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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively

Created to Worship Together! Our identity and purpose come through relationship with Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:16 tells us, “For in [Christ] all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…all things have been created through him and for him.” We are created to bring enjoyment to God, to live for his pleasure – to be his beloved children through faith in Jesus Christ. Being in relationship with God also means we are placed in a spiritual family – our church family, with our brothers and sisters in Christ. God wants His family to be known by their love for one another, and so we gather regularly to worship and grow together! Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” One of the great joys we have as our Grace of Christ Family is worshipping and growing together! We have been created to worship together! Our Session regularly seeks the Lord’s direction for Worship and Discipleship for our Grace of Christ Family. After carefully reviewing your evaluations, and prayerful consideration, Session is recommending the following schedule for the Fall:

1. Sunday morning worship at 9:00am and 11:15 am. Gracia de Cristo will continue to worship at 1:00 PM. 2. Kidzone: 3 yrs – Kinders, Grades 1 - 5 9:00–9:30 Kids in Sanctuary 9:30–10:00 Chapel for worship 10:00–10:30 Large group teaching (in classrooms) 10:30–11:00 Small groups (pick up in classrooms) 3. Refuel for Youth (6th – 12th graders) 10:15-11:00 4. Classes and Small Groups for Adults: 10:15-11:00 5. Fellowship & time to move to classes or worship: 10:00–10:15; 11:00–11:15 2

On Sunday, September 11, we plan to begin our fall quarter with a KidZone Family brunch in the gym at 10:15 am. (See page 7 for details). Classes and small groups will start on Sunday, September 18. Also remember we are still in the “experimenting” phase, so we will be asking for your evaluations sometime in the spring. We are filled with excitement and great anticipation for all God has in store for us, in us, and through us, as we step into this next chapter at Grace of Christ! Thank you for your help and prayers in making this transition a great success. With joy and great expectations, Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Assistant Pastor — Tyler Van Horn

DISCIPLESHIP HOUR This last spring, we experimented with creating space in between our English speaking worship services for a time to focus on discipleship. Our hope for this time would be to allow for people to get to know each other more deeply as we journey together in following Jesus. After getting feedback from you all we have decided to continue this experiment and so we are asking for you to join us in making this shift in how we gather on Sunday mornings.

And if you attend the 11:15 am service we are asking you to come early. Meet our 9am families. Learn alongside the other members of our church. Or use the extra time to get involved in serving with our kids or on our hospitality team.

By now you have either heard or read that we are going to continue having a 9am worship service and moving our 11am service to 11:15 am. This will allow us to have enough time in between services for our kids to be in Sunday school and enough time for our adults to either engage in a class or in fellowship with one another.

Peace to you all, Tyler

So if you attend the 9am service we are inviting you to stay. Hang out. Get to know someone new. Get involved with helping with kids. Take a class. Or simply sit down in the garden room and enjoy a cup of coffee with someone. We are asking parents especially to stay for this middle hour so that your kids can benefit from the whole KidZone experience.

We need all of your help to make Sunday mornings a time in which we grow together in Christ, so thank you in advance for your prayers and your participation.



Sonbeams, Cubbies, and Grades 1-5 check in at Connection Center (prior to worship) and will be dismissed to KidZone from worship at 9:30a


Children – KidZone classes

Youth – Refuel

Adult Classes – Golden Circle, Bible Study (John), Discipleship Application, Praying the Scriptures, Discussion Groups. Begins Sept. 18th

11:15AM TRADITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE *NEW TIME! (11:15 – 12:15P) Starts Sept. 11th 1:00PM

GRACIA DE CRISTO – Spanish Speaking Worship Service


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Pastor Nominating Committee Report — Janet Krieger

PNC Report The position of lead pastor was posted on the ECO job board the first week of June. Twelve applicants submitted resumes, statements of faith, ministry philosophy information and samples of preaching sermons. Four of the candidates were invited, in early August, to participate in a first round of interviewing conducted via Skype. The intent of the interviews was to learn about the personal relationship each candidate has with our Lord. Questions included: How did you come into a personal relationship with Jesus? How did that change your life? How do you listen to God?

Our next step will be to prayerfully consider whether we would like to move any of the candidates forward to a second round of interviewing that will specifically address ministry vision, philosophy, and strengths. The current job posting will remain open on the ECO job board until the candidate God has called to Grace of Christ has been identified. Please join the PNC in prayer: “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” —Psalm 119:105 When we follow the teachings of God’s Word, He guides our path and provides knowledge to make wise choices. Father, may we be a church that continues to delight and seek after the truth of Your Word. We trust You are providing the knowledge we need to make wise and right decision regarding our lead pastor position. Janet Krieger PNC Chair

As a result of listening to God, how has it affected your ministry? How have you personally experienced the power of God in your life? Share with us the daily rhythms of life that deepen your spiritual walk. What else would you like to share about your relationship with the Trinity? ECO: A Covenant order of Evangelical Presbyterians To learn more about ECO, visit their website, Two of Their Core Values… Jesus-shaped Identity We believe Jesus Christ must be at the center of our lives and making disciples of Jesus at the core of our ministry. Biblical Integrity We believe the Bible is the unique and authoritative Word of God, which teaches all that is necessary for faith and life. The prominence of God’s Word over our lives shapes our priorities, and the unrivaled authority of the Bible directs our actions to be in concert with Christ’s very best for our lives. 4

