Grace Alive May 2017

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Senior Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian

A Season for Everything Under the Heavens A New Appreciation for Seasons

I’ve been told it’s been a long winter here in Yakima, but spring has finally arrived. Living in Southern California my entire life, I was never that aware of the change in seasons. Sure we had seasons, but not like here. Spring has brought warmth, renewal and beauty. I love to see the trees bloom with vibrant colors of pink, purple, green, yellow and white! I am grateful to God for His creativity and the change in seasons. And with God’s grace and blessing, He will bring a new season of fruitful ministry here at Grace of Christ!

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 Growing Disciples

I want to thank all of you for your warm personal expressions of welcome and kindness towards my family and I since arriving. It’s a very different season of life for us, and what a wonderful privilege to be a part of the Lord’s work here in Yakima! On Easter weekend, God used our church to share the love of Jesus and the power of His resurrection to hundreds of people! Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20 that we are to, “make disciples of all nations.” My heart is glad to see us growing as disciples, (trained followers of Jesus) and making every effort to reach those who don’t know Christ as their Savior.

A Heritage of Community Outreach

I want you to know how grateful I am for past seasons of fruitful ministry our church has enjoyed in reaching out to our community and world over the years. I think of the 2

thousands of lives that have been impacted for the cause of Christ through our church! Thank you for being such an important part of our rich heritage. I am trusting the Lord, along with many of you, for His power and provision as we head into a new season of ministry. My prayer is that we would serve Jesus as obediently and effectively as possible! So I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as I navigate the culture, ministries and leadership structures of Grace of Christ. I’m new. I’m praying. I’m learning. I’m asking questions. I’m listening. I’m dreaming of innovative ways to reach more people for Jesus. I celebrate the wonderful ministries we already have going and ask that you would join me in trusting God for the future. My heart is that the Holy Spirit would reveal to us how to better reach our neighbors, family and friends with the saving message of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your open hearts, gracious spirits and prayerful support as we enter a new season of ministry at Grace of Christ. In the love of Jesus, – Pastor Jim Marian

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor — Pastor Cindy Shively

Join a Growth Group! Now Is the Time to Consider a Growth Group!

Even our society knows the value of genuine, caring, committed friendships! Research shows that strong relational connections are vital for a long and healthy life. Harvard researcher, Howard Putnam noted that if you belong to no groups, but decide to join just one, you cut your risk of dying over the next year in half. Now that is great motivation for joining a Growth Group!

God is relational. The Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit, is

God’s relationship to himself. And, God has designed us for relationships. God offers the invitation to be a part of God’s family. Galatians 3:26 says, “For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” When we place our faith in Christ, God becomes our Father, we become His children, other believers become our brothers and sisters, and the church becomes our spiritual family. Our families on earth are wonderful gifts from God, but they are temporary and fragile, often broken by divorce, distance, growing old, and inevitably death. On the other hand, our spiritual family, our relationship to other believers, will continue throughout eternity.

Over 50 times in the New Testament, the phrase “each other” is used. We are commanded to love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, admonish each other, serve each other, teach each other, accept each other, honor each other, bear each other’s burdens, forgive each other, submit to each other, be devoted to each other and many other mutual tasks. These are our responsibilities as brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the best ways to grow and develop these kinds of relationships is through a small group, or Growth Group. Jesus knew the transforming power of small group relationships, as evidenced by his disciples.

What is a Growth Group?

It is a group of 3-16 people meeting regularly to promote spiritual growth, through building meaningful Christian relationships and studying God’s word together. Growth Groups include: SHARE – Each week we will take some time to share what is happening in our lives. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…” (Hebrews 10:24-25) STUDY – Each week we will study the questions provided on the sermon note sheet page in relation to Sunday’s sermon. “…teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28) Our goal is to learn how to live out our 3

faith in everyday life. (Sermons and study sheets will be available online, too.) SUPPORT – Each week we will learn to take care of one another as part of God’s family. This care can take many forms such as praying for one another, encouraging, listening, challenging one another, and meeting needs. SERVE – Our hope is that each group would take on some service activity once or twice a year. We have a variety of opportunities already going on in our church and community. Growth Groups provide opportunity to do life together, develop meaningful community, and become the people God has created us to be. A commitment to growing through small groups has long been a vital part of our Grace of Christ Family. So this emphasis on Growth Groups will help us continue to make sure these opportunities are available to our church family and beyond.

