Grace Alive - June & July 2018

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Lead Pastor — Pastor Jim Marian • Those in our church family struggling with cancer and other major illnesses

Let’s Talk With God… Together I can picture David waking up early in the morning, and the first thing he does is talk with his God.

O Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.

• The leadership of our church as we continue to seek God’s direction as He leads us forward in ministry effectiveness • Health and ministry of our church preschool as we look forward to the Fall 2018 school year with new leadership in place and a full enrollment of students. • Each person at Grace of Christ “growing into” our mission to be a place where we: • Belong (find a Growth Group or small group)

Each morning I bring my requests to you and - Psalm 5:1-3 (NLT) wait expectantly.

• Believe (inviting people to Grace and sharing our faith)

As I write these words, there is a lot to be thankful for at Grace of Christ, and a lot to keep in prayer. I would ask that you would pray with me, please, as we seek the Lord together in the following (in no particular order)

• Bless (getting involved in a ministry at our church or community to serve others)

• New Director of Contemporary Worship • The general health of our choir members and rest over the summer • Continued ministry opportunities for Gracia de Cristo in the Adams Elementary School neighborhood. • That we cover Pastor Cindy’s ministry responsibilities through our very competent and caring congregational leaders • That our ministries would be effective in reaching people for Jesus! More salvations and baptisms.


• Become (growing as disciples of Jesus)

• Summer Camps: Grace of Christ Children’s, Middle School & High School Camps. That many would trust Jesus as their Savior and others would have lifechanging experiences as faith grows! • Outreach Camp with over 80 children from Adams Elementary School. • Summer Vacation Bible School! That God would bring over 200 children and provide the volunteers necessary to serve and share God’s love with them! There you have it. Those are some of the things I am praying for this summer. Won’t you join me?

Jim Marian, Lead Pastor

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church




We are called, as God’s stewards to manage all that belongs to God and that certainly includes His church, both its people and the building. While God has graciously trusted us with the care, development and enjoyment of everything He owns, as His stewards we are responsible to manage His holdings well, according to His desires, and purpose. I remember extending Pastor Jim and Harriet an invitation to “secretly” visit us in October 2016. During that visit, we had the opportunity to provide a tour of our church building. That tour became like a What Not To Wear moment for me... Does anyone remember that television show? The show’s premise was to film footage of a woman going about her everyday life wearing her interpretation of fashion. Well, the woman’s fashion never quite measured up and was always revamped in the very best ways to allow her to take stock of who she is and then fashionably communicate that to the world. As the Nominating Committee toured the building with Jim, I remember actually feeling myself gasp inside as I saw how worn from use that we had become... Our building was not measuring up in my mind. What had happened to this church that I love that we had become so outdated? I actually was concerned that it might seem too big a task for an incoming pastor to take on... That it might discourage Jim from considering accepting a call to join us.

and new flooring and to have fresh clean bathrooms. Jim encouraged our Hospitality Ministry to grow and emphasize our friendliness and welcoming spirit. Comfortable seating in the Chapel and Garden Room now speaks volumes about our desire for people to come in and join us. Under Jim’s leadership, we are making the statement to visitors and those of us who call Grace home that “you are welcome here in every possible way.” Grace of Christ is the physical home of our church body and we are making it clear that all are welcome. In the midst of all the physical changes taking place, Jim has maintained the authority of the Word of God, never compromising the ultimate message that we share with our community. The message that God so loved us that He gave His only Son and that we are to love with that same boldness letting our lives reflect the glory of our King. Janet Krieger Elder Business Ministry

Thanks be to our God it did not. Jim and Harriet accepted the call and joined us in March 2017. Almost immediately, Jim began the hard work of taking stock of who Grace of Christ was, who we desired to be and to then communicate that in the very best way to our community. A Rejuvenation Committee was formed that began to work with Jim to clear rooms of clutter, create curb appeal with directional signage both outside and inside, provide fresh paint, reclaimed 3

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Hospitality Ministry Hosting Gatherings and Celebrations! God loves to see His children celebrate the fullness of the life He gives us. We rejoice first, in His goodness and the life we have in Christ Jesus. Second, we rejoice in the fellowship we have with one another in the family of God. The month of May certainly gave us plenty of opportunities to celebrate!

GCP Hosted the 2018 Regional ECO The first weekend of May was hopping with lots of activity for the Hospitality Ministry Team. Grace of Christ Church hosted the Regional ECO Gathering May 4th and 5th. Approximately 80 people from around the region met together here to learn, encourage, fellowship, and worship. It was fun to share our rejuvenated facility with others and a blessing to have the ability to facilitate the different breakout and whole group sessions using various areas of our church. Additionally, Gracia de Cristo provided a delicious authentic Mexican meal Friday night in the Garden Room. We are thankful to the LORD for the willing volunteers who helped make this event a success by serving as greeters, registrars, snack hosts, dinner servers and the always appreciated cleanup crew! Thank you, everyone!