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full!” (John 10:10) Jesus wants us to live full, abundant lives, as we seek to follow him together. Our primary purpose is to love God, and love each other. As we seek to be God’s family here at Grace of Christ, we want to develop meaningful friendships, and life-changing community, as we help each other follow Jesus better in our everyday lives. As Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” This is what Life Groups are all about – helping people find a place to belong in God’s family, grow in their faith, and become people who make a difference together in our community. What are Life Groups? They can be any of a wide variety of groups, generally about 3-10 people, seeking to follow Jesus better. Life Groups provide opportunities for further growth in our relationship with God, and with our brothers and sisters in God’s family, through caring, Bible Study, sharing, encouraging, praying and reaching out to others beyond the group. These kind of groups have played a strong role in the life of our church for many years! 5

Want to help make Life Groups happen? This Fall, we are planning a Leadership Training for Life Group Leaders. If this is a ministry in which you would like to serve, or learn more about that possibility, please prayerfully consider this opportunity. Our Life Group Training will be 7 weekly sessions, Wednesday evenings October 5 – November 16, 2016, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Child care will be provided upon request. Going through the training does not obligate you to become a Life Group Leader, but will help you to discern whether God is calling you to this ministry. For more information or to sign up, please call the church office (248-7940). Or you can talk to Jana Alderman, Carrie Gabbard, Jocelyn Larsen, or Cindy Shively.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries — Kelsey Schmidt

YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATE At the end of August, Kelsey Schmidt and Estevan Mata’s time with our Mid High and Senior High will come to an end. I want to thank them for their commitment, impact and their love of our kids in their leadership roles. Starting in September Amae Merrill and Cyrus Bricel will be carrying on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings with our kids while the search for a new Youth Director continues. I’ve heard there are quite a few candidates so please pray for the team that is interviewing and deciding who our next Youth Director will be. We also want to let you know that Session continues to have our Student Ministries as a top priority moving forward. Starting in September we have a need and an opportunity for volunteers to help Amae and Cyrus in working with our Mid High and Senior High kids on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. If you’ve been a part of youth ministry in the past or want to get involved with working with our kids, this fall is the time. We don’t know when the search for the new Youth Director will be finalized so we have need for volunteers to help carry us through. If you have an interest or would like to know more about this opportunity, please contact me or Amae through the church office or the Connection Center. I will be reaching out to many of you in the next couple of weeks to see if you have time and want to be involved with our Youth. In September I will be reaching out to all of our Mid High and Senior High students and will personally invite them to come check out our youth group. It is our desire to have a relationship and fellowship with all of our Grace of Christ kids. So, to all our kids, I will be speaking with you soon and to all the parents please be thinking and praying about the opportunity to be involved with our youth this fall. I look forward to talking with you soon. In His name, Steve Hildebrand Serving Elder


Dear Church Family, Happy Autumn! As some of you may know, I am the Interim Youth Director, which means that my role has been to serve for a time and provide space for the long term director search to take place. My last day serving in this capacity will be August 31st. I’m a little sad as I think about how much I’ll miss our youth, but I am very excited for my next step, which is teaching preschool here at Grace of Christ! I’m also looking forward to watching the future of our youth ministry unfold and to witness the gifts and vision the new long term director will bring to the table. Thank you for welcoming me so warmly and loving me so well! It’s been a joy and a pleasure to work with students in various capacities over the past four years. It’s been arguably the greatest joy and best thing I’ve done with my life so far to walk alongside our teenagers. I think my husband would agree that the opening of our home and hearts to adolescents has shaped our lives and marriage in beautiful ways. The students here are truly remarkable. Thank you for having me. Know that you will be missed! With many blessings and much expectation, Kelsey Schmidt

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministries — Melissa Gray

Fall Kidzone begins September 11 with exciting new activities!

Join us as we DIG IN to the Life of Jesus. We will be walking in Jesus’ footsteps from His birth to ascension as the children learn “Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 Grab your Bible and join us in Kidzone as we get ready to DIG IN!

Parents, mark your calendars for... Sept. 11 following the 9:00 service. This is an opportunity for parents with children of all ages to come together and learn about the exciting new opportunities for children, youth and families at Grace of Christ this Fall.

The Children’s department is excited to announce the addition of two new members to our staff; Jenifer Knight and Jennifer Perrault. Jenifer Knight will be working with Sonbeams and Cubbies, and Jennifer Perrault will be working with our elementary students. Please join us in offering them a warm welcome as they serve the children and families of our church through this ministry. My name is Jennifer Perrault. I have been a member of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church since 2004. I have two awesome boys, Henry (8) and Jack (6), both of whom attended GCPC preschool over the last five years. During that time, I enjoyed volunteering and serving on the preschool Board of Directors. I am a substitute teacher at the preschool and in the Zillah School District. I also enjoy volunteering at The Olde Lighthouse Shoppe for the Union Gospel Mission. I am looking forward to this opportunity to be more involved at the church through children’s ministries.

Parents, come to the gym at 10:15 to meet the teachers and learn about the new curriculum. At 10:30 parents will join their kids on the North Lawn for cinnamon rolls, juice and coffee. You don’t want to miss this fun morning together!

My name is Jenifer Knight. I was born and raised in the Yakima Valley, and moved back about ten years ago. My husband Greg and I have been married for twenty-two years and we have three beautiful girls, Kristen, Terry, and Kelly. Kristen is 19 and is pursuing a degree in ultrasound technology at Spokane Community College. Terry is 17 and will be entering her senior year at Naches High School in the fall, where her sister Kelly, 14, will also be joining her as a freshman.

