Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Senior Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian
A Pastor’s Christmas Wish: Snow and Salvation! There’s no such thing as a “White Christmas” in San Diego, Ca. Matter of fact, it’s usually around 75 degrees and sunny. Some people even have family traditions of going to the beach on Christmas day! As for me, I can remember several occasions I wore shorts and flip flops on Christmas day (and wishing the weather was a bit colder…more like Christmas should be). And now for the first time in my life, I find myself preparing for a White Christmas. I’m doing things I never had to do before and I appreciate the kind people in our church who have offered to help their new, “greenhorn” pastor prepare for the season. Bruce taught me how to “blow out my sprinklers,” Stan helped me “winterize” my travel trailer and Keith and Linda bought me a snow shovel (my wife’s really going to enjoy it!) I think all that’s left is to get some snow tires for the cars and we’ll be good to go! As for our dog… he’s a Husky, so I guess he’s winter-proof! I really am looking forward to our first White Christmas. My older children and all the relatives are flying up to spend Christmas with us here in Yakima. We are blessed. Beyond having snow for Christmas, my real heart’s desire is to see people in our community receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. What better gift could a person receive? Romans 6:23 says, “But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Christmas is the time God sent His one and only Son into the world to save us from our sins and to bring joy, hope, peace and salvation to all those who put their trust in Him. Luke 2:10-12 says, “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” My prayer this Christmas is that Grace of Christ would be a place where your friends and family would experience the love of God through His Son, Jesus. I pray our church will continue to be used by God in incredible ways to impact our community!
A place to BELONG… where everyone feels welcome and can connect with others in our church. Where you can come as you are and be accepted for who you are. A place to make new friends and share life together in supportive, Christian community. Q: Who do you know that needs a real place to belong this Christmas? Who can you invite to our church this Christmas? Continued on page 3
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Christmas at Grace of Christ Christmas at Grace Continued from page 2
A place to BELIEVE… where your friends and family who
might not know Jesus as Savior can experience His love and forgiveness and receive the gift of salvation and the promise of eternal life! Q: Who are you praying for to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior this Christmas?
A place to BECOME… where everyone can grow in their
relationship with God in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. A place to worship, learn from the Bible, pray, build relationships with others and please God in every area of our lives.
Q: What is the next step you can take in growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ this Christmas?
A place to BLESS… where everyone can discover the
unique ways God has gifted them to serve and bless others. As God gave His only Son to the world (the Christmas celebration), He also gave us time, treasures, talents and a testimony to bless others. Q: How can you take the next step in blessing others with your time, talents, testimony and treasures this Christmas? What ministry do you sense the Lord calling you to get involved in? With snow…and salvation on my heart and mind, Pastor Jim
Dec 1 MOPS Christmas Tea.... pg 7
Dec 2 Santa Breakfast.... pg 11
Dec 9 &10 Mountain Meadow Christmas at Ghormley.... pg 17
Dec 10 Kids Sing!.... pg 10
Dec 14 Organ Christmas Concert.... pg 7
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Services (back cover)
Jan 1 Happy New Year (Church Closed)
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Associate Pastor of Congregational Care & Church Administration — Pastor Cindy Shively
Creating Joyful Holidays
“Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold” – Romans 12:2 Advent and Christmas can be a delightful, joy-filled time, or one fraught with stress and difficulty, simply to be endured. If we are intentional, we can genuinely celebrate God’s love, and the miracle of God coming to earth to be with us, rather than getting caught up in the seemingly unstoppable avalanche of commercialism and unrealistic expectations. Many people find the holidays difficult for emotional reasons. Missing family members because of death or divorce, painful childhood memories, shortened hours of daylight, and other factors all may add to the pain of the holidays - especially if we buy into the notion that “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” – thank you Tony Bennett. “Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold.” In winter mountaineering they teach you that the best way to avoid getting caught in an avalanche is to stop and assess the terrain and slope before entering it. This involves pausing and determining the safest route rather than simply charging ahead and hoping for the best. It may also mean digging a trench to determine the stability of the snow before attempting to negotiate through the potential avalanche zone.
Here are a few questions to ponder, so we can avoid getting caught in the avalanche this year. • What are Advent and Christmas about? • What helps you draw closer to God during this season? • What helps you experience the joy of the Lord? • What activities tend to drain life, rather than give life? • Why do I feel driven to spend so much, eat so much, drink so much, stress so much? • Where do I want my focus to be during this season, and how can I make that happen?