Pastor Jim's One Year Anniversary On May 6th we celebrated the one-year anniversary of Pastor Jim’s partnering with us, and his installation during the 9 am

and 11 am services. We celebrated God’s provision of bringing Jim to our congregation and for Jim’s passion to see the church grow, through the gospel transforming lives, and the maturing-up of the Body of Christ through biblical preaching. The celebration was a team effort by our whole congregation. THANK YOU to everyone who provided special lemony delights for our refreshments for the after service receptions. It was fun to surprise Jim with his favorite flavor in desserts!

New Life In Christ May 13th we celebrated new life in Christ through baptism. How fun to initiate our new baptistry and the gathering together in the Garden Room for this event. Pictures on page 14!


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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Hospitality Ministry Pastor Cindy's Retirement Celebration

New Parking Greeter Coordinator

The celebration continued through the month with a Retirement Celebration for Pastor Cindy on May 20th. It has been very hard to say goodbye to Cindy.

One last celebration to share is the good news that Don Ulmer has joined the Hospitality Ministry Team as the coordinator of our new Parking Greeters! Thank you to all who have stepped up to help with that ministry as we extend an inviting welcome to guests and church-family from the moment they enter the parking lot along with the Don Ulmer additional aspect to safety Hospitality Ministry and security on our Sunday Parking Greeter Coordinator morning gatherings. Call the Church to get involved in this ministry! 248-7940

She has served Grace of Christ with humility, wisdom, and great skill through challenges in both our corporate church life, leading through an interim period between senior pastors; as well as her personal life of losing her husband and father in the same year. Through it all, she modeled reliance on faith in the grace of the LORD. Cindy has impacted and positively influenced many areas of our church and personally touched many lives. We were blessed in sharing her joy in her marriage to Dr. Norm Shively. Both Cindy and Norm are retiring from their respective professions. We blessed them as together, they turn this page of life and look towards what God has in store for them in the future. Yes, hopefully, some travel fun, family time, and fishing of course, but they desire to continue to press-in to know the LORD at an ever-deepening level and seek His direction for their lives. Look for updates as they share their skills and expertise in various missionary adventures! Thank you to our generous congregation for loving on them and sharing in making a memorable retirement celebration.

Join The Hospitality Ministry Team We are always looking for others to come join the Hospitality Ministry Team as greeters, ushers, refreshment hosts, celebrations, events, baristas, parking greeters/security, and the sanctuary guild who beautify our sanctuary. Some volunteer positions ask for as little as 15-20 minutes four times a year! Really, providing hospitality is a whole church task. There is a place for each person to help out. Yes, this means you, too! Currently, we need some additional volunteers during and after the 11:00 worship service as ushers, refreshment hosts, greeters, and Welcome & Connect Center volunteers. If interested in learning more about how you can participate in the Hospitality Ministry Team, stop by the Welcome and Connect Center or call Linda Mathews at 509-388-5527 or Linda Sorenson at 509-834-1185.


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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español

Adams Appreciation Dinner

Cena de Agradecimiento de Adam

Gracia de Cristo celebrated its third annual spring teacher staff appreciation dinner with Adams Elementary School. The theme this year was investing in the future. John Stoltzenbach and Alex Rule transformed Koehler Hall into a beautiful dining atmosphere where 73 teachers and staff members from Adams, 12 reading mentors and 19 hosts from Grace of Christ attended. The Women of Prayer from Gracia de Cristo led by Aurora Rule prepared and served a wonderful authentic Mexican meal. A total of 29 gift baskets were donated from Grace of Christ and others which were given and received with great emotion.

Gracia de Cristo celebró su tercera cena anual de apreciación del personal de maestros de primavera con la Escuela Primaria Adams. El tema de este año fue invertir en el futuro. John Stolzenbach y Alex Rule transformaron Koehler Hall en una hermosa atmósfera en el comedor donde asistieron 73 maestros y miembros del personal de Adams, 12 mentores de lectura y 19 anfitriones de Grace of Christ. Las Mujeres de Oración de Gracia de Cristo, dirigidas por Aurora Rule, prepararon y sirvieron una deliciosa comida auténtica mexicana. Un total de 29 canastas de regalo fueron donadas por Grace of Christ y otros, las que fueron entregadas y recibidas con gran emoción.