Now is a great time to try a Growth Group!

We have several groups starting in May, for 6-week sessions, including a group for parents of kids through grade school, a group for parents of teens, and several others. Call the church at 248-7940, or email for more information. Leadership opportunities are also available and are a meaningful way to serve!

Growing together with you, – Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


What’s NEW at The Campbell Farm? Campbell Farm is an outreach to the Wapato community where 95% of the population is in poverty. Through their multiple programs, Campbell Farm tries to meet the food and clothing needs as well as support educational needs of their immediate and surrounding community.

Simplified Summer Feeding Program The Campbell Farm is looking forward to its seventh year as a Simplified Summer Feeding Program host site for the WA State Child Nutrition Program. Last summer, we hosted four sites around the Wapato area, serving over 17,900 meals. This feeding program ensures that children receive adequate nutrition even during the summer months when school is not in session. It is critical to local children’s health, growth, and overall well-being. All food is prepared @ TCF’s commercial kitchen and then transported to the multiple feeding sites. There are five summer mission groups signed up so far, and they include: Pine Lake Covenant Church, Issaquah, WA; Sammamish Presbyterian Church, Sammamish, WA; Evergreen Congregational Church, Olympia, WA; Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Kennewick, WA; Seattle United Congregational Church, Seattle, WA. We look forward to being blessed by these young people and their leaders as their faith is stretched and matured by service.

Salmon Bake Dinner Fundraiser 2nd Annual APRIL 29, 2017 11:30 PM - 3 PM




Farm Improvements Warren Weber is a TCF board member and contractor from Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Bothell, WA. This winter he put a new roof on the kitchen (part of the hop kiln) and built a new balcony railing on the front of the hop kiln. This was important for both safety and aesthetics on the hop kiln. He also asked the Community Presbyterian Church in Bothell if their outreach and missions ministry could provide a crew to install new windows in the farmhouse and Spitzenburg House. These generous Christians came over the last weekend in March and shared their time and skills to install these many windows. The Campbell Farm community is grateful for their selfless generosity.

Rev Gustavo Carvajal has been leading the farm board and staff in strategic planning for the Farm. He began last summer and has been building on the process during monthly board meetings, focusing on establishing a clear vision and direction for TCF’s core mission and values, as well as stabilizing income needs.

Thank you, Grace of Christ... for your

Bags of Hope mission. Without this support, we would be limited in what outreach we are able to accomplish. Your continued support has been a blessing to this community and is much appreciated by the recipients of the bags. We are also grateful for your faithful annual giving through your mission committee. May God continue to bless you as you help to build His Kingdom. There Pick up bags May 28 are many opportunities for volunteer service at the Re turn full Farm, so please call Carman for ideas! bags June 12


School supplies: rulers, scissors, crayons, colored pencils Paper products: toilet paper, high quality paper plates, napkins, Kleenex, diapers (all sizes) Household: hand soap, bar soap, toothpaste/brushes, wash clothes, hand towels, combs & brushes, shampoo & conditioner

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Miscellaneous New Covenant Partners Thank You Jean Paulson! After serving faithfully as Pastoral Administrative Assistant over the past 2+ years, Jean has decided she wants to retire. (She came out of retirement in order to take on this position.) We are so grateful for her skills in keeping Session and Deacons organized, as well as supporting many families during their time of grief and loss as they plan memorial services. Jean has been a caring co-worker and encourager to any who happened to walk by her office, and has helped out in a number of other ways. She will be deeply missed around here. If you see her, let her know how much you appreciate her! Thanks again, Jean, for your devoted service to our Grace of Christ Family!

Join us in welcoming the following to our church family!

Jacob Merrill

Joshua Merrill

Brian & Stephanie Ahlgren

Stein & Nancy Williams

Steven Alexander

Gracia de Cristo Baptism

Kaffee Klatsch Thursday, May 18 at 2:00 pm in the Garden Room. Ellen Allmendinger will guide us on her walking tour of Yakima from the comfortable seats in the Garden Room! Come, hear some of Yakima's history dating all the way back to 1884. We will enjoy refreshments, too! Please RSVP at the Connection Center or in the church office.


