Grace of Ch r i s t Pre s by t e r i a n C h u rc h Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo
2020 VOL 120
“Love Others Through Drops of Grace”
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Head Pastor — Bill Williamson
Future Plans
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Matthew 1.23 Dear Grace of Christ, I am blessed beyond measure as we head into 2020. As we enter into 2020, I believe God has plans for us as His children that we probably can’t even fathom. We can make plans. We can cast a vision. But, in the end, God will guide our steps. So, although I believe God is showing us what He is calling us to do, and who He wants us to be as a Church, we have to be sensitive to the way the Holy Spirit leads.
If you did not hear the message on Nov 24th, here is what your Elders and I believe God is calling us to:
prepared as an Equipping Center. God is going to use our church, our people, and leaders from other placers, to gather at Grace of Christ for times of great teaching, inspiration and equipping. There is a vision of God bringing people from all over to be equipped and trained for ministry. It’s already beginning with Intercessory Prayer.
In the next 2-5 years: in order to be prepared to be an Equipping Center, there are a few areas that need our attention. First, we need to be preparing for the Next Generation. Second, we need to be opening our church facility to be used by other ministries, expanding upon those who are already using the church (i.e... Trail Seekers, BSF, etc). Third, for us to use our facility for training and equipping others, there needs to be some renovations done to the campus.
In the next 5-10 years: Grace of Christ is being
In the next 1-2 years: the focus is going to be SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND DISCIPLESHIP. So, in the next year great attention is going to be placed in areas where Spiritual Formation and Discipleship naturally take place in life groups.
Monnie Miller, Melissa Gray, Ali Hildebrand
Life Groups and Family Ministries Life Groups
Imagine if 90% of our church members were in Life Groups. As we focus on doing church together as a family, Life Groups are going to be where we provide CONGREGATION CARE as we care for one another. Life Groups will be where leaders are trained and developed, to lead more Life Groups. Life Groups will truly be where people do life together.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
New Year's Resolution
Family Dinners
In terms of Family Ministries, if you haven’t heard, Melissa Gray is going to be our Family Ministries Director, Monnie Miller is going to be our Children’s Director, and Ali Hildebrand will continue serving as our Interim Youth Director. However, as we know, it takes a village, actually a church, to raise a family. So, as we focus on Family Ministries, we also want to focus on the Family of God here at Grace. Watch for details and make plans to join us for FAMILY DINNERS once a month, beginning January 8th.
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions this year? I believe Pastor Emeritus in new beginnings. We recognize Steve Baker that we need to make changes, but changes are difficult to make on our own. But being people of faith, we must come to the task of making changes with the confidence that change is possible. Jesus is the example we try to be like and He is also the means we try to follow. It is His power that empowers change. Jesus is the way and the power.
Pastor Assistant
The other adjustments being made in 2020 includes Ericka Clark spending part of her week as the Pastor’s Assistant, with Brooke Arkills and Jennifer Brice being in the main office when Ericka is upstairs. Ericka is also going to help provide continuity for our Congregation Care and Deacons. John Stolzenbach stepping down from leading those two ministries, and there will be a considerable void. For the time being, Ericka will help keep things running smoothly.
Associate Pastor
Finally, as our vision for 2020, the Elders are praying for the Lord to open a way for us to hire an Associate Pastor. In addition to that, if you haven’t heard, the Elders are trusting that God has called me to be your permanent Pastor and will be taking steps in that direction. So, yes, God has Future Plans for all of us. I look forward to serving together in 2020 and beyond as we LOVE WELL THROUGH DROPS OF GRACE. Because of the Grace of Christ, Pastor Bill
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Jennifer Brice, Ericka Clark, Brooke Arkills
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Stewardship — Janet Krieger
A Commitment to God’s House “The people and the Levites must bring these offerings of grain, new wine, and olive oil to the Temple and place them in the sacred containers near the ministering priests, the gatekeepers, and the singers.” “So, we promise together not to neglect the Temple of our God.” – Nehemiah 10:39
Faithfulness to God's House Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s return from Babylonian captivity and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. By the grace and authority of God, His people had returned to Jerusalem. Nehemiah is about the physical and spiritual restoration of a nation. Nehemiah led the people in restoring the city of Jerusalem, rebuilding the Temple and repairing the walls surrounding the city. The call to care for the Temple came from a people freed from captivity and ready to make a new commitment of faithfulness to God’s house.
God in Us
When Jesus died on the cross the curtain inside the Temple, that kept the presence of God separate from His people, was torn in half from top to bottom, by God, with the promise that He would now live in the hearts of all believers. “Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16
“Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church – about three thousand in all. They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord's Supper and in prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity – all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:41-47
We are the Temple, We are the Church We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we gather with other believers in the name of Jesus Christ we are the church. The commitment made by Nehemiah, to God’s house, remains relevant to us today. As the church we must not turn away from a commitment to fellowship with each other, financial support of His ministry, or carrying out the work of His Kingdom using the gifts and abilities God has given us. We must make our own commitment to His Body, the church:
• Commit to obey Christ who is the head of the Church. • Commit to being a disciple of Jesus. • Commit to time spent with God in His Scriptures. • Commit to sharing our lives as the Gospel message and discipling others into a relationship with Jesus.