The highlight of the evening was a video put together by Vickie Davis, the librarian at Adams, of students describing their teachers and staff. The common thread communicated the children’s appreciation of how much their teachers and staff cared for them. The Kindness, Love, and Appreciation for building esteem, and confidence, creating a family atmosphere. The goal for the evening was to celebrate the accomplishments of Adams Elementary during the past school year. The children’s words expressed the success of this past year communicating to teachers and staff the value of their investment in children. Gracia de Cristo and Grace of Christ are grateful to Adams Elementary for inviting us to be a part of the investment in young people in our community. We also appreciate the investment our volunteer readers are making with young students at Adams as readers provide an opportunity for students to open their minds and imaginations


Lo más destacado de la noche fue un video creado por Vickie Davis, la bibliotecaria de Adams, en el que los estudiantes describieron a sus maestros y al personal. El hilo común comunicó la apreciación de los niños asía sus maestros y el personal de la escuela por lo mucho que les aman y les cuidan. La bondad, el amor, la apreciación para construir la estima, y la confianza creando un ambiente familiar. El objetivo de la noche fue celebrar los logros de la primaria Adams durante el año escolar pasado. Las palabras de los niños expresaron el éxito de este último año al comunicarles a los maestros y al personal el valor de su inversión en los niños. Gracia de Cristo y Grace of Christ agradecen a la escuela primaria Adams por invitarnos a ser parte de la inversión en los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad. También apreciamos la inversión que nuestros lectores voluntarios están haciendo con los jóvenes estudiantes de Adams ya que los lectores brindan una oportunidad para que los estudiantes abran sus mentes para imaginar a través de la lectura, así como las relaciones y la confianza que existe entre nuestra Iglesia

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English

En Español

through reading as well as the relationships and trust that exists between our Church and Adams. We are experiencing what it means to go beyond the walls of our Church to express the love of God in our community. Thank you Adams Elementary School!

GRACIA DE CRISTO LEADERSHIP Our team of leaders continues to meet every Sunday at 11 a.m. to share their experiences and KAIROS moments inside and outside the church and thus creating an atmosphere of companionship and mutual love, respect and support. Each one contributes information and ideas that are serving us to develop a better leadership and to continue serving our congregation and our community.

WOMEN OF PRAYER The prayer women of our congregation have put much effort and dedication into prayer with more passion and devotion, they are praying for our church, our families and our community and its leaders. They know the importance of prayer and that is why they keep meeting every Wednesday afternoon to form an atmosphere of Love filled with God’s Holy Spirit. We invite you to meet every week with us and be part of this wonderful prayer group so that we can also pray for you and your beautiful family. If you would like more information please call 509-248-7940 ext. 125

y Adams. Estamos experimentando lo que significa ir más allá de los muros de nuestra Iglesia para expresar el amor de Dios en nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias Escuela Primaria Adams!

LIDERAZGO DE GRACIA DE CRISTO Nuestro equipo de líderes continua reuniéndose cada domingo a las 11 a.m. para compartir sus experiencias y momentos KAIROS dentro y fuera de la iglesia y creando así una atmosfera de compañerismo y mutuo amor, respeto y apoyo. Cada uno aporta información e ideas que nos están sirviendo para desarrollar un mejor liderazgo y poder seguir sirviendo a nuestra congregación y a nuestra comunidad.

MUJERES DE ORACIÓN Las mujeres de oración de nuestra congregación han puesto mucho empeño y dedicación a la oración con más pasión y devoción, ellas están orando por nuestra iglesia, nuestras familias y nuestra comunidad y sus líderes. Ellas saben la importancia de la oración y es por eso que no dejan de reunirse cada miércoles por la tarde para formar una atmosfera de Amor llena del Espíritu Santo de Dios. Le invitamos a que se reúna cada semana con nosotros y forme parte de este maravilloso grupo de oración para que también oremos por usted y su hermosa familia. Si usted desea más información por favor llame al 509-248-7940 ext. 125

CINCO DE MAYO Grace of Christ was invited by Adams Elementary School to celebrate together with family parents and their children the Cinco de Mayo celebration on Friday, May 4th. The soccer field and the playgrounds for the children were filled to the maximum capacity, and everything around them was filled with a family atmosphere and stands full of typical Mexican food of the occasion without missing the Love of God represented in each child and adult through their beautiful smiles and painted faces. There were dances and folk dances from Mexico, some people sang and danced to the rhythm of “LA BAMBA”. I personally had the honor and privilege of 7

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Gracia de Cristo / English


being the referee for the soccer game that was part of the event. The game started with three children on each side, but as the children and girls arrived at the event the number of players increased until they reached their maximum capacity. The participants played and ran throughout the court for more than two hours, and during the game, every 10 minutes the winner of a prize was announced, which included soccer balls, soccer shoes, colorful balls to play on the beach and other gifts. This event ended being a success and they are already thinking about the celebration of the next year. Congratulation to all participants.

Gracia de Cristo fue invitada por la escuela primaria Adams para celebrar juntos con los padres de familia y sus niños la celebración de la fiesta del 5 de mayo el viernes 4 de mayo. La cancha de futbol y las aéreas de juegos para los niños se llenaron a su máxima capacidad, y todo a su alrededor estaba lleno de un ambiente familiar y de puestos llenos de comida típica mexicana de la ocasión sin faltar el Amor de Dios representado en cada niño y adulto a través de sus hermosas sonrisas y caritas pintadas. Había danzas y bailes folclóricos de México, algunas personas cantaron y bailaron al ritmo de la BAMBA. Yo personalmente tuve el honor y privilegio de ser el árbitro para el juego de futbol que formaba parte del evento. El juego comenzó con tres niños de cada lado, pero conforme los niños y niñas iban llegando al evento el número de jugadores fue aumentando hasta llegar a su máxima capacidad. los participantes jugaron y corrieron por toda la cancha por más de dos horas, y durante el juego, cada 10 minutos se anunciaba al ganador de un premio que incluía balones de futbol, zapatos de futbol, pelotas coloridas para jugar en la playa y otros regalos mas. Este evento termino siendo un éxito y ya están pensando en la celebración del próximo año.

