Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
August Calendar of Events
Sun, July 27 Mon, July 28 Wed, July 30 Wed, July 30
VBS Extended Event! All Church Celebration American Red Cross Blood Drive Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party
10:30 am - 12:30 pm 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Gym / North Lawn Garden Room Gustafson’s Gustafson’s
Everyone Everyone 6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade
Sun, August 3
Communion Sunday
All Morning
Mon, August 4
Transform Yakima Meeting
1:00 pm
Adult Ed Room
Wed, August 6
Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Gustafson’s Gustafson’s
6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade
Thur, August 7
Women’s Ministry Meeting
4:30 pm
Fri, August 8
Cristo Vive Youth Group
6:30 pm
All Day
Camp Ghormley
1:00 pm
Garden Room
12:15 pm 2:00 pm
Adult Ed Room Garden Room
Committee Everyone
Tues, August 12 Worship Ministry Team Meeting Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Service Ministry Team Meeting Business Ministry Team Meeting
5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm
Room 203 Room 218 Adult Ed Room Library
Committee Committee Committee Committee
Wed, August 13
Women of Action Prayer Group Youth Group: Water Fight!
9:00 am 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Chapel Church North Lawn
Women 6th - 12th Grade
Thur, August 14
Sacred Messengers Meeting
7:00 pm
Tues, August 19
Children’s Ministry Board Meeting
4:00 pm
Sat, August 9 Ghormley Work Day Free Lunch / RSVP please! Prayer Shawl Ministry Sun, August 10 Carenet Ministry Meeting Harly Drollinger’s 90th Birthday Party
Wed, August 20 Youth Group: Movie Night 6:00 pm Gym
6th-12th Grade and Families
Mid High Rm
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Gym / North Lawn
7:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm
Library Parlor Mid High Rm
Committee All Staff Session Women 6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade
Sat, August 23
Sun, August 24
Prayer Shawl Ministry VBS Extended Event! All Church Celebration
Tues, August 26 Foundation Board Staff Birthday Lunch Session
1:00 pm
Women of Action Prayer Group Wed, August 27 Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party
9:00 am 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Chapel Gustafson’s Gustafson’s
Sun, August 31
No Kidzone Today
All Morning
Mon, September 1 Wed, September 3
Happy Labor Day / Church Closed Preschool Parent Orientation
6:00 pm
Preschool Parents
Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. ericka.clark 2
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events
9:00 am -10:00 am
Senior Adults
Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon Divorce Care
10:00 am 12:00 / noon 5:15 pm 5:30 pm
Adult Ed Adult Ed Adult Ed Room 203
Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone
9:30 am
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Chapel Lounge, Prayer Rm Chapel
Cristo Vive SOZO Team Everyone
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Chapel, Prayer Rm
Sanctuary Sanctuary
Everyone Everyone
Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds)
Thursday Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer Cristo Vive Mid-Week Worship
SOZO Prayer
Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ
9:00 am 11:00 am
Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish)
9:00 am 6:00 pm
Chapel Chapel
Everyone Everyone
Going Deeper - Book of Peter Golden Circle
9:30 am 9:30 am
Adult Ed Lounge
Adults Adults
Youth Sunday School Super Summer Sunday VBS
9:00 am 9:00 am
Mid High Room Garden Room
6th-8th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade
Sermon Series God’s Exceptional Love Sunday, June 15, we began exploring “God’s Exceptional Love” as we switched to our summer schedule: 9:00 & 11:00. Regardless of whether you have been left out, are different, don’t understand, do something wrong, or are afraid, God loves you! Jesus directs that the greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). These two commands are not mutually exclusive. In other words, if you love God, you will have a love for others. God’s Word clearly reveals that His love is life transforming as it is shared one person to another. Most especially, we will be sharing that love with the kids of our community as this years summer VBS has been expanded to encompass eleven Sundays over the summer, June 15 through August 24. The kids will learn the lessons at the beginning of our 9:00 worship, and the adults will hear the lesson in the morning sermon and both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. Join us this summer as we explore and experience the love of God!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Announcements Grace of Christ Summer Worship Hours Grace of Christ has moved to two services through August 31, 9 am and 11 am. Cristo Vive has moved to two services through August 31, 9 am and 6 pm.
