Grace Alive July Newsletter

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

July Calendar of Events Wed, June 25

Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Gustafson’s Gustafson’s

6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade

hurs, June 26 T Sat, June 28

High School Open Forum

3:00 pm

56th Starbucks

9th - 12th Grade

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Wed, July 2

Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Gustafson’s Gustafson’s

6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade

Thurs, July 3

High School Open Forum Women’s Ministry Meeting

3:00 pm 4:30 pm

56th Starbucks Parlor

9th - 12th Grade Committee

Happy Independence Day / Church Closed 5:30 pm



5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Room 203 Room 218 Adult Ed Room Library

Committee Committee Committee Committee

Fri, July 4

Mon, July 7

Living Waters Missions Meeting

Tues, July 8 Worship Ministry Team Meeting Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Service Ministry Team Meeting Business Ministry Team Meeting

Wed, July 9 Cambodia Mission Team Departs Mid High Pool Party 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Gustafson’s 6th - 8th Grade High School Pool Party 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Gustafson’s 9th - 12th Grade Thurs, July 10 High School Open Forum Sacred Messengers Meeting

3:00 pm 7:00 pm

56th Starbucks Library

9th - 12th Grade Committee

Fri, July 11

6:30 pm



Cristo Vive Youth Group

Sat, July 12 Ghormley Work Day All Day Camp Ghormley Everyone Free Lunch / RSVP please! Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Knitters Sun, July 13

Prayer Sunday

All Morning

Sanctuary/Prayer Rm


Tues, July 15 Children’s Ministry Board Meeting Session Leadership Team

4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Lounge Adult Ed Room

Committee Committee

Thurs, July 17 High School Open Forum Last Parenting Class

3:00 pm 6:00 pm

56th Starbucks Gym

Gr 9-12 Everyone

Fri, July 18

Mt. Adams Climb

Sat, July 19

Aglow: Sheila Eisman

Tues, July 22 Thurs, July 24

All day 10:00 am

Garden Room


Session (No Dinner)

6:00 pm

Mid High Rm

Elders & Prog. Staff

Women of Action Prayer Group

9:00 am



Sat, July 26

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Sun, July 27

VBS Celebration Event!

10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Gym / North Lawn


Mon, July 28

American Red Cross Blood Drive

10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Garden Room


Wed, July 30 Mid High Pool Party High School Pool Party

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Gustafson’s Gustafson’s

6th - 8th Grade 9th - 12th Grade

Thurs, July 31

3:00 pm

56th Starbucks

9th - 12th Grade

High School Open Forum

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. ericka.clark 2

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events



9:00 am -10:00 am


Senior Adults

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Overeaters Anonymous Al-Anon Divorce Care Wednesday Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds) Contemporary Worship Rehearsal

10:00 am 12:00 / noon 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 9:30 am 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Adult Ed Adult Ed Adult Ed Room 203 Chapel Sanctuary

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Women

Thursday Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal SOZO Prayer Parenting Class Cristo Vive Mid-Week Worship

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Chapel Lounge, Prayer Rm Gym Chapel

Cristo Vive SOZO Team Everyone Everyone

9:00 am - 11:30 am

Chapel, Prayer Rm


Sanctuary Sanctuary

Everyone Everyone


SOZO Prayer

Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ

9:00 am 11:00 am

Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish)

9:00 am 6:00 pm

Chapel Chapel

Everyone Everyone

Going Deeper - Book of Peter Golden Circle

9:30 am 9:30 am

Adult Ed Lounge

Adults Adults

Youth Sunday School Super Summer Sunday VBS

9:00 am 9:00 am

Mid High Room Garden Room

6th-12th Grade 3yrs-5th Grade

Sermon Series God’s Exceptional Love Sunday, June 15, we began exploring “God’s Exceptional Love” as we switched to our summer schedule: 9:00 & 11:00. Regardless of whether you have been left out, are different, don’t understand, do something wrong, or are afraid, God loves you! Jesus directs that the greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). These two commands are not mutually exclusive. In other words, if you love God, you will have a love for others. God’s Word clearly reveals that His love is life transforming as it is shared one person to another. Most especially, we will be sharing that love with the kids of our community as this years summer VBS has been expanded to encompass eleven Sundays over the summer, June 15 through August 24. The kids will learn the lessons at the beginning of our 9:00 worship, and the adults will hear the lesson in the morning sermon and both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. Join us this summer as we explore and experience the love of God! July 6

