Grace Alive Sept 2017

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Lead Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian

community and welcome new believers into our church I don’t know what the word, “home” means to you, but to family! And what about those who have left our church me it’s a place where I am loved for who I am – regardless family for one reason or another over the past several years? of my faults, a place where I can relax and be myself, and a place where I am surrounded I want to encourage each and by family and friends. To every one of you to…Welcome me, home is a place to share them Home! Invite them back If you’ve been on vacation… laughter and tears, victories to Grace of Christ in love and and struggles, dreams and Welcome Home! grace. God has blessed us most importantly – faith. with new leadership, a fresh If you’ve just got out of the habit of vision and an updated look And you know what? Our to our church home. I believe Grace of Christ family is a worshiping with us on Sundays… we are poised for God to do home too. We are brothers Welcome Home! a new thing here at Grace of and sisters in Christ, members Christ. Let’s all be a part of it! of God’s family here in Yakima. If you’ve felt lonely, disconnected or So let’s have a family reunion I’ve said it before, but I am so this Fall… grateful for the warm welcome discouraged…Welcome Home! you have given the Marian’s This September, we will be into the Grace of Christ family. If you’ve wandered from the faith and enjoying new things around You’ve prayed for us, offered our church home: remodeled want to return…Welcome Home! your friendship, had us in your and updated facilities, new homes, brought meals and Children’s Ministries, new flowers, helped with home If you’ve been searching for God… Student Ministries, a new projects and shared your lives Welcome Home! Worship Service option at with us. Now that’s what I 10:45 and new sermon-based call a family welcome…and Small Groups we call “Growth we feel like Grace of Christ is If you’re looking for a place to Groups.” home!

belong…Welcome Home!

This Fall, I would like our church theme to be, “Welcome If you’ve left for other churches, but Home!” My prayer is our church want to return…Welcome Home! family would be a place where everyone feels they belong. Where everyone is cared for, loved and ministered to. Where everyone is able to give of their time, talents and treasures for the good of our church and community. Where we can worship together, build relationships, serve our


My hope and prayer is that God will grow our church family this coming year. But who will “Welcome them Home?” Well, that’s up to us, isn’t it?

Grace and Peace, Jim Marian, Lead Pastor

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Associate Pastor of Congregational Care & Church Administration — Pastor Cindy Shively

HOSPITALITY FLOWS FROM OUR LOVING GOD! David recognized his need for God’s hospitality in Psalm 39:12, “Hear my prayer, O Lord! Listen to my cries for help! Don’t ignore my tears. For I am your guest— a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me.” Hospitality in the ancient world focused on the alien or stranger in need. The plight of aliens was desperate, often needing food, lodging and protection. The practice of hospitality meant graciously receiving an alienated person into one's land, home, or community and providing directly for that person's needs. It was simply expected.

HOSPITALITY IS VITAL Hospitality was vital throughout the Bible, both for Israelites, and for the early Christians, as an important expression of lovingkindness. Jesus’ life and teaching emphasized Hospitality. See Matt 25:31-46 (Sheep & Goats); Luke 10:30-37 (Good Samaritan) ; Luke 14:16-24 (The Banquet) ; Luke 16:1931 (Rich man & Lazarus); Mark 6:30-44 (Feeding 5,000); John 13:3-5 (Washing Disciple's feet); Mark 14:12-26 (Last Supper). What does hospitality mean for us today? It’s a vital part of who we are in our everyday lives. Romans 12:9-13 says it well. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Every person God brings into our lives, we are to love, honor, practice hospitality, and care for their needs. Love and hospitality go hand in hand. What does hospitality mean for us as a church family? Hospitality is a life-long journey for the whole church community. We all need to be intentional at honoring every person who comes through our door as a gift from God. Hospitality is truly a sacred responsibility. When God brings people to Grace of Christ, they may have a deep spiritual need, be searching for something, or maybe giving God and the church one last chance. So we need to see each person as a treasured gift from God, and see how our care and response for them may make an impact of hope and caring that can open the door to a life-changing relationship with God and others. 3