• Commit to invite friends and grow God’s house. • Commit to prayer. • Commit to faithful attendance and worship. • Commit to regular financial support of the church.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase your commitment to the church. Pray for obedience which is centered in gratitude for all that God has done for you through Christ. Pray for a deep desire to serve, honor, worship, and follow God by loving His church. – Janet Krieger Business Ministry Elder 4
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Life Groups
Winter Quarter: January 12-March 15 If you aren’t currently in a Life Group, please sign up on our website
Why are Life Groups Important?
• Life transformation happens best in community. • Building relationships and trust while growing in
Christ together smaller communities where life on life happens.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." – Acts 2: 42-47
The Intercessory prayer partners received this scripture from the Lord regarding how God will use each of us in prayer. “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Service Project Sometime during your 10 weeks, pick a project your group is passionate about; a place where you can, as a group, serve others. Perhaps make dinner for Youth Group on a Wednesday. Volunteer serving lunch at the Union Gospel Mission. Go up to Ghormley and do a little “landscaping” also known as yard work. Or maybe a prayer walk at Davis High School or Madison House. Let’s love well, those around us! For more information contact: Shan Trick (Elder) groups@ or Pastor Bill at
This quarter our Life Group focus will be prayer. We are excited to lift up the ministries of Grace of Christ and partner with intercessory prayer partners and pray as a church body. During your Life Group, we ask you to take time each week to pray how God’s leading you for the following:
Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Week 7: Week 8:
Camp Ghormley Davis High School Madison House Adams Elementary Trail Seekers Our Church - Grace of Christ /Gracia de Cristo Church Missions Church Staff
Week 9: Church Elders Week 10: Church Ministries (Childrens, Students, Preschool, Family, Deacons, Men & Women) 5
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– Shan Trick Elder
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
Have you ever heard someone say, “New Year, new life?” There is something very important that you must remember every day: that being in Christ and living for Him makes you a new person. That is His promise. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 At the end of each year, most people make resolutions (promises), many of them difficult to comply with. For example: I promise that next year I will lose weight, stop drinking alcohol, I will save and pay all my debts... the list is very long. Everyone wants to be a new person and start the new year with new and good habits, but the truth is that not everyone does what they have promised. That is why Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in His Word that we should not swear in any way. “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” – Matthew 5:33-37 Pray to God for wisdom for the New Year 2020, ask Him to help you, and trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding, because God always keeps his promises. “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
¿Haz oído a alguien una vez decir, “Año Nuevo, vida nueva?” Hay algo muy importante que tú debes recordar cada día, que al estar en Cristo y vivir para Él te hace una nueva persona, esa es su promesa. “De modo que si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura es; las cosas viejas pasaron; he aquí todas son hechas nuevas.” – 2 Corintios 5:17 Al finalizar de cada año, la mayoría de las personas hacen resoluciones (promesas), muchas de ellas difíciles de cumplir. por ejemplo: Prometo que el próximo año bajare de peso, dejare de beber alcohol, ahorrare y pagare todas mis deudas... la lista es muy grande, todos quieren ser nuevas personas y comenzar el año nuevo con nuevos y buenos hábitos, pero la verdad es que no todos cumplen lo que sean han prometido. Por eso Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos dice en su Palabra que no debemos jurar de ningún modo. “También han oído que se dijo a sus antepasados: “No faltes a tu juramento, sino cumple con tus promesas al Señor.” Pero yo les digo: No juren de ningún modo: ni por el cielo, porque es el trono de Dios; ni por la tierra, porque es el estrado de sus pies; ni por Jerusalén, porque es la ciudad del gran Rey. Tampoco jures por tu cabeza, porque no puedes hacer que ni uno solo de tus cabellos se vuelva blanco o negro. Cuando ustedes digan “sí”, que sea realmente sí; y, cuando digan “no”, que sea no. Cualquier cosa de más, proviene del maligno.” – Mateo 5:33-37 Ora a Dios por sabiduría para el año 2020, pídele que te ayude, y confía en el SEÑOR con todo tu corazón; y no dependas de tu propio entendimiento, porque Dios siempre cumple sus promesas. “No tengas miedo; no te desanimes, porque el Señor tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas.” – Josué 1: 9
El sábado 23 de noviembre, hicimos un viaje al campamento Ghormley para experimentar lo que es ser parte de un pueblito e intercambiar ideas sobre cómo crear esa atmósfera alrededor de Adams. En total, nueve familias
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
On Saturday, November 23, we made a trip to Camp Ghormley to experience what it is like to be a part of a village and brainstorm how to create that atmosphere around the families of Adams Elementary. In total, nine families from the Adams community gathered to enjoy a beautiful day at the camp. We walked for more than an hour in the middle of beautiful cabins and giant trees. We shared stories and discussed the meaning of community. We shared lunch and dinner together. At the end of our time together, we had our recap session where we again enjoyed fellowship, played and solved puzzles, sang, prayed and exchanged Christmas cards. For some, it was their first experience outside of Yakima. Praise God for His Wonderful Creation!