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray

KidZone Mission Project

Our KidZone mission project for the month of March was focused on supporting the El Camino Bilingual School in Honduras where the Moultray family is currently serving. We were able to purchase 20 bilingual bibles for the children in Mrs. Moultray’s class! Way to go KidZone, and praise God for His provisions. Please join us as we continue to pray for the children at the El Camino Bilingual School, as well as the Moultray Family.

Thank you KidZone Leaders,

Parents, and Kids for a beautiful Palm Sunday Service. What a blessing to hear the children sing and share the Easter Story!

Calling all VBS Volunteers!

We need your help to make this Maker Fun Factory VBS the BEST week of the summer! Our goal is to host 125 children at VBS, but that can only be done with volunteers like YOU! Sign up today and mark your calendars for our VBS Volunteer Meeting on June 11. Youth will meet at 3:00, and adults 4:00. Our VBS theme teaches that we are all created by God and built for a purpose! Our volunteer positions offer a variety of areas for each of the unique talents our church body has to offer; and the best part about serving at VBS is the lasting impact you make on the life of a child! Thank you in advance for joining us at Maker Fun Factory! 6


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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

ow t r h G Through e v i t i s Po


Spring has arrived in Preschool! Caterpillars are turning into butterflies before our very eyes! Seeds are planted and waiting to sprout! And our annual Spring Teas were celebrated! It is hard to imagine that we are coming to the end of our school year. We are already preparing for our next year.

Why Is Preschool So Important?

As kindergarten becomes more academic, many parents look to preschool to launch their child on the path to success in school. At the same time, parents question that the current trend to focus on early learning academics in preschool will cut into the important time for play and pushes their child to grow up too fast. Grace of Christ Preschool offers the answers to this question and more.

Preschool Is An Opportunity For Growth

It is an opportunity to learn to share, follow instructions and begin the foundation for learning that will soon follow. We offer both important areas – we provide academics through playtime and structured activities. But even more important, our preschool gives children the foundation of God’s love. Classrooms offer many different ways for children to learn with fun activities. We offer exploration into music, experiences with motor activities through PE, and experiences learning to worship. Parents are an important part of our program and are welcome in the classroom. 7

Scholarships For Families

Through faithful giving, this preschool is able to offer scholarships to help families that otherwise could not provide this experience for their child on their own.

Growing Children Through Love

The benefits are apparent: strong academics and activities, a positive learning environment, a sense of community, safety, discipline and a focus on the values important to your family. Discover for yourself the benefits of Grace of Christ Preschool. The joy received from watching a child grow academically and maturing in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, and all the money worth it.

Enrolling In Grace of Christ Preschool

Interested in knowing more about enrolling for next year? Please contact Rhonda Cardona, Director at: 248-7940 ext. 119 to come for a visit.

Check out our website at: Know someone with a 3, 4 or 5 year old looking for a preschool? Please share Grace of Christ Preschool with them today!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry Dear Church Family,

Wow! I cannot believe how fast the year has zoomed by! Soon we will be celebrating our graduating seniors as they move onto their next chapter in their lives and welcoming the 5th graders into youth group. God has provided O in this season of transition! e



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God's Provision






I would like to share one way that God has provided. We added an extra Wednesday night youth group, I contacted Kathy Bricel via email about ric k a . c l a r k @y a k i ma coming to talk with the youth, but I was not sure if she was going to be able to make it, plus I emailed her last minute. I also did not know if the youth would show up because it was not on the calendar and it was conference week. As I was driving to youth group, I was feeling a little anxious because I thought I would need to give the talk, but I had not prepared. As I walked in, the youth were hanging out waiting for youth group to start, and then Kathy walks in! She gave a talk on listening prayer. This is just one of many ways that He has provided this year! Praise GOD for His provision!

All Church Clean Up

Over spring break, we had about seven youth come work at the ALL CHURCH CLEAN UP. We cleaned in the garden room by scrubbing the crevices in the floor, washing the light covers, sanding & staining the doors. We even rearranged the youth room! We set up the TV that was donated by Jeff & Brooke Arkills and we are looking to hook up a game system to it! We also set up the air hockey table and foosball table that was provided by Jeff and Melissa Gray! Thank you to those who provide fun for the youth room! Come check out the new and improved youth room and enjoy the deep cleaned garden room! It was a lot of fun serving together at the church! After serving, we got coffee and went Pokémon hunting downtown!

