Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Lead Pastor
— Pastor Jim Marian
Prayer, Plans Partnerships
Recently it’s been asked, “Does our church have a strategic plan?” While perhaps not written-down and dispersed on a regular basis, my observation is that the answer is, “yes.” And the strategies and plans have been made with much prayer and partnership from those who attend our church and those who are in leadership. In fact, the Bible tells us, We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right “answer. People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:1-3
I believe our church has committed it’s plans to the Lord in faith: for the good of those currently with us and for those yet to join us! Allow me to highlight what I believe to be some important areas where we have made some very strategic plans to honor God and move our church forward as we minister to our people and look toward the future.
Denominational Affiliation In 2012, our church prayed for the Lord’s direction and felt called to leave our former denomination and join with a new, more biblically-based and evangelistic denomination called “ECO” (an evangelical covenant order of Presbyterians). ECO is a thriving, new denomination that is committed to growing healthy churches that are making disciples and reaching people for salvation in Jesus Christ. Six years ago, some people didn’t agree with the change and left, but those of us who remained made a God-honoring decision for the future of our church’s health and ministry.
Church Staff In 2017, after two years of interim leadership and prayer, the church was led to call my family here to Grace of Christ to serve, love and minister to our people. We have grown to love the people of this church and are grateful to God for calling us to Grace of Christ. Our desire is to help people come to salvation in Christ, grow disciples and motivate people to use their gifts to serve others. Thomas Sudbury joined our staff in the summer of 2017 to work with our middle and high school students. Thomas has also been very helpful by using his gifts to lead worship for our 9:00am and 10:45am services. Our student ministries are growing and we are grateful to God for the Sudbury family. Nathan Gross and his family joined our staff in July 2018 to lead our 9:00am and 10:45am contemporary worship services. Nathan and his wife, Sarah, love the Lord and bring over seven years of experience leading worship. Nathan leads worship comfortably from both guitar and piano/keyboard. We look forward to adding more musicians and vocalists to our teams as they lead us in times of meaningful worship. 2
Alli Weide will be our new Director of Preschool beginning this August. The preschool classes we are offering are currently full and there is a waiting list. The re-organization of our church preschool will enable it to run without a financial deficit while it continues to provide fun, quality education to our community. John Stolzenbach, a retired pastor from Ohio and current elder at Grace of Christ, will be leading our Pastoral Care and Deacon’s ministries. John has great experience, love for the Lord and energy for God’s people. Please welcome John in his new role as he serves us through December of 2018.
Vision: Belong Believe Become Bless We have a “vision” that our church would be a place where you, your family and those from our community would find a place to BELONG. Our hope is that we would be a welcoming church where people feel connected to God and others. Our vision is to see everyone actively participating in a “Growth Group” or some other type of small group to help build relationships, study the Bible, pray and support one another. We have a vision that Grace of Christ would be a church in our community where people come to experience God’s love and BELIEVE in His Son, Jesus Christ as Savior! How can you be a part of this? Ask yourself: Are you building relationships with those who don’t know Jesus? Are you regularly inviting people to our church? When is the last time you shared your faith in Jesus with someone who doesn’t know Him? That’s what we’re talking about. We also have a vision to be a healthy church where everyone is growing as followers of Jesus Christ... in other words, it is our goal to see everyone BECOME a disciple of Jesus! This can happen in a number of ways including: Growing in prayer, engaging in meaningful worship, learning about the Bible and applying it to our lives. Finally, we have a vision that everyone would use the talents, time, treasures and the testimony God has given them to be a BLESSING to others in love, ministry and service.
