Grace Alive JUN-JUL 2016

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively

What’s Your Problem? John Ortberg, Pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, in his book, All the Places to Go… How will you know, describes the importance of choosing our problem. What’s your problem? Ortberg says, “In a very important way, you will be defined by your problem… You can devote your life to the problem of ‘How can I be rich? Or successful? Or healthy? Or secure?’ Or… you can devote yourself to a nobler problem.” Ortberg continues, “People with small souls have small problems: how to make their lives safer or more convenient; how to put an irritating neighbor in his or her place; how to make wrinkles less visible; or how to cope with cranky coworkers.” On the other hand, “People who live with largeness of soul are occupied by large problems - how to end extreme poverty; how to stop sex trafficking; or how to help at-risk children receive a great education.”

When we begin to pay attention to what moves our hearts, when we think, “someone should do something about that,” many times this is the beginning of a call from the Lord. Let’s ask God, “What problem in Your world would you like me to address?” Then let’s talk and pray together, listening to God, and asking God to show us how we might address the problem.

What’s your problem? We all need a God-sized problem! Growth is not the ability to avoid problems. Growth is the ability to handle larger and more interesting problems. As individuals, and as a church family, are we addressing problems worthy of our best energies, worthy of our lives? How do we want the world to be different because we are in it? What needs in the world or in our community produce a genuine sense of concern in our spirits? How are we partnering with God to bring his Kingdom (His rule and reign) to earth? That’s why we are still here! During this time of transition at Grace of Christ, let us continue to ask these questions, and move forward to make a difference – whether it’s partnering with Adams Elementary, teaching ESL, developing clean water systems in Mexico or Guatemala, being intentional with our friends and neighbors, helping with Vacation Bible School, Trail Seekers, Outreach Camp, or Campbell Farm, or any other opportunity to work with God to solve problems! We will be defined by the problems we choose to embrace. Lord, please help us take on the problems in our community and world that move your heart. We want God-sized problems, that only with your Holy Spirit working in and through us, we can solve together!

– Pastor Cindy Shively 2

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Assistant Pastor — Tyler Van Horn

WHAT OUR STUDY OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK HAS BEEN TEACHING ME I have loved being able to preach through one book of the Bible over the last school year. I find this to be somewhat of a lost art in the American Church because we tend to want to jump from one idea to the next in our church services. I don’t think there is anything wrong with “sermon series” or “thematic preaching” as long as we keep Jesus as the center and honestly wrestle with the scriptures. But I do think it is good for us to slowly work through one book of the Bible so that we are forced to let go of the false sense of control that often comes from making the scriptures say what we want them to say. For the last nine months I have been immersed in the Gospel of Mark. I have loved getting to see different themes show up several times, each time with a brilliant new layer. And I have been challenged by taking a fresh look at Jesus through the lens of the first century culture, language and religious politics. I hope all of you are getting to experience God speaking to you in new ways as we journey through Mark together. Here is one big theme that has been especially strong in

my own thinking: JESUS IS PATIENT. I know this sounds basic and something I should have learned when I was five years old. But the patience of Jesus has struck me in a whole new way this year. Here are some of the people we have observed Jesus being patient with in the Gospel of Mark: his family, his followers, his haters, his religious community, his doubters, those that misunderstand him, those that don’t listen to him, those that do the opposite of what he tells them to do, and even those who plot to kill him. In the midst of all of these tense relationships, I would expect Jesus to be anxious, angry and frustrated. And maybe Jesus did feel these things, but he just kept pressing forward. Jesus showed himself to not be in a hurry with people and he showed that the love of God looks sometimes as simple as a long meal with people you might not always agree with. I want to be this kind of person; patient, unhurried, and willing to be in relationship even when it is hard. I am thankful for the example of Jesus and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. May we all keep our eyes and ears open as we listen for how God is revealing Himself to us through the study of Jesus… — Tyler Van Horn

FINANCIAL UPDATE Since Business Ministry Team’s update last month, many have asked why GCPC does not have a large surplus like we did at this time last year. In response, BMT has changed the way some income is reported in 2016. Some parishioners elect to contribute semi-annually or annually. In the past GCPC has recorded this income in full the month it was contributed. However, when this occurs early in the year it has given the illusion, GCPC finances are strong, yet expenses continue all year long, creating a shortfall at year-end. In 2016 these types of contributions are amortized over the calendar year, again to give BMT a more accurate picture of its finances, balancing income and expenses on a monthly basis. — by Mark Baldwin, Treasurer 3

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Pastor Nominating Committee Report — Janet Krieger

The Pastor Search Survey was completed with good participation and input provided by our congregation. Results were made available to all in early May. Throughout the survey the congregation expressed the importance we place upon remaining under the authority of Scripture and upholding God’s Word in teaching and preaching. Maintaining two worship styles, prayer ministry and continuing to walk with, listen to and follow after the Holy Spirit were valuable aspects of our current church that people desire to have maintained.

