Grace Alive October 2016

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively

Partnering with God Making a Difference... Can you believe the Creator of the Universe wants to partner with us in bringing hope and salvation to the world? What an amazing gift! What a responsibility! What joy! Paul got it. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul says, “In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:4-6) What does it mean to “Partner with God” in the gospel? Simply that God wants to work with us in bringing the Good News of His love and hope through Jesus to others. God works in us – “ for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Phil 2:13) God’s desire is to work in us, and make us more like Jesus. And, God works through us. Jesus says, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5) Only when we stay connected to Jesus, the vine, do our lives make a difference, produce fruit! How does God “Partner with Us” to make a difference in other’s lives? In about as many different ways as there are people. Certainly partnering with God involves offering ourselves to God and his purposes. Remember all that we have and all that we are belongs to God. Psalm 24:1 says, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Everything belongs to God. So, we are not “owners,” but rather managers, or stewards, of God’s resources, including our time, our talent and our treasure. God wants us to use all that we are and have not only to take care of our families, but also to help bring about God’s good purposes of restoring love and hope for our church family, our community and our world. Partnering with God also means… • Asking God, and listening to His guidance for how we are to use the time, talents and treasure He has entrusted into our care. 2

• Inviting God to infuse His Holy Spirit into everything we offer, who alone makes it effective. • Trusting God to accomplish His good work in us and through us. God will complete what He has begun. As we move into a season of stewardship, let’s partner with God in making a difference. 1. How does God want us to manage the time and talents with which He has entrusted us? How can I serve my church family? Whether helping with students or children, leading a life group, helping behind the scenes with office work, sound or media, serving as an Elder or Deacon, greeting, or serving coffee, everyone is needed. Or maybe God is nudging us to help in our community with Adams Elementary, Love Inc., Union Gospel Mission, being a friend to a neighbor, or any of a number of opportunities. Or maybe we sense God’s leading to serve around the world. 2. God also wants us to partner with Him through managing the treasure with which He has entrusted us. God has blessed us bountifully, and wants us to give generously and sacrificially. We give first to God and His purposes, including the ministries and mission of our Grace of Christ Family, which God is using to change lives, from young children though older adults. As we grow, we can make a greater difference in our community, and throughout our world. What JOY to partner with God in changing the world through the love and hope of Jesus! Partnering with you and the Lord, Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Pastor Nominating Committee Report — Janet Krieger

PNC Report Twenty-one applicants have submitted resumes, statements of faith, ministry philosophy information and samples of preaching sermons. First round interviews have been completed via Skype with 9 of the candidates. The intent of the interviews was to learn about the personal relationship each candidate has with our Lord. Second round interviews have begun. The focus of these interviews has been leadership and ministry. Questions include: 1. Describe your vision of a growing, vibrant, biblically based New Testament church functioning in today’s culture. 2. How would you determine the vision for GCPC? 3. Where and how have you been effective in reaching the unchurched over the past three years? What activities have you engaged in to make this happen? 4. Share a situation within the past two years in which you were the prime growth agent for one of your parishioners or new converts. Describe specifically your role in the growth and where that person is spiritually today. 5. How would you encourage a discipleship culture at Grace of Christ, where disciples are made who in turn make disciples? 6. Of the three critical roles for a senior pastor i.e., preaching/teaching, vision casting and leading/ managing staff, which would energize you and which would challenge you? 7. How do you view the relationship of a senior pastor to the associate staff positions, other members of the staff and the Elders? 8. Share an example of how you demonstrated leadership in a situation in which you had to unite, lead and inspire ordained staff, support staff and lay ministry when there were differences of opinion or even dissention between individuals and/or differing ministry priorities. 9. Do you believe you have reached a point in your life you are willing to make a long term commitment to a church and community? 3

10. As you consider this call, what appeals to you about Yakima and our surrounding area. 11. Please share regarding the gifts you would bring to our body and community. 12. As you have thought and prayed about Grace of Christ, what thoughts has the Lord placed upon your heart? Janet Krieger PNC Chair