Get Air!

Wednesday nights are going great! We have about 15 midhigh youth & 10 high school youth who come. We have continued to learn about God together by tackling the tough questions that are asked. We’ve had such WONDERFUL teachers! We also took about 25 youth to GET AIR in March. We had a lot of fun and no one got hurt!


On Sundays, we are continuing to REFUEL. We invite the youth to join us at the 9am service and would love for youth to sit up front with us on the band side. Then we head down to the gym at 10:15am for fun (shooting hoops, playing air hockey, etc.), fellowship, and food! For the spring, we are using the Alpha teen curriculum, which is a video series that gets the youth to talk about their faith. This has been great for our youth to learn to worship with the larger church community and to continue to build relationships with each other, as well as growing deeper in their faith!

Be on the look out for ways to support the youth going to CAMP GHORMLEY!

Youth Director Search Committee

Now that Pastor Jim is getting settled, we have begun to look for the next youth director. We have reposted the job on several job boards and have already received many applications! Here are the people on the search committee: Janet Krieger (chairperson), Brent Alderman, Jill Skone, Alex Hodge, Donny Strother, Jeff Gray and myself. Please pray for all of us on the search committee. Pray that the Lord would lead us clearly to the person who He’d like to lead the youth! Please not only continue to pray for the search committee, but also continue to pray for the entire ministry. Pray for the youth, the volunteers and for his provision! Also, pray about where God may want you to support in this ministry. Thank you for your support and prayers! Blessings!

With Christ’s Love, Amae Merrill 8

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Worship Ministry

What Does It Mean to Worship God? True and Proper Worship

If someone asked you, “How do I learn how to worship God?” how would you answer? I bet some of the most common answers would be things like: go to a church OR find someone who plays a guitar/organ OR raise your hands and sing loud OR build a stained glass window and read the Bible next to it. These could all be helpful exercises to move towards worship of God, but let us ask the Apostle Paul how he thinks we should worship God…

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view

of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

– Romans 12:1-2

So wait, according to Paul, our “true and proper act of worship” doesn't require musical instruments? Worshipping God doesn't need a church building? What about the stained glass or the Bible? But we still have to sing, right? Music, church buildings (including the beautiful stained glass kind), and the Bible are all fine tools to help us learn how to worship God; but none of them can be complete acts of worship. According to the scriptures, our “true and proper act of worship” is learning to live as people who are “living sacrifices.”


The Old Law vs. The New Law

In the Levitical Law of the Old Testament, worship was the act of lighting something valuable on fire in order to turn it into smoke for YHWH to smell. Animals were killed and then turned into smoke. The best of the harvest was cut out of the ground and turned into smoke. And sometimes even the tiny little spices and herbs were lit on fire in order to create a pleasing aroma for God. In the New Testament Law of Love given to us by Jesus, we see that God no longer wants dead sacrifices. God wants “living sacrifices”- real people who live sacrificially for others and for God. Jesus died to bring an end to the sacrificial system and instituted a brand new system of grace, in which we are given the opportunity to respond as people who live gracefully towards those around us.

What Is Your Focus?

To worship something, means to place our focus and worth on that thing. Singing with our hands raised, studying the Bible, and beautiful church buildings can help us learn how to worship God, if these worship services actually propel us into the world, as people whom love God and love others in our everyday lives. May we all experience the joy of being living sacrifices in all of the places God has placed us in the world. And may our Sunday worship of God continue to breathe life into our Monday through Saturday worship of God. Peace to you all, Tyler

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español



Last November right after the elections, Gracia de Cristo received a call from the head counselor at Adams Elementary School telling us they just had an assembly for their kids to help calm them down. Because of all of the rhetoric from the election, the kids were afraid that they, or their families or friends were going to be deported. A lot of the fear that they were experiencing was a result of unfounded rumors that were being perpetuated, creating a tremendous amount of anxiety among the Adams’ families. The school asked if we could help and of course, the answer was yes!

