Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Lead Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian times tears would flow and hugs would follow. Several people trusted Jesus as their Savior that day! Then we met Terry who was a homeless man who had lived on the streets for 8 years. He carried all his earthly possessions in a shopping cart that he said he “borrowed” A Beggar’s Love from a local grocery store. His face was wrinkled, his hair was a tangled mess and his clothes were dirty. But Terry’s We called them “Love Packets” – a zip lock bag filled with smile lit up the street as he began to share his story with items like soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks, comb, us… and his faith in God! bandana, tissues, beef jerky, He shared the dangers granola bars and a bottle of ...I observed that the homeless were he had faced while living water… along with a small booklet on the streets and how on God’s love and salvation. very receptive to teenagers. the homeless “had each We also had blankets to pass other’s backs” to keep safe. out. The students brought 5-10 Their youthful enthusiasm seemed to We asked if we could pray Love Packets they put together disarm normally guarded people living for him and he responded themselves as we prepared by saying, “only if I can pray to minister to the homeless in on the streets... for you!” downtown San Diego, California. It was a hot summer afternoon that Saturday as we divided up into groups and searched the downtown streets and alleyways for homeless people and those in need. In doing street ministry for years, I observed that the homeless were very receptive to teenagers. My high school students weren’t intimidating or mean-spirited. Their youthful enthusiasm seemed to disarm normally guarded people living on the streets who were used to being treated with disrespect and disdain. My students would hold a Love Packet in their hands and humbly approach someone. With a smile on their face, they would introduce themselves. The response was usually something like, “what’s in the bag?” After a brief explanation, the person would gratefully receive the Love Packet and then a conversation would begin. People were eager to share their story… and we shared ours. At the close, we would pray for the person by name and many
As we prepared to move on, Terry asked if he could have two of our “Love Packets” and some blankets for his friends. He said they really needed them, but were very shy toward strangers. We gave him what he asked for and left. As I looked back, I noticed Terry gently handing the Love Packets and blankets to two elderly homeless women who were hiding in the shadows of a back alley. It reminded me of an old saying about sharing God’s love with others, “Evangelism is just one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread.” We’re all “beggars,” aren’t we? We all need the nourishment and comfort only God’s Son can provide. Easter is upon us – the time when most “unchurched” people might come to church – “Beggars” in need of Jesus, the “Bread of Life.” Go, and help them find Bread.
Jim Marian Lead Pastor
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Associate Pastor of Congregational Care & Church Administration — Pastor Cindy Shively
Who We Are and How We Are Doing? 2018 Update on ECO
Some of us had the privilege of attending our ECO National Gathering in Houston, TX in late January. Worship and excitement filled the air during the vibrant worship, dynamic speakers and workshops! It was a great affirmation that God is on the move here at Grace of Christ, and we are doing many things “right!” To view pictures or listen to videos, check out www.econationalgathering. org and click on past gatherings.
Who We Are: ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
We are in our 6th year of existence as a denomination. We believe the Church is a living organism that needs lifegiving resources to help it grow, thrive, and multiply. ECO is committed to cultivating a healthy, diverse, resource-rich ecosystem where pastors and congregations can flourish.
What does our name mean? ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians • Covenant – To connect leaders in accountable relationships and encourage collaboration. • Evangelical – to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant new missional communities. • Order – To commit to a shared way of life as we unite around a shared theological core. • Presbyterian – To stand within our Reformed heritage and celebrate the life of the mind.
How are we doing?
We currently have 360+ congregations (in approx. 45 states and 3 foreign countries), including 25 church plants, and 22 Presbyteries. Our National Governing Body is called a Synod, which comes from the Greek sýnodos, meaning "assembly," and it meets every two years. One highlight of our National Gathering was our scheduled ECO Synod Meeting. Presbyteries had submitted a variety of input on our Confessional Standards. Our hope was to stay connected, and true to our historic roots, yet simplify things somewhat. After some good, healthy discussion, we voted to keep the following documents as part of our Confessional Standards: The Nicene Creed, The Apostles’ Creed, The Heidelberg Catechism, The Westminster Confession, The Westminster Shorter Catechism, The Westminster Larger Catechism, and The Theological Declaration of Barmen. We also have a Theological Task Force working on the possibility of an ECO confession to address the concerns of our day. The vote that was taken on our Confessional Standards will now come back to all the Presbyteries, and will require ratification by 2/3 of our Presbyteries. This will happen in the next 2 years. The documents that were no longer included, were believed to either be covered in one of the other confessions, or will be addressed in a helpful way in the new confession.