Ephesians 2:8-10…….“Art Appreciation”

July 13

John 13: 1-17 ……..… “Role Reversal”

July 20

Luke 6:27-31 ……..…“Do Unto Others…”

July 27

Luke 24: 36-48……..… “Easter in July”


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Announcements Grace of Christ Summer Worship Hours Grace of Christ has moved to two services through August 31, 9 am and 11 am. Cristo Vive has moved to two services through August 31, 9 am and 6 pm.

Clerk of Session Needed Session is looking to find a volunteer to fill the role of Clerk of Session. If you are interested or would like to suggest someone who might fill the role well, contact John Rasmussen at 952-9614. Requirements: candidate must have previously served as an Elder, and be a current member of our church.

Blood Drive Event Team We need YOUR help preparing for our next blood drive on Monday, July 28. Biggest areas of need are canteen and registration volunteers for the day of the event. We also need people to bake homemade cookies, make sandwiches and create refreshing lemonade! Call Ericka in the church office, 248-7940. Thank you!

Recycle Bins We now have recycle bins in the Garden Room for your cans and water bottles! The bins are a lovely brown, so see if you can find them! They fit in very well…

Handicap Accessible Doors Have you noticed the new automatic doors at the south and west entrance? Perfect when your hands are full, need to get a stroller though or for those in wheelchairs.

What Can I Do? It seems everything is so expensive these days. But, there’s a way you can help minister with your labor! The 2nd Saturday of EVERY MONTH is a workday at Ghormley. Come lend a hand, cleaning, repairing, etc. July 12th. Everyone can help. Workers will be fed lunch. Please call 6724311 to let the staff know you’ll be there.

Church Communication Needs? For all your church communication needs please email or call the office 248-7940.

Free Sandwiches & Lemonade!

Cookies & Cans

Want to enjoy a free sandwich, lemonade and cookie in a nice air-conditioned room? Come to the Garden Room on Monday, July 28 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. You don’t have to give money, just an hour of your time and some blood. Show up, lay back and let the talented American Red Cross team do their work.

Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name. Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.

Each blood donation can help to save up to three lives! The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood. Call Ericka to make an appointment: 248-7940 x 100.


Visit Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church on Facebook. “LIKE US” 4

July 6: G-M July 13: N - S July 20: T - Z July 27: A - F

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

The Value of Generous Giving The Apostle Paul, in his farewell address to the Ephesian Elders, reminded them of the words of Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)… such counter-cultural, yet lifegiving words. Pastor Tim Keller describes three principles from this passage. 1. Giving has great power to heal. When we give, it can make a difference in people’s lives – providing both physical and spiritual healing. 2. Greed is a hidden power in most of our lives. Money, in its rightful place can be good. We were created to make and own things, we are to plan and save for the future. Yet money also has the power to corrupt our integrity, magnify our selfabsorption and distract us from what we are called to do as Christians. 3. We can break materialism’s power in order to release the power of giving to the world. One way to break the power of money is to see it as seed. A farmer gains nothing from hoarding his seed; rather by scattering his seed across the field, he prepares to gather an abundance of harvest. When we give generously it frees us from the grip of materialism and greed.

