Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Shively
to Share God’s Grace Grace is God’s incredible gift of undeserved love, which God lavishes on us in so many ways. When we truly understand God’s love and grace for us, we naturally desire to somehow love God back, and also to share God’s love and grace with others. King David recognized this in his prayer in 1 Chronicles 29. “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours… Wealth and honor come from you alone. But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us!”
God owns everything. We are simply the managers (stewards) of all God has graciously entrusted to us, including our time, our talent and our treasures. As stewards, we carry no sense of entitlement to the assets we manage. It’s simply our job to find out what the owner wants done with His assets (our time, talent and treasures), then carry out His will. Giving of ourselves and our resources is the primary way we share God’s grace with others.
Our time is a gift of grace. Psalm 90:10,12 says, “Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty… Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” God certainly does not want us to burn out, so we need to choose carefully how we use our time. As we think about what really matters, and what lasts, how do we want to give of our time to share God’s grace with others?
Our talents are a gift of grace. God graces us with talents, and to them, we add experience, training, and opportunity. We then use our talents to provide for the needs of our families, and also to serve the Lord, again sharing God’s
grace. The more we learn to listen to the voice of our loving heavenly Father, the more we can discern how best to use our talents.
Our treasures are a gift of grace. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us it is God “who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” All that we are, and all that we have, is a gift from God. How does God want us to use our treasures for his transforming purposes in the world, and in particular through His church? In the same way that, “God lavishes the riches of His grace on us” (Ephesians 1:7), God wants us to give of ourselves and our resources with lavish grace. When it comes to giving, it’s so important to know that we give out of the overflow of God’s love and grace to us, not out of obligation or fear. Unlike the gentleman who was shaking his head in disgust and disdain at me and my dog for being on his lawn (I hadn’t seen his signs forbidding me to do so), God is not judging us, or looking for what we are doing wrong. God loves you so much! God is greatly pleased with you. “God takes great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) As you seek to live fully in God’s grace, will you take some time to prayerfully consider how you can give of yourself and your resources to share God’s grace with others? What joy we have in giving to the Lord. On Sunday, October 25th at 10:00 am we will have an all-church celebration of God’s lavish grace to us, in a combined worship service and opportunity to renew our faith commitment and giving to the Lord, followed by a shared meal together. What a time of celebrating God’s goodness! Living by grace, – Pastor Cindy Shively
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Assistant Pastor — Tyler Van Horn
What’s New with Communion? This summer our Deacons began a new opportunity for Communion. In addition to our regular celebration of Communion during our worship services on the first Sunday of even months, on Prayer Sundays (generally the first Sunday of odd months), Communion will be offered in the Parlor following each service. We are already revising the Communion in the parlor to have a little more time for reflection. Please feel free to enjoy this new opportunity. Thank you to our faithful, devoted Deacons for this ministry!
My son started preschool this year and he absolutely loves every minute of his time in the classroom. Every day he comes home with something new that he learned and he can’t wait to “teach” it to me, my wife and our two little girls. Each night before bed he asks, “Dad, is tomorrow Tuesday?” If the answer is “no,” then he quickly follows up with his next question, “Is tomorrow Thursday?” Tuesdays and Thursdays are now his favorite days because they are when he gets to be a “big kid” and when he gets to “learn lots of new stuff.” Harrison is helping me to see how beautiful life can be when we take on the excitement of learning. Kids are good at this because everything is new and everything is fresh. Too often, we adults are unimpressed with the sunset because we have seen it a thousand times before. When Jesus called those first people to follow him, he gave them the identity of “disciples.” He could have used many other words to describe this new family he was creating, but he intentionally chose the word that simply means “learner or student.” So what are you learning right now? Are you learning new things about yourself, new things about God’s created world, or new things about the people around you? And how is this process of learning helping you to teach other people the ways of Jesus? Today might not be Tuesday, but today is a great day to learn something new. – Pastor Tyler Van Horn 3
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Session Notes — Janet Krieger
LEADERSHIP CLASSES For some time now, Session has pondered how to best prepare those we identify as leaders, to successfully step into positions of leadership as Elders, and / or to serve on various ministry teams and committees. This fall we will begin our first leadership class, with the specific goal of developing the understanding of our missional focus of discipleship and equipping leaders to serve as Elders and in ministry positions. It is our vision that church leadership will rise from those participating in this training. A tentative schedule of the classes to be taught follows. Each class will meet the 4th Tuesday of each month and will begin with a dinner at 5:30 PM and then proceed to the teaching from 6:00-7:30 PM.
SEPTEMBER – A Life Worth Imitating
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Thriving Relationships: UP / IN / OUT
Rhythms of Grace: REST (abiding), WORK (fruit) Pendulum
OCTOBER – Multiplying Life • Understanding How You Have Been Gifted: The Five-Fold Gifts
Leading Other People: The Leadership Square
NOVEMBER–Leading Families on Mission
JANUARY – You Got the Call - Now What?