Finally, ask, what are my priorities in life? What is a value to me? My family? My friends? What does God want at 4
this time? Then design your own holiday season that fits. If Advent is the season when we not only celebrate Christ’s first coming, but also look forward to Christ’s Second Coming, perhaps we might shift our focus from consumerism to giving to others in need. If Christmas is the celebration of God coming to earth as a human, ultimately to die for us, so that our broken relationship with God can be restored, maybe we spend the time mending a broken relationship with someone, or do something which involves sharing the Good News of the Gospel with others. There are many options we have that can make the holidays joyful rather than a time we simply bear. So take the time to stop, ask the questions, and plan the route to avoid the avalanche. The choice is ours, let’s make this season life-giving rather than life-draining. Serving joyfully together with you, Pastor Cindy Shively
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
WELCOME NEW GRACE PARTNERS On Sunday, October 29 we welcomed new Grace Partners to our church family as well as celebrated baptisms and an infant dedication. Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16
Erika Duran Grace Partner
Ricardo Duran Grace Partner
Bladimir Rivera Grace Partner
Adrienne Laurvick Grace Partner
Ella Rose Huck September 17, 2017 Marcus & Sarah Huck Infant Baptism
Graham McKay Dalan September 22, 2017 Aaron & Quinn Dalan Infant Dedication
Trinidad Rivera Grace Partner
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
GROWTH GROUPS Growth Group Opportunity!
Looking for a way to Belong? Believe? Become? Bless? One step is getting connected in a Growth Group.
What are Growth Groups? People, meeting regularly, to grow spiritually through building meaningful Christian relationships and studying God’s word together.
A Growth Group takes our good intentions and puts them on the calendar!
Growth Groups Include:
• SHARING what is happening in our lives. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…” (Hebrews 10:24-25) • STUDYING SCRIPTURE to learn how to live out our faith in everyday life through “…teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28) • SUPPORTING each other in practical ways, including prayer, encouragement, listening, challenging one another, and meeting needs. • SERVING together in a quarterly service activity as a group.
Winter Quarter Growth Groups
Winter Quarter Growth Groups will run the weeks of January 7 through March 11. Call the church 248-7940, or email jana@yakimagrace. com to sign up, or find out more information.
Interested in Leading?
Also, if you are interested in leading, co-leading, or hosting a group – plan to attend our next training: Sunday, December 3, from 12:30-3:30 pm. Talk to Jana Alderman or Cindy Shively for more info or to sign up.
Jason Cavanaugh, our Contemporary Worship Director, has been a part of our staff for almost seven years. He and Jessica have made the prayerful decision that Jason will transition out of his leadership role here at Grace. The demands of Jason’s full time job with the City of Union Gap have increased as well as the size of his family! Since he started as Worship Director their family has grown – they have six children and are a very active family. Jason’s decision to step down stems primarily from the desire to spend more time with his family. In Jason’s words, “Our children are growing fast and I want to have the flexibility to spend more time with them. Thank you all so much for allowing me to serve and help lead you in worship these past 6 and a half years.” Jason, Jessica and family will continue being an active part of our congregation – serving with Children’s Ministry, the youth program and volunteering with worship band. Please keep the search process in prayer, as we explore whom God might have for us as our next Director of Contemporary Worship. We are grateful for Jason’s years of excellent ministry and that he has agreed to stay on during the transition period. With gratitude to God for the Cavanaugh family and their ministry among us, – Grace of Christ Pastoral Staff
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
GRACE FELLOWSHIP Welcome to Grace Fellowship Kaffee Klatch has a new name: Grace Fellowship. It's open to all ages and stages of life. It's a time of getting out, enjoying one another and some refreshments, and having a time of helpful learning, or delightful entertainment.
Christmas Concert Dr. Jon Waite, our church organist, has prepared a beautiful selection of Christmas music for you. This concert will allow you time to relax and savor the essence of Christmas. You don’t need to bring anything other than a smile. If you would like to include a friend or three, please do so. Everyone is welcome! There will be refreshments in the Garden Room after the concert. As always, if you sign up at the Connection Center, we have a better idea of how much cider to prepare. CHRISTMAS CONCERT.... with our own Dr. Jon Waite THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14.... 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary Light Refreshments to follow in the Garden Room
Mentor Moms Wanted
Thank you to everyone that has made the start of this new MOPS season great. If you haven't had a chance to come you are always welcome. Meeting the 1st & 3rd Friday's of the month from 9:00am to 11:30am, (with some exceptions).
