Grace Alive alive

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian

For over a century, God has used our church to help people in the Yakima Valley meet and follow Jesus. I believe hundreds, if not thousands have become Christians through the ministry of our church over the years (think of all those Camp Ghormley commitments to Jesus). What a legacy we have here at Grace of Christ!

THE GREAT COMMISSION But our mission is not over. Each generation must commit to serve the Lord’s purposes. There is still work to be done for God’s Kingdom in Yakima. Until the Lord returns, we are to continue to...

Go and make disciples of all nations, “baptizing them in the name of the Father,

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

– Matthew 28:19-20 Five years ago, our elders and church family adopted a mission statement to keep us focused on the Great Commission that Jesus gave His Church. It reads, “Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.” Mission statements can be tough to memorize and even tougher to live-into. In our last preaching series, we boiled it down to four words: Belong. Believe. Become. Bless. Now that’s easy – even a guy like me can remember it! It’s a way to fulfill our mission, provide next steps and give a clear pathway for growing in our relationship with Jesus! 2

My hope is that each “step” would become a very real “pathway” for people new to our church (believers or not) to take as they grow in Christ and become a part of our church family. The four “B’s” remind us how we can grow in our Christian lives and witness. The four “B’s” will also be emphasized during our new member's classes. Attending the new member class is one of the “next steps” to growing in a relationship with Jesus. Actually, everyone in our church is encouraged to take these classes to learn how Grace of Christ approaches ministry, as well as how to grow in the areas of relationships, faith/outreach, discipleship and ministry.


Enjoy our worship services and experience the love of God. Get to know our people. Then, our hope is that you find a group to connect with and build relationships. No matter who you are or stage of life, there is a group for you! We have sermon-based Growth Groups for all ages and stages of life, Bible studies, men’s groups, women’s groups, children’s/youth groups, music groups, service groups and many more.

How we live it out: • We joyfully welcome and value each person who walks through our church doors…regardless of age, race, gender, education, faith background or anything else that might divide us. • We intentionally and regularly invite people we know to experience our church. We need them and they need us!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

• We will minister in such a way that people feel a sense of belonging at Grace of Christ, and for some…even before they become believers.

• Commit to daily times of prayer and personal Bible study

• We will intentionally invite people to join one of our Growth Groups or other groups to help them build meaningful relationships with others.

• Experience authentic Christian community by involvement with a small group

ELIEVE – It’s our desire to introduce everyone to

God’s amazing love through His Son, Jesus Christ! It’s not just the pastors, elders or staff who are called to share their faith. It’s everyone’s mission to share their hope in Christ with others! The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus (put their trust in Jesus’ death on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and believe that God raised him from the dead) will be forgiven and receive the promise of eternal life (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10)! My prayer and hope is that people will be trusting Jesus as their Savior on a regular basis through the ministries and people of Grace of Christ.

How we live it out... • We develop a heart for our family, friends and those in our community who need Jesus! • We commit to pray for the salvation of others. • We intentionally build relationships with those who don’t know Christ as Savior. • We learn how to share our faith with others. Then do it. • We invite those who need Jesus to our church.

ECOME – Jesus told His early followers to “make

disciples.” A disciple is a follower of Jesus who is growing in biblical knowledge, personal faith and ministry to others. It is our desire to help everyone grow in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ! Discipleship can happen in many ways: Sunday worship, personal time with the Lord in prayer and reading the Bible, Growth Group involvement, women’s/men’s Bible studies, prayer groups, etc… Disciples are also committed members of a local church. We encourage everyone to become a member (Grace Partner) of Grace of Christ!

How we live it out: • Commit to Sunday worship • Grow in God’s grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ 3

• Grow in obedience and Christ-likeness


– God has gifted each of us to serve and make a difference in the lives of others. We not only bless the ministries of our church through our finances, but through the time, gifts and talents God has given us. We are committed to making a difference in our church, community and world. We encourage our people to love others by serving and ministering with the gifts, abilities and interests God has given them. We have a variety of church and community ministries where you can discover and use the gifts God has given you to bless others!

How we live it out: • We discover our SHAPE for ministry: spiritual gifting, heart, abilities, personality & experience. • We find a ministry in line with our SHAPE and begin serving within our local church, community or world. • We commit to support the ministries of Grace of Christ through generous and faithful giving of our finances. I want you to know what a privilege it is for me to serve Grace of Christ as one of the pastors. My prayer is that our church would be a place where people can find a place to belong, believe in Jesus, become growing disciples and to bless others with the time, treasure and talents God has given them! – Pastor Jim

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor of Congregational Care & Church Administration — Pastor Cindy Shively It seems to be circular – the more happy and healthy one is in life, the more giving one is likely to be, and the more giving one is on a consistent basis, the happier and healthier they are. The practice of giving has to be sustained over time, and engaged in regularly to have the effect of improving happiness and health. It’s not just a one-time event, but a life style of giving that makes a difference.