PLEASE JOIN THE PNC IN PRAYER When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. – Ephesians 3:14-19 The PNC is continuing to complete the necessary steps to submit a posting on the ECO job board. This work includes completion of the Ministry Information Form which provides demographic information regarding Grace of Christ and the job description which identifies the attributes and characteristics we are seeking in a lead pastor. The job description also shares the history of our interim process and Session’s present focus on discipleship, Children’s, Youth and Men’s ministry. In addition, we are working with Debbie Kent to create a link and graphic on our website which will identify seven characteristics we believe are foundational to our congregation. Those characteristics are Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit led, prayer, knowing the Word of God, discipleship, relational, and transforming our community. The PNC continues to meet weekly. Our goal is to have all documents approved by Session and Presbytery and then posted on ECO’s job board during the month of June. 4

PAUL’S PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH – a devotion by Steve Schiewe It is the gift of God, His Holy Spirit within us, allowing us to understand His great love for us. The width of His love is demonstrated by His arms outstretched on the cross. The length of His love is evident in the presence of Christ revealed from the first chapter of Genesis through the last page of Revelation. The height of His love is seen as we look up to the cross and are reconnected to the Father. The depth of His love is the presence of the Holy Spirit within making known the deep things of God’s Word. Father, may we be a church that experiences the full dimensions of Your love. May the pastor You are calling to us know the full dimension of Your love.

– Janet Krieger, PNC Chair

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Connecting Ministries — Jocelyn Larsen

“For the one who is not against us is for us.”

– Jesus. Mark 9:40

This phrase has been reverberating in my head ever since Tyler preached on it recently. As a young evangelical Christian, I used to think of the people who were ‘against me’ as the people whose ideologies were primarily different from mine: atheists, Satanists, abortion doctors, porn-industry leaders, and terrorists immediately come to mind. But as I’ve read this again in context, and after studying carefully the other related teachings of Jesus, I am wont to think that Jesus had a much different kind of being against in mind… Have you ever been in a relationship or an encounter in which you felt that the person was simply against you? What did it feel like?

I feel like someone is against me when:

• It seems that whatever I give is never enough. • They have an ulterior motive or agenda for something they want from me.

• They assume the worst about me and my motives. • Their goal is to be right and for their idea to triumph, rather than to come to a place of understanding and common ground with me and others.

• They are more concerned with looking good and how they’re being perceived than with me and how I’m doing. In contrast, I desperately hope you’ve been in at least one relationship in which you felt that the person was simply, sublimely for you! What does it feel like when someone is for you?

I feel like someone is for me when:

• They

care about what I have to say, listening and asking questions.

• They

show empathy (not judgment or quick-fixes) toward my struggles.


• They appreciate me and all I do, before and behind the scenes.

• They ask, “How can I support you? How can I help you become more of all God made you to be?” What if, in Jesus’ way of bringing ‘goodwill toward men,’ we are meant, simply to be for one another in the best and deepest kinds of ways? And what might happen in this world if we went about each day with the simple, primary mission of being for one another? What if we:

• Listened patiently and actively when we asked others, “How are you?” or when, in meetings, we are presented with the concerns of others?

• Practiced loving, honest communication and conflict resolution, beginning with our intimates?

• Cared far less about how we look and how we are perceived, caring far more about the felt and true needs of others? How might our relationships improve? How might the culture of goodwill take shape among our families, and communities, places of employment, and neighborhoods, and schools, and places of worship?

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries — Kelsey Schmidt

SUMMER IS COMING! And summer is my favorite season for youth ministry. We get to go to camp, have epic water balloon wars, swim our hearts out at pool parties, and spend lots of time just hanging out together when students would otherwise be in school. This summer, we’ll also have opportunities for study together and we’ll throw in some youth group outside and a movie night or two. We can’t wait! If you’d like to join us up at Camp Ghormley, you can register at We will be heading up to Senior High Camp June 26th-July 2nd and to Mid High 1 July 10th-16th this year as a group. Put Grace of Christ Presbyterian down as your home church on the registration form to insure you’ll be in our cabin.