We thank God for allowing us to celebrate 15 years (quinceañera) of Nohelia Garcia in 2019. Her mother, Edith Figueroa was blessed to have celebrated this event with her three daughters in our church.
de la comunidad de Adams se reunieron para disfrutar de un hermoso día en el campamento. Caminamos durante más de una hora en medio de hermosas cabañas y árboles gigantes. Compartimos historias y el significado de un día en comunidad. Almorzamos y cenamos juntos y, al final, tuvimos nuestra sesión de recapitulación donde nuevamente compartimos, jugamos y resolvímos rompecabezas, cantamos, oramos e intercambiamos tarjetas de Navidad. Para algunos, esta fue la primera experiencia fuera de Yakima. ¡Alabado sea Dios por su maravillosa creación!
Le damos gracias a Dios por permitirnos celebrar los 15 años (quinceañera) de Nohelia Gracia en el 2019. Edith Figueroa quien es su madre tiene la bendición de haberle celebrado este evento a sus tres hijas en nuestra iglesia. Les deseamos a usted y a su hermosa familia un año nuevo 2020 lleno de las bendiciones de Dios.
We wish you and your family a New Year 2020 full of God's blessings. Working for the Kingdom of God, – Pastor Alex Rule
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Trabajando para el Reino de Dios, – Pastor Alex Rule
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
Adams Elementary Christmas Party
Thank you all the volunteers who helped us celebrate the 3rd Annual Adams Elementary Christmas Party. We could not have done it without your support and participation!
Fiesta de Navidad de la Primaria Adams
Gracias a todos los voluntarios que nos ayudaron a celebrar la 3ra Fiesta Anual de Navidad de la Primaria Adams. ¡No podríamos haberlo hecho sin su apoyo y participación!
Bethlehem Christmas Pageant Bethlehem Christmas Pageant
A great big thank you to Doug Cairns for sharing his musical talents with our congregation in writing script, music and lyrics to our December 15 Christmas pageant. Our children and adults and youth did an outstanding performance. The choir, and musicians Anne Schilperoort, Nathan Gross and Doug played beautifully. It was a special time for the church to gather as one body and celebrate our Savior Christ Jesus. Enjoy a few pictures from the day. There are more pictures on our Facebook page – check it out!
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Preschool — Jessica VanHorn
Welcome New Preschool Director, Jessica Van Horn! Hello Church Family! I’m back! I’m so pleased to be taking over the director position of the Preschool here at Grace of Christ. After some time away, I couldn’t be happier to be back with you all! As many of you know, I grew up here and what I have missed most are the people. I love this place and the many relationships I have built over the last 35 years! I have to admit, I do have a few more gray hairs than when I started working at the preschool in 2007. But I am excited to be a part of this community and I’m excited to bring my gifts to the staff and to the Tyler, Jessica, Harrison, Evi, preschool. As a side note, Harrison is now seven and Holland and Kendall in second grade at Moxee. He is doing dual language and has surpassed my knowledge of Spanish by leaps and bounds. Evi and Kendall are five and are in Kindergarten at Moxee as well. They are also in the dual language program and are picking up Spanish quickly! Holland, the baby, is three! I can hardly believe she is three. She is loving life in two day a week preschool. Tyler is enjoying his time coaching at the Yakima Tennis Club. They love him down there. Please come say hi in my office upstairs and I’m sure I’ll be seeing everyone around!
Fundraising Gala & Silent Auction Registration is now open for our 2nd Annual Fundraising Gala! Last year we raised enough money to fund all scholarship requests and send each child to Thompson’s Farm Pumpkin Patch for free! We are also putting aside a portion of money raised each year toward eventually purchasing new playground equipment. You can register online at gcpfundraiser or by signing up in the office.
January: “A friend loves at all times.” – Proverbs 17:17 Jesus Storybook Bible Story: The friend of little children. Jesus and the children, from Matthew 18, 19, Mark 10, Luke 18
Classrooms – Themes: Winter, Dinosaurs
This month we will learn about and celebrate all things winter! If the weather cooperates, we will even get to make ice cream out of snow The second part of the month we will learn about dinosaurs.
Second Step Curriculum – Identifying Feelings: You can look at people’s faces and bodies for clues to help you tell how they feel. Identifying Anger: Everyone feels angry sometimes. It is not okay to be mean or hurt others when you feel angry. 2020-2021 School Year –
Registration for current families runs January 13-17. Open enrollment begins January 21. We have three class options for the upcoming school year.
3-Year-Old Class: T, W, Th. 9am-12noon. $180/month.