Jesus has a way of turning the views of the world upside down.

Giving, both of ourselves and our resources, is no exception. The typical views of the world tell us, if we give away money or devote our time to volunteer, we will be losing something. So we often live in fear, desperately trying to protect our time and money. But that doesn’t bring happiness, health, satisfaction, or joy.

WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SHOW? In 2014, sociologists Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson, after completing 5 years of comprehensive research and study, published their findings in a book, The Paradox of Generosity. Their research revealed a strong correlation between giving of our time and money, and our happiness. Americans who volunteer an average of 5.8 hours per month describe themselves as “very happy,” versus those who are “unhappy” and volunteer just 0.6 hours per month. In terms of financial giving habits, there are actually lower depression rates among Americans who donate more than 10% of their incomes (41% say they rarely or never experience depression versus 32% for everyone else.) Additionally, Americans who are very giving in relationships – being emotionally available and hospitable – are much more likely to be in excellent health (48%) than those who are not (31%). 4

IT IS BETTER TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE As followers of Jesus, this paradox should not surprise us, for we see it in a variety of scriptures. Paul reminded the Ephesian believers in Acts 20:35, “...the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Jesus said, “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” – Luke 6:38. And another time Jesus says to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” – Luke 9:23-24. What surprised the sociologists, Smith and Davidson, was that Americans weren’t more generous than they are, even when they know giving is good for you. They recognized that fear and insecurity, as well as ignorance (not realizing how beneficial it is to give, both for you and the receiver), all played a role in keeping people from giving more. They were also surprised that although Americans are relatively more generous than most countries, they could actually be giving much more than they do.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

My hope and prayer is that each of us would take a step of faith, asking the Lord how He wants us to grow in giving this year, both in our time and our resources. As Paul said to believers in 2 Corinthians 8:7, “…see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” May we truly experience the joy of giving this year. “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing.”

Watch for opportunities to give through our Mission and Ministry Fair, Sunday, October 1st, and to make a financial faith commitment to support all the Lord wants to do in and through Grace of Christ in 2018!

Giving joyfully together with you, Pastor Cindy Shively

Senior Adult Ministries

UPCOMING EVENTS Senior Growth Group

Thursdays, 1:30- 3:00 pm Lounge

Come check our Thursday Afternoon Growth Group - facilitated by Pastor Cindy.

Silver Square (Golden Circle) Sundays, 10:15 AM Room 103

Silver Square will complete their final quarter of meeting together this fall- taught by Peggy Schaffer.

Kaffee Klatsch

Thursday, October 19th - 2 pm Garden Rm

Kaffee Klatsch program info coming soon.

Kaffee Klatsch

Thursday, December 14th - 2 pm Sanctuary

Christmas organ music with Dr. Jon Waite.

Mark Your Calendar! Veteran Appreciation Dinner 2017 Join Us November 12th 5 pm - 7 pm Garden Room


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

According to the Bible, generosity includes being generous with our time, talents and money for Kingdom purposes. The source of our generosity is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Living a lifestyle of radical generosity overflows from the exceeding and abundant grace of our God. During the month of October, we will explore what it means to steward the influence God has given each of us and to grow a culture of generosity. We will think about what it means to become part of something bigger than ourselves, to anticipate God turning our generosity into miracles for others and to take a step to give and serve, in faith, knowing our great God is already moving ahead of us to answer prayers and meet needs. Together, let us get started on a journey of generosity. – Janet Krieger Stewardship Chair 6



What: Next Steps is a four-week class

(for believers or not) that explores the “Four B’s” that are important to life here at Grace as we grow together in relationship, faith, discipleship and ministry.

(See Pastor Jim’s article on pages 2-3 for more on the “Four B’s!” )

When: Sundays, October 1 – October 22 9:00am to 10:15am

Where: Preschool Classroom on the Mezzanine Level

How: Let us know you are interested

Email: Or call at: 248-7940×108


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

ADAMS READING PROGRAM TESTIMONIES George and I have been participating in the Adam's “o0Reading Program once a week for the last two school years.

For one hour on Tuesdays beginning at noon we each had 2 half hour sessions with our students; our first graders from 12:00-12:30 and our second graders from 12:30-1:00. Each student started off shy and rather quiet not sure of who their readers were or whether the experience was going to be OK. As we gradually began to gain confidence in ourselves as helpers while the students were gaining trust in who their adult readers were, the transition from strangers to friends to very special friends began. George and I both saw changes in our students' confidence and enthusiasm for reading. We can't say enough about the interactions, connections, and improvements that took place throughout the year. By the end of the year we had not only helped improve their reading skills but had developed a very special bond with them as well. As sad as it was to say “goodbye” in June, we look forward to meeting new students in the fall. The Adams Reading Program is definitely a blessing to students and adult volunteers as well. – Ann and George Aldous

The reading program at Adams sounded exciting when I “heard about it, but I wasn’t ready to participate the first year.