The Presbytery of the Northwest 2018
Our Grace of Christ Congregation will be hosting our annual meeting for The Presbytery of the Northwest, which includes 31 congregations from Washington and Oregon, on May 4-5, 2018. All are welcome to attend this meeting, or help in some way if desired. We’d love you to be a part of it. Let the church office know if you are interested. Thanks! Grateful to be part of Grace of Christ and ECO! Pastor Cindy Shively
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Prayer Ministry Prayer Testimonies Every month, the Prayer Ministry Team hopes to encourage you with a testimony of answered prayer. Patty Arkills has been a Grace of Christ Deacon for many years. This month, Patty shares a story of how God strengthened her prayer life and led her to greater service through a time of suffering.
Praying Through the Pain
I loved to bike, swim, play tennis and racquetball, run, “ walk, hike, play basketball with my boys - all those fun
outdoor exercises. And then life changed. I had several car accidents that caused terrible physical damage. All those things I loved to do were now a part of the past. God brought good out of all the trouble. One of those accidents ended up strengthening my prayer life in a powerful way. It was August 1991. Someone ignored a stop sign and raced through the main intersection I was approaching. I tried to stop. Unfortunately, we collided – t-boned. I received multiple injuries: neck, shoulder, back, legs, and sacrum. I suffered intense headaches and back pain along with problems walking. It was a long haul of recovery, with physical therapy for years. I still remember crying out to the Lord, “Help me Lord, I can’t do this without you. Please take the pain away. I can’t take much more.” And He listened. I began reading and praying scriptures. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-8) " When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Ps 18:2) “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.” (Ps 56:3-4) Then I started praising God. "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Ps 103:1-6) And He healed. One day at a time. He taught me that He is my foundation. That even though all the physical things could be taken away, that no one could take Him away from me. He was and is my Rock! I can build upon this Rock – new things, great things, things that would give Him glory. I have grown with Him leading me, holding me, being my foundation when everything else was being taken away physically. 4
Later, I felt God’s leading to be trained as a deacon, but I had questions like: "Will I be able to sit for three hours at a time? Will I be able to serve with my physical problems?" God showed me He could and so I could. That training has been valuable beyond my expectations: How to reach out to people, be there for people, and not be afraid to pray for-and-with people you don’t know. It has been God’s leading in my life since that training.
That’s my prayer for you – that you would pray, let God lead your life, and find new healing and purpose like I did.
– Patty Arkills
Prayer & Healing Gathering – March 13 We believe the Lord wants us to all be well and healthy which he mentions often in the Bible. “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds” – Psalm 147 Those praying for you on this evening know the power of those words. This gathering is designed for you: for your healing. This time is set aside for your needs to be lifted up to your Heavenly Father.
PLEASE JOIN US TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 7PM THE CHAPEL “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; May I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things.” – Psalm 103: 1-4
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Elder Business Ministry Giving Is the Highest Level of Living "Then Abraham gave a tenth of everything." Genesis 14:20 True generosity is not an occasional event. True generosity comes from the heart and permeates every aspect of a believer’s life, touching our time, talents and possessions. As we grow in our spiritual journey becoming more Christlike we transition from gathering things just for ourselves to desiring to share and give to others. • Be grateful for whatever we have. • Put people first. • Don’t allow the desire for possessions to control us. • See our money as a resource. • Develop the habit of giving.
– John Maxwell
The only way to establish and maintain an attitude of generosity is to make it our habit to give our time, attention, money and resources. Theologian Richard Foster has said “Just the very act of letting go of money, or some other treasure, does something within us. It destroys the demon ‘greed.’” Everything God gives us is meant to flow through us. We are His hope on earth. He will build His Kingdom here through our acts of faith and generosity. Ask God what ways He is calling you to be generous. Janet Krieger Elder Business Ministry
More Bell Ringers, Please! Join Our Bell Choir "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth..." Psalm 98:4 It’s for the love of the church, of God and of His people that we will ring, that we talk to others about ringing and that we want to include others in the ministry of ringing. We have love to share and ringing is how we do it. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? So, if you have been wanting to try something new, or have been specifically thinking about trying your hand at bell ringing, now it the time! Bring yourself or bring a friend along with you. Come get aquainted with this fun group by spending a few minutes chatting and by simply observing a practice. I would love to help you get started, and you never know, you might just make a new friend and develop a longtime love of ringing! Call Roz: 907 831-4716.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
We are a Church that Prays and Loves It's Community
Somos una Iglesia que Ora y Ama a Tu Comunidad
We begin this year of 2018 praying with more power and conviction knowing that God wants the best for our church and for our community.
God tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 "Rejoice always and delight in your faith; be incessant and persistent in prayer; in each situation [no matter what the circumstances] be grateful and give continuous thanks to God; because this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." At the Breakout Session "Becoming a Praying Church" at the annual conference of ECO in Houston, Texas, we were encouraged to continue praying for the direction and vision of our church. We recognize that we all have the ability to pray to our Heavenly Father, and that age is not an obstacle to putting our prayers and gratitude before the Lord. Children, youth and adults can approach God and express their sadness and joy also.
Grace of Christ is Inviting You to Get Involved and Participate Actively in Prayer The following are some more ways for our church to grow in prayer: • All Church Prayer Service (Corporate, Silent, Liturgy, Worship) • Prayer Vigil (People come together or pray at home united by a common purpose during a certain time frame) • Corporate Fast (People come together to pray for a certain objective by refraining from eating, or taking away something important in life that you feel you can't do without)
When You are in a Prayer Group, Let People Know the Prayer Plan Here are a few suggestions: • We are going to pray for
minutes together. Continued on page 7
Comenzamos este año de 2018 orando con más poder y convicción sabiendo que Dios desea lo mejor para nuestra iglesia y nuestra comunidad.
Dios nos dice en 1 Tesalonicenses 5: 16-18 "Alégrate siempre y deléitate en tu fe; sea incesante y persistente en la oración; en cada situación [no importa cuáles sean las circunstancias] debe ser agradecido y dar gracias continuamente a Dios; porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para ustedes en Cristo Jesús." En el taller "Ser una Iglesia que Ora" en la conferencia anual de ECO en Houston, Texas. Nos animaron a seguir orando por la dirección y visión de nuestra iglesia y a que sigamos reconociendo que tenemos la capacidad de orar a nuestro Padre Celestial, y que la edad no es un obstáculo para poner nuestras oraciones y agradecimiento delante del Señor. Niños, jóvenes y adultos pueden acercarse a Dios y expresar su tristeza y también su gozo.
Gracia de Cristo le invita a involucrarse y participar activamente en la oración. Las siguientes son algunas formas en que nuestra iglesia puede crecer más en la oración: • Todos los Servicios de Oración de la Iglesia (Corporativos, Silenciosos, Litúrgicos, de Culto) • Vigilia de Oración (Las personas se reúnen u oran en casa unidas por un propósito común durante un cierto período de tiempo) • Ayuno Corporativo (Las personas juntas superan ciertos objetivos al abstenerse de comer, o tomar todos los aspectos importantes de la vida que no puedes perder) Continúa en la página 7
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
• I will start the prayer,
Cuando Estés en un Grupo de Oración, Que Las Personas Conozcan el Plan de Oración
will end it.
• Thinking about the (scripture, conversation, requests) pray whatever you are lead to pray by the Holy Spirit. Our church has a wonderful prayer ministry and I wanted to share what I heard, which confirms we are on the right track.
Celic's Poem Celic Reynoso is a 13 year old girl who, despite being sick with cancer, she prays with devotion for her family, Grace of Christ Church, and her community. Celic also writes poems. I want to share one she recently wrote at Children's Hospital in Seattle.
CANCER GUM I'm feeling better, thanks to you, God. I was weak, but you made me stronger. To walk forward, everything is peaceful. You are the Greatest Father we have. I’m going to live and not die because you tell the good news. Cancer is like something disgusting you get in your mouth. But when you spit it out, you are cancer-free. Just spit it on the air, and the gum dies. God help me. Thanks to Him.
Meet our Gracia de Cristo Sunday School Teacher My name is Ariana Navarro and I am 18 years old. I was raised attending church but wasn’t really involved. I began attending Grace of Christ Church two years ago and getting involved with the youth group. I started off by simply helping with certain events like the homeless shelters and activities that the Grace of Christ would hold for the youth. When I finally graduated high school and Continued on page 8 7
Aquí hay algunas sugerencias: • Vamos a orar por
minutos juntos.
• Yo Comenzaré la oración,
la terminará.
• Pensando en las (escrituras, conversaciones, solicitudes) ora por todo lo que el Espíritu Santo te guie a orar. Nuestra iglesia tiene un maravilloso ministerio de oración, pero quiero compartir lo que escuché en la conferencia, lo cual confirma que estamos en la dirección correcta.