Children must be 3 years old and potty trained by September 1.
4-Year-Old Class: M-F. 9am-12noon. $230/month.
Children must be 4 years old and potty trained by September 1. Children in this class will be prepared to start kindergarten in the fall or may choose to enroll in our Pre-K Class for an additional year of preschool.
Pre-K Class. M-Th, with optional Friday. $200/month, Friday $50/month. Children must be 4.5 years old and potty
trained by September 1. This class is ideal for children who have missed the kindergarten age cut off, completed our 4-year-old class, or who desire another year of preschool before entering elementary school.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Family Ministry, Children & Students CHILDREN'S MINISTRY Welcome Monnie Miller! Our New Children’s Ministry Director!
It has been a tremendous blessing serving the children and families of Grace of Christ as your Children’s Ministries Director. While certain aspects of my job will certainly be Melissa Gray changing, I am thrilled that the Family Ministry Director focus of my job will continue to be on serving families at Grace as your new Family Ministries Director. As I move into this new role, along with supporting families as a whole, I will be working alongside Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Life Groups. I look forward to continuing the many relationships I have with families at Grace and getting to know them even better. While I will miss working directly with children on Sunday mornings, I am excited to continue supporting our Children’s Ministry Program, and of course participating in VBS!
Olde Tyme Family Dinners
Kicking off this new position, I am very excited for “Olde Tyme Family Dinners” happening the 1st Wednesday of every month. Our very first dinner will be hosted by Gracia de Cristo on January 8 from 5:30-7:00pm. They will be providing the main dish, while everyone else will bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. I am very excited for the direction I see God taking our church as we step into this New Year! May you and your family be richly blessed in 2020.
As I try and decide how to begin this first of many Grace Alive articles for Children’s Ministry, I first must share how grateful I am for this opportunity. With the many changes in my personal life Monnie Miller these past few years, it seems Children's Ministry Director fitting that God was preparing me for the next big change... and this seems to be it. The childcare center is where I have called home for the past 18 years. This is where I received the opportunity to learn to be a leader, the opportunity to love on some pretty amazing kiddos, and the opportunity to learn a little bit more about how to be a follower of the Lord. I will always cherish this time of growth. So, what does this look like moving forward? As of January 1st, I am blessed with the chance to work with the older kids... some of which I was blessed to love on in childcare. Janice Fisher will begin managing the childcare area and I will be learning all things new in Children's Ministry. I am also so very excited to get to know each one of you and your children. I firmly believe the Lord has blessed me with all the time and talents needed to invest in each one of you. Please join Janice and I as we pray for a smooth transition into our new areas of ministry. I look forward to this new journey with you all! Blessings! – Monnie Miller Children's Ministry
– Melissa Gray, Family Ministry
January Memory Verse
“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” – Matthew 22:37
January Lessons and Bible Points at a Glance: The Ten Commandments
January 5 – Josiah destroys altars to idols... we don’t worship stuff. January 12 – Names of God... we respect God’s name when we talk. January 19 – The seventh day of creation... we have a special day for God. January 26 – Jesus tells John to take care of his mother... we obey our parents. 10
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Family Ministry, Children & Students STUDENTS
Welcome to Grace Kids, we are so excited you are here!
Can We Do This Every Week?
We love kids and want all kids to know and love Jesus Christ in a personal way! We want all kids to know that they are deeply loved by God! We want to help prepare kids to discover their uniqueness, spiritual giftedness and eventually, God’s mission for their lives.
Sundays At Grace Kids Sunday mornings offer fun,
faith building and fellowship for children at Grace. This year Grace Kids is ‘Digging into Epic Teaching Of The Bible’ as we explore the Fruit of the Spirit, The Lord’s Prayer, The Ten Commandments, The Armor of God, Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount.
Grace Kids @ 9:00am: 1) All kids check-in at KidZone
Check-in on the 2nd floor (opens at 8:45). Parent pickup is 10:15. 2) Pre-K & Kinder will head to room 203 after checkin. 3) 1st-5th Graders will remain in the KidZone Worship Center & Activity Room.
Grace Kids @ 11:00am: 1) All kids check-in at KidZone
One of the biggest challenges in student ministry is finding interesting activities for teenagers. Whether it’s games, a lesson, or volunteer opportunities, it can be a fight to gain interest and get them off their phones. That’s why going into Northwest HarAli Hildebrand Student Ministry Director vest I thought I’d have to fight to keep them engaged and helpful, but like every other time I thought I had these students figured out, I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of the normal questions I get when we do new things (“How much longer?” “Are we almost done?” “Can I go home now?” and my favorite “WHY?”) I was met with, “Can we do this every week?” from most of our students. Lack of distraction and easily tracked progress is a lethal combination in teenagers because within two hours, the 25 of us were able to pack 6,200 pounds of potatoes AND we had fun doing it.
Check-in on the 2nd floor. Parent pickup is 12:15. 2) All kids will remain in the KidZone Worship Center & Activity Room.