Leading In The Way of Jesus
FEBRUARY – What Is A Presbyterian Elder?
Authority from Serving In the Name Of Christ
MARCH – How Elders Serve
Serving in a Culture of Honor
APRIL – Listening Prayer
Positioning Ourselves to Hear God Speak
MAY – The Ministry Of Elders • Core Values, Mission Priorities, Ministry Opportunity Praise God for His desire to raise up individuals who are trustworthy, honorable, respected and respectful. Pray He will put the spirit of leadership upon them, so they may share the work with our pastoral staff. Please pray for leaders in the congregation to rise up and serve. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this training. If so please contact Janet Krieger: – Janet Krieger
• Who are the people you are leading? (Living as Spiritual Parents) • How are you discipling these people? (Developing Predictable Patterns)
DECEMBER – Celebrations that Lead to More Growth
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Vision Casting for 2016 Sharing Testimony Worship and Prayer together ©
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Connecting Ministries — Jocelyn Larsen
“A lover of God is better and more pleasing to God than a hundred thousand hirelings.” Theologia Germanica (ca. 1350) from the fourteenth-century German renewal movement known as “The Friends of God,” championed by Martin Luther. For many years, I was happy being a busy, responsible, visibly dutiful worker for God. In fact, I was more than happy to do the work -- I felt a lot of personal pride at the work I was doing and how ‘important’ I must have been in God’s eyes. Then, suddenly, by an avalanche of circumstance, all of my ability to do busy, responsible, visible work for God fell through. I was forced to slow my pace of life to an unhurried crawl. I looked embarrassingly irresponsible to all of the people who before saw me as competent and capable. And the only, occasional, minuscule work I could still do for God was invisible to most people and seemed desperately insignificant – especially to me. I was crushed. Heart, soul, mind, and strength were all in turmoil - simultaneously. Who was I if I wasn’t doing stuff for God, saving souls and leading Bible studies and doing amazing, visible, wonderful, mouthdropping things for him? How could He do this to me? I floundered. For a few years. They were some dark, desperate years. And then: Slowly, so slowly that it took me a long time to see it, in seeped the light. And then: Quietly, so quietly that it took me a long time to hear it, I could hear God’s Voice breathing into the deep recesses of my heart. Over time, here are the pieces I put together: Jocey, don’t you belong to Me? Isn’t your life Mine to lead, Mine to orchestrate, Mine to ‘ruin’? Don’t you know that you are all I want – not all of this ‘important’ stuff you do for Me? Don’t you know that all I want is for you to want Me, be near to Me, love Me? You are not a means to My end of getting fruitful ministry out of you! Stop trying to prove yourself – to Me or to others. Yes, I saw how busy you were ‘for Me.’ I saw how responsible a worker you were. I saw all of the ‘important’ ministry that filled your every waking moment. And: guess what? I don’t care. I don’t care about any of that. In fact, I care way too
much for you to let you keep striving, contriving, finding your identity in all that. That’s why I let it get buried. You used to do stuff for Me for fear that I’d be displeased if you didn’t. You used to do stuff for Me because you felt guilty when you didn’t. You used to do stuff for Me out of pride in your heavenly resume. No more! Go and be, my dear. Walk in the footsteps of My Spirit knowing that you can trust Me to lead your life. Know that I see all that is invisible. Know that who you are becoming as a result of suffering, invisibility, anonymity, obscurity is more important, more precious, more valuable to Me than this upside-down world can even imagine. Know that My mouth drops open at a very different kind of ministry than that which dazzles the world. You are Mine and I am yours. That is what matters to Me most. Lord, if you have to fire me to keep me from being just a hireling, do it. Make me only, ever a lover of God.
– Jocelyn Larsen
You’re invited to join me on a devotional study through the Gospel of Mark this fall.
I’m calling it a devotional study because I hope that you’ll find each one to be both intellectually stimulating (like a study) and heart-engaging (like a devotional). Go to my website, and subscribe to my blog. Each Sunday afternoon you will receive an email with that week’s devotion.
If you want to hear more from Jocelyn, subscribe to her blog at 5
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Family Ministries — Shan Trick
Now that I can look back to what just happened during the Love After Marriage is a program created by a couple last 4 days... I have to chuckle... and I really believe THE Barry and Lori Byrne who in response to a prophetic dream, LORD got us to Yakima for surprise “spiritual surgery.” i created this program for couples who want to pursue the The name of the marriage conference we attended truth and tools available necessary for God’s best was called Love After Marriage. That sounds in relationships. Barry and Lori are involved harmless and safe enough, and yet it was in leadership training at Bethel Church in the name of the ministry, “Nothing Hidden Redding California and have coached Ministries,” that really compelled me to It was life changing... thousands of couples from around the at least ask Perry if he would consider and relationship changing. world to bring about wholeness and going to it. I totally did not see in the healing to their marriages. title “3.5 days Intensive” (not that I It was revelation...