God blesses you always!

¡Felicidad a todos los participantes, Dios les bendiga siempre!

Alex Rule, Pastor de Gracia de Cristo

Alex Rule , Pastor de Gracia de Cristo




A Poem By Celic Reynoso

Un Poema de Celic Reynoso

I just want to be with Him. He is a shining star That brightens up my day. This hospital is hopeless. Everyone is sad. But with Him, He is my only hope. I want to just be with Him. He is my Father And I love Him so much. This city is just full of sadness. But with Him, jumps my day. Oh Lord, no one is like you. No one. I just want to be with you.

Solo quiero estar con Él. Él es una estrella brillante Quien ilumina mi día. Este hospital no tiene esperanza. Todos están tristes. Pero con Él, Él es mi única esperanza. Quiero simplemente estar con Él Él es mi padre Y lo amo mucho. Esta ciudad está llena de tristeza. Pero con Él, salta mi día. Oh Señor, nadie es como tú. Ninguno. Sólo quiero estar contigo. Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Children’s Ministry Camp Ghormley!

— Melissa Gray

VBS Survivor Challenge Each summer at VBS we work together to help supply the Yakima Fire Department with drinks and snacks to keep them energized and hydrated to fight fires and keep our community safe. Please bring the following donations each day to help bless our Fire Fighters. We will present them to the Yakima Fire Department on Friday! • TUESDAY: Pre-Packaged Beef Jerky • WEDNESDAY: Individual Sized Packages of Nuts • THURSDAY: Gatorade • FRIDAY: Bottled Water


Melissa and Alli are looking forward to joining the Grace of Christ kids at Camp Ghormley this summer! They will be attending Primary 2 July 1-4, and Junior 1 July 8-12. Please have all Grace of Christ girls use the codes below when registering. Boys, if you would like to have other Grace of Christ cabin mates please talk with Melissa about other students attending. See you at Camp Ghormley! The Group Code for Primary 2 is: gcpcgirls The Group Code for Junior 1 is: gcpcjuniorgirls

VBS Sunday Funday! Join us for a VBS packed Sunday of fun, July 1 at 9am! All kids check-in for Grace Kids in the Garden Room and then enjoy a morning of VBS FUN in the Sanctuary! Bring the whole FAMILY and remember to wear your VBS t-shirt!

( on the North Lawn following the 9am service. ) Hotdogs, Drinks, Shave-Ice and BOUNCY HOUSES

WHO: All VBS Volunteers WHERE: Gym WHEN: Sunday, June 10th 2:30-3:00: Youth Volunteer Portion of the meeting will begin (volunteers under 18) 3:00-3:30: Adults will join the youth for the remainder of the meeting. 3:30-4:00: VBS Station Information: Leaders will break into small groups by the area they will be working in to look over materials and have an opportunity to ask questions.


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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Student Ministry — Thomas Sudbury

Thank you all who Helped out with Wash-A-Thon 2018!!!

A Time of Growth Summer for me has always been a time of growth. Growing up in Rural Prince Edward Island, I know the benefit that comes from giving crops the proper attention that they need to make them grow to be ready for fall. Sometimes in our journey with our kids we may not see the growth right now, but we need to trust that giving them what they need to grow spiritually is not done in vain. Summer is not a time to give students a break from God, but an opportunity to help them grow in the Lord as maturing Christians. When we intentionally invest in our kids, they will develop in ways that surprise us!

Summer Fun! As we are almost finishing up school, we are excited for the summer. It is going to be full of fun opportunities and great memories! I am especially excited for camp and the ability to share that with our kids! Over the summer we plan to do a lot of outings so be sure to check out the calendar and give us your email address if you want to keep updated!! Wednesday programs will still be held Wednesdays! Check the Calendar for Summer hours!


We couldn't have done this without you! We had such a great time and are thankful to all who made it possible! All of your donations, prayers, and time invested led to this being one of the greatest events in Yakima! I am thankful for having such a great team! Thanks to the youth Staff and special thanks to Ericka and Jason for pulling things together, we could not have done it without you!

Celebrate with our Grads

On June 10th at 10:30 am, we will be having a celebration to honor our Graduates this year! Come on down to the gym if you know them and hear their stories, share your favorite memories, and wish them well on their next journey!

