Grace Alive June-July 2015

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Carter

How’s Your up in out


A disciple is simply a learner, one who follows and learns. To be a disciple of Jesus, we want to learn from Jesus, and live like he did. When we observe Jesus’ life, we notice he had 3 areas of relationships, which he kept in a healthy balance. One way of describing these is “UP,” “IN,” and “OUT.” “UP” describes Jesus’ relationship with his Father. UP is simply being in the Father’s presence, praying, listening, tuning in to what the Father is doing around us, and in us. Our UP relationship with God is how we abide (or live) in Him. It’s reflecting on God as our intimate, loving, personal Dad, and learning to see ourselves as God’s deeply loved, and highly valued children. Anything we do of any eternal value flows out of our identity as God’s loved children. Our up relationship is also where we take the time to ask, “What are you saying to me?” and “What do you want me to do?” UP involves nurturing our relationship with God, through God’s Word, praying (including talking and listening), vital worship, meaningful music, and tuning into the Holy Spirit (God’s presence, guidance, and power for our lives). Our Up relationship is so vital! St. Augustine said, “Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our souls are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” God has created us for relationship with Himself, and nothing, or no one else, can ever take the place of that need.

opportunities - in practical caring and sharing the hope of Jesus, caring for the hurting and lost, and generous giving. OUT happens as we go along in our everyday relationships, our home, work, neighborhood, schools, or wherever we are. Our hope is that we as a church family, in our own families, and as individuals, would be pursuing intentionally deeper growth in each of the three areas of UP, IN, and OUT. Our Session is also using the UP, IN, and OUT priorities to help evaluate our current ministries, to make sure we have elements of each of these in everything we are doing. Here are some questions to help you think about how you, and we, are doing in UP, IN, and OUT:

“IN” describes Jesus’ relationship with his chosen followers. Mark 3:14 says, Jesus “appointed twelve – designating them apostles , primarily so that they might be with him.” Most importantly, Jesus spent time with his followers, building strong relationships with them, sharing life with them, hanging out with their families, laughing, and enjoying meals. Jesus also had the three – Peter, James, and John, whom he brought even closer.

UP: Do I (we) pursue intimacy with Jesus? Am I living in the power of the Spirit? Am I seeing personal revival? Am I obedient to God’s prompting?

For us, IN involves building meaningful, authentic community, really getting to know each other, joys and struggles, genuine caring in practical ways, sharing meals, encouraging, holding each other accountable, praying for one another, and a vital sense of belonging.

IN: Am I experiencing honesty and authenticity in relationships? How easy is it for me to trust people? Am I taking care of myself (enough rest, sleep, eating well)? Do I let others truly know me and hold me accountable? Am I discipling others?

“OUT” describes Jesus’ relationship with the hurting world around him – Jesus reached out to a dark and dying world – teaching, feeding, healing, comforting, and encouraging. Jesus went to people and ministered to them at their point of need, whether physically, spiritually, emotionally or other. It was also a way of inviting the world into relationship with Jesus.

OUT: Do I have a heart for the lost? How often do I share my faith? Do I leave time for relationships with non-Christians? Am I a servant?

For us, OUT involves reaching outside the church to the surrounding community, people sharing their faith, mission 2

As we seek to be God’s family on mission, may we grow individually, and collectively in our vital Up, In, and Out relationships! What is one step toward growth the Lord is nudging you to take this week?

– Pastor Cindy Carter

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Assistant Pastor — Tyler Van Horn

About four years ago, we did the hard work of trying to pare our mission down to five key areas. The list was meant to give us clarity on how to spend our time and resources so that we might see our very best used for God’s glory as opposed to spreading ourselves too thin. The list came out to: Children, Youth, Marriage and Parenting, Multicultural and Multigenerational, along with what we called Front Porch Ministry. Children were in the number one slot in every single list we made. Why? Why would we make this group of people who can’t give a substantial amount of money and who can’t lead committees the main focus of our mission? Did we do it to reach their parents who can be the real difference makers? No, but we will try our best to reach their parents. Did we do it because we want to brag to other churches about how many kids we have in our programs? No, but we will celebrate every single child that we have the chance to share the good news with. So why children?