This intense 3.5 day training is for couples who not only want to strengthen their own marriages, but also have the desire to disciple other couples in their marriages.
and full of tools for application. We felt exposed, but deeply loved. Lots of emotion,
would have really known what that meant.) We had been talking about vulnerability and shame for several days, and this just seemed to be an opportunity to force us in to it.
We decided to “go for it” and we agreed The workshop that just took place in and lots of healing. we were joining hands and JUMPING Yakima at Open Bible Christian Center OFF of a CLIFF together! Both Perry and I was “home” for 3.5 days to 19 couples from were nervous as we drove the two hours, and all over Washington, Montana and Australia. more than once we commented “what the heck are we The Holy Spirit was doing a transforming work in each doing? Is this crazy or God?” couple. Some came in desperate need of healing, while I can’t even describe some of what went on because I am others were looking forward to the tools necessary to still taking it in myself. But I will say.... work through issues that come up. Whatever the need, the Holy Spirit worked through each person with what It was life changing... and relationship changing. was needed to leave with rekindled loved and a personal It was revelation... and full of tools for application. change that was life transforming! We felt exposed but deeply loved. This ministry is so amazing, we hope to continue to Lots of emotion and lots of healing. the next phase which is an 18 week small group study so more couples can radically transform their marriages. I thank each of you for praying. I am so encouraged. I am so grateful! Stay Tuned…
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Women’s Ministries — Shan Trick
WOMEN’S LUNCHEON Just a moment ago I was anticipating the coming Summer – all the adventures and possibilities! As I write this, the schools have just started back (except a few colleges), and by the time you read this the Fall sports will be well into their seasons! Time just flies by so quickly, and schedules fill up in the blink of an eye! I hope you are able to join Women’s Ministry on Saturday, October 10th – we are hosting a Royal Banquet Luncheon, a time to sit and connect with our neighbors. This is an opportunity to bring the people who you live near, friends that have not had time to connect with, and/or meet up with the people who sit near (or not) on Sundays; a child free time to talk with other women. (Childcare is not available at the church for this event.) For this rare treat we are planning a “High Tea” with a royal flair. The inspiration came from the “Fashioned to Reign” Bible Study. During the Luncheon we have asked Robin Biddlecomb to speak. Her title is “Fierce Love” as an exchange; not just of God’s love for us— but how we are to reciprocate that love, to Him and to each other. What does this love really look like? From us to our families, to other Christians, to those who are not saved, and most importantly what does it look like to Fiercely Love ourselves in the way God intended us to? At the conclusion of the luncheon, there will be an opportunity to register, and purchase the “Fashioned to Reign” curriculum. Tickets for the Banquet Luncheon are on sale in the Garden Room for $5 per person. Tickets will be available
until October 4th, after that they will be available at the door for $10. Recently, in my devotional, it was highlighted that the only thing we can truly count on is God’s love. This was referring to how we may not see God acting in our troubles today but that we could count on His everlasting love for us, and rest in His peace. Trying to plan/control the future does not work. I find that if I do not plan/schedule then nothing happens. But I am trying to not worship the plan/schedule as my salvation. To have it as the guide or outline for the future and be sure that He is the one directing, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you (me) in Christ Jesus.” Giving thanks even when nothing goes according to my plan for the day! “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.”