Poema de Celic Celic es una niña de 13 años que a pesar de estar enferma de cáncer ora con devoción por su familia, por nuestra iglesia Gracia de Cristo y su comunidad. Celic también escribe poemas, y hoy quiero compartir con ustedes uno de ellos que ella escribió recientemente en el Hospital de Niños en Seattle Washington.
Me siento mejor, gracias a ti, Dios. Yo era débil, pero tú me hiciste más fuerte Para caminar hacia adelante, todo es pacífico. Tú eres el mejor padre que tenemos. Yo voy a vivir y no a morir porque tú dices las buenas noticias. Cáncer es como algo repugnante que tienes en tu boca. Pero cuando lo escupes, tú eres libre de cáncer Simplemente escúpelo en el aire, y el chicle muere Dios ayúdame. Gracia s a Él. Continúa en la página 8
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English was not able to attend youth group any more, I became a youth group leader and began to work with the middle school girls. I also got the amazing opportunity to become a Sunday school teacher for the Gracia de Cristo service. I love being a Sunday school teacher because I love kids, Ariana Navarro and I actually would like to become a fifth-grade teacher. So this really helps me to learn, interact with kids and to gain knowledge and experience. We do a series of lessons, crafts and games. I have a curriculum I use each week. I read and teach the kids a new story out of a children's Bible I received from Pastor Alex. Then, we move to a craft relating to the lesson so they can learn more about what I just read. We also play a lot of fun games relating to the lesson. The kids get free time where they can interact with one another and play the games we have in the room. I end the day by praying all together. I ask the children if they have anything they want to pray about, and if they do, to raise their hand to let me know. A lot of the kids do. They tell me to pray for their families, pets and teachers. So I pray for them and all of the kids at the end of our time together. God bless you all today and always, Alex Rule Pastor for Gracia de Cristo
En Español Conozca a Nuestra Maestra de la Escuela Dominical Hola, mi nombre es Ariana Navarro, tengo 18 años. Crecí asistiendo siempre a la iglesia, pero nunca estuve realmente involucrada. Hasta hace unos dos años comencé a asistir a Gracia de Cristo. Empecé a asistir a Gracia de Cristo y me involucré más con los jóvenes. Empecé ayudando en algunos eventos, refugios para personas desamparadas y actividades que Gracia de Cristo celebraba para los jóvenes. Cuando finalmente me gradué de la escuela secundaria y ya no pude asistir al grupo de jóvenes, me convertí en un líder del grupo de jóvenes que ayudaba a los estudiantes de la escuela media. También tuve la increíble oportunidad de convertirme en maestra de la Escuela Dominical para el servicio de Gracia de Cristo. Me encanta ser maestra de la Escuela Dominical porque amo a los niños y realmente quiero ser maestra de quinto grado cuando crezca, así que esto realmente me ayuda a aprender, interactuar con los niños y obtener conocimientos y experiencia previa. Veo a los niños (aproximadamente de 8 a 11) cada semana durante aproximadamente 35 minutos cada domingo. Hacemos una serie de lecciones, manualidades y juegos. Tengo un plan de estudios que hago cada semana. Leo y enseño a los niños una nueva historia cada semana de una Biblia para niños que recibí del pastor Alex. Luego seguimos haciendo manualidades relacionadas con la lección para que aprendan más sobre lo que leo. También jugamos muchos juegos divertidos relacionados con la lección y los niños tienen tiempo libre donde tienen la oportunidad de interactuar entre ellos y jugar los juegos que tenemos en el salón. Terminamos el día orando todos juntos. Les pregunto a los niños si quieren que oremos por algo que quieran y si lo hacen, les pido que levanten la mano y me lo hagan saber. Muchos niños lo hacen, me dicen que ore por sus familias, mascotas y maestros. Entonces oro por ellos y por todos los niños y después los llevamos de regreso con sus padres. Dios los bendiga a todos hoy y siempre, Alex Rule pastor de Gracia de Cristo
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray
March 22, 5:30-6:30 Parents PLEASE bring your child to the sanctuary for a special rehearsal on Thursday, March 22 beginning promptly at 5:30. It is very important that all children, especially soloists are present for this very important rehearsal of our upcoming Palm Sunday Performance. Pizza will be provided beginning at 5:00.