Calling all NEW and returning Kidzone Leaders! We need you to join us this Fall as we share the heart of Jesus with the children of our church. We have an exciting new curriculum kicking off this Fall, and we need NEW leaders to join our team! Parents make great leaders in our classroom, and the rotating schedule works well for busy schedules. Mark your calendars for the Kidzone leader meeting and dinner, scheduled for August 29 at 6:00p. Please RSVP to Melissa Gray for more information. 509-248-7940 x110

I have always had a love for children and Early Childhood Education. I studied this during high school and at Yakima Valley Community College. I have always been surrounded by children through my work as a Nanny and my nine years at Grace of Christ. VBS really stood out to me when I saw the group of people who were working together. I do not know many people who are blessed to have the opportunity to truly help one another and to experience this much happiness in their job. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to work with your children and Grace of Christ.



Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD SERVE IN CHILDREN’S MINISTRY From Ministry-To-Children, written by Tony Kummer

1. Children are important to God. I don’t know about you, but I want to serve in ways that matter most to God. There is no question about God’s attitude toward children. The Bible tells us that kids are a blessing from God. While Jesus was on earth, he made a point to welcome children and to affirm their value. He even talked about punishment for anyone who would abuse a child. Make no mistake, kids matter to God. If God’s priorities matter to you, then you should serve in Children’s Ministry.

4. Serving children will build humility into your character. Too often, those who work hard in the church nursery or Sunday school are not given credit for their service. “Out of sight out of mind,” is the way most churches operate. While this can be discouraging, I think it’s a blessing in disguise. Like so many other acts of service done quietly, the rewards come in heaven. But in the here-and-now, I am glad for a humble place to serve.

2. Serving in Children’s Ministry multiplies your efforts long-term. There are few ministry opportunities that allow you to impact the future is such a direct way. When you love and teach kids this Sunday, you are also influencing generations to come. These children will one day become parents and church leaders themselves. If you want to change the world longterm, then you should serve in Children’s Ministry.

5. Serving kids will make you a more patient person. Children’s Ministry is unpredictable and even the best plans can be torpedoed by a disruptive child. This is another blessing in disguise, working with kids will teach you patience. Where else can you gain this excellent fruit of the Spirit in as little as one hour each week?

3. Reaching children should be a top priority for the church. It’s been proven that most people who will come to Christ do so when they are young. The childhood years are the years of greatest opportunity for the Gospel. Unfortunately, many churches don’t make the most of what God has given them. If you want to see people come to Christ, then you should serve in Children’s Ministry. 8

6. The #1 qualification is love. As a young Christian, I discovered that many avenues of church service were beyond my abilities. You may never sing a solo or preach a sermon in church, but God wants you to find a place of ministry. Serving in the Children’s Ministry is open to almost all Christians. If you love God and his children, then there are many different ways for you to help.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Adult Ministries

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS FALL? We will continue to meet for Kaffee Klatsch beginning in October. This is an opportunity to share life together during this season. It will include learning, fun, refreshments, entertainment and friends. On Thursday, October 20th, at 2:00 pm in the Garden Room, Attorney Eric Gustafson will lead us in “Planning for Your Affairs in the 4th Quarter of Life.” Eric is a Certified Elder Law Attorney. This will be an opportunity to make sure life’s loose ends are tied up well and in order. It will look at all the issues and options in dealing with assets, health, legal, tax and long term care issues, as well as the document options and preparations needed to deal with each. There will also be time for Questions and Answers for specific concerns. Taking time to plan and prepare brings a great deal of peace, both to you and to your family. We hope you will join us for this helpful session!


On Sunday November 6th, 5:00 pm, mark your calendars for our Annual Veteran’s Dinner! Thursday, December 15th, 2:00 pm – our Christmas Treat – Organ Concert with Dr. Jon Waite! Also, if you have any interest in being a part of the Senior Adult Ministry planning team, please contact Pastor Cindy Shively, 248-7940.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

Rebecca Mailand

We are excited to have Katrine Schraan moving from assistant to lead teacher of our Pre-Kindergarten class. Joining her this year is Shereé Tsubota as her assistant.

Kelsey Schmidt

Crystal Lopez

Our main floor 3s and 4s welcomes Rebecca Mailand as our new lead teacher. Her assistant, moving from the lower level, is Crystal Lopez..

Becky is back welcoming everyone, serving you your coffee, preparing snacks and helping this preschool run smoothly! Becky Gruenberg

Jessica Van Horn is here to lead Music and PE and assist in all areas of preschool. Jessica Van Horn

Katrine Schraan

Jenifer Knight

Shereé Tsubota

We are pleased to welcome Kelsey Schmidt as our lead teacher in our lower level 3s and 4s classroom. Moving from the main floor to assist her is Jenifer Knight. Kelsey will also be leading Kid’s Club!

Griselda Gonzalez joins our staff this year as the assistant teacher in Kid’s Club. Griselda is looking forward to a lot of fun with your preschoolers this year!

Rhonda Cardona

As your Director, I thank you for entrusting your children to us for this upcoming school year which we are all excited about! Please keep each one of these staff members in your prayers as they work through this school year to give you and your child an awesome and meaningful year.

“Don’t worry about anything: instead, pray about everything.” Philippians 4:6 Prayers have been answered! We are fully staffed and excited for a new year here at Grace of Christ Preschool. God has brought to us excellent teachers to join our staff to bring an excellent early childhood program to the children and families. I have a couple of favors to ask. First, will you keep this program, this staff, these children and their families in your daily prayers? Secondly, would you consider 10

giving to our scholarship fund which allows many to experience what otherwise they would not be able to afford? You are one the most important parts of this program! If you have any questions please contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119.