Student Ministries at a Glance
Childcare Available 8:45am–2:30pm: Childcare,
The rumors are true! Our Student Ministry Team will be partnering with Young Life going forward. We are excited to see what this will look like! That being said, here’s what we have going for your students on a weekly basis, any time school is in session we will have our programs running. Sunday Mornings (9am) – Students meet in the first few rows on the left-hand side of the sanctuary and leave after worship to the middle school room for a lesson and fun for students middle school to high school.
for 3 months through kindergarten, is available across from the main office on the 1st floor while parents are participating in activities on the premises.
Student Ministries Volunteering at Northwest Harvest 2019
Wednesdays, Sundays, and Mondays
Monday Evenings (7pm–8:15 pm) – Davis Young Life meets off campus. We can provide rides for students that need a ride. This is a weekly event for high school freshman through seniors. Wednesday Evenings (6pm–8:30pm) – in our gym we have youth group for students middle school through high school. A normal Wednesday night includes dinner, games, a short lesson and discussion. Afterward we do have van rides home for students.
– Ali Hildebrand Student Ministry
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Women’s Ministry An Invitation to Join WOW
Tuesday Mornings in the Fireside Room
$65 event ticket only
JANUARY 14 THROUGH MAY 5 | 9:15AM - 11:00AM
We will finish our study of Women of the New Testament on January 14, then on January 21 we’ll begin The Letters of John. Using a study guide by N.T. Wright, we will see how John’s teachings of God and His love through Jesus are timeless. Please join us!
Priscilla Shirer Class
“JONAH: Navigating a Life Interrupted” THURSDAYS JANUARY 16TH – FEBRUARY 27TH
I am working on this article a few days after Thanksgiving, where I sat down with family and tried to schedule (cram) everything onto the calendar in the countdown to Christmas. All the wonderful things – tree hunting and craft days; defining new traditions with the in-laws; the must do’s (work). Wondering how to keep Christ as the center of Christmas.
As the New Year starts, brimming with possibilities and blank calendars – we hope you will consider joining Women’s Ministry for Priscilla Shirer’s study Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted. I love calendars, organizing and dependable schedules; so Priscilla Shirer’s description “Interruptions. They're aggravating. Sometimes infuriating.” immediately drew me in. She continues “But how we handle interruptions actually tell us more about ourselves. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run!” Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. “When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.” This got me thinking about how much I may be missing by continuing in my very comfortable (deep) rut.
$75 event ticket, transportation & hotel register online (begining Jan 5) Join us weekly for a simple supper at 5:30pm in the Lounge, followed by a video teaching by Priscilla Shirer. A study guide will be available for purchase ($15) and there will be time for the group to ask questions, share thoughts on the study and pray together.
Move Night – “OVERCOMER”
On March 12th we are planning to watch the movie “Overcomer” in which Priscilla Shirer has a part. We’ll meet in the Lounge for dinner at 5:30pm and show the movie at 6:00pm.
Priscilla Shirer “GOING BEYOND: LIVE”
MINI-RETREAT at Redmond Overlake Church MARCH 20 AND 21
We will be wrapping up the series with a Mini-Retreat to the Overlake Church in Redmond, WA to see Priscilla Shirer’s “Going Beyond: Live” on March 20 and 21st! Keep watch for the details regarding this women’s trip! We are calling this a Mini-Retreat. Similar to when Beth Moore was in Redmond, we would like to host a group – departing Friday in time for the first Session, and returning to the church on Saturday. While the budget has not yet been approved, Women’s Ministry expects that we would be able to provide the transportation and hotel room, and our guests would be paying the group rate for the Event tickets (and your food). Register online at beginning January 5.
Women's Ministry Events TUES* | LETTERS OF JOHN STUDY | FIRESIDE | 9:15 AM *Each Tuesday Morning from January 14 – May 5 THUR* | SUPPER & JONAH STUDY | LOUNGE | 5:30PM Feb 13: Session 5 Jan 16: Session 1 Feb 20: Session 6 Jan 23: Session 2 Feb 27: Session 7 Jan 30: Session 3 *Each Thurs. Jan 16 – Feb 27 Feb 6: Session 4 MARCH 12 | THE MOVIE “OVERCOMER” MARCH 20 & 21 | GOING BEYOND: LIVE | REDMOND, WA
Each of these events are independent... the study, the movie, and the Mini-Retreat at Redmond Overlake Church – Come to one or come to all! – Jennifer Ulmer 12
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Hospitality Ministry Extending Hospitality On behalf of the whole church family, we want to give a huge THANKS to all those who have been a part of extending hospitality in 2019! It could not have happened without YOU! Hospitality is not only a crucial aspect of building community and fostering fellowship within the church family, but just as importantly, the initial introduction to relationship with Jesus. Extending a hospitable welcome helps to lower unintended barriers that can inhibit people’s ability to hear the Gospel. Walking into an unfamiliar building, not knowing where things are located (such as bathrooms, childcare or even finding one’s way into the worship center) can be intimidating and become a distraction from worship. A warm greeting or friendly introduction can do much to lower those barriers.