great must become your servant.” The large point Jesus is trying to make is crystal clear: those who cling to power and privilege will drown themselves and those who lay down their lives in order to serve others will find the joy of the kingdom of heaven. It is right in the middle of this teaching that Jesus says to his followers, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus makes children a priority because they are without power and without wealth. He doesn’t make children a priority because they are cute or because they represent a means to some other end. Jesus teaches his disciples to love and serve children because he knows it will change the way they think about the kingdom of heaven and the way they view success.

it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven

In Matthew 19 and 20 Jesus is teaching his disciples about the nature of power. He tells them some crazy things like “the last shall be first and the first shall be last,” “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven” and “whoever wants to become

Thank you for helping us keep children a priority in our church. We know that sometimes we want our own agendas and our own needs to be the center of the mission because our human nature still clings to the first being first. But as a community we can learn to trust together that as we love, serve, train, and disciple our kids we will come to an even greater understanding of what it means to be followers of Jesus in this world. – Pastor Tyler Van Horn 3

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church



A motion was approved during the April Session meeting to create a Mission Study Team. This team will be comprised of and modeled after a traditional Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) i.e., Elders, Pastor, and congregants. The goal of the Team is to create and deliver to the congregation, in September 2015, a formal Church Mission Study. Jason Larsen will chair this Team. The church will have the opportunity to respond to the Mission Study questions. Following the input of the congregation Session will review the information received and move forward to determine next steps in this interim season of church leadership.

A Chat with Elders was held May 5. The following comments were received and questions asked and answered:

Information sought in the Mission Study will include: 1. Where we have been as a congregation? 2. Where we are as a congregation? 3. Where we are going as a congregation?

Praise was given for our pastors and their leadership. The question was asked if they are overloaded with responsibilities in Jack’s absence. The Transition Team meets monthly with pastoral staff asking them to consider “What ways might your schedule need to change to allow time for a priority of connecting with our Lord and growing spiritually?” Appreciation was offered for the opportunity for extended times of prayer during the service. The question was asked why we continue to have three worship services when attendance is dwindling at 8:00am. Elders responded this is a topic Worship Ministry continues to assess and consider. The question was asked if youth participating in Student Ministry are regularly given the invitation to accept Christ. Elders responded this question would be shared with Jeff. There was much praise for Marcus Huck’s testimony given in church and the question was asked if more time can regularly be provided to offer and hear testimony. Elders responded this would be shared with Worship Ministry. It was asked if a complete audit, financial and materials, could be done and the results published. That regular audits are completed by an outside accounting firm was shared. The audits completed by our accountants are published in the annual report. Praise was offered for the single service ordination celebration and suggestion made we consider providing the single service format more frequently. Elders responded this would be shared with Worship Ministry. Ron praised the leadership of the church for a job well done. Ron requested the terms of Tyler’s call, now that he is ordained, be made public. Elders reported this would occur during a congregational meeting 5/31/15. It was asked if the Mission Study will include congregational input, including Cristo Vive, and the ability to express whether calling a senior pastor is


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Session Notes desired. Assurance that the congregation will be surveyed using the Mission Study and that Cristo Vive will be included was made. Assessment of current status and future needs, including pastoral leadership, will very much be part of the Study.

serve on this team is heard and accepted. Pray for opportunities in Student Ministry to extend the invitation to know Jesus Christ.

Praise was offered for the integration of Cristo Vive and Grace of Christ congregations.

Ghormley Ministry Team: Barney Trick (Evangelism and mission specific to Camp Ghormley.)

The question was asked what our church is doing to live into our mission of discipleship. Elders shared the discipleship goals being implemented.

Service Ministry Team: Larry Allen, Betty Rosenkranz, Alex Rule (Living as a missional church in our neighborhood, community and world.)

The Session was commended for their work. We were reminded of the need for prayers for the world situation and upcoming elections.

Worship Ministry Team: Jason Larsen, Joanne Hayes, Linda Sorensen (Provides opportunities for the congregation to focus on God, read and proclaim Scripture, pray, and respond to God.)

Concern was expressed for the safety of our parking lot stairs for those who are visually impaired. A request was made for a yellow stripe to be painted on them to provide depth perception. Elders responded this would be addressed immediately.

Praise God for a body of believers who love God, love His church and have a call on their hearts to live life like Jesus.