HOW CAN EACH OF US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND SHOW THE LORD’S LOVE AND HOSPITALITY? 1. PRAY for the people God is bringing. 2. BE ON THE LOOKOUT for people you don’t know. Take time to introduce yourself. Get to know them. Listen. Ask how you can help. 3. CONSIDER BEING A PART OF OUR HOSPITALITY MINISTRY, volunteer as a Greeter, Usher, Connection Center, Refreshments, or Parking Lot. Contact the church office if interested (248-7940). 4. COME AND JOIN US AT OUR HOSPITALITY INFORMATION NIGHT! Monday, Aug. 28th, 6pm in the Garden Room (includes dinner). The gift of hospitality can make the difference of enabling a person to actually have an open heart and mind to the Lord. In a practical, tangible way, hospitality expresses the love and care of God to people. Let’s make a difference together, Pastor Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Rejuvenation Design Team Grace of Christ is not only the name of our church, it also reflects the attitude of our staff and congregation in the midst of the summer rejuvenation process. Noise, dust, rooms blocked off—just a few of the challenges that were handled with patience and grace. By the first part of August, signs of transformation were evident. Comments included:

“I never noticed the beautiful molding in our hallways before! ”

Just one of the benefits of new hall lighting. THANK YOU PROJECT PARTNERS! Thank you to the families and individuals who have partnered with us to fund several of the projects we hoped to complete by fall. These have been crossed off our wish list and we have moved ahead on them!

7 Carpet for Adult Ed Room .............................................. $3,966.62 7 “ Where did you get these amazing Art-Deco light fixtures for the chapel? ” Reupholstering Furniture for Main Floor Areas....... $6,000.00 7 Restroom Updating......................................................... $5,500.00 7 Main Sanctuary Entrance Flooring............................. $2,390.00 7 They’re the original fixtures— rejuvenated! Carpet for Library............................................................. $2,419.35


“Was that beautiful rock under the Garden Room floor paint this whole time? ”

Yes, way under the paint!

It took grinding down through the top layers of the concrete with diamond-impregnated discs, filling grooves and pits, layers of sealer, and hours of manpower to transform the floors.

Lighting for Adult Ed & Childcare................................. $7,300.00 Carpet for Childcare........................................................ $9,063.91 Accessories and Wall Décor........................................... $3,000.00 Espresso Bar Update............................................................. $1,000 Area Rug for Prayer Room.................................................$500.00 Project Partners to donate $100--$10,000 for wherever it is needed most............................................ $ $ $

VOLUNTEERS We have volunteers to help remove old carpet before new is installed as well as a craftsman to update the fireplace in the Fireside Room. We’re still looking for people to sew, refinish woodwork, reassemble chairs, and just to be available when a need comes up. If you can help out, Linda Matthews is your contact person (509-388-5527).

UPDATES HAVE BEGUN • Paint crews have been at work throughout the summer on the main floor. • The chapel will be ready for contemporary worship services by September 17th. • After taking out a few walls, the second floor houses a bright, large space for children to gather and worship. • Chairs are being reupholstered, wall décor and signage planned, and the Connection Center relocated.


Thank you to the staff, craftsmen, and volunteers who have helped with the project so far. May the legacy of the people who have gone before us be honored as we prepare for the future of our church community.

Your Rejuvenation Design Team, Kathy Myers, Linda Mathews, Jennifer Foster, Mark Baldwin, Jeff Gray, Pastor Jim Marian, and Tammy Nunley

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English


WHITWORTH MINISTRY INSTITUTE From July 24-28 nine adults from Grace of Christ/Gracia de Cristo and seven children/youth attended the WIM conference in Spokane, where participants from Grace bonded in a shared experiences of worship, Bible Study, Teaching, and Fellowship.