The current job posting will remain open on the ECO job board until the candidate God has called to Grace has been identified. Please join the PNC in prayer as we thank God for our current pastoral staff. We are so thankful Cindy and Tyler lead us in the manner Peter, Paul and Luke wrote about in Scripture and we pray for a senior pastor who can join the work they do and continue to lead us into a Kingdom focused future. Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. 1 Peter 5:2-3 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12 “So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock—His church, purchased with His own blood—over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders. Acts 20:28

To learn more about ECO, visit their website,

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


As we approach fall and the temperature gets colder, Grace of Christ has an opportunity to assist with a ministry to our homeless population. Last year many of our church members participated in hosting approximately 10 men each night for dinner from 6-9pm here at our church. After dinner the men were taken over to Central Lutheran church where they spent the night. I heard many of you tell me what a blessing it was to get to know these men and to be able to serve them in the name of the Lord. Elder Linda Sorenson and I attended a planning meeting for this year’s homeless shelter program. Grace of Christ is being asked if we will participate again this year. One of the things Linda and I learned was that all of the men we hosted last year have been able to transition into permanent housing and most have found full time employment. We also may have the opportunity to host 5-10 homeless women this year. Before we can commit to participating this year we need to see if God is calling us as a church and specifically you as a volunteer. In order to jump in again we need to identify someone who is being called to head this ministry. Again, we will need two people each night to host our group. There will be opportunity to provide meals (although other churches have stepped up to provide meals each night). We have a need for someone who could pick up our guests each night at the old Greyhound bus depot and bring them to Grace of Christ before dinner and then take them over to Central Lutheran after dinner. Another opportunity for ministry is to collect clothing donations of gloves, socks, underwear and coats to help keep our homeless friends warm. 4

Dottie and I coordinated this ministry last year and are willing to help and support whoever steps up to be the coordinator this year. Last year was really amazing to see how many of you participated in this ministry. Please pray about this opportunity and be bold enough to ask the Lord if he is calling you to serve. If you think you might have interest and want more information, please call me (480-0980) or contact Ericka in the church office or inquire at the connection center and leave your name and contact information. I’m hoping we will have enough interest to get some volunteers together to meet and talk about how we can be involved with this special ministry for another year. Boldly asking in His name! Steve Hildebrand

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church



“The name of the marriage conference we attended was called Love After Marriage. That sounds harmless and safe enough, and yet it was the name of the ministry Nothing Hidden Ministries that really compelled me to at least ask my husband if he would consider going to it. I totally did not see in the title “3.5 days Intensive” (not that I would have really known what that meant.) We had been talking about vulnerability and shame for several days, and this just seemed to be an opportunity for deeper discussion. We decided to “go for it” and we agreed we were joining hands and JUMPING OFF of a CLIFF together!!! Both of us were nervous as we drove the two hours, and more than once we commented “what the heck are we doing? Is this crazy or God?” I can’t even describe it; you just have to experience it. I will say.... It was life changing ... and relationship changing. It was revelation ... and full of tools for application. We felt exposed but deeply loved. Lots of emotion and lots of healing. I am so encouraged. I am so grateful!!! Anonymous Love After Marriage attendee September 2015


Senior Adult Ministry — Cindy Shively

KAFFEE KLATSCH PLANNING FOR YOUR AFFAIRS IN THE 4TH QUARTER OF LIFE 95% of people don’t have all their loose ends tied up well and in order! Want to be sure you are ready to finish life well? Want peace for you and your loved ones? Come and join Attorney Eric Gustafson (Certified Elder Law Attorney), Thursday, October 20th, 2 pm in the Garden Room to cover these important issues. 1. Have I taken care of all the correct documents for end of life needs (such as wills, trusts, power of attorney and health care directives)? 2. What can I expect for end of life costs, and do I have enough to cover them? 3. If I don’t have enough, what are my options? Come enjoy some refreshments, and learn about all these issues. There will also be time for Questions and Answers for specific concerns. Taking time to plan and prepare brings a great deal of peace, both to you and to your family. We hope you will join us for this helpful session! Please RSVP to the church office (248-7940) or at the Connection Center, so we can plan appropriately. Thank you!

SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR ANNUAL VETERANS DINNER! Sunday, November 6th, 5:00 pm Church Garden Room More Details and sign-ups coming soon!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministries and Clothing Exchange HELLO CHURCH FAMILY! I’m Amae Merrill, a volunteer in youth ministries, as well as the elder overseeing Student Ministries. As many of you know we are in a time of transition. Both Kelsey and Estevan have moved on to the next part of their journey. I have adored working with both of them for the past two years and thank them for their service! I wanted to give you an update on what is happening in Student Ministries. We are currently seeking a youth director and have had many great candidates apply. We are seeking God’s voice as we look for the next youth director. We want to make sure we are following His lead to find the right person that He wants in our church. Although we are without a director, God has provided many volunteers who are willing to serve our youth. Thank you volunteers for trusting in Him and serving our youth! We can still use more help, especially making dinners, so if you are someone who is interested, please feel free to contact me!

With the help of Cyrus Bricel, who has also volunteered for the past few years, we will continue to have our REFUEL on Sunday mornings during Discipleship Time and our Wednesday Youth Group Night. Also you’d be excited to know that I’ve had a few high school students who are trusting and seeking God to help serve middle-schoolers on Wednesday nights! This is an exciting time where we get to see what God will do in this ministry. Please continue to pray through this transition, for the hiring team, the students, the volunteers, and for God to speak loudly to all who are a part of this ministry, as well as those He thinks should be involved. We are eager to see what He does in this season! Blessings to you all! With Christ’s Love, Amae L. Merrill HIGH SCHOOL



Meet in garden room for hot chocolate, coffee, cookies

Meet in garden room for hot chocolate, coffee, cookies

Head down to Mid-High room for games, fellowship and prayer

Small groups: Boys with Cyrus Bricel & Girls with Amae Merrill

5:30-6:30 pm Youth Group in Mid-High Room

6:30-7:30pm dinner with everyone in gym

6:30-7:30 pm dinner with everyone in gym

7:30-8:30pm Youth group in High School room

Mission Ministry Team For many years our church has shown love and compassion to our community through the Clothing Exchange. A generous amount of items were brought to our past event and we expect that this year we’ll be collecting even more. So please come to share the blessing and the Good News of our Lord Jesus and make new friends. This year winter is expected to be very cold and the need for clothes is enormous, so we ask our brothers and sisters of Grace of Christ to make a revision in their closets and consider what you are not using anymore and bring it to the church to be shared with the less fortunate in our community.

Our Church, Grace of Christ, is a family on mission and we want to get the message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the whole community of Yakima Valley, not only through this event that is necessary and very important, but also by sharing our lives with those around us. JUST REMEMBER THAT… “Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 (AMP) To get more information or to get involved please contact Alex Rule at 509-731-2657 God bless your good heart always.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray

KidZone is digging into the life of Jesus as we explore His life from birth to resurrection. We are having a great time singing and dancing during kids worship in the chapel, and the kids are doing a great job learning the monthly memory verse! For the month of October, we are learning “Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:6 And I love you too… Grace of Christ Family!

This summer I had the great privilege of meeting Roy Harris, an aviation manager with Samaritan’s Purse. Roy has a very special job; he not only helps to load the Operation Christmas Child boxes onto helicopters, but he gets to fly the helicopter and personally deliver the boxes to children in Liberia. It was such a blessing to hear Roy’s stories, see his photos, and have him recollect the absolute joy a simple shoebox brought to each of the children he encountered. It is my prayer that you will join us this Fall to help make a difference in the life of a child. By packing a simple shoe box, you are sharing the love of Jesus with a child that can leave an eternal impact. Please join us as we collect shoeboxes from October 23-November 13 when we will dedicate them in worship. Brochures and shoeboxes are available in the garden room. Thank you for supporting and praying for this wonderful ministry.

As things have begun to settle down and I slowly adjust to a new routine and focus, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the lovely celebration and send off. Your notes of love, thanks, and encouragement have been a wonderful blessing. The photo albums bring back such great memories and a realization of the gift it was to minister to so many children and families. I am overwhelmed by your generosity and love. My life is forever changed from the experience of serving in our church and Children’s Ministries Department. Thank you for the love you have given me and my family, and for the many years of support and dedication you gave to all who serve in our children’s department. I trust you will continue to dedicate your time, talents, and finances to the growth of this department. It is vital that we continue to disciple our children. Through Melissa’s guidance and your continued support, I am confident that the great work done for and through our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to bear fruit. God bless you always; Susie Woodin