We also have the opportunity to serve our larger church community together this summer by pitching in and helping with Vacation Bible School. June 20th24th Estevan and I will be hanging out with kiddos and learning about what it means to follow Jesus. If you’d like to join us, fill out a youth registration form at the church and come along for the adventure.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

CELEBRATION OF LIFE On March 31st, Grace of Christ Preschool had the honor of celebrating the life of Elise Batali with her family. Elise was a former student here at GOC Preschool and her bright light left us far too soon. In her memory we were able to plant a flowering dogwood tree at the first hole at Elks Golf Course. We all shared memories, released balloons and some of us hit the ball off in her honor. I want to thank everyone who donated to this to make it possible. Thank you Barry Walters at the Elks for all your hard work and dedication and thank you Tyler Van Horn for your words of encouragement. Thank you to everyone who came out for this special time. Thank you Batali Family for letting us share a part of Elise. God bless you!


This young tree will grow and flourish in this spot as a reminder of Elise. We were able to do this through several donations made. In the coming months we plan to place a marker for this tree and your donations are still very much welcome and needed.

Registration continues for 2016-17 School Year We are filling up quickly for the next school year! We still have openings in our three year old classes. Do you have a child that is 3 or turns 3 soon? Know of someone else? Please pass on this valuable information. We are already planning for a year of celebrating the Fruits of the Spirit! Check out our program on our website at www. Want more information? Call Rhonda at 248-7940, ext. 119

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin

WITH LOVE FROM SUSIE Dear Grace of Christ (aka First Pres.) Family;

families in a mighty way, and for that I am sincerely grateful.

Most of you are aware of the future transition for the Children’s Ministries director position and the plan for Melissa Gray to fill that position as I leave this area of ministry. Melissa’s official date of stepping into this position is August 1. With that date quickly approaching, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank God, and all of you for the amazing blessings I have been given over the past 26 years.

I have also cherished my time as a staff member here at this church. It has been an honor and privilege to serve God alongside these incredible people. I thank them for their friendship and support, and I pray that you will take the time to also thank them. They give so much of their lives in order to spread the Good News of Jesus within these walls and beyond.

When I was hired as an assistant to the director of the children’s ministry department I never dreamed that 21 years later I would have the opportunity to lead this amazing ministry and it’s many faithful servants. Through God’s guidance, and your trust, I have been honored to be part of all of your lives. You have graciously shared your beloved children with me, and trusted that the decisions made in this department were made with much thought and prayer. I have loved every minute of serving in this ministry, and am so grateful to have had the chance to plant seeds of faith into the heart of every child within this department. None of this work would have been possible without God’s leading, and the leaders who serve in all areas of the children’s department. Through KidZone, Early Learning Zone, Vacation Bible School, Grace of Christ Preschool, and many other events and programs within our children’s department, God has allowed us to impact the lives of 8

Please don’t forget how vital this ministry is to our children, families, church, and community. Support this ministry in as many ways as you can. Melissa Gray is a great leader and a wonderful blessing to this church. I have tremendous confidence in Melissa’s vision for the children’s department, and I know that her excitement and enthusiasm will make this ministry better than ever. Please pray for her and those she leads, and continue to support her and those who serve in this area. Most of all, please join them in serving! Many of our current leaders have served for over 30 years. They are faithful and will continue to do all they can for our children. But now is the time for new leaders and young parents to follow God’s call. Don’t take it for granted that there will always be someone else to do it. It is your responsibility, as well as mine… all our responsibilities to “Train up the children in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it.” To God be the glory and to you much love and gratitude. — Susie Woodin

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry Team


Dallen Zachery Gray

Benjamin Thomas Mortimer

Born March 28, 2002 Parents: Jeff & Melissa Gray

Born December 3, 2014 Parents: Scott & Sara Mortimer

Gavin Jeffery Gray

Avery Huibregtse

Born July 25, 2004 Parents: Jeff & Melissa Gray

Born November 20, 2015 Parents: John & Katie

Keaton Harmon Gray

Paige Huibregtse

Born July 9, 2007 Parents: Jeff & Melissa Gray

Born November 20, 2015 Parents: John & Katie

“Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” — Luke 18:16

On Sunday, May 8 we welcomed our new class of Covenant Partners. A Family for Our Community.