– Jennifer Ulmer
WOMEN’S FALL BIBLE STUDY Fashioned to Reign, by Kris Vallotton, is an 8-week women’s study that will be facilitated by Shan Trick and Tyann Whitworth. Fashioned to Reign, begins Wednesday, Oct 21 to Dec 16 at 6:00 pm, Cost: $35. This is a powerful study by Kris Vallotton, will (1) take women on a journey of God’s true plan and purpose for women, (2) explore Jesus’ radical teachings and care for women, (3) learn about men’s important role in restoring women, (4) reveal the true interpretation of difficult Bible passages about women, and (5) provide examples of women in leadership as God intended. This study includes a DVD teaching by Kris Vallotton, workbook study and time for group discussion. Contact Shan for more information and for registration fees: 248-7940 or Childcare is available with a reservation.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Student Ministries — Kelsey Schmidt
HELLO CHURCH FAMILY! I’m so excited to be your Interim Youth Director this year! It’s a pleasure to work with the amazing teenagers here at Grace of Christ and I thank God for this calling that I love every day. Thanks for entrusting your youth to me. I am a twenty something follower of Jesus and lover of all things sparkly and/or tasty. My husband (Aaron Schmidt) is also a part of this church family and volunteers with the youth. My favorite things to do when I’m not at work include spending time with him and our three awesome dogs, baking, and drinking good coffee and tea. I also love reading, music and Yakima in the fall. Family is so precious to my husband, Aaron, and I. Most of his family lives in the valley and my parents live just a few hours away. When we aren’t at home watching movies and eating good food, we can usually be found at the home of my mother-in-law or grandma, or at the family winery in Zillah. I have always loved this valley and the opportunities it has afforded us to grow closer to family and good friends. Prior to my life here, I grew up in Hermiston, Oregon. There I interned with my high school youth pastor and worked with middle school students as part of the youth staff. In college, I focused my internship on children’s ministry and studied Theology and Spanish. I graduated from Whitworth in 2012 and came here to work with Jeff Murray as an intern. I’ve been here ever since, as an intern and then as a volunteer, and now as the Director. I’m passionate about Theology and about illustrating the message of the Kingdom in a way that’s applicable to the
lives of those around me. I love talking about who God is and what He’s doing in my life and in the world. It’s the one thing I never tire of learning about or discussing. I am a believer in healing. Teenagers face many challenges and new responsibilities. Growing up in our world comes with a lot of pressure to succeed. And while our youth are struggling to keep up with all that’s expected of them, they are also attempting to figure out who they’re going to be and what they want to believe. I count it a privilege to walk alongside them as they decipher those vital things. I deeply desire healing, life-giving relationships, and a lifelong dialogue with and about God for each of the students I work with. My vision for the youth of this church family is that they would find a home here, a place where they feel safe and know that they are loved; no matter what mistakes they make along the way. I want this to be a place where they know they can come to find adults who genuinely care about them and peers who are struggling with the same issues they are. I want us to embark on the journey of struggling, learning and growing together. Please join me in helping our teenagers to feel loved and embraced. Here’s to a great year! Peace in Christ,
– Kelsey Schmidt
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Susie Woodin
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Samaritan’s Purse partners with churches missions who are involved in children’s ministry.
Shoe-boxes are filled with gifts that are prepared with love and given from hearts full of generosity, compassion, and a desire to share Jesus’ love. Each box is SO appreciated! Read on to find some tips on how to best fill your shoe-box.
• For any age boy here, what they really want is a soccer ball. So get the best quality MINI SOCCER BALL that you can fit into the box when it is inflated (OR SEND A DEFLATED BALL WITH A PUMP) and you can basically forget about anything else! • BRAND NEW NICE SHORT-SLEEVED SHIRTS (WITH NO WRITING ON THEM) for boys and girls.
• For the youngest girls, a BABY DOLL WITH LIGHT BROWN SKIN AND NO HAIR • TOY CAR, TRUCK OR AIRPLANE FOR THE YOUNGEST BOYS (The ones with bigger wheels that are made for toddlers and are larger than Matchbox size are good. NOTE: Matchbox wheels are so small, they don’t work well in dirt.
NOT SO GOOD items we have seen kids receive: • Anything with instructions in English; (We tried to explain to one girl who got a cool pair of markers that came with a clip so you could draw with them both at the same time & a set of paper 3-D glasses, but it didn’t make sense to her. • NO Toys That Aren’t Universally Recognizable (We have seen kids receive matching memory card games - a great idea but with no one to explain it to them, they are wasted.)
• SMALL FLASHLIGHT WITH BATTERIES (Most families don’t have electricity, flashlights are gold!)
• NO YO-YO’S (They don’t know what it is here.)
• GOOD QUALITY MELAMINE PLATE, BOWL, AND/OR CUP (Practical and also special.)
• NO PLAY-DOUGH (Kids have no idea what it is for.)
• SOAP AND A PLASTIC SOAP DISH THAT HAS A COVER. When you bathe standing on a big rock in the dirt as kids do here, you really need the soap holder. And families never have enough soap. • TOOTHBRUSH IN A TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER. Again, the plastic case for the toothbrush is really great when you don’t have a sink/counter/ tiled bathroom but rather brush your teeth outside squatting over dirt and need to keep it in your room.
• NO GLOVES, WINTER HATS • NO STUFFED ANIMALS (Young kids here usually burst into tears when presented with stuffed animals from their shoe-boxes. You can’t know what the animal will signify in the culture your box reaches.) • NO STICKERS OR TEMPORARY TATTOOS • NO T-SHIRTS WITH WORDS OR PICTURES • ANYTHING CHEAP OR FRAGILE (One box had a white skinned, red-haired porcelain doll in it…)
• PENCILS, ERASERS, COLORED PENCILS, AND SHARPENERS for all school-aged kids. And good quality pens for kids aged 10-14, in black, red, green, and blue. All of these are required for school and the ones from America last so much longer.