How are we doing at wisely managing all that God has entrusted into our care, including time, talents and resources? Do we look to God or money for our significance and security? When we encounter Jesus, his extravagant and sacrificial love and forgiveness, we are filled with gratitude! Like Zacchaeus (see Luke 19:1-5), our lives and our giving strategies are transformed. It’s not about what I can get, but what can I give. How can my resources make a difference in bringing about God’s Kingdom here on earth? When we live within our means, or beneath our means, we are free to live generously. Jesus is right… It is more blessed to give than to receive. Thank you for your generous giving to Grace of Christ this year, and to other mission opportunities as well. It is helping us to carry out our Mission of being God’s Family for the community and the world! – May we all experience the value of generous giving!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Pastor — Pastor Jack Peebles

Dear Church Family, How much fun are we having with these Super Summer Sundays? It is such a joy to see all of the smiling faces of the children as they sing, learn, laugh, dance, and worship! From my vantage point, additionally, I can turn and see the smiling faces of the adults as they are watching the children sing, learn, dance, and worship. From the sanctuary to the Garden Room, to the various classrooms, there is definitely a family feel to Sunday mornings. I truly believe God is well pleased with what is happening on Sunday mornings at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church! It’s all for the purpose of sharing GOD’S EXCEPTIONAL LOVE! GOD’S EXCEPTIONAL LOVE is truly an amazing thing. When you experience and receive that love in your heart, your life is transformed. What do I mean? Simply put, God’s love is the most powerful force in the universe. GOD’S EXCEPTIONAL LOVE can forgive, heal, equip, and strengthen you no matter your situation. Have you made some mistakes in your past? God loves you and forgives you. Do you have a broken relationship with someone? God loves you and can heal that relationship. Are you feeling inadequate in some area of your life or ministry? God loves you and can empower and equip you. Are you facing a tough road in front of you? God loves you and can grant you strength. That, dear church family, is just the tip of the iceberg! God’s love can do so much more. God’s love reminds us that we are never alone, never without hope, never without light. Do you understand? Do you believe? 6

Consider these words from the apostle Paul: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39) This is God’s promise for you. Nothing in this world - not even death- can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus! The children of our church and community are experiencing the love of Jesus through our Super Summer Sundays and my sincere hope and prayer is that you are as well. If you have not yet had a chance to sign up to help out with our Super Summer Sundays, please know that we would love to plug you in. All you have to do is contact the office 248-7940. Also, please take a moment to read Pastor Cindy’s article this month on what we are preparing for this fall. I’m so excited that we will all be exploring, The Story, together: children, youth, and adults! For more information, please see her article on the next page. Basking in the warmth of GOD’S EXCEPTIONAL LOVE, – Pastor Jack Peebles

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Carter

Please Join Us for The Story! Have you been wondering how you can grow in your faith? Or how you can get connected and be more a part of our Grace of Christ Family? Or possibly, how you can encourage a friend, neighbor or co-worker to consider the incredible story about a God who offers hope to a messed up world? Or maybe you just need to understand God’s Story from a fresh perspective, and discover how your story fits into God’s Story. September 7 we will kick off The Story, a 31-week journey through the Bible in chronological order, for our whole church family and beyond. It will include Sunday morning sermons, adult classes, small groups, youth and children’s opportunities, family devotions and discussion guides. We hope and pray everyone will find a way to be involved! You won’t want to miss it.

free downloadable resources by (1) clicking on the Resource Library Icon near upper right. (2) clicking on Adult Ministries on right hand side (3) scrolling down to DOCUMENTS for a variety of options, and small group study resources. This is a great opportunity to invite new people, or those who haven’t been coming for a while, to worship, classes and/or a small group. Let’s join together and make God’s Story our story!