PRAYERS AND PRAISES Please pray for Pastors Cindy and Tyler to have daily time in the presence of our Lord; time to meditate upon His Word and to experience spiritual revelation for themselves and their ministry. Pray for the Church Mission Study team as the survey is developed. Pray for God’s call to those He chooses to

BLOOD DRIVE Give blood and save a life! American Red Cross will host a blood drive here on

Tuesday, July 14 from 10am-2pm in the Garden Room. Call Ericka to make an appointment, 248-7940.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Devotions — Janet Krieger


And we can be confident that He will listen to us whenever we ask Him for anything in line with His will. And if we know He is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that He will give us what we ask for. – 1 John 5:14-15

Prayer allows us to partner with God to achieve His purposes. Prayer expresses our heart’s desire to see God’s will realized in our life, the lives of our family and friends, our church and our community. The Scripture from 1 John is an encouragement for us to take time to discern and know God’s will so He is directing our thoughts as we pray. Key to this is time spent with God so that we know Him. The time we spend meditating upon His Word allows God to lead us and deposit within us His very thoughts. Then, as we pray our ideas become conformed to His mind. Praying the Scriptures is a powerful way to pray and without a doubt allows us pray His will.

“ For the word of God is full of living power. ” – Hebrews 4:12


Write on a note card a Scripture God brings to your attention during a time of meditation. Throughout the day pray the will of God expressed in His word for yourself, family, friends or situations you encounter. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your prayers. the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we “ And don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. – Romans 8:26

We must learn to wait on God in silence and allow Him to direct us in prayer. While God desires we bring our requests to Him, He has also provided the presence of the Spirit to reveal to us what to pray for and lead us in how to pray. There is no formula for prayer. God delights as we share our hearts with Him. What is on your heart today that you can talk about with Father God? Let us become a people of prayer who seek after our God and call upon Him. you, dear friends, must continue to build your “ But lives on the foundation of your holy faith. And continue to pray as you are directed by the Holy Spirit. ” – Jude 1:20

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Ministry

Kaffee Klatsch GOD in IMAX What a perfect title for Ron Sanders’ new book! God IS in IMAX all around us. While Hollywood has used IMAX to enhance the film industry, God has created an IMAX experience all on His own. He has showered us with beauty in our valley and across the world. He fills our lives with sounds and fragrances. All kinds of different textures are immediately at our finger tips and the variety of foods He has given us is simply amazing. God reaches us through all of our senses in the most delightful ways. Ron Sanders is the author of a book that was never meant to be more than a manuscript for teaching Adult Ed classes, but what was intended to be only a manuscript, has become a published book. Many of you have attended these classes and know how valuable and informative they are. Ron’s teachings help us understand God’s work across the world. Too often we have limited horizons but Ron is doing his best to help us broaden them. Ron credits Garth Gustafson with the success of obtaining a publisher. He asked Garth to pray for a publisher, saying hopefully he could help Garth develop his property in Cambodia. Any proceeds will go to the Lord’s work, and a good portion to Cambodia. “I never meant to be a writer,” he laughs, “but I think God wants this book in existence. I’m getting royalties.”

WHEN: 2 pm Thursday June 4, 2015

WHERE: Garden Room WHAT: Book Signing

with our very own Ron Sanders, Published Author. “God in IMAX: A Panorama of Divine History.” Ron will be sharing his experiences as a writer at the June Kaffee Klatsch. He’ll have a few copies available if you want to purchase them for yourself or as gifts. Not only will you have a book that is well worth reading, you’ll also be helping Garth’s ministry. How can you beat that? You might even get a head start on your Christmas shopping! Receiving a book signed by the author is always a special treat. The book costs $15.95 plus tax at stores, but Ron is letting those interested having it from him for $14. He always has some with him on Sundays. Please sign up at the Connection Center for this heart-warming and thought provoking experience. Ron’s story is yet another reminder of how each of us can be used for His good works. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this inspirational session.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries — Jeff Murray

WELCOME SUMMER INTERNS! This summer Grace of Christ is teaming up with Whitworth to host 3 students who will be summer interns in our community! Each of them will be helping us out with Student Ministries this summer and will be actively engaging with other areas of the church as well as serving in the community. Grace of Christ has always been a training and sending congregation, bringing out the gifts in others and equipping them for Kingdom work in any context. Each of these students were specially selected because of their gifts and interests. As their hosts this summer let’s do everything we can to make them feel welcome! If you would like to meet with one of them to chat over coffee or invite them over for dinner sometime, please email Jeff:


Peace in Jesus Christ, — Jeff Murray Director – Student Ministires

I was born-and-raised in Richland, and haven’t lived anywhere else. I am studying Speech Communication with a Certification in Ministry. I enjoy playing just about any sport, especially Ultimate Frisbee, Baseball, and Basketball. I also like to ride my bike, and referee basketball. I can’t remember a specific moment when I decided to follow Jesus. My faith is, and has been, and steady work in progress, where I grow through God’s work in my life. Within that work, I developed a passion for ministry. I wanted to be an intern because it’s a great opportunity to work with God in ministry.