Facilities art of attracting and retaining guests to our church involves the P quality of our facilities. We have a beautiful church facility, but it requires upkeep and updating. It had been over 30 years since we last did some major improvements and updates to our church campus. We remodeled the children’s facilities, the Garden Room, Lounge, Chapel and painted much of the interior of the church. There are other updates that are needed and by the congregation’s recommendation, we are forming a team to help address these important issues. Many in our church look to a future where people from our community will be drawn to Jesus because of our love, ministries and vibrant worship – a place where people of all ages and stages of life belong and can experience the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of Christ,
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Jim Marian, Lead Pastor
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Womens Ministry
Women's Retreat 2019
God of Abundance come close. Come quickly! Open your ears... “God, It’s my voice you’re hearing! Treat my prayer as sweet incense rising; my raised hands are my evening prayers. – Psalm 141:1-2
every living, breathing creature praise God! “Let Hallelujah! – Psalm 150:6 ” Our God is a God of abundance. He has given us all that we need; everything that we have is a gift from our Father. We are the stewards of this life and the treasures God has given us. Our stewardship becomes a visible demonstration of the love we have for God, of the significance of our relationship with Him and of the value we place upon the resources He has entrusted to us. We are stewards all the time, not just when we honor our pledge to the ministry of the church or place an offering in the plate as it is passed. We are stewards of every minute of every day. Stewardship is what we do with what we’ve been given... And what we’ve been given are gifts from God. Stewardship begins with recognition that the gifts from our Father are to be used, certainly to enrich our lives, but first and foremost to glorify Him. Stewardship becomes a joyful expression of our love relationship with our King. It is a celebration of our commitment to Christ. It is putting into our life style what we believe in our hearts and speak with our mouths. It is a praise, a prayer and a life of generosity.
Our Women’s Ministry team is looking forward to organizing the next women’s retreat. We have typically hosted one every two years, which means the next retreat is slated for 2019! For best results, we have found it is necessary to spend a year on the planning. Throughout this year of planning, we are listening for God’s direction and guidance; and taking our understanding back to God to receive fuller insight and more details — maybe some redirection as well. We ask for your prayers as we begin the retreat planning process.
The Vote Is In! For the last several years, the retreat has been held at Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan. This year we considered four locations including: Gig Harbor, Leavenworth, Walla Walla, and Spokane. We voted on our favorite venue using a combination of paper ballots at the Welcome Center and through an online survey. Leavenworth is the winning venue for our 2019 retreat! The Women’s Ministry thanks all of the voters for helping to choose a location. Leavenworth offers a great balance of activities available for “recess” time while at the retreat; such as a range of dining, shopping, galleries, walking/hiking trails, winery tours and more! As always, please continue to pray for our ministry — guidance for God’s design of this 2019 Retreat!
Visit Leavenworth
is everything we do after we say, “ Stewardship I believe. – Clarence Stoughton ” – Janet Krieger Elder Business Ministry
Distance: Yakima to Leavenworth – 94 miles, 1h 44m
Abundance 3
Time: Spring Accommodations: We would really like to arrange accommodations at Sleeping Lady Resort Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mothers of Preschoolers
May this be the year you this year we will... Live Expectantly Surrender Daringly Breathe Freely
Think about what could go right. Remember to let things go.
Let yourself be loved.
never let the fire go out... When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient.
Mark your calendar
When you pray, be faithful. Share with God's people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes.
August 14 Last Summer Playdate Randal Park @ 11:30 am
Romans 12:11-13
August 26 MOPS Bake Sale / Garden Room
September 7 MOPS Kickoff Meeting GCP Chapel @ 9:30 am
childcare provided!
Mothers of Preschoolers MOPS is getting revved up to start the year by "Finding your fire." We have one final summer playdate on Tuesday, August 14th at Randall Park at 11:30am, then we will kick off the year with a bake sale on Sunday, August 26. Regular MOPS meetings will start on Friday, September 7th at 9:30 am in the chapel. We are still in need of mentor moms and volunteers for childcare. If you are feeling lead to serve, please email Motherhood can be lonely. It doesn't have to be. Come join us! 4
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Hospitality Ministry Welcoming Others Being a part of Hospitality Ministries is a simple and fun way to share in our church’s mission to welcome others. Our message at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church is a place to Belong. Every Sunday, there is the need for about 35 volunteers to staff hospitality areas. There is an opportunity for every congregant to participate. How frequently you ask? Once a year, once a quarter, once a month…. Really, it’s up to you how often you volunteer. If everyone helps out a few times a year, it makes it a simple task to extend hospitality.
Here are some comments from your fellow congregants that have taken their turn at hospitality:
“It’s a
no-brainer saying good morning, smiling and shaking hands. I enjoy meeting people.”