– Pastor Cindy Carter

There are a variety of options groups can choose from in terms of the depth of studies. Tyler Van Horn and Steve Barker are working on Discussion Guides, tailored specifically to our desire to grow as Jesus’ followers. These will be available for groups and individuals. You can read the scriptures out of your own Bibles, or if you prefer order The Story, which has taken selected scriptures and put them in chronological story form, with some added transitions. Groups or individuals may also order a DVD with 10 minute segments for each week to enhance your study. If you are not currently in a group, and want to join one, or even help lead one, there will be opportunities to sign up beginning Sunday, July 13 in the Garden Room, or by calling the church office. There will also be opportunities to order optional materials you might want. If you want to explore The Story web site, please do so. It is Here you can view sample materials, watch a number of youtube videos, or if you want to explore a little deeper, you can use the church’s login: Grace of Christ. The password is: gracestory. Once you have logged in, you can view some of the 7

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Cristo Vive Fellowship — Pastor Gustavo Carvajal

Harvest Celebration in Harrah We celebrated with Monte Schilperoort and his workers the end of the asparagus season. Singing, fellowship and a time to share God’s word through drawings allowed us to continue to build relationships. We have shared with them in the past a TIME of prayer and blessing for the coming harvest and this time around we rejoiced in a bountiful harvest. Their stories and journeys have been touched by God’s hand and as we interact with them we got a chance to witness what God is doing in our lives and also how God is working mightily in theirs.

Sharing Power in our Neighborhood We want to bless our neighbors by taking them 9V batteries for them to replace their smoke detector’s battery. Lots of donated batteries will help us to show our neighbors we care and also will give us an opportunity to invite them to our church events, such as the Parenting Class, VBS, church activities and Services. If you are interested, please send Gustavo an email or give him a call. We will organize a couple of outings this summer.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries — Jeff Murray Pool Parties! Lots of fun happening this summer in the youth department. Starting June 18 Mid High Students meet from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm and High School Students meet from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Come and meet the summer interns and catch up with your friends and meet some new friends. Bring $2 if you’re able, for pizza and snacks. Be sure to get the latest copy of the Student Calendar for location and lots of other great information.

High School Open Forum 56th Starbucks is the place to be.... Thursdays, July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 31st, and August 7th at 3:00 pm. High School Students 9th - 12th grade this is the time for you. Want to come and hang with some friends? This is your chance to be together, share some coffee or tea, or even ask Jeff something you’ve had on your mind. Bring a friend. Make sure to refer to the Student Calendar for dates. 9

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin

CALLING ALL WEIRD ANIMALS JUNGLE CRUISE DIRECTORS! Now is the time to sign up for the adventure of a lifetime… Join this team for an exciting journey filled with Jesus’ one – of – a- kind love! Summer VBS is every Sunday from June 15 – August 24 during the 9:00 service… Sign up to help one Sunday…a few…or all of them. Registration forms are in the Garden Room, church office, or you can call Susie @ 248-7940 for more information.

Everyone’s “Hanging” together this year at VBS! And this is not just any VBS… It’s Super Summer Sunday VBS Triple “S” VBS! This isn’t your ordinary five days of VBS… we are taking it to a new level this summer… 11 Sundays of VBS starting June 15 – Aug. 24 from 9:00 – 10:30 And guess what… parents, adults, and kids of all ages get to be part of VBS too! Same great VBS music, Same great VBS skits and dramas, Same great VBS characters, Same great VBS Bible stories, Same great VBS games and crafts, BUT more days and more fun for.... EVERYONE! Weird Animals Triple “S” VBS Where Jesus’ love is One of a Kind, and for... EVERYONE…NOT JUST THE KIDS! Join us this year at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church where the 9:00 worship service is transformed into a Weird Animals Jungle Cruise and the entire congregation will experience and participate in VBS music, dramas, skits, and all the fun that goes along with VBS. Families with children will want to arrive 10