What Can I Do? It seems everything is so expensive these days. But, there’s a way you can help minister with your labor! The 2nd Saturday of EVERY MONTH is a workday at Ghormley. Come lend a hand, cleaning, repairing, etc. August 9th. Everyone can help. Workers will be fed lunch. Please call 672-4311 to let the staff know you’ll be there.
Handicap Accessible Doors Have you noticed the new automatic doors at the south and west entrance? Perfect when your hands are full, need to get a stroller though or for those in wheelchairs.
Cookies & Can Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name. Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.
Recycle Bins
We now have recycle bins in the Garden Room for your cans and water bottles! The bins are a lovely brown, so see if you can find them! They fit in very well…
Church Communication Needs? For all your church communication needs please email or call the office 248-7940.
Facebook Visit Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church on Facebook. “LIKE US”
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
THE STORY IS COMING TO GRACE OF CHRIST Our Adventure with the Story is only a month away! Are you ready? Are you part of a group that will be discovering together how our story fits into God’s Story? Have you invited a friend or neighbor to join you?
Sign up for a group at the Connection Center (or) in the Garden Room Sunday Mornings through August. Stop by the Connection Center to purchase a DVD that goes along with all the sessions (31 Ten minutes sessions) to be used in groups or individually (for only $13.50). If for some reason you are not able to be a part of a group, but would like to work through materials on your own, study questions will be available in a variety of formats.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Senior Pastor — Pastor Jack Peebles
Dear Church Family, What’s your story? This fall, we will embark on a 31-week journey that will take us through the greatest story ever told. It is God’s story revealed in the Bible: “This book tells the grandest, most compelling story of all time: the story of a true God who loves his children, who established for them a way of salvation and provided a route to eternity. Each story [within the Bible] reveals the God of grace- the God who speaks; the God who acts; the God who listens; the God whose love for his people culminated in his sacrifice of Jesus, his only Son, to atone for the sins of humanity.”
– from the front cover flap, The Story
From Genesis to Revelation, God’s story is filled with intrigue, drama, suspense, conflict romance, and especially redemption. The best part is that the story continues today and you and I are a part of the story! So, what’s your story? Rather, what is your part in God’s story? Every one of us has a part to play in God’s story of redemption. We are sharers of the Good News, bearers of God’s Kingdom, and players in God’s story of grace and forgiveness! Each week, aside from breaks in Advent and Lent, we will give you an opportunity to pray through, think about, and discuss the question of “your story” as we discern together. Each small group, Sunday school class, and family is invited to participate in this churchwide journey that begins on September 7th. If you do not have a small group, and would like to be part of our newly forming discipleship groups, please contact Pastor Cindy as she and our Fellowship Ministry Team are spending the next month helping to get people connected. If you would like to form groups on your own, feel free to do so! God’s story tells how He goes to great lengths to recuse lost and hurting people. He wants us to see that He does have a plan that is unfolding, even when we have difficulty seeing or even understanding it. When you discover that you have a part to play in God’s story, you’ll want to invite others to participate in God’s story as well. Are you ready for the greatest story ever told? Are you ready to discover your part in the story? Grab your Bibles and join with others because the story begins on September 7th!