• • • • • •
GREAT GIFTS: Jump-ropes Marbles Band-Aids Harmonica Comb Socks
• Hard candy and gum • A simple watch for older kids • A solar calculator for older kids • Sunglasses for older kids • Hair elastics & head-bands for girls
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Prayer Ministry PROPHETIC PRAYER GOD LOVES OUR CHURCH! He has a great plan for our church to be part of his Kingdom going forth into the community. Do you recall on the last Prayer Sunday, Robin Stuber (on the Prayer Ministry Team) asked us to listen for the Lord’s response to the question she prayed; “Lord, what do you want to say to our church?” Everyone listened for the Holy Spirit to speak to them. Then Robin said, “I’m bringing a mic around for you to share what you heard.” What glorious things you heard! She started with the children, who were excited to be part of what was happening. This is a sampling of your responses, “Be My People of Grace,” “Love,” “Light a Fire,” “Welcome Everyone,” “More Love and Less Judgment,” “I’m Doing Something New,” “Love One Another,” “Hang in There, Don’t Give Up,” “Come Home,” “God Loves Us and Christ is the Cornerstone,” “Don’t Worry About the Bottom Line,” You Are My Beloved With Whom I Am Well Pleased,” “Be Courageous,” “Step Out and Do Something New,” “Remove the Walls, Take Down the Barriers, Embrace My People,” “Come to Me Unfettered”…and many more.
These beautiful words for our church bring us to the realization that Grace of Christ (we) are favored by God. He wants such beautiful things for us. He sees us being fruitful and completing His plan. What joy, what possibilities for us as Christians to seek our Lord and actually hear from Him as promised in the Bible.
Baptism Celebrations
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27 “Then the Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire, you heard the sound of words, but you saw no form— only a voice.” – Deuteronomy 4:12 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” – Isaiah 6:8 10
Charleigh Robel
Brian Buchanan
Harold Brown
Charleigh, Brian and Harold were lovingly baptized and welcomed into our church family on a beautiful day in August. What a joy it is to witness this sacrament and to be able to come alongside as a family of Grace.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Preschool — Rhonda Cardona Formerly First Presbyterian Christian Preschool
You are an important part of Grace of Christ Preschool! Your support through prayer, donations, and support of our fundraising efforts makes a huge impact on the families and children we serve. Thank you! The tuition we charge does not cover all of the cost of providing the program and we depend on our fundraisers.
We are taking pre-orders for our God’s Creation Calendars & Cards! We are selling 2016 wall calendars, pocket calendars and greeting cards – both everyday cards and Christmas cards. Each item is just $6! Greeting cards come in sets of 12. Last year we sold out quickly so if you don’t want to miss out – PREORDER NOW!
Orders are being taken from any Preschool Family and Staff Member until
September 28th. Or contact Rhonda Cardona at 248-7940, ext. 119 or email her at Rhonda@YakimaGrace. com with orders or questions. As always, we will have a limited number of items available for you to purchase in October. Merchandise should arrive by the end of October.
Also, start thinking about your See’s Christmas Candy orders! We will begin taking pre-orders in November.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo — Alex Rule
A MOMENT ON THE MOUNTAIN LISTENING TO THE LORD! On Friday, September 11, 2015, I received a call from my good friend, Ken, who lives and works at the Yakima Union Gospel Mission. He asked me to give the message for the Family Shelter that night. When we started the worship music, I invited the kids who were sitting at the two front tables to join us in clapping their hands, but I noticed that only three of them were clapping and had trouble keeping the rhythm, so I asked them to tap on the tables like I was doing. Suddenly the kids next to them joined in with the tapping on the tables, and then the parents joined in tapping and everyone in the room was tapping on the tables!
Early in August, Alex and I were talking about the need to do something special with the youth of the Cristo Vive congregation. I thought back to my many great memories of hiking and camping in Mt Rainier National Park. We decided this could be a great experience for our youth, as most had never been to the Mountain before. We chose August 22nd for our excursion, and selected an itinerary including Lake Tipsoo, the Grove of the Patriarchs, the bridge over Box Canyon and some hiking at Paradise. As we were planning the details regarding age limits, how many students, etc, I had misgivings about who might want to go walking around all day long. After much prayer and planning, God put together just the right mix of teenagers and adults.
We experienced the loudest sound ever in the library the sound of an avalanche or thunderstorm, the sound of a huge marching multitude. I closed my eyes and started praying, thanking God for His blessings. Then, in that very moment I heard God’s voice very clearly saying, “Do you hear???... Can you see???... Do you understand???... THIS IS MY ARMY!!! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MY CHILDREN!!! THEY WILL BE THE NEXT GENERATION OF GOD’S LEADERS!!!” – Alex Rule
We all had a great time exploring new sights and wonders; deer crossing the highway in front of us, marmots munching on berries right on the hiking path, and reading statistics about the mountain at the Visitors Center. Everyone said that they would love to go hiking there again. However, God had something else very special planned for us.