—Thank you and God Bless You!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Women’s Ministry — Shan Trick

WOMEN IN THE WORD TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY WOW (Women in the Word) Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study will begin again on Tuesday, September 13 beginning at 9:45 am in the Parlor. We will be studying the New Testament book of Acts, where we will be seeing God’s power, through His Holy Spirit, in action. We finished a year-long study of the Gospel of Luke in May and are now continuing with the amazing story of God’s Holy Spirit, how it enlivened a rather frightened and pathetic group, changed them into irrepressible dynamos and preaching with convicted the to preach with great personal risk the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will see how Acts is an important book for us today as it confirms that the same Power that enlivened the disciple’s lives can enliven and transform our lives today. This study will be led by a teaching team consisting of Donna Oliva, Joyce Furstenau, Donna Fuhlman, Sue Sanders and Jean Paulson. For more information, call Jean at 248-7940.

Pursuing our limitless God WOMEN’S TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM | CHURCH GYM


Unchartered Waters

Diving into the Truth of our Identity in Christ

Begining Tuesday Sept 27 This year the Tuesday morning Limitless God Bible study will be focused on finding our identity in Christ. We will use the book of Ephesians and focus first on the nature of our Heavenly Father. Knowing the depth of God’s goodness and love for us is the foundation of our identity. Second, we will look at how God created us each uniquely with strengths, weaknesses and specific callings on our life. We will ask the Lord to show us His purpose for our lives and work to bring our beliefs about ourselves into alignment with how He sees us. Third, and finally, we will renew our thinking about how we are called to live and serve in the Kingdom. The Lord is calling us up to a new place of freedom; as we learn to know and love ourselves as God does, we will be better equipped to share the love of God with others. Come join us and experience the abundance the Lord has promised us as we explore Uncharted Waters and Dive into Our True Identity in Christ!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mothers of Preschoolers Welcome to our “We Are the Starry Eyed” themed year at MOPS! Starry Eyed is…

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and is a ministry that connects moms to other moms for fellowship, inspiration, and to grow closer to Jesus.

Seeing the light in the darkness and choosing to live courageously in both. It is opening our eyes to wonder and choosing hope over fear. Starry Eyed is significant acts of kindness that send ripples of light into the world. It is a choice to live fully and wholly and to breathe our way back to life. If you feel anxious and don’t know why … If you are busy and distracted from the things you truly care about … If you are restless for an unexpected encounter with God … If you long to feel alive, to regain a sense of wonder, to hope a little freer and to be a powerful force of kindness in the world, then we’d love for you to join us in becoming Starry Eyed. This year we will run wildly toward wonder, hope and kindness because We Are the Starry Eyed and we choose to see the light.


So the question becomes, When was the last time you felt fully alive? The last time you were so swept up with wonder that it took your breath away? That kindness made you feel powerful? Or audacious hope unraveled fear? This is the year to experience all of it. “Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it… Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:2-3

MOPS meets the first and third Fridays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the gym with a delicious, well-deserved breakfast. Our first meeting is Friday, September 16, 2016, at 9:30 am. Children of all ages are welcome in our MOPPETS program, including a homeschooling room for children beyond kindergarten. You may register your children and yourself at any meeting. Registration fees apply and scholarships are available. Contact the church for more information.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Family Ministry Team

LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE CONFERENCE Love After Marriage is a program created for couples who want to pursue the truth and tools necessary for God’s best in relationships. The 3.5-day intensive workshop will be right here at Grace of Christ Church, October 20-23. Love After Marriage is not a conference but a workshop designed for struggling marriages as well as strong marriages.The goal is to instruct and guide married couples into a relationship characterized by openness, vulnerability and love. During the LAM workshop, couples have an opportunity through the working of the Holy Spirit, to learn and practice how to bring spiritual, emotional and sexual oneness into their relationship. “Over the years, I have read many books on marriage and we have been to the Family Life weekend conference as well as done some studies on our own. The LAM conference was by far the most helpful experience we have had. The fact that LAM incorporates listening prayer and is very open about the sexual aspect of marriage. Marriages in our community (and country) are under huge attack, and it is time for the church to offer tools to bring couples together—not just with good information, but with the healing of hearts and minds— rebuilding the foundations of marriages. We are the only ones who can offer the power of the Holy Spirit as well as God’s truth and design for marriage.” To register, go to and scroll down to our workshop at Grace of Christ church in Yakima. The registration details will follow workshop information. Also, feel free to contact Shan Trick with any questions about this workshop or registration.


This fall, Grace of Christ Church will be offering Financial Peace University, beginning Sunday, September 25 at 4:00 pm. This is a 9-week class that will run for about 2 hours. The format of the class is to watch the lesson taught by Dave Ramsey, then break into small groups to work through hopes, dreams and fears about money together. There will be homework each week. Class participants will learn how to apply each baby step to their own personal financial situation.

Who wants to live on a budget and keep track of where every dollar goes? Three years ago we would have said not us, but now having gone through the class and coordinated it here at Grace of Christ Church, we think and feel very differently. In fact, it literally changed our lives! Even our 7-year-old daughter, not so affectionately, calls it, “Money School.” After taking the class, however, she now “gets it” and looks at money differently as well.