FALL KIDZONE IS OFF AND RUNNING! Sunday Funday was a huge success and we had a wonderful time bouncing, enjoying cinnamon rolls, and fellowshipping together. Thank you to all of our wonderful KidZone leaders for making this a special day for kids and families! 7

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

This is my Bible, it’s the Word of the Lord. I carry it by my side, it’s a mighty sword! There are many stories and lessons in this Book, Come on everyone, let’s take a closer look! Each year in preschool the children receive a special gift of their very own Preschooler’s Bible. And each week in chapel we read a story from this Bible and through a newsletter sent home each week we share with parents what story we read and what we talked about in regards to this story and where they can find this same story in their Bible. It is our hope and prayer that parents will then sit down together and read again the same story. When stories of God’s love are learned and remembered as a child, it is easy to use those examples as a guide for life into the teen and adult years. You can be a part of this mission of our preschool. Each Bible that is given costs our program $12. As this is a gift we do not require parents to pay for this, but do give them an opportunity to donate towards this project. We still need your donations to help cover the costs. If you are interested in helping with this please contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119. Thank you for supporting this outreach program for Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


through your prayers and donations. May God richly bless YOU and YOUR family as you explore God’s Word. Another way to help our preschool is to support our fund raisers! We are coming into our peak fundraising season. Look for our annual Scripture Calendar and Greeting Card fundraiser coming the end of this month. Then we have our See’s Christmas Candy! Thank you for all of your support – you make a difference!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Prayer Ministry YAKIMA VALLEY 24/7 PRAYER Would you like to see what a difference prayer makes in the lives of our Yakima community? Would you be willing to spend 15 minutes once a month praying for the needs of the Yakima Valley? If you’re thinking “count me in” then you’ll be joining believers from more than 30 churches across our valley who cover Yakima in continual prayer 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Five years ago Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church (then First Presbyterian) volunteered to take the second Sunday of each month to pray for Yakima for a full 24 hours. A 24/7 Prayer Log was formed and volunteers signed up for 15 minute or more time slots. Each month a 24/7 volunteer receives an email reminder of the prayer day and a Scripture Support for Prayer Topics document to aid in our prayer time which is prepared by the Yakima Valley 24/7 Prayer Committee. You and God spend 15+ minutes praying together for the needs of our Valley during the time slot chosen by you. How do I sign up? You can sign up on the 24/7 Prayer Log located at the Connection Center. Pick a time, print your name and email address (or postal address if have no email) and you will receive a monthly reminder and a Scripture Support document to aid in your prayer time. Or you may call or email Donna Fuhlman (457-4254 or to sign up.


FRESH WIND, FRESH FIRE You are invited to an evening of worship music and prayer. Thur, Oct 6 at 7:00p in the Chapel. The Lord is blowing a “fresh wind” through our church, and igniting our hearts with “fresh fire”!! Come join us for a night of worship and prayer. Jason Cavanaugh and the 9 o’clock worship band will be leading music as we praise the Lord. We will be interceding for our country, our families, marriages, our pastors and our community. This is an all church event; bring your friends as we gather in unity to celebrate our God and all He wants and provides for us. Your prayers are important! Let us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Bring praises, exaltations, needs, desires of your hearts love for one another, honor and joy and receive healing and rest for your soul.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule


Last Sunday, September 4th, our sister in Christ, Celic Reynoso, 11-year-old daughter of Israel and Rosy was suffering from a severe headache. In previous days she had visited the clinic where she was informed that she had possible symptoms of migraine headaches for which she was prescribed pain pills. Her parents and brother were distressed. They decided to come to the 1:00 P.M. service of Grace of Christ Church to hear the message and to ask the brothers and sisters to pray for their daughter. When the family came to church some members noticed that Celic seemed abnormal and also looked very sad and weak. Then before starting the service some brothers prayed for the girl and her family. Our sister, Aurora, from our Women of Prayer group, suggested to her parents that they take her to the hospital because she discerned that Celic presented symptoms of something more serious than a simple headache, but even so her parents decided to stay for the duration of the service. Celic’s parents also reported this to pastor Alex, who prayed for them and also recommended that they take their daughter to the hospital immediately. The parent’s response was that they would like to hear the message and then go home so the girl could have some rest and wait until the next doctor’s appointment scheduled for September 28th. After starting the service and singing praises to our God, our brother and pastor John Stolzenbach began preaching (pastor Alex was translating to Spanish). During the message there was noticeable turmoil and despair in Celic’s family. At that moment Pastor Alex interrupted the service and asked Celic and her family to come forward for more prayer. Pastor Alex begged them to take Celic to the hospital immediately. Pastor Alex said, “when we ask God that His will be done we must be obedient to what He asks us to do.” 10