Participant Testimonies... What a privilege to be with our Gracia de Cristo family! Together through the Word we were privileged to sit under theologian Oscar Garcia-Johnson from Fuller Seminary, and author, Leonard Sweet. The Word came alive as we read the Bible anew with imagination and prayer. We got a view of the Kingdom of God from a higher elevation with eyes to see people beyond our blind spots - all people, all races, rich, poor, women, and men. We were encouraged that His Word, His Spirit, and Jesus were all a work in us that will draw all people to Himself. – Carla & Jake Kupp We thank God primarily for having given us the strength and enthusiasm which he has placed in our hearts and also our church for making it possible for us to participate in the WIM conference at Whitworth University in Spokane, where we experienced deep knowledge of Our God and Lord Jesus Christ through His beautiful word. We thank God for allowing us to enjoy the teachers and our Christian brothers in America. – Rosy Canales and Celic Reynoso

Del 24 al 28 de julio, nueve adultos de Grace of Christ/ Gracia de Cristo y siete niños/ jóvenes asistieron a la conferencia de WIM en Spokane, donde los participantes de la Gracia se unieron en una experiencia compartida de adoración, estudio bíblico, enseñanza y compañerismo.

Testimonios de Participantes... ¡Qué privilegio estar con nuestra familia de Gracia de Cristo! Juntos a través de la Palabra tuvimos el privilegio de sentarnos frente al teólogo Oscar García-Johnson del Seminario Fuller, y el autor, Leonard Sweet. La Palabra cobró vida al leer la Biblia con oración y mucha imaginación. Tenemos una visión del Reino de Dios desde una elevación más alta con ojos para ver a la gente más allá de nuestros puntos ciegos - todas las personas, todas las razas, ricos, pobres, mujeres y hombres. Nos animo que Su Palabra, Su Espíritu y Jesús estuvieran todos trabajando en nosotros para atraer a todas las personas hacia Él. – Carla & Jake Kupp Agradecemos primariamente a Dios por habernos dado la fortaleza y el entusiasmo el cual puso en nuestros corazones y también a una nuestra iglesia por haber hecho posible nuestra participación en la conferencia WIM en la Universidad de Whitworth en Spokane, en donde experimentamos el conocimiento profundo de nuestro Dios y Señor Jesucristo a través de su hermosa palabra. Damos gracias a Dios por permitirnos gozar con los maestros y nuestros hermanos cristianos en América. – Rosy Canales and Celic Reynoso

In this conference I learned that even in our families of migrants the culture is different, with our children and in our church, but in Christ and with the help of God and through the Holy Spirit we can be transformed by means of the renewal of our understanding to do the will of God.

En esta conferencia he aprendido que aún en nuestras familias de migrantes la cultura es diferente, con nuestros hijos y en nuestra iglesia, pero en Cristo y con la ayuda de Dios y atravez del Espiritu Santo podemos ser tranformados por medio de la renovacion de nuestro entendimiento para hacer la voluntad de Dios.

– Javier Valencia

– Javier Valencia


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English The WIM week was filled with the Holy Spirit who brought us into unity without barriers and without differences. A week full of hospitality, lots of Worship and fellowship, with the opportunity to meet brothers and sisters of other churches. We thank God for the opportunity to learn from Him through His Word to put the Love of Christ into practice in our community.

"And you should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the second: You should love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." – Mark 12:30-31 – Alex and Aurora Rule


En Español La semana en WIM estuvo llena del Espíritu Santo quien nos trajo a una unidad sin barreras y sin diferencias. una semana llena de hospitalidad, mucha alabanza y tambien compañerismo, con la ocasion de conocer hermanos y hermanas de otras iglesias. Damos gracias a Dios por la oportunidad de aprender de El a travez de su palabra para poner en practica el Amor de Cristo en nuestra comunidad.

"Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. El segundo es: Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. No hay otro mandamiento más importante que estos." – Marcos 12:30-31 – Alex and Aurora Rule

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

WOMENS MINISTRY & PRAYER WOMENS MINISTRY It is hard to believe that the Fall is here! Since the completion of the Women’s Retreat, the team has been trying to work out what offerings we could provide. The same as previous years? Are there other needs that we have not met? There are lots of good things, but what best fulfills Women’s Ministry mission? We know that there is a need. You women show us that with your amazing support of the different things we have tried. We found a book, Building an Effective Women’s Ministry, that our team is reading and discussing. The premise of the book is prayer and listening to God—so as we gather together to understand the future for our Women’s Ministry team, we would ask that you also be praying, and listening. The book has several prayers to use as a springboard, we would ask that the heart of this prayer be included in your prayers for us: Dear Lord, we come “before You, in this season

of development, asking that You give the Team wisdom and discernment. That we are able to set all of our agendas aside and pray for Your direction. We pray that the words that come out of our mouths not be an overflow of past disappointment but an overflow of future joy. Lord, help the Team to see how they can effectively fulfill the purpose of our church, creating a new spoke for the wheel rather than another wheel. Anoint us with grace, love, and unity of spirit. Help the Team to add value to the church and the women who worship here. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

– p. 33 paraphrased The Women’s Ministry is very hard at work—and as we seek answers we will keep you updated!

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES • PURSUING OUR LIMITLESS GOD kicks off Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 9:10 in the gym. This year we will learn more about God’s Abundant Life for us. • WOW WOMEN OF THE WORD will study Isaiah. We start meeting Tuesday, Sept. 19 in the Fireside Room at 9:45a. 7

PRAYER TESTIMONY God is answering prayer in countless ways at Grace of Christ. Last month, you read Sharon Trick’s story of how we got our Prayer Room. This month, the Prayer Ministry Team has another great testimony for you, shared by Helen Howson. of “2016,In INovember needed some

work done on my car, plus needing to buy four new snow tires. It was going to cost $500. I put it on a credit card, but didn’t want to have it on there for long. So, I prayed that $500 would come my way so that I could pay this off sooner rather than later. Then about three to five days later, I got a card in the mail from my nephew. Enclosed was a check for $500. He had no idea I had prayed for this. God DOES provide!

”– Helen Howson

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury

WHAT A GREAT SUMMER! Thanks to all who made the summer so amazing! We had such a fun time at camp, worshipping at the Crowder Concert, hanging out at the pool parties, Movie nights, and serving at Camp Hope. If you missed out on any of it, like us on our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram to see it all!

*JUST A NOTE: There will be youth group starting TWO WEEKS BEFORE (September 6) our big kickoff on the 20th because I want to have as many great times as possible! Also if your parents want to come to that one and see what is going on, they are more than welcome!

HEY YOUTH! LET YOUR PARENTS READ THIS! I am extremely grateful that you have been so welcoming to me and my family, and more importantly, that you have been willing to trust me with your children. I never take that responsibility lightly and I look forward to all the amazing times we will have as a large church family! In my personal study, I have been reading on the theme of returning (check out Acts 26:20 or Luke 22:32 if you have the time, we think that Luke wrote both of these books) and it was pretty neat to see that when Luke wrote these, he had a pretty deep meaning for that word we think of as “return.” It includes turning back to worship God, coming back to the love of God and being obedient, coming back to the love for the children, and coming back to wisdom. It is my prayer that in this new season we strive to not only return to these things, but to help others return so we expand God’s Kingdom.

HEY PARENTS! LET YOUR KIDS READ THIS! Hey, it’s Thomas here! If we haven’t met yet, come hang out sometime! I would love to get to know you. I am excited for the launch of our new programs on SEPTEMBER 17TH and 20TH!