Living and loving for Him, – Pastor Jack Peebles
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Carter
Where is Your Approval Rut? From the very beginning of creation, God designed us to live in a pattern of Rest and Work. The first day after God created people was a day of rest, which implies our work actually flows out of our rest. The 10 Commandments were given to a nation of slaves. They never had a day off. They didn’t know how to stop, life was just work, work, work, go, go, go. The commandment to take a pause, a Sabbath rest, on a regular basis, was a whole new concept. Why is it so difficult for us to slow down? To rest? To simply be? To hang out with God? While there can be a myriad of reasons, some times the difficulty in slowing down is related to where we are seeking approval. We all crave approval. We want to feel validated and valuable. While those are normal, healthy feelings, we need to ask ourselves, “Am I seeking my approval/ value / worth from people and the things of the world, or from God?” The place from which we are seeking our approval tends to occupy most of our time and energy. Wherever water flows it creates ruts. Where is my approval rut? God or people? Which rut is deeper? Where is the water flowing the most? The more we seek God’s approval, the deeper that rut becomes, and the easier it is to live for God’s approval. So how do we develop patterns of seeking God’s approval?
1. Identify where I am currently seeking approval. If someone were observing my life, my patterns, and how I spend my time, what would they conclude about where I seek approval?
2. Recognize how deeply God loves me and wants
to give me approval. When we spend time with God, He doesn’t want to bring up what’s wrong… we already know that. Rather He wants to bring up the gold in us – our value and worth, our identity as God’s precious, loved child. When we know that
time with God is the way we refresh our identity, it’s something we desire and look forward to, not something to avoid out of fear of condemnation or disapproval. As we learn to rest and listen to God, God will help us know what He wants us to do, and not do, with the rest of our time.
3. How can I develop a regular pattern of refreshing
time with God, as my top priority? What will I need to start doing? What will I need to stop doing? When will I plan to spend time with Jesus?
4. To whom will I tell my new plan for developing a pattern of rest and work, living out of God’s love and approval? Ask this person to pray for you, and then report back on how it’s working.
5. Be patient and gracious with yourself. Developing new patterns is difficult. When you slip back into old patterns, simply ask the Lord to help you to start again, and keep growing in the new direction.
Together, let’s develop ruts of seeking God’s approval, through a healthy balance of work and rest.
– Pastor Cindy Carter 7
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Cristo Vive Fellowship — Pastor Gustavo Carvajal
La Historia, The Story in Spanish As you already know, Grace of Christ is embarking in a journey through the entire Bible this fall. But perhaps you may not know we will also do it in Spanish! Yes, Sunday messages, small groups, and parents materials all in Spanish! Think about people you are in touch with who were raised speaking Spanish… This is a great opportunity to invite them to explore God’s story in Spanish and make it their Story.
Cristo Vive Restoration: Re-Roofing Restoration is one way to bless people and help them save/give more. This summer the Camarena’s home insurance premium will go back down after their overdue reroofing happens. We will do it with volunteers, donated materials and materials purchased by them. This will save them money as the project will be done at a fraction of the cost. They will also be encouraged to give a love offering to keep Cristo Vive’s Restoration ministry going.
Cristo Vive Youth at the Union Gospel Mission We rejoice with our youth and their willingness to serve God with their talents. Cristo Vive youth, under Alex Rule’s leadership, have been at the Mission once a month leading in worship and sharing God’s Word. We rejoice with them and also with the young talents such as Jonathan, 7, and Erick, 9, our new drummers.
Blessings, – Gustavo 8
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Connecting Ministries — Jocelyn Larsen
The Art of Self Leadership Camping trips, BBQs with friends, trips to the lake. Swimming lessons, VBS, hikes in the canyon. Blueberry picking, fruit stand stops, harvest in our bountiful valley. If you’re like most families at Grace of Christ, summer “break” is hardly a break! And if you’re like most of us around here, you might be looking back at summer thinking: there were books I meant to read! There was soul-searching and prioritysetting I meant to do! There were quiet walks I meant to walk! There were dates with my spouse I meant to go on! There were old and new friends with whom I meant to connect! I intended to slow down, but the summer whisked me away.
eight months pregnant and have two boys under four years of age, constantly interrupting me for a snack, queries about what time exactly we’re leaving today for swimming lessons, and “M-om! Where is the guy that goes on this motorcycle?” It’ll be a dog-days-ofsummer-miracle, if anything I’m writing here actually makes sense in the end.) Schedule the time now, so that you’ll actually do it.