Whether you are financially set or financially strapped, this class is for you. For $93 which is the cost of the materials, you will be a life time member of Financial Peace University and can repeat the class as many times as you need. This class is open to the community so all are welcome to attend. There will be childcare and a children’s program available. Register online at: http://www.daveramsey. com/fpu/classfinder/ or find the link on our church webpage. For additional questions visit with the class Facilitators Don and Krista Strother in the Garden Room on Sunday, August 28.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Family Ministry Team


Join us Wednesday evenings in the David Ferry Lounge, beginning September 21st at 6:00 pm for a free parenting series you won’t want to miss! Peaceful Parenting taught by Community Health and Parenting expert Mary Pleger is an 8-week class for parents, grandparents, foster parents or anyone who spends time with kids from birth to teenagers. Peaceful Parenting will give parents proven techniques on understanding your child’s behavior. You will learn the power of praise, better ways to communicate with your child and understand more about your individual parenting style.


This class is informative and entertaining as the instructor Mary not only explains, but role plays the topic she’s emphasizing for each class.” I’ve learned so much from the classes I’ve attended and would recommend this class to anyone.

Kids under the age of 6 will be taken care of by our excellent childcare staff during the parenting class. For more information or to register, please contact the church office at 248-7940.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS “For such a time as this” are powerful words spoken in a historical context from the book of Esther, but those words were just as meaningful to 29 people from Gracia de Cristo attending this year’s WIM conference at Whitworth University in Spokane. It all started last winter when Pastor Alex Rule began to dream about members of Gracia de Cristo attending a conference. Because discipleship is such a core value of Gracia de Cristo, a conference based on discipleship was our first priority. Well, guess what! It just so happened that at Whitworth University, Mike and Sally Breen, the founders of 3DM, a discipleship ministry that Grace of Christ has been involved in for the past five years, were two of the featured speakers. Their book, “Building A Discipling Culture” is being used as a guide at Gracia de Cristo to transform families in Yakima one family at a time. For us, the WIM conference was a perfect fit. The 5-day conference was too expensive, and we needed translation equipment and child care. But that’s where God stepped in. At first we dismissed the opportunity after talking to the people at Whitworth realizing the obstacles, but Whitworth called us back and said, “We want you to come. We don’t have a relationship with many Presbyterian Hispanic Churches, and we would like to help make our conference affordable to you.” So with their help, money from our own budget and attendees contributing to the cost we made our reservations. On July 18, twenty-nine of us (11 kids and 18 adults) left for Spokane for the week of our lives. The Whitworth University Campus is beautiful, and we were able to stay together in the dorms right on campus. They provided childcare during all the sessions. It was a time for us to live in community, to dine together and get to know each other at a deeper level. The University was so welcoming and really made us feel at home. What a positive experience! Each day we started with prayer and worship in the Whitworth chapel. Mike Breen delivered the convocation, the daily teaching on discipleship from the Scriptures. Whitworth provided instantaneous translation through head phones for our Spanish speaking attendees at all the sessions which was special! We attended workshops by outstanding presenters. People like Dale Bruner, author of the commentaries on Matthew and John; Sally Breen, author of “Families 15

on Mission”; Bill Robinson, past president of Whitworth University and leadership expert; Jerry Sitser, well known professor and author at Whitworth who spoke on the “Early Christian Movement” were among some of the leaders we had an opportunity to hear. In the evening we had a time of Spirit-led, meaningful worship followed by Brenda Salter McNeil, Pastor and Professor at Seattle Pacific, whose talks on the book of Esther each evening were entitled, “For Such a Time as This”. On Friday, as we left, we were joyful in the knowledge of God’s hand on us, realizing that just as Jesus had drawn His disciples into His family, He is doing the same with us today. We’re not just individuals being called into mission, but we are a family joining with the Heavenly Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit -- “For Such a Time as This”. We are so grateful to Whitworth University for their hospitality and their support to make this week possible for us. In fact, Whitworth’s department of Church Engagement has asked us to explore the possibility of a partnership, where we might work together to respond to Jesus’ call of expanding the Kingdom of God by making disciples, one family at a time. “If we do not arise, God will use someone else. For such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 THANK YOU WHITWORTH UNIVERSITY!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English played soccer and jumped in bouncy houses. Parents got the opportunity to share testimonies about how their children’s lives were positively affected because of camp. Our goal is to follow up with these kids all the way through their senior year, to keep a healthy relationship between their families and God through Jesus and Grace of Christ.

Ghormley Meadow Outreach Camp 2016 For Adams From June 10th -12th, Gracia de Cristo took more than 150 children, (the majority from Adams Elementary, others from Washington Middle school, Madison House and White Swan) counselors and volunteers towards Camp Ghormley to enjoy God’s mighty creation with amazement. During the weekend, kids learned that “God is my Father, and my Father loves me.” Many of these kids accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts and understood the values of being a follower of Christ. We ended camp by celebrating in the sanctuary with campers and their families. Please pray for all of the children in the Yakima School District. We thank you for sponsoring these kids and giving them the opportunity to enjoy the weekend at camp.