MY KAIROS MOMENT… It was a very crowded and smoky day at Paradise and I had to park the van far away. As I walked up the road to the Visitors Center, I was grumbling about not finding 12
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Cristo Vive Fellowship a closer spot. Nearing the Center, I glanced up as someone approached me. No, it couldn’t be! I thought to myself. But then that person called out my name. Yes, it was my friend, the father of one of my trumpet students taking his dog back to his car. I had meant to get in touch with him at the end of June, and now here it was nearly the end of August. I asked about his daughter and he said she was up ahead waiting to go hiking. A bit later, I looked for his daughter but couldn’t find her. About 30 minutes later our youth had regrouped and we set out on the trail. Shortly after, we came across a family group beside the trail. A man was squatting down and he was holding a woman who was struggling to breathe. It was my friend and his wife. Knowing their religious background was different than mine, I asked if I could pray for his wife and he replied, “Please do.” So right there on the path, I prayed aloud, in Spanish, asking that God would touch this woman and revive her. When we had finished praying, I noticed that she was calming down and she began breathing more regularly. That evening, I contacted him to see how his wife was doing. He replied that she was okay and he thanked me for praying for them. This is a family I had been praying for ever since I first met them some 10 months ago. I believe God is at work in their lives and trust that very soon they will come to a personal faith in the One who touched us all that day on the mountain. – Rodney Eells
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Senior Ministry
Kaffee Klatsch Kaffee Klatsch will meet on Thursday, October 15th, at 2:00 p.m. in the Garden Room. Lynn Buchanan will be our featured speaker. Lynn was instrumental in getting a mountain rescue team established on the east side of the mountains when none existed. All too often, climbers go off unprepared for what they will find. Weather conditions can change rapidly putting everyone at risk. Having participated in innumerable rescue operations for over five decades, he has many stories to share. Lynn has deep connections with our church. He was baptized by Dr. David Ferry. Additionally, his mother’s family name was Ghormley. There are many who immediately have warm feelings and memories of Camp Ghormley simply by hearing that name mentioned. Lynn is looking forward to joining us to share some of his experiences. As always, we’ll have a cup of coffee waiting for you along with a piece of something that has danced with a pumpkin. How can you miss that? As always, we appreciate it when you sign up at the Connection Center so we have an estimated nose count. And, as always, the invitation stands even if you forget to do that. We’ll look forward to seeing you there.
THANK YOU CARENET CALLERS AND CARD WRITERS Carenet has been a church-wide ministry providing periodic calls to the congregation to help stay in touch, and express the Lord’s caring. The card writers have sent birthday cards to the congregation. The Carenet Minstry has been serving our congregation for over 10 years, and was particularly helpful during our denominational transition. Thank you so much to the faithful people who have served in this calling and Birthday card ministry: Jana Alderman, Arlene Altena, JoAnn Anderson, Marv and Fran Becker, Virginia Campbell, Patricia Clark, Sandy Coats, Carol Daniel, Nelda Dilley, Bev Dolquist, Carole Drake, Betty Elder, Donna ErhartBoling, Marilyn Gilbert, Dorothy Hall, Helen Howson, Larry and Sharon Handy, Larry and Nancy Hasen, Susan Hillis, Diana Leonard, Frances Lockwood, Eloise Lucas, Carolyn Mason, Tammy Nunley, Barbara Pearson, Stella Pence, Carol Reiber, Bev Sager, Wilma Scheibner, Carol Stuhley, Shirley Whiteside, and Arden Underdal. After prayerful consideration, we have decided to discontinue this ministry. We trust that you will let us know if you have any concerns or need any information. The birthday cards will continue through December 2015. Our Deacons will continue to reach out to our “home-centered” parishioners.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Missions ~ Living Waters YAKIMA VALLEY LIVING WATERS I was speaking with someone who had just returned from a developing country and he said the thing he appreciated the most about being back in the United States was being able to drink water out of the tap. Clean water, something we often take for granted, is a precious commodity in much of the world. Our Yakima Valley Living Waters Team is responding to this reality.