I had done this at two other schools some years ago, but the teachers decided they didn’t want others in their rooms. Adams was different. They really wanted volunteers to help students who needed the help. For me, I wanted a way to put my faith to work outside the church, so, I signed up last school year. At first I winged it letting the kids read books they had chosen, but were usually too difficult. I wanted some direction so I spent time with each of their teachers to get input and ideas so the time was better spent. This worked well as they provided appropriate materials for their 7

En Español

TESTIMONIOS DEL PROGRAMA DE LECTURA EN ADAMS y yo, hemos participado en el programa de “oooGeorge lectura en la escuela primaria Adams una vez por semana

durante los últimos dos años escolares. Por una hora los martes comenzando al mediodía cada uno tenía 2 sesiones de media hora con nuestros estudiantes; con los de primer grado de 12p-12: 30p y los de segundo grado de 12:30p a 1:00p. Cada estudiante comenzó muy tímido pero tranquilo, ellos no estaban seguros de quiénes serian sus lectores o si la experiencia iba a estar bien. A medida que poco a poco comenzábamos a ganar confianza en nosotros mismos como ayudantes, mientras que los estudiantes fueron ganando confianza en los que serían sus lectores adultos, la transición de extraños, a unos amigos muy especiales comenzó. George y yo vimos cambios en la confianza y el entusiasmo de nuestros estudiantes por la lectura. No podemos decir lo suficiente sobre las interacciones, conexiones y mejoras que tuvieron lugar a lo largo del año. Al final del año, no sólo habíamos ayudado a mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, sino que también habían desarrollado un vínculo muy especial con ellos también. Tan triste como fue decir "adiós" en junio, esperamos conocer nuevos estudiantes en el otoño. El Programa de Lectura en Adams es definitivamente una bendición para los estudiantes y también lo es para los voluntarios adultos.

– Ann y George Aldous programa de lectura en Adams sonó emocionante “oooEl cuando lo escuché por primera vez hace dos años, pero yo no

estaba listo para participar el primer año.Yo había hecho esto en otras dos escuelas hace algunos años, pero los maestros decidieron que no querían a otros en sus aulas. Adams era diferente. Ellos realmente querían voluntarios que asistieran a los estudiantes que necesitaban la ayuda. Para mí, yo quería una manera de poner mi fe en acción no solo dentro de la iglesia, sino también fuera de la iglesia. Así que me inscribí el año escolar pasado. Al principio permití que los niños leyeran libros que fueran de su elección, pero normalmente eran demasiado difíciles. Quería una mejor dirección, así que pasé tiempo con cada uno de sus maestros para obtener ideas y sugerencias para que el tiempo se utilizara de una major manera. Esto funcionó bien, ya que se proporcionaron materiales adecuados para sus niveles de lectura. El personal también era muy servicial y alentador, y me sentí muy cómodo

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English reading levels. The staff was also very helpful and encouraging, and I felt very comfortable in the school environment. The first grade boy needed lots of help. He brought a friend for the last several months that really seemed to help. The second grade girl was reluctant to give up her recess time so we made a deal which worked well. After that she was always skipping to meet me. I knew she was coming because she wanted to. For me, it’s been time well spent with the kids. I will continue to participate this year and am looking forward to working with two new kids. Author Lund Mullav Hunt said, “Be someone’s hero, no cape required. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.” So I did. – Walt Nelson

Don’t be surprised if Ann, George, Walt or some of the other 21 volunteers approach you to be part of this year’s reading program at Adams. This year’s reading program starts in early October. If you want more information, please call the church office.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY FOR JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT BIZTOWN Yakima has a wonderful Junior Achievement facility in Terrace Heights paid for by Yakima’s Business community. JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day long visit to a simulated town. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. The program helps students connect the dots between what they learn in school and the real world. There are 20 different physical operations in BizTown. We need 1 adult volunteer for each business and we need 2 for McDonalds, Solarity Credit Union, and City Hall. Twenty-three volunteers are needed in total. The Junior Achievement Building is located at 650 University Pkwy and volunteers are needed for Friday, October 20 from 9:00 am-2:30pm. Please contact the church office and more information.

– Jay Sentz 8

En Español en el ambiente de la escuela. El niño del primer grado necesitaba mucha ayuda. Él trajo a un amigo durante los últimos meses que realmente parecía ayudar. La niña de segundo grado no quería renunciar a su tiempo de recreo, así que hicimos un trato y recortamos el tiempo para que pudiera tener un receso. Después de eso ella siempre saltaba a mi encuentro. Ahora sé que ella venia porque quería. Para mí, fue un tiempo significativo con los niños. Yo continuaré participando este año y deseo trabajar con dos estudiantes nuevos. La autora Lynda Mullaly Hunt dijo: "Ser el héroe de alguien, no requiere de capa.Gente ordinaria haciendo cosas extraordinarias." Así que lo hice. – Walt Nelson

No se sorprenda si Ann, George, Walt o algunos de los otros 21 voluntarios se acercan a usted para pedirle ser parte del programa de lectura de este año en Adams. Si desea más información, llame a la oficina de la iglesia y alguien se pondrá en contacto con usted.