SUNDAY MORNINGS....................(SEPT 17 AT 9:00 AM) Sundays are going to be an awesome time of worship, starting in the new Chapel! Come hang out before the service and meet the team! Mid-High and High School will all start off together, and break up just after worship. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT.....................(SEPT 20 AT 6 PM) Mid-High and High School groups will meet at 6pm – same time but separate groups! Be prepared for an amazing night you will not want to miss!! Also this month we will have Monster ball night, but I am not telling you which one it is, so you will just have to come to all of them! 8

LAUNCH MEETING...............................(SEPT 6 AT 8 PM) I want to invite you out to a “soft launch” and meeting on Sept. 6! I think we have a great vision for the next steps in the youth ministry here at Grace of Christ, and I know I cannot do it without your support. Following the program (about 8pm) I would love to meet with any parents, or even people you know who are passionate about youth and seeing them grow closer to God, for about 20 minutes. If you feel called to helping on any level it would be a great time to connect! We will have planned activity for the kids during this time.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray

9:00 AND 10:45 KIDZONE (3 YEARS – GRADE 5) Beginning this Fall we will be offering two services for families at 9:00 and 10:45. All families with kids can check-in 15 minutes before the service and head directly to KidZone! Pre-K’s and Kindergartners will enjoy worship time, stories and fun activities in our Preschool Rooms. 1st through 5th graders will worship together in our NEW Children’s Wing and then break into classrooms where kids will build a relationship with Jesus through fun and engaging Bible Activities! Under 3 Years? Check out our excellent childcare in our Early Learning Center.

FALL KICKOFF IS SEPTEMBER 17! This Fall we will begin our new series, "Digging Into the Bible in One Year!" Digging Into the Bible in One Year takes kids on a whirlwind journey from Genesis to Revelation. Kids experience a relationship with God through the eyes of ordinary Bible people. Kids will discover that they’re a lot like people God has always loved and worked through. Take your kids from knowing about God to KNOWING GOD.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION We are bursting with excitement over the construction of our NEW Children’s Wing! We can’t wait to share this awesome new space with kids and families this Fall! Can’t wait to see you in KidZone!


Mothers of Preschoolers "Free Indeed" is what Grace of Christ Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) will be diving into the 201718 season. Please join us starting September 15 at 9:30 in the gym. We can’t wait to meet you! We will be hosting a Bake Sale to help the financial cost to run all year. Join us in the Garden Room, Sunday, September 10. There will be plenty of goodies – savory and sweet! See you there!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119

PRESCHOOL 2017-2018 Our preschool staff is excited to start our 2017-18 school year by welcoming new families and children for another year of school! We are committed to working together with families to make their preschool experience as positive and rewarding as possible. We know that parents are deeply concerned not only with physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth, but with spiritual growth as well. Our desire is to encourage a child’s growth and development in all these areas by offering a program of enrichment to their everyday experiences. We view our role as one of supporting and strengthening quality family life by providing parents with increased understanding of their child and their needs. Our hope is that this is done in many ways: through sharing information between our staff and parents, by observations of their child in a setting with other children of the same age, with worship and fellowship opportunities here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church, through family activities offered outside of the classroom, through speakers and workshops in our parents program, and with the recommendation of available resources which would benefit the family. In an atmosphere of love and acceptance modeled by God’s unconditional love, the children develop self-esteem as well as confidence in their place in the class. Families are supported by our philosophy of sharing