Matt & Sarah Miles

Scott & Sara Mortimer 9

Doug & Janet Doty

Todd & Julie Hunziker

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” — Romans 12:2 “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” — Romans 12:4-8

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry

Summer KidZone Schedule MOPS is hosting Play Dates the first Friday of the months of June, July, and August at 10:00 am in Franklin Park. Join us!

June 12 & 19 Kids in Worship June 26 VBS Celebration Sunday (Kids in Worship Service)

July 3 July 10 - Aug. 28 September 4 September 11

We are gearing up for Summer Fun in Kidzone! Join us in KIDZONE on Sunday, June 5 for an exciting morning of bounce house fun. At 10:15, families are invited to join their kids on the North Lawn to enjoy hotdogs, chips, juice, and icecream. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other KIDZONE families and thank your KIDZONE leaders for their dedication to the kids this school year.


Kids in Worship Summer KidZone Kids in Worship Fall Kickoff

Summer KIDZONE will begin on July 10. We will be learning about the Fruits of the Spirit this summer as we plant seeds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Get ready to grow!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

VBS Line-Up

CAVE QUEST VBS LEADER TRAINING FOR ALL VBS VOLUNTEERS Sunday - June 12 Grace of Christ Church gym 3:00–5:00 Youth volunteer portion of meeting will begin (volunteers under 18) 4:00–5:00 Adults will join the youth meeting and the remainder of the meeting will be youth and adults combined. If you have not completed the volunteer registration form, there will be copies provided.


Register Online! Opens May 1st




T shirts and CD’s will be available for sale at $10.00 each. All volunteers are required to wear their staff T-shirt each day of VBS.

Debit/Credit accepted


June 20 - 24 / 8:30a - 12p


$35 per child

4 years old - 5th grade must be 4 by June 1, 2016


Registration Closes June 15

(If Space, Onsight Registration June 20 beginning at 8:00a / $45 per child) Opens REGISTER ONLINE! May 1

st scholarships available: call 248-7940

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 8th Ave & Yakima Ave 509.248-7940

FREE Childcare for kids whose parents volunteer at VBS! (3 mos - 3 yrs) 3 Year Olds take part in a free VBS class!

PICK UP a Volunteer Application Today!

Following Jesus - The Light of the World! 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry Team

GEETING TO KNOW MABEL SWAN MANOR Mabel Swan Manor, across 8th Avenue from our church, is the home for over 150 men and women who provide us a great opportunity for engaging and nurturing relationships. Mabel Swan, a Yakima resident with a caring nature, left her modest estate to our church with the stipulation that it be used to build housing for “the elderly”. In the 1960’s a Board of Directors was formed and the Swan Memorial Housing Association established. After many years of planning, praying and hard work along with the help of HUD, Mabel Swan Manor was built and began occupancy in 1979. Property next door was purchased by the church and Mabel Swan North was opened for residents in 1996. Today there are 144 one-bedroom apartments providing much needed low-income housing in our community. Our church has maintained involvement over the years. The Board of Directors are Grace of Christ members. We are building relationships in a variety of ways . . . inviting women residents to be guests at the Mary McLean Guild Spring Luncheon each year, . . . providing the annual Thanksgiving meal for all residents, . . . interacting with Trailseekers when they sing at Christmas, . . . encouraging residents to attend Easter Brunch as guests of the Childcare Department, and . . . offering Lemonade on the Lawn during the summer months. In addition, a small group visits twice a year sharing treats with each resident along with invitations to attend Lent and Advent services. Many

friendships have developed from these interactions. As a result of our ongoing outreach, several residents attend Sunday Worship and Golden Circle, participate in Women in the Word Bible Study, are educated and entertained at Kaffee Klatsch, and most recently have enjoyed soup and bread at the monthly Gather at the Table fellowship. With refinancing, many improvements have been completed in last few years – new fountain at 8th Avenue entrance for a quiet place to relax, new windows for more efficient apartments, refurbishing lobby for enjoyable social time, new lighting in the parking lot and a security system with cameras in place for a safer environment, and this summer new cabinets, sinks and countertops will be installed in kitchens for more enjoyment as the residents prepare their meals! The apartments of Mabel Swan Manor help with the physical needs of the residents but as we seek to serve our neighbors, we must search for additional ways that we can provide for their social, emotional and spiritual needs. “When we truly love our neighbors, we do our part to make this world a better place.” You are encouraged to begin the search by reaching out to the residents of Mabel Swan Manor – greet them, introduce yourselves, encourage and help them, listen as they share their lives, AND pray for them. — by Joyce Sagare