We are still in need of mentor moms. So ladies, if your kids are grown and out of the house but you are still longing for that mom connection, MOPS is the place for you! For more info or questions, please email Megan Nelson at
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
WOMEN'S MINISTRY BETH MOORE, LIVE, IN SEATTLE! • Invest in a weekend that will encourage, challenge, and change you.
• Hear a unique message—no two are the same!
10:00 am........................ Leave Grace of Christ
• Laugh, pray, and study scripture with thousands of women from all walks of life.
Stop at North Bend Outlet, Lunch & Shop
• Leave with a renewed sense of calling, purpose, and love for Christ
4:00 pm......................... Check-in Hotel & Dinner 5:30 pm......................... doors open
Group Travel Accommodations
7:00 pm......................... Event Begins
Women’s Ministry will take two vans, seating 30, to this event. The group travel for the event entry, ride, and one night at a hotel is only $65. Limited to 30! Women’s Ministry is paying the balance, as a gift to our community.
9:30 pm......................... Dismiss
Individual Travel... at a Group Rate I f you’d like to go, and have your own transport and place to sleep—Women’s Ministry can add you to the group rate purchase of $59 for the event only. ign-ups will begin January 1 and cut off will be January S 22 — because the transaction has to be done once for the entire group, payment will be needed when you sign up.
SATURDAY 7:30 am.......................... Doors Open 8:30 am.......................... Event Begins 10:00 am........................ Break 10:45 am........................ Resume 12:15 pm........................ Dismiss Stop at University Village
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
PRAYER MINISTRY PRAYER TESTIMONIES Grace of Christ’s Prayer Ministry Team hopes to encourage your prayer life by sharing stories of God’s work through prayer. This month’s testimony comes from our congregation member, Anne Schilperoort. In her prayer life, she’s learned the value of trusting God in every situation. Here is her story.
My 23-year-old son had just called from White Pass “ that Saturday evening. He had gone skiing with friends and would be staying overnight at a Rimrock Lake cabin. As I was planning on going up the mountain after an early church service, I said I would look out for him on the way up, and if we met up, we could do lunch together and I would then bring him back to Yakima. I kept my eyes peeled as I headed up toward White Pass, having forgotten to ask him what kind of car his buddies were driving. With relief, I saw a car pull off the road right after the fork of White and Chinook Passes. Ben's familiar thumbs up gesture from inside the back seat of the car reassured me and I stopped a number of yards further down the road and proceeded to make room in the back seat for his ski gear. Glancing in the rear view mirror I saw his 6'4" frame amble towards the car, the braids of his favorite Andean ski cap dangling around his neck. As he opened the passenger door, I spoke out, "Put your gear in the back seat," and he did. He slid into the front seat; I started the car up and began, "Well, Ben, how was skiing?" After maneuvering onto the highway, I glanced at him and was shocked to see that this was NOT my son. I do not EVER pick up hitchhikers and I sputtered
Psalm 56:3 9
something about him not being my son.... sounding foolish even to my own ears. "Should I get out?" the man asked and in a flash I realized that this was a divine encounter. "Lord," I prayed, "I have a little more than thirty minutes to say what You want me to. How am I going to open the conversation to spiritual matters?" I didn't have to. Immediately Shane, a 39-year-old snowboarder asked me, "Are you Seventh Day?" He had heard the Christian radio station I had on. "No," I answered, "but I am a follower of Jesus Christ." Shane shared some heartbreak and deep questions and ended up identifying himself as a seeker. The next half hour found us in deep conversation about the Lord, salvation and commitment..... a truly ordained meeting. I let him off, promising to continue to pray for his soul..... a commitment I have kept. The funny part is seeing how the Lord arranged for me to mistake my son for this man so that I would allow a hitchhiker in my car!!!!! I have chuckled as I wrote this memory, but I am also marveling at how diligently and creatively our Good Shepherd seeks out His lost lambs. Today, that comforts me as I encounter puzzling circumstances and see my own loved ones in turmoil. I CAN TRUST GOD! – Anne Schilperoort
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Children’s Ministry — Melissa Gray Warm gloves, hats, and scarves are appreciated along with the gift they wish for. Please return new, unwrapped gifts to the church by Sunday, December 3. Gifts returned in a gift bag or box are appreciated.
GRACE KIDS Grace Kids are having a blast on Sunday mornings! We are continuing our study of the Old Testament and working on some special service projects for our friends at Adams Elementary this Christmas. During the month of December we are learning that God is bigger than our fears, God wants to get our attention, and Jesus came for us! Come join the fun!