El pasado noviembre, justo después de las elecciones, Gracia de Cristo recibió una llamada del principal de la Escuela Primaria Adams informándonos que habían tenido una asamblea para ayudar a calmar a los estudiante. Debido a toda la retórica de la elección, los niños estaban asustados pensando en que sus familiares o amigos fueran a ser deportados. Gran parte del temor que estaban experimentando fueron causados por los rumores sin fundamentos que se estaban perpetuando, creando así una cantidad enorme de ansiedad entre las familias de Adams. La escuela nos preguntó si podíamos ayudar y nuestra respuesta fue afirmativa. ¡Claro que si podemos y queremos ayudar!

The first thing that Gracia de Cristo did was to talk to their PTO to share with the parents that “we are in this together.” We listened to the parents, and one idea was to start ways for families to have a pathway to Naturalization. As a result, we partnered with La Casa Hogar to offer citizenship classes. On April 10th we started our first class of 40 adults with most of them coming from Adams and their neighborhood. Gracia de Cristo is funding and providing the volunteers to teach the classes. La Casa Hogar is providing the curriculum and a certified instructor. Adams Elementary is promoting the citizenship program with the parents and providing the facility for the classes. Each quarter a new class of 40 will begin. God bless you all, Jake Kupp


La primera cosa que Gracia de Cristo hizo fue hablar con la Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO) para compartir con ellos que "estamos unidos en esto". Escuchamos a los padres, y una de las ideas que surgieron para ayudar a las familias fue iniciar un camino hacia la Naturalización. Esto dio como resultado, que nos asociáramos con La Casa Hogar para ofrecer clases de ciudadanía en la escuela primaria Adams. El 10 de abril dio inicio nuestra primera clase para 40 adultos con la mayoría de ellos procedentes de Adams y su vecindario. La iglesia Gracia de Cristo está financiando y proveyendo los voluntarios para asistir en la enseñanza de las clases. La Casa Hogar está proporcionando el plan de estudios y un instructor certificado. La escuela primaria Adams está promoviendo el programa de la ciudadanía con los padres y proveyendo el salón para las clases. Cada trimestre se iniciará una nueva clase con 40 personas.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español

Adam's Elementary Community Outreach

Primaria Adams - Alcanzando a la Comunidad

Gracia de Cristo is also building community with Adams’ families by sharing the love of Jesus. Because of the fear that has been generated, families are isolating themselves. We are putting together teams that are a blend of Latino and Anglo people that are going into the neighborhoods to listen to families to understand their fear and needs. We will then come together in community to discuss how we can reduce fear and create unity, to truly be a part of transforming Yakima “one family at a time.”

Gracia de Cristo también está construyendo una comunidad con las familias de Adams compartiendo el amor de Jesús. Debido al miedo que se ha generado, las familias están aislándose. Es por eso que estamos formando equipos multiculturales quienes visitan nuestra comunidad para escuchar a las familias asi poder entender su temor y sus necesidades. Entonces nos hemos reunido en comunidad para discutir cómo podemos reducir el miedo y crear unidad, para ser verdaderamente una parte para transformar Yakima "Una Familia a la Vez". ¡Por favor, venga y únase a nosotros!

Adams Elementary Teacher and Staff Appreciation Dinner The second annual Adams Elementary Teacher and Staff Appreciation Dinner was held on Thursday, April 20th in the gym at Grace of Christ. The theme was “Real Super Heroes Don’t Wear Capes - They Teach!” Joining the teachers and staff as invited guests were volunteers from Grace of Christ who are weekly reading tutors. Thanks to many who made this such an exciting evening for all. The principal of Adams, Bill Varady, was the main speaker. There were many surprises, starting with eye catching Super Hero decorations, door prizes (provided by various ministry teams and other groups from Grace), a photo op area where our guests could be silly and get their pictures taken, and, of course a wonderful meal provided by Gracia de Cristo. Our guests are already talking about next year! Thanks to all who made the teachers and staff of Adams feel so special and appreciated. They are truly SUPERHEROES who are making SUPER HEROES of the future! 11