“ I really enjoy recommending the best cookies
and making sure the kids get more than one cookie even though their parent may only want to limit them to one. I look forward to every time I get to serve!” – Dexter Hanks Refreshments
“ I felt the need to contribute to the community
Cordy Jennings Greeter
of the church. I was asked, I prayed about it, and felt the nudge. It’s kind of a God calling. Being an usher is a nice way to see people you haven’t seen for awhile.” – John Rasmussen Usher
“ I feel it is important to be a parking lot greeter
because I believe someone is needed to watch the lot, pray, and be aware of what’s happening. It’s a great place to do ministry to the people passing through the parking lot as well as greeting those coming to church.” – John Oravetz
“It’s an easy way to serve. We just come a little earlier to the service we attend ”
Parking Lot Greeter
“ I enjoy being at the Welcome Center because
usually I meet new people and it keeps me updated on what is going on in the church. It is a great place to learn things. Everyone should give it a try, as they would find out how much fun it is. Working at the Welcome Center is a great perspective to overlook the Garden Room and see all that is happening.” – Lynne Collins Welcome Center 5
Craig & Rose Lewis Greeters Want to know more on how you might help out? Call Linda Mathews 388-5527 or Linda Sorenson at 834-1185 or stop by the Welcome & Connect Center to sign up for an open date.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Hospitality Ministry First Aid/CPR Training, Aug 23rd First Aid/CPR training is being offered to those who serve on the Hospitality Ministry Team on August 23rd from 9:00 AM to noon. If you are interested in participating in this event, please call the church by August 10th.
THUR AUG 23 . 9-12N . GYM All-Church Potluck, Sept 9th! Remembering the fun we had last November at our annual Thanksgiving meal and the positive comments of gathering together for one service with a fellowship meal afterward; we’ve decided it would be a great way to kick-off the fall activities. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 9th for an all-church potluck. We’ll have a combined service at 10:00 AM followed by a picnic. Bring a side dish or dessert to share with others and we’ll provide the rest. Watch the Sunday program for more details!
YUGM Evening of Hope, Sept 19th Evening of Hope is a one-of-a-kind night to celebrate Yakima Union Gospel Mission’s legacy of rescue and restoration. Held on September 19th from 6-8pm at the Yakima Convention Center, the program will celebrate the tremendous impact made by Executive Director, Rick Phillips and his wife Debbie, who have served YUGM over 30 years. We will also formally introduce our newly-elected Executive Director, Mike Johnson, and hear his exciting vision going forward. Your attendance and ticket purchase will help build a bridge to our neighbors in need. Thank you for helping us share our mission with the Yakima Valley! (Tickets may be purchased at hope.)
Pray Yakima 24/7 Churches in our valley pray for the city of Yakima every day, every hour, 365 days a year. Our church covers the 2nd Sunday of each month. Would you like to sign up for a 15-minute time slot? Just contact the church office. Prayer prompts can be found on our website or pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center.
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Preschool — Alli Weide 509.248.7940, ext. 119
Grace of Christ Preschool I am incredibly honored and humbled to be stepping in as the Preschool Director. Since coming to Grace of Christ last summer, as the Children’s Ministry Assistant, I have had a front row seat to the preschool program here. I have seen the core values of community, Christian identity, developmental perspective, and respect acted out daily by the teachers, staff, kids and families. Having our youngest child in the 4-year-old class this year has only deepened my love for what I already knew to be an amazing program.
Complementary Dual Roles My role as Preschool Director will be in addition to continuing in Children’s Ministry and teaching 1st-5th grade in KidZone during the 10:45am worship service Sunday mornings. One of the privileges of being the Preschool Director is getting to teach chapel every week, and I believe my dual roles will compliment each other well in this area. I look forward to chapel as an opportunity to get to know each of the preschool children personally throughout the year.
Parent Volunteer Board Because my time will be split between the preschool and children’s ministry departments we have assembled a working board of parent volunteers who will assist in some of the operations of the preschool such as school events, fundraising, and helping with the Christmas and Spring programs. Some of the parents who have stepped into these roles are currently serving as board members and some will be new to the board this year. I am enthusiastic to see what God has planned for Grace of Christ Preschool and I prayerfully anticipate a wonderful upcoming school year! 7
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury
Encounter has begun!
Our new name for the Wednesday night program is called Encounter. Our goal is to make Wednesday nights a time for kids to encounter Jesus, encounter community, and encounter discipleship. This summer, we have started a small Bible study for those interested after the regular program. This allows for those who want a deeper understanding of the scripture to be in a positive setting where all who attend want to be there. The focus on this is to help them develop inductive Bible study techniques. We will go back to our regular format of Encounter this fall. One thing that we have added is one evening a month that is focused specifically on worship. Worship evening gives students time to participate in worship and also provides a great opportunity for them to help lead the service.
Camp was Awesome!