Don’t fret. This month of August - the end of the summer and the start of a fresh, new season - is a great time to evaluate your spiritual health and set your priorities for fall, before the start of the new school year whisks you away. Several years ago, I discovered an article by Bill Hybels called “The Art of Self Leadership.” I’ve used it over and over again to help myself refocus on what is important, to ask myself difficult but vital questions, and to set myself in the direction in which I intend to live my life – before the busyness of life sets the direction for me. Hybels argues that we spend most of our time reacting to life’s whims, or being intentional to lead other people, when what we really need most is to lead ourselves. Then, he gives practical ways and self-reflective questions with which to do that. I’d encourage you to try it. First, make a two-hour appointment for quiet alonetime, in your calendar, sometime this month. (This is the hardest part! Trust me, I know. As I write this, I am
Next, if you think you would benefit from a guide, use “The Art of Self Leadership,” article I mentioned. You can contact me for a hard copy or find it online at http:// html. During your two-hours alone, simply read the article and spend the rest of that time answering the article’s questions. Then, let me know how it goes! I’d absolutely love to hear how God works in your mind and heart as you seek Him to set the direction of the fall season.
Love much, – Jocelyn 9
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin And now…INTRODUCING… T H E S T O R Y The GCPC KidZone team is excited that our church is embarking on this wonderful adventure of “The Story.” Children, youth and adults will enter into God’s story, the Bible, in new and life changing ways. The Bible is, after all, a book of stories. The Bible is a book of stories where God is the main character. The Bible is a book of stories given to us, by that same God, in order to transform our lives.
Dear VBS Cruise Directors: As we draw closer to the end of our Weird Animals Jungle Cruise Adventure, I just want to thank each of you for your tireless dedication and sacrifice for the children in our community. The lives of kids and families have been changed forever by the lifesaving message of Jesus’ love. Your trust in our leadership during this change in VBS format has been humbling and inspiring. It is an honor to serve you and the families here at our church. You are our everyday God Sightings! As we embark on our next great adventure of “The Story,” it is our hope and prayer that you would continue your involvement with kids by serving in KidZone. This is a great opportunity to continue building on the relationships you may have formed during VBS. This summer is an example of how we can all be part of our children’s legacy, by serving periodically throughout the entire year. You have so much to offer our families, and we can’t wait to add you to our KidZone team! 10
Our children, along with the rest of the church, will move chronologically through the Bible. Together we will engage creatively and interactively with each story, walking away with one point to remember from each story. Families will have the opportunity to talk about the same Bible story each week, and everyone in our church will have a basis of discussion with one another. Each week, a different Bible story will come alive for the kids, as well as the entire congregation. Entering into God’s story, in a creative and meaningful way, is an important piece of the spiritual formation of children. This curriculum will be a great tool for introducing families to the amazing stories of God’s entry into the lives of men, women, and children… reminding them that God is in the midst of their lives, each and every day. We look forward to you continuing in the adventures in the Children’s Ministries Department…there’s never a dull moment...there is a place in God’s story for you…and it may be, that place is called “KidZone.”
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministries — Jeff Murray
Everything is Awesome... Pool Parties There are still two more pool parties located at the Gustafson’s house (5602 Scenic Dr) on August 6th and August 27th. The latter will be a celebration of the beginning of school for many of you! So get your homework done and come hang out with us!
Movie Night - Lego Movie Come get out of the heat and watch a movie with us in the Gym. This summer we’ll be watching the Lego Movie! The show is starting at 6pm – families are welcome to join in on the fun. There will be snacks but no dinner.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Adult Ministry restaurants, anywhere. Jesus has changed me to be bold, fearless, honoring, courageous, but most of all, to just be me. I have been a church man most of my life. I had become weary in all my routine, cold, callous, but worst of all, joyless. I needed to get in touch with His power. By surprise, I found humble, passionate, hungry people at SOAR. They became my family. I am soaring again! God is awesome beyond description, He is the lover of my soul. He continues to save my life!