December Memory Verse: For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
GRACE KIDS CHRISTMAS, “ONE STARRY NIGHT” Join us on Sunday, December 10 during the 9:00 and 11:00 Services as Grace Kids presents “One Starry Night.” Mark your calendar for rehearsal on Saturday, December 9 at 10am in the Sanctuary. This practice is for all children in Grace Kids. On Sunday morning, all kids will sing at both the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services. Please have them to their classrooms by 8:45 on Sunday morning. We will be serving pancakes to all kids between performances. SATURDAY, DEC 9
10 am.............................. Rehearsal
SUNDAY, DEC 10 8:45 am.......................... Check-In SUNDAY, DEC 10 9 am & 11 am............... Performance
ADAMS ELEMENTARY GIVING TREE Our hope is to bless 200 children with a special Christmas Present this Holiday Season. Please use the Adams Elementary Tags located in the Garden Room to help you shop and pray for the boy or girl you choose. 10
GIFT WRAPPING WITH COCOA & CAROLS Join us for Gift Wrapping with Cocoa and Carols on Sunday, December 10 at 3 pm in the church gym as we wrap all gifts for Adams Elementary. Donations of gift bags, tags, and wrapping paper are greatly appreciated! We will be hosting a special Christmas Party at Adams Elementary on Wednesday, December 13 from 5:00-7:00 as we present these special gifts to the Adams Children. This is a great opportunity for friends and families to gather and serve together as we bless the children in our community. Help is needed with set-up, clean-up, serving dinner, and connecting with children as they receive their presents. If you, your family, or growth group would like to help, please contact Melissa Gray: melissa. g ra y @ ya k i m a g ra ce. com, 248-7940 x110 Thank you for helping to spread the love of Christ at Adams Elementary this Christmas!
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Preschool — Rhonda Cardona 509.248.7940, ext. 119
“A Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Grace of Christ Preschool is celebrating Christmas this month! We are planning a special birthday and evening celebration for our annual Christmas programs on December 12. There is much to be excited for and everyone is practicing hard. Our 3- year-olds perform at 11:00 a.m. and our 4-year-olds and pre-kindergartners entertain us at 7 pm. Come and join us!
Cards & Calendars 2018 This is an important month for our fund raising and we need your support! We are selling our 2018 calendars and cards again this year. They can be purchased either at the Connection Center on Sundays or in the main church office or coffee stand during the week. We also have pocket calendars and greeting cards as well. Each item sells for just $7.
See's Candies are here! See’s Candies are here! This is our biggest fundraiser of the season and comes just in time for Christmas! Check out what we have on Sunday morning Dec. 3rd and 10th. We will have all the same favorites and we are repeating the 4 oz. Peanut Brittles for sale too! A perfect stocking stuffer! The candy is also available to purchase during the week at the coffee stand and in the church office.
Each of these fundraisers are important for our preschool budget. We have many families receiving scholarships, which is in desperate need of funds and our daily operating budget is always stretched beyond our resources. Your support helps us to continue to provide this outreach ministry to our community. Please keep the preschool children, their families and staff in your prayers. Thank you everyone for your support and Merry Christmas! Watch for information on 2018-19 preschool registration coming in January 2018!
God’s Creation 2018 Wall Calendars Pocket Calendars Greeting Cards (12 cards) Christmas Cards (12 cards) $7.00 each
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English BIZTOWN FOR ADAMS ELEMENTARY We held our third BizTown for Adams Elementary School on Friday, October 20 at the Junior Achievement Building in Terrace Heights. It was the biggest and best one yet. We had all five fifth grade classes participating, which included 142 students, five teachers, and 29 volunteers. The JA Building in Terrace Heights has 21 businesses that students operate. The businesses each have a CEO, CFO, and employees assigned different duties from sales to meter reading. There are sales, payroll, loans to repay, and a shopping experience. It was organized chaos, but a wonderful “real world” experience. Thanks to all who volunteered to make the event so successful.