JENNA HENNINGER I grew up in a family of 8 kids in Portland then moved to Bend, Oregon when I was 12. I now am at Whitworth majoring in Sociology, minoring in Psychology and getting a Certificate in Ministry. My hobbies are being an aunt, adventuring in the outdoors and playing sports. I decided to follow Jesus at age 5 and became serious about my faith in 7th grade. I am passionate about youth ministry. I love seeing youth come to find their identity and hope in Christ. I want to be an intern to grow in knowledge and experience with youth. I am excited to get to hang out with the youth and to share with them that Christ is real, powerful, fun and life giving.

KATHERINE SMITH I grew up in a Christian home, and went to a Christian Private school growing up, so it is hard to pinpoint a specific time when I started Following Jesus, But I would say that in high school when I started to go to church that was different than my parents, and started to live a life that was conscientious of my faith was a stepping point and a memorable time when I began to try and live each day more for Christ. I am definitely passionate about youth, as well I love encouraging people, and being a listening ear. I love making memories with kids and showing them that they are special and important. I just graduated, and wanted something new for the summer. It is exciting to me to be in a new place, where I can learn about new people, and a new church. I wanted to be an intern to serve and find comfort in the Lord as I am sure it will be a transitional period for me, but I know it will be a time for growth and learning, and I was really excited to be able to serve where I was needed, doing what I love to do. 8

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin

Survivor Challenge

is Back This Summer! VBS wouldn’t be the same without our Survivor Challenge… and this year we will use the “Bags of Hope” to bring items for the Yakima Fire Department. Bags will be available every Sunday during VBS, and on July 26 we will present them to our heroes at YFD. Items will once again include water, Gatorade, snack bars, packaged nuts, and beef jerky. The guys at YFD are honored to have us adopt them again this year. They are so appreciative of your generosity over the past years!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Preschool — Rhonda Cardona Formerly First Presbyterian Christian Preschool

30 Years of Servi

ng our Community

“I wish I had teachers like Mrs. Godoy & Mrs. Knight when I was that age and throughout my education. Thanks for a wonderful job with my son.” “They have a very caring staff who cares deeply about our kids and their education. They lay a solid foundation for my child’s future.” “A loving, Christ centered preschool that prepares children for kindergarten, both socially and academically.”

Grace of Christ Preschool has completed another year and this fall will celebrate our 30th anniversary of serving families and children in this community. I am honored to be a part of this outreach and to be a part of the legacy of this preschool.

This preschool makes a big impact on the families we serve. This can be seen at the end of each school year when we solicit input from our families on how we are doing. Please read some of the comments we received. All glory goes to God! We are still enrolling for the 2015-16 school year. Please help us reach more families by spreading the word. I am here throughout the summer preparing for our new year, and love to talk to parents about our program. You can also help our program by lifting it up in prayer. Please pray for each child and their family as the move on from our preschool into their elementary school years. Pray also for the children and families who are returning to us and those who are new. And pray that God will lead families to us so we can be a part of sharing Christ with them and helping them prepare their child for kindergarten. Pray for our staff that God will fill them with His love to share and use according to His will. We have a need for scholarship funds as well. It isn’t cheap to send a child to preschool and is a struggle and barrier for many families. I have seen firsthand what a difference your donations have made for families. Thank you for your giving heart and support. May God bless you this summer! Rhonda Cardona, Director

Everyone and the program will be greatly missed.” “We loved GOC Preschool. He has love his three years here. Hard to believe he is moving on. Excited for our other children to be a part.” “The best things I appreciate about the preschool program is the time spent in chapel, field trips and that my child is prepared leaps and bounds ahead for kindergarten.” “Christ centered, safe, friendly, and flexible.” “I love the opportunity to volunteer in the class – working alongside the teachers and watching my son in class has been awesome.” “Loving, nurturing, organized – they go above expectations!” “The best thing about GOC is the friendly staff and the warm, loving environment. Teachers and staff take an investment into the lives of their students/families.”