Leadership Opportunities We will be hosting a number of events over the summer. If you have a passion for youth and outdoor activities connect with us! Let us know your idea and maybe we can make it a part of our ministry this summer! This is a great way to share with our ministry on a casual basis and help provide a wonderful experience that could be life changing!

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank You Rhonda! “ Dear Rhonda,

I’m going to miss you on my Wednesday and Thursday rush past the coffee stand! It is always a joy to see you there smiling and greeting the preschoolers on their way to school. It was a pleasure to have all four of our kids attend starting in 2009 continuously until 2017, wow! When I think of a memory from those years, it’s one you probably were not even aware of… but many days after school starting with Joy, she would put on a very serious face and tell me she had to go to Mrs. Cardona’s office, that she had gotten into trouble and had to go sit with you. I would pretend to be shocked and very stern about the whole situation, then we would all laugh at the big joke. This tradition passed down to Shepherd, and Emma, and Bryson Deyo sometimes got in on the fun too. It was a great joke because you were never the strict principal type, but always the cheerful leader of chapel, giver of birthday bags, and teller of Bible stories. You were the encourager of your staff, and sage of the board, the planner of Santa’s breakfast, bunny pictures, and countless exciting adventures that took the kids out of the classroom and around the church or community. I’ve never been to the fire station or pumpkin patch on such a regular basis as I did during those preschool years! Thank you for your friendship, and all the wonderful memories. Thank you for the strong foundation in faith and school for our family! Your humor, hard work, and wisdom will be greatly missed! Every corner of Yakima, and countless families have been blessed by your dedication and love for this school. All of that of course was built on your love of Christ. It was His work you were doing, and will continue to do wherever He takes you next. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. God has good plans in store for you and we’re praying for His peace and provision as you enter this new chapter.

name is David Derby. My wife, Holly, and I write to “youMytoday with very mixed feelings about the departure

of Mrs. Rhonda Cardona. On one hand we are very sad to see her go and on the other, we are very happy that our three children had an opportunity to have their lives touched by her. As far as we are concerned, Grace of Christ is a great Preschool with great teachers who love and care for the attending students. A big part of this achievement is made possible because of Mrs. Cardona’s leadership. She is the glue that keeps things together and running smoothly. Her kindness, gentle nature and level of care is not only rare these days but one that should be truly admired. Our boys, Peyton and Torrance, met Mrs. Cardona in September of 2014 and although they have moved on to the next phase of their education; four years later, they continue to talk and reminisce about their experiences, the teachers, and Mrs. Cardona at Grace of Christ Preschool. They have very fond memories of Mrs. Cardona teaching them lessons about God in Chapel and my wife and I always look forward to getting “Chapel News” from her to read about the message of the day or week. Mrs. Cardona, has truly made an impression on us and our kids, she has helped in a great way to set a base for their faith and for that we are sincerely grateful. Mrs. Cardona, you have been a blessing to us and it is with a heavy heart that we send you a warm thank you and our appreciation for everything you have done for us. We pray that God may continue to lead you on the journey to the next phase of your career and beyond.

The Lally Family 11

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Graciously Yours, David Derby, Holly Derby, Peyton Derby, Torrance Derby, and Ryleigh Derby

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank You Rhonda! “ Dear Rhonda,

You are an inspiration! You are a champion of the weak, an encourager of the faint-hearted, and one who buildsup and fortifies the broken. Thank you for the kindness you showed my family when Elizabeth was a preschool student and I was a mommy on the mend. Though my memories of that time are murky, I remember being encouraged to participate in the classroom and to attend field trips when I was more comfortable staying safe at home and apart from the world. You and Jenifer gave me the "push" I needed to become an engaged parent and to begin life again.

I was hired as the Kid’s Club teacher for the 2007-2008 “school year by Rhonda. I was newly married and really

had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Tyler was the youth pastor and the preschool seemed like a good fit as we would work at the same place. I had worked with Jr. high and high school age kids, but never any younger. Preschool kids seemed so terrifying! And what did I have to offer tiny humans? Turns out, Rhonda saw something in me I didn’t even know was there. For the last eleven school years I have done every job the preschool has to offer, Kid’s Club teacher, assistant teacher, lead teacher, assistant to the director, snack coordinator, and for the last eight or so years as the music and PE teacher. Rhonda and the children’s ministry directors, Kathy Eaton and Susie Woodin, really took me under their wings and helped me grow and cultivate a love of working with kids. I am forever grateful that Rhonda took a chance on a twentysomething with no real experience working with little kids. I am so thankful to have had Rhonda as my boss, but mostly I am so grateful for her friendship. Over the years, we have developed a very mother/daughter relationship. We even fight like mother/daughter. But we trust each other and know we have each other’s best interests in mind, especially when it comes to the preschool.

God inserted me into your world again when Jenifer encouraged me to join the preschool staff. I learned so much during this time and have so many precious memories. Through you, God taught me that I didn't have to be perfect to be of use. I simply needed to be humble, available, and willing to let Him work through me. You did an amazing job of taking a mis-mash of personalities, interests, and aptitudes and creating a fun, effective learning environment for your students and staff. Your zest for life, tenacity, and perseverance never fails to impress! You have made a huge impact on so many lives and we are forever grateful.