Outreach Camp follow up BBQ On July 28th, we had an amazing time at the follow up for Outreach Camp to build relationships with campers and their families. Kids enjoyed food and time together with Gracia de Cristo during the BBQ, 16

Mis Quince Años (Quinceañera/My Sweet Fifteen) Hi Everyone, On July 2nd I celebrated my Quinciañera and the outcome was amazing! I’m very thankful and grateful for God and the church for letting me celebrate my Sweet fifteen here in my home church. This was a new, exciting, and awesome experience for many of my family members and friends as I have been told that my Quinceañera celebration was the first to be held here. It has left me with exciting fun-filled memories and I want to thank those who helped with the preparation of it. I thank God especially for letting me experience this celebration. -Jahzeel Garcia, Gracia de Cristo, Worship Team

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry Team

LIVING WATERS INSTALLATION BRINGS A MESSAGE OF GOD’S LOVE AND PROVISION to use that time to fund-raise for materials in order to complete the building they have started, doing most of the labor themselves. The Yakima Valley Living Waters team is comprised of members from both Yakima Covenant Church and Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. Together, the churches’ budgets devote $4,000 annually to help provide for the cost of the system installation. Because the systems are expensive, both churches also do some special giving to cover the equipment costs. Mission team members pay for their own travel and expenses for each trip.

In June, a Yakima Valley Living Waters team travelled to Tzucacab, a small inland town in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Jeronimo, the pastor of the local Presbyterian church, El Divino Redentor, had assured us that the building would be ready! Indeed, it was! The building was complete with counters and sinks, sparkling tile flooring, painted walls, electrical outlets installed, and plumbing ready for system installation. After their hard work to prepare the building, we arrived to work with them, installing a Reverse-Osmosis water purification system and sharing some education on health and hygiene. The church in Tzucacab is very grateful to God and to you for this opportunity to provide safe water to their community at about half the local rate, as well as, giving away a portion to those most in need. The money they earn through sales, goes toward sustaining the system, paying those responsible for operating and maintaining the system, and delivering the water. Their church sees this as a ministry to their neighbors in a tangible way that shares God’s love and caring provision. We also visited the three churches in the surrounding area where we have installed systems over the last nine years. We love the warm greeting of familiar faces, people for whom we have grown to care. Additionally, we visited a church in Chaksinkin, a small nearby town, with whom we are partnering for a system installation in the next year and a half. They are eager and excited 17

YVLW is grateful to you for your continuing support, both financially and prayerfully. We are hoping to expand our team, offering opportunity and training to others who might enthusiastically take on some of the responsibilities for the planning, communicating, and implementing of a successful system installation and education. Please, if you have an interest, be sure to call Doug and Lyn Lewis at Yakima Covenant church, or Jim and Kathy Bricel at Grace of Christ. Let the Living Water flow to all God’s children! Grace and peace to you all!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

COME JOIN WITH AREA CHURCHES TO SEEK GOD’S KINGDOM FOR OUR CITY Join the 2016 Fall Initiative – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting: September 1 through October 12.


Sept 1st at noon.

Prayer Walk in Yakima. (Meet at Le Chateu, 15 N Naches Ave.)

1st Segment

Sept 1st – 11th

Repentance and Dedication / Consecration

2nd Segment Sept 11th – 18th

Forgiveness – receiving God’s forgiveness and forgiving one another.

3rd Segment

Sept 18th – 25th

Inquiring of the Lord – Lord what do we need to do to serve You and our community?

4th Segment

Sept 25th – Oct 2nd Worship, Honor and Praise for our God – Thank Him for what He has done and is about to do.

5th Segment

Oct 2nd – 12th

Victory and Demonstration of the Kingdom


Oct 12th

Prayer Walk with everyone who can be involved. (Meet at Performance Park Next to County Courthouse.)

HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED? • Make time to Pray! We will have materials available to guide you in prayer for the 40 days. You can pray individually, as families, in your small groups, and in worship. • Consider Fasting Something. The primary purpose of fasting is to create a spiritual hunger and desire for God. We will provide information on ways to fast, too. Prayer Books for 40 day Fast Available in church office. Pick one up!


We believe prayer always precedes revival and renewal, both in the church and in our community. Together with our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the Yakima Valley, through prayer we can partner with the Lord, and Transform Yakima!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center


SUMMER REPORT This summer came up gold as we all competed in the Ghormley Games! God blessed us with an amazing staff team this year who served well and ran the marathon that is summer with amazing endurance. We had 100 campers attend our Outreach Camp weekend, as well as 815 campers who attended our summer camp sessions. God did amazing work in the lives of many campers AND staff, and we’re praising Him for that!

As summer wraps up and we look to the end of the year, we’re getting excited for a number of upcoming events this fall!


Slamquest is our weekend camp for 6th8th grade campers, and will be held the weekend of October 14-16. Registration is now available online, so sign up today!

THE BLAST The Blast is our High School weekend retreat for 9th-12th grade campers, and will be held the weekend of November 18-20. Registration is now available online, so sign up today! THANKSGIVING AT GHORMLEY

On Thanksgiving Day, we’ll be hosting a Thanksgiving feast at Camp Ghormley! Any and all are invited to attend. Save mom the cooking duties and enjoy a fun and family filled day at Ghormley! More information is available on our website. To register, please call us at 509-672-4311 and let us know how many will be attending.