Residents of Mabel Swan Manor enjoying lunch as guests at the Mary McLean Guild Spring Luncheon. For the program, Anne Schilperoort shared “The Paper Route”” – inspiring stories and experiences of faith and family during the 6 years they had the neighborhood paper route. 12

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule

LAS PRINCESAS DE JESUS The women of Gracia de Cristo were honored at a Mother’s Day Tea on April 30, 2016. Dulce Cardenas served as the Master of Ceremonies. Jahzeel Garcia and Paty Equihua provided beautiful special music. Tamara Lee gave the message on “The Princesses of Jesus: Jesus, Our Handsome Prince.” The Women’s Ministry team of Grace of Christ Church, under the direction of Shan Trick, served to make this a very special first-time event. The women of Grace of Christ beautifully served the women of Gracia de Christo (Mattew 20:16). — by Tamara Lee

ADAMS TEACHERS AND STAFF DINNER APPRECIATION Gracia de Cristo had the wonderful opportunity of hosting an appreciation dinner for the Adams Elementary School in the Garden Room on April 14, 2016. Honored were the teachers, staff, administrators and our own reading volunteers from Grace of Christ. Over 88 people had dinner together to celebrate this school year. It was a fun night accented by an atmosphere of love and warm feelings for the accomplishments of the kids during this school year. The evening was kicked off with a beautiful welcome by Pastor Cindy Shively as she talked about the relationship between Adams’ staff and their students. How the staff refers to the kids as “our kids”. Adams is a school that really cares about its students. An amazing group of women from Gracia de Cristo and Grace of Christ prepared a great meal for our honored guests as well as helped with the decorations, media and signage. It was the perfect evening not only to celebrate the school year, but to also celebrate the partnership between Adams and our church. But in the end it was the kids of Adams that stole the show. The students prepared a video thanking the teachers and staff for the love and support they receive every day from them. Their lives will never be the same because of this special group of people! — by Jake Kupp 13

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / En Español Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule

LAS PRINCESAS DE JESUS Las mujeres de Gracia de Cristo fueron honradas en el té del día de la Madre el 30 de abril de 2016. Dulce Cárdenas se desempeñó como maestra de ceremonias. Jahzeel García y Paty Equihua proveyeron la música hermosa especial. Tamara Lee dio el mensaje sobre “Las Princesas de Jesús:. Jesús, Nuestro Príncipe Hermoso” El equipo de liderazgo de Grace of Christ, bajo la dirección de Shan Trick, sirvió para hacer de esté un evento muy especial por primera vez. Las mujeres de Grace of Christ, sirvieron hermosamente a las mujeres de Gracia de Christo (Mateo 20:16). — Por Tamara Lee

CENA DE APRECIACIÓN PARA MAESTROS Y PERSONAL DE ADAMAS Gracia de Cristo tuvo la gran oportunidad de ofrecer una cena de agradecimiento para la Escuela Primaria Adams en la salón jardín en Abril 14. Fueron honrados los maestros, el personal, los administradores y nuestros voluntarios de lectura de Grace of Christe. Más de 88 personas cenaron juntos para celebrar este año escolar. Fue una noche de diversión, acentuado por una atmósfera de amor y calidez para celebrar los logros de los niños durante este año escolar. La tarde inició con una hermosa bienvenida por la Pastora Cindy Shively al hablar sobre la relación entre el personal de la escuela Adams y sus estudiantes. Cómo el personal se refiere a los niños como “nuestros niños”. Adams es una escuela que realmente se preocupa por sus alumnos. Un increíble grupo de mujeres de Gracia de Cristo y Grace of Christ preparó una gran comida para nuestros invitados de honor, así también ayudando con las decoraciones, los medios de comunicación y señalización. Era la noche perfecta no sólo para celebrar el año escolar, pero también para celebrar la asociación (relación) entre la escuela y Adams y nuestra iglesia. Pero al final fueron los niños de Adams los que se robaron el show. Los estudiantes prepararon un video para agradecer los maestros y el personal de la escuela por el amor y el apoyo que reciben todos los días de parte de ellos. La vida de estos niños nunca será la misma por causa de este grupo tan especial de personas! — Por Jake Kupp 14

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center SECOND SATURDAY WORK DAY Our next Saturday is scheduled for June 4th from 9:00am3:00pm.