God Transforms Lives at SOAR! At SOAR, we continually see the amazing ways God is telling His story through us, His modern day disciples. Many students, who have been a part of SOAR, have entered into new chapters of their lives. Chapters full of amazing stories of God’s encounters and love. Perhaps it is time to begin a new chapter in your life? Come join us this fall. Applications can be found online at: or in the church office. What is the story God has to tell, through your life? Before starting SOAR, I was stuck in a dry, parched, wilted form of Christianity. Lots of form, but very little power. I thought that was pretty much where I’d be, as a follower of Christ, for the rest of my life. I reluctantly came to SOAR. The Lord used SOAR to open me up, to untapped spiritual gifts! Unknown spiritual power! A fresh, new understanding of His Word! The ability to impact people’s lives every day! The potential of a much, much, much, much, MUCH deeper relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am still trying to grasp God’s amazing, unconditional love for me, in a very conditional world, but I am getting there. Luke 18:8 says, “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” I am determined that He will, when He sees me! I came to SOAR not knowing what to expect, I just wanted more of Jesus. So, I listened and learned. I activated my faith. I prayed for others in stores, 12
I felt safe, supported, loved and encouraged. I felt challenged and stretched. I had fun! Thank you Lord, for placing the desire in my heart to experience more of You. Thank you, that You answered my heart’s desire. Thank You, that You drafted me into the army to LOVE Yakima into Your Kingdom. The days come and go, one day after another, week after week, month after month, year after year. Suddenly, I was 60 years old! I was suspicious and I was in a rut. Could I get out of it? A friend told me about SOAR. New friends, new perspectives of life, and a new perspective of God. He does miracles. He heals. He saves. He delivers. I can pray for the sick. I can do far more, than I thought I could. If you’re in a rut, and want things new in your life, I’m inviting you to SOAR. With Jesus in you, you can do more than you think! Come! My greatest desire has always been to love others and show God’s glory. He has helped me do just that! SOAR is a safe place to learn and make mistakes. Now, I feel confident! Two years ago, I joined SOAR. I learned that everyone can walk in the supernatural, even me. I was challenged to take Jesus at His Word. He dared me. I loved knowing that every prayer is heard. I want to be a risk taker for Jesus, every day. I can be a world changer, one person at a time. I love that! I asked the
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Lord to show me the “gold” in each person I meet, and to pray His will. His Word says that we are very important to Him. That’s worth sharing. A gentle voice speaking God’s love can be a life saver. I changed when joining SOAR. That’s what God did for me.
clicking and no more pain. I couldn’t believe it! That morning, my friend met a powerful God that heals. That morning I met a powerful God that heals. I am now, a woman of great faith. My life was transformed through SOAR.
I am not a woman of great faith. I have followed Jesus, since I was five years old. Often, I questioned, “Is God real?” I enjoyed following God’s ways, it’s a good way to live. Still, I wondered, “Is God Powerful? Does He answer prayer? Does He heal? Is He REAL?” I was invited to attend SOAR. I gave God two years to prove He was powerful. I read books and stepped out of my comfort zone. I failed a lot. Then one morning, God showed up. I laid my hands on a woman’s knee and it twitched. The second time, nothing happened. I tried a third time, my friend said my hands were burning her. I thought she was joking. I prayed a fourth time, she started laughing because the burning was so intense. I was laughing uncontrollably because she was laughing uncontrollably. She tried walking, less pain, but some clicking. I prayed a fifth time, no more
I carried heavy baggage and religious legalism. Now, I am free and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yeah! Have you ever felt powerless as a Christian, I did. Have you ever been tired of having the form of a Christian, but not the power? I have, but not anymore… God has transformed me. I have gone from being an average Christian to a NORMAL Christian. My model for a normal Christianity is Jesus. Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these.” Healing the sick, prophesying life, leading people to Christ. This is NORMAL Christianity. I am a beloved child of the King of Kings! I walk in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. I am a NORMAL Christian.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Devotion CHAOS CHRIST’S HOPE AMIDST OUR SUFFERING We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a Godfilled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now, and is whetting our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. Titus 2:12-13 What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have Him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. Romans 8:31-39 Learning a new perspective on the word chaos allows us to experience the peace, presence, provision and power of Christ in the midst of the confusion and pain of this life. Instead of worrying about circumstances, we can choose to pursue five character traits of a believer experiencing Christ’s hope. By pursuing these five character traits, we are able to live beyond our present circumstance. This life is ultimately not about me; but about Christ living in me. Whatever my circumstance, it is an opportunity to allow others to see the reflection of Him as I walk through times of triumph, as well as times of suffering.