In October, a group of four (Buzz Rowe, Larry Allen, Jim and Kathy Bricel) will be working with Living Water World Missions and returning to the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. We will be helping with two installations, partnering with a couple of churches in this region, to put in water purification systems and provide health, hygiene and spiritual education for the community. The systems will be installed in churches hosting Compassion International Programs and will provide clean water and education for the Compassion students, their families and the community. Our team is also in the process of setting up a survey trip to Tzucacab, located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. We have installed three systems in churches in this area. During return visits we are able to reconnect with people, help troubleshoot problems with existing systems and make contact with churches interested in installing a water system in the future. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry please contact Jim or Kathy Bricel (965-6042). Contributions can be written to Grace of Christ, for Yakima Valley Living Waters.
– Kathy Bricel
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp MEET OUR NEWEST STAFF MEMBER!
UPCOMING FALL EVENTS AT GHORMLEY Mark your calendar for these Family Friendly Fall events at Ghormley!
SLAMQUEST AND THE BLAST Middle School and High School students come and reunite with your camp friends in this action-packed weekend! Filled with all your favorite camp activities, including the zipline and night games! Register now at
SLAMQUEST (Middle School Grades 6th-8th)
OCTOBER 16th-18th
(High School Grades 9th-12th) NOVEMBER 20th-22nd
“We are excited to announce the hiring of Stephanie Lewis for the position of Guest Services Director! Stephanie replaces Matt Gooch, who departed at the end of August to return to school to finish his degree. Stephanie brings many years of experience in ministry, sales, and administration, and is excited for the challenge of helping to enhance Ghormley’s retreat ministry. Stephanie is joined here by her two children, Celeste, and Raydan. Next time you’re at Ghormley, be sure to say hi to Stephanie!”
FINANCIALLY Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.
PRAYER • As we wrap up the 2015 fiscal year, pray that Camp Ghormley will be financially successful for the rest of 2015 and into 2016. • Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. • Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES • Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed • Host Guest Groups
MOUNTAIN MEADOW CHRISTMAS (DEC 12TH-13TH) Bring the whole family and join us for Christmas worship, tree cutting, snow tubing and many more winter activities as we celebrate the Christmas season! Visit for registration details. 16
For Adopt-A-Cabin, contact Joe Buckley at 961-0424 or email Ghormley Work Days are scheduled for the second Saturday of each month at camp to provide maintenance of facilities and grounds. Our next Second Saturday is scheduled for October 10th from 9:00am-3:00pm. Lunch will be provided with an RSVP. Call camp at (509) 672-4311.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Worship Ministry HOW MANY SERVICES? "Are we going back to two contemporary services this fall, or staying with one contemporary and one traditional?" It's a question that worship ministry team fields often, and one which we have prayerfully wrestled with over the past couple of years. As you know, there are so many issues to keep in tension! For example: fullness of the sanctuary (full enough to feel like you’re not coming to church all alone, but allowing enough room for our friends and visitors to have an available seat); coordinating the entire morning schedule accounting for KidZone kids and teachers, Adult Ed classes, etc.; sensitivity to the time, energy, and spiritual freshness of the staff and volunteers involved week in and week out as they lead us on Sunday mornings…and much more that I don’t have room for here. So, here’s our stance: we’ll keep evaluating year-toyear. We see this question as an ongoing tension to maintain, not as a once-and-for-all solvable problem. For now, this fall, we’ve made the decision to go back to the schedule we’ve had for the last few academic years: 8am contemporary. 9:30am contemporary. 11am traditional. 1pm Cristo Vive. Also, just so you know, right now our worship ministry team has been focusing on and wrestling with the bigger, more broad-stroke question: How can we do a better job at connecting people to Christ, connecting people with each other, and helping us all grow as disciples of Jesus on Sundays? If you have any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts on how we can do a better job of connecting you, your family, and your friends to Christ and each other on Sundays, or how we can help you as a disciple of Jesus, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to hear from you!