Palm Sunday, March 25 9am Service Only
Grace Kids present, "Hallelujah, What a Savior" on Palm Sunday! The children will lead worship during the 9am service. There will be cinnamon rolls and juice to celebrate after the performance in their classrooms.
Easter Sunday April 1
Join us in Grace Kids Easter Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. He is Risen!
Come Sail Away for the best week of the summer! Shipwrecked VBS Is Coming to Grace of Christ Church June 25- 29 8:30 - Noon. At Shipwrecked VBS, kids will discover how Jesus rescues us through life’s storms. Shipwrecked is filled with New Friends, Amazing Experiments, Creative Games, Tropical Treats, Surprising Adventures, and Incredible Music! Watch for registration information coming soon. You won’t want to miss this life-changing adventure!
We need YOU to fly on over to the fun at VBS with summer! Our goal is to reach 200 children with God’s love at Shipwrecked VBS, but we can only do that with YOUR help! Keep watching for more information about how you can be a leader at Shipwrecked VBS this summer and get signed up right away!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Hospitality Ministry Extending an Invitation to Belong Who makes up hospitality Ministries? Actually, it’s all of us!
If you provide cookies for our Sunday morning refreshment table, you are a participant in our church’s hospitality! Formally, the Hospitality Ministry Team (HMT) can be viewed as those who are actively serving as ushers, greeters, welcome/connection center volunteers, refreshment hosts, event workers, hosting celebrations, or decorating the sanctuary. But in truth, it is all of us working together to extend the welcome of Christ. EVERYONE helps color how others view the welcome of our church family. How friendly are we as a church body? Ask yourself. "Are we friendly with strangers and all those sitting around us in the pews or standing nearby in the Garden Room," or are we “friendly with ourselves - the people we already know?”
Easter Visitors
The joyous celebration of Easter is just around the corner. It is quite likely that God will gift us with some new faces. But let’s not wait to start practicing our welcome! Here are two strategies everyone can implore that convey the messages to others that this is a place to Belong. • Rule of Three – For the first three minutes immediately after the service, try not to talk to other members. Instead, talk only to those you don’t know and specifically, to anyone whom you think may be a guest. It takes guests about three minutes to exit the church after worship, so it’s important to make sure someone has made contact with them before they
leave. Afterwards, you can then catch up with friends in the Garden Room. • Circle of 10 - Greet anyone, member or guest, who comes within ten feet of you. Make a special effort to greet the people you don’t already know within your Circle of 10 whether in the sanctuary, the Garden Room, parking lot, or along the walkway or hallways! Yes, it is all of us together that gives a first and lasting impression of the friendliness our church on any given Sunday. Please join the Hospitality Ministry Team in welcoming others and sends the message that this is a place to Belong!
Want to know about the Hospitality Ministry Team (HMT)? Come join us for our Spring-Up Event Sunday, March 11th from 4:00-5:00 in the church Garden Room. Whether you are able to serve on a regular basis or only for 20 minutes three or four times a year, there is a place for YOU on the Hospitality Team! And, THANK YOU for faithfully providing cookies and fruit for our refreshment table!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Spotlight – Yakima Valley FCA Led and initiated by student-athletes and coaches, the FCA ministry shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost, those seeking, and mature followers of Christ. Through the platform of coaching, Christian coaches impact athletes to become more Christ-like and to become men and women of significance. According to Barry Reifel, Area Representative at Fellowship of Christian Athletes, March is going to be an exciting time for Yakima Valley FCA.