FIVE CHARACTER TRAITS OF A BELIEVER EXPERIENCING CHRIST’S HOPE 1. Establish a Foundation Based on God’s Word 2. Apply God’s Word in Everyday Life 3. Bear and Share Fruit 4. Wait Patiently 5. Live Life with Purpose
Christ in the midst of my life, makes it possible for me to walk daily with the confidence that He will never leave me or forsake me. There is assurance that nothing can ever separate me from the love of Christ. I can walk through my circumstances growing and bearing spiritual fruit; a life lived with Kingdom purpose will not go unnoticed but rather will become an opportunity to share the love of Christ, who is the source of all our hope. God wants to transform our lives into a reflection of Him so that we can impact people for His eternal purposes. If your life is in a state of disorder and confusion, pause and look at chaos from God’s perspective. Begin to apply the five character traits of a hopeful believer. You will experience the peace, presence, provision and power of Christ like never before.
– Janet Krieger
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Family Reunion
days, for most of us, was late one evening after “For the Lord is good and His love the younger children had endures forever; His faithfulness gone to bed. We had an continues through all generations” “impromptu sing,” around – Psalm 100:9 the huge dining room table, as all nine of my This was the verse written on the back grandchildren and the older great grandchildren, on our, “Redding Reunion,” t-shirts. started singing hymns. I was overwhelmed, as they sang for almost two hours, some praise songs, but mostly hymns. No No grandmother could be as blessed as I was for hymn books or accompiement, but they sang all four my 89th birthday. This year, I was surrounded by verses by heart. They had learned these songs as my loved ones, who had come together from many children, mostly from their parents. parts of the US to honor me. What a wonderful time we had, as thirty-six of us came together for the Redding Family Reunion, for five full days here in Nampa, Idaho. All nine of my adult grandchildren came, most with their spouses, from San Diego, Birmingham, AL, Seattle and Honolulu. Those of us living here in Nampa were the hosts and most of the activities centered around LeRoy and Carol’s swmming pool. There was never a dull moment with all thirteen of my very active greatgrandchildren here…eleven of them under seven! There was lots of eating, swimming, soccer and boccee. However, the highlight of the entire five
As the matriarch of this family, I was overwhelmed with praise to my Lord to see this. I am thankful for my early days, with good Sunday School teachers, in your church. When The First Presbyterian Church of Yakima moved into the new church building, I was in the very first cradle roll and my baby picture is there with Dr. Ferry in your archives. I gave my life to Christ, while a teenager in the church, and that decision changed the course of my life. The joy and blessing of our happy family reunion is, “His faithfulness to all generations.” – Millie Redding
Grace of Christ financially and prayerfully helps support Millie’s ministry. 15
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry
Summer camping season at Ghormley is well underway! Here is what has happened so far: Outreach Camp Weekend – While we didn’t have as many students as we were hoping for at this year’s Outreach Camp, we had a fantastic weekend with the Madison House staff and campers. They were very impressed with their experience here, so much so, that they are considering bringing students to future Ghormley programs outside of Outreach weekend. Our two speakers for the weekend shared about using God’s power to overcome fear. Primary 1 Camp – This year’s Primary 1 Camp was a blast, and a great way to kick off the summer. Approximately 80 campers braved cooler weather to have a great three days of fun, up here at camp. 21 campers indicated that they gave their lives to Christ for the first time! Our speaker, Susan Sanders, brought us great messages from the life of Moses. Boys/Girls Launch Camps – These two camps were loads of fun. Twelve boys and 24 girls were here for three full days of unique, gender-specific fun! Most of the activities at this camp are things we don’t do at the rest of our camp sessions. The girls did things like the “Wild Olympics” and “Messy Twister” while the boys did “Gladiator Games” and wrist rockets. Sr. High Camp – 83 campers joined us for a crazy week of Sr. High camp! Over 60 campers indicated that they renewed and strengthened their relationship with
Christ during this week, so we know God was moving powerfully throughout the week. We also had a number of campers who signed up for our SHIFT HS Leadership Program and also asked to volunteer as a result of their week at Sr. High, so it was great to see these young people put feet to their faith and get involved here.