God’s love, resulting in a community where we work together to create a wonderful place for children to thrive. We have a wonderful staff of experienced, dedicated and conscientious teachers. They are a part of this program because they truly enjoy working with children. They participate in professional workshops and continuing education offerings in the field of Early Childhood Education and Christian growth when possible. Especially valued traits that I believe each teacher possesses are: a genuine love of children, a close relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord of their life, and a heartfelt desire to make this year a positive time of growth for the children. Grace of Christ Preschool is a place where children feel safe, loved, respected, and where we strive to glorify Jesus in all we do. We are looking forward to a great year together! We are blessed that these families have entrusted us the care, development and growth of their children. How can you be a part of this program? You can pray for each of these families, the children, and the staff of the preschool. You can volunteer by sharing your time and talents. You can donate to our scholarship program which gives many the opportunities to be a part of the program who otherwise could not afford it. You can support our many fund raisers throughout the school year – Scripture Calendars, See’s Candy, Santa Breakfast, Spring Bunny Pictures and our annual Scholastic Book Fair.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Missions CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Hello Grace of Christ! Thank you for the generous support you have given us for our ministry with Cru. Many college students have accepted Christ, many are being discipled and learning how to share their faith, and many are growing in their understanding of how the gospel reaches all parts of their lives. We love your heart for missions and are grateful to have such a caring church behind us. So many students lose their faith when they come to college (80%) and it can be a very spiritually dark environment. God is doing some incredible things in the lives of college students to change the trajectory of their lives. There are about 75 students actively involved in Cru at Boise State University with many more who are marginally involved. One student’s name is Eric. Eric is an outspoken Atheist who came with us on a hike Cru advertised on campus at the beginning of the year. He’s heard the gospel but has strong opinions against Christianity. However, something keeps bringing him back. He meets with one of our staff men fairly frequently and enjoys coming to the weekly Cru meetings. We have a soft spot in our heart for him and are sure he will come to know the Lord someday.

CRU- BELIZE UPDATE New Believers...................................................4 Spiritual Conversations................................. 135 Belizeans want to start Cru on their Campus....15 We boarded the plane with excitement and trepidation. Five students came with us. Was this the best decision to go? The country of Belize is one of 33 countries left in the world with no Cru ministry and we were trusting God

to form a new ministry in three short weeks. A Cru spring break had gone to pioneer the land back in March and came home with some discouragement since there were so few students to talk with on Belize’s largest University of only 4,000 students. We were trusting God to lead us to students we could share the gospel with as well as students who were already Christian who might be interested in helping launch a Cru movement at University of Belize. We believed God was already at work and we just needed to find those students. Every day during the hot, humid 25- minute walk to campus, we prayed fervently. We called it our “FAITH TRIP.” I was reminded how God shows up in the Bible when circumstances seem impossible. Little did we know how much God WOULD drastically move far beyond we asked or imagined!! He led us to many students to talk to, numerous divine appointments, trust built, spiritual conversations, our US students stepping out in boldness to share the gospel, students accepting Christ, and students wanting to help launch a Cru movement on their campus and learn to share their faith! We were amazed. God is on the move and continues to be faithful in this ministry! – Nathan and Emily (Carter) McIndoo Cru at Boise State University

CAMP HOPE Camp Hope, the temporary home for the homeless, provides beds for more than 50 campers a night and over 1000 meals a week. Since Camp Hope began, more than 25 campers gave their lives to Christ and have been baptized. The campers feel safe and protected under the amazing directorship of Mike Kay, the hard- working staff, volunteers and the Holy Spirit. With hot weather and no running water to the Camp, the campers consume considerable amounts of bottled water. Any donations of bottled water, baby wipes, sun block, lotion, and sleeping bags would be greatly appreciated. Also, providing a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) would be very helpful. If you would like to sign up to help in any way, please call Sheri Rynd (509-480-9760). – Thanks so much for all your support for Camp Hope!


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Upcoming Events TEMPLE CHOIR

Yoo-hooo, Singers..... It's time! You should be rested, restored and revived. If not, it doesn't matter. Come join us, regardless!

Temple Choir will resume this fall with Thursday rehearsals beginning on Sept. 7, at 7pm, in the choir room, on the lower level (just above the big kitchen!). Most members come through the door at the back parking lot and up the stairs, but if you're an elevator affectionado, just come through the Garden Room, enter the elevator, press “L” (for Lower) and follow the noise. It'll most likely lead you to us! We are a traditional choir, accompanied by both pipe organ and piano; we enjoy making a joyful noise unto the Lord, and if you do, too, consider this an official invitation to join us. This fall we'll be providing service music for the Traditional Service (approx. 10:30am – 12:30pm) every Sunday, and working towards our Carol and Candles Service on Christmas Eve. We're a varied group: some with degrees in music, others with classical vocal training, some with “a good ear”; others with a good sense of humor; some who need encouragement; some who don't.... but all have a heart for God and a desire to sing His praises (or at least make a joyful noise!) If you fit into any of those categories, or would like to form your own category, please come. We'd love for you to join us. If you have any questions, need encouragement to join, or would like to know more about our choir, please leave a message and phone number on the Connect Card in church. I will get in touch with you. – Roz Strang