3D Coaching Workshop – With Dr. Jeff Duke March 10th 10am-2pm (Lunch Included) Eisenhower High School Partnering with the Yakima, West Valley, Naches, Highland, Toppenish, and Granger School Districts, Yakima FCA is bringing Dr. Jeff Duke to speak on March 10th about coaching to the heart of the athlete. Dr. Duke is one of the foremost experts regarding the cultural influence the coaching profession makes in our society. His 3D Coaching workshop, according to Reifel, will look at the coach’s role as the coach is one of the most prominent authoritative figures in the lives of today’s youth. Dr. Duke will focus upon ways to instill value, worth, and purpose in an athlete beyond the playing field or athletic accomplishments. “Please pray that God would use this event to provide relationships with coaches in Central Washington that can be used to encourage coaches to coach for Christ, or to share the gospel with coaches who don’t know Jesus,” states Reifel. This workshop is for coaches of all sports at all levels and will take place at Eisenhower High School from 10:00- 2:00 pm (lunch included). Contact Barry Reifel at: or call: 509.307.1534 for more information. 11
FCA Annual Fund Raising Banquet March 23rd 6 pm West Valley Church Also slated, is Yakima Valley FCA’s annual fund-raising banquet, to be held on Friday, March 23rd, at 6:00pm at West Valley Church, 7109 W Nob Hill Blvd., in Yakima. The theme for this year is TAILGATE and will be a great opportunity to “celebrate what God is doing!” All are welcome to attend this event. As Reifel explains, “This will be a fun night of fellowship and a great opportunity for people to hear about what is going on with the ministry of FCA in Yakima County.” These upcoming FCA events are going to be held in addition to the ongoing weekly and monthly events. There is a monthly coaches’ breakfast on three Fridays of the month, taking place in three locations: Yakima, Toppenish and Sunnyside. There are also Huddles (all are invited to attend) at the schools on a regular basis at West Valley High School, East Valley, Selah and Grandview. In addition, Riefel adds that a Team Huddle will be starting up this spring with the Grandview High School track team, and the East Valley High School soccer team. For more information about these events or Fellowship of Christian Athletes, please contact Barry Reifel, • 509.307.1534 VISION: To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. MISSION: To present to athletes and coaches, and all they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. VALUES: So that our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His word. We value integrity serving, teamwork and excellence.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury
God is working in our community One of the most exciting things that I get to share is new connections I have been able to make of the past month. We have seen a number of new people coming to our programs and feeling like they belong! Our community is growing and although it is great to have more energy in the group, what is most important is that there are many new people who have not previously encountered God in a mighty way. Please pray for these kids, as I truly feel God has big plans for them.
So what are your kids doing anyway?!? I know how hard it can be to get information out of kids, so to make sure you are aware of what we are learning and going through, I thought I could share the broad vision of where we are going with our lessons on a weekly basis. On Wednesday nights, the leaders are taking a step up and leading the talks each week, sharing with them something that they wished they had known when they were the age of our students. Each leader is finding a spiritual lesson that in reflection, would have helped them with their walk with God and in school. This is especially important for our high school students as they
are transitioning out of the role of “youth” and into the role of “Church member.” It was really encouraging to hear one of our leaders share that they didn't originally see themselves as staying in church after they graduated, but because of getting involved on Wednesday nights and in our church service post graduation, that they felt like this was a place for them. It is hearing these things from the people they look up to that really matter. On Sunday mornings at reFUEL, The middle school students are focusing on the importance of learning scripture. We have been encouraging them to do the “1010-10 rule,” where they read the Bible for 10 minutes, write about it for 10 minutes, then share with a friend what they are learning for 10 minutes. This is only a start in their love for the word, but we are seeing great results! For a few this was the first time that they had picked up their Bibles, and for many they are now reading their Bible on a daily or weekly basis. Continued on page 13
Middle School Youth Group
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministry Continued from page 12
In High School, the students are in a study on Revelation. They are learning a lot and Austyn is doing an amazing job leading this group! As the Book of Revelation can be seen a intimidating to study, we have been going through a great curriculum that helps student have focus and understanding on such a difficult subject. It has been a great opportunity to ask challenging questions and gain new insights in the scripture.
Acts of Love During this season of our Student Ministries, we have been focusing on getting the youth into the community to serve and share God’s Love in practical, tangible ways. We have helped at Camp Hope, which was such a blessing for our kids! We went downtown to give out clothing and personal items to people in need because that is something Jesus would do. This month we are going to service the community by working at the food bank and next month we will be helping people in the church and surrounding area with yard work. Our desire is that students at Grace of Christ will see the benefits both to themselves and to God’s Kingdom when they serve others. As Jesus said “For even the Son
High School Youth Group 13
of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Do you feel called to Student Ministry? We have one opening to work with youth on both Sundays and Wednesday nights, and if you are feeling the calling to be a part of a dynamic ministry, let us know! God is doing great things and we want to bring more great people along with us on this journey.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Women's Ministry There Is No Quest Without Questions “The crooked punctuation mark at the end of a sentence speaks of curiosity, interest, and perhaps doubt. A question is an invitation to vulnerability, to intimacy. The Bible does not shy away from such an invite. Over and over we see the people of God asking questions of their Creator. We also see the God of the universe asking questions of His creation.” The Quest is a challenge to accept the invitation. In this six-week excursion with Jesus, Beth Moore uses questions from Scripture to lead you into intimacy with the One who knows you best. Learn to dig into the Word, to respond to the questions of God, and to bring your questions before Him. Let the crooked punctuation mark be the map that points you into a closer relationship with the Father.