Grace of Christ Preschool is located at 9 So. 8th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902

CALL: 509.248.7940 OR EMAIL: Rhonda @ Check out our web-site: 10

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Carson Christopher Knautz

Emily Elizabeth Knautz

Drew Louis Lopez

Ryan David Lopez

Born July 7, 2004 Parents: Brent and April

Born October 23, 2006 Parents: Brent and April

Born April 21, 2007 Mom: Crystal Lopez

Born August 7, 2003 Mom: Crystal Lopez

Magnus Emmett Quevedo

Benjamin Charles Trammell

Claire Suzanne Trammell

Hannah Noelle Trammell

Born June 1, 2006 Parents: Chris and Jen

Born February 21, 2001 Parents: Chris and Jen

Avery Ruth Van Horn

INFANT DEDICATION: Charlie Kary Anne Barritt

Born February 22, 2015 Parents: Matthew and Kristine

Born September 9, 2003 Parents: Chris and Jen

Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” — Luke 18:16

Born February 6, 2015 Parents: Christopher and Tori

Born January 5, 2015 Parents: Trevor and Madie 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Connecting Ministries — Jocelyn Larsen

STOP VOLUNTEERING; START MINISTERING. We don’t need any more volunteers! We need ministers of God & His Gospel Good News. We’re all volunteers, right? Somewhere, somehow, in some way, we all give away some of our time and energy for free. Some of us volunteer lots of hours, others just a few. Some of us choose our volunteering place and capacity, others of us have life circumstances that choose for us. Some of us volunteer with non-profit organizations, others of us are called to our own families within the walls of our own homes. Some of us really like our volunteer roles, others not so much. If you’re anything like me, occasionally, in the midst of my volunteering, I find myself feeling just a little bit unappreciated, frustrated, angry, resentful, hopeless, or just plain tired. And, in those most-beleaguered and downtrodden of moments, I have found that I must grab my weary heart by the collar and, alongside the Holy Spirit, preach the Good News to myself. ‘Jocey,’ I say, ‘you are not a volunteer! You are a minister of God and the Good News! Stop volunteering and start ministering. For Christ’s sake.’ VOLUNTEER noun (vol·un·teer) 1. a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task; synonym: subject, participant MINISTER noun (min·is·ter) 1. a person who, led by the Holy Spirit, freely brings the Good News of Jesus, in word and deed, to the people around them

Here is my own little spiritual litmus test that helps me recognize when I sink from ministering to just volunteering:

VOLUNTEERS just check off boxes. MINISTERS meet the truest needs of the person in front of them. VOLUNTEERS give just enough of their resources not to be seen as stingy, after all, they need to preserve something for themselves. MINISTERS give generously and freely, knowing that God is their one true Source. VOLUNTEERS are motivated by guilt or fear: ‘I ought to help out…’ MINISTERS are motivated by love: ‘I’m loved by God, so I just let His love pour through me to others…’ VOLUNTEERS are busy: ‘Gotta get this thing done…’ MINISTERS are attentive: ‘People are more important than and therefore have permission to interrupt this task…’ VOLUNTEERS are self-focused, doing tasks so that they can feel better about themselves. MINISTERS are God-focused and others-focused, doing tasks with the best good of others in mind. VOLUNTEERS see themselves as capable and competent, therefore they rely on their own resources. MINISTERS realize that all of their skills are gifts from God; without Him they can’t do a thing. VOLUNTEERS trudge on ahead. MINISTERS listen, sense, ask. VOLUNTEERS do, therefore they do. MINISTERS are, therefore they do – and sometimes just be. VOLUNTEERS pat themselves on the back for a job completed. MINISTERS are grateful to God for inviting them to take part in His mission. VOLUNTEERS do good things for good things’ sake.