OPORTUNIDAD PARA SER VOLUNTARIO PARA JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT BIZTOWN Yakima tiene una maravillosa instalación que se llama Junior Achievement en Terrace Heights que es pagada por la comunidad de negocios de Yakima. JA BizTown combina el aprendizaje en clase con una visita de un día a una ciudad simulada. Este popular programa permite a los estudiantes de primaria operar bancos, administrar restaurantes, escribir cheques y votar por un alcalde. El programa ayuda a los estudiantes a conectar los puntos entre lo que aprenden en la escuela y el mundo real. Hay un total de 20 operaciones físicas diferentes en BizTown. Necesitamos un voluntario adulto para cada negocio, excepto que necesitamos dos para McDonalds, Solarity Credit Union y el Palacio Municipal. 23 voluntarios en total. Esto ocurre en el Edificio de Junior Achievement que está localizado en Yakima en el 650 University Pkwy el viernes 20 de octubre de 2017, de 9:00 am a 2:30 pm. Para más información por favor Póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia. – Jay Sentz

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español

BAPTISIMS "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." – Matthew 28:19 Last year on Sunday, September 4, 2016 as Pastor John Stolzenbach was delivering his message and Pastor Alex Rule was translating, who noticed that Celic Reynoso was having a medical crisis. At the moving of the Holy Spirit, Alex reluctantly interrupted John’s message asking the Reynoso family to come forward for prayer. After the prayer the family was encouraged to take Celic immediately to the emergency room. After tests it was determined she had two tumors on her brain next to the spinal cord, and she was immediately sent to Children’s Hospital in Seattle. As many of you know, after surgeries and treatments, Celic remained cancer free for a few months, but recently it was discovered the cancer has returned and she has returned to Children’s Hospital in Seattle. During the time in treatment and being cancer free for a period of time, God used all this to bring Celic and her family closer to Himself. Her faith and trust in Jesus grew immensely. She was able to lead her grandpa in Mexico to make the decision to give his life to Jesus during a phone conversation before he died. On Sunday September 3rd one year, to the day she received the bad news, she publically affirmed her faith in Jesus Christ by being baptized along with her mother Rossy, Alondra and Jissel Martinez from Gracia de Cristo. In light of the recent turn of events, Celic, even though the news was a shock, continues to trust God and wait on Him. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Thank you all for your constant prayers and support over this past year and ask for prayers in the future. We wanted to share this great news of Celic’s Baptism and the baptisms of all our sisters Rossy, Jissel, and Alondra with all of you and ask for your continued prayers for Celic and her family. God bless you always. – Alex Rule 9

BAUTISMOS "Por tanto, vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo." – Mateo 28:19

Durante el tiempo en tratamiento y libre de cáncer durante un período de tiempo, Dios usó todo esto en la vida de Celic y de su familia para que ellos estén más cerca de Él. Su fe y su confianza en Jesús crecieron inmensamente. Celic fue capaz de liderar a su abuelo en México para tomar la decisión de entregar su vida a Jesús durante una conversación telefónica antes de que él muriera. El domingo 3 de septiembre, un año después de haber recibido la mala noticia, Celic públicamente afirmó su fe en Jesucristo al ser bautizada con su madre Rossy, con Alondra, y Jissel Martínez de Gracia de Cristo. A la luz del reciente giro de acontecimientos, y a pesar de que la noticia fue muy impactante, ella sigue confiando en Dios y esperando en Él. Galatas 6:2 nos dice: "Ayúdense unos a otros a llevar sus cargas, y así cumplirán la ley de Cristo." Gracias a todos por sus oraciones constantes y apoyo durante este año que ha pasado, y le pedimos sus oraciones para el futuro. Queremos compartir esta gran noticia del bautismo de Celic y de nuestras hermanas Rosy, Jissel, y Alondra con todos ustedes, y pedirles sus oraciones continuas por Celic y su familia. Dios les bendiga siempre. – Alex Rule

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury

FALL IS HERE! Growing up in Rural Prince Edward Island, I spent most of my falls on the farm for harvest. It is the time where we get to see the return of all the labor put in to make a crop grow. Jesus taught us that there is a great harvest among us; people who are waiting to come into a relationship with Him! Matthew 9 tells us that although there are many people who are in need of hearing the gospel, there aren’t many people who are willing to share. I encourage you to share Jesus with your friends, or invite them out to youth group so they can hear the great message of salvation! God is doing a great work in us, and we can help Him do a great work in other people.