Linda Sorenson 834-1185
Linda Mathews 697-3013
As we embark on a new year, it is our hope and dream that each congregant makes time to help serve in the hospitality ministry 2-3 times during the year. You will be blessed as you extend the welcome of Jesus to others with your warm smile and welcoming words of greeting! It’s simple and fun to do!
Don’t want to join a team? Serve as a Hospitality Secret Agent...
• Pray that everyone who enters our church feels the love of Jesus!
• Observe others around you – Does someone look lost or in need of help? Ask, “Can I help you?”
• Initiate – Introduce yourself. Start some small talk.
Thank others for attending the worship service. Bless their day as they leave. Invite someone to join you for a cookie and coffee.
• Smile – Intentionally look others in the eye and then flash a big, warm, smile.
• Serve – Help someone with his/her coat, offer a pen for note-taking, offer a cup of coffee, etc.
Questions? Feel free to call Linda Sorenson at 834-1185 or Linda Mathews at 697-3013.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Worship & Prayer Gloria Patri
(Latin for Glory be to the Father) author unknown So, why do we sing the Gloria Patri every Sunday at the 11 o’clock service anyway? Let’s go back in time and see what we can find out about this song and why it is being sung every week. It may be traced back to the Trinitarian baptism formula recorded in Matthew 28.19 and was probably used by early Christians as an acclamation. The second part was added in the 4th century in response to the Arian heresy (heresies have been with us from the beginning it seems.) The Arians denied the deity of Christ, claiming that he was a creature who was adopted into a special relationship with God. In their controversy with orthodox Christians the Arians used ribald and derogatory songs as a method of propaganda. In response to these attacks orthodox Christians composed their own songs, one of which was the Gloria Patri. Note the words of this well-known song: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. This song can be looked on as a sort of fight song or rallying cry for orthodox Christianity. Still in our day the Gloria Patri is frequently used in Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. The original function of the song has been lost through the passing of time so that it is now used as a liturgical response. Now that we know why we regularly sing the Gloria Patri, let us have a renewed sense of the extraordinary significance of ascribing glory to God: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Soli Deo Gloria – Duncan McRayde
Intercessory Prayer We have had a tremendous response to our call for intercessory prayer! Beginning in January, we will have prayer partners interceding during each service. We continue bringing together groups to walk and pray around Madison House, Adams Elementary and Davis campuses. God is on the move in our city, our neighborhood and our church. We want to take part and go where He is calling us! Carla Kupp and Pastor Bill will continue their teaching on Intercessory Prayer in February. Join us as we go through a teaching by Dutch Sheets using his book, “Intercessory Prayer.” (His book is available on Amazon or Christianbooks. com or you may be able to order it from Inklings). Join a team to intercede, pray for a church ministry team, a Sunday service, or one of our neighbors – Adams Elementary, Madison House or Davis High School. Connect with Carla, Brooke Arkills or Ericka Clark. We will share more details on the future teachings soon! "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
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– 1 John 5:14
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry “Equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors” Grace of Christ is a mission focused church, sharing DROPS OF GRACE locally, nationally and internationally having a global reach. Loving in the name and power of Christ, Grace of Christ truly has a world-wide impact, changing lives for His Kingdom. The Mission Ministry Team (MMT) maintains interaction with and oversees distribution of funds to more than twenty mission partners and organizations.
in the Name of Christ
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.’” Jeremiah 29:4-7 God’s message, through Jeremiah, to the Jewish people living in exile in Babylon was that they were to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you.” I believe His message to us as followers of Christ today is the same, “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you.” The word translated “welfare” in this verse is the Hebrew word “shalom” and it means so much more than simply welfare. Shalom carries the idea of peace, safety, tranquility, welfare, health, contentment, success, comfort and harmony; it is generally the idea of well-being and wholeness that we all long for and were created for. Our mission at Love, INC of Yakima of “transforming lives and communities in the name of Christ” is, I believe, part of our call to “seek the shalom” of our city. When we come together as the Body of Christ to help those who are hurting and in need become whole, in their welfare (shalom), we will find our welfare. We are changed and our city is changed for the glory of God. Brad’s story is an example of how God is transforming lives through your partnership with Love, INC.