Celic’s family obeyed and took her to Regional hospital where she was examined, including a MRI of the brain. It was then discovered that Celic had a brain tumor almost the size of a golf ball that was growing next to the spinal cord, which was causing pressure inside her head. This pressure was causing Celic intense headaches, nausea and vomiting, loss of balance, loss of vision, and concentration. In the past Celic had some small seizures but doctors had not found anything serious. There was no doubt that Celic’s life was in danger. The doctors at Regional hospital in consultation with her parents made the decision to send her by helicopter without delay to Children’s Hospital in Seattle where she received the very best treatment. After another MRI, the specialists confirmed the presence of the brain tumor and scheduled surgery for Friday, September 10th. Considering the danger, the doctors rescheduled the surgery for Wednesday at 8:00 AM. By this time many people were praying for Celic’s health, her family, and for a successful surgery. There is no doubt that Celic was, is, and always will be in the hands of her Great Creator. After several hours in the operating room, the doctors were able to remove the tumor entirely. It has not been yet determined if the tumor was malignant. The surgery was very successful without affecting any other areas. At first it was believed that Celic could lose some facial movements or articulation, but by the grace of Christ all went very well. After surgery Celic was taken to the recovery room where she was under the care and observation of God and the medical team. The next day she responded very well to the medication and intensive therapy. She was discharged on the afternoon of September 11th. Now Celic is at home under the care of God Almighty and her family. We thank God our Creator and all our brothers and sisters in Christ for their constant prayers. God bless you always. Your friend, brother and pastor, Alex Rule

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / En Español Our Spanish speaking church has officially changed their name from Cristo Vive to Gracia de Cristo. Join us in the Sanctuary Sundays at 1:00 pm for worship!

— Alex Rule


El pasado domingo 4 de septiembre, nuestra hermana en Cristo, Celic Reynoso, de 11 años de edad, hija de Israel y Rosy, sufría de un fuerte dolor de cabeza. Ella en días anteriores había visitado la clínica donde le informaron que tenía los síntomas de una posible migraña para la cual le recetaron pastillas para el dolor. Sus padres y hermano estaban muy afligidos pero decidieron venir al servicio de la 1:00 P.M. a la iglesia Gracia de Cristo para escuchar el mensaje y también para pedir la intercesión de los hermanos en Cristo ante Dios por su hija. Al llegar la familia a la iglesia algunos hermanos se percataron de que Celic presentaba algunas anomalías y de que también se miraba muy triste y débil. Antes de comenzar el servicio algunos hermanos oraron por la niña y por su familia. La hermana Aurora del grupo de Mujeres de Oración sugirió a sus padres que era recomendable que la llevaran de inmediato al hospital más cercano porque su discernimiento le decía que Celic presentaba los síntomas de algo más serio y delicado y que no se miraba como la niña normal de los domingos anteriores, pero aun así sus padres decidieron quedarse. También los padres informaron de esto al pastor Alex, quien también recomendó que la llevaran al hospital, a lo que los padres respondieron que preferían escuchar el mensaje y después irían a casa para que la niña reposara y solo les quedaba esperar para la siguiente cita médica el día 28 de septiembre. Después de comenzar el servicio y cantar las alabanzas a nuestro Dios, nuestro hermano y pastor John Stolzenbach dio inicio a la predicación (el pastor Alex estaba interpretando al español). Durante el mensaje y después de unos minutos había ya una agitación y desesperación en la familia de Celic la cual era evidente. Fue en ese preciso momento que el Pastor Alex interrumpió el servicio para pedir a Celic y a su familia que vinieran al frente para orar nuevamente por la niña y también exhortarles para que la llevaran al hospital. El pastor Alex dijo que cuando nosotros pedimos a Dios que se haga su voluntad debemos de ser obedientes a lo que Él nos pide que hagamos. La familia de Celic fue obediente y la llevaron al Hospital Regional donde le practicaron algunos estudios en la cabeza 11