SIGN UP AND SHIP OUT! Camp has always held a special place in my heart. I was a camp counselor for 9 years, and many of my best memories happened during that time. It has made me the person I am today. Because of this, I really have a passion for seeing as many of our youth come to events at Ghormley as possible! It gives them a chance to disconnect from all of the business of life and focus on God and His creation. If you are reading this, consider coming or encouraging someone you know to come!

Register Online:

Slamquest....... October 20-22

Mid High (6TH-8TH graders)

Senior High (9TH-12TH graders)

The Blast.......... November 17-19

Cost for these camps is $100 dollars UNLESS YOU REGISTER EARLY!! There are also SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE, so please connect with Thomas BEFORE YOU REGISTER!!


THE NEW CHAPEL IS GREAT! Now that we have a new home for Sunday mornings, we are able to do many new things we haven’t been able to before. Students have opportunities to serve in worship, on tech teams, in helping throughout the ministry, and they also have the opportunity to worship with their family in our new modern service! God is helping ministries to grow, and it is helping our Student Ministries feel more connected to the church. If your family hasn’t been able to worship together, we want to encourage you to check out the modern service! Sundays at 10:45AM in the Chapel!

DID YOU KNOW? We are starting to work on learning the books of the Bible in reFUEL, so here are some interesting things I have found in the Old Testament: • The 10 Commandments were written on both sides of the tablets. (Exodus 32:15)

• Delilah did not cut off Samson’s hair!

(Judges 16:19) • Although we talked about Josiah in Sunday School, there was actually a king younger than him! Joash was the youngest king at 7 years old!!! (2 Chronicles 24:1)

• Goliath’s armor weighed 125 pounds! (1 Samuel 17:5)

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray


Grace of Christ Children’s Department is thrilled to introduce Allison Weide, the new Children’s Ministries Assistant. Please help us in welcoming Alli and her family to our church family.

We are so excited for the new worship opportunities this Fall with the 9:00 am Contemporary and the 10:45 am Modern Service. Our hope is that parents will have the opportunity to volunteer in a classroom once a month AND still be able to attend a service. The best part about volunteering with Grace Kids is that it not only blesses the children, but our volunteers find that serving brings great joy and is a blessing to them as well!

GET YOUR VOLUNTEER PACKET What do you need to do to become a volunteer? Just ask Melissa Gray for a volunteer packet and we will get you scheduled and on your way. We are blessed to be a blessing to others; thank you for joining us in Grace Kids this Fall!

Allison Weide & Family

My husband Josh, daughter Davanee (8), sons Liam (7) “ and Sawyer (3) and I relocated from Seattle to Yakima in

June because of my husband's job. We are quickly falling in love with Yakima and are so happy to call Yakima "home." We feel blessed to have found Grace of Christ so quickly and are excited to be a part of this community. I can't wait to meet and get to know everyone! – Allison Weide Children’s Ministry Assistant

It’s that time of year to begin shopping for Operation Christmas Child. This wonderful ministry shares the love of Jesus to children around the world through the gifts and prayers wrapped in a tiny shoebox. Our prayer is to collect and send 200 shoeboxes. Thank you for helping us to meet our goal! Shoebox supplies and packing instructions will be available beginning October 8 and all shoeboxes must be returned by November 12. 11

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

This is my Bible, it’s the Word of the Lord. I carry it by my side, it’s a mighty sword! There are many stories and lessons in this Book, Come on everyone, let’s take a closer look!

THE GIFT OF A BIBLE Each year in preschool the children receive a special gift of their very own Bible. And each week in chapel we read a story from this Bible and through a newsletter sent home each week, we share with parents what story we read and what we talked about in regards to this story and where they can find this same story in their Bible. It is our hope and prayer that parents will then sit down together and read the same story again.

$14 PUTS A BIBLE IN A CHILD'S HANDS When stories of God’s love are learned and remembered as a child, it is easy to use those examples as a guide for life into the teen and adult years. You can be a part of this mission of our preschool. Each Bible that is given costs our program $14.00. As this is a gift, we do not require parents to pay for this, but do give them an opportunity to donate towards this project. Many do, but several cannot. Do you want to help? Your donations to help cover the cost will be a blessing to children, families and our program.

WANT TO HELP? If you are interested in helping with this please contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119. Thank you for supporting this outreach program for Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church through your prayers and donations.

May God richly bless YOU and YOUR family as you explore God’s Word. Another way to help our preschool is supporting our fund raisers! We are coming into our peak fundraising season. We have 2018 Scripture Calendar and Greeting Card fundraiser coming this month and then it will be See’s Christmas Candy time! Thank you for all of your support ~ you help to make a difference!