GRACIA DE CRISTO FUNDRAISER DINNER The annual Gracia de Cristo fundraiser dinner was held on Thursday, November 9. It was a huge success! Thanks to all who volunteered to provide a wonderful dinner, be table hosts, and contribute financially to support our ongoing ministry and outreach to the community. Testimonies were shared by Gracia de Cristo members, Gloria Valencia and Jahzeel Garcia. Brandon Hunt, the Vice Principal from Adams Elementary shared the impact our church is having on the students and staff. Rosalie DuBrau and John Stolzenbach shared about the reading program and other activities sponsored by Gracia de Cristo. Rich Millet was the MC for the evening, along with words and prayers by Jake Continued on page 13
En Español BIZTOWN PARA ADAMS ELEMENTARY Tuvimos nuestro tercer BizTown para la Escuela Primaria Adams el viernes 20 de octubre de 2017 en el Edificio de Junior Achievement en Terrace Heights. Fue el más grande y el mejor hasta ahora. Tuvimos las cinco clases de quinto grado participando, que incluyeron 142 estudiantes, 5 maestros y 29 voluntarios. El Edificio de JA en Terrace Heights tiene 21 negocios que los estudiantes operan. Cada una de las empresas tiene un CEO, un CFO y empleados a los que se les asignan diferentes tareas, desde ventas hasta contadores de lectura. Hay ventas, nóminas, préstamos que pagar y una experiencia de compra. Fue un caos organizado, pero una maravillosa experiencia del "mundo real." Gracias a todos los que se participaron como voluntarios para que el evento fuera tan exitoso.
CENA DE RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS DE GRACIA DE CRISTO La cena anual de recaudación de fondos de Gracia de Cristo se llevó a cabo el jueves 9 de noviembre. Fue un gran éxito gracias a todos los que ofrecieron su tiempo como voluntarios para brindar una cena maravillosa, ser anfitriones de mesa, asistir y contribuir financieramente para apoyar nuestro ministerio para que pueda continuar y así poder alcanzar a nuestra comunidad. Los testimonios fueron compartidos por los miembros de Gracia de Cristo Gloria Valencia y Jahzeel Garcia. También Brandon Continúa en la página 13
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English Kupp, Pastor Jim Marian and Pastor Alex Rule. Thanks to all who help support this valuable ministry at church and as we reach out to the community. As we were preparing for the fundraiser dinner, we were reminded of the how much we have seen God at work in and through Gracia De Cristo this past year that we wanted to share as follows: • More families are coming to join our church including Bladimir Rivera who came in January to take over the worship leadership responsibilities. There were four baptisms in March and four in September. Also many accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior at church and through our Outreach Ministries. • We made the decision to have one clothing exchange in May instead of two during the year. The event was very successful and we are planning to have one next spring. By doing this in spring, we are able to have representatives from various community organizations and provide lunch to many families who have fun with their kids outside on the playground. Thanks to a friend of Gracia De Cristo several lucky people were given computers. • From July 24–28, nine adults and seven children/youth attended the WIM Conference at Whitworth University where we bonded in a shared experience of worship, bible study, teaching, and fellowship. We came back renewed and refreshed with affirmations that we are moving in the right direction with our ministry. • The ministry of restoration continues helping the elderly, handicapped, and low-income families. We are helping people with small household projects Continued on page 14
En Español Hunt, subdirector de la escuela primaria Adams quien compartió el impacto que nuestra iglesia está teniendo en los estudiantes y el personal. Rosalie DuBrau y John Stolzenbach compartieron sobre el programa de lectura y otras actividades patrocinadas por Gracia de Cristo. Rich Millet fue el Maestro de Ceremonia de la noche, junto con las palabras y oraciones de Jake Kupp, el pastor Jim Marian y el pastor Alex Rule. Gracias a todos los que ayudan a apoyar este valioso ministerio en la iglesia conforme alcanzamos a nuestra comunidad. ientras nos preparábamos para la cena de M recaudación de fondos, nos acordábamos de lo mucho que hemos visto a Dios trabajando en y atreves de Gracia De Cristo este año que ha pasado que queríamos compartirlo de la siguiente manera: • Más familias están llegando para unirse a nuestra iglesia, incluyendo a Bladimir Rivera, quien llego en enero para asumir las responsabilidades del liderazgo del grupo de alabanza. También queremos compartir que 4 miembros se bautizaron en marzo y 4 en septiembre. También muchos aceptaron a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador en la iglesia y a través de nuestros Ministerios de Alcance en nuestra comunidad. • Tomamos la decisión de tener un solo intercambio de ropa en mayo en lugar de dos durante el año. El evento fue muy exitoso y estamos planeando tener uno la próxima primavera. Al hacer esto en la primavera, podemos tener representantes de varias organizaciones comunitarias y ofrecer almuerzos a muchas familias quienes también se divierten con sus hijos afuera en el patio de recreo. Gracias a un amigo de Gracia De Cristo varias personas afortunadas recibieron computadoras. • Del 24 al 28 de julio, nueve adultos y siete niños / jóvenes asistieron a la Conferencia WIM en la Universidad de Whitworth, donde nos unimos Continúa en la página 14
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Gracia de Cristo / English
En Español en una experiencia compartida de adoración, estudio bíblico, enseñanza y compañerismo. Regresamos frescos y renovados con afirmaciones de que nos estamos moviendo en la dirección correcta con nuestro ministerio.