Temple Choir Dear Church Family, I want to thank you all so much for your love and kindness over the past four years. Your enthusiastic support of my ministry at Grace of Christ has been a constant encouragement. Words cannot express how much you all mean to me, and how much you have all helped me to grow and thrive during my time here. I came on the scene in May of 2011 as an inexperienced 25-year-old. I will be leaving this December as a full-fledged, confident woman of God. Thank you for your fellowship and for all you’ve taught me about God and His kingdom. Please remember all that I’ve taught you over the years as well, my friends. I will miss you all very much, it’s true. But as I leave for Arizona, I am trusting that the Lord has wonderful things in store for me and for you! Grace and peace, Lyndi Peacock, Temple Choir Director
Veterans Day Dinner & Program
– Jason Larsen, On Behalf of Worship Ministry Team
Sunday, November 8th
At 5:00 pm ~ in the Garden Room Tickets go on sale Oct 18th
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
October Calendar of Events Tues, September 29
“Pursuing Our Limitless God”
9:15 am
Senior Adult Ministries Meeting
1:30 pm
Adult Ed Rm
MOPS Creative Moments
9:00 am
Room 217
(Bible Study Begins)
Thur, October 1 Fri, October 2 Sat, October 3 Sun, October 4 Mon, October 5 Tue, October 6 Thur, October 8 Fri, October 9 Sat, October 10 Tue, October 13 Wed, October 14 Thur, October 15 Fri, October 16 Sat, October 17 Sun, October 18 Tue, October 20 Wed, October 21 Thur, October 22 Fri, October 23 Sun, October 25 Tue, October 27 Wed, October 28 Sun, November 1 Mon, November 2
Blood Drive
Wycliffe Dinner and Program
Love, INC Walk to End Poverty 10:00 am Parking Lot Everyone (Start & End at GCPC) World Communion
All Morning
New Covenant Partner Class (Partner With Grace)
8:00 am
Adult Ed Rm
Prayer Class Taught by Robin Stuber
9:30 am
Living Waters Meeting
5:30 pm
Room 220
All Staff Birthday Lunch
12:00 pm
All Staff
Worship Ministry Team Meeting
6:15 pm
Adult Ed Rm
Ghormley Commission Meeting
7:00 pm
Adult Ed Rm
No Preschool Today
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Garden Room
Ladies Royalty Luncheon
9:30 am 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Service Ministry Team Meeting
6:00 pm
Adult Ed Rm
Business Ministry Team Meeting
4:00 pm
Kaffee Klatsch
2:00 pm
Garden Room
9:30 am
MOPS Leadership
Clothing Exchange Set Up
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Youth Slam Quest @ Ghormley
All Weekend
Ghormley Meadow
6th - 8th graders
Clothing Exchange
ELZ Lunch Session Leadership Meeting
12:30 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Adult Ed Rm
ELZ Staff
7:00 pm
Adult Ed Rm
Edith Ferry Circle Lunch
12:00 pm
Preschool Board Meeting
12:00 pm
Board Members
Youth Group: Get Air (Meet there)
6:30 pm
6th - 12th graders
Women’s Ministry Meeting
4:00 pm
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
9:30 am
One Service
10:00 am
Congregational Meal (Potluck!)
11:30 am
Deacon’s Meeting
3:30 pm
Session Dinner and Meeting
5:30 pm
Garden Rm/Mid High
Elders & Prog.Staff
Mary MacLean Guild
12:00 pm
Prayer Sun (Communion in Parlor)
All Morning
10-2 pm
Garden Room
7:00 pm
Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events Monday
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeaters Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care
10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 / noon 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm
Adult Ed DF Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Room 217
Everyone All Staff Everyone
Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women’s Bible Study) Women In the Word Bible Study
9:15 am 9:45 am
Gym Parlor
Women Women
Women of Action (2nd & 4th Wednesdays) Men’s Noon Bible Study Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High Cristo Vive Bible Study Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal
9:30 am 12:00 / noon 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Chapel Adult Ed Youth & Mid High Rms Adult Ed Sanctuary
Women Men 6th-12th Grade Everyone Everyone
Bible Study Fellowship SOZO Prayer Contemporary Worship Rehearsal Temple Choir
9:00 am 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 7:00 pm
Sanctuary Women Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team Sanctuary Choir Rm
SOZO Prayer
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Chapel, Prayer Rm
8:00 am & 9:30 am
Everyone Everyone
Sunday Services and Events
Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team
Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ
11:00 am
Worship - Gracia de Cristo (Spanish)
1:00 pm
Going Deeper: Revelation
9:30 am
Adult Ed
Golden Circle
9:30 am
Youth Refuel
10:30 am
Mid High & Youth Rms
6th-12th Grade
2nd Floor
3yrs-5th Grade
9:30 am
Discover what it means to Partner with Grace at our next New Covenant Partner class. Sundays at 8:00am, Oct 4 through Nov 1 in the Adult Ed Room. Everyone is welcome. Please RSVP to Jean, 248-7940.
Baptism Sunday is scheduled for Nov 8. Please contact Jean Paulson, 248-7940, if you are interested in being baptized.
WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY October 4th, in the Sanctuary 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM & 1PM World Communion is a celebration observed by Christian Churches around the world. It is an opportunity to join with Christians worldwide at the Lord’s Table. Held on the first Sunday of October, it is an interdenominational service that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. Join with us as weto partake of this Lord’s Supper.
CLOTHING EXCHANGE Join the Clothing Exchange on October 17th in the Gym at 9:00 am.
ONE SERVICE ON SUNDAY, OCT 25 On Sunday, October 25th at 10:00 am we will have an all-church celebration of God’s lavish grace to us, in a combined worship service and opportunity to renew our faith commitment and giving to the Lord, followed by a shared meal together.
Oct 4: Oct 11: Oct 18: Oct 25:
N-S T- Z A-F G-M 19
10:00 - OCT 25