COFFEE IS LOOKING FOR BARISTAS to help on Sunday mornings! Once a month or weekly – you choose! WE WILL TRAIN YOU on the espresso machine. This is a great opportunity ~ let us know you are interested! or talk to Becky weekdays 8:00am–11:00am at the COFFEE stand. C.O.F.F.E.E. Christ Offers Forgiveness for Everyone Everywhere! 12

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

PRAYER MINISTRY PRAYER TESTIMONIES Our Grace of Christ Prayer Team is happy to share another story of God’s beautiful desire to speak to us. Last month, you read Helen Howson’s testimony about God answering her need for car repair funds. This month, we hope you are encouraged by Brooke Arkills’ prayer experience at the grocery store.

“Um, is there anything you’d like me to pray for you about?” I offered. In an instant, the young woman’s face went pale and tears sprung to her eyes. The credit card finished so she quickly turned to the cash register, but couldn’t quite type, as her fingers were shaking. Looking down at the keys, she replied, “Yeah. My brother died yesterday. You can pray about that.” I was quiet for a moment, then told her, “I will pray, for sure. I think you should know that I felt like God told me to ask you if you needed prayer. He sees you and really cares about you right now, okay?” She nodded and I left so she could continue with the long line behind me. The bagger, a teenage boy, insisted on taking my cart out to the car, even though I initially refused his help. As he walked with me, he opened up. “I’ve never heard somebody do that before.”


Recently, I decided to pick up a few dinner ingredients “on my way home. Five o’clock is an especially busy time for

grocery stores, so I found myself in a long line with a very busy clerk. As the young woman bustled through checking me out, I clearly sensed God urging me to ask her if she needed prayer. No matter how many times I pray for people, my heart always races when this happens. I get nervous that people might think I’m a little crazy. Not ready to commit, but not wanting to refuse God, I mentally told Him that I’d do it if He made a space in the hectic checkout time. The quiet space arrived just after I swiped my credit card. The processing time on the screen was extraordinarily long. We both just stood there, waiting, my heart still thumping hard.


I assured him that I was nervous and it took guts to speak up. He went on, explaining that he used to attend a church youth group but had recently stopped. He had always felt like God had a use for him, and wants to help others, but hasn’t been confident enough to take risks that way. I was able to encourage him to continue in his youth group and be bold in whichever way he sensed God leading him. Before starting the car, I just sat amazed in the driver’s seat, thanking God for slow credit cards and His incredible goodness.


– Brooke Arkills

Our church needs your prayers! Watch for slides on Sunday morning, with monthly prayer points for you to lift up.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality, it’s as simple as... “Hello, my name is

your name here

. I don’t think we’ve met.”

Hospitality plays a crucial role in the Great Commission to the church by smoothing the pathway for others to come hear the Good News of God’s unfathomable love, the hope we have in Jesus. Hospitality is NOT evangelism but creates an environment where evangelism can take place, a place where people are invited to belong, believe, become and bless.

GIVE A GREETING I recently met Lucy Primrose, who has been worshiping at Grace of Christ since her move to Yakima with her husband, Don, 10 years ago. Her personal experience highlights the crucial role hospitality plays in building the church, the Body of Christ. When she first moved to Los Angeles as a young woman in her 20s, she visited a large church six different Sundays but no one ever greeted or welcomed her in any way. It kind of soured her on going to church for 19 years. Then, a friend who lived some distance away invited her to Easter dinner and she attended church with them that Sunday. Sitting in the service, she realized that worshiping had always been important to her growing up and that she needed to recapture that part of her life again. She was inspired to find a church closer to herhj home where she could make a strong connection. Through God’s inspiration and reference of a friend, she found a perfect fit the first visit. The atmosphere was so welcoming, warm, and friendly! Joy filled the air and Lucy wanted to be a part of that and not long afterward attended a new members’ class. Since that point, she has sought out a church family in her moves to new communities. Her personal experience has given her the heart to reach out to welcome and greet others. Consequently, she and her husband have enriched their own lives with deep and dear relationships within the family of God. 14

HOSPITALITY MINISTRY TEAM (HMT) The newly formed Hospitality Ministry Team (HMT) was launched in August. HMT blends ministry service areas from Worship Ministry Team and Fellowship Ministry Team. Greeters, Ushers, Cookie Servers, Connection Center Workers, Baby/New Partners/Baptism Celebrations, Events, Sanctuary Guild, and Parking/Valet will all be under the HMT umbrella. An HMT Vision Casting Dinner was held in the Garden Room on August 28 with 98 people attending. Pastor Cindy with Elders Linda Mathews and Linda Sorenson shared the vision for Grace of Christ Church to view all who enter our doors as a gift from God, giving a heartfelt welcome to every guest who visits and to all those who attend as part our church family, welcoming each with the love of Christ Jesus affirming that they belong here. Children’s Ministries Director, Melissa Gray, and Student Ministry Director, Thomas Sudbury, provided a tour of the newly renovated areas where their respective ministries will take place and so that HMT volunteers can better assist guests with children and youth. Pastor Jim gave a charge, encouraging everyone to greet others and get to learn more about others. Although we are blessed at Grace by many whose passion and spiritual gifting is hospitality and happily serve on the Hospitality Ministry Team, extending the love of Jesus through a warm welcome and display of hospitality is really a charge given to every Christian. So before you leave the church service on Sunday mornings, look around for someone you don’t know and take the initiative to go up and introduce yourself to that person! Who knows, you could be answering someone’s prayer just by extending a hand of welcome and a friendly smile.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Worship Ministry