que incluyo el tomarle Imágenes de Resonancia Magnética (MRI) del cerebro. Fue entonces que descubrieron que Celic tenía un tumor casi del tamaño de una pelota de golf que estaba creciendo a lado de la columna vertebral y el cual estaba presionando con mucha fuerza en el interior de su cabeza. Esta presión le causaba a Celic intenso dolor de cabeza, nausea, vómitos, y la pérdida del balance, la visión, y la concentración. En el pasado Celic había tenido algunas pequeñas convulsiones pero los médicos no habían encontrado nada serio. No había duda que la salud de Celic y su vida estaban en peligro. Los doctores del hospital Regional con la aprobación de los padres tomaron la decisión de enviar a la niña de inmediato por helicóptero al Hospital de Niños (Children Hospital) en Seattle, Washington, donde fue tratada con profesionalismo. Después de tomar otro MRI los especialistas confirmaron la presencia del tumor y programaron la cirugía para el viernes 10 de septiembre. Después, los médicos reevaluaron la situación y tomando en cuenta el peligro en que se encontraba la niña y lo delicado de la operación decidieron no arriesgarse más y que lo mejor sería operarla el miércoles a las 8:00 A.M. Para este momento muchas personas se encontraban orando por la familia y la salud de Celic, y también por una cirugía exitosa. No había duda que Celic estaba, está, y estará siempre en las manos de su Gran Creador. Después de varias horas en la sala de operación, los doctores pudieron extraer en su totalidad el tumor. Los doctores quedaron satisfechos con la cirugía porque no fueron afectadas otras áreas. Hasta el momento no se ha determinado si el tumor era maligno. Al principio se creía que la niña pudiera perder movimientos faciales y aun la articulación de palabras. Pero por la Gracia de Cristo todo salió muy bien. Después de la cirugía fue llevada al cuarto de recuperación donde estaba bajo los cuidados y observación de Dios y del equipo médico. Al día siguiente comenzó la terapia intensiva a la cual ella respondió muy bien y también al medicamento por lo cual fue dada de alta por la tarde del domingo 11 de septiembre. Ahora Celic está en casa bajo los cuidados de Dios Todopoderoso y de su familia. Damos gracias a nuestro Dios Creador y a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la fe en Cristo por sus constantes oraciones. Que Dios los bendiga siempre. Su amigo, hermano y pastor, Alex Rule

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


MOPS has begun a new year with a “Starry Eyed” theme exploring Wonder, Hope, and Kindness. MOPS provides a place for mothers of young (and older) children to connect with one another and develop their relationship with Jesus. We meet the first and third Fridays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the gym with a delicious, welldeserved breakfast. Children of all ages are welcome in our MOPPETS program, including a homeschooling room for children beyond kindergarten. You may

register your children and yourself at any meeting. Registration fees apply and scholarships are available. Contact the church for more information. Our Leadership Team is pictured and commit to z great year through prayer and hours of preparation to serve the women who join MOPS and shine light to a world living in darkness. Our Christmas Tea is Friday, December 2, 2016, 9:30 am, in the Garden Room, all women are invited.

WANT AN UPDATE ON WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YETEBON? Or are you just interested in learning more about Project Mercy? You Are Invited to a Project Mercy Dessert on Thur, Nov 3 at 7:00p in the Garden Room. Bete Demeke will be here to give us an update on God’s work in the Yetebon through Project Mercy. Please join us for dessert and hear from Bete.

When: November 3rd, 2016 Location: Garden Room Time: 7-9 pm

WALK TO END POVERTY Saturday, October 8th 10 AM to NOON

A great way to have fun, while raising awareness for Love in the Name of Christ Walk starts and ends at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church. Register online: or Pick-up forms in office. 12

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center


As summer wraps up and we look to the end of the year, we’re getting excited for a number of upcoming events this fall!