The Payne Family "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:29-31

Under Rhonda’s guidance, the preschool has flourished into the program that it is today. She is very proud of the program and the reputation it has in the Yakima community. She cares so deeply and it reflects in the preschool. She will be missed by countless children and families and staff members. I know this is not goodbye forever because she can’t get away from me that easily.

Jessica Van Horn 12

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Womens Ministry Planning the 2019 Women's Retreat Our Women’s Ministry team is looking forward to organizing the next women’s retreat. We have typically hosted one every two years, which means the next retreat is slated for 2019! For best results, we have found it is necessary to spend a year on the planning. Throughout this year of planning, we are listening for God’s direction and guidance; and taking our understanding back to God to receive fuller insight and more details — maybe some re-direction as well. We ask for your prayers as we begin the retreat planning process. For the last several years, the retreat has been held at Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan. The Women’s Ministry would like your input regarding the location for the 2019 Retreat. So we’ve created a fun and quick survey with four options for your consideration. All of the locations outlined below have a good balance of activities available for “recess” time while at the retreat; such as a range of dining, shopping, galleries, walking/hiking trails, winery tours, etc.

The survey (see link above) is designed for you to rate your preference of attendance locations. Note we are comparing the cost of these new locations to what we have charged in the past. We will have some paper “ballots” available as well. Because someone would have to do all the tallying, if you are able, we would much prefer that you vote online, and let the survey do the counting for us! As always, please pray for our ministry — guidance for God’s design of this 2019 Retreat!

Visit Gig Harbor

Visit Walla Walla

Distance: Yakima to Gig Harbor - 166 miles, 2h 43m Time: Spring (little off season) Cost: slightly higher—depending on hotels

Distance: Yakima to Walla Walla 130 miles, 2h 11m Time: Mid-June to early August Cost: Less, stay at Whitman college residence hall

Visit Leavenworth

Visit Spokane

Distance: Yakima to Leavenworth – 94 miles, 1h 44m Time: Off Season (March?) Cost: about same—would really like to arrange accommodations at Sleeping Lady Resort 13

Distance: Yakima to Spokane 202 miles, 3h 7m Time: Spring Cost: slightly higher— depending on hotel Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Baptisms On Mother’s Day, May 13, we celebrated baptisms. Join us in welcoming these precious children and sharing the Gospel with them. Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16


Quinn Jones

Prayer Ministry Prayer and Healing Gathering

MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers Our MOPS year has come to a close, but that doesn't mean you have to motherhood alone all summer. We have scheduled monthly "MOPS in the Park" dates so that we can all stay connected. They are as follows...

JUNE 12 @ CHESTERLY PARK JULY 10 @ FRANKLIN PARK AUGUST 14 @ RANDALL PARK We will be meeting at noon. So bring your blanket and pack a picnic, let's have some fun! If you are looking for a place to serve at Grace of Christ, I encourage you to consider serving in our MOPS Ministry. There are a variety of roles that vary in time commitment. For more information, please contact Anna Triezenberg, atriez.mops@

TUESDAY, JUNE 12 @ 7 PM IN THE CHAPEL TUESDAY, JULY 10 @ 7 PM IN THE CHAPEL We believe the Lord wants us to all be well and healthy which he mentions often in the Bible. “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” Psalm 147. Those praying for you at this gathering, know the power of those words. The time is set aside for your needs to be lifted up to our Heavenly Father. We begin with scriptures and testimonies about God’s work as a healer. Then we break into smaller groups to pray healing for one another. Healing comes in many shapes and sizes – actual physical restoration, a word from God, or even a revelation of an area that needs forgiveness. In our gatherings, we have evidence of all types of healing. Our hope is that our community would experience God’s healing touch in radical ways. “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things.” Psalm 103:1-4

Thank you for your continued support and prayers through our 2017-2018 MOPS season. We'll will kick off "Find Your Fire" in September!!


Merry-Margaret Jones

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Mission Ministry

MISSION: To introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and to help them grow in their faith. Beginning with the idea of sharing the truth of God’s love with adolescents, Young Life continues with its time-tested methods to reach out to middle school, high school, and college age students. Young Life welcomes all kids and is designed for kids throughout their adolescent years. The organization is named Young Life and additionally, uses the term Young Life for its high school program. The middle school program is called WyldLife while the ministry for kids with disabilities is referred to as Capernaum. Young Life also offers a program for teen mothers that is called Young Lives. Young Life reaches military teens through a program called Club Beyond. And, The Small Towns Initiative brings Young Life to communities with a population of less than 25,000. Don Stuber has spent over 30 some years as a missionary with Young Life. Currently, Stuber acts as Young Life’s National Jumpstart Director and resides in Yakima. Stuber calls Grace of Christ his “home” church.