THE BELLS RING OUT As we resurrect the hand-bell ministry at Grace of Christ, I am reminded of a very memorable part of my bell ministry at my former church in Redding, CA. In 2011 thirteen ringers from our church traveled to Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany with a recently procured set of gently-used hand-bells. Gifting the set of bells to the Castle Church in Wittenberg, we conducted several workshops with prospective ringers from the area. What fun to teach the technique of bell ringing and music playing to the enthusiastic Germans, plus playing rhythm games, and fellowshipping over a potluck dinner and perhaps sharing some beer at the gasthaus (tavern) across the street. The highlight of our mission trip, besides providing a bell concert, at times with the 3000pipe organ as an accompaniment, was ringing as a group in both an English worship service and a German worship service in the Castle Church. In Germany, music is what draws people to church and the hope was that a bell ministry would have such a desired effect.

Bible proclaimed a grace-based faith. As a result, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and a reform was born. Out of this Reformation was birthed the many Protestant denominations, led by Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Menno Simons, and others.


Castle Church Wittenberg, Germany

THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE REFORMATION Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany is the birthplace of the Reformation. On October 31st, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church, as well as probably a few other churches in the area, to primarily protest the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church to pay for the construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Martin Luther believed that the selling of these indulgences promoted a works-based faith, whereas he believed the 15

Church door where Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses Wittenberg, Germany

What does this have to do with worship? Luther was instrumental in bringing changes to the worship service. First, in establishing the "work of the people" such as readings of the lesson, leading in song, in worship, the exclusive role of the clergy was minimized. He also insisted that Martin Luther by Rietschel both bread AND wine be provided to the worshipers in Holy Communion. And it is to Martin Luther whom we can thank for the role of music in the worship service as he made it a more central part of the worship service. This October 31 marks the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation! What a milestone! Julie Hunziker

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

MISSIONS MINISTRY TEAM MISSIONARIES Aaron and Ronda Barker | YWAM, Hawaii Emily Carter-McIndoo | CRU, Idaho JAARS/ Wycliffe, Indonesia Garth and Caroline Gustafson | YWAM, Cambodia

October 1, 2017

Lani and Michael Johnson | Blessings of Hope/ Navigators,Philippines SIM businessman, Egypt Ryan and Heidi Moultray | CHSC, Honduras

MISSION SUNDAY With the start of school and the crisp fall air, we on the mission committee start thinking about our upcoming Mission Sunday. This year, Mission Sunday is on October 1st and we will once again have tables in the Garden Room. Please stop by and meet some of the valuable missionaries and mission organizations that GCPC supports. Our church has the opportunity, through your tithes and offerings, to bless various missionaries and mission organizations both locally and around the world. We want to share this list with you in hopes you will not only learn a bit more about who we support, but that you would also take a moment to lift them up in prayer. Thank You - your support for them means they can do the work God has called them to do! Please check out our (church) Weekly Prayer Letter prayer letter on our website. We lift up our missionaries with their requested prayer requests and praises.


Dr. Tim and Muriel Teusink | SIM, France and Africa Don Stuber | Young Life, USA

MISSION ORGANIZATIONS Adams Elementary Ministry | Yakima, WA Campbell Farm | Wapato, WA Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Yakima, WA Gracia De Cristo Restoration Ministry | Yakima, WA Habitat for Humanity | Yakima, WA Living Waters for the World | Water Filtration Systems Love, INC | Yakima, WA Mabel Swan | Yakima, WA Madison House | Yakima, WA Mending Wings | Yakama Indian Reservation, Wapato, WA Project Mercy | Yetebon, Ethiopia Trailseekers & Orcas Encampment | Yakima, WA Transform Yakima Together | Yakima, WA Union Gospel Mission | Yakima, WA Whitworth University | Spokane, WA

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

GHORMLEY MEADOW CHRISTIAN CAMP GUEST SERVICES DIRECTOR SUMMER REPORT Summer is now over, and we are praising God for the 800+ campers who came to Ghormley this summer. God did amazing work in the lives of so many youth who came to camp. Over 90% of campers reported they grew in their faith, and hundreds made a decision to follow Christ for the first time! Our theme this summer was "Stand Strong" from Ephesians 6:10-20. Many youth reported learning new truths about God's armor, and the importance of being ready to stand up for their faith. Please pray that the words heard and the love displayed to the campers this summer will stay in their hearts all throughout the coming year!

