 23 when we will dedicate them in worship. Brochures and shoeboxes are available in Garden Room.

HOW TO PACK A SHOEBOX 1. SHOEBOX Use an empty cardboard or plastic shoebox (average size). You can wrap the box, lid separately, but wrapping is not required. 2. BOY OR GIRL Decide whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Mark the correct age category and tape the label to the top of your box. 3. FILL WITH GIFTS Fill the box with a variety of new gifts that will bring delight to a child (see Gift Suggestions below). 4. INCLUDE $7 DONATION PER BOX Help cover shipping and other costs related to delivering your shoeboxes to children overseas by donating $7 for each gift you prepare. You can give online to discover the destination of your box. Or, you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on the memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the items inside your shoebox. If you are preparing multiple gifts, please make one combined donation. Note: Follow Your Box is only available through online giving. KIDZONE KICKOFF was a huge success and we are off to a great start with “The Story.” We want to give a big thanks to our wonderful group of veteran leaders, and a hearty thank you and welcome to new leaders Amy Klein, Shane & Amae Merrill, David & Elaina Moon, Diane Smith, Kristin Brown, Sheryl Graham, and Jerry Smith. 14

Remember to Pray for the children who will receive your shoebox gifts.

5. DROP OFF Place a rubber band around each closed shoebox and bring it to the church on or before Nov. 23rd deadline.

GIFT SUGGESTIONS • Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc. • School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. • Non-Liquid Hygiene Items: toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, washcloths, etc. • Accessories: t-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc. • A Personal Note: You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. If you include your name and address, the child may be able to write back. • Do Not Include: Used or damaged items; warrelated items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol.

2…4…6…8…Who Do We Appreciate? Let’s hear it for our KidZone Leaders… Hip – Hip – Hooray! We are so excited to have you join this special group of people. God continues to bless our KidZone department with wonderfully dedicated and loving volunteers. Thank you for answering His call in serving the children of Grace of Christ!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Preschool — Rhonda Cardona



he children of Grace of Christ Preschool are here learning about the love of God and celebrating that love too. Your generous giving is providing these children with their own Preschooler’s Bible and making an impact on their lives and the lives of their families. Thank you! Our classrooms are full of learning as well. We are very blessed this year and are excited for what the year brings. We want to share some of that joy with you!

Another way to help our preschool is by supporting our


We are coming into our peak fundraising season. Look for our annual Scripture Calendar and Greeting Card fundraiser coming at the end of this month. Then we have our See’s Christmas Candy! Thank you for all of your support – you help to make a difference!




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