What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities to help kick off the Christmas season! Amazing meals, gingerbread house building, sledding, and Christmas crafts are just a few of the amazing activities you’ll get to enjoy. Join us December 10 and 11 for a fun-filled event that is sure to be a tradition for years to come! Registration will be available on Ghormley’s website in October. —Joel Whitehead 19

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Announcements Diabetes Prevention Program Are you interested in attending a Diabetes Prevention Program sponsored by Memorial Hospital? We will be offering a one-hour class at Grace of Christ on Thursdays at 1:00 starting September 8. This free, lifestyle-changing program will include biblicallybased information and also curricula from the CDC National Diabetes Prevention Program. Registration is required for this class. Contact Ericka in the office, Peggy Steere or Peggy Schaffer for more information. Those interested are encouraged to attend a 30-minute information session explaining the research behind this evidence-based program and why it is proven to slow the progress of Type 2 diabetes. You’ll learn how to join and what is included in the program. Monday, August 29 at 4:00 pm at the Memorial Community Education Center: 2506 W. Nob Hill Blvd. (Rainier Square)

NEW COVENANT PARTNER CLASS Discover what it means to Partner with Grace at our next New Covenant Partner class. We will discuss questions like, “What is the church anyway? What does it mean to be part of ECO: A Covenant order of Evangelical Presbyterians? What is discipleship and how do we follow Jesus more closely?” Join us on Sundays, beginning October 2 through October 23, from 4:00 - 6:00pm at the church. Baptisms and introduction to the church family will be Sunday, October 30 during our morning worship service.

TEMPLE CHOIR Does music move you? Then let it move you right into joining our Temple Choir! If you like to sing, add your voice to ours! Consider this your invitation. We’re a traditional choir with a love for the Lord and each other. We utilize a classical choral approach and all share a desire to minister to our congregation with meaningful and beautiful music. We span experience from those with music degrees to the novice toe-tapper. All of us are learning in this choir, and all play an important part in our choir family. God weaves all our colorful contributions into a tapestry of sound, energy, and inspiration. Be a part of our choir family, join the fun, sing your heart out, and help us minister to our congregation. We rehearse on Thursday evenings, starting in the choir room (lower level) at 7pm. We minister most Sunday mornings at the 11 am Traditional Service. Our fall rehearsals will start September 6th. If you’ve sung with choirs before, want to learn how, or just have an “inkling” to start, do please plan on coming! Roz Strang, 248-7940

Grief Recovery Memorial Hospital’s Grief Recovery class will be offered on Tuesdays, August 9 through September 27 from noon to 1pm at Memorial. The fall session will be October 4 - November 22. “Living with Loss” will be offered September 13 - November 1, from 6pm -7pm. To sign up or for more information, call Nick Valadez, Bereavement Coordinator Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Family of Services at 574-6746.

Plus Divorce Care 4 Kids The fall session will start September 12 with videos and group discussion to promote Hope, Healing & Health. We meet weekly, on Mondays, from 6:30 to 8:00pm in Room 217 at the church. Please call Joyce at 965-6387 to sign up or go to the website for more information 20

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Miscellaneous Announcements WELCOME TO THE GREET TEAM We are called to His purpose! 1 Corinthians 14:12 encourages us to utilize our giftedness to build up the church. So for those of you who are gifted with an outgoing and welcoming spirit, please join us as a Greeter on Sunday mornings! Our family “landed” at this church after a year of searching Yakima from a welcoming and warm congregation who would wrap their arms around our young family and make us feel wanted and accepted. If you join us on a Sunday morning, you can use your gifts to encourage not only our regular attendees but also our visitors – just as our family was welcomed 30 years ago.

COOKIES AND CANS Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with… August 28


September 4 A – F September 11 G – M September 18 N – S September 25 T - Z

A warm welcome approach Sunday at the Sanctuary doors and outside entrances tells people that we care about them and their lives matter! We are on this journey together! All families and singles, young and old, can sign up for a Sunday or two or even a month, and spend a few minutes before the service to greet those coming to worship our One True God and King! Connect with Linda Mathews or inquire in the church office, 248-7940. ­— Blessings, Linda Mathews and the Fellowship Ministry Team 21

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

August/September Calendar of Events

Sun, Aug 28

Ordination Service for Alex Rule

12:15 pm

Mon, Aug 29 KidZone Leader Dinner & Training

6:00 pm


Wed, Aug 31

6:00 pm



Preschool Parent Orientation



Thur, Sep 1 Preschool “Meet the Teachers”

9:00 - 11:00 am



Fri, Sep 2 Preschool “Meet the Teachers”

9:00 - 11:00 am





Sun, Sep 4

Prayer Sunday

All Morning

Mon, Sep 5

Labor Day / Church Closed

Tues, Sep 6

Preschool - First Day - 3’s and PreK

9:00 am Classrooms

3’s and PreK

Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting

5:30 pm

Conference Room


Worship Ministry Team Meeting

6:15 pm

Adult Ed Room


Wed, Sep 7

Preschool - First Day - 4’s

9:00 am



Thur, Sep 8

Diabetes Prevention Class (1st class, meets weekly)

1:00 pm



Fri, Sep 9

MOPS Leadership Meeting

9:30 am



Sat, Sep 10

2nd Saturday Ghormley Work Day

Camp Ghormley


Sun, Sep 11

Kick Off Sunday / KidZone Family Fun Day

Mon, Sep 12

Edith Ferry Circle Meeting & Lunch

All Day

8:00 am - 3:00 pm 12:00 pm

Entire church



Gather at the Table / Dinner in the Garden Room

5:30 pm

Garden Room


Women in the Word Bible Study Kick off

9:45 am



Mission Ministry Team Meeting

4:00 pm

Adult Ed Room


Fri, Sep 16

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

9:30 am



Sun, Sep 18

Garden Room


Adult Ed Room


Tues, Sep 13

MOPS Bake Sale

All Morning

ELZ Staff Meeting & Lunch

Wed, Sep 21

Parenting Class Kickoff

6:00 pm



Sat, Sep 24

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Sun, Sep 25

Deacon’s Meeting

3:30 pm



Financial Peace University Kick off

4:00 pm



Tues, Sep 27 Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30 pm

Garden Rm & Adult Ed Rm

Elders & Prog. Staff

Pursuing Our Limitless God / Women’s Bible Study kick off



Sun, Oct 2

New Covenant Partner Class (4 wks)