SLAMQUEST Slamquest is our weekend camp for 6th8th grade campers, and will be held the weekend of October 1416. Registration is now available online, so sign up today! www. THE BLAST The Blast is our High School weekend retreat for 9th-12th grade campers, and will be held the weekend of November 18-20. Registration is now available online, so sign up today! www. THANKSGIVING AT GHORMLEY

On Thanksgiving Day, we’ll be hosting a Thanksgiving feast at Camp Ghormley! Any and all are invited to attend. Save mom the cooking duties and enjoy a fun and family filled day at Ghormley! More information is available on our website. To register, please call us at 509-672-4311 and let us know how many will be attending. 13

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities to help kick off the Christmas season! Amazing meals, gingerbread house building, sledding, and Christmas crafts are just a few of the amazing activities you’ll get to enjoy. Join us December 10 and 11 for a fun-filled event that is sure to be a tradition for years to come! Registration will be available on Ghormley’s website in October. —Joel Whitehead

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

Ocotober Calendar of Events

Sun, Oct. 2

New Covenant Partner Class (4 wks)

4:00p - 6:00p

Room 217


Tues, Oct. 4

Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting


Conference Room


Tues, Oct. 4

Worship Ministry Team Meeting


Adult Ed Room


Wed, Oct. 5

Life Group Leadership Training


Adult Ed Room


Thurs, Oct. 6

Senior Adult Ministries Meeting


Adult Ed Room


Fri, Oct. 7

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)




Sat, Oct. 8

Camp Ghormley


Mon, Oct. 10

Edith Ferry Circle



Mon, Oct. 10

Gather at the Table / Dinner in the Garden Room


Garden Room


Tues, Oct. 11

Foundation Board




Tues, Oct. 11

Mission Ministry Team Meeting


Adult Ed Room


Fri, Oct. 14

Sun, Oct. 16

Thurs, Oct. 20

Thurs, Oct. 20

2nd Saturday Ghormley Work Day

8:00a - 3:00p

No Preschool Today ELZ Staff Meeting & Lunch


Adult Ed Room


Kaffee Klatsch: Eric Gustafson


Garden Room


Women’s Ministry Team Meeting


Garden Room


all weekend




Love After Marriage Conference

Fri, Oct. 21

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)




Sat, Oct. 22

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Garden Room


Sun, Oct. 23

Operation Christmas Child Kick Off



Tues, Oct. 25

Thurs, Oct. 27

Fri, Oct. 28

Sun, Oct. 30


all morning

Session Dinner and Meeting


Garden Rm/Adult Ed Rm Elders & Prog.Staff

Gracia de Cristo Fundraiser Dinner




MOPS Creative Moments


Room 217


Deacon’s Meeting


Garden Room


Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

10:00 am Adult Ed


All Staff Check-In Meeting

10:00 am DF Lounge

All Staff

Mon & Wed Overeaters Anonymous

12:00 pm Adult Ed


Serve at Love INC

1:00 pm Love INC


2:30 pm Gym


5:15 pm Adult Ed


Divorce Care

6:30 pm Room 217


Tuesday Pursuing Our Limitless God (women’s Bible study) 9:15 am Gym

Women in the Word Bible Study


9:45 am Parlor

Wednesday Men’s Noon Bible Study

Noon Adult Ed

Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High

5:30 - 8:30 pm Youth and Mid Hi Rms

Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

6:00 - 8:00 pm Sanctuary

Parenting Class

6:00 - 8:00 pm Lounge

Thursday Bible Study Fellowship


Women Men 6th - 12th grades Everyone

9:00 am Sanctuary


Diabetes Prevention Class

1:00 pm Lounge


Temple Choir

7:00 pm Choir Room

SOZO Prayer

Friday SOZO Prayer

5:45 - 9:15 pm Prayer Room 9:00 - 11:30 am Chapel, Prayer Room


Sunday Services and Events Worship - Led Contemporary Worship Team Discipleship Time

9:00am Sanctuary

10:15-11:00 am Church

Everyone Everyone

Worship - led by Temple Choir & Organ

11:15 am Sanctuary

Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish)

1:00 pm Sanctuary


Going Deeper: John

9:30 am Adult Ed


Golden Circle KidZone Youth Refuel

10:15 am Lounge 9:00 am 2nd Floor 10:15 am Mid Hi and Youth Rm


Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12

Announcements COOKIES AND CANS Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…


October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30




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