Thanks to all who made it possible for our youth to attend camp! Whether you helped out at the car wash, made a donation, encouraged a student to go, or prayed for our youth, you took part in making this summer totally amazing! God is definitely working in our youth in a mighty way! I am excited to be a part of the team that helps minister to them!
Pray for our Grads
Over the next month, our graduating students will be starting their journey to their next steps in life. For many that is school and work. Please pray for them as they transition into these new roles; pray they will hold fast to their faith, pray there will be leaders that they connect with who will be positive in their lives, and pray that they will find God’s calling for them as they grow.
Leadership Team
We are starting a new leadership team of youth to help with planning and growth in our Student Ministries. We will start by taking the team on a week camping trip to help them get to know each other, to catch the vision we have, and to help develop our goals and work together. If you have felt the call to help with youth, but would prefer to work one on one with someone, there are some great opportunities to mentor these students! Each will be partnered with an adult from our church to help them, and that adult could be you! Let Thomas know if you are interested. 248.7940 x 114
It’s fun in the Summer at Grace!
Remember there is still lots more summer fun this year! We have POOL PARTIES on the 1st, 15th, and 22nd! There is an Encounter Worship Night on the 8th and INTERNATIONAL WATER FIGHT DAY on August 29th!
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray
August Memory Verse: But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior. Philippians 3:20
Exploring the Book of Acts During the month of August we are continuing our journey through the Bible as we explore the book of Acts. Each Sunday we will dig-in to the Bible and learn more about how it’s truth applies to our lives today. August 5: August 12: August 19: August 26:
God changes Saul’s Life God helps Silas and Paul escape prison. God uses Timothy’s gifts. God sends Aquila and Priscilla to help Paul.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Shipwrecked VBS was a huge success! The support and dedication of our amazing VBS volunteers helped 171 children encounter Jesus all week long through games, snacks, Bible drama, songs, and awesome experiments! It is such a blessing to see our congregation come together to shine the light of Christ to our children and families in our community. Mark your calendars for next year’s awesome VBS Adventure ROAR June 24-28, 2019!
Hey Kids! We are having a great time in Grace Kids each Sunday with awesome Bible lessons, games, experiments and more! Remember to bring your Bible with you EVERY SUNDAY and receive a store token! AND, keep practicing your memory verse and learning the books of the Bible for extra tokens each week as well! 9
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
Outreach Camp 2018
Campamento de Alcance 2018
This is the third year Grace of Christ has taken campers from Adams Elementary to Outreach Camp. We arrived at Ghormley Meadow in the midst of a giant hail storm and had showers throughout Saturday with a downpour on Saturday night forcing the campfire indoors. These storms didn’t dampen the spirits of the campers and volunteers.
Este es el tercer año en que Gracia de Cristo ha llevado a los campistas de la primaria Adams al Campamento de Alcance. Llegamos a Ghormley Meadow en medio de una tormenta con granizo grande, y tuvimos baños todo el sábado con un aguacero, ese mismo día por la noche el clima nos forzó a tener una fogata en el interior de una cabaña. Estas tormentas no pudieron desanimar los espíritus de los campistas, del personal, ni mucho menos el de todos los voluntarios.
This year’s theme was “I AM A FOLLOWER OF JESUS” where campers from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades worshiped and learned what it means to follow Jesus during four worship/ teaching times during the weekend. Lively worship preceded each teaching.
El tema de este año fue "YO SOY SEGUIDOR DE JESÚS" donde los campistas de los grados 3 °, 4 ° y 5 ° alabaron y aprendieron lo que significa ser un seguidor de Jesús durante cuatro tiempos de adoración/enseñanza durante el fin de semana. La adoración viva precedía a cada enseñanza.
Los temas fueron los siguientes: JESÚS ME INVITA (no exige) A SEGUIRLO (Mateo 9: 9) Testimonio de Jake Kupp RAZONES POR LAS QUE YO QUISIERA SEGUIR A JESÚS (Respondida durante los siguientes tres tiempos de enseñanza) JESÚS ME PROPORCIONA TODO LO QUE NECESITO Y ME PROTEGE EN TIEMPOS DIFICILES (Salmo 23: 1-4) Testimonio de Jahzeel y Mabeth Garcia.