that they find difficult to do because of their age or lack of resources. This year we have helped over 30 families. Our hope for next year is to continue helping one family at a time by being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. • We continue our partnership with Adams Elementary as we have reported throughout the year. Several of the highlights are the annual Teacher and Staff appreciation dinner held at Grace of Christ, and Outreach camp held at Camp Ghormley along with our ongoing activities such as Bulldog Hugs, citizenship and ESL classes, providing reading tutors and helping the PTO with various activities. As always, we would love to have you join us as the Holy Spirit leads you. God Bless You, Pastor Alex Rule on behalf of Gracia De Cristo
• El ministerio de restauración continúa ayudando a las personas mayores, discapacitadas y familias de bajos ingresos. Estamos ayudando a personas con pequeños proyectos domésticos que les resultan muy difíciles debido a su edad o a la falta de recursos. Este año hemos ayudado a más de 30 familias. Nuestra esperanza para el próximo año es continuar ayudando a una familia a la vez, siendo las manos y los pies de Jesús en nuestra comunidad. • Continuamos nuestra asociación con la Primaria Adams como hemos estado informado a lo largo del año. Varios de los eventos más destacados son la cena anual de apreciación de Maestros y Personal realizada en nuestra iglesia Grace of Christ/ Gracia de Cristo y el Campamento de Alcance en Camp Ghormley junto con actividades continuas como Bulldog Hugs, ciudadanía y clases de ESL, proporcionando tutores de lectura y ayudando al PTO con diversas actividades. Como siempre, nos gustaría que te unieras a nosotros conforme el Espíritu Santo te guíe. El pastor Alex Rule en nombre de Gracia De Cristo
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Project Mercy has been asked by the local government of the Oromiya Region in Ethiopia to accept and care for at risk and vulnerable children— many of whom are HIV/AIDS victim orphans. Project Mercy is addressing this need by building and developing The Children’s Institute in Legetafo, located just outside of Addis Ababa. Based upon a holistic model, The Children’s Institute fosters self-esteem, excellent character traits, high ethical standards and social values. Construction has begun, with the first six of the 24 homes near completion. The plan is to establish 24 homes on a single parcel of land. Each home will provide a family-centered environment with up to eight children and one house mother residing. The older children also serve as “big” brothers and sisters to the younger children. Additionally, arrangements will be made to have local families bond with the children as surrogate aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Providing opportunities for the orphans to bond with their families is a key goal. Each home will have a garden and, possibly, a cow (crossbred heifer to yield more milk) for an ongoing source of nutrition, and thereby provide growth and development for the children. Supplemental learning programs will also be provided to empower and prepare the youth for a brighter future. The children’s Institute site in Legetafo continues to work toward completion with the six homes built nearly 95% finished and three additional homes nearing 50% finished. Other marks of progress include: a campus road constructed within the site; a 690-foot water well completed; a septic tank that will support all the homes; and an application for electricity for the site finalized. However, the area’s new mayor has presented some challenges he has with the project. Please pray for a resolution and wisdom in this matter. At present, the orphans are being housed with the other foster children on the Yetebon compound, for a total of
27 children being cared for at this facility by Project Mercy. Another five children will be joining the compound for a total of 32 children. While only a modest number of children are housed on Project Mercy’s Yetabon compound, over 1,500 students are enrolled in the Medhane-Alem School, which marked its 20th anniversary in 2016. In 1993, Project Mercy was given 52 acres of land from Yetabon land owners to provide a school for their children. Project Mercy began building a Primary School and eventually has been able to add a kindergarten complex, a high school, and most recently, a Health Science College. Project Mercy is a not-for-profit relief and development agency providing aid, comfort, and support in the name of Jesus Christ to alleviate human suffering and overcome systemic poverty in Ethiopia and beyond. Founded in 1977, by Marta Gabre-Tsadick and her husband DemeTekle-Wold, Project Mercy has a vision to renew the heart of Ethiopia. Some of its ministries include: clean water via well water; a dairy cattle breeding program to increase milk yield to insure nutrition and to provide income for families; organic agricultural products for food security; Glenn C. Olsen Primary Hospital; primary and secondary education; skills training programs; Children’s Institute (Legetafo and Yetebon) and a Health Science College which impacts the health of the nation. Submitted by Rosanne Bacon
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Your Opportunity to Bless the Homeless The Missions Ministry Team (MMT) is pleased to offer you an opportunity to be a part of supplying meals for the hungry at Camp Hope, through Transform Yakima Together. Deemed “Meals of Grace,” Grace of Christ is providing an evening meal each Thursday, beginning on November 16th. Camp Hope’s temporary homeless center closed in Mid-November and is now located at 1702 Englewood Avenue in a large, former warehouse/manufacturing building. According to Sheri Rynd, Meal Coordinator and Wellness Educator for Transform Yakima Together, the site has electrical power, along with water which greatly enhances the shelter’s capabilities and comfort.