FALL YOUTH EVENTS We are excited to be getting ready for Slamquest and The Blast this fall!

Slamquest: October 20-22

Weekend Retreat for 6th-8th grade students

The Blast: November 17-19

Weekend Retreat for 9th-12th grade students

Register Online:


We are excited to announce that God has led us to hire Carol Callahan to be our next Guest Services Director. Carol grew up locally in the Nile Valley, but has been serving for the past 10 years at Mt. Hermon, in the Santa Cruz, CA area. Carol begins at Ghormley in early October. Please pray for Carol as she transitions and joins our team this fall.

ONLINE GIVING We are excited to announce that online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate Page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved.

PRAYER NEEDS 1. Praise for God's provision of Carol Callahan to fill our Guest Services Director role. 2. Praise God for His amazing work in the lives of campers at Ghormley this summer. 3. Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our non-summer months. 4. Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. 5. Pray that the Lord will lead us as we raise funds and embark on a number of facilities improvement projects.

Help send kids to camp just by shopping at Fred Meyer! All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund. Want to join? Simply visit our website:

SUPPORT NEEDS Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you would like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at: 17


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

October Calendar of Events Sun, Oct 1 World Communion Sun All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Sun, Oct 1 Next Step New Member Class (4 weeks) 9:00 am Lower Preschool Rm All Interested Sun, Oct 1 Gracia de Cristo Prayer & Praise 6:00 pm Chapel Everyone Mon, Oct 2 Personnel Meeting 1:00 pm Library Committee Tue, Oct 3 Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00 pm Fireside Room All Staff Tue, Oct 3 Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting 5:30 pm Lounge Committee Tue, Oct 3 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30 pm Adult Ed Room Committee Wed, Oct 4 Gracia y Grace Juntos (together) Potluck & Prayer 6:00 pm Garden Room Women Thurs, Oct 5 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00 pm Fireside Room Open Fri, Oct 6 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00 am Gym Moms Sun, Oct 8 Pray for Yakima 24/7 All Day Everyone Mon, Oct 9 Edith Ferry Circle Lunch Meeting 12 - 2:00 pm Fireside Room Women Tue, Oct 10 Foundation Board 7:00 am Library Committee Tue, Oct 10 Preschool Staff Meeting 12:00 pm KidZone Preschool Staff Tue, Oct 10 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Adult Ed Room Committee Wed, Oct 11 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00 am Fireside Room Committee Wed, Oct 11 Preschool Board Meeting 12:00 pm KidZone Board Thurs, Oct 12 Ghormley Commission 7:00 pm Adult Ed Room Committee Fri, Oct 13 No Preschool Today Sat, Oct 14 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Knitters Sun, Oct 15 ELZ Lunch Meeting 2:45 pm Lounge Staff Mon, Oct 16 Children & Student Ministry Team Meeting 6:00 pm Off-site Committee Fri, Oct 20 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00am Gym Moms Sun, Oct 22 Deacon's Meeting 12:30 pm Lounge Deacons Tue, Oct 24 Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30 pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed Elders & Prog.Staff Fri, Oct 27 MOPS Creative Moments 9:00 am Room 203 Moms Sun, Oct 29 Baptism Sun & New Member Introductions All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Wed, Nov 1 Gracia y Grace Juntos (together) Potluck & Prayer 6:00 pm Garden Room Women Thurs, Nov 9 Gracia de Cristo Fundraiser Dinner & Program 5:00 pm Gym Everyone Sun, Nov 12 Veterans Dinner & Program 5:00 pm Garden Room Everyone Sun, Nov 19 Thanksgiving Potluck & One Worship Service 10:00 am Sanctuary / Gym Everyone


Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events MON

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care


Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women's Bible Study) Women of the Word Bible Study


Youth Group *Dinner Included! Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

THUR Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir SOZO Prayer FRI

SOZO Prayer MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge

Everyone All Staff Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone

Gym Fireside Rm

Women Women

6:30- 8:30 pm 6:00- 8:00 pm

Gym Sanctuary

6th-12th grades

9:00 am 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm

Sanctuary Choir Room Prayer Room

Women Temple Choir SOZO Team

Prayer Room Gym


Sanctuary Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Room 103 KidZone Youth Rm & Gym

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12

9:15 am 9:45 am

9:00 -11:30 am 9:30 - 11:30 am

Sunday Services and Events SUN

Grace Contemporary Worship Grace Modern Worship Grace Traditional Worship - Led by Temple Choir Gracia de Cristo Worship in Spanish Going Deeper: Zechariah Silver Square (Golden Circle) Grace Kids Youth reFUEL

9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 10:15 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Announcements COOKIES & CANS

Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…

October 1 October 8 October 15 October 22 October 29 19

A - F G - M N-S T-Z A - F



Authentic You are invited to the Annual Gracia de Cristo Fundraiser Dinner

Thurs, Nov 9th, 5 pm in the Gymnasium

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