God is Transforming Lives “Brad” called Love, INC because he needed a bed. He had hit rock bottom when he ended up in jail because of his addiction to drugs and now he was trying to rebuild his life. One of Brad’s friends, who had been a participant in Love, INC’s TEAM (Training Equipping And Mentoring) program, told him that Love, INC might be able Love, INC Volunteer to give him a bed to sleep on. When Brad called, the Connection Center volunteer who talked with him told him we didn’t currently have a bed, but she encouraged him to attend the next orientation for TEAM. 15
Love, INC TEAM (Teaching, Equiping and Mentoring) Brad was excited to join TEAM because he knew he needed the financial education and life skills classes offered there. Every week when he came to TEAM he was always upbeat and excited, eager to see how God was going to continue “changing me from the inside.” It was almost three months after Brad joined TEAM before a bed was donated that he could use, but he says, “waiting for a bed helped me work on my patience.” Brad is currently in TEAM and on course to graduate in January. To date he has paid off over $12,000 in debt and built up an emergency fund of over $1,000. He has also gone back to school to complete his GED and hopes to pursue a Bachelor’s degree. Brad tells anyone who will listen that God has used the TEAM program to change his life. “Love, INC has given me something to come to and I know that God has something for me there... I’ve seen spiritual fruit in my life. I’ve seen patience, self-control, dependence and an openness and willingness to do what God wants me to do.” He is now part of a local church where he is learning how to give regularly for the first time in his life and is involved in a Men’s Bible Study. Thank you, Grace of Christ, for being one of our church partners. It is because of you and the other churches like you that God is working through the ministry of Love, INC in the lives of people like Brad, to help bring hope, peace, welfare and wholeness to the Yakima Valley.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry Happy Retirement Don! Don Stuber has been with in ministry with Young Life for over 40 years. As he plans to retire in January 2020, the Mission Ministry Team would like to say thank you to Don for his dedication to reach every kid, every school and every town.
Don and Robin Suber
Young Life Sitting down in the Garden Room with Don Stuber, it appears he has cracked the code to youth and youthfulness. It can be said that he’s broken this code both figuratively and physically. Dressed in jeans, the ageless Stuber knows what it takes to build relationships with kids and in doing so, share the gospel and lead them to Christ. This servant of the Lord has great credibility. He holds a Master’s degree in Religion and Youth Ministry from Luther Theological Seminary and possesses a successful – and unfathomable – track record with Young Life. Don Stuber’s roots with Young Life began in 1965 in St. Louis, MO, where he attended Webster Groves High School. At this Young Life club, Don met Christ – and also became President of the club! The seeds for Don’s ministry were planted here, as true to form, Don began bringing friends to hear about Jesus and the YL way. Following high school, Stuber enrolled at the University of Missouri. Here, he led a team that started YL in Columbia,
followed by four other schools in the surrounding towns. Through his work, Stuber met his future wife Robin who was also one of the YL leaders. From the start, Robin has been an integral part of Don’s ministry with the couple marrying in August of 1970. After Stuber’s stint in Seminary (1971-1973), he became an area director, followed by becoming a Metro Director in Kansas City serving for some nine years. It was here in Kansas City that the Stubers welcomed their three children into their lives. Following the birth of their third child, Robin dedicated more of her time at the Homefront while Don helped to start Young Life in Lawrence, Kansas. Listening to the Lord’s call – and taking a giant leap of faith – Stuber and his young family arrived in Yakima in 1981. It was at this time that Don was asked to start a YL club at Davis High School. Yakima area clubs included a Selah club led by Grace of Christ’s own Jake and Carla Kupp and Dain and Jean Paulson; in addition, there was an Eisenhower High School club. A middle school WyldLife club at Franklin, led by Don Myers and some IKE students was also up and running. During the eight years that Don Stuber was the Young Life Area Director, the number of YL clubs grew miraculously from four clubs to eleven! And remarkably, Stuber started each new club from the ground up. From scratch, during his time as AD of Yakima, Don developed and expanded ministries in Ellensburg, Tri-cities, Walla Walla, Connell and the Lower Yakima Valley. Under Stuber’s guidance and mentorship, former Mariner Dave Edler was recruited to take on the area director position and Don advanced to the role of regional trainer.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry In 1997, Don Stuber was tapped to become the RTD (Recruit, Train, Deploy) director of the Western Division of YL. This meant all territory west of Denver and would require Stuber to move to Colorado Springs in 1998 to work at the YL International Headquarters. After two productive years, Don was requested to serve as the National Director for Small Towns- this being defined as towns with a population less than 25,000 people and not a suburb. Obedient to the Lord’s call – and believing he had a heart for small towns from his childhood growing up in a rural area outside of St. Louis – Stuber formed a team deemed the Small Town 12 and began creating innovative ways to get Young Life into small towns. By the year 2001, Stuber was making his way back to Washington State. This go-around, the Stubers began setting up residence in Olympia. Here, Don would spend half of his time working to start new areas for Young Life and the other half of his time was spent as the Small Towns Director and the National Director of Teacher Recruitment. According to Stuber, the involvement with teachers is vital as they already know the kids and want the best for them. By 2007, Don was once again called back to Yakima. Now, Don would place his focus upon Jump Starts – an all-out intensive effort to rally support for YL in a rural community. This meant having lots of conversations with parents, educators, community leaders and business owners. This groundwork would yield a committee and leadership in a short amount of time and in doing so, would set in motion community ownership and participation in the ministry of Young Life. Unstoppable, Don has completed 91 Jump Starts in the last 20 years! Of those 91 different locations, over 90 percent have created ongoing Young Life clubs. Don’s success bears testament to his “Holy Spirit Momentum” and being a man of integrity using his many gifts for His Kingdom.