VOLUNTEER (Focus on a task) MINISTERS share Good News for Christ’s sake. MINISTER (Focus on God and people) Blessings on all you ministers, Jocelyn 12

If you want to hear more from Jocelyn, subscribe to her blog at

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Women’s Ministry

Feasting on the Spirit We hope you enjoyed the Mother’s day handout, “Feasting on the Spirit.” So often it is the women who provide the meals for our families and give of ourselves. We need to remember to take time to spiritually feed ourselves. Now that Bible Study Fellowship is officially on break for the summer, I will start the “Feasting” and watch the video and in the search bar type in Feasting on the Spirit as an addition to the written devotion. I will begin on June 1st so the date matches the study day. Our Women’s Ministry team has prayed and talked about many ideas for this coming fall and into the next year. However, we welcome ideas from you, as we continue to live into our mission statement of “Growing women

up to be intentional about their faith.” Feel free to email any suggestions to or use the Connect Cards located in the pews. You are also welcome to come to our monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 4:30 pm in the Parlor. We are excited about what God has for our community of women this season and hope you are able to join us! – Jennifer Ulmer Women’s Committee Team Member

Family Ministry

Smart Money Smart Kids Have you ever said “Wow I wish I learned that when I was younger!” I think we all have and in this case I’m talking about teaching our kids life lessons about money. Rachel Cruze and Dave Ramsey together will help us parents know how to train up our kids to be great savers and generous givers. Smart Money Smart Kids will begin Wednesday, June 17 at 6:30 pm here at Grace of Christ Church. This class will run 6 weeks for 1 ½ hours each week. This class is perfect if you are a parent of a 3 year old or 18 year old. You don’t need to have taken any previous Dave Ramsey classes to join us. Topics include:

• Work and Responsibility • Spending and Wisdom • Saving and Patience • Giving and Generosity • Debt and Honesty • Contentment & Gratitude

Childcare will be provided on a first come first served basis. Please RSVP at least 48 hours in advance, 248-7940 x117. If you have questions, please contact Shan Trick at 248-7940 or

Order your kit and register for the class by going to the website: www.smartmoneysmartkids. com and find Grace of Christ Church in the “find a class site.” The kits cost $59 plus shipping. 13

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Service Ghormley Ministry Meadow Christian Camp

Remember to Register for


To register, call (509) 672-4311 or visit (Scholarships Available)

Support Ghormely Through SUMMER STAFF WANTED PRAYER • Pray that Camp Ghormley will be financially successful in 2015. • Pray that relationships would be built, lives changed and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus.

It’s that time of year again! Camp Ghormley is now looking for young men and women who want to serve God this coming summer through the ministry of Christian Camping.

We are still accepting applications for the following positions:

• Counselors* (2 Females, 1 Male) • Program Specialist*

• Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities.

FINANCIALLY Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.

WASHER NEEDED We are looking for one electric washer to service our staff this summer. If you are interested in donating or can help with our search please contact Tim Acton at (509) 672-4311.

ADOPT-A-SUMMER STAFFER We are looking for individuals and families to commit to praying for our staff, particularly during our summer months. If you would like to commit to “adopting” a summer staff member, please contact Lindsay Rule at She will provide you with a picture and short bio, including their role this summer, so that you may be supporting them through prayer and encouragement. 14

* Positions need to be filled immediately. TO APPLY Those 18 and older can apply online to be considered for a summer position. See the camp’s website for more information on available positions.

Visit: Join Our Team College Summerstaff Counselor


Program Specialist

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Service Ghormley Ministry Meadow Christian Camp PONDEROSA WALKWAY PROJECT Thanks to some kind donors and volunteers we have begun remodeling the Ponderosa walkway. For those of you who don’t know, Ponderosa is our second largest lodge at camp and has needed a revamping for quite sometime. This project will allow us to better serve our guest groups and campers by providing a safe and handicap accessible walkway. We are still accepting financial support to cover the full cost of the walkway. If you are interested in donating financially to the Ponderosa Walkway project, please contact Tim Acton at (509) 672-4311.

CAMP COUNSELOR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ghormley has both resident camp (Grades 2-12) and off-site adventure camp programs (Grades 6-12). Camps are 3-6 days long,depending on the age group. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • Having daily bible studies with your kids • Providing constant supervision to your kids • Sharing Christ with each child through words and actions • Going 100% in all the games, activities and events • Making sure your kids are taken care of physically, emotionally and spiritually • Being the friend or parent figure that many of these kids do not have • Providing a mentor figure to the SHIFT HS staff member, you’ll work with when that member is assigned to your cabin

HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: SHIFT & OVERDRIVE SHIFT (and OVERDRIVE for second year students) is a 3-week program that trains and equips high school students to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches and schools as well as providing vital work experience. Visit for more information and to apply! *Must be 16 years old or entering junior or senior in fall 2015.