Primaria Adams - Maestros Y Personal Cena de Apreciación La segunda cena anual de Apreciación para Los Maestros y personal de la escuela primaria Adams se celebró el jueves 20 de abril en el gimnasio de la iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo. El tema fue "Los Verdaderos Héroes No Usan Capas – Ellos Enseñan!" Los profesores y el personal de la escuela fueron nuestros invitados principales, también asistieron algunos voluntarios de nuestra Iglesia que son los tutores semanales del programa de lectura. Queremos agradecer a todas las personas que hicieron que esta noche fuera posible y muy emocionante para todos. El director de Adams, Bill Varady, fue el principal orador. Hubo muchas sorpresas, empezando por las decoraciones de los Súper Héroes, los premios y regalos (que fueron proporcionados por varios grupos y diferentes ministerios de nuestra iglesia Gracia de Cristo), también se decoró una zona para sesión de fotografías para que nuestros invitados disfrutaran de algunas selfies , y, por supuesto, una maravillosa Comida Autentica Mexicana preparada y proporcionada por el excelente equipo de Gracia de Cristo. Nuestros invitados ya están hablando del evento para el próximo año! Gracias a todos los que hicieron que los profesores y personal de Adams se sintieran especiales y muy apreciados. ¡Ellos son realmente SUPER HEROES que están haciendo a los SUPER HEROES del futuro! Continued on next page

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English Outreach Camp at Camp Ghormley It’s time to be thinking about Outreach Camp at Camp Ghormley which will take place on June 16-18. This is a time-honored tradition at Grace of Christ of serving our community. This is our second year we will be serving 4th and 5th graders from Adams Elementary. We are decreasing our number from 100 to 80 this year to try to better serve the kids with more one-on-one time. We need a minimum of 20 counselors along with other staff in order to accommodate the kids. Counselors will be responsible for four same gender kids, so we need both male and female counselors. The theme for this year’s camp is “God’s Story is My Story... My Story is God’s Story” Please join us for an adventure that will help share God’s Love Story along with shaping and molding disciples both now and into the future. Together serving Jesus, John Stolzenbach Please contact either Alex Rule (509-248-7940 Ext 125) or John Stolzenbach (509-426-2689)


En Español Outreach Camp En el Campamento Ghormley Ya es tiempo de pensar en el campamento en Camp Ghormley que tendrá lugar del 16 al 18 de junio de 2017. Esta es una tradición consagrada en Gracia de Cristo para amar y servir a nuestra comunidad de la escuela Adams. Este es el segundo año que estaremos sirviendo a estudiantes de 4to y 5to grado de la primaria Adams. Estamos disminuyendo nuestro número de 120 a 80 este año para tratar de servir mejor a los niños con más tiempo de calidad uno a uno. Necesitamos un mínimo de 20 consejeros junto con más personal para acomodar y ayudar a los niños. Los consejeros serán responsables de cuatro niños del mismo género, por lo que se necesitan consejeros masculinos y femeninos. El tema para el campamento de este año es: "La historia de Dios es mi historia... Mi historia es la historia de Dios" ¿No te gustaría unirte a nosotros para vivir una aventura que te ayudará a compartir la historia de Dios, moldeando y formando nuevos discípulos ahora y para el futuro. Si estas interesado/a en servir por favor comunícate con Alex Rule al 509-248-7940 Ext. 125 o con John Stolzenbach al 509-426-2689

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


FRED MEYER REWARDS Help send kids to camp just by shopping at Fred Meyer! All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund.

Want to join? Simply visit our website:

http://www.ghormleymeadow. org/join-our-team/donate-toghormley/


Registration for summer camp 2017 is now open! Don't miss this opportunity for your child to grow in faith and make amazing memories!

For more information, visit us at:

Summer is coming! We have many needs, and a variety of types of positions remain available. If you are thinking about joining our team, don’t delay, apply today!

For more information on summer jobs, visit us at: http://www.

PRAYER NEEDS 1. Winter snow damage has several structures in need of

repair around camp. Pray that God will give us wisdom and provision to make the needed repairs before summer arrives. If you would like to contribute towards this need, you may give online, by check, or over the phone.

2. Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our non-summer months.

3. Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus.

4. Pray that the Lord will lead us as we raise funds and embark on a number of facility improvement projects.

5. Pray that God will lead us to the right staff members who

He desires to serve at Ghormley this summer. We are less than two months from summer and still have a number of unfilled positions.