early and sit in the front of the Sanctuary so you can participate. We strongly encourage parents to attend with children. If children attend without parents the plan is to assign them a host for the morning. Parents who don’t stay MUST escort their child into the church and register their child before leaving, then pick up promptly at the end of the worship service(10:15). It’s free of charge, every Sunday, for all ages…now that’s exciting! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to celebrate VBS together in this summer celebration. WHAT IS TRIPLE “S” VBS? It’s 11 Super Summer Sundays of Weird Animals “Where Jesus’ Love is One- of- a- Kind” WHAT IS THE SCHEDULE? Every Sunday from June 15 – August 24 the 9:00 worship service will be transformed into Weird Animals VBS for the entire congregation. THE 9:00 WORSHIP SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: 8:45-9:00 Arrival for worship – Children in diapers should be dropped off in childcare prior to service. Parents register Pre-K – 5th Grade kids in the Garden Room when attending VBS the first time, where nametags will be issued to kids. Once your child is registered you only need to stop and pick up your child’s nametag and sign them in every Sunday thereafter. 9:00- 9:20 Parents and kids enjoy VBS opening together in the Sanctuary. This includes music, drama, and other fun. At 9:20 kids are excused to independent VBS activities. Pre-Kinder (no diapers please) will meet in room 208 and K-5th Grades will meet in the Garden Room. 9:20-10:10

Adult worship and message

10:10–10:15 Kids join parents back in worship for VBS music and closing.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Voting is easy! Simply bring one of the items listed below... • Planters Peanuts • Beef Jerky • Granola Bars • Gatorade • Bottled Water

VBS CELEBRATION DAYS Don’t forget... July 27th and August 24th are the extended VBS Celebration Days. Plan to continue the fun at 10:30 am on the North Lawn with Food and Games for Everyone! Meet our Weird Animal Bible Memory Buddies!

Then place the items in your favorite Survivor’s bin in the Garden Room. The Survivor that collects the most items wins the Survivor Challenge!

Indiana Smith • Cheeta • Hugh Gelmet • Tarzan • Jane


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Class FamilyParenting Ministry — Shan Trick

Here’s a wonderful example of how a precious life has been impacted by the loving Godly people who help and incredible tools shared during each parenting class.

“ Robin Perches

Parenting Educator Summer is here in full swing and so is another successful Parenting Class with Trained Parenting Educator Robin Perches. This is the 4th season of offering parenting classes and we have witnessed God at work through the lives of men, women and children who have attended. I’m so encouraged as staff of Grace of Christ to know that this is what we need to be doing for our community. The curriculum and teaching are merely tools that any person whether or not they have kids can use in their daily life. Families have shared with us that they feel welcomed and cared for as soon as they come through the church doors to attend class. Greeters help assist them with where to take their kids to childcare so they don’t get lost navigating through our large church alone. The table mentors welcome their table mates with open arms, eager to learn how their week went and ready to take their prayer requests. We’re so fortunate to have had such wonderful certified instructors who are super entertaining and fun to listen to as they present very real experiences in their own lives as parents and the curriculum they have prepared to share is top notch! I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry and wanted to share a couple testimonies so you can at least catch a glimpse of why this ministry has impacted me as a person, a mom and member of God’s family. If God is calling you to serve and you are encouraged or just curious how you can be a part of this, please contact me at: (or) 248-7940. 12

When I came to the first parenting class, I was so uncomfortable, but after experiencing the warm and friendly people, I felt loved and accepted right away. I made new friends with people I would never have met if it weren’t for parenting class. I’ve currently attended three sessions, and look forward to seeing friends and enjoy the Christian atmosphere and fellowship. A couple months ago my fiance passed away leaving my daughter without a father and me without a future life partner. We both attended parenting class this past winter and spring quarter and talked about how much we enjoyed coming to class and always commented on how friendly the people are who attend Grace of Christ church. When Mike passed, I was encouraged by the entire parenting class taking time to show their love and support of my loss. They took time to pray for me and my family and attended the funeral service a few weeks later. I’m currently looking for a new church home, and am planning to attend Grace of Christ. I look forward to raising my daughter in a Christian home with my new church family. I also enjoyed attending a women’s event at the church and would like to attend more women’s group activities. – Parent

It’s encouraging to learn how this class is feeding

both the students and the volunteers. Here’s what one volunteer shares:

It was an honor to be asked to pray for the folks participating in the Peaceful Parenting class this last spring quarter. At the end of each class I was given at least 10 prayer requests to pray for each day. It was exciting to see God answer with job interviews, a job, children reunited with their parents, and to actually see the peace of God resting on them as they learned to use the tools the instructor provided. What a blessing to see people hungry for better parenting skills and then report back the next week that it works!