UNION GOSPEL MISSION DINNER FUNDRAISER Please join us for the first annual YUGM Evening of Hope: Building a Community of Hope, September 28 at the Yakima Convention Center. This is your opportunity to participate in reshaping, restoring and renewing the lives of addicted, homeless, and hurting men, women, and families in need. Join us for dinner as we celebrate with stories of redemption and renewal from graduates of the New Life Program and community partners whose lives have been transformed by hope. With a special performance by virtuoso violinist and inspirational speaker Roddy Chong. We hope to see you there! Visit our website for ticket information!


Growth Groups Start Sept. 17 Watch for opportunities to sign-up! Have questions? Interested in being a facilitator or a host?

Facilitator and Host Training

September 6th @ 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. (dinner included) Contact: Jana Alderman OR: Cindy Shively

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


We are excited to be getting ready for Slamquest and The Blast this fall!

Slamquest: October 20-22


Summer is now over, and we are praising God for the 800+ campers who came to Ghormley this summer. God did amazing work in the lives of so many youth who came to camp. Over 90% of campers reported they grew in their faith, and hundreds made a decision to follow Christ for the first time! Our theme this summer was "Stand Strong" from Ephesians 6:10-20. Many youth reported learning new truths about God's armor, and the importance of being ready to stand up for their faith. Please pray that the words heard and the love displayed to the campers this summer will stay in their hearts all throughout the coming year!

Weekend Retreat for 6th-8th grade students

The Blast: November 17-19

Weekend Retreat for 9th-12th grade students

Register Online:


We are excited to announce that online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate Page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved. join-our-team/donate-to-ghormley/


Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you would like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at: donate-to-ghormley/

PRAYER NEEDS 1. Pray that God will bring us the right person to fill our


Help send kids to camp just by shopping at Fred Meyer! All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund. Want to join? Simply visit our website: http://www. /join-our-team/donate-toghormley/

Guest Services Director role. Praise God for His amazing work in the lives of campers 2. at Ghormley this summer. 3. Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our non-summer months. 4. Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. 5. Pray that the Lord will lead us as we raise funds and embark on a number of facilities improvement projects.


Stephanie Lewis, who has led our Guest Services so well the past two years, is departing Ghormley this fall to return to the Wenatchee area. Therefore, we are searching for the person God would lead to step in to this vital role in our ministry. Please pray for the hiring process, and if you, or someone you know is interested, please visit our website for more information. http://www.ghormleymeadow. org/join-our-team/job-openings/ 13


Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

August Calendar of Events

Sat, Aug 26

Mon, Aug 28

Tue, Aug 29

Wed, Aug 30

Sanctuary/ GR/Classrooms Wed, Aug 30 No Youth Group Tonight

Preschool Families

Sun, Sep 3

Prayer Sunday



Sun, Sep 3

Gracia de Cristo Prayer & Praise



Mon, Sep 4

Labor Day | Church Closed

Entire Church


Tue, Sep 5

Preschool Starts | 3's & PK

Tue, Sep 5

Worship Ministry Team Meeting

5:30 pm

Wed, Sep 6

Preschool Starts | 4's

9:00 am

Preschool Families

Wed, Sep 6

Gracia y Grace Juntos (together) Potluck & Prayer

5:00 pm

Garden Room


Wed, Sep 6

Growth Group Leader Training

5:30 pm

Lounge Rm 112


Sat, Sep 9

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Sun, Sep 10

Pray for Yakima 24/7

Sun, Sep 10

MOPS Bake Sale

Tue, Sep 12

Preschool Staff Meeting

Tue, Sep 12

Tue, Sep 12

Wed, Sep 13

Preschool Board Meeting

Thu, Sep 14

BSF Begins

9:00 am Sanctuary


Thu, Sep 14

Ghormley Commission

7:00 pm

Adult Ed Room


Fri, Sep 15

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

9:30 am



Sun, Sep 17

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Hospitality Information Dinner