a small town, the whole population feels the “ Inripple effect when 40 kids come home from a Young Life club or a week at camp. ”

Local high school clubs include: Capernaum, Davis, East Valley, IKE, West Valley, Selah, White Swan, and Young Lives. And, local WyldLife (middle school) clubs are offered at EVC, Franklin, Naches, Riverside, Selah, Wilson, and West Valley Junior High. With summer fast approaching, now is the time to consider attending a Young Life camp whereby campers have described as “the best week of their lives.” Also to consider is the Young Life Golf Tournament which will be held at the Yakima Country Club on June 2, 2018. The goal of the golf tournament is to raise financial support for Young Life ministry and camp scholarships for kids in the Yakima Valley. Check out Young Life Yakima Valley at 725 W. Yakima Ave, (509) 248-9993.


Grace of Christ’s Missions Ministry Team meets the first Tuesday of each month from 4 pm-6 pm in the adult education room. Our Mission Partners include: YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Hawaii and in Cambodia; JAARS/Wycliffe, Indonesia; Egypt, Creative Access Nation; Blessings of Hope, Philippines; CRU, Idaho; Christian Health Service Corps, Honduras; Young Life Jump Starts; SIM, France. Our Mission Organization Partners are: Adams Elementary; Campbell Farm; Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA); Gracia De Cristo Restoration Ministry; Habitat for Humanity; Living Waters for the World; LOVE, INC; Mabel Swan; Mending Wings; Project Mercy; Trailseekers/Orcas Encampment; Transform Yakima Together (TYT); Union Gospel Mission; and Whitworth University. If you are interested in joining our team--or want to know more about what we do – contact Rosanne Bacon (509) 952-2057.

Campbell Farm Bags of Hope • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • • •




Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

Summer Staff Hiring

Summer is here, and we still have a need for camp counselors! Please see our website for more information on remaining needs. Can't come for the whole summer? Volunteer for a week, or two! For more information on summer counselor needs, visit us at: http://www.

Fred Meyer Rewards

Ghormley recently became an official Fred Meyer community rewards member (#84874)! Help send kids to camp just by shopping. All funds donated go towards our general scholarship fund. Want to join? Simply visit our website:

2018 Camp Registration

Registration for summer camp 2018 is now open! For more information, visit us at: summercamp/

Online Giving

We are thrilled to be launching a new website! We would love for you to check it out and provide us feedback. Visit us at to see more.

We’re excited to announce that online giving is now available through our website! Please visit our Donate page to see what giving opportunities we currently have, and how to get involved.

Camp Preview Day June 9th

Support Needs

New Website

We are excited to host our first-ever camp preview day, on June 9th! Come meet our 2018 summer staff, tour camp, enjoy a few camp activities, and eat a BBQ on the Meadow! To RSVP, please visit our website, or call us at: 509-672-4311. Suggested Donation: $10. All proceeds go to summer camp scholarship fund.

Interested in supporting the ministry of Ghormley? We have a number of projects either in process or that we are raising funds for so we can begin. If you’d like to know what we’re up to, or how to support the ministry of Ghormley, visit us at: donate-to-ghormley/

Prayer Needs • Pray that God will continue to bless us with groups to fill our 2018 calendar. • Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus. • Ghormley has hired a fundraising consultant to help us build a future vision and development plan. Please pray for God's direction in this very important process! • Pray that God will lead us to the right staff members He desires to serve at Ghormley this summer. 16


Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Outreach Camp has been a ministry of our church

for over 22 years! This camp is open, at no cost, to our partner school, Adams Elementary – for boys and girls finishing 3rd, 4th or 5th grades. This year camp is the weekend of June 15 through the 17th at Camp Ghormley. There are many ways to help! We need drivers to help get gear and kids to camp (and back home!). We need counselors – adult and high school to hang out with 6-8 kids. We would love donations to help cover costs! And of course, we need your prayers. Contact Alex Rule or John Stolzenbach to get connected, 248-7940. Thank you!

Pray Yakima 24/7 Churches in our valley pray for the city of Yakima every day, every hour, 365 days a year. Our church covers the 2nd Sunday of each month. Would you like to sign up for a 15-minute time slot? Just contact the church office. Prayer prompts can be found on our website or pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center.