Room 217


Mon, Oct 3

Gather at the Table / Dinner in the Garden Room

Garden Room



12:30 pm

9:15 am 4:00 - 6:00 pm 5:30 pm

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events Monday Mon & Wed Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting ESL Classes Overeaters Anonymous Serve at Love INC Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care Pursuing Our Limitless God (women’s Bible study) *Begins 9/27 Women in the Word Bible Study *Begins 9/13 Men’s Noon Bible Study Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal *Begins 9/21 Parenting Class Bible Study Fellowship *Begins 9/8 Diabetes Prevention Class Temple Choir SOZO Prayer SOZO Prayer

10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm 9:15 am

Adult Ed DF Lounge Room 220 Adult Ed Love INC Gym Adult Ed Room 217 Gym

9:45 am Parlor Noon Adult Ed 5:30 - 8:30 pm Youth and Mid Hi Rms 6:00 - 8:00 pm Sanctuary 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lounge 9:00 am Sanctuary 1:00 pm Parlor 7:00 pm Choir Room 5:45 - 9:15 pm Prayer Room 9:00 - 11:30 am Chapel, Prayer Room

Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Women Women Men 6th - 12th grades Everyone Women Everyone SOZO Team SOZO Team

Sunday Services and Events

Worship - Led Contemporary Worship Team 9:00am Sanctuary Discipleship Time 10:15-11:00 am Church Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:15 am Sanctuary Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish) 1:00 pm Sanctuary Going Deeper: John 9:30 am Adult Ed Golden Circle 10:15 am Lounge KidZone 9:00 am 2nd Floor Youth Refuel 10:15 am Mid Hi and Youth Rm Financial Peace University (must pre-register) 4:00 pm Chapel



Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12 Everyone






DISCIPLSEHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE Children – KidZone (3yrs through 5th gr) | Youth – Refuel (6th – 12th gr) Begins Sept, 18th Adult Classes – Golden Circle, Bible Study (John), Discipleship Application, Praying the Scriptures, Have a New Kid by Friday, and Discussion Groups.


*NEW TIME! (11:15 – 12:15P) Begins Sept. 11th

GRACIA DE CRISTO – Spanish Speaking Worship Service

KIDZONE | 9:00A – 11:00A KidZone kids (Sonbeams, Cubbies, & grades 1-5) attend worship with their parents for music and the children’s message. They will then be released after the children’s message and taken to the Ward Chapel by KidZone leaders for singing. At 10:00 they will be in their assigned classrooms for a Bible lesson and small group time. All classes will be ready for pickup in their classrooms at 11:00a. REFUEL: YOUTH (6TH - 12TH GRADERS) | 10:15A – 11:00A Students: right after service, come down to the Youth Room in the basement for REFUEL with Amae and Cyrus. DEEPER IN THE WORD | 9:30A – 10:45A | ADULT ED ROOM We will study the Gospel of John on this fall. We will cover the Life and Ministry of the Lord Jesus, and what a wonderful Savior we have. Our study on John will be team taught by several from within the class. Please join us! GOLDEN CIRCLE | 10:15 – 11:00A | DAVID FERRY LOUNGE This Fall Quarter, Golden Circle will be studying from the Standard Publishing Lesson Plans: The Sovereignty of God (Isaiah, Matthew, Hebrews, Revelation.) Along with these Bible Studies, we continue to incorporate out prayer time, hymns, announcements and offering in a support group environment. All are welcome. LEARN TO PRAY THE SCRIPTURES | 10:15 – 11:00A | ROOM 220 This is an opportunity to learn to pray scripture over our loved ones, particularly our children or grandchildren, of all ages. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, friend or relative, would you consider joining us to learn and pray? It will be a safe, non-threatening, confidential time. We will be using scripture to guide our prayers of Praise, Silent Confession, Thanksgiving and Requests. Bring your own coffee, and prepare to see God’s Spirit unleashed! Looking forward to praying with you! DISCIPLESHIP APPLICATION | 10:15 – 11:00A | SANCTUARY A time for conversation and reflection for that morning’s sermon. We will ask the questions, “What is God saying to me?” And “How am I going to respond?” We will go deeper with the sermon each Sunday. Our hope is that we can help each other hear God’s leading for how He wants us to be His disciples and how He is empowering us to disciple other people. DISCUSSION GROUPS | 10:15 – 11:00A | GARDEN ROOM Each week we will have study questions in the bulletin related to the sermon. Use this discipleship time to meet with another person or in a small group to walk through the process of “Repenting” (How is God changing my thinking) and “Believing” (How is God inviting me to live.) You are invited to use the Garden Room. We know that some of our groups will continue these conversations in homes, coffee shops and restaurants, so please feel free to do this as well. HAVE A NEW KID BY FRIDAY | 10:15 – 11:00A | WARD CHAPEL How would you like to Change Your Child’s Attitude, Behavior and Character in 5 days? Learn how from Dr. Kevin Leman. This is a 6-week DVD and workbook study that you will not only learn practical parenting tips, but you will be challenged and entertained by Dr. Leman’s sense of humor and loving father heart. This class is appropriate for parents with kids of all ages.

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