WAYS TO GET INVOLVED 1. Become a Team Leader Seven Team Leaders from Grace have volunteered to spearhead and coordinate the meals; rotating duties approximately every seven weeks or more. More Team Leaders would be welcomed. And, there are numerous other ways to be involved.
(OR) 2. Join a Meal Team You can sign-up at the Connection Center to join a meal team to make and/or serve a dinner.
3. Pick a Date Possible open dates include: December 7, December 14, December 21, December 28, January 4, and January 11. This can be a one-time commitment or ongoing.
4. Choose a Meal Duty Within the team, duties of providing the meal for 65 or more people will be distributed. Some may want to cook—others may want to contribute by providing monetary donations to offset meal expenses. Maybe you want to simply pick-up food prepared from a restaurant.
Growth Groups may want to choose a Thursday
– the options are endless. If your “team” is unable to serve or deliver the meal, arrangements can be made. Generally, meals are served at 5:30 to 6:00 pm. You do not have to do this alone. This is Transform Yakima Together!
CAMP HOPE of Transform Yakima Together Sheri Rynd explains that Camp Hope of Transform Yakima Together is a “low barrier”– meaning open to all in need – resource that offers temporary emergency services to aid the homeless back toward independence. They address clients’ safety needs and offer an education center. The Gospel is shared and there are opportunities to worship, however, there is no attendance requirement. “We try to ‘nurse’ our homeless back to health so that they can take the next step, Rynd explains. “This may mean moving on to the Union Gospel Mission when they are strengthened.”
CURRENT NEEDS Current needs of the new facility include: stove, refrigerator, and commercial-grade washer and dryer. For additional information, Rynd may be reached at 509.480.9760, or email her at Transform Yakima Together encourages all of the churches of our Valley to pray for the homeless. And believes that by doing so, we will see a shift in this critical area of concern for our Valley.
Join a Meal Team by signing-up at the Connection Center! 16
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp & Conference Center
Mountain Meadow Christmas 2017! Dec 9-10 What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a weekend here at Ghormley devoted just to family and activities to help kick off the Christmas Season! Amazing meals, gingerbread house building, sledding, and Christmas crafts are just a few of the amazing activities you’ll get to enjoy. Join us December 9th and 10th for a fun-filled event that is sure to be a tradition for years to come! Registration is on the Ghormley website.
waiting to be made! Sledding Good Eats Christmas Crafts Family Movie Night Family Game Competition Christmas Light Displays Gingerbread House Contest Cut Down Your Christmas Tree
And So Much More!