Principles that have guided Don
(used with permission)
1.) Robin and I were called to Jesus – and not an organization. The call was to know Him and make Him known. – Matthew 28:19 2.) The battle is won and lost in prayer. When you pray regularly –irregular things happen regularly. I call these God Sightings. – 1 Thes. 5:17 3.) Young Life does an incredible job of training lay people to be evangelists to adolescents. If they have the heart to reach teens, then I can teach them the rest. 4.) My burned-out year taught me the importance of having time regularly with the Lord in my closet. 5.) Pray like the outcome depends solely on God. Work like the outcome depends solely on you. 6.) Join God in His agenda. Ask God, where do I go, what do I do next? – Proverbs 3:5-6 7.) Recruit a team around you. 8.) The importance of ownership: People tend to support those things that they help create. 9.) Treat people thinking that you will be friends for life. 10.) Don’t wait for relationships to happen. Initiate, initiate, initiate. 11.) People over programs. – 1 Corinthians 13 12.) A missionary has always spent significant time with chiefs. 13.) Taking people away from their cluttered lives allows them to ponder God’s love. 14.) Find a good church, and stay there. – Luke 10:7
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave | Yakima, WA 98902 | (509) 248-7940
Preschool Christmas Break
Tue, Dec 24
Family Christmas Eve Service
Tue, Dec 24
76th Annual Carols and Candles
Wed, Dec 25
Merry Christmas!
Dec 25 - Jan 1
Church Closed (weekdays) for Christmas Holiday
All Day/Night
Entire church
Thur, Jan 2
Undecorate Church
Sun, Jan 5
Communion Sunday
Mon, Jan 6
Worship Ministry Team Meeting
Tue, Jan 7
Tue, Jan 7
10:00am - 3:00pm All Services
Personnel Meeting
Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting
Wed, Jan 8
Men's Prayer Group **New day of the week!
Wed, Jan 8
Family Dinner
Thur, Jan 9
Women's Ministry Meeting
Adult Ed Room
Sun, Jan 12
Officer Ordination and Installation
Both Services
New Officers
Mon, Jan 13
Edith Ferry Circle Lunch and Meeting
Fireside Room
Mon, Jan 13
Business Ministry Team Meeting
Tue, Jan 14
Mission Ministry Team Meeting
Adult Ed Room
Tue, Jan 14
Prayer and Healing Service
Thur, Jan 16
Women's Class: Jonah (Priscilla Shirer) / Dinner, too
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Fri, Jan 17
Mon, Jan 20
Martin Luther King, Jr Day / Church Closed (yes BSF)
Tue, Jan 21
Session Dinner and Meeting
Garden Room/KidZone
MOPS Leadership Meeting
Fireside Room
Sat, Jan 25
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Garden Room
Sun, Jan 26
Deacon's Meeting
Communion Sunday
All Services
Sun, Feb 9
Annual Meeting
Fri, Jan 24
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020! Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. 18
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events MON TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care Bible Study Fellowship
10:00am 12:00pm 2:30pm 5:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm
9:00-11:30am 9:45am 10:00am 5:30-7:00pm 7:00-8:00pm
Prayer Room Fireside Rm Lounge Sanctuary Sanctuary
WED Men's Prayer Group Gracia Women of Prayer Encounter | Youth Group (Dinner too!)
12:00-1:00pm 5:30pm 6:30-8:30pm
Lounge Adult Ed Gym
Men Women 6th-12th Grades
HUR Bible Study Fellowship T SOZO Prayer Temple Choir
9:00am 5:45pm - 9:15pm 7:00pm
Sanctuary Prayer Rm Choir Room
Women Make Appointment Choir
FRI SOZO Prayer MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) (1st & 3rd Fridays)
9:00 - 11:30am 9:30 - 11:00am
SOZO Prayer WOW Women of the Word Bible Study Staff Check-In Meeting Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal Gracia Men of Courage
Adult Ed Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge Sanctuary
Prayer Room Chapel
Everyone Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone Men Make Appointment Women All Staff Gracia Music Team Men
Make Appointment Moms
Sunday Services and Events SUN
Grace Contemporary Worship 9:00am Sanctuary Everyone Sanctuary Everyone Grace Traditional Worship (Led by Temple Choir) 11:00am 1:00pm Sanctuary Everyone Gracia de Cristo (Worship in Spanish) Going Deeper: Genesis 9:30am Adult Ed Adults Golden Circle 10:15am Room 103 Adults Grace Kids 9:00 & 11:00am KidZone Wing 3yrs-5th grade Student reFUEL 9:00am Youth Rm & Gym 6th-12th grade
Announcements COOKIES FOR SUNDAY! Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…
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Jan Jan Jan Jan
5 12 19 26
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