"Our watchman, give him no rest till he establishes and makes Jerusalem (Yakima) a praise in the earth." Isaiah 62:7 17

Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 9 South 8th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 248-7940

Our Core Values Glorifying God With Our Best Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach Engaging and Nurturing Relationships Being A Cornerstone in the Community Equipping People for Ministry Through Biblical Foundation and Service

JUNE-JULY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mon, May 28 Memorial Day / Church Closed Thur, May 31 Preschool Last Day Luau - 3's 10:00a Sanctuary Preschool JUNE Fri, June 1 Preschool Last Day Luau - 4's and PK 10:00a Sanctuary Preschool June 1 & 2 Madison House Sports Camp Madison House Sun, June 3 Communion Sunday all morning Sanctuary Everyone Sun, June 3 Orcas Camp Pod Building 3:00p Lounge Committee Mon, June 4 Adult Ed Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Library Committee Tue, June 5 Staff Birthday Lunch / Office Closed 12:00p Fireside Room Staff Thur, June 7 Nominating Committee Meeting 5:15p Adult Ed Rm Committee Sat, June 9 VBS Set Building Party... WE NEED YOU! 9a - Noon Gym Everyone Sat, June 9 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Garden Room Knitters Sun, June 10 Bags of Hope Collection & Dedication all morning Sanctuary Everyone Sun, June 10 High School Senior Recognition and Brunch all morning Sanctuary/Gym HS Seniors Sun, June 10 VBS Volunteer Meetings: Youth: 2:30-4:00p / Adults: 3:00p Gym VBS Volunteers Mon, June 11 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Library Committee Tue, June 12 Mission Ministry Team 4:00p Adult Ed Rm Committee Tue, June 12 Prayer and Healing Gathering 7:00p Chapel Everyone Wed, June 13 Foundation Board 7:00a Library Committee Thur, June 14 Ghormley Commission 6:00p Ghormley Meadow Committee Fri, June 15 Orcas Camp (Trailseekers) Opening Ceremony 11:00a Sanctuary June 15-17 Outreach Camp! (Adams) Counselors Needed! all weekend Camp Ghormley Adams Kids Sun, June 17 Father's Day Sun, June 17 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 9:00a Sanctuary Wed, June 20 Orcas Camp Closing Ceremony 5:00p Sanctuary Thur, June 21 Nominating Committee Meeting 5:15p Adult Ed Rm Committee Fri, June 22 Middle School Pool Party! TBD TBD 5th-8th graders Sat, June 23 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Garden Room Knitters Sun, June 24 Deacon's Meeting 12:30p Lounge Deacons Tue, June 26 Session Meeting (no dinner) 6:30p Adult Ed Rm Elders June 25-29 Vacation Bible School! 8:30a -Noon Gym 4yrs - 5th gr

JULY Sun, July 1 VBS Sunday Funday! 9:00a Sanctuary Everyone Mon, July 2 Adult Ed Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Library Committee Tue, July 3 Hospitality Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Lounge Committee Wed, July 4 Independence Day / Church Closed Thur, July 5 Nominating Committee Meeting 5:15p Adult Ed Rm Committee Fri, July 6 High School Hike TBD TBD 9th-12th graders Sun, July 8 Student Ministry Leader Meeting 4:00p Lounge Leaders Mon, July 9 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00p Library Committee Tue, July 10 Mission Ministry Team 4:00p Adult Ed Rm Committee Tue, July 10 Prayer and Healing Gathering 7:00p Chapel Everyone Sat, July 14 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Garden Room Knitters July 15-20 Middle School Camp / Register with Ghormley Camp Ghormley 5th-8th graders July 22-26 High School Water Ski Camp / Register with Ghormley Camp Ghormley 9th-12th graders Sun, July 22 Deacon Potluck and Meeting 12:30p Lounge Deacons Tue, July 24 Session Meeting (no dinner) 6:30p Adult Ed Rm Elders Sat, July 28 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Garden Room Knitters Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.


Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Weekday Events MON

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) All Staff Check-In Meeting Overeater’s Anonymous Al-Anon Divorce Care


10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 6:30 pm

Adult Ed Lounge Adult Ed Adult Ed Lounge

9:00 -11:30 am

Everyone All Staff Everyone Everyone Everyone

Prayer Room SOZO Team

WED Encounter: Youth Group *Dinner too! 6:30- 8:30 pm Gracia de Cristo Music Rehearsal 6:00- 8:00 pm

Gym 6th-12th grade Sanctuary


5:45 - 9:15 pm

Prayer Room SOZO Team


9:00 - 11:30 am

Prayer Room SOZO Team

Sunday Services and Events SUN Grace Contemporary Worship

9:00 am

Sanctuary Everyone

Grace Modern Worship

10:45 am

Chapel Everyone

Grace Traditional Worship (Led by Temple Choir)

11:00 am

Sanctuary Everyone

Gracia de Cristo (Worship in Spanish)

1:00 pm

Sanctuary Everyone

Going Deeper: ACTS

9:30 am

Adult Ed Adults

Golden Circle

10:15 am

Grace Kids

9:00 & 10:45 am

Youth reFUEL

9:00 am

Room 103 Adults KidZone Wing 3yrs-5th grade Youth Rm & Gym 6th-12th grade


Thank you for bringing cookies, crackers, fruit, or quick breads for all to enjoy during our fellowship hour on Sunday. See dates you can contribute – last names beginning with… Sunday,

June June June June

3 10 17 24

T - Z A- F G-M N-S


July July July July July

1 8 15 22 29

T - Z A- F G-M N-S T- Z


Ya k i m a G r a c e . c o m



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