We’re excited to announce that online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate Page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved. join-our-team/donate-to-ghormley/


Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you would like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at: 13


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

May Calendar of Events Fri, April 28 Sat, April 29 SUN, APRIL 30 Mon, May 1 Tue, May 2 Thur, May 4 Fri, May 5 Sun, May 7 Mon, May 8 Tue, May 9 Wed, May 10 Thur, May 11 Fri, May 12 May 12 & 13 Sat, May 13 Sun, May 14 Wed, May 17 Thur, May 18 Fri, May 19 Sat, May 20 Sun, May 21 Tue, May 23 Sat, May 27 Sun, May 28 Mon, May 29 Thur, June 1 Fri, June 2 Sat, June 3 Sun, June 4 Mon, June 5 Tue, June 6 June 19 - 23


Wycliffe Dinner and Program 7:00 pm Gym Everyone Session Retreat 9:00 am-3:00pm Lounge Elders VBS REGISTRATION OPENS! Celebration for Tyler VanHorn Both Services Sanctuary Everyone Deacon's Meeting 12:30 pm Lounge Deacons Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Offsite Committee Staff Birthday Lunch / Office Closed 12:00pm-1:00pm Lounge Staff Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Committee Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00pm Parlor Committee MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Moms Prayer Sunday All Morning Edith Ferry Circle 12:00pm Parlor Women Mission Ministry Team 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Committee Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm Room 220 Board Ghormley Commission 7:00pm Adult Ed Room Committee MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:30am Adult Ed Room Committee Youth Group Lock-In 6:00pm - Noon Gym 6th - 12th graders Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Knitters Mother's Day Youth Group @ Franklin Park: Dinner & Games TBA Franklin Park 6th - 12th graders Kaffee Klatsch: A Tour of Yakima 2:00pm Garden Room Everyone MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30am Gym Moms Clothing Exchange 9:00 am Gym Everyone ELZ Lunch Meeting 12:30pm Lounge Staff Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30pm Garden Rm / Adult Ed Elders Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00pm Garden Room Knitters Deacon's Meeting 12:30pm Lounge Deacons Memorial Day / Church Closed All Day Entire Church Everyone Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00pm Adult Ed Room Committee Last Day Preschool 3's Preschool Last Day Preschool 4's & PreK Preschool Fri, June 2 Seminar with Jane Roach 7:00pm - 8:45pm Chapel Everyone (BSF sponsored) Register Seminar with Jane Roach 9:00am - 3:00pm Chapel / Garden Room Everyone (BSF sponsored) Register Communion Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Senior Brunch (Student Ministries) 11:00am Gym HS Graduates Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Offsite Committee Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:30pm Adult Ed Room Committee VBS

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00 am All Staff Check-In Meeting 10:00 am ESL Class 11:00 am Overeater’s Anonymous 12:00 pm Serve at Love INC 1:00 pm Trailseekers 2:30 pm Al-Anon 5:15 pm Divorce Care 6:30 pm Pursuing Our Limitless God - Last Class May 9th 9:15 am (Women’s Bible Study) Women in the Word Bible Study 9:45 am ESL Class 11:00 am Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High 5:30 - 8:30 pm Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal 6:00- 8:00 pm Bible Study Fellowship 9:00 am Temple Choir 7:00 pm SOZO Prayer 5:45 - 9:15 pm SOZO Prayer 9:00 -11:30 am

Adult Ed DF Lounge Room 220 Adult Ed Love INC Gym Adult Ed Room 217 Gym

Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Women

Parlor Women Room 220 Youth and Mid Hi Rms 6th-12th grades Sanctuary Sanctuary Women Choir Room Prayer Room SOZO Team Prayer Room SOZO Team

Sunday Services and Events SUN

Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ Worship - Gracia de Cristo (In Spanish) Going Deeper: John Golden Circle KidZone Youth Refuel

9:00 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 10:15 am 9:00 am 10:15 am

Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Lounge 2nd Floor Mid Hi & Youth Rm

Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12



Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sun. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with… 15

May May May May

7 14 21 28

T - Z A - F G-M N-S




Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Proudly Presents:


SUMMER CAMPS 2017 Primary Camp (2nd-4th Grade) Junior Camp (5th-6th Grade) Mid High Camp (6th-8th Grade) Senior High Camp (9th-13th Grade) Get Dates & Register Online: GHORMLEYMEADOW.ORG

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