We are thankful for another year of God’s provision and blessing! As we near the end of the year, we would greatly appreciate your prayerful consideration of an end-of-year gift to further the work of this ministry and help us finish the year strong. All gifts are tax-deductible and those donating will be provided with a donation receipt.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940
OUR CORE VALUES Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service
December Calendar of Events Thur, Nov 23 Fri, Nov 24 Tue, Nov 28 Wed, Nov 29 Wed, Nov 29 Fri, Dec 1 Sat, Dec 2 Sun, Dec 3 Sun, Dec 3 Sun, Dec 3 Mon, Dec 4 Tue, Dec 5 Tue, Dec 5 Wed, Dec 6 Thur, Dec 7 Fri, Dec 8 Sat, Dec 9 Sat, Dec 9 Sun, Dec 10 Sun, Dec 10 Sun, Dec 10 Mon, Dec 11 Mon, Dec 11 Tue, Dec 12 Tue, Dec 12 Tue, Dec 12 Tue, Dec 12 Wed, Dec 13 Wed, Dec 13 Thur, Dec 14 Thur, Dec 14 Fri, Dec 15 Sun, Dec 17 Mon, Dec 18 Sun, Dec 24 Sun, Dec 24 Mon, Dec 25 Dec 25 – 29 Mon, Jan 1
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Church Closed / Thanksgiving Holiday All Day Entire Church Session Dinner and Meeting 5:30pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed Mary McLean Guild: Decorate for Christmas/Need helpers! 10:00am Main Floor Support Staff Meeting 1:00pm Adult Ed Room MOPS Christmas Tea 9:00am Garden Room Santa Breakfast 9:00 - 11:00am Gym See's Candy Sale (Preschool Fundraiser) All Morning Garden Room Communion Sunday All Morning Sanctuary Growth Group Leader Training 12:30 - 3:30pm Lounge Personnel Meeting 1:00pm Library Staff Birthday Lunch / Christmas Party 4:00pm Offsite Hospitality Ministry Meeting 5:30pm Lounge Gracia y Grace Juntos (together) Potluck & Prayer 6:00pm Garden Room Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 2:00pm Adult Ed Room MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:30am Fireside Room Ghormley Mountain Meadow Christmas All Day Ghormley Meadow Register online: Grace Kids Rehearsal 10:00am Sanctuary See's Candy Sale (Preschool Fundraiser) All Morning Garden Room Children Sing | Christmas Program Both Services Sanctuary Gift Wrapping Party! Adams Elementary Christmas 3:00pm Gym Edith Ferry Circle Lunch Meeting 12:00pm Fireside Room Session / Deacon Christmas Dinner 5:30pm Garden Room Foundation Board 7:00am Library Preschool Christmas Program - 3's 10:00am Sanctuary Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Adult Ed Room Preschool Christmas Program - 4's & PK 7:00pm Sanctuary Preschool Board Meeting 12:00pm KidZone Center Adams Christmas Party 5:00 - 7:00pm Adam's Elementary Grace Fellowship: Christmas Organ Concert 2:00pm Sanctuary Ghormley Commission 7:00pm Adult Ed Room MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00am Gym ELZ Lunch Meeting 2:45pm Lounge Preschool Christmas Break (through 1/1/18) CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE 5:00pm Sanctuary CHRISTMAS EVE CAROLS AND CANDLES SERVICE 8:00pm Sanctuary MERRY CHRISTMAS! Church Closed / Christmas Holiday All Week Entire Church HAPPY NEW YEAR! Church Closed All Day Entire Church
Everyone Elders & Prog.Staff Everyone Support Staff Moms Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Committee Staff Committee Women Committee Committee Everyone All Grace Kids Everyone Grace Kids Everyone Women Elders & Deacons Committee Preschool Committee Preschool Board Everyone Everyone Committee Moms ELZ Staff Preschool Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone
Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.
Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Weekday Events MON
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Trailseekers Al-Anon Divorce Care
SOZO Prayer Pursuing Our Limitless God (Women's Bible Study)
Women in the Word Bible Study
Youth Group *Dinner Included! Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal
10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm
MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers (1st & 3rd Friday)
Everyone All Staff Everyone Trailseekers Everyone Everyone
Prayer Room Gym
SOZO Team Women
Fireside Room
6:30- 8:30 pm 6:00- 8:00 pm
Gym Sanctuary
6th-12th grades
9:00 am 7:00 pm 5:45 - 9:15 pm
Sanctuary Choir Room Prayer Room
Women Temple Choir SOZO Team
Sanctuary Chapel Sanctuary Sanctuary Adult Ed Room 103 KidZone Wing Youth Rm & Gym
Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone Adults Adults 3yrs thru 5th gr Gr 6-12
9:00 -11:30 am 9:15 am 9:45 am
THUR Bible Study Fellowship Temple Choir SOZO Prayer FRI
Adult Ed Lounge Adult Ed Gym Adult Ed Lounge
9:30 - 11:30 am
Sunday Services and Events
Grace Contemporary Worship Grace Modern Worship Grace Traditional Worship - Led by Temple Choir Gracia de Cristo Worship in Spanish Going Deeper: Romans Golden Circle Grace Kids Youth reFUEL
Christmas Eve Morning: 9:00am, 10:45 am, 11:00am & 1:00pm Christmas Eve: Family Service: 5:00pm Carols and Candles: 8:00pm
The building will be closed December 25 through 29. If there is an emergency, call 248-7940 x 216.
Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. We collect non-perishable food for the Calvary Rescue Mission weekly. Your donations are appreciated! See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with…
December 3 December 10 December 17 December 24 December 31
G-M N-S T-Z A-F G- M
9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 9:30 am 10:15 am 9:00 am 9:00 am