READY, SET, GO! Only a few more days until summer camp begins! The summer staff have arrived at camp and are preparing to lead our campers in Bible studies and fun activities. Each summer we see nearly 1000 campers attend our programs and we couldn’t be more excited to teach them about Jesus! Our heart and mission at Camp Ghormley is that every camper who sets foot on the meadow knows that they are known, loved and accepted. This year we are studying 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, teaching campers that they are loved by the Creator and that he has a purpose for their life, and that purpose is to glorify God!

PRAYER • As we prepare for summer, pray that God prepares the heart of each camper who sets foot on camp. • Pray that relationships would be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. • Pray for strength and stamina for our staff so that we can effectively minister to kids. • Pray for safety for all the campers and staff. • Pray for our camp speakers that they convey spiritual truth to the campers. • Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities.

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed For Adopt-A-Cabin, contact Joe Buckley at 961-0424 or email

FINANCIALLY Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.


We need help fixing up cabins so they are ready for summer use, as well as a few outside jobs that need attention. Your efforts, contributions and prayers are needed and much appreciated! To RSVP call camp at (509) 672-4311.

Office Project Update We are excited about God’s provision for our office project! Since our last update, $11,000 of the remaining $25,000 we need has been given, leaving us with approximately $14,000 left to raise! If you would like to give towards this exciting and vital project for Ghormley’s future, please call our office, send a check, or donate through GCPC, note “Ghormley Office Project” on the memo line of your check.

HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: SHIFT & OVERDRIVE The application and selection process for our High School Leadership Development Program is now open! SHIFT (and OVERDRIVE – for second-year students) is a 3-week program that trains and equips high school students to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches and schools as well as providing vital work experience. Visit www.ghormleymeadow. org for more information and to apply! *Must be 16 years old or entering junior or senior year in fall 2016.

SUMMER STAFF POSITIONS STILL AVAILABLE!” We are still in the process of hiring college students to serve at Ghormley this summer! We have a need for male counselors, and several leadership positions. If you know someone who is looking for a great opportunity to serve, send them our way!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Worship Ministry Team JON WAITE 30TH ANNIVERSARY AS CHURCH ORGANIST!! Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church will celebrate Jon Waite’s 30th anniversary as Church Organist on June 12th at the 11:00am worship service. All are invited to celebrate this special occasion and to enjoy the reception immediately following. Jon, a native of Ohio, obtained his first college degree from Heidelberg University with an emphasis in Piano Performance. Under the tutelage of Dorothy Ohl, Roger Nyquist and John Hamilton he later obtained a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Organ Performance at the University of Oregon in 1977. Prior to becoming the organist at First Presbyterian Church in Yakima in l986, Jon served in churches in Ohio, California, Oregon and Seattle. Shortly after he arrived, a dedicated group within the church worked intently to bring about the fulfillment of a dream with the construction of the majestic Schantz organ. Jon presented his first recital on this organ as part of the Carols and Candles service in l988 and has continued that practice since then. This organ which features 3147 pipes and 56 ranks can be played from the front of the church or from the gallery. It is one of the finest pipe organs in the United States The organ bench is Jon’s second home. He can frequently be found practicing, rewriting or rearranging piano accompaniments for the organ in preparation for a Sunday service. His skills and talents enable the Temple choir to sing anthems with organ accompaniment. Music written specifically for an organ is now far less available than it was when the organ was installed. Doctoral hoods bearing the color of one’s school and one’s area of expertise are usually worn infrequently and spend most of their time in tissue-lined boxes. However, Jon’s doctoral hood which displays the color of the University of Oregon as well as the distinctive pink of the School of Music is the exception. His has needed repairs several times since he earned it. That’s because he wears it each Sunday as he plays. While it’s a little known fact, organists are frequently contortionists. They find 16