6:00 pm

Garden Room


12:00 pm

Fireside Room

All Staff

Staff Birthday Lunch Preschool Parent Orientation

6:00 pm

All Morning 6:00 pm All Day

9:30 - 9:00 am Adult Ed Room

All Day All Morning

Preschool Families Committee


Garden Room


12:00 pm

KidZone Center

Preschool Staff

Mission Ministry Team Meeting

4:00 pm

Adult Ed Room


Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting

5:30 pm

Lounge Rm 112


12:00 pm

KidZone Central


Grace Modern Worship Service **New! 10:45 am Chapel KidZone Available During this New Worship Hour


Sun, Sep 17

ELZ Lunch Meeting

2:45 pm

Lounge Rm 112

ELZ Staff

Tue, Sep 19

WOW Bible Study Begins

9:45 am

Fireside Room


Fri, Sep 22

MOPS Creative Moments

9:30 am

Room 203


Sat, Sep 23

Prayer Shawl Ministry

1:00 pm

Garden Room


Sun, Sep 24

Deacon's Meeting

Tue, Sep 26

Pursuing Our Limitless God Bible Study begins

Tue, Sep 26

Preschool Staff Meeting

Thu, Sep 28

Kaffee Klatsch

Sun, Oct 1


Communion Sunday

12:30 pm Lounge Rm 112 9:10 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm All Morning




KidZone Central

Preschool Staff

Garden Room




Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events MON

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers (Begins Sept. 25th) Al-Anon Divorce Care

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

TUE Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women's Bible Study) (Begins Sept. 26th) Women in the Word Bible Study (Begins Sept. 19th) WED

Youth Group *Dinner Included! Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal

Temple Choir SOZO Prayer

Everyone All Staff Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone

9:15 am



9:45 am



Gym Sanctuary

6th-12th grades



Choir Rm Prayer Rm Prayer Room

Temple Choir SOZO Team SOZO Team



Sanctuary Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Library KidZone Central Youth Rm & Gym

Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12

6:00- 8:00 pm 6:00- 8:00 pm

THUR Bible Study Fellowship (Begins Sept. 14th)

Adult Ed Lounge Rm 112 Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge Rm 112

9:00 am 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm

FRI SOZO Prayer 9:00 -11:30 am MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers 9:30 - 11:30 am (Meets 1st & 3rd Fridays Begining Sept. 15th)

Sunday Services and Events


Grace Contemporary Worship Grace Modern Worship Grace Traditional Worship - Led by Temple Choir Gracia de Cristo Worship in Spanish Going Deeper: Zechariah Golden Circle KidZone Youth reFUEL

9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 10:15 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Announcements ALPHA COURSE


Eric & Nancy Gustafson are facilitating an Alpha Course: a 10 week study covering basic beliefs of the Christian faith. The evening will include dinner, video & discussion time. Interested? Email Nancy or call 509.952.5403. The first gathering will be Tue, Sept. 5 from 6:30p - 8:30p at the Gustafson’s house.

The church will be closed September 4, Labor Day.

GROWTH GROUPS Life is better together! New Growth Groups begin September 17th for a 10 week study following our sermon series. Join a group today! Call 248-7940 x 108.Interested in hosting a Growth Group? A Leader/Host Dinner and Training Session will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 6th from 5:30-8:30pm. Call 248-7940 x 108 for more information. 15

COOKIES & CANS Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…

Sept 3

A - F

Sept 10 G - M Sept 17


Sept 24

T - Z



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