The themes were as follows: JESUS INVITES (doesn’t demand) ME TO FOLLOW HIM (Matthew 9:9) Testimony by Jake Kupp REASONS I WOULD WANT TO FOLLOW JESUS (Answered over the next three teaching times) JESUS PROVIDES ALL I NEED and PROTECTS ME IN TROUBLING TIMES (Psalm 23:1-4) Testimony by Jahzeel and Mabeth Garcia JESUS PREPARES A PLACE FOR ME (John 14:1-4) Testimony by Alex Rule and a video from Celic Reynoso who died the week before. Celic told of her love for Jesus and urged the group to not put off making a decision to follow Jesus. This was very emotional for many as Celic went to Adams Elementary. JESUS IS THE WAY (AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE) (John 14: 5-6) Testimony by Javier and Gloria Valencia There was plenty of time to play meadow games and soccer, ride down the zip line, swim, take hikes, sing around a camp fire and experience silly skits by the Ghormley Staff. There were 23 adult leaders and seven teen helpers (this includes four on the worship team). We had vibrant worship times before each teaching time led by Thomas Sudbury and the Youth Worship Team. This being the third year to take campers from Adams, the word got out and two days after we had a meeting with 10
JESÚS PREPARA UN LUGAR PARA MÍ (Juan 14: 1-4) Testimonio de Alex Rule y un video de Celic Reynoso quien fue llamada a la presencia de nuestro Señor el domingo 3 de junio. Celic nos habló de su amor por Jesús y aconsejo al grupo a no posponer la decisión de seguir a Jesús. Esto fue muy fuerte y emotivo para todos, ya que Celic fue estudiante de la escuela primaria Adams. JESÚS ES EL CAMINO (Y LA VERDAD Y LA VIDA) (Juan 14: 5-6) Testimonio de Javier y Gloria Valencia Había tiempo de sobra para jugar en la pradera y también para jugar fútbol, deslizarse por la cuerda, nadar, hacer caminatas, cantar alrededor de una fogata y experimentar obras de teatro llenas de sana locura por parte del personal de Ghormley. Participaron 23 líderes adultos y 7 ayudantes adolescentes (esto incluye 4 jóvenes en el equipo de adoración) Tuvimos tiempos de adoración vibrantes antes de cada hora de enseñanza dirigidos por Thomas Sudbury el Director del grupo de jóvenes de nuestra iglesia. Como este era el tercer año para llevar a los campistas de Adams, se corrió la voz y dos días después de que tuvimos una reunión con los jóvenes de la escuela para entregar los formularios de inscripción ya teníamos 110 niños que respondieron y se inscribieron. La escuela había
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
the youth to hand out registration forms, we had 110 kids signed up. The school had set a goal of 100 campers. By the time camp started we had 96 kids piling into a bus and vans heading for camp. 34 kids made a decision to follow Jesus. 42 renewed their faith wanting to continue following Jesus (30 youth made a decision last year to follow Jesus at camp, and many of them returned this year and wanted to renew their faith). The remaining kids said they are thinking about following Jesus. Seeds of faith have been planted that will bloom and grow in God’s time. Many of our adult volunteers recall giving their lives to Jesus in a camp setting like Ghormley Meadow.
Adams Elementary BBQ
Adams Elementary BBQ
On Wednesday, June 20 there was a follow-up BBQ at Adams Elementary for kids and families. This is laying a foundation for future gatherings and worship opportunities to stay connected to the kids and their families and others at Adams. We also want to inform you that we will soon be starting with the preparations for the next Outreach Camp 2019 which we have placed on the prayer list of our Heavenly Father. Please let us know if you would like to be part of this exciting event. It is our desire, in obedience, to submit all events and projects to the will of God, who will guide us step by step until we reach the goal, and it is Him who will be receiving the Praise, the Glory and the Honor.
“Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5
establecido una meta de 100 campistas. Para cuando el campamento comenzó, teníamos a 96 niños abordando un Autobús y las (Vans) furgonetas que se dirigían al campamento. 34 niños tomaron la decisión de seguir a Jesús. 42 renovaron su fe y quieren continuar siguiendo a Jesús (30 jóvenes tomaron la decisión de seguir a Jesús en el campamento del año pasado, y muchos de ellos regresaron este año y renovaron su fe). Los niños restantes dijeron que seguirán considerando seguir a Jesús. Sabemos con seguridad que se han plantado muchas semillas de children fe que ya imaginamos made the decision florecerán y crecerán to follow Jesus. en el tiempo de Dios. Muchos de nuestros voluntarios adultos recuerdan haber entregado sus vidas a Jesús en el campamento Ghormley Meadow, o en otros similares. El miércoles 20 de junio celebramos con una parrillada de seguimiento en Adams para los niños y sus hermosas familias. Esto está sentando las bases para futuras reuniones y oportunidades de adoración para mantenernos conectados con los niños y sus familias y otras personas en Adams. También queremos informarle que pronto estaremos comenzado con los preparativos para el próximo Outreach Camp 2019 el cual hemos puesto en la lista de oración de nuestro Padre Celestial. Por favor, háganos saber si a usted le gustaría formar parte de este emocionante evento. Es nuestro deseo en obediencia someter todos los eventos y proyectos a la voluntad de Dios, que nos guiará paso a paso hasta alcanzar la meta, y es Él quien recibirá la Alabanza, la Gloria y el Honor.
“Confía en el SEÑOR de todo corazón, y no en tu propia inteligencia.” – Proverbios 3:5
– John Stolzenbach and Alex Rule Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
– John Stolzenbach y Alex Rule
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español
Clothing X-Change
Ropa X-Change
No matter your native tongue – whether it be English, Spanish or something else – the universal language of love was spoken at Grace of Christ’s Clothing X-Change on Saturday, May 19th.
No importa su idioma nativo, ya sea inglés, español u otra cosa, el lenguaje universal del amor se pronunció en Grace of Christ's Clothing X-Change el sábado 19 de Mayo.
Prayer, Breakfast & Bibles
Oración, Desayuno y Biblias
Joining hands and hearts in a pre-event gathering of prayer, the love of Christ was evident as Alex Rule and his team of volunteers offered prayers in both English and Spanish to prepare for the event. Soon, guests would be greeted at the church doorway and ushered into Grace by way of a continental breakfast. Once inside, guests were greeted and handed large shopping bags to fill as they pleased with donated clothing and other items that were located in the gym. Upon completion of shopping, if they so desired, guests could choose from either a Spanish or an English Bible. Again, all chosen items were complimentary.
Uniendo manos y corazones en una reunión previa a la oración, el amor de Cristo se hizo evidente cuando Alex Rule y su equipo de voluntarios ofrecieron oraciones tanto en inglés como en español para prepararse para el evento. Pronto, los invitados serán recibidos en la puerta de la iglesia y conducidos a Grace por medio de un desayuno continental. Una vez dentro, los invitados fueron recibidos y se les entregaron grandes bolsas de compras para que llenaran cuando quisieran con la ropa donada y otros artículos que estaban ubicados en el gimnasio. Al finalizar las compras, si así lo desean, los invitados pueden elegir entre una Biblia en español o en inglés. Una vez más, todos los artículos elegidos fueron gratuitos.
"The Clothing X-Change es una oportunidad increíble para demostrar compasión y mostrar amor y cuidado a los necesitados", explica Alex Rule, Gracia de Cristo Pastor. Rule también establece que Clothing X-Change da la bienvenida a todos en la comunidad y alienta a todos a quedarse y compartir una comida.
Rifa y Almuerzo
“The Clothing X-Change is an amazing opportunity to demonstrate compassion and to show love and care for those in need,” explains Alex Rule, Gracia de Cristo Pastor. Rule also states that the Clothing X-Change welcomes everyone in the community and encourages all to stay and share a meal.
Raffle & Lunch The Clothing X-Change guests were personally invited to either return or to stay for a hot dog lunch. Guests and Grace volunteers joined together in prayer to give thanks before the meal. An anonymous donor generously provided six computers to be raffled off at the event. All who attended were fed physically and spiritually. In short, the Clothing X-Change was deemed a great success, richly blessing our community. Both volunteers and participants alike strongly recommend that this event be continued next year. Rule also noted that any donated items that were left after the event were given to the Union Gospel Mission. Rule explained that the Mission has a lot of young families who were greatly blessed by these donations and that these families could also use diaper donations. 12
Los invitados de Clothing X-Change fueron invitados personalmente a regresar o quedarse para almorzar un hot dog. Invitados y voluntarios de Grace se unieron en oración para dar gracias antes de la comida. Un donante anónimo generosamente proporcionó seis computadoras para ser sorteadas en el evento. Todos los que asistieron fueron alimentados física y espiritualmente. En resumen, Clothing X-Change fue considerado un gran éxito, bendiciendo ampliamente a nuestra comunidad. Tanto los voluntarios como los participantes recomiendan encarecidamente que este evento continúe el próximo año. Rule también señaló que los artículos donados que quedaron después del evento se entregaron a la Misión de Union Gospel. Rule explicó que la Misión tiene muchas familias jóvenes que fueron bendecidas con estas donaciones y que estas familias también podrían usar donaciones de pañales.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Mission Ministry
Every year Gracia de Cristo/ Grace of Christ supports the students of Adams Elementary school by providing school supplies and personal care items to start a new year with the resources they need.