themselves in awkward positions as they attempt to play pedals and keys distantly situated from each other. Because some musical pieces require the organist to play those awkward combinations simultaneously, correctly, and quickly, Jon has put exceptional stress on his hood causing it to need some skillful mending. He tells the story of how one time, the music demanded all fingers and both feet to be used at once. There was an additional note that perplexed him greatly for he couldn’t figure out how it could be physically accomplished. He finally, discretely and reverently, added the note on the keyboard with his nose. He said it was the only way he could play the final chord as written. Jon’s signature cueing chords set the pace for the 11:00 service. As a side note, if one looks at the keys on the organ closely, they show slight indentations not dissimilar to the dips in old stone steps of ancient cathedrals caused by pilgrims trekking on them to pay homage. Jon’s fingers have left his DNA in the dips of those keys. Similarly, his musical signals have become an integral part of each of us. Many attendees have listened and responded to those familiar prompts for the past thirty years as Jon delivered them. Jon’s skill and expertise at the keyboard are renowned. He crafts the mood of the piece to the lyrics, the melodies, the different degrees of sound and even strategic silent pauses to bring patterns and textures to his musical offerings. Regular attendees of the traditional service love the swelling sounds of time honored hymns at Grace of Christ. His cueing chords give a rhythm and pattern to each Sunday’s service. Congregants also look forward to his postludes at the conclusion of the service when he shares samples of his expansive musical repertoire. All who enjoy pipe organ music are encouraged to come to this uplifting and heart-warming service as well as to honor this beloved man who has so generously shared his gifts with this church for three decades.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry Team

Here is Campbell Farm’s 2016 wish list:

Campbell Farm is an outreach to the Wapato community where 95% of the population is in poverty. Through their multiple programs, Campbell Farm tries to meet the food and clothing needs as well as support educational needs of their immediate and surrounding community. During the school year, Campbell Farm provides an after school program for elementary school children which includes free dinner for 100 children. The after school program helps the children with their homework, provides them with free activity time, a weekly Bible Study, as well as chores before and after the dinner meal all done before 6 pm when the children head home. So what happens when school is out for the summer? As well as being a small farm with several animals and a fruit orchard, Campbell Farm runs a summer camp for the area’s children. The camp is open five days a week, all day and serves approximately 100 kids a day and is growing. Word of mouth has increased the number of children participating each year for the last several years. As part of the camp, the children are provided with 3 meals a day and snacks. That is 300 meals a day and 1500 meals a week. With a summer program that runs 10 weeks, that is roughly 15,000 meals each summer. This is a big need that Campbell Farm provides for its neighbors and we would like to help them fill that need. Through our Bags of Hope, GCPC would like to help with the supplies needed for camp this summer. You can pick up a green Bag of Hope on Sunday, May 29, do some shopping (see list below) and return the bags on Sunday, June 12. 17

• Paper plates and/or bowls

• Hand towels

• Napkins

• Diapers (various sizes)

• Plastic silverware

• Bar soap

• Paper towels

• Liquid hand soap

• Ziploc bags (various sizes)

• Shampoo / Conditioner

• Crayons

• Toothpaste / Toothbrushes

• Pencils #2

• Toilet paper

• Markers (various colors)

• Flip flops (kid sizes)

• Notebooks

• Combs (in unopened packaging)

• Glue • Rulers • Wash cloths

• Disinfectant spray

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940


Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

June/July Calendar of Events Thur, June 2 Sat, June 4 Sun, June 5 Mon, June 6 Tue, June 7 Thur, June 9 Jun 10 - 12 Sun, June 12 Tue, June 14 Wed, June 15 Sun, June 19 June 20 - 24 Wed, June 22 Fri, June 24 Sat, June 25 Jun 26 -July 2 Tue, June 28 Sun, Jul 3 Mon, Jul 4 Wed, Jul 6 Sat, Jul 9 Jul 10-16 Mon, Jul 11 Tue, Jul 12 Sun, Jul 17 Wed, Jul 20 Sat, Jul 23 Tue, Jul 26 Wed, Jul 27 Mon, Aug 1 Wed, Aug 3 Sun, Aug 7 Wed, Aug 10 Wed, Aug 17