– Volunteer

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ

FAMILY DAY Gymnastics Plus


KIDS (Ages 2-11)

Kids Castle

Sunday, August 10th from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN – ONLY $3 PER CHILD! Sign Up Today at the Church Office or Connection Center. NOTE: Kids must bring socks to play on equipment. Registration Deadline is August 1st...Space is Limited!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church has been a longtime supporter of Whitworth University. Below is an excerpt from the latest edition of the university’s newsletter, Mind and Heart, entitled “An update from Whitworth University President Beck A. Taylor.” Thank you for your support of this Christian university. A full edition of Mind and Heart can be found here: PresidentsOffice/Mind&Heart/2014/May14.htm.

May 2014 What do elaborate foam models of molecular structures, miniature statues of John Calvin, rolls of athletic tape, and stethoscopes have in common? These are just some of the fun adornments our graduating students used to festoon their mortarboards for graduation last weekend. It’s just one of the traditions our students enjoy during Commencement Weekend. Another tradition we celebrate at the baccalaureate service, the morning of commencement, is the singing of


Amazing Grace. Four years ago, these same graduates sang that wonderful John Newton hymn the first night they spent on campus. It’s a bookend experience for all of us as we celebrate God’s provision for our students during their time at Whitworth. Here’s what one graduating student wrote to me after the service: “On Sept. 4, 2010, move-in day, I sat watching the funny presentations in the fieldhouse – I laughed and smiled, enjoying every second of it. At the end, we sang Amazing Grace. From that moment on, I knew that I would be able to complete this long journey. I was encouraged to know that I would sing those words again, four years later, at baccalaureate, the morning of my graduation. Over the next four

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

years, I sang the words of that song in BaldwinJenkins, in The Loop, in my classrooms, on my tractor at home while working during the summer, in the weight room, and during football games in the Pine Bowl. That song gave me the strength for all times because I knew that one day, we would sing it again, together, as a graduating class. When we sang Amazing Grace this morning at baccalaureate, I’ve never felt so happy, content and sad in my whole life – sad because I’m now leaving this place I’ve called home for four years. I love this university.” God’s grace is amazing, and so are the students of the Class of 2014!

began our first year of service at Whitworth. Being “freshmen” together bonded us with this class in some unique and special ways. To think that four years have passed and that we’ve now said goodbye to those same students, well, it doesn’t seem right. But our sadness in seeing them go is overwhelmed by the joy we have in knowing that God is calling our graduates into a world that needs them, and they have been equipped, by God’s grace, to honor him, follow Jesus, and serve others. Thanks for the ways you support this special place! Have a great summer.

Closing Thoughts This graduating class is very special to Julie and me. Four years ago this fall, the Class of 2014 moved onto campus wide-eyed and a bit nervous about what the future would hold. Julie and I were feeling many of those same feelings as we

Beck A. Taylor President, Whitworth University


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Service Ministry

CAMP GHORMLEY SUMMER STAFF ARRIVE The camp is off and running with another exciting group of young people that God has led to serve at Ghormley this summer! This year’s staff is comprised of 24 collegeaged students from all over the country, including Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona and California, along with many NW “locals”. We have six staffers this year who grew up at Ghormley as campers, so it is exciting to see them want to serve here when they are old enough. Pray for this group as they bond with each other and prepare for the good work that God is going to do through them this summer.”