Shopping List for Adams
BAGS OF HOPE: is a blessing for the students who come from lower income families who find it difficult to afford certain necessities. It is very important for these kids to experience God’s love very early on in order to develop a kind heart and mindset towards God.
August 12, and final collections will be made on August 26. Thank you for your love towards the students and families at Adams.
Aug 12: Pick-up a Green Bag of Hope Aug 26: Return Full Bags to Church Suggestion: Buy some extra pencils and crayons while prices are low at the beginning of the school year.
Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m
Notebooks (wide rule) Craft-size paint brushes Glue (craft) Crayons Scissors (kids & adults) First Aid kits Pencils #2 Hair brushes / combs Tooth brushes Toothpaste Hand soap Shampoo Deodorant Hand sanitizer Kid’s flip flops (4yr – 10yr) Hand towels
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Our Core Values Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
AUGUST CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sat, July 28 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Knitters Thur, August 2 Nominating Committee Meeting 5:15pm Adult Ed Room Committee Sun, August 5 Communion Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Mon, August 6 Adult Ed Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Library Committee Wed, August 8 Foundation Board 7:00 am Library Committee Sat, August 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Knitters Sun, August 12 Bags of Hope: Adams Elementary All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Mon, August 13 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00 pm Library Committee Tue, August 14 Prayer & Healing 6:30 pm Chapel Thur, August 23 First Aid/CPR Training 9:00 am Gym Sun, August 26 Bags of Hope Collection and Dedication All Morning Sanctuary
Everyone Hospitality Team Everyone
Sun, August 26 MOPS Bake Sale TBA Garden Room Everyone Tue, August 28 Session (no dinner) 6:30 pm Adult Ed Room Elders September Mon, September 3
Labor Day | Church Closed
All Day
Entire Church
Fri, September 7
MOPS Kick-Off Meeting
9:30 am
Sun, September 9 One Service 10:00 am Sanctuary Everyone Sun, September 9 All Church Potluck 12:00 pm TBA Everyone
Prayer and Healing Gathering
We believe the Lord wants us to all be well and healthy which he mentions often in the Bible. “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” Psalm 147. Those praying for you at this gathering, know the power of those words. The time is set aside for your needs to be lifted up to our Heavenly Father. We begin with scriptures and testimonies about God’s work as a healer. Then we break into smaller groups to pray healing for one another. Healing comes in many shapes and sizes – actual physical restoration, a word from God, or even a revelation of an area that needs forgiveness. In our gatherings, we have evidence of all types of healing. Our hope is that our community would experience God’s healing touch in radical ways. Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.
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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events MON
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Al-Anon Divorce Care
10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm
Adult Ed Lounge Adult Ed Adult Ed Lounge
9:00 -11:30 am
Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone Everyone
Prayer Room SOZO Team
WED Encounter: Youth Group *Dinner too! 6:30- 8:30 pm Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal 6:00- 8:00 pm
Gym 6th-12th grade Sanctuary
5:45 - 9:15 pm
Prayer Room SOZO Team
9:00 - 11:30 am
Prayer Room SOZO Team
Sunday Services and Events SUN Grace Contemporary Worship
9:00 am
Sanctuary Everyone
Grace Modern Worship
10:45 am
Chapel Everyone
Grace Traditional Worship (Led by Temple Choir)
11:00 am
Sanctuary Everyone
Gracia de Cristo (Worship in Spanish)
1:00 pm
Sanctuary Everyone
Going Deeper: ACTS
9:30 am
Adult Ed Adults
Golden Circle
10:15 am
Grace Kids
9:00 & 10:45 am
Youth reFUEL
9:00 am
Room 103 Adults KidZone Wing 3yrs-5th grade Youth Rm & Gym 6th-12th grade
Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with… Sunday,
Aug Aug Aug Aug
5 12 19 26
A - F G-M N-S T-Z
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