Senior Adult Ministries 1:30pm Adult Ed Room Saturday Ghormley Work Day 9:00am - 3:00pm Camp Ghormley Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Kidzone Family Fun Day 9:00 - 10:30am North Lawn Business Ministry Team 4:00pm Conference Room Gather at the Table / Dinner 5:30pm Garden Room Living Waters Meeting 5:30pm Parlor All Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00pm Parlor Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Conference Room Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15pm Adult Ed Room Sacred Messengers Meeting 3:00pm Lounge Outreach Camp all weekend Camp Ghormley Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room No Kidzone / Kids Stay in Worship Service 9:00am Sanctuary Music Appreciation Sunday all morning Sanctuary Dr. Jon Waite’s 30th Anniversary after 11:00 service Garden Room as Organist / Reception VBS Volunteer Training 3 - 5pm Gym Foundation Board 7:00am Library Mission Ministry Team 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Youth: Pool Party! Mid Hi 5:30 - 7p / Sr Hi 7:30p - 9p Call Church for Info Happy Father’s Day! No Kidzone / Kids Stay in Worship Service 9:00am Sanctuary Orcas Encampment Opening Ceremony 12:15pm Sanctuary ELZ Staff Meeting / Lunch 12:30pm Adult Ed Room Vacation Bible School (Register Online!) 8:30 - 12:00pm Entire Church Youth Group: Mid Hi 5:30 - 7:30p / Sr Hi 6:30 - 8:30p Gym Orcas Encampment Closing Ceremony 5:30pm Sanctuary Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Senior High Camp at Ghormley/ all week Camp Ghormley Register with Ghormley Session Meeting (No Dinner) 6:00pm Adult Ed Room Prayer Sunday all morning Sanctuary Independence Day! / Church Closed all day Entire Church Parenting Class Kick Off 6:00pm Lounge Youth: Pool Party! Mid Hi 5:30 - 7p / Sr Hi 7:30 - 9pm Call Church for info 2nd Saturday Ghormley Work Day 9:00am - 3:00pm Camp Ghormley Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Mid High Camp at Ghormley/ all week Camp Ghormley Register with Ghormley Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15pm Parlor Mission Ministry Team 4:00pm Adult Ed Room ELZ Staff Meeting / Lunch 12:30pm Adult Ed Room Youth Group: Mid Hi 5:30 - 7:30p / Sr Hi 6:30 -8:30pm Gym Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Session Meeting (No Dinner) 6:00pm Mid High Rm Movie Night! TBA Gym Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15pm Parlor Youth: Water fight! 3:00pm North Lawn Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Youth Group: Mid Hi 5:30 - 7:30p / Sr Hi 6:30 - 8:30pm Gym Youth: Pool Party! Mid Hi 5:30 - 7p / Sr Hi 7:30p - 9pm Call Church for Info

Committee Everyone Everyone Everyone Committee Free for Everyone Committee Staff Committee Committee Committee kids (pre-register) Knitters Everyone Everyone Everyone All Volunteers Committee Committee 6th - 12th graders Everyone Staff 4yr thru 5th gr 6th - 12th graders Knitters 9th - 12th grades Elders Everyone Everyone Everyone 6th - 12th grades Everyone Knitters 6th - 8th grades Committee Committee Staff 6th - 12th grades Knitters Elders & Prog.Staff Everyone Committee 6th - 12th grades Everyone 6th - 12th grades 6th - 12th grades

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. 18

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

10:00a Adult Ed


All Staff Check-In Meeting

10:00a DF Lounge

All Staff

Overeaters Anonymous

12:00p Adult Ed


Serve at Love INC

1:00p Love INC


2:30p Gym


5:15p Adult Ed


Divorce Care

6:30p Room 217


Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study

12:00n Adult Ed

Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High

5:30p - 8:30p Youth and Mid Hi Rms

Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

6:00p - 8:00p Sanctuary

Thursday SOZO Prayer

5:45p - 9:15p Lounge, Prayer Rm

Friday SOZO Prayer

9a - 11:30a Chapel, Prayer Room


Men 6th - 12th grades SOZO Team SOZO Team

Sunday Services and Events Worship - Contemporary Worship Team

9:00a Sanctuary


11:00a Sanctuary


Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish)

1:00p Sanctuary


Going Deeper: Romans

9:30a Adult Ed


Golden Circle

9:30a Lounge



9:00a 2nd Floor

3yrs thru 5th gr

Worship -Traditional Worship Team

Youth Refuel

10:00a Mid Hi and Youth Rm

Gr 6-12


Summer Church Hours (Beginning July 1 through August 31) Mondays: 8:30a – 9:00p Tuesdays: 8:30a – 6:00p (with exception of Session nights) Wednesdays: 8:30a – 9:00p Thursdays: 8:30a – 9:00p (1st and 3rd Thurs of the month) Thursdays: 8:30a – 6:00p (2nd and 4th Thurs of the month) Fridays: 8:30a – 4:00p with the office closing at 1:00p The entire church will be closed on July 4 for Independence Day. 19




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