SUMMER CAMPING SEASON GETS UNDERWAY Summer camps started the week of June 15 and are filling up fast. To check out the offerings and to register, go to Ghormley’s webpage:

GHORMLEY HOSTS SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS The camp recently had the privilege of serving three different local elementary school classes who came to Ghormley for an end of the year field day. It was exciting to hear the sounds of laughter on the Meadow to kick off yet another year of ministry to young people. Their activities included things like meadow games, zip line, archery, and hikes. We were able to host students from Kirkwood Elementary (Toppenish), along with Wide Hollow and Apple Valley Elementary schools from the West Valley SD. We would love to host more schools in May, so if your child attends a local school, we would love you to suggest the idea to your child’s teacher as a great end of the year activity! If you have a group, whether students, a small group, a family reunion, or others, Ghormley is available to host guest groups. Contact the camp for further information: (509) 672-4311.

SUCCESSFUL SHINE AND DINE WORKDAY – MAY 24 Thanks to all of you who came up for the Shine and Dine workday on May 24. Much was accomplished – cleanup of the camp’s entry area, sprucing up of cabins, relining some of the roads with logs, flowerbeds and planters sprang to life with color, wood was cut and stacked. 16

The next monthly workday will be Saturday, July 12. If you were unable to come on the 24th, here is another opportunity for you to help spruce up the camp!

HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED WITH GHORMLEY Please thoughtfully consider how you might partner with Ghormley this year. Here are some ideas:

PRAYER • For the summer camps. The theme for summer is “Time Traveler – Revisit the Past, Embrace the Future.” • For the summer staff coming in from around the area. That they would use their skills and gifts to bring the Kingdom of God to summer camps and that God would also do a great work in each of their lives. • For preparations for the 75th Anniversary year.

VOLUNTEER Contact Joe Buckley (cell) 961-1295 (home) 697-8729, • Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of each month to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds. • Adopt-A-Cabin • Adopt-A-Flower Bed • Host Guest Groups • Help with Activities and Events that will be Part of the Year of Ghormley

FINANCIALLY support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, memorials, etc.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

CABIN SPOTLIGHT – BLACK BEAR CABIN Here are some of the “honey do” items at Black Bear Cabin. This is perfect way for your family or small group to work on a project together. • • • • • •

Replace Window Screens Cover Needed on the Fuse Box Paint the Interior Additional Lighting Repair Steps Remove Downed Tree Debris

STORIES AROUND THE CAMPFIRE In the late 60’s, early 70’s, our son David, decided he wanted to go to summer camp at Ghormley Meadow; It so happened that the camp was having a “work day” on one of the next several Saturdays and David and I decided we should attend! That morning, not knowing what tools would be needed, David and I loaded our pickup with sawhorses, hand tools, electric and handsaws, electric cords, and whatever we thought might be required and drove up. Arriving at camp and checking in with the site supervisor and, telling him we had lots of tools, he put us in charge of several of the old, small cabin projects; One of which was changing the old, worn-out, metal bed springs; (worn-out meaning that some of the springs were missing, some were not attached at one end, just plain worn-out!!) In place of the springs, we cut-to-size and installed sheets of plywood. Several other men arrived as the morning went along and were assigned to this project on several of the other cabins.

in that cabin ran out and found the “Great Discovery,” which was the old worn-out springs we had stored there for eventual retirement. These boys began removing the plywood sheets that we had so painstakingly installed and re-installed the “worn-out” metal springs. David said that they, “were actually more comfortable,” than the plywood! As I understood, after these boys got hold of the boys in the other cabins, all of the cabins were “re-fitted” with the old “worn-out” springs! It was a fruitless project, but where else could all of us that worked that day have enjoyed a more beautiful area? Long live Ghormley Meadow and may many more young people (and older) get to enjoy!