PROGRAM SPECIALIST ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Are you someone who wants to work at camp, loves kids, but doesn’t necessarily want to counsel them all summer? If you enjoy flexibility in your work and enjoy helping in a variety of settings this position might be just the right fit for you! Major Components of the Program Specialist Position: • Assist, train, supervise and work along side our SHIFT HS students in the housekeeping and Sundeck (camp store) departments, dependent on need • Cross-training in both LIFEGUARDING and CHALLENGE COURSE facilitation highly desired • “Can-do” attitude and enjoys working with people

Visit: for detailed job descriptions. 15

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Cristo Vive Fellowship SUMMER SOCCER CLINICS


We will have a couple of soccer clinics at Adams and Washington schools this summer. It will be an opportunity to stay in touch with families we have connected with and to start new relationships. Alex Rule, who both played in and coached soccer teams will be organizing these events. However, we will need volunteers to make this a safe, fun family event. Please give Alex a call or email him to let him know you want to help Alex.Rule@, 509.731.2657.

Celebrate with us moving to the sanctuary by joining us on June 7 at 12:45pm and by inviting people you know: i.e. your neighbors, co-workers or people who may work for you. Better than an invitation, we encourage you to come with them, sit with them through the service and introduce them to others so that they feel part of God’s family.

New Ministry Opportunity Your Helping Hands Can Help Others Dear Grace of Christ Family, We are in the process of developing a system to be able to provide occasional help for our church family in temporary need. We’d like to have people who would be willing to receive an email, letting them know of a need, such as yard work, care giver relief, minor repairs, running an errand, housework, etc. Then, when a need is sent out by email, if someone is willing and available to help, they could simply hit reply all, and offer their help. Our coordinator, Wilma Scheibner, would then be in contact with the volunteer, giving the details. While most tasks would probably be on a volunteer basis, there might be some who could pay for some services. If you would like to be added to this Helping Team, please email Thanks for your consideration, Pastor Cindy Carter

NEW HOPE CATERING offers a delicious array of menu options for a variety of events. They are located on Yakima Union Gospel Mission’s campus in a separate commercial-grade kitchen designed exclusively to serve the public. Led by experienced cooking professionals, the program doubles as culinary job training program for New Life Program participants and graduates.

Call them for your next event! 16


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


UPDATE FROM: TIM AND MURIEL TEUSINK Serving in Ethiopia Dear Friends, Joyous Easter greetings from Ethiopia! Orthodox Easter is April 12, so we’re getting ready to celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend, while most of you are celebrating Western Easter. Here’s a brief update... As mentioned previously, we will be on a three-month home assignment this summer and are grateful for the many who responded to our request for housing. We have found a great place to stay in the Seattle area, which will be a convenient base for our travels. With individual and church ministry partners in the Pacific Northwest, Canada, California, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as a visit to SIM-USA HQ in Charlotte, NC, we will be on the road much of the time. We plan to arrive in Seattle around mid-June and immediately head to Chicago, where I’ll be attending the National Bioethics Conference at the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity (CBHD) at Trinity International University. We plan to be in the Midwest from mid-June until the first week of July, then back to Seattle, after which we are in Canada from July 25-August 5. We will cover the rest of our travels in August and September. We are working on our travel schedule and hope to see as many of our ministry partners as possible before returning to Ethiopia on September 25th. We are aware every day that our work wouldn’t be possible without you and we are very grateful. We’d appreciate your prayers during these busy days of finishing the academic year at Bingham Academy (Muriel) and Myungsung Medical College (Tim) and preparing for home assignment. I (Tim) am thankful to have just successfully completed the renewal of my work permit and resident visa...a complicated process that leaves one rather “rung out”. Our children are both doing well in China and are looking forward to spring. We appreciate, and are encouraged by, frequent electronic communication with them!

Thanks for your encouragement, support and prayers! Blessings, Tim & Muriel


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

June-July Calendar of Events

Mon, June 1

Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting

6:00 pm



Tue, June 2

Worship Ministry Team Meeting

6:15 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Thur, June 4

Senior Adult Ministries Meeting

1:30 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Kaffee Klatsch / Ron Sanders

2:00 pm

Garden Room


Women’s Ministry Team Meeting

4:30 pm



6:00 pm

Fri, June 5

Sun, June 7

Craft Night Communion Sunday

Early Learning Zone Lunch

Tue, June 9




12:30 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Service Ministry Team Meeting

6:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Wed, June 10

Business Ministry Team Meeting

4:00 pm



Thur, June 11

Ghormley Commission

7:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm


June 12 - 14

Outreach Camp / Ghormley

Camp Ghormley

Need Counselors!

Sat, June 13

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Sun, June 14

Senior (Graduates) Brunch

Carenet Meeting Mon, June 15

VBS Volunteer Meeting!

Wed, June 17

Edith Ferry Circle

All Weekend

Garden Rm


11:00 am


Seniors & Families

12:15 pm

Adult Ed Rm


1:00 pm

Garden Room

All Volunteers

12:00 pm

5:30 pm



6:30 pm



Smart Money Smart Kids Class Kick Off

Sun, June 21

Father’s Day

Summer Worship Hours

9 :00 am & 11:00 am



Sun, June 21


9:00 am - 10:45 am

Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

Sun, June 28


9:00 am - 10:45 am

Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

Deacon’s Meeting

3:30 pm



Fri, July 3

Church Closed

All Day

Entire Church

Sat, July 4

Happy 4th of July! / Church Closed

All Day

Entire Church

Sun, July 5


Mon, July 6

Living Waters Meeting

Tue, July 7

Worship Ministry Team Meeting

Wed, July 8

Thur, July 9

Sat, July 11

Sun, July 12

Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

5:30 pm

Room 220


6:15 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Business Ministry Team Meeting

4:00 pm



Ghormley Commission

7:00 pm

Adult Ed Rm


Garden Room


9:00 am - 10:45 am

Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

Prayer Sun day

All Morning



Blood Drive

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Garden Room


Adult Ed Rm


Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

Garden Room


Tue, July 14

Prayer Shawl Ministry

9:00 am - 10:45 am


Service Ministry Team Meeting

Sun, July 19

Sat, July 25

Sun, July 26


Adult Ed Rm

All Morning

VBS EVEREST Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

6:00 pm 9:00 am - 10:45 am 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 10:45 am

Garden Room

3 yrs - 5th grade

Deacon’s Potluck

12:00 pm



Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon Divorce Care

10:00 am 12:00 / noon 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed Adult Ed Adult Ed Room 217

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone


Women of Action (2nd & 4th Wednesdays) Men’s Noon Bible Study Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Cristo Vive Bible Study Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal

9:30 am 12:00 / noon 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Chapel Adult Ed Youth & Mid High Rms Adult Ed Chapel

Women Men 6th-12th Grade Everyone Everyone


Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm

Sanctuary Choir Rm Chapel Cristo Vive Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

SOZO Prayer

9:00 am - 11:30 am

Chapel, Prayer Rm


Sanctuary Sanctuary Chapel Adult Ed Lounge Mid High & Youth Rms 2nd Floor Gym

Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 6th-12th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade Everyone


Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Going Deeper: Revelation Golden Circle Youth Sunday School KidZone Parenting Class (Last class June 7)

9:00 am 11:00 am 12:15 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am



The church will be closed on July 3 and 4 in honor of Independence Day.

June 21 – September 6 from 9:00 am and 11:00 am (No 8:00 am Service During Summer)



Give blood and save a life! American Red Cross will host a blood drive here on Tuesday, July 14 from 10 am - 2pm in the Garden Room. Call Ericka to make an appointment, 248-7940.

Find help, discover hope, experience healing. A support group with biblical principles for healing from a marriage break-up. Mondays from 6:30 pm8 pm at Grace of Christ Church. Call Joyce for more information (509) 965-6387.

COOKIES & CANS Thank you for bringing cookies for our fellowship time on Sunday mornings and for bringing nonperishable food for the food bank. (We donate to Calvary Rescue mission.) The date below is when your family can help this month.

Give Blood Give Life


June 7: June 14: June 21: June 28:

G- M N-S T- Z A-F


July 5: July 12: July 19: July 26:

G- M N-S T- Z A-F 19



ding toward Base Camp a e h e r ’ … We Climbing Guides are still needed! Sign up now to join us on this icy expedition as we prepare to summit Mt. Everest.

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