SUMMER CAMP PARENT FEEDBACK Here are some of the comments and suggestions received from parents. A big thank you to Ghormley staff, who are doing a great job of making the summer camping experience enjoyable and spiritually rewarding!
My son has not stopped talking about the paint ball! He loved it and said it was sooooo much fun.
This was our daughter’s first time at any summer camp. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. You all did a great job. Our second daughter will be attending July 6-9. This will be her first camp as well.
My son had a wonderful time. First thing he said to me when I picked him up was “ Mom I don’t want to leave.” It helped him explore new friendships and meet outstanding people, that were genuine. He will be coming back next year. ☺ He is volunteering this week and next Primary. He is really looking forward to it.
“ 16
Courtney said she had a more “mature” experience this year and felt very good about that. The games she and her friend talked about on the way home sounded fabulous (the Underground Church / Roman one especially). They liked the fact that they could continue on with the same cabin mates as last year. They really enjoyed/appreciated the music team and the speaker’s messages. We are so grateful each year to receive the Pastor’s Child discount. It is what makes sending our children to camp possible. Thank you!
” ”
My daughter had a wonderful time. I’m so excited about the memories she created.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
BRING A GROUP TO CAMP Camp Ghormley not only hosts summer children’s and youth camps, but is also available for guest camps through the year, especially the fall/winter/spring period. If you are involved in a group, organization or business, consider getting away to Camp Ghormley for a few days. Here are some of the types of groups that have used Camp Ghormley for retreats. Contact the camp for more information: (509) 672-4311.
My son loved the zipline and all of the outdoor activities. He thought his counselor was awesome. He also read parts of the Bible by choice during solo time, including the Book of Job, which his counselor recommended, which I think is something he will remember. As a parent, I was so pleased that you could accommodate my son’s special dietary needs. He is glutenfree and always had plenty to eat. He could go up and get a special meal if necessary and never felt self-conscious about it. The only negative food experience was that there wasn’t any dessert he could eat. He usually ended up buying a package of m&m’s from the Sundeck, to save to eat after dinner.
• • • • •
Small Groups School Outings Nature Camps Family Reunions Businesses
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Church Youth Groups Men’s & Women’s Groups Scrapbooking Clubs Quilting Groups Community Organizations
CABIN SPOTLIGHT – COUGAR CABIN Here are some of the “honey do” items at Cougar Cabin. This is perfect way for your family or small group to work on a project together. • • • • •
Remove Metal Single Bunks Replace with a Single Wood Bunk Repair Upper Ceiling Beam Holes Paint Interior Repair Porch Light
• Replace WIndow Screens
Continued on page 18
Parent Suggestions
We always get the picture. Leah says it would be great if you could wait a couple of days into the camp, as cabin mates can connect and get to know each other better. The picture would be a lot different if everyone was more “connected” with each other. With today’s technology, maybe the pictures could still be printed in time. As a person who arrives without friends going with her, it often takes a few days to get to know everyone.