At Grace of Christ, we will offer this class in the next Growth group cycle; which starts April 8. You may place orders for the book ($15 each) at the Connection Center OR you are welcome to order your own copy - best price I’ve found is We will meet for brunch and worship on Saturday, March 24 and then on Sunday April 8 we will begin the study!
Class Schedule: March 24 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 May 3 May 13 May 20
Kick Off Quest Brunch 10 am - Noon Intro and light brunch Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 and Wrap Party!
Kick Off Quest Brunch Join us on Saturday, March 24 for a Kick Off Quest Brunch. We’ll meet at 10:00am in the Garden Room and introduce you to The Quest, have time to worship together, pray for each other and we’ll end the morning with a delicious meal. There will be a suggested donation to help cover the cost of the meal. More details coming soon! We will also start taking book orders at the brunch, so bring your $15!
Women’s Spring Luncheon Ladies, you are invited to Mary MacLean’s annual Spring Luncheon at noon on March 28 in the Garden Room. We will offer a lovely luncheon and hear an encouraging word from Cindy Shively. The suggested donation is $5 per person. Mabel Swan ladies will come as our guests. Please RSVP in the church office or to your Circle leader.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
MOPS (MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS) Are you looking for a great mom connection? Please join us at MOPS here at Grace of Christ. MOPS provides a great opportunity to make connections with other moms in the same season of life. We enjoy a lite breakfast, fellowship, and listening to speakers that feed words of inspiration into us. Childcare is provided through our MOPS Kids program free of charge. We meet in the Grace of Christ Chapel on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. We will be meeting through the month of May from 9:15am – 11:30am. See you there!
BABY CELEBRATION JACKSON COWMAN BAPTISM On Sunday, February 4th we celebrated the baptism of Jackson Cowman on his 1st birthday! He was surrounded by his parents Jeff and Amber and many friends and family.
20 8-
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
rC ing ou ommuni v r Se r Over 35 Years ty ! fo
Tue sda . ys & .m p C l as s Thur 0 3Y sdays - 9:00 a.m. to 12:0 ea r s ol d by S eptember 1st, 2018 Mond a ys ,W edn p.m C l as s 0 es d 0 a ys & 12: 4Y o t . ea r Fridays • 9:00 a.m s ol d by S Mon eptember 1st, 2018 -Th Pre ur, . (Fri .m p day 5Y Class 2:00 Option) 1 o ea r t . * • 9:00 a.m s ol d by D ecember 31st, 2018 A
.. . 9 S. 8th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902
e I nfo
Call: (509) 248-7940 Rhonda
ddition al tuition fee may apply
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp
Fred Meyer Rewards
Ghormley recently became an official Fred Meyer community rewards member (#84874)! Help send kids to camp just by shopping. All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund. Want to join? Simply visit our website:
2018 Camp Registration
Registration for summer camp 2018 is now open! Don’t miss the opportunity to save money on your child’s camp registration by registering before April 13th. For more information, visit us at: summercamp/
Mother Daughter Weekend
Attention all moms and their daughters! Registration is now open for our Mom and Daughter Retreat Weekend, the weekend of April 20-22! Plan to spend a weekend created just for moms and their daughters to have fun together, explore, play, laugh, and build life-long memories together, all in God's beautiful creation! There will be a speaker, worship time, crafts, games, good food, and lots of other fun activities designed for moms and daughters to connect and make memories! Don’t miss out on this amazing time. Register online now: community-events/mother-daughter-weekend/
Support Needs
Summer Staff Hiring
We’re hiring! We’ve begun our search for those who God is calling to serve at camp this summer. We have many needs, and a variety of types of positions remain available. If you’re thinking about joining our team, don’t delay, apply today! For more information on summer jobs, visit us at: http://
Online Giving
We’re excited to announce that online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved. 17
Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you’re like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at: donate-to-ghormley/
Prayer Needs • Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our non-summer months, especially in the months of April and May this year. • Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. • Ghormley has hired a fundraising consultant to help us build a future vision and development plan. Please pray for God's direction in this very important process! • Pray that God will lead us to the right staff members who He desires to serve at Ghormley this summer.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
Our Core Values Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
March Calendar of Events
Tue, Feb 27 Wed, Feb 28
Session Dinner and Meeting Mary McLean Guild Meeting
5:30 pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed 12:00 pm Fireside Room
Elders Women
March Thur, March 1 Fri, March 2 Fri, March 2 Sun, March 4 Sun, March 4 Tue, March 6 Wed, March 7 Thur, March 8 Fri, March 9 Fri, March 10 Sun, March 11 Mon, March 12 Mon, March 12 Tue, March 13 Tue, March 13 Tue, March 13 Wed, March 14 Wed, March 14 Thur, March 15 Thur, March 15 Fri, March 16 Sun, March 18 Sun, March 18 Thur, March 22 Fri, March 23 Sat, March 24 Sun, March 25 Sun, March 25 Tue, March 27 Wed, March 28 Thur, March 29 Fri, March 30
Senior Adult Ministry Meeting 2:00 pm Fireside Room Preschool Scholastic Bookfair (March 2nd-9th) 8:30 am - 1:00pm Garden Room MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00 am Chapel Prayer Sunday/Communion After Service All Morning Sanctuary/Fireside Rm Growth Group Leadership Training 12:30-3:30 pm Lounge Staff Birthday Lunch (Office Closed) 12:00 pm Fireside Room Gracia y Grace Juntos (Together) Potluck & Prayer 6:00 pm Garden Room Ghormley Commission 7:00 pm Adult Ed Room MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00 am Fireside Room Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Hospitality Spring Up Event 4:00 pm Garden Room Edith Ferry Circle Lunch & Meeting 12:00 pm Fireside Room Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Library Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Adult Ed Room Hospitality Ministry Team 5:00 pm Lounge Prayer and Healing 7:00 pm Chapel Preschool Board Meeting 12:00 pm KidZone Center Adult Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Library Grace Fellowship: Lebanon Mission Trip Stories 2:00 pm Garden Room Youth Community Connection Food Bank MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00 am Chapel MOPS Bake Sale All Morning Garden Room Youth Leader Meeting 4:00 pm Lounge Palm Sunday Kid's Rehearsal 5:30 pm Sanctuary MOPS Creative Moments 9:00 am Room 203 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Palm Sunday / Kids Sing at 9:00am All Morning Sanctuary Deacon's Meeting 12:30 pm Lounge Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30 pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed Mary McLean Guild Women's Spring Luncheon 12:00 pm Garden Room Maundy Thursday Service and Communion 7:00 pm Sanctuary Good Friday 12:00-2:00pm Sanctuary
Committee Everyone Moms Everyone Interested Leaders All staff Women Committee Committee Knitters Everyone Women Committee Committee Committee Everyone Board Committee Everyone Students 6th-12th Moms Everyone Leaders Grace Kids Moms Knitters Everyone Deacons Elders Women Everyone Everyone
April Sun, April 1 April 2 - 6
Easter Sunday Worship Services Spring Break / No Preschool
6:30am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 11:00 am & 1:00 pm All Week Preschool Preschool
Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100. 18
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events MON
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care
SOZO Prayer Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women's Bible Study)
Women in the Word Bible Study
Youth Group *Dinner too! Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal
THUR Bible Study Fellowship Growth Group - Open...Come Check It Out! Temple Choir SOZO Prayer FRI
MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers (1st & 3rd Fridays)
10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm
Adult Ed Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge
Everyone All Staff Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone
Prayer Room Gym
SOZO Team Women
Fireside Room
6:30- 8:30 pm 6:00- 8:00 pm
Gym Sanctuary
6th-12th grade
9:00 am 1:30 pm 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm
Sanctuary Lounge Choir Room Prayer Room
Women Adults Temple Choir SOZO Team
Sanctuary Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Room 103 KidZone Wing Lounge
Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th grade Gr 6-12
9:00 -11:30 am 9:15 am 9:45 am
9:15 - 11:30 am
Sunday Services and Events
Grace Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Grace Modern Worship 10:45 am Grace Traditional Worship - Led by Temple Choir 11:00 am Gracia de Cristo Worship in Spanish 1:00 pm Going Deeper: Romans 9:30 am Golden Circle 10:15 am Grace Kids 9:00 & 10:45 am Youth reFUEL 9:00 am
What is the Lord Up to In Lebanon?
We have an Open Growth Group that meets on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 pm in the Lounge. Come check it out!
Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…
March March March March 19
4 11 18 25
N - S T-Z A-F G- M
Come and hear our own Anne Schilperoort as she share her adventures on Mission in Lebanon from last summer, and enjoy some refreshments.
Thursday, March 15th 2 PM GARDEN ROOM