– Harold and David Cook

TELL US YOUR CAMP GHORMLEY STORIES As part of this year-long celebration, we want to hear your stories about Camp Ghormley. Forms will be available at the Connection Center or you can email your stories to Kathy Mathison,

When David returned home at the end of the week, he told Mom and I that during the first day, one of the boys came into the cabin they were sharing and said “come look at what I found behind the cabin!” All of the boys 17

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Women’s Ministry Prayer Mosaic What an amazing night! Women of all ages came and experienced the outpouring of God’s love at the Prayer Mosaic on May 30th. The Holy Spirit filled the church as many women, of all ages and walks of life, spent time with God. There were over 50 women who attended and it was a beautiful sight! In our busy lifestyles it is sometimes hard to stop and spend some quality time with God. On this night we stopped our busyness and God met us there and many women were blessed. Women were able to meet God in a variety of ways. Women were able to pray over others prayer request as well as requesting prayer on our Wall of Hands. Those who spent time in the Soaking Room got to just spend time with God and listen for His voice. The David Ferry Lounge was transformed into a wonderful and soothing place where God’s love could be felt and burdens lifted. Those who went into the David Ferry Lounge were able to give the Lord their burdens by placing a stone into a bowl and then lighting a candle for thanksgiving (Light a Lamp) and then continued on to the Washed Clean station where they were able to confess, to the Lord, and write it on their hand and then wash it clean. Women also had the opportunity to be blessed by having their feet washed while being prayed over in the Ministry at the Feet station. In the Chapel, creativity was being spurred on by the Holy Spirit through Prophetic Dance and Art. In the Sanctuary, was where the Anointed for Healing station took place. Women were prayed over and all were blessed. God truly met all these women in that place, at that time. It was a beautiful sight to see the Holy Spirit filled in the over 50 women who came!

– Amae Merrill

Senior Ministry

Kaffee Klatsch Kaffee Klatsch will resume in September after a July and August break. We are planning to bring a variety of interesting speakers and presentations to this group beginning in September. If you have suggestions or requests for programs that would interest you, please leave your thoughts and your contact number (so that we can clarify things with you) at the sign-up sheet at the Connection Center. Many of you have excellent ideas and we appreciate your input. Meanwhile, enjoy this beautiful summer weather that the Lord has given us. As we sip cool drinks in the shade, it’s hard to believe that in just a short while, we’ll again be wanting our sweaters along with a bracing cup of kaffee at our first 2024-2015 klatsch. Watch for our September program announcement in the August Grace Alive newsletter. – Carolyn Mason 18

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Devotion Waiting With Expectation

“Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly.” Psalm 5:3

Waiting with expectation opens our eyes to the presence of Jesus in all things, all places, and in every part of our lives. We don’t know how, when, or where God will show Himself but we live with the clear expectation He will.

“I wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.” Psalm 62:5

Listen for the voice of God to speak as you study His scripture. Let the Word of God be the foundation of your every thought and allow it to determine your judgment. Watch for the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. What desires does He awaken, what compassion does He quicken, what restraint does He raise up in you? Wait on the Lord expecting Him to fulfill His promises and express His good character in your life. Wait on the Lord and watch for Him to carry out His work in and through you . . . Expect Him to do it. Believe God and wait for the answer to your prayers. Believe and wait; wait and believe.

“As for me, I look to the LORD for His help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.” Micah 7:7

WAIT (wat) 1. to remain in a state in which you expect or hope that something will happen.

Wait means to expect. Are you expecting to hear from God today? Are you expecting Him to show up in your life today? When we have asked God to answer a question, solve a dilemma or received a word from Him to wait. . . we need to be a people who eagerly await His answer. Simply waiting for His response to prayer is not the whole of waiting. Our waiting must be accomplished with the assurance that our God hears us and will respond. Scripture encourages us to wait expectantly, with hope and in confidence. Our waiting upon God is to be marked with a holy joyful expectancy.

“I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on Him. I have put my hope in His word. I long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn. O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is unfailing love and an overflowing supply of salvation.” Psalm 130:5-7 Wait with expectancy for God to show up in your life however He wants. Look for Him in every thing, in every place in your life.

– Janet Krieger




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