Have two cashiers at the Sundeck, at the end of camp, to accommodate the purchases of souvenirs and snacks before the campers go home.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED WITH GHORMLEY Please thoughtfully consider how you might partner with Ghormley this year. Here are some ideas:
VOLUNTEER Contact Joe Buckley (cell) 961-0424 (home) 697-8729, • Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds. • Adopt-A-Cabin • Adopt-A-Flower Bed
PRAYER • Continued prayer for the summer camps. The theme for summer is “Time Traveler – Revisit the Past, Embrace the Future.” Pray for safety and fun and that each camper would have an encounter with God.
• Host Guest Groups • Help with Activities and Events that will be Part of the Year of Ghormley
• Pray for Ghormley staff, for continued stamina and joy for the work they do. Pray that they would work as a team, encouraging and helping each other.
FINANCIALLY support Camp Ghormley through
• Prayer for more guest groups to take advantage of all Ghormley has to offer. More groups throughout the year will help stabilize Ghormley’s financial situation.
• Continue praying as preparations for the 75th Anniversary year move forward.
operating funds, camp scholarships, memorials, etc.
As part of this year-long celebration, we want to hear your stories about Camp Ghormley. Forms will be available at the Connection Center or you can email your stories to Kathy Mathison,
MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY ADOPTING A CABIN As told by Jerry and Cathy Simons
Recently, Jerry and Cathy Simons were asked to talk about their experience adopting ALDER CABIN. Here is what they said: Who are the members of your group/family?
We had a variety of friends and small group members. Those who were involved were Mike and Linda Sorenson, Jim & Donna Fuhlman, Craig and Rose Lewis, Craig and Caroline Sundquist, Jill Skone, Buz and Robin Rowe, Jerry and Cathy Simons. I hope I haven’t left anyone out.
What are some of the recent activities you have done for your adopted cabin?
This spring the men built a new porch landing and railing. The women did spring cleaning and added artwork to the interior of the cabin.
What is the most fulfilling thing your group/family has experienced by adopting this cabin?
The most fulfilling thing was, filling the need of Camp Ghormley’s updating and repairs. As we worked together to do that, we enjoyed one another, had a chance to catch up with friends that we haven’t seen for a while and enjoyed the serene setting of the camp. Of course, we reminisced of camps that either I attended, or our children attended. There are great memories in this place!
Anything else you would like to share?
Adopting a cabin is a fun and worthwhile thing to do. Grab friends and small group members, and go make a difference!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Service Ministry Quilts Delivered to OSO Mudslide Families Dennis and Barbara Whitcher delivered 30 quilts, blankets and miscellaneous items to Arlington, Washington on Thursday, May 29. The donated items came from members of our church and fellow quilters and others in the Yakima area who heard of the project. Pastor Mike Zachman, of The Point Church in Arlington, arranged for us to present four tribute quilts we had made to each of the fire departments (OSO Fire Department, Darrington Fire Department, Arlington Fire Department, and Snohomish County Fire Department) who were first responders and worked tirelessly during recovery operations. These quilts were presented at the Arlington Rotary Meeting. The remaining quilts and donated items were left at The Point Church for distribution. Thank you to all who donated to those in need. We may never know on this side of glory, all of the reasons why a tragedy occurs. Paul writes in Romans, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Rom. 8:28 KJV. Notice that Paul doesn’t say that all things are good, but that they work together for good. To trust in God’s good purpose, is the essence of Godly faith.
Blessings, Dennis and Barbara Whitcher
Formerly Known As:
2014-15 CLASSES OFFERED: 2 Day Three Year Old Class 3 Day Four Year Old Class 4 Day Pre-Kindergarten 5 Day Pre-Kindergarten 9:00—11:30 A.M.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 So. 8th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 Questions? Call or email Rhonda Cardona: 509